Complete NodeJS Notes

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Complete Course
Introduction to NodeJS
1. Pre-requisites
2. What is NodeJS
3. NodeJs Features
4. JavaScript on Client
5. JavaScript on Server
6. Client Code vs Server Code
7. Other uses of NodeJs
8. Server architecture with NodeJs
JS is required for NodeJS
React is recommended before NodeJS
2.What is NodeJS

1. JavaScript Runtime: Node.js is an open-source, cross-

platform runtime environment for executing JavaScript
code outside of a browser.
2. NodeJs is a JavaScript in a different environment means
Running JS on the server or any computer.
3. Built on Chrome's V8 Engine: It runs on the V8 engine,
which compiles JavaScript directly to native machine
code, enhancing performance.
4. V8 is written in C++ for speed.
5. V8 + Backend Features = NodeJs
2.What is NodeJS
1. Design: Features an event-driven, non-
blocking I/O model for efficiency.
2. Full-Stack JavaScript: Allows using
JavaScript on both server and client
3. Scalability: Ideal for scalable network
applications due to its architecture.
4. Versatility: Suitable for web, real-time
chat, and REST API servers.
3. NodeJs Features

1. Non-blocking I/O: Designed to perform non-blocking operations

by default, making it suitable for I/O-heavy operations.
2. Networking Support: Supports TCP/UDP sockets, which are
crucial for building lower-level network applications that
browsers can’t handle.
3. NodeJs Features

1. File System Access: Provides APIs to read and write files directly,
which is not possible in browser environments for security
2. Server-Side Capabilities: Node.js enables JavaScript to run on the
server, handling HTTP requests, file operations, and other server-
side functionalities.
3. Modules: Organize code into reusable modules using require().
3. NodeJs Features

1. Window Object: The global window object, which is part of web

browsers, is absent in Node.js.
2. DOM Manipulation: Node.js does not have a built-in Document Object
Model (DOM), as it is not intended to interact with a webpage's
3. BOM (Browser Object Model): No direct interaction with things like
navigator or screen which are part of BOM in browsers.
3. NodeJs Features

Web-Specific APIs: APIs like localStorage, sessionStorage,

and browser-based fetch are not available in Node.js.
4. JavaScript on Client

1. Displays Web Page: Turns HTML code into what you

see on screen.
2. User Clicks: Helps you interact with the web page.
3. Updates Content: Allows changes to the page using
4. Loads Files: Gets HTML, images, etc., from the
5. JavaScript on Server
1. Database Management: Stores, retrieves, and manages data
efficiently through operations like CRUD (Create, Read,
Update, Delete).
2. Authentication: Verifies user identities to control access to
the system, ensuring that users are who they claim to be.
3. Authorization: Determines what authenticated users are
allowed to do by managing permissions and access controls.
4. Input Validation: Checks incoming data for correctness,
completeness, and security to prevent malicious data entry
and errors.
5. Session Management: Tracks user activity across various
requests to maintain state and manage user-specific
5. JavaScript on Server
6. API Management: Provides and handles interfaces for
applications to interact, ensuring smooth data exchange and
7. Error Handling: Manages and responds to errors effectively to
maintain system stability and provide useful error messages.
8. Security Measures: Implements protocols to protect data from
unauthorized access and attacks, such as SQL injection and
cross-site scripting (XSS).
9. Data Encryption: Secures sensitive information by encrypting
data stored in databases and during transmission.
10.Logging and Monitoring: Keeps records of system activity to
diagnose issues and monitor system health and security.
6. Client Code vs Server Code
1. User/client can’t access server code directly.
2. Client must raise requests for particular APIs to
access certain features or data.
3. Environment Access: Server-side JavaScript
accesses server features like file systems and
4. Security: Server-side code can handle sensitive
operations securely, while client-side code is
exposed and must manage security risks.
5. Performance: Heavy computations are better
performed on the server to avoid slowing down
the client.
6. Client Code vs Server Code
6. Resource Utilization: Servers generally offer more
powerful processing capabilities than client devices.
7. Data Handling: Server-side can directly manage
large data sets and database interactions, unlike
client-side JavaScript.
8. Asynchronous Operations: Server-side JavaScript is
optimized for non-blocking I/O to efficiently
manage multiple requests.
9. Session Management: Servers handle sessions and
user states more comprehensively.
10.Scalability: Server-side code is designed to scale
and handle requests from multiple clients
7. Other uses of NodeJs
1. Local Utility Scripts: Automates tasks and
processes files locally, like using shell scripts
but with JavaScript.
2. Internet of Things (IoT): Develops server-side
applications for IoT devices, managing
communications and data processing.
3. Scripting for Automation: Automates repetitive
tasks in software development processes, such
as testing and deployment.
7. Other uses of NodeJs

Real-Time Applications: Efficiently manages real-time data

applications, such as chat apps and live updates, using
7. Other uses of NodeJs

Desktop Applications: Creates cross-platform desktop

applications using frameworks like Electron.
7. Other uses of NodeJs
Build Tools: Powers build processes
for front-end technologies using
tools like:
• Webpack
• Grunt
• Gulp
• Browserify
• Brunch
• Yeoman
8. Server architecture with NodeJs

Nodejs server will:

1. Create server and listen to incoming requests
2. Business logic: validation, connect to db, actual processing of data
3. Return response HTML, JSON, CSS, JS

1. Pre-requisites
• Click to edit Master text styles
• Second level

2. What is NodeJS
• Third level
• Fourth level
• Fifth level

3. NodeJs Features
4. JavaScript on Client
5. JavaScript on Server
6. Client Code vs Server Code
7. Other uses of NodeJs
8. Server architecture with NodeJs
2. Installation of NodeJS
1. What is IDE
2. Need of IDE
3. MAC Setup
• Install latest Node & VsCode
4. Windows Setup
• Install latest Node & VsCode
5. Linux Setup
• Install latest Node & VsCode
6. VsCode (Extensions and Settings)
7. Executing first .js file
8. What is REPL
9. Executing Code via REPL
2.1 What is IDE
1. IDE stands for Integrated
Development Environment.
2. Software suite that
consolidates basic tools
required for software
3. Central hub for coding,
finding problems, and testing.
4. Designed to improve
developer efficiency.
2.2 Need of IDE
1. Streamlines development.
2. Increases productivity.
3. Simplifies complex tasks.
4. Offers a unified
5. IDE Features
1. Code Autocomplete
2. Syntax Highlighting
3. Version Control
4. Error Checking
2.3 MAC Setup
• Click to edit Master text styles
• Second level
• Third level
• Fourth level
• Fifth level
2.3 MAC Setup
(Install latest Node)
Search Download NodeJS
2.3 MAC Setup
(Install VsCode)

• Click toVS
editCode on
Master text
• Second level

• Third level
• Fourth level
• Fifth level
2.4 Windows Setup
• Click to edit Master text styles
• Second level
• Third level
• Fourth level
• Fifth level
2.4 Windows Setup
(Install latest Node)
Search Download NodeJS
2.4 Windows Setup
(Install VsCode)
Search VS Code on Google
• Click to edit Master text styles
• Second level
• Third level
• Fourth level
• Fifth level
2.5 Linux Setup
2.5 Linux Setup
(Install latest Node)
Search Download NodeJS
2.5 Linux Setup
(Install VsCode)
Search VS Code on Google
• Click to edit Master text styles
• Second level
• Third level
• Fourth level
• Fifth level
2.6 VsCode
(Extensions and Settings)

1. Prettier (Format on Save)

2. Line Wrap
3. Tab Size from 4 to 2
2.7 Executing first .js file
1. Streamlines Node Command: Use node filename.js to
execute a JavaScript file in the Node.js environment.
2. Require Syntax: Use require('module') to include built-in
or external modules, or other JavaScript files in your
3. Modular Code: require helps organize code into reusable
modules, separating concerns and improving
4. Caching: Modules loaded with require are cached,
meaning the file is executed only once even if included
multiple times.
2.8 What is REPL
1. Streamlines Interactive Shell: Executes
JavaScript code interactively.
2. Quick Testing: Ideal for testing and
debugging code snippets on the fly.
3. Built-in Help: Offers help commands via
4. Session Management: Supports saving
(.save) and loading (.load) code sessions.
5. Node.js API Access: Provides direct access
to Node.js APIs for experimentation.
6. Customizable: Allows customization of
prompt and behaviour settings.
2.9 Executing Code via REPL

1. What
• Click toisedit
IDE Master text styles
2. Need of IDE
• Second level
• Third level
3. MAC Setup• Fourth level
• Fifth level
• Install latest Node & VsCode
4. Windows Setup
• Install latest Node & VsCode
5. Linux Setup
• Install latest Node & VsCode
6. VsCode (Extensions and Settings)
7. Executing first .js file
8. What is REPL
9. Executing Code via REPL

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