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Revised PG Scheme & Syllabus 09.02.2024 - Chemical Engineering

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Course of Study & Scheme of Examination 2024-25

Department of Chemical Engineering

Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology Bhopal
Scheme of Post Graduate Program (M.Tech in Chemical Engineering)

Programme Educational Objective (PEOs):

1. To prepare students for successful practice in diverse fields of chemical engineering such as

pharmaceuticals, chemicals, polymers / advanced materials, energy, biotechnology, and environmental

engineering and in the fields of societal expectations on time.

2. To prepare students for advanced studies in Chemical Engineering and its allied fields.

3. To ensure our students are recognized for excellence and leadership and selected for high-ranking

industrial, academic, government and other professional positions.

4. To develop students’ skills and awareness to become socially, ethically and morally responsible

individual in all the challenges they take over in our communities and in the field of chemical


Programme Outcomes (POs):

A post graduate shall develop

PO1: An ability to independently carry out research /investigation and development work to solve

practical problems

PO2: An ability to write and present a substantial technical report/document

PO3: The ability to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area as per the specialization of the

program. The mastery should be at a level higher than the requirements in the appropriate bachelor


M.Tech in Chemical Engineering

Scheme of Study (w.e.f. July 2024)

First Semester:

Course No. Subject Schemes of studies Total

periods per week Credits
CHE 511 Advanced Transport Phenomena 3 - - 3
CHE 512 Reaction Engineering and Catalysis 3 - - 3
CHE 513 Novel Separation Processes 3 - - 3
Department Elective - 1 3 - - 3
Department Elective - 2 3 - - 3
CHE 514 Software Lab - - 2 1
CHE 515 Advanced Fuels Processing Technology Lab - - 2 1
CHE 516 Seminar-I - - 2 1
CHE 517 Minor Project-1 (Self Learning) 2
Communication Skill
Total Hours: 21
Total Semester Credits 20
Total Credits: 20
Communication Skill will be an Audit Course of 2 credits which will not be counted in
SGPA/CGPA calculation

Second Semester:

Course No. Subject Schemes of studies Total

periods per week Credits
CHE 521 Thermodynamics of Chemical Processes 3 - - 3
CHE 522 Environmental Science and Technology 3 - - 3
Department Elective - 3 3 - - 3
Department Elective - 4 3 - - 3
Open Elective 3 - - 3
CHE 523 Advanced Chemical Engineering Lab - - 2 1
CHE 524 Modeling and Simulation Lab - - 2 1
CHE 525 Seminar-II - - 2 1
CHE 526 Minor Project-2 (Self Learning) 2
Total Hours: 21
Total Semester Credits 20
Total Credits: 40
Research Methodology should be included in Departmental Elective instead of core subject
Third Semester:

Course No. Subject Schemes of studies Total

periods per week Credits
CHE 611 Dissertation Phase-I - - 40 20
Total Hours:40
Total Semester Credits 20

Fourth Semester:

Course No. Subject Schemes of studies Total

periods per week Credits
CHE 621 Dissertation Phase-II - - 40 20
Total Hours: 40
Total Semester Credits 20
Total Credits: 80
M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

M.Tech in Chemical Engineering

List of Program Electives A List of Open Electives C

CHE531 Polymer Science & Technology ARP-581 Introduction to Urban Planning
CHE532 Nanotechnology BSE-581 Bioprocess Engineering
CHE533 Advanced Oil and Paint Technology BSE-582 Biophysics Tools and Techniques
CHE534 Pinch Technology CE-581 Solid Waste Management
CHE535 Advanced Fluid Dynamics CE-582 Basic Concept of GIS
CHE536 Advanced Process Dynamics and Control CE-583 Road Safety
CHE537 Petroleum Engineering & Technology CSE-581 Machine Learning
CHE538 Environmental Chemistry & Pollution CSE-582 Advanced Data Structures and
Acts Algorithms
CHE539 Industrial Catalysis PHY-581 Nanotechnology and Nanoscience
CHE540 Air and Noise Pollution Control EE-581 Electric Machines & Applications
CHE541 Advanced Environmental Biotechnology EE-582 Control and Instrumentation
CHE542 Corrosion Science & Engineering ECE-581 Introduction to Fuzzy Logic
CHE543 Solid Waste Management ECE-582 Neural Networks and its Applications
CHE544 Bioenergy & Biorefinery Engineering EC-581 Energy Resource Technologies
CHE545 Wastewater Treatment HUM-581 Intellectual Property Rights for
CHE546 Advance Heat & Mass transfer HUM-582 Applied Psychology: Human Centered
Design and Engineering
CHE547 Optimization Techniques MTH-581 Advanced Operations Research
CHE548 Energy Management in Process MTH-582 Computing Technologies
CHE549 Food Processing &Technology ME-581 Value Engineering
CHE550 Textile Technology ME-582 Design Thinking
CHE551 Multiphase Flow Modeling ME-583 Mechatronics and NDT in Engineering
CHE552 Paper and Pulp Technology MME-581 Advanced Instrumentation Methods for
Material Analysis
CHE553 Membrane Science and Technology MME-582 Smart Materials and their Application
CHE554 Economics and Management of Chemical MBA-581 Engineering Startup Management
CHE555 Fire Safety & Management
CHE556 Regulatory Procedures for Safety and Open Electives offered to Students of
Environment Other Departments
CHE557 Energy Resources & Utilization CHE-581: Environmental Modelling
CHE558 Modeling & Simulation of Engineering CHE-582: Green Technology & Processes
CHE559 Industrial Safety and Hazard

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

CHE560 Bioprocessing & Biochemical
CHE561 Research Methodology

M. Tech First Semester

Course Details

Name of program M.Tech

Semester 1 Semester
Year 1rd Year
Course Code/Title CHE 511 Advanced Transport Phenomena
Core/Elective/ Other Core

Graduate standing in Chemical Engineering or approval of the instructor.
A. Course Outcomes (COs):
1. Evaluate the similarities between the transport processes and the effect of properties of
the media on the overall process.
2. Apply the techniques for non-dimensionalized problems and construct the parameters
that govern the evolution of transport phenomena.
3. Develop the model of transport phenomena and obtain analytical or numerical solutions
of profiles of velocity, temperature, and concentration.
4. Develop and solve the model describing the combined effect of heat, mass and
momentum transport in a typical chemical engineering equipment

B. Course Objectives/Descriptions: The course aims to provide an in depth knowledge of

heat, mass and momentum transport that is necessary in assessing, analyzing and
developing typical chemical engineering and environmental technologies. The course
focuses on modeling momentum, heat & mass transfer processes using analytical and
numerical solutions of the partial differential equations of transport phenomena.
List of Text Books

1. Transport Phenomena ", R. Byron Bird, Warren E. Stewart and Edwin N Lightfoot,
2nd Edition, Wiley, 2001.
2. R. Brodkey and H. C. Hershey, Transport Phenomena – A Unified Approach, volume
1, McGrawHill Book Co., 2nd Edition, 1988
3. Momentum, Energy and Mass transfer in continua John C Slattery.
4. Advanced Transport Phenomena L. Gary Leal
5. C.J. Geankoplis, Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles, Prentics Hall
India Ltd., 4thedition, 2003

Recommended Books

Transport Phenomena ", R. Byron Bird, Warren E. Stewart and Edwin N Lightfoot,
2nd Edition, Wiley, 2001.
Lecture Plan:

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23


1-2 Summary of vector and tensor Notation, Vector operations from a
geometrical view point
3-4 Vector operation from an analytical view point, the vector differential
operations, second order tensors
6-7 Vector and tensor components in curvilinear coordinates

7-8 Differential operations in curvilinear coordinates

8-14 Momentum Transport: Viscosity the mechanism of momentum transport

Newton’s law of viscosity
15-19 Energy Transport: Thermal Conductivity, the Mechanism of Energy
Transport, Fourier’s Law of heat conduction
19-25 Mass Transport: Definition of concentrations, velocities and mass fluxes,
Fick’s law of diffusion,
26-29 theory of ordinary diffusion in gases at low density, theory of ordinary
diffusion in liquids
30-34 Turbulence Phenomena: Basic theory of turbulence, time averaging,
intensity and correlation coefficients
35-38 isotropic turbulence, Equations of continuity, motion and energy for
turbulent condition
39-40 Reynolds stresses, Phenomenological theories of turbulence
41-45 velocity profile in circular conduits, Convective Transport: Free and
forced convective heat transfer and mass transfer
45-48 interphase mass transport, mass transfer coefficients-individual and
overall, mass transfer theories-film, penetration and surface renewal
49-50 Macroscopic studies: momentum and heat balance equation
51-52 Kinetics energy calculation. Constant area and variable area flow
problems Flow through bends. Time determination for emptying of

Course Details

Name of program M.Tech

Semester Ist Semester
Year 1st Year
Course Code/Title CHE 512 Reaction Engineering and Catalysis
Core/Elective/ Other Core


Graduate standing in Chemical Engineering or approval of the instructor.

Description of Contents in brief: This course gives the knowledge of how to design industrial
Catalyst Information about various reactor designs for high-pressure reactions Catalyst
characterization with hand on practice.

Course Outcomes (COs):

1. Describe the algorithm that allows the student to solve chemical reaction engineering
problems through logic rather than memorization.

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

2. Size isothermal and non-isothermal reactors for homogeneous and heterogeneous

3. Analyze multiple reactions carried out both isothermally and non-isothermally in flow,
batch and semi batch reactors to determine Selectivity and yield.
4. Determine the reaction order and specific reaction rate from experimental data.
5. Describe the steps in a catalytic mechanism and how one goes about deriving a rate law,
mechanism, and rate-limiting step that are consistent with experimental data.

List of text Books:

1. Lee H. Heterogeneous Reactor Design, 1985.

2. Carberry J. J. and Verma A Chemical Reaction and Reactor Engineering.
3. Doraiswamy L. K. and Sharma M.M., Heterogeneous Reactions”, Vol. 1 and 2.
4. Gordon and Breach Three – Phase Catalytic Reactors.

List of Reference Books

1. Froment G. F. and Bischoff K. V. Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design, 3rd edition, 2010.
2. Jackobsen H. A.Chemical Reactor modeling: Multiphase Reactive Flows, 2nd edition.
3. Suresh S, Sundaramoorthy S, “Green Chemical Engineering: An introduction to Catalysis,
Kinetics and Chemical processes”, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, (ISBN:
9781466558830), pp. 1-530, 2015.

Lecture Plan


1-2 Solid Catalyst: Role of catalyst components and other constituents,
characterization of catalyst and its support.
3-5 Heterogeneous Catalysis: Mechanism and kinetic models of surface
6-9 Determination of kinetics parameters through experiments,

10-12 Analysis of complex reactions, synthesis of kinetic structure.

13-14 External and Internal Transport Processes: Effect of heat and mass
15-17 Internal effectiveness factor, generalized effectiveness factor, point
effectiveness, multiple reactions,
18-20 Transport criteria. Deactivation of Catalyst: Physical deactivation, surface
21-22 Sintering mechanism and kinetics, chemical deactivation-types and
kinetics, regeneration of catalyst.
23-25 Selectivity and Stability: Effect of transport processes and deactivation on
26-29 Stability of a single pellet Multiphase Reactions: Mass transfer
coefficients, effect of transport and global rates.
30-32 Design of Catalytic Reactors: Design and analysis of fixed bed reactors.
33-34 Auto thermic operation and Stability.
35-36 Fluidized bed reactors
37-38 Two phase and multiphase models.
39-45 Introduction to slurry reactors.
46-52 Introduction to trickle-bed reactors.

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

Course Details

Name of program M.Tech

Semester 1st Semester
Year 1st Year
Course Code/Title CHE 513 Novel Separation Processes
Core/Elective/ Other Core


Graduate standing in Chemical Engineering or approval of the instructor.

Course Outcomes (Cos):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
CO1: Explain different types of adsorptive separations and derive the equations for the
CO2: Develop design equations for membrane separation processes such as RO & UF.
CO3: Explain concepts of surfactant based separations.
CO4: Design separation system for the effective solution of intended problem.
CO5: Analyze the separation system for multi-component mixtures

Course Objectives/Descriptions: This course will introduce newer separation processes like,
membrane based techniques, chromatographic separation, super critical fluid extraction, etc.,
are gaining importance in modern days plants. The present course is designed to emphasize on
these novel separation processes and its control in chemical process industries. Learn the
fundamentals of adsorptive separations and modeling. Learn different membrane separation
technological processes and their design

List of Text Books:

1. B. K. Dutta, Mass Transfer and Separation Processes, PHI, 2007.
2. Separation Process Principles, 3rd edition Seader J. D. and Henley E. J.
3. Textbook of Separation Processes, Suresh S, Keshav

Reference Books
1. Water Purification by Ion-exchange, 1968 Arden T.V.
2. A Separation Processes, 2nd edition King C. J.

Lecture Plan
1-5 Limitations of common separation techniques, Sedimentation and
Filtration, Screening, Evaporation Distillation,, Absorption, Liquid-
liquid and solid-liquid extraction
6-15 Principles of membrane separation process and classification,
preparation of membrane and Characterization, Analysis of
membrane separation, Membrane modules and application,
Microfiltration, Ultrafiltration, Reverse Osmosis, Nanofiltration

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

16-30 Membrane characteristics and applications, Ion- selective

membranes and their application in electrolysis, Per vaporization
and gas separation using membranes, Liquid membrane and
Industrial applications, Liquid membrane separation, critical
31-44 Pressure swing adsorption, Freeze drying, Pervaporation and Gas
separation, Nano-separation, Foam and bubble separation principle
and classification, Foam and surfactants
45-54 Separation techniques, Column Separations, Multi-component
separation, Electrophoresis, desalting by freezing, centrifugation,
Zone melting and Zone refining

Course Details

Name of program M.Tech

Semester Ist Semester
Year 1st Year
Course Code/Title CHE 514 Software Lab
Core/Elective/ Other Lab

Graduate standing in Chemical Engineering or approval of the instructor.

Course Outcomes (Cos):

At the end of the laboratory course, the students will be able to:
CO1. Knowledge and understanding
- Have a clear understanding of principle and techniques of simulation methods informed by
research direction.
CO2. Cognitive skills (thinking and analysis)
- Be able to describe the components of continuous and discrete systems and simulate them
- Be able to model any system from different fields
CO3. Communication skills (personal and academic).
- Know how to simulate any discrete system using queuing systems
- Be able to work effectively with others
CO4. Practical skills
-Use a range of commercial software packages to construct, verify and validate models of the
given systems
List of Experiments:

S. No. Objective
1. SCILAB Introduction, Matrix formation
2. Polynomial Equation Solution and Graph Plotting
3. Linear & Non linear Simultaneous Equation Solution
4. Ordinary Differential Equation
5. Partial Differential Equation
6. Finite difference and Finite Element method
7. Introduction to OpenFOAM
8. Mesh generation
9. Boundary Conditions
10. Introduction to DWSIM

Course Details

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

Name of program M.Tech

Semester Ist Semester
Year 1st Year
Course Code/Title CHE 515: Advanced Fuels Processing Technology
Core/Elective/ Other Lab

Graduate standing in Chemical Engineering or approval of the instructor.

Course education objective: To demonstrate the concepts of Fuel processing and technology
through experiments

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1: Verify the performance of fuel technology through properties
CO2: Evaluate various properties of fuels like viscosity, flash and fire point
CO3: Determine calorific-value of fuels

Atleast 10 experiments are to be conducted

1. Bomb Calorimeter Apparatus

2. Boys Calorimeter Apparatus
3. Orsat Gas Analyser
4. Proximate Analysis
5. Carbon & Sulphur Apparatus
6. Ultimate Analysis
7. Penetrometer
8. Pensky Marten Closed Flash Point
9. Carbon Residue of a liquid fuel
10. Flash & Fire points by Cleveland Cup Apparatus
11. Single Distillation unit
12. Dean & Stark Apparatus
13. Cloud and Pour Point Tester
14. Aniline Point Apparatus
15. Smoke Point Apparatus
16. Burning Test lamp
17. Dropping Point of lubricating Grease
18. Vapor Pressure through Reid Method
19. Viscosity by Redwood viscometer
20. Octane & Cetane numbers
21. Melting Point of Solid
22. Titrator
23. Oil & Grease
24. Soxhlet Apparatus

Lab manual
Course Details

Name of program M.Tech

Semester Ist Semester
Year 1st Year

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

Course Code/Title CHE 516: Seminar-1

Core/Elective/ Other Lab


Graduate standing in Chemical Engineering or approval of the instructor.

Course Objectives/Descriptions:
The objective of this course is to formulate the new ideas for any engineering problem.

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course the students will be able to:
CO1: Identify the society problem
CO2: Present the new ideas to solve those problems.

Course Details

Name of program M.Tech

Semester Ist Semester
Year 1st Year
Course Code/Title CHE 517: Minor Project-1 (Self Learning)
Core/Elective/ Other Lab

*Communication Skill will be an Audit Course of 2 credits which will not be counted in
SGPA/CGPA calculation

Course Details

Name of program M.Tech

Semester Ist Semester
Year 1st Year
Course Code/Title *HUM 511 Communication Skill
Core/Elective/ Other Core

1. In order to succeed in this course, the students should have basic knowledge of English
language skills and sub-skills
2. They should have previous knowledge in soft skills and communication and should be
able to comprehend advanced technical communication skills in English
3. The students should also have the ability to adapt to multifarious socio-economical and
professional arenas and analyze communicative environments
Course Outcomes:
1. On successful completion of this course, postgraduate students will be able to improve
their technical communication skills related to listening, Speaking, reading, writing.
2. The students will be able to organize, comprehend, write, and present short and long
forms of any technical work within the broad framework of the scientific method
3. They will also be able to adhere to ethical norms of scientific communication.
Description of Contents in brief:
1. Unit I: Scientific Method and its Relationship to Technical Communication
Basics of technical communication, Formulation of hypothesis, Paragraph organisation,
Argument development, Evidence and elaboration
2. Unit II: Listening and Reading Skills

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

Note taking, Survey of literature, Different reading strategies

3. Unit III: Writing Skills
Report writing, Peer review skills, Summary and abstract writing, Bibliography and
references, Data Analysis and Presentation, Visual communication
4. Unit IV: Speaking Skills
Elevator pitch, Oral presentation, Slides for presentation, Group discussions, Interview

5. Unit V: Ethics in Communication

Ethics in education and research, Copyrights and plagiarism, Authorship, Gender and
diversity, Net etiquettes and workplace communication
List of Text Books:
1. Arora, V.N., and Lakshmi Chandra. Improve your Writing. 1981. New Delhi: Oxford UP,
2. Graff Gerald, and Birkenstein Cathy. “They Say I Say”-The Moves That Matter in Academic
Writing. W.W.Norton and Company. Fourth edition. 2018
3. Lesikar, Raymond V and Marie E. Flatley. Basic Business Communication: Skills for
Empowering the Internet Generation: Ninth Edition. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Company Ltd., 2002.
List of Reference Books:
1. Graff Gerald, and Birkenstein Cathy. “They Say I Say”-The Moves That Matter in Academic
Writing. W.W.Norton and Company. Fourth edition. 2018
2. Kumar Sanjay, and LataPushp. Communication Skills. 2011. Oxford University Press, 2015
3. Raman Meenakshi, and Sharma Sangeeta. Technical Communication: Principles and
Practice. 2015. Oxford University Press, 2015

1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/109/105/109105110
2. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/109/105/109105117
3. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/109/104/109104115
Lecture Plan (about 40-50 Lectures):
Lecture No. Topic
1-2 Basics of technical communication
3 Formulation of hypothesis
4-5 Paragraph organization
6 Argument development
7 Evidence and elaboration
8 Note taking
9-10 Survey of literature
11 Different reading strategies
12-13 Report writing
14-16 Peer review skills
17-18 Summary and abstract writing
19-20 Bibliography and references
21-25 Data Analysis and Presentation
26-27 Visual communication
28 Elevator pitch
29-33 Oral presentation
34 Slides for presentation
35-37 Group discussions
38-40 Interview skills

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

41 Ethics in education and research

42-43 Copyrights and plagiarism
44 Authorship
45 Gender and diversity
46 Net etiquettes
47- 48 workplace communication

M. Tech II Semester
Course Details
Name of program M.Tech
Semester II Semester
Year 1st Year
Course Code/Title CHE 521 Thermodynamics of Chemical Processes
Core/Elective/ Other Core


Graduate standing in Chemical Engineering or approval of the instructor.

Course Outcomes (COs):
CO1: Describe the basic concepts (system, surrounding, point function, path function and
different types of processes etc.,)
CO2: Formulate the relationship between different thermodynamic parameters for
different processes
CO3:Solve problems involving various thermodynamic power cycles
CO4: Evaluate the thermodynamic properties (Such as Partial molar properties, Fugacity
coefficients, activity coefficients etc.) of pure fluid and fluid mixtures
CO5: Predict equilibrium composition of mixtures under phase and chemical-reaction

Description of Contents in brief:

After completion of this course: The students will be able to introduce fundamental principles of
energy conservation for non-reactive and reactive systems and surrounding

List of Text Books:

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

1. Introduction to Engineering Thermodynamics, 7th edition, J. Smith and Van Ness.

2. Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Rao Y.V.C.
3. Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 1994 B. F. Dodge
4. Chemical and engineering Thermodynamics Stanley Sandler
List of Reference Books:
1. Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 1994 B. F. Dodge

Lecture Plan

1-10 FundamentalConceptsandDefinitions.PVTrelationships.FirstlawofThermodynamic
11-25 Application of law to different processes in closed systems. Second Law of
Thermodynamics. Physical meaning of entropy. T-S diagrams.

26-35 Relationsamongthermodynamicproperties.Thermodynamicfunctionsintermsofmea

36-45 Thermodynamics of flow processes. Application of first law to flow processes.

Power and Refrigeration Cycles.

45-56 Single Component Systems. Multicomponent Systems. Phase Equilibria.

Thermodynamics of Electrolytes. Statistical Thermodynamics.

Course Details

Name of program M.Tech

Semester II Semester
Year I Year
Course Code/Title CHE 522 Environmental Science and
Core/Elective/ Other Core

Graduate standing in Chemical Engineering or approval of the instructor.

Course Outcomes (COs):

CO1. Analyse and industrial activity and identify the environmental problems
CO2. Plan strategies to control and reduce pollution
CO3. Select the most appropriate technique to control and treat industrial pollution
CO4. Apply environmental management systems (EMS) to an industrial activity
Course Objectives/Descriptions:

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

This is a specialize course to elucidate the latest developments in environmental science and
practices to mitigate contaminations and hazards for betterment of the mother nature. Selected
case studies are chosen to reinforce key concepts and issues. The course concludes with a brief
discussion on pollution issues in small-scale industries and industrial estate planning. The
course introduces various concepts of water efficiency and waste minimization in industrial
sectors. Characterization and classification of different types of wastes are discussed along with
existing norms for waste disposal. Treatment methods of specific pollutant arising out of
industrial process are explained

List of Text Books:

1. Industrial Pollution Control: Issues and Techniques, 2nd edition Nancy J. Sell
2. Principles of Environmental Engineering & Science Mackenzie L. Davis &
Susan J.
Masten , McGraw Hill
3. Environmental Pollution Control Engineering CS Rao, Wiley Eastern

Reference Books
1. Environmental Engineering – A Design Approach Arcadio P. Sincero
and Gregoria

Lecture Plan:
1-3 Basics of Environmental Science & Technology, Environmental chemistry
4-12 Introduction and Water Quality Standards and Guidelines, Health Impacts
of various water quality parameters, Preliminary treatment processes,
Introduction to design of treatment plants, Theories of Sedimentation,
Coagulation and Flocculation, Filtration and Filtration mechanisms,
Disinfection and its mechanisms, Specific Treatment Processes such as
Aeration, Adsorption and Water Softening
13-40 Air pollution: Sources of Air Pollution, Classification of Air Pollutants,
Effects of Various Air Pollutants on human, Particulate Control
Technologies, Gravitational Settling Chambers, Cyclone Separators, Fabric
Filters- Mechanism, design aspects, operational troubles, Characteristics
of Fibre’s Electrostatic Precipitators- Principle, Construction , Types,
Advantages, Disadvantages, Factors affecting collection efficiency of ESPs,
Scrubbers- Mechanism, Types, Spray Tower, Venturi Scrubber, Absorption
of Gaseous Emissions, Design Considerations, Tower Diameter, Tower
Height, Adsorption of Gaseous Pollutants, Air Pollution Control by
Combustion, Direct combustion, Thermal Incineration, Fluidized Bed
Incineration, Liquid Injection Incinerators, Rotary Kilns, Catalytic
Combustion, Control of Sulphur Dioxide Emissions , Coal Gasification ,
Fluidized bed combustion, Flue Gas Desulphurization , Emission control of
Nitrogen Oxides, Biological treatments for air pollution treatment
41-50 Solid wastes: Introduction to solid and hazardous wastes, classification of
solid wastes, Treatment methods for solid waste disposal, Advanced
technologies for solid waste treatments, Biological methods for solid
waste treatments, Solid waste recycle and reuse

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

50-55 Sustainable Development, Ethics and Global Environmental Issues,

Policies and technologies to treat global issues (Climate change, Global
warming, Acid rain, Ozone depletion etc.)
56-60 Environmental legislation and auditing

Course Details
Name of program M.Tech
Semester II Semester
Year 1st Year
Course Code/Title CHE 523 Advanced Chemical Engineering Lab
Core/Elective/ Other Lab


Graduate standing in Chemical Engineering or approval of the instructor.

Lab Description:

1. Determination of organic compounds using HPLC

2. Determination of heavy metals using AAS
3. Determination of microstructure using SEM
4. Determination of pollutant concentration using UV Spectro-photometer & other.
5. Determination of gas concentration through GC-MS.
6. Determination functional group through FTIR.
7. Surface area through BET analyser.
8. Crystallinity through XRD.
9. AFM

Course Details
Name of program M.Tech
Semester II Semester
Year 1st Year
Course Code/Title CHE 524 Modeling and Simulation Lab
Core/Elective/ Other Lab

Graduate standing in Chemical Engineering or approval of the instructor.

Course Outcomes (Cos):

At the end of the laboratory course, the students will be able to:
CO1. Identify different material and energy stream in process
CO2. Analyze different reactions involving in reactor
CO3. Simulate heat exchanger, adsorption column and distillation column
CO4. Design complex flowsheet involving separation

List of Experiments:
S. No. Objective
1. Mixing & Splitting of different streams
2. Generation of VLE data of binary component system

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

3. Determination of equilibrium conversion of multiple reversible reactions

4. Simulation of an CSTR for liquid phase reaction
5. Simulation of Heterogenous catalytic reaction
6. Simulation of adsorption column
7. Simulation of a flash column
8. Simulation of a distillation column
9. Detailed simulation of heat exchanger
10. Extractive distillation for the separation of CO2 and ethane

Course Details

Name of program M.Tech

Semester II Semester
Year 1st Year
Course Code/Title CHE 525 Seminar-II
Core/Elective/ Other Other


Graduate standing in Chemical Engineering or approval of the instructor.

Course Objectives/Descriptions: After completion of this course:

The objective of this course is to formulate the new ideas for any engineering problem.

Course Outcomes (COs):

After the completion of this course the students will be able to:

CO1: Identify the society problem

CO2: Present the new ideas to solve engineering problems.

Course Details

Name of program M.Tech

Semester II Semester
Year 1st Year
Course Code/Title CHE 526 Minor Project-2 (Self Learning)
Core/Elective/ Other Other

M. Tech III Semester

Course Details

Name of program M.Tech

Semester III Semester
Year 2nd Year
Course Code/Title CHE 611 Dissertation Phase-I

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

Core/Elective/ Other Other

M. Tech IV Semester
Course Details

Name of program M.Tech

Semester IV Semester
Year 2nd Year
Course Code/Title CHE 612 Dissertation Phase-II
Core/Elective/ Other Other

Electives A

Course Details:

Name of Course Polymer Science & Technology

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

Course Code/Title CHE 531

Core/Elective/Other Elective (A)
1. Chemical process calculations
2. Basic knowledge of chemistry
3. Chemical reaction engineering
Course Outcomes:
1. Explain the basic methodologies in synthesis and characterization of various polymers

2. Knowledge of application-based modifications in polymers

3. Problems identify and resolved in polymers industry

Description of Contents in Brief:

1. Chemistry of polymeric reaction, poly-condensation, addition free radical and chain
polymerization, copolymerization, block and graft polymerizations

2. Kinetics of polymerization, kinetics of radial, chain and ionic polymerization and co-
polymerization systems.

3. Molecular weight, number average and weight average, theoretical distributions,

methods for the estimation of molecular weight.

4. Process of polymerisations, Thermoplastic composites, fibre reinforcement fillers,

surface treatment, reinforced thermoset composites-resins, fibers additives, fabrication

5. Rheological studies.

List of Text Books:

1. Polymer Science By V.R. Gowariker, N.V. Viswanathan, Jayadev Sreedhar
2. Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering By Anil Kumar and Rakesh Gupta
3. Textbook of Polymer Science By Fred W. Billmeyer Jr
List of Reference Books:
1. Polymer Science and Technology By Joel R. Fried
2. Polymer Science and Technology of plastics and rubber by Ghosh P
3. Principle of polymer processing by Tadmor Z., Gagos C.G.

1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/113105028/
Lecture Plan (about 40 – 50 Lectures):
Lecture Topic Hours
1. Basic concepts on polymers 02
2. Polymer raw materials, Polymerization principles and processes (step, 05
chain and other polymerizations, polymer kinetics).
3. Polymerization techniques, Polymer manufacture (unit operations, 05
polymer reactors, polymer isolation, handling and storage)
4. Polymer structure and property 03
5. Polymer characterization, Polymer testing (sample preparation, testing 05
standards and methods, analysis of polymer and additives).

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

6. Synthetic Fibers and Plastics 05

7. Multicomponent polymeric materials (polymer miscibility, polymer 05
blends and alloys, filled plastics, polymer composites),
8. Polymer compounding and fabrication (polymer additives, Compounding 04
processes, fabrication techniques, post fabrication operations)
9. Rheological studies of polymers 02
10. Polymer applications: Biodegradable polymers, biomedical polymers, 04
conducting polymers,
11. Problems with polymers (thermo oxidative degradation, fire hazards, 05
toxicity, effluent disposal, feedstock scarcity).
Total contact Hours 45

Course Details

Name of Course Nanotechnology

Course Code CHE 532
Core/Elective/ Other Elective (A)


Graduate standing in Chemical or Energy or Petroleum Engineering or approval of the


Course Outcomes:
After completion of this course the student would be able
1. This course provides the nano engineering aspects for chemical engineers.
2. The structure of the course covers both theory and problems.
3. An easy procedure is defined in the form of diagram that gives meaningful estimation of the
properties and synthesis of nanomaterial for various applications.

Course Objective:
This course will introduce basic knowledge of nanotechnology application in Chemical Engineering.
The content of the course explain about the various introductive of nanotechnology subjects and the
recent development of nanotechnologies used in the chemical process industries. It provides the
importance of Chemical engineers which can contribute to society especially as chemical engineers
in the world.
List of Text Books
1. Jean-Marie Lehn, Supramolecular Chemistry, 2011.
2. Jonathan Steed & Jerry Atwood, Supramolecular Chemistry, 2nd edition.
3. Jacob Israelachvil, Intermolecular and Surface Forces, 3rd edition.
Recommended Books
Jacob Israelachvil, Intermolecular and Surface Forces, 3rd edition.

Lecture Plan:

Topics Number of Lectures

Supramolecular Chemistry
Definition and examples of the main intermolecular forces
Used in supramolecular chemistry.
Self-assembly processes in organic systems

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

Main supramolecular structures.

Physical Chemistry of Nanomaterials
Basics of nanomaterials; a series of nanomaterials
Methods of Synthesis of Nanometerials
Equipment and processes needed to fabricate Nano devices 05
Structures such as bio-chips, power devices 04
Opto-electronic structures 03
Bottom-up (building from molecular level) 03
Top-down (breakdown of microcrystalline materials) approaches. 03
Biologically-Inspired nanotechnology basic biological concepts
Principles that may lead to the development of technologies for Nano
engineering systems.
Coverage will be given to how life has evolved sophisticatedly
Molecular nanoscale engineered devices, 04
Nanoscale biotechnologies 04
Instrumentation for nanoscale characterization. 04
Instrumentation required for characterization of properties on the 03
nanometer scale.
The measurable properties and resolution limits of each technique 03
With an emphasis on measurements in the nanometer range. 04
Total Lecture 51

Course Plan

Name of Course Advance Oil and Paint Technology

Course Code CHE 533
Core/Elective/ Other Elective (A)

Course Outcomes (COs):

After completion of this course the student would be able
CO1: Be globally competent in the field of oil, pigments, resins, paints and additives processing
and allied areas to cater the need of country.
CO2: Develop innovative designs, production of materials and processes for sustainable
development of society.
CO3: Serve the industry to meet the challenges in terms of quality assurance and
standardization to withstand the global competitiveness.
CO4: Discharge duties with professional attitudes and ethics.

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

Course Objectives/Descriptions: This course mainly deals with application of knowledge gain
by students in fluid mechanics, heat transfer and mass transfer. This subject also covers the
topic which shows the similarity between fluid mechanics, heat transfer and mass transfer.
List of Text Books
1. Bailey‘s Industrial Oil and Fat Products, 6th edition, Feireidoon Shahidi
2. Oils & fats Technology, 1973 E. Bernardini
3. Outlines of Paint Technology, 3rd edition, 1990 W.M.Morgan
4. Basics of Paint Technology, Part I & II V.C.Malshe&MeenalSikchi.

Recommended Books
Outlines of Paint Technology, 3rd edition, 1990 W.M.Morgan

Lecture Plan

Lecture No. Topics Number of

1 Chemistry of Oils, Fats and Fatty Acids
2 Glycerides, Fatty Acids
3 Non Glyceride Components of Oils & Fats 05
4 Chemical Reactions of Fats and Fatty Acids
5 Coconut, cotton seed, peanut, palm, sunflower, sesame, softlower,
rice fran, rapeseed and mustard seed, linseed 10
9 Soyabean, tung, casteroil lard and tallow. Minor Oils: Neem Oil and 06
Salfat. Mechanical expression of oils
10 Solvent extraction of oilseed and oil-bearing material, Fat splitting 03
11 Degumming, alkali refining (batch refining), Miscella refining 03
12 Refining loses, Bleaching by absorption, continuous bleaching 04
13 Hydrogenation : Mechanism selectivity as applied to the reaction 04
and catalysis
14 Hydrogenation, preparation of Raney Nickel catalyst, Soap
manufacture 04
15 Raw materials required, selection of raw materials – full boiled
16 Nutritional functions of fats,
17 Testing and important analysis of oils and fats in determining the 05
quality and quantity of oils / fats and oilseed

18 Testing and important analysis of oils and fats in determining the 06

quality and quantity of oils / fats and oilseed moisture, oil content,
F.F.A., protein content, color of the raw / refined oil.
Lecture Plan 50

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

Course Plan

Name of Course Pinch Technology

Course Code/Title CHE 534
Core/Elective/Other Elective (A)
1. Knowledge of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
2. Calculation of Energy balance for process
3. Knowledge of Heat Transfer
Course Outcomes:
1. Understand of the fundamentals of process integration.
2. Perform pinch analysis.
3. Analyze and design heat exchanger networks
Description of Contents in Brief:
1. Pinch Location and significance of pinch
2. Targeting: Heat exchanger networks, energy targeting, area targeting, unit targeting,
shell targeting, cost targeting
3. Pinch Methodology
4. Pinch Design and Optimization - Flexibility criteria of the pinch, cp table, the tick of
5. Energy and Resource Analysis of various processes and Mass Exchange Network
List of Text Books:
1. User Guide on Process Integration for the efficient use of Energy D.W. Linnhoff et al.
2. Pinch Analysis and Process Integration by I. C. Kemp
3. Chemical Process Design and Integration by R. Smith
List of Reference Books:
1. Chemical Process Synthesis and Engineering Design Anil Kumar,
2. Heat Exchanger network synthesis by V. Uday Shenoy
3. Conceptual Design of Chemical Process James M. Douglas
1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/103107094
2. https://pinch-analyse.ch/en/pinch
3. https://freevideolectures.com/course/3211/process-design-decisions-and-project-
Lecture Plan (about 40 – 50 Lectures):
Lecture Topic Hours
1. Pinch analysis, History, Concepts of process synthesis 03
2. Key concepts of Pinch analysis: Heat recovery & heat exchange, 03
3. Heat Exchanger network design, Implications, Methodology 03
4. Data extraction, Case study, Energy Targeting, 04
5. Multiple utilities, Advance energy targeting, Targeting heat exchange 04
units area and shells,

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

6. Super targeting – Cost targeting for optimal difference in temperature, 04

case study
7. Heat Exchanger equipment, Stream splitting and cyclic matching 04
8. Network relaxation, complex design, multiple pinches and near pinches, 05
retrofit design, operability, case study
9. calculating energy targets, heat exchanger network design, 05
10. rescheduling, debottlenecking, time dependent applications 03
11. Temperature interval diagram, Heuristic approach & PDM, weighted 02
flow rate specific heat method ((WFCPM), Tree searching
12. Applying the Technology in Practice and Case Studies: Introduction, 05
crude preheat train, aromatics plant, Evaporation plants, organic
chemicals manufacturing site
Total Contact Hours 45

Course Details:
Name of Course Advanced Fluid Dynamics
Course Code CHE 535
Core/Elective/ Other Elective (A)

Graduate standing in Chemical or Energy or Civil Engineering or approval of the
Course Outcomes:
After completion of this course the student would be able
1. This course provides the fluid dynamics engineering aspects for chemical engineers.
2. The structure of the course covers both theory and problems.
3. An easy procedure is defined in the form of diagram that gives meaningful estimation of the
properties of fluid and solution of equation for various applications.
Course Objective:

This course will introduce knowledge of advancement of fluid mechanics in Chemical

Engineering. The content of the course explains about the various introductive of fluid transfer
subjects and the recent development of fluid mechanics used in the chemical process industries.
It provides the importance of Chemical engineers which can contribute to society especially as
chemical engineers in the world.

List of Text Books:

1. R.W. Fox, A.T. Mc Donald, P.J Pritchard, Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, 2009.
2. J.G. Knudsen and D.L. Katz, Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer, 2nd edition.
3. R.B. Bird, W.E Stewart and E.N. Lightfoot Transport Phenomena, 2nd edition.
4. L. G. Leal, Advanced Transport Phenomena, Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Reference Books

L. G. Leal, Advanced Transport Phenomena, Cambridge University Press, 2007.

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

Number of Topics
2 Fluid as continuum, Fluid Properties (Surface tension and viscosity) and
multiphase flow
2 Kinematics: Motion, streamlines, pathlines and streaklines
1 Integral form for a Control Volume- Reynolds Transport theorem
2 Continuity equation in Cartesian, Cylindrical and spherical coordinates
2 Momentum equation for Newtonian fluids in Cartesian coordinates
3 Incompressible inviscid flow - Eulers equation, principles of rotational
and irrotational flow, velocity potential, Bernoulli’s equation
3 Laplace equations, stream function, vorticity, Cauchy – Rieman equation
2 Incompressible viscid flow - Stokes law of viscosity, Navier-stokes
equation, creeping flow around a solid sphere, expression for total drag
03 Analytical solutions for simple two dimensional incompressible,
irrotational fluid flows: flow along two inclined plates, point source or
sink in an infinite fluid
03 Turbulent flow: Transition to turbulence
01 Prandtl's mixing length,
01 Turbulence models. Boundary layer on immersed bodies,
01 Two-dimensional boundary layer equation,
02 laminar boundary layer on flat plate (Blasius‟ exact solution)

1 Von-Karmann’s integral momentum equation

1 Boundary layer separation flow and pressure drag
03 Flow of compressible fluids, thermodynamic considerations
03 Continuity and momentum equation for one dimensional compressible
03 One dimensional normal shock, flow through fluidized beds
03 Navier-Stokes equation and various approaches of simulation (stream
velocity, primitive variable).
01 Introduction to micro/nanofluidic
03 Introduction of Software –COMSOL and ANSYS
03 Velocity measurement instruments-PIV, Radioactive particle tracking,
Laser Doppler anemometry
49 Total Lectures

Course Details:
Name of Course Advanced Process Dynamics and Control
Course Code CHE 536

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

Core/Elective/ Other Elective (A)


Graduate standing in Chemical or Electrical or Control or Petroleum Engineering or

approval of the instructor.

Course Outcomes (COs)

After the successful completion of the course the students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate fundamental understanding of process control.

2. Develop the mathematical model of various chemical processes.
3. Explain different control modes and their application in controlling various processes.
4. Explain the working of electric, hydraulic and pneumatic controllers.
5. demonstrate the working and application of different type of actuators and control

Description of Contents in brief: This course introduces (1) Process dynamics and various
forms of mathematical models to express them, including differential equations, Laplace
transfer functions, and frequency response plots, and (2) Analysis and design of advanced
control systems(3)Control system design for MIMO system and Design of digital controllers.

List of Text Books:

1. Process Systems Analysis and Control, D. R. Coughanour-McGrawHill

2. Chemical Process Control, G. Stephanopoulos-PHI
3. Process Dynamics and Control, Seborg D. E., Edgar T. F., Mellichamp D. A.-John Willey
and Sons
4. Johnson, C.D., Process Control Instrumentation Technology, Prentice Hall of India
Private Limited (1992).
5. 2. Process Dynamics and Control, 3rd edition 2010 D.E. Seborg, T.F. Edger, and D.A.
6. Principle and Practice of Automatic Process Control, 2003 C.A. Smith and A.B. Corripio
7. Process Modelling Simulation and Control for Chemical Engineers, 1990 W.L .Luyben
List of Reference Books:

1. Harriot, P., Process Control, Tata McGraw Hill (1982).

2. Liptak, B.G., Instrument Engineers Handbook, Butterworth, Heinemann (2002).
3. Seborg, D.E. and Edgar, T., Process Dynamics and Control, John Wiley and Sons (1989).


Lecture Plan


1-5 Review of Systems: Review of first and higher order systems, closed and
open loop response. Response to step, impulse and sinusoidal
6-8 Closed-Loop Systems-First and Higher order systems, response to various
inputs. Linear Closed-Loop Systems.
9-11 Controllers and Final Control Elements. Control Valve – Valve Sizing, Valve
12-15 Stability and Frequency response-Routh Hurwitz method, Root locus

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

16-21 Frequency response, design of control system, Bode diagrams, Bode

stability criterion, Zigler-Nichols and Cohen-Coon tuning methods,
Process Identification
22-29 Advanced Control Systems-Feedback- control of systems with Large Dead
Time, Feed-forward and Ratio Control, Adaptive and Inferential Control
30-35 Multi-loop and Multivariable Control-Control Loop Interactions
36-41 Bristol’s Relative Gain Array Method, Singular Value Analysis.
42-45 Sampled data control systems: Sampling Continuous Signals, Basic review
of z-Transforms,
46-52 Discrete-Time response of dynamic system, Design of digital controllers.

Course Details:
Name of course Petroleum Engineering & Technology
Course Code CHE 537
Core/Elective/ Other Elective (A)

Graduate standing in Chemical or Energy or Civil Engineering or approval of the
Description of Contents in brief: After completion of this course: The students will be able to
apply knowledge in theoretical basics of petroleum refining processes for professional activity
and education work. To help the students understand the instrumentation and applications of
analytical equipments used in industries for testing the quality of petroleum, intermediates and
Course Outcomes (Cos):
At the end of the course student will know
CO1: Fundamentals of petroleum refining
CO2: Types of energy resources, fundamentals of crude oil treatment and natural gas
CO3: Recognize the distillation processes.
CO4: Design and Developed property evaluation data for optimization of petroleum and
petrochemical processes.
CO5: Learn the refinery products, test methods and petroleum properties.

List of Text Books:

1. W.L. Nelson, Petroleum Refinery Engineering, 1958.
2. B. K. Bhaskara Rao, Modern Petroleum Refining Processes, 5thedition, 2007.
3. G. D. Hobson and W. Pohl,Modern Petroleum Technology, 1973.
4. R. A. Meyers,Hand book of Petroleum Refining Processes, 3rdedition, 2003.

Lecture Plan:
1-5 Primary Processing of Crude Oil, Physical Properties and
classification of crude oil,
6-15 Overall Refinery Flow, Separation Processes –Distillation of Crude
Oil- Atmospheric distillation and Vacuum distillation
16-30 Secondary Processing of Crude Oil- Thermal Conversion
Processes-Visbreaking, Coking, Catalytic Conversion Processes 1:

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

Catalytic Cracking and Hydrocracking

31-44 Catalytic Conversion Processes 2 – Catalytic Reforming,
Alkylation, Polymerization, and Isomerization, Finishing
Processes: Hydrotreating and Blending, Supporting Processes,
45-54 Past and Future of Petroleum Refining, Treatment Techniques:
Treatment techniques for removal of gases, Odours, to improve
performance, Storage stability, Extraction of aromatics, Olefins
and recovery operations from petroleum products

Course Details:

Name of Course Environmental Chemistry & Pollution Acts

Course Code/Title CHE 538
Core/Elective/Other Elective (A)
Course Objective:
To understand the basic mechanisms of environmental issues and provide an
overview of environmental legislation and acts
Course Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to
1. Apply the concepts and methods of ecological and physical sciences in environmental
problem solving
2. comprehend the environmental legislation, environmental policies of the country and
of the international environmental conventions and protocols
3. examine the environmental regulations applicable to the industry and other
organizations with significant environmental aspects
4. estimate the environmental requirements applicable to the environmental impact
assessment, and about the environmental clearance process of developmental projects
List of Text Books:
1. Sawyer CN, McCarty PL and Parkin GF, Chemistry for Environmental Engineering and
Science, McGraw Hill (2003).
2. Canter L W., Environmental Impact Assessment, McGraw Hill International Edition,
Second Edition (1996).
3. Jain R and Clark A, Environmental Technology Assessment and Policy; Ellis Harwood
List of Reference Books:
1. EIA notification, Gazette Notification: SO 1533 dated 14-09-2006; MOEF. GOI (2006).
2. EIA compendium notification, MOEF&CC.
1. CPCB, Pollution Control Law Series - PCL/2/2001; Central Pollution Control Board
(http://envfor.nic.in/cpcb/cpcb.html) (2001).
Lecture Plan (about 40 – 50 Lectures):
Lecture Topic Hours

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

1. Introduction to Environmental Systems: Definitions, principles and 03

scope; Physico-chemical and biological factors of Environment;
2. Material balance in ecosystem; Laws of thermodynamics and their 04
relevance to ecological systems
3. Environmental Chemistry: Stoichiometry in nature; Gibb’s energy; 05
Chemical potential, equilibria and reactions in nature; Water
chemistry, solubility, carbonate system;
4. Chemical speciation in air; Chemical processes for formation of 04
inorganic and organic particulate matter; Thermo and
photochemical reactions of atmosphere;
5. Oxygen and ozone chemistry; Photochemical smog, hydrocarbons, 04
free-radicals and radionuclides; Soil chemistry; Biogeochemistry in
6. Overview of Environmental Legislation: Overview of Indian 04
environmental law and policy; International Conventions and
Protocols on Environmental Protection;
7. Central and State Pollution control boards, MoEFCC - Powers, 05
functions and Procedures; National Green Tribunal.
8. Provisions of Various ACTs: The Water (Prevention and Control of 04
Pollution) Act 1974 and Amendments;
9. The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 and 03
Amendments, Environmental Protection Act 1986 and Amendments;
10. Environmental Impact Assessment: Objectives and scope of EIA; EIA 04
process flow chart; Environmental feasibility analysis; Baseline
studies; and environmental data collection; Methods of Impact
analysis- checklists,
11. Environmental clearance process - Screening; scoping; public 05
consultation and appraisal. Provisions relating to Environmental
clearance: Environmental sampling, analysis and reporting of
results; Environmental standards.
Total contact Hours 45

Course Details:
Name of Course Industrial Catalysis
Course Code CHE 539
Core/Elective/ Other Elective (A)
Graduate standing in Chemical or Energy or Civil Engineering or approval of the

Course Outcomes (COs)

At the end of the course, students will:
1. Able to determine physical properties of catalytic materials such as pore radius and surface
area from experimental data,
2. Develop and use LHHW heterogeneous reaction kinetic models from experimental data,
3. Describe how catalytic materials are prepared,
4. Describe the chemical and catalytic properties of zeolites,
5. Able to determine effectiveness factors for catalytic reactions under specific conditions,
6. Explain the fundamental possessing aspects of at least one commercially important catalytic

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

Description of Contents in brief: This course is designed to understand engineering aspects of

domestic and industrial wastewater treatment. The emphasis in this course will be the modern
method of treatment of wastewater.
List of Text Books:
1. Chemical Engineering Kinetics, 1970 Smith, J. M
2. Catalytic Reaction Engineering, 1976 Carberry, J. J .
3. Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactors, 1985 Lee, H. H

List of Reference Books:

1. Catalytic Reactor Design, 1983 Tarhan, M. O .


Lecture TOPICS
1-5 Review of Heterogeneous Catalysis: Role of catalyst components and other
constituents, characterization of catalyst and its support.
6-8 Transport Processes: Analysis of external transport processes in
heterogeneous reactions in fixed bed,
9-11 fluidized bed and slurry reactors. Intrapellet mass transfer
12-15 heat transfer, mass transfer with chemical reaction and simultaneous
mass and heat transfer with chemical reaction. .
16-21 Catalyst Selectivity: Effect of intrapellet diffusion on selectivity in complex
reactions, effect of external mass transfer on selectivity.
22-29 Catalyst Deactivation: Modes of deactivation – poisoning, fouling and
sintering. Determination of deactivation routes, combined effect of
deactivation and diffusion on reaction rates, effect of deactivation on
30-35 Reactor Design: Design calculation for ideal catalytic reactor operating at
isothermal, adiabatic and non-adiabatic conditions
36-41 Deviations from ideal reactor performance. Design of industrial fixed-bed,
fluidized bed and slurry reactors.
42-48 Thermal stability of packed bed and fluidized bed reactors, Overview of
various areas of Green chemistry, Successful approaches to Green
Chemistry education

Course Details:
Name of Course Air and Noise Pollution Control
Course Code CHE 540
Core/Elective/ Other Elective (A)

Graduate standing in Chemical or Energy or Civil Engineering or approval of the


Course Outcomes (COs)

1. Ability to identify air pollution problems and interpret criteria air quality data
2. Ability to recognize various environmental transformation processes of pollutants under
extreme weather condition.
3. Ability to interpret meteorological data and develop capability to assessment of project
proposal, air quality pollution index for any region

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

4. Ability to justify the use of pollution control equipment and their design

Description of Contents in brief: Study of air pollution episodes and identification of the
parameters, conditions, mechanisms and also Study of sampling types and methods for ambient
air and stack.

List of Text Books:

1. Air Pollution- C.R. Philips, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company

2. Air Pollution- MN Rao & MN Rao, Tata McGraw- Hill Publishing.

3. Environmental Pollution and Control Engg- C.S. Rao, New Age International.

4. Fundamentals of Air Pollution- AC Stern, Academic Press Inc

List of Reference Books:

1. Air Pollution- Perkins, H.C, McGraw- Hill Book Company Pub.

2. Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science, Gilbert M Masters
3. Environmental Engineering- Peavy & Rowe, Prentice Hall Pub.


Lecture Plan

1-5 Sources of air pollution- effects of air pollution on regional and global scale
6-8 Effect of air pollution on human health, plant life and materials, air pollution
9-11 Emission factors inventory and predictive equations, atmospheric
12-15 dispersion of air pollutants and modelling – Gaussian Plume Model, Box
Model, Briggs Equation
16-21 Theory and development of pollution control devices: Cyclone, electrostatic
particle precipitator, packed towers, gravitational separator, bag house
22-29 Air sampling and monitoring, Principle and working of dust fall jar, high
volume sampler and other sampling devices air pollution control devices such
as – settling chambers, scrubbers, filters and electrostatic precipitators
30-35 Control devices for gaseous pollutants with special emphasis on adsorption,
absorption, mass transfer, condensation, and combustion.
36-41 Noise pollution and control.
42-45 Indoor air pollution and its control
46-52 Brief study of air pollution from common industries, such as textile dairy,
paper and pulp, tannery, distillery, etc.

Course Details
Name of Course Advanced Environmental Biotechnology
Course Code CHE 541
Core/Elective/ Other Elective (A)

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23


Graduate standing in Chemical or Energy or Bio or Environment Engineering or approval of the


Course Outcomes (COs)

1. Recognise the various global and regional environmental concerns due to natural causes
and/or human activities, and the impact of these on various forms of life including native
2. Investigate some examples of different types of environmental pollution and their impacts
3. Describe the applications of various fields including chemistry, biochemistry, molecular
biology and/or microbiology, in understanding and addressing the above issues, as well as
exploring environmental resources for new technologies.
4. Demonstrate an awareness of emerging concerns such as climate change, waste management
or reductions in fossil fuels, and new technologies for addressing these.
5. Appreciate the scientific, ethical and/or social issues associated with certain applications of
biotechnology for alleviating the environmental concerns.
6. Demonstrate advanced skills in performing literature searches in undertaking an in-depth
case study of an environmental issue, and presenting a critical appraisal.

Description of Contents in brief: The course is an introduction to environmental

biotechnology and focuses on the utilization of microbial processes in waste and water
treatment, and bioremediation. Topics included are microbial energy metabolism, microbial
growth kinetics and elementary chemostat theory, relevant microbiological processes, microbial
ecology, approaches for studying microbial communities, and basic principles in bioremediation
and biological water and waste treatment.

List of text Books:

1. Industrial Microbiology M.J. Waites, N.L. Morgan, J.S. Rockey, and G. Higton
2. Biotechnology a Text book of Industrial Microbiology, 1984 W. Grueger and A. Crueger,
3. Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals, 2nd edition, 1986 J E Bailey and D F Ollis
List of Reference Books:

1. Environmental Biotechnology: Concepts and Applications By Hans-Joachim Jö rdening,

Josef Winter; publisher: Wiley-VCH.
2. Environmental Biotechnology (volume 10), By Wang, L.K.; Tay, J.-H.; Tay, S.T.L.; Hung, Y.-
T.; publisher: Humana Press.
3. Environmental Biotechnology: A biosystems approach By Daniel A. Vallero; publisher:
Academic Press, Elsevier.

Lecture Plan


1-5 Background, current environmental issues, challenges and targets for
environmental sustainability
6-8 General effluent treatment – nature of sewers, sewage; Methods adopted in
effluent treatment; Legal Consideration – Royal Commissions. Current
situation in laying of charging ownership, regulations, legislation
9-11 Basic concepts of environmental biotechnology and The advantages of

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

biotechnological treatment of wastes

12-15 Various scientific and engineering principles involved in environmental
biotechnologies, including biochemistry microbiology, microbial ecology,
metabolism and biological intervention
16-21 Existing and emerging technologies that are important in the area of
environmental biotechnology
22-29 Concepts of processes and system design, including natural environmental
biotechnological systems and other developed systems and bioreactors
30-35 Technological advances of current biotechnologies for sustainable water and
waste treatment, biomaterial and bioenergy recovery, and bioremediation of
existing contaminants
36-41 Particular applications of biotechnology in solving environmental and
industrial problems
42-45 Assess the feasibility and controversies regarding the application of
biotechnology through industry practices and standards
46-52 Future perspective of environmental biotechnology and the potential for
integrated environmental biotechnology

Course Details:

Name of Course Corrosion Science & Engineering

Course Code CHE 542
Core/Elective/Other Elective (A)
1. Reaction kinetics for oxidation and reduction process
2. Various properties of metals
3. Paint and coating knowledge
Course Outcomes:
1. Knowledge of various types of corrosion
2. Corrosion resistant materials selection for a given application.
3. Techniques selection for corrosion prevention
Description of Contents in Brief:
1. fundamental and deep knowledge in the theory for degradation and corrosion of
materials in various environments
2. Present existing protection strategies for prevention of corrosion in different contexts.
3. Corrosion Testing, monitoring and inspection
List of Text Books:
1. Corrosion Engineering by M. G. Fontana
2. Principles and Prevention of Corrosion by D. A. Jones
3. Corrosion engineering: principles and practice by Pierre R. Roberge
List of Reference Books:
1. Handbook of corrosion engineering by Pierre R. Roberge
2. Corrosion prevention and protection: Practical solutions by Sastri, V.S., Ghali, E. and
Elboujdaini, M
3. Corrosion Science and Technology by D. E. J. Talbot och J. D. R. Talbot
1. --

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

Lecture Plan (about 40 – 50 Lectures):

Lecture Topic Hours
1. Basic aspects introduction, classification, economics and cost of 04
2. Emf series, Galvanic series, corrosion theories derivation of potential- 04
current relationship of activation controlled and diffusion corrosion
processes. Potential- pH diagrams Fe-H2O system, application and
3. Passivation definition, anodic Passivation, theory of Passivation, 03
oxidation laws, effects of oxygen and alloying on oxidation rates.
4. Forms of corrosion-definition, factors and control methods of various 04
forms of corrosion such as pitting, inter granular, crevice, stress
corrosion, corrosion fatigue, hydrogen embrittlement,
5. corrosion processes and control methods in fertilizers, petrochemical 03
and petroleum refineries
6. Environmental aspects: Atmospheric corrosion- classification, factors 03
influencing atmospheric corrosion,
7. temporary corrosion preventive methods, corrosion in immersed 04
condition, effect of dissolved gases, salts, pH, temperature and flow rates
on corrosion, Underground corrosion- corrosion process in the soil,
factors influencing soil corrosion.
8. Corrosion control aspects: Electrochemical methods of protection- 05
theory of cathodic protection, design of cathodic protection, sacrificial
anodes, anodic protection.
9. Corrosion inhibitors for acidic, neutral and alkaline media, cooling water 03
system-boiler water system.
10. Organic coating-surface preparation, natural synthetic resin, paint 03
formulation and applications. Design aspects in corrosion prevention,
corrosion resistant materials.
11. Corrosion Testing, monitoring and inspection, laboratory corrosion 03
tests, accelerated chemical tests for studying different forms of
12. Electrochemical methods of corrosion rate measurements by DC and AC 02
13. Corrosions monitoring methods, chemical and electrochemical removal 02
of corrosion products.
Total Contact Hours 43

Course Details:
Name of Course Solid Waste Management
Course Code CHE 543
Core/Elective/ Other Elective (A)


Graduate standing in Chemical or Energy or Civil Engineering or approval of the instructor.

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

Course Outcomes (COs)

1. Explain municipal solid waste management systems with respect to its physical properties,
and associated critical considerations in view of emerging technologies
2. Outline sources, types and composition of solid waste with methods of handling, sampling
and storage of solid waste.
3. Select the appropriate method for solid waste collection, transportation, redistribution and
4. Describe methods of disposal of hazardous solid waste.
Description of Contents in brief: The course covers Plan segregation, collection,
transportation, recycling and disposal of municipal solid waste in such a way that its impact is
minimal on environment, economy and community.

List of text Books:

1. Handbook of Solid Waste Management, 2002 Frank Krieth

2. Solid Wastes, Martell
3. Solid Wastes, George Tchobanuglour , H.Theisen and R.Eliassen.
4. Solid Waste Management, Luis F. Diaz, George M. Savage, Linda L. Eggerth, Larry Rosenberg
5. Disposal and recovery of municipal solid waste, Michael E Henstock Butterworths, Ann Arbor
6. Solid waste management P AarneVesilig
7. Environmental Engineering Mackenzie L Davis, David A Cornwell

List of Reference book:

1 Integrated solid waste management George Tchobanoglous and Hillary theisen, Samuel Vigil
McGraw Hill


i. http://www.moef.nic.in/legis/hsm/mswmhr.html
ii. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/waste management
iii. http://www.cyen.org/innovaeditor/assets/Solid%20waste%20management.pdf
iv. http://www.ilo.org/oshenc/part-vii/environmental-pollution-control/item/514-
v. www.houstontx.gov/solidwaste
vi. www.epa.gov/tribalmsw/
vii. www.unc.edu/courses/2009spring/.../SolidWasteIndiaReview2008.pdf

Lecture Plan


1-5 State Municipal solid waste sources , Describe the advantages of determining
the composition of Municipal solid waste , Explain types of solid waste, State
types of materials recovered from MSW
6-8 State the Physical , Chemical and Biological properties,. Describe associated
considerations of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
9-11 Describe the functional Elements of solid waste management program
,Discuss in detail the methods of MSW collection and its generation, State the
assumptions for quantities of solid Waste generated and factors affecting
solid waste generation rate, State the quantities of materials recovered from
12-15 Discuss the importance of onsite handling of solid waste, Explain onsite solid

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

waste handling and separation at commercial and industrial facilities, State

the storage of solid waste at the sources.
16-21 Explain solid waste processing methods, Describe processing steps of
residential, commercial and industrial site MSW from various sources with
clean flow Chart.
22-29 Describe different methods & safety precautions used in disposal of MSW,
Compare disposal methods of MSW applying specific Criteria, compare
sanitary land fill and incineration as final disposal system for solid waste,
State the effects of combustion desirable, undesirable and energy recovery of
municipal solid waste, Classify the landfill, Describe the landfill - planning,
sitting, permitting , processes , design , operation, Describe the Biochemical
processes - Methane generation by anaerobic digestion, composting.
30-35 Define the hazardous solid waste, Classify hazardous solid waste with their
36-41 Describe types of hazardous solid waste, their characteristics, & their harmful
effects on community. Discuss safe methods of disposal of hazardous waste &
their management principles.
42-45 State the sources, generation, and storage of Bio-medical waste
46-52 Describe transportation and disposal of Bio-medical waste with necessary
precautions to Followed.

Course Details:
Name of Course Renewable Energy Engineering
Course Code CHE 544
Core/Elective/ Other Elective (A)


Graduate standing in Chemical or Energy or Petroleum Engineering or approval of the


Course Outcomes (COs)

1. Define basic properties of different renewable sources of energy and technologies for
their utilisation,
2. Describe main elements of technical systems designed for utilisation of renewable
sources of energy,
3. Interpret advantages and disadvantages of different renewable sources of energy
4. Undertake simple analysis of energy potential of renewable sources of energy,
5. Explain the correlation between different operational parameters,
6. Select engineering approach to problem solving when implementing the projects on
renewable sources

Description of Contents in brief: Understanding basic characteristics of renewable sources of

energy and technologies for their utilisation. to give review on utilisation trends of renewable
sources of energy. to give review on legislative and regulatory rules related to utilisation of
renewable sources of energy

List of text Books:

1. Bansal NK, Kleemann M, Heliss M, “Renewable energy sources and conversion technology,”
Tata McGraw-Hill

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

2. Jain HC, “Non-Conventional Source of Energy “, Advent Books Division

List of Reference Books:

1. Bent S, “Renewable Energy,” Academic Press

2. Boyle G, “Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future,” Oxford University Press


Lecture Plan


1-5 Introduction to Energy Sources: World energy futures, Conventional energy
sources, Nonconventional energy sources, Prospects of Renewable energy
6-8 Solar Energy: Introduction to solar radiation and its measurement,
Introduction to Solar energy Collectors and Storage
9-11 Application of solar energy: Solar thermal electric conversion, Thermal
electric conversion systems, Solar electric power generation, Solar photo-
voltatics, Solar Cell principle, Semiconductor junctions, Conversion efficiency
and power output, Basic photo-voltaic system for power generation.
12-15 Wind Energy: Introduction to wind energy conversion, the nature of the
wind, Power in the wind
16-21 Wind Energy Conversion: Wind data and energy estimation, Site Selection
considerations, basic Components of a Wind energy conversion system,
Classification of WEC Systems, Schemes for electric generation using
synchronous generator and induction generator, wind energy storage
22-29 Direct Energy Conversion Processes: Magneto Hydro Dynamic Power
Generation: Principles of MHD power generation, Open cycle systems, Closed
cycle systems, Voltage and power output, Materials for MHD generators
30-35 Thermo-Electric Generation: Basic principles of thermo-electric power
generation, Seebeck, Peltier, Thomson effects, Thermo-Electric power
generator. Analysis materials. Thermionic Generation: Thermionic emission
and work function, Basic thermionic generator.
36-41 Fuel Cells: H2, O2 cells, classification of fuel cells, types, Advantages,
Electrodes, Polarization.
42-45 Thermo Nuclear Fusion Energy: The basic Nuclear Fusion and Fission
Reactions Plasma confinement, Thermo Nuclear function reactors.
46-52 Energy from Biomass: Introduction: Biomass conversion technologies,
photosynthesis, Bio-gas generation, types of bio-gas plants, Biomass as a
Source of Energy: Methods for obtaining energy from Bio-mass, Bio-logical
conversion of Solar energy

Course Details:

Name of Course Wastewater Treatment

Course Code CHE 545
Core/Elective/ Other Elective (A)

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

Graduate standing in Chemical or Energy or Civil Engineering or approval of the


Course Outcomes (COs)

1. Gain the knowledge of adverse effect of untreated water on public health and on
2. Identify the different methods of collection and measurement of water pollution.
3. Compare different methods of industrial water treatment.
4. Apply the knowledge of conventional methods as well as advance methods to treat
Description of Contents in brief: This course is designed to understand engineering aspects of
domestic and industrial wastewater treatment. The emphasis in this course will be the modern
method of treatment of wastewater.

List of Text Books:

1. Metcalf & Eddy, Wastewater engineering treatment reuse

2. Eckenfelder, Industrial Water Pollution Control
2. P.R.Trivedi and Gurdeep Raj, Environmental Industrial Pollution control.
3. S.P.Mahajan, Pollution Control in process industries.
4. Soli J.Arcieivala, Wastewater Treatment for Pollution Control
List of Reference Books:

1. Rao, D. G. R. Senthilkumar, J. Anthony Byrne, S. Feroz, Wastewater Treatment: Advanced

Processes and Technologies


1) https://www.bookdepository.com/category/1838/Sewage-Treatment-Disposal


Lecture Plan


1-5 Problem of Water Pollution: Effects of wastes on streams and sewage
treatment plant, stream standardsand effluent standards.
6-8 Sampling of waste waters, grab and composite samples.
9-11 Analysis of waste water.
12-15 Biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand and pH value of
waste, toxicity of waste by bioassay method.
16-21 Conventional Methods of Treatment of Wastewater: Removal of
suspended solids, removal of inorganic and organic dissolved solids,
sludge disposal.
22-29 Advance methods of treatment, such as reserve osmosis, ion exchange,
electro-dialysis, algal harvesting etc. low cost treatment plants.
30-35 Common effluent treatment plant, design and operation.
36-41 Combined Treatment of Wastewater Sewage: Energy requirement
optimization and budget, municipal regulation.
42-45 Sewer rental charge instrumentation in wastewater treatment plants,
collection of data, operation and maintenance of plants, water pollution
control board.

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

46-52 Brief study of industrial processes and treatment methods of waste water
from common industries, such as textile dairy, paper and pulp, tannery,

Course Details

Name of program M.Tech

Course Code/Title CHE 546 Advance Heat & Mass Transfer
Core/Elective/ Other Elective (A)

Graduate standing in Chemical Engineering or approval of the instructor.

Course Objectives/Descriptions: This course is designed to introduce a basic study of the

phenomena of heat and mass transfer, to develop methodologies for solving a wide variety of
practical engineering problems, and to provide useful information concerning the
performance and design of processes.

Course Outcomes (COs):

1. Understand the principles of steady and unsteady state heat conduction and convection.
2. Analyze problems and estimate heat transfer in laminar and turbulent flow in liquid metals.
3. Develop solutions for transient heat conduction in simple geometries.
4. Design distillation and packed column for multi-component system, for engineering
List of Text Books:

1. Separation Processes and principles J.D Seader, E. J. Henly

2. Multicomponent Mass Transfer R. Taylor, R. Krishna
3. Principles and Modern Applications of Mass Transfer Operations Jaime Bendaitez
4. Biological and Bioenvironmental Heat and Mass Transfer Ashim K. Datta,

Recommended Books

Separation Processes and principles J.D Seader, E. J. Henly

Lecture Plan:
1-5 Conduction: Steady and unsteady state heat conduction, Transient heating
and cooling of solid objects
5-9 Convection: Heat transfer coefficient, Dimensional analysis in convective
heat transfer, Heat transfer during laminar and turbulent flow in closed
conduits, Empirical correlation
9-14 Heat transfer in laminar and turbulent flow over a flat plate, Heat transfer
in liquid metals, Heat transfer with phase change: Boiling and
condensation heat transfer, Analogy between momentum and heat
15-19 Recent developments in heat exchangers: Heat Transfer Augmentation,
Recent developments in the design of compact heat exchangers,
19-20 Introduction to Heat exchanger networks and Pinch technology

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

21-23 Characteristic of Equilibrium stage and Flash calculations, Study of

different types of equilibrium cascade configurations, Degrees of freedom
24-26 Algebraic method to determine the number of equilibrium stages,
Calculation of stage efficiency, tray diameter, Pressure drop and mass
27-29 Rate based method to design a packed column, Scale up of a column from
laboratory data,
30-32 Estimation of distillation column efficiency using performance data and
develop its empirical correlation
33-35 Scale up of distillation column, Rate based method for packed distillation
35-40 Approximate methods for Multicomponent, multistage separations, Use of
residue curve for the conceptual design of distillation columns
41-42 Pressure swing and azeotropic distillation, Rate based models for
distillation, Modeling of batch distillation
43-45 Modeling and simulation of absorption and leaching processes
45-46 Diffusion in non-ideal system and development of generalized Maxwell-
Stefan formulation
47-48 Study of Generalized Fick’s law
48-52 Estimation of binary and multicomponent Diffusion Coefficients
Study of interphase mass and energy transfer

Course Details

Name of program M.Tech

Course Code/Title CHE 547 Optimization Techniques
Core/Elective/ Other Elective (A)

Graduate standing in Chemical Engineering or approval of the instructor.

Course Outcomes (COs):

After the completion of this course the students will be able to:

CO1: Introduce the basic concepts in optimization and formulate the optimization
CO2: Apply different solution techniques that can be used to actually solve such
problems. CO3: Choose appropriate method/solver for solution of the optimization

Course Objectives/Descriptions: The course is about getting acquaintance with different mass
transfer mechanisms and familiarize with different contacting equipment in Chemical Process

List of Text Books

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

1. Optimization of Chemical Processes – T. F. Edgar, D. M.Himmelblau and L. S.

Lasdon, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, 2001
2. Engineering Optimization: Methods and Applications - A. Ravindran, K. M.
Ragsdell, G. V. Reklaitis, 2nd Edition, Wiley India, 2006
3. Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practice - S. S. Rao, 4thEdition, John Wiley
& Sons, Inc, 2009

Recommended Books
1. Optimization of Chemical Processes – T. F. Edgar, D. M.Himmelblau and L. S. Lasdon,
2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, 2001

Lecture Plan


1-3 Introduction to Optimization (Statement of optimization problems,
Classification of optimization problems, Examples from engineering
applications, Review of linear algebra)
4-8 Optimization Problem Formulation (Models for optimization,
Optimization problems in chemical/biochemical engineering)
9-14 Basic Concepts of Optimization – I (Continuity of functions,
Unimodal and multimodal functions, Optimality criteria for
unconstrained single variable functions)
15-20 Basic Concepts of Optimization–II (Optimality criteria for
unconstrained multivariable functions, Equality constrained
problems, Lagrange multipliers, Kuhn Tucker conditions)
21-25 Unconstrained Single Variable Optimization: Methods and
Applications (Region elimination methods, Methods requiring
derivatives: Newton-Raphson method, Bisection method, Secant
26-30 Unconstrained Multivariable Optimization: Direct Search Methods
(Simplex method, Hooke-Jeeves pattern search method, Powell’s
conjugate direction method)
31-35 Unconstrained Multivariable Optimization: Gradient Based Methods
(Cauchy’s method, Newton’s method, Marquardt method)
36-40 Introduction to Linear Programming (Formulation of linear
programming models, Graphical solution, Linear programs in
standard form)
41-45 Linear Programming: The Simplex Method (Simplex method, Use of
artificial variables, Two phase method)
46-50 Constrained Nonlinear Programming (Penalty function method,
Lagrange multiplier method)
51-53 Applications of Optimization (Optimization of various chemical and
biochemical processes)
54-56 Software Tools for Optimization

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

Course Details:

Name of Course Energy Management in Process Industries

Course Code/Title CHE 548
Core/Elective/Other Elective (A)
Course Objective:
To introduce the energy management principles related to process industries.
Course Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to
1. identify the components involved in energy auditing.
2. explain the energy conservation techniques.
3. evaluate the performance of industrial boilers, furnaces, cogeneration options.
List of Text Books:
1. Nagabhushan Raju, K., Industrial Energy Conservation Techniques: Concepts,
Applications and Case Studies, Atlantic Publishers & Distributors (2007).
2. Industrial Energy Conservation Manuals, MIT Press, Mass, 1982.
List of Reference Books:
1. The Efficient Use of Energy, Ed: I.G.C. Dryden, Butterworths, London, 1982
2. L.C. Witte, P.S. Schmidt, D.R. Brown, Industrial Energy Management and
Utilisation, Hemisphere Publ, Washington, 1988.
3. W.C. Turner, Energy Management Handbook, Ed: Wiley, New York, 1982.
4. Technology Menu for Efficient energy use- Motor drive systems, Prepared by National
Productivity Council and Centre for Environmental Studies- Princeton Univ, 1993.
Lecture Plan (about 40 – 50 Lectures):
S. No. Topic Hours
1. Introduction: Importance of energy management. 02
2. Energy auditing: methodology, analysis of past trends plant data, energy 08
balance, laws of thermodynamics,
3. Audit measurements, portable and online instruments. 03
4. Energy economics - discount rate, payback period, internal rate of return, 03
life cycle costing.
5. Boiler-efficiency testing, excess air control, Boiler water treatment, Steam 06
distribution, condensate recovery, flash steam utilisation. Thermal
6. Energy efficiency and energy losses in industrial furnaces 05
7. Mechanical systems: Energy conservation in Pumps, Fans (flow control), 05
Compressed Air Systems, Refrigeration & air conditioning systems.
8. Waste heat recovery: Recuperators, heat wheels, heat pipes, heat pumps. 04
9. Cogeneration: Concept, options (steam/gas turbines/diesel engine 04
based), selection criteria, control strategy.
10. Heat exchanger networking- concept of pinch, target setting, problem 05
table approach, composite curves.
Total contact Hours 45

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

Course Details:

Name of Course Food Processing & Technology

Course Code CHE 549
Core/Elective/ Other Elective (A)


Graduate standing in Chemical or Energy or Food Engineering or approval of the instructor.

Course Outcomes (COs)

1. Process manufactured meat products to produce variety of animal food products.

2. Identify the areas of concern in the processing of meat products, in relation to process
control, undesirable microbes and export.
3. Explain the requirements for meat export and chemical and physiological structure of
4. Demonstrate processing techniques used to produce a variety of milk products.
5. Analyse the process of harvesting, processing and storage of seafood.
6. Evaluate variety of egg products produced in the food processing industry including egg
structure and egg quality.
7. Understand the sources and processing of Edible Fats and Oils.
8. Work in teams to develop communication skills and comply Good Manufacturing
Description of Contents in brief: This course covers food processing component and
overviews the various conventional and emerging non thermal food processing methods
available to maximize the nutrition levels in the making of foods that are safe, high quality and
with maximum shelf life and convenience. The course also explores various advanced methods
of food processing technology available. The course will give students an understanding of the
advanced principles of food processing and how to choose a method of preservation in relation
to food composition. Occupational health and safety, food safety and food quality aspects of food
and beverage processing are an integral component of all coursework.

List of text Books:

1. Meat Science 5th Edn. R A Lawrie, 1991. British Library Cat. UK

2. Meat Safety Quality and Veterinary Public Health, Eddie Andriessen, 1998
3. Handbook of Meat Technology, Michael D Ranken, 2000. Blackwell Sciences
4. Meat Products Handbook - Practical Science and Technology, Ferner, G., 2006, Woodhead
Publishing Ltd
5. Advanced Technologies for Meat Processing, Edited by Leo M. L. Nollet& Fidel Toldra, 2006.
CRC Press, US.
6. Dairy Science and Technology,2nd Ed., Walstra, Pieter, 2006, Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis.
7. Poultry meat processing and quality, Mead, G C.,2004, Boca Raton : CRC Press.
8. Handbook of food products manufacturing : volume 1&2, 2007, Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley

List of Reference Books:

1. Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables, 1999Vijaya khader,

2. Food Processing and Preservation Vijaya khader,
3. (a) Food science, (2nd edition)., (b) Food science &Nutrition. Srilakshmi. B

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

4. Essentials of Food and Nutrition , Vol. I & II. Swaminathan. M.


Lecture Plan


1-5 Introduction: Current status of the Indian a) agriculture b) Food Industry c)
Food processing industry
6-8 Basic Food Biochemistry and Microbiology: Food Constituents, Water activity
9-11 Ambient Temperature Processing: Raw material preparation, Size reduction
of solid fibrous foods and in liquid foods,
12-15 Emulsification and Homogenization, Theory and equipment, Mixing and
Forming, Extraction and expression,
16-21 Membrane concentration Fermentation: Theory, Types, Equipment Effect on
foods. Heat Processing using Heat or water:
22-29 Theory, Equipment, Effect on foods, blanching, extrusion, pasteurization, Heat
Sterilization, In-container Ultra high temperature (UHT)/aseptic processes
30-35 Heat Processing using Hot air: Theory, Equipment, Effect on foods,
Dehydration, Baking and Roasting
36-41 Heat Processing using Hot oils: Theory, Equipment, Effect on foods Frying;
Heat Processing by direct & radiated energy
42-45 Theory, Equipment, Effect on foods Dielectric heating microwave. Processing
by removal of heat
46-52 Food Preservation & Storage Food contamination Modified Atmosphere
Storage (MAS) Hurdle Technology; Post Processing Applications Packaging

Course Details:

Name of Course Textile Technology

Course Code CHE 550
Core/Elective/ Other Elective (A)


Graduate standing in Chemical or Energy or Petroleum Engineering or approval of the


Course Outcomes (COs): At the end of the course student will: know fundamentals
CO1: Describes the properties and performance of textile items
CO2: Suggests appropriate uses for a variety of fabrics, yarns and fibres
CO3: Describes the creative process of design used in the work of textile designers.
CO4: Uses methods of colouration and decoration of textile items.

Course Objectives/Descriptions: After completion of this course: The students will be able to
knowledge and understand the properties and performance of textiles and skills in the selection
and proficient and creative use of textile materials, equipment and techniques to produce
quality textile items.
List of Text Books:
1. Gardon Cook, Handbook of Textiles Fibres Vol-I Natural Fibres, Vol-II Manmade fibres..
2. Adanur S, Handbook of waving.

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

3. Dan J. Mc. Geight, James B.Bradshow, Everett E. Back & Michael, Weavers Handbook of
Textile Calculation
4. B.P. Saville, Physical Testing of Textiles, 1999

Recommended Books
1. Gardon Cook, Handbook of Textiles Fibres Vol-I Natural Fibres, Vol-II Manmade fibres..

Lecture Plans:
1-5 Classification of fibres: Natural fibres of vegetable origin: jute; hemp;
sunn; Urena. The leaf fibres: Sisal, Abaca (manila); seed and fruit
fibres; cotton. Natural fibres of animal origin: Wool; Mohair;
Cashmere; Persion goat hatosilk; vicuna; fur fibres; Man made fibres;
Rayon’s Polyamide fibres; polyester fibres, polyvinyle derivative
fibres; polyolefin & Polyurethane fibres.
6-15 Weaving: Various steps in weaving manufacturing for fibres, design and
construction, and weaving fundamentals to the various modern methods
of weaving slashing process calculations; woven fabric construction and
weaving process calculation & problem solving.
16-30 Physical Testing of textiles : Introduction: Reasons for textile
standardization of testing sampling, measurement errors; Effect of
atmosphere on physical properties; Fibre tests; Fibre fitness; Fibre
length; yarn tests; Linear density twist, yarn evenness; Hairness, friction,
Strength tests; Definition; Load elongation curve.
31-44 Recycling Textile Wastes: Recycling and recovery strategies turning
environmental concern into real profit Re-claimed fibres, the sources
and usage; Industrial wastewater minimization and treatment. The
fibre industry and water management; Production of high tenacity
tapes from polyprophyene. The role of process stabilizers in recycling
45-54 Modern Textiles: Challenges for Textile research & development in
the 21st century; fibres textiles and materials for future military use;
Development in man-made fibre technology- airbages, Textiles in
filtrations; Textiles in medicine, defence, transport and geotextiles.

Course Details

Name of Course Multiphase Flow Modeling

Course Code CHE 551
Core/Elective/ Other Elective (A)

Course Outcomes (COs):

1. Apply different approach to solve problem related to multiphase flow

2. Choose proper method to analyze liquid-gas flow simulation
3. Implement techniques to model turbulence conditions
4. Design a model for various multiphase problem
Course Objectives/Descriptions:

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

This course will cover modern numerical methods for the computational modeling of
multiphase flows, which represent a major hurdle in process innovation and intensification.

List of Text Books

1. Fundamentals of Multiphase Flow, by Christopher Brennen (2005)
2. Computational Methods for Multiphase Flow: by Prosperetti and Tryggvason,
Recommended Books
1. Fundamentals of Multiphase Flow, by Christopher Brennen (2005)
Lecture Plan


1-7 Introduction to multiphase flows and their classifications; Governing equations
for multiphase flows; Introduction to turbulence; Introduction to Computational
Fluid Dynamics
8-21 Lagrangian and Eulerian viewpoints, statistical representation of particles; Micro
vs. meso vs. macro-scale models; Particle-resolved direct numerical simulations;
Point-particle simulations; Two-fluid model, quadrature-based method of moment,
Two-way interphase coupling, drag modeling; Particle collisions and four-way
22-35 Interface representation and transport; Level Set methods; Conservative Level Set
method; Volume-of-Fluid; Lagrangian methods; Curvature calculation; Ghost
Fluid method; Mass and momentum conservation; Solution of discontinuous
pressure equation; Compressible liquid-gas flows
36-45 Preferential concentration; Cluster-Induced Turbulence; RANS modeling for CIT
and beyond; Interfaces in turbulence; Turbulent atomization
46-55 Contact line modeling; Three-phase flows; Evaporation and chemically reacting
two-phase flows; Electrohydrodynamics for two-phase flows

Course Details

Name of Course Paper and Pulp Technology

Course Code CHE 552
Core/Elective/ Other Elective (A)
Graduate standing in Chemical or Energy or Civil Engineering or approval of the
Course Outcomes (COs)
At the end of the course, students will be able to
1. The course is designed to impart knowledge on the statusof Indian paper industry and
to train students in the theoretical and practical aspects ofraw material morphology and
physico-chemical characteristics.
2. To provide detailed knowledge and skills in the pulpingtechnology. To train students in
the practical aspects of mechanical, chemical, semichemical and chemi-mechanical
pulping by practical problem-solving exercises in thecontext of pulping operations
Description of Contents in brief: This course is designed to expose students to understand the
basic paper and pulp technology and its application to chemical engineering
List of Text Books:
1. Pulp and Paper: Chemistry and Chemical Technology Vol I to IV, Casey JP, Ed., Wiley
Interscience, New York,
2. MacDonald R G, Pulp and Paper Manufacture Vol I to III, 2 nd Ed., McGraw Hill, New

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

3. Britt K W, Handbook of Pulp and Paper Technology, Reinhold Publishing Corporation,

New York.
List of Reference Books:
1. Pulp and Paper Manufacture, Kocurek, Tappi Publication. Mark, Handbook of Physical
and Mechanical Testing of Paper and Board, Vol.I & II, Dekker Publication

Lecture Plan
1-5 Introduction, raw materials for paper making, structure, physical,
chemical properties, morphology
6-10 the reaction of cellulose with different chemicals Aqueous pulping
11-15 commercial pulping process, variables associated with raw materials and
pulping process
15-20 optimization of process parameters, materials and energy balance
16-21 Pulp washing, screening, recovery of spent chemicals involving multiple
effect evaporators, cascade evaporators, incineration, recaustising and
22-29 Pulp bleaching and stock preparation, internal sizing, filling and loading,
30-39 coloring, wet end strength additives, surface sizing.
40-47 Sheet forming process, Fourdnui and cylinder mold machine,
drainage characteristics, watermarking, headbox, slice, wire, couch,
pressing of the sheet for water removal.
48-53 Paper drying, drying characteristics, heat, and mass transfer aspects,
ventilation, dryer performance calculations, air-drying, radiant drying

Course Details

Name of Course Membrane Science and Technology

Course Code CHE 553
Core/Elective/ Other Elective (A)

Graduate standing in Chemical or Energy or Civil Engineering or approval of the
Course Outcomes (COs):

CO1. Knowledge and understanding of resources and need for membrane technology in water
treatment and other process engineering plants.
CO2. Apply advanced membrane techniques to solve environmental as well as chemical
industries problems.
CO3. Select a membrane process and design components to carry out a specific separation
CO4. Apply various transport models for the calculation of membrane fluxes and the extent of
separation for various membrane systems

Course Objectives/Descriptions: This course gives the knowledge Acquire in-depth

knowledge in the areas of membrane separation mechanisms, transport models, membrane
permeability computations, membrane types and modules, membrane contactors / reactors and

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

applications. Develop skills in applying transport models for the calculation of membrane
permeability, flux, and the extent of separation for various membrane separation systems. Be
able to determine the types of experimental data needed for the calculation of membrane
permeability parameters. To be able to calculate membrane process performance and analyze
membrane separation characteristics. Be able to select membrane processes for solving
separation problems in the following applications: Water and Wastewater Biotechnology and
Biomedical Engineering Gas Separations Membrane Contactors and Reactors Environmental
and Energy.

List of Text Books

1. Richard W. Baker, “Membrane Technology and Applications”, 3rd edition, John Wiley & Sons,
Ltd, United Kingdom, 2012
2. W. S. Winston Ho and Kamalesh K. Sirkar (Editors), “Membrane Handbook”, Chapman & Hall,
Ney York, 1992
3. Norman N. Li, Anthony G. Fane, W.S. Winston Ho and Takeshi Matsuura, (Editors), “Advanced
Membrane Technology”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New Jersey, 2008
4. Marcel Mulder, “Basic Principles of Membrane Technology”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996
5. B. K. Dutta, Mass Transfer and Separation Processes, PHI, 2007.
6. M. Cheryan, Ultrafiltration & Microfiltration Handbook, Technomic, 1998.
7. K. Nath, Membrane Separation Processes, PHI, 2008.
Recommended Books

1. Richard W. Baker, “Membrane Technology and Applications”, 3rd edition, John Wiley &
Sons, Ltd, United Kingdom, 2012

Lecture Plan:


1-2 Overview of Membrane Science and Technology, Historical Development of
3-5 Types of Membranes, Membrane Processes.
6-9 Membrane Transport Theory, The Solution-Diffusion Model,
10-12 Structure-Permeability Relationships in Solution-Diffusion Membranes, Pore-
Flow Membranes.
13-14 Membranes and Modules, Isotropic Membranes, Anisotropic Membranes
15-17 Inorganic Membranes, Liquid Membranes
18-20 Hollow Fiber Membranes, Membrane Modules
21-22 Concentration Polarization and Fouling, Concentration Polarization in Liquid
Separation Processes
23-25 Gel Layer Model, Osmotic Pressure Model, Boundary Layer Resistance Model

26-29 Concentration Polarization in Gas Separation Processes, Membrane Fouling,

Fouling Control
30-32 Membrane Processes: Theory, System Design, Applications and Economics
33-34 Reverse Osmosis, Pressure-Retarded Osmosis and Nanofiltration,
Ultrafiltration, Microfiltration
35-36 Gas Separation, Pervaporation, Ion Exchange Membrane Processes
37-38 Electrodialysis, Fuel Cell Membranes, Membranes in Chlor-Alkali Processes.
39-45 Membrane Contactors, Membrane Distillation, Membrane Reactors and
Membrane Bioreactors

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

46-52 Carrier Facilitated Transport, Submerged Membranes, Medical Applications of


Course Details:

Name of Course Economics and Management of Chemical Industries

Course Code/Title CHE 554
Core/Elective/Other Elective (A)
Course Objective:
To introduce the economics and management principles related to process industries.
Course Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to
1. identify the components involved in economic analysis.
2. estimate the cost, depreciation and profits associated with chemical industries.
3. evaluate the economic performance of industries.
List of Text Books:
1. Peters and Timmerhaus, Plant Design & Economics for Chemical Engineers, McGraw
2. Couper, J. R., Process Engineering Economics, CRC Press.
List of Reference Books:
1. Jelen F.C, Cost and Optimisation Engineering, McGraw Hill.
2. Banga, T.R. and Sharma, S.C., Industrial Organization & Engineering Economics,
Khanna Publishers.
Lecture Plan (about 40 – 50 Lectures):
S. No. Topic Hours
1. Equivalence and cost comparison - time value of money and equivalence 04
2. Equations used in economic analysis - compound interest and continuous 05
interest - capitalized cost
3. Cost comparison with equal and unequal duration of service life 04
4. Depreciation and taxes - nature of depreciation - methods of determining 04
5. Cost estimation - equipment for process plants - cost indices - 06
construction cost indices - material cost indices - labour cost indices -
6. William’s sixteenth factor- unit rate techniques - Lang factor method - 04
hand factor method - Chilton method - Miller method - Peters and
Timmerhaus ratio factor method
7. Profitability analysis - mathematical methods for profitability evaluation - 05
payout time - payout time with interest, Return on average investment -
DCF rate of return - net present value - net present value index
8. Incremental analysis - break even analysis- variable cost and fixed cost, 04
Economic production chart for 100% capacity and dumping,
9. Replacements: Theory of replacements, causes for replacements types of 05
replacements, Alternatives investments: Theory of alternative
10. Design report: Introduction to design of reports. Types of reports, 04
Organization of report and purpose of report.
Total contact Hours 45

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

Course Details:

Name of Course Fire Safety and Management

Course Code/Title CHE 555
Core/Elective/Other Elective (A)
Course Objective:
To introduce the safety and management principles related to fire hazards.
Course Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to
1. Identify the safety measures in the event of fire.
2. Perform fire risk assessment.
3. Demonstrate fire fighting and control techniques.
List of Text Books:
1. Das, A. K., Principles of Fire Safety Engineering: Understanding Fire and Fire
Protection, Prentice Hall India (PHI).
2. Ferguson, L. H., Janicak, C. A., Fundamentals of Fire Protection for the Safety
Professional, The Scarecrow Press, Inc.
List of Reference Books:
1. Nolan, D. P., Handbook of Fire and Explosion Protection Engineering Principles,
2. Furness, A., Muckett, M., Introduction to Fire Safety Management, Elsevier.
3. Della-Giustina, D.E., Fire Safety Management Handbook, CRC Press.
Lecture Plan (about 40 – 50 Lectures):
S. No. Topic Hours
1. History of fires, Classification of fire, fire process, fire chemistry, heat and 04
temperature in fire, fire hydraulics,
2. Fire prevention, Introduction to fire safety, active and passive fire 05
protection systems, Fire Protection and Analysis
3. Fire control technology, Fire extinguishers, Pumps and primers, Foam and 04
foam making equipment, Sprinklers and Automatic roof vents, Fire
4. Fire protective clothing, Ladders, Ropes and lines, bends & hitches, 04
5. Fire fighting codes and standards, National Fire Protection Association, 06
Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards
6. Electrical fire hazards, Accident prevention methods, Safety management 04
systems, Laws related to safety (Explosive Act, Electricity Act, etc.)
7. Developing safe work systems, Policies and procedures, Safety values and 05
8. Workplace inspections, Removing obstacles to safety, Safety and 04
accountability, Developing safety habits in the workplace,
9. Fire risk assessment, Fire Alarms & fire detection, 05
10. Risk management and insurance on fire hazards 04
Total contact Hours 45

Course Details:

Name of Course Regulatory Procedures for Safety and Environment

Course Code/Title CHE 556
Core/Elective/Other Elective (A)
Course Objective:

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

To practice the regulations for health, safety and environment.

Course Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to
1. Understand the health and safety provisions related to hazards in factories.
2. Know about the roles and responsibilities of central and state pollution boards.
3. Create awareness about various regulatory acts on factories, safety and environment.
List of Reference Books:
1. The Factories Act 1948, Madras Book Agency, Chennai, 2000
2. The Environment Act (Protection) 1986, Commercial Law Publishers (India) Pvt.Ltd.,
New Delhi.
3. Water (Prevention and control of pollution) act 1974, Commercial Law publishers
(India) Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
4. Air (Prevention and control of pollution) act 1981, Commercial Law Publishers (India)
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
5. The Indian boilers Act 1923, Commercial Law Publishers (India) Pvt. Ltd., Allahabad.
6. The Mines Act 1952, Commercial Law Publishers (India) Pvt. Ltd., Allahabad.
7. The manufacture, storage and import of hazardous chemical rules 1989, Madras Book
Agency, Chennai.
8. Explosive Act, 1884 and Explosive rules, 1883 (India), (2002), Eastern Book company,
Lucknow, 10th Edition
9. K.C. Arora, ISO 9000 to OHSAS 18001, S.K. Kataria & Sons, Delhi
Lecture Plan (about 40 – 50 Lectures):
S. No. Topic Hours
1. Factories Act 1948: Statutory authorities – inspecting staff, health, safety, 04
provisions relating to hazardous processes,
2. Personnel welfare, working hours, employment of young persons – 04
special provisions – penalties and procedures
3. Environment Act 1986: General powers of the central government, 05
prevention, control and abatement of environmental pollution -
Biomedical waste (Management and handling Rules,
4. Environment Act 1989-The noise pollution (Regulation and control) 04
Rules, 2000 - The Batteries (Management and Handling Rules) 2001 - No
Objection certificate from statutory authorities like pollution control
5. Air Act 1981 and Water Act 1974: Central and state boards for the 06
prevention and control of air pollution-powers and functions of boards –
prevention and control of air pollution and water pollution – fund –
accounts and audit, penalties and procedures.
6. Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical Rules 1989: 06
Definitions – duties of authorities – responsibilities of occupier –
notification of major accidents – information to be furnished –
preparation of offsite and onsite plans
7. List of hazardous and toxic chemicals – safety reports – safety data sheets. 03
8. Other Acts and Rules: Indian Boiler Act 1923, static and mobile pressure 04
vessel rules (SMPV), motor vehicle rules, mines act 1952, workman
compensation act, rules – electricity act and rules
9. hazardous wastes (management and handling) rules, 1989, with 05
amendments in 2000- the building and other construction workers act
1996, Petroleum rules, Gas cylinder rules- Explosives Act 1983-Pesticides
10. International Acts and Standards: Occupational Safety and Health act of 04
USA (The Williames - Steiger Act of 1970) – Health and safety work act
(HASAWA 1974, UK) – OSHAS 18000 – ISO 14000 – American National
Standards Institute (ANSI).
Total contact Hours 45

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

Course details:
Name of Course Energy Resources & Utilization
Course Code CHE557
Core/Elective/ Other Elective 4(A)

Graduate standing in Chemical or Energy or Petroleum Engineering or approval of the

Course Outcomes (COs)

1. Interpret and distinguish between the different types of conventional and non-
conventional fuels.
2. Demonstrate the utilization of synthetic and substitute fuels for practical applications.
3. Describe various parameters that are utilized to characterize fuels and its combustion
4. Analyze the kinetic mechanism involved in combustion and chemical reaction.
5. Differentiate between diffusion and premixed flame and their utilization in combustion

Description of Contents in brief:

To make the student understand solid, liquid and gaseous fuel properties, analysis, process and
handling, stoichiometry relations, the combustion process, features of different types of burners
and about emissions

List of text Books:

1. S. Sarkar, “Fuels and combustion”, 3rd Edition, Universities Press, 2009.

2. Fuels Technology Himus
3. Combustion Engineering and Fuels Technology, 1974 Shaha
4. Principles of Energy conversion, 2 edition Gulp Jr. A.W.

5. Energy resources and supply, 1976 McMullan, Morgan Murray

List of Reference Books:

1. H. Joshua Phillips, “Fuels, solid, liquid and gaseous – Their analysis and valuation”, General
Books, 2010.
2. S.R. Turns, “An introduction to combustion – Concepts and applications”, Tata McGraw- Hill,
3. K. Kanneth, “Principles of combustion”, Wiley and Sons, 2005.
4. S.P. Sharma and C. Mohan, “Fuels and combustion”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1984


Lecture Plan
1-5 Energy crisis – Present position in India and the world. Origin and Chemical
6-8 Classification of fuels, Storage and general use of Industrial fuels, Comparison of
various types of fuels
9-11 Calorific value of a fuel, LCV and HCV, meaning and definition. Determination of
HCV and LCV for solid fuels, Bomb calorimeter, Gas calorimeter.
12-15 Solid fuels: Wood and charcoal, Coals and their characteristics, combustion and
availability of coals in India, Coal washing and blending, High and low
temperature coal carbonization. Manufacture of coke and recovery of by-

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

products. Pulverized coal and its conduction

16-21 Liquid fuels: Petroleum, its origin and occurrence. Distillation, products of
distillation, their characteristics and uses.
22-29 Combustion, Chemistry of combustion, combustion calculations pertaining to
different fuels and furnaces used in ceramic industries. Theoretical air / fuel
ratio, Excess air, Flue gas analysis calculations.
30-35 Gaseous Fuels: Classification, merits and demerits of the gaseous fuels. N gas,
LPG, coal gas, Oil gas, Produces gas, Water gas, Semi-water gas etc., their
chemical composition, Manufacture and uses in detail.
36-41 Nuclear fuels, their scope and classification, Types of nuclear fuels, method of
generation of nuclear energy from the sources, etc., Nuclear reactor –
classification and types Accessories and their study in detail. Nuclear fuel roads,
Moderators, Heavy water etc
42-45 Alternate sources of energy, Renewable energy, Hydroelectric, Solar, Geothermal
46-52 Tidal, Wind and other types, Bio-gas, Bio-fuels, etc

Course details
Name of Course Modeling & Simulation of Engineering Processes
Course Code CHE558
Core/Elective/ Other Elective 4(A)

Graduate standing in Chemical Engineering or approval of the instructor.
Course Outcomes (Cos):
CO1. After completion of this course the student would be able
CO2. To solve the different problem of mass transfer, heat transfer and fluid mechanics with
analytical and numerical approach
CO3. This course also provides the brief description to model for operation during the process
CO4. Students also get the information about different simulating package such as MATLAB,
Aspen, COMSOL, ANSYS and Mathematica.

Descriptions of contents in brief:

This course mainly deals with application of knowledge gain by students in fluid mechanics,
heat transfer and mass transfer. This subject also covers the topic which shows the similarity
between fluid mechanics, heat transfer and mass transfer.

List of Text Books

1. Process Modelling, Simulation and control for Chemical Engineers, 2nd edition, Luyben W.L
2. Introduction to Chemical Engineering Analysis, 1972 Russell
3. Process plant simulation, 2004 Babu, B. V.
4. Chemical Process Modelling and Computer Simulation, 3 edition
rd Jana, A. K.

Lecture Plan
Lect. Topics
1-2 Process Modelling : The Role of Analysis- Chemical Engineering Problems
3-5 Basic concepts, The analysis process

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

6-9 Source of the model equation: Conservation equations, Equation of continuity, Simple
mass balance, Component mass balances
10- Dimensional analysis, System of units
13- Dimensional consistency in mathematical descriptions
15- Dimensional analysis and constitute relationships
18- Model 55elatine55, Steady state 55elatine55, Unsteady state behavior
21- Application of the model equations,
23- Model of Mass Transfer operations-Single equilibrium stage, distillation, adsorption and
25 extraction
26- Models of Heat Transfer operations –details heat conduction through hollow cylinder,
29 mathematical model for evaporators, Heat exchanger
30- Model of Fluid-Flow operations –Laminar flow, Flow through Packed bed
33- Model of Reaction Engineering, Basic model equations for a Tank-Type reactor, Reacting
34 liquid systems, Multiple reactions: consecutive reactions, parallel reactions, complex
35- Sequential modular approach for flowsheet simulation
37- Numerical approach- Introduction, Treatment of Experimental data
39- Criteria for Best Slope-I, Best Slope-II, Best straight line
41- Physical property correlations, Fitting a quadratic , Various iterative convergence methods
45 such as Newton-Raphson, False position, Muller methods
46- Numerical Integration of ordinary differential equation, Numerical Integration of Partial
52 differential equation, Simulation examples of fluid flow, heat and mass transfer, Dynamics
simulation: case studies using simulating package

Course Details:
Name of Course Industrial Safety & Hazard Management
Course Code CHE 559
Core/Elective/ Other Elective 4(A)


Graduate standing in Chemical or Energy or Petroleum Engineering or approval of the


Course Outcomes (COs)

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

1. The students will be able to understand what is Indian and International Safety
2. Identify the causes of accident and explain various engineering control methods.
3. Explain storage, handling and transportation of hazardous materials.
4. Classify fire extinguishing agents and methods
5. Explain risk assessment methods.
6. Course would be helpful to understand the various instruments to bring safety in
Description of Contents in brief: Improve hazard control, notably in hazardous chemical
workplaces. Conduct routine/regular workplace inspections. Improve the Safety of
equipment/activities, with a special emphasis on lifelines.

List of text Books:

1. Brown, D.B. System analysis and Design for safety, Prentice Hall, 1976.
2. Course Material Intensive Training Programme on Consequence Analysis, by Process
Centre, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Tarnaka and CLRI, Chennai.

3. Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation Procedures, Centre for Chemical Process safety, AICHE
4. Hazop and Hazom, by Trevor A Klett, Institute of Chemical Engineering.
5. ILO- Major Hazard control- A practical Manual, ILO, Geneva, 1988.

List of Reference Books:

1. Loss Prevention in Process Industries-Frank P. Less Butterworth-Hein UK 1990 (Vol.I, II

and III)
2. Methodologies for Risk and Safety Assessment in Chemical Process Industries, Common
wealth Science Council, UK
3. Quantitative Risk assessment in Chemical Industries, Institute of Chemical Industries,
Centre for Chemical process safety.
4. Chemical Process Safety (Fundamentals with applications), 2nd edition. D.A.Crowl
& J.F.Louvar
5. Industrial Hygiene and Chemical safety, 2010,M. H. Fulekar
6. Safety and Accident Prevention in Chemical Operations, H.H.Fawcett and
7. Chemical engineering Vol -.6 Coulson and Richardson‘s

Lecture Plan


1-5 Introduction: Safety program, Engineering ethics, Accident and loss
statistics, Acceptable risk, Public perception
6-8 Toxicology: How toxicants enter biological organisms, How toxicants are
eliminated from biological organisms
9-11 Introduction, hazard, hazard monitoring-risk issue, group or societal risk,
individual risk, voluntary and involuntary risk, social benefits Vs
technological risk, approaches for establishing risk acceptance levels, Risk
estimation. Hazard assessment, procedure, methodology; safety audit,
checklist analysis, what-if analysis, safety review, preliminary hazard analysis
(PHA), human error analysis, hazard operability studies (HAZOP), safety
warning systems.
12-15 Industrial Hygiene: Government regulations, Identification, Evaluation,

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

Control, And Process Safety: Process safety, accident and loss statistics,
nature of the accident/hazardous process, hazardous substance classification
and hazardous substance rules; Factories Act.
16-21 Fires and Explosions: The fire triangle, Distinction between fire and
22-29 Definitions, Flammability characteristics of liquids and vapors, MOC and
inerting, ignition energy, Auto ignition, Auto oxidation, Adiabatic
compression, Explosions. Designs to prevent fires and explosions: Inerting,
Explosion proof equipment and instruments, Ventilations, Sprinkler systems
30-35 Introduction to Reliefs: Relief concepts, Definitions, Location of reliefs, Relief
types, Data for sizing reliefs, Relief systems
36-41 Relief Sizing: Conventional spring operated relief‘s in liquids, Conventional
spring operated relief‘s in vapor or gas service
42-45 Rupture disc relief‘s in liquid, vapour or gas service.
46-52 Hazards Identification: Process hazards checklists, Hazard surveys, HAZOP
safety reviews.

Course Details:

Name of program M.Tech

Semester II Semester
Year I Year
Course Code/Title CHE 560 Bioprocessing and Biochemical
Core/Elective/ Other Elective-4 (A)

Graduate standing in Chemical Engineering or approval of the instructor.

Course Outcomes (Cos):

CO1 Fundamental concepts of microorganism and biological processes.
CO2 Basic skills of biochemistry and microbiology in laboratory section.
CO3Application of Biochemical Engineering in environmental pollution management.
CO4 Understand the physical environment surrounding human beings
Description of Contents in brief:
This course is to apply the principles of Chemical Engineering in bioprocess, in which
biocatalysts, i.e. cells and enzymes, play key roles in producing new bioproducts and chemicals
for rapidly growing needs in manufacturing, agriculture, environment, health-care, energy, etc.

List of Text Books:

1. Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals J. E. Bailey and D. F. Ollis

2. Biotechnology Trevan, Boffey, Goulding and Stanbury
3. Bio Process Engineering: Basic concepts M. L. Shuler and F. Kargi
4. Stochiometry, 5th edition, 2011 Bhutt&Vora

List of Reference Books:

1. Biochemical Engineering – Principles and Inamdar S.T.Aragatz


M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23


Lecture Plan

1-15 Introduction To Bioscience: Types of Microorganisms: Structure and function
of microbial cells. Fundamentals of microbial growth, batch and continuous
culture. Isolation and purification of Enzymes from cells. Assay of Enzymes
16-25 Functioning of cells and Fundamental Molecular Biology: Metabolism and
bioenergetics, Photosynthesis, carbon metabolism, EMP pathway,
tricarbocyclic cycle and electron transport chain, aerobic and anaerobic
metabolic pathways. Synthesis and regulation of bimolecular, fundamentals of
microbial genetics, role of RNA and DNA. Enzyme Technology and Kinetics:
Applications of enzymes inindustry and medicine.

26-35 Immobilization of enzymes, Kinetics of enzyme catalytic reactions involving

isolated enzymes, Reversible inhibition. Reactions Catalysed By Enzymes,
Reactors, Analysis: Reactor Design and Analysis for soluble enzyme systems.
Cofactor regeneration, Membrane reactor. Effect of mass transfer in
immobilised enzyme particle systems. Reactors for immobilised enzyme

36-45 Bio Reactors, Effect of Transport Processes: Introduction to Bioreactor

design: Continuously Stirred aerated tank bioreactors. Mixing power
45-56 Determination of volumetric mass transfer rate of oxygen from air bubbles
and effect of mechanical mixing and aeration on oxygen transfer rate, heat
transfer and power consumption. Multiphase bioreactors and their
applications. Downstream processing and product recovery in bioprocesses.

Course Details:
Name of Course Research Methodology
Course Code CHE561
Core/Elective/ Other Elective 4(A)

Description: Students have to collect a International Journal paper on the topics of their
interest, prepare a write up and present with suitable demonstration by software or
experimental work. Evaluation will be based on relevant topic student has studied,
communication skill and reporting/documenting procedure

Electives - C
These are open elective courses offered by other departments. The syllabus for open electives
may be obtained from respective department(s) offering the course(s) and/or the course

Open Electives offered to Students of Other Departments

CHE-581: Environmental Modelling

Name of program M.Tech (Chemical Engineering)

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

Semester II Semester
Course Code/Title CHE-581 (Environmental Modelling)
Core/Elective/ Other Open Elective

Course Outcomes (COs):

CO1. Demonstrate the ability to utilize environmental modeling tools

CO2. Apply air quality modeling techniques to simulate the dispersion, transformation, and
concentration of various air pollutants
CO3: Utilize modeling results to support informed decision-making in air quality
management, implications of modeling outcomes on public health and the environment
CO4: Environmental Modeling using AI & ML with CV & PR

CHE 581 Environmental Modelling

1-4 Model Inputs and Data Requirements, Collection and utilization of data for water quality
modelling, Incorporating factors like flow rates, water quality parameters, and treatment
plant characteristics.
5-8 Source water protection and contamination event analysis. Ground water modeling,
Water-GEM software for distribution network analysis
9-11 Emerging Trends in Water and Wastewater Modeling, Integration of smart
technologies in water and wastewater management, Sustainable practices and the role
of modeling in resource recovery.
12-17 Introduction to mathematical modelling concepts, Model development and calibration
techniques, Data requirements for solid waste management modelling. Application of
statistical techniques in waste characterization modelling
18-20 Modeling waste collection systems, Optimization of collection routes, Fleet management
modelling, Transportation logistics in waste management, Modeling waste treatment
technologies, Landfill modeling and optimization, Modeling recycling processes and
material recovery, New Technologies Contribution on the Bio-based/Agrifood Sector for
Achieving Circular Economy Goals
21-26 Overview of air quality modeling in environmental science, Importance of air quality
modeling for regulatory compliance and public health, Basic Concepts in Atmospheric
Chemistry and Physics, Understanding the chemical and physical processes affecting air
quality, Gas-phase and aerosol chemistry, photochemical reactions, and dispersion
mechanisms. MATLAB as the major computer tool for modeling.
27-31 Overview of different types of air quality models (e.g., dispersion models, photochemical
models, receptor models), Selection criteria for choosing appropriate models for specific
scenarios, Model Inputs and Data Requirements, Introduction to meteorological data,
emission inventories, and other input parameters, Data sources and quality
considerations for model inputs.
32-36 Modeling Air Pollutants and Source Apportionment, Specifics of modeling common air
pollutants (e.g., particulate matter, ozone, nitrogen dioxide), Source apportionment
techniques and case studies, Air Quality Management and Policy Implications, Utilizing
modeling results for air quality management and policy decisions, Case studies
demonstrating the impact of modeling on regulatory initiatives,
37-41 Model Validation and Uncertainty Assessment, Techniques for model validation and
assessing the uncertainty in modeling results, Interpreting and communicating
uncertainty in air quality modelling, Emerging Trends in Air Quality Modeling, Overview
of advanced modeling techniques and technologies, Integration of remote sensing and
machine learning in air quality modeling.
Fundamental of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML). Pre-processing,
Computer vision (CV), pattern recognition (PR), Deep learning. Case Studies and Practical

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23


Textbooks and reference books:

Arcadio P. Sincero, Gregoria A. Sincero Environmental Engineering: A Design Approach,
1995, Prentice Hall
Metcalf & Eddy, Inc., George Tchobanoglous , Franklin Burton , H. David Stensel, Wastewater
Engineering: Treatment and Reuse, 2017, McGraw Hill.
Howard S. Peavy, Donald R. Rowe, George Tchobanoglous, Environmental Engineering,
1985, Mc Graw Hill International
William A. Worrell, P. Aarne Vesilind, and Christian Ludwig, Solid Waste Engineering
Solid Waste Engineering: A Global Perspective, Cengage Learning, 2015
Paolo Zannetti, Air Quality Modelling: Theories, Methodologies, Computational methods and
available softwares, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1998
Wu-Seng Lung, Water Quality Modeling That Works, Springer Link, 2022
Roger A. Falconer, Water Quality Modelling, 1992, Routledge
A. James, An Introduction to Water Quality Modelling, 2nd Edition, 1993, Wiley.
Jagriti Saini, Maitreyee Dutta, Gonçalo Marques, Malka N. Halgamuge, Integrating IoT and AI
for Indoor Air Quality Assessment, Springer link, 2022
Andreas C. Müller and Sarah Guido, Introduction to Machine Learning with Python, O’Reilly
Media, Inc, 2017
Aaron Courville, Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Deep Learning (Adaptive Computation and
Machine Learning series), MIT Press, 2016.
John Wainwright, Mark Mulligan, Environmental Modelling: Finding Simplicity in
Complexity. 2013, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Jo Smith, Peter Smith, Environmental Modelling: An Introduction. Oxford University Press,
William G. Gray , Genetha A. Gray, Introduction to Environmental Modeling, Cambridge
University Press 2018
Mike J. Barnsley, Environmental Modeling:A Practical Introduction, 2019, CRC Press
Ekkehard Holzbecher, Environmental Modeling Using MATLAB, 2012, Springer
Richard J. Hewitt, Verónica Hernández-Jiménez, Ana Zazo-Moratalla, Blanca Ocón-Martín,
Lara P. Román-Bermejo, María A. Encinas-Escribano, Developments in Environmental
Modelling, ScienceDirect, 2017
Anil Gupta, Babak Farjad, George Wang, Hyung Eum, and Monique Dubé, Integrated
Environmental Modelling Framework for Cumulative Effects Assessment, 2021, University
of Calgary Press.
George Vlontzos, Yiannis Ampatzidis, Basil Manos, Panos Pardalos, Modeling for Sustainable
Management in Agriculture, Food and the Environment, CRC Press, 2022
Stuart J. Russell and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 3rd Edition,
Pearson, 2015.
Seth Weidman, Deep Learning from Scratch, O’Reilly Media, Inc., 2019
L.G. Shapiro and G. Stockman Computer Vision, Prentice-Hall, 2001.
D.A. Forsyth and J. Ponce, Computer Vision: A Modern Approach by, Prentice-Hall, 2015.
S. Theodoridis and K. Koutroumbas Pattern Recognition, 4th Ed., Academic Press, 2009
Duda, Hart, and Stork, Pattern Classification, 2nd edition, John Wiley Interscience, 2012.
Various research papers and articles on AI in air quality modelling

CHE-582: Green Technology & Processes

Name of program M.Tech (Chemical Engineering)
Semester 2nd
Year 1st Year
Course Code/Title CHE 582 Green Technology and Processes
Core/Elective/ Other Open Elective

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23


Graduate standing in Chemical Engineering or approval of the instructor.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

CO1 Understand principles and concepts of green chemistry

CO2 Develop manufacturing processes to reduce wastage and energy consumption

CO3 Design the technologies to reduce the level of emissions from buildings and core


CO4 Analyze the effects of pollutants on the environment

Lecture Plan


1-10 Principles and concepts of Green Chemistry: Introduction, Sustainable Development and
Green Chemistry, Atom Economy, Atom Economic Reactions, Rearrangement
Reactions, Addition Reactions, Atom Un-economic Reactions, Substitution Reactions,
Elimination Reactions, Wittig Reactions, Reducing Toxicity, Measuring Toxicity

11-20 Waste- Production, Problems and Prevention: Introduction, Some Problems Caused by
Waste, Sources of Waste from the Chemical Industry, The Cost of Waste, Waste
Minimization Techniques, The Team Approach to Waste Minimization, Process Design
for Waste Minimization, Minimizing Waste from Existing Processes, On-site Waste
Treatment, Physical Treatment, Chemical Treatment, Biotreatment Plants, Design for
Degradation, Degradation and Surfactants, DDT, Polymers, Some Rules for Degradation,
Polymer Recycling, Separation and Sorting, Incineration, Mechanical Recycling,
Chemical Recycling to Monomers

21-30 Measuring and controlling environmental performance: The Importance of Measurement,

Lactic Acid Production, Safer Gasoline, Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment, Green
Process Metrics, Environmental Management Systems, The European Eco-management
and Audit Scheme, Eco labels, Legislation, Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control.
Catalysis and green chemistry: Introduction to Catalysis, Comparison of Catalyst Types,
Heterogeneous Catalysts, Basics of 2 Heterogeneous Catalysis, Zeolites and the Bulk
Chemical Industry, Heterogeneous Catalysis in the Fine Chemical and Pharmaceutical
Industries, Catalytic Converters, Homogeneous Catalysis, Transition Metal Catalysts with
Phosphine Ligands, Greener Lewis Acids, Asymmetric Catalysis, Phase Transfer
Catalysis, Hazard Reduction, C–C Bond Formation, Oxidation Using Hydrogen Peroxide,
Biocatalysis, Photocatalysis

31-40 Organic solvents, Environmentally benign solutions: Organic Solvents and Volatile
Organic Compounds, Solvent-free Systems, Supercritical Fluids, Supercritical Carbon
Dioxide, Supercritical Water, Water as a Reaction Solvent, Water-based Coatings, Ionic
Liquids, Ionic Liquids as Catalysts, Ionic Liquids as Solvents, FluorousBiphase Solvents.
Renewable resources: Biomass as a Renewable Resource, Energy, Fossil Fuels, Energy
from Biomass, Solar Power, Other Forms of Renewable Energy, Fuel Cells, Chemicals
from Renewable Feedstocks, Chemicals from Fatty Acids, Polymers from Renewable
Resources, Some Other Chemicals from Natural Resources, Alternative Economies, The

M.Tech Chemical Engineering Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. 2022-23

Syngas Economy, The Biorefinery, Chemicals from renewable feed stocks

41-46 Emerging Greener technologies and Alternative energy solutions: Design for Energy
Efficiency, Photochemical Reactions, Advantages of and Challenges Faced by
Photochemical, Processes, Examples of Photochemical Reactions, Chemistry Using
Microwaves, Microwave Heating, Microwave-assisted Reactions, Sonochemistry, and
Green Chemistry, Electrochemical Synthesis, Examples of Electrochemical Synthesis.
Designing greener processes: Conventional Reactors, Batch Reactors, Continuous
Reactors, Inherently Safer Design, Minimization, Simplification, Substitution,
Moderation, Limitation, Process Intensification, Some PI Equipment, Examples of
Intensified Processes, In-process Monitoring, Near-infrared Spectroscopy.

47-50 Industrial case studies: A Brighter Shade of Green, Greening of Acetic Acid
Manufacture, EPDM Rubbers, Vitamin C, Leather Manufacture, Tanning, Fat liquoring,
Dyeing to be Green, Some Manufacturing and Products Improvements, Dye Application,
Polyethene, Radical Process, Ziegler–Natta Catalysis, Metallocene Catalysis, Eco-
friendly Pesticides, Insecticides. An integrated approach to a greener chemical industry:
Society and Sustainability, Barriers and Drivers, The Role of Legislation, EU White
Paper on Chemicals Policy, Green Chemical Supply Strategies

• Suresh S, Sundaramoorthy S, “Green Chemical Engineering: An introduction to Catalysis, Kinetics
and Chemical processes”, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, (ISBN: 9781466558830), 1st Edition,
pp. 1-530, 2015.
• Suresh S, Keshav A. “Textbook of Separation Processes”, Studium Press (India) Pvt. Ltd (ISBN:
978-93-80012-32-2), 1-459, 2012.
• SJ. Arceivala, Green Technologies: For a Better Future, McGraw Hill Education, 2014. ISBN:
• J.I. Boye, Y. Arcand, Green Technologies in Food Production and Processing, Springer Nature,
• Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, S. Clarke, M.E. Jennex, A. Becker, A-V. Anttiroiko, Green Technologies:
Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications, IGI Global Publisher, 2011. ISBN:
• Mike Lancaster, Green Chemistry, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2010. Paul T. Anastas John C.
Warner, Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice, Oxford University Press, 2000.
• Jay Warmke, Annie Warmke, Green Technology, Educational Technologies Group, 2009.
• BK. Behera, Ram Prasad, Environmental Technology and Sustainability: Physical, Chemical and
Biological Technologies for Clean Environmental Management, Elsevier, 2020.
Reference materials
1. Suresh S., Anil Kumar, Ashish Shukla, Renu Singh, CM Krishna. Biofuels and Bioenergy, Springer
Proceedings in Energy, Springer International, (ISBN: 978-3-319-47255-3), 2017, pp 1-197.
2. Suresh S, Sudhakar K., “Global Scenario in Environment and Energy”, BS Publisher (India), Pvt.
Ltd, (ISBN: 978-81-7800-286-6), 1-424, 2013.
3. Suresh S, Shrivastava M, Srivastava E., “Emerging trends in Agriculture, Horticulture and
Environment Engineering” Janparishad press and MANIT Bhopal (ISBN: 978-93-5196-081-2), 1-
302, 2014.
4. Suresh S, Tiwari, H.L., Jaiswal, R.K., “Hydraulics, Water Resources, Coastal and Environmental
Engineering”, Excellent Publishing House Pvt. Ltd Vol I and II, 2014.
5. Suresh S, Shrivastava M, Srivastava S., “Environmental Friendly Agriculture & Horticulture in
planning of a smart city” Saksham Publisher Pvt. Ltd (ISBN: 978-93-5196-081-2), 1-202, 2015


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