Ohr No.1 - PMP Manual - Wmo No.332 - 1973
Ohr No.1 - PMP Manual - Wmo No.332 - 1973
Ohr No.1 - PMP Manual - Wmo No.332 - 1973
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33 ~
Operational Hydrology
Report No. I
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© 1973, World Meteorological Organization
The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not
imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the World
Meteorological Organization concerning the legal status of any conntry or territory or of its
authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers.
C 0 N T E N T S
FOREWORD •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• XI
l. 3 . 1 Purpose 3
l. 3. 2 Scope 3
References ............................................................... 5
2.1 Introduction 7
2. 4 Wind maximization 15
2.4.1 Introduction 15
2 . 4. 3. 2 Wind speed 17
2.5 . 2. 4 Adjustments 20
2.7.l Definition 24
2.9.l Introduction 32
2.10.1 Introduction 35
2.10.2 Observed storms 35
2.10.3 Maximum persisting 12-hour dew points ••••••••••••••••••••• 35
2.10.4 Moisture inflow•••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 36
2.10.5 Daily station precipitation .............................. . 36
2.10.6 Weekly precipitation data ..................•.....•.....•.• 36
2.11 Areal distribution of PMP ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 36
2.11.1 Introduction 36
2.11.2 Observed storm pattern•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 37
3. 2. l Introduction ................................................. 51
3. 2. 2 Orographic model 51
3 . 3. 3 . 3 Areal variation 70
3. 4.l Introduction 80
References ................................................................ 93
5 . 3. l Introduction 117
5 . 3. 3 PMP for draina ges up to 250 km 2 in t he Tennessee river basin ••• 120
5.3.5 PMP for the Lower Mekong river basin in south- east Asia 139
Page Elevation adjustment e e e e e e I •• e e e e ••• e • e • e I e I e I I I I I I I I I e I I I I I I I 158
Having in mind the need for guidance material on the procedures for estimat-
ing probable maximum precipitation for hydrological forecasting and design purposes,
the president of the Commission for Hydrology and the WMO Executive Committee Panel
of Experts for the Inte r national Hydrological Decade recommended that a manual be pre-
pared describing the techniques that have been found generally applicable in middle
latitudes for basins of various sizes subject to both orographic and non-orogra phic
Arrangements were accordingly made by WMO for the preparation of this report.
It has been written by J. L. H. Paul hus, Gonsulting hydrometeorologist in co- operation
with the Office of Hydrology, National Weather Service, National Oceanic and Atmos-
pheric Administration, U.S . Department of Commerce. Principal contributors from that
office were J . F. Miller, J. T. Riedel, F. K. Schwarz and C. W. Cochrane. Porti ons
of the text were taken from materi al written by V. A. Myers.
D. A. Davies
Procedures for estimating PMP cannot be standardized as they vary with amo unt
and quality of data available, basin size and location, basin and re gional topography,
storm types producing extreme precipitation, and climate . There ore many r egions in
various ports of t he world for whic h PMP hos never been estimated. It would be impos-
sible at this time to prepare a manual that would cov3r all problems that might possi -
bly be encountered . Nor would it be practicable to prepare a manual that would cover
all situations that hav e cr i s en in deriving post est imat es. For th ese reasons, this
manual discuss es procedures that have been found generally applicable in the middl e
latit udes for basin s i zes up to about 50 000 km2 in orographic a nd non - orographic
The procedures are described by examples f r om actual studies by t he National
Weather Service (formerly U.S. Weather Bureau), Nat i on a l Oceanic an d Atmospheric Ad-
ministration , U.S. Deportment of Commerce. Several count ries have made equa ll y valid
studies . The chief reasons fo r using the exa mples desc ribed were that: (1) they re-
presented a variety of problems, (2) they were from stu dies published in widely dis-
tributed reports re latively accessible fo r re ferenc e, and (3) read y availability o f
basic materia l, such as photographic prints of many illustrations, mi ni mi zed time and
cost of preparing this manual . The examples given cover estimates for specific basins
and generalized estimates, and include PMP esti mat es for th unde rstorms, general storms,
and tropical storms .
The manual was written under the assumption that t he user would be a meteoro-
lo gist . No attemp t was made to define or discuss basic meteorological terms or pro-
cesses. It is beli eved that the procedures described are presented in sufficient de-
tail to permit the professional meteorologist, especially one with hydrological train-
ing and ingenuity, to proceed with their application to t he usual problems involved in
estimating PMP.
A une exception, toutes les methodes exposees sont fondees sur la technique
meteorologique dite traditionnelle . La seule exception concerne une methode statis -
tique. La technique traditionnelle consiste essentiellement a maximiser le contenu
en vapeur d'eau et a extrapoler en partant des averses observees. On a parfois
rec ours egalement a la maximalisation du vent. L'e xtrapolation a partir des averses
observees necessite de tenir compte de l 'a ltit ude , des barrieres s'opposant au trans-
port de la vapeur d'eau et de l'eloignement du lieu par rapport a la source de vapeur
d'eau. Les ajustements apportes pour tenir compte de ces parametres sont fondes sur
des modeles hypothet iques des averses. Une variante de la technique traditionnelle
consiste a utiliser, dons les regions montagneuses, un modele de calcul orographique.
Le manuel expose diverses methodes pour determiner la variation saisonniere ainsi que
la distribution spatio-temporelle de la HMPP.
~na yqeTa pas nHqHhlX ~aK TopoB , Kacaro~HXCH aTMOC~epHOM BnarH, np HBO-
~HTCH Ta6nHQhl o6~ e ro KOnHQ eC TBB nap a B HBChl~eHHOM ncee~oa~Ha6a T HQeCKOM
B TM OC~epe , KOTopoe MO• eT BhlnaCTb B BH~e oca~KOB. B noco6He BKnroqeHhl TBK•e
MHpOBhle peKo p~Hhle HnH 6nH3KHe K peKop~HhlM oca~KH, KOTOphle MoryT Hcnonn 30-
BBTbCH ~nH rpy6oM npoBepKH pacqeTHhlX 3HBQeHHM BepoHT HhlX MBKCHMBnbHhlX
oca~ Ko B.
1 . 1.2
1.1 . 3
Probable maximum pr ecipitation (PMP) was once known as maximum possible pre-
cipitation (MPP), and this lotter term is found in most reports on estimates of ex-
treme precipitation mode prior to about 1950. The chief reason for the name change
to PMP was that MPP carried a stronger implication of physical upper limit of pre-
cipitation than does PMP, which is preferred because of the uncertainty surrounding
any estimate of maximum precipitation. Procedures for estimating PMP, whether mete-
orological or statistical, ore admittedly inexact, and the results ore approximations .
Different, but equally valid, approaches may yield different estimates of PMP . Fo r
this reason various levels of PMP may be considered, as discussed in section 1.2.
PMP for all durations and sizes of area in a specific basin is usually deter-
mined by several types of storms . For example, thunderstorms are very likely to pro-
vide PMP over an area smaller than about l 000 km2 for durations shorter than 6 hours,
but controlling values for longer du rati ons and larger areas will be derived almost
i nvari ably from general storm s. For short durati ons , thundersto rms can produce heavi -
er ra infall than can gene ral storms, but they are relatively short-lived, and indi-
vidual storms cover relatively small areas . General storms, although they often in-
clude thunderstorms, produce less intense rainfall on the average, but the ir longer
l ife and gr eater areal coverage resul t in greater ra infall amounts fo r du rations of
about 6 hours and longer, and for large areas.
Norma lly, it wou ld appear illogi cal to assume that PMP fo r all durations and
sizes of area co uld be realized from one storm, but this is not necessarily so. PMP
for small basins may be, and i s often ass umed to be, obtainable f r om a single stor m.
In such case s, PMP and PMS are synonymous , but this is not always so . PMP va lues fo r
al l ranges of duration and sizes of area in a basin are always understood to represent
limi ting ra in fal l am ounts without regard to storm type. In other words, PMP values
enve l op t he probable maximum amounts that might be realized from any t ype of storm
that could produce heavy precipitation over the basin. PMS, on the othe r hand, may
refer to any maximized observed or hypothetical storm that is equal to PMP for at
least one duration and size of area. The term has been applied also to a hypotheti-
cal storm that would produce PMP for all durations at the total basin area and somewhat
lesse r values for smaller areas within the basin.
That the procedur es described he re for deriving estimates of PMP yi eld results
to the nearest millimeter or tenth of an inch should not be taken as on indication of
the degree of ac curac y of the estimates. There is no objective way of assessing the
general level of PMP estimates derived by the procedures described here or by any ot her
known procedures. Judgment based on meteorology and experience is most important.
Obviously, estimates subsequently exceeded by observed storm r ainfall were too lo w.
There is no way, however, that an estimate can be labelled with certainty as being too
low or too high at the time it is mode. Thei r accuracy may be assessed, however, by
consideration of the following factors: (1) excess of estimated PMP over the max imum
observed rainfall values for the project basin and surrounding region; (2) number and
severity of record storms; (3) limitations on storm t ra nsposition in the region; (4)
number, character, and interrelationship of maximizing steps; (5) reliability of any
model used for relating rainfall to other meteorological variables; and (6) probabili-
ty of occurrence of the individual meteorological variables used in such models, with
care being taken to ovoid excessive compounding of probabilities of rare events.
Subsequent chapters show that various steps in the procedures require mete-
orological judgment. Consequently, the resulting estimates con be conservative or
liberal depending on decisions affecting the degree of maximization used in their de-
rivation. Thus, in effect, lower and upper limits to PMP can be estimated, although
only one set of values is usually derived.
The delineation of lower and upper limits to PMP is somewhat analogous to the
confidence bands used in statistical work. It would be nice if a confidence band
could be placed about a PMP estimate in an objective manner, similar to the standard
statistical method, but this is not possible because PMP is not estimated by formal
statistical methods. This limitation, however, does not invalidate the concept of a
confidence band, but it means that its limits must be based in considerable measure on
judgment, as is the PMP estimate itself . Factors influencing such judgment are the
same as those for assessing the general level of PMP listed in th e preceding paragraph.
l. 3.1
The following statement was published in a UN/WMO report [4}: "The practice
of hydrometeorology has not been r educed to a handbook. No one can furnish a set of
rules, graphs, and procedures whereby one can proceed step by step and necessarily de -
rive an acceptable estimate of probable maximum rainfall. The lectures will discuss
only certain principles. Handbooks work best in solving uniform problems from data
that ore uniform and ample. None of these three conditions is the rule in probable
maximum rainfall estimates - neither problems nor data are uniform, and the data are
certainly not ample."
1.3.2 Scope
The manual describes the more common meteorological approaches for estimating
PMP in orographic and non-orographic regions and for regions with and without adequate
meteorological data. It also describes a statistical procedure for small basins.
Generalized estimates, storm transposition, and seasonal variation are discussed also.
The text is restricted to methods for estimating PMP, and does not include procedures
for deriving maximum seasonal snowfall accumulations, optimum melting rates, etc.
than what is experienced in the situations producing the maximum floods, and would be
an unreasonably excessive estimate of maximum precipitation. For this reason, the
various meteorological procedures described here are considered most applicable to
basins up to about 50 000 km2, although they have been used for much larger basins.
The meteor ological procedures discussed are more suited to middle latitudes
than to the tropics. In the tropics the heaviest rainfalls are associated with very
high atmospheric moisture, which prevails most of the time during the rainy season.
Hence, there is neither theoretical nor empirical r eason to relate rainfall potential
to the mino r fluctuations in humidity that occur. It is for this reason that the
meteorological procedures presented are conside re d to be generally inapplicable to the
derivation of PMP estimates for the tropics.
1.3 . 3.
Examples from published reports on e sti mates of PMP fo r various basin sizes
in regions with different climates and topography ore used in the following chapters
to describe the more generally applicable procedures for making such estimates. There
are two main reasons for using such examples. One is that they are real estimates
mode for real situations, and thus should inspire more confidence in the procedures
than would descriptions of hypothetical situations. The second rea son is that the
published r eports from which the examples were taken provi de more detail than can be
given in this manual, and they are available for reference. The information pre-
sented in this manual, however, should be adequate for describing procedures. While
estimates of PMP have been made by various countries, the examples used are from re-
po r ts published by the U.S. Weather Bureau, renamed National Weather Service in 1970 .
It should not be inferred that the procedures and results presented in these reports
are superior to those derived by other agencies or nations. The chief reason for using
examples from reports prepared by the Weather Bureau (now National Weather Service)
is that it hos issued published reports, particularly in its HydrometeorologicalReport
series, giving detailed descriptions of over four dozen PMP studies made for various
ports of the world. Most, of course, are for the United States, which, because of
its wide variety of climate and topography, presents a wide range of problems involved
i n the derivation of PMP estimates. Some reports are on studies made for specific
river basins, while others present generalized estimates. Both types are discussed
The examples presented are not intended for direct application in deriving PMP
estimates. They serve merely to show how PMP has been estimated in a number of dif-
ferent situations involving different basin sizes, topography, climate, and data avail-
ability. It should not be inferred that the example given for any particular situa-
tion represents the only solution. Equally valid results migh t have been obtained by
other approaches. The examples should thus be looked upon as sug~estions on how to
approach derivation of PMP estimates. Particular attention should be paid to the
cautionary remarks at the end of each chapter.
2.1 Introduction
Extreme rainfa lls are indicators of maximum rates of convergence and vertical
motion in the atmosphere, which are re fe rred to as the storm, or precipitation-produc-
ing, mechanism . Extreme mechanisms for extreme storms may then be determined fo r
basins under study without the necessity of actually calculating the magnitude of t he
convergence and vertical motion . The procedures used for maximizing observed storm
rainfall to estimate PMP involve moistu re adjustments, storm transposition and envelop-
ment, and these are discussed in the following sections.
Since many of the extreme, or major rec orded storms occurred before extensive
networks of upper-air temperature and humidity soundings had been e stablished , any in-
dex of atmospheric moisture must be obtainable from surface observations. Also,
curren t upper-air observational networks are still too spa rse to define adequately the
moisture inflow into many storms, especially those limited to areas of the size con-
sidered in this report .
Fortunately, the moisture in the lower layers of the atmosphere is that most
important for producing precipitation, both because most of it is in the lower layers
and because it is dis tr ibuted upward through the storm early during rainfall [5 , 7_}.
Theoretical computations show that, in the case of excessive rains , ascensional ra tes
in the storm must be so great that within an hour or so air or iginally near the sur-
face has reached the top of the layer from which precipitation is falling . In the
case of severe thunde r storm ra infall, surface air may reach the top in a matter of
The most realistic assumption seems to be that the air ascends dry-adiabati-
cally to the satu r ation level and thence moist- adiabatically . For a given surface
dew point, a column of air will contain more moisture the lower the level at which the
air r eaches saturation, the greatest precipitable water occurring when this level is
at the ground . For these reasons, hydrometeorologists generally postulate a satur-
ated pseudo-adiabatic atmosphere for extreme storms.
2.2 . 2
Surface dew points representative of the moisture inflow into the storm
identify the storm saturation adiabat. The moist odiobot corresponding to either the
highest recorded dew point for the location and season or the dew point for some speci-
fic return period, soy, 100 years, is considered sufficiently close to the probable
warmest saturation adiabat. Both storm and maximum dew points are reduced pseudo-
adiabatically to the l 000 mb level (Figure 2.1) so that dew points observed at sta-
tions at different elevations are comparable. This permits construction and use of
tables showing atmospheric moisture as a function of the l 000 mb dew points (Annex 1).
As- the moisture hos an appreciable effect on the storm, precipitation must be
that which persists for hours rather than minutes . Also, any single observation of
dew point may be considerably in error. There is, then, merit in basing dew-point
values to be used in estimating storm and probable maximum moisture on two or more con-
secutive measurements separated by a reasonable time interval or a continuous auto-
matic record of dew point over a period of time rather than on a single reading. The
so-called highest persisting 12-hour dew point is generally used. This is the highest
3, 5
'-' ·
.µ 2.0
1. 5
Temperature (oc}
value equalled or exceeded at all observations during a 12-hour period. For example,
the following is a series of dew points observed at 6-hour intervals:
Time: 00 06 12 18 00 06 12 18
The highest persisting 12- hour dew point for this series is 24°C, which is
obtained from the period 18 to 06. However, if the air temperature had dropped below
23°C during the period 00 to 06, the highest persisting 12-hour dew point would then
be 23°, which is obtained from the period 12 to 00. Hourly dew points may be used, of
course, but such records are sparse, and they add a great deal of work to the surveys
for persisting values, especially in the case of maximum persisting 12-hour dew points,
which are discussed in section 2.2.5.
To select the saturation adiabat representing the storm moisture, the highest
dew points in the warm air flowing into the storm are identified from surface weather
charts. Dew points between the rain area and moisture source should be given primary
consideration . Dew points in the rain area may be too high because of the precipita-
tion, but they need not be excluded if they appear to agree with dew points outside the
area. In some storms, particularly those with frontal systems, surface dew points in
the rain area may represent only a shallow layer of cold air and not the temperature
and moisture distributions in the clouds releasing the precipitation.
19 .
Figure 2.2 illustrates schematically a weather map from which the storm dew
point is determined. On each consecutive weather map, say, for 6-hour intervals dur-
ing t he storm, the maximu m dew point is averaged over several stations, as illustrated
in t he figure. Occasionally, for lack of data, it is necessary to rely on the dew
point at only one suitably located station. The single or average maximum dew points
selected from eac h map for m a series, and the max i mum persisting 12-hour storm dew
point is then selected, as described in section 2.2.3. The selected dew point is then
re duced pseudo-adiaba ti ca lly to the l 000 mb level.
If the originally observed values plotted on the we ather maps are for stations
differing appreciably in elevation, the redu ction to l 000 mb should be made be fo re
averaging . However, elevation differences between dew-point stations in the moist-air
inflow are usually small and are generally neglected in the selec t ion of the storm dew
Certain precautions are advisable in the selection of maximum dew points in-
tended to be indices of maximum moisture for storm maximi zation. These precautions
apply regardless of whether the maximum dew points are used directly as surveyed or
subjected to frequency analysis. In certain places and seasons characte r ized by
ample sunshine, sluggish air circulation, and numerous lakes, rivers and swamps, a
local high dew point may result f r om local evaporation of moisture f r om the surface
and may not be at all representative of atmospheric moistu re at upper levels . Such
dew points should be discarded. To eliminate dew points so affected, the surface
weathe r charts for the dates of highest dew points should be examined and the dew
points discarded if they appear to have occurred when the observing station was clear-
ly in an anticyclonic or fair weather situation rather than in a cyclonic circulation
with tendencies towards precipitation.
All values of maximum persisting 12-hour dew points selected directly from
surveys of long records are plotted against date observed, and a smooth envelope
drawn, as illustrated in Figure 2 . 3 . When dew points from sho r t records are subject-
ed to frequency analysis, the resulting values are ~sually plotted against the middle
26 • •
• •
.,.,i::: 21. •
day of t he interval for which the series is compiled. Thus, for example, if t he fre -
quency analysis is for the series of semi- monthly maximum persisting 12-hour dew po ints
observed in the first half of the month, the result ing 50- or 100-year va lues would be
plotted against th e ei ghth da y of the month.
The preparation of monthly maps of maximum per sisti ng 12- hour l 000 mb dew
points is advisable, especially where numerous estimates of PMP are required. Such
mops not only provide a ready, convenient source of maximum dew points but also aid in
main taining consistency between estimates for various basins. The maps are based on
mid-month dew-point values read from the seasonal variation curves and adjusted to the
l 000 mb level . These va lues are plotted at the locations of the observing stations,
and smooth isopleths are then drawn, as in Figure 2.4 .
The rate of decrease of maximum dew points with distance inland depends upon
the season of the year, direction of moisture flow during periods of maximum humidity,
topographic barriers, and other geographic factors. The decrease must be determined
for each month and for each region of interest in order to obtain a reasonably reliable
seasonal variation curve. The gradients indicated by maps of maximum persisting 12-
hour l 000 mbdew points prepared for areas with adequate data provide the most useful
guidance in determining such dew points for areas with very little or no data . The
map of Figure 2. 4, for example, would be useful for estimating maximum persisting dew
points for regions of similar geography .
The t ab les presented in Annex l show depth of precipitable water f rom the
l 000 mb surface to various alt itudes or pressure levels as a f uncti on of the l 000 mb
dew point. In maximiz i ng storm rainfall, only the depth of precipitable water from
the ground to some arbitrarily selected l evel from 400 to 200 mb is used. The 300 mb
level is accepted generally as the top of the storm, but it makes little difference
which level f rom 400 mb on up is selected, as there is very little moisture at those
heights, and the effect on the moisture adjustment is negligible. In cases where a
mountain barrier lies between the storm area and the moisture source, the mean eleva-
tion of the ridge, or crest, is generally selected as the base of the moisture column.
In most cases, it is advisable to select the storm and maximum dew points between the
barrier and the storm location.
2.3 . 3
The dew points from a single station or set of stations used to obtain a rep-
resentative persisting 12-hour storm dew point are unlikely to be in the most intense
moisture inflow for much more than 12 to 24 hours, after which the stations where the
dew points were observed are very likely to be in the cold air because of the displace-
ment of the storm. The seleition of different repres entative 12-hour dew points for
every 12 hours of a storm is a very tedious task, especially for storm durations of 72
hours and longer. Comparisons of storm rainfall values adjusted on the basis of 12-
hour dew points from different sets of stations and those from a single set indicate
that differences are too small to justify the additional time required for obtaining
representative 12-hour dew points for different storm intervals.
It should be noted also that the use of different representative dew point~
for a storm requires different maximum dew points for the maximizing procedures des-
cribed below. Tests of the use of re presentative storm dew points over time intervals
up to 72 hours, e.g., 24- , 48- and 72-hour dew points, for adjusting storm r ainfall
values showed only small differences from the results obtained from the use of the 12-
hour representative storm dew point. The general practice is to use a single repre -
sentative persis t ing 12-hour dew point for adjusting the storm rainfall for all dura -
tions and sizes of area.
= Wm/w s
Thus, for example, if the representative persisting 12-hour l 000 mb storm dew point
is 21°C and the m~ximum is 24°C and the rain area is at an elevation of 400 m above
mean sea level (always assumed to be at l 000 mb) with no intervening topographic
barrier between the rain area and moisture source, the mois ture maximizing ratio (r )
is computed from precipitable water values obtained from the tables in Annex l: m
W = 74 - 8 = 66; W = 57 - 7 = 50; and r = 1.32. The precipitable water values
m s m
used in determining W and W are for a moisture column with base at l 000 mb and top
at 300 mb minus the p~ecipi¥able water in a column with base at l 000 mb and top at the
elevation of the rain area, i.e., 400 m.
2.4.l Introduction
This reasoning appears logical since storms with the highest wind speeds do
not necessarily produce the most intense prec ipita tion . While it is true that hu rri-
canes, or typhoons , with their high wind speeds tend to produce heavier rainfall
amounts than do the most vigorous extratropical storms, it should be noted that their
moisture content i s much higher. Also, whether hurricanes with the highest wind
speeds produce more ra infall than weaker hurricanes is uncertain, since they generally
reach full strength over seas . It is known, however, that rainfall from hurricanes
over land is not proportional to their wind speeds.
Various measures of wind speed have been used to develop wind maximization
ratios. Among them are: (1) average wind speed through the moisture-bearing layer
computed from representative soundings; (2) average speed in the moist layer computed
from two or three consecutive 6- or 12-hourly soundings; and (3) average speed or
total wind movement for a 12- or 24-hour period at a representative station, the 24-
hour period being preferred beca use of diurnal variations. Only wind speeds from
critical directions are conside red (paragraph Wind observations during the
24-hour period of maximum rainfall are usua lly the most representative of moisture in-
flow to storms of that or longer duration . For storms of shorter duration, average
winds need be computed for the actual duration only.
The wind maximization ratio is simply the rat io of the maximum average wind
speed for some specific duration and critical direction obtained from a long record of
observations, say 50 years, to the observed maximum average wind speed for the same
duration and direction in the storm being maximized. The monthly maximum average
values obtained from the records are usually plotted against date of observation, and
a smooth seasonal curve drawn so that storms for any time of the year may be maximized
readily (Figu re 2.12, part C) . The ma xi mum wind speeds used for maximization are
read from the seasonal curve.
Wind records appreciably shorter than about 50 years are unlikely to yield
maximum speeds reasonably representative of those to be obtained from a long record.
Frequency analysis is advisable for such short records. The computed 50- or 100-
year values, usually the former, are used to construct the seasonal variation curve of
limiting wind speed.
Sometimes the moisture values (precipitable water), both ma ximum and storm-
observed, are multiplied by the corresponding wind speeds to provide a moisture-inflow
index . The advantage in this is that the resulting moisture-i nflow index curve pre-
sents a more readily visualized seasonal variation of PMP (Figure 2.12, part D) than
when moisture and wind-speed curves are examined separately. Also, when the seasonal
variation curves are expressed in terms of percentage of the peak or other value, the
moisture-inflow index curve provides a single percentage value for adjusting PMP values
for any particular time of year.
2.5.l Definitions
2.5.2 ~f_s!o:m_t~p~
- - -of- -influence
The second step is to delineate the region in which the meteorologi~a~ st?rm
type identified in step l is both common and important as a producer of precipita!ion.
This is done by surveying a long series of daily weather charts. Tracks of tropical
and extratropical cyclones are generally available in published f orm, and these may be
used to delineate the regions frequented by the various storm types .
where R is the observed storm rainfall for a particular duration and size of area, and
R is t~e storm rainfall adjusted for transposition. Equation 2.2 incorporates both a
transposi tion adjustment and a moisture maximization . The storm depth-area-duration
array of rainfall values, such as in Table 2.1, is multiplied by this ratio. There is,
of course, no need to adjust values for areas exceeding the basin size. The moisture
adjustment may be either graeter or less than unity, depending on whether the trans-
position is toward or away from the moistu r e source and whether the elevation of the
transposed location is lower or highe r than that of the original storm site.
For reas ons given in section 2.2. 4, dew point~ between the rain area an d mois-
ture source tend to be more representative of the atmospheric moisture content, or pre-
cipitable water, flowing into the storm than dew points within the rain area. Such
representative dew points may be a few hundred kilometres away from the storm centre.
In ma~imizing for moistu r e , the maximum dew point used is for the same location as that
of th e -.presentative sto r m dew point. In transposing, the same reference distance is
laid out on the same bearing from the transposition point, as show n in Figure 2.6. The
r eferenced dew-point location is then used for obtaining the maximum dew point from the
maximum dew-point chart for calculating the maximization and transposition adjustments.
-- --
\ /
I /
I ,.,,.,.
I _...
- \...._ - -
- -- ---- ---
. _...!.1feference dew point bearing 170°
-- -- --- --
and distance 200 km
-- - -- --
. 24
-- --- -- - - --
-- --
Storm centre
. - --- - - - ---
Observation site of represent-
26 - ative storm dew point. Reference
bearing 170° and distance 200km
Ocean or other
moisture source
Intense local thunderstorms are not adjusted for elevation when transposition
involves elevation diffe ren ces of less than about l 500 m. Since this chapter deals
with non-orographic regions, it can be stated, simply, that no elevation adjustment is
made for local thunderstorms. Elevation adjustment for s~ch storms is required in
orographic regions, however, and they are discussed in sections 5.3.3.l and
Assume that synoptic weather charts associated with major storms indicate that
the hypothetical storm pattern shown in Figure 2.6 is transposable to the project basin
shown in the same illustration. The average elevation of the storm area is 300 m, and
that of the moisture-inflow, or south, side of the basin is 700 m, with no intervening
orographic barriers . The represe ntative persisting 12-hour storm dew point (section
2.2.4) is 23°C, which was observed at a site (Figure 2.6) located at an elevation of
200 m and 200 km from the storm centre on a bearing of 170° (paragraph . Re-
duction of this dew point to the l 000 mb level (Figure 2.1) yields 24°C.
where the subscripts within parenthes es refer to the l 000 mb dew points for which the
precipitable wate r W is computed, and the subscript s outside parentheses refer to the
various pertinent ground elevations forming the bases of the atmospheric columns for
which W is computed . Thus, the term (w /w ) represents moisture maximization at
26 24 300
the storm site ; (W ~/w )
2 26 300 is the adjustment for the difference in maximum dew points
of the original and transposition locations ; and (W ) c/(W 23 ) is the elevation ad-
23 70 300
justment. Multiplication of all th ese terms leads Io a simple result that all the r e-
quired adjustments are implici t in the sin gle term (W23) 700/(W24)300 • Referr ing to
Tables A.l.l and A.1 . 2 for a co lumn top of 300 mb, (W23) 700 = 67 - 13 = 54,and (W24)300
= 74 - 6 = 68mm . Hence, r = 54/68 = 0 . 79 .
2.7.l Definition
The initial step for sequential maximization is the same for large or small
basins. In each instance, a thorough study of the meteorology of major storms in the
area of interest is required /"l, 8, 9_}. Storm types associated with heavy rainfalls
in or near the project basin are determined. Movements of surface and upper-air lows
and highs are examined; depth, breadth, and direction of .moisture inflow are deter-
mined; vorticity advection is investigated; etc. It is usually impossible to study
all major storms with the same degree of detail. In the case of older storms, for
example, upper-flow patterns must be estimated from surface data.
The next step is to determine the sequences of storms in and near the project
basin. For large basins, storm sequences should be examined to determine the shortest
reasonable time interval between individual storms of various types. The minimum time
interval, usually measured in days, should be determined for each combination of storm
types producing heavy precipitation. This interval is a critical factor in the hypo-
thetical storm sequence established. For small basins, the procedure, though similar,
concentrates on the interval, usually measured in hours, between bursts in individual
storms. In some instances, the combination of bursts from separate storms is a possi-
bility, and the time interval between similar storms should be considered.
After storms have been examined and reasonable minimum time intervals between
them determined, pairs or sequences of storms or bursts are developed. Each pair of
storms, or for small basins individual bursts within a storm, is examined carefully to
insure that meteorological developments following the first storm or burst, i.e., move-
ment of lows and highs, over-running of the basin by cold air, etc., would not prevent
the succeeding storm or burst from occurring within critical time limits.
If all the important features of the weather situation at the beginning of the
second storm can be developed in a logi~al manner over a sufficiently large area, the
necessary conditions for its onset will have been met. The successive hypothetical
synoptic weather maps for the interval between storms or bursts are patterned to the
greatest extent possible after the actual maps following the fir st storm or bu r st and
preceding the second. Synoptic features, such as highs, lows, and fronts, are allow-
ed to move and change, as indicated by experience, at a somewhat faster than average,
but not excessive, rate. The resulting hypothetical storm sequence is intended to
depict a critical, meteorologically possible transition from one storm or burst to an-
While the derived hypothetical storm sequence often consists of two unadjust-
ed observed storms, the proba ble maximum storm (PMS) is sometimes selected as the
second storm of the sequence. In other words, the second storm has been maximized
for moisture and perhaps wind so that it equals PMP for at least one du ratio n and size
of area (sections 1. 1.4, 2.11.2 and 2.11.3). Sequences of two probable maximum storms
are never developed, however, for two reasons. One is that a properly derived PMS has
a very low probability of occurrence, and the probability of two such storms occurring
in unusually close succession is extremely remote . The second reason is that the
first PMS would be followed by a meteorological situation unfavourable for the rapid
development of the second, and the longer transition period between the two would very
likely make the sequence less critical hydrologically than a sequence of lesser storms
with a shorter time interval between them.
,,,...- .....
, / "
- 5"'
I,,,.-, ,.10 - . . .
I I I' ) I
,,. ,-
"'" / "-10 I
,,,"" "10
.... ,,,... ... "
/ _, __ .,,..--...... /
/ ,,.. - \ I
/ 10"'1'15- .... -, """I I
I / I /' I I//
I I ,..1 ,..,, - .I ,/1 I
I t { l '-._ 11 I
I I I \ )/It
I I lO"f"/1
I I I 20 - .... l
I I ,, ' ' I "" ,,.. - _,I I
I 11
I ,, I'
I I I ,,, - - "
I I ,, I I I I
I I ll ....;:::::.:::J I
Colorado Springe• \.,, I \
I I 15'? "' I
I I ,1,,.-
I "' ,,,"" I
0 10 20
1 /
1 '
I I km
I l~ /
l .._ - /
I \
I /
/ I
.-/ I
/,. I
/ 20
, t
0 10 20 30
•Colorado Springs
the principal centre of that on the seventeenth was super imposed on that of the six-
teenth, and the pattern was rotated about 25 degrees counter- clockwise for better
agreement with the orientation of the pattern on the sixteenth . In this region, -
such a rotation is realistic for this type of storm. In oth e r regions and for other
storm types, examination of many storms might show that such r otation would not _be
2. 7.4
The actual times of the bursts depicted in Figure 2. 7 were l p.m. to 7 p.m.,
16 June, and 2 p.m. to 8 p.m . , 17 June. Examination of a large number of similar
stor ms occurr ing in rela ti vely close succession indi cated that the interval between the
two bursts could be reduced to 12 hours. This shortening of the t ime interval result-
ed in assigning an overall duration of 24 hours to the total rainfall for the two
bursts, or seven hours less than the observed total storm period of 31 hours.
2.8 Envelopment
2.8.l Introduction
2.8.2 Envelopment
Envelopment is a process for selecting th e largest value from any set of data.
In estimating PMP the maximized and transposed rainfall data are plotted on graph paper,
and a smooth curve is drawn through the largest values. Figure 2.9 shows an envelope
of transposed, maximized precipitation values for durations up to 72 hours over a 2 000
km2 area. The variables are cha nged in Figure 2.10, which is an envelope of trans-
posed, maximized 24-hour rainfall values for areas ranging up to 100 000 km2. In de-
veloping a full array of PMP depth-area-duration data for a basin, it is necessary to
envelo pe both ways, as in Figures 2.9 and 2.10. Values re~d from the envloping curves,
such as shown in these two figures, are then used to construct a set of depth-area-dura-
tion curves, as shown in Figure 2.11.
,-... •
• St orm A
~ Storm B
w Storm c
(e ) St orm D
,00 • Storm E
0 12 24 36 46 60 72
Duration (hours)
10 000
5 000
.......,1 000
.. ~ .
500 •
Storm A
Storm B
' ..
)( Storm C
( •)
Storm D
Storm E
. ..
• (•) .•
0 200 400 600 800
24-hour rainfall (mm)
L.B 72
50 000
10 000
5 000
~ 1 000
• Storm A
y Storm B
)( Storm c
(•} Storm D
Al Storm E
0 10 200 300 L.00 500 600 700 800 900
It should be noted that the controlling points determining each curve are usu-
ally from different storms. On Figure 2.11, for example, with the exception of the 6-
and 12-hour curves, the points controlling the curves at about 2 500 km2 are typically
from different storms than those at 100 000 km2. Similarly, the points controlling
the short-duration curves are usually from different storms than those controlling the
long-duration curves.
The data used in constructing an envelope curve are not of equal accuracy of
reliability. For example, with r eferenc e to charts like those of Figures 2.9 and
2.10, the basin under study may lie definitely within the transposition limits of some
of the transposed storms, but it may lie just within the fringes of the transposition
limits of other storms, which leads to an element of doubt as to their transposability
to this particular basin. Under these circumstanc~s, it may be justified to place the
curve at somewhat lower values than the extremes in the dubious category. This is
called undercutting.
2.9.l Introduction
The steps outlined below for estjmating PMP over a project basin are applic-
able only for a non-orographic region with hyd rometeorological data. For most reli-
able estimates, data should include: (1) relatively detailed 6-hourly or daily weather
maps; (2) long rec ords, say, 50 years or more, of hourly and daily rainfal l data from
precipitation networks of sufficient density to permit reliable determination of time
and spatial distribution of storm rainfall; (3) long records of temperature, dew-point
and wind data both at the surface and, if possible, aloft, although upper-air data are
not absolutely required for the procedure outlined here. It should be kept in mind
that the procedure described generally applies only to middle-latitude basins of no
more than about 50 000 km2. Also, since it is very unlikely that a project basin will
have experienced all the outstanding storms of the region in which it lies, storm
transposition is almost always required.
tedious process even when done by computer. A ready file of storm DAD data is a real
convenience in making PMP estimates, and some countries maintain a continuing program
of DAD analysis for accumulating a file of such data both for old storms of record and
for new storms as they occur . DAD data for storms in the area of transposability may
be selected readily from such files, thus eliminating steps 2 and 3 . )
Step 4. Determine the representative persisting 12-hour dew point for each
appropriate storm, as described in section 2.2.4. Since this dew point is usually
outside the rain area (Figure 2.2), its distance and direction, or bearing, from the
storm centre should be specified (paragraph 2.6.l.l). If wind maximization is indi-
cated (section 2.4), select also for each storm the maximum 24-houraverage speed of the
wind from the moisture-inflow direction. Multiply the precipitable water (W), corre-
sponding to the representative storm dew point, by the wind speed to obtain the repre-
sentative storm moisture-inflow index (Figure 2.12).
If wind maximization is required, survey storm wind data for highest maximum
24-hour average speed from direction of moisture source. Multiply the precipitable
water (W) corresponding to the maximum persisting 12-hour l 000 mb recorded dew point
for the storm date, or within 15 days, by the maximum 24-hour average recorded wind
speed for the same date to obtain a maximum moisture-inflow index, as in Figure 2.12.
Here, again, it is rec ommended that the maximum moisture-inflow index be determined
for the entire storm season at one time.
Step 7. Multiply the DAD array, such as in Table 2.1, for each storm by the
appropriate precipitable-water or moisture-inflow index ratio, as determined in step 6.
2.10.l Introduction
In those regions where the maximum flood is likely to result from a combina-
tion of snowmelt and rainfall, it is necessary to determine the seasonal variation of
PMP so that various combinations for different times of the melting s eason can be eva l u-
ated in order to obtain the most critical. For example, in a particular region, maxi -
mized June storms may provide the controlling points for PMP but optimum combinations
of accumulated snow on ground and melting rates may be found in April. It is then
necessary to estimate PMP for April. Since it is not known exactly what time of year
is most critical for the maximum snowmelt and rain - flood, the usual procedure is to
determine the seasonal variation curve of PHP for the entire snowmelt season. The curve
then permits a ready adjustment of PMP for use in assessing flood situations at various
times during the melting season in order to determine the most critical flood .
There are various ways of determining the seasonal variation of PMP . The
more common procedures are disc ussed here. Selection of a procedure depends on data
available. Whenever possible, it is advisable to use several procedures in develop-
ing a seasonal variation curve. Cautionary remarks on the representativity and use
of seasonal variation curves are given in section 2.13.4 .
The best way for determining the seasonal variation of PMP requires a relo-
ti vely large number of storms for which DAD data are available and which are fairly
well distributed throughout the melting season. Different variations are usually
found for small and large areas and for short and long durations. It is, therefore,
important to base the seasonal variation on data consistent with the basin size and
critical rainfall duration. Because of this, it is often advisable to construct a
set of curves rather than a single one. The storm rainfall for a particular size of
area and duration is then maximized for moisture, as described in sections 2.3 and
2.6. The maximized data are then plotted against date of storm occurrence, and a
smooth envelope curve is then drawn. The rainfall scale is usually converted to a
percentage scale expressing the PMP as a percentage of the peak value or the value for
some particular time of year.
The seasonal variation of maximum persisting 12-hour dew points may be used
also to determine the seasonal variation of PMP. This procedure is more applicable
to localized thunderstorm PMP than to PMP for large areas and long durations. Pre-
cipitable water is computed for the individual maximum 12-hour dew points throughout
the critical season, or it may be computed for values read from their seasonal varia-
tion curve, like that of Figure 2.3. A shortcoming of this procedure is that it will
almost always indicate a peak PMP value in summer, even in regions where summers ore
dry and major storms occur in winter. It cannot be used under these conditions un-
less wind is considered also (see next paragraph).
In those regions where summers are dry and major storms occur only in the cold
half of the year, the seasonal variation of maximum precipitable water (paragraph
2.10.3) gives a false indication of the seasonal variation of PMP when used by itself.
Awind factor is then required to develop a representative seasonal variation of PMP.
Figure 2.12 shows a seasonal variation curve developed for PMP in the upper
Tigris Rive r Basin, where in summer there is very little rain. While the maximum dew
point and precipitable water curves tend to show minimum values during the cold season
climatological records show t hat in this region all major general-type storms occu r in
that season. Weather charts indicate that the heaviest precipitation occurs with sur-
face winds in the south-east and south-west quadrants. A survey of a long record of
surfac e winds yielded the maximum 24-hour wind curve of part C of the figure, which
sh ows peak values in January and February. Multiplication of precipitable water
values by wind speed resulted in the so-called moisture-inflow index curve of part D.
The double peak was confirmed by outstanding recorded storms.
2.11.l Introduction
Once the PMP values for a particular location have been derived and presented
to the. hydrologist in the form of a table or enveloping DAD curves, as in Figure 2.11,
he still has the problem of determining areal distribution over the project basin. It
is not generally recommended that the PMP values be considered as applying to one storm,
especially for the larger basins. Direct use of the PMP values may be unrealistic for
the most critical design storm for two main reasons. First, the storm producing ma xi-
mum ra infall over small areas within a project basin is usually of a differen t type
from that producing maximum rainfall over the same basin as a whole. Similarly, dif-
ferent types of storms may obtain for different durations over the same basin. Second,
the shape and orientation of the basin may be different from those permissible for the
controlling isohyetal patterns.
2.11. 3
An alternative method for fixing the areal distribution of PMP over a basin is
based on the assumption that the PMP values for all durations at the total area of the
basin could occur in a single storm. This usually introduces an additional degree of
maximization, because controlling values for all durations at a particular size of area
are generally f rom several storms . In order to counter this, the precipitation values
for the smaller areas within the basin are maintained at less than PMP, usually being
patterned after the depth-area relations of major storms that have occurred over or
near the project basin . For example, the dashed "within-basin" curv~s (only two
shown) of Figure 2.14 set the concentration of rain within a 3 000 km basin for the
6- and 24- hour durations. These curves are generally drawn for all durations by 6-
hour intervals.
The areal distribution of basin PMP involves the shape and orientation of its
isohyetal pattern, and this may be based on observed storms. For basins up to about
20 000 km2 in flat terrain, an oval-shaped pattern with almost any orientation is
adaptable and the pattern is usually centred over the basin. For larger basins up to,
and even above, the limiting si ze considered in this report , in the middle latitudes of
the northern hemisphere, the orientation of the pattern tends to be in a general south-
west - north-east direction over flat terrain. The pattern may or may not be centred
over the basin, depending on what the history of major basin storms indicates.
10 000
Duration (hours)
5 000
PMP DAD curves
.."4 500
0 50 100 150 2 00 250 300 350
Depth (mm)
2. ll. 3. 2 Example
-- - -
The critical storm pattern is usually constructed on the assumption that the
largest volume of rain over the basin will produce the most critical design flood.
Hypothetical isohyets are drawn more or less congruent to the basin boundaries (Figure
2.15), and the rain values, or labels, for the isohyets are determined by a procedure
that is essentially a reversal of the usual DAD analysis. For example: given the
6-hour PMP and "within-basin" DAD curves of Figure 2.14, determine the isohyetal values
for the critical storm pattern superimposed on the outline of the 3 000 km2 basin of
Figure 2.15. Table 2.2 shows how the isohyetal profile is computed, and the results
are shown in Figure 2.16. The required isohyetal values are obtained as shown in
Table 2.3.
radius [km]
Column 3. Maximum average depths from 6-hour "within- basin" curve of Figure 2.14.
Data of columns 6 and 8 are then used to construct the curve of Figure 2.16.
A 10 1.78 122
B 200 7.98 89
c 500 12.65 77
D 750 15.50 70
E 2 000 25.20 55
F 3 000 30.98 48
Column 4 . Labels for isohyets of Figure 2.15 as indicated by entering Figure 2.16
PMP values, whether presented in tabular form or by DAD curves, are generally
given with the maximum accumulated amounts for any duration preceding all other values
fo r the specified duration. In other words, the 6-hour PMP amount given is the maxi-
mum 6-hour increment to be found anywhere in the PMP sequence, Similarly, the amounts
for 12, 18, 24 hours and longe r are the maximum for the sequence. This order of pre-
sentation, however, is rarely representative of the chronological order found in actual
storms. Furthermore, it often is unlikely to produce maximum runoff for the amounts
of rainfall involved.
A more realistic, and genera lly more critical, chronological order is usual ly
obtained f rom some storm producing critical runoff amounts and rates in or nea r t he
project basin. Table 2.4 presents an example of how the order of the 6- hour PMP in-
crements might be rearranged to agree with the chronological order of a critical ob-
served storm. Note that this procedure leads to mu c h higher rainfall amounts, hence,
higher runoff than would the use of a storm maximized as in paragraph 2.11.2, where
usually only one maximized value equals PMP.
12 345 61 28 345
18 384 39 20 384
24 419 35 12 419
30 447 28 39 431
36 467 20 61 451
48 495 12 35 495
54 505 10 5 500
60 513 8 8 508
66 521 8 10 518
72 526 5 8 526
The greater t he number of caref ul l y se l ected extreme storm s t r ans pose d and
maxi mized, t he greater the r eli a bility of t he r esu ltin g PMP es ti mates . Unde r id eal
conditions, s ome two doz en ma jor storms migh t be cri tic a l for dete r min i ng PMP. Of
these , pr obab ly f ewer th a n half a do zen mig ht pr ovide cont r ol poi nts on t he PMP DAD
2. 13 . 2
The final results of any PMP esti mate should always be compared with observed
record values . The world r ecor d values of point rainfall, pr esented in Annex 2, very
probably approach PMP magnitude , and estimates appreciably exc ee ding these valu es, say
by 25 pe r cent or more, are li kely to be excessive . Most estima t es of point PMP woul d
be lower th a n these r ecord values for durations of, s ay, four hou r s and longer since
few basins ar e so f avou r ably located as to expe r ience rainfalls of these r ecord magni -
Table A. 2. 3 presents enveloping values of DAD data from ove r 700 storms in the
United States . Note th a t all but one value are f r om storms in the southern portion o f
the country near the mo is tu r e sourc ~, which is the Gulf of Mexico. These enveloping
values f r om such a la r ge sample of major storms ve r y probably approach PMP magnitude
for this region, especially for areas larger than about 25 km2. On the other hand,
they exceed PMP magni t ude in those regions farther r emoved f r om the moisture source .
Any one of the procedu r es described in section 2. 10, except possibly that de-
scribed in paragraph 2. 10 . 2, may result in seasonal curves of PMP that are obviously
misleading . For this reason, it is advisable to try several procedures to see if
there is agreement between the resulting seasonal variation curves . Judgment on
whether a de r ived curve is representative or not should be based on a compa r ison with
actual storms observed at various times during the critica l season .
As mentioned in section 2 . 10, the seasonal va r iation of PMP varies with dura -
tion of storm rainfall and size of area, and several seasonal variation cu r ves may have
to be derived for various durations and areas. Also, a seasonal variation curve does
not imply that maximized storms can be transposed in time without regard to seasonal
limitations on storm types . The curve may be used only to adjust the level of PMP to
various times of the year. Storm types and patterns, however, differ fro m month to
month, and a July storm, for example, is rarely adaptable to Ap r il conditions. Storm
transposition in time is usually li mited to 15 days, but a longer period, sa y, one
month, ma y be justified whe n storm data are sparse.
Two methods of establishing the areal distribution of what may be termed the
PMP storm we re desc ribed in section 2.11. The first, which involves the use of on ob-
served storm pattern maximized by the "sliding technique" (section 2.11.2), yi elds con-
servative values, since the storm thus maximized usually equals PMP for only one dura-
tion and size of area . The second me thod, which is used with idealized storm patterns,
requires PMP values for the basin area to be equalled for all durations (section
2.11.3). For a large basin, it is unlikely that any one storm would provide PMP
values for all durations, so that, in effect, the assumption that it could is on over-
maximizotion. In order to compensate for this, values for areas smaller than the
total basin area are set at le ss tha n PMP by th e use of "within:...basin" depth-area curve~
shaped according to observed storms. The larger the basin, the larger is the differ-
ence between PMP and "within-basin" curve values for any given area smaller than the
basin (Figure 5. 31) . Conversely, the difference decreases as basin size decreases, so
that for basins of no more than a few hundred square kilometres, the areal distribution
is usually accepted as conforming to the PMP curves.
While most examples of PMP estimation presented in this manual involve areal
distribution based on "within-basin" curves, it should not be inferred that this method
is recommended. Whether the areal distribution fs based on an observed storm maxi-
mized by the "sliding technique," on "within-basin" curves, on PMP depth-area curves,
or on other methods depends on the safety factor required in the design of a hydro-
logical structure. The areal distribution to be used is usually selected by the
hydrological engineer. If he wants the most liberal design values, he will select
areal dist ribution based on PMP curves. If not, he will select another method yield-
ing lower de sign values. In making his selection, the engineer receives guidance from
the hydrometeorologist . For example, the storm patterns used for maximizing by the
"sliding technique" or for deriving "within-basin" curves are selected by the hydro-
meteorologist, who may also provide advice on how the patterns may be placed on the
problem basins.
3. Riedel, J, T., Schwarz. F. K. and Weaver, R. L., 1969: Pr obable maximum precipi-
tation over the Sout h Plat t e r ive r, Colorado, and Minnesota river, Minnesota ,
Hyd romete orological Repo rt No . 44, U.S. Weather Bureau.
4. Schwarz, F. K., 1961: Me teo rol ogy of flood-producing storms in the Ohio river
basin , Hydrometeorological Report No . 38, U.S. Weather Bureau.
5. Schwarz, F. K., 1967: The r ole of persistence, in stability and moisture in the
intense ra insto r m in eastern Colorado, June 14 - 17, 1965. Technica l Memorandum
WBTM HYDR0- 3, ESSA, U.S. Department of Commerce ,
7. U.S. Weather Bureau, 1960 : Gene ralized estimates of probable maximum precipita-
tion west of the 105th meridian . Technical Paper No . 38 , pp. 22 - 25.
9. Weaver, R. L., 1968: Meteorology of major storms in western Colorado and eastern
Utah , Technical Memorandum WBTM HYDR0-7, ESSA, U.S. Department of Commerce .
3.1.l 2:~~:~e~~=-~~!!~=~==~
The effects of topography on precipitation have been studied for many years .
Observations of precipitation and runoff in mountainous terrain in many parts of the
wo r ld show a gene r al increase of precipitation with elevation . Several features of
the increase can bi discussed separately.
3. 1. 2
Expe r ience has shown that general storm precipitation resulting from atmos -
pheric systems that produce convergence and upward motion is just as important in oro-
graphic regions as on the plains . Reports of thunderstorms and passages of weather
systems during large - area storms on high mountain ranges are an indicator of the dual
nature of precipitation in orographic regions. Radar, for example, has tracked bands
of precipitation moving across the coastal hills and Central Valley of California into
the high Sierra Nevada [f.'[J.
3.1 . 3
Mean annual and sea sonal precipitation for mountainous terrain can be influ-
enced greatly by the varying frequency of re la tivel y light rains. Some weather situa-
tions produce precipitation on mountains when little or no precipitation is observed in
valleys, and storm precipitation generally has longer durations in the mountains . Thus,
the variation indicated by mean annual or seasonal precipitation maps is not necessari-
ly a reliable in dex of geographic variation in PMP unless adjusted for these biases.
An adjustment tec hnique frequent ly used is based on the mean number of rainy days at
stati on s in the proje ct area and a map showing the average station, or point , precipi-
tation per rain y day (which is usually defined as any day with measurable precipita-
tion, but a higher th res hold value, say 2 mm 1 is sometimes use~. The most re presenta-
tive mean annual and seasonal precipitation maps are those based on other data in addi-
tion to precipitation [2., §] and such maps should be used whenever possible.
PMP estimates for orographic regions must be based on two precipitation com-
ponents : (1) orog raph ic precipitation, which results from orographic influences, and
(2) convergence precipitation, which results from atmospheric processes presumably in-
dependent of orographic influences . Both components must be evaluated in making PMP
Another approach is to estimate PMP for the relatively flat regions adjoining
the mountains. Modifications for terrain influences are then introduced on the basis
of differences in storm rainfall data, both in the project basin and surrounding areas,
and on sound meteorological judgment derived . from storm analyses JJ,, 4, 5, lJ]. The
procedure is described in section 3.4 and Chapter 5.
3.2.1 Introduction
The orographic separation method for estimating PMP makes use of an orographic
model for computing orographic storm precipitation. The conditions under which the
model may be used have been found to be relatively limited, and caution in its use is
advised. Despite its limited applicability, a great deal of space is devoted here to
its description and use as these have never yet been published with the degree of de -
tail allotted to other procedures described in available reports on PMP estimates . The
evaluation of the convergence component of storm precipitation for the orographic
separation method is described in this section also.
At some great height, called the nodal surface, air flow is assumed essenti-
ally horizontal. The height at which this occurs can be computed theoretically["~.
In general, this height is between 400 and 100 mb for moderately high .barriers. A
simplified diagram of inflow and outflow winds over a mountain barrier is shown in
Figure 3.1.
--r--~-=---"' v
Average barrier height
R = (3.1)
where R is the rainfall rate in cm sec- ; Vi, the mean inflow wind speed in cm sec-!
W1, W2, the inflow and outflow precipitable water (liquid water equivalent) in cm; Y,
the horizontal distance in cm; and Llp 1 , ~ p2, the inflow and outflow pressure differ-
ences in mb.
Nodal surface
(3 .2)
where Mr is the rate of conversion of water vapour to precipitation in gm sec- ; (Mv)1,
the rate of inflow of water vapour in gm sec-1. and (Mv) 2 , the rate of outflow of
water vapour in gm sec -1
Combining the last five eq uations and solving for R yields equation (3 . 1).
Greater precision requires dividing the air into several layers of flow, as
in Figure 3.3, rather than treating it as a single layer. Equation (3 .1) applies to
each of these layers. Total precipitation is then obtained by adding the rates from
all layers. With several layers, it is more convenient to use the storage equation
in the following form:
where V1 and ~Pl refer to the inflow in a particular layer, and ql and q2 are the mean
specific humidities, in gm kg- 1 , at inflow and outflow, respectively. Mixing ratio,
w, is often substituted for specific humidity, q. The terms g and ,o refer respective-
ly to acceleration of gravity in cm sec-2 and density of water in gm cm-3.
Nodal surface
------~1)---- a·c
\9 .
Equation (3.7) derives from the relation between specific humidity a nd pre-
cipitable water:
w = ~ (3 . 8)
Substituting this relation into equation (3 . 1) yields
R = (3 .9 )
wher e R i s the r ainfall rate in mm hr-1; v1 is the mean inflow wind s pe ed in knots;
~P l i s the pressure differer1c e between the top and bottom of an inflow lay er in mb;
w1 and w2 ar e the mean mixing rat io s in gm kg-1, at inflow and outflow, resp ectively ;
and Y is the horizontal length of th e slope in nautical miles (n miles) .
Relation (3 . 10) derives from the approximate r e lation between mean mi xing
ratio, w, and precipitable water, W:
whe r e W is in mm; · w in gm kg-l; -6 p in mb; and the coefficient, 0 . 0102, has the di-
mensions mm mb-1 kg gllll Substituting this relation into equation (3.1) and using
larger units of V and Y yields relation (3.10) .
3.2 . 3
The following example of th ~ 11se of the model was selected from PMP s tudie s
for the Sierra Nevada und Co ~ caclr~ Ffor1g. : near the west coast of the United States [8,
197. Figur ~ 3.4 ~ how s a maµ o f th e t ?st area with some of the precipitation stations.
Figure 3.5 shows th e smoothed a v ~ roye uround elevation profile used for th e comp uta-
ti on so Th e elevations of til e 1· rec tpi tat ion stations are plotted to show how well th ey
+ + 40°
Oroville R. 5. Reno•
•Sacramento 1000
2 400
1 600
~ 1 200
1.1.J •
800 • •
20 30 40 50 60
Distance (n mile)
fit the profile. The storm period selected for testing was the six-hour period ending
at 2000Z,22 December 1955. The 1500Z,22 December upper-air sounding at Oakland,
Calif . , approximately 160 km south-west of the inflow end (sou th-west side) of the test
area, was used for inflow data . Precipitation computations will be shown for the last
segment, or portion, of the windward slope near the crest. The following steps are
recommended in computing orographic precipitation over the slope.
Nodal surface at 350 mb
6 0 0 1--...,,=:i=----+---
~ 700L--~=+---+-- -l---t..--=--r
. ._Crest
•' : . .. ·
·.· ·. . .: ··..... :. :
. . - . .· -:
. :.....· ...: ·.. .
. . . . ·. . '
~ ..
. ..
. .. ...
' . ~.
. . . .· .. ·. .
.. . .· '• '.-·:: _.._ .·.
- .. ·.
1000 ·• . ..
:: ·., : .• .,
· ·~··~·_:_,:_--'...i.._c...:_..:__:__.:_.:__'---'-'_.:_-'---'--.:...:._._'-'-'-___:.IL-------<
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Distance (n mile)
Leg~ +2+3+1.+s+s+1+a+9+~
The inflow data used in the example are tabulated in the first eight columns
of Table 3.1. These data were obtained from the sounding. The wind speeds are the
components normal to the mountain ridge, ioe., V = V0 cosO( , where V0 is the observ-
ed wind speed from the observed direction and 0( is the angle between the observed
direction and the normal to the ridge.
As the air travels along any streamline, its pressure, temperature and mixing
ratio at any point on the streamline may be determined from a pseudo-adiabatic chart.
Determine the pressure at the freezing point on those streamlines where the zero 0 c
temperature occurs between inflow and outflow. (See discussion of Table 3.2 in sec-
tion,) Plot these points on their respective streamlines, and draw freezing
line as shown in Figure 3.6. Precipitation is assumed to fall as snow above the
freezing line and as rain below .
The hori zonta l d!:_ift of orecipitation par!_icles while falling from one
streamline to another is Vl:::.p/rate of fall, where Vis the mean horizontal wind speed,
i n knots, in the layer between streamlines; Ap is the thick~ess of the layer in mb;
and rate of fall is in mb hr-1 . Since YAp is constant between any two streamlines,
drifts computed at inflow may be used anywhere between the same two streamlines. In
Table 3.2, horizontal rain drift (DRR) and horizontal snow drift (DRS) between stream-
lines are shown in column s (6) and (7). Drifts are in nautical miles (n miles) since
V is in knots (kn) . The effect of the upward component of the wind is automatically
taken into account by the slope of the streamlines.
Rain drift is used below the freezing level; snow drift, ab ove. By coin-
cidence, t he lower trajectory (Figure 3. 6 ) reaches the freezing level approxi ma tely
where t he latter intersects a streamline. The upper trajectory, however, reaches the
freezing level between the 850 and 825 mb inflow streamlines. Hence, a streamline pass-
ing through the intersection of this trajectory and the 0°C line is const r ucted. This
streamline intersects the inflow vertical at 831 mb. Since the snow drift in the 831
to 825 mb layer is 0.65 n miles (Table 3.2 ), the total dr ift measured from the outflow
vertical to the 825 mb streamline would be 2.95 + 0.65 = 3.60 n miles, which would take
the trajectory below the freezing level. Hence, total drift was assumed to be 3.47 n
mile~ which means that the drift within this layer was assumed to be 0.52 n miles rather
than 0.65. Since the snow in this layer is probably very wet, the falling rate is
likely to be between that for snow and that for rain, and the above assumption appears
warranted .
After constructing the precipita t ion trajectories, compute the total volume
of precipitation under each trajectory, layer by layer. Subtract the total volume
under one trajectory from the volume under the next higher one, and divide the differ-
ence by the horizontal area of the ground on which this volume falls to obtain the
average depth over this area.
If relation (3.10) for rainfall rate is multiplied by the area, XY, it yields
the !-hour -rainfall volume. The Y's in the numerator and denominator cancel, and if
area width, X, is taken as l n mile, the 1-hour volume, R (XY), or Voll-h' under a
particular trajectory is approximately
(3.12 )
where w' is the mean outflow mixing ratio at the trajectory (see q' in Figure 3. 3).
Table 3.1 - Computation of orographic precipitation over leg 10 of Blue Canyon , California ,
test area for the 6-hour period 1400-2000Z, 22 December, 1955
(Hand computation, using 1500Z, 22 December sounding at Oakland, California, as
inflow data and assuming a nodal surface of 350 mb)
Inflow data
'-"'LT• 6v ur"
p '!' P.11 v v ii,. P ws w
I pc PLT "LT Pur "ur WI wl.T "ur "r - "Lr V~p1\;ILT "1 - "ur V6p6"ur
(1nh) (' C) (Z) (kn) (~o) (g kgl)
500 -12.3 77 61.6 2.96 2.28 475 496 2.28 495 2.28
S9 . 6 2 980 2. 70 2.70 2.70 0 0 0 0 IT1
550 -8. l nl 57. 4 3.80 3.12 529 537 3.12 536 3.12 Vl
62. 7 3 135 251 2 ~2
J.61 3.53 3.52 .OS .09 H
600 - 11.2 8a 67 .9 4.65 4.09 583 575 3.94 S74 3.92 3:
62.8 . 3 140 4.6 4 4.22 4 . 20 .42 l 319 .44 l 382 )>
650 -0.6 92 57 .6 5 . 64 5.19 638 604 4.50 602 4.4'/ -I
5S . l 2 755 5.72 4.73 4.69 .99 2 727 1.03 2 838 Vl
2. 6 94 S2.6
lo9.8 2 490
6 . 64 6.24 692 630 4.95 628 4.90
6.69 5.18 5.13 1. 51 3 760 1.56 3 884 ...,
5.3 95 47.0 7.50 7.13 742 6S6 5.40 654 5 . 36 0
2 505 5 261 ;;o
SO. I 7.55 5 . 51 5.45 2.04 5 110 2.10
800 7. 9 95 53. l 8.38 7 .96 792 672 5.61 669 5.54 0
51.4 l 285 8.20 5. 75 5.57 2. 45 3 148 2. 6 3 3 380 ;;o
825 9.1 96 49.6 8. 79 8. 44 817 688 5.88 672 5.60 0
49 . 2 295 8.50 5.92 5.61 2 . 58 761 2. 89 853 G">
9. 4 96 48. 7 8.92 8.56 823 693 5.95 673 5.62 )>
4 7. 2 897 8. 75 6.09 5.69 2 . 66 2 386 3 . 06 2 745 "C
850 10 . 3 % 45. 7 9. JO 8.93 643 703 6.22 680 5. 76 :::c:
44 . 2 l 105 9.13 6 . 34 5.86 2. 79 3 083 3. 27 3 613 H
875 11. 4 96 42. 7 9. 71 9. 32 868 718 6.45 694 5.95
42. 7 1 068 9.46 6.51 6.0Q 2.95 3 151 3.io6 3 G95 ;;o
900 12 . 5 94 42. 7 10 . 20 9.59 888 732 6.57 705 6.05 IT1
41.9 l 048 9.69 6.59 6.06 3.10 3 249 3.63 3 804 G">
925 13.4 93 41. l 10.52 9. 79 911 746 6.60 717 6.07 0
37 .6 94-0 9.81 6.64 6.09 3.17 2 980 3. 72 3 497 z
950 14 .2 91 34.1 10.80 9.83 929 760 6.68 729 6.10 Vl
29 . 9 748 9.63 6.57 5.94 3.06 2 289 3. 69 2 760
975 IS . O 8S 2S . 7 11.10 9.43 941 776 6.46 740 5.78
19.4 485 9.42 6.42 5.76 3.00 1 455 3.66 I 775
l 000 15. 5 8.\ 13.1 .11.20 9.41 961 790 6.37 753 5.73
11. l 56 9.55 6.48 5.80 3.07 172 3. 75 210
l 005 I S. 7 66 9 .1 11.27 9.69 971 793 6.58 758 5.87
;· ), (3.13)
where Vol6-h is in mm (n mile) 2 ; V1 in kn; A pl in mb; (wl - w') in gm kg- ; and co-
efficient 0.0612 has the dimensions (n mile) h \6 h)-1 kg gm-1 mm mb- 1
Table 3.1 shows the computation of orographic rainfall under the two precipi-
tation trajectories shown in Figure 3.6. The following example demonstrates how the
table was prepared.
Consider the layer between the streamlines passing through inflow pressures
850 and 875 mb {Llp = 25 mb). The air at 850 mb has a temperature of l0.3°C, relative
humidity 96 per cent, and horizontal component of wind speed parallel to the sides of
the selected ground area of 45.7 kn. Plotting l0 .3°C at 850 mb on a pseudo-adiabatic
chart, the saturation mi xing ratio is seen to be about 9.30 gm kg-1. The actual mix-
ing ratio is 96 per cent of this, or 8.93 gm kg-1.
From Figure 3.6, the pressures where the streamline through 850 mb intersects
the two precipitation trajectories are seen to be 703 and 680 mb. Following the dry
adiabat through 850 mb and l0.3°C upward to where it crosses t he saturation mi xing
ratio of 8.93 gm kg-1, the condensation pressure is seen to be about 843 mb and the
temperature 9.6°C (not shown) . Since the air is now saturated, the moist adiabat is
followed upward from this point. The saturation mixing ratio on this moist adiabat is
about 6.22 gm kg- 1 at 703 mb and about 5.76 gm kg-1 at 680 mb. The mixing ratio values
on the 875 mb streamline at the lower and upper precipitation trajectories are found in
the same way.
For the 850 - 875 mb layer, Vis then seen to be 44 . 2 kn, Vei.p = 1105 kn mb,
w1 = 9.13 gm kg-1, WLT= 6.34 gm kg-1 fo r the lower trajectory, and wuT = 5.86 gm
kg-1 for the upper trajectory. The decrease in mean mixing ratio of the layer from
inflow to lower trajectory,AwLT = 2.79 gm kg-land to the upper trajectory, Li. W'uT
= 3.27 gm kg-1. For the layer, the value of VL:.pAw is 3 083 (n mile) h- 1 mb gm kg-l
between inflow and lower precipitation trajectory and 3 613 (n mile) h- 1 mb gm kg-l
between inflow and upper trajectory.
After values of V ~p .6w are computed for all layers for all trajectories,
values for each trajectory are summed and multiplied by . 061 2 (n mile) h (6 h)- 1 mm
mb-1 kg gm-1 to obtain values in mm (n mile)2 (6 h}f In Table 3.1 these values are
2 193 for the lower trajectory and 2 447 for the upper . Division by the areas over
which these volumes fall gives average depths for those areas. Since unit width is
assumed for Figure 3.6, any such area is numerically equal to the sum of the lengths
of the legs between inflow and a given precipitation trajectory. For the lower tra-
jectory this is the sum of the lengths of legs 1-9 or 46.8 (n mile) 2 , which makes the
6-hour average depth over those legs 47 mm . For the upper trajectory the volume falls
over legs 1-10 or 50.3 (n mile)2 , giving a 6-hour average depth of 49 mm. The volume
that falls on leg 10 alone is the difference betwe e n th e volumes under upper and lower
trajectories or 254 mm (n mile)2 ( 6 h )- 1 . This is distributed over 3.5 (n mile) 2 ,
which makes the 6-hour average depth 73 mm .
Table 3.3 - Comparison of observed and compured 6-hour precipitation for the period 1400-2000Z,
22 December 1955 over Blue Canyon, California, test area l"T'1
Average ""C
Leg l 2 J 4 5 6 7 • 8 9 10 1-10 ;;o
Horizontcl length of leg (n mile) 5.2 5.2 5 ., 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 J.5 co
(n mile) 5.2 10.4 15.G 20 . 8 26 .0 31.2 36 . 4 41.6 46. 8
Cumulctive length 50.3 r
Elevation at end of leg (ft) 590 l 200 l 780 2 320 3 210 4 080 4 640 5 540 6 760 8 030
366 543 707 978 l 244 l 689 3:
(m) 180 ~ 414 2 060 2 448 )>
Observed precipitation (mm) J 6 1J 25 38 46 55 64 67 65 37 H
Machine-computed precipitation l (mm) 0 14 40 44 55 66 54 60 67 72 46 c
Machine-computed precipitation 2 (mm) 1 17 44 45 56 66 55 59 67 69 47 . ""C
Hand-computed precipitation (mm) 73 49 l"T'1
Elevation at beginning of first leg = 200 ft (61 m) :;!
~ z
Mochine-compu~e~ precipitation 1 used spacing of streamlines by a method developed by Myers (1) .
Machine-computed precipitation 2 used spacing of streamlines between surface and 350 mb nodal surface
(assumed), along any vertical, proportional to their spacing at inflow.
Hand-computed average precipitation over leg 10 and legs 1-10 based on same spacing of streamlines as
machine-computed precipitation 2.
The so-called observed precipitation used in the comparison of Table 3.3 re-
fers to the orographic component only. Ordina rily, this would be obtained by sub-
tracting from the observed total precipitation for each leg the precipitation measured
in the flat volley upwind of the test area during the 6-hour period of the test. This
volley prec ipitation (convergenc e component of total precipitation), whic h is sometimes
reduced for elevation, is attributed to atmospheric processes not directly related to
orography. In the test case described, howeve r, there was no appreciable volley pre-
cipitation so no deduction was mode from observed precipitation.
Differences between precipitation computed by the model and observed orog rap h-
ic precipitation (total precipitation minus convergence component).con be attributed to
two main sources: (a) errors of input to the model, and (b) sparsity and unrepresento-
tiveness of precipitation data for checking model computation .
Input to the model . Usually, no more than two upper-air observations ore
mode doily . Despite utmost core in interpolating for a particular storm period by
referring to the more frequent surface synoptic charts , the question remains as to the
representativity of instantaneous wind and moisture values for even a short period of
a few hours . Such inaccuracies lead to errors in computed amounts of precipitation.
In the example given, no allowance was mode for the fact that the upper- air
sounding station (Oakland) is approximately 160 km from t he test a re a, and moistu re
and wind values were token directly f r om the sounding . Attempts to adjust for wind
travel time (averaging less than two hours) did not improve results.
The procedure used in applying the orographic model for computing the oro-
graphic component of PMP is the same as that used in testing the model (section 3.2.3)
with the exc eption that in flow winds and moisture are maximum values.
L.00 /
600 /
P. / Legend
A Envelope of record winds at 4
800 / stations
B 50-year wind speed at Oakland
c Adopted profile
900 D Geostrophically derived wind
1 000
0 40 so 120 160 20 0 24 0
<1> 100
~ 90
..r:: 80
§ 70
a 60
+> 50
P-t 40
0 12 24 36 4S 60 72
Duration (hours)
Maximum values of moisture ore obtained from maximum persisting 12- hour l 000
mb dew points . A full discussion of these dew points is given in section 2.2 .
3. 3. 2
One method of applying the model for developing generali zed estimates of PMP
is to define terr ain profiles over the entire region of inte r est . If the topography
is relatively uncomplicated and all general windward slopes face one most critical
moisture- inflow direction, as in the California Sie r ra Nevada, application of this pr o-
cedure presents no special problems .
An alternat i ve method is to use the model to compute PMP for selected terrain
profiles and to evaluate PMP between them by means of maps, such as seasonal or pre-
cipitation- f r equency maps, adequately depicting the geographic distribution of precipi-
tation. In this approach it must be shown first that there is good correlation be-
tween computed orographic PMP on the selected computation profiles or areas and th e
values indicated by reference maps used for interpolation.
A somewhat different approach ha s been used !JQ] for regions where the opti-
mum moisture-inflow direction and orientation of slopes varied from place to place.
The procedure consists of computing PMP for terrain profiles oriented in different di-
rections and then enveloping the greatest values regardless of inflow direction or
slope orientation. Relations are then developed for adapting the envelope values to
inflow directions and slope orientations critical for a specific basin . A simple but
adequate method for making such adaptations is to use a variation with basin si ze ,
since the variety of optimum inflow directions and slope orientations tends t o increase
with size of area. This type of adjustment was used in a study for the north-western
United States /Jffl. In the California study ~'Q], the adjustment was based on the de-
crease of moisture with increasing width, or lateral extent, of inflow in observed
major orographic storms (section 3.3.3 . 3).
Figure 3.9 shows the January 6-hour orographic PMP index map developed in the
aforementioned California study. This particular map does not specify an area size .
In this case, the average index value for a ny specified basin is obtained by laying an
outline of the basin on t he index map and then estimating the average of the values
within the outline. No further areal adjustment is required unless the width of the
basin exposed or normal to the optimum moisture inflow exceeds 50 km (section
As mentioned above, PMP varies with region, season, duration, and si ze of area.
The generalized maps show the reg ional variation, and no further discussion is required.
While the discussion of the other variations presented in this section applies partic-
ularly to the orographic separation method, especia lly as used in the California study
given as an example, much of it applies to variations of orographic PMP in general.
most effective in det erm ining pr ecipitation distribution . The need for gene r alizing
topograp hy leads t o differen ces betwe e n computed orog r aphic PMP an d that indicated by
the actual terrain. For different terrain profiles, seasonal influences may vary
with barrie r height , steepness of slope, and other features. In some cases, a com-
promise between seasonal variation indicated by computed PMP values and that based on
maximum storm rainfall amounts observed at well-exposed stations may yield the most
realistic results.
Variations in maximum wind speeds and moisture with time are used to determine
durational variation of computed orographic PMP. The variation of winds in major ob-
served storms is probably the best type of information to use in establishing varia-
tions in the shape of the inflow profile with duration, and this was used in the ex-
ample study . Variation of moisture with time was based on the durational variation
of maximum persist ing 12-hour l 000 mb dew points /J~ . Moisture values at upper
levels were based on the assumption of a saturated pseudo-adiabatic lapse rate. A
common durational variation (Figure 3. 10) for all months and regions was adequate for
the example study. An additional facto r found helpful in some studies JJQJ
is the
variation of moisture with duration during major observed storms.
J..t +>
.;:.~ 110
J..t Pt
+> ;.
I'll Q)
;. 'd
Q) Ill) 100
r-l s::
..0 •n
cld +>
+> Ill
•n •n
Pt Ill
•n J..t
Pt 90
p, ..0
..... a
Q) 0
cld r-1
+> (Based on highest persisting dew points)
~ ~
0 0
J..t .q
G> I
Pi N 70..._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_.
0 12 24 36 48 60 72
Duration (hours)
The variation of orographic PMP with basin size is controlled by the orography,
and therefore may vary greatly from basin to basin. As stated in section 3.3 .2, the
averaging of index PMP by superimposing an outline of the basin on the index map elimi-
nates the need for the usual type of depth-area relQtion. The average index PMP thus
obtained usually requires some adjustment for basin size, however, since the intensity
of moisture inflow decreases with increasing width of inflow. In the example study
/8.:J no adjustment was required for basin widths up to 50 km, but a reduction curve for
greater widths reduced the basin average index PMP by 15 and 25 per cent for widths of
160 and 300 km, respectively.
The procedure described here for estimating convergence (non - orographic) PMP
for co mbination with orographic PMP was developed for the coastal regions of Ca l if-
ornia ["'i[/, where the critical season for major orographic storms is October to
March . The approach, which has been used elsew here, is basically similar to those
used in estimating PMP for non-orographic regions. The greatest precipitation amounts
for various durations at stations in the least orographically influenced areas are
maximized for moisture. This is done in two steps. First, regional envelopes of
maximum persisting 12-hour l 000 mb dew points are determined for use in evaluating
maximum moisture, M, or precipitable water, W. Second, durational envelopes o f maxi -
mum P/M ratios at eac h station are determined for each month . Here, P is the storm
precipitation for a particular du rat ion ; and M, t he precipitable water for the repre-
sentat i ve persisting 12-hour l 000 mb storm dew point (section 2.2.4).
P/M ratios should be computed for several of the highest r ainfall s at any
particula r station because t he maximum rainfa ll does not necessarily yield the highest
P/M r atio . Maps of ma xi mum moisture and P/M rat io s are then drawn. Multiplication
of corresponding values from appropriate pairs of maps yields moistu re- maximi z ed rain-
fall amounts fo r any requ ired location, or (P/M)max multiplied by Mmax equals converg-
ence PMP.
Maximum, or 100- year, persisting 12- hour l 000 mb dew points (section 2.2.5),
enveloped seasonally at each station (Figu re 3 .11) and smooth e d regionally (Figure 3.12)
are used to establish the level of maximum moisture available for evaluating conve r g-
ence PMP. In the example study /"8}, one mean seasonal variation curve (not shown) was
found applicable to the entire region of interest. Different seasonal trends for dif-
fe re nt portions of a region would increase only the details of application.
' ' ...._Afe
...... 0 f)
......_ - surfac -
- -
-------- -
e temperature
--- - - -
-.......__, 12- hour dew point
16 ~..... -~
deW~n1 - - -
-......._ £!!.-_rear 12-hour
---- - - --
It was concluded that seasonal trends of moisture and P/M ratios for the 24-
hour duration must counteract each other since there was no trend in 24-hour precipi-
tation. On the basis of this concept, the greatest 24-hour P/M ratio was assigned to
February, the month having the lowest maximum precipitable water; and ratios for other
months were evaluated in proportion to their maximum precipitable water, as indicated
by their maximum persisting 12-hour dew points .
In the example study ~§], PMP values computed as described in the first two
paragraphs of section 3.3.4 were reduced for elevation. For gently rising slopes
where storm precipitation was apparently little affect ed by upwind barriers, the de-
crease in converg ence PMP was assumed to be proportional to the decrease of precipi-
table water, W, in a saturated column of air. This decreas e was computed as the dif-
ference between W in a column with bas e at the ground e levation at a po i nt 8 km upwind
12 3 121 117
' '\
'\ 35
117 115.
from the problem area and that with base at the ground elevation of the convergence PMP .
The 8 km distance upwind marks the average location of the formation of the storm pre-
cipitation particles falling on the problem area .
6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72
Duration (hours)
The amount of moisture that a column of air can contain is obviously reduced
by a shortening of the column as it crosses an orographic barrier. Convergence PMP
is therefore adjusted for the moisture depletion by upwind barriers. In making the
reductions, so-called effective barrier heights are used rather than actual heights.
Maps of effective barrier heights (Figure 3.15) differ from actual topographic maps in
that they tak e into account the effect of barriers on air crossing them . Also, since
the maps are intended for use in making generalized estimates of PMP, effective bar r ier
height contours naturally smooth out the smaller irregularities in crest height, ridge
orientation, and other orographic features . Local featur e s that would seriously
aff ect precipitation over small basins are thus smoothed out.
• Average of highest 6- and 24-hour storms for 21
·ri stations
rd X Average based on generalized PMP for eastern U.S.
-~ 0.70
] 0,60
+' • •x
~ Q6oL-..~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
• Average of 10 highest 24- and 72-hour rains for 50 stations
~ 1,50 •
] 1,40
~ 1.3 0 L -_ _ _ __L__ _ _ __ L_ _ _ _ _- ' - -_ _ _ __ . __ _ _ __...._ _ _ ___.
The steps described below for the construction of the six~hour 500 km2 con-
vergence PMP index map (Figure 3.16) for February in the example study apply equally
well to similar index maps for other durations, basin sizes and months if required.
Step 1 . After an appropriate grid had been drawn on a suitable map base, th e
maximum moistu r e for February was determined for each grid point and plotted thereon .
These maximum moisture (precipitable water) values were first obtained from the maxi-
mum persisting 12-hour l 000 mb dew points for February (Figu re 3 . 12), and then ad -
justed for effective elevation or barrier height (Figure 3.15) .
Step 2. The adjusted precipitable water value at each grid point was then
multiplied by the maximum 6-hour P/M ratio for February (Figure 3.13). The values
thus multiplied represent 6-hour 25 km2 convergence PMP.
Step 3 . The convergence PMP values computed as above were then adapted to
500 km by a reduction factor (0.80) obtained from the depth-area relation (not shown)
described in paragraph . Isopleths were then drawn on the basis of these
areally reduced values to produce the index map of 6- hour 500 km2 convergenc e PMP shown
in Figure 3.16 . The factors involved in the construction of this map showed little
difference in January, so the index map was used without seasonal adjustment for both
January and February, and was so labelled.
3 . 3.4.7
The convergence PMP index map, constructed as just described, presents 6-hour
500 km 2 values for January-February. Relationships were developed for adjusting these
values for different dura.tions, basin sizes, and months. This was done as follows:
Step 3. The areal variation (paragraph was then applied to the
values obtained in Step 2 to yield a depth-area-duration relation for each month. That
for December is shown in Figure 3.17.
1 000
-l (./)
-::!" fD
..... f')
0.. a
en a>
0 -::!"
,,.-.... a
..... c.....
ll "'O
..... Ii>
Q) a a
~ 0.. 0.
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Percentage of convergence PMP index
3.4.l Introduction
Two general approaches for estimating PMP in orographic regions were briefly
mentioned in section 3.1.5. One, the orographic separation method, was described in
detail in section 3.3. The other, as the title of this section implies, consists of
first estimating the non-orographic PMP for the mountainous problem region and then
applying modifying factor s for adjusting the non-orographic PMP for orographic effects.
The non-orographic PMP may be determined fo r the plains area in the region of inte rest,
or, if there are no br oad plains areas, it may be estimated as if the mountains did not
exist in or der to provide a working base.
While modification of non-orographic PMP is used more often than the orograph-
ic separation method, it is being described in less detail because descriptions have
been published in reports on studies made for the Hawaiian Islands ["'.J], Tennessee river
basin /J., §], and Mekong river basin [i±J. The orographic separation method could not
be used in these three problem areas for the reasons ci t ed below.
In the Hawaiian Islands, relatively isolated peaks or short ridges are rela-
tively ineffective in lifting moist air as required by the orographic model. Observa-
tions indicate that streamlines are diverted horizontally in such terrain.
The Tennessee ~iver basin includes multiple ridges at various angles to mois-
ture inflow directions. Critical inflow directions vary from south-west to south-east.
Moistu r e inflow from any direction in this range can produce heavy rainfalls in some
portion of the basin. Another obstacle to the use of the orographic model here is the
relatively large variability of storm wind direction with height, so simple wind pro-
files, as used effectively for the Sierra Nevada slopes in California["~, are not ap-
The orographic model could not be used for the Mekong river basin for several
reasons. In regions near the tropics, precipitation variation with topography is dif-
ferent from that in middle latitudes. Atmospheric moisture is near saturation levels,
and first slopes are important in setting the locations for heavy rains. Also, atmos-
pheric iostability is generally greater. Laminar wind-flow across mountain barriers,
which results in heaviest rainfalls near the highest elevations, is not supported by
observations. Another obstacle is that typhoons, which set the level of PMP for dura-
tions up to three days, show no simple relation between wind speed and rainfall, so
that maximization for wind is difficult.
0 25 50
The approach described below is the one used for estimating PMP for these two
basins. Other approaches could have been used with equally valid results.
Mean annual precipitation was used first as basis for comparison. Observed
basin average precipitation indicated a net basin-wide increase of about 10 per cent
above estimates for surrounding non-orographic areas.
February, March and August were selected for estimating topographic effects
on monthly rainfall volume. The larger basin was divided into three zones (Figure
3 . 19): (A) a zone of minimal topograp hic ef fects, (B) an orographic depletion zone,
and (C) an orographic intensification zone. The average precipitation in zone A was
used as a base. The mean precipitation for each of the 3 months indicated a net topo-
graphic depletion for the winter months based on the zone B decrease overcompensating
for the orographic zone C increase.
A simila r comparison based on the mean of seven unusually wet months selected
from the January-April season in six different yea r s showed no appreciable difference
between precipitation in depletion zone B and that in intensification zone C.
A Control zone
0 25 so B Orographic depletion zon
C Orographic intensification
Statute miles zone
Daily station rainfalls averaged over the Tennessee river basin above and be-
low Chattanooga were used as an auxiliary indicator of net orographic effects. The
area above Chattanooga can be likened topographically to zones B and C, and the area
below, to zone A (Figure 3.19) . Comparison of the means of the series of monthly
maximum daily ave r ages showed a net deficit for the basin above Chattanooga.
!____ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ '
Figure 3. 20 - March 24- hour 25 000 km
PMP (cm)
Study of outstanding storms of the region indicated that, for the basin sizes
involved, a March storm would be more likely to produce PMP t ha n would summer tropical
stor ms. Tropical storms, which usually occur with near-maximum dew points, were ad-
justed to the basin location on the basis of decreased rainfall with distance inland of
observed storms. Other precipitation data , such as wettest seven-day periods and months,
rainfall-frequency data, and some unpublished generalized PMP estimates for 50 000 km2,
were used in setting the seasonal variation for the larger basin. The seasonal varia-
tion was first determined for the larger basin, because of previous studies for that
size of area, and applied to the sub-basin as described below. Figure 3.21 shows the
adopted seasonal variation of PMP for the 55 000 km2 basin as a percentage of March PMP .
90 .....
..... .....
..... ...... ... ................ . ...
80 .... ....
- - --
p.., 60 2
Unpublished PMP estimates for 50 000 km
Mar Apr May Jun Ju l Aug Sep
P-t 70
The seasonal variation curve of Figure 3 . 21 was then applied to the 24-hour
March PMP for the larger basin to obtain 24-hour PMP for April to September as shown
on line 5 of Table 3.4 . These PMP values were then adjusted for area by the recipro-
cal of the ratio curve of Figure 3.22 to yield April to September 24- hou r PMP for the
sub- basin (line 2, Table 3. 4) .
3. 4 . 2 . 4
- - -duration
-Depth- - - - - relations
Depth- duration relations, particularly 6/24- and 72/24- hour ratios, of over 100
outstanding storms in the eastern part of the country were examined. Although the
storms occu r red in various months during the March- July period, no seasonal trend was
indicated . The adopted depth - duration curves (Figure 3. 23) show slight differences
for basin size . These curves were used to adjust 24- hour PMP values of Table 3.4 to
6- and 72-hour amounts .
It was stated earlier that there was no net decrease or increase of basin rain-
fall as compared to surrounding areas. This does not mean that there are no topo-
graphic effects . Any examination of a number of storms shows that the distribution is
definitely affected by the topography. In rugged terrain, topographic effects result
in more or less distinct storm rainfall patterns, with appreciable differences between
patterns attributable chiefly to wind direction and storm movement .
~Q) 80
12 24 36 48 60 72
Duration (hours)
The PMP values of Table 3.4 merely represent overage depths of basin PMP, and
provide limiting rainfall volumes for various possible PMP storm patterns. Examina-
tion of isohyetal patterns for a number of outstanding storms over the project basins,
together with streamflow data, indicated several critical patterns for the larger basin.
Figure 3.24 presents one of these patterns for the 6-hour March PMP.
Isohyet values for the PMP storm pattern of Figure 3.24 are given in Table 3. 5.
The isohyet va lues for the maximum, or first, 6-hour PMP storm pattern of Figure 3.24
were obtained as follows . The total area enclosed by each isohyet was obtained by
planimetering. The area was then used to enter the nomogram of Figure 3.25 on the or-
dinate scale . The corresponding ratio of isohyet value to basin PMP was then obtained
by laying a straight-edge across the nomogram at the proper ordinate value and reading
the ratio below the intersection of the straight-edge and the appropriate basin area
curve . This ratio was then applied to the basin PMP to ob tain the isohyet value .
Isohyet values for other 6-hour PMP increments were obtained in a similar
fashion from similar ratio relations except that the ratios were applied to correspond-
ing 6-hour PMP increments. Thus, for example, the isohyet values for the second 6-hour
PMP increment were determined from a corresponding ratio relation, like that of Figure
3.25, and the second 6-hour PMP increment as indicated by the appropriate depth-dura-
tion curve from Figure 3.23.
100 000
........ ' '
10 000 .... '
..... .... ','
..... ''
5 000 '' '
'' ~
'-' 6'o 0-(Q
>. VO
,.q _,:::"'.?
·ri 1 000
;. 500
25 km - - -- - -
10 '--~_,_~~-1--~---'-~~--'--~---'~~_,_~~.L.-~--'-~~-'--~---I.~~-'-~---'
Table 3.5 - Isohyet values (mm) for 6-hour March PMP storm pattern of Figure 3.24
Isohyet A B c D E F G H P1 P2
72 hours 498 470 439 378 371 333 290 241 688 584 1-1
1st 6 hours 168 142 135 117 102 86 64 41 241 206 ..,.,
4th 6 hours 41 41 38 36 33 30 28 25 56 48 ~
2nd day* 99 99 91 61 81 74 69 61 135 114 c
Total area 1-1
enclosed by z
isohyet (km2):7 120 l 640 18 370 27 530 39 320 55 880 78 000 107 950 2 2
* For successive 6-hour values use 32, 27, 22 and 19 per cent of 2nd day
** For successive 6-hour values use 29, 26, 23 and 22 per cent of 3rd day
The following sequence was recommended on the basis of the above guidelines.
It does not necessarily provide PMP for all durations but conforms t~observed storm
sequences. First, the four largest 6-hour increments of the 72-hour PMP storm were
grouped in one 24-hour sequence; the middle four, in a second 24-hour sequence; and
the three smallest, in a third 24- hour sequence. Second, the four 6-hour increments
within each of these three 24-hour sequences were arranged as follows: second largest
next to largest, the third larg est adjacent to these, and the fourth largest at either
end . Third, the th r ee 24- hour sequences were arranged with the second largest next
to largest, with the third at either end. Any possible sequence of the three 24-hour
periods was determined acceptable with the exception of that which would place the
smallest 24-hour increment in the middle . (Sample arrangement in Table 2.4).
as· 05 83°
37° + +
+ + 37°
83° 82
Of the regions where the orographic model has been tested, best results were
obtained for the continuous, high and favourably oriented (with respect to moisture in-
flow) Sierra Nevada in California. The model computes orographic precipitation under
the assumption of laminar air flow. Hence, it is not well suited for regions or
seasons where or when unstable atmospheric conditions predominate. Orographic regions
where major storms occur in the cool seasons ore more likely to meet the required con-
Some studies for regions near the tropics indicate that the laminar flow model
is unsuited for estimating PMP. Indirect approaches, such as that used for the Ten-
nessee river basin study (section 3.4. 2), are likelier to yield more reliable estimates
of PMP.
l. Myers, V.A., 1962: Airflow on the windward side of a large ridge. Journal of
Geophysical Research, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 67, No. 11, pp. 4267-4291.
4. Schwarz, F.K. 1 1965: Probable maximum and TVA precipitation over the Tennessee
river basin above Chattanooga. Hydrometeorological Report No. 41, U.S. Weather
5. Schwarz, F.K. and Helfert, N.F., 1965: Probable maximum and TVA precipitation
for Tennessee river basins up to 3 000 square miles in area and durations to 72
hours. Hydrometeorological Report No. 45, U.S. Weather Bureau.
6. Solomon, s. I. I Denouvilliez, J.P. I Chart, E.J. I Woolley, J.A. and Cadou, c./ 1968:
The use of a square grid system for computer estimation of precipitation, tempera-
ture, and runoff. Water Resources Research, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 4,
No. 5, pp. 919-925.
7. U.S. Weather Bureau, 1958: Highest persisting dew points in western United
States. Technical Paper No. 5.
10. U.S. Weather Bureau, 1966: Probable maximum precipitation, north - west States .
Hydrometeorological Report No. 43.
11. U.S. Weather Bureau, 1970: Probable maximum precipitation, Mekong river basin.
Hydrometeorological Report No. 46.
12. Weaver, R.L., 1966: California storms as viewed by Sacramento radar. Monthly
Weather Review, U.S. Weather Bureau, Vol. 94, No. 7, pp. 416-473.
C H A P T E R 4
Statistical pr ocedures for estimating PMP may be used wherever sufficient pre-
cipitation data are available, and a re parti c ularly useful fo r making quick estimates
or where other meteorological data, such as dew point and wind r ecords, are lacking.
The procedure described below is not the only one, but it has received the widest
acceptance. It is used mostly for making quick estimates for watersheds of no more
than about l 000 km2, but has been used for much larger areas . Its convenience lies
in that it requires considerably less time to apply than does the meteorological, or
traditional, approach and that one does not have to be a meteorologist to use it . A
major shortcoming is that it yields only point values of PMP and thus requires area-
reduction curves for adjusting the point values to various si zes of area .
The procedure as developed /]J and later modified ~4J by Hershfield is based
on the general frequency equation ~fl:
= xn + KS n I
(4 . 1)
where Xt is the rainfall for return period t; Xn and Sn are respectively the mean and
standard deviation of a series of n annual maxima; and K is a common statistical vari-
able which varies with the different frequency distributions fitting extreme-value
hydrologic data.
If the maximum observed rainfall, Xm, is substituted for Xt, and Km for K,
Km is then the number of standard deviations to be added to ~n to obtain Xm, or
Records of 24-hour rainfall for some 2 600 stations , of which about 90 per
cent were in the United States, were used in the initial determination of an envelop-
ing value of Km• Values of Xn and Sn were computed by conventional procedures, but
the maximum recorded rainfall at each station was omitted from the computat i ons. The
greatest value of Km computed from the data fo r all stations was 15. It was first
thought that Km was independent of rainfall magnitude, but it was later found to vary
inve r sely with rainfall: the value of 15 is too high for areas of generally heavy
rainfall and too low for a r id areas . Values of Km for other rainfall durations we r e
later dete r mined, and its variation with Xn fo r du r ations of 5 minutes, 1, 6 and 24
hours is shown in Figure 4.1, which indicates a maximum Km of 20.
24 h~ urs
-- -
\ 10 20 30
\ Mean annual maximum rainfall mm
\ 6'1
' \ >$'
' "\
100 200 300 400 500 600
Mean annual maximum rainfal l (mm)
..... 90
100 ,~
80 Q,~
1-1 'v
'-i 60
111 L. 0
4.2.3 ~~i~~!~:~!-~i_!~-~~~-~~-i~:-~~~e~=-~~~=
The mean (Xn) and standard deviation (Sn) of the annual series tend to in-
crease with length of record, because the frequency distribution of rainfall extremes
is skewed to the right so that there is a greater chance of getting o large than o
small extreme as length of record increases. Figure 4.4 shows the adjustments to be
mode to Xn and Sn for length of record. There were relatively few precipitation re-
cords longer than 50 years available for evaluating the effect of sample size, but the
few longer records available indicated adjustment only slightly different from that for
the 50-yeor records.
() 120
'+-I 115
...: 110
10 20 30 L. 0 50
Precipitation data are usually given for fixed time intervals, e.g., 8 a.m.
to 8 a.m. (daily), 0600-1200 (six-hourly), 0300-0400 (hourly). Such data rarely yield
the true mQximum rainfall amounts for the indicated durations. For example, the
annual maximum observational day amount is very likely to be appreciably less than the
annual maximum 24-hour amount determined from intervals of l 440 consecutive minutes
Studies of thousands of statio n-years of rainfall data indicate that multi ply-
ing the results of a frequency analysis of annual maximum rain fall amounts for a single
fixed time interval of any duration from l to 24 hours by 1.13 will yield values close-
ly approximating those to be obtained from an analysis based on true maxima. Hence,
the PMP values yielded by the statistical procedure should be multiplied by 1.13 if
data for single fixed time intervals are used in compiling the annual series. Lesser
adjustments are required when maximum observed amounts for various durations are deter-
mined from two or more fixed time in tervals (Figure 4.5). Thus, for example, maximum
6- and 24-hour amounts determined from 6 and 24 consecutive 1-hour rain fall increments
require adjustment by factors of only 1.02 and 1.01, respective ly .
.,..., 106
1 02
0 4 6 12 16 20 24
The procedure described here was developed for point rainfall data. Hence,
its use requires some method for reducing the point values it yields to some required
areal rain fall ave.rages. There are many variations of depth-area relationships £2'0,
since they represent the depth-area-duration (DAD) characteristics of different types
of storms. The curves of Figure 4.6 [7..J are based on average values obtained from DAD
analyses of major general-type storms and do not show as much decrease with increasing
area as would curves based on localized cloudbursts. They do not extend beyond l 000
km2 because extrapolation of point rainfall values becomes more unreliable as size of
area increases. Necessity, however, has led to relations hi ps ~6_] relating point values
to areas in exce s s of 100 000 km2. Point values are ofte n assumed to be applicable to
areas up to 25 km2 without reduction.
•rl 100
.n "'
+' 60
200 L.00 600 800 1000
F-1 Area ( krrl)
Only daily measu rements of precipitation are available for many regions.
Various types of depth-duration relationships have been developed to show rainfall dis-
tribution within storms. Such relationships vary a great deal depending on storm type.
For example, orographic rainfall will show a much more gradual accumulation of rainfall
with time than will thunderstorm rainfall.
--- ----
BO _I_ - - -·- --
- .. ~ ... ---
~ -I
~0 60
.£: ·--1- --
....0 II
•:t 40
...a I
0 I
6 hl 18 24
4. If basic rainfall data are for fixed time intervals, adjust upward by
applying the factor 1.13 for fixed observational periods or the factors
1.13, 1.02 and 1.01 to 1-, 6-, and 24-hour amounts, respectively, com-
piled from hourly data (section 4.2.4).
5. Use Figure 4.6 to reduce point values of PMP to the proper areal value
for the size of the basin. (Note: if only 24-hour rainfall amounts
are available, a maximum depth-duration curve, like that of Figure 4.7,
can be used to estimate PMP for the shorter durations. The 34 and 84
per cent adjustments for the 1- and 6-hour amounts, respectively, would
yield values of 155 and 382 mm, which are considerably higher than the
103 and 331 mm based on the actual data. Hence, Figure 4 . 7 does not
very well represent the depth-duration characteristics of PMP indicated
by the short-duration data for the problem basin).
Duration (hours)
1 6 24
1941 30 62 62
1942 19 38 60
1943 15 39 57
1944 33 108 112
1945 23 49 67
1946 19 39 72
1947 32 50 62
1948 24 30 61
1949 30 39 57
1950 24 38 69
1951 28 58 72
1952 15 41 61
1953 20 47 62
1954 26 68 82
1955 42 124 306
1956 18 43 47
1957 23 39 43
1958 25 48 78
1959 28 80 113
1960 25 89 134
196i 28 33 51
1962 46 72 72
1963 20 47 62
1964 14 34 53
1965 15 40 55
xn- m 24.0
n = 25 --= 0.96 51. 3 - 0. 95 69.3 - 0.88
24.9 54.2 - 78.8 -
Sn-m. 6.8
-= 0.86 19.5
--= 0.81 21.8 - 0.42
~· 7.9 24.0 51.9 -
Adjustment of means (Xn) for maximum observed amount and record length:
Adjustment of standard deviations for maximum obse rved amount and record length:
Km (Figure 4.1): 14 14 16
Adjustment of PMP based on hourly data to true maximum values (see section 4.2 . 4):
(Note: If annual series data had been compiled from fixed observational time
intervals instead of hourly data, the adjustment factor for all
durations would have been 1.13.)
By computing PMP for a fine grid of points, a map showing PMP values directly may then
be constructed. Values of PMP, or Xm, obtained from equation (4.3) are subject to the
same adjustments described in section 4.3.
The curves of Figure 4.1 are based on observed data. Consequently, they
imply that PMP has already occurred at those stations providing controlling values of
Km. As a matter of fact, there are at least three measurements of rainfal l made in
other than official gauges that exceed the PMP values to be obtained from the use of
Figure 4.1. The reason given for excluding these measurements in developing the pro-
cedure was that the accuracy of the measurements was somewhat questionable and that
there were no precipitation records for the locations of occ urrence from which to com-
pute Xn and Sn • Estimates of these parameters for nearby stations indicated that a
Km value of 25 would have yielded PMP values enveloping any measurements ever made in
the United States . Computations of Km for Canada [6:f indicated a maximum value of
30 associated with a mean annual maximum 24-hour rainfall amount of 15 mm.
1. Chow, W. T., 1961: A general formula for hydrologic frequency analysis. Trans-
actions American Geophysical Union, Vol. 32, pp. 231-237.
5. Huff, F. A., 1967: Time distribution of rainfall in heavy storms. Water Re-
sources Research, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 3, pp. 1007-1019.
5. 1 Generalized charts
The methods of e~t imating PMP discussed in Chapters 2 and 3 may be us ed either
for individual basins or for larg e regions enc ompassing numerous basins of variou s
sizes. In the latter case, th e esti mat es are re f erred to as generalized e stimates,
and are usually displayed as isohye tal maps which depict the regiona l variation of PMP
for some specified duration and basin size. Thes e maps are commonly known as genera l -
i zed charts of PMP.
The chief advantages of generalized PMP charts a r e: (1) they are a ready
source of PMP estimates for any basin in a r egion, and (2) they a r e very us e ful in
maintaining consistency between estimates made for individual basins within a region.
5.1.l . l Scale
The choice of a suitable map base for developing and depicting generalized
estimates of PMP depends c hiefl y on the size of the region for which t he estimates are
to be ma de, the topography, and on the degr ee of detail to be shown on the final maps .
Base maps with a scale of about 1:2 500 000 may be adequate fo r man y non-orographic,
i .e. not extremely mount ainou s, regions. Regions of rugged orography require a larg er
scale, usually no less than 1:1 000 000, whil e a smaller scale, say, 1:5 000 000, might
be adequate for flat terr ain. Whatever the scale, the base maps should sh ow the top o-
graphy of the region. The final maps used for displaying the estimates may be reduced
conside rab ly, of course, but not so much as to make it difficult for t he user to locat e
a basin f or which an e stimat e is required. For this re ason, t he final maps should
show the scale, a latitude- longitude grid, boundaries of states, provinces, districts
and countries.
Once a proper bas e map is s e l ect ed, the next step is to construct a grid on
the map. The grid is usually constructed to conform with the latitude-longitude grid
of the map . The points formed by the inters ections of the grid lines (which actually
do not have to be drawn) indicate the locations to which the maximized storms ar e
transposed and the maximum values plotted . Severa l base maps are sometimes required,
the number depending on th e PMP values to be displayed. For example, one map may be
us ed for developing and di s playing 6-hour PMP over 100 km2, another, for th e 24-hour
PMP over l 000 km2, etc. Regardless of the number of maps r equired, the use of the
same grid on all maps is advisable as it will minimize the work involved in storm
- - --- - smoothing
Smoothing and envelopment across area sizes is similar to depth-duration
smoothing. Here, maximum adjusted rainfall values for varius sizes of area and a
specified duration for each maximized and transposed storm applicable to a particular
grid point or location are usually plotted on semilog paper, with size of area being
plotted on the log scale . Figure 2.10 shows such a plotting for 24-hour PMP. The
data plotted at 2 000 km 2 are the same data used in Figure 2.9.
F- ,~,.. ·~
· ,.. ~ -
- ------
_J --T· ~ @;-._ I
1- -- - -
'-.'-:: ,,, ____ I . --:::
r. - - 1v-~~~
; J/ A~ .c~~ : , I
- i-
!'. ;;•. I I
~ /},~~~~~~- ~
~~;;) ~/,£(}::~~\Y:~''~~:-~
1 / ,,
,; J? -~ ,\ \\~~ ~
'~'~((\(( ~- ~~)\\11~~
).-,~1, ~~ c;, :_,,,
l1 1 '!1 :·, // ./') ' '\~1
1' · 7717 ~
~\)1 · ~Cef!Jf£'
~0'/~ · : - ~
- ~\~1~,
. "" 1 r. 1 , 1jf1.11;;; r...,
, ~
I ·.,:\ · .,.
.:: H~i11 \ t~~ j;;/~: ,_ _._,/'~
1 \ 1 1f11/1J/;,WP
. , /' <(,·{V1/j/
II: ~ !:1~\"\..AJ//1 /f~"
i ·;
cr-r~~ -- ,,- V'< c
i ;,'/.1.! l\ t._
, -..___///l/'r'/-ft1--
\~/! 1
'>rf/).i,;~/f i
I- - I -- - • - - ••
~- ),~
1 ·\ //fD{j' I I ••
1 I lfiY- I I '"C
-._._ •o~. !.
1 ,'>,.._ ( l ' ' I H
;; I ) I I I );!
I. !
-I I ' .,,. ". -I I- '«->- r
( :I l~· -- ------ -- · -~
I ·- _ ___
i : If'
• '1 0
' I I
- ·- .'." . '!.... . .... . -.:":~'---~ · ... . ~ ~:,: ·.: ~-:-· ~
.. J
Figure 5.1 - Contrast in PMP and 25-year rain-
fall patterns, both for 24 hours at a point,
Island of Hawaii. Particularly note differences
on north-west coast
In order to maintain consistency between maps when several are to be drawn for
various durations and sizes of area, it is recommended that preliminary isohyets be
drawn first . Two successiv e maps in a series are then superimposed on a light table,
and final isohyets are then drawn so as to form consistent patterns for both maps. For
example, the map of 6-hour PMP for l 000 km2 might be superimposed on that for 1-hour
PMP for the same size of area . The 6-hour PMP isohyets should, of course, indicate
higher values at every point on the map. Also, there is usually no reason for an
isohyet on one map to show a dip, or depression, while the isohyet at the corresponding
location on another map of about the same duration and size of area in the series shows
a bulge. Of course, as differences in duration and size of area increase, there may
be gradual changes in patterns so that bulges may eventually become dips or vice ve r sa.
Maps for different sizes of area should be compared and fitted to each other
in the same manner. For example, isohyets on a map of 24-hour PMP for l 000 km2
should everywhere indicate greater depths than those for 24-hour PMP over 10 000 km2.
If maps for various months are required, as well as the all - season envelope,
seasonal smoothing is necessary. Seasonal variation was discussed in section 2.10.
In one study ~Q], index charts were constructed for 1-, 6-, and 24-hour point
PMP, and depth - duvation diagrams (Figure 5.2) and area-reduction curves (Figure 4.6)
were provided for obtaining PMP values for other durations and area sizes. The depth -
duration diagrams (Figure 5.2) were based on maximized rainfall values from major
storms . A straight-edge placed on either diagram so that it intersects the first and
last verticals at the PMP values indicated on the maps for the corresponding durations
will yield the PMP value for any intermediate duration by its intersection with the
vertical for that duration. Thus, for example, if 1- and 6-hour PMP values were 250
and 400 mm, respectively, a straight-edge set at those values on the corresponding
verticals of the diagram on the left side of Figure 5.2 would show a 2-hour PMP value
of 300 mm.
- 80 16 0
- -
70 140
- -
,-.., ,-..,
a0 60 ~120 120
i:: i::
- 0
+' +'
50 50 ~100
Pt Pt
._ - •ri
0 - 1--
Q) Q)
~ ~
L.O 40 Pt 80 80
~ §
•ri - a
·ri - '--
I>< I><
ell ell
a a
30 30 Q)
60 60
.-t .-t
..c .__ ..c ,__
al ell
..c ..c
0 0
~ ~
p.. 20 20 111 40 40
- - -
10 10 20 20
- - -
0 0 0 0
2 3 4 5 6 6 8 10 12 16 2 0 24
Duration (hours) Durati on (hours)
In anot he r study /"?], charts of generalized PMP estimates for 24 hours and
500 km2 were constructed for each month and for the all-season envelope (Figure 5.3).
The region covered by these estimates was so large as to involve several different
storm r'gimes. The region was therefore divided into zon~s, and depth-area-duration
relations like that of Figure 5.4 were developed for each zone for every month and the
all -seas on envelope.
Other examples are presented in the discussion of specific ge nerali zed PMP
studies to be found later in this chapter.
Th e basic procedure used for making generalized PMP estimates for non-oro-
graphic regions is essentially the same as that described in Chapter 2 for individual
basins, which involves storm maximization and transposition. Hence, only the pro-
cedural modifications required to generalize the estimates are discussed here.
:) e
0 u
.J: .._,
..J.N c
4- +'
0 c
II> •.-i
0. 0.
0 •.-i
...... u
II> Q)
> M
c 0.
c :)
o e
Ill ·.-i
c )(
II> c
111 e
...... Q)
<( ..c
I ..C
C'> M
• 0.
Cl> e
u.. LC>
5.3.l Introduction
In orographic regions the problems in de r iving generalized PMP charts are much
more complex than for non - orographi~ areas. Differences in topography and its effects,
storm types, amount of data available, etc . , preclude the development of a standard
basic procedure adaptable to the wide variety of situations encountered in making
generalized PMP estimates. While such estimates are usually based on non-orographic
PMP values modified for orography, the modification procedures differ for different
situations. Since there is no standard procedure, summarized examples from actual
studies may provide some guidance on how generalized PMP estimates for orographic
regions may be made . (See cautionary remarks in section 5. 4) The examples presented
in the remainder of this chapter were selected to represent a variety of conditions.
Generalized PMP estimates made by the orographic separation method were discussed in
detail in sections 3.2 and 3.3, and are not included here .
5 000
6 24 hours
2 000
1 000
,.--,.. 500
C1l 200
C1l 100
25 km - - - - - - -
' ,'\.
Drainage areas in the Hawaiian Islands are generally less than 120 km2. Iso-
lated peaks extend above 3 000 m for two of the islands, and to about 1 200 m for three
other, larger islands. Numerous investigations have indicated that winds tend to flow
around rather than over the higher mountain peaks. Record-breaking rainfall situa-
tions feature complex thunderstorms and disturbances of the normally prevailing easter-
ly trade winds. The optimum situation was therefore determined /:"~ to be a rela-
tively fixed zone of convergence with imbedded regenerative smaller areas of intense
vertical motion of the size and intensity associated with thunderstorms. Examination
of 156 cases of daily Hawaiian rainfalls exceeding 300 mm disclosed that about 60 per
cent were associated with thunderstorms. Thunderstorms were thus revea led as import-
ant producers of extreme rainfalls, although, as a general weather feature, severe
thunderstorms are relatively uncommon in the Hawaiian Islands.
- -orographic -
- - - - - PMP
A basic non-orograp hic station, or point, 24-hour PMP of l 000 mm (40 in) was
based on the following considerations: (1) the value agreed with wo r ld-wide extreme
obse rved non-orog rap hic rainfalls in tropical and subtropical re gions, wi th due con-
sideration fo r Hawaii's location and limit at ion on moistu re availability; (2) it
enveloped maximum observed rainfal l amou nts in Hawaii by a reas~nable m arg~n; and (3)
it approximated the value obtained from multiplying the envel~ping P/M ra tio.and ap~
propriate cool-season moisture~ Additional support was provid:d by an earl~ :r esti-
mate of PMP for Puerto Rico /lJ, which is at about t he same latitude as Hawaii .
Ratios of PMP to 100-year rainfall were examined and adjustments made to avoid
unrealistically high or low ratios . Depth-area- duration relations (Figu re 5 .7 ) for
extending the basic PMP values to du ra tions f rom 1/2 to 24 hours and to areas up to
500 km2 were derived mainly from Hawaiian storms . No seas onal variation curve was re-
quired since the greater efficiency and lower moisture of cool season storms balanced
the lower efficiency and greater moisture of summer season storms.
2 2
2 2
2 0 0
0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0
0 m 0 m 0
25 0
0 N N
m I
w 20
0 15
PMP for a specific basin is obtained by plani me tering the area within the
basin on the 24-hour point PMP chart (Figu r e 5.1) to obtain t he 24-hour basin-average
PMP. The depth-area-duration relati on of Figure 5.7 is t he n us ed to obtain PMP values
for other durations.
5.3.3 PMP for drainages up to 250 km2 in the Tennessee river ba sin
The Tennessee river basin above Chattanooga, Tennessee, roughly the eastern
half of t he entire basin, was described in section 3.4.2. The western half is rela-
tively low, with rolling hills. Generalized PMP estimates have been made ["'fl for the
entire basin for drainages up to about 8 000 km2. Because of a specific requirement
for generalized PMP estimates for small bgsins up to 250 km2 and the fact t ha t differ-
ent types of storms are likely to produce PMP over small and large a r eas, separate in-
vestigations were conducted for these small basins and for drainages between 250 and
3 500
-1 ()
----------- -
3000 -
2 500 -
....0 2000 ~--...:. o ____
1 .;;.. - - - - __
"'1 1500 Zero
500 ------ - - -- - - -
+ 20
+ 30
20 30
Ground slope (percentage)
8 OOO -km2. Only the estimates for the eastern half of the entire basin are describ-
ed in this manual. The eastern half is referred to hereafter as the project basin.
This section deals with estimates for the small basins. Those for the larger basins
are discussed in section 5 . 3.4.
50 w
N 0
~ 3 0
5 c:
0 20 40 50 80 100
Percentage of 24-hour 2 km PMP
In order to suppiement the basin data, a survey was made of intense small-area
short-duration storms from several hundred storm studies for the eastern half of the
country. Attention was given to all storms with 6-hour 25 km2 rainfall exceeding
250 mm, particularly to those exceeding 350 mm. Some of these storms had durations
of 24 hours. A study of 60 of the more severe storms indicated that most of them in-
tensified during night-time hours. This suggested that factors more important than
day-time heating were generally re sponsible for these outstanding storms.
All information gained f r om the above investigations led to the following con-
clusions concerning small-area PMP for the project basin: (1) the PMP storm-type
situation would involve a continua tion of geographically fixed thunderstorms through-
out a 24-hour period, and (2) the PMP-type thunderstorm for durations of one hour or
less would show little, if any, orographic effect, while that for longer durations
would be likely to produce mo re rainfall on slopes and adjacent volleys than over fla t
areas with no nearby slopes.
Although the entire south-eastern portion of the project basin was classified
as rough, there were variations in rainfall potential across the area. Some peaks
reached up to almost 2 000 m and some ranges sheltered large valleys. The contrast
between high mountains and large sheltered valleys required additional consideration
besides roughness in order to assess topographic effects on intense summer rainfalls.
The effect of local topography on rainfall is discussed in section
Depression: the elevation difference between the barrier crest and a point
in a sheltered area is the depression of that point.
s.c. I
.; ·...,. ....... .
··.... ·..~
···· ··· ·· GE N ERA !IZED 1000 Fr C...O NTOURS
- - - - BASIN 8 0 UNOA IUES
c:::::..= SE t O NOdY UPSI OPES I
~ f lRSf UPSiOPf S
-------··· h ·
~ 3
~ 3
~ 600
~ • 4
K 400
p • Observed
x Maximized
0 1 Holt, Mo., 6/22/47
200 2 Simpson, Ky., 7/4-5/39
3 Smethport, Pa., 7/17-18/42
4 Ewan, N. J., 9/1/40
0 2 6 8 10 12
Duration (hours)
The following concepts and principles were observed in constructing the two
depth-duration curves. Over areas of a few square kilometres and durations up to
about one hour, maximum rainfall rates depend on extreme upward velocities associated
with vigorous thunderstorms. These high velocities are related to storm dynamics,
and topographic effects are negligible. Hence, the same maximum intensities may be
expected within the same air mass over various types of terrain. For longer durations,
terrain roughness becomes increagingly important. First, slopes and roughness accen -
tuate upward velocities. Secondly, intense thunderstorms tend to remain at on e loca-
tion longer over a topographically favourable site than over smooth terrain, where they
drift with the wind or propogate laterally by their own dynamics. Finally, the prob-
ability of continued rainfall after an intense thunderstorm is enhanced by terrain
(6 -hour rainfalls) /
Basic 6-hour 15 km 2 PMP values of Figure 5.9 are applicable to the southern
edge of the project basin . Smooth PMP in rough terrain is hypothetical but serves as
a means for consistent application of adjustments for orographic effects (sections and
Experience with severe storms throughout the country was useful in shaping the
depth- duration curves. The curve of Figure 5.10 was developed to extend the curves of
Figure 5.9 to durations from 6 to 24 hours.
A moisture adjustment chart was developed for the relatively smooth north-
western section of the project basin. This chart (Figure 5 . 11) was based on an assess-
ment of mean dew points and maximum persisting 12-hour dew points. Analysis indicated
a gradient of about 1°C from the extreme south-western corner of the total basin
-· 'i - - - - -- -
-~-------____,,_-------~---·--- --.'.
A latitudinal gradient chart (Figures 5 . 12) was developed for the mountainous
portion of the project basin. This chart was based on rainfall-frequency gradients
resulting primarily from sheltering by mountains. Moisture effects were incorporated .
The concepts and charts discussed above were used to develop the 6-hour 15 km2
PMP index map (Figure 5 . 13) for the project basin. Six-hour PMP values from Figure
5.9 of 650, 700 (interpolated) and 750 mm were assigned ~espectively to smooth, inter-
mediate and rough terrain categories, and multiplied by adjustment factors indicated
in Figures 5.ll ·and 5.12. Isohyets were drawn with steepest gradients corresponding
to greatest changes in elevation. This naturally placed steepest gradients where
mountains rise from valley floors. Different adjustments for south-eastern and north-
western portions of the basin (Figures 5.11 and 5.12) resulted in some discontinuity at
their common boundary, which was smoothed out in drawing isohyets. The final 6- hour
15 km2 PMP index map is shown in Figure 5.13. A depth-duration relation (Figure 5. 14)
was developed from a number of PMP depth-duration curves such as Figures 5.9 and 5.10
so that 6-hour PMP could be adjusted to other durations. A depth-area relatlon
(Figure 5.15) was constructed from intense small-area storm data for adjusting the
15 km2 PMP values to other sizes of area.
Durati on (hours)
2 3 5 6 12 18 24
20 L.0 60 80 100 120
Rainfall (cm)
Extreme small-area storms in the project basin generally have been one-burst
events in which little rain followed the extreme 3-hour rainfall. Storm experience
pointed to the occurrence of a 24-hour rainfall in bursts. The following guidelines
were therefore suggested for critical sequences. (1) For 6-hour rainfall increments
in a 24-hour storm, the four increments should be arranged with second highest next to
highest, third highest adjacent to these two, and fourth at either end . This still
allows various arrangements, and the most critical is that which would yield most
critical streamflow. (2) For 1-hour increments in the maximum 6-hour increment, any
arrangement was acceptable so long as it kept the two highest 1-hour amounts adjoined,
the three highest 1-hour amounts adj oined , etc.
....... 150
65 70 75 BO 85 90 95 100
Percentage of 15 km PMP
Step l. Outline the basin on Figure 5.13, and determine mean 6-hour 15 km2
PMP for the basin.
Step 3. Use Figure 5.15 to adjust 15 km2 PMP for basin size.
. Step 5 • . suggest critical time sequences (section, such as: (a)
hourly increments in maximum 6-hour period• 6 5 4 3 l 2 h
1 h · • ' ' ' , , , w ere 1 refers to maxi-
mum - our increment, and (b) 6-hourly increments in 24-hour storm.· 4 2 l 3 h
l now re f ers t o maximum 6-hour increment. I I I I w ere
5.3 . 4
The discussion which follows refers only to the Tennessee river basin above
Chattanooga, Tennessee J:fil. The topography and moisture sources were discussed
above, and topographic classifications are shown in Figure 5.8.
PMP was derived in the manner described in section 3.4.2. Storms for the
eastern part of the country were maximized in place and enveloping isohyets construct-
ed, thus applying an implicit transposition. PMP maps like that of Figure 3.20 were
constructed for a number of basin sizes and durations, with isohyets not only envelop-
ing the data on each chart but also showing smooth progression with varying basin size
and dura t ion. Values read from these charts for the location of Knoxville, Tennessee,
were used to develop the basic PMP depth-area-duration relations of Figure 5.16. The
24- hour 2 500 km2 chart (not shown) was converted to percentages of the value at
Knoxville (Figure 5.17) . Multiplication of the de pth- area-duration values of ~iuure
5.16 by the percentages of Figure 5.17 yielded non-orographic PMP at various locations
in the basin.
Mean annual precipitation was one indicator. A hypothetical mean annual non-
orographic precipitation map (not shown) was constructed by eliminating the influence
of the Appalachian Chain by smooth extrapolation of isolines of mean annual precipi-
tation from surrounding non-orographic regions. This map supports the generalized
PMP percentile lines of Figure 5.17.
Charts of 2-year 24-hour rainfalls at some 600 stations in and near the basin
and of extreme monthly rains were used also to assess orographic effects.
200 300 L.00 500 600 700 800
The optimum inflow direction for heavy rains was another index to orographic
effect . Over a basin of no more than about 250 km2, it is presumed that the optimum
wind direction for unobstructed inflow of moist air and for accentuation of lift by
ground slope prevails during the PMP storm . In larger basins, the optimum direction
for precipitation may differ from one part of the basin to another because of varying
intensification by principal slopes. The wind direction most critical for the basin
~-----';------- - -- - : + -- - -- -- - - - - •11 -
SOUfHfA , /
SOUIHV.£ 5 1
- - - - BAS I N BOU N DA RIES Wf5f
------:---------~c----------- h
as a whole is defined as the direction that is most favourable over the largest portion
of the basin. Figure 5 . 18 shows the optimum moisture- inflow directions for local
areas . The largest percentage of a pr oblem basin with the same optimum wind dir ection
is determined from Figure 5 . 18 . The orographic intensification factor is relat ed to
this percentag e value by Figure 5 . 19, which was deve lope d empiri cally after a number
of PMP estimates for specific basins had been mad e .
+> 95
"'t, 85
100 80 60 40 20
Percentage of basin upslope - optimum wind direction
The relationships described above yield the volume of PMP for specified sizes
of area and for various durations. Geographic distribution of PMP within problem
basins is determined by developing an idealized or typical representative storm
isohyetal pattern and providing nomograms for obtaining isohyetal values. The pro-
cedure was described in section Critical sequences of 6- and 24-hour rain-
fall increments may be arranged as described in section
Step 1. From Figure 5 . 16, obtain 6-, 12- , 18-, 24-, 48- and 72-hour values
of non-orographic PMP for the basin size.
The proc edure for estimating PMP (see cautionary remarks, sec t ion 5 .4 ) in the
mountainous south - east er n r egion (hatched in Figure 5.18) is more complicated . After
the basic PMP (Figure 5 . 16) is adjusted regionally (Figure 5 . 17) : (a) multiply by
ratio of basin ave r age 6-hour 15 km2 PMP to basic smooth 6-hou r PMP (635 mm, Figure 5 . 9)
adjusted for the basin location (Figure 5.12); and (b) adjust the result fo r percent -
age of basin exposed to optimum wind direction (Figures 5.18 and 5 . 19).
The required steps may be followed more easily if it is assumed that PMP is
being estimated for a hypothetical circular 800 km2 basin centred at Fontana, Tennes -
see, with the results shown in Table 5 . 1.
Step 1. From Figure 5.16, obtain 6-, 12-, 18-, 24-, 48 and 72- hour values
of PMP for the basin size. Enter on line A.
Step 2. Determine the location adjustment factor for the centre of the basin
from Figure 5.17. Enter on line 8.
Step 4. Lay out basin outline on Figure 5 . 13, and determine basin average
6-hour 15 km 2 PMP. (Assume that this value for the example basin is 30 . 0 in, or 762
mm.) Enter on line D under 6 hours.
Step 5. Obtain the non-orographic 6-hour 15 km2 PMP from the smooth curve
of Figure 5.9. The value is 635 mm, and applies to the 100 per cent line of Figure
5.12. Multiply the value by the percentage indicated for the location of the basin
centre. (This percentage is 96 for the example basin.) Enter the product on line
E under 6 hours.
Step 8, Enter Figure 5.19 with percentage value from line G, and read cor-
responding orographic factor percentage. Enter on line H.
Table 5.1 - Sample computation of PMP for hypothetical 800 km2 basin centred at Fontana, Tennessee
Duration (hours) H
Line Item and sourc e 6 12 18 24 48 72 -I
A Non-orographi c PMP (mm) at Knoxville for 800 km2 (Figure 5.16) .•• 430 505 560 603 685 740 0
B Adjus tment for basin location, in percentage (Figure 5 . 17) . ••. . .. • 102 102 102 102 102 102 :;:o
C Non-orographic PMP (mm) for ba sin (l ine A x line 8) •••••••••••••• 439 515 571 615 699 755 CJ
D Mean 6-hour 15 km2 PMP (mm) for ba si n (Figure 5.13) •• .••• •••••••• • 762 ~
E Non-orographic 6-hour 15 km2 PMP (635 mm) from smooth c
curve of Figure 5.9 multiplied by 0.96 from Figure 5.12. .......... 610 rn
F Unadjusted orographic factor (line D 7 line E) • .... ..•..... . .....• 1 . 25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1-1
G Perce ntage of ba s in exposed t o optimum wind direction H
(Figure 5.18) ..•.•.••.•••....•.......... . ..... . .... .... .... ... .... 60 60 60 60 60 60
I Net orographi c factor (line F x line H) •••••••.•••. .• ..•..... .. . 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15
J Basin PMP, in mm, (line C x line!) ••••••• .•••...•.•...•.....•.. 505 592 657 707 804 868
Step 10. Multiply values of line C by those on line I to obtain PMP values
for the example basin. Enter on line J.
Step 11. Construct a smooth enveloping depth-duration curve from the values
of line J, and obtain 6-hour increments for the 72-hour PMP.
5 . 3.5 PMP for the Lower Mekong r i ver basin in south-east Asia
Generalized esti ma tes of PMP were made /9.J for drainages from 5 000 to 25 000
km2 in the Mekong river basin south of the Chinese border at about 22°N latitude
(Figu re 5.20). This part of t he basin is referred to generally as the Lower Mekong.
The procedure used in making these estimates provides an example of how data from one
part of the world may be used to estimate PMP for a region with inadequate data.
Where data are severely limited in mountainous regions, as was the case in
the Mekong basin, determination of detailed effects of topography on precipitation is
a hopeless task . In such situations, relations based on extensive smoothing of topo-
graphy are the best that can be developed. Figure 5.21 shows the generalized topo-
graphy of the Mekong drainage and the locations of precipitation stations.
Topographic effects on seasonal rainfall distribution ·were assessed on the
basis of the limited data and on past experience gained from study of these effects in
regions with adequate data. Comparisons of mean rainfalls at a few paire of stations
in the Mekong river basin, critically selected to reflect different topographic effects
within each pair, provided guidance. These comparisons, plus experience, led to the
following guidelines: (1) for mountain slopes facing south to west, with no nearby
mountain barriers to moisture inflow, rainfall approximately doubles in the first
l 000 m rise in elevation. Except for extremely steep slopes extending to high eleva-
tions no further increase was indicated. (2) Upslopes near the coas t, outside the basin
but bounding it, produce spillover rainfall over limited areas in the basin. (3) Shel-
tered areas immediately to the lee of mountain barriers receive about half the rainfall
observed upwind of the barriers.
The above guidelines, plus general guidance from some streamflow data, supple-
mented observed rainfall data in the construction of the mean May- September rainfall
map (Figure 5.22). Mean rainfall maps for August and September, the wettest months,
were constructed in a similar fashion.
0 100 200 300 400 Km .
28 ° SCALE 28 °
20° 20°
H f ." .~· c; .4 1.
96 ° 10 4° 108°
• 26
• •• • •
• •
.. .•.
• • 14°
.. • •• ..
D 900 TO 2000
A BO VE 2000 200 10°
Typhoons are the most important producers of heavy rains for durations of
several days in the Lower Mekong fo r the range of basin sizes considered in this ex-
ample . Such storms, approaching the Mekong basin from the east, produce the heaviest
general rainfalls in the basin in spite of mountain barriers between the coast and the
eastern border of the basin. Rainfalls from typhoon Voe (21-22 October 1952), in the
southern portion of the Lower Mekong basin and Tilda (21-25 September 1964), near the
middle, are foremost examples. Large-area rainfall s from these storms, after adjust-
ment as described below, approximate greatest values from tropical storms throughout
the world.
With the idea of adapting the more abundant dep th -area-d uration rainfall data
from tropical storms along the United States coast to the Mekong drainage, the massive-
ness (si ze and intensity), speed of movement, and other featur es of tropical storms
affecting the two regions were compared. Also compared were av erage maximum 1-day
point rainfalls from tropical storms in the United Stat es and in the Pacific Ocean, in-
cluding the Vietnam coast . Values along the Vietnam coast wer e about 20 per cent
greater, but the excess was attributed to topographic influence s absent in the coastal
regions of south-eastern United States. The comparisons sugge s ted that non-orographic
tropical storm rainfall potential was about the sam e for the two r eg ions .
Two adjustments were made to the U. S. tropical storm dep th-area-duration (DAD)
data to make them applicable to the Vietnam coast. First, the s torm data we re mois-
ture maximized for a persisting 12-hour dew point of 260C, the highest valu e for U.S.
coastal regions affected by tropical storms. Second, an adjustment was made for the
decrease of tropical storm rainfall with distance inland. This adjustment is dis-
cussed in the following section. The adjusted data and enveloping DAD curves are
shown in Figure 5.23. The DAD curves were considered to represent non - orographic PMP
just off the Vietnam coast.
Since the non-orographic PMP DAD cu r ves of Figure 5.23 applied only to the
Vietnam coast, the indicated values had to be modified for occurrence in the Mekong
basin . The following adjustments were thus required for distance inland, moisture
source, latitude, moisture - inflow barriers and basin topography.
SEPT 3 - 7, 1950 lo YAHKEETOWH , FLA 110 100 110
JUHE 27. JULY l, 1899 2' HEARNE, TEX 116 102 118
1000 I 9 ~'~~·\~ ~ (0. ~ l "\
< I "\
\ SEPT 25. 28, 1936 . 3o HILLSBORO, TE X 116 123 1'3
JUHE 27 - JULY 2, 1936 • o BEBE, TE X 100 JO• JO• rn
SEPT 8 - 10, 1921 5o THRALL, TEX 105 11' 120
SEPT 16 - 19, 1928 60 DARLIHGTOH. S. C 121 100 121
JULY 5 - 10, 1916 7: BONIFAY, FLA 110 106 117 3:
So TEXAS AND ME XICO 115 102 117 )>
500 A -I
N- 0
:;; z
VI ..,,
§ "tl
200 ;;:o
n :::,. rn
100 I I ~ I ~
"~ ]~ 1.S~ ~ .... I> .... ::,.J
K: >.j I I I I I
sol I ? I "? I 2~~ I 2M J~~ ·~ ~' tj>, p.~ "i "\~ I I I I c
,, \, I
20 I I I I ~ I \\·~ I I \ I \~ \ \ I I H
' -I
101 I I I I 1 I
' ~i I I\ ~~ \ I I I 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 llOO 1200
While typhoons approach the Mekong basin from an easterly direc ti on, the wind
circulation br ings in moisture from southerly and easterly directions. The few ana-
lyzed storms in the basin clearly demonstrate multiple sources of moisture . Thus, the
distance inlan'd adjustment (Figure 5 . 24) incorporates a weighting of the generalized
decrease fo r moisture-inflow direction for the region south of 17°N. A weight of one-
third was given to distance inland from t he south coast and two-thirds to distance from
the south-east to east coasts.
Latitude Typhoon rainfall potential must decrease to about zero near the
equator . The literature reports few cases south of 10°N. It was assumed typhoons
could maintain full intensity as far south as 15°N. The need for maintaining a high
typhoon rainfall potential in southerly reaches of the basin is supported by the
October 1952 storm that occurred in the basin near 12°N. The adopted adjustment is
shown in Figure 5.25.
IOI 11'
,. ,.
20 10
" "
"' "' "'
,. ,.
10 10
100 ------- - -- OD
11 11
so 100 lOO
10 '
100 101
'" "' "
,,. \ 11
I ~
\ I
\ J
20' '-- ~ 20
11 '
11 ' II
- - - . . /.5
... IO'
lD 20·
" II'
" '"
12 12-
io ·
"' "'
o ~o 100 200
c:_-:-::r=:::- -: ----
The 24-hour 5 000 km2 coastal PMP values of Figure 5.23 were multiplied by the
combined adjustment percentages of Figure 5.28 to obtain the generalized PMP map of
Figure 5.29. PMP values for basin sizes between 5 000 and 25 000 km2 from Figure 5.23
were expressed as percentages of the 24-hour 5 000 km2 PMP. These percentages were
then used to construct the curves of Figure 5.30.
Within a 3-day period, the isohyetal centre of a major storm usually moves
along the storm path. In the most extreme rainfalls, the storm may become almost
stationary. It is therefore considered reasonable to have the isohyetal centre over
the same location for a 24-hour period in the PMP storm.
+ + +22°
350 + + +zo·
ta·+ + +18°
16°+ + +16°
14°+ +
+ +
10°+ + + + + IO°
98° 100° 102° 104° 108°
0 50 100 200 KM
I 11111 I I
20 ,000
~ 10,000
6 12 18 24 48 72 hrs.
PMP for specific basins (see cautionary remarks, section 5.4) is estimated as
Step l. Lay out basin outline on Figure 5.29 and det e rmine average 24-hour
5 000 km2 PMP for the basin.
Step 2. From Figure 5.30, read percentages of 24-hour 5 000 km2 PMP for 6,
12, 18, 24, 48 and 72 hours for the basin area.
Step 3. Multiply basin average 24-hour 5 000 km2 PMP from step l by the per-
centages of step 2 to obtain basin PMP.
Step 4. Use data from step 3 to construct a smooth de pth-duration curve, and
read off 6-hour PMP increments for the entire 72-hour storm.
100.000 ,----.,--....--,.---.--.,.--.---.-__,.--,.---.--.,.--....--.---.--.,.---....--.--....--.----r--r--.
\ ''
\ ''
\ ''
\ ''
\ ''
\ ~ '' "'
\ '' ' tf' '' ''
' ' ~~ ' '~ ''
' ~ '~
\~ ' 'J'.'~o
\~ '' ' ,.., ,*+
\~ '' ,.,
'' ' \
\ ' \~ \
'' \
\ \ \
\ \ \
\ \
\ \ \
\ \ \
\ \
\ \ \
\ \ \ \
I \
E D C B A p
~ 10 ,000
5,000 L--~....~u..~--i.~~..__,__,_~...i..~--i...&..~.._......_._~........~~.._~.......~-"-~--'
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260
PERCENT OF PMP Introduction
Thunderstorm rainfalls usually provide the maximum amounts for small areas,
say up to about 1 000 km2, and durations shorter than about 6 hours. Extreme observ~
ed values indicate less latitudinal variation within middle latitudes than do general
storms. While severe thunderstorms are often associated with vigorous weather sys-
tems, some of those producing extreme rainfalls occur during periods of weak atmos-
pheric circulation. For this reason, and because of their small areas, it is gener-
ally impossible to determine with any reasonable accuracy the moisture inflow into such
storms. While there is no generally accepted procedure for deriving estimates of
thunderstorm PMP, the fo llowing example from a study ~fJ] for the semi-arid upper
Columbia river basin in north-western United States (Figure 5.34) may serve as a guide .
In that region, heavy thunderstorm rainfalls are rarely associated with general-type
storms, but occur generally as isolated events.
-PMP- -depth-duration
- - - - - - - relation
Extreme rainfall amounts for various locations in or near the project reg ion
(Figure 5.34) were moisture maximized (section 2.3) to 73°F (22.8°C), th e ma ximum per-
sisting 12-hour l 000 mb dew point for the extreme south-eastern portion of the project
region in August. The maximized values ore shown plotted and env eloped in Figure5.33,
300 x?
)( 8
0 2 3 t.. 5 6
Duration (hours)
-+- ~ - -·
J 10'"
... 100
..... 60
40 300 200 100 0
600 500 400
Distance from SE bord e r (mi.)
None of the extreme thunderstorm rainfalls used in developing the PMP depth-
duration curve (Figure 5.33) occurred over dense precipitation networks, so the depth-
area re lation had to be based on other thunderstorms. Analysis of several such storms
with adequate data led to the depth-area curves of Figure 5 . 35.
The idealized isohyetal pattern (Figure 5.37) was derived for a mod e l 2-hour
thunderstorm. The 2- hour duration was a compromise for each 1- hour PMP increment to
simplify procedures for application. The model thunderstorm involved the following
assumptions: (a) depth-duration re lation as i n Figure 5.33; (b) circular isohyets;
and (c) storm movement of 4 mile, or 6 km, per hour . The isohyetal pattern, toget her
with Table 5.2, is used to determine average depth of PMP over any portion of a basin.
The procedure for evaluating isohyets was described in section 2.11.3.
200 L. 00 600 80 0 1 0 00
Area ( km )
- - - - - - PMP
-Thunderstorm - - for
- - specific
- - - - -basins
(See cautionary remarks, section 5.4). If the areal distribution of thunder-
storm PMP is not required, basin average depths may be obtained as follows.
Step l. Obtain 1-, 3- and 6-hour values of point, or 2 km 2 , PMP from Figure
C\J 80
0 8 12 16 20
Radius (km)
Step 2. From the upper chart of Figure 5.34, obtain distance of problem
basin from south-east border of project region, and use this distance in lower diagram
to obtain percentage of August PMP for whatever month(s) required.
Step 5. Use depth- area- duration c urves of Figure 5.35 to obtain percentage
adjustments for basin area, and apply to results of step 4 (or st ep 3 if elevation is
not required) in order to determine basin average PMP.
1 2 6 8
I 2 .C 6 B
M - I
Step 5. Lay isohyetal pattern (Figure 5.37) over problem basin outline of
same scale. Centre and rotate pattern to provide greatest average depth over basin.
Step 6. Obtain labels from Table 5.2 for isohyets up to the minimum size re-
quired to enclose basin outline completely.
Table 5.2 - Pattern thunderstorm isohyetal labels (in per cent of !-hour 2 km2 PMP)
A 2 l 100 19 10 6 5 4
B 16 6 76 19 10 6 5 4
c 65 25 54 19 10 6 5 4
D 153 59 40 17 9 6 5 4
E 246 95 32 14 8 5 4 4
F 433 167 21 10 7 4 3 3
G 635 245 14 7 5 4 3 3
H 847 327 8 4 4 3 3 3
I l 114 430 l 2 2 2 2 3
J l 396 539 0 0 0 0 l 3
Other, equally valid approaches besides those represented by the examples have
been used for developing generalized estimates. As mentioned earlier, the approach
used depends on the geography of the project region and the amount and quality of re -
quired data. Basic data requirements for reliable estimates are adequate precipi-
tation networks and dew-point and wind data. A thorough knowledge of meteorological
characteristics of storms likely to govern PMP limits is an important requirement. This
knowledge is most important where basic data are sparse.
4. Schwarz, F. K., 1965: Probable maximum and TVA precipitation over the Tennessee
river basin above Chattanooga. Hydrometeorological Report No. 41, U.S. Weather
5. Schwarz, F. K. and Helfert, N. F., 1969: Probable maximum and TVA precipitation
for Tennessee river basins up to 3 000 square miles in area and durations to 72
hours. Hydrometeorological Report No. 45, U.S. Weather Bureau.
9. U.S. Weather Bureau, 1970: Probable maximum precipitation, Mekong river basin.
Hydrometeorological Report No. 46.
Adil, M. A. and Suffi, M. M., 1964: Probable maximum precipitation over the Tarbela
Dam basin. Scientific Note, Vol. 16, No.3, Pakistan Department of Meteorology and
Alexander, G. N., 1963: Using the probability of storm transposition for estimating
the frequency of rare floods. Journal of Hydrology, Vol. l, No. l, North-Holland
Publishing Co., Amsterdam, pp. 46-57
Bell, G. J. and Chin, P. C., 1968: The probable maximum rainfall in Hong Kong. R. O.
Technical Memoir No. 10, Royal Observatory, Hong Kong, 145 pp.
Dhar, O.N. and Kamte, P. P., 1969: A pilot study for the estimation of probable maxi-
mum precipitation using Hershfield techniquef~d;'!0ournal of Meteorology and Geophysics,
'· /
Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Poona, Vol. 20, No. l, pp. 31-34.
Gilman, C. S., 1964: Rainfall, Section 9 in: Handbook of applied hydrology. Edited
by V. T. Chow, McGraw-Hill, New York.
Hounam, C., 1957: Maximum possible rainfall over the Cotter River catchment. Meteor-
ological Study No. 10, Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Meteorology.
Knox, J. B., 1960: Proceedings for estimating maximum possible precipitation. Bulletin
No. 88, California (U.S.A.) State Department of Water Resources.
Koelzer, V. A. and Bitoun, M., 1964: Hydrology of spillway design floods: large
structures ~ limited data. Journal of Hydraulics Division, Proceedings of American
Society of Civil Engineers, Paper No. 3913, pp. 261-293.
McKay, G. A., 1965: Statistical estimates of precipitation extremes for the prairie
provinces. Canada Department of Agriculture, PFRA Engineering Branch.
Moazzam, S. M., 1964: Probab le maximum precipitation for November-May season over the
Swat river basin. Scientific Note, Vol. 16, No. 5, Pakistan Department of Meteorology
and Geophysics.
Myers, V. A. 1967: The estimation of extreme precipitation as the basis for design
floods, r~sum~ of practice in the United States . Extract of Publication No . 84~ Sym-
posium of Leningrad, International Association of Scientific Hydrology.
Ogrosky, H. 0., 1964 : Hydrology of spillway design floods: small structures - limit-
ed data. Journal of Hydraulics Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, Poper
No. 3914, pp. 295-310.
Riehl, H. and Byers, H. R., 1958: Flood rains in the Bocono basin, Venezuela. Deport-
ment of Meteorology, University of Chicago.
Singleton, F. and Helliwell, N. C., 1969: The calculation of rainfall from a hurricane
in: Floods and their computation, Vol. 1, International Association of Scientific Hy-
drology, Publication No. 84, pp. 450-461.
World Meteor ological Organization, 1969: Estimation of maximum floods. WMO-No. 233.
TP.126, Technical Note No. 98, pp. 1-116.
where q is the mean specific humidity in gm kg- 1 of a layer of moist air· .6p is the
depth of the layer in mb; g is the acceleration of gravity in cm sec-2; and ,P is the
density of water, which is equal to l gm cm-3.
Table A.1.1 'Precipitable water (mm) between l 000 mb surface and indicated pressure
(mb) in a saturated pseudo-adiabatic atmosphere as a function of the
1 000 mb dew point {°C)
mb .i~b-~·~7_1~0~-
~-~1~9~-~?~.\..=2.~~ - -] '' -·~~-~-~1~
1 112 222 22
- 2 2. _ __...._~--~-~- '"- __ J,,,.__~_ "' 5 5
4 4 44 5 . b 6 7 7
. ..:9«6...-~_.- ..5 -5,__ . .i. b.....-"----''-------'---'---"--· ::; _ ___s_ _L,O__l ,L_
95 J 6 b 1 7 10 lC 11 12 12 13
94::: 1 . J __ e . 9 'C IC 'l----l..2- . l.2 !.).. ;.i. ~5 :i
93~ B B 9 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 14 l 1l 16 17 : 0
;;!J 9 - . .9 ;.., ~ - lZ-- :3 __.....___....~_11_ __ ;,,__ - ~' 19 2J . ••
91J 10 10 11 i2 13 13 14 15 16 ~ 7 15 2 0 21 22 2J
...>..e..:i -~-----~~~-~----~~~--~~ . .;::i-.;.t.._. :..L.. -
B9J 12 12 13 :• l> 16 17 18 20 · 21 22 · 2• 25 21 2a
aau . ~· . i J l4.-.l5-l6 .1 .1 . .+0--~0-__;_.-"'J--.2"'- . 4'.t. 21 29 J!.
870 lJ I• 15 lb 18 19 20 21 23 2• 26 zB29 31 3J
86.i_ l.1.t. • . l.!'l ~~-19 . -la 21 '' . ' " '6 .,a -30 . .JZ .s.i.. ___Jb
B5J 15 16 18 19 20 21 2J 24 U 28 JO 32 3• 36 JB
_a~ H, b 1 1 , g ' ,. '1 , 1 "}:. ., b , a ., o ' 2 1 a.._40_
8JC 17 18 19 21 22 2• 26 27 29 31 33 35 38 •O o;
. 8 2 ::: . l..8 .-.lg _ .2 CL z,_2-'u'~-'2~s~_,_2~1__,_2g,._-'3,_•,__,3._,1~_,,1_,_5 3. 7 ---4..0 _ 42 . £.!I
81~ 19 20 21 23 25 26 20 30 32 34 37 39 42 4C. 47
_a.co . ...J.9. _..l.J. __ -Z...2.--.2Jt . lb. --2.a. _ u,_J~- - ~'~6~~'~'-·" l. - 44 __ 46, _ _,.9
79:, zc 22 23 2!1 27 29 31 33 35 38 40 4) .C.6 49 52
18..C......ii-2...1.~ . ?fi Vl J "l 'H • J" )? t ? 41-."'5.. . .5~
11J z: 23 2s 21 z9 Jl J3 J5 38 4: 43 46 49 sJ 5b
.7a.:l_ . ~;:i 24 2b. 20 ..l~-3..2.. -~..,l..l._Jg_u..L <. !> 4 S si ss sa
750 23 ~5 27 2~ Jl 33 35 JS 41 44 41 50 53 57 60
. 700 _ .-L4 _i_o 25 _;a _ _32.--J."---11- -~ ,,_; _ _4.JL 5: ~ 59 bl
7JV 24 26 28 30 jJ 35 38 '90 43 46 50 53 51 60 64
.J2..J._ .. ~ ., s .,b 19 <z '+ 5 5· s 5 ~b.2..--6L
71~ 26 28 30 32 :?.; J7 40 43 46 49 53 56 bO 64 60
.. 10.:. lb 28 .J: J! - ~5 30 . . u___/,,~-~1- ~o_.....sz. sa 62 &b 1:1
b9.) 27 l9 31 )4 36 39 42 45 46 52 55 59 bl 68 72
6ac 21 Jo 12 . .34 _ :n 40 ..4l.._lt£i._4..2.. 53 ... .57 &l 65 69 74
670 2s 30 33 ;5 3a 41 44 47 51 54 58 bZ 67· 11 76
_b!,;il; .. _,l9_....Jl __!l.__l.!:.._.)9 42 t.5 /,A 5") L ,J !;_4_ b!S _J..l.. ?fl. .
&s::: 29 31 1z. J7 J9 42 46 .:..9 53 s1 6! 65 10 11) 80
. blt.C 29 12 35 37 40 4.3_ 4.~i..._58 . _ &.:? &7 11 76 a!
63~ JC 12 35 33 4l 44 47 51 55 IJ9 63 6a 73 78 83
&2: 3:: -ll 30. 3& • "'2 4..!> .. -4~2-!lb..._ 60 _b..5 - 69. JM.. 1.9 - 8~
610 31 33 36 39 •2 05 49 5) 57 61 66 11 76 81 87
_b:.=. .. Jl .," · ~4.3 "O 51. 'S t' L/ '1? .1.2...~
590 12 34 37 .:..~ 4J 47 5: 55 ,9 63 &a 11 1a 84 90
~Bil-32- . 35 .2a_ 4..l.. 44 .IJi--5....!.._ ~5 6Cl 64 . b'i . 74 ao ss 91
570 32 35 38 •' •5 •8 52 56 61 65 70 75 Bl 87 91
~ .33 ; L J 9 _ il_<,; _42_ ~3 __5L_;,_L~ 71 71 8Z 88 9•
550 33 36 39 42 46 49 53 58 62 b1 12 18 BJ 90 Qb
~ 'b .,9 ~Yb !i.O . • St. i" 1,,1-6...Q.-1.J . l~f..!l. 91-97
530 34 3~ .40 4) 47
50 55 59 b4 69 74 80 66 92 99
.52il .J4 .....3..1.-..:.0.. . ..J&..3 •• . .:.7.
..!ll-. 55.--..b..O-.-...bt._ .. 70- 15 al 61. 93 ~VO
510 34 37 40 44 48
51 56 60 65 70 76 82 ff8 95 10~
.. !.lo: 3" . 37 .l..l.. . 44 <.8 12 56 ..Q..!.. .• -66..... 7l Jl . .Jll 89 96 .!Cl
35 38
...1o1 1o5
~--~...c..Sl ~.5."'
42 45 "9
84 90
67 -1~ -=.a. .. .C..S...~l--Q~
as 9l
97 ic.:.
99 :oc:i
+60 JC, ....J,.B.. . 4-2- 4~ - . ..t..9...--!...4- 58--6.J-._o...l.. . 7o. .C.O 86 93 lOO l.06.
45i:: 35 39 42 lo6 50 54 58 63 69 74 81 67 94 10\ 109
-~ J..Q.~ 1 6 SO S' S? 6' 69 - ~--Z.l.-d.8 .. 9S .. l.;2 l::.
430 36 39 42 46 ;J ;s 59 6 .. 70 76 02 63 96 !OJ il:
42.: 36 39 4J 46 i;o 55 60 65 10 76 a2 89 96 104 112
4lJ 36 39 43 47 51 ;5 60 65 11 11 83 9n 91 lj5 i:1
4).; JC:i )9 -'t) '11 -51 ;:;, .. 60. 6i_ 71 77. . d'1 'JO 98 105 1:'1
);., 36 39 43 47 51 Sb 60 6b 7: 77 B4 91 QB 106 ll'J
:w.: )ti '.\? '1) 47 51 !16 .bl bb . 72 70 .9., 92 ·J9 107 :!')
)7.: )ii toO 4) '17 'Jl 'Jb bl 6b 11 78 o5 92 !VO l;JB l l t..
1t:i.: JL tic. 1:1.:._. _v __ ;1 . .. 6 bl c· .. ~_7 'J ~-93 · -. ! C:l ::r
35:; )L 40 4) '17 !:12 5o bl 6"1 7J 79 Ut- C:::) l"' ' l r f:f. : ::i
).:...: Jt. .. c 4J .. 111 . ;.z -~o . -.b..:._0 1 . 1 3 _ 7? 6:> 93 !.i:it 1:-1 ::o
;3,; .,._ 4C 43 47 5: 56 6~ 67 73 ~G db 94 10~ !:O i.!9
J~: . .l!l 4C 1,4_ z..S 5:!. 57 62 . 67 . 71 . .J.J . .57 9 .. l ~ :!. ill :2J
J j; t.j .:.,4 t.O :io! 57 62 67 73 SJ 97 9- :.:>4: tll :.:c
r - t.,;: 41., t...:_ )4 ~:"_- !>.~!;:._}-~:' 9; .... __ ......
2·J: t.0 t.t. t.5 ;2 57 62 6d 74 bO 07 '15 ~03 112 ,.,.
40 "" <.3 . !..2. 5:' 6.Z...... 6~ :Jz. S.;) £: 5 Ii'> :JJ !12 ~!1
2 7: lb .:.a 1.,4 40 52 s·: ~z 6Ci 11. 01 fi.5 q; 1:.:. .... i::
.2.6C ":: 44 ~8 52 . 57 6~ t. i. 1"' dl 56 9o !.'.;4 !ll .....
'5.: t.C z.i.. t..d ~2 S7 b2 60 7,;. 61 63 9b tOi.. l!J i.~.!
.!A.: ,..:; z.-...._t..;._ !...! .5.7-t..Z- .. t.:.__ :: ..._. :..:._.:.::..._ 9 b ~.:..'-..!.!.l . ..:.~J
~J: '-n t.. .. i..O ;,2 57 6~ 6ti 74 ~~ C".i 96 :~.:.. lll !iJ
'~: 30 ...... 4t. <.S !12 ~7. ci2 b8 .:._ dl Ob 9tl ..... :D !.2J
n: Ji i..".) 4b ,z ;1 bl. CJh 1.:. o! .:i.i 9c:i : o ; ~l'- l:J
)0 4~ 44 .c.a s2 !d b2 a..a -1~ o!. aa 96 ~c~ 114 ~=J
Table A.1.2 Precipitable water (mm) between l 000 mb surface and indicated height (m)
above that surface in a saturated pseudo-adiabatic atmosphere as a func-
tion of the l 000 mb dew point (°C)
200 l l l 1 l l l 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
400 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 l, 4 4 5
600 3 j 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 ~ 5 6 6 0 7 7
800 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6- 6 7 7 3 d 9
l 000 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 10 !l
l 200 4 5 5 6 6 1 7 a a 9 9 10 ll 11 12 13
l 400 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 s 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 15
l 600 5 6 0 7 7 8 9 9 10 11 11 :..3 ::. 15 16
f 800 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 :2 13 14 15 l7 lS
2 ()()() 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 11 11 12 l3 14 16 17 13 lS
2 200 7 7 8 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20
2 400 7 8 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 22
2 600 7 3 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 11. 17 l:l 20 21 23
2 800 7 9 9 10 11 - 12 13 14 15 l6 13 19 21 22 24
3 000 s 3 9 lO 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 lS 20. 21 23 25
3 200 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 22 24 "~o'
3" 4oo s 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 lo 13 El 21 23 1.L, 26
3 600 3 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 - 0 20 22 23 25 27
3 800 s 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 19 20 22 24 26 2C
4 000 8 9 10 11 11 12 14 15 16 li 19 2: 22 26
4 200 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 23 25 27
4 400 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 l~ 13 20 21 23 25 27
4 600 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 13 20 22 24 25 13
4 800 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 20 22 24 2.6 23
5- oOO 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 19 20 22 24 26 23
5 200 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 19 20 22 24 26 29
5 400 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 19 20 22 24 26 29
5 600 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 19 21 22 24 27 29
5 800 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 19 21 22 25 27 29
6 000 8 9 10 ll 12 " 13 15 16 17 19 21 23 25 27 30 32
6 200 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 15 17 19 23 25 27 30 32
6 400 8 9 10 11 12 l3 15 16 13 19 21 23 25 27 JO 33
6 600 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 18 19 2l. 23 25 27 3J 33
6 soo s 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 18 !9 2!. 23 25 27 30 33
7 ()()() 8 9 10 11 11 14 15 16 13 19 21 23 25 2G 30 33
7 200 0 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 13 19 21 23 25 28 30 33
7 400 8 9 " 10 11 12 14 15 16 18 19 z: ::3 25 :;o
7 600 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 18 19 23 :25 28 30 jJ
7 800 s 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 13 19 23 25 ZS JJ 33
8 000 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 13 19 23 25 26 30 33
8 -200 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 13 19 21 23 26 2S 30 33
8 400 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 lS 19 2:!. 23 3::; 33
8 600 3 9 10 11 12 14 15 15 13 :9 2:. 23 .:.·,;,
8 800 9 :o 11 12 14 - 15 lS l~ 19 23 33
9 000 3 9 10 11 12 14 15 lo lS 19 23 33
9 200 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 lS 19 23
9 400 14 15 16 :;; 19 2~
9 600 14 15 lo lS 19 21 23
9 800 14 15 l~ lS 19 23 :s
10 000 14 15 16 18 19 21 23 2J
11 000 2l 23 2:! 33
12 000 31
ANNEX l 173
World-wide record and near-record rainfalls are listed in Tables A.2.1 and
A.2 .2 respectively . The values of Table A.2.1 are shown plotted against duration in
Figure A.2.1, which also gives the equation of the straight envelope, with R being the
rainfall in inches, and D, the duration in hours.
The extreme rainfall values of Tables A.2.1 and A.2.2 may be used in judging
the general level of PMP for some locations. Such values are associated with a small
number of storm types and geographic locations, and their applicability is limited.
The record values of Table A.2.1 for 9 hours to 8 days are from two different tropical
storms on the Island of La Reunion in the Indian Ocean. There, typhoons, or cyclones
as they are called in that part of the world, collide with steep mountains reaching up
to over 3 000 metres under circumstances so favou r able for rain that the resulting de-
luge is not readily transposable to other r egions lacking equally steep and high moun-
tains so close to the sea. The near-record rainfall values listed for China in Table
A. 2. 2 suggest that its PMP may be of the same order of magnitude as that for La Reunion .
For locations of less rugged topography, lower values of PMP might be expected, and
there is then justification for excluding the values listed for La Reunion and China
in Tables A.2.1 and A.2 . 2 as guides for estimating PMP.
Since the values listed in Tables A.2.1 and A.2.2 for durations from 4 hours
to 8 days are mostly from tropical storms, they should not be used as indicators of PMP
magnitude in regions not frequented by such storms . Obviously, small-area PMP in cold
climates or over basins well protected by orographic barriers and located far enough
from their crests so as not to be affected by spillover will fall considerably below
the values listed in these two tables.
The point values of Tables A.2.1 and A.2.2 may be reduced to areas up to
l 000 km2 by means of Figure 4.6. This reduction for size of area is far from a re-
fined procedure since such area-reduction curves vary both regionally and with storm
type. These curves are generally too unreliable to permit the point values of these
two tables from being used as guides to PMP estimates for large basins. World - record
and near-record rainfall values on a volumetric basis are unavailable . Table A.2.3
gives maximum depth-area-duration data obtained from some 700 analyzed storms in the
United States. The large majority of these listed data are from tropical storms, and
caution should be used in developing ratios from this table for use in other regi ons.
200 0 ff -
100 0
-~~]- · - --- .---~-· - ·-=
1--- ·T- ~ 1 ~~1- i =r=l~.71·/.<r=-/-
I I//'
L ~· ,~ -
r -~- -_--
•CO f----1--f--+-~
-- --· - -· ·· -·---- -·- .._J -··; - - _c:_ (./)
Ul 200
--- _L_-:::1=rrr= --- -- - -- ,_, __ ,__: I
·'' f-- -
g 100
•.-! BO ---H/ i"L - - ~_, __ ]__ - H
. ~~- .- -y;: - -Cilao1 L0 -- _ _ _ 0
- ~. -- ,.. ~· --1--l z
r-. , - -·- - - -· Reun~on
Belauve,'- -Lo· Re union -
';;j •O - 1 - - -1
'+-i • Smethport, Po.
----~~ 1D'Hanis,
-~ 20 Texas .!- .l.- -- --1-- I -0
~§-=a·-i-1/ Mo. ]
d~0 ::igc•:~· ic -- =-~- .
Duration Location Date
(in) (mm)
Duration Location Date
(in) (mm)
Table A.2.3 Maximum observed depth-area-duration data for the United States
(Average rainfall in inches and (millimeters))
Depth-area relations:
derivation 2.8.2
Depth-area-duration relations:
derivation 2.8.2
Depth-duration relations:
Generalized estimates:
sequential 2.7.2
spatial 2.7.3
derivation 3.4.2 .2
Moisture maximization:
Orographic model:
description 3.2 . 2
Orographic PMP
Statistical estimates:
Storm transposition:
definitions 2.5.l
exam pl e 2. 6. 4
steps in t r ansposition 2. 5. 2
thunderstorms 2. 6 . 2. 2
transposition adjustments 2. 6
transposition limits 2 . 5. 1
Undercutting 2.8.3
Wind maximization: