SAMPLE of 3 Year Plan

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xx Region XI

Province of Davao del Sur

Municipality of Kiblawan
Office of the Sangguniang Kabataan

Local Youth Development Plan CY 2021-2023

Center of Participation: Education

Youth Objectives Performance Targets Programs/ Priority Areas Annual

Development Indicators Projects/ Activities Budget
Concerns 2021 2022 2023
Financial To give financial Students 20 Students 30 students 40 students Financial support to Municipality of Kiblawan P60,000
Incapability to support to received students representing
attend school- students financial our Municipality
related representing our support
competitions Municipality in
Insufficient school To give school Students and 10 schools 20 schools 30 schools Support to Brigada Municipality of Kiblawan P100,000
supplies supplies to schools eSKwela
schools and received
students school
Agenda Statement: For the youth to participate in accessible, developmental, quality and relevant formal, non-formal and informal lifelong learning and training that prepare
graduates to be globally competitive but responsive to national needs; and to prepare them for the workplace and the emergence of new media and other technologies.

Center of Participation: Health

Agenda Statement: For the youth to participate in multi-sensitive, multi-sectoral, and inclusive programs, projects, activities, and services on health and health financial risk protection-
with serious consideration of nutrition, reproductive health and psychosocial concerns-that promote the youth’s health and well-being as well as address their sexual and non-sexual
risk-taking behaviors.

Youth Objectives Performance Targets Programs/ Priority Areas Annual

Development Indicators Projects/ Activities Budget
Concerns 2021 2022 2023
Teenage Pregnancy -Awareness and -Number of
prevention of informed
teenage youth

-Decrease on -50% lesser

Youth participation casual sex, incidences of Reach 2 Reach 4 Reach 6 SK Health Caravan Municipality of Kiblawan P100,000
in sexual risk-taking STI/HIV/AIDS, casual sex, clusters clusters clusters
behavior and abortion STI/HIV?AIDS,
and abortion

-Increase positive - participants

Lack of Mental mental health- on mental
Health Awareness seeking practices health services

-increase good
Proper Nutrition nutrition
Center of Participation: Governance

Agenda Statement: For the youth to participate in governance through their involvement in local and national politics, and the government bureaucracy through programs, projects and
activities by and for the youth.

Youth Objectives Performance Targets Programs/ Priority Areas Annual

Development Indicators Projects/ Activities Budget
Concerns 2024 2025 2026
Youth Leaders with -Learn basic -All SK Officials All SK SK Secretary SK Councilors Basic Computer Skills Municipality of Kiblawan P10,000
low computer computer skills of the Chairpersons and Treasurer Training
literacy Municipality
learned basic
Unregistered Youth -to register youth - Registered 100 200 300 Boto ng Kabataan, Pag- Municipality of Kiblawan P10,000
in COMELEC youth asa ng Bayan
-to observe and - observed and Benchmarking Municipality of Kiblawan
adapt SK best adapted best
practices from practices
other Regions

Center of Participation: Economic Empowerment

Agenda Statement: For the youth to participate in the economy, as empowered employees and/or entrepreneurs who are productively engaged in gainful and decent work and/or
business, and protected from work-related vulnerabilities such as discrimination , underemployment, undue contractualization, occupational hazards , and child labor.

Youth Objectives Performance Targets Programs/ Priority Areas Annual

Development Indicators Projects/ Activities Budget
Concerns 2021 2022 2023
Insufficient -Provide -increased 10 Barangays 20 Barangays 30 Barangays Goat Dispersal Municipality of Kiblawan P30,000
Livelihood livelihood to the youth
Programs youth participation in
Unemployment -Increased -100 newly 40 newly 70 newly 100 newly Job Fair Municipality of Kiblawan P20,000
number of employed employed employed employed
employment youth youth youth youth

Center of Participation: Active Citizenship

Agenda Statement: For the youth to participate in community development and nation building through meaningful, active, sustainable, productive and patriotic engagement in civil
society, social mobilization, volunteerism (indicating social awareness and socio-civic mindedness), and values formation (such as having concern for others and being socially
responsible) as to improve the plight of the youth.

Youth Objectives Performance Targets Programs/ Priority Areas Annual

Development Indicators Projects/ Activities Budget
Concerns 2024 2025 2026
Youth are -Gather 500 - 500 youth 300 persons 400 persons 500 persons Linggo ng Kabataan Municipality of Kiblawan P150,000
uninvolved with the youth participants
community participants were gathered

Center of Participation: Social Inclusion and Equity

Agenda Statement: For the youth to participate in a peaceful and just society that affords them with equal and equitable opportunity, social security and protection in all aspects of
development, regardless of their gender, disability, specific needs, political beliefs, ethnicity, religion, and socio-cultural-economic status.

Youth Objectives Performance Targets Programs/ Priority Areas Annual

Development Indicators Projects/ Activities Budget
Concerns 2021 2022 2023
To organize Number of 10 Youth 15 Youth 20 Youth Youth Organization Municipality of Kiblawan P100,000
youth sectors Organized Organizations Organizations Organizations
Youth Sectors

Youth Objectives Performance Targets Programs/ Priority Areas Annual

Development Indicators 2021 2022 2023 Projects/ Activities Budget
Climate Change Plant and Grow Planted and 1000 trees 2000 trees 3000 trees Tree planting and Municipality of Kiblawan P30,000
3000 Trees grown 3000 growing
Inevitable Natural -Formulate - Established 30 Members 50 Members 70 Members Emergency Response Municipality of Kiblawan P80,000
Disasters Emergency Emergency Team
Response Team Response
Center of Participation: Peace-Building and Security

Agenda Statement: For the youth to participate in promoting human security, including participation in peace building and conflict prevention and management initiatives, and public
order and safety efforts, as well as in safeguarding national integrity and sovereignty to contribute to national peace and unity.

Youth Objectives Performance Targets Programs/ Priority Areas Annual

Development Indicators Projects/ Activities Budget
Concerns 2021 2022 2023
Youth are To discourage Youth are 100 IP Youth 200 IP Youth 300 IP Youth IP Youth Summit Municipality of Kiblawan
brainwashed by the youth from discouraged
leftist illiberalism from

Center of Participation: Global Mobility

Agenda Statement: For the youth to participate in youth mobility within and beyond ASEAN through balanced and mutually-beneficial cross-border cultural, educational, scientific
exchanges; qualifications equivalences, employment opportunities, and continuing professional development; international cooperation and other institutional linkages and partnership
in order to contribute to knowledge transfer and cultivate new information and skills for the country. For overseas Filipino youth to strengthen their ties with the Philippines.
Approved by: Noted by:

Gweneth S. Orbuda Genevieve D. Acradio


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