Mitigation of Assembly Constraints For Floating
Mitigation of Assembly Constraints For Floating
Mitigation of Assembly Constraints For Floating
Abstract. There is a large and increasing pipeline of floating offshore wind projects with
total global floating offshore wind capacity projected to grow year on year by, on average,
between 59 and 104 % in the 2020s. This will lead to competition for infrastructure resources,
in particular, port facilities for the construction and marshalling of the floating foundations
and turbines. It is likely that multiple ports will need to be combined to provide the necessary
fabrication capacity for a floating offshore wind farm of commercial scale. To enable an efficient
and coordinated utilisation of multiple fabrication ports, it is crucial to understand the likely
duration of different assembly and construction activities at different locations. However, at
present this task is difficult to perform using top-down estimation models, as commercial-scale
floating offshore wind farms comprising many tens of units have not been built to date. In
this work we present a methodology, based on discrete event simulation (DES) and time series
analysis, to produce an explicit simulation-based estimate of assembly activity durations, which
are sensitive to setting specific factors. Three example case studies are outlined to demonstrate
the ability to capture the variation in activity duration due to resource availability, and the
season and location of activity. The methodology will be of use to project planners as it can
be used at an early stage in the project life-cycle to appraise and adopt different construction
1. Introduction
Floating offshore wind is a technology set to undergo a rapid and large-scale uptake. At the end of
2022 there were less than 30 floating offshore wind turbines (FOWTs) deployed across the world,
totalling a cumulative capacity of under 200 MW [1]. Despite the limited operational knowledge
and refinement of this nascent technology, governments have set increasingly ambitious targets
for floating offshore wind deployment by 2030. In the UK, the government has set a target of 5
GW of floating offshore wind capacity by 2030 [2], and, at the recent ScotWind round of seabed
leasing in Scottish waters, 15 GW of floating offshore wind capacity was awarded [3]. Globally,
the compound annual growth rate of floating offshore wind capacity is projected to be between
59 and 104% over the next 10 years [4].
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EERA DeepWind conference 2023 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2626 (2023) 012044 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2626/1/012044
(a) Transit and storage of jacket foundations. (b) Transit of FOWT foundation. Photo: Boluda
Photo: OHT [9] [10]
Figure 1: Logistical arrangements for marshalling different offshore wind turbine foundations
The increase in the number of FOWTs to be deployed over a relatively short time span will
inevitably lead to supply-based challenges. An area which poses substantial risks to floating
offshore wind projects is the construction and installation phase [8], as the nature of the
technology introduces novel challenges. Although FOWTs and established bottom fixed offshore
wind turbines are similar in many ways, from a logistical point of view one of the most significant
differences is the size and footprint of the foundations (see table 1). As an example of the
implications of this difference, consider the transport arrangement of the two structures, shown
in figure 1. The smaller size of the jacket foundations allows approximately ten to be transported
to the marshalling port at once (figure 1a). By contrast, only a single FOWT semi-submersible
foundation can be carried by a transport barge at a time (figure 1b). A similar size issue affects
the storage capacity of the marshalling port, as the number of FOWT foundations which can
be stored at one time is a fraction of the number of jackets.
To overcome the additional space demands, floating offshore wind projects will need to
consider using multiple ports concurrently in the construction phase to meet deployment targets.
This approach presents a much greater logistical challenge compared to the construction of
bottom fixed offshore wind projects, as synchronising multiple construction activities in parallel
will require a detailed understanding of FOWT construction processes, including required
resources and the likely duration of each activity. The construction of FOWTs for a project
represents a significant planning and logistics problem as three main assembly activities need to
be performed on every FOWT before it can be transported and installed at the wind farm site,
namely (a) assembly of the foundation, (b) loadout of the foundation with possible subsequent
transit between different construction sites by sea, and (c) wind turbine generator (WTG) and
tower integration with the floating foundation [11, 12] (figure 2). To assist with the planning of
EERA DeepWind conference 2023 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2626 (2023) 012044 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2626/1/012044
these phases, it will be crucial for project planners to understand the likely duration of different
assembly activities across ports over the year. However, it is difficult to get an estimate of this
kind using conventional top-down approaches, as there have not been any floating offshore wind
farms constructed in this manner to date. In this work we accordingly present detailed project-
specific methodology using discrete event simulation (DES) which results in a probabilistic
representation of the duration of different assembly activities, accounting for the effects of
resource availability, and the likely weather conditions at different ports in different seasons.
Case studies are presented for each stage of the construction process, demonstrating the value
of the method in understanding the effect of the these port-specific external factors.
Discrete event simulation is a well-established methodology which has been used for
several decades to model process-orientated systems in the areas of logistics, construction and
transportation [13]. It is therefore well suited to the simulation of offshore wind construction and
many commercial and academic tools have been created which address both the construction
and maintenance of offshore wind farms. A review of state of the art models was performed in
[14] and although there has been continuing activity in the area since that publication, the focus
of these tools to date has been on bottom fixed offshore wind projects, and little attention has
so far been paid to floating offshore wind farm construction, with the authors aware of only two
papers which explicitly consider the topic. [15] models the construction of a floating offshore
wind farm, and does account for weather-induced delay for transit between ports and WTG
and tower integration. However, there is no consideration at all of the fabrication process of
the foundation, and no representation and investigation of resource scarcity on total durations
for different activities. [16] does consider the fabrication of the foundation explicitly. However,
there is no attention to the effect of weather on activity duration, and again no consideration
of resource availability. The approaches taken by both papers are therefore not sufficient to
assess the multi-port construction approach proposed above, as such assessment requires explicit
consideration of all stages of FOWT construction, accounting for the different key characteristics
of each port, namely the level of scarce resource available and the location-dependent weather.
This paper seeks to address this gap by proposing and demonstrating a methodology which will
allow for such comparison of different ports, providing a valuable planning tool in a multi-port
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 presents the methodology
developed, and introduces the case studies which are used to demonstrate the value of this
method when comparing project decisions. Section 3 presents the results of these case studies,
which are then discussed in section 4, along with some current limitations of the approach.
Finally, a conclusion is drawn in section 5, with reflections on the benefits of the method and
EERA DeepWind conference 2023 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2626 (2023) 012044 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2626/1/012044
2. Methodology
To estimate the durations of different assembly activities, two techniques are used. First, each
assembly activity is modelled using discrete event simulation (DES) [17]. This model is then
combined with time series analysis of historical weather data. Using Monte Carlo analysis, this
provides a statistical understanding of activity sensitivity to the prevailing weather conditions
at different locations and for different seasons.
EERA DeepWind conference 2023 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2626 (2023) 012044 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2626/1/012044
INPUTS : Initial simulation time t0 , simulation duration tsim , simulation timestep ∆t, wind
velocity magnitude limit Umax , duration of weather window required d, task starting time tstart ,
wind data time series u(t, T ), where t the start time of a time series spanning a period T .
1: Set t = t0
2: while t ̸= tstart do
3: if max (u(t, d)) > Umax then:
4: t = t + ∆t
5: else
6: t = tstart
7: end if
8: end while
9: Twaiting = tstart − t0
2.3.1. Foundation assembly: activity procedure and resource availability The foundation under
consideration is a three column semi-submersible, with identical sides made up of two bottom
braces joined with a K-node, two diagonal V-braces, and an upper brace, as in figure 3. Each
component is assumed to be positioned in place using either a self propelled modular transporter
(SPMT) or a crane, depending on the altitude of its final alignment, and then tack welded into
position. The assumed process sequence for each side of the foundation is as follows:
(i) Position corner columns
(ii) Position and tack weld K-node
(iii) Weld and test both ends of K-node
(iv) Position and tack weld V-braces
(v) Weld and test upper end of V-braces
(vi) Weld and test lower end of V-braces
(vii) Position and tack weld upper brace
(viii) Weld and test both ends of upper brace
The crane or SPMT is assumed to only be required until the tack welding has been completed.
The cranes are subject to a 9 m/s wind limit, and the SPMTs are subject to a 20 m/s wind
limit. The welding duration is calculated according to the following equation [20]:
EERA DeepWind conference 2023 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2626 (2023) 012044 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2626/1/012044
welding consumables in question” [21]. Simulations with both 48 and 24 hour waiting times
were therefore performed to investigate the effect of this reduction.
2.3.2. Transit between ports: seasonal variation in duration The expected delay for transit
is calculated for a route between a construction port in the north east of Scotland and a
construction port in the Orkney Islands. The foundation is assumed to be carried on a semi-
submersible barge, as in figure 1b. The assumed speed of the barge is 5 knots, with a wind and
significant wave height limit of 15 m/s and 2.5 m respectively. The appropriate alpha factor
(used to account for forecast unreliability) was applied to these limits when running the weather
forecasting subroutine [22]. The route has a calculated distance of 129 nm. To account for the
large geographical area of interest, all weather nodes along the route are considered with the
appropriate node checked to account for the vessel’s progress along the route.
2.3.3. WTG and tower integration: spatial variation in duration The total duration for the
integration of the WTG and supporting tower with the foundation is calculated by the method
described. In this case study the tower supporting the WTG is assumed to be made of three
sections. The activity is modelled using the following assumed sequence of tasks:
(i) Position and attach tower section 1
(ii) Position and attach tower section 2
(iii) Position and attach tower section 3
(iv) Position and attach nacelle
(v) Position and attach blade 1
(vi) Position and attach blade 2
(vii) Position and attach blade 3
All tasks are assumed to be performed using a crawler crane and as such are subject to a 9 m/s
wind limit.
3. Results
Results are presented for each case study considered.
EERA DeepWind conference 2023 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2626 (2023) 012044 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2626/1/012044
Figure 4: Case study results demonstrating the effect of resource constraint on foundation
assembly duration, showing 24 and 48 hour hydrogen dissipation times
(a) Distribution of delay for transit starting in (b) Comparison of the distribution of delay for
January and July a transit starting in a given month across the
EERA DeepWind conference 2023 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2626 (2023) 012044 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2626/1/012044
Figure 6: Mean contingency factor for WTG integration for locations across the British Isles
in zero delay in the month of January. Comparison of the calculated delay for all months is
represented by the box plots in figure 5b, where the boxes represent the interquartile (p25-p75)
range, and the horizontal lines are the median (p50) delay. The p50 delay ranges from 61 hours
in January, to zero in the summer months (June, July, August).
4. Discussion
The approach adopted in this work is discussed by exploring each of the above case studies in
EERA DeepWind conference 2023 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2626 (2023) 012044 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2626/1/012044
4.4.1. Limitation of DES As shown in the foundation assembly case study, the sequence of
events modelled, and their inter-relatedness, has a very significant impact on the resulting
EERA DeepWind conference 2023 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2626 (2023) 012044 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2626/1/012044
durations. Therefore, in order to present a realistic estimate of the different processes, the
sequence should be established to a low level of detail, i.e. with high specificity of the required
tasks, including scheduling interaction with other components, likely duration and resource
requirement. This is not always possible in the early stages of a project, when the approach in
this work would be most useful. Therefore, additional and out of sequence work may need to be
performed at an early stage in the project life cycle to refine the assembly activity procedures
to the level of detail required for the DES analysis, so that the added value of this approach can
be realised.
4.4.2. Limitation with weather data The weather data used for the prediction of weather-
related delay is historical weather data from the ERA5 weather model. There are problems
related both to the fact that the data is model derived and that it is historical. First, the wind
data used in the analysis is derived from the ERA5 model, a mesoscale model ”produced using
4D-Var data assimilation and model forecasts in CY41R2 of the ECMWF Integrated Forecast
System (IFS)” [23]. As such, the data produced is not an exactly accurate representation of
historical weather data for a single point, particularly if, as in the case of wind data, there are
significant changes due to the local topography [24]. Second, even if this problem is overcome by
using local data, a problem may remain in using historical weather data as a basis for making
predictions about future weather patterns, in the context of climate change. If climate change
increases average wind speed, or increases the occurrence of storm events, then the assumption
that weather dependent durations will be statistically similar in the past and the future may
not be valid. However, based on the timescales which are considered to be relevant for this work
(10-20 years from present), and the lack of consensus around the effect of climate on future wind
resource [25], no correction is made for the effects of climate change at this stage.
5. Conclusion
We have demonstrated a methodology to estimate, using an explicit representation of the
problem under consideration, the durations of different activities in the assembly of FOWTs.
Using DES combined with a Monte Carlo approach to a time series analysis of reanalysed weather
data, the expected duration of foundation assembly, transit between assembly ports, and the
integration of a WTG and tower with a FOWT foundation has been calculated. Additionally,
as demonstrated by the case studies, not only the mean duration, but also the underlying
distribution of durations for activities in different settings can be revealed by the method.
These results will be of great value to project planners, and will allow for some project risk
to be designed out.
Further work will address some of the limitations highlighted by a validation of the method’s
assumptions, potentially using data from industries adjacent to floating offshore wind, such as
oil and gas, and bottom fixed offshore wind. Further research effort will also be spent on linking
the models of construction activities into a comprehensive model of the entire assembly system
for multiple units. This will enable better understanding of the total flow of floating offshore
wind units through the construction phase, allowing planners to better understand the risks
associated with certain plans.
Funding is acknowledged from the UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
(EPSRC) and Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) for the Industrial CDT in
Offshore Renewable Energy (EP/S023933/1)
Hersbach, H. et al., (2018) was downloaded from the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S)
Climate Data Store.
EERA DeepWind conference 2023 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2626 (2023) 012044 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2626/1/012044
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