Summary of The Development of New Technologies For Submarine Immersed Tunnel Foundation Reinforcement and Settlement Control
Summary of The Development of New Technologies For Submarine Immersed Tunnel Foundation Reinforcement and Settlement Control
Summary of The Development of New Technologies For Submarine Immersed Tunnel Foundation Reinforcement and Settlement Control
- Preface
To cite this article: Bai-yong Fu et al 2020 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 741 012052
Bai-yong FU1,4, Wei-le CHEN2, Guo-ping XU3, Shen-you SONG2 and Feng-yong
XIA 2*
Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Management Center of Shenzhong Link, Zhongshan 528400, China
CCCC Higway Consultants Co., Ltd. Beijing 100088, China
CCCC Higway Bridges National Engineering Research Center. Beijing 100088,
Corresponding author’s e-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. Based on the immersed tunnel foundation improvement modeling and analysis of
data through investigations and researches on immersed tunnel diseases at home and abroad,
this paper proposes that the adverse loads and poor geology are main causes inducing
settlement and diseases. On top of the review on technical innovations in typical immersed
tunnel foundation improvement abroad, the innovation and advancement of immersed tunnel
foundation improvement of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Project is introduced with
emphasis and these technical innovations mainly comprise the technology of double-layer bed
with both rigidity and flexibility, the technology of SCP(Sand Compaction Piles) plus
surcharge loading in ground improvement, the settlement computation method based on CPTU
of rebounding and recompression and determination of settlement control criteria and others
new development. Furthermore, through analysis the corresponding foundation improvement
countermeasures are provided in this paper to meet such construction challenges faced in the
immersed tunnel foundation improvement of Shenzhong Link and those challenges are super-
wide width varied immersed tunnel element, soft soil ground of sand pit, weathered rock
softening in water, sandy soil liquefaction, intense siltation. Finally, as the State key study and
development program, it is pointed out that the technical study on diseases inducing
mechanism and corresponding pro-active prevention and control of submarine immersed tunnel
founded on poor ground conditions shall be carried out based on the full consideration of
interactive actions between the structure and its foundation and the technical route and main
study contents are further proposed for reference of relevant technical professionals.
1. Introduction
Immersed tunnel as a type of communication infrastructure for river or marine crossing has witnessed
development history of over hundred years[1-5]. In China immersed tunnel has development history of
over 30 years starting from Yongjiang tunnel and Zhujiang Tunnel in 1980s. Due to its advantages of
shallow burial, small land occupation, high prefabrication quality and water resistance and so on. [6-7],
immersed tunnel has been more and more applied in river or marine crossing projects such as
Shenzhong Link, Dalian Bay Marine Immersed tunnel, Xiangyang Yuliangzhou Immersed Tunnel,
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ICRTSR 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 741 (2020) 012052 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/741/1/012052
Shantou Submarine Immersed tunnel and Macao Carvalho submarine tunnel following the immersed
tunnel of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge project and its application develops rapidly[8-11].
After the foundation trench dredging has been done, the foundation bed is executed before the
immersed tunnel element installation. In this working process the foundation experienced a
rebounding and recompression force course, scholars at home and abroad have carried out a lot of
research on this[12-16]. Hence, it was popularly considered that the key issue of immersed tunnel is
antiuplifting instead of problem of settlement [17-20]. However, with many projects entering into
operation stage. Grants made a statistics of measured settlement actually occurred to large number of
immersed tunnels in Europe and America and pointed out that the main causes to the tunnel settlement
are excessive settlement or excessive differential settlement and such settlement inducing factors
include : backsiltation, soft soil foundation, differential hardness of foundation, over exploration and
collection of ground water/gas and oil, uneven backfilling loads, tides variation and so on so forth[21-
22]. Junjiang Shao further analyzed the relation between the differential settlement and diseases of the
immersed tunnels and pointed out that the differential settlement firstly caused the concrete cracks of
the segments adjacent to immersion joints, which led to loosed joint waterstops and then resulted in
leaking[23]. Once the cracks became through seepage and leakage might occur thus shortening the
element life. The torsion may occur under biased transverse loading thus causing cracking of shear
keys. Furthermore, excessive differential settlement may damage performances and functions and
cause alignment deviation thus affecting traffic safety.
Table 1. Statistics of diseases and their causes of the immersed tunnels at home and abroad.
Tunnel name Brief articulars Main diseases Causes of adverse soils
Caused by over exploration
and collection of ground
Total settlement of
45cm occurred in 7 water, gas and oil. settlement
Immersed tunnel total of 1.5~2.5m of surrounding
years after
Baytown length of 779m,tunnel ground surface occurred in
completion ,one
immersed elements: 9 25 years after tunnel
location had leakage,
Tunnel, Circular shaped completion and settlement of
Texas, USA angle tensile strain up segments by shore was 30cm
structure, external to1.6 x 10—3 occurred
diameter of 10.6m higher than that of river
at the most dangerous central section/ Chemical
grouting was carried out as
Excessive differential Excessive foundation
Immersed tunnel total settlement; Rump stiffness variation of rump
Tingstad length 455m; Tunnel and immersed sections; Piled
immersed tunnel settlement up to
elements :5, rectangular foundation + mortar nylon
tunnel, 0.5m,small cracks at
section, width 30m, bags were used; No piled
Goteborg, side walls and top of
height of 7.3m foundation was applied in
Sweden some segments ramp section.
Excessive settlement; Soft clay slop stratum caused
Limfjord Immersed tunnel total The measured lateral yield of ground soils
immersed length: 510m; Tunnel settlement is several Over exploration of ground
tunnel, elements: 5, rectangular times of predicted water caused ground soil
Alborg, section, width of values, highest consolidation
Denmark 27.4m, height of 8.5m settlement value up to Tide level variation over 4m
119mm high
ICRTSR 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 741 (2020) 012052 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/741/1/012052
Elbe Immersed tunnel total Shear bolt cracked; Romaine soil ground,
Immersed length:1056m; Tunnel
The highest differential Uneven backfilling load, one
tunnel, elements: 7, rectangular
settlement at ends of the sided backfill load upto
Hamberg, section, Width of 41.7m,
element is up to 60mm 160kPa
Germany height of 8.4m
Vlake Immersed tunnel total Excessive settlement;
length: 1000m; Tunnel
Immersed The highest settlement Caused by backsiltation
elements: 5, rectangular
tunnel, up to 70mm in 90 days effect on foundation bed
section: width of 29.8m,
Holland height of 8m after tunnel completion
McHenry Immersed tunnel total One port reconstruction near
Excessive differential
length: 3292m; Tunnel coastal tunnel section caused
Immersed settlement, the highest
elements:32, rectangular surcharge load on the
tunnel, differential settlement
section: Width of 25.1m, immersed tunnel with soil
Maryland, up to 150mm
height of 12.7m height over 15m
Excessive differential Caused by transition section
Immersed tunnel total settlement; Differential from soft clay stratum to
length :1173m, tunnel settlement of 73mm
Ted Williams hard mud slate on east side
elements :12, rectangular occurred at East sided
Immersed (uneven hardness of stratum)
section,width of 24.4m, longitudinal 93m;
tunnel, Caused by excessive
height of 12.3m, double Differential settlement
Boston, USA steel shell segment of 110moccured at west difference of backfill depth
sided longitudinal 92m on west side
Differential settlement
of immersed tunnel
section (maximum
settlement up to
90mm), part of element Excessive back siltation
Immersed tunnel total (back siltation up to
E1 foundation was
Ninbo length420m, tunnel 3mwithin one month).
voided,inclined crack
Yongjiang elements :5, Rectangular Ground is soft soil (highly
Tunnel section, width of 11.9m, and leaking at bottom compressive, highly
height of 7.5m slab of side wall, ring sensitive saturated and flow
cracks occurred near siltation)
joints, low compression
amount of GINA,
waterproof performance
was reduced
As the conclusions of all the immersed tunnel diseases the poor soils, adverse loading and back
siltation are main causes to tunnel cracking[24-26]. In addition, fine silty sand stratum liquefaction
under earthquake added the risk of disease of tunnel element uplifting. The study work on liquefaction
under earthquake were carried out in projects of George Massey tunnel, Canada and and Bosphorus
tunnel in Turkey but the inducing mechanism and damage modes are not answered[27-28]. T.Casper
studied the stability of Busan-Geoje immersed tunnel under attack of tide waves[29]. Xie
XiongYao[30] based on theYongjiang tunnel settlement data monitored in 16 years where the
sediment is severe and tide variation is large, proposed finite analysis method for long term settlement
based on flowconsolidation coupling. For the immersed tunnel of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao bridge
ICRTSR 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 741 (2020) 012052 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/741/1/012052
project to meet the changes of construction constraints of high back siltation, high volume of runoff
and deep soft soil ground study works on technical innovation of foundation bed, soft ground
improvement, back siltation monitoring and prevention and protection have been carried out[31].
With the works commencement of Shenzhong Link project and opening to traffic of Hong Kong-
Zhuhai-Macao Bridge the safety guaranty issue of seabed immersed tunnel in poor ground and under
adverse loading condition under construction and in operation period are imminent to be solved.
Further, such subsequent immersed tunnel projects of Dalian Bay submarine immersed tunnel, Macao
Carlsberge submarine immersed tunnel, Shantou submarine immersed tunnel are initiated in
succession and safety is highly demanded. Hence in-depth investigation into submarine immersed
tunnel foundation improvement and its settlement control technological development history, further
in combination with the project features exploration of diseases inducing mechanism and study of pro-
active preventive control technology are important to guarantee safety of submarine immersed tunnels.
(a). gravel cushion leveled lay (ultimate bearing capacity of 400kPa, international
friction angle 40°).
ICRTSR 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 741 (2020) 012052 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/741/1/012052
Table 2. Technical parameters of gravel cushion placement and leveling in typical immersed tunnels
Oresund Busan-Geoje Second Benelux Roer River
Tunnel name
Tunnel Tunnel Tunnel Tunnel
Foundation width 42m 31.66m 47.25m 30m
Gravel cushion
0.5m~1.4m 1.5m / 0.5m
Berm top width 1.65m 1.60m 1.65m 1.65m
Groove top width 1.0m 1.0m 1.0m 0.85m
Berm centers
2.65m 2.60m 2.65m 2.5m
Max.gravel size 32~64mm 75~125mm / /
Max. water depth -22m -48m / -21m
Leveling ccuracy ±25mm ±40mm / /
Building time 1995~2000 2003~2010 1997~2000 2004~2007
ICRTSR 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 741 (2020) 012052 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/741/1/012052
below mean sea level and the geological conditions are poor including silt soil and clay stratum of
marine sediment. Such technologies of SCP and CDM (Cement Deep Mixing) are imported from
Japan for ground improvement. The longitudinal section are illustrated in schematic drawings 3 to 4.
For purpose of marine sediment typed silt and mud stratum SCP and CDM are designed for ground
improvement, of which the flow of CDM is illustrated in figure 4. Of the sand compaction piles the
upper diameter is 2m and lower diameter of 1.6m and the replacement rate is largely 40% and some
location is of replacement of 61%(figure7). With cement deep mixing pile, pile diameter is 1m and
four piles form a cluster with overlapping of 10cm and replacement rate is 30%~50% which is
adaptable to upper load size (figure 6).
Gr avel SCP Grouting
CDM Gr avel
1.vessel 2.sand pile 3.dr ive 4.add 5.keep the 6.inject the 7.inject 8.add 9. cyclically inject sand, add pr essur e
positioning by sleeve sand pile pr essur e pr essur e, sand into sand, add pr essur e, to dischar ge the sa n d t o for m sa n d
sleeve into and keep uplift the the pile pr essur e vibr ator y colu m n , vib r a t or y b a ck d r ive a n d
land r efer ence appr oaching soil layer pr essur e, sand pile sleeve, add touplifting back en la r ge d ia m et er , a ll t h e segm en t s
station and GPS slur r y level , to some
depth, dr ive sand sleeve , pr essur e sleeve, dr iving and for m a complete SCP .
sur vey system pr essur ized
r educe sleeve close dischar ge and dr ive dischar ge enlar ge
water dr ain to level of the slur r y the sleeve to sand to or ifice to
pr essur e
and sand soil tr atum cylinder in bottom level for m a sand for m a
injection to be the pipe, of the soil column segment of
impr oved tr eat pile str atum to with some SCP
end be impr oved. height
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IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 741 (2020) 012052 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/741/1/012052
ICRTSR 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 741 (2020) 012052 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/741/1/012052
3. Innovation and upgrading of the immersed tunnel of Hong Kong - Zhuhai - Macao Bridge
The immersed tunnel of Hong Kong - Zhuhai - Macao Bridge project is of total length of 5664m and
is the longest submarine immersed tunnel ever completed worldwide up to date and this tunnel
consists of 33 elements with each standard element 180m long, 37.95m wide and 11.4m long.
Compared with other foreign submarine immersed tunnels following construction constraints
challenged the immersed tunnel of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao bridge project.
(1) Distance from shore: the distance from shores is 29km, maximum depth of 45m, complex wind,
wave and current conditions
(2) 40m thick soft soils: soft soils depth up to 40m
(3) 1cm/d high back siltation: maximum back siltation upto to 23m deep and 3km long, back
siltation intensity within foundation trench reached 1cm/d.
(4) 5.664km super long: the longest immersed tunnel worldwide with immersed tunnel section up
to length of 5.664km.
(5) Large variance of ground: muck, mucky clay, clay, sand, sand which are distributed unevenly
and longitudinally.
(6) High seismic intensity, with life span of 120 year (10%) seismic acceleration up to 0.175g.
The text of your paper should be formatted as follows:
ICRTSR 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 741 (2020) 012052 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/741/1/012052
Figure 10. Schematic figure of super wide steel shelled concrete immersed tunnel with varied
width and sand pit in ramp section in west island of Shenzhong Link Project.
For the west island tunnel ramp section founded on sand pit disturbed and thick soft foundation in
Shenzhong Link project the key problems in need of solutions involve foundation formation,
adaptability of SCP and DCM solutions meanwhile coordination transition of bedrock stiffness of
middle section shall be handled properly. For the intermediate tunnel sections founded on bedrock
ground with high back siltation key problems to be solved are to improve the muck accommodation
capacity of foundation bed. The foundation improvement scheme for the whole line of tunnel are
illustrated in table 3 and figure 12 respectively.
ICRTSR 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 741 (2020) 012052 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/741/1/012052
Table 3.Immersed tunnel longitudinal foundation improvement solution of Shenzhong Link Project
Location Geology condition improvement solution
East island tunnel,
Fully and highly weathered Plain concrete bed of thickness 30cm
cofferdam reclaimed
residual soil deposits Locally replacement /DCM
Airport branch
channel and east side Fully and highly weathered
Mucky soil, silty clay and sand stratum
tunnel section of residual soil deposits
elements E22~E32
1m thick gravel cushion +1.1m thick
middle section with vibratory compacted block gravel cushion
Mucky soil, silty clay and 5-6m long DCM
shallow burial
sand stratum
E13~E21 ( locally 2~3m compacted and leveled
block stone)
Bilateral sides of
Fully and highly weathered 1m thick gravel cushion +1.1m thick
Fanshi waterway
and moderately weathered vibratory compacted block stone layer
1m thick gravel cushion +1.1m thick
West island ramp
vibratory compacted block stone layer
section Mucky soil
DCM pile E1 with locally high pressure
inject grouting
West island cut and Island surcharge loading Compound foundation with PHC pile of
cover section mucky soil diameter 0.6m
Figure 12. Schematic drawing of combined impacts of adverse geology and adverse loading.
ICRTSR 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 741 (2020) 012052 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/741/1/012052
ICRTSR 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 741 (2020) 012052 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/741/1/012052
calculation method with comprehensive consideration of weathered rock softening and unloading
effect of dredging; to study differential settlement development mechanism of transition tunnel section
from different hardness grounds for submarine immersed tunnel, to establish mathematical model to
simulate adverse soils of transition section from different stiffness , to study longitudinal and
transversal differential settlement evolvement mechanism at interfacing sections between bedrock with
various weathering degrees and soft ground to reveal the law how the soft and hard stratum space
distribution features may impact differential settlement.
(3) Dynamic force response analysis technology and silty sand stratum liquefaction uplifting
mechanism of submarine immersed tunnel under seismic effect.
To study the inducing uplifting mechanism of submarine immersed tunnel founded in silty sand
stratum due to seismic uplifting. To establish silty sand dynamic force liquefaction analysis method, to
study the law of super pore water pressure rise of silty sand stratum under seismic, to evaluate the
impact of tunnel foundation bed , backfill cover on disperse of super pore water pressure, to reveal the
inducing mechanism of uplifting of immersed tunnel elements due to liquefaction of silty sand stratum
and its damage mode.
To study the pressure-torsion-shear force composite actions mechanical property analysis method
for immersion joint. To study the immersion joint deformation mode under coupling effects of seismic
loads and sand soil liquefaction and to establish a mechanical property analysis method for immersion
joints with consideration of composite effects of pressure-torsion-shear forces combined so as to
provide basis for joint design parameters and reveal joint bearing damage modes.
To study the immersed tunnel seismic response analysis method with consideration of transverse
additional torsion and shear effects. To propose immersed tunnel-foundation system multiparticle
systemspring-shell structural mechanical model , to propose immersed tunnel seismic response
analysis method with transverse and shear force effects consider, to study the such impacts of coupled
effects on tunnel dynamic response as the foundation differential deformation on poor ground,
construction errors, seismic dynamic inclined incidence and so on other impacts.
(4) Disease evolvement and damage mode of submarine immersed tunnel under coupled effects of
adverse geology and adverse loads
To study the composition of typical adverse geological conditions, to establish a foundation
stiffness analysis method under adverse geological compositions, to propose a foundation stiffness
distribution mode intended for incremental damage analysis of submarine immersed tunnel. To study
hazard causing and effect mode of typical adverse loads and mathematical model, to analyze the such
long term variable loads as vehicular load and temperature variation and disease causing mode of such
extreme loads as alluvial silts, channel dredging and abrupt muck deposits and to establish a numerical
model of describing adverse loading effect manners.
To establish a immersed tunnel diseases evolvement mechanical model with initial defects
considered. ①bearing capacity and stiffness of shear resistant connections under concrete casting
defect impacts ;to study impacts on shear resistant connections of different types under concrete cast
voided of steel plate and concrete composite immersed tunnel with emphatic concern on the impacts
on tunnel extreme bearing capacity and stiffness so as to further study the design method of shear
resistant connections as member with defects considered and to consider the member stiffness design
method with connection sliding considered.②to study the member bending resistance bearing capacity
design method with consideration concrete cast defects effect. To study the impacts on voided
concrete cast on bending resistant bearing capacity of key members in steel plate concrete composite
immersed tunnel, including short term impact and long term evolvement so as to raise bending
resistant bearing capacity reduction design method for different degrees of avoid and to propose
construction control parameters for concrete casting errors.③to propose member shear capacity design
method under impact of concrete casting defects. To study the impacts of concrete void on shear
capacity of key members in steel plate concrete composite immersed tunnel including short term
impact and long term evolvement and to raise shear capacity calculation model and bearing capacity
ICRTSR 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 741 (2020) 012052 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/741/1/012052
reduction design method with void considered and finally to raise construction control parameters for
concrete cast defects control.
To study incremental damage mode of submarine immersed tunnel under combined impacts of
multiple factors. To establish a 3D elastic-plastic numerical analysis method for submarine immersed
tunnel which shall reflect joint GINA nonlinear effects, shear key force characteristics, initial defects,
disease evolvement mechanical model, coupling with adverse ground stiffness changes and adverse
loading effects, reveal incremental damage course mode of any submarine immersed tunnel starting
from excessive deformation → waterstop opening/rotation →shear key damage →joint leaking which
forms an incremental damage mode from clear disease causes→ evolvement and development→
occurrence of damages.
(5) Disease grading criteria, evaluation system and pro-active prevention and control technology
for submarine immersed tunnels
To study the disease grading criteria and evaluation system for submarine immersed tunnels. To
analyze the immersed tunnel disease types and damage extents and establish a submarine immersed
tunnel deformation monitoring system and based the monitored data to establish a disease grading
criteria and alerting threshold value based on the parameters of total settlement value, differential
settlement, joint openings and crack width so as to raise disease quantitative evaluation method and to
form a disease judgment, alerting and handling evaluation strategy system.
To study the pro-active disease prevention and control technology for submarine immersed tunnels.
To raise systematically a pro-active prevention and control technology based on disease evolvement
process within full life span based on the disease inducing and causing mechanism including
technologies as advanced reinforcing and adjusting technology during construction period, such as
DCM ground improvement technology, weathered rock softening in water reducing and elimination
technology, transition section stiffness smooth adjusting technology from soft ground to stiffener
ground, shear key size and installation time optimization technology, safety rick assessment and rick
control measures during construction stage, pro-active prevention and control technology during
operation period such as element top load adjustment technology, element bottom pressurized grouting
technology, rapid remedy technology to stop leaking joint. By taking technical measures in advance
the potential structural hazards and risks are eliminated and pro-active alerting and prevention of
diseases can be achieved.
ICRTSR 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 741 (2020) 012052 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/741/1/012052
8. Conclusion
In this paper, based on the investigation of the foundation treatment forms of the Oresund tunnel and
the Busan-Geoje immersed tunnel in South Korea, the feasibility of the first-laying gravel cushion is
verified. This method has fast construction speed, high leveling accuracy, and high accuracy. The pipe
has the advantages of large precompressed modulus, strong silt drainage capacity, and for soil layers
with poor geological conditions, it is proposed that SCP and CDM can be used for reinforcement. On
this basis, the foundation treatment of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Immersed Tunnel is summarized,
the settlement of the main consolidation of the SCP method, the calculation of the rebound and
recompression settlement of the tunnel, and the longitudinal differential settlement using the shear
capacity of the segment joint as an indicator. The innovation and improvement of the determination
methods of control standards, etc., combined with the characteristics of the Shenzhong immersed
tunnel, summarized the challenges encountered in the construction of the immersed tube tunnel of the
Shenzhong immersed tunnel and the countermeasures.
Based on the above investigation, analysis, induction, and summary, the research directions for
foundation treatment of immersed tunnels in the future are proposed: (1) the foundation deformation
calculation method considering the bed silt accommodation, soft soil accumulated deformation effect
and weathered rock softening. (2) seismic response analysis method for immersed tunnel considering
transverse additional torsion shear effect. (3) disease inducing mechanism and damage mode of
submarine immersed tunnel under combined impacts of adverse geology and adverse loading. (4)
disease classification criteria, assessment system and pro-active prevention and control technology for
submarine immersed tunnels. The main research contents of each research direction are analyzed in
detail, and the technical route of the research work is given, and scientific suggestions are proposed for
the future development and innovation of the immersed tunnel.
ICRTSR 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 741 (2020) 012052 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/741/1/012052
Project supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (2018YFC0809600,
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