2001.12 ASN-4-212E Maintenance of Snubber

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am Bm t- EA =ar-z AKASAKA SERVICE NEWS (i RHURCH YE RF—D NO. ASN-4212 AKASAKA DIESELS LIMITED ‘SERVICE DEPARTMENT ENG. TYPE: RHA mI esi 3HF12 7 Dee, 2001, RH-3/E HAG BED wR HER ICD YT -MAINTENANCE OF RH-3 TURBOCHARGER. A YRFAK APF y KY MEYER RABE A—H—O “T.S.UT =a— ZAMS RL, BSCLTFEY, (ve) 1. RH 3 Weise ra 18 GHEY 257 KADIR APE) 2. RES TeWwiRHENE TRARY Ott 16 ‘We will inform the service news for turbo-charger RH-3 maintenance, issued by twrbo- charger maker. Please tefer to attached “Service News". 1. Instruction of interim maintenance and inspection for RH-3 turbocharger. (Prevention of damage by touching at shroud part of turbine side.) 2. A supplement to instruction of maintenance and operation for RH-3 turbocharge. _|_Se 6 No, SERN-TC-U.098A THRRrens Service NEWS sec cmen en snstnaeditioinvene FER I-A pe rasan we Instruction of interim maintenance and inspection for RH..3 turbocharger Pr i bin Even ator unning hour less then our recommended verhauinterva he clearance at shroud part between ‘urine housing and impale can be diminished due to accumulated exhaust depos (@9. carton). ‘extreme case |e. no eerance touching can cecur and then iad to te damage of sealing as wo as earings In order to prevent such a prcblem, i recommended that mainenance and Inspection sould be done petal according othe instruction manual for mairenance and oparaton. Here the instruction for maintenance and inspection at shroud par of bine i Inteduced as itr one a aso that exhaust dopost ie lkaly to bo accurulstod fast or that maintanance and inspection is needed ‘pen, an 80 plone be kindy requested 4 refer to thi iabucton for your aafe operation in god 41. Interval of interim maintenance and inspection (Cleaning interval of turbine housing and turbine impeller without disassembling bearing unit) [Asan interval of intrim maintenance iis recommended odo about every 2400 hous Dont disassemble futher center section. We recommend maintenance and inspection according 1 the Insructon of nsrim maintenance thats explaining from the next page. In this case, please dean them ster contin the folowing hee pons (1), Check you can rts turine shat smocthy by hand (2). Check bearing clearance (radia ad ail clearance) ls wtin parca range. {@)_ Chock overhauling ncn bosrns is caod out every 4800 operating hous. ‘The degree of containaton on turbine whoa note Ol leakage or bearing damage can be occured by coking of lubestion ol around the sealing section, because of heat soaking from tube impair ater engine stopped. Potot: Sighty coked deposits occured in LO space around seal ng at turbine sido. Photo shows that cokod depos are ‘eaned by using stick 3. Inspection (1) Every 400 hours Check al fing bots a [ This check sto preven leakage of exhaust 2s and libration ol due to looseness of lt and nut at each par. (2) Every 1200 hours ~ check smooth rotation ofthe rotor AX attention Check I you can rotate twbine shat sooty by hand. 8 is hard to rotate of Touching nose occurs, the tuboderger must be dante for inspection. 38 No, SER.N-TC-0.097A Temperature around sealing pat (0) A c= Bearing housing Sealing section in bearng housing {Compressor hosing get URILK T4T ak aeAt ‘Turbo Systems United Co., Ltd. No. SERAN-TC-U.GOTA A spartan of mannanns © Overhaul inspection “Turbine housing) #1 Coand pat In case that bearings are not damaged even i Gas pasta touching mark found, remove. carbon at Shroud part of urine housing’ end. turbine impoter R If you are not easy 1 find contamination of carbon at shvoud part wih visual choo, chock k boy measuring dimension R. mo In case that turbine inpeer touches strony de 10 decressed stvoud clearance, bead can be damaged, d Gas outlet Corton st shoud part forms hard tyer Inctusing ‘Calcum and Vanadum. Please remove caetlly wih a wre bush rsoaper “aun nw area at Hove, ated SX € at must not be wor or damaged, Please efor the ating pate of rbocharger ‘Racal clearance at gas outlet par Turing ‘rps ‘ Tacha | eran. RRR RARE i ‘Desgnvaueinmm) |. - ars ove x? #150, sewage Fos [ReWa7ie | —a7O x7 =1A0 "O ® - CL ies 7205 | O90? repo t oe re RBIS | TIT (© Please check carbon and shige of hbricating cit accumulate at back wall of tute mpaller and grove of searing AX tention Seal ing must be replaced during overt Inspection. accumulated depost found, & ‘must be removed. BIR URUK 4 Fuk wet ‘Turbo Systems United Co., Ltd. Tear alli y-e2 =a-a (8) Every 2400 hours:~-Chock eter cearance To perfor the complete overau, please ter fo the Clause (4) oF our serves news, SERN-TC-UOBHA KE Note Tnepecton itera fr rotor cesrance Rass Every 2400 hours RHTAS~RHO59 “> Every 4800 hours «© How to measure clearances "Bal dearance Push urine shat turbine sida strongly by hand Set cia gauge to 200, Push turbine shaft to compressor side strongly by hand Note he vlus neste onal gauge. aaa clearance :Afer sefing. dal gauge st edge of ‘compressor mpl, et dal gage o 20, Photo 6 ‘Pah up trine shaft at compressr side by hand [Noe he value indicated on lal gauge, sh dwn turbine shaft compressor side byhand Noo the vale indicated on ial gauge. “The tte value of upside and ownside means asia clearance, KS Note ‘Measure clearance about 9 times, and check ‘average value Is within permissive range by teterng to Tab 2. Table 2_Penmisible range of earance (nm) Turvocharger} Axa Rais (ven dover) Rigs | O0SOIZ 087 (0a7~057 [RAWI76 | O0B=OI7 080 0.45~0.60) RAVES 7203 | 008015 080 04s~0.60) RHO 7268 | O01 093 No. SERN-TC-UDOTA | supplament to tucton of maitnances ‘il coarance 1 “Arial clearance 2 Regis earance 1 Sei YRTLK Fuk ASH ‘Turbo Systems United Co., Ltd. (4) Every 4800 hours Inspection (Overhaul and rvctve pont of overhaul (© We recommend overnauing about every 4800 hows. In case that extremely heavy contamination ie found, the interval of ‘overhaul has to be shortened than before. © Sioud part of turbine housing has 10 be ‘leaned when overhauling (Retort instveton in case of every 1200 ours ches) {© Before immersing turbine impeller in warm water or solvent fr carbon remover, grease Rust be applied tothe pat rom groove for ‘seal cng to the end of compressorhee sce. Wf protection is not enough, ‘comosion can be occured Photo. (2nbelance due to excessive carbon depost ‘Even afer running hours loss han our ecommended overhaubinteral, thick carbon can adhere to turbine whe Excessive unbalance causes touching of {urine impelier and compressor wheel at Stoud part, which may tad to damage of bearing pat, 1# The degree of contamination on turbine whee! dior: for each operating coniton. Thocelore special care should be taken if ‘engines runing with heavy fue 08 cc) oe No, SER-N-TCUDTA 4 osama ict of manaanse Visual check Grove for Coraded mar Please protect urine shat compltely 10 ‘he end of compressor-hea side. gmk RTL 4suh eR Turbo Systems United Co., Ltd. No. SER-N-TC-U-STA | sxpplament to inseam of matnances {nd operation for Ri trbochargee 4. Process of bearing damage and ‘checkpoint of periodical inspection ‘ieioraton ator aek of air cooing longtime operation Irtaal of pees nepacton 1200 2400 4000 eps ot carbon and an ‘ombuntonreiuas on ho f qe) (ton peter ie ing pa ¥ tort ‘Reduction of clearance between hort {Erbe impator ane housing Carton shroud pat o-o-8 brie ‘Accolerat x ror —_¥ np eet 5 ceanin toxin nn Increase of ‘operat tine Treave ofearbon | kL radial clearance ea] a indies fel | -@——-O- ‘sd ncrease ot £ Contamination | [Touching at shroud part of roi ot Stbeaing part_| | tbine impel and housing ‘Excessive oad 4 Roatng roumel besrnge ‘Worn at iner (and outer) surface tjoumal earns Run out of rte sha inrense of oa ad Excessive ad oust bora Wom att berg v Tneeaee of tt cearance Decreat oad capecty airs Damage of bearings BIR UAILK Tsk wet ‘Turbo Systems United Co., Ltd. ae ne, Service News No, SER-NITCUAOTA awe PER Ra-R {nd operation for RH tarbocharger With kind regards Turbo Systems United Co, Ltd, BIR URILK dF uk watt Turbo Systems United Co., Ltd.

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