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Tender Document VS202400253401

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Signer: SISIRA R

Wed May 29 14:59:13 PDT 2024


Tender for GOCO for TID Instrumentation activities

Bids to be submitted online

Tender No.: VSSC/PURCHASE UNIT-IV (MVIT)/VS202400253401 dated 29-05-2024

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A. Tender Details

Tender No : VSSC/PURCHASE UNIT-IV (MVIT)/VS202400253401

Tender Date : 29-05-2024

Tender Classification: SERVICES

Purchase Entity : PURCHASE UNIT-IV (MVIT)


GOCO for TID Instrumentation activities

Please go through the tender enquiry specification before quoting.

This is a TWO PART TENDER: Techno-Commercial Bid and Price bid shall be submitted separately.
Offers in which Techno-Commercial bid having any price indication will be summarily rejected.
Please quote as per the following conditions before the due date.
Clarifications, if any shall be sought before the clarification date mentioned below. Last minute
clarification on tender/extension of due date of tender will not be entertained.
Quotation/Open Authorization shall be submitted online [only] complying the specified schedule with
technical specifications, including datasheets, pamphlets, catalogues etc.

A.1 Tender Schedule

Tender Publish Date : 29-05-2024 15:00

Bid Clarification Due Date : 14-06-2024 11:00

Bid Submission Start Date : 30-05-2024 10:00

Bid Submission Due Date : 19-06-2024 15:00

Bid Opening Date : 19-06-2024 15:15

Price Bid Opening Date : 10-07-2024 15:00

A.2 Pre-bid Meeting Details

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Date : 10-06-2024 10:00


Location : VELI, ISRO PO-695022


TIME : 10.00 HRS.
Note: In line with General Terms and Conditions for
GOCO, participation in the Pre-Bid discussion is
compulsory/mandatory either through Offline or Online
mode. The offers/bids of those Service Providers who
participate in the Pre-Bid discussion only will be
considered for further evaluation. After attending the
pre-bid discussion, the Service Provider shall submit a
Details : written consent conveying that they have understood all
the terms and conditions and the quantum of work.
Details of personnel participating in the pre-bid meeting
along with ID proof details shall be emailed to
[email protected]. Late requests will NOT be
considered. Online link will be shared to those Service
Providers who are willing to participate the meeting
through online mode upon email request
([email protected]) and they shall provide the
same latest 07/06/2024 at 14.00 Hrs.

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B. Tender Attachments


Instructions To Vendors



1. (a) All available technical literature, catalogues and other data in support of the specifications and
details of the items should be furnished along with the offer.
(b) Samples, if called for, should be submitted free of all charges by the tenderer and the Purchaser
shall not be responsible for any loss or damage thereof due to any reason whatsoever. In the event of
nonacceptance of tender, the tenderer will have to remove the samples at his own expense.
(c) Approximate net and gross weight of the items offered shall be indicated in your offer. If
dimensional details are available the same should also be indicated in your offer.
(d) Specifications: Stores offered should strictly confirm to our specifications. Deviations, if any, should
be clearly indicated by the tenderer in his quotation. The tenderer should also indicate the Make/Type
number of the stores offered and provide catalogues, technical literature and samples, wherever
necessary, along with the quotations. Test Certificates, wherever necessary, should be forwarded
along with supplies. Wherever options have been called for in our specifications, the tenderer should
address all such options. Wherever specifically mentioned by us, the tenderer could suggest changes
to specifications with appropriate response for the same.

2. (a) All available technical literature, catalogues and other data in support of the specifications and
details of the items should be furnished along with the offer.
(b) Samples, if called for, should be submitted free of all charges by the tenderer and the Purchaser
shall not be responsible for any loss or damage thereof due to any reason whatsoever. In the event of
nonacceptance of tender, the tenderer will have to remove the samples at his own expense.
(c) Approximate net and gross weight of the items offered shall be indicated in your offer. If
dimensional details are available the same should also be indicated in your offer.(d) Specifications:
Stores offered should strictly confirm to our specifications. Deviations, if any, should be clearly
indicated by the tenderer in his quotation. The tenderer should also indicate the Make/Type number of
the stores offered and provide catalogues, technical literature and samples, wherever necessary, along
with the quotations. Test Certificates, wherever necessary, should be forwarded along with supplies.
Wherever options have been called for in our specifications, the tenderer should address all such
options. Wherever specifically mentioned by us, the tenderer could suggest changes to specifications
with appropriate response for the same.

(a) The stores shall be tendered by the Contractor for inspection at such places as may be specified by
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the purchaser at the Contractor's own risk, expense and cost.
(b) It is expressly agreed that the acceptance of the stores Contracted for, is subject to final approval
by the purchaser, whose decision shall be final.
(c) If, in the opinion of the purchaser, all or any of the stores do not meet the performance or quality
requirements specified in the Purchase Order, they may be either rejected or accepted at a price to be
fixed by the purchaser and his decision as to rejection and the prices to be fixed shall be final and
binding on the Contractor.
(d) If the whole or any part of the stores supplied are rejected in accordance with Clause No. (c) above,
the purchaser shall be at liberty, with or without notice to the Contractor, to purchase in the open
market at the expense of the Contractor stores meeting the necessary performance and quality
Contracted for in place of those rejected, provided that either the purchase, or the agreement to
purchase, from another supplier is made within six months from the date of rejection of the stores as

4. As a Government of India Department, this office is exempted from payment of Octroi and similar
local levies. Tenderers shall ensure that necessary Exemption Certificates are obtained by them from
the Purchase Officer concerned to avoid any payment of such levies.

5. a) Your offer should be valid for 90 days from the date of opening of the tender.
b) Prices are required to be quoted according to the units indicated in the annexed tender form. When
quotations are given in terms of units other than those specified in the tender form, relationship
between the two sets of units must be furnished.

6. DESPATCH: The Contractor is responsible for obtaining a clear receipt from the Transport
Authorities specifying the goods despatched. The consignment should be despatched with clear
Railway Receipt/Lorry Receipt. If sent in any other mode, it shall be at the risk of the Contractor.
Purchaser will take no responsibility for short deliveries or wrong supply of goods when the same are
booked on 'said to contain' basis. Purchaser shall pay for only such stores as are actually received by
them in accordance with the Contract.

7. d) The term "Purchase Order" shall mean the communication signed on behalf of the Purchaser by
an Officer duly authorised intimating the acceptance on behalf of the Purchaser on the terms and
conditions mentioned or referred to in the said communication accepting the tender or offer of the
Contractor for supply of stores or plant, machinery or equipment or part thereof.


(a) The Contractor shall guarantee that the stores supplied shall comply fully with the specifications laid
down, for material, workmanship and performance.
(b) For a period of twelve months after the acceptance of the stores, if any defects are discovered
therein or any defects therein found to have developed under proper use, arising from faulty stores
design or workmanship, the Contractor shall remedy such defects at his own cost provided he is called

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upon to do so within a period of 14 months from the date of acceptance thereof by the purchaser who
shall state in writing in what respect the stores or any part thereof are faulty.
(c) If, in the opinion of the purchaser, it becomes necessary to replace or renew any defective stores
such replacement or renewal shall be made by the Contractor free of all costs to the purchaser,
provided the notice informing the Contractor of the defect is given by the purchaser in this regard within
the said period of 14 months from the date of acceptance thereof.
(d) Should the Contractor fail to rectify the defects, the purchaser shall have the right to reject or repair
or replace at the cost of the Contractor the whole or any portion of the defective stores.
(e) The decision of the Purchaser notwithstanding any prior approval or acceptance or inspection
thereof on behalf of the Purchaser, as to whether or not the Stores supplied by the Contractor are
defective or any defect has developed within the said period of 12 months or any other period or as to
whether the nature of defects requires renewal or replacement, shall be final, conclusive and binding
on the Contractor.
(f) To fulfill guarantee conditions outilined in (a) to (e) above, the Contractor shall, at the option of the
Purchaser, furnish a Bank Guarantee (as prescribed by the Purchaser)

9. PACKING FORWARDING & INSURANCE: The Contractor will be held responsible for the stores
being sufficiently and properly packed for transport by rail, road, sea or air to withstand transit hazards
and ensure safe arrival at the destination. The packing and marking of packages shall be done by and
at the expense of the Contractor. The purchaser will not pay separately for transit insurance, all risks in
transit being exclusively of the Contractor and the Purchaser shall pay only for such stores as are
actually received in good condition in accordance with the Contract.

10. Preference will be given to those tenders offering supplies from ready stocks and on the basis of
FOR destination/delivery at site.

11. PRICES: Tender offering firm prices will be preferred. Where a price variation clause is insisted
upon by a tenderer, quotation with a reasonable ceiling should be submitted. Such offers should
invariably be supported by the base price taken into account at the time of tendering and also the
formula for any such variation/s.


Rejected stores will remain at destination at the Contractor's risk and responsibility. If instructions for
their disposal are not received from the Contractor within a period of 14 days from the date of receipt of
the advice of rejection, the purchaser or his representative has, at his discretion, the right to scrap or
sell or consign the rejected stores to Contractor's address at the Contractor's entire risk and expense,
freight being payable by the Contractor at actuals.

13. Sales Tax and/or other duties/levies legally leviable and intended to be claimed should be
mentioned in the price bid template. If nothing is mentioned, then it will be presumed that the rate
quoted is inclusive of all taxes/duties.

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14. SECURITY DEPOSIT: Wherever, the Purchase Order value is Rs. 5.00 Lakhs or more, on
acceptance of the tender, the Contractor shall, at the option of the Purchaser and within the period
specified by him, deposit with him, in cash or in any other form as the Purchaser may determine,
security deposit not exceeding ten percent of the value of the Contract as the Purchaser shall specify.
If the Contractor is called upon by the Purchaser to deposit, 'Security' and the Contractor fails to
provide the security within the period specified, such failure shall constitute a breach of the Contract,
and the Purchaser shall be entitled to make other arrangements for the re-purchase of the stores
Contracted at the risk of the Contractor in terms of Sub-Clause (ii) and (iii) of clause regarding Delivery.
(b) hereof and/or to recover from the Contractor, damages arising from such cancellation.


16. TEST CERTIFICATE: Wherever required, test certificates should be sent along with the despatch

17. The authority of the person signing the tender, if called for, should be produced.

18. The Purchaser reserves the right to place order on the successful tenderer for additional quantity
up to 25% of the quantity offered by them at the rates quoted.

19. The purchaser shall be under no obligation to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the
right of acceptance of the whole or any part of the tender or portions of the quantity offered and the
tenderers shall supply the same at the rates quoted.

20. The tenderer should supply along with his tender, the name of his bankers as well as the latest
Income-Tax clearance certificate duly countersigned by the Income-Tax Officer of the Circle concerned
under the seal of his office, if required by the Purchaser.

21. The term Contractor shall mean, the person, firm or company with whom or with which the order for
the supply of Stores is placed and shall be deemed to include the Contractor's successors,
representative, heirs, executors and administrators unless excluded by the Contract.

22. The term Purchaser shall mean the President of India or his successors or assigns.

23. The term "Stores" shall mean what the Contractor agrees to supply under the Contract as specified
in the Purchase Order including erection of plants & machinery and subsequent testing, should such a
condition is included in the Purchase Order.


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1. Any bidder from a country which shares a land border with India will be eligible to
bid in this tender, only if the bidder is registered with the Competent Authority.
Competent Authority for the purpose of registration shall be the Registration
Committee constituted by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal
Trade (DPIIT).

2. Any false declaration and non-compliance of the above would be a ground for immediate
rejection of offer or termination of the contract and further legal action in accordance
with the laws.

3. Validity of Registration: Registration should be valid at the time of submission of

bids and should be valid at the time of placement of order.

3. Please go through the tender enquiry specification before quoting.

1.Only Class-I and Class-II Local suppliers as per Make in India Policy are eligible to participate in the
2.Foreign vendors are not permitted to quote.
3.The percentage of Local content should be specifically mentioned in the offer, without which it will be
summarily rejected.
4.Preference will be given to Class-I Local Supplier and in their absence, Class-II Local Suppliers will
be considered.
5.GST No: Our Goods and Service Tax Registration No 32AAAGV0026J1ZL.
6.GSTIN Rate and HSN Code: Vendors registered under GST shall mention their GSTIN applicable
rate and HSN code wherever necessary as per GST Law.
7.Security Deposit (SD): SD will be applicable if the Purchase Order value is above Rs 5 lakhs. SD at
the rate of 3 per cent of order value to be submitted in the form of Bank Guarantee valid till successful
completion of PO or Contract if awarded.
8.Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG): PBG @ 3% of order value to be submitted in the form of Bank
Guarantee from a Scheduled Bank, valid till successful completion of all contractual obligations,
including the warranty period, in case PO/Contract is awarded.
9.Liquidated Damages Clause (LD): The delivery period should be realistic. The delivery period so
quoted and mentioned in the order is the essence of the PO or Contract. In case of delay in delivery of
material as per the delivery schedule LD at 0.5 per cent per week or part thereof on the undelivered
portion subject to a maximum of 10 per cent of the contract value shall be levied Wherever installation
and commissioning are also involved the supply will be deemed to have been completed only when the
entire Stores is supplied, installed and accepted.
10.LD, SD / Warranty / PBG clauses are mandatory and offer without acceptance of these clauses will
not be considered for evaluation
11.Delivery terms: Our standard delivery term is FOR VSSC Trivandrum.
12.All registered MSME vendors are requested to provide their Registration and Ownership details.
13.Vendors may please note that MSMEs are not exempted from the submission of Security Deposit.

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14.Vendors shall provide the name address email ID and contact number of authorised official in order
to contact in case of need.
15.If any vendor submits forged or false documents along with their bids, the offer of such vendors will
be summarily rejected and such bidders will be blacklisted for all future tenders.
16.Wherein PFMS Number is not available, please provide IFSC Code Bank Details etc and upload
Copy of Personalized cheque leaf in the name of the Purchase Vendor or NEFT Mandate form duly
endorsed by the Bank of the Vendor.
17.Last minute clarification on tender will not be entertained.

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C. Bid Templates

C.1 Technical Bid - GOCO for TID Instrumentation activities

1. GOCO mode of operations for TID instrumentation activities

Document : TID GOCO RFP

Common Specifications (Applicable for all items)

Sl No Specification Value Compliance Offered Specification Remark

Compliance Yes / No /
1 Compliance
for RFP Explain

Supporting Documents required from Vendor

1. Other supporting documents

2. Check list and compliance details

3. Company registration details

4. Proof of prior experience

5. Previous purchase order copies

6. Company profile, management structure, human resources and their experience

7. Price Bid (Price Bid Related)

5 additional documents can be uploaded by the vendor

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C.2 Commercial Terms / Bid

Sl. No. Description Compliance Vendor Terms

Liquidated Damages(L/D clause @

0.5% subject to maximum 10% of
1 the order value is applicable beyond Yes / No / Explain
the promised delivery schedule. )

2 Delivery Period: Yes / No / Explain

3 Delivery Term (FOR, VSSC): Yes / No / Explain

Security Deposit: In the event of

placement of order, you should
submit Security Deposit at 3% of the
order value of the P.O. The Security
Deposit shall valid for a period of 60
4 days beyond the date of completion Yes / No / Explain
and acceptance of P.O/Contract.
The Security Deposit will be
discharged without any interest after
completion and acceptance of the
Contractual obligations.

5 Warranty Period: Yes / No / Explain

Performance Bank Guarantee: Bank

Guarantee @3% of the Order value
shall be submitted in Rs. 200/- Non
judicial stamp paper valid till
6 Yes / No / Explain
completion of all warranty
obligations and a further claim
period of 60 days beyond the date of
completion of warranty period.
You shall provide compliance to all
7 Yes / No / Explain
the clauses of RFP.
PO ordering address with Name and
contact details of sales person
concerned (email and ph. No.)
Bank details: Bank name , IFSC
8 Code, Account No. Etc Yes / No / Explain
Copy of latest filed tax returns
Details of registration, PAN card,
15. Any Other Term:

9 Quote Validity: Minimum 120 days Yes / No / Explain

Payment Term : As per clause no.20 Yes / No / Explain

10 of RFP

Taxes and other costs, if any (ref

11 Yes / No / Explain
clause no.21.6 of RFP)

Tender No : VSSC/PURCHASE UNIT-IV (MVIT)/VS202400253401 Page 11 13

Definitions: A supplier or service
provider, whose goods, services or
works offered for procurement, has
local content : a) equal to more than
12 50%: Class-I local supplier, b) More Yes / No / Explain
than 20% but less than 50%, Class-
II local supplier c) Less than or
equal to 20%, Non local supplier.
Mention your category.
Local content means the amount of
value added in India (i.e. indigenous
items/services added in the offered
products/services/works) be the total
value of the item offered (excluding
net domestic indirect taxes) minus
the value of imported content in the
13 Yes / No / Explain
item (including all customs
duties/IGST) as a proportion of the
total value (excluding net domestic
indirect taxes), in percent. Indicate
extent of Minimum Local Content in
offered product/service and location
of such value additions.
The Class-l & II local supplier should
provide a Self Certification along
with your offer in PDF format
indicating that the item offered
meets the minimum local content as
called for in the tender as mentioned
above and provide the % of local
14 content along with details of the Yes / No / Explain
location(s) at which the local value
addition is made. In case of two part
tenders, it is mandatory to indicate
compliance to MLC (minimum local
content) in technical bid itself.
Confirm attachment of Self
declaration along with the offer.
Any Other Term:
15 i) Delivery at facilities of MVIT in Yes / No / Explain
C.3 Price Bid

Sl. No. Item Quantity Unit Price Currency Total Price Remark

GOCO mode
of operations
1 for TID 2.00 Years -
on activities

Common charges (Applicable for all items)

Freight charge

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P&F Charges

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