Effects of A Brain Improvement Program On Students' Reading

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Edelmira Sánchez, B.A., M.Ed.

Dissertation Prepared for the Degree of



May 2013


George Morrison, Major Professor

Carol Hagen, Committee Member
Angela Randall, Committee Member
Lloyd Kinnison, Committee Member
Nancy Nelson, Chair, Department of Teacher
Education and Administration
Jerry R. Thomas, Dean of the College of
Mark Wardell, Dean of the Toulouse Graduate
Sánchez, Edelmira. Effects of a Brain Improvement Program on Students’

Reading Achievement. Doctor of Education (Early Childhood Education), May 2013,

126 pp., 17 tables, 3 figures, references, 123 titles.

How to close the reading achievement gap among K-12 students is an ongoing

emphasis for educators in the 21st century. The purpose of the study was to determine

if using kinesthetic movements from the Brain Gym® program improved the reading

achievement of Grade 3 Hispanic and African American students. Students from four

elementary schools participated in the study. The students in the control and

experimental groups completed a 2004 release TAKS third grade reading assessment

for the pretest and posttest. Students in the experimental group completed five selected

kinesthetic movements from the Brain Gym® program five minutes at the beginning of

each Monday through Friday school day. The intervention lasted 30 days and a total of

150 minutes. Data were analyzed using a 2 x 2 mixed between-within subjects analysis

of variance. Findings revealed that performing the five kinesthetic movements from the

Brain Gym® program did not increase students’ reading achievement scores. Only the

variable of time between pretest and posttest affected students’ reading scores. The

results from this study did not support the findings of other studies of the effectiveness

of kinesthetic movements.
Copyright 2013


Edelmira Sánchez


The completion of this paper would not have been possible without my faith in

God and the help and prayers from my family, friends, church family, and colleagues. I

would first like to acknowledge my husband for his patience during my countless hours

of being away from home or being glued to my computer working. I thank you for

believing in me especially when I didn’t believe in myself. I appreciate your

understanding and support for me during my adventure through this doctorate program.

Next, I thank my children for the sacrifices they made during the times that I took away

from them so that I could do my doctoral work after a long day at work. I know it was

difficult for you, yet you still love me. I thank you all for the heavy sacrifices you have

made throughout all the years I have taken to complete this project. Your words of

encouragement have meant so much and helped sustain me through the rough periods.

I thank my grandchildren for understanding when I couldn’t attend one of your events. I

know I have missed so much that I will never be able to regain; however, my love has

never wavered for you. I would like to express my appreciation to Dr. George Morrison

for always encouraging me to “stay the course” and for being patient with me. I thank

my friend and colleague Dr. Kevin Dartt, who also helped through this process. Your

friendship, support, and trust have been invaluable gifts. Finally, I must express my

appreciation to the members of my committee: Dr. Lloyd Kinnison for hanging in there

all along and for all the support you have given me. I appreciate Doctors Carol Hagen

and Angela Randall for taking me on at a late date. My committee has played an

integral part in helping me to accomplish my goal.



ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................... iii

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................ vi

LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................ viii


1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 1

Background of the Reading Achievement Gap in the United States .............. 2

Statement of the Problem .............................................................................. 9
Purpose of the Study.................................................................................... 11
Research Questions..................................................................................... 11
Significance of the Study.............................................................................. 12
Definition of Terms ....................................................................................... 13
Summary...................................................................................................... 16

2. REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE ...................................................................... 17

Reading Skills .............................................................................................. 17

Understanding Brain-based Education......................................................... 20
Physical Activity and Cognition .................................................................... 24
Physical Fitness and Learning ..................................................................... 26
Brain Gym® Studies ..................................................................................... 42
Response to Intervention (RTI) .................................................................... 46
Summary...................................................................................................... 48

3. METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................. 49

Participants .................................................................................................. 50
Data Collection Procedure ........................................................................... 57
Data Analysis ............................................................................................... 60
Summary...................................................................................................... 62

4. RESULTS ......................................................................................................... 63

Preliminary Screening Procedures ............................................................... 63

Descriptive Statistics .................................................................................... 67
Research Questions..................................................................................... 68

5. SUMMARY, DISCUSSION, AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................... 82

Summary and Discussion ............................................................................ 82
Contributions and Limitations ....................................................................... 86
Implications .................................................................................................. 87

APPENDIX A: INTRODUCTORY LETTER TO PRINCIPALS ....................................... 89






ASSESSMENT FOR GRADE 3 ................................................................................. 103


ASSESSMENT FOR GRADE 3 ................................................................................. 110

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................ 117


Table Page

1. S1, S2, S3, and S4 Student Demographics ...................................................... 51

2. Research Assistants’ Demographics ................................................................ 53

3. Pearson χ2 Results for the Cross Tabulations Comparing Between

Incomplete and Complete Participant Data (n = 76) ......................................... 64

4. Skewness and Kurtosis Statistics for the Dependent Variables (n = 67)........... 65

5. Frequencies of Control and Experimental Group Participation by

School (n = 67) .................................................................................................. 67

6. Frequencies and Percentages for the Demographic Variables (n = 67)............ 69

7. Descriptive Statistics for the Dependent Measures (n = 67) ............................. 70

8. Means and Standard Deviations for Reading Achievement Across

Time as a Function of the Brain Gym® Intervention .......................................... 71

9. Mixed Between-within Subjects ANOVA Results for Reading

Achievement Across Time as a Function of the Intervention (n = 67) ............... 72

10. Means and Standard Deviations for Reading Achievement Across

Time as a Function of the Brain Gym® Intervention Within the
Hispanic Sample ............................................................................................... 74

11. Mixed Between-within Subjects ANOVA Results for Reading

Achievement Across Time as a Function of the Brain Gym® Intervention
Within the Hispanic Sample (n = 48) ................................................................. 74

12. Means and Standard Deviations for Reading Achievement Across

Time as a Function of the Brain Gym® Intervention Within the African
American Sample .............................................................................................. 76

13. Mixed Between-within Subjects ANOVA Results for Reading

Achievement Across Time as a Function of the Brain Gym® Intervention
Within the African American Sample (n = 19) ................................................... 77

14. Means and Standard Deviations for Reading Achievement Across

Time as a Function of the Brain Gym® Intervention Within the Sample
of Males............................................................................................................. 78

15. Mixed Between-within Subjects ANOVA Results for Reading Achievement
Across Time as a Function of the Brain Gym® Intervention Within the
Sample of Males (n = 43) .................................................................................. 79

16. Means and Standard Deviations for Reading Achievement Across

Time as a Function of the Brain Gym® Intervention Within the Sample of
Females ............................................................................................................ 80

17. Mixed Between-within Subjects ANOVA Results for Reading

Achievement Across Time as a Function of the Brain Gym® Intervention
Within the Sample of Females (n = 24) ............................................................. 81


Figure Page

1. Score distribution for pretest total score.............................................................. 66

2. Score distribution for posttest total score ............................................................ 66

3. Mean reading achievement scores across time were higher for the
control group than for the experimental group .................................................... 75



Reading is a vital and essential part of daily life and a skill that, if not strong,

brings about lifelong challenges, both academic and occupational. Therefore, reading

and reading well are essential and foundational for student success. The National

Reading Panel (2000) emphasized the importance of developing reading fluency in the

primary grades as essential for the transfer of literacy skills to other academic areas.

Good readers are active readers who have clear goals in mind when they begin

reading (Torgesen, 2007). Good readers also constantly evaluate whether the text they

are reading meets their goals. They construct, revise, and question as they draw upon,

compare, and integrate prior knowledge with the texts they read. Pinnell and Fountas

(2009) referred to this process of reading as thinking about the text. On the other hand,

struggling students have trouble recognizing the words of age appropriate text,

understanding the text’s language, and understanding textual meaning (Tunmer, 2007).

The United States, in its desire to be an international leader and compete in the

global economy, has called for a broader effort to improve K-12 students’ reading skills.

In Texas state assessments began in 1980. As a result of the No Child Left Behind Act

of 2001 (NCLB, 2002), students are expected to read at a third grade level by the end of

that grade (U.S. Department of Education, 2012). However, student achievement has

not grown to this level fast enough. Such results do not put students on a path to

graduate high school or to succeed in college and the workplace (U.S. Department of

Education, 2012). Rhode Island and the District of Columbia increased performance in

reading at grade level by only the fourth grade, and 38 states showed no significant

change in reading achievment in neither fourth nor eighth grade (National Assessment

of Educational Progress [NAEP], 2011). Kentucky was the only state with gains in both

the fourth and eighth grades (NAEP, 2011).

In Texas, according to NAEP (2011) data, White students scored on average a

score of 233, and African American and Hispanic students earned 23 points less than

their White counterparts. No difference between Hispanic and African American

students was detectable in 2011. Texas Education Agency (TEA, 2010) data indicated

the achievement gap between White students and minorities was on average 11%

lower for Hispanic students and 10% lower for African American students. A majority of

the students with low academic achievement in reading are functionally illiterate

(Blackowicz et al., 2010; Bobo, 2009). The problem of the academic achievement gap

continues to loom over educators in the United States (MacDonald & Figueredo, 2010;

Paik & Walhberg, 2007).

Background of the Reading Achievement Gap in the United States

In the United States, most teachers target classroom instruction to the average

student in order to meet the needs of every child and to raise students’ test scores.

Federal education programs, such as the Reading Excellence Act of 1998, NCLB

(2002), and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEIA),

fuel teaching to the average. Response to intervention (RTI) is a recommended

practice that stems from IDEIA and has since been a focus for states and school

districts (Allington, 2009; Shinn, 2007). NCLB along with IDEIA essentially ensure that

schools monitor and improve the progress of populations known for traditionally not

doing well academically, specifically in reading.

These targeted populations include students who have trouble with reading,

come from economically disadvantaged homes, have special needs, and are

considered limited English proficient (LEP; Brayboy, Castagno, & Maughan, 2007;

Linan-Thompson, 2007; Snyder & Dillow, 2011). Over time, many labels have referred

to students to whom learning to read does not come easily. Some of those labels are

at-risk, high risk, twice exceptional, or culturally and linguistically diverse learners

(Moore-Hart & Karabenick, 2009; Oropeza, Varghese, & Kanno, 2010; Sullivan, 2011),

and learning disabled (Brown, 2009; Obiakor, Beachum, & Harris, 2010; Shinn, 2007;

Sullivan, 2011).

The at-risk term is vitally important to the debate about intervening to improve

students’ reading abilities. When students, especially English language learners

(ELLs), are poor readers in the lower elementary grades, their reading problems often

become worse as they advance to higher grades and progress through high school. In

high school, they are exposed to more complex concepts and courses all of which

require reading. Students identified as ELL have the highest grade retention and high

school dropout rates of all youth (Duran, 2008). The consequences of dropping out of

high school are life changing. Young people entering high school in the bottom quartile

of achievement are substantially more likely than students in the top quartile to drop out

of school (Torgesen, 2007). The drop out rate, though declining, is lower for Whites and

Blacks than it is for Hispanics, setting in motion a host of negative social and economic

outcomes for students and their families (Blackowicz et al., 2010; Torgesen, 2007).

Students with reading deficiences who leave high school before graduating, are more

likely to be placed in special education, become teenage parents, commit juvenile

criminal offenses, and remain less than fully literate (Brayboy et al., 2007). When these

students grow up, they become adults who depend on welfare and unemployment

insurance and populate prison systems (Duran, 2008; NAEP, 2011; Pinnell & Fountas,


The process of closing the gap in literacy development is widely studied and

debated (Al Otaiba et al., 2009; Boscardin, Muthen, Francis, & Backer, 2008; Cooke,

Kretlow, & Helf, 2010; Denton & Al Otaiba, 2011; Duff et al., 2008; MacDonald &

Figueredo, 2010; Mandara, 2009; Ming & Dukes, 2008; O'Conner, Swanson, &

Geraghty, 2010; Ogle & Correa-Kovtun, 2010; Rasinski, 2003a, 2003b; Rasinski,

Homan, & Biggs, 2009; Rasinski, Samuels, Hiebert, Petscher, & Feller, 2011; Short,

Vogt, & Echevarria, 2008; Soriano, Miranda, Soriano, Nievas, & Felix, 2011; Turner,

2010; Walker-Dalhouse & Risko, 2009; Welsh, 2006). A focus on reading fluency and

comprehension stands at the forefront of addressing the reading achievement problem.

Reading fluency is the ability to recognize sight words that do not need to be sounded

out phonetically and to read continuous text with good momentum, phrasing with

appropriate pausing, intonation, and stress (Ming & Dukes, 2008; Rasinski, 2003b).

Students with reading difficulties exist in every classroom across America. They come

from all educational and economic levels and represent a constant concern and

challenge. Teachers find themselves working with students for whom literacy learning

is difficult (Deshler & Hock, 2009; Goodwin & Ahn, 2010; Pinnell & Fountas, 2009). For

their part, many students want to learn to read, and teachers want to help them learn to

read and are opposed to leaving any student behind (Pinnell & Fountas, 2009).

For decades, the search for ways to prevent and improve reading difficulties,

which include brain-based education, has influenced educators and administrators alike

(Jensen, 2009). Extensive searches for investigating ways by which educators can help

all students learn how to read have dominated much of the educational literature for the

last 50 years (Pinnell & Fountas, 2009). The problem of students not reading well is

especially common among minority and culturally diverse students such as African

American and Hispanic students (Allington, 2009; Chard et al., 2008; Pinnell & Fountas,

2009; Martinez, Aricak, & Jewell, 2008). Between 1989 and 2009, the percentage of

public school students who were White decreased from 68% to 55% in all four regions

of the U.S., and the percentage of Hispanic students doubled from 11% to 22% (Snyder

& Dillow, 2011).

By 2009, Hispanic enrollment in public schools in Texas exceeded 11 million

students between the ages of 5 to 17 years who spoke a language other than English

(NAEP, 2011). In 2008-2009, the number of students between the ages of 3 and 21

years in special education services was 6.5 million, with 13% of all public school

enrollments having reading ability as a disability. Also in 2009, greater percentages of

Hispanic and African American students attended high-poverty elementary and

secondary public schools than did Whites. In 2009, 19% of 5 to 17 year olds were from

families living in poverty up from 15% in 2000 and 17% in 1990. A relationship was

found between teachers’ low perceptions of the students attending high-poverty schools

and special education referrals (Brown & Parsons, 2008; Obiakor et al., 2010; Sullivan,


Since the early 1990s, significant gaps between racial/ethnic groups have

remained steady (Aud et al., 2011). The reading achievement gap demonstrated no

measureable change in the average Grade 4 reading score between 2007 and 2009

(Aud et al., 2011; NAEP, 2011). The US’s national Grade 4 reading scores were

unchanged between 2009 and 2011 (Aud et al., 2011).

For Grade 12 students, the average reading score increased by only two points

between 2005 and 2009. In 2009, White students scored 27 points higher in reading

than African American students and 22 points higher than Hispanic students (NAEP,

2011; Aud et al., 2011). Neither score gap was significantly different from the

respective score gaps in previous assessment years. The average combined reading

literacy score was not measurably different from the average score of the 34

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) member countries.

The OECD provides a forum that compares different countries school systems and how

they are preparing their young for modern life. While Hispanic and African American

students have made strides in narrowing the achievement gap that separates them from

their White counterparts in reading achievement, they still lag behind. Even the small

signs of progress have done little to close the achievment gap since the implementation

of NCLB (Muhammad, 2009). Pinnell and Fountas (2009) suggested that while

educators greet increased scores with cautious optimism, a gain of a few points for one

cohort does not necessarily hold true in the assessment of the next cohort, nor does it

tell much about the overall state of literacy education.

No initiatives adopted by educators to increase reading achievement have made

much difference. Students continue to perform with the same average scores and have

a hard time learning to read (Aud et al., 2011). Although many schools often provide

some literacy intervention, many lack sufficient resources. Some of the resources

lacking include teachers skilled in literacy development and appropriate learning

materials to help older students in elementary school reach grade-level standards in


To increase students’ reading scores with the NCLB (2002), Congress

appropriated over $140 billion to states to provide schools with the necessary resources

for ensuring reading improvement among students and to mandate specific guidelines

for reading research, instruction, and accountability. For their part, the nation’s 16,000

school districts spent millions of dollars on educational products and services developed

by textbook publishers, commerical providers, and nonprofit organizations (Allington,

2009). NAEP (2011) reported that total expenditures for instruction per student in public

school elementary and secondary schools rose 39% between the 1989-1990 and 2007-

2008 school years. In 2007, the US spent $10,768 per student on elementary and

secondary education, 45% more money than the OECD average of $7,401 spent per

student (NAEP, 2011).

Schools, according to Pinnell and Fountas (2009), adopted reading program after

reading program confusing teachers and failing to change what students learned. Many

of the programs provided the same instruction to every student without noticeable

curriculum changes. Through all these program adjustments, students still earned the

same average reading scores and teachers continued to be challenged by students

finding it difficult to learn to read, which in turn affected student performance in other

content areas as well (NAEP, 2011).

Title I of the NCLB (2002), special education and bilingual education initiatives,

the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), and the Blueprint for

Reform (U.S. Department of Education, 2010) and efforts regarding reauthorizing the

Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) represented intiatives trying to

ensure that the achievment gap between the poor, disabled, minority, and ELL students

would be closed (Paik & Walhberg, 2007; Snyder & Dillow, 2011). Currently among

these initiatives, NCLB Title I reading programs have added at best about two months

worth of reading gains per year for struggling readers, while special eduation programs

have not added any gains in reading. In order for struggling students to attempt to

catch up with their peers, these programs would need to double or even triple the rate

for students’ reading acquisition (Allington, 2009).

In recent years, educators have turned their attention to the emotional side of

learning (Immordino-Yang & Damasio, 2007; Jensen, 2009, 2010; Ratey & Hagerman,

2008; Sousa, 2006). These educators have been concerned with students’ emotional

and intellectual growth and how such growth affects students’ reading abilities.

Immordino-Yang and Damasio (2007) contended that when educators fail to appreciate

the importance of students’ emotions, they fail to appreciate a critical force underlying

student learning. Jensen (2009, 2010) suggested that students’ social-emotional

capacities powerfully affect and even determine whether they develop the ability to

listen and communicate; to concentrate; to recognize, understand, and solve problems;

to cooperate; to modulate their emotional states; to become self-motivating; and to

resolve conflicts adaptively.

Literacy, according to Blackowicz et al. (2010), is the key to academic success.

They suggested that a child who can read by the third grade is unlikely to be involved

with the criminal justice system. On the other hand, four out of five African American

and Hispanic (but mostly African American) incarcerated juveniles read two or more

years below grade level. This achievement gap in reading exists between minority and

non-minority students and between disadvantaged and more advantaged students (Paik

& Walhberg, 2007; Short et al., 2008).

Statement of the Problem

The literacy achievement gap exists for students who come from low

socioeconomic status (SES) backgrounds, those with special needs, and those who are

limited English proficient (LEP; Brayboy et al., 2007; Linan-Thompson, 2007;

MacDonald & Figueredo, 2010; Obiakor et al., 2010; Snyder & Dillow, 2011). The

achievement gap between minority and non-minority students and between the

socioeconomically disadvantaged and their more advantaged peers continues (Aud et

al., 2011; National Association for the Education of Young Children, 2011). Many

students come from low SES with free or reduced-price lunch benefits, have special

needs, and are LEP (Brayboy et al., 2007; Linan-Thompson, 2007; MacDonald &

Figueredo, 2010; Obiakor et al., 2010; Snyder & Dillow, 2011). Some content that the

achievement gap may be due to the belief that students from challenging circumstances

may suffer from limited intelligence (Boscardin et al., 2008; Matthews, 2010; Rodriguez

& Bellanca, 2007; Rovai, Gallien, & Stiff-Williams, 2007).

One dimension of low achievement can be observed between ELLs and native

English speakers. ELL students have difficulty learning to read in a language that is not

their primary language. Meanwhile, with the continued growth of LEP students in

classrooms, the relationship between literacy proficiency and contiuned low academic

achievement in reading strengthens (Paik & Walhberg, 2007; Short et al., 2008). Many

students who live in poverty do not read at grade level. Socioeconomically

disadvantaged Hispanic and African American students, in particular, lag behind.

Researchers, educators, and policy makers share the responsibility to protect the

students who are at-risk of failure and provide a solution.

Brain-based education could be one solution for closing achievement gaps

between minority students and their more advanced counterparts. The overall goal of

brain-based education is to bring insights from brain research into the arena of

education. This effort is designed to enhance teaching and learning. Proponents of

brain-based education, such as Jensen and Sousa (2009), have advocated for a

diverse group of educational practices and approaches. Jensen and Sousa maintained

that the unprecedented explosion of new findings related to the development and

organization of the human brain need to be applied in school settings. These findings

can inform educational practice in meaningful ways to help students. One such

application involves multiple intelligences.

Intelligence, according to Gardner (2004), is multi-faceted and includes the seven

intelligences of linguistic, muscial, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic,

interpersonal, and intrapersonal. As a result of scientific advances and Gardner’s

unique intelligence theory, educators developed brain-based education approaches to

learning (Jensen, 2010). Gardner advocated the use of enriched educational

environments that nurtured students’ full range of abilities via their multiple intelligences.

Cain, Caine, McClintic, and Klimek (2008) advocated the use of different activities so

that students attention is captured due to the novelty. Advocates of brain-based

education support enriched educational environments that allow teachers to employ

multiple and diverse strategies for presenting content to students (Jensen, 2005, 2008,


Brain Gym®, a registered trademark by Brain Gym International/

Educational Kinesiology Foundation, uses simple body movements to integrate the

functions of the brain, and activates students’ bodly-kinesthetic intelligence (Dennison &

Dennison, 2007). One solution to help close the achievement gap is to use movement

techniques based on the idea that movement enables students to integrate functions of

the brain. The Brain Gym® program integrates both mind and body through the use of

kinesthetic movements. Brain Gym® is aligned with the practices of brain-based

education (Dennison & Dennison, 2007).

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study was to determine if using a series of kinesthetic

movements would improve the reading achievement of Grade 3 Hispanic and African

American students. I postulated that kinesthetic movements could provide a viable

solution for activating brain function and improving reading achievement. To

accomplish this task, I identified a series of five Brain Gym® movements (described in

Chapter 3) to test the effectiveness of performing the movements as a means of

improving reading in a group of third grade Hispanic and African American students. I

identified third grade struggling readers for the study through the universal screener

used as part of Tier I and Tier II of RTI, described in Chapter 3, in five elementary

schools from an urban North Texas district. The tiers were used to identify the

groupings for students whose differing needs can be met with more intensive

instructional approaches. Students targeted for RTI were identified as reading below

the third grade reading level. The third grade students were chosen for this study as

third grade was the first grade level tested with the Texas Assessment of Knowledge

and Skills (TAKS).

Research Questions

The following research questions were used to guide this research study:

1. To what extent, if any, do kinesthetic movements increase the reading

achievement of low SES Hispanic and African American third grade students?

2. To what extent, if any, do kinesthetic movements increase the reading

achievement of low SES Hispanic third grade students?

3. To what extent, if any, do kinesthetic movements increase the reading

achievement of low SES African-American third grade students?

4. To what extent, if any, do kinesthetic movements increase the reading

achievement of low SES male third grade students?

5. To what extent, if any, do kinesthetic movements increase the reading

achievement of low SES female third grade students?

Significance of the Study

Administrators have removed all or most motor learning activities from the school

curriculum due to a more academic emphasis on increasing test scores. In fact, many

educators have removed any activity considered non-academic from the curriculum.

These non-academic activities have included the physical components of learning,

visual, auditory, fine motor and postural skills essential for learning to take place (Cain

et al., 2008). The creators of the Brain Gym® movements claim the enhancement of

cognitive processing and whole brain learning prepares students to learn (Brain Gym

International, 2011; Dennison & Dennison, 2007; Hannaford, 2005). In addition, Brain

Gym® contains multiple movements purported to help school-aged students in reading,

writing, and math (Hannaford, 2005; Jensen, 2009; Maguire, 2000).

The creators of Brain Gym®, Dennison and Dennison (1994), argue that

“movement is the door to learning” (p. 5) and involves the building of skills used in

classrooms and work places. Thus, learning happens through both the movement of

muscles and intellectual skills (Hannaford, 2005). Movement improves students’

performance and attitudes about the learning process (Ratey & Hagerman, 2008;

Sousa, 2006). Brain Gym® represents a holistic approach that promotes whole brain

learning through movement (Dennison & Dennison, 2007; Hannaford, 2005) and

purports to bridge the gap between mind and body.

If the daily application of kinesthetic movements were to enhance students’

reading achievement, then it might also influence future curriculum development and

also inform the literature about uses for Brain Gym® in attempting to influence reading

achievement of Hispanic and African American K-12 students. If the power of

movement raises the Hispanic and African American students’ reading achievement

scores (Hannaford, 2005), then the use of these movements might have extensive

applications for closing the gaps in performance experiences between minorities and

White students.

Definition of Terms

Achievement gap. In education, this gap refers to the disparity in academic

performance between groups of students. The term most often represents the troubling

performance gaps between African American and Hispanic students and their non-

Hispanic, White peers (U.S. Department of Education, 2007).

African American. This term for race refers to a person having origins in any of

the Black racial groups of Africa (Aud et al., 2011).

At-risk student. Refers to students in prekindergarten, kindergarten, or Grades 1,

2, or 3, who did not perform satisfactorily on a readiness test or assessment instrument

administered during the current year and who is LEP (TEA, 2010).

Brain Gym® movements. This commercial program of kinesthetic movements is

designed to stimulate a flow of information restoring the innate ability to learn and

function with curiosity and joy (Dennison & Dennison, 2007).

Brain-based education. This type of education requires the engagement of

strategies based on principles derived from an understanding of the brain (Jensen,


Hispanic or Latino. This term for race refers to a person of Cuban, Mexican,

Puerto Rican, South or Central American, Spanish culture or origin (Aud et al., 2011).

Limited English proficient. LEP refers to students whose primary or home

language is other than English and who need special language assistance to participate

effectively in school programs (U.S. Department of Education, 2007).

Reading achievement. Students should know how to and be able to comprehend

text, and demonstrate reading ability through performance on assessments (NAEP,

2009). In Texas, reading achievement was measured by the TAKS reading assessment

(TEA, 2004).

Response to intervention. Known as RTI (U. S. Department of Education, 2007),

this is the practice of meeting the academic and behavior needs of all students through

a variety of services. These services should contain the three key elements: (a) high

quality instruction and scientific research-based tiered interventions aligned with

individual student need, (b) frequent monitoring of student progress to make results-

based academic and/or behavioral decisions, (c) application of student response data to

important educational decisions (e.g., placement, intervention, curriculum, and

instructional goals and methodologies).

Tier I. Teachers use high quality core instruction aligned with the TEKS in which

about 80% or more are successful. This tier is the crucial foundation of the RTI

instructional model (U.S. Department of Education, 2007).

Tier II. Students are identified for individual or small group intervention in

addition to core class instruction. This level includes scientific research-based

programs, strategies, and procedures designed and employed to supplement, enhance,

and support Tier I activities. District established standard protocol matches appropriate

intervention strategies to specific student needs. Tier II addresses the needs of

approximately 10% to 15% of the RTI-identified students (U.S. Department of

Education, 2007).

Tier III. Students identified for this level of RTI have not responded adequately to

Tiers I and II and receive specific custom-design individual or small group instruction.

Tier III uses problem-solving models beyond the instruction used in Tier II. This level of

intervention is aimed at those students who are identified at-risk academically or

behaviorally and are in need of intensive intervention. Tier III addresses the needs of

approximately 5% to 10% of the RTI-identified students (U.S. Department of Education,


Title I school. These are schools in which at least 35% of the students in the

school attendance are from low-income families, or at least 35% of the enrolled

students are from low-income families eligible to receive Federal Title I funds. This

status is most frequently measured determined by the percent of students eligible to

receive free and reduced-price lunch (NCLB, 2002).

Universal screener. As an initial assessment of knowledge and skills, which

enables the identification of students struggling or lacking specific knowledge or skills in

a given area (U.S. Department of Education, 2007).

White. This term for race refers to a person having origins in any of the original

peoples of Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East (Aud et al., 2011).


This chapter provided the background of the study, the problem, purpose of the

study, the research questions, significance of the study and key terms. The solution to

help close the achievement gap involved the use of techniques based on the principles

and practices of brain-based education. Chapter 2 presents the literature reviewed for

informing the quasi-experimental study.



Reading in the 21st century demands that all students develop high levels of

literacy in reading achievement. To close the achievement gap, students must be

taught to read and read well, especially at-risk minorities namely Hispanic and African

American students (MacDonald & Figueredo, 2010; Mandara, 2009; Short et al., 2008;

Walker-Dalhouse & Risko, 2009). The purpose of this current study was to determine if

using a series of kinesthetic movements improved the reading achievement of Grade 3

Hispanic and African American students to help close the academic reading

achievement gap. The kinesthetic movements studied were developed for the Brain

Gym® program, which is a registered trademark by Brain Gym International/

Educational Kinesiology Foundation. To understand the components of the research,

the literature review sections include (a) basic reading skills, (b) brain-based education,

(c) physical activity and cognition, (d) physical fitness and learning, (e) Brain Gym®

studies, (f) RTI.

Reading Skills

Whether teaching reading is by early identification (Boscardin et al., 2008; Cooke

et al., 2010; MacDonald & Figueredo, 2010), by teaching phonics (Denton & Al Otaiba,

2011), by teaching fluency (Al Otaiba et al., 2009; Ming & Dukes, 2008; O'Conner et al.,

2010; Rasinski, 2003a, 2003b; Rasinski et al., 2009; Rasinski et al., 2011; Soriano et

al., 2011; Welsh, 2006), by teaching content vocabulary (Duff et al., 2008; Ogle &

Correa-Kovtun, 2010), or by teaching comprehension (Turner, 2010), the need is

prevelant. Marie Clay (1998) addressed the challenge of literacy improvement in the

following manner:

The challenge of literacy improvement is fine-tuning programs that are already

satisfactory to better results. To ensure that by the age of nine no children have

fallen dangerously behind their peers in literacy development, special attention

must be paid to the preschool years, the preparatory class at school entry, the

first two years of literacy instruction, and early interventions that provide catch-up

experiencies. From the ages of eight to eleven, some children do not become

able to read and write more difficult texts, not only because of different levels of

comptence but also because of uneveness and weaknesses in some aspects of

their literacy processing. Differentiated instruction would help to develop different

strengths on different kinds of literacy tasks. When you are doing a job like

literacy teaching well, it is hard to think about doing it even better. (p. 197)

Helping students learn to read and read well is an important role for early childhood

educators and for American society (Clay, 1998; Cooke et al., 2010).

According to Pennington (2010), a basic understanding of grammar is

fundamental for higher levels of communication, for standardized tests such as high

school graduation tests, and for national tests such as the SAT which echoes the

present study need for students learning to read well. Pennington investigated the use

of kinesthetic movement as a vehicle by which to teach grammar to high school

students. The participants in Pennington’s study included 277 secondary students

enrolled in college preparation level English courses. The students in the study were

from Grades 9 through 11 and were assigned to classes by compterized random

selection. Participants averaged from 14 to 18 years of age and were from middle class

backgrounds. The students were 66% Caucasian, 16% Hispanic, 10% African

American, and 8% Other.

Pennington (2010) used Holt, Rienhart, and Winston’s (1996) Elements of

Writing: Language Skills textbook to teach grammar to the students. Two similar tests

derived from the textbook were used for the pretests and the posttests. A 40-question

survey was distributed to the students to collect their different attitudes and perceptions,

demographic data (gender and ethnicity), athletic involvement, musical inclination, other

highly kinesthetic activity involvements, academic preferences, and general

preferences. For qualitative data, the instructors kept brief logs of the grammar lessons

they taught. The data included the dates for each of the 15 specific lessons and brief

descriptions of each of the 15 minutes lessons (Pennington, 2010).

The control and the treatment groups both received the same amount of lessons

(Pennington, 2010). The treatment group experienced kinesthetic activities related to

grammar during the designated 15-minute timeframe. Pennington (2010) based these

activities on her personal experiences in the classroom, advice from other educators,

and online resources. The control group received traditional grammar lessons during

the same 15-minute timeframe. The lessons were completed within five weeks after

which both groups received a posttest and competed the surveys. The pretests and

posttests consisted of 50 questions in length and were made up of four sections: parts

of speech, complements, verbal phrases, and sentence types. Cronbach’s alpha

reliability test showed the reliability of the pretest to be .715 and of the posttest to be

.739 (Pennington, 2010). Scores from the pretests and posttests were analyzed

statistically using independent and dependent sample t-tests.

The results showed no significant difference between the control and treatment

groups regarding changes in students’ grammar test scores. However, the kinesthetic

group appeared to be the most popular and to be more enjoyed by the students as

compared to the control group which received solely grammar lessons. This was just

one among many efforts to identify effective programs and practices to help students

learn to read (Allington, 2009; Blackowicz et al., 2010; Brown, 2009). Brain-based

learning represents one of these efforts.

Understanding Brain-based Education

Progress in neuroscience over the past several decades has led to better

understanding of how the brain functions as students learn (Alferink & Farmer-Dougan,

2010). Through advances in neuroscience, a better understanding of how neurons and

neurotransmitters operate has been generated, and data showing correlations between

between brain activity and academic tasks have provided distinct clues into how

students learn (Alferink & Farmer-Dougan, 2010). Advances in the understanding of

neurons in general, and glial cells in particular, have occurred in recent decades. The

understanding of neurotransmitters and synaptic transmission has occurred through

advances in neuroscience. However, Alferink and Farmer-Dougan (2010) defended

neuroscientists’ lack of knowledge about how or whether the number of neurons has a

relationship with the ablity to learn or intelligence. The relationship between the

“quality” of the brain, determined by the number of neurons to the scope of what

students can learn or how they should learn, remains unknown. According to Alferink

and Farmer-Dougan (2010), recent neuroscience evidence has supported traditional

teaching methods. Those methods include repetition and elaborative rehearsal and

mastery but not open-ended or problem solving approaches. Concerning memory, the

formation of memories through neural consolidation shows greater results when

students have a number of short learning sessions distributed over a discrete period of

time instead of having one long single session for ensuring long term learning (Alferink

& Farmer-Dougan, 2010). The implications for educators based on these neuroscience

findings include understanding how best practices may be changing to improve both

students’ learning and brain functioning. This implication has led to current theories

concerning brain-based education regardless of whether or not they have been

grounded in neuroscience.

Brain-based education is best understood by three words: engagement,

strategies, and principles (Jensen, 2008a). Brain-based education is the engagement

of strategies based on principles derived from an understanding of the brain as it is

involved in everything students do, think, and feel. Brain-based learning requires a

multidisciplinary approach. Multiple disciplines bind assessment, the school

environment, and instruction into a collaborative program. One affects the other, and all

of these affect students’ brain development. Brain-based educators teach to various

learning styles throughout the course of instruction (Jensen, 2010; Sousa, 2006).

Examples of teaching to learning styles, though not extensive, include the use of hands-

on and kinesthetic activities (Rule, Dockstader, & Stewart, 2006), movement (Peebles,

2007), music (Kreeft, 2006), and dance (Giguere, 2006). Brain research has been

stimulated, in part, by growing concerns about the academic success, health, safety,

and well-being statuses of students in America (Jensen, 2009).

Many have viewed the brain simply as a single organ, part of a larger

neurological system, which controls the body. Singer (2008) argued that the different

parts of the brain control different functions, particularly as these functions relate to

learning. Brain research has opened avenues that allow for understanding how the

brain controls students’ gross motor activities. Furthermore, the results of brain

research clearly define the necessary interconnectivity of the brain between mind and

body for deep learning to take place. Learning involves the building of skills. Skills are

used in classrooms and work places, and skills of all types happen through the

coordination and movement of muscles as well as the use of intellect (Hannaford,


For a great many years, the educational and scientific communities did not agree

on a relationship between thinking and movement (Jensen, 2009, 2010; Sousa, 2006).

Jensen (2008a) argued for no separation of brain, mind, body, feelings, social contacts,

or their respective environments and for no separating the role of the brain and its

influence on student performance on state-level assessments. Jensen (2010)

suggested that academic skills have a brain system that overlaps with social skills.

These are evident in the areas of awareness and attention. The primary factors that

interact, mitigate, or support the academic operating system are basically relationships,

socialization, and social status which play a part in the motivation, decision making, and

cognition needed for everyday success.

Many changes in the conceptualization of the learning process have occurred

based on advances in neuroscience. In the final two decades of the 20th century,

technology paved the way for a paradigm shift regarding the ways people think, live,

and learn. Brain scans through magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission

tomography (PET), and electroencephalogram (EEG) have offered new ways to

understand and see inside the brain while it is thinking (Jensen, 2008; Sousa, 2006).

Scientists have analyzed the brain while patients perform tasks and undergo alternative

states of consciousness, representing events thought to be impossible prior to those

technological inventions. Neuroscience has enabled discoveries and astounding

insights about the brain and how people learn and function (Jensen, 2008b).

Learning is what the human brain does best (Jensen, 2008a). Neural plasticity is

an intrinsic, beneficial characteristic of the nervous system establishing both the ability

to learn and the ability to adapt in response to damage that occurs in the body, in

essence the ability to relearn lost information and skills (Hannaford 2005; Jensen,

2009). Changes in the brain occur as it rewires itself via new stimulation, experience,

and behavior, an activity known as synaptic pruning. In synaptic pruning, the

neurological regulatory process facilitates a productive change in neural structure by

reducing the overall number of neurons or connections. One link from neuroscience to

education occurs from physical movement to learning (Hannaford, 2005; Jensen,


Brain research is important to the educational paradigm of the 21st century.

Brain research findings can help educators more effectively teach students while

incorporating research findings from empirical studies, such as those addressing social

conditions, stress, nutrition, environments, exercise, and the brain (Jensen, 2008b).

Neuroscientists have found that during the process of development, the brain is affected

by dramatic and specific environmental conditions that could impact the brain’s intricate

circuitry. In addition, unpredictable stressors impair the brain’s capacity for learning by

affecting not only learning but also health and behavior (Jensen, 2010).

With fewer than 50% of K-12 students in the United States experiencing a daily

physical education class, students need alternative methods for movement and for

stimulating the brain (Dennison & Dennison, 2007). According to Stephens, Kinnison,

and Proctor (2012), effective instructional experiences that include physical activity are

critical for optimal brain development. Through innovated brain research, strong links

between physical education and cognition have been generated (Brown & Parsons,

2008; Chomitz et al., 2009; Ratey & Hagerman, 2008).

Physical Activity and Cognition

For many years, scientists viewed the brain as somewhat inflexible and mostly

subject to genetic predispositions. Recently, the brain has been shown to be quite

adaptable (Jensen, 2010). Environmental influences may be more significant to brain

development than hereditary factors. These influences have considerable implications

for educators and may directly affect the pedagogical strategies used in the classroom

(Jensen, 2010). Educators cannot ignore the implications of brain-based research in

the educational environment. A multitude of diverse factors, one of which is movement,

affects cognitive development in K-12 students (Wilmes, Harrington, Kohler-Evans, &

Sumpter, 2008).

Many school administrators have reduced the inclusion of physical activities in

the school day due to time constraints created by pressure to increase students’ high

stakes test scores (Cain et al., 2008; Stephens et al., 2012). Even at the preschool

level, educators have become so focused on benchmarks, data, and accountability that

teachers have shifted away from using sponateneous, imaginative play (Emslie &

Rober, 2009; Ginsberg, 2007). Educators have reduced or eliminated recess to ensure

students have extra time in reading instruction (Emslie & Rober, 2009; Ginsberg, 2007).

On the other hand, exercise helps shape the muscles, heart, lungs, and bones

(Chomitz et al., 2009; Ratey & Hagerman, 2008; Reynolds & Nicolson, 2006). Physical

activity increases the production of new brain cells and increases brain mass (Pereira et

al., 2007). Physical activity strengthens the basal ganglia, cerebellum, and the corpus

callosum, all of which represent critical areas for brain effectiveness (Jensen, 2010).

The cerebellum houses the cognitive processes of memory, attention, and organization

of information. Not only does the cerebellum help in organizing the flow of thoughts, but

it also helps with physical movement coordination (Strick, Dum, & Fiez, 2009). Exercise

fuels the brain by increasing the flow of oxygen with high-nutrient food and neurotropins

to enhance growth and greater connections between neurons (Jensen, 2005).

Importantly, exercise triggers the release of the brain-derived neurotropic factor

dopamine (Hannaford, 2005). Dopamine enhances cognition by boosting the ability of

neurons to communicate with one another. This evidence based on neuroimaging has

directly linked neuroscience and learning. The likelihood of a link between classroom

instruction and physical fitness needs consideration to determine the most effective

ways to teach students (Willis, 2007).

Tomporowski, Davis, Miller, and Naglieri (2008) stated that systematic exercise

programs might actually enhance the development of specific types of mental

processing known to be important to students meeting the challenges they encounter in

academics as well as throughout their lifespans. They concluded students’ mental

functioning increases due to exercise training when tasks involve executive functions.

Executive functions occur when performing goal-directed actions. Even simple exercise

training programs represent important methods for enhancing aspects of students’

mental functioning as well as social and cognitive development. The impact of physical

activity on students’ physical health as well as on their mental functions and

psychological well-being was found to be highly important (Tomporowski et al., 2008).

Physical Fitness and Learning

Learning occurs as a part of physical fitness. Coe, Pivarknik, Womack, Reeves,

and Malina (2006) determined the effect of physical education class enrollment and

physical activity on academic achievement in a study of 214 sixth grade students. The

students were randomly assigned to physical education classes in either the first or

second semester. The students received 30-minute blocks of physical activity ranging

from light to vigorous. Academic achievement was assessed using the students’ grades

in four core classes and scores on standardized tests. Results indicated similar grades

regardless of whether the students were in first or second semester of physical

education. However, higher grades were associated with vigorous physical activity.

Similarly, Castelli, Hillman, Buck, and Erwin (2007) examined the relationship

between physical fitness and academic achievement of 259 third and fifth grade

students who were overweight in four Illinois public schools. Two of the schools were

considered academically effective with 76.3% of the students meeting standards in

mathematics and reading. In addition, 24.3% of the students in these same two schools

received free or reduced-price lunch. For the students from the other two schools,

46.2% met the standard for mathematics, and 40.6% met the standard for reading, with

66% of the students receiving free or reduced-price lunch. The ethnic distribution of the

students in the study was 78% Caucasian, 12% African American, 5% Asian, 3%

Hispanic, and 2% other. The measures for the participants included five components of

a physical fitness test and two content areas of the Illinois Standard Achievement Test.

Castelli et al. found physical fitness to be related to higher academic achievement in

reading and mathematics in the third and fifth grade students, regardless of student


Jensen (2009) suggested that in order for brain mass to increase and brain

function to become more effective as part of learning, people must engage in totally new

activities. Jensen encouraged school administrators to plan programs with specific

motor activities. Such motor activities include cross-lateral movements requiring the

arm and leg to cross over from one side of the body to the other, bilateral movements

requiring climbing, and unilateral movements requiring reaching. Jensen argued that

these motor activity requirements along with the integration of physical activities across

the curriculum are highly beneficial for the brain. Jensen stated that kinesthetic

activities lead to learning in academic classes and lead students to use the whole brain.

According to Howe and Freedson (2008), reporting on behalf of the President’s

Council on Fitness and Sports, all K-12 students need 30 minutes of physical movement

a day to stimulate the brain, because sensory motor integration is fundamental for

academic achievement. In Texas, schools must provide at least 135 minutes of

moderate or vigorous structured physical activity per week for elementary students and

at least 30 minutes per day in junior high school (National Association for Sport and

Physical Education and the American Heart Association, 2010).

Carlson et al. (2008) employed a multistage longitudinal study with a probability

sample design of a nationally representative group of 5,316 students in kindergarten

who were followed through the fifth grade. The direct academic achievement measures

were scores for mathematics and reading. Data were analyzed at five time points: fall

and spring of kindergarten, spring of first grade, spring of third grade, and spring of fifth

grade. The measures included the number of times during the week and minutes per

day that students participated in physical education. Experimental groups were

categorized into three levels of physical activity: (a) low, which incorporated from 0 to 35

minutes per week; (b) medium, with 36 to 69 minutes per week; and (c) high with 70 to

300 minutes per week. Students took standardized mathematics and reading tests to

determine if physical education participation increased academic performance. Item

Response Theory (IRT) and scale scores were calculated for each student. IRT scale

scores represented estimates of the number of items students would have answered

correctly. Family income was categorized into four groups, and the student’s

race/ethnicity and mother’s educational level were used in the data analysis (Carlson et

al., 2008).

Carlson et al. (2008) used multivariate linear regression models to test the

longitudinal association between physical activity and the Item Response Theory (IRT)

scale scores for both mathematics and reading. Data were stratified by gender. The

sample was 52.1% girls, 11.1% Hispanic, and 8.7% African American. The results

revealed some academic benefit and no negative effects from physical activity.

Significant differences by gender were found. No association between physical activity

and academic achievement was found for boys in reading or mathematics, partly due to

the boys being generally more fit than girls. This finding may help explain the noted

benefit of physical education on academic achievement in girls but not in boys (Carlson

et al., 2008).

Carson et al. (2008) observed that teachers reported the most common amount

of exposure students had to physical education was one to two times per week. The

most common durations reported were 16 to 30 minutes for kindergarten and first

grade, and 31 to 60 minutes in the third through fifth grades. There was no mention of

how much time second graders spent in physical education. However, Carson et al.

implemented an intervention of one hour per day of physical education and showed a

positive effect on academic scores for both boys and girls compared to 40 minutes per

week. Carson et al. revealed that girls gained a larger advantage than boys in

academic scores with the addition of five hours per week of physical education.

Therefore, Carson et al. concluded that more time in physical education helps students

perform better academically and should be promoted for its many benefits including

eliminating the fear of it negatively affecting academic achievement.

Even though Carson et al. (2008) reported that girls who spent more time in

physical education exhibited a small benefit academic benefit for mathematics and

reading and no benefit was observed for boys, their findings supported those from

previous studies. Essentially, Carson et al. confirmed that time spent in physical

education did not harm academic achievement. The fear that spending more time in

physical education may affect academics negatively may not be a legitimate reason for

reducing or even eliminating physical education programs (Carson et al., 2008).

Dills, Morgan, and Rotthoff (2011) reported on using the same sample as Carson

et al. (2008). When controlling for a variety of student, classroom, and school

characteristics, neither recess nor physical education (PE) showed any statistically

significant or economically significant impact on student learning (Dills et al., 2011).

Dills et al. reported that increasing recess by an additional minute per week led to

increases in the mean for reading. The largest effect reported was on reading in

kindergarten, while other effects showed negative results. Adding one minute per week

of PE increased the gain in math by one standard deviation (Dills et al., 2011). This

finding supported Carson et al.’s (2008) findings, by showing that changing the time

spent in recess and PE is unlikely to affect student test scores. Further, PE may

represent productive time for learning as the students may be better able to concentrate

due to their opportunities for physical activity (Dills et al., 2011).

Physical activity, an important component of everyday life, occurs in many forms

during the early childhood years through jumping, running, and tumbling that seem to

come naturally but are not performed at proficient levels (Goodway & Branta, 2003).

During early childhood years, students learn mainly through movement and physical

manipulation of objects (Piaget, 1964). Physical activity serves the purpose of

stimulating physiological development, creating functional motor abilities, and

organizing the brain for subsequent cognitive processing in the physical, social-

emotional, and cognitive domains of learning (Bloom, 1956). In early childhood,

physical activity stimulates growth by supporting normal bone and muscle development

as well as cognition.

Goodway and Branta (2003) reported on the benefits of a Motor Skill Intervention

(MSI) program with disadvantaged preschool students. The participants in the study

included 31 four-year-old African American students enrolled in an urban preschool

program. The control group included 28 African American 4-year-olds identified as

disadvantaged or at-risk. The participants were screened with the Test of Gross Motor

Development (TGMD, 1985), an objective preschool readiness test assessing cognitive,

affective, and psychomotor objectives to determine the need for intervention services.

The MSI group received 24 lessons during a 12-week period with each lesson lasting 45

minutes in length. The sessions were composed of a rotation of activities including

hopping, galloping, jumping, ball bouncing, striking, kicking, catching, and throwing.

The control group received typical preschool day activities including free play, centers,

circle time, directed play in centers, table work, and snack time. There were no

organized physical activities for the control group, and free play and recess were left up

to the control group teacher’s discretion.

Goodway and Branta (2003) used two separate 2 x 2 analyses of variance

(ANOVAs) with repeated measures to assess the influence of the motor skill

intervention program on locomotor skills and object control development. They found

no significant differences between the two groups prior to intervention. Locomotor skills

were 15% for the MSI group and 26% for the control. Object control skills were 17% for

the MSI group and 18% for the control group. Post intervention locomotor skills for the

MSI group increased from 10.32 to 20.03, which translated into raw scores ranging from

15% to 80%. For the control group, the object control scores increased from 11.61 to

13.54, indicating the same raw score of 26% at both pre and post intervention

measurements. The object control skill results in the MSI group improved from 3.07 to

12.77, with the raw score ranging from 17% to 80%. The control group improved from

3.14 to 7.29, with the raw score ranging from 18% to 24% (Goodway & Branta, 2003).

The control group demonstrated significant changes from the pretest to posttest,

but the MSI group yielded significantly higher post intervention results than the control

group (Goodway & Branta, 2003). Consequently, the MSI group increased in all skills

with 10 of 12 skills improving by at least one criterion element of form. Goodway and

Branta (2003) demonstrated that disadvantaged students benefit from 12 weeks of

motor skill intervention. Based on their results, daily physical activity in the preschool

years or early childhood is not performed at proficient levels, and intervention yields

positive results for students’ physical abilities.

Robinson and Goodway (2009) studied 117 African American preschoolers from

two Head Start centers located in a large urban Midwestern city. One center was used

for the intervention, and one center was used for the control group. The two 9-week

instructional interventions involved 18 sessions with each lesson being 30 minutes in

length and targeting preschoolers who were at-risk of developmental delays and in poor

health. The intervention group was randomly assigned to a low autonomy intervention

group (n = 38). The mastery motivational climate group (n = 39) was the control group.

There were no significant age differences between the groups. All participants were

videotaped performing the two trials of six skills composed of catch, dribble, kick,

overhand throw, strike, and underhand roll. All skills were part of the Test of Gross

Motor Development Second Edition (TGMD-2, 2000), a well validated criterion and

norm referenced standardized test.

The comparison group received 30 minutes of unstructured free play that did not

involve any teacher direction for 9 weeks (Robinson & Goodway, 2009). The

unstructured free play totaled 18 sessions. The object control intervention occurred

over the same 9 weeks, but these students experienced 18 motor skill sessions. The

participants in the low autonomy group followed the guidance of the teacher. The

participants received 12 minutes of instruction for two skills on each day of instruction.

In total, the participants from both groups received a total of 432 minutes of instruction

or free play. The mastery motivational climate group received identical instructional

approach as the low autonomy group, with the exception that they navigated

independently through the activity stations where they chose the amount of time they

spent, the skill, and the difficulty of the activity. Posttest data were collected the week

following the 9-week intervention, and retention tests were completed on the object

control performance. Robinson and Goodway (2009) employed an ANOVA with

repeated measures to examine the influence of the motor skill intervention on the low

autonomy and mastery motivational climate groups. The ANOVA revealed significant

main effects for the time, treatment, and treatment-by-time interactions. In regard to the

treatment-by-time interaction, 73% of the pretest to retention changes in the students’

scores were attributed to the skill instructional time. Before the start of the intervention,

simple main-effects tests revealed no statistically significant differences for the groups.

After the intervention and retention test, significant differences were found in the groups’

TGMD-2 scores. Paired sample t tests from the pretest to retention test revealed

significant improvements in the students’ TGMD-2 scores for both the low autonomy

and mastery motivational climate groups, but no differences were present from pretest

to retention between the groups. Based on the literature (e.g., Goodway & Branta,

2003), the hypothesis was that both the low autonomy and mastery motivational climate

instructional climates resulted in more proficient TGMD-2 scores compared to the

participants in the comparision group. Robinson and Goodway (2009) revealed

significant motor development gains regardless of instructional climate. Such gains,

said Clark ( 2007), allow students to function fully and independently in their

environments and contribute to students’ cognitive, social, motor, and physical


Chomitz et al. (2009) found a relationship between physical fitness and academic

achievement using a sample of diverse urban public school students. A total of 1,841

students in Grades 4 through 8 were assessed using the Massachusetts

Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) achievement tests, as well as fitness and

body mass index (BMI), during a one-year timeframe. To assess the association

between the fitness and the MCAS test and to evaluate the strength of the association

between fitness achievement and the odds of passing the math and English sections of

the MCAS, Chomitz et al. used bivariate correlation, multivariate regression analysis,

chi-square tests, and ANOVA. Measures used for the study were academic, fitness,

weight, and socio demographic (i.e., race/ethnicity and SES). Sixty-five percent of the

students were non-White, including 284 Hispanic and 784 African American students.

Forty-five percent of the students were from low income households. Almost 40% of the

students were either overweight or at-risk of being overweight. Statistically significant

differences between groups were observed for gender (p < .05), ethnicity (p < .05), SES

(p < .001), and weight status (p < .001). Overall, 72% passed the math test, and 89%

passed the English test and 3.6 out of 5 of the fitness tests. These findings contributed

to a growing body of evidence indicating a significant positive relationship between

physical fitness and student academic achievement (Chomitz et al., 2009).

In the past, educators assessed the domains of learning as separate entities.

Those domains are (a) cognitive representing mental skills, (b) affective representing

feelings or emotions, and (c) psychomotor representing kinesthetic and spatial skills

(Bloom, 1956). However, the three learning domains are intrinsically woven in such a

way that one enhances the other. Childhood development can be positively enhanced

via physical education when applying Bloom’s domains to students in elementary school

grades. Even though the positive effect of physical activity on the cognitive, social, and

physical development of young students is generally acknowledged, little emphasis on

ensuring appropriate physical educational experiences with the early childhood

curriculum has occurred nationally (Stork & Sanders, 2008). The following subsections

address the curricula implications of physical educational experiences including

ExerLearning® (a registered trademark of invenTEAM, LLC), dance and learning, and

Brain Gym® and learning.


Physical activity is not an option for humans. It is necessary for the brain to learn

and function at its best. The wiring, the circulation, the connection between mind and

body are very real. The brain contains one hundred billion neurons that communicate

with one another through hundreds of different chemicals. Physical activity can

enhance the availability and delivery of those chemicals. Harnessing technology for

activity is the ExerLearning® solution (Staiano & Calvert, 2011).

ExerLearning® is a rhythmic and aerobic balance of activities added to the

regular learning day (Staiano & Calvert, 2011). Hillman and Castelli (2009) determined

that physical education classes, recess periods, and after school exercise programs

provided students with academic benefits. Staiano and Calvert (2011) suggested that

physical activity may increase students’ cognitive control, that is, the ability to pay

attention, and may result in better performance on academic achievement tests.

In Hillman and Castelli’s (2009) study, the participants included 20 nine-year old

students comprised of 8 girls and 12 boys. In the first part of the study, students

performed a series of stimulus discrimination tests known as flanker tasks and a series

of stimulus-discrimination tests for assessing their inhibitory control to resist doing one

thing to do the needed activity at an appropriate time. The first group of students was

tested following a 20-minute resting period over one day. The other group of students

was tested after a 20-minute walk on a treadmill. While the students were walking on

the treadmill, they were wore an electrode cap to measure their brain’s electrical


Results from that portion of the study demonstrated that the students performed

better on the flanker task after an acute bout of walking for 20 minutes (Hillman &

Castelli, 2009). The students were able to attend better, that is, able to block out

distractions (noise) and act on appropriate stimulus even when the environment was

noisy by essentially being able to tune out the noise. To see how exercise would

translate to the classroom environment, the students took an academic achievement

test that measured reading, spelling, and math. As before, Hillman and Castelli (2009)

found better results following exercise. Interestingly, the largest effect found was for

reading comprehension. Hillman and Castelli found that the increase in reading

comprehension equated to almost a full grade level. The effect of exercise on

achievement was not only statistically significant but also meaningful. However, since

walking on a treadmill is not something that students really do and not a valid form of

exercise for them, Hillman and Castelli (2009) worked on an ongoing project involving

treadmill walking at the same intensity as a Wii Fit® exercise which more closely

represents the way K-12 students really do exercise. Wii Fit® is a video exercise game

so popular that as of the spring of 2009, 18.22 million copies of the game had been


Hillman and Castelli (2009) suggested that daily school-wide assemblies contain

a brief stint of physical activity. They suggested using an intranet or internal TV

channels to broadcast activities to be completed within each classroom. Further

suggestions included scheduling daily outdoor activities as well as offering formal

physical education at the rate of 150 minutes per week at the elementary level and 225

minutes at the secondary level (Howe & Freedson, 2008). Lastly, Hillman and Castelli

suggested that classroom teachers integrate physical activities into the learning. Based

on the above evidence, ExerLearning® is beneficial for young K-12 students and likely

so for older students. ExerLearning delivers, through the integration of technology,

games, and movement-inducing fitness, learning opportunities for students in Grades K

through 12 (Hillman & Castelli, 2009).

Ratey and Hagerman (2008) commented in Spark that the objective of Project

Zero Hour was to generate innovative opportunities for students needing to improve

their literacy skills. The idea was to determine whether working out before school

offered performance boosts in reading ability and other subjects. Project Zero Hour was

an educational experiment in a Chicago school conducted by physical education

teachers producing not only the fittest but also some of the smartest kids in the nation

(Ratey & Hagerman, 2008). Ratey and Hagerman believed in the notion supported by

emerging research that physical activity sparks biological changes that bind brain cells

to each other enabling the brain to learn. The more neuroscientists discover about the

effects of physical activity on the brain, the clearer the role of exercise becomes.

Stimulus concerning student readiness creates an environment by which students are

ready, able, and willing to learn. Students in the experiment demonstrated a 17%

higher rate of increase in reading and comprehension than their counterparts who were

not involved in the experiment (Ratey & Hagerman, 2008). These findings suggested

the need to consider the influence of specific movement types such as dance on


Dance and Learning

Giguere (2006) showed a connection between the ways K-12 students think,

reason, and problem solving in language arts and dance. Giguere suggested that the

overlaps in cognition might be a good starting point for using dance in the design of

elementary curricula. Giguere conducted an intervention study to test this hypothesis.

The first part of the study included 100 fifth grade students who participated in a series

of three dance classes with an even distribution of boys and girls. Each 45-minute class

consisted of warm-up, stretching, and large locomotor movements through which the

students learned the sequencing of the movements. Directions for the activities were

open-ended so the students could form their own interpretations in a variety of ways.

The final section of the class consisted of group choreography based on a poem. Three

different poems were used that progressed from literal to abstract over the three day


The second part of the study consisted of interviews of the students (Giguere,

2006). Parental permissions were obtained in accordance with the Institutional Review

Board guidelines. The interviews were conducted with two groups of students and

consisted of two parts that were focused on the students’ experiences with creating

poetry and dance movements. The student-interview conversations were graphically

organized into maps. Giguere (2006) concluded that the choreographic process had a

critical role in the scholastic benefits of dance. She suggested that 21st century dance

can reunite body and mind and encouraged dance researchers and educators consider

not only the body’s role in learning but also the mind’s role in motion.

Skoning (2008) included the benefits of using creative movement and dance in

the classroom as teaching tools. These tools are geared to produce increased student

understanding of content along with classroom behavior. By integrating movement and

dance in the classroom, teachers can meet the needs of a variety of learning types,

especially the students who have kinesthetic learning styles (Skoning, 2008). Skoning

integrated creative movement with literature instruction for 27 students, nine of whom

had learning and cognitive disabilities. The students showed increased comprehension

of characters, plots, and overall story lines of the novels they read. Skoning suggested

that educators “need to push [them]selves to think of creative ways to meet state and

national learning standards and the many ways that children demonstrate their

intelligence and understanding” (p. 9). Brown and Parsons (2008) echoed this research

by showing that brain function while learning to dance demonstrates that both

hemispheres of the brain are actively engaged.

Brain Gym® and Learning

Current philosophy about teaching students to read includes applying research

establishing the relationship between the mind and body and the importance of

movement in learning (Bobo, 2009; Brown & Parsons, 2008; Cain et al., 2008; Chomitz

et al., 2009; Pennington, 2010). However, few examples of movement-based activities

surfaced to show its application to reading in the elementary school setting. Despite the

growing popularity of brain-based research, much of the evidence for brain development

has not been used for educational measures (Fischer, 2009). One contemporary

approach to the use of movement for brain activation engages kinesthetic stimuli and

activities in promoting reading skill building in students. Kinesthetic movements applied

via the Brain Gym® program represent this approach (Dennison & Dennison, 2007).

Brain Gym® is a program with unique movements and processes that was

developed by Dennison and Dennison (1994). This program began through extensive

study in education, psychology, and neuroscience. Brain Gym® is a holistic approach

that promotes whole brain learning through movement (Dennison & Dennison, 2007;

Hannaford, 2005). Brain Gym® bridges the gap between mind and body, through the

use of simple movements to stimulate brain function necessary for learning (Dennison &

Dennison, 1994, 2007; Hannaford, 2005). This program is based on the idea that

learning problems are caused when different sections of the brain and body do not work

together in a coordinated manner. This lack of connection blocks the ability to learn. In

an effort to overcome this learning block, this program uses a variety of simple

movements intended to improve the integration of specific brain functions and body

movements (Dennison & Dennison, 1994, 2007).

Brain Gym® is a process of re-educating the mind and body (Dennison &

Dennison, 1994, 2007). Stress, which is encountered daily, inhibits these connections

(Dennison & Dennison, 1994). Movement improves K-12 student performance and

attitudes about the learning process (Dennison & Dennison, 2007). Students gain

efficient connections across the neural pathways located throughout the brain

(Dennison & Dennison, 1994). With success, learning is easier and more efficient.

Therefore, Brain Gym® movements stimulate the flow of information along these

networks, restoring the child’s innate ability to learn and function with curiosity and joy

(Brain Gym International, 2011).

Dennison and Dennison (2007) describe human brain function in terms of three

dimensions: laterality, focus, and centering. First, the laterality dimension pertains to

the coordination between the left and right sides of the brain, especially in the midfield

where the brain’s two sides must integrate. Laterality dimension development is

necessary for reading, writing, listening, speaking, and the ability to move and think

(Dennison & Dennison, 1994, 2007). Second, the focus dimension involves the ability

to coordinate between the back and front areas of the brain (Dennison & Dennison,

1994, 2007). Focus affects comprehension, or the ability to blend context and details

into a full personal meaning and to understand new information in terms of previous

experiences. Such disorders as attention deficit disorder and attention deficit

hyperactivity disorder have been related to the inability to focus (U.S. Department of

Education, 2003).

The final dimension of centering is the coordination between the top and bottom

structures of the brain. Centering enables integrating emotion with rational thought.

Stress, again, can disturb centering and equilibrium (Dennison & Dennison, 1994,

2007). Brain Gym® can help mitigate the deleterious effects of general and

developmental stress and can be used to build the neuronal pathways to improve

access to each of the two hemispheres of the brain. With centering, students feel more

grounded and organized (Dennison & Dennison, 1994, 2007).

Brain Gym® is a movement-based educational experience. Its curriculum

consists of a series of movements, processes, programs, materials, and educational

philosophy purposefully used to activate the brain while promoting neurological re-

patterning and facilitating whole-brain learning (Dennison & Dennison, 1994, 2007).

Brain Gym® uses 26 simple activities representing naturally occurring movements,

usually observed during the first years of childhood as part of learning to coordinate

eyes, ears, hands, and whole bodies (Dennison & Dennison, 2007).

Five Brain Gym® movements can be used for the specific function of maximizing

student readiness for learning. The movements include the cross crawl, lazy 8s, the

thinking cap, the owl, and hook-ups. The cross crawl and the lazy 8s are midline

movements that support the cross-motor patterns that develop binocular vision, binaural

hearing, and two-handed coordination in the midfield where thoughts and movements

are organized to perform academic skills, such as reading, writing, spelling, and


The thinking cap is an energy exercise that helps to reestablish the neural

pathways between the brain and the rest of the body. Hook-ups is part of the

deepening attitudes movements that activate the vestibular system as well as the

neocortex and prefrontal cortex. Deepening attitudes movements are designed to

return energy to the center of the body and restore electrical energy within the

reasoning centers. The owl is one component of the lengthening activities.

Lengthening activities give the brain information about where the human body is within

space and about how the body moves through space. This type of movement releases

tension and promotes a sense of readiness to participate in the activities of the present

situation or environment (Dennison & Dennison, 2007).

Brain Gym® has been endorsed by the education department of the United

Kingdom (UK). It is used in private schools throughout the US. The program has been

used in 80 countries around the globe, and the books and training manuals have been

translated into 40 languages (Dennison & Dennison, 2007; Hannaford, 2005).

Brain Gym® Studies

Numerous articles have been written concerning the use of the Brain Gym®

program (Carpenter, 2005; Dodson, 2006; Peterson, 2005). Brain Gym International

(2011) reported that a wide range of skills which include reading, writing, spelling,

mathematics, attention, memory, and fine motor and postural skills have been

measured in pilot studies of the curriculum. Although most of the published studies are

only published in the official Brain Gym® Journal, a few were published as doctoral

papers and delineate both the positive and negative effects of Brain Gym® on reading

(Hyatt, 2007; Myhra, 2009; Nussabaum, 2010; Walker, 2008).

Through the incorporation of Brain Gym® and Project SOL (Save Our Learners),

many teachers in various districts have seen benefits in Texas schools. Carpenter

(2005) indicated that the students who had participated in Brain Gym® demonstrated

improved reading scores on the Texas Proficiency Reading Inventory (TPRI) from the

2004-2005 school year over those who did not experience the program. English as a

second language (ESL) learners made such significant gains that they were able to exit

the ESL program (Carpenter, 2005). Other notable results using Brain Gym® include

the reduction of office referrals in pre-K classrooms, which went from 19 per month to

zero (Carpenter, 2005). Special education students who used Brain Gym® daily made

at least one year of progress toward reaching grade level performance (Carpenter,

2005). Finally, two elementary school teachers had been using Brain Gym® and

decided to use it with high school students who were failing (Carpenter, 2005). After

only three weeks of using the exercises, students went from failing to passing and were

able to pass the state standards test. Some students reported that they were able to

achieve AB honor roll status (Carpenter, 2005). No statistical results were presented.

Only qualitative findings were reported.

Peterson (2005) indicated that the reading test results of students involved in a

Brain Gym® program from both the 2001-2002 and the 2002-2003 school years

improved. Students mentored by senior citizens showed significant improvement in

reading skills. The study included 51 students in Grades K through 5 who were paired

with senior citizen mentors trained to facilitate the Brain Gym® exercises. The students

and mentors met regularly to work not only on the exercises but also on their

relationships. The measures used to determine pre and post interventions for reading

included behavior problems, self-esteem, and reports taken from parents, teachers, and

the students themselves. The effects of the intervention showed the students passed

the reading tests at grade level (Peterson, 2005).

Dodson (2006) used 30 Grade 4 inclusion classroom students to determine the

effects of Brain Gym®. Fifteen of the students were labeled exceptional educational

students. Of the remaining 15 students, six were in the high average learning range

meaning that they were the lowest of the high performing students. The last nine

students were in the class due to being labeled as high at-risk status. The Gates-

MacGinitie Reading Test was administered as a pretest-posttest measure for all of the

students. The reading pretest results were reported in August to range from reading

levels at Grade 1.9 to 6.8. After using the Brain Gym® exercises, the April reading

posttest results resulted in an increase in the posttest reading levels from Grade 2.4 to

10.5 (Dodson, 2006). Dodson (2006) reported that the students’ scores increased, and

that most of the students developed a love for reading.

Walker (2008) conducted a quantitative quasi-experimental nonequivalent control

group design study and examined the oral reading fluency and numeracy scores of third

grade students who participated in a classroom-based movement program. The

purpose was to determine any relationship between oral reading fluency and numeracy

scores and the five kinesthetic movements. One group of students received 10 days of

guided movement activities for 15 minutes each school day, while the control group

received regular classroom instruction each school day. Brain Gym® movements were

combined with play activities. A pretest and posttest were used to measure the third

graders’ oral reading fluency and numeracy scores (Walker, 2008). Walker found that

the movement program intervention had a statistically significant positive effect on

student achievement in literacy and numeracy.

Myhra (2009) determined the effect a sensory integration program had on the

academic performance of preschool students identified for receiving special education

services. Ten students ranging from 3 to 5 years old participated in the study. Findings

from the study revealed that participation in Stimulating Maturity through Accelerated

Readiness Training and Brain Gym® activities had a positive effect on the students’ fine

motor manipulation and writing, cognitive matching and counting, language naming and

comprehension, and gross motor object and body movements.

Hyatt (2007) reviewed the theoretical bases and research findings upon which

Dennison and Dennison (1994, 2007) claimed that movement activities enhance

learning. Hyatt also questioned the validity of the Brain Gym® activities being founded

on scientific research based practices. Hyatt commented that Dennison and Dennison

failed to support the Brain Gym® crawling, drawing, tracing symbols in the air, yawning,

and drinking water activities with research. Hyatt further suggested that none of the

Brain Gym® movements that supposedly facilitate academic learning actually include

the academic piece of instruction. Rather, Hyatt argued that the purpose of the Brain

Gym® movements was to get the child ready to learn.

Hyatt (2007) added that none of the movements included an assessment to

determine which of the three dimensions of the brain mentioned earlier require attention

and which movements would be more appropriate for which corresponding dimension.

Regarding neurological re-patterning, Hyatt remarked that a major foundational

assumption of Brain Gym® is based on a theory of repatterning that has been disproven

by numerous sources. Furthermore, to date, the idea of neural re-patterning has not

met the rigors of scientific research (Hyatt, 2007).

Hyatt (2007) criticized the flaws in the teacher’s edition of Brain Gym®. Hyatt

reviewed the published studies regarding Brain Gym® and found that only a few were

actually peer reviewed with the rest appearing only in the Brain Gym Journal. Hyatt

concluded that educators and educational training institutes must avoid using practices

and programs (such as Brain Gym®) with no substantive theoretical research base with

students in the hope of improving a learning problem. Hyatt challenged educators to

take the time to critically review instructional programs, in this case Brain Gym®, and

select only programs with sound, objective research support.

Response to Intervention (RTI)

RTI, under the umbrella of the IDEIA, requires scientifically based interventions

be used to target students’ areas of specific need when those areas become apparent.

The IDEIA (2004) encouraged states to use a process based on students’ responses to

research-based interventions to determine if the students had specific learning

disabilities and to provide additional supports. RTI is a coordinated comprehensive

multi-tier early detection, prevention, and intervention system (U.S. Department of

Education, 2007). RTI enables educators to identify students as at-risk and ensures the

reduction of inappropriate referrals to special education for low income minority students

experiencing inadequate classroom instruction.

The multi-tiered RTI model has three levels of support: (a) class-wide group

instruction in their general education setting for Tier I, (b) targeted or remedial

intervention for Tier II, and (c) intensive individual interventions for Tier III. Tier I is the

primary intervention level and can be used with all students. Highly qualified scientific

research-based instruction is used in the general education setting as part of Tier I. Tier

II is the secondary intervention given to students through specialized small group

instruction. Tier II identified students tend to be at-risk for academic and behavorial

problems. Tier III is the most intensive level of intervention and includes specialized

individualized instruction and targeted behavioral supports for students with intensive

needs (U.S. Department of Education, 2007). The RTI process has been integrated into

school improvement plans throughout the United States and Canada. RTI promotes

efforts to improve all students’ academic achievement (Shores, 2009). All RTI models

include progress monitoring as a critical component to pinpoint students’ specific areas

of difficulty while keeping close track of students’ progress and documenting that

underachievement has not resulted from lack of appropriate instruction.

Nussabaum (2010) evaluated the Dennison and Dennison’s (1994) Brain Gym®

movements for RTI Tier I uses with at-risk students’ academic performance measured

by TAKS Reading, TAKS Math, and BASC-II. A total of 364 East Texas students from

second through sixth grade participated in the study. Results from the study indicated

the students displayed statistically significant gains in reading and math after receiving

Brain Gym® as a Tier I RTI academic intervention. Similarly, students who received

Brain Gym® as a general education classroom management strategy demonstrated

statistically significant improvements away from maladaptive behaviors including

aggression, hyperactivity, inattention, depression, and anxiety (Nussabaum, 2010).

While there are many RTI models, states may select the RTI model deemed

most appropriate to the characteristics of the particular state. Once a state agency has

adopted criteria for determining eligibility for a learning disability, the local education

agencies must use the state adopted criteria (U.S. Department of Education, 2007). For

the purpose of this research, the state of Texas RTI model for the participating district

was used to target the students for participation and to ensure they experienced reading



As shown in Chapter 2, movement and exercise can help students attain

improved academic achievement in various content areas. Brain-based education

priniciples influence the use of kinesthetic movements outlined in the Brain Gym®

program. Brain-based movements can enhance cognitive skills and improve academic

learning as well as provide a foundation for an active lifestyle. By incorporating mind,

body, and brain-based education through movements student reading achievement can

be improved (Dennison & Dennison, 2007) and might lead to increasing the reading

achievement of Hispanic and African American third grade students. Chapter 3

provides the methodology and procedures for conducting this quasi-experimental study.



This chapter conveys information about participants, variables, measurement

instruments, research assistants (RAs), data collection procedures, and data analysis.

It also addresses the qualifications of the three research assistants and me. The

chapter ends with a summary.

Hispanic and African American students lag behind their White counterparts in

literacy achievement gap (Aud et al., 2011; National Association for the Education of

Young Children, 2011). Literacy is the key to academic success. Though making

strides, Hispanic and African American students perform below their White counterparts

(Aud et al., 2011; National Assessment of Educational Progress [NAEP], 2009; Snyder

& Dillow, 2011; TEA, 2009, 2010). This study was designed to determine if using a

series of kinesthetic movements would improve reading achievement for Grade 3

Hispanic and African American students. The research design was a quasi-

experimental pretest-posttest comparison group design (Gall, Gall, & Borg, 2006). To

achieve the study’s purpose, I investigated the effects of kinesthetic movements with

the following research questions.

1. To what extent, if any, do kinesthetic movements increase the reading

achievement of low socioeconomic status (SES) Hispanic and African American

third grade students?

2. To what extent, if any, do kinesthetic movements increase the reading

achievement of low SES Hispanic third grade students?

3. To what extent, if any, do kinesthetic movements increase the reading

achievement of low SES African-American third grade students?

4. To what extent, if any, do kinesthetic movements increase the reading

achievement of low SES male third grade students?

5. To what extent, if any, do kinesthetic movements increase the reading

achievement of low SES female third grade students?


This research project focused on Grade 3 students from four elementary schools

receiving Title I funding in an urban school district in North Texas. The sample was

selected based the criteria of SES and eligibility for receiving free or reduced-price

lunch. All four schools had similar student populations.

The district is comprised of 63,385 students of which 25,112 (40%) were

Hispanic, 15,207 (24%) African American, 18,216 (29%) White, 4,596 (7%),

Asian/Pacific Islander, and 254 (.4%) Native American. Of the total student population

for the district, 37,900 (60%) were economically disadvantaged and eligible for free or

reduced-price lunch, and 14,742 (23%) were considered limited English proficient

(LEP). For this study, only Hispanic and African American third grade students were


Grade 3 participants assigned to the treatment and control groups were selected

based on placement in Tier I or Tier II of response to intervention (RTI). No Tier III third

grade students were included in the study, as they received intense one-on-one

intervention. The participants in the study from the four schools originally totaled 76.

Nine students represented attrition from the study with seven withdrawing from school

before the study ended and with two being absent on the posttest date. The final

sample included 67 participants. The participants included Hispanic (n = 48) and

African American (n = 19) students identified as low performing and at-risk of failure

through the RTI process. These students also received Tier I or Tier II interventions.

The four schools participating in the study were denoted as S1, S2, S3, and S4. Table

1 provides the participant frequencies by ethnicity and gender.

Table 1

S1, S2, S3, and S4 Student Demographics

School Hispanic African American Male Female

S1 10 6 8 8

S2 12 7 10 9

S3 14 2 12 4

S4 12 4 13 3

S1 had the largest population of students at 1,023, with Hispanics representing

73%, African American 22%, and White and other ethnicities 5%. Grade 3 students at

S1 numbered 99, of which 63% of the African American students met the 2010 TAKS

reading standard, and 69% of the Hispanic students met the standard. Sixty-nine

percent of the third grade students were LEP. Third grade S1 participants included 10

Hispanic students (5 males and 5 females) and 6 African American participants (3

males and 3 females).

S2’s total population was 981 students, of which 19% were African American,

Hispanic 68%, and White and other ethnicities 13%. The Grade 3 students at S2

totaled 124, of which 56% were African American. Of the 124 students, 85% were LEP.

Third grade S2 participants included 12 Hispanic students (7 males and 5 females) and

7 African American participants (3 males and 4 females).

S3’s total population was 865 students, of which 8% were African American, 85%

were Hispanic, and 7% were White and other ethnicities. All Grade 3 students at S3

totaled 109; 60% were African Americans who met the reading standard; and 73% of

Hispanic students met the reading standard. Additionally, 68% of the third grade

students were LEP. Third grade S3 participants included 14 Hispanic participants (10

males and 4 females), 2 African American male participants, and no African American

female participants.

S4’s total student population was 806 students, of which 12% were African

American, 78% were Hispanic, and 10% were White and other. The Grade 3 students

at S4 totaled 108; of the total, 60% of the African American students met the reading

standard with 77% of the Hispanic students meeting the reading standard. Additionally,

81% of the third grade students were LEP. Third grade S4 participants included 12

Hispanic students (9 males and 3 females), 4 African American male participants, and

no African American female participants. All the students whether in the experimental

group or control group, due to the nature of their placement in RTI, participated in

additional small group instruction as part of their regular school day instruction and not

as part of the study.

Experimental Group

Students eligible for participation met the criteria of being in third grade, at-risk,

Hispanic or African American, of low SES, and RTI-identified for either a Tier I or Tier II

level intervention. Participation was contingent on parental consent for each student.

Upon the receipt of parental consent forms from the eligible students, the two groups

were formed.

The research assistants and I administered a 30-day, five minutes per day series

of specifically targeted movements to the students of the experimental group. At the

time of the intervention, I held a Master’s degree as do all of the RAs. One RA holds an

earned doctorate. See Table 2 for this information.

Table 2

Research Assistants’ Demographics

Years of
RA Gender Ethnicity Content Area Experience Education Student n

A Female White Reading 18 M.Ed., Reading 16

Ed.D., Curriculum/

B Female Hispanic Reading 15 M.Ed., Early Childhood 19

C Female Hispanic Reading 13 M.Ed., Reading 16

D Female White Reading 27 Masters (unknown) 16

To qualify to teach Brain Gym® movements, I completed a 24-hour course in

Brain Gym® 101 taught by a certified Educational Kinesiology Foundation Brain Gym®

instructor. I provided the three research assistants one extensive four-hour training

session about the movements and the specifics of each movement prior to the onset of

the study. During this training, they practiced every aspect of the kinesthetic movement

intervention and the test administration. The RAs were given the specific times and

places during which the interventions were to take place and were provided with copies

of the pretests and posttests. The intervention was conducted at each of the four

respective schools in a standardized format. The selection of the school gym ensured

that the experimental group received the intervention away from the control group and

reduced the number of external validity errors influencing the study (Gall et al., 2006).

Control Group

The control group students did not receive the Brain Gym® movement

intervention but instead received the regular reading instruction by the general

education teacher. The control group was administered both the pretest and posttest.

Independent Variables

The students’ demographic variables were ethnicity, SES, and gender, and they

were selected from schools identified as the most eligible by the TEA Academic

Excellence Indicator System (AEIS; TEA, 2009). Kinesthetic Brain Gym® movements

were the only intervention used. Those movements were the cross crawl, the lazy 8s,

the thinking cap, the hook up, and the owl. These movements were performed in

sequential order. The movements are discussed below.

The cross crawl movement crosses the midline of the body as the participant

alternately moves one arm and the opposite leg then the other arm and the opposite leg

in slow movements. By touching the right elbow to the left knee the large areas of both

brain hemispheres are activated simultaneously, which facilitates balance nerve

activation across the corpus callosum. This activity makes communication between the

two hemispheres faster and more integrated, thus producing high-level thinking. When

this movement is done slowly, it requires fine motor involvement and balance which

allows the student to activate the vestibular system and the frontal lobes of the brain

consciously. This slow movement lasts for the duration of one minute followed by the

next movement, lazy 8s.

Lazy 8s involves holding one thumb at eye level and drawing a large 8 lying on

its side in the air in front of the face in midfield while moving counterclockwise up and

over and around and completing the 8 by moving the thumb clockwise on the right side.

This activity is done three times. Then, the student switches hands and moves that

thumb in the same pattern three times. Finally, the student holds both thumbs close

together and follows the pattern three more times. Lazy 8s establish the necessary

rhythm and flow for good hand-eye coordination. The three sections of this slow

movement are done three times each and last for one minute.

The thinking cap is done while gently “unrolling” the ears, several times from top

to bottom. The thinking cap movement is designed to wake up the whole system of

hearing mechanisms and assists with memory. The simple act of physically stimulating

the tactile receptors in the outer ear activates the ear. This movement is done very

slowly for the total time of one minute and is followed by the hook-up.

The hook-up is done while the participant crosses his or her ankles. Next, arms

are extended in front of the body while crossing one wrist (on the same side as the top

ankle) over the other, and the movements are completed by interlacing the fingers and

drawing the clasped hands up and toward the chest. The participant holds this position

for one minute while breathing slowly with eyes closed and the tip of the tongue on the

roof of the mouth. This movement is followed by the owl.

The owl requires the student to grasp the top of one shoulder with the opposite

hand and squeeze the muscle firmly. Slowly, the student turns his or her head to look

back over that shoulder and opens the chest. The student continues to squeeze the

muscle while turning his or her head to look over the other shoulder, making a “hooting”

noise while opening the chest again. The student then hoots again while dropping the

chin to the chest and allowing the muscles to relax. The owl is done with the same

hand positioning three or more times for a total of 30 seconds and is repeated with the

other hand squeezing the opposite shoulder and doing the same steps mentioned for a

total of 30 more seconds (Dennison & Dennison, 2007).

The total time to do the five mentioned movements with the experimental group

was five minutes per day and resulted in a total intervention time of 150 minutes during

the 30-day timeframe for the study. At the end of the daily intervention time, the

students were returned to their respective classrooms to receive daily instruction by the

classroom teacher. The control group did not receive any of the Brain Gym®


Dependent Variable

Reading raw scores for each participant in the experimental and control groups

were pretest and posttest for the released Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills

(TAKS) English and Spanish versions (TEA, 2004; see Appendices F and G for

excerpts). The TAKS test year of 2004 was chosen because the same reading

passages were available in both English and Spanish. The 2004 TAKS test

represented the last year in which the test was translated using parallel passages. The

TAKS was designed to measure the extent to which students learned and could apply

the defined knowledge and skills at each tested grade level in accordance to the state’s

curriculum requirements (TEA, 2011). TAKS reading test performance standards were

established according to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). The test

development process included educator input to develop items thought to be

appropriate and valid measures of the objectives, regular educator review, revisions to

all the proposed test items before field testing, and second educator review of data and

items after field testing.

The TAKS was used to assess students in four reading categories. The first

category is basic understanding with a total of 15 questions that tests subsets of reading

through word identification, reading in a variety of texts, reading vocabulary

development, and reading comprehension. The second category is applying knowledge

of literary elements with a total of seven questions to test subsets of reading text

structures and literary concepts. The third category is using strategies to analyze with

six total questions with subsets of reading comprehension, text structures, and literary

concepts. The fourth category is applying critical thinking skills with a total of eight

questions and subsets of reading comprehension and literary response. The test

contains 36 questions to assess four objectives that correlate with the standards for the

state of Texas. A raw score of 23 out of 36 indicates that the student meets the

standard established through the state’s TEKS. The raw scores from the released

TAKS 2004 version were used as the measure of student reading performance.

Data Collection Procedure

Prior to the commencement of the study, letters were sent to the principals of the

four participating schools requesting their consent and participation. Upon receiving

approval from the school district and the cooperating schools, I arranged a schedule for

data collection in each of the participation sites. After receiving permission to conduct

the study, the three RAs (described in the previous section) were contacted at their

respective elementary schools. The assistants were trained (as described previously)

to deliver instruction with the Brain Gym® movements program to the treatment group.

After the informed consents were collected, each participant was assigned an

identification number to ensure confidentiality. The participants’ identifying numbers

were placed in one container, pulled one at a time, and placed in the experimental

group to insure random selection. The participants selected by random drawing were

placed into the experimental group, and the remaining students were assigned to the

control group.

After the sample was assigned to each of the two groups using the identification

numbers, a t-chart was made with column headings labeled Control Group and

Experimental Group. Each respective RA took even numbers of strips alternating

between the two labeled columns until all had been used up. They opened the strips of

paper and wrote down the student numbers corresponding to each group. Data

collection occurred in three phases: Phase I (pre-assessment), Phase II (intervention),

Phase III (post-assessment).

Phase I: Pre-assessment

Students’ reading scores from the previous year were gathered. The third grade

RTI documentation from the universal screener identified the students as being in Tier I

or Tier II. Therefore, existing school documentation and data from AEIS report allowed

for generating the student participants. Prior to administering the pretest, permission to

conduct the study was obtained from the four participating school principals (see

Appendix A).

The administration of the TAKS reading test for all the participants in the study

was done in two sittings. The students were administered the pretest by their

corresponding RAs. The students were given as much time as they needed to

complete the test in a similar fashion as they would take the test under actual TAKS test

conditions. After the pretest administration, the RAs placed them in a sealed envelope,

and returned them to me for scoring and analysis. Identical testing and test processing

procedures were used for the posttest. Actual test taking times were not used for


Phase II: Intervention

The RAs and I conducted a 30-day series of movements with the treatment

group students daily for five minutes each school day. The five-minute sessions

consisted of the five Brain Gym® (or kinesthetic) movements described earlier and were

conducted by pulling out the experimental group of students at the beginning of the

school day and engaging them in the Brain Gym® movements in their respective school

gymnasiums. Each of the four schools had a different amount of students for the Brain

Gym® movement pull-out sessions. The intervention did not interfere with regular daily

content instruction, as specified by participating principals.

Participants received the intervention at a pull-out session at the beginning of the

school day after morning announcements were made at each of the four schools. The

intervention was administered from 8:20 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. The period allowed the

intervention to take place and travel time between the classroom and the school gym.

Each intervention session lasted approximately five minutes and totaled 150 minutes of

intervention over the 30-day intervention period. Each of the five movements was

performed for about one minute at the pull-out sessions.

During the daily five-minute sessions, the RAs and I observed students’ practice

of the Brain Gym® movements and corrected any deviations from the Brain Gym®

movement protocol until the movements were mastered (Dennison & Dennison, 1994).

There is no set standard in the research protocol that determines the number,

combination, duration, or frequency of the kinesthetic movements necessary when used

for research purposes (Dennison & Dennison, 1994). Dennison and Dennison (2004)

reported that researchers would be free to determine the number and frequency of

Brain Gym® movements to use. However, Dennison and Dennison specified how each

movement might enhance individual ability. Researchers were also free to select the

Brain Gym® movement that seemed most useful for research purposes. For this study,

participating principals were concerned that instructional time would be compromised,

which became the determining factor for restricting the movements to five minutes daily.

Phase III: Post-assessment

Upon the completion of the 30-day intervention, the RAs and I administered the

posttest assessment to the experimental and control groups. The entire TAKS reading

test was used in both the pretest and the posttest assessment. (See Appendices F and

G for excerpts.) The types of questions following each passage were comprehensive in


Data Analysis

A series of mixed between-within subjects analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests

were used to control for the problem of obtaining different pretest scores (Pallant, 2007).

The pretest-posttest design required awareness of pre-existing differences between the

experimental and control groups, particularly in the case of each student having an

equal chance of being randomly selected for the treatment group (Castillo, 2009). In the

mixed between-within subjects ANOVA, the change from pretest to posttest within the

control group and the change from pretest to posttest within the treatment group

(analyzed via the time by condition effect) were compared to each other. Because of

the intervention, I controlled for students’ SES and ethnicity conditions between groups.

The chi-square (χ2) procedure was used to analyze the distributions of the

independent variables (gender, ethnicity, SES, program, school, and condition) before

conducting the statistical tests regarding the research questions. The mixed between-

within subjects ANOVA was used to determine differences between students’ pre-

posttest scores (Pallant, 2007). To determine statistical significance, the apriori α value

has to be less than .05.

Assumption Check for Normality

I evaluated the normality of the dependent variable (TAKS reading scores) using

the histogram, skewness statistic, and kurtosis statistic. The dependent variable of the

raw TAKS reading score was assessed for normality based on the rule of thumb by

Hair, Tatum, and Anderson (2009) in which the normality of an interval variable is

evaluated based on the standardized z scores for skewness and kurtosis and could be

Skewness Kurtosis
Z skewness = Z kurtosis =
6 24
expressed in the formulas of N and N in which N is the

sample size. If the calculated

Z skewness and
Z kurtosis were in the range of ±1.96, the

data were normally distributed at the .05 level, or if the calculated

Z skewness and

Z kurtosis were in the range of ±2.58, the data were normally distributed at the .01 level.

As the sample size in the present study was relatively small, I used the less liberal

±2.58 criterion.


I addressed the effects of kinesthetic movement intervention as a possible

intervention for increasing Hispanic and African American third grade students’ reading

achievement. The dependent variable was represented through the students’ scores on

the TAKS reading pretest and posttest. The 2 x 2 mixed between-within subjects

ANOVAs were used to determine differences between students’ pretest and posttest

reading achievement scores. The intervention for this study consisted of a 30-day

series of kinesthetic (Brain Gym®) movements conducted for five minutes a school day

in a slow and deliberate manner with a treatment group of Grade 3 students. Students

(n = 67) in four public elementary schools from a large urban, Texas independent school

district participated in the 30-day quasi-experimental study. Four highly trained

interventionists helped implement the daily intervention.



The purpose of the quasi-experimental study was to determine if using a series

of kinesthetic movements improves the reading achievement of Grade 3 Hispanic and

African American students. I derived the dependent variable data for each participant in

the experimental and control groups from pretest and posttest raw scores for the

released version of the 2004 Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS)

English and Spanish reading (TEA, 2004). I chose the 2004 TAKS reading test

because the same reading passages were available in both English and Spanish. The

2004 TAKS test represented the last year in which the test was translated using parallel

passages. To obtain statistical significance for any test used for analyzing the data, the

apriori α value required the obtained p value to be smaller than .05. This chapter

addresses the descriptive analysis, preliminary screening procedures, descriptive

statistics, and the research question results.

Preliminary Screening Procedures

All of the participants in the study were third grade students from low

socioeconomic status (SES) meaning they either received free or reduced lunch at

school. The students’ demographic variables were ethnicity (African American and

Hispanic), SES, and gender (male and female).

Missing Value Patterns

Initially, 76 participants were recruited to participate in the study. Two

participants moved, four withdrew, two missed the pretest, and one missed the posttest.

The attrition resulted in 67 participants.

The cross tabulation with chi-square (χ2) procedures was used to determine

whether the nonparticipating students and participants with missing data were

significantly different from the participants with complete data. Table 3 reveals that

nonparticipating students and participants with missing data were not significantly

different in terms of gender, ethnicity, SES, program, school, and experimental versus

control group status (a.k.a., condition). Therefore, the groups were treated as


Table 3

Pearson χ2 Results for the Cross Tabulations Comparing Between Incomplete and
Complete Participant Data (n = 76)

Variable χ2 df p

Gender 1.98 1 .159

Ethnicity 1.65 1 .199

SES 1.93 1 .165

Program 2.28 2 .319

School 5.21 3 .157

Condition 2.48 1 .115

Checking for Univariate Normality

According to Kline (2005), skew indices (i.e., skewness statistic with standard

error [SE]) above 2.58 indicate non-normality. (For detailed explanation, see data

analysis section of Chapter 3.) Kurtosis indices (i.e., kurtosis statistic with SE) between

10 and 20 also indicate non-normality. As seen in Table 4, none of the variables were

remarkably skewed, and none showed high kurtosis indices.

Table 4

Skewness and Kurtosis Statistics for the Dependent Variables (n = 67)

Variable Skewness Kurtosis

Pretest Score .80 .08

Posttest Score .39 -.58

Note. SE for skewness statistic = .29. SE for kurtosis statistic = .58.

Univariate normality was confirmed by visually inspecting the histograms.

Additionally, no evidence of outliers in the distribution of scores was observed when

reviewing the histograms. I judged both the pretest and posttest distributions to be

normal. Figures 1 and 2 depict the distributions for the pretest and posttest scores.

Figure 1. Score distribution for pretest total score.

Figure 2. Score distribution for posttest total score.

Descriptive Statistics

All variables included in the data were described with frequency of occurrence

and measures of central tendency and dispersion (mean and standard deviation) as

appropriate for the variable. The demographic variables are presented first and

followed by the descriptive statistics for the dependent variable.

Demographic Variables

The demographic variables included the four schools (S1, S2, S3, and S4) and

the participating students’ characteristics.

Schools. As shown in Table 5, a slightly greater percentage of the control group

participants were from S2. A slightly smaller percentage of the control participants were

from S4. The percentage of participants in the experimental group was similar across


Table 5

Frequencies of Control and Experimental Group Participation by School (n = 67)

Control (n = 31) Experimental (n = 36)

School n % n %

S1 8 25.8 8 22.2

S2 10 32.3 9 25.0

S3 7 22.6 9 25.0

S4 6 19.4 10 27.8

Students. The frequencies and percentages for the demographic variables within

gender are displayed in Table 6. More females (65.2%) than males participated. There

were more Hispanic females (70.8%) and males (72.1%) than African American males

and females. In addition, more males were in the ESL program (44.2%) than in the

bilingual (27.9%) and regular (27.9%) programs. More females were in the regular

program (29.2%) than in the bilingual (20.0%) and ESL (20.8%) programs. More males

(74.4%) than females (70.8%) received free lunch. Fewer males were from S1 (18.6%)

than from the other three schools, and fewer females were from S4 (12.5%) than from

the other three schools. More females (58.3%) were in the experimental than in the

control group. Fewer males passed the TAKS (41.9%) than did not pass the TAKS

(46.5%); however, more females passed the TAKS (62.5%) than did not pass the TAKS

(25.0%). Females experienced slightly fewer interventions (24) than males (43).

Research Questions

To answer the five research questions, I conducted a 2 x 2 mixed between-within

subjects analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare pretest and posttest

scores (i.e., between and within subjects; Pallant, 2007). The between-subjects

variable was represented by the intervention (i.e., experimental vs. control group). The

within-subjects variable was time (i.e., pretest vs. posttest score). In the mixed

between-within subjects ANOVA, the change from pretest to posttest within the control

group and the treatment group (analyzed via the time by condition effect) are compared

to each other.

Table 6

Frequencies and Percentages for the Students’ Demographic Variables (n = 67)

Male Female
Variable n % n %
Hispanic 31 72.1 17 70.8
African American 12 27.9 7 29.2
Bilingual 12 27.9 12 20.0
ESL 19 44.2 5 20.8
Regular 12 27.9 7 29.2
Free Lunch 32 74.4 17 70.8
Reduced Lunch 11 25.6 7 29.2
S1 8 18.6 8 33.3
S2 10 23.3 9 37.5
S3 12 27.9 4 16.7
S4 13 30.2 3 12.5
Control 21 48.8 10 41.7
Experimental 22 51.2 14 58.3
TAKS Status
Did Not Pass 20 46.5 6 25.0
No Score 2 4.7 2 8.3
Passed 18 41.9 15 62.5
Commended 3 7.0 1 4.2
Total Interventions
1 24 55.8 12 40.0
2 17 39.5 8 33.3
3 2 4.7 4 16.7

Descriptive Statistics for the Dependent Variable

Table 7 presents the means and standard deviations for the pretest and posttest


Table 7

Descriptive Statistics for the Dependent Variable (n = 67)

Pretest Posttest
Variable Range M SD Range M SD

Total Score 6 - 31 14.97 5.99 5 - 33 18.03 6.99

Research Question 1

The first research question was: To what extent, if any, do kinesthetic

movements increase the reading achievement of low SES Hispanic and African

American third grade students? I analyzed data from pre and posttests to determine if

there were significant differences were tested in reading achievement test scores

between low SES Hispanic and African American third grade students experiencing the

kinesthetic movements versus the control group. I conducted the 2 x 2 mixed between-

within subjects ANOVA procedure. The between subjects variable was the intervention

(i.e., experimental vs. control group). The within subjects variable was time which was

what both groups had in common between the pretest and posttest administrations

(Pallant, 2007).

Assumptions. The assumption of equality of variance for the pretest means was

fulfilled, F (1, 65) = .55, p = .460. Similarly, the assumption of equality of variance for

the posttest means was fulfilled, F (1, 65) = .03, p = .862. In addition, the assumption of

equality of covariances was fulfilled, F (3, 3029786) = .13, p = .945. The variables met

all the assumptions necessary for the between-within subjects ANOVA.

Results. The means for the pretest and posttest total scores between the control

and experimental groups are displayed in Table 8. The mixed between-within subjects

ANOVA findings in Table 9 revealed that reading achievement scores increased across

time, within the participant groups F (1, 65) = 19.52, p = .001. The change in reading

achievement scores across time did not differ significantly between the control and

experimental groups, F (1, 65) = .48, p = .491, from the pretest to the posttest.

Table 8

Means and Standard Deviations for Reading Achievement Across Time as a Function of
the Brain Gym® Intervention

Pretest Posttest
Group M SD M SD Mean Difference

Control 14.35 5.69 17.94 6.92 3.59

Experimental 15.50 6.28 18.11 7.15 2.61

Table 9

Mixed Between-within Subjects ANOVA Results for Reading Achievement

Across Time as a Function of the Intervention (n = 67)

Source df F p
Between Subjects
Condition 1 .21 .649
Error 65
Within Subjects
Time 1 19.52 .000*
Time x Condition 1 .48 .491
Error 65
Note. * Denotes significance at less than the .01 level.

Research Question 2

The second research question was: To what extent, if any do kinesthetic

movements increase the reading achievement of low SES Hispanic third grade

students? I analyzed data from pre and posttests to determine if there were significant

differences in reading achievement test scores between low SES Hispanic third grade

students who experienced the kinesthetic movements versus the control group. I

conducted a 2 x 2 mixed between-within subjects ANOVA procedure. The between

subjects variable was the intervention (i.e., experimental vs. control group). The within

subjects variable was time which was what both groups had in common between the

pretest and posttest administrations (Pallant, 2007).

Assumptions. The assumption of equality of variance for the pretest means was

fulfilled, F (1, 46) = .27, p = .603. Similarly, the assumption of equality of variance for

the posttest means was fulfilled, F (1, 46) = .16, p = .694. In addition, the assumption of

equality of covariances was fulfilled, F (3, 499628) = .10, p = .962. The variables met all

assumptions necessary for the between-within subjects ANOVA.

Results. The mixed between-within subjects ANOVA findings in Table 11 shows

the reading achievement pretest and posttest scores increased across time (F (1, 46) =

14.33, p = .001). The change in reading achievement scores across time approached

statistical significance between the control and experimental groups but did not achieve

it (F (1, 46) = 3.14, p = .083). An increase from pretest to posttest was indicated for

both the control and experimental groups across time. As shown in Table 10, reading

achievement scores improved within the control group from pretest (M = 14.43, SD =

6.13) to posttest (M = 18.52, SD = 7.23). Reading achievement scores were similar

within the experimental group from pretest (M = 17.36, SD = 6.31) to posttest (M =

18.84, SD = 7.55). However, the pattern of scores indicated that the kinesthetic

movement intervention did not improve reading achievement scores on the released

2004 TAKS test. Instead, students who were not exposed to the intervention (i.e., the

students in the control group) improved at the same rate as the experimental group.

Therefore, the intervention did not result in higher reading achievement scores for

Hispanic third grade students.

Table 10

Means and Standard Deviations for Reading Achievement Across Time as a Function of
the Brain Gym® Intervention Within the Hispanic Sample

Pretest Posttest

Group M SD M SD
Mean Difference
Control 14.43 6.13 18.52 7.23 4.09

Experimental 17.36 6.31 18.84 7.55 1.48

Table 11

Mixed Between-within Subjects ANOVA Results for Reading Achievement Across Time
as a Function of the Brain Gym® Intervention Within the Hispanic Sample (n = 48)

Source df F p

Between Subjects

Condition 1 .78 .381

Error 46

Within Subjects

Time 1 14.33 .000*

Time x Condition 1 3.14 .083

Error 46
Note. * Denotes significance at less than the .01 level.

The means for the pretest and posttest total scores of the control and

experimental groups consisting of Hispanic students are shown in Figure 3. The pretest

and posttest lines for the two groups’ scores were not parallel. This observation

suggested the possibility of interaction, even though the statistical results depicted


Mean Reading Achievement Score

13 Control
11 Experimental
Pretest Posttest

Figure 3. Mean reading achievement scores across time were higher for the control
group than for the experimental group.

Research Question 3

The third research question was: To what extent, if any, do kinesthetic

movements increase the reading achievement of low SES African American third grade

students? I analyzed data from pre and posttests to determine if there were significant

differences in reading achievement test scores between low SES African American third

grade students who experienced the kinesthetic movements versus the control group. I

conducted a 2 x 2 mixed between-within subjects ANOVA procedure. The between

subjects variable was the intervention (i.e., experimental vs. control group). The within

subjects variable was time which was what both groups had in common between the

pretest and posttest administrations (Pallant, 2007).

Assumptions. The assumption of equality of variance for the pretest means was

fulfilled, F (1, 17) = .74, p = .402. Similarly, the assumption of equality of variance for

the posttest means was fulfilled, F (1, 17) = .29, p = .600. In addition, the assumption of

equality of covariances was fulfilled, F (3, 16700) = .20, p = .894. The variables met all

assumptions necessary for the between-with subjects ANOVA.

Results. The means for the pretest and posttest scores between the control and

experimental groups consisting of only the African American students are presented in

Table 12. The mixed between-within subjects ANOVA findings in Table 13 revealed

that reading achievement test scores increased across time, F (1, 17) = 5.21, p = .036.

This finding was significant since the obtained p = .036 was greater than the apriori α <

.05. The change in reading achievement scores across time did not differ significantly

between control and experimental groups, F (1, 17) = .91, p = .353. The kinesthetic

movements did not result in an increase the reading achievement scores of African

American third grade students.

Table 12

Means and Standard Deviations for Reading Achievement Across Time as a Function of
the Brain Gym® Intervention Within the African American Sample

Pretest Posttest

Group M SD M SD Mean Difference

Control 14.35 5.69 17.94 6.92 3.59

Experimental 15.50 6.28 18.11 7.15 2.61

Table 13

Mixed Between-within Subjects ANOVA Results for Reading Achievement Across Time
as a Function of the Brain Gym® Intervention Within the African American Sample (n =

Source df F p

Between Subjects

Condition 1 .54 .474

Error 17

Within Subjects

Time 1 5.21 .036*

Time x Condition 1 0.91 .353

Error 17
Note. * Denotes significance at less than the .05 level.

Research Question 4

The fourth research question was: To what extent, if any, do kinesthetic

movements increase the reading achievement of low SES male third grade students? I

analyzed data from pre and posttests to determine if there were significant differences

in reading achievement test scores between low SES male third grade students who

experienced the kinesthetic movements versus the control group. I conducted a 2 x 2

mixed between-within subjects ANOVA procedure. The between subjects variable was

the intervention (i.e., experimental vs. control group). The within subjects variable was

time which was what both groups had in common between the pretest and posttest

administrations (Pallant, 2007).

Assumptions. The assumption of equality of variance for the pretest means was

fulfilled, F (1, 41) = .01, p = .922. Similarly, the assumption of equality of variance for

the posttest means was fulfilled, F (1, 41) = .00, p = .975. In addition, the assumption of

equality of covariances was fulfilled, F (3, 326984) = .36, p = .783. The variables met all

the assumptions necessary for the between-within subjects ANOVA.

Results. The means for the pretest and posttest scores between the control and

experimental groups for only the male students are presented in Table 14. The mixed

between-within subjects ANOVA findings in Table 15 revealed that reading achievement

scores increased across time, F (1, 41) = 9.89, p = .003. The change in reading

achievement scores across time did not differ significantly between the control and

experimental groups, F (1, 41) = .00, p = .982. Therefore, the kinesthetic movements

did not result in increased reading achievement scores for the male third grade


Table 14

Means and Standard Deviations for Reading Achievement Across Time as a Function of
the Brain Gym® Intervention Within the Sample of Males

Pretest Posttest

Group M SD M SD Mean Difference

Control 14.67 6.27 17.71 8.10 3.04

Experimental 14.41 6.51 17.50 8.04 3.09

Table 15

Mixed Between-within Subjects ANOVA Results for Reading Achievement Across Time
as a Function of the Brain Gym® Intervention Within the Sample of Males (n = 43)

Source df F p

Between Subjects

Condition 1 .01 .096

Error 41

Within Subjects

Time 1 9.89 .003*

Time x Condition 1 0.00 .982

Error 41
Note. * Denotes significance at less than the .01 level.

Research Question 5

The fifth research question was: To what extent, if any, do kinesthetic

movements increase the reading achievement of low SES female third grade students?

I analyzed data from pre and posttests to determine if there were significant differences

in reading achievement test scores of low SES female third grade students who

experienced the kinesthetic movement treatment versus the control group. I conducted

a 2 x 2 mixed between-within subjects ANOVA procedure. The between subjects

variable was the intervention (i.e., experimental vs. control group). The within subjects

variable was time which was what both groups have in common between the pretest

and posttest administrations (Pallant, 2007).

Assumptions. The assumption of equality of variance for the pretest means was

fulfilled, F (1, 22) = .52, p = .478. Similarly, the assumption of equality of variance for

the posttest means was fulfilled, F (1, 22) = .53, p = .475. In addition, the assumption of

equality of covariances was fulfilled, F (3, 25756) = 1.50, p = .214. The variables met all

assumptions necessary for the between-within subjects ANOVA.

Results. The means and standard deviations for the pretest and posttest scores

between the control and experimental groups consisted of only females and are

presented in Table 16. The mixed between-within subjects ANOVA findings in Table 17

revealed that reading achievement scores increased across time, F (1, 22) = 13.27, p =

.001. The change in reading achievement scores across time did not differ significantly

between control and experimental groups, F (1, 22) = 2.49, p = .129. Therefore, the

kinesthetic movements did not result in the reading achievement scores of female third

grade students.

Table 16

Means and Standard Deviations for Reading Achievement Across Time as a Function of
the Brain Gym® Intervention Within the Sample of Females

Pretest Posttest

Group M SD M SD Mean Difference

Control 13.70 4.45 18.40 3.66 4.70

Experimental 17.21 5.69 19.07 5.64 1.86

Table 17

Mixed Between-within Subjects ANOVA Results for Reading Achievement Across Time
as a Function of the Brain Gym® Intervention Within the Sample of Females (n = 24)

Source df F p

Between Subjects

Condition 1 1.22 .282

Error 22

Within Subjects

Time 1 13.27 .001*

Time x Condition 1 2.49 .129

Error 22
Note. * indicates significance at .01 level.



Summary and Discussion

The purpose of the quasi-experimental study was to determine if using a series

of kinesthetic movements improves the reading achievement of Grade 3 Hispanic and

African American students. One brain-based kinesthetic movement strategy is Brain

Gym®, a registered trademark by Brain Gym International/Educational Kinesiology

Foundation. It offers a series of 26 kinesthetic movements that are purported to help

school-age students in reading, writing, and mathematics (Dennison & Dennison, 2007;

Hannaford, 2005). This study included the use of five of the Brain Gym® kinesthetic

movements, the Cross Crawl, Lazy 8s, Thinking Cap, Hook-ups, and Owl. The pretest-

posttest research design allowed for gathering data regarding male and female Hispanic

and African American Grade 3 students who were at-risk and from low SES status from

a large urban North Texas School District. The students’ ethnicities, socioeconomic

status (SES), gender, and scores from a released 2004 TAKS Reading test represented

the variables investigated. All analyses were conducted with the 2 x 2 mixed between-

within subjects analysis of variance (ANOVA) to determine significant differences

between the means of the pretest and posttest scores. Each research question was

addressed separately.

Research Question 1

The first research question was: To what extent, if any, do kinesthetic

movements increase the reading achievement of low SES Hispanic and African

American third grade students? Data revealed that the means from the pretest and

posttest reading achievement scores of all participating Hispanic and African American

students increased across time (p = .001). However, the reading scores did not differ

significantly (p = .491) between the control and experimental groups. These findings

indicated that kinesthetic movements did not help improve student reading


Research Question 2

The second research question was: To what extent, if any do kinesthetic

movements increase the reading achievement of low SES Hispanic third grade

students? Data revealed that the pretest and posttest scores for all Hispanic students

increased (p = .001) across time. The reading scores showed no difference from the

control and experimental groups across time and condition (p = .083) for Hispanic

students. Reading achievement did improve within the control group, and the reading

scores were similar with the experimental group. Kinesthetic movements did not help

increase reading scores and failed to represent a good intervention to use due to the


Research Question 3

The third research question was: To what extent, if any, do kinesthetic

movements increase the reading achievement of low SES African American third grade

students? Data revealed that using the kinesthetic intervention did not differ

significantly (p = .353) from pretest to posttest across time between the control and

experimental groups. While reading achievement did increase across time (p = .036)

for all African American students, the intervention did not yield significant changes. The

implication of this finding for educators is that kinesthetic movements do not represent a

viable solution for improving student reading achievement.

Research Question 4

The fourth research question was: To what extent, if any, do kinesthetic

movements increase the reading achievement of low SES male third grade students?

The finding showed that the reading achievement did increase across time (p = .003) for

all male students. However, the change did not differ significantly (p = .982) between

the control and experimental groups for the male third grade students. This finding

indicates that kinesthetic movements do not represent a good intervention for increasing

student reading achievement.

Research Question 5

The fifth research question was: To what extent, if any, do kinesthetic

movements increase the reading achievement of low SES female third grade students?

As with the previous four research questions, the data from this analysis revealed that

reading scores increased across time (p = .001) for all female students. The change did

not differ significantly (p = .129) between the control and experimental groups for the

female third grade students.

Discussion of the Findings

The academic achievement emphasis in 21st century education demands that

students be taught how to read and how to develop high levels of reading achievement

(No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 [NCLB], 2002). However, at-risk minorities,

especially Hispanic and African American students, continue to lag behind their White

counterparts in reading, and the achievement gap continues (MacDonald & Figueredo,

2010; Mandara, 2009; National Assessment of Educational Progress [NAEP], 2011;

Short et al., 2008; Walker-Dalhouse & Risko, 2009). This gap creates national interest

from school district leaders and teachers who find themselves trying to teach students

with learning difficulties how to read (Deshler & Hock, 2009; Goodwin & Ahn, 2010;

Pinnell & Fountas, 2009). Students who struggle with reading problems are easily

identifiable through response to intervention (RTI). In an effort to raise achievement

scores, the RTI process has been integrated into school improvement plans throughout

the United States and Canada (Shores, 2009). Students with reading difficulties are

then placed into the three tier intervention system, and specific plans are created to

address the needs of the identified student.

In the search to prevent and improve reading difficulties, brain-based education

has encouraged educators to find kinesthetic means to help students learn to read

(Jensen, 2010; Pinnell & Fountas, 2009). Movement and exercise have been reported

to positively impact learning, mainly in girls (Carlson et al., 2008). Chomitz et al. (2009)

found a relationship between physical fitness and academic achievement. Dills et al.

(2011) echoed the effect that increasing time in recess or in physical education class

increased students’ reading scores. Goodway and Branta (2003) reported on the

benefits of motor skill intervention with disadvantaged preschool students. Robinson

and Goodway (2009) reported similar results with disadvantaged preschool age African

American students. Movement seemed to be the key to academic achievement. With

these studies in mind, I conducted this quasi-experimental study. Even though the

students’ reading scores increased over time, there was no difference found between

the two group scores. The intervention appeared to have no effect on reading


The results of this study did not support the findings of the other studies of the

effectiveness of kinesthetic activities in helping children learn to read (Carpenter, 2005;

Dodson, 2006; Myhra, 2009; Nussabaum, 2010; Peterson, 2005; Walker, 2008). Hyatt

(2007) reviewed studies using Brain Gym® movements in a learning environment and

did not find any significance, even though the Brain Gym® program developers

Dennison and Dennison (2007) have claimed its effectiveness with students

experiencing particular challenges, such as ADHD, dyslexia, special needs, attention

disorders, stress, and behaviors. Hyatt (2007) warned educators to avoid using

practices and programs, such as Brain Gym®, with no substantive theoretical research

base in the hope of improving a learning problem.

Research on the positive benefits of exercise and physical activity on academic

achievement led me to believe in a greater relationship between cognition and physical

activity. Results of the study indicate that although students made reading achievement

gains, the gains were not statistically significant as measured by the 2004 TAKS

reading assessment. However, instead of using slow and deliberate movements, I

recommend implementing vigorous exercise that lasts longer than five minutes to help

stimulate students’ brains. A longer intervention period, over a longer period of time

may have yielded different results as in studies from Myhra (2009), Nussabaum (2010),

and Walker (2008). Furthermore, the released 2004 TAKS instrument may not have

been sensitive enough to measure changes and should have been used in conjunction

with other interventions. The findings of this study might conflict with other researchers’

findings due to its limitations, which are dicussed in the next section.

Contributions and Limitations

A strength of this study was the research design. This design was quasi-

experimental and represented an effort to improve RTI within the school setting. The

findings add to the body of literature (see Myhra, 2009; Nussabaum, 2010; Walker,

2008) concerning Brain Gym® and RTI as opposed to the studies found only in the Brain

Gym® Journal. I had theorized that the group engaging in Brain Gym® movements

would demonstrate higher reading academic achievement as compared to the control

group. Given the results of this study, Brain Gym® movements did not show significant

improvement as a movement oriented brain based strategy for increasing student

reading achievement.

The findings of this study limit generalizations from the data. The Brain Gym®

movements were used five minutes, once a day for a period of 30 days. Perhaps, due

to time constraints from the participating schools, not enough of the Brain Gym®

movements were used each day, and the five movements might need to be combined

with other reading interventions. Five minutes of movement daily was too limiting. A

longer period of intervention such as a full semester might yield the positive results seen

in other studies.

In addition, the reading assessment instrument might not have been sensitive

enough to measure changes from pretest to posttest for such a short-term intervention.

Another limitation may be that the movements from the Brain Gym® program do not

meet the criteria of evidence-based practice for use with RTI and thus do not lead to

increases in reading achievement scores. These findings and limitations lead to the

following recommendations for practice and research and a conclusion for the study.


In the large urban district, the low SES third grade African American and

Hispanic students in this research struggled with low reading achievement. However,

they did not show significant gains in reading achievement despite the daily use of the

five Brain Gym® movements. The Brain Gym® movements did not appear to be an

effective intervention to help close the reading achievement gap for the low SES third

grade African American and Hispanic students.

The following represent what I view as implications for school districts that

consider activity-based interventions to increase school achievement:

• Short periods of time using deliberate and slow physical movement may not

improve reading achievement and may not be appropriate for use with public

school students.

• More daily PE which involves vigorous activity to energize the students and

activate brain functioning needs to be implemented in schools.

• The initial cost involved in training instructors for programs such as Brain

Gym® can be somewhat expensive. School districts should look to their

personnel for designing district specific vigorous activity interventions.

The following represent the implications for future researchers:

• A kinesthetic movement intervention study with a longer period of time

dedicated to daily intervention that includes more vigorous physical activity may

be necessary.

• Longitudinal studies to discern the long term outcomes of using kinesthetic

movements over lengthier intervention periods and using more movements are


• Studies using combinations of physical interventions and evidence-based

reading interventions to study reading achievement may provide practices that

are more effective.



To: Principal
XXXX Elementary
Dear Mr. Perales,
My name is Edelmira Sánchez a doctoral student at the University of North Texas,
Denton Texas; Department of Teacher Education and Administration. At the present
time I am in the midst of writing my proposal for dissertation requirements. My research
is on kinesthetic movements specifically taken from a program known as the
Educational Kinesiology Foundation/Brain Gym® International that was developed by
Dr. Paul and Gail Dennison.
The research study is targeting students with low academic achievement in Reading,
from five elementary schools in the Arlington Independent School District. The purpose
of my study is to determine the effectiveness of using five movements daily for a period
of 70 days, from the above mentioned program in reading achievement.
I am looking at working with 100 students, 20 each from the five area schools, which
would include 10 students in a control group and 10 in the experimental group. The
study is to take place from September to December 2010. Released TAKS tests will
serve as the pre and posttests. At your campus I am requesting help from Dr. Jan
Cowman, one of your instructional facilitators, in order to gather data for the study.
Thereby, the reason for writing this letter is ask for your participation in my research
study. If you so choose to do so, permission from Dr. Carter is in process.
I await your prompt response, as your participation would become an integral part of my
proposal process.
Edelmira Sánchez
Instructional Facilitator Major Professor:
XXX Elementary George Morrison
2900 XXXXXXXX XX University of North Texas
XXXX, Texas 7XXXX Department of Teacher Education and
[email protected] [email protected]



Dear Parent/Guardian of _________________________________________________________,
Please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Edelmira Sánchez and I am a doctoral student
at the University of North Texas, Denton Texas; Department of Teacher Education and
Administration. I am conducting research on kinesthetic (learning/exploring) movements
(exercises), specifically five types of movements daily over a period of 40 days and its result on
reading achievement.* Your child is being asked to participate as part of this campus. Half of
the children who participate will have a chance of doing the exercises and the other half will not
do them. The estimated daily time for each student is to be five minutes of exercises after
morning announcements. Student participation is from October until November, 2010. At the
end of this trial period there I will be available to explain to the parent/guardian of the
participants from the control group your child’s reading improvements and answer any questions
you may have.
A permission form with more detail is being included with this letter. Thank you for your
consideration of this endeavor to assist improving one of your child’s most valuable assets in
Edelmira Sánchez
Instructional Facilitator/Key Investigator Major Professor/Principal Investigator
Morton Elementary George Morrison
2900 Barrington Place University of North Texas
Arlington, Texas 76014 Department of Teacher Education and Administration
[email protected] [email protected]

*The idea being researched with the students is taken from a program known as the Educational Kinesiology
Foundation/Brain Gym® International developed by Dr. Paul and Gail Dennison.



Estimado Padre/guardián de ______________________________________________________.
Mi nombre es Edelmira Sánchez. Soy una estudiante trabajando en mi doctorado en la
Universidad de North Texas; Departamento de Educación para Maestros e Administración. Al
presente estoy escribiendo la propuesta para los requisitos de tesina.

El estudio es en específicamente cinco movimientos (ejercicios), que serán conducidos diario por
40 días y los resultados en la academia de lectura.* Se le está pidiendo permiso para que su
niño/a participe como parte de esta escuela. La mitad de niños que serán voluntarios, harán los
movimientos y la otra mitad no los harán.

El tiempo estimado para hacer los movimientos diarios es cinco minutos después de los
anuncios del día. Su participación será de octubre hasta noviembre del 2010. Al final del estudio
estaré disponible para explicarle a los padres/guardianes del grupo controlado los resultados y
contestar preguntas que tenga.
Una forma para su permiso y con más detalles es incluida con esta carta.
Edelmira Sánchez
Instructional Facilitator/Key Personnel Major Professor/Principal Investigator:
Morton Elementary George Morrison
2900 Barrington Place University of North Texas
Arlington, Texas 76014 Department of Teacher Education and
[email protected] [email protected]

*La idea para el estudio es basada sobre un programa conocido como Educacional Kinesiología
Fundación/Brain Gym® International fundado por el Dr. Paul and Gail Dennison.












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