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The Cell

The basic unit of life

Science Concepts
◼ The student knows that cells are the basic structure &
functional units of all living things and have specialized parts
that perform specific functions, and that viruses are different
from cells and have different properties and functions.

◼ The student is expected to: Identify the parts of prokaryotic and

eukaryotic cells

◼ The student uses critical thinking and scientific problem solving

to make informed decisions.

◼ The student is expected to: research and describe the history of

biology and contributions of scientists.
Engage: Cell History

◼ Cytology- study of cells

◼ 1665 English Scientist

Robert Hooke

◼ Used a microscope to
examine cork (plant)

◼ Hooke called what he saw

Cell History

◼ Robert Brown
◼ discovered the nucleus in
◼ Matthias Schleiden
◼ German Botanist
Matthias Schleiden
◼ 1838
◼ Theodor Schwann
◼ Also in 1838,
◼ discovered that animals
were made of cells
Cell History

◼ Rudolf Virchow
◼ 1855, German Physician
◼ His statement debunked
"Theory of Spontaneous Generation"
Cell Theory
work of Schleiden,
Schwann, and
Virchow make up
the modern
The Cell Theory states that:

1. All living things are composed of a cell

or cells.

2. Cells are the basic unit of life.

3. All cells come from preexisting cells.

Explain: Cell Diversity

◼ Cells within the same organism show

Enormous Diversity in:
◼ Size
◼ Shape
◼ Internal Organization
1. Cell Size
◼ Female Egg - largest cell in the human
body; seen without the aid of a microscope
◼ Most cells are visible only with a
2. Cell Shape

◼ Diversity of form reflects a

diversity of function.
3. Internal Organization
Cell membrane Cytoplasm

Prokaryotic Cell
Cell membrane

Eukaryotic Cell Nucleus

Prokaryotic cell
◼ found in bacteria
◼ lack nuclear membrane, contain double
stranded DNA molecules
◼ membranous organelles are absent
Compare and Contrast

Prokaryotes Eukaryotes
Endoplasmic reticulum
Cell membrane Golgi apparatus
Contain DNA Lysosomes
Ribosomes Vacuoles
Cytoplasm Mitochondria
Prokaryotic Examples

ONLY Bacteria

Two Kinds:
Plant and Animal
Eukaryotic cell
◼ Distant nucleus &
◼ Nuclear membrane
◼ Membrane bound organelles of different
types are present
Eukaryotic Example
Section 7-2

Smooth endoplasmic
Vacuole reticulum
Cell wall envelope


Golgi apparatus

Mitochondrion Rough endoplasmic reticulum

Plant Cell
Venn Diagrams

Compare and Contrast

Animal Cells Plant Cells

Cell membrane
Endoplasmic reticulum
Cell Wall
Centrioles Golgi apparatus
Techniques used to study
◼ Microscopy
◼ Cell culture
◼ Immunostaning
◼ etc.
▪ Except for the mature red blood cells, all
mammalian cells contain a cytoplasm
and a nucleus.
▪ In addition, all cells are surrounded by a
cell or a plasma membrane, which forms
an important barrier or boundary
between the internal and the external
▪ Internal to the cell membrane is the
cytoplasm, a dense, fluidlike medium that
contains numerous organelles,
microtubules, microfilaments, and
membrane-bound secretory granules or
ingested material.
▪ Inmost cells, the nucleus is also located
within the cytoplasm
Internal Organization
◼ Cells contain ORGANELLES.
◼ Cell Components that
◼ A membrane similar to the cell
membrane surrounds such
important cytoplasmic
organelles as nucleus,
mitochondria, endoplasmic
reticulum, Golgi complex,
lysosomes, and peroxisomes.
◼ Organelles that are not
surrounded by membranes
include ribosomes, basal
bodies, centrioles, and
Cellular Organelles
◼ The Plasma
◼ The boundary of the
◼ Separates interior of
the cell from the
outside environment
◼ It is a double layer of
protein and
◼ The membrane that surrounds the cell consists of a
phospholipid bilayer, a double layer of phospholipid
molecules. Interspersed within and embedded in the
phospholipid bilayer of the cell membrane are the integral
membrane proteins and peripheral membrane proteins,
which make up almost half of the total mass of the membrane.
◼ Also present within the plasma membrane is the lipid molecule
cholesterol. Cholesterol stabilizes the cell membrane, makes it
more rigid, and regulates the fluidity of the phospholipid bilayer.
◼ Located on the external surface of the cell membrane is a delicate,
fuzzy cell coat called the glycocalyx, composed of carbohydrate
molecules that are attached to the integral proteins of the cell
membrane and that project from the external cell surface.
◼ The glycocalyx is seen primarily with electron microscopic images of
the cells.
◼ The glycocalyx has an important role in cell recognition, cell-to-cell
attachments or adhesions, and as receptor or binding sites for
different blood-borne hormones.
◼ The phospholipid bilayer of the cell membrane is permeable to certain
substances and imperme-able to others. This property of the cell
membrane is called selective permeability. Selective per-meability
forms an important barrier between the internal and external
environments of the cell, which then maintains a constant intracellular

◼ The phospholipid bilayer is permeable to such molecules as oxygen,

carbon dioxide, water, steroids, and other lipid-soluble chemicals.

◼ Other substances, such as glucose, ions, or proteins, cannot pass

through the cell membrane and cross it only by specific transport
mechanisms .
The Nucleus
◼ Brain of Cell
◼ Bordered by a porous
membrane - nuclear
◼ Contains thin fibers of DNA
and protein called
◼ Rod Shaped Chromosomes
◼ Contains a small round
◼ produces ribosomal RNA
which makes ribosomes.
◼ The nucleus is the largest organelle of a cell.
◼ Most cells have a single nucleus, but other cells may exhibit multiple
◼ Skeletal muscle cells have multiple nuclei, whereas mature red blood
cells of mammals do not have a nucleus, or are nonnucleated.
◼ The nucleus consists of chromatin, one or more nucleoli (singular,
nucleolus), and nuclear matrix. The nucleus contains the cellular
genetic material deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which encodes all cell
structures and functions
◼ A double membrane called the nuclear envelope surrounds the
◼ Both the inner and outer layers of the nuclear envelope have a
structure similar to the lipid bilayer of the cell membrane.
◼ The outer nuclear membrane is studded with ribosomes and is
continuous with the rough endoplasmic reticulum.
◼ At intervals around the periphery of the nucleus, the outer and inner
membranes of the nuclear envelope fuse to form numerous nuclear
◼ These pores function in controlling the movement of metabolites,
macromolecules, and ribosomal subunits between the nucleus and
◼ Mitochondria are round, oval, or
elongated structures whose variability
and number depend on cell function
◼ Double Membranous consists of an
outer and inner membrane.
◼ Outer membrane is smooth and
surrounds the entire organelle.
◼ The inner membrane surrounds matrix
of mitochondria & exhibits numerous
folds called cristae.
◼ Matrix contain DNA, ribosomes, soluble
enzymes, small organic molecules,
nucleotide cofactors & inorganic ions.
◼ Matrix site of TCA cycle/ Krebs cycle
◼ It’s the size of a bacterium
◼ Contains its own DNA; mDNA
◼ Produces high energy compound ATP
◼ These organelles produce most of the high-energy molecule
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) present in cells and are,
therefore, considered the powerhouses of the cells.
◼ The numerous cristae in the mitochondria increase the surface
area of the inner membrane.
◼ The cristae contain most of the respiratory chain enzymes as
well as ATP synthetase, which is responsible for cell respiration
(oxidative phosphorylation) and production of cell ATP.
◼ Surrounding the cristae is an amorphous mitochondrial matrix. It
contains enzymes, ribosomes, and a small, circular DNA
molecule called mitochondrial DNA.
◼ Cells that are highly active metabolically, such as those in the
skeletal and cardiac muscles, contain increased number of
mitochondria. These cells need and use ATP at a very high rate.
◼ Also, in these high-energy cells, the mitochondria exhibit large
numbers of closely packed cristae, whereas in cells with low-
energy metabolism, there are fewer mitochondria with less
extensively developed cristae.
Ribosomes ◼ Small non-membrane bound
◼ Contain two sub units
◼ Site of protein synthesis.
◼ Protein factory of the cell
◼ Either free floating or attached to the
Endoplasmic Reticulum.
◼ The unattached or free ribosomes
synthesize proteins for use within the cell
◼ In contrast, ribosomes that are attached
to the membranes of the endoplasmic
reticulum synthesize proteins that are
packaged and stored in the cell as
lysosomes, or are released from the cell
as secretory products.
Endoplasmic Reticulum
◼ Complex network of
transport channels.
◼ The endoplasmic reticulum
in the cytoplasm is an
extensive network of sacs,
vesicles, and inter-
connected flat tubules
called cisternae.
◼ Two types:
1. Smooth- ribosome free and
functions in poison
2. Rough - contains
ribosomes and releases
newly made protein from
the cell.
Golgi Apparatus
◼ A series of flattened sacs
that modifies, packages,
stores, and transports
materials out of the cell.

◼ Near the Golgi apparatus,

numerous small vesicles
with newly synthesized
proteins bud off from the
rough endoplasmic reticulum
and move to the Golgi
apparatus for further

◼ Works with the ribosomes

and Endoplasmic Reticulum.
◼ Recycling Center
◼ Recycle cellular debris
◼ Membrane bound
organelle containing a
variety of enzymes.
◼ Internal pH is 5.
◼ Help digest food
particles inside or out
side the cell.
◼ Lysosomes are organelles produced by the Golgi apparatus that are highly variable in
appearance and size.
◼ They contain a variety of hydrolyzing or digestive enzymes called acid hydrolases.
◼ To prevent the lysosomes from digesting the cytoplasm and cell contents, a membrane
separates the lytic enzymes in the lysosomes from the cytoplasm.
◼ The main function of lysosomes is the intra-cellular digestion or phagocytosis of substances
taken into the cells.
◼ Lysosomes digest phagocytosed microorganisms, cell debris, cells, and damaged, worn-out,
or excessive cell organelles, such as rough endoplasmic reticulum or mitochondria.
◼ During intracellular digestion, a membrane surrounds the material to be digested.
◼ The membrane of the lysosome then fuses with the ingested material, and their hydrolytic
enzymes are emptied into the formed vacuole.
◼ After digestion of the lysosomal contents, the indigestible debris in the cytoplasm is retained
in large membrane-bound vesicles called residual bodies.
◼ Lysosomes are very abundant in such phagocytic cells as tissue macrophages and specific
white blood cells (leukocytes)
◼ Peroxisomes are cell organelles that appear similar to lysosomes, but
are smaller. They are found in nearly all cell types.
◼ Peroxisomes contain several types of oxidases, which are enzymes
that oxidize various organic substances to form hydrogen peroxide, a
highly cytotoxic product.
◼ Peroxisomes also contain the enzyme catalase, which eliminates
excess hydrogen peroxide by breaking it down into water and oxygen
◼ Because the degradation of hydrogen peroxide takes place within the
same organelle, peroxisomes protect other parts of the cells from this
cytotoxic product.
◼ Peroxisomes are abundant in the cells of the liver and kidney, where
much of the toxic substances are removed from the body.
◼ Found only in animal
◼ Paired organelles
found together near the
nucleus, at right angles
to each other.
◼ Role in building cilia
and flagella
◼ Play a role in cellular
Centrosome and Centrioles

◼ The centrosome is an area of the cytoplasm located

near the nucleus.
◼ Within the centrosome are two small cylindrical
structures called centrioles and the surrounding matrix;
the centrioles are perpendicular to each other.
◼ Each centriole consists of nine evenly spaced clusters
of three micro-tubules arranged in a circle.
◼ The microtubules have longitudinal orientation and are
parallel to each other.
◼ Before mitosis, the centrioles in the centrosome
replicate and form two pairs. During mitosis, each pair
moves to the opposite poles of the cell, where they
become microtubule-organizing centers for mitotic
spindles that control the distribution of chromosomes to
the daughter cells.
◼ The cytoplasmic inclusions are
temporary structures that accumulate in
the cytoplasm of certain cells.
◼ Lipids, glycogen, crystals, pigment, or
byproducts of metabolism are inclusions
and represent the nonliving parts of the
◼ The cytoskeleton of a cell
consists of a network of tiny
protein filaments and tubules
that extend throughout the
◼ It serves the cell’s structural
◼ Three types of filamentous
proteins, microfilaments,
intermediate filaments, and
microtubules, form the
cytoskeleton of a cell.
Cell membrane
◼ Framework of the cell
◼ Contains small
Endoplasmic microfilaments and
larger microtubules.
◼ They support the cell,
giving it its shape and
Microfilament help with the
movement of its
Ribosomes Mitochondrion organelles.
◼ Microfilaments are the thinnest structures of
the cytoskeleton. They are composed of the
protein actin and are most prevalent on the
peripheral regions of the cell membrane
◼ The actin microfilaments also form the
structural core of microvilli
◼ Muscle tissues, the actin filaments fill the
cells and are associated with myosin proteins
to induce muscle contractions.
◼ Intermediate filaments are thicker than microfilaments, as their
name implies.
◼ The intermediate filaments vary among cell types and have
specific distribution in different cell types.
◼ Vimentin filaments are found in many mesenchymal cells.
◼ Desmin filaments are found in both smooth and striated
◼ Neurofilament proteins are found in the nerve cells and their
◼ Glial filaments are found in astrocytic glial cells of the nervous
◼ Lamin inter-mediate filaments are found on the inner layer of the
nuclear membrane.
◼Microtubules are found in almost all cell types except red blood
◼ They are the largest elements of the cytoskeleton.
◼ Microtubules are hollow, unbranched structures composed of
the two-protein subunit, and tubulin.
◼ All microtubules originate from the microtubule-organizing
center, the centrosome in the cytoplasm, which contains a pair
of centrioles
◼ Microtubules form spindles that guide the movement of
chromosomes during cell division or mitosis.
◼ These tubules are most visible and are predominant in cilia and
flagella, where they are responsible for the beating movements.
The Chloroplast
◼ Double membrane
◼ Center section contains
◼ Thylakoid (coins) make
up the grana.
◼ Stroma - gel-like
material surrounding
◼ Found in plants and
The Vacuole
◼ Sacs that help in
food digestion or
helping the cell
maintain its water
◼ Found mostly in
Cell Wall
◼ Extra structure surrounding its plasma
membrane in plants, algae, fungi, and
◼ Cellulose – Plants
◼ Chitin – Fungi
◼ Peptidoglycan - Bacteria
Section 7-1


A. The Discovery of the Cell

1.Robert Hooke
2.The Cell Theory
B. Exploring Cell Diversity
1. Size
2. Shape
3. Internal Organization
C. Two types of cells
1. Prokaryote
2. Eukaryote
Cell Types (Review)
Eukaryotic Prokaryotic
1. Contains a nucleus and 1. Does not contain a
other membrane bound nucleus or other
organelles. membrane bound
2. Rod shaped organelles.
chromosomes 2. Circular chromosome
3. Found in all kingdoms 3. Found only in the
except the Eubacteria Eubacteria and
and Archaebacteria Archaebacteria
◼ The students will create an edible cell
model and correctly identify the location and
function of at least 8 organelles.
◼ The students will correctly match at least 10
organelles with their function, using the
animal and plant cell model.
◼ The students will draw and label both a
prokaryotic and a eukaryotic cell. Pass/Fail
◼ The students will complete a Venn diagram
comparing both prokaryotic and eukaryotic
cells showing at least two differences.

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