Conjug4 Conjugacoes Portuguese

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4 – The Most Important Irregular Verbs

As much as we love the regular verbs, we have to devote some time to learning
the irregular ones. They are everywhere in Portuguese—and they’re also very

Here are Portuguese conjugation charts for the four most important irregular
verbs, which also act as auxiliary verbs: ser, estar, ir, and ter.

Ser (“To be,” permanent)

Ser is an auxiliary verb when a sentence is in the passive voice, as you can see
in the last example.


 Eu serei a pessoa mais velha na festa. / Eu vou ser a pessoa mais velha na

“I will be the oldest person at the party.”

 Vocês são engraçados!

“You are funny!”

 Sua mãe sempre foi a melhor professora.

“Your mom was always the best teacher.”

 Já sabe, se for no Brasil, me avisa.

“You know already, if you go to Brazil, tell me.”

 Mesmo que eles fossem mais rápidos, não chegariam a tempo.

“Even if they were faster, they wouldn’t arrive in time.”

[“they” is masculine]

 O ator foi reconhecido no supermercado.

“The actor was recognized in the supermarket.”

Estar (“To be,” impermanent)

Estar is an auxiliary verb in all of the continuous tenses. In other words, when
you want to say you “were doing” or “are doing” something, use estar as the
auxiliary verb alongside the main verb.


 O policial estava dirigindo muito devagar.

“The police officer was driving too slow.”

 Meus pais estiveram aqui ontem.

“My parents were here yesterday.”

 Eu estaria na praia, se pudesse.

“I would be at the beach, if I could.”

 Espero que elas estejam em casa.

“I hope they are home.”


 Quando o médico estiver pronto, vai chamar vocês.

“When the doctor is ready, he will call you all.”

Ir (“To go”)

As we mentioned before, ir is an auxiliary verb in the future tense, in the widely

used compound future tense.


 Os convidados vão chegar mais cedo.

“The guests will arrive earlier.”

 Eu já vou!

“I’m going!”

 Talvez ele vá na viagem.

“Maybe he will go on the trip.”

 Elas foram para o Rio de Janeiro de férias?

“They went to Rio de Janeiro for their vacation?”

[“they” is feminine]

 Vamos logo, antes que chova!

“Let’s go, before it rains!”

 É verdade que ele ia pedir demissão?

“Is it true that he was going to resign?”

Ter (“To have”)

Ter is used to form the perfect tenses. Take a look at the following sentences,
as the last ones show some examples of ter as an auxiliary verb.


 Nós tivemos uma boa chance de ganhar.

“We had a good chance of winning.”

 Quando ela tiver uma bicicleta, vai se exercitar.

“When she has a bike, she will exercise.”

 Tenha paciência, criança!

“Have patience, child!”

 Se tivesse sobremesa, eles teriam comido mais.

“If there was dessert, they would have eaten more.”

[“they” is masculine]

 Eu tenho tido sorte nas minhas viagens.

“I have had luck in my travels.”

 Você tem dormido cedo?

“Have you been sleeping early?”

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