LB Annual Report 2022-ESG Compilation & GRI Report
LB Annual Report 2022-ESG Compilation & GRI Report
LB Annual Report 2022-ESG Compilation & GRI Report
4 - Lotus Bakeries
Lotus Bakeries plans to grow by offering a varied range of branded In 2022, we achieved excellent additional job creation. We use
snacks for every moment of the day. Lotus Bakeries’ vision is that the development, constant challenge and training to ensure our employees
Group must not only be profitable, but also sustainable, maximising feel at home at Lotus Bakeries and can continue to develop themselves.
opportunities for the next generations.
Our ‘Care for Today, Respect for Tomorrow’ sustainability strategy is We also actively accept our social responsibility. By implementing
an integral part of our vision and of our business strategy, which is based our internal Code of Conduct and the Supplier Code of Conduct,
on three pillars: environment, employees and community. In 2022, we we guarantee ethical business practices throughout the organisation.
took another great step towards realising our concrete ambitions within This is always a given and embedded in our business processes. For
each of the pillars: example, considering the geopolitical situation in 2022, there was an
increased focus on being mindful of our existing export policy in light
1. OUR ENVIRONMENT of the international restrictions.
We are committed to the environment and to help fight against global
warming. We aim to reduce our ecological footprint in everything we do. With our Foundation for Education we contribute to prospects for
future generations through carefully chosen education and training
We have further developed our commitment to market only recyclable projects. In 2022, Lotus Bakeries expanded its initiatives, with support
packaging for all our brands and are well on our way to achieving our to, among others, Gammol, a non-profit organisation in Gambia focused
predetermined goals. Furthermore, we have again made important efforts on education and healthcare, and to the Youth Talent Atelier TAJO,
to significantly reduce the weight of packaging we bring to the market. aimed at socially vulnerable young people in the region of Ghent and
Kortrijk (Belgium).
Regarding CO2 emissions, all sites under our management are carbon
neutral. We also signed the Commitment Letter of the Science Based In March 2021 we underlined our sustainability ambition by endorsing
Target initiative (SBTi), with which we are committed to formulating the UN Global Compact. Since then, we have renewed this commitment
science-based reduction objectives in line with the SBTi Criteria and annually. In June 2022, Lotus Bakeries reported for the first time on the
Recommendations, in order to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius progress of its efforts in the ‘Communication on Progress Report 2021’.
above pre-industrial levels.
We have an inclusive and non-discriminatory recruitment policy aimed at
attracting a diversified and talented group of people who like us share and
cherish our TOP values. We aim for long-term employment and offer our Jan Boone – CEO
employees a pleasant, challenging, inspiring and safe working environment.
Our sustainability strategy 13 Corporate Governance Declaration 83 Enterprise Risk Management 108
Our sustainability in action 17
EU Taxonomy 72
Limited Assurance Report 76
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04 05
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Lotus Bakeries -11
Cycling to work
12 - Lotus Bakeries
Lotus Bakeries’ sustainability strategy rests on three pillars: our environment, our employees and our community.
We aim for good corporate governance in each pillar and set specific targets and priorities that will contribute to
the realization of our sustainability objectives.
We are committed to the We have a recruitment policy We actively take up our social
environment and to help fight aimed at attracting a diversified responsibility. We guarantee
against global warming. and talented group of people who ethical business practices
In everything we undertake, share our TOP values. We aim throughout the organisation.
we strive to reduce our for long-term employment and With our Foundation for
ecological footprint. offer our employees a pleasant, Education we support educational
challenging, inspiring and safe projects and help build a future
working environment. for generations to come.
14 - Lotus Bakeries
Our materiality matrix
very high
1 Food safety
3 2 Financially sound company
14 4
6 3 Long-term strategy
15 7
8 4 Procurement and traceability
17 9
importance for stakeholders
5 Taste experience
18 10
20 19 6 Balanced portfolio of products
12 7 Nutritional aspects
13 8 Consumer packaging
9 Corporate governance
10 Corporate culture
11 Diversity
13 Employee well-being
very low importance for Lotus Bakeries very high
14 Energy consumption
15 Waste reduction
16 Climate change
17 Sustainability reporting
18 Code of Conduct
19 Local involvement
Businesses must support and respect the internationally proclaimed human rights; Businesses
must ensure they are not complicit in human rights abuses; Businesses must uphold freedom
of association and the right to collective bargaining; The elimination of all forms of forced or
compulsory labour; The effective abolition of child labour; The elimination of discrimination
in respect of employment and occupation; The supporting of a precautionary approach
to environmental challenges; Undertaking initiatives to promote greater environmental
responsibility; Encouraging the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly
technologies; Businesses should work against all forms of corruption, including extortion and
16 - Lotus Bakeries
In the report below, Lotus Bakeries aims to communicate transparently what the Group actually achieved in 2022
within its three sustainability pillars: environment, employee and community.
This ‘Care for Today, Respect for Tomorrow’ chapter contains a set of indicators related to our three pillars of
sustainability. A selection of indicators has been validated by PwC Bedrijfsrevisoren BV. The validation was carried
out in accordance with the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000, a model developed
to provide assurance for non-financial data.
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ESG compilation & GRI report Lotus Bakeries -19
Lotus Bakeries is committed to the environment and the fight against global warming.
We aim to reduce our ecological footprint in everything we do.
20 - Lotus Bakeries
PACKAGING UNIT 2022 2021 2020
% of our owned sites that have earned the CO2-neutral label % 100 100 100
Output of scope 1 & 2 CO2 equivalent emissions per tonne produced kgCO2e/tonne 170 163 1454
on our owned sites 3
Output of scope 1 & 2 CO2 equivalent emissions per tonne produced on kgCO2e/tonne 161 156 139 4
our owned sites, excluding own transport3
The recyclability rate is the average technical recyclability of the packaging of all Lotus Bakeries brands by the end of 2022. It takes into account consumer packaging, distribution packaging and
transport packaging. The technical recyclability rate is determined per packaging component on the basis of state-of-the-art design guidelines for recyclability (Ceflex, Recyclass). The average
technical recyclability is a weight average, based on the packaging weight of each packaging component.
This concerns residual waste, production waste, grease, paper and cardboard at our owned sites. Tonnes produced includes the produced volumes of margarine plant.
As from 2022, this includes company vehicles from the site in Comines.
Following an analysis within the ESG project, the calculation of the external consultant was refined. The additional CO2e emissions were compensated with additional certificates so that 100%
CO2 neutrality was maintained.
1. We only want to offer our consumers products of the highest product quality and with a superior
taste experience.
2. That is why we must protect our products: packaging allows us to combat food waste and guarantee
food safety.
3. We aim to make our packaging as sustainable as possible and are committed to reducing our
packaging carbon footprint.
In this context, Lotus Bakeries has formulated a packaging strategy that focuses on the reduction
of packaging, using innovative design and investment in circularity.
Our commitment
Lotus Bakeries is committed to designing all its packaging for all its brands equally concerning as packaging waste. It is estimated that 1/3rd of food
to be technically recyclable by 2025. products produced globally is lost through food waste, mainly at the
point of sale and once it reaches the consumer.
The purpose of our packaging is to protect the product and guarantee
food safety. Both en route to the retailer and from the shop shelf to the At the same time Lotus Bakeries recognises the problems relating to
consumer’s pantry, up to the time of consumption. To guarantee the the use of packaging, including marine pollution, carbon emissions and
taste experience and product quality, we must package our product to the use of non-renewable resources. Lotus Bakeries shares this concern
create a barrier against external influences. and is keen to accept its responsibility in making the transition from the
current linear economy, where packaging is produced, used and thrown
High-quality packaging also ensures that Lotus Bakeries’ products have away, to a circular economy, in which materials are kept in circulation.
a longer shelf life and therefore helps prevent food waste, an issue as
22 - Lotus Bakeries
In 2022, Lotus Bakeries was able to make the nākd bar wrappers sit even
tighter around the bars. Such a measure also ensures that less packaging
material is required per bar.
24 - Lotus Bakeries
The technical recyclability rate is calculated as follows: the ratio of the Recyclable BEAR wrappers
total weight of the technically recyclable packaging is compared to the A significant achievement for 2022 is related to the brand BEAR from
total weight of packaging of all our brands that we bring to the market the Lotus™ Natural Foods product portfolio. The BEAR wrappers were
as per the end of 2022. changed from a non-recyclable packaging to a recyclable material.
This takes into account consumer packaging, distribution packaging Projects to close the gap to 100% recyclability
as well as transport packaging. This technical recyclability rate is In 2022, a Close-the-GAP-action plan was drawn up to close the gap
determined per packaging component on the basis of state-of-the-art and achieve the 100% technical recyclability of all product packaging
design guidelines for recyclability (Ceflex, Recyclass). The weight of in the Lotus® Biscoff® range, the Lotus™ Natural Foods range, and for
each packaging component is taken into account. the Local Heroes.
All efforts that contribute to reducing the packaging weight we bring to This action plan identifies all the steps to be taken to achieve the set
market affect this percentage. This also includes reducing the weight of objective by 2025.
glass, a recyclable packaging.
26 - Lotus Bakeries
Raising awareness among our consumers;
Aim for circularity together we are reducing the plastic waste mountain
Since we design with recyclability in mind, we believe it is vitally important Lotus Bakeries has informed consumers more explicitly about its
to evolve into a circular economy. packaging recyclability since 2021. This is done by means of a custom
icon that reads ‘recycle me’, combined with the slogan ‘Let’s care for our
Use of recycled material planet together’. That is how Lotus Bakeries wants to create even more
We contribute to this by using recycled content wherever possible, awareness and encourage consumers to sort the packaging correctly so
without losing sight of the requirements of quality and functionality. that it can actually be recycled.
We always strive for what is technically the maximum possible: This icon will appear on every recyclable packaging, in the countries
- For glass, we use 58% recycled material, the maximum achievable where that packaging can effectively be recycled.
without visual side effects.
- For cardboard packaging this is 80%. This ‘recycle me’ icon is an initiative undertaken by Lotus Bakeries and
is not related to any official government authority or certification body.
Circular economy partnerships
Lotus Bakeries also supports various collection and recycling systems,
including Ceflex, The Flexible Plastic Fund. Lotus Bakeries contributes
to ‘Extended Producer Responsibility’ systems in various European
For the calculation of our scope In 2022, our scope 2 emissions In 2021-2022, we conducted a
1 emissions we take into account only included purchased screening of our upstream and
all GHG. electricity. downstream scope 3 emissions.
28 - Lotus Bakeries
Lotus Bakeries signed the Commitment Letter from the Science Based Scope 3 includes emissions from all our upstream and downstream
Target initiative (SBTi). A copy of the letter is published in the ESG activities.
compilation report.
For Lotus Bakeries, the upstream activity mainly comes from the purchase
The ESG compilation report can be found of raw materials. Since our raw materials come from agriculture, the
on the Lotus Bakeries website: FLAG Target-setting Guidance also applies to the raw materials and ingredients we purchase, which requires us to set both a specific FLAG
target and a general scope 3 target for the emissions associated with
Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) our purchasing activity.
The SBTi is a collaboration between Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP),
UN Global Compact, the World Resources Institute (WRI) and WWF. In order to achieve the reduction of scope 3 emissions, we will work
closely with our suppliers.
SBTi has developed the first global science-based standard for
organisations to set reduction targets to limit global warming to 1.5
degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and achieve net-zero CO2
emissions by 2050.
30 - Lotus Bakeries
Greening of employee mobility
Company cars
The transition to a greener fleet has already been implemented in various
countries via the car lease policy.
Bicycle lease
Furthermore, there is a bicycle leasing scheme in place for Lotus Bakeries
employees in Belgium and the Netherlands. In Belgium, this programme
has been up and running for several years. Employees who sign up for
this bicycle leasing scheme are committed to coming to work by bicycle
for a minimum number of days a year.
Palm oil
All palm oil that Lotus Bakeries uses in its products is sustainably sourced.
All Lotus Bakeries sites that use palm oil have also obtained the RSPO
100% of the cocoa butter and cocoa mass used in our Lotus® Biscoff®
chocolate has been certified by the Rainforest Alliance. This is a
recognised quality mark for working conditions, the environment and
nature conservation for products sourced from rainforest regions.
32 - Lotus Bakeries
Climate change and industrialisation put pressure on the availability of
water, which increases the importance of efficient water management.
Lotus Bakeries recognises that the sustainable use thereof is crucial.
Water is a major source of health and well-being worldwide.
As part of its internal operational reporting, Lotus Bakeries reports on
its water consumption.
Since 2022, water consumption has been among the standard KPIs that
all production facilities report monthly. Based on these reported figures,
Lotus Bakeries monitors the water usage across the various facilities.
Lotus Bakeries targets long-term employment and offers our employees a pleasant, challenging,
inspiring and safe working environment.
34 - Lotus Bakeries
Board of Directors % 70 M | 30 F 70 M | 30 F 70 M | 30 F
Leadership Team2 % 55 M | 45 F 54 M | 46 F 58 M | 42 F
All employees % 49 M | 51 F 48 M | 52 F 48 M | 52 F
36 - Lotus Bakeries
746 29%
28% 569
International connectivity
MyLotus, the global HR platform, also encourages the connectivity
between employees who therefore, despite the further internationalisation
and continuing growth of the Group, can remain closely connected.
38 - Lotus Bakeries
Cosy coffee moment between colleagues
Stéphanie De Lange
Since early 2022, interested candidates have easily been able to Bakeries has unique characteristics because it combines multiple worlds.
find all possible job opportunities at Lotus Bakeries, in all countries “An international player with towering ambitions, grand expansion plans
worldwide, on the new site, the perfect and yet still the warmth and humanity of a family business. Open-
spot to get acquainted with the unique Lotus Bakeries family. minded and inclusive, with room for personal impact. Professional and
personal. Solid and adventurous. You won’t easily find those interesting
UNAMBIGUOUS EMPLOYER BRAND combinations anywhere else,” says Stéphanie.
“Scarcity in the labour market is a challenge that also crosses our path,”
starts Stéphanie De Lange, Group HR Director at Lotus Bakeries. “In “We also notice that in countries where our products already enjoy high
the past, this scarcity was limited to specific bottleneck professions, but brand awareness, our employer awareness can also ride this wave. In
now we see that the War for Talent is prevalent in all markets and that a countries where we are not yet so well-established, this still has to be
wide range of profiles in the labour market is now desired.” worked on. For example, attracting talent in Thailand, a new country
for Lotus Bakeries, will require more effort.”
This created the need to define and profile Lotus Bakeries even more
as an employer brand. After all, within the employer landscape, Lotus
40 - Lotus Bakeries
“Where in the past only a limited number of countries in which Lotus
Bakeries operates had their own job website, we wanted to centralise our
wide range of career opportunities in response to our global growth on the
same clear platform.”
– Stéphanie De Lange
42 - Lotus Bakeries
Evy Van den Brande — HR Technology & Reporting Manager
44 - Lotus Bakeries
Colleague supervises the fully automated line in the production plant
In the brand-new Natural Balance Foods and Urban Fresh Food office in
St. Albans, United Kingdom, a deliberate choice was made for spacious,
bright, open spaces rather than separate desks. These offices have both
large and small meeting rooms for our employees to use. Here too light
and space are of paramount importance and again there are cosy lunch
areas for people to meet.
Due to the growing number of colleagues, there was also a need for more
office space for the Lotus Bakeries UK team in the United Kingdom. They
moved to a new building, located in Cheshire. All employees now have
Afternoon break in the recreation area more space, more meeting facilities and a pleasant lunch area in the office.
In Germany, the growing team moved to a new, larger and much more
modern office in Dusseldorf, with more meeting facilities and more
comfort. Here, too, a nice lunch area is provided, where employees can
drink coffee and enjoy a bite to eat together.
46 - Lotus Bakeries
Exercising in the ‘House of Biscoff’ gym
Health and mental well-being are also themes that are put on the agenda
across all sites within the Group. In September 2022, a working group in
Belgium lent its support to a campaign to raise awareness about a healthy
lifestyle. The week of 10 October was all about mental well-being with a
daily activity to highlight positivity. In France, another workshop on the
theme of ‘healthy nutrition’ was organised in 2022. In the Netherlands,
several vitality workshops took place in 2022, such as: ‘How do I reach
100?’, ‘Shift work sleeping, fitness and 10 things to do and not to do’,
‘Work-life balance’, ‘Health under control’. And in China, there was a
visit from a health expert who provided guidance on healthy lifestyles
and tips on ergonomic work postures. There are weekly healthy lunches
or free pieces of fruit available at many sites.
All Lotus Bakeries sites also make time to strengthen the belonging and
team spirit. In Korea, a real baking competition took place in the month of
May, at the time the coronavirus numbers had started to drop again, as
well as a ‘welcome back to the office’ event. Barbecues were organised in
France and Belgium for the whole internal workforce. In the Netherlands,
the entire plant team got together for a cosy Christmas dinner and in
China, the team bonded over a cosy Thanksgiving team event. In the
United States, they celebrate colleagues who have been working at Lotus
Bakeries for a year with a little gift: a highly personalised mug, which
shows characteristic qualities of the person in question.
48 - Lotus Bakeries
Baking competition with Lotus® Biscoff® products
50 - Lotus Bakeries
% of internal employees who have signed the Code of Conduct1 % 99.9 99.8 99
% of key suppliers which have signed the Code of Conduct2 % 90.5 90.1 62
% of our key palm oil suppliers which have signed Lotus Bakeries’
Palm Oil Policy3 % 90 90 96
An internal employee is an employee who is connected to Lotus Bakeries with an employment contract, either of unlimited duration or of limited duration.
Key suppliers are all of our suppliers of end products (external production), raw materials, packaging and machinery, with whom Lotus Bakeries has entered into a
written contract.
Palm oil suppliers who have signed up to the Lotus Bakeries palm oil policy or have their own palm oil policy in force that includes at least equal standards and who
supply ingredients or raw materials containing at least 50% palm oil, and in so far these products represent more than 5% in any recipe.
Lotus Bakeries actively assumes its social responsibility. We guarantee conversion into product specifications and customer information in a
ethical business practices throughout the organisation. With our more efficient way. This database was taken into use at the first site in
Foundation for Education, we support educational projects and 2022. The further roll-out to other sites and production partners will
contribute to the prospects of future generations. take place in 2023.
The Code of Conduct was approved by the Board of Directors on Lotus Bakeries is responsible for a safe working environment and places
April 2, 2020 and was implemented in 2020. As of 2021, every new great importance on integrity and respect for fellow human beings.
employee who is recruited must sign this. This Code forms an integral Respecting human rights and labour regulations, including the freedom
part of the employment contract. of association of employees and combating child labour, are important
objectives. All personal data are treated with respect at all times and in
The Code of Conduct accordance with the relevant rules and regulations.
Lotus Bakeries sets out at all times to act with integrity, honesty and
fairness and in full compliance with the applicable laws, rules and Practical example 2022
regulations. It has developed a Code of Conduct containing six main • In 2022, Lotus Bakeries has first of all standardised its recruitment
principles that its employees must respect at all times: process unified at a global level in order to further streamline
equal treatment of all potential candidates. By centralising the
The full Code of Conduct is available in 10 different languages career opportunities, the company has to offer globally on a single,
on our website: uncluttered platform – – all
practices-and-policies candidates have access to the same information and each application
follows a standard process that, in case of a successful match between
1. Transparency: the applicant and Lotus Bakeries, continues through to contract
Lotus Bakeries aims for clear and accurate communication with its negotiations and onboarding.
customers, suppliers, consumers and business partners and encourages
open communication with all its stakeholders. Lotus Bakeries also refrains • In addition, Lotus Bakeries took further steps in its GDPR policy in
from non-conforming, dishonest, fraudulent or misleading marketing 2022 as a result of the publication of the new standard contractual
practices. clauses by the European Commission for data transfers in 2021. For
example, the international data transfers have been reviewed, a data
Practical example 2022 transfer impact assessment has taken place for all intercompany data
Lotus Bakeries also wishes to inform the consumer transparently about flows in and out of the EU and a qualitative intercompany data transfer
verified claims that were made with regard to the product. In 2021 a agreement has been entered into.
revamped database was developed to manage this information and the
52 - Lotus Bakeries
3. Trading fairly & compliant: 5. Securing information:
Lotus Bakeries ensures fair competition, respect for export regulations Lotus Bakeries does all it can to protect its own confidential information
and the prevention of insider trading. and the confidential information of third parties.
54 - Lotus Bakeries
4. Traceability
The principles to which these suppliers must commit can be summarised • The supplier must keep adequate records of its direct suppliers
as follows:
We expect these suppliers to implement the Supplier Code of Conduct
1. Lawful and ethical business practices and to inform their employees, agents and subcontractors in a careful
• Respect for human rights and transparent manner.
• Child labour will not be accepted under any circumstances
• Treating people with dignity, honesty, fairness and respect Responsibilities
• Refraining from any form of discrimination, harassment, verbal or The purchasing department is responsible for implementing the Supplier
physical abuse Code of Conduct, supported where necessary by Legal & Compliance.
• Implementation of thorough health and safety procedures
• Compliance with the occupational laws and regulations in the Whistleblowing
workplace Suppliers are asked to bring any concerns to the attention of their
contact at Lotus Bakeries. From 2023, they will also be able to report
2. Fair business practices any complaints via the online whistleblowing platform selected by
• Compliance with the relevant competition laws Lotus Bakeries, in which, among other things, anonymous reports are
• Use of fair and transparent price mechanisms and other contractual possible, confidentiality is guaranteed, and accurate follow-up of the
provisions in respect of suppliers legal obligations is guaranteed.
• Zero tolerance of bribery and corruption
• Protection of Lotus Bakeries’ confidential information Monitoring
• No falsification, smuggling or other related crimes The Supplier Code of Conduct includes an obligation for the supplier
to provide documentation that Lotus Bakeries can use as a basis for
3. Respect for the environment verifying compliance with the Supplier Code of Conduct.
• Obtaining and documenting all necessary environmental permits,
licences and registrations. Lotus Bakeries already carries out audits at its suppliers, but they mainly
• Setting up an environmental management system, including: focus on quality and food safety. It is looking at ways it can monitor proper
− Processes aimed at waste reduction, lower energy consumption, enforcement by the suppliers of other principles in the Code of Conduct
lower emissions and the prevention of pollution and if possible integrate them into the existing audits.
− Preservation of biodiversity, including threatened flora and fauna
(no deforestation) and focusing on soil protection Lotus Bakeries expects suppliers to take all the limiting action required
− Respect for water sources and ensuring good water and (waste) as a result of any gaps found.
water management
− No use of illegal products and limitation of the use of pesticides
and other legal chemicals
The Supplier Code of Conduct was implemented in 2020, is supplied Lotus Bakeries is aware of the negative impact certain crops can have
in the language of the contract and is available in ten languages. The on the environment and also on the communities living in the areas
suppliers of packaging, raw materials, equipment and finished products where they are grown.
with which Lotus Bakeries had a framework agreement at the time of
implementation were asked to sign the Code of Conduct separately. PALM OIL
Since then, this code has been an integral part of the standard contracts RSPO certificate
with our new suppliers. Moreover, all our general purchase conditions It is important to Lotus Bakeries that the palm oil it uses in its products
contain a reference to the Supplier Code of Conduct, which is available has been produced sustainably and does not contribute to deforestation
on our website. or the destruction of vulnerable areas. That is why Lotus Bakeries only
buys RSPO certified palm.
In 2022, 90.5% of key suppliers had signed the Code of Conduct.
In 2022, Lotus Bakeries was a member of, among others, the RSPO
(Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) and the Belgian Alliance for
Sustainable Palm Oil and was committed to purchasing only sustainable
palm oil.
Moreover, all Lotus Bakeries’ sites that use or purchase palm oil also have
an RSPO certificate.
In addition, Lotus Bakeries requires its key palm oil suppliers to also invest
in a number of projects to, among other things, rejuvenate forests and
help farmers switch to sustainable cultivation.
Lotus Bakeries has endorsed this in its palm oil policy. At the end of
2022, 90% of key palm oil suppliers had endorsed Lotus Bakeries’ palm
oil policy.
56 - Lotus Bakeries
The full text of the Sustainable palm oil policy is available QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
on our website: The Lotus Bakeries quality policy is an integral part of its strategy aimed
policies at building on strong, reliable brands. The strength of our brands is after
all highly dependent on the quality of our products.
Rainforest Alliance To assure this quality Lotus Bakeries has a quality policy in force, which
The cocoa butter and cocoa mass used in our Lotus® Biscoff® chocolate can also be viewed on the website.
has been certified by the Rainforest Alliance.
The full text of the quality policy is available on our
SOY website:
IP certificate
The soybean flour in the Lotus® Biscoff® products is IP certified (‘Identity Responsibility
Preserved’). This means that the soy flour we use in our products can The Corporate Quality Assurance department is responsible for auditing
be traced to the sustainable plantation from which this raw material the quality of our products, under the direction of the Corporate QA
originates. Director, who has final responsibility for ensuring that the terms and
conditions of Lotus Bakeries’ quality management system are met at
Responsible Soy Association all our production sites and in all Lotus Bakeries’ offices. The Area QA
In 2022, Lotus Bakeries was also a member of the RTRS (Round Table Managers have the same responsibilities for their region.
on Responsible Soy Association – Switzerland).
Scope of product safety and quality
Lotus Bakeries’ quality management system covers the entire value
chain. From the purchase of raw materials and packaging, to production,
labelling and delivery of the finished products to the customer. External
production is also covered by the quality management system.
58 - Lotus Bakeries
Quality processes for our customers
First and foremost, our finished products, both the product itself and the
packaging, must comply with the relevant food legislation. The labelling
of products and the processing of raw materials and packaging according
the regulations of the country of commercialisation are monitored by the
Corporate Quality Assurance.
Learning points are identified and adjusted from the results of this test,
and monitoring and action plans are drawn up.
In 2022, Lotus Bakeries organised two recalls, one in Belgium and one
in Germany, following a thorough risk analysis. The necessary steps
were taken in a timely manner and preventive measures were taken
immediately to prevent recurrence in the future.
60 - Lotus Bakeries
Colleague performs microbiological control
62 - Lotus Bakeries
Clear information
and responsible marketing
snacks and meals for little ones. These Natural Foods brands provide In order to support consumers in their nutritional choices, we believe it
the consumer with the option to choose a healthy or healthier alternative is important to give them accurate product information, including the
to existing snacks in the food category. nutritional values.
No artificial flavours or colours Lotus Bakeries also takes an unequivocal position with regard to
To exclusively offer our consumers healthy and high-quality products, we responsible advertising towards children.
aim not to use any artificial flavours or colours in our products. We have
considered it important as a business to use pure and natural ingredients For example, Lotus Bakeries Belgium signed the Belgian Pledge 3.0,
since our foundation in 1932. which expands its commitment to responsible advertising for children
compared to its existing commitment under the Belgian Pledge 2.0.
Variety in portion sizes This revised version extends the guidelines to social media channels
It is our ambition to offer consumers responsible snacks. Not just with our when communicating via influencers.
range of natural snacks, but also by making several of our top products
available in large and small packs, that contain less than 150 Kcal a
64 - Lotus Bakeries
ESG compilation & GRI report Lotus Bakeries -65
Mission: Lotus Bakeries aims to make a substantial contribution to Our underlying principles are clear:
carefully selected education projects with a focus on high-quality • We want to give vulnerable or disadvantaged children and young
education for vulnerable or disadvantaged children and young people. people in various regions access to high-quality education.
• We do this by supporting projects aimed at elementary and secondary
At Lotus Bakeries we contribute to the well-being of our fellow human education, but also aimed at technical skills and out-of-school cultural
beings by providing support to education. The reason is simple: education or sporting activities.
is the key to breaking the vicious circle of poverty. • We select a limited number of projects to which we can make a
substantial contribution.
Anyone with access to high-quality education can learn a trade and
thus also gain access to the labour market, earn an income and support
a family, share knowledge and continue to develop.
66 - Lotus Bakeries
In 2022 Lotus Bakeries supported 8 development projects within
the framework of the Lotus Bakeries Foundation for Education:
Kusasa Academy
The Kusasa Academy is an education project in the Western Cape
province of South Africa for which Lotus Bakeries has been the main
sponsor since 2018. Every year, some 150 children, 75 girls and 75 boys,
receive a good basic education and are supported in their continued
development. As a result, they can look forward to a better future, which
also benefits society in the region.
In 2022, this non-profit celebrated its 15th anniversary, and has a proven,
lengthy track record of having a meaningful impact on education and
the community.
As tradition would have it, all students took the floor and explained what
The Kusasa Academy means to them and the dreams they cherish for the
future. “No easy task to speak to an audience of 450,” explains Marie-
Louise Raymond, Headmaster of The Kusasa Academy. “But all the
students have done a great job! We are extremely grateful to Lotus
Bakeries for the annual financial donations, which play an important role
in the future of these children.”
In order to maintain the connection with the young people over the
summer of 2022, TAJO organised summer activities for all TAJO
youths in July and August. A trip to the beach, to the Blaarmeersen,
an artful tour in Ostend, a day of discovery of technology or nature in
the Technology Park-Zwijnaarde, the Bourgoyen and the University of
Applied Sciences West Flanders (Howest), went down a treat.
68 - Lotus Bakeries
City Pirates Gammol
Through City Pirates, a social football project in the Antwerp area Gammol is a non-profit organisation committed to the needs of
(Belgium) that uses football to give young people a chance and to learn education and healthcare in Gambia.
skills, we want to give young people from the Antwerp area a chance
of training, a diploma and a job. The youths learn, among other things In 2021, they built a new school in Sanchaba, but additional construction
through sport, what teamwork, perseverance, effort and discipline is, with projects were planned in 2022. For example, in 2022, they worked
a focus on equality, respect and commitment. And all this in view of a on additional classrooms, a teacher room and the playground was also
stable and balanced future. City Pirates also provides social and financial levelled. Decent sanitary facilities, which were missing before, were
guidance for parents, after-school activities and homework tutelage for provided in 2022. Classes now have both new and used tables and
the children. The non-profit organisation now has 200 volunteers and chairs to accommodate the ever-increasing number of students.
1,500 players, has a first team in second amateur division and receives
logistical support from Club Brugge KV.
70 - Lotus Bakeries
A few projects in 2022:
In total, four agricultural schools receive intensive guidance, 150 • As part of the social-professional integration of young people from
teachers receive additional training, 350 students receive support, 50 agricultural schools in the Walungu region, last-year students from
vulnerable young people receive an individualised programme and 60 the various agricultural schools visited a micro farm. The students
young people receive support in the development of their professional learned about the different farming methods, the horticultural crops
or entrepreneurial activities. The families of all these young people also grown using agroecological technology and were able to talk to the
benefit from the better opportunities they receive. veterinarian. This visit introduced the young people to the profession
and showed that it is possible to set up a sustainable and cost-effective
The four participating schools are: Maka Technical Institute – Karhagwa agricultural project, even with little resources.
Technical Institute – Muku Technical Institute – Ciherano Technical • 33 teachers and technical teachers, including four school headmasters,
Institute. got trained on how to set up a continuous upskilling plan. Another
two visits also took place to exchange experiences between technical
teachers from the same disciplines.
72 - Lotus Bakeries
POTENTIAL FOR TAXONOMY-ELIGIBILITY GOING FORWARD The definition of the key performance indicators (KPIs) is determined
It is important to note that ‘non-eligible’ under the EU Taxonomy in accordance with Annex I of the Art. 8 Delegated Act.
Regulation refers to the fact that the activities at present remain outside
the scope of the economic activities for which technical screening criteria Turnover KPI
have been developed under the current Delegated Regulations. The turnover KPI is defined as the proportion of Taxonomy-eligible
economic activities in our total turnover (numerator) divided by the
We will continue to assess our Taxonomy-eligible and aligned activities net turnover (denominator). The denominator of the turnover KPI is
considering the evolving legal framework of the EU Taxonomy Regulation based on our consolidated revenue as presented in our Consolidated
and to continue to integrate the requirements of the EU Taxonomy in Income Statement.
our business model and reporting policies and procedures.
With regard to the numerator, we have not identified any Taxonomy-
In the meantime, we keep exploring ways to reduce our emissions. eligible activities as explained above.
For a qualitative description of our CapEx and OpEx relating to climate CapEx KPI
change mitigation and adaptation we refer to Chapter 2 of our Annual The CapEx KPI is defined as Taxonomy-eligible CapEx divided by our
Report. total CapEx.
With regard to the numerator, as we have not identified Taxonomy- However, as most fields would be empty or nil, for the sake of clarity
eligible economic activities, we do not record OpEx related to assets or for our readers, we present all required information as in the simplified
processes that are associated with Taxonomy-eligible economic activities. tabular form hereunder.
74 - Lotus Bakeries
R&D colleague places sensor to measure the temperature of the dough
To the Board of Directors of Lotus Bakeries NV of systems and processes relevant for the preparation of the Subject
Matter Information that is free from material misstatement, whether
This report has been prepared in accordance with the terms of our due to fraud or error.
engagement contract dated 1 February 2023 (the “Agreement”),
whereby we have been engaged to issue an independent limited AUDITOR’S RESPONSIBILITY
assurance report in connection with a selection of sustainability KPIs Our responsibility is to express an independent conclusion about the
included in the Annual Report as of and for the year ended 31 December Subject Matter Information based on the procedures we have performed
2022 of Lotus Bakeries NV (the “Report”), as listed in the Appendix and the evidence we have obtained.
of this assurance report.
We conducted our work in accordance with the International Standard
THE DIRECTORS’ RESPONSIBILITY on Assurance Engagements 3000 (Revised) “Assurance Engagements
The Directors of Lotus Bakeries NV (“the Company”) are responsible for other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information” (ISAE
the preparation and presentation of the selection of sustainability KPIs 3000), issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards
for the year 2022 included in the Report, as listed in the Appendix of Board. This standard requires that we comply with ethical requirements
this assurance report (the “Subject Matter Information”), in accordance and that we plan and perform the engagement to obtain limited assurance
with the criteria disclosed in the Report (the “Criteria”). as to whether any matters have come to our attention that cause us to
believe that the Subject Matter Information has not been prepared, in
This responsibility includes the selection and application of appropriate all material respects, in accordance with the Criteria.
methods for the preparation of the Subject Matter Information, for
ensuring the reliability of the underlying information and for the use of The procedures performed in a limited assurance engagement vary
assumptions and estimates for individual sustainability disclosures which in nature and timing from, and are less in extent than for, a reasonable
are reasonable in the circumstances. Furthermore, the responsibility of assurance engagement. Consequently, the level of assurance obtained in
the Directors includes the design, implementation and maintenance a limited assurance engagement is substantially lower than the assurance
76 - Lotus Bakeries
that would have been obtained had a reasonable engagement been We have complied with the independence and other ethical requirements
performed. The selection of such procedures depends on our professional in respect of auditor independence, particularly in accordance with the
judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement rules set down in articles 12, 13, 14, 16, 20, 28 and 29 of the Belgian
of the Subject Matter Information in accordance with the Criteria. Act of 7 December 2016 organizing the audit profession and its public
oversight of registered auditors, and with the independence and other
The scope of our work comprised the following procedures: ethical requirements of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants
• assessing and testing the design and functioning of the systems issued by the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants, which
and processes used for data-gathering, collation, consolidation and is founded on fundamental principles of integrity, objectivity, professional
validation, including the methods used for calculating and estimating competence and due care, confidentiality and professional behaviour.
the Subject Matter Information as of and for the year ended 31
December 2022 presented in the Report; Our firm applies International Standard on Quality Management n°1,
• conducting interviews with responsible officers; Quality Management for Firms that Perform Audits and Reviews
• reviewing, on a limited test basis, relevant internal and external of Financial Statements, and Other Assurance Related Services
documentation; Engagements], and accordingly, maintains a comprehensive system of
• performing an analytical review of the data and trends in the quality management including documented policies and procedures
information submitted for consolidation; regarding compliance with ethical requirements, professional standards
• considering the disclosure and presentation of the Subject Matter and applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
The scope of our work is limited to assurance over the Subject Matter
Information for the year 2022. Our assurance does not extend to
information in respect of earlier periods or to any other information
included in the Report.
Lien Winne BV, member of the Board of Directors, represented by its
permanent representative Lien Winne
78 - Lotus Bakeries
In section “02 our sustainability programme - care for today, respect for tomorrow”:
On page 85:
On page 99:
People Gender diversity % men-%female for Board of Directors, Leadership team and all employees
Geographical coverage Geographic distribution: total headcount per country and split between men/female (absolute and in %)
Safety in the workplace Total occupational accidents involving absence from work
On page 115:
Community Ethical business practices % of internal employees who have signed the Code of Conduct
% of key suppliers which have signed the Code of Conduct
% of our key palm oil suppliers which have signed Lotus Bakeries’ Palm Oil Policy
Responsible sourcing % of our production sites which process palm oil that has achieved the RSPO certificate
External quality certificates Lotus Bakeries production sites where our products are produced with external quality certification (BRC, IFS)
80 - Lotus Bakeries
Lotus Bakeries -81
82 - Lotus Bakeries
Lotus Bakeries adopts the Corporate Governance Code 2020 as a The Board of Directors chose to consolidate its current single-tier
reference code, in accordance with Article 3:6(2) of the CAC and the governance model as referred to in Article 7:85 et seq of the CAC,
Royal May 12, 2019 laying down the corporate governance code to be since the functioning of the Board is highly effective and transparent.
complied with by listed companies. The powers relating to day-to-day management versus supervision/
control are clearly defined, the Board is kept thoroughly informed at
Lotus Bakeries’ Corporate Governance Charter, which outlines our all times by the CEO and the EXCO and all necessary decisions are
corporate governance policy and the internal rules of procedure of the approved and/or ratified.
Board of Directors, the Committees and the Executive Committee, was
discussed by the Board of Directors and approved on April 2, 2020. SHARE CAPITAL AND SHARES
Share capital
More information about our Corporate Governance The share capital of Lotus Bakeries NV amounts to EUR 3,591,183.65.
Charter can be found on our website: Notices with respect to Art. 34 of the Royal Decree of
November 14, 2007 - anti-takeover measures
In this annual report, we report factual applications of the Corporate The Board of Directors of Lotus Bakeries NV was authorised by the
Governance Charter. Extraordinary General Meeting of May 8, 2020 to increase issued
capital one or more times up to a maximum amount of four million seven
ADOPTION OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE CODE 2020 hundred and eighty-eight thousand two hundred and forty-four euros
As set out below, Lotus Bakeries follows all principles contained in the and eighty-seven cents (EUR 4,788,244.87). This authorisation was
Corporate Governance Code 2020, except for Article 7.12 concerning granted for a period of five years starting on the date of the publication
the possibility of clawing back variable remuneration paid to the members of the resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting of May 8, 2020
of the executive management, or withholding the payment of variable in the Supplements to the Belgian Official Journal.
Within the limits of the aforementioned authorised capital, the Board
The Board of Directors is not convinced of the enforceability of a of Directors of Lotus Bakeries NV was furthermore authorised by
claw-back clause in employment contracts or service agreements with the Extraordinary General Meeting of May 8, 2020, within a period
management companies, which cannot be amended unilaterally. Nor of three years commencing with the Extraordinary General Meeting
does it see the need for such a claw-back clause since, according to the of Shareholders of May 8, 2020, following notification from the
remuneration policy, the variable remuneration is allocated solely on the Financial Services and Markets Authority of a public takeover bid for the
basis of verified, audited and published results. Company’s stock, to increase the Company’s capital subject to fulfilment
of the legal requirements.
84 - Lotus Bakeries
The shareholding structure of Lotus Bakeries NV on December 31, 2022:
Stichting Administratiekantoor van Aandelen Lotus Bakeries1 408,007 816,014 50% 65.03%
Lotus Bakeries NV 2
5,072 5,072 0.62% 0.40%
Stichting Administratiekantoor van Aandelen Lotus Bakeries is not controlled. The interest of Stichting Administratiekantoor van Aandelen Lotus Bakeries in Lotus Bakeries NV appears in the
transparency notification that Lotus Bakeries NV received on September 29, 2021*.
The voting rights attached to the shares held by Lotus Bakeries NV have been suspended. The dividends have not been suspended and will be distributed to Lotus Bakeries NV.
Pursuant to article 6 of the Law of May 2, 2007 on disclosure of participating interests.
Furthermore, on May 13, 2022, the Ordinary General Meeting also Independent directors:
accepted the resignation of PMF NV, represented by its permanent • Palumi BV, represented by its permanent representative
representative Johan Boone, as well as the appointment of PMF NV, Peter Bossaert
represented by its permanent representative, Emanuel Boone. Current term of office ends: 2025 General Meeting
• Benoit Graulich BV, represented by its permanent representative
The current composition of the Board of Directors: Benoit Graulich
Current term of office ends: 2025 General Meeting
Chairman: • Lema BV, represented by its permanent representative
Vasticom BV, represented by its permanent representative Michel Moortgat
Jan Vander Stichele Current term of office ends: 2026 General Meeting
Current term of office ends: 2025 General Meeting • Sastraco BV, represented by its permanent representative
Sabine Sagaert
Managing director: Current term of office ends: 2023 General Meeting
Mercuur Consult BV, represented by its permanent representative
Jan Boone Secretary:
Current term of office ends: 2025 General Meeting • Brechtje Haan
86 - Lotus Bakeries
Benedikte Boone Emanuel Boone
Non-Executive Director Non-Executive Director
• Master’s degree in Applied Economics (KU Leuven) • Master’s degree in Bioengineering (KU Leuven)
• She has held positions at Creyf’s Interim and Avasco Industries • 2003-2012 technical and operational positions at several
• Director in various family companies (Bene Invest BV, Holve NV breweries (Heineken/Alken-Maes and Van Steenberge)
and Harpis NV) and also director at Deceuninck NV • Since 2012, business and process consultant for multiple
• Member of the Board of Directors at Lotus Bakeries since 2012 breweries and maltster
• Since 2022, director at Herbafrost NV
Jan Boone • Member of the Board of Directors at Lotus Bakeries since 2022
CEO / Managing Director
• Master’s degree in Applied Economics (KU Leuven); Sofie Boone
Master in Audit (UMH) Non-Executive Director
• Started his career in the Audit department of PwC • Master’s degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences (KU Leuven),
• Between 2000 and 2005 Head of Corporate Controlling, postgraduate degree in Business Economics (Vlekho) and Business
member of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors Management for pharmacists (Vlerick Business School)
at Omega Pharma • 1996 – 2001: deputy pharmacist and titular pharmacist
• Since 2005, active at Lotus Bakeries as Managing Director • Since 2002, owner and titular pharmacist of Boone pharmacy in
and since 2011 as CEO Tervuren
• Member of the Board of Directors at FC Bruges and FF2032 • Since 1999, active as volunteer departmental pharmacist at the Red
• President of the Board of Directors of Animal Care, a listed company Cross Tervuren
in the veterinary sector • Member of the Board of Directors at Lotus Bakeries since 2016
• Since 2005, member of the Board of Directors at Lotus Bakeries
and Managing Director since 2011 Peter Bossaert
Independent Director
• Commercial engineer (University of Antwerp)
• 1989 - 1997: various marketing and sales roles at Unilever and Campina
• Between 1989 and 2018 active at Medialaan (today DPG Media),
from 2012 as CEO
• Since 2018, CEO at KBVB
• Member of the Board of Directors at Lotus Bakeries since 2017
88 - Lotus Bakeries
Activities of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors met six times in 2022. All directors were present • Recruitment policy
at all meetings, except PMF NV, represented by Mr Johan Boone, on • Post-acquisition results Kiddylicious
February 4, 2022 and Lema BV, represented by Michel Moortgat, on • Reports and recommendations from the Committees
22 March and 24 May 2022. • Cyberstrategy
Within the Board of Directors, the following matters were discussed Over the course of 2022, there were no incidences within the Board of
in detail: Directors which led to the application of the conflict of interest procedure
• Investment budget and global budget as set out in Articles 7:96 and 7:97 CAC.
• Financial results
• Growth plans Audit Committee
• Sales results and channels The Audit Committee consists of two independent directors and
• Organisational changes one non-executive director. The two independent directors are Lema
• Evolution of prices and availability of raw materials and packaging BV, represented by its permanent representative Michel Moortgat
• Evolution of energy prices and labour costs (Chairman) and Benoit Graulich BV, represented by its permanent
• Price negotiations with customers representative Benoit Graulich. The non-executive director is Vasticom
• Results at 31/12 and 30/06 and proposed press release BV, represented by its permanent representative Jan Vander Stichele.
• General Meeting: All members have accounting and audit experience.
− Agenda
− (Re)appointments In 2022, the Audit Committee met three times. All directors were
− Dividend proposal present at all meetings. The Auditor participated in all three meetings,
• Capex investments and expansions of capacity: at which he presented his findings to the Audit Committee.
− Europe, Belgium
− Americas, United States The subjects examined were:
− Asia, Thailand • Discussion of report and internal controls / recommendations of the
− Africa, South Africa Statutory Auditor
• Strategy Lotus® Biscoff® • Discussion of annual and interim results
• Product developments and innovations • Risk management – priorities and evolutions
• Redesign projects: • Audit plan 2022
− Lotus® Biscoff®
− nākd
• Lotus® Biscoff® partnerships
90 - Lotus Bakeries
Composition of the Executive Committee: First and foremost, Lotus Bakeries fulfils the diversity criteria regarding
• Jan Boone, permanent representative of Mercuur Consult BV, CEO the number of independent directors and the number of directors of
• Isabelle Maes, permanent representative of Valseba BV, CEO Natural Foods a different gender. In this respect, Lotus Bakeries declares that the
• Mike Cuvelier, permanent representative of Cumaco BV, CFO composition of its Board complies with the requirement for at least
• Ignace Heyman, permanent representative of Heycom BV, COO one third of directors to be of a different gender than that of the other
• William Du Pré, Corporate Director Quality, Procurement and R&D members. The aforementioned obligation is contained in Art. 7:86 CAC.
It also wishes to point out in this connection that the abovementioned
The members of the Executive Committee are appointed by the independent directors fulfil the independence criteria of Article 7:87
Remuneration and Nomination Committee. of the CAC and the Corporate Governance Code 2020. However,
concerning Benoit Graulich BV, it is noted that the Ordinary General
The Executive Committee held 24 official meetings in 2022. All Meeting of Shareholders of May 18 2021 reappointed Benoit Graulich
members were present at all meetings. BV as independent director, since all of the specific independence criteria
of Article 3.5 of the Belgian Corporate Governance Code 2020 were
DIVERSITY POLICY fulfilled but one, i.e. the criterion that a director must have held the
Lotus Bakeries ensures the presence on the Board of Directors, the position of non-executive director for no longer than 12 years. This was
Committees and the Executive Committee of critical members with not considered to detract from the independence of Benoit Graulich (and
specialist knowledge of the various areas relevant to Lotus Bakeries. Benoit Graulich BV), who in carrying out his duties as director always
Certain diversity criteria are imposed by law and are naturally adopted demonstrates an independent and critical attitude and has confirmed
by Lotus Bakeries. Moreover, skills, competencies and diversity are that he has no relationship whatsoever with the Company, the executive
paramount in the selection of members of the Committees, the Executive management, the reference shareholder or other shareholders owning
Committee, and in the selection of candidates for the Board of Directors more than 10% of the shares which could jeopardise his independence.
proposed to the General Meeting.
92 - Lotus Bakeries
Moreover, the Remuneration and Nomination Committee selects Lotus Bakeries aims for transparent communication about financial
the members of the Executive Committee on the basis of knowledge, and non-financial results to all of its shareholders. This information
competencies, experience, background and skills and aims for diversity is communicated to existing and potential shareholders on various
in these areas so as to have all knowledge in house to manage Lotus platforms. For example, Lotus Bakeries publishes an investor relations
Bakeries with a team specialising in all relevant areas. Within the Executive presentation every six months, the most recent of which was published
Committee, there is currently a good balance between members with on February 7, 2023. It also organises analyst presentations, which can
a financial background and members with a marketing and/or sales be consulted by interested parties on the Lotus Bakeries website.
background. A good proportion of members with a long history in the
company and members with a fresh view on matters is also ensured. More information about our investor relations can be found
Some diversity parameters within the EXCO: on our website:
This 2022 remuneration report explains how the remuneration The non-executive directors must keep the shares they receive by way
corresponds to the remuneration policy approved by the Board of of remuneration for at least one year after leaving the Board and for at
Directors on April 16, 2021 and which was adopted on May 18, 2021 least three years after the awarding of these shares. The non-executive
by the General Meeting with 97.27% of the votes, in accordance with directors receive no performance-based remuneration such as bonuses,
provision 7.3 of the Corporate Governance Code and Article 7:89(1) stock-related long-term incentive schemes, fringe benefits, pension
of the Belgian Companies Code. The remuneration policy remains plan-related benefits or share options.
unchanged since then.
Besides the fee, all reasonable expenses of the members of the Board
More information about our remuneration policy can of Directors incurred with the consent of the Chairman of the Board of
be found on our website: Directors are reimbursed.
The provisions concerning the remuneration of non-executive directors
Statement on remuneration policy applied in 2022 apply equally to executive directors in their capacity as directors.
Non-executive and executive directors
The remuneration policy for directors of the Company approved at The remuneration of the directors is evaluated every two years via a
the Ordinary General Meeting of May 18, 2021 comprises a fixed relevant random sample of other listed companies. This allows Lotus
remuneration, paid partly in cash and partly in shares in the Company Bakeries to attract directors with the appropriate competencies to realise
and set based on the responsibilities of and time spent by the director its ambitions.
and the latter’s specific role as Chairman of the Board of Directors or
Chairman or member of a Committee. Specifically: No adjustments have been made to the remuneration policy compared
to 2021.
94 - Lotus Bakeries
Overview of remuneration
Renumeration for representing the company with respect to interest groups
Vasticom BV, represented by Jan Vander Stichele, non-executive Fixed annual remuneration At least 1 year after
(Chairman BoD, member Audit Committee and member adopted at OGM of May 13, 2022 May 13, 2022 end of directorship and
until 31/12/2022
Nomination and Remuneration Committee) 18 May 2021 3 years after awarding
Lema BV, represented by Michel Moortgat, Fixed annual remuneration At least 1 year after
non-executive (member BoD, Chairman adopted at OGM of May 13, 2022 May 13, 2022 end of directorship and
until 31/12/2022
Audit Committee) 18 May 2021 3 years after awarding
Sastraco BV, represented by Sabine Sagaert, Fixed annual remuneration At least 1 year after
non-executive (member BoD, Chairman adopted at OGM of May 13, 2022 May 13, 2022 end of directorship and
until 31/12/2022
Remuneration and Nomination Committee) 18 May 2021 3 years after awarding
96 - Lotus Bakeries
8 4 4 0 0 16
20 10 10 0 0 30
0 4 4 0 0 4
8 4 4 0 0 16
8 4 4 0 0 16
8 4 4 0 0 16
8 4 4 0 0 16
8 4 4 0 0 16
8 4 4 0 0 16
8 4 4 0 0 16
Total 84 46 46 0 0 162
Only those shares are shown, which the directors hold by virtue of their mandate.
The Board of Directors approved the final, audited results on 6 There also exists a stock option plan with a fixed number of options
February 2023, and, on this basis, on the advice of the Remuneration for the members of the executive management. Allocated options are
and Nomination Committee, established that all criteria were met. not normally deemed to be acquired finally and cannot be exercised
Consequently, 100% of the 2022 short-term bonus will be paid to all during the first three years after being allocated. Upon early departure,
members of the executive management in 2023. the options not yet exercisable at that time can no longer be exercised.
• The criteria for determining the long-term bonus are as follows:
− 1/3rd of the long-term bonus depends on the consolidated reve- Furthermore, the Board decided that members of the executive
nue growth achieved by Lotus Bakeries Group as specified in the management will each have to own at least EUR 250,000 worth of
multi-year plan in place shares in the company by the end of 2022, which must be kept so long
− 1/3rd of the long-term bonus depends on the consolidated recurring as they remain a member of the executive management. All members
operating result as specified in the multi-year plan in place of the executive management currently meet this requirement.
− 1/3 of the long-term bonus depends on the consolidated recurring
98 - Lotus Bakeries
If a member of the executive management is also an executive director,
his or her remuneration also includes the compensation he or she receives
in the latter capacity.
Mercuur Consult BV, 2022 1,028,017 - 47,156 166,235 541,954 541,954 - 2,325,316 53% / 47%
represented by
Jan Boone (CEO) 2021 909,698 - 43,064 146,304 479,579 479,579 - 2,058,224 53% / 47%
The other benefits relate primarily to insured benefits.
255 0 255 0
255 0 0 255
200 0 0 200
130 0 0 130
0 130 0 130
128 0 128 0
128 0 0 128
100 0 0 100
65 0 0 65
0 65 0 65
128 0 128 0
128 0 0 128
100 0 0 100
65 0 0 65
0 65 0 65
128 0 128 0
128 0 0 128
100 0 0 100
65 0 0 65
0 65 0 65
128 0 128 0
128 0 0 128
100 0 0 100
65 0 0 65
0 65 0 65
The remuneration policy of the executives is determined by the Executive
Committee, the Remuneration and Nomination Committee approves.
To this end, Lotus Bakeries also uses the services of an international HR
consultancy firm, which assesses the functions and presents the going-
rate salary package for the relevant market.
Vasticom BV, represented by Jan Vander Stichele, non-executive (Chairman BoD, 150 150 150 150 150
member Audit Committee and member Remuneration and Nomination Committee) 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
/ / / / 20
PMF NV, represented by Emanuel Boone, non-executive (member BoD)
/ / / / /
20 20 20 20 20
Anton Stevens, non-executive (member BoD)
100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
20 20 20 20 20
Beneconsult BV, represented by Benedikte Boone, non-executive (member BoD)
100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
20 20 20 20 20
Concellent NV, represented by Sofie Boone, non-executive (member BoD)
100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
20 20 20 20 20
Palumi BV, represented by Peter Bossaert, non-executive (member BoD)
100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
20 20 20 20 20
Mercuur Consult BV, represented by Jan Boone, executive (member BoD, CEO)
100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Full-time employee calculated as 12-month average.
The ratio between the highest remuneration of members of management reported since Lotus Bakeries NV has no employees. With a view to
and the lowest compensation (in full-time equivalents) of employees transparency, this ratio is reported for Lotus Bakeries Corporate NV.
of Lotus Bakeries NV, as stipulated by Article 3:6(3) CAC, cannot be This ratio is 17.2.
Product Quality & Safety Failure to meet quality and food safety standards expose the Group to business interruption, litigation,
product liability and recall claims. Lotus Bakeries applies the highest product safety standards to the
entire production and distribution process, from the purchase of raw materials through the distribution
of the final product, supported and guaranteed by structured procedures and systematic internal quality
audits. External audits take place at regular intervals.
Counterfeiting/Intellectual property The success of the Lotus® Biscoff®, LotusTM Natural Foods and Local Heroes products and brands is
accompanied with the risk of counterfeiting, both in terms of the recipes of our products and the visual
identity of our brands.
First of all, the recipe. The quality of all Lotus Bakeries products is an absolute priority. All employees
are strongly committed to the continuous pursuit of high quality products and processes. The R&D
department wants to use new insights into interactions between different raw materials to contribute
to better products. For this purpose, we do not only call on our own expertise, but also on that of well-
known university research institutes, as well as existing innovation platforms set up by the food industry.
Our innovation efforts also translate into an extensive and innovative product range, in which quality and
superior taste are paramount. To safeguard these efforts as much as possible, our recipes are protected
as trade secrets wherever possible. To this end, strict procedures are in place regarding access, transfer
and storage of data. In addition, the R&D team monitors and analyses competing products on a regular
To protect our brand identity in the best possible way, a clear strategy is in place aimed at identifying
our brand assets, defining the desired protection, use and enforcement of our brands. Protection
levels are updated annually, both at product and geographical level. Thanks to an automated, global
notification system, the Intellectual Property department stays on top of identical or similar registrations.
Furthermore, copycats in the market are reported on a continuous basis by our own employees and our
distributors. Since 2021, Lotus Bakeries has also been working with an online monitoring system for an
even more accurate detection of copycats.
Inflation and volatility of raw materials The risk of unfavourable effects of fluctuations in raw material prices on the results is limited by conclud-
and packaging costs ing forward contracts with a fixed price for the most important raw materials. For other raw materials and
packaging, annual agreements are used where possible.
People Job market shortages Given the scarcity on the labour market, Lotus Bakeries needs to pay attention to attracting sufficient tal-
ent to support its growth plans. To this end, Lotus Bakeries can rely on a professional recruitment policy,
onboarding process and training & development plan. We have also been deploying a Young Graduate
Programme since 2020, with which we make young talent enthusiastic about our company. Finally, much
attention is paid to employer branding and translating our corporate identity internally and externally.
ESG Climate change We are committed to the environment and help fight global warming. Lotus Bakeries is aware of the
negative impact the industry can have on the environment and society and the responsibility it bears as
an industrial partner. Lotus Bakeries also sees opportunities to contribute to the progress of society and
limiting global warming.
Climate-related disruption (including extreme weather events, floods, deforestation) might impact our
operations and/or consumer demands and preferences. In everything we do, we strive to reduce our
ecological footprint. We are already carbon neutral today with our 12 factories.
We signed the Commitment Letter of Science Based Target initiative (SBTi), committing to science-
based reduction targets, in line with SBTi Criteria and Recommendations, in order to limit global
warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.
The ‘Care for Today, Respect for Tomorrow’ sustainability ambition clearly embodies how Lotus Bakeries
wants to deal with sustainability and responsibility. This action plan has been widely distributed to all
employees as well as to the Board of Directors. Lotus Bakeries chooses to report on its priorities, targets
and achievements taking into account the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as defined by the
United Nations and in accordance with the core GRI standards.
Packaging Lotus Bakeries recognises the problems related to the use of plastic packaging, including ocean pollu-
tion, carbon emissions, and the use of non-renewable resources. Lotus Bakeries shares the concerns and
wants to assume responsibility to move from the current linear economy, where packaging is produced,
used and thrown away, to a circular economy, where materials are kept within the loop. To this end, Lotus
Bakeries has formulated clear ambitions and a clear strategy.
Palm oil Lotus Bakeries is aware of the possible negative impact of palm oil cultivation on the environment, in
particular deforestation, as well as the possible social impact in the regions where palm oil plantations
are cultivated. For Lotus Bakeries, it is important that our consumers and customers have confidence
that the palm oil used in our products has been sustainably sourced. Lotus Bakeries carefully selects its
suppliers based on its responsible sourcing standards according to NDPE (No Deforestation, No Peat,
No Exploitation). Lotus Bakeries is a member of RSPO and is committed to purchasing only certified
sustainable palm oil. All Lotus Bakeries sites which process palm oil have also obtained the RSPO
Furthermore, Lotus Bakeries requests its suppliers to invest in following initiatives and to actively inform
the Company on a regular basis:
- Supporting smallholder producers to enter sustainable supply chains
- Protecting and restoring forests in a palm oil production landscape
- Support of a landscape/jurisdiction approach to sustainability in palm oil producing areas and
- Support for one or more local conversion projects in palm oil producing countries
As such, Lotus Bakeries aims to drive the transformational change needed in the palm oil supply chain.
Water usage Our ESG approach and objectives require Lotus Bakeries to rethink the use of natural resources and
more specifically water. Effective water supply and usage management is important for our activities.
The risks related to water include water scarcity, water quality issues, regulatory compliance and
reputational risks. As a consequence, understanding how our operations use water helps us to manage
the risks associated with water supply and usage, while maximising the efficient use of this valuable
IT architecture Data protection and cybersecurity Considering the ever-increasing digitalisation, the risk of unauthorised access to confidential data
of Lotus Bakeries and personal data processed by Lotus Bakeries remains real. Fraud in the form of
cybercrime is also high on the agenda.
Within Lotus Bakeries, clear policies are in place regarding access and security of business-critical
information. Multi-factor authentication contributes to the security of our information. Corporate ICT
has taken various measures to prevent, detect and limit the impact of cyberattacks. In addition, there is
an annual audit of the security of our ICT systems. Automated and continuous awareness efforts among
Lotus Bakeries employees are also implemented.
Financial Foreign currencies The functional currency of the Company is the euro, which is also the Company’s reporting currency.
Translation gains or losses that result from remeasuring foreign subsidiaries’ local currencies to EUR are
recorded in other comprehensive income. Foreign currency transactions resulting in gains or losses are
recorded in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income.
The main foreign currency transactions are denominated in USD, GBP, CZK, CNY, KRW, SEK and
ZAR. The Group assesses on a case-by-case basis how to avoid any unfavourable currency impact and
aims to hedge as many transactions as possible through a natural hedge.
Other financial risks The Group’s activities are exposed to a variety of other financial risks: market risk (including interest
rate risk and price risk), credit risk and liquidity risk. For more details, refer to the consolidated financial
statements in note 26.
External Compliance and regulations Lotus Bakeries is a global company generating the bulk of its revenue outside the home countries.
environment As such, the Group is subject to applicable laws and regulations in the global jurisdictions in which it
operates. As a manufacturer of food products with global commercial operations, these applicable laws
and regulations relate to product safety, product labelling, health and safety, intellectual property rights,
anti-bribery and corruption, competition, data protection, export regulations, human right and taxes.
Wars As a global company, the Group may be impacted by conflicts in countries in which it operates. Op-
erations and business could be affected indirectly by a conflict. These impacts may come from supply
issues, an inflationary macro-economic environment, credit risks on customers and increasing financing
Pandemics and other infectious As the Group is operating around the globe, a global epidemic or pandemic outbreak may affect our
diseases business contingency.
As such, crisis management is in place, which has been proved to be effective in the context of the
COVID-19 pandemic.
GRI is the world’s leading standard for corporate sustainability reporting (
Lotus Bakeries NV’s 2022 GRI Reporting references to the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards
published on June 30, 2022, effective as from January 1, 2023.
All material standards and indicators discussed are reported as fully as the available data allow.
The GRI content index shows which GRI Standards and disclosures our organisation has used.
The information disclosed should be read together with Lotus Bakeries’ Annual Report 2022.
For further information about the data of the annual review or more information about the Lotus
Bakeries Group, please contact:
Lotus Bakeries NV
Corporate Secretary
Gentstraat 1
B -9971 Lembeke
T + 32 9 376 26 11
F + 32 9 376 26 26
[email protected]
By signing the UN Global Compact, Lotus Bakeries commits to promote 2 General Disclosures 2021
203 Indirect Economic Impacts 2016
the SDGs. Below, we indicate the link between the GRI Standards 404 Training and Education 2016
reported on and the SDGs that Lotus Bakeries is supporting in its
sustainability programme ‘Care for Today, Respect for Tomorrow’.
301 Materials 2016
302 Energy 2016
303 Water and Effluents 2018
SDGS 305 Emissions 2016
306 Waste 2020
203 Indirect Economic Impacts 2016
201 Economic Performance 2016
302 Energy 2016
305 Emissions 2016
308 Supplier Environmental Assessment 2016
203 Indirect Economic Impacts 2016
2 General Disclosures 2021
303 Water and Effluents 2018
We further refer to the Annual Report 2022, Highlights pages 12-17 and to Chapter 3 – Our organisation, pages
152-153 and 162-165.
The annual sales in 2022 amounted to EUR 877.5 million. In 2022, Lotus Bakeries achieved a growth of 17%.
The company’s consolidated equity amounted to EUR 572.1 million in 2022 (EUR 519.5 million in 2021). The
company’s net financial debt was EUR 153.6 million compared to EUR 81.8 million in 2021. We further refer to the
Annual Report 2022, pages 18-19 for some key figures and to the Financial Supplement, pages 8-9 for details on
the consolidated equity. We further refer to the Financial Supplement, pages 26-27 for the geographic segment
BELGIUM # 1,378 703 M I 675 F
% 51 M I 49 F
SOUTH AFRICA # 518 221 M I 297 F
% 43 M I 57 F
THE NETHERLANDS # 222 122 M I 100 F
% 55 M I 45 F
UNITED KINGDOM # 119 46 M I 73 F
% 39 M I 61 F
FRANCE # 142 76 M I 66 F
% 54 M I 46 F
UNITED STATES # 156 89 M I 67 F
% 57 M I 43 F
CHINA # 33 14 M I 19 F
% 42 M I 58 F
SOUTH KOREA # 19 9 M I 10 F
% 47 M I 53 F
SWEDEN # 27 19 M I 8 F
% 70 M I 30 F
OTHER (AT, CHE, CZ, DE, ES, IT, HK) # 84 33 M I 51 F
% 39 M I 61 F
TOTAL # 2,698 1,332 M I 1,366 F
% 49 M I 51 F
Lotus Bakeries’ internal workforce has a good spread over the different age categories:
• 28 % are under the age of 30
• 29 % are between 30 and 39 years old
• 21% is between 40 and 49 years old
• 18 % is between 50 and 59 years old
• And 4 % are over 60 years old.
The average age as per 31 December 2022 is 39 years.
Expressed in FTE, the internal workforce equals 2,602.64.
Information is mainly collected in Lotus Bakeries Internal HR system MyLotus (‘SuccessFactors’) which is
gradually implemented since mid-2021.
Disclosure 2-8 Workers who are not employees The external workforce of Lotus Bakeries comprises mainly temporary workers in the production plants and some
specialised functions. They are either contracted directly or through an interim agency.
The external workforce expressed in FTE equals 272.49.
All production plants of Lotus Bakeries are certified according to the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and
therefore have a BRC or IFS certificate. We request such a certificate also from our suppliers of raw materials,
packaging and production partners. In all production sites, HACCP principles are developed and food-defense
plans to avoid intentional contamination are in place. All these policies were approved by the most senior level
in our organisation.
Lotus Bakeries uses only RSPO certified palm oil. The Lotus® Biscoff® Chocolate is 100% Rainforest Certified.
Lotus Bakeries soybean flour is IP certified. We refer to the Annual Report 2022, Chapter 2, ‘Responsible
sourcing’, pages 120- 121.
Disclosure 2-24 Embedding policy commitments We refer to the Annual Report 2022, Chapter 4, Ethical business practices, pages 116-120 and to the Policies which
are publicly available on our website. Within these policies, the responsibilities for implementation are defined.
Training is given and is part of the onboarding programme.
Disclosure 2-25 Processes to remediate negative impacts We refer to the Annual Report 2022, Chapter 4, Ethical business practices, pages 116-120 and to the Policies
which are publicly available on our website. Within these policies, the processes to remediate negative impacts
are defined. Overall governing processes are defined in the Governance Charter.
Disclosure 2-26 Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising Concerns about the Code of Conduct can be reported by all employees of Lotus Bakeries to the Compliance
concerns Officer. Lotus Bakeries prohibits retaliation against any person who reports issues in good faith and commits to
investigate any such reported issues. Lotus Bakeries will take corrective action if warranted by the situation. Failure
to comply with the Code may result in disciplinary or legal action. We refer further to the Annual Report 2022,
Chapter 4, Ethical business practices, pages 116-120 and to the Policies which are publicly available on our website.
Within these policies, the processes for seeking advice or raising concerns are defined. More information on the
whistleblowing programme and reporting can be found in our Annual Report 2022 as mentioned above.
Disclosure 2-27 Compliance with laws and regulations No significant non-compliances need to be reported.
Disclosure 3-1 Process to determine material topics We refer to the Annual Report 2022, Chapter 2, pages 78-79. The result of the last update indicated a shift in
importance of energy consumption as a result of the increased energy costs, the uncertainty of energy supply in
certain regions and the awareness of its effect on global warming.
Disclosure 3-2 List of material topics We refer to the Annual Report 2022, Chapter 2, pages 78-79. The top 20 sustainability priorities remained the
same. The energy consumption, however, moved up from medium importance to high importance.
Disclosure 3-3 Management of material topics The 20 top priorities have been linked to our sustainability strategy ‘Care for Today, Respect for Tomorrow’, which
is based on three pillars:
1. Environment
2. Employees
3. Community
For each pillar we report our ambitions, achievements and relevant policies in our Annual Report 2022, Chapter 2
‘Care for Today, Respect for Tomorrow’, pages 74-135. We further refer to additional specific information following
the Topic Standards included in the text hereafter.
Disclosure 201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed We refer to the Financial Supplement of the Annual Report 2022.
Disclosure 201-2 Financial implications and other risks and The business of Lotus Bakeries depends primarily on the availability of key raw materials such as flower, sugar,
opportunities due to climate change eggs, oils, fats, fruit and vegetables. Events such as changes in temperatures, poor weather conditions and soil
degradation can negatively impact the availability and price of these raw materials and affect the business.
Climate change has an impact on the agricultural regions where those raw materials are grown.
Lotus Bakeries is conscious of the negative impact certain crops can have on the environment and also on the
communities living in the areas where they are grown. We refer to the Annual Report 2022, Chapter 4, paragraph
6.2. Principal risks and mitigating measures, pages 195-198.
To mitigate these risks, Lotus Bakeries has various policies in place to guarantee a sustainable procurement and to
avoid deforestation. We refer to our Annual Report 2022, page 96.
Disclosure 201-3 Defined benefit plan obligations and other Lotus Bakeries accounts for its pension liabilities according to its valuation rules. We refer to the Financial
retirement plans Supplement of the Annual Report 2022, Notes to the consolidated financial statements, to Note 1.19. Employee
benefits, pages 21-22, to Note 5. Employee benefit expenses, page 28 and to Note 22. Employee benefit
obligations, pages 45-46.
Disclosure 201-4 Financial assistance received from government We refer to the Financial Supplement to the Annual Report 2022, Notes to the consolidated financial statements
to Note 1.9 Government grants, page 18. During the reporting period no government grants were received .
48% 238
29% 122
15% 8
<30 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+
The labour turnover rate of the internal workforce is 20.94% of which 17.85% were voluntary leavers.
61 67
48% 52%
44% 29
22% 23% 15
11% 0
<30 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+ MALE FEMALE
For further information about the data of the
annual review or more information about the
Lotus Bakeries Group, please contact:
Lotus Bakeries NV
Corporate Secretary
Gentstraat 1
B-9971 Lembeke
T + 32 9 376 26 11
[email protected]