DDS Unit - 4
DDS Unit - 4
DDS Unit - 4
Reliability- Basic Concepts- Reliability and concurrency Control- Determining a
Consistent View of the Network Detection and Resolution of Inconsistency- Checkpoints
and Cold Restart- Distributed Database Administration Catalog Management in
Distributed Databases-Authorization and Protection
Reliability is defined as a measure of the success with which the system conforms to
some authoritative specification of its behavior. When the behavior deviates from that which
is specified for it, this is called as Failure. The reliability of the system is inversely related to
the frequency of failures.
The reliability of a system can be measured in several ways, which are based on the
incidence of failures. Measures include Mean Time Between Failure(MTBF), Mean Time To
Repair(MTTR), and availability, defined as the fraction of the time that the system meets its
specification. MTBF is the amount of time between system failures in a network. MTTR is
the amount of time system takes to repair the failed systems.
In a database system application, the highest level specification is application-
dependent. It is convenient to split the reliability problem into two separate parts, an
application-dependent part and an application-independent part.
We emphasize two aspects of reliability: correctness and availability. It is important
not only that a system behave correctly, i.e., in accordance with the specification, but also
that it be available when necessary.
In some applications, like banking applications, correctness is an absolute requriment,
and errors which may corrupt the consistency of the database cannot be tolerated. Other
applications may tolerate the risk of inconsistencies in order to achieve a greater availability.
When a communication network fails the following problems may arise,
1. Commitment of transactions
2. Multiple copies of data and robusteness of concurrency control
3. Determining the state of the network
4. Detection and resolution of inconsistencies.
5. Checkpoints and cold restart.
If the site fails between the first and the second event, the state remains X, and the input
message is lost. If the site fails between the second and third event, then the site reaches state
Y, but the output message is not sent.
The termination protocol for the 2-phase-commitment protocol must allow the
transactions to be terminated at all operational sites when a failure of the coordinator site
occurs. This is possible in the following two cases:
1. At least one of the participants has received the command. In this case, the other
participants can be told by this participant of the outcome of the transactions and can
terminate it.
2. None of the participants has received the command, and only the coordinator site has
crashed, so that all participants are operational. In this case, the participants can elect
a new coordinator and resume the protocol.
In above cases, the transactions can be correctly terminated at all operational sites.
Termination is impossible when no operational participants has received the command and at
least one participant failed, because the operational participants cannot know the failed
participant has done and cannot take an independent decision. So, if a coordinator fails
termination is impossible.
This problem can be eliminated by modifying the 2-phase-commitment protocol in the 3-
phase-commitment protocol.
The 3-phase-commitment protocol
In this protocol, the participants do not directly commit the transactions during the second
phase of commitment, instead they reach in this phase a new prepared-to-commit(PC) state.
So an additional third phase is required for actually committing the transactions.
This protocol eliminates the blocking problem of the 2-phase-commitment protocol because,
1. If one of the operational participants has received the command and the command
was ABORT, then the operational participant can abort the transactions. The failed
participant will abort the transaction at restart if it has not done it already.
2. If one of the operational participants has received the command and the command
was ENTER-PREPARED-STATE, then all the operational participants can commit
the transactions, terminating the second phase if necessary m performing the third
3. If none of the operational participants has received the ENTER-PREPARED-STATE
command, 2-phase-commitment protocol cannot be terminated. But with our new
protocol, the operational participants can abort the transactions, because the failed
participants has not committed. The failed transactions therefore abort the transactions
at restart.
This new protocol requires three phases for committing a transaction and two phases for
aborting it.
Termination protocol for 3-phase-commitment
“If at least one operational participant has not entered the prepared-to-commit state, then
the transactions can be aborted. If at least one operational participant has entered the
prepared-to-commit state, then the transactions can be safely committed.”
Since the above two condition are not mutually exclusive, in several cases the
termination protocol can decide whether to commit or abort the transactions. The protocol
which always commits the transactions when both cases are possible is called
The simplest termination protocol is the centralized, nonprogressive protocol. First a
new coordinator is elected by the operational participants. Then the new coordinator
behaves as follows:
1. If the new coordinator is in the prepared-to-commit state, it issues to all
operational participants the command to enter also in this state. When it has
received all the OK messages, it issues the COMMIT command.
2. If the new coordinator is in commit state, i.e. it has committed the transactions, it
issues the COMMIT command to all participants.
3. If the new coordinator is in the abort state, it issues the ABORT command to all
4. Otherwise, the new coordinator orders all participants to go back to a state
previous to the prepared-to-commit and after it has received all the
acknowledgements, it issues the ABORT command.
The main problem of the existence of nonblocking protocols is, some protocol allows
independent recovery in case of site failures.
The protocol we design must work as the following example. Suppose that we can build a
protocol such that if one site, say site2, fails, then
1. The other site, site1, terminates the transactions.
2. Site2 at restart terminates the transactions correctly without requiring any
additional information from site1.
If the 2-phase-commitment protocol is used together with a primary site approach, then it is
possible to terminate all the transactions of the group of the primary site(the primary group),if
and only if the coordinators of all pending transactions belong to this group. This can be
achieved by assigning to the primary site the coordinator function for all transactions.
This approach is inefficient in most types of networks and it is very vulnerable to primary site
failure. To avoid this condition we can use 3-phase-commitment protocol can be used in
primary group.
B. Majority Approach and Quorum-Based Protocols
The majority approach avoids the disadvantages of the primary site approach. The basic idea
is that a majority of sites must agree on the abort or commit of a transaction before the
transaction is aborted or committed. A majority approach requires a specialized commitment
protocol. It cannot be applied with the standard 2-phase-commitment.
A straightforward generalization of the basic majority approach consists of assigning
different weights to the sites. The protocol which use a weighted majority are called
quorum-based protocols. The weights which are assigned to the sites are usually called
votes, since they are used when a site “votes” on the commit or abort of a transaction.
The basic rules of a quorum-based protocol are:
Each site I has associated with it a number of votes Vi, Vibeing a positive integer.
Let V indicate the sum of the votes of all sites of the network.
A transaction must collect a commit quorum Vc before committing.
A transaction must collect an abortquorum Va before aborting.
Va + Vc> V.
Rule 5 ensures that a transaction is either committed or aborted by implementing the basic
majority idea. In practice, the choice Va + Vc = V + 1 is the most convenient one.
A commitment protocol which implements this rule must guarantee that at one time a number
of sites such that the sum of their votes is greater than Vc agree to commit. It means these
sites have entered a prepared-to-commit state. Therefore a quorum based commitment
protocol can be obtained from the 3-phase-commitment protocol implementing the quorum
Figure 4.3 Quorum based 3 phase commitment protocol
Termination and restart are more complex in this protocol. So once a site has participated in
building a commit (abort) quorum, it cannot participate in an abort (commit) quorum. Since a
site cab fail after participating in building a quorum, its participation must be recorded in
stable storage.
A centralized termination protocol for the quorum-based 3-phase-commitment has the
following structure.
1. A new coordinator is elected.
2. The coordinator collects state information and acts according to the following rules:
a. If at least one site has committed (aborted), send a COMMIT (ABORT)
command to the other sites.
b. If the number of votes of sites that reached the prepare-to-commit state is
greater than or equal to Vc , send a COMMIT command.
c. If the number of votes of sites in prepare to abort state reaches the abort
quorum, send an ABORT command.
d. If the number of votes of sites that reached the prepare-to-commit state plus
the number of votes of uncertain sites is greater than or equal to Vc, send a
PREPARE-TO-COMMIT command to uncertain sites, and wait for condition 2b to
e. If the number of votes of sites that reached the prepare-to-abort plus the
number of votes of uncertain sites is greater than or equal to V a, send a PREPARE-
TO-ABORT command to uncertain sites, and wait for condition 2c to occur.
f. Otherwise, wait for the repair of some failure.
If the database is nonredundant, then it is very simple to determine which transactions can
be executed. Let us consider 2-phase-locking is used for concurrency control. A transaction
tries to lock all data items of its readand write-sets before commitment. As there is only one
copy of some data item, this copy is either available or not. If the unique copy of some data
item of the read or write-set is not available, the transaction cannot commit and must
therefore be aborted.
If we assume that only site crashes occur but no partitions, then the availability of the
items which belong only one to the write-set is not required, and it is possible to spool the
update messages for these items. All transactions which have their read-set available
executed completely, including commitment; but the updates affecting sites which are down
are stored at spooler sites. When recovery happens, the restart procedures of the failed sites
will receive this list of deferred updates and execute them. We consider a crashed site as
exclusively locked for the transaction.No other transaction can read the values of data items
which are stored here. In the case of partitions the differed updated will cause inconsistent
results to be produced- the failure is catastrophic.
In conclusion, if the database is nonredundant, there is not very much to do in order to
increase its availability in the presence of failures. Therefore, most reliability techniques
consider the case of redundant databases.
We deal here essentially with the second aspect; however, in designing reliable
concurrency control methods for replicated data the first goal also should be kept in mind.
There are three main approaches to concurrency control based on 2-phase-locking in a
redundant database: write-locks-all, majority locking, and primary copy locking.
For transaction with a small write-set and especially for read-only transactions, the
system is much more available than for transaction with a large write-set. For read-only
transactions sometimes can run in more than one group ,because if a data item has two copies
in two copies in two different groups, then no update transaction can write on it and read-only
transaction can use each copy consistently.
If we make the assumption that no partitions occur, but only site crashes, then the
same approach can be used as with a nonredundant database i.e., the updates of unavailable
copies of data items can be spooled. In this case, the availability of the database for update
transactions increases very much. In fact, since only the read-set matters in the case,
transaction 1,4and 7 have the same availability as transaction 10; transactions 2, 5 and 8 as
transaction 11; and transaction 3,6 and 9 as transaction 12. So the example must be carefully
interpreted. The fact that a transaction can run in a given group means now that it can be run
if all other sites are down, instead of building separate groups. The high increase in
availability is obtained at the risk of catastrophic partitions.
Requests to lock or unlock a data item and the messages of the 2-phase-commitment
protocol are required for the control of transactions. Control messages carry information and
are short. Data messages contain database information and can be long. With the write locks-
all approach, we have:
1. Benefit - For each transaction executed at site i having x in its read-set, one lock message
and one data message are saved.
2. Cost - for each transaction which is not executed at site i and has x in its write-set, one
lock message and one data message are required, plus the messages required by the
commitment protocol.
The pure majority locking approach is not very suitable for our example, because two copies
of each data item exist; hence to lock a majority we must lock both. So consider a weighted
majority approach, or quorum approach, which adopts the same rules which have been used
for quorum-based commitment and termination protocols.
These rules, applied to the locking problem, consist of assigning to each data item x a total
number of votes V(x), and assigning votes V(xi) to each copy xi in such a way that V(x) is
the sum of all V(xi). A read quorum Vr(x) and a write quorum Vw(x) are then determined,
such that:
V r x V w x V x
V w x V x / 2
A transaction can read(write)x if it obtains read(write) locks on so many copies of x
that the sum of their votes is greater than or equal to V r(x)(Vw(x)). Due to the first condition,
all conflicts between read and write operations are determined, because two transactions
which perform a read and a write operation on x cannot reach the read and write quorum
using two disjoint subsets of copies. Likewise, because of the second condition, all conflicts
between write operations are determined. Notice that the second condition can be omitted if
transactions read all data items which are written.
Let us assign votes for the copies of data items of Figure in the following way:
V x V y V z 3
V x1 V y1 V z2 2
V x2 V y3 V z3 1
With this assignment we can now consider the availability of the system in the case of
partitions. We choose the read and write quorums to be 2 for all data items. The availability
for the 12 transaction is shown in the figure. The following can be observed:
1. Transaction 1,2,3,4,7 and 10 have all the same availability. They are characterized by
the fact that they access all three data items either for reading or for writing or for both. Since
the read quorum is equal to the write quorum, it makes no difference whether the data item is
read or written from the viewpoint of availability. For the same reason, transaction 5,6,8and
11, which access only data items x and y, have the same availability. Also, transactions 9 and
12 have the same availability of the latter group, because the copy with highest weight for y.
2. The availability for update transactions is grater with the weighted majority approach
than with write-locks-all, while the availability for read-only transactions is smaller.
3. With this method , read-only transaction increases their availability if they can read
an inconsistent database, i.e., if they do not need to lock items, in fact, columns 10’,11,and
12, are the same for the majority approach as for the write-locks-all approach .
With the majority approach it is not reasonable to consider the assumption that
partitions do not occur. Notice that if we assume the absence of partitions, then the majority
approach is dominated by the write-locks-all approach(an approach is dominated by another
one if it is worse under all circumstances). In fact, we have seen that the majority and quorum
ideas have been developed essentially for dealing with partitions.
Consider now the locality aspect. A transaction reads a data item x at its site of origin, if
a copy is locally available. Hence, also in this case a data message is saved if a local copy is
available .However, read locks must be obtained at a number of copies corresponding to the
read quorum. Therefore, the addition of a copy of x can also force transactions which read x
to request more read locks at remote sites. This additional cost is incurred by transactions
which have x in their write-set, which must obtain write locks at a number of sites
corresponding to the write quorum. Moreover, they have to send a data message to all the
sites where there are copies of x.
It is clear that, considering only data messages, the same advantages and disadvantage
exist for the majority and the write-locks-all method. When control message are also
considered, then the situation is more complex; however, some of the locality motivations for
read-only transaction are lost.
In the primary copy locking approach, all locks for a data item x are requested at the
site of the primary copy. We will assume first that also all he read and write operations are
performed on this copy; however, write are then propagated to all other copies.
Several enhancements of the primary copy approach exist which it more attractive.
The principal ones are:
1. Allowing consistent reads at different copies than the primary, even if real locks are
requested only at the primary; this enhances the locality of reads.
2. Allowing the migration of the primary copy if a site crash makes it unavailable; this
enhances availability.
3. Allowing the migration of the primary copy depending on its usage pattern. This also
enhances the locality aspect.
The first point deserves a comment. In order to obtain consistent reads at different
copies from the primary one, we should use the primary copy method for synchronization,
but perform the write and read operations according to the “write all/read one” method. In
this approach, the locks are all requested at the primary copy. So, at commitment all copies
are updated before releasing the write lock. A read can be performed in this way at any copy,
obtaining consistent data.
There are two aspects of this problem: Monitoring the state of the network, so that
state transitions of a site are discovered as soon as possible, and propagating new state
information to all sites consistently. Normally we use timeouts in the algorithms in order to
discover if a site was down. The use of timeouts can lead to an inconsistent view of the
network. Consider the following example in a 3-site network: site 1 sends a message to site2
requesting an answer. If no answer arrives before a given timeout, site 1 sends assumes that
sites 2 is down. If site 2 was just slow, then site 1 has a wrong view of the state of site2,
which is inconsistent with the view of site 2 about itself. Moreover, a third site 3 could try the
same operation at the same time as site 1, obtain an answer within the timeout, and assume
that site 2 is up. So it has different view that site1.
A generalized network wide mechanism is built such that all higher-level programs
are provided with the following facilities:
1. There is at each site a state tablecontaining an entry for eachsite. The entry can be up
or down. A program can send an inquiry to the state table for state information.
2. Any program can set a “watch” on any site, so that it receives an interrupt when the
site changes state.
The meaning of the state table and of a consistent view in the presence of partitions
failures is defined as follow: A site considers up only those sites with which it can
communicate.So all crashed sites and all sites which belong to a different group in case of
partitions are considered down.A consistent view can be achieved only between sites of the
same group.Incase of a partition there are as many consistent views as there are isolated
groups of sites. The consistency requirement is therefore that a site has the same state table as
all other sites which are up in its state table.
I. Monitoring the state of the network
The basic mechanism for deciding whether a site is up or down is to request a message from
it and to wait for a timeout. The requesting site is called controller and the other site is called
controlled site. In a generalized monitoring algorithm, instead of having the controller
request message from the controlled site, it is more convenient to have the controlled site
send I-AM-UP messages periodical to the controller and the controlled site.
Note that if only site crashes are considered, the monitoring function essentially has to detect
transitions from up to down states, because the opposite transaction is detected by the site
which performs recovery and restart; this site will inform all the others. If, however,
partitions also are considered, then the monitoring function has also to determine transitions
from down to up states. When a partition is repaired, sites of one group must detect that sites
of the other group must detect that sites of the group become available.
Using this mechanism for detecting whether a site is up or down the problem consists of
assigning controllers to each site so that the overall message overhead is minimized and the
algorithm survives correctly the failure of a controller. The latter requirement is of extreme
importance, since in a distributed approach each site is controlled and at the same time
performs the function of controller of some other site.
A possible solution is to assign circular ordering to the sites and to assign to each site the
function of controller of its predecessor. In the absence of failures, each site periodically
sends an I-AM-UP message to its successor and controls that the I-AM-UP message from its
predecessor arrives in time. If the I-AM-UP message from the predecessor does not arrive in
time, then the controller assumes that the controlled site has failed, updates the state table and
broadcasts the updated state table to all other sites.
If the predecessor of a site is down,then the site also has to control its predecessor, and if this
one is also down, the predecessor of the predecessor, and so on backward in the ordering until
an up site is found is isolated or all other sites have crashed; this does not invalidate the
algorithm). In this way, each operational site always has a controller. For example, in site k
controls site k-3; i.e., it responsible for discovering that sites k-1 and k-2 recover from down
to up. Symmetrically, if the successor of a site is down, then this site has as a controller the
first operational site following it in the ordering. For example, site k-3 has site k as controller.
Note that in the FIG sites k-1 and k-2 is not necessarily crashed; they could belong to a
different group after a partition.Therefore, the view of the network of sites k and k-3 is not
necessarily the “real” state.
Property 1 is related to the atomicity to the transactions: either all effects of T or none
of them can appear in a consistent state. Property 2 is related to the serializability of
transactions: if a conflicting transaction T’ has preceded T, then the updates performed by T’
have affected the execution of T; Hence, if we keep the effects of T , we must keep also all
the effects of T’ . Note that durability of transaction cannot be ensured if we are forced to a
cold restart; the effect of some transactions is lost.
The simplest way to reconstruct a global consistent state in a distributed database is to
use local dumps, local logs, and global checkpoints. A global checkpoint is a set of local
checkpoints which are performed all sites of the network and are synchronized by the
following condition: if a subtransaction of a transaction T is contained in the local checkpoint
at some site, then all other subtransactions of T must be contained in the corresponding local
checkpoint at other sites.
If global checkpoints are available, the reconstruction problem is relatively easy. First,
at the failed site the latest local checkpoint which can be considered safe is determined; this
determines which earlier global state has to be reconstructed. Then all other sites are required
to reestablish the local states of the corresponding local checkpoints.
The main problem with the above approach consists in recording global checkpoints.
It is not sufficient for one site to broadcast a “write checkpoints” message to all other sites,
because it is possible that the situation of Fig arises; in this situation, T2 and T3 are
subtransactions of the same transaction T, and the local checkpoint C2 does not contain
subtransaction T2, while the local checkpoint C3 contains sub transaction T3, thus violating
the basic requirement for global checkpoints. FIGURE shows also that the fact that T
performs a 2- phase-commitment does not eliminate this problem, because the
synchronization of subtransactions during 2-phase-commitment and of sites during recording
of the global checkpoint is independent.
The simplest way to avoid the above problem is to require that all sites become
inactive before each other records its local checkpoint. Note that all sites must remain
inactive simultaneously,and therefore coordination is required. A protocol which is very
similar to 2-phase-commitment can be used for this purpose; a coordinator broadcasts “
prepare for checkpoint” to all sites, each site terminates the execution of subtransactions and
then answers READY, and then the coordinator broadcasts “ perform checkpoint”. This type
of method is unacceptable in practice because of the inactivity which is required all the sites.
A site has to remain inactive not only for the time required to record its checkpoints, but until
all other sites have finished their active transactions. Three more efficient solutions are
1. To find less expensive ways to record global checkpoints, so called loosely
synchronized checkpoints. All sites are asked by a coordinator to record a global
checkpoint; however, they are free to perform it within a large time interval. The
responsibility of guaranteeing that all subtransaction of the same transaction are
contained in the local checkpoints corresponding to the same global checkpoint is left
to transaction management. If the root agent of transaction T starts after checkpoint
Ci and before checkpoint Ci+1 , then each other subtransaction at a different site can be
started only after Ci has been recorded at its sites and before C i+1 has been recorded .
Observing the first condition may force a subtransaction to wait; observing the second
condition can cause transaction aborts and restarts.
2. To avoid building global checkpoints at all, let the recovery procedure take the
responsibility of reconstructing a consistent global state at cold restart. With this
approach, the notion of global checkpoint is abandoned. Each site records its local
checkpoints independently from other sites, and the whole effort of building a
consistent global state is therefore performed by the cold restart procedure.
3. To use the 2-phase-commitment protocol for guaranteeing that the local checkpoints
created by each sites are ordered in a globally uniform way. The basic ideas is to
modify the 2-phase-commitment protocol so that the check points idea is to modify
the 2-phase-commitment protocol so that the checkpoints of all subtransactions which
belong to two distributed transaction T and T 1 are recorded in the same order at all
sites where both transaction T and T’ are recorded in the same order at all sites where
both transactions are executed. Let Ti and Tj be subtransactions T’i and Tj’be
subtransactions of T’. If at site i the checkpoint of subtransaction T iproceeds the
checkpoint of TJ should precede the checkpoint of subtransaction T’j.
Catalogs are usually updated when the users modify the data definition.It happens
when global relations, fragments, or images are created or moved, local access structures are
modified, or authorization rules are changed.
In the solution given to these problems in R*prototype, two types of names is used:
1. System wide names are unique names given to each object in the system.
They have four components:
a. The identifier of the user who creates the object
b. The site of that user
c. The object name
d. The birth site of the object, i.e., the site at which the object was
The above requirements are met by storing catalog entries of each object as follows:
1. One entry is stored at the birth site of the object, until the object is destroyed.
If the object is still stored at its birth site, the catalog contains all the
information; otherwise, it indicates the sites at which there are copies of the
2. One entry is stored at every site where there is a copy of the object.
The catalog content in R* includes relation names, column names and types,
authorization rules, low-level objects' names, available access paths, and profiles. R*
supports the "caching" of catalogs, using version numbers to verify the validity of cached
I. Site-to-Site Protection
The first security problem which arises in a distributed database is initiating and
protecting intersite communication. When two database sites communicate, it is important to
make sure that:
1. At the other side of the communication line is the intended site (and not an
2. No intruder can either read or manipulate the messages which are exchanged
between the sites.
When a user connects to the database system, they must be identified by the
system.The identification is a crucial aspect of preserving security, because if an intruder
could pretend to be a valid user, then security would be violated.
In a distributed database, users could identify themselves at any site of the distributed
database. However, this feature can be implemented in two ways which both show negative
1. Passwords could be replicated at all the sites of the distributed database. This
would allow user identification to be performed locally at each site, but would
also compromise the security of passwords, since it would they easier for an
intruder to access them.
2. Users could each have a "home" site where their identification is performed; in
this scenario, a user connecting to a different site would be identified by
sending a request to the home site and letting this site perform the
Once users are properly identified, database systems can use authorization rules to
regulate the actions performed upon database objects by them. In a distributed environment,
additional problems include the allocation of these rules, which are part of the catalog, and
the distribution of the mechanisms used for enforcing them. Two alternative, possible
solutions are:
1. Full replication of authorization rules. This solution is consistent with having fully
replicated catalogs, and requires mechanisms for distributing online updates to
them. But, this solution allows authorization to be checked either at the beginning
of compilation or at the beginning of execution.
2. Allocation of authorization rules at the same sites as the objects to which they
refer. This solution is consistent with local catalogs and does not incur the update
overhead as in the first case.
The second solution is consistent with site autonomy, while the first is consistent with
considering a distributed database as a single system.
The authorizations that can be given to users of a centralized database include the
abilities of reading, inserting, creating, and deleting object instances (tuples) and of creating
and deleting objects (relations or fragments).
For simplifying the mechanisms which deal with authorization and the amount of
stored information, individual users are grouped into classes, which are all granted the same
In distributed databases, the following considerations apply to classes of users:
1. A "natural" classification of users is the one which is induced by the distribution
of the database to different sites.It is likely that "all users at site x" have some
common properties from the viewpoint of authorization. An explicit naming
mechanism for this class should be provided.
2. Several interesting problems arise when groups of users include users from
multiple sites. Problems are particularly complex when multiple-site user groups
are considered in the context of site autonomy. So, mechanisms involve the
consensus of the majority or of the totality of involved sites, or a decision made by
a higher-level administrator. So, multiple-site user groups contrast with pure site