Shawnee Backpack

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Trail Tips

1. The Shawnee Backpack Trail requires moderate levels of Location MapMAP

skill and endurance. Hikers may encounter greenbriars,
poison ivy, ticks and/or stinging nettles along the trail. Lombardsville 73
Proper clothing (shorts are not recommended), sturdy
footwear and good equipment are essential for success. Blue Creek 104
2. Respect the solitude sought by other backpackers and 23
practice good camping etiquette. 125
3. The main trail is marked by orange blazes and side trails
with white blazes. If a hiker becomes lost, roadways can
usually be located by following watercourses downhill.
Always carry a map and compass. SHAWNEE Portsmouth
4. For safety, hike with a partner. Disabling injuries are very
dangerous when a hiker is alone.
5. The only drinking water supplies will be close to road 52
crossings, as shown on the map. The water supply is limited R I V ER
so please use it wisely. Water caches may not be serviced
in winter due to bad road conditions. (Water caches are
serviced using water from the City of Portsmouth, Ohio.) Shawnee State Forest Shawnee State Park
Latrines are provided at each campground.
6. Beware of poisonous snakes. Both rattlesnakes Emergency Phone Numbers
(endangered) and copperheads inhabit the forest. High EMERGENCIES: 911
leather boots or heavy leggings afford good protection. Forestry Office: 740-858-6685
Hikers should watch where they sit and place their hands, Adams County Sheriff’s Office: 937-544-2314
especially in rocky areas. If bitten, seek medical aid Scioto County Sheriff’s Office: 740-354-7566
7. Hikers should select and repack food so that they will
have a minimum of awkward and disposable containers. A
Additional Information
portable stove is recommended. Supplies of wood fuel may SHAWNEE STATE FOREST
not be readily available. 13291 US Highway 52 West
8. Extinguish all smoking material carefully. Be especially Portsmouth, Ohio 45663
careful with campground fires and smoking during March, 740-858-6685
April, May, October and November, the forest fire danger SHAWNEE STATE PARK
periods in Ohio. Please do not leave campfires unattended. 4404 State Route 125
9. If a hiker discovers a forest fire, immediately hike the trail to West Portsmouth, Ohio 45663
the nearest road and report the fire to emergency services 740-858-6652
(dial 911).
10. For hikers’ protection, they should park their vehicles only
at the trailhead. Vehicles parked in the forest may attract
P.O. Box 189
Friendship, Ohio 45630-0189
11. CAUTION: Campgrounds situated in valleys may be flooded 740-858-6621
and stream crossings may be impassable due to rapid
runoff following a severe storm.
12. Hornets and yellow jackets may be encountered
particularly during late summer.
13. Shawnee State Forest is a public hunting area. Visitors
should be aware of hunting seasons and are encouraged to
wear bright orange colored clothing when hiking.
Ohio Department of Natural Resources
Division of Forestry
2045 Morse Rd., Building H-1
Columbus, OH 43229 - 6693
An Equal Opportunity Employer - M/F/H
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Welcome to Shawnee State Forest 6. Camping is not permitted except in designated areas.
Limited road-side camping is permitted during deer and
Backpack Trail turkey hunting season when camps are registered at the
Acquisition of the first state forests began in 1916, originally to
Shawnee State Forest headquarters.
be used as testing grounds for reforestation of tree species.
Land acquisition later broadened to include land of scenic 7. Public display or consumption of any alcoholic beverage
and recreational values and to restore forest cover to land that is prohibited.
had been abandoned and abused. Today, Ohio’s 24 state 8. Disturbance, defacement or destruction of any property,
forests cover over 200,000 acres and provide an abundance of material, natural feature or vegetation is prohibited.
benefits for everyone to enjoy. With the advantage of decades Berries, nuts and mushrooms may be gathered and
of management, Ohio’s foresters are enhancing nature’s removed except from posted areas. Root digging is
growth cycle and continuing to produce some of the finest prohibited.
hardwood trees in the world on state forest lands. Forest 9. Swimming and motorized boats, except with electric
management activities such as timber stand improvement, motors, are prohibited in state forest lakes.
prescribed fire and harvesting are employed to enhance the
health, vigor and natural regeneration of the forest. But the 10. State forest boundaries are indicated with yellow blazes
concerns of foresters go well beyond the trees. Evaluations of on the trees and/or posted signs.
water, soil, wildlife habitat, age and condition of the vegetation, Backpack Trail Rules
recreational opportunities and aesthetics are considered in 1. People may camp only in the designated campground
preparation of area management plans. This process ensures Hunting and Fishing areas shown on the map.
that visitors may enjoy many outdoor activities, including Hunting and fishing are permitted on Shawnee State Forest
camping, hiking, horseback riding, wildlife watching, hunting 2. A self-registration permit (no fee) is required of all
under ODNR Division of Wildlife regulations. Hunting is not hikers. The permit, which must be filled out prior to
and scenic touring. permitted on Shawnee State Park. Shooting is prohibited within entering the trail, is available on the trail parking
History of Shawnee State Forest 400 feet of any building, facility or recreation area and from or area 24-hours a day, and at Shawnee State Forest
In 1922, the State of Ohio purchased 5,000 acres of cleared across any road or driveway. Discharge of any firearm, except headquarters (open 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on weekdays).
and fire-ravaged land once inhabited by the Shawnee Indians. during lawful hunting, is also not permitted. Hikers should place the completed permit in the
This initial land acquisition established what is now known as The use of bait to attract or hunt wild birds or deer on state registration box provided and carry the stub with them
Shawnee State Forest. During that same year, land purchases forest land is prohibited. Deer stands must have a waterproof on the trail.
started for the nearby Theodore Roosevelt Game Preserve. In tag at all times identifying the user and user’s address in 3. No person is permitted to camp more than 14 days in
the 1930s, six Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) camps were legible English. Game cameras are not permitted, unless they any 30-day period. Camps must be moved to a different
located in the forest. The CCC constructed many roads in the bear a waterproof, legible tag identifying the owner’s name, backpack campground each day.
inaccessible area. Five small lakes were also constructed by phone number and address in English.
4. Backpack groups are limited to a maximum of 10 people
the young men of the CCC, and these lakes are still enjoyed
by visitors. After the creation of the Ohio Department of Forest Rules per party at any one backpack campground.
Natural Resources (ODNR) in 1949, the recreational facilities 1. Shawnee State Forest is open to visitors between 6 a.m. 5. Persons may bring domestic cats and dogs to
at Roosevelt Lake were transferred to the Division of Parks. and 11 p.m. daily. Legal hunters and anglers may be campgrounds, provided they are leashed or under
In 1951, an agreement between the divisions of Forestry present during other times. control at all times and under the following conditions:
and Wildlife transferred the remaining 11,000 acres of 2. Operation of motor vehicles is restricted to roads the owner must have proof of current rabies inoculation
the Roosevelt Game Preserve into Shawnee State Forest. provided for such travel. Speed limit on state forest for the animal. A collar or tag bearing the owner’s name
Shawnee State Forest, also called “the Little Smokies of Ohio,” roads is 30 mph unless otherwise posted. Vehicles may and address must be attached to the animal, and the
has developed into the largest of the state forests, with more not be parked where traffic or access to division service owner or handler must clean up and dispose of any
than 63,000 acres. roads or trails is obstructed. excrement left by his or her pet in the campground.
3. Horses may be ridden along forest roads or on 6. Fires are prohibited, except in designated fire rings or in
Shawnee Wilderness Area portable stoves. Cutting of live trees is prohibited.
In 1972, nearly 8,000 acres of Shawnee State Forest were designated bridle trails.
designated as wilderness. This designation minimizes human 4. Fires are not permitted except in grills or fire rings 7. Camps must be maintained in a clean and sanitary
influence by prohibiting vegetative manipulation and all provided, or in portable stoves. Fires must be attended to manner and condition. All refuse must be packed out for
mechanized activity. A section of the Wilderness Side Trail at all times. proper disposal.
traverses a portion of this area. Camping is allowed through a 5. Trash must be disposed of in receptacles provided or 8. No person may disturb the peace and quiet of other
“special use” permit process, which must be submitted “pack-it-in/pack-it-out.” people in the campgrounds in any manner between the
in advance. hours of 11 p.m. and 8 a.m.

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