Angol Szóbeli Osztályozó
Angol Szóbeli Osztályozó
Angol Szóbeli Osztályozó
A teenager is a person who is in his or her teens. Nowadays, in the modern society
there are a lot of problems related with teenagers, more than used to be in the past.
There are people who say they are a technology generation, because they usually take
their mobile phones with them everywhere. They play games, listen some music or
chat with their friends on it. Some of them prefer making a friendship online than
face to face. However, this fact can be annoying for the parents, because they don’t
spend enough time with the family, and they might not do the homework or study for
the tests. Therefore, they may argue with eachother. A lot of them enjoy go out at the
week-end with the friends ans discussing what happened with them during the week.
Or sometimes they are allowed to go to a party, or to the cinema. Sometimes they can
hang out in the evening too. Moreover, many of them are influenced by famous
people. Besides that, some teenagers didn’t learn how to be disciplined. They often
speak badly with the olders too. In the past, a majority of the youths learnt respect,
courtesy and honesty. Some teenagers are rebellious to their parents. They often
behave very rudely against their parents, and they don’t follow their advices. It’s first
concern is the lack of communication between parents and teenagers. The youth may
think that their parents aren’t give them enough freedom comparing themselves with
the othen friends. Or on occasion, they don’t understand their feelings. Some teenager
say that their parents grew up in a different world, and that’s why they have different
opinions. Because of that there can be a generation gap between the parents and their
children. Fashion and popular music also infulence them. For example, they can put
on stange clothes, that their parents don’t like. Or they can listen terrible music
loudly, which can be very irritating. I believe that in this life stage they really need
the guidance and support from their parents, but they have to respect them too.
However, not all of them are very rebellious. They might have a very good
relationship with the adults, and they don’t fight with the older generation at all the
time. For instance, I like my parents, and I get along really well with them. The only
problem maybe the clothes, because for example if the trousers don’t fit together with
the T-shirt they say that I have to change it and sometimes I don’t know why.
Although, we solve our disagreements easily, and usually we are peaceful with
In Hungary the most important family holidays and celebrations are Chirstmas, New
Year, Easter, birthdays, namedays, weddings, wedding anniverseries, graduations,
and thinks like that. My favourite holiday is Christmas, because on this occasion, the
family is together, we have a good time and there is a festive and cosy atmosphere.
Christmas is the time when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. We decorate the
Christmas tree together on Christmas Eve, and we prepare delicious meals. In the
afternoon we always go to church, to pray, and then we have the celebration dinner at
home. A lot of people eat fish on that occasion, however we don’t eat fish at
Cristmas, every year. Instead of it we eat other well-prepared foods. After eating, we
unwrap the presents that we usually put next to the Christmas tree. I think this is one
of the most exciting moments of Christmas. On the other festive days, we usually at
home, or we visit our relatives, and the family is always together. A few days after
this event, there is New Year. People like to go to parties at this time and drink a lot,
and some people also uses fireworks. Although, in my view this is a dangerous
device, so we have never had fireworks at home, but we like watching it in our
neighbourhood. I stay at home on New Years eve, and we usually have a party with
music, or if we don’t feel like it, we watch a great film together. Easter is celebration
that is held in spring, but not on the same day every year. At this time families eat a
lot of chocolate, ham, eggs and yellow cottage cheese. On Easter Monday the boys
sprinke the girls with perfume, and in return they get chotolate bunny, or chocolate
egg. Anyway, this is the event when we commemorate the death and resurrection of
Jesus. My bithday is ont he 8th of March, and I also enjoy this event. I always get
presents, which I am very happy about. For example most recently I got a pingpong
table, which was a surprise from my parents, and money from my grandfather. My
mum prepare or buy a mouth-watering cake and we have a fine lunch or dinner
together. We also invite my grandfather, my uncle and his famiy. A nameday is
similar to a birthday. You get a gift, many people wish you a happy day, and you
have a good time. I've been to some rare events for instance, on my cousin’s
wedding. There was a wedding party too, with music, and dance. I believe that this
celebratin was unforgettable. The 1st of November is all Saints Day, when we visit
the graves of our deceased loved ones in the cemetery. However, there are also
holidays that are not usually celebrated by families, but rather are celebrated in
schools. These are the national holidays. In Hungary we have 3 big events. The 15th
of march, when there is the day of the Revoulution and war for independence of
1848. The 23th of October, is the day of Republic. And the 20th of August we
commemorate the foundation of the Hungarian state.
If anyone wants to find a job, firstly,he or she must complete the necessary studies.
Education starts with primary school for 8 years. After that, someone go to high
school and others go to other educational institutions to obtain the graduation. This
usually takes 4 years. However, there are those who finish their studies with primary
school. If you want, you can apply to universities offering various qualifications after
finishing high school, to get a diplome. Finally, you can have a great job. Or you can
lerarn a trade too. When you finish your studies, you can choose from a variety of
career options, but these largery depend on qualifications, intellectual or phisical
ability. At school students have many different subjects. There are science subjects
like Biology, Phisics, Chemistry, Math, Geography. There are other subjects, like
English, Grammar, Literature, History, Art, Religious, PE, IT. My favourite subject is
IT because I like programming, and computers. Vacational schools have additional
subjects, where students can learn a trade. Anyway, there are different methods of
learning and teaching. Learning in groups usually takes place in a school in a
classroom. It is adventageous, because students can meet with the classmates, and
they have opportunity to share their own ideas and knowledge. It is great for outgoing
and confident people. Althought, it isn’t the right method for shy students and for
whose need more attention. at all the time. They can feel more comfortable in a one-
to-one tutoring situation with a private teacher. These lessons are usually takes place
in the homo of the teacher. Here the student is alone and he or she can’t cheat the
homework with the others. He or she has to do all the tasks, and answer all the
questions, and pay attention at all the time. However this method might put the
student under great pressure and stress. The third way of learning is beeing online in
front of the computer screen. It is getting more and more widespread around the
world. In this way you don’t have to travel anywhere, because you are at home.
Students don’t meet with eachother in these courses, but they can chat with
eachother. I have tryed all af these methods, and in my view all of them have the own
advantages and disadvantages. Now, I am studying in Szent László secondary school,
in the department of math and IT. After graduation I would like to go to university to
get a degree in IT programming. After that I don’t want to finish my studies, because
I am planning to be a pilot, so I would like to apply to the pilot school in
Nyíregyháza, and finally work as a pilot. I think nowadays there are a lot of popular
jobs, like manage, engineer, economist, computer programmer etc. These jobs are
well paid, but they need a,lot of attention. These are intellectual jobs. Ont he other
side, there are the phisical jobs, like factory worker, joiner, bricklayer, soldier, and
thinks like that. These jobs aren’t well paid at all the time, howerer they are very
tiring. There are typically jobs for women and for men. Some jobs that suit for men,
like bus driver, charpenter, tiler engineer. And some jobs suitable for women, like
teacher, nurse, baby-sitter and shop assistant. As a student, you can also take on jobs
that don’t require many qualifications, for example in a fast food restaurant, in an
office or in a factory.
Today, in modern society, we have a variety of foods to choose from in different
places. However we eat a lot of unhealthy food, beacuse we often don’t have time to
prepare healthy meals. For example French fries and frozen meals, which contain lots
of fat. Istead of them we should eat fruites, vegetables, and cooked meals with less fat
a spices, and with more fibres and vitamins. We should avoid junk food and
carbohydrades, like chocolate, cookies and bakery product. If we want to live a
healthy life, we must also pay attention to what we drink. We shouldn’t drink too
much coffee and energy drink, beacuse they contain too much coffeine. Alcoholic
drinks can also be harmful for our health. In my opinion the healthiest drink it water.
If you don’t want to prepare food, you can go out and eat in a restaurant. You can go
to a fast food restaurant, to a self-service restaurant, or to a traditional restaurant. All
of these have their own advantages and disadvantages. For example in a fast food
restaurant you can get the food very quickly and take it away. They are popular with
young people, because it’s a meeting point. The meal is delicious, although very
unhealthy, fatty, salty and greasy with lots of preservatives. In Hungary they are quite
expensive. The place is crowded, and there are no waiters who serve you. Moreover,
you have to eat with your hands from a cardbox. Nonetheless, in a traditional
restaurant you are served by waiters, who are polite and frendly. The place has a nice
atmosphere, it is clean and elegant. There is a wide choice of dishes on the menu.
Hovewer, it is expensive, the service is slow, so you have to wait a long time for your
meal. And in some restaurants it is appropriate to tip to the waiter. I like eating in
different types of restaurants, because there you can taste very different tastes. In
Hungary we have 3 main meals a day: breakfst, lunch and dinner. And during the day
maybe, we have some snacks. It is called, elevenses and 5 o’clock tea. For breakfat
we usually eat sandwich with cold cuts, cereals with yoghurt, mushrooms, saussages,
hot dogs, fruit and vegetables, toast with jam or marmalade, fried egg bred, fat bread,
or fried eggs. Most people have breakfast at home before go to work. We usually start
lunch with a soup. This is the first course. For instance, meat soup, vegetable soup,
fish soup, bean soup etc. The second course can be a lot of thing. Like, meat with
some garnish. Garnish can be pasta, stream vegetables, french fries, rice or mathed
potato. Either we have vegetable dish with stew, or some kind of pasta, like spaghetti
Bolognese, cottage cheese with pasta, or wallnut pasta. The last course is a dessert,
like some biscuits, cake, ice cream or pancakes. For dinner we eat similar food that
for breakfast or for lunch. In Hungary we have a lot of delicious traditional dishes.
For example, Gulás soup, fish soup, Jókai been soup, paprika chicken with noodles,
pasta with cottage cheese and fried bacon. Though, our meals aren’ t very healthy,
because they are very salty, spicy, fatty, but we relly like it. My favourite dish is fried
chicken with french fries. There are mealtimes that are very important for a family.
On such occasions a family come together, they eat and talk with eachother.
However, there are people who don’t eat meat at all. They are the vegetarians. They
usually say that, they don’t eat because they feel sorry for the animals, or maybe just
don’t like it. In my view it isnt healthy, because we need protein, which is in meat. I
also have an acquintance who is vegetarian. He usually eats bakery products, fruit
and vegetable. But I would never be a vegetarian, because i like meat.
When you finish your studies, you can choose from a variety of career options, but
these largery depend on qualifications, intellectual or phisical ability. It matters
whether you have a university degree or some kind of trade, and other qualifications.
But you can also have a job as a worker if you haven’t got any education, but usually
the salary is low. I think nowadays there are a lot of popular jobs, like manager,
psichologist, engineer, economist, computer programmer etc. These jobs are well
paid, but they need a lot of attention. These are intellectual jobs. On the other side,
there are the phisical jobs, like factory worker, joiner, bricklayer, soldier, and thinks
like that. These jobs aren’t well paid at all the time, howerer they are very tiring.
There are typically jobs for women and for men. Some jobs that suit for men, like bus
driver, charpenter, tiler engineer. And some jobs suitable for women, like teacher,
nurse, baby-sitter and shop assistant. As a student, you can also take on jobs that
don’t require many qualifications, for example in a fast food restaurant, in an office
or in a factory. Most people work in a full time job, but they can apply for a part-time
job too. It is popular among students during the summer. The reasons of having a
part-time job are usually the lack of money, or they want to gain experience and
make new friends. However, these summer jobs are very tiring. Moreover, you can’t
go on holiday, because of busyness. Sometimes it happens that a student after
completing the studies travels abroad and finds a job there to see the world and learn
foreign languages, and obtain experience. All of the choices have advantages and
disadvantages. For example, People who go to universities or colleges will spend
some years studying instead of gaining experience, in the future they must be well
paid. Those who settle down and have families will not have much work experience,
but they can live in a family environment, with the spouse and with children. If you
would like to apply for a job, you have to go to a job interview, and write a CW.
Also, you have to dress in elegant clothes, like a shirt, and a suit with a tie. It is
necessary because employers learn a lot about the employee's personality, knowledge
and experience during the interview. Now, I am planning to go to university after
secondary school to get a degree in IT programming. After that I don’t want to finish
my studies, because I am planning to be a pilot, so I would like to apply to the pilot
school in Nyíregyháza, and finally work as a pilot.
When we are children, we learn to speak and communicate in our own native
language. Firstly we learn one or two words, then more and more connected phrases
and sentences until we learn to speak. Learning a language in early childhood is
easier, than after that, expecially if you are surrounded by people who speak that
language, or if you hear talkings from TV. This is also why parents talk to their
children from birth. For example my litle cousin watch tailes in English speaking TV
channels too, and because of that he learnt counting from 1 to 10 in English, and he
also picked up some other easier words. Then when we go to school, we start learning
foreign languages, which have many advantages. It is important to learn langauges
and obtain a language exam, because it is necessary if you want to get a degree, and
it’s an advantage when a student wants to go on to higher education. Nowadays, if
you would like to get a good, and well-paid job, you will have to be able to speak
foreign languages. The most common is English, because this is a world language,
and it is spoken all over the world. But of course it can be useful not only for
working, but for travelling abroad as a holiday, or watching films or news on TV on a
foreign language, or read a book or a magazine. You can learn languages in different
ways, like at school in classroom education, alone at home from a book or from a
studying application, with a private teacher online or face to face, and of course
abroad among the foreigners. I speak Hungary, because it is my native language. I am
learning English and French now. I started learning English at the age of 8 at primary
school, and I done an intermediate the language exam a year ago. And I am learning
French for 3 years at home with my mother. Sometimes, I also learn English and
French by watching foreign skeaping films and videos with subtitles, or reading the
foreign news in my mobile phone. English is considered a world language, because it
is widely spoken, and in the past there were a lot of British conquests around world.
Moreover, it is the international language in many professions, like business,
aviation, IT, science. I think English, is worth to study, not because only for work,
but because certain people understand it abroad. In my view, I will use English a lot
in the future, because I would like to be a pilot, and it is obligatory, to speak English
in professional aviation. However, there are people who learn foreigh languages, just
for fun as a hobby. For, instance I have a French acquintance, who can speak 6
languages, and she still learning.
When you go on a holiday abroad the first step is , to prepare for it and pack a lot of things.
When you plan where to travel, you have to book an accommodation, and make travel
arrangements. Also, you should have a valid passport and identity card. If it is necessary, you
should exhange currency. And finally you have to pack your suitcase with clothes suitable
for the expected weather, with money, and some medicine if you catch a cold. If it is a self
catering vacation, you should take some food with you too. Howerer, if you don’t like
organising a lot, you can go on a package holiday. It means that there are many people
travelling together in a group, and it is organised by a travel agency. There is a tour guide
who takes you everywhere. This way of travelling is preferred by those who like comfort.
Although, there are some drawbacks of a package holiday. For example, you are said what to
do almost at all the time and you have to adapt to the group. Moreover the programs are
fixed, so it doesn’t matter if you don’t feel like doing something. You can travel to your
holiday destination in many different ways, like take the plane or the train. Or you can
choose car or bus. Nowadays, people can choose from a variety of places to spend their
holiday. They can go to the beach near a sea or a lake, where they can lay in the sun, play
and swim in the enjoyable water, or maybe go on a boat trip. They can go and climb a
mountain, and smell the fresh mountainous air, while enjoy the beautiful view. Or they can
visit a famous city and go sightseeing. With this way you can explore the country’s culture
and history. It can be educational and entertaining as well. We usually say that we go on
vacation to relax, but if you want a very active vacation, you may be completely tired by the
end of the holiday. Furthermore, you have to be careful with sunbathing because you can
easily burn out. However, you can have a very pleasnt holiday in inland in Hungary too. We
have many interesting and breathtaking places that are worth visiting. For instance, in
Budapest in the capital city you can see a lot of old, historical buildings. Or you can visit the
lake Balaton as a beach holiday, and we also have popular spas with thermal water. Or even,
you can climb mountains in Northern Hungary. I have been on a holiday a lot, and i enjoyed
all of it. For example, this summer I visited Bulgaraia with my family. We travelled by plane
from Debrecen to Burgas, and there we spent a week. We stayed in a hotel next to the coast.
We were on the beach a lot where we swam and tanned. In the sea there were amazing fishes
and crabs. We also went on a boat trip, to a small island where there were lots of marvellous
shells. All in all, it was an enjoyable and wonderful holiday. If you would like to travel short
distances you can use your car, or bike or means of public transport such as, bus, train, tram
or underground. Nowadays, people prefer useing their cars, istead of public transport,
because they usually faster, and more comfortable. They don’t have to carry heavy luggages
and cars are not tied to a schedule. Altough. it is more expensive to run a car, then using
public transport. Anyway a lot of people have a car, but not all of them have a garrage.
Having a garrage is very useful, because it protects cars from rain, snow, frost, and from
thieves. However, in big cities there can be huge traffic jams, because of too much traffic,
and it is impossible to move. If you travel by train firsty, you have to by a ticket at the station
or online. If you travel regularly you can by a season ticket too. While you are on the train a
conductor check it, and maybe if it is not valid you have to pay a fine. This procedure is
similar for buses and trams too. If you have enough money, you can choose the taxi. They
are waiting at taxi ranks, and also can be stopped on streets. The fare is recorder on a
taxi.meter, that the passenger see from the seat.
For longer distances, the best choice is plane, because it is the fastest way of travelling, and I
think the most enjoyable too.
When people are at home they usually wear a tracksit with a T-shirt because it is cosy
and comfortable. This is also my favorite style of dressing. When they go out
somewhere they can wear jeans, and an elegant T-shirt, or a shirt. It can be worn at
school too. They never goes out of fashion. Basically, you can put on anything, in
which you feel well. At work many people wear formal clothes or uniform. For
special occasions men usually wear a suit with a tie, and a nice shirt. For women
dresses, blouses and skirts are very fashionable. If the weather is cold you can also
wear a pullover, and a jacket outside. I don’t like formal clothes, because usually,
they are uncomfortable. Now I am wearing… I enjoy wearing fashionable shoes too,
or slippers at home. You can buy clothes from a clothes shop or through the internet.
Anyway you can do your daily or weekly shopping in many different palces, such as
supermarkets, markets, small local shops. All of them have their own advantages and
disadvantages. In a small shop there is a friendly athmosphere, and the shop assistants
are usually kind and helpful. Normally, they aren’t very crowded, and there aren’t big
queues. However, there isn’t a wide variety of goods. On the other hand in a
supermarket you can choose from a lot of goods, and you can find almost everything
under one roof. Usually there are free car parks, and there are many sales, so you can
buy some products at a reduced price. There are long opening hours, and they are
open at weekends too. Althought, they are crowded. There are long queues and it is
difficult to move with fully packed trolleys. If you choose to go to the market, the
fruits and veretables are usually fresh there. The sellers are friendly. In a shopping
center there are many kinds of shops, that is worth visiting. I go to the supermarket
quite often. My family does the weekly shopping in a department store, and
sometimes I go with my parents, to help them push the trolley, and to look arond.
Sometimes they send me to our neighbour’s shop, too by bread, or milk, and other
goods. If you would like to shop in a sukermarket, firsly, you have to take a trolley.
Then you need to go from counter to counter and buy what you need. There are many
departments in the store, like fruit and vegetable department, such as apples, plums,
strawberries, grapes, blackberries, raspberries, oranges, tomatoes, potatos, cucumber,
onions, garlic, raddish, carrot, cauliflowers, lettuce etc. There is the meet counter,
where you can by chicken, pork, beek, turkey, duck, mutton, and other animal’s meat.
There are the cold cuts, such as salami and saussages. Then dairy products, for
example: milk, cheese, youghurt, sour crem, butter and cottage cheese. The gloceries
are also important such as pasta, flour, salt, sugar, rice. The sweet counter is very
popular too, expecially among children. There is the drink department. You can
choose from alcoholic drinks, like beer, wine, whisky, champagne. And non-
alcoholic drinks, for instance fruit juices, and fizzy or still mineral water. There’s also
a large variety of bakery products, like bread, rolls, buns. And finally you can buy
frozenn goods and other necessarry equipments. Then, you have to join the queue,
and pay with cash or with bank credit card.
Environment is a very important part of our lives, because we live in it. We have to
save and protect it. The protection of the environment starts in every day life
Nowadays, we pollute our environment very much, and it has got a lot of
consequences.The Earth is getting hotter, and as a result the ice caps will melt, and
the sea level will rise, so the deep lands will be flooded. Moreover, the area of deserts
will become bigger. Consequently lots of animals will lose thier habbitat, and some
species will be endangered, maybe some of them will become extinct. Environmental
pollution can be created by different industries, companies and households. We
pollute the water, by plastic, by oil from the tankers, and maybe the suncreen is
polluting too. We pollute the air too, with factories, power stations, and with various
vehicles, like cars, trains, planes, ships. These emit a lot of toxic feumes. Soil
pollution is also serious, because we pollute it with pesticides, insectisides. And
finally, the biggest reason of climate change and global warming, is deforestation.
Anyway, we have renuable and non-renuable energy sources. Renuable energy
sources, for example solar, wind, water and heat. And non –renuable ones, like oil,
gas and coal. There are various things people can do to preserve the nature, and create
a healthier environment. They can recycle rubbish in different coloured dustbins. Or
they can plant trees, which will produce oxigen for us in the future. Using our bikes
and public transport is more effective in terms of environmental protection, instead of
travelling by car. And people should have a shower, and not have a bath, and they
should swith off the lamp when it isn’t use. Fortunately, more and more
people are beginning to realise it. Personally. I always try to recyce the rubbish, and
switch of the lamp when I don’t use it. Howerer, In my view i have a quite big
ecological footprint, because I travel by car a lot, and I also use a lot of water for
bathing. There are international organisations, for save the planet, for isntance
Greenpeace. They often organize demonstrations agaist people and industries, but I
think it isn’t a siutable way to draws attention. Unfortunately, sometimes they are
against the law and the do crimes. For example, I heard that some people climbed
into Paris Challe de Gualle airport illegally with a ladder, and then they damaged an
airplane, by strarted paint it to green. I think these case is very annoying. All in all I
hope we will find a good way to do everything against environmental problems and
global warming.
There are several ways to spend our free time. Some people prefer to take up sports
and other active hobbies, like ball games, different martial arts, cycling or jogging.
Other people prefer creative hobbies, such as potery, painting, sculpting,
photography, sewing. Other free time activities, for example reading, going to the
cinema or to the theathre, watching TV or doing crosswords. Hopefully, nowadays
the youths usually take up hobbies, that cheap, but there are exensive free time
activities too, for instance, skiing, sailing, gliding, car racing. You can do sports
inside at gym, or outside in the fresh air, or maybe you can do that at home. Also, you
can do activities with friends together, like football, or you can practice them alone,
like painting or gardening. There are many reasons, why people choose to take up a
particular hobby. Some hobbies attract people, because they require creativity, or
because they can be more energetive, while others choose it because they are poular.
However before you take up a new hobby you should think over it, because it can
require a lot of money, flexibility and time. Anyway, some people are interested in
going to cultural events in their free time. For instance, going to the pub is quite a
popular activity, or parties and concert are attractive too. and listed here the the
cinema and the theathre. However if you go to the theathre you have to obey to some
rules. You must swith off your phone and dress formally. And there can be annoying
viewers by talking to each other. It is true for the cinema too. My hometown offers
many entertaining activities, like working out, playing football, theathre, cinema,
museums, zoo, playgrounds and several others. There is a town stadium and a
swimming pool. There are two spas. There are a lot of relaxing and entertaining
activities that families can do. They can stay at home and just relaxing, or play bord
or card games, they can watch TV together. Or they can do some sports or go to
cultural events, or go on a trip. In addition, nowadays, playing video games, and
phone games are very popular expecially among young people. Personally, I have
tried several hobbies so far. I done the karate for 4 years, but I finised it 2 years ago.
However this year I would like to go back. At home I enjoy wathing TV, gardening,
and talking with the family. Although, my favourite hobby is flying. I started doing it
about 1 and a half year ago, and I am flying with gliders. I do this sport usually at
weekend in Nyíregyháza airport. I like it because in an operating day the mood is
always good, we have a good time, and the best that I can learn how to drive a glider
plane, enjoy the breathtaking view.
If anyone wants to find a job, firstly,he or she must complete the necessary studies.
Education starts with primary school for 8 years. After that, someone go to high
school and others go to other educational institutions to obtain the graduation. This
usually takes 4 years. However, there are those who finish their studies with primary
school. If you want, you can apply to universities offering various qualifications after
finishing high school, to get a diplome. Finally, you can have a great job. Or you can
lerarn a trade too. When you finish your studies, you can choose from a variety of
career options, but these largery depend on qualifications, intellectual or phisical
ability. At school students have many different subjects. There are science subjects
like Biology, Phisics, Chemistry, Math, Geography. There are other subjects, like
English, Grammar, Literature, History, Art, Religious, PE, IT. My favourite subject is
IT because I like programming, and computers. Vacational schools have additional
subjects, where students can learn a trade. Anyway, there are different methods of
learning and teaching. Learning in groups usually takes place in a school in a
classroom. It is adventageous, because students can meet with the classmates, and
they have opportunity to share their own ideas and knowledge. It is great for outgoing
and confident people. Althought, it isn’t the right method for shy students and for
whose need more attention. at all the time. They can feel more comfortable in a one-
to-one tutoring situation with a private teacher. These lessons are usually takes place
in the homo of the teacher. Here the student is alone and he or she can’t cheat the
homework with the others. He or she has to do all the tasks, and answer all the
questions, and pay attention at all the time. However this method might put the
student under great pressure and stress. The third way of learning is beeing online in
front of the computer screen. It is getting more and more widespread around the
world. In this way you don’t have to travel anywhere, because you are at home.
Students don’t meet with eachother in these courses, but they can chat with
eachother. I have tryed all af these methods, and in my view all of them have the own
advantages and disadvantages. Now, I am studying in Szent László secondary school,
in the department of math and IT. After graduation I would like to go to university to
get a degree in IT programming. After that I don’t want to finish my studies, because
I am planning to be a pilot, so I would like to apply to the pilot school in
Nyíregyháza, and finally work as a pilot. I think nowadays there are a lot of popular
jobs, like manage, engineer, economist, computer programmer etc. These jobs are
well paid, but they need a,lot of attention. These are intellectual jobs. Ont he other
side, there are the phisical jobs, like factory worker, joiner, bricklayer, soldier, and
thinks like that. These jobs aren’t well paid at all the time, howerer they are very
tiring. There are typically jobs for women and for men. Some jobs that suit for men,
like bus driver, charpenter, tiler engineer. And some jobs suitable for women, like
teacher, nurse, baby-sitter and shop assistant. As a student, you can also take on jobs
that don’t require many qualifications, for example in a fast food restaurant, in an
office or in a factory.
lapon van
Nature is a very important part of our lives, because we live in it. It the nature there
can be found a lot of animals. For instance, in a forest and in a desert there are wild
animals, like bears, tiggers, foxes, eagles, wolfes, lions and several others. In a sea, in
a lake or in a river there are aquatic animals, such as whales, sharks, dolphins,
seahorses, starfishes, shells, octopuses, carps and other fishes. And near people, there
are domestic animals and pets. For example poulties, like chickens, ducks, geese,
turkeys. Or you can keep pigs, horses, rabbits, goats, sheeps, cows. These animals
can be kept for eating for their meats, or as pets. However, the most popular pets are
dogs and cats and little fishes. A lot of people have pets at home. Althought, not all of
them are usual ones. Some people keep parrots, turtles, snakes, bears, crocdiles, rats,
hamsters, spiders and other exotic specis. As a point of interest, my neightbour keep a
badger. Some of these can be dangerous or maybe if you keep them you may need a
special permission. If you keep clever species, you can play with them, you can teach
something to them, or even you can communicate with them. Most people keep pets
because they like their company, and enjoy playing with them or watcing them. For
example some people say that dogs or cats are people best friend. Moreover, they can
gard the house, or catch the mouses, and hunt for other harmful creatures. However,
before you get a pet you have to think it carefully, because there are some drawbacks
too. First of all, a pet requires a lot of attention and care, you have to feed them, clean
their place regularly, maybe you have to take them to the vet. Having a pet not only
requires time, but money as well. Otherwise, if you would like to see exotic animals
you can visit them in the zoo. For example in my hometown in Nyíregyháza there is
one of the best and biggest zoos in Europe. There you can see very rare and exotic
species, like lions, zebras, elephants, bears, polar bears, giraffe, camel, hippopotamus,
monkeys, and thinks like that. Some of them are almost extinct, so they are very
valuable. Some of the animals are in danger because of climate change and global
warming, because the Earth is getting hotter and hotter, and the area of deserts are
becoming bigger, so the animals lose their habbitat. In the family, we keep pets at
home too. We have got a dog, that we really like, because he is very cute, but
sometimes he behave very rudely, and he enjoy damage things. For example, he
chewed the gate opening cable, and other cabels. We were very angry to him because
it cost a lot of money, but finally we forgived to him. But unfortunately we have to
keep him between fences, during nights, and when we aren’t at home, because he
would damage a lot of things, and sometimes he enjoy espacing from home too.
Before that dog we used to have an other one, but she disappeared 2 years ago.
Moreover we have fishes in an aquarium in the house, and in the garden we have
ducks. In the past we used to have 2 rabbits, that I really liked. I fed them every day,
and I spent quite a lot of time with them, but unfortunately, they died in July in a
virus enfection. In addition we used to have a cat, but for only about 10 months,
because someone poisoned her.
It is very advantageous, if you are healthy, but you have to be careful to keep your
health. You should have a regular way of life. It means that you should have a
healthy diet. We should eat minerals, fibres, and enough protein which is in meat.
And we should have enough vitamins in our body, which is in fruit and vegetables.
We shouldn’t eat too much fat and carbohydrates. We should avoid drinking too
much alcohol, sugary drinks. We should avoid junk food and carbohydrades, like
chocolate, cookies and bakery product. They contain too much calories. If we want to
live a healthy life, we must also pay attention to what we drink. We shouldn’t drink
too much coffee and energy drink, beacuse they contain too much coffeine. Alcoholic
drinks can also be harmful for our health. In my opinion the healthiest drink it water.
In addition, we should do sports, like ballgames such as football, or basketball. You
can do different martial arts, like karate. Or you can go jogging, cycling, swimming
and thinks like that. Moreover, we should have a regular daily routine. We should get
up and go to bed at a regular time, and sleep enough. Finally, you should avoid
smoking, because it is the reason of many diseases, like cancer. And it is very
difficult to give it up. Anyway there are a lot of ilnesses. The most common ones are
flu, sore throat, pneumonia. You can catch a cold easily, expecially if you are in a
cold environment. It’s consequances, can be, sore throat, headache, runny nose, or
cough. Moreover, if you have other problems, you can have a toothache, earache,
stomachache, backache, and thinks like that. Howver, there are serious aliments too.
For instance cancer, hearth or liver problems, circulatory disorders, and different
infectious diseases, like AIDS or Covid. During your childhood you can catch,
chicken-pox, scarlet fever. When we are children we get vaccinations against many
viruses, that in the past caused many problems and death. When you feel unwell you
can go and visit your G.P. In his or her surgery usually you are asked to stip to the
waist. Then he or she examine you. For example, sounds your lungs, listens to your
heart, feels your pulse, takes your blood pressure and temperature. Then he or she
makes out a prescription. Then you have to go to pharmacy and buy the necessary
medicines. They can be capsules or liquids. Then, at home you should follow the
doctors advice, stay in bed have a diet, and take the medicines, during you recover
from the ilness. If you have a big problem, the G. P. can send you to the hospital. It
means that you are an out-patient. However, if it is very serious and urgent you can
travel from home by ambulance. In this case you are an im-patiant. In a hospital there
is a specialist, who examine you, and if it is necessary he or she can X-ray you and
make operations too. Personally, I sometimes catch a cold or other smalles illnesses,
but I usually recover from them easily, so I don’t often go to the doctor.
In the history of technology there were a lot of interesting and important inventions,
which have changed our lives. These devices are infulenced in our everyday life in
positive and in negative ways too. There are the hosehold applicances, like fridge,
oven, microwave oven, electric cooker, dishwasher, washing machine and several
other useful devices. In addition cars, mobile phones, computers, also becamed our
every day life. They make our lives easier and more comfortable, but at the same time
they need energy and power, usually from non-renuable energy sources, which are
very harmful for the environment. Anyway, I don’t think that the development of
these devices ended, because scientists are always cominng up with new ideas, and
with incredible innovations. Otherwise, we use our mobile phones a lot, it is easier
with a mobile phone. You can use it for talking with other people, listening to some
music, chatting, watching videos and movies, paying the bills, or even learn from it.
Smart phones are very popular and fashionable, expecially among young people.
However, it can be annoying for the parents, because they don’t spend enough time
with the family, and they might not do the homework or study for the tests. Although,
they can call the parents when they nedd help or when they are in trouble. But
teenagers usually use them to chatting with friends, listen to some music, and play
games. However, we can’t make sure if we are in safe with a smart phone. There are
many hackers in the world, who can stole money from your device, or or they can
listen your michrophone too. Otherwise, I have observed, when sometimes when we
speak about something, and after that I see an advertisement in the phone or in the
computer, it is about the thing that we spoke about. I think it is a bit terrifying and
strage. I don’t think, that they are coincidences. Moreover, you can get addicted to
your device. Some people play and chat on it at all the time, and they don’t spend
enough time in the real technilogyfree life. This case is similar with the computers,
although many people work on it in an office, or at home. You can find them in
banks, shops, hospitals, and in many places. In addition, if you are computer literate it
is very useful if you would like to find a new job. A computer stores datas, You can
also edit them, and you can save your documents in files. Anyway it can be used for
entertainment too. However, for a lot of applications, it is necessary to have internet
access. The internet has many advantages, like you can search for informations with
it, you can buy different products by online shopping, you can chat with other people
with it, and play online games. However, the internet has some drawbacks too. For
instance, a lot of information can be leaked about you, you can easily can get
addicted to it, and chatting with the people isn’t the similar, when we meet them face
to face. Anyway, TV is an entertaining device too, becasue you can see interesting
shows, films, news, and other TV programmes. Personally, I enjoy watching videos
on my mobile phone, and surfing on the internet. I used to play with computer games
a lot when I was younger, but I have gived it up, because I realised that I had spent
too much time in front of the computer or the phone screen.
In the modern society media has a big effect to our every day lives. For example the
TV and the newspaper or reading book. In my opinion, people prefer watching TV
than reading a book. It is true for me too. Wathing films, the news or other shows is
less demanding and tiring, than reading a story. I think newspapers are becoming less
popular nowadays, because you can inform the news from the internet. Because of
that we don’t buy newspapers, maybe we read the ones, that are free of charge, and
they are throwned to our mailbox. There are newspapers, which inform people about
the latest news, or about interesting scientific stories, and there are advertising
newspapers too. Anyway, there are local and national newspapers. In addition, they
pollute the environment very much, because we read it and just throw away, and in a
day there are many newspapers produced, and even we can read the same articele on
our phones. Returning to the TV, when you watch a film there are a lot of
advertisements during it. It can be very annoying when the film is interrupted at the
most exciting part, and there are advertisements instead of it, but the TV companies
have the most of their money from advertisements, are anyway it is very expensive to
see them on TV. However, advertisements greatly influence our decisions in a buying
situation, even if we don't think about it, but it is there under our awareness. To avoid
advertisements sometimes people buy DVDs. In a TV there are lots of types of
channels, for example film channels, news channels, documentary channels, kids
channels, music channels, comedy channels and several others. My favourite type of
film comedies and true stories, because during the film I can laught a lot. Anyway
one of my favourite films is…(lapon van). Anyway there are other medias, like radios
and cinemas. Rarely, we listen to the radio while going somewhere by car. I think
both the musics and the talkings can be interesing. However, I don’t often go to the
cinema. I haven’t been there for ages, but I don’t feel, like to go there, beacuse I can
watch films at home from TV too. It is true that a lot of peoplesay, that, in a cinema
there is a huge screen, and it can be watched with 3D glasses, but there can be
irritating viewers too, when they are speaking during the film, or eat their pop-corn