Mte13ii Oc77 - 1331 D030 SCRD FSR 001 - 0
Mte13ii Oc77 - 1331 D030 SCRD FSR 001 - 0
Mte13ii Oc77 - 1331 D030 SCRD FSR 001 - 0
Extremely versatile and adaptable to a large variety of conditions, the
SCRD-FSR rupture disc is the high pressure solution in either liquid or
vapor applications. The SCRD-FSR rupture disc is well suited for minimizing
leakage and corrosion in pressure relief valves, isolating them from process
When SCRD-FSR discs are used to isolate pressure relief valves, a combination capacity factor of 0.9 may be used. Higher
combination capacity factors may be established by testing and certifying in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII,
Division 1.
• Available with Teflon® liner with a maximum temperature of 450°F (232°C)
• Polyurethane 250°F (121°C) and Teflon 450°F (232°C) protective coatings also available
Performance Attributes Process Media
Disc Holders
Operating Non- Vacuum Pulsating/
Liquid Vapor/Gas Bolted/Type
Ratio Fragmenting Resistant Cyclic
ASME Authorized
Specify When Ordering 0036
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