Anexo 1 - Certificados-Iso-Pruebas Fat Serie-2305082

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9: MeasuI宅的e vo伯ge a匂ustscafe 6 us (%)

AdjustthevoItagechanging Us,Up=402 v Us,do=358 v △us客土 5 %



□Automaticsynch「onization □AutomaticIoadsharingl□Automatica=yaccept/t「ansferload

Thepowe「distribution80%○○100%Ratedpower△P≦±5(%) △P= Pi P十十P2 ×100= %

P「 i Pr,1+P「,2

丁hepowe「distribution20%一80%Ratedpower△P≦±10(%) △Pこ P P「+P2 ×100= %

P「,i P「,1+P「,2

Measure thefrequencydip揃u (%) and frequency steady scaIeβ f (%)

Measure the staticvoItage deviation 8 U st (%)

Check the ioad appiication pe血)manCe

item 」oad% Pa「ametersreco「d Engjneparameters

Powe「 Kw Powe「 facto「 Cur「ent (a) VoItage(v) F「equency(hz) Cooiant OiI

Cosd) Imax (亙min U丸max fmin fmax temp,(OC) P「eSSu「e(ba「)

0 0 1 0 381.7 381,8 60.02 49 6,5

25% 225 1 342 380,2 380.3 60.00 60,01
50% 450 1 684 378,9 380.0 60.02 60.03

75% 675 1 1030 377,8 377,9 60,01 60.03

100% 900 1 1378 376.7 376.8 60.01 84 4.8

110% 1000 1 1535 376.2 376,3 59.99 60.03 Ba#eryvo伯gewhen紡e engmerumhg.2Z÷2_∨

100% 901 1 1379 376.7 376,8 60.03 60,06

75% 676 1 1033 377,8 377.9 60.02 60.05 Gensetsperfo「manceweli,Vwihout [uctuation;leakageabno「malnoiseand Vjbration,etC. 囲準S□no GensetsSmokeexhaustisnormal 囲yesロno

50% 451 1 686 378.9 380,0 60,00 60.05

25% 226 1 343 380.2 380,3 60.00 60.02

0 0 1 0 381.7 381,8 59.99 60,00

frequencydip6fst≦5(%) 搬= 古書 ×100こ0"02%

frequencysteadyscaleβf≦1.5(%) βf=Ifmax三千max xlOO=0・08%

血estaticvoltagedeviation机ft≦2,5(%) ∂Ust=lUstmax一因minimaxxlOO=0,74% 2肌

1 4: 77’anSient pe/fo仰ance
Suddenioad appiied②、 Suddenload 「emovai(%) Power Kw 佃S巨的 Pa「ameter Result:Performanceclass

Fd,min Fき,maX Udyn,min Udyn,maX Td 十 Td △手dyn ・書 △fdyn △udyn + △udyn

(hz) (V) (S) (%)

0-→ 50% 0〇一 450 57.5 / 358.8 /// 0.5“ / 4.2 /// 5.6 //
100%-→0 900・→0 _ / 63.2 / 424.7 / 0.4 /// 5,3 /// 11.8

Conclusion= Hpass □fa= 7ipsfer:ZHOU Checker:一重墾宣二か哉喚く二匹一一

 ̄-一三、と′ ′ノ?

Baifa Power (Wu

、旬∴_ QC

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