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FIINCII Rn11.wr10N __ •
H l s;__ ,;,, _

111 4 Loo, -~VI~ ffie Bourbon fon1 i~1 or ki"1,
u a~ ended Uti throne of r:,a~ '' ( ~ ur I
_ _ •
\oob ~O<.e
o( t¼le Ho~Qr(h_ ) . _ -

_ __ .,. He ~ 20 1~ old o~ ~r r~ ., -lo ~e
_ _ ~\, ion _ pri~ es!I Marie ~nl01nette .
• Lo"& yeQrs gf war hod drained Rnonc.ial rt~rc.e
__ _ of •r~ ee., AmericoY'I
• U.-der Lo_i.n, XVI I Ft o~ ~elped #ie ~iA
tiio'1 o
co la~ from t~ Briloin . ~ wo r a1ded mo re
billior1 livre•,/(u,,;t of c.urrern.y iW'I FraflCZ Lriil
1 L
tlian 2 ~ion
-\ti a debt thal had alread1 rit en 4o more
an -h>
• Le n~ -..iho ~o• e ¼i,e c,l-ale credit, now beg
10 •f. inle nsl , on loa n~. _
• To mecl regiJor e•r«i"'" J like rnoinl~"'"&
oimy I tour½ I ~c.
-H-e c;~ofe l.oJCIS rorcecl h, int rco~e iaic ef>
. FrenJ. e ~ _
in l ~ " ten½ur y ~ di,,icltd in-lo 3 esla
11 fes , in wltic.h
only me ~crt, of 3_ eslale paid la,ces, ~ - - -..,___
• Olcl Re3,me , u~ed h, des cri be ,- - - -
!ht ,~iel7 i in~~L.iions ol I" e,to\-c
France before I'.I~ GJ Ct~rg1 : Monar, hl
• The soc.i~y of eslales woe; ind uckd the k;r11, ~ 1ueel\
r.ari of feudal f>~Sle"' ~at
doicd back ti, mildl, a~es. 2"~ e11+~
• Peat,an ~ made Uf •i d 901/o Nobilit-t: NoYe,
of the pop-Jcrlfon
• 60 Yo of ~e /eve:{ ..ias owntd ry 3...a et.ta\-t
Noble,~ Church JI'J Richer me rnbers l~ l&ded bi bll'!,in~'."'" 1 -
of 3 estate pta~OJ'\t J lC11.1~'" J arli~ans 1
• Qbow-: mcrc.l,0.11~s etc
l?-eai n di r11ad Onl7 pc<lSOII ...._l_
owned (11nd
• The I"! 2"" es¼aics
- - --

- -'-11!i~R~~ such ~s..:_~e ri8ht - ~ life ,1·freer.lom_ of 'Fch, f~tdo~ o,_f__
____orruon , equali-b,_before_ law were_ Ncrtl.l_ral ~ l(IQUO'lllble r,ghl 6 "
-- 1,i---~-'- -they belong~ \1> eae,h hum on ~ _bir"th_t co~d n,{_ k
- --!. blken QWO.J- • , ,.

Ii ·-
·'-- - • I

- -
~ 1-Reiio of ¼errcc:: ~ 11'\3 ~o 11q4 ,

-~ - R~-~~p1erre ar~o:I J impn'soned arid the" fried ~ =lfury tribunJ

--11. thoGe _ who he ~w as ctncmies ' of 1'~e repiblic .e1-: nobl~ 1 J.ug7,
- - rmem~rs of poli\ic.ol r rtie.!, I even his OWi\ parly me~erl!> who cliiln '!
_ __ ogree with hrs rne1hod$ . If ,-tJie e,ourt f al.Lile! \her'tl gviHy t:ky
__ were guiUoHned Ciuato'\ine COl'lbists 'of 'I bl<1d~ g 2 Poles. 1,.1i~ ..Ji~
_ . peopl~ were r beheoded j after Dr. Chu.iUcrlfn w~ in~rttd t!J-
~ ~ ~obe-spi~ i&oued laws yl11ci~ o mo~irl'lum c.ei~rig_ ,On ~ &pric.c!>,
• I' All - cilizer6 ed -the r pain d 'ez
ali!€ >(eci,ucilltl( br~cfJ, 1:1 loaf' made of
__ wblewheo.t use of eicp6n5ivc flow- WI½ forbidden ,
=-- _.,AU Fre~ rn(n ( W01'116'(1 were r\OW Citort') b, cito,tntie (cr!i~) .
_ .Chu.,-c.hes were r,hui do"'n 6. ~nverted ,nto bo,,-G\~ /offices.

_ • Robe&pierre his p<>licie&~~e_~ntkf>L1 . Ftn:iLl1J he WllS
_ _ __COl\vic.~ bot o. co1.1rt in Jul~ 1':iq1.i & iui~ . ·
- -• Tre ··ful( of tt,e Jacobin Giover.nMef\t aUow~d- the w~oUhier
- middle G!QS_s -to seiz.e rower.
• .A new c.onsHMton · Woh in-truduced wluc.h denied -b, vote tr,
__ non - properhsed 5ecliofl', of the soc:e~. •
_. It provided for ~wo eleded legi.~lo.1L ve coUYlCl~ 1 tk6e iii.en
i appoirited a direc.i.ory J on exe01~e made, up ol_ 5 rriembe~ .
, ..... The rolitical it\SW,li~ of Dfrectir~ pcwea -tti-e v,0.1 -hr
-the rfse of a m(h'-h:irj d1cfo.tor I N11po~~fl Bonopar1e .
• . From ~ lleSf "er1 begU'rnl'I~ women ';Jer~ Oldi,e frt\C4f'16 ~ tk_
__ I e\/ert\,;, wl,;th \,~ht obou. ~ ~1 imp.~•To"l1 d-iongts in FrerOI ~otilt:1.
• They h>~ -that ~if ~11emertt , would pre&&ur:!>f the r~o !u.tioro.'1
-Lto~qf\'ment -lo iritreduc.e rt1eQ61:1r0'> -to imrrove their lfves .
• 1-~ l WlltflS_n ,I -the thtrd ~le _tod to ~rk for () lPvf~ ."
~ __M~..l 14>men duln 'i have acces.s lz, · education / ~b ttciini~
!. ...- Ont doughier& of · weotl:hier members of i eslo.\e ~ '
I. ~ al a c.onvertl, after ~ieh their rnani~e was arr<Ulr.d .
• Wor'9nst, \,Jllmenc; had Q\so to core tor tlieir .fumaies l Jo the
W()('k of hOm(,6 •
i ---+ Thew 'WClg'6 were l11 wer -tl-a1i khose of rnt>n .
,_. _____ _ _ _ I I

hok ii: ~ 'lhemoe.l~ {o _par.~ ~;-
• The revoli.d~at\o,1- :??'ernmenl
~ ! -!~~uH -h-on!>lo.Te _Jk ideal!> of_ ~bertJ •nd e~'ry ~ o -
_ __ ilu
e1er1do.1_ pro.d i&e . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ -
.,__- • __._A1oliticn of c..eng~r~ tp :_~ e eff.c&i_ ofkt:_ ~~n,'l{ng of_ g~irue -
;-.-- - -- - - in ihe &W1'1T1\er:__of r~~C\. -- -
;...---• -~ the Otd ~lme al.I wr~tle_'l__ cdlvt~_or wlturti.l oc.~aie.s
: - - -- l• wete on\1 __c!1>1'\L aR:er_ ~rmission_ L c.e~or of lung .
_ _•_ N ~ovJ ihe_-Oec.hro.tiOfl of tlie ~hb i Mon f Gli1-en proclQUTled_
.c--- - ·treedl)t"fl of ~rechE~pres!>it>n _!__½_Q natllrol_ ~_t; · - -- - -
• tio4 : Noroleon_Erownecl _ htrns~lf'_ £mfcror of, Frarce._ • - - -
;;._...- · .N~r oleo.!!._ lrrttodu.cc_ed mo.Y11 \11w6 suc.h_ Cl~ the proted.Lo,:t_ of
_ _ _ prwo.'te_ pro ye~ 1 a ut\itorm _ &~~tem_ ot_ hei&hts R.. rnea&UteJ:.- c-_
:......-- - pro~dL b'j the decimo.l &'f'5lert'I . _ __ _ __ _ _ __
• N~r-o\e0n_ vJ~ _rrnoll~_defea\ed o\ \.-JQ\:.erloo lfl_ llol6". -
• The_ lde«> of liber~_!_A,mo~ro.tic. i-~ghts_yJe!!_the l"flost _vnrrt~t
-'--- - \eto.c~__gf _frenc.h Revolution.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _• ..Tirv. !_Ro.mmoWA~ R~_ a_r:~ k _e;t_omre& of indi:v15uaJs
,;___ _ who re.sronded le the. rdec.6 c,o rni"8 froro_l.e110luliornry Fre1nce . .

- - - - - - -- -- - -

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