How To Fly Airplanes Expanded
How To Fly Airplanes Expanded
How To Fly Airplanes Expanded
ISBN-13: 978-0-9886249-1-7
Revised Edition
Let’s Review Real Life-------------------------------------------------viii
Real Life Flight-----------------------------------------------------------ix
Elevator ................................................................. 36
Throttle and Mixture Control ........................................ 37
Elevator and Horizontal Stabilizer Trim ............................ 37
Maneuvering ............................................................ 38
Attitude ................................................................. 39
Pitch ..................................................................... 39
Pitch Angle.............................................................. 39
Pitch Control ........................................................... 40
Elevator-Pitch .......................................................... 40
Rudder-Pitch ........................................................... 40
Climb-Pitch ............................................................. 40
Descent-Pitch .......................................................... 41
Flap Configuration ..................................................... 39
Maneuvering is Attitude Change ..................................... 42
Maneuvering with Excess Thrust in Level Flight ................... 42
Maneuvering with Excess Thrust (turns) ............................ 42
Maneuvering with Excess Thrust (Climb) ........................... 44
Maneuvering in Descending Flight ................................... 45
Maneuvering with Gravity (Engine Out) ............................ 46
Gravity Effects ......................................................... 47
Zoom and Dive ......................................................... 47
Figure Page
1-1 Aircraft Lift and Load in Wings Level climbing--------------------- 2
1-2 Component-Vectors of Right Triangles ----------------------------- 4
1-3 Vectors and Component-Vectors------------------------------------- 5
1-4 Vy Airmass Encounter and Displacement Volume------------------ 8
1-5 Frontal-Plate Area ----------------------------------------------------- 9
1-6 Frontal Area/Air Mass Displacement Area—Slow Flight----------- 10
1-7 Frontal Area/Air Mass Displacement Area—High Speed----------- 10
1-8 Angle-of-Attack--------------------------------------------------------- 12
1-9 Moments, Moment Arms, and Torque------------------------------- 14
1-10 Engine and Aerodynamic Lift Forces--------------------------------- 14
1-11 Balance------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
1-12 Thrust Component-Lift------------------------------------------------ 18
1-13 Thrust for Idle Power Descent @ Vy --------------------------------- 21
1-14 Drag and Component Drag Forces----------------------------------- 22
1-15 Aircraft Axis, Three Dimensions of Rotation----------------------- 23
1-16 Ground-Effect----------------------------------------------------------- 29
1-17 Practical Uses of Vectors and Vector-Components---------------- 30
2-1 Empennage-------------------------------------------------------- 33
2-2 Aileron Control---------------------------------------------------------- 34
2-3 Engine Mounting Thrust Effect--------------------------------------- 35
2-4 Elevator Trim-------------------------------------------------- 38
2-5 Wing Flap Configuration----------------------------------------------- 41
2-6 Sustained Climbing Flight--------------------------------------------- 43
2-7 Turns---------------------------------------------------------------------- 43
2-8 Lift and Component Vertical and Horizontal Forces-------------- 45
3-1 “Directed-Course” Visual Flight, Cruise, Level ------------------- 50
3-2 “Directed-Course” Visual Flight, Wings Level Climb-------------- 52
3-3 “Directed-Course” Visual Flight, 22-degree Level Turn---------- 53
3-4 Visual Descent to a Destination-------------------------------------- 55
3-5 “Directed-Course” Visual Descent to Destination----------------- 55
3-6 “Directed-Course” Visual Approach to Runway-------------------- 56
3-7 Collision Course--------------------------------------------------------- 58
4-1 Standard Left Hand Visual Traffic Pattern-------------------------- 63
4-2 Steep Banked Descending Turn to final----------------------------- 65
4-3 “Directed-Course” Visual Flight, Landing Approach-------------- 66
7-1 High-Altitude Turns---------------------------------------------------- 92
8-1 High-Altitude High Indicated-Airspeed Stall Recovery------------ 107
9-1 Engine Failure Landings----------------------------------------------- 111
Attempts at making flight safer by teaching the technical aspects of design theory
have evolved over the past forty to fifty years. The typical manager and regulator
have become more and more intellectually sophisticated. Their focus has been
increased knowledge of why, but the airplane is still the same machine as always.
There is increased complexity of modern machines and added instrumentation in
attempts to improve the ability to do more with them. Again the problem is they are
still the same machines. The first five to ten hours of training should teach all the
control needed. After that, it’s what to do with the machine.
Yes, the more sophisticated instrumentation and power systems allow flying faster
and further in conditions that are more complicated; however, the control of all
aircraft remains the same.
I cannot find a book that correctly explains all the basics of aircraft control. I need to
write it down…How to Fly an Airplane!
For all Pilots, I have placed additional general information and papers that I have
written on my website at…
You can’t change the why’s, the engineers figured out and built the machine to do its
thing. You must understand what the controls do and just go fly the machine.
Is this enough? How does one convince the aviation training industry to question what
is currently going on?
Before solving or changing anything, they need to first define the problem…control!
Let’s go back to the basics. But, what are the basics? That seems to be the problem
we first must define.
It turns out control is a little more than pushing and pulling controls. A huge factor is
related to the physiology of manual control! What in the world is that? The Appendix I
is a neat article about what happens when manually controlling a machine. This can
answer a lot of questions about how and why we tend to over-control manual input
and leads to the concept of “hands-off flight control”.
Try it, you’ll like it.
Any significant change can only come from acceptance of supervising authorities.
There are high-powered machines that can fly vertically with only engine generated
motion through thrust lifting, however most airplanes use much less power by utilizing
forward motion to create aerodynamic lifting forces from their reaction to displacement
of the mass-of-the-air. This enables flight that is more economical.
Any change of attitude or altitude will require an increase or decrease of thrust.
Sustaining any maneuver in level or climbing flight will always require increased engine
thrust to cause the climb, turn, or increased indicated-airspeed, and in descending
flight, gravity component-thrust does the same while sustaining the flight.
Engine mounting can be forward of the center-of-pressure causing its thrust to pull the
aircraft, as a “tractor” engine; or it can be a mounting aft resulting in a “pusher” engine
with its thrust acting from behind this center. There are some important differences in
required control depending upon where the thrust acts on the machine.
Flight Forces
Aircraft fly and are controlled with application of forces and change of forces. Flight
training typically discusses the balance of forces acting in steady state flight as weight
versus lift and thrust versus drag. This is a simplification of all the forces involved and
considered by many as sufficient for demonstration or understanding.
The reality is; if not distinguishing all the forces involved, it does not allow complete
understanding of airplane control.
In constant indicated-airspeed flight, the balance of forces includes all the vertical
component-forces of aerodynamic and engine thrust component-lift equal to and
opposite the loading of mass-weight of gravity, the aerodynamic loading from stabilizer
and elevator, and any acceleration “g” forces of maneuvering.
The fore/aft balance for constant indicated-airspeed flight is the component of thrust in
the direction-of-motion, opposite and equal to the retarding pressure of airmass
displacement and friction forces from the airflow plus rearward component-vectors from
aerodynamic lifting and gravity, all acting together as drag.
of Motion
Thrust Component-
Direction of Motion Drag
Gravity Component-Drag
Fig. 1-1
The inflight balance of vertical forces are the vertical components of lift from the
wings, body, and engine thrust component-lift away from the top of the machine and
the opposing gravity force directed to the earth from the aircraft mass plus any
maneuvering component “g” force and stabilizer aerodynamic loading directed away
from the bottom of the machine.
These different forces are the total of the component-forces acting out the top, bottom,
front, and rear of the aircraft…as related to a current direction-of-motion (attitude).
Note that most flight is close to horizontal so it makes it seem these forces may be
relative to the ground. However, they are not relative to the ground but to the aircraft
orientation. Only the loading weight by gravity is always toward the surface.
The numerous forces involved in flight makes it difficult to generalize them if wanting to
understand how they affect flight control. In the operation of a flight, a pilot never
needs to know the actual value of any specific force, but should always understand how
control input affects the forces acting on the aircraft.
The reactive forces involved in flight result from encounter and displacement of the
airmass (mass-of-the-air) relative the aircraft velocity of motion. The acceleration of
airmass (mass-of-the-air) by the engine and propeller is causing thrust. The reaction to
motion when passing through an air mass is causing the aerodynamic lift. For simplicity
in this text, we will call mass-of-the-air, “airmass”. The term “an air mass” will refer to
the portion of the atmosphere in which the aircraft is operating.
Note there are “six” different directional forces. These are thrust, motion, drag, lift,
load, and weight (gravity) forces. Knowing how all these different forces act on the
aircraft requires consideration of vectors and the direction of related component-
Engine thrust is parallel to the dimensional longitudinal axis. The reactive component-
forces at the engine attachment are one forward sustaining the direction-of-motion, and
one outward as lift.
Wing aerodynamic lift is considered acting from an area approximately one-quarter back
from the leading edge of each wing and the body aerodynamic lift through some point
out of the top of the fuselage.
The stabilizer/elevator aerodynamic load is away from the bottom at its attachment
while gravity loading is away from the center-of-mass, always directed toward the
Force Vectors
The following description of forces is a basic review of how component-vectors relate to
those forces.
A vector is force in a direction. Forces act from different areas on an aircraft and their
reactions are a combination as if each were two smaller component-forces acting 90
degrees from the other at that point. Seldom are there forces reacting in the exact
direction applied, so almost always will have these directional component-forces.
In aviation, it is usual to discuss different forces by a name. Thrust forces pull or push to
cause forward motion of the aircraft as the mass reaction to blasting air pushing at its
attachment and, in descent, gravity component-thrust pulling from the aircraft center-
Drag forces acting opposite the direction-of-motion are the airmass pressures resisting
displacement, the frictions from flow around the surfaces, plus small rearward
components of both gravity and aerodynamic lift.
The direction of the aerodynamic and engine thrust component-lift forces are out the
top of the aircraft while aerodynamic loading forces act out the bottom of the aircraft.
The aircraft weight by gravity acts against the combined vertical components of
aerodynamic lift directed away from the center-of-mass toward the earth, no matter
the attitude of the machine.
Vectors have reaction component-
60 vectors from an original direction and its
Cosine 60 = .5
extent. The extent of reaction is always
Sine 60 = .87
relative to the direction and easily
calculated with trigonometric functions
Cosine 45 = .7
Sine 45 = .7
Cosine 30 = .866 30
Sine 30 = .5
1.0 Cosine 25 = .9
Sine 25 = .4
12 Sine 12 = .2
Cosine 12 = .99
6 Sine 6 = .1
1.0 Cosine 6 = .995
O 0
Origin of Force
Fig. 1-2
All these forces are acting in different directions though not necessarily exactly opposite
each other. When changing attitude, direction of lift forces relative the earth change so
the vertical component-vectors of lift that sustain the flight change.
When maneuvering at constant indicated-airspeed flight, aerodynamic lifting is constant
because the aircraft angle of airstream encounter does not change. It then requires
coordination of thrust for its related thrust component-lift to maintain the vertical lift
components supporting the aircraft weight. If thrust component-lift is not sufficient to
maintain constant vertical component-lift, the aircraft will descend adding gravity
component-thrust to maintain the sustaining thrust for a constant indicated-airspeed.
Right Triangles have specific constant relationships of the vector direction, its
extent, and that of the related component legs.
The component-vectors are always ninety-degrees from each other. The two
included angles always add to ninety degrees.
Thrust Component-Lift
Force Sine 6° = .1
Level flight horizontal motion with six-degree nose up angle of the aircraft attitude
(ANGLE-OF-ATTACK) encountering the airmass.
Two hundred pounds of engine thrust will have 199 pounds (200 x .9945) of
horizontal thrust into the free stream air and 20 pounds of thrust component-lift at
the nose (200 x .1).
A resulting Vy (60-65 kts.) indicated-airspeed causes approximately one-pound
forward resistance per square inch of frontal area.
Fig. 1-3
There are related component-forces of an applied force at any time the reaction to that
force is not exactly the opposite direction of that applied force.
The understanding of these forces and the related component-forces helps
understanding flight control and control inputs required, however this is only good for
understanding the cause of flight, as a pilot in flight, you merely control, visually
directing the aircraft toward a distant point.
Maneuvering is a change from the equilibrium of constant altitude, constant indicated-
airspeed, with constant thrust. This means change of attitude of the aircraft is steering
by input of control causing related directional changes of the forces.
The quantities of these component-forces relate trigonometrically. If knowing an angle
of encounter or reaction and a force, it is possible to calculate the reacting force and its
direction. This is not something a pilot does, but the study allows understanding of what
to expect when inputting control forces.
With a body attitude angled above the direction-of-motion, the engine thrust has a large
sustaining thrust component-forward in the direction-of-motion and small thrust
component-lift 90 degrees away from that direction-of-motion, all acting at the engine
Aircraft do not fly at a speed! There is Ground-Speed, True Air-Speed, and Indicated
(Pressure) Airspeed. Operation of the aircraft is always based on Indicated-Airspeed.
There are different operational indicated-airspeeds designated as V-speeds. Vy is an
optimum rate of climb indicated-airspeed for time and distance and Vx is an indicated-
airspeed optimum climb angle for attaining maximum altitude at the aircraft current
weight and configuration. Vy and Vx flight is often slower than most in-flight operations
but used here for demonstration purpose.
Reference will be made to a speed Vme (maximum endurance, .75 Vy), an indicated-
airspeed that gives most time in the air without regard to range. V me then is the most
efficient indicated-airspeed for current conditions.
In addition to Vx and Vy, there are other operational pressure speeds. Best-glide (Vbg or
Vmr) indicated airspeed attains maximum range, being the most efficient engine out
pressure speed for an aircraft and used for engine out operation.
For the wing, when generating lift, a typical condition might be V y indicated-airspeed
flight that will be a wing and body air-encountering angle of 6-8 degrees above the
The sine of 6-degrees is .1, and the cosine is .99. This means .1 (one-tenth) of this total
thrust is considered acting in a direction ninety degrees from the other .99 of that total
The pressure of encountering airmass at 60-65 knots is approximately one pound per
square inch. At Vy, the airflow encountering the angled aircraft travel is being deflected
under the wing with an upward reaction (.1 times 1 lb./sq. in. = .1 lb./sq. in.) and is the
aerodynamic component-lift force of the airmass displacement at that velocity under
the wing.
The airflow in the direction-of-motion, deflects slightly away as it passes around the
wing, slowing slightly (.99 x 65 kts. = 64.5 knots/hr.), and there is a small deflection of
6.5 knots/hr. away (.1 x 65 = 6.5 knots).
What happens in the eyes of pilots; they can’t see any of it. It is just airflow always
deflecting slightly away as the wing passes through. The displacement away causes a
small reaction force under and over the wing creating lift.
The airmass passing over the top of the curved wing surface travels along the upper
surface with a small downward changed direction and increased velocity resulting from
the reduced pressure across the top surface as part of the reactive displacement lifting
from below.
The wings of this small aircraft will have approximately 16,000 sq. in. of bottom surface,
so the lift component (16,000 sq. in. x .1 x 1 lb./sq. in. = 1600) will be 1600 lbs. the
weight of the airplane. This is a simplification of the lifting but it’s kind of how it
happens. You can see it always requires motion (mass encountering pressure), called
indicted-airspeed pressure, to make this all happen. The pilot controls that motion of
the aircraft.
travels further in its diversion away from the wing while passing under the structure
(Newtonian Effect).
The displaced volume of air over the top of the wing flows along the curved path
(Coanda Effect) of the upper wing surface with an increased velocity (Bernoulli Effect)
into the voided back of the wing accelerating the displaced airmass into a downward
motion. We call this movement of airmass, downwash of the air.
There is always this reduced reactive pressure (partial vacuum) outward from the partial
voiding of airflow over the top of the wings flowing back down toward the back of the
wing surface.
At Vy indicated-airspeed, Airmass over the wing equals airmass under the wing.
Bernoulli/Coanda Lifting over the wing approximately
equals Newton Lifting under the wing.
Airflow over the wing travels further and with increased velocity into partial vacuum.
Airflow under the wing is slowed slightly by encountering previous downward displaced air.
Fig. 1-4
The mechanics of this splitting of mass under and over the wing, the dynamic diversion
of mass, creates unbalanced pressures between the top and bottom of the wing with
resulting reactive pressure outward from the top of the wing form. This is aerodynamic
A small aircraft will require an approximate ratio of only one pound of thrust to sustain
ten to twelve pounds (1:10-12) of aircraft mass. A typical small 1600-pound aircraft
sustains optimum flight with approximately 160 pounds of airmass as thrust.
The primary aerodynamic lift comes from the wings, and depending on the shape and
attitude, there is also some lift generated in the same manner from the fuselage.
The depictions of airflow are relative to rapid motion. That is, the aircraft is moving
rapidly away as displacement takes place so, though a displaced particle of air merely
moves upward or downward relative the wing, the flow relative to the pilot, if it could
be seen, would appear that the air is moving away.
Motion through the atmosphere aerodynamically creating lift in this manner is the usual
method to cause flight. This requires significantly less power for causing the required lift
and is thus more efficient for flight within the atmosphere.
The development of aerodynamic lift requires that the aircraft wing must always divert
airmass under the wing and accelerate airmass over the top of the wing.
Vy INDICATED-AIRSPEED—6 Degree Angle of Attack
The Frontal Plate-Area is the equivalent flat plate-area that encounters the
airstream. It consists of wings, fuselage and elevator. The Frontal Plate-Area varies
with the angle (Angle of Attack) at which the aircraft encounters the air mass .
Large frontal areas require less pressure per square inch to provide required
vertical lift so allow slower indicated-airspeeds. High indicated-airspeeds provide
higher pressures so require less angle of attack.
Wing Frontal-Plate
Body Frontal- Area
Plate Area
Relative Wind from motion into the Free Airstream at
60-65 knots will cause encountering pressure of
approximately 1-pound per square inch frontal area.
Fig. 1-5
4° angle of attack
Fig. 1-6
3° Angle of Attack
Fig. 1-7
The result is at high indicated-airspeeds, there is increased rate of mass encounter from
displaced air over the wing with primary lift from the Bernoulli Effect of accelerated
mass flow. At slower indicated-airspeeds, it requires increased wing and body angle to
increase the mass volume of airstream encounter, there becomes a greater proportion
of mass flow under the surfaces. The resulting increased volume of displacing air is
greater than the volume of the machine itself.
The amount of aerodynamic lift force relates to the velocity of airflow, the mass of
displaced air, and the distance the displaced airmass must move around the surfaces.
The pitched angle of the wing and body attitude into the direction-of-motion creates the
size of the frontal area that meets and displaces this air.
Frontal areas from changed angles of encounter cause change of the volume of air
displacement so require different velocities to maintain sufficient airmass displacement
to cause a constant aerodynamic lift force of the aircraft load. The greater the frontal
angle of travel, the greater the mass displacement, the less the encountering pressure
per square inch required.
Coordination of the aircraft’s frontal area (angle-of-attack) meeting and displacing the
airmass, determines the indicated-airspeed and attitude flown. This means the slower
you want to go, the greater the angle-of-attack, so the nose attitude angle will be
pitched higher relative the direction-of-motion, and the faster you go, the nose will be
pitched at a lower angle. At the same time, for any given indicated-airspeed, there must
always be coordinated engine power/thrust to sustain the flight, no matter where you
are going in climb, level, or turn.
A pilot can do nothing about the design or the physics; it is just how things work.
Elevator input changes the attitude pitch setting for a different angle-of-attack,
allowing change of indicated-airspeed. Coordinated engine thrust component-forward
and/or gravity component-thrust causes the resulting indicated-airspeed.
Angle-of-attack is the aircraft body angle of the dimensional longitudinal axis pitched
above the direction-of-motion. The elevator-pitch control sets the angle-of-attack of the
aircraft to the encountering air (relative-wind of motion). Reference is often in regard
to wing angle-of-attack, but it is the total airplane, fuselage, wings, and tail
encountering the airflow.
It is common to have the wing attachment to the fuselage at a slight angle above the
longitudinal axis as an “angle of incidence” allowing the fuselage to travel level in cruise
with the wings at a slight angle-of-attack. The pilot has no need to consider this fixed
wing attachment, as there is no way to measure an angle of incidence or its effect.
By definition, wing angle-of-attack is the frontal profile angle of airflow encounter
between the wing chord and direction-of-motion. If the wing has no attachment angle,
its wing chord being parallel with the dimensional longitudinal axis, the wing angle-of-
attack will also be the body angle-of-attack.
All wing forms have a maximum angle-of-attack at which the Coanda effect changing
airflow direction over the top surface can maintain the flow along the upper wing
Exceeding the angle at which airflow can conform to the upper wing surface (laminar
flow) results in loss of lift as a stalled condition. This is “wing critical angle-of-attack”.
Elevator-pitch input causing an attitude exceeding the wing critical angle-of-attack in a
positive stable aircraft is by the pilot manually pulling and holding the elevator aft.
Aircraft Dimensional
¼ Chord Point
Longitudinal Axis
Center of Pressure
Aerodynamic Load
Direction of Motion,
Maneuvering Longitudinal Axis
Static Center of Mass
Fig. 1-8
A specific wing design has a specific critical angle-of-attack. This does not change with
aircraft loading. The heavier an aircraft the greater the angle-of-attack required for
lifting its load. Heavily loaded (mass and “g” loading) aircraft then always operate
closer to the critical angle-of-attack.
Setting an aircraft angle-of-attack is by coordination of elevator-pitched aerodynamic
loading at the tail balancing the aircraft dimensional longitudinal attitude for a desired
Engine thrust component-lift, acting from its attachment along the fuselage or on the
wings at some moment arm, can also affect the setting of angle-of-attack so is
incorporated as part of the coordination of elevator input. Changed thrust and its
related changed propeller-blast can affect the aerodynamic load across the elevator of
some aircraft also causing angle-of-attack change.
Aircraft Balance
All forces have moments acting through their moment arms to the current center-of-
pressure fulcrum point of rotation. Flight control is adjusting these forces for the
balance to cause desired motion.
Our example aircraft at its optimum Vy indicated-airspeed and 160 pounds of thrust will
be in motion at an air-encountering angle of at least 6 degrees angle-of-attack, so will
have a continuous 16 or more pounds of thrust component-lift at the engine attachment
(sine 6°= .1).
This thrust component-lift acts along the fuselage as its moment arm to the center-of-
pressure. Coordinated with the elevator aerodynamic loading, this total lift and load
maintains the balance at an angle-of-attack for a specific indicated-airspeed.
The difference with inflight balance in an aircraft is that all forces act at different fixed
positions. The engine lifting is at the attachment of the engine, and the elevator and
horizontal stabilizer aerodynamic lift or load acting at their structural placement on the
empennage. The center of mass acts at its current location forward of the center of lift.
Change of any one balancing force in these locations causes a change of the fulcrum
position near the aerodynamic center of lift, moving it slightly forward or aft and
becoming a new center-of-pressure. Acting at their attachment, elevator aerodynamic
load combined with engine thrust component-lift set the balance for a specific
indicated-airspeed angle-of-attack.
The basis of static loading is the designed aerodynamic load/lift limits of the stabilizer
and elevator control. Loading is critical and not maintaining the loading limits could lead
to loss of aircraft control. Manufacturer published tables and charts enable loading an
aircraft within its balance limits.
Moment, Moment Arms, and Torque
A body in flight is free to rotate and will always turn about its current center-of-
pressure. A moment is the arm of a force from a distance that tends to rotate the
system. That distance (length) is the moment arm of the lever acting from the related
Aircraft control is by pilot input to the flight and engine controls. Input to the elevator,
engine, or rudders cause small directional forces acting on the fuselage over their
moment arms.
In an aircraft, the inputs of control for balancing forces are always at the same points so
this requires the fulcrum to change with any change of force. The changed fulcrum
becomes the “center-of-pressure” of all forces.
Aircraft control is by pilot input to the flight and engine controls. Input to the elevator,
engine, or rudders cause small directional forces acting on the fuselage over their
moment arms.
Moment Arm
Thrust Component-Lift Moment Arm
Center-of-Pressure Stabilizer
Center of Total Lift and Load Aerodynamic Load
Center of Rotation
Fig. 1-9
Center-of-Pressure—Airborne Balance
There is a significant difference in the forces on an aircraft between sitting on the
ground and being airborne.
The Center-of-Pressure is the airborne equivalent of a center of gravity. The aircraft
reacts to the sums of all forces acting on it. On the surface, there are no forces other
than the mass weight as load and force through the wheels as lift.
When airborne, different lift and load forces are involved, therefore an equivalent
center of gravity is actually a “center-of-pressure” located at the neutral point of all
applied forces. This becomes the center of rotation for maneuvering, moving slightly
with any change of a force.
When in-flight the static center of gravity becomes the mass load directed toward the
surface and contributes to the total force out the bottom, the “Center-of-Load” of the
machine and opposite “center of lift”; it all averages to the “center-of-pressure”, also
the “center of rotation”.
Gravity effect on the mass is one of the many forces acting on the system. The
momentum of the machine per Newton, relates to the mass involved.
Center of Gravity is always a significant factor when preparing for and conducting flight
as it relates to the design control force limits for balance.
Center of Mass Aerodynamic Load
Moment Arms Total Load
Center of Pressure
Center of Lift
Center of Load
Center of Rotation
At Vy indicated-airspeed, 1600 lb. Aircraft with 160 lbs. thrust at 6-Degree Wing Angle of Attack
Wing Moment Arms 8 ft. each, Engine Moment Arm 10 ft., Elevator Moment Arm 20 ft.
Fig. 1-10
“Aircraft Static Balancing” of Lift
Mass and its Gravity Force
Center of Load,
Center of Mass
Center of Pressure
Center of Gravity
“Aircraft In-Flight Balancing”
around total of all Forces
Wing/Body Aerodynamic Lift
Vertical Aerodynamic
Component-Lift Center of Lift,
Total of Lift Forces
Thrust Component-Forward
Direction of Motion Drag
Maneuvering Axis Center of Mass
Center-of-Pressure Elevator
Aerodynamic Load
Center of Load
Total of Aerodynamic
and Mass Load Forces
Fig 1-11
In flight, the gravity force is just one of the load forces involved. Note that as mass
changes in flight so too the center of mass changes. Again, it is one of the load forces so
affects the center-of-pressure as any other load change.
Though there is a significant difference in the forces on an aircraft between sitting on
the ground and being airborne, this is of minimum significance to a Pilot controlling an
aircraft, but since the beginning of flight, it has been the fashion to use center of
gravity as a generic term relating to maneuvering. When relating to gravitational effect,
it is one force acting at the center of mass and always toward the surface.
Though gravity effect on the mass is one of the many forces acting on the system, when
considering energy factors, the momentum of the machine relates to the mass involved.
Energy and Energy Sources
Energy is the ability of a source to cause work (force times distance) and comes from
position, heat, or chemistry as potential energy, and from motion of mass as kinetic
You cannot create or destroy energy, but only convert it from one form to another.
Potential energy transforms to kinetic energy and kinetic energy transforms to potential
energy. In usual conditions, there are significant energy losses as friction and heat from
inefficiencies in operation.
Aircraft kinetic energy in flight becomes potential energy of altitude (climbing or
zooming up), and again becomes kinetic energy through descent acceleration (diving).
This is a simplification of the mechanics of energy used for discussion of flight
These manifestations of energy, motion and position, allow understanding the response
when maneuvering an aircraft. For flight, reference is to an arbitrary aircraft attitude
controlled above the surface.
Gravity is the natural attraction of earth’s huge mass to the aircraft’s mass so is a force
always directed toward the surface of the earth. Kinetic energy is mass in motion, as the
reaction from the thrust forces.
Engines develop thrust force by burning fuel to extract the potential energy. The
resulting energy of burning fuel is expansion of gases pushing a piston, turning a
crankshaft and propeller to accelerate the mass-of-the-air. The acceleration of mass-of-
the-air (blasting air) causes a reactive thrust force creating aircraft motion, kinetic
energy. This all occurs with large heat energy losses that dissipate into the air.
Similarly, the jet engine develops thrust force by burning fuel. The resulting energy is
expansion of gases turning a turbine and compressor, accelerating the mass-of-the-air.
Thrust is the reaction to accelerating this mass-of-air toward the rear (blasting air).
Engine thrust is a force directed to push (pusher) or pull (tractor) transforming into
kinetic energy of the machine’s motion. All aircraft have engines for developing the
power to generate thrust directed to cause motion (kinetic energy).
Your aircraft at altitude is a source of potential energy. The aircraft weight as affected
by gravity and directed by the flight controls produces gravity component-thrust from
descent or gravity component-drag in climb.
The velocity and mass of the aircraft mass is its kinetic energy. The resistance to
airmass displacement and friction of air flow to the aircraft is a decelerating thrust-
effect, which causes slowing as drag force.
Flight control is energy management directing the conversion of the energy from one
state to the other. Think rollercoaster, zooming up and coasting down. Pilots use this
energy exchanging in many ways for maneuvering. There is an equivalent available
thrust by gravity (almost four times maximum engine thrust) from the aircraft mass for
going down (burning altitude). That is a lot of available thrust.
Engine Performance
Reciprocating engine ratings do not measure the thrust available so seldom is actual
thrust considered in teaching or learning small aircraft control. The various kinds of
propellers and their efficiencies when developing thrust make it difficult to determine
the actual thrust an engine can produce.
The usual consideration of reciprocating engine performance is a generalization that
power must increase or decrease to get desired performance. Obtaining expected
performance is available only with use of tables in the Pilot Operating Handbook (POH)
or, recommended, actual flight-testing of your specific aircraft.
Engine power available decreases with increased altitude, temperature, and humidity
due to reduced density of the air, so available thrust will reduce with an increase of
these factors. Pilots must carefully consider the performance possible. There is always
limited thrust available when operating at high-altitude airports for takeoffs, landings,
and airborne maneuvering.
Jet engines do not have propellers involved, so thrust is the measure of their
performance. The jet engines compress air for burning so allow much greater altitude
performance. Still the mass of the air affects their performance in a similar manner as
the reciprocating engines.
Engine power provides the primary motivational thrust for sustaining flight. Engine
generated thrust is always in the forward direction the aircraft is facing and acting from
its attachment. However, anytime the aircraft is at an attitude away from the direction-
of-motion there will always become a small component of lift acting at the point of
engine attachment.
Gravity acting from the center-of-mass is causing the weight of the aircraft. However,
for assuring positive stability, the aircraft mass loading is forward of the aerodynamic
center of lift, so depending on aircraft attitude, there becomes a small gravity
component-thrust or component-drag affecting the aircraft.
Descent angles below level flight directs this as gravity component-thrust while attitude
angles above level (cruise and climb), directs this aft as gravity component-drag. In
steep angled descent, the gravity component-thrust can quickly become extreme.
Thrust Component-Lift
Thrust Component-Lift
Direction of Motion
Thrust Component-Motion
Direction of Motion
Thrust Component-Motion
Direction of Motion
Fig. 1-12
Thrust Available
As a pilot, you must always be aware engine power and related thrust is considerable
reduced when operating in the higher altitude low air-density conditions. That is why an
aircraft has a maximum altitude it can reach. There will always be much reduced power
available for maneuvering at the higher altitudes of low-density air.
For this book, some generalized numbers for thrust available demonstrate the effect of
thrust when operating at higher altitudes. This example and related numbers do not
necessarily reflect a particular aircraft.
The actual thrust required for any aircraft varies considerably depending on the
designed aerodynamic form. A small aircraft sustains flight at approximately one pound
of engine thrust for each 10-12 pounds of weight (1:10 to 1:12 ratio). A 1600-pound
aircraft will then require approximately 160 pounds of engine thrust to sustain itself at
its optimum Vy level indicated-airspeed.
The design rating of each engine and propeller limits the available thrust. A typical
manufacturer rating for a small aircraft engine will range from 100-200 horsepower
attained when operating at sea level standard atmospheric conditions.
For this example problem, assume a 110 horsepower engine on a 1600-pound aircraft,
and expect 460 pounds of thrust at full manufacturer rated power with a fixed-pitch
propeller when generating maximum thrust at the sea level standard conditions.
The optimum indicated-airspeed (Vy) for this flight is 65 knots. The 1:10 thrust to weight
ratio to sustain this aircraft in flight at this indicated-airspeed will then require 160
pounds of thrust. At the sea level liftoff, there will be 300 pounds of excess thrust (460
lbs.-160 lbs. = 300 lbs.) above the 160 pounds required to sustain the flight at that
indicated-airspeed. This allows sufficient excess thrust for positive low altitude climb
rate and maneuvering capability.
Engines must burn a certain amount of fuel to attain their maximum rated thrust. The
engine fuel/air induction piping is a fixed size so the maximum volume of air intake is
constant at full open throttle.
As altitude increases, the air becomes less dense so the oxygen mass content per unit
volume of air decreases, the amount of fuel the engine can burn then also decreases,
causing the power available to decrease.
Maintaining a proper fuel/air mixture to obtain maximum power during climb requires
pilot control of the mixture control, reducing the fuel (leaning the mixture) to maintain
a proper ratio of fuel and oxygen that will allow efficient burning. When climbing, to
maintain full power, the effect is as if gradually closing the throttle.
Every engine has this limitation. The availability of oxygen to burn fuel limits the
performance of all engines. For every take-off the mixture must be adjusted for
maximum power.
When flying this little airplane, it will only go up to 15,000 feet. Now at 15,000 feet,
there is only the 160 pounds of thrust from the engine sustaining the aircraft at its
optimum indicated-airspeed of 65 knots.
What has happened? The lower half of the atmospheric mass occurs under eighteen-
thousand feet so the reduction of pressure density is approximately linear. That means
there is gradual reduced elemental oxygen in each volume of air available for burning in
the engine. This occurs continually throughout the climb.
There has been a loss of twenty pounds of possible thrust for each thousand feet
climbed. At 5,000 feet, there was 200 pounds of excess thrust available for climb or
maneuvering, at 10,000 feet, 100 pounds of excess thrust for climb or maneuvering, and
finally at the 15,000-foot level there is no excess. Only the 160 pounds of sustaining
thrust remains, and there is no excess for climb or maneuvering.
Thrust Required
In the previous section, we determined it took 160 pounds of sustaining thrust to
maintain our example aircraft in level, constant Vy indicated-airspeed flight. This is the
thrust required to maintain this aircraft in this condition of sufficient airmass
encountering pressure to generate the constant lift supporting itself in the air.
Any maneuvering away from this condition with climb or turn changes the direction of
all the lift forces so requires added thrust to sustain the vertical component-force
needed to maintain the constant lift opposing gravity effect. The reduced excess thrust
available in low air density (high-density altitude) conditions limits this maneuvering.
Throughout any maneuver at this specific angle-of-attack, the related indicated-
airspeed requires constant sustaining thrust plus some excess thrust to cause and
maintain changed attitude. All flight requires sustaining thrust from the engine or
gravity component-thrust, and for maneuvering of attitude, it requires some excess
thrust be available to cause and sustain change.
Common operation is at indicated-airspeeds substantially greater than the Vy optimum
so allows some use of elevator-pitched changed angle-of-attack to maneuver. This is
using the velocity of the aircraft mass as an energy exchange, by using deceleration with
induced drag or climb to cause attitude change. Initiation of small altitude corrections
in flight is often done in this manner.
Most texts profess using elevator-pitch for added lift to maintain level turns. The limit of
this technique is the deceleration allowed before reducing to unsafe operating
indicated-airspeeds, so if a turn is prolonged, it still requires added thrust to sustain the
flight or result in possible stall.
The range of indicated-airspeeds between Vy angle-of-attack and wing critical angle-of-
attack is relatively small. When operating near or below V y indicated-airspeed, elevator-
pitch input in level turns is not a recommended procedure as it allows slowing and can
quickly become dangerous.
In addition, if operating at high altitude low-density conditions, you may not have much
excess power available so minimum-banked level turns may be all that are possible
without descent for use of gravity component-thrust.
Note, using elevator-pitch with increasing angle-of-attack will never allow a constant
indicated-airspeed level turn.
Gravity is a force vector always directed from the center-of-mass toward the earth, no
matter the aircraft attitude. The potential energy of altitude is from gravity, so is
available only when airborne.
Continued flight requires that in some manner there be opposite directed constant
vertical lift forces to balance the gravitational loading effect. For all flight, there is a
specific velocity at a given wing angle-of-attack causing sufficient airmass displacement
to cause the required aerodynamic lift.
This information is available in the aircraft POH or by flight test. When airborne, it is
not possible to stop, so reducing engine thrust below level flight sustaining thrust, or
maneuvering the attitude in any way that reduces the vertical component-lift, there will
be descent caused by the gravity force. Gravity will always continue the motion, by
sustaining the flight with elevator pitch-controlled gravity component-thrust in gradual
descent, or if stalled, uncontrolled falling.
Reducing engine thrust lessens its thrust component-lift allowing descent with a nose
lowered longitudinal attitude while causing the addition of gravity component-thrust.
This is gliding or partial gliding to sustain the aircraft lift.
Descending attitude change with elevator control is pitch steering by setting an angle-
of-attack for attaining gravity component-thrust. While controlling to an indicated-
airspeed with elevator pitch, the ailerons and rudder maintain the directional steering
of descent.
Thrust for Idle Power Descent @ Vy
Sustaining Thrust 160#
Vertical component-lift
Drag 160#
Elevator Load
Mass Load
Weight due to Gravity
Fig. 1-13
Gravity Component-Thrust
Gravity control is pilot controlling of pitch attitude for the required sustaining gravity
component-thrust. This is coordinating the power setting and angle-of-attack for
attaining and sustaining the desired descending indicated-airspeed.
Reducing below the sustaining engine thrust or manually maneuvering to any descending
attitude will cause addition of gravity component-thrust to maintain the sustaining
thrust for any current elevator-pitched indicated-airspeed.
Drag Forces
Drag force results from the pressure and flow friction forces resisting the displacement
of airmass from the aircraft direction-of-motion. In addition, the small pitched-up
attitude of travel will cause induced drag, a retarding component from both, gravity
acting from the center-of-mass and aerodynamic wing and body lift acting from the
center of aerodynamic lift. In sustained constant indicated-airspeed level or climbing
flight, the engine delivered thrust component-forward in the direction-of-motion will
equal drag. When equal, there is no net increase or decrease of indicated-airspeed.
Attitude change redirects aerodynamic lift, so the retarding component forces of drag
will change with any maneuvering, thereby requiring coordinated engine or gravity
component-thrust change for sustaining any new attitude.
of Motion
Gravity Component
Induced Drag
Center of Load
Fig. 1-14
At all times in flight, there will be coordination of sustaining and excess engine thrust
causing continued level or climb maneuvering flight and with reduced engine thrust,
gravity component-thrust from descent adding to maintain that sustaining thrust.
Dimensional Axes
The dimensional axes of attitude are perpendicular to each other and describe the
orientation of your aircraft as related to the earth. The longitudinal axis centered from
nose to tail, the lateral axis from the wing tips, and the vertical axis out the top and
bottom of the aircraft, all intersecting at the same point.
Pitch angle is the angle between the horizon and the dimensional longitudinal axis. Roll
is the angle of bank as referenced to the horizon. Directional attitude (side-pitch) is the
compass-heading angle as referenced to the earth from magnetic north. The close
relationship of normal aircraft attitude relative to the earth has caused many pilots to
consider aircraft maneuvering axes and dimensional axes the same.
Aircraft Attitude Effective Axes
Control is for maneuvering and requires coordination of the thrust and flight-control
forces to cause desired change. All attitude change requires power coordination for
maintaining the required balance of all vertical lift force components to prevent descent
by gravity.
Direction of Motion
Aircraft attitude maneuvering occurs around the maneuvering axes of rotation, relative
to the current angle-of-attack. These axes of motion are not the axes of dimensional
orientation, but always relate to the current operating attitude.
The maneuvering axes of rotation of an aircraft are three imaginary lines intersecting
perpendicular to each other and referenced to the direction of the aircraft motion.
There is the maneuvering longitudinal axis, which passes through the center-of-pressure
in the direction-of-motion, the yaw axis up and down through the top and bottom of the
fuselage, and the lateral (transverse) axis, which passes through the sides of the
fuselage and wings. These axes are perpendicular to each other, intersect at the center-
of-pressure, and relate to the maneuvering of the airplane.
Maneuvering is a function of controlling your aircraft, directing the thrust about these
three axes of the aircraft. You control pitch attitude for orientation of the airplane's
maneuvering longitudinal axis, by rotation about the lateral axis.
Roll is attitude rotation around the maneuvering longitudinal axis. Aileron input with
banking/rolling creates lateral component-lift as a side force, which turns the airplane.
The rudder provides side motion of the fuselage nose and tail rotating around the
effective vertical axis from rudder input. This side pitching (yaw) of the engine, steers
the direction of thrust, allowing coordination of any undesired turning forces from the
engine and propeller rotation, or induced aerodynamic drag.
Stability is the tendency of the aircraft to maintain a constant attitude. Positive stability
is the tendency, if disturbed from the constant attitude, to return to that constant
Loading the aircraft with the static center-of-mass slightly ahead of the designed center
of aerodynamic lift is a condition of positive stability. This creates a forward moment
and its moment arm relative the center of aerodynamic lift.
In this way, balancing the angle-of-attack with small aerodynamic loading of the
stabilizer at the tail, with its long moment arm, assures nose down pitching and
acceleration if inadvertent slowed indicated-airspeed reduces that tail loading.
Minimum Safe Indicated-Airspeed Flight and Descents
Slowing below optimum indicated-airspeed requires increased angle-of-attack and
related aerodynamic component-induced drag. There is increased mass airflow under
the wing and related added voiding of air over the top of the wing.
Without care, maneuvering at low indicated-airspeed high angles of attack can
inadvertently reach the critical wing angle-of-attack and allow stall. Slow indicated-
airspeed below maximum endurance (Vme) level or climbing maneuvers require careful
use of increased power to avoid increasing the angle-of-attack to the stalling indicated-
Visual reference of flight attitude for controlling angle-of-attack in turns is not possible.
There are no inflight visual references to indicate the aircraft longitudinal pitch angle
when in turn, whether level, climbing, or descending.
while continuing the rolled attitude, all while coordinating rudder steering to pitch the
nose down assuring the added gravity component-thrust of descent.
This technique is called a wing-over and is similar to the entry of a lazy eight maneuver
and though not a level turn, when releasing elevator-pitch input, gravity acceleration
and rudder input reduces the pitch angle and increases indicated-airspeed back to the
initial condition. This allows reduced “g” loading of the wings for steeper banked turns.
A partial glide with reduced thrust from an operating engine is similar to engine out
gliding. There is always a minimum thrust effect at idle power, but control procedures
are essentially the same as if there were no engine thrust.
When reducing or closing the throttle, the engine thrust component-lift reduces the
longitudinal pitch incorporated with the elevator control. Elevator-pitch controls the
indicated-airspeed, and with pilot adjustment, maintains the desired indicated-
airspeed. Gravity component-thrust supplements to maintain sustaining thrust at the
pitched indicated-airspeed. This now requires continuous descent to maintain the
gravity component-thrust input.
From our previous example requiring 160 pounds of thrust to sustain the flight, now with
the engine out, our aircraft has only its 1,600-pound vertical gravity force as a thrust
source. It now requires controlling to an approximate six-degree angle of descent (sine
6° = .1) or if descending with idle thrust of approximately 70 pounds, it will require an
approximate three-degree angle of descent (sine 3° = .05).
Indicated-airspeed is a relative velocity through the air! You have an indicator in the
cockpit calibrated to read speed in miles/knots per hour. This indicator has a pointer
that moves to indicate a current speed called indicated-airspeed.
This is only an indication of a speed. The indicated-airspeed instrument senses air
pressure from a forward facing, open ended, tube, rammed with the mass-of-the air
from forward motion of flight. This is a pitot system (invented by “Henri Pitot; 1723”),
for measuring air pressure from motion, yet in the aircraft instrument calibration is
displayed as speed.
The indicated-airspeed indicator is merely sensing the ram-air pressure. The instrument
actuation is pressure from this motion into the airmass. However, this instrument
calibration is in units of speed, so called an indicated-airspeed indicator (IAS).
Measurement of the pressure into the pitot system is an indication to you, the pilot, of
the relative mass pressures around the surfaces of the aircraft causing generation of
aerodynamic lift. Indicated-airspeed pressure is a reference of the condition of attaining
and sustaining the flight. You control the aircraft as related to the instrument reading of
this air pressure-speed indication.
When your aircraft is sitting on the ground, the real wind of a moving air mass can
create some pressure, just as if the aircraft were moving. For this reason, if you take
off, accelerating into a real wind, it requires less actual velocity over the ground and
results in reduced takeoff roll to attain the indicated-airspeed pressure to cause flight.
During the takeoff roll, your accelerating aircraft creates airmass pressure from the
increasingly rapid encountering and displacement of its volume through the air.
Generation of reactive vertical component forces take place due to the aerodynamic
shape, and these increase with increased velocity to the extent, they become equal to
the weight of the aircraft.
The indicated-airspeed pressure is your primary indication of satisfactory operation of
the aircraft motion. The indicated-airspeeds published for an aircraft are the only
operational basis a pilot has of an aircraft without conducting actual flight test.
Elevator-pitch can be set for a constant indicated-airspeed with the elevator trim
control. The trim control adjusts the elevator position to maintain a constant angle-of-
attack with minimum pilot elevator control input.
True Airspeed and Groundspeed
An air mass is a large portion of the atmosphere that has similar properties of
temperature, pressure, and humidity. An air mass moves relative the surface as the
earth rotates underneath while warm air rises over colder air so flows with temperature
differences into other air masses. Air mass movement relative the surface is the “real
Suspended within an air mass the aircraft is carried in the direction of the air mass
movement. True-airspeed is the velocity of travel relative to the distance of travel over
time within the current air mass.
Groundspeed is the velocity over the surface. A moving air mass drifts the aircraft in the
direction of its movement affecting the actual track and speed over the surface.
Density of the mass-of-the-air varies considerably with altitude, temperature, and
humidity. Low-density air has reduced mass per unit volume.
The aircraft is required to travel at velocities sufficient to maintain the constant
indicated-airspeed pressure necessary to sustain its lift. You can see then; true airspeed
relates to the mass per unit volume of the air. The less mass in a unit volume, the
greater velocity required to attain the necessary mass displacement to cause the
constant lifting pressure required. It follows one can expect higher velocities are
required at higher altitudes where the air is less dense.
It is necessary to take care when talking about airflow. It requires specific distinction if
talking about volume of air (volume airflow) or mass of air (mass airflow) and the
related effect on the aircraft from its motion or the power available.
Lift Pressure and Wing Loading
A simplified example of wing loading pressures: As noted in figure 1-4, the frontal
airmass encountering pressure at 60-65 knots indicated-airspeed is approximately one
pound per square inch. At 60-65 knot Vy optimum indicated-airspeed, there will be
approximately a 6-degree wing angle-of-attack (sine 6-degrees = .1). A 1,620 lb. aircraft
with two wings, each measuring 12.5 ft. long (25’) x 4.5 ft. wide, will have a wing
frontal area encountering the mass-of-the-air of 300 in. (25’ x 12”) x 5.4 in. (54” x .1) =
1,620 sq. in.
At takeoff, ground-effect starts and is greatest at liftoff and decreases with increased
altitude, essentially disappearing when above an approximate altitude of the wingspan.
The wingspan of small aircraft is usually less than 30-40 feet.
Keeping the aircraft very low to the ground allows faster and safer acceleration to
desired climbing indicated-airspeeds.
At landing, when approaching very near touchdown, this reduced drag can cause floating
if the approach indicated-airspeed is too high.
Ground-effect is present anytime the aircraft is very near the surface, and is not
restricted to being over the runway. Very low-level flight during an approach for landing
can extend gliding distance by utilizing ground-effect, or at takeoff; continued very low-
level flight after passing the runway end will allow continued acceleration to safer climb
A pilot must train to fly an aircraft low to the ground learning to utilize this
phenomenon for extending glide distance when approaching a landing area, or to utilize
the technique of remaining low for increased acceleration at takeoff from short, soft, or
high-altitude runways.
Being close to the rocks and trees could be an unnerving experience if not familiar with
techniques of very low flight. All pilots should practice experiencing the phenomenon.
Ground Effect
Fig. 1-16
.7 = 14 kts. headwind
A reported 10-knot wind 25-35 degrees away from the runway heading has a 5-knot
effective crosswind component (sine 30° = .5) and a 9-knot effective headwind
component (cosine 30° = .9[approx.]).
A 20-knot wind, 50-70 degrees away, will have an 18-knot crosswind (sine 60° =
.9[approx.]) and 10-knot headwind (cosine 60° = .5). A 20-knot wind 40-50 degrees away
will have 14-knots of both crosswind and headwind components (sine and cosine 45° =
.7), plus or minus 3 or 4 or 5 knots, close is good enough. When attaining initial
information for the landing airport, making this quick mental calculation before a
landing approach allows you to have a plan.
applied begins climb. There is now significant change in control response from any
power change. Further acceleration requires reduced elevator loading, pitch away.
Upon becoming airborne, there has become engine thrust component-lift adding to the
elevator’s longitudinal pitch control of angle-of-attack (indicated-airspeed) and the
excess thrust component-lift is causing climb-pitch. The excess thrust component-
direction-of-motion sustains the direction of the climb.
Flight control maneuvering of the aircraft is steering the direction of engine and gravity
component-thrusts and their related component forces for maintaining or changing of
Transfer Of Energy (Energy Management)
It is the thrust, from the reaction of blasting large volumes of the mass-of-the-air, which
pushes or pulls your aircraft.
Usual discussion in the industry has always related to jet engine motivation with thrust
and reciprocating engine motivation with power. In both cases, it is the thrust.
However, this book will use the term power interchangeably for thrust as they both
cause the same results. Engine power causes thrust through the turning propeller.
Engine power and gravity power are from conversion of potential energy of fuel and/or
position above the surface into thrust. The reactive force of thrust causes acceleration
and sustains motion. This becomes the kinetic energy of motion. When accelerated to
sufficient indicated-airspeed pressure, the aircraft became airborne.
Just as in the beginning, you start the engine and turn it loose. All you do as the pilot is
guide down the runway with a high power setting allowing acceleration. Even without
touching the elevator control, when attaining sufficient indicated-airspeed to generate
lift equal to the weight, the airplane lifts itself becoming airborne.
Now What Is Going To Happen?
You have lots of power. You became airborne after accelerating to a selected indicated-
airspeed. Now you are climbing. You are converting excess energy of engine thrust by
climbing to increase the potential energy of altitude from gravity.
We now have available power sources from both, the engine and gravity. The engine
consumes potential energy of fuel with combustion causing thrust for motion (kinetic
energy), and gravity consumes potential energy of altitude with descent causing thrust
for continued motion (kinetic energy).
Flight Controls
The flight controls are panel devices hinged to the backsides (trailing edges) of the
aircraft wings and empennage. The empennage is the tail of the aircraft and all its
components consisting of the vertical and horizontal stabilizers with the rudder and
elevator. The controllable stabilizers enable maintaining flight stability somewhat
similar to feathers on an arrow, but with pilot input allowing steering for attitude
The aircraft flight controls, the Ailerons, Rudder, and Elevator, maneuver the aircraft
changing the direction of thrust by using aerodynamically generated forces through
moment arms around the center-of-pressure. Input to the flight control devices deflects
the control panels into the airstream causing reactive forces directing change of
direction of the aircraft thrust.
Stabilizer Elevator
Trim Tabs
The aircraft empennage is the aircraft tail consisting of horizontal and vertical stabilizers.
Attached to the back edges of the stabilizers are the elevator and rudder control surfaces.
A trim tab is a small adjustable control used to neutralize individual control force input for
ease of operation for the pilot.
Fig 2-1
The ailerons are the movable surfaces mounted along the outer wing trailing edges.
When turning the control wheel, the ailerons move in opposite directions into the
airflow increasing lift on one wing, and decreasing lift on the opposite wing causing
unbalanced lift for banking/rolling the attitude.
Turning of the control wheel in the cockpit controls the rate and extent of roll attitude
change. Turning the control wheel counter-clockwise will cause the aircraft attitude to
roll/bank to the left, and turning clockwise, the aircraft attitude will roll/bank to the
On the ground, rudder steering with nose-wheel tire to ground friction and individual
main-wheel braking steers the machine. In the air, side component-lift from the rolled
attitude turns the machine and rudder yawing steers the direction of thrust to
coordinate any adverse forces.
Aileron control allows maintaining the wings level and controlling into rolled or banked
attitudes by opposite deflection on the wings to create changed direction of lift.
In this depiction the Control Wheel is turned counter clockwise to cause Roll to the Left
The Ailerons move in opposite directions with control input.
Figure 2-2
When the aircraft attitude is at a wings level, constant altitude, there are vertical
aerodynamic component-forces lifting from the top of the wings and body to sustain the
aircraft weight.
A rolled/banked attitude of your aircraft changes the direction of the lift forces relative
the direction of gravity. The rolled attitude creates a turning force from both the side
directed aerodynamic component-lift and the thrust component-lift. This change
reduces the vertical component-lift forces opposing gravity, so the aircraft will begin
descent unless adding sufficient coordinated power to retain a constant vertical lifting
The deflected aileron of the outer wing may cause some drag (adverse yaw) to the turn.
It normally requires coordinated rudder steering to compensate for this drag.
Additionally, the engine and propeller cause gyroscopic roll forces also requiring
coordination of control from rudder steering of the thrust.
The rudder is a movable surface mounted on the trailing edge of the vertical stabilizer.
It deflects from side to side into the airflow by pilot input to foot pedals. Most aircraft
have individual main wheel braking and nose-wheel steering associated with the rudder
pedals for ground taxi steering and braking.
Pushing the left rudder pedal deflects the rudder control surface to yaw/steer/side-
pitch the nose to left, and pushing the right rudder pedal deflects the rudder control
surface to cause the nose to yaw/steer/side-pitch to the right. For ground operation, all
taxiing from the ramp departure to lift-off and landing touchdown to parking, rudder
and wheel brakes control steering the direction-of-motion.
The engine thrust is always in the direction the nose faces. Changing the direction of the
nose changes the direction of thrust force. Rudder control input is yawing to side-pitch
for coordinating the thrust. The yaw of the rudder steers thrust and the rolled attitude
from the ailerons causes turn.
In a turn, miscellaneous left turning forces occur. Most undesired turning forces typically
require right rudder input for coordination…for the pilot, whatever it takes. Varied
rudder input coordinates the travel by directing engine thrust as necessary.
In an increasing bank/rolled attitude, the rudder pitching forces gradually contribute
nose up/down pitch control. In steep turns and acrobatic maneuvering, when attaining
bank angles greater than forty-five degrees, the rudder becomes a factor for vertical
pitch control, up/down control of thrust relative the opposing gravity.
Engine Mounting and Control
Tractor mounted engines have thrust component-lift acting from the point of
attachment forward of the center-of-pressure causing nose up pitch with increased
thrust and nose down pitch with decreased thrust.
Level Flight: Horizontal Movement into the Free Airstream (Relative Wind)
Attitude: 6 degrees nose up Indicated-Airspeed: Vy
Center of Pressure
Pitch Nose Up Pitch Nose Down
Fig. 2-3
Pusher mounted engines have their thrust component-lift acting from the point of
attachment aft of the center-of-pressure, so pitch the nose down with thrust increase,
and nose up pitch with thrust decrease.
Pulling the elevator control causes an increased aerodynamic load (negative lift) to
occur on the tail surface. Additionally, changed power affects the propeller-blast
airflow, which depending on the specific horizontal stabilizer placement can cause some
changed load on the tail.
Change of tail loading changes both, the balance of the aircraft and total effective
loading. This elevator and stabilizer aerodynamic loading causes a small rotation around
the lateral axis acting on its fuselage moment arm from the tail and creates a new
The direction-of-motion does not necessarily change significantly. Any pitch change
causing indicated-airspeed change causes a change of the vertical component-lift.
Without coordination of engine thrust component-lift, altitude will decrease, as gravity
component-thrust will do the power coordinating for you.
Pushing the elevator control reduces aerodynamic tail loading, even creating
aerodynamic lift on the tail if mass loading is far aft. Any changed attitude of elevator-
pitched angle changes the frontal profile of the fuselage and wings encountering the air-
A change of frontal area of the aircraft results in an associated increased or decreased
volume of displacing air. This allows the aircraft to decelerate or accelerate, as there
becomes corresponding change of the required encountering air pressure per square inch
for developing the constant aerodynamic lift.
For a pilot, elevator control input allows increase or decrease of indicated-airspeed.
When maneuvering below Vy indicated-airspeed, cautious aft input is required to avoid
extreme angles of attack possibly leading to stall.
Throttle and Mixture Control
Manual throttle control adjusts the engine power/thrust output and a manual mixture
control adjusts the fuel/air ratio for proper burning. This enables coordination of
optimum power from fuel combustion with any power or atmospheric pressure change.
For the pilot, when the aircraft is airborne, the throttle controls lift and every throttle
change requires consideration of a mixture change to assure optimum fuel combustion.
Elevator and Horizontal Stabilizer Trim
You use adjustment of the elevator trim control to set a fixed elevator-pitch angle at
the elevator control for minimum manual pressure. This allows the aircraft to fly at a
constant indicated-airspeed with minor or no pilot input to the elevator control.
Some aircraft have moveable horizontal stabilizers that trim to change the angle-of-
attack. These systems with horizontal stabilizer trim result in the same control as
elevator-pitch trim. An interesting thing about an elevator trim-control setting is that it
does not change without the pilot resetting the trim control. If controlling the airplane
with manual elevator-pitch control input and then releasing that manual input, the
aircraft will immediately resume the indicated-airspeed related of the current elevator-
pitch trimmed position. It is similar to a “cruise control”.
Back Elevator Control rotates the elevator trailing edge up into the airstream causing
downward force on the stabilizer and resulting pitch up nose attitude as the aircraft
rotates around the lateral axis.
The Elevator trim tab moved down into the airstream causes added upward force on
the elevator to hold the elevator up position. The trim tab allows adjusting for a
hands-off fixed position setting a specific indicated-airspeed angle of attack.
Fig. 2-4
Maneuvering is controlling the aircraft attitude away from engine thrust-sustained,
straight and level, constant indicated-airspeed flight.
At takeoff, the aerodynamic flight controls become effective as acceleration attains
sufficient encountered airflow. Total applied engine thrust is causing acceleration.
Upon becoming airborne, the rudder, aileron, and elevator controls aerodynamically
steer the direction of engine thrust. The throttle controls the extent of engine thrust
effect, but there is no more acceleration, the engine thrust now sustains the liftoff
elevator-pitched indicated-airspeed of continued flight, and any excess thrust
component-lift is causing climb angle to a new direction-of-motion, the associated
excess thrust component-forward sustains the climb rate in that direction-of-motion.
The elevator pitch-trim previously set for takeoff has set the angle-of-attack of air
encounter for an indicated-airspeed the aircraft will fly. Manual elevator control input
and/or trim change can override the set angle-of-attack pitch allowing any necessary
indicated-airspeed adjustment.
In climbing or level flight, the throttle is the control of altitude and elevates with
increased engine thrust. The elevator position controls the angle-of-attack causing
frontal-plate area and allowing the indicated-airspeed the aircraft will fly.
Descent changes the relationship between power and angle-of-attack. Power reduction
below level flight sustaining thrust, reduces that portion of thrust component-lift
contributing to angle-of-attack so allows a small acceleration.
Change of power below level flight sustaining thrust changes angle-of-attack so now
requires continuous coordination of elevator or elevator trim to maintain a constant
indicated-airspeed, similar to the pusher engine control.
Attitude is orientation in space. The airplane attitude is its position relative to the
surface of the earth. The attitude orientation can be straight and level (wings level with
constant direction, coordinated power, and altitude), straight with nose up or down for
an angle of climb or descent, rolled left or right to an angle of bank, or a combination of
these including, straight up, down or inverted.
A pilot should carefully consider airplane attitude. When the making a flight control
input, placing the airplane into an attitude, returning the control to its neutral position
stops the input, and the airplane remains in the newly selected attitude…if there is
sufficient coordinated power.
The flight controls cause the airplane to change its orientation relative to the earth.
They maneuver attitude change, but require coordinated engine or gravity component-
thrust input to attain and maintain that change.
Although attitude can be in any orientation in space, in most aircraft, normal
maneuvering is power limited to within 10-15 degrees nose up or down with reference to
the horizon, and seldom more than 45-50 degrees angle of bank/roll. As the pilot, you
must be aware that airplane orientation matters because of the continuous, large,
gravitational force effect, and usual limited engine power available.
There are two ways to consider pitch; aircraft attitude pitch and vertical attitude pitch.
The two kinds of pitch are often confused so need clarification in discussion.
Vertical pitch is an aircraft pitched angle relative the horizon and attitude pitch is
reference to input of control for changing attitude.
Pitch Angle
Pitch angle refers to the attitude of the aircraft nose relative the horizon, a vertical-
pitch angle. It is a definition related to a profile attitude angle between the horizon and
the aircraft dimensional longitudinal axis. Because of power limitations, in most aircraft,
the pitched attitude angle will seldom exceed 10-15 degrees nose up or down.
However, in aircraft with sufficient power it is possible to have flight pitched to any
given angle from level to vertically up, down, or inverted. The resulting total aircraft
pitch angle from the horizon will be the excess power causing climb angle plus the body
You are again flying in a stabilized, constant indicated-airspeed, wings level condition.
What happens when you reduce power?
In level flight, the aircraft has its small pitched angle of encounter with the oncoming
free-stream air (wind of motion, relative wind). This, we have determined, is caused by
the small outward lifting force of the engine thrust-component.
A decrease of thrust reduces that engine thrust component-lift contributing to the
elevator set angle-of-attack. The effect is a small decrease of the aircraft angle-of-
attack. This occurs anytime the engine thrust reduces from that required for sustained
level flight.
Reducing engine thrust below the sustaining thrust allows the addition of gravity
component-thrust to maintain the total flight sustaining thrust. This results from
decreased pitch angle of aircraft attitude with descent (a negative climb angle) and
allows the small acceleration from the reduction of angle-of-attack lift from level flight-
sustaining engine thrust component-lift.
Flap Configuration
Positioning of flight devices such as landing gear, flaps, spoilers, etc., extended into the
airstream is adjustment of configuration. Any extended device causes added drag so
most operation airborne is with all devices retracted, a “clean configuration”.
Flaps 0
Direction of Motion
Flaps 10 Configuration
Landing Approach
Direction of Motion Configuration
Fig 2-5
Small Aircraft at 5,000 ft. maximum thrust approximately 320 lbs.
Turns greater than 34 degree bank cannot maintain level constant indicated-airspeed!
Aerodynamic Aerodynamic
Wing Lift Wing Lift
800 ft. lbs. Engine 800 ft. lbs.
Lift 160 ft. lbs.
Aerodynamic Load - Gravity weight= 1,600 lbs.
160 ft. lbs. 34-degree bank turn requires 1.2 g lift = 1,900 lbs.
Engine thrust available = 320 lbs.
Gravity weight= 1,600 lbs. Engine thrust-vectored lift with ten foot arm
Wings Level requires 1.0 g lift. Engine sustaining requires 32 lbs. Elevator aerodynamic load, is
thrust 160 lbs. at 6-degree angle-of-attack. constant 8 lbs. over a twenty foot arm. Constant
Engine thrust component-lift, 16 lbs over a ten foot elevator lift equals constant angle of attack and its
arm and Elevator aerodynamic load, 8 lbs. over a indicated-airspeed.
twenty foot arm. Fig. 2.6
Secant = 1.2
Fig. 2.7
Center of
Engine mounted forward of the Center of Pressure.
The Angle-of-Attack is combined elevator-pitch plus engine
thrust component-lift as set with elevator control and
coordinated with sustaining thrust component-lift for level
flight. Mass Load
Fig. 2-8
So what does all this mean? You have normal climb occurring at some rate of climb at
the previously set elevator pitched indicated-airspeed.
Now you know an aircraft with tractor-mounted engines, if increasing power from
sustained level hands-off trimmed flight and not affected by propeller-blast, the aircraft
will pitch up to a climb angle and with no change to angle-of-attack, maintain the
current indicated-airspeed as altitude increases.
Maneuvering in Descending Flight
The aircraft, in sustained level flight, is at a set angle-of-attack into the oncoming free-
stream air (wind of motion, relative wind) causing a desired indicated-airspeed. The
elevator-pitch has incorporated the small engine thrust-component of lift as part of the
pitched angle-of-attack setting for the current attitude balance.
A decrease of this sustaining engine thrust to cause descent reduces a portion of that
thrust component-lift. The effect is a small decrease of the aircraft angle-of-attack
allowing some acceleration.
At the same time, reducing engine thrust creates gravity component-thrust as the
attitude moves into a descending angle. This gravity component-thrust adds to
accelerate to, and maintain, the sustaining thrust at this new indicated-airspeed.
Reduced or idle power (partial gliding) and engine-out (gliding) flight requires re-setting
the angle-of-attack with manual elevator-pitch control or elevator-pitch trim to
maintain a desired indicated-airspeed.
All descent requires continuous coordination for both power and indicated-airspeed
change. Knowledge of this relationship of engine-power lifting and elevator-pitch control
when below sustaining thrust allows anticipation of attitude change with changing
engine thrust.
This relationship of changing the angle-of-attack with power change when in descent is
an explanation of many Pilots considering that power controls indicated-airspeed.
When flying constant indicated-airspeed approaches to landing, stabilized control allows
minimum thrust change throughout, and reduces the need of large elevator-pitch inputs
for maintaining constant indicated-airspeed.
In glide, the elevator control acts as gravity controller, but always with either increased
rate of descent causing acceleration or reduced descent rate causing deceleration.
Maneuvering with Gravity (Engine Out)
Elevator input is the only control of gravity component-thrust. You have no throttle for
gravity, only aircraft attitude. Maneuvering with elevator-pitch input to attitudes that
change gravity component-thrust is the only way to throttle gravity acceleration.
Decreased elevator-pitch can cause rapid acceleration from the very large gravity force.
Nose down elevator-pitch input can initiate descent, but you must exercise caution.
Gravity thrust is equivalent to the gross weight of the aircraft, possibly four times the
maximum engine thrust. Indicated-airspeed will increase rapidly with any elevator nose
down pitch input.
Forward slipping and/or extending configuration for increased drag are the only methods
for controlling indicated-airspeed without pitch change.
The set elevator-pitch in normal flight attempts maintaining a constant indicated-
airspeed due to positive dynamic stabilization, but with any low-pitched attitude, the
acceleration from the gravitational component-thrust will be rapid.
Normal technique is from manual aft elevator-pitch input for slowing using the increased
angle-of-attack for its induced drag. This is positive pulling of the control wheel to
regain or retain indicated-airspeed control.
With large angles of descent, use of aft elevator-pitch control for more rapid
deceleration will result in increased structural load factor (“g” loading), so requires
careful input. The sight picture across the windshield in this extreme example might
show mostly surface and little sky.
An example: A 1,600 pound aircraft with a 6 degree descent angle having gravity
component-thrust of 160 pounds (sine 6 degrees =.1), will for a 12-degree descent, have
gravity component-thrust of 320 pounds (sine 12 degrees = .2), almost the equivalent of
full engine power at 5,000 feet.
This has been an energy exchange of kinetic energy to potential energy of increased
altitude then exchanged back to the original kinetic energy of motion.
Continuing this type maneuvering, with initial diving by pushing the elevator-pitch for
descent, there will be descent with a rapid increase of indicated-airspeed. Note how
rapidly acceleration occurs from the large gravity component-thrust effect added to the
sustaining engine thrust.
As indicated-airspeed increases toward Vne, gradual release of the elevator-pitch input
will allow the trimmed angle-of-attack with the increased kinetic energy in the aircraft
to cause climb and reduce back toward the starting indicated-airspeed and altitude.
Note that with different energy losses involved, it will not regain the original altitude.
The set elevator trimmed angle-of-attack and related sustaining engine thrust will
resume the previous indicate-airspeed, just at a lower altitude.
The two types of maneuvers zoom/dive and dive/zoom have different results. With an
initial zoom, the aircraft will return close to its original altitude. The initial dive
maneuver has both engine and gravity component-thrust adding with considerable
acceleration and related energy loss throughout so does not recover to the original
altitude without additional climb.
Turning maneuvers (wingovers) of zoom/dive and dive/zoom will show similar behavior.
These turning maneuvers at different power settings will allow familiarity with the
control required in steep angled turns. This enhances a pilots understanding of energy
management for control to become proficient in altitude-exchange turns and is useful in
unusual or emergency very low altitude maneuvering situations.
The turn begins by using full engine power into a climbing, banking attitude while
allowing the nose to begin dropping as indicated-airspeed reduces, and the banked angle
increases. With gradual release of any aft elevator control and coordinated rudder input
with the turn, the slowing indicated-airspeed will cause the nose to drop through the
horizon, similar to the lazy-eight entry maneuver. Coordinated rudder at this time is
side pitching the nose down, and indicated-airspeed will begin accelerating.
Recovery of descent and heading is coordinated to roll out of the turn leveled at the
desired altitude and heading, and with the power coordinated to sustain the original
indicated-airspeed. This procedure also allows steep banked turning without excessive
“g” loading.
As an emergency turn, practicing at a safe altitude using only outside visual reference at
idle power will simulate engine-out turning to allow learning of a safe procedure and
probable altitude required to complete. In a zoom, there is obvious slowing and changed
control response. Release of any elevator-pitch input will allow natural nose down
pitching from the slowed indicated-airspeed.
The coordinated turning is changing the heading and as the bank angle passes forty-five
degrees, the rudder input becomes a vertical pitch control and when coordinated
assures nose down pitching with any increased turning rate. The turning should be
coordinated to allow rolling out of a 180-degree turn with wings level.
The fixed line of the horizon, sighted unmoving and level across your windshield in flight
is a wings level collision course toward the horizon. A fixed point or object on the
horizon, aligned to a point on the windshield for directional control, is a potential
collision with that distant reference.
A descent, toward a destination on the ground, is directing your airplane onto a fixed or
nonmoving referenced course (Directed-Course) toward that location on the surface.
Generally, you start descent when the referenced object sighted has gradually moved
toward the lower windshield. Practice will determine the visual point for reducing thrust
for descent to achieve different rates of descent.
Fig 3-1
If established on a final approach for landing, the aiming point you have chosen for
touchdown becomes a visual directed-course (collision course) to that area, on or near
the runway approach end.
Maneuvering attitudes are combinations of level, turning, climbing, and descending
flight. The associated sight pictures allow your confirmation of proper attitude for
attaining and sustaining these attitudes for flight toward a chosen direction and site.
Fig. 3-2
With the excess power and at the hands-off trimmed indicated-airspeed, your aircraft is
attempting to maintain a constant climb at that indicated-airspeed. Rudder and aileron
control will maintain the heading point constant.
Climb Attitude
To initiate, or maintain a climb, you have increased above the sustaining engine power
by adding excess power. In some aircraft, depending on the placement of the horizontal
stabilizer, increase in power causes increased propeller-blasting airflow over the
horizontal stabilizer and elevator, resulting in added elevator aerodynamic loading and
some slowing of indicated-airspeed.
For many light airplanes, the climbing sight picture will appear to have the nose cowling
on, or just slightly above the horizon. When you initiate a climb, an attitude change will
occur without horizontal stabilizer or elevator-pitch input, as your aircraft will attempt
to maintain its trimmed indicated-airspeed (elevator-pitched angle-of-attack) previously
set with the horizontal stabilizer or elevator-pitch trim.
The amount of pitch change for climb angle is dependent on the excess engine power
available. Climbing into the reduced density of the atmosphere gradually limits available
power, so throughout any climb, there is a gradual reduction of the climb angle and the
related sight picture ground/sky ratio very slowly changes.
In all cases of attitude change, you will reference the horizon to enable attaining a sight
picture for relating to the desired climb performance. With the application of excess
power, your aircraft, at a constant indicated-airspeed, seeks its own climb pitch angle.
Cruise Attitude
In cruise flight, your properly trimmed airplane maintains a constant indicated-airspeed
and altitude. The range of attitudes at different level flight indicated-airspeeds is
relatively small, usually being just a few degrees of pitch, and often not apparent to a
pilot. The sighted horizon will be level across the windshield close to one-third to one-
half up from the bottom.
Turn Attitude
Roll or bank is an angle to the left or right of your aircraft as referenced to the horizon.
You sight the angle of the horizon across the windshield. Your heading reference on the
windshield is movement of the nose cowling traveling level along the horizon causing a
constant altitude level turn.
Horizon Tracking
sighting spot on
Fig. 3.3
If there is no power or pitch increase of the vertical lift component to maintain this
aircraft loading, the nose position, sighted relative to the horizon, starts down, and will
result in the airplane descending, as it tries to maintain the set elevator-pitched
In order to make any hands-off level constant indicated-airspeed turning flight, you
always add coordinated power. The referenced sight picture, moving level horizontally
in the turn, is with coordination of thrust component-lift from adjusting added thrust.
With an understanding of the cause of lift and indicated-airspeed, it soon becomes
apparent that, in most turns, you do not need to pull on the control wheel. To maintain
the level-flight sight picture, gradually add coordinated power as you roll the aircraft
into the turn and gradually retard that power as you roll out level on a desired heading.
Perfect level, constant indicated-airspeed turns can result with bank angles up to
maximum power input. After reaching maximum power, steeper bank angles for level
turns are not possible without elevator-pitch and resultant slowed indicated-airspeed.
Aft elevator-pitch input in a turn increases the stalling indicated-airspeed from the
added “g-force” loading and when operating at very slow indicated-airspeeds, there may
be rapid approach to the critical wing angle-of-attack.
Descent attitude
To make your airplane descend (decrease altitude), you will initiate a small power
reduction, which lowers the nose below that of the level cruise attitude.
Normal descent will occur with the nose lowering from reduction of engine thrust
component-lift. For most light airplanes, this will become a sight picture at which the
airplane nose appears to be close or slightly below the horizon.
Power reduction for descent reduces the powered lift portion of the indicated-airspeed
angle-of-attack incorporated with elevator-pitch so there will be some acceleration.
Also in some aircraft, the decrease of propeller-blast loading on the elevator may also
result in a small increase of indicated-airspeed.
Visually fixing your descent destination as a Directed-Course, unmoving, toward the
lower center of the windshield, enables you to fly a descent path directly to that
destination. Adjustment of power will keep your destination point fixed, and the
airplane will continue at the elevator-pitched indicated-airspeed as coordinated with
the elevator trim.
The start of descent will be when the sighted destination has moved toward the lower
side of the windshield. A small reduction of power will maintain that sight picture. The
sight picture across the windshield in this example might show mostly surface and little
This type descent will have the aircraft altitude approaching the traffic pattern altitude
approximately 1-2 miles from the destination.
Fig. 3-4
Airport environment as a sighted
point at a fixed position on the + Note—Horizon high across the
windshield for a “Directed
Course” descent + windshield in descent.
Extract 14
Landing/Ground Roll
At touchdown, control of your decelerating airplane is to track the center of the
runway, using rudder steering for directional control, and with the ailerons continued as
required until turned fully into any wind. The slowing after touchdown will allow nose-
wheel ground contact for surface friction steering. The aircraft is now in a high-speed
Your sight picture has returned to the taxi picture. Initiate additional deceleration and
directional control with braking, as necessary.
With forward sighting of the runway centerline for guidance, and directional control
maintained with rudders and brakes until stopped, this completes the flight.
Collision Course
A collision course is a course or path of travel that, if unchanged, will lead to a collision
with another aircraft or object. That means two airplanes are flying courses that will
cause them to arrive at the same time at some point ahead. Obviously, they will collide
if they arrive at the same time over the same point at the same altitude. These kinds of
courses can occur from any direction, horizontal or vertical and at any airspeed. It is all
a matter of coincidental or purposeful positioning.
A collision course is sighting of another object that does not move relative to a point on
your window and usually is an inadvertent course discovered when sighting other traffic
in flight. Any relative movement across the window would indicate the sighted object is
going ahead, behind, above or below depending on its direction of movement.
300 kts.
All aircraft depicted, are
remaining pictured in a
constant position on your 240 kts.
window. If at the same
altitude, all are one
minute from the same
spot ahead!
180 kts.
90 kts.
120 kts.
Fig. 3-7
Sighting another airplane in the vicinity of one’s own airplane and flying a course that
the other airplane does not move on the window will eventually cause the airplanes to
meet/collide if there is no evasive maneuvering. In this situation, the pilot must
maneuver the aircraft in a manner to cause the sighted traffic to move on the window
thereby breaking the collision course.
Moving sighted traffic on the window merely requires maneuvering in some manner.
Most training refers to turning toward or away from other traffic. In an emergency, rapid
zooming up or down is the quickest and most efficient way to move the sighted object
across the window.
There is no right-of-way consideration when in flight. Though there are specific rules
regarding airborne traffic right-of-way, without some sort of confirmation the other
aircraft sees you and is planning a specific maneuver one can only assume they don’t see
you and you must maneuver in whatever way is appropriate to maintain clearance.
The most important aspect of a collision course is how to recognize, initiate, break,
utilize, or avoid them. When flying an aircraft, anytime sighting any other aircraft or
object that does not move relative to a point on the window, if continued, you will
eventually collide with that particular machine or object.
Course correction when sighting an aircraft on a possible collision course is to
immediately climb or descend simultaneously turning toward or away enough to assure
the targeted aircraft moves relative to the reference point on the windshield or window.
Turning toward the subject aircraft will allow keeping it in sight. Turning away may put
your aircraft belly to it and possible loss of sight. Practice and consideration of different
scenarios will help prepare for making the proper decision when it occurs.
It is usual to have occasional close encounters with other aircraft. It is not usual to have
encounters requiring emergency maneuvering, but they do happen. It is your
responsibility to react correctly.
Close counts. Just don’t touch.
Whether in a visual traffic pattern or an instrument approach, the short final approach
and landing are always visually controlled. This chapter discusses the procedures for
visually attaining and maintaining stabilized descent and approach for landing and the
procedures necessary for continuing the landing or abandoning an approach if necessary.
Descent Maneuvering
Decreasing power from the level, constant indicated-airspeed condition slightly
decreases the thrust component-lift contributing to angle-of-attack so allows some
acceleration. Reduced thrust requires a fuel mixture change to assure proper engine
operation plus consideration of adding carburetor heat.
Descent with its reduced engine thrust becomes a different control situation. Any power
change while in descent will now affect the angle-of-attack. Constant indicated-airspeed
descending flight requires coordinated elevator-pitch change with every power change.
The airplane begins descending allowing the addition of gravity component-thrust for
sustaining the aircraft aerodynamic lift at a new indicated-airspeed. To reduce back to
the original indicated-airspeed, it is necessary to coordinate elevator nose-up pitch.
With that, the stabilized aircraft in descent maintains the desired indicated-airspeed.
When operating in descent the hands-off technique rudder control will maintain heading
and an increase of power will increase the thrust component-lift as usual, but now this
pitch change will first increase the angle-of-attack causing slowing to the associated
level flight indicated-airspeed called for with the current combination of elevator-pitch
and related increased thrust component lifting.
If continuing deceleration to the level flight indicated-airspeed for this newly trimmed
condition, adding even more additional thrust becomes excess thrust and will cause
climb at this new slower indicated-airspeed.
We previously added nose-up elevator-pitch trim when initiating the descent and now
adding power increases back the thrust component-lift causing a new and greater angle-
of-attack allowing an even slower indicated-airspeed.
The condition of elevator trimmed slow indicated-airspeed during descending flight
dramatically changes with large increases of power. Without coordinated reduction of
elevator-pitch while adding a large power increase in descent, it is possible to cause
inadvertent high angles of attack. This is commonly a contributing factor to the
occurrence of low altitude, low indicated-airspeed stall.
Slow indicated-airspeed maneuvering with descending turns is a continuation of these
same effects from power change and its effect on the angle-of-attack. There is always
this same response for any power change in descent whether wings level or turning.
If very slow, increased power can cause approaching stall without pulling the control
wheel though if flying hands-off, it eliminates any manual aft elevator inputs affecting
the increasing pitch. Always coordinate power increases with reduced elevator pitch
control when descending at a slow indicated-airspeed.
must be with some increased engine thrust component-lift by adding power before or
instead of adding aft elevator.
In the steep turn, if power is applied, the engine-lifting force is primarily pulling the
turn by lifting the nose along its fuselage moment arm instead of increased aerodynamic
loading of the wings.
Steep Banked Descending Turn to Final
Slow Indicated-Airspeed, High Angle of Attack Descending Toward a Landing Area.
Visual Approach
Whether a flight is in visual, or instrument conditions, it requires visual contact for
every approach from short final to landing touchdown, so understanding the sight
picture and being aware of visual references, is significant.
Power adjustment and flight control input maneuvers the aircraft to a directed-course
for the selected landing area at the runway approach end, centered and unmoving on
the windshield.
If not attaining proper stabilization for normal flight, you can always abort the approach
with go-around procedures.
At, or before, establishment on the visual downwind leg, complete the landing briefing
and checklists to the final landing flap setting. Make adjustment of the downwind and
base leg, closer or further from the runway, as necessary for the approach and
crosswind conditions encountered. Most small aircraft fly the downwind leg from ½ to 1
mile away from the landing runway.
An idle-power approach begins with a descending 180-degree base turn within 10-15
seconds after passing the runway approach end, with a continuous descending turn and
descent rates as much as 700-800 feet per minute. The descent and turning procedures
are the same. Power remains available for correcting if getting too low.
The Normal Approach
It should be the intent for all final approach and landing procedures to be as similar as
reasonably possible. All approaches to landings are essentially the same. On any
approach, from the moment sighting the runway, the Directed-Course procedure allows
visually controlling the flight to the selected landing area with similar sight pictures
every time.
Final approaches operate at a target indicated-airspeed required for weight and wind
conditions and with descent rates to maintain an instrument glideslope or visual
approach angle.
With wings level and the aircraft aligned over the extended centerline, the visual
placement of the landing area in the same general position relative to the windshield
makes all approach descent angles appear similar. The sight picture of the aiming point
remains unmoving on the stabilized approach.
This technique is especially helpful at night with either power on or idle approaches.
Maintain a safe flight altitude while flying toward the airport until the sighted landing
area is near the bottom of the windshield. This will avoid descending too early if
approaching over obstacles or unfamiliar terrain.
If the sighted landing area moves down, relative to the point on the windshield, reduce
power to increase descent angle. If the landing area moves up, relative to the point on
the windshield, increase power to reduce descent angle.
If very high on approach, do not push the elevator causing increased indicated-airspeed,
but immediately reduce power and add configuration drag or forward slipping to
decrease indicated-airspeed and attain increased descent rate back to the desired visual
sighting. Then resume normal approach indicated-airspeed and configuration.
Small indicated-airspeed changes can occur with small power changes. If stabilized on
the approach, these changes will require little elevator input to continue.
Directional steering control on approach short final is with rudder input coordinated
with aileron input. Rudder steering for main wheel alignment in the direction-of-motion
at touchdown and aileron turning into any crosswind controls side-to-side alignment with
the centerline.
A successful landing should result from a stabilized approach toward the selected point.
Idle-Power Approach
The concept of making approaches and landings at idle power evolved in the beginning
of flight. Unreliable engines required initiating idle-power approaches within gliding
distance of the airport so allowed gliding to the touchdown area. This resulted in
steeper descent and steeper banked approach procedures often considered the cause
leading to steep-turn stall incidents.
Improved engine reliability led to the procedure of extending the landing approach as a
safer method. Remaining within gliding distance of the airport no longer is considered as
important as attaining stabilized engine powered visual approaches.
The extent of this thinking led to the unintended consequence of eliminating the
requirement to attain proficiency in the idle-power approaches and landings during
initial training. The idle-power landing procedure became a commercial pilot maneuver,
demonstrated after attaining advanced flight proficiency.
Idle-power glide approaches are to teach the pilot steep approaches with appropriate
use of flap and forward slip as drag for descent control. These procedures are similar to,
and require the maneuvering proficiency required for emergency power-out landing
approaches. It still must be a pilot’s personal requirement to be proficient in these
approaches and landings.
In reality, though not a required maneuver for the private pilot, the lessons learned in
doing the engine power-idle approach are just as valid as they have ever been. The
beginning pilot initially learning flight track, planning, judgment, and control in this
manner is then proficient in both, the normal and emergency approach and landing.
It is necessary to establish a visual directed-course on any approach. This allows
judgment that is more precise and gives more time for descent rate and ground tracking
There must be an understanding that all approaches whether with or without power
should essentially be the same. It is the recognition and practice of learning how to
direct the machine performance. Every approach is controlling to a chosen landing area
on the runway.
When established on a Directed-Course, more accurate control of the flight path,
approach indicated-airspeed and glide angle is possible. The control necessary to make
that happen is always the same.
Idle-power approaches require ground track and descent angle control with aircraft
maneuvering and drag from attitude and configuration change.
Judging when to turn to the final approach determines attaining the idle-power
approach tracking. Adjust undershooting or overshooting by altering the beginning of the
turn toward final approach. “S” turns may be possible when aligned straight in on the
final approach though they are not too effective unless used early on the approach.
The use of flap extension changes, small pitch adjustments, and forward slip can control
the descent rate with idle-power.
Lowering the elevator-pitch attitude in an idle-power approach that is too high increases
indicated-airspeed, possibly forcing the airplane to float past the desired touchdown
point. When at or below best glide indicated-airspeed, raising the elevator-pitch
attitude in a “too low” idle-power approach, in an attempt to increase the glide
distance, will cause the airplane to sink more rapidly, due to a lowered indicated-
airspeed, while simultaneously approaching closer to a stalling situation.
If using full flaps during an idle-power approach and it becomes apparent undershooting
is occurring, depending on the aircraft, it may be necessary to retract some of the fully
extended flaps to reduce drag. This requires knowing the required indicated-airspeeds
with partial flaps and full flaps, and if those indicated-airspeeds are appropriate at the
All prolonged operations at idle power require the mixture being rich, carburetor heat
on, and clearing the engine periodically, by momentary increase of the rpm to avoid loss
of power.
Though idle-power approaches are good practice for simulated engine-out procedures,
the engine power is still available for correcting the approach if necessary.
It is appropriate, for a pilot be proficient in idle-power approaches, before the first solo.
Straight-in Idle-Power Approaches
When established straight in on a power-off or idle-power approach, maintaining a visual
Directed-Course is primary for control.
Sight the landing area, unmoving, low in the middle of the windshield. As the flight
progresses, if at best glide indicated-airspeed, the aircraft cannot reach the landing
area if the selected area moves up on the windshield. If the landing area moves down on
the windshield, the aircraft will overshoot. Only when the landing area remains
unmoving in the same position sighted through the window will the aircraft attain the
chosen landing area.
That is how to recognize a “Directed-Course” (collision course) to a landing area. Use
this procedure for establishing the flight path of the airplane for all approaches,
especially when flying any gliding approach with power-off.
The power will remain in the idle position during this approach. Change of glide angle
will occur with drag from changes of flap settings or forward slips. On initial approach,
fly engine out or idle-power approach indicated-airspeed, based on the best glide
indicated-airspeed, for a current configuration.
When established on the final approach, there then must be a decision to fly above or
below the best glide indicated-airspeed. If below best glide, this makes it possible to
extend the glide by pushing down to return to best glide. Consider slowing 10-15 knots
toward maximum endurance (Vme), as a final approach indicated-airspeed.
Pitching down from indicated-airspeed slower than best glide indicated-airspeed enables
an increase to the best glide indicated-airspeed, which again extends the glide distance.
Continuing descent into ground-effect can also extend the glide even further.
Retraction of a portion of the flap extension reduces drag on most aircraft. Pilot initial
checkout must include the effect of flap extension when gliding at the different
extended positions.
Pitching up if faster than best glide indicated-airspeed, corrects an excessively low
approach. The indicated-airspeed decreases toward the best glide indicated-airspeed,
extending the gliding range.
Begin the approach descent with the runway visually sighted near the bottom of the
windshield. If the obstacle appears within that sighting, add power to reduce the
descent rate. Continue controlling to attain a sight picture (Directed-Course) of the
obstacle positioned near the bottom of the windshield.
Fly at normal approach configuration and indicated-airspeed, as if using the top of the
obstacle as the aiming point. This will assure passing at a minimum distance for clearing
the obstacle.
After passing the obstacle, maintain the configuration and adjust power and/or slip for
increased descent rate as necessary to attain and maintain the landing area sighted
unmoving on the windshield.
When in very low-level flight, the surface restricts the airmass displacement below the
wings restricting the downwash under the back of the wing so reduces drag. Every
takeoff and landing experiences ground-effect while within a few feet of the ground.
The restricted displacement of airmass below the aircraft is greatest when near the
surface, gradually disappearing with increased altitude until eliminated at an altitude of
approximately one wing length. The wing length of most small aircraft is less than 20-30
During takeoff, early lift-off at a lower indicated-airspeed eliminates ground friction and
by staying very low allows use of ground-effect for faster acceleration to a safe
indicated-airspeed before beginning climb maneuvering.
When landing, ground-effect is useful for extending glide distance. As a technique, if a
power-off approach appears to be short, then deliberate descent, even with some
increased indicated-airspeed, to within a few feet of the ground, allows the use of
ground-effect to extend glide distance.
It is difficult for a pilot, to want to pitch down when very low to the ground on an
approach. There should be previous demonstration, teaching, and experiences
controlling and operating at such low altitudes.
Training to fly the aircraft low to the ground when over an unprepared landing area,
being close to the rocks and trees, can be an unnerving experience if one is not familiar,
yet this tactic is very useful in an emergency landing.
There is considerable difference between the ground-effect with high-wing versus low-
wing aircraft. Awareness and use of techniques for idle-power glide control proficiency
using ground-effect will only come with practice and drill.
Practice using ground-effect should be part of an aircraft checkout. The new pilot
should become well versed in these techniques from the first flight.
The Go-Around
Going Around, Aborted Landing, Missed Approach, and Landing Overshoot are terms to
indicate abandoning the landing and a go-around procedure initiated.
Any time not satisfied with the approach or runway condition, initiate the abort. This is
seldom an emergency procedure. Any one of many situations or events may require
initiation of the abort procedure.
A problem, normally not considered with go-around procedures, is the human element
involved. It is seldom a pilot has in mind the possibility of a go-around when initiating a
visual approach. Even with marginal conditions, there is often no prior consideration of
aborting the approach.
The events involved in unexpected go-arounds require rapid change of mind-set and are
not often experienced. For that reason, it is useful to consider the possibility and even
add it as a consideration to approach descent checklists and briefings.
Initiating a Go-Around
The actual go-around requires stopping descent and transitioning to climb power,
acceleration, and configuration change toward a normal takeoff procedure.
What happens when interrupting a slow indicated-airspeed, descending approach with
rapid application of go-around power?
This is a common experience in the landing configured go-around scenario. Maybe it is
not necessary to cram all that power in so fast.
What is the status of the aircraft in go-around mode? Some nose down elevator-trim
input is normal for allowing acceleration while at the same time initiating pitch up to
stop the descent. These two actions can easily conflict in one's mind if not previously
If flying the approach with hands-off technique, simply adding power for the “go” will
pitch the nose up, allow some slowing, and cause climb. Trimming nose down elevator
will adjust to the desired indicated-airspeed.
What does it take? Is there a big hurry to get things done? It simply requires normal after
takeoff considerations. After all, you are already flying. The procedure is putting the
aircraft into a powered takeoff configuration. As with all flight, the pilot needs to be
acquainted with the possible situations, and the different considerations.
Go-Around Situation
So, what happened when initiating a go-around? You are in a lower powered, low
indicated-airspeed, descending mode with extra drag from the extended flaps. Initiating
the “go” is with increased power and stopping descent.
The aircraft will immediately increase climb pitch and with a large power increase
causing significant nose pitch-up.
Adding power increases lift at the engine and allows deceleration due to this engine
thrust component-lift effect and possible propeller-blast on the elevator.
At the same time, the tendency to pull the elevator for stopping descent will add
elevator-pitch up. That is telling the aircraft to slow more.
The fact remains the go-around should be a simple procedure. With increased power
stopping descent and causing climb. Elevator trimming initiated to a desired climb
indicated-airspeed. The pitch control will then be back to a level, sustained thrust for
an indicated-airspeed plus the excess thrust for climb. Normal flight continues while
readjusting the indicated-airspeeds with any configuration change.
Go-Around Procedure
After leveling, or starting positive climb, with acceleration, consider the required
configuration changes. Going back to a normal VFR downwind, consider retaining partial
flap configuration. A visual go-around always requires a climb to downwind altitude.
Why retract the gear, if it is down and safe, leave it alone and just fly a normal airplane
and another traffic pattern for the next approach.
A visual go-around is not the same as when initiating a missed approach instrument
procedure, or an emergency, such as in multiengine, engine out go-around procedures.
Again, use the same considerations as for any normal takeoff.
The problem is to have an understanding of what the situation requires. If the pilot has
practiced various scenarios that could occur, these kinds of decisions become apparent.
Why did you initiate the go-around? What caused the problem and where am I going
next? Is it a missed approach with a following instrument procedure or a return to a
standard downwind? Is there a problem with the aircraft or are things normal and just a
continuation of the flight because of something that occurred at the runway?
Aborting a landing is a go-around or missed approach. It is a procedure. It not only
requires aircraft controlling but also planning where to go. There is transitioning from a
descending low power, high-drag configuration, to high-power, level or climbing
acceleration, clean configuration.
The go-around or missed approach continues with normal takeoff flight indicated-
airspeed and climb back into the traffic pattern.
Add power, stop any descent, and start nose down/away elevator-pitch as necessary to
allow acceleration. The power application will probably do that but in any case find the
takeoff visual picture of the horizon low across the window and a point toward which to
When attaining positive climb, begin slow retraction of the flaps, while monitoring the
indicated-airspeed for each setting. Assure the aircraft is level, or climbing, while
trimming to a Vy indicated-airspeed and completing retraction of the flaps.
If going back to the visual traffic pattern, from the upwind leg, continue climbing
straight ahead, as a normal takeoff, to the field boundary, before turning onto the
crosswind leg.
If the cause of the go-around is another airplane taking off, turn away from the pattern
to offset and track parallel to the runway, so the conflicting traffic is visible, and cannot
climb into you.
At a towered airport, the controller would probably provide further instructions if there
continued to be a conflict. No matter what is going on or what the controller may say,
clear visually for conflict with any other airplane before turning across its path. Again,
whatever it may take, even to the extent of turning away out of traffic and climbing up
and around for another 45-degree entry.
When clear of conflict, turn to the crosswind and downwind pattern legs while climbing
to traffic pattern altitude and continue normal procedures. This type conflict is
common, and like all things, could happen today.
When to Go-Around
A common situation, requiring a go-around, is the base turn to final where the pilot
misjudges the turn and overshoots the final approach. Final turns that pass too far
beyond the extended centerline for safely maneuvering back, or are too close and high
to the touchdown area require aborting the approach.
You must understand when it is appropriate to make a go-around. In most ways, it is
quite clear. If not lined up with the runway when turning onto the short final approach,
it is probably prudent to consider a go-around. If not stabilized at the approach
indicated-airspeed, or properly configured, initiate the go-around.
If the landing is not going to be within the selected touchdown area, it probably requires
a go-around. This situation causes most landing incidents and accidents when, for some
reason, pilots think they just have to land. Wanting to make a schedule is no reason to
land long and run off the far end.
There are too many incidents of the decision to land when touchdown is long or fast. If
not on a stabilized approach to allow touchdown in the desired area, it may be
necessary to make a go-around. Without prior consideration, the length of remaining
runway for rollout can become much too short. If your employers hassle you about go-
arounds, they can’t afford to operate aircraft.
Go-Around at or After Touchdown
Approach briefings should consider the possibility of go-around. There can be unusual
situations occur that require aborting the landing even to touchdown and initial rollout.
Anytime, during the roundout, flare, or touchdown, if control becomes marginal, just
go-around. A go-around may be possible, even early in the landing roll after touchdown,
when still at higher indicated-airspeed.
Consider the remaining length of the runway and any possible obstacles before making
the decision for after touchdown go-arounds.
It is often possible to resolve control problems during rollout by momentary added
power. Resulting propeller-blast airflow on the tail and accelerated indicated-airspeed
can regain control, go-around! It is much easier to do it right the second time.
Trying to land when control is uncertain is not worth it. It is too easy to lose that control
and end up damaging the airplane.
The Mindset
There is a pilot ego thing when making a landing. Most pilots have a mindset wanting to
continue even when things are obviously going bad. Someone landed before, so the pilot
following assumes it is possible.
The conditions may change, or the pilot ahead may be more proficient. No one ever
knows. Pilots must fly their own aircraft based on its performance and not that of
someone ahead or behind.
It is a mistaken belief that it looks unprofessional to make a go-around. Real pilots
understand the necessity of go-arounds, and understand what is taking place.
Chapter 5-----TAKEOFFS
Beginning a flight requires preparation and planning. Once in the aircraft, flight is
operating a machine…but it’s a big machine. On the ground, think of where the wingtips
travel and the blasting air blows.
Takeoff is steering down the centerline of the runway at a high thrust setting,
accelerating until the machine begins to fly. It will fly by itself; its design is to do just
that. Control is steering, pointing it in the direction you want to go.
You start the engine and prepare to taxi. This is driving the aircraft on the surface.
Acceleration is with the hand throttle, steering is pushing the rudder pedals, and
stopping is with the individual foot operated brakes on the rudder pedals.
Students often need demonstration of the technique of “wiggling” the rudders to and fro
for precise directional control until learning the “feel” of steering with the feet. Find an
excellent explanation of manual control input in Appendix 1.
While maneuvering on the ground there also needs to be consideration of the effect of
“blasting-air” from the propeller and the tracking of the wingtips.
There are pre-takeoff procedures to assure proper configuration of the aircraft and that
the engine and flight instruments are functioning properly.
For initial flight control, there is a pre-takeoff setting for the elevator trim. This setting
determines the indicated-airspeed at which the aircraft will begin to fly. For reference
to flight in this text, we set the elevator trim to a hands-off initial indicated-airspeed to
cause liftoff.
Normal Takeoff
You taxi onto the runway for takeoff. With most small aircraft, it is brake release,
throttle set maximum forward and mixture adjusted to maximum power. The aircraft
begins accelerating down the runway. You control alignment along the centerline of the
runway with rudder steering.
As the velocity increases, the increase of relative-wind allows response to the flight
controls to become effective. Engine torque, propeller p-factor, gyroscopic precession,
spiraling slipstream are left turning effects at the high power setting requiring positive
rudder steering for maintaining heading. As the aircraft transits the indicated-airspeed
set by elevator-trim or earlier with added aft input of the control wheel, the aircraft
lifts off. It is now airborne.
Continue steering with rudder input, aided with coordinated aileron control turning as
may be required. Visually sighting a point on or toward the horizon allows maintaining
direction as you continue ahead in a slight nose-up climb attitude. You are at the lift-off
indicated-airspeed. You are in space with three-dimensional maneuvering possible.
Since setting takeoff power, there has been minimum pilot flight control input, just
steering with rudder and possibly some slight turning with aileron. As the aircraft
transits the indicated-airspeed set by elevator-trim and the aircraft begins flying, if
needed, ease the control wheel forward to attain minimum climb for level flight in
ground-effect allowing quicker acceleration to the desired climb indicated-airspeed.
Crosswind Takeoff
Taxi and takeoff when crosswind exists requires consideration of wind effect. A Pilot
must always be aware of the current wind direction and velocity prior to starting the
takeoff roll. A quick mental calculation (.5, .7, .9) will estimate the crosswind
component for takeoff. In all cases, visual control of takeoff tracking is by using
whatever control input it takes to maintain centerline tracking.
Taxi maneuvering requires continuous consideration of wind effect when changing
direction-of-motion. The aircraft’s large aft body area will cause weathervaning and the
large upwind wing area allows the wind to attempt lifting with tipping of the aircraft.
Power increase for blasting air from the propeller aids rudder control for steering and
the ailerons turned into the wind reduce possible lifting of the upwind wing.
Takeoff will use normal procedures with rudder for steering and the ailerons turned fully
into the wind to prevent gust lifting. As the relative wind increases during acceleration,
the effect of control inputs increase so aileron gradually reduced will be almost neutral
when becoming airborne. Whatever it takes!
At liftoff, the aircraft will tend to weathervane toward the wind effect so rudder
steering should be used for runway alignment for a few seconds in event of touchdown
shortly after liftoff.
When positively airborne, the weathervaning will cause visual centerline tracking to
move to a point away from straight ahead. You will see you are traveling slightly
sideways over the ground.
In gusty wind conditions, continuing flight should be with positive climb to prevent any
inadvertent touchdown in the crabbed attitude.
Short-Field Takeoff
For short-field takeoff, configure the aircraft in its most efficient climb (Vx) indicated-
airspeed and configuration. Some aircraft will use a minimum flap setting. This is
determined from the aircraft POH or from prior flight test.
Use the maximum available runway length and maximum power as adjusted with the
mixture control. Approaching takeoff indicated-airspeed, add some aft elevator control
to cause liftoff and maintain a low, level, attitude for acceleration in ground-effect.
Continue as necessary even beyond the remaining runway to assure attaining the Vx
indicated-airspeed and clearing any obstacle. Upon clearing any obstacle, clean the
configuration, assure continued acceleration, and begin normal climbing flight.
Soft-Field/Rough-Field Takeoff
Configure the aircraft in its climb configuration for soft-field takeoff. Some aircraft will
use a minimum flap setting. This is determined from the aircraft POH or from prior flight
This procedure requires aerodynamically lifting the aircraft as soon as possible to reduce
the rolling drag from surface contact. Initial input of aft elevator loading will reduce
nose wheel drag and more quickly attain a positive angle-of-attack.
As the aircraft accelerates to its minimum liftoff indicated-airspeed, adding positive
pitch up causes it to begin flight. Then use immediate leveling to maintain maximum
ground-effect for acceleration. Upon attaining the desired climb indicated-airspeed,
configure the flaps as necessary, and continue normal climbing flight.
Obstacle Clearing Takeoff
This requires determining the Vx climb angle, the point of rotation, and the angle from
the point of rotation to the top of the obstacle. If the angle from the rotation point is
less than the climb angle, it will be possible to clear the object.
For takeoff, clearance of obstacles requires attaining the kinetic energy necessary to
sustain the Vx optimum climbing indicated-airspeed.
If necessary, maintain the flight in ground-effect with visual sighting toward the base of
the obstacle. Upon attaining Vx, adjust the attitude to have the top of the obstacle
unmoving or moving downward as sighted in the windshield.
Takeoff planning toward an obstacle requires knowing the aircraft takeoff roll, climb
angle, and the angle from the liftoff point to the top of the obstacle.
Chapter 6-----LANDINGS
This chapter presents Normal, Short-field, Soft-Field, and Crosswind landing procedure.
There is discussion of different situations, conditions, and techniques available for
making these landings.
The basic considerations to be made for any landing are; the airplane configuration and
indicated-airspeed for its gross weight, weather and winds, runway length, condition,
and obstacles. From this, you can obtain the indicated-airspeed and procedures for the
approach to landing.
The landing and rollout procedures depend on the runway length, condition and any
wind effect. There are many different scenarios to consider for different conditions, and
Accuracy of the Landing Point
Landing approaches should be a visual directed-course to a planned aim point/landing
spot/specific area. The touchdown will vary, depending on conditions during the landing
and runway length, but always within a planned area.
All landings require consideration of available rollout distance from the actual
touchdown area. Failure to touchdown near the approach end may require a go-around
if sufficient runway rollout available is questionable.
Any headwind component reduces the ground speed, which aids in reducing the landing
roll distance. A tailwind component adds considerably to touchdown velocity and length
of landing roll.
Landings are minimum indicated-airspeed, on-area touchdowns, then, deceleration with
braking as required.
When sighting going high on an approach forward slipping can increase descent rate.
Enter the forward-slip with application of full rudder in one direction and aileron in the
opposite direction for control of heading in the desired direction.
This type of maneuver turns aircraft sideways into the direction-of-motion creating
added drag to cause increased descent rate. Normally use forward-slip in conjunction
with use of flaps for controlling descent rate without increasing indicated-airspeed.
When sighting that the runway is moving back to the desired sight picture, gradually
reduce the control input back to normal descending flight toward the runway landing
Side Slip
Side slipping procedures during roundout, flare, and touchdown require use of the
rudder steering the aircraft in the direction-of-motion for main wheel alignment with
the runway direction, and coordinated opposite-directed aileron banking for using the
horizontal component turning force to counter any crosswind force.
The coordinated banking maintains runway centerline alignment throughout the slipping
maneuver. The upwind main-wheel will touchdown first in the banked attitude. All other
control is as required for directional steering and braking.
Roundout and Flare
When approaching the runway end, being close to the ground, forward sighting moves
along the runway centerline toward the far end, the sight picture becomes that
previously seen of the aircraft at takeoff. The ground, sighted peripherally, will begin
rising alongside the aircraft.
Roundout in a small aircraft begins 10-15 feet above the ground. The roundout is
leveling of the descent with aft elevator-pitch control to reduce the descent rate and
increased angle-of-attack to slow the indicated-airspeed.
As the aircraft slows, it should continue slowly sinking. Coordinated aft elevator pitching
allows slowing both the descent rate and indicated-airspeed. As the aircraft approaches
the surface for touchdown, the leveling control for roundout continues to flare the nose
up slightly, allowing main-wheel touchdown before the nose wheel.
Holding the nose up continues until slowing allows nose wheel touchdown gaining
positive ground to wheel rudder-steering control.
At the landing roundout, steering is with the rudder for heading control. The rudder
aligns the wheels to the direction-of-motion for touchdown. Cross-control banking with
the ailerons for maintaining centerline tracking causes a horizontal turning force to
cancel any crosswind effect that may exist.
Directional control at this time requires the alignment of the longitudinal axis (the
aircraft fuselage) to be in the direction of the aircraft motion parallel to the runway for
Rudder control steers to align the aircraft directionally and opposite aileron control
turning slips the aircraft side to side to keep alignment centered down the runway.
Rudder steering will continue the directional controlling after touchdown as the aircraft
will then be in a high-speed taxi condition.
Normal Landings
A normal landing can be to any runway or field, of sufficient condition, and length, to
allow touchdown, and rollout, without any significant control requirements. An
improved, firm surface, of sufficient length, to allow gradual braking to stop, is a
normal landing.
Approaching the touchdown area, coordination of reducing power, with roundout
(leveling), followed with pitching the attitude (flare), position the aircraft attitude for
This maneuvering pitches the nose to allow reduction of indicated-airspeed and slow the
descent rate. Continuously apply some aft elevator-pitch input as necessary, through
roundout leveling, and nose up flaring, to maintain an attitude approximating the initial
takeoff attitude, until touchdown.
Coordination with power reduction or adjustment, pitching up for slowing and gradual
sinking allows the touchdown on the main wheels, while keeping the nose slightly off the
It should be the verbally stated goal, for every landing, to touchdown at a specified
area, and if not landing there, to consider the necessity of a go-around.
A situation that overshoots the touchdown area, with too much indicated-airspeed will
cause floating from ground-effect, possibly leading to runway overrun.
Once on the surface, the ground to tire friction and the availability of braking will stop
the aircraft. Check braking response in adequate time, to insure stopping the airplane
on the runway. If initial braking seems inadequate, consider adding power to go-around.
If it is a normal landing, light braking is sufficient. A soft-field landing may require no
initial braking. If it is a short-field landing, full braking up to the maximum possible
could be required.
Though having tested the brakes on the approach checklist, maintain aircraft control
and gently test the brakes immediately after touchdown on every landing.
It is seldom necessary to retract flaps during rollout. Distraction and the possibility of
actuating a wrong control are ways to make mistakes. The reduced lift raising flaps is
not worth worrying about unless the field is extremely short.
Throughout all the short final approach, landing, and rollout, the rudder controls
heading. Most normal landings will be with the engine power gradually retarded to near
or at idle, from roundout through the rollout.
Airplanes with “T” tails in the slowed tail-low approach configuration can often use
some minimum power for propeller-blast to maintain sufficient pitch control during the
The objective of a normal landing is to minimize the sink rate for the touchdown at the
designated landing area and a minimum indicated-airspeed that approaches the stall
indicated-airspeed. The touchdown should be on or slightly beyond the projected
touchdown area, and aligned on the center of the landing area.
An advanced technique for attaining softer touchdown is to release a slight amount of
aft elevator control when sensing touchdown is imminent. Most aircraft have the main
gear aft of the static center of gravity so this causes a slight lifting of the wheels at
touchdown thereby reducing the touchdown vertical force.
After touchdown, the continued deceleration will allow the nose to lower, and thus
make possible ground friction steering. The rollout is a decelerating high-speed taxiing
condition, and controlled with the rudder, for steering, and light braking, as necessary,
slowing for turnoff and stopping.
Soft-Field Landing
A soft-field landing is a normal approach with a minimum indicated-airspeed touchdown.
Little or no braking may be required.
After touchdown, hold the nose wheel off with full aft elevator-pitch control aided with
use of propeller-blast if necessary. Power helps keep rudder steering and elevator
pitching effective longer while countering any adverse surface or crosswind effects.
Power application, throughout the complete rollout, could be necessary to prevent
becoming mired in extremely soft fields.
Short-Field Landing
A short-field landing is to a runway, limited in length, to the actual distance required to
land and stop within its confines. Such a landing requires minimum indicated-airspeed at
touchdown, with assured touchdown at the selected touchdown area. This ensures the
remaining available distance for rollout, with moderate to heavy braking, bringing it to a
Slower indicated-airspeed is adequate, unless turbulence or wind gusts exist. In that
case, it may not be the place to land.
A positive landing (no float) on or near the chosen area then placing the nose down
promptly and maximum braking if required. If there is floating, and/or you are landing
long, immediately initiate a go-around.
Landing over an obstacle
Configure for the approach early, to allow stabilized control, and passing closely over
the obstacle. Flying at normal approach configuration and reduced approach indicated-
airspeed, direct the aircraft sight picture toward the top of the obstacle (Directed-
Course) as if using it for the landing area. This will assure clearing over the obstacle at a
minimum distance.
After passing the obstacle, resume a Directed-Course to the landing area. Maintain the
trimmed approach indicated-airspeed, and land as normal.
Crosswind Landings
Planning for an approach starts when first receiving any wind information. Consider what
the expected headwind and crosswind components affecting the flight may be before
reaching the airport or entering the traffic pattern.
The crosswind component of landing winds can be quickly estimated using the basic
trigonometric relations of 30/60 and 45/45 degree triangles.
A wind 30 degrees away from the runway heading will have a crosswind component of .5
(one-half) and a headwind component of .9 (nine tenth) of the total wind speed. A wind
coming 45-degrees from the runway heading will have both crosswind and headwind
components of .7 (seven-tenth) the total wind.
You can quickly estimate wind components relative to the runway heading when the
wind is close to these angles. An estimate is enough to be aware of the expected control
requirements for the approach. The wind is seldom constant and often varies from
reported winds during the approach. There is no way to know or any reason to be
concerned of the exact wind speeds. Close is good enough. Just remember .5, .7, and
.9, for crosswind components of 30-45-60 degrees off the runway heading.
Small aircraft crosswind approaches are typically at 70-90 knots indicated-airspeed.
With any substantial headwind component, the groundspeed will be close to 60 knots or
one mile per minute. The approach heading correction then will be almost one degree
per knot of direct crosswind component. Faster aircraft will use less heading correction
for the same wind drift. A 120-knot groundspeed will use one-half degree crosswind
heading correction per knot of crosswind.
On final approach, you align the airplane tracking with the center of the runway by
crabbing. Just correct toward the wind those few degrees when turning onto the final
approach. You will be close for establishing an initial heading and then can adjust as
necessary. It’s not an exact science. Just fly the airplane, visually controlling making it
go where you want to go. No matter, whether you know the wind or not, if the offset
visual landing area is not moving sideways, you have it right.
Crosswind Landing Touchdown
On short final approach, you align the airplane tracking with the center of the runway by
side-slipping. The final approach at touchdown requires this slipping maneuver applied
before touchdown to assure longitudinal axis (main wheel) alignment paralleling the
centerline of the runway. The direction of airplane motion controlled by banking into
the wind allows tracking alignment down the centerline.
No matter when the approach side-slipping is applied, the touchdown must be with the
aircraft aligned with its direction-of-motion, and banking turned into the crosswind to
prevent main wheel side skidding at touchdown.
When making a crosswind touchdown, the aircraft will be in a banked attitude from the
slipping maneuver. In this attitude, the upwind main wheel will touchdown first. Main
wheel contact on the surface begins wheel/ground friction and even is some skidding
should occur, the momentum of the airplane will cause it to want to track in the
direction-of-motion. As the aircraft slows, the second main wheel will touch down,
followed shortly, with letting the nose wheel down.
A significant factor, for crosswind landings, requires available rudder-control steering to
assure maintaining main wheel tracking alignment during the slipping maneuver and for
continued directional control during deceleration of the landing roll.
Crosswind Landing Control
Additional control consideration with crosswind landing approach is the use of ailerons.
The side-slipping maneuver is rudder and aileron application cross-controlled to
maintain the desired tracking down the runway.
The ailerons, turned into the wind, cause a banked turning attitude creating a horizontal
force offsetting the sideways drifting force of the crosswind. Opposite directed rudder
input offsets the turn generated by the banked attitude, steering the alignment of the
aircraft’s wheels and thrust for forward tracking.
The visual sighting down the runway will be a banked attitude with aileron into the
crosswind, simultaneously using opposite rudder, steering the aircraft main wheel
alignment to the direction-of-motion.
It becomes simply adjusting bank angle side to side for control of side drift to maintain
runway centerline tracking, and rudder input, yaw/steering for main wheel alignment to
the direction of movement.
Crosswind Landing Rollout
At touchdown and rollout, rudder input controls steering and maintains directional
control. Increased aileron after touchdown to maximum throw toward the wind aids in
preventing possible wing lift from encountered wind and wind gusts.
During touchdown and rollout, the crosswind component against the large aft surface
area of the aircraft side can cause a strong weathervane turning force.
When touchdown and rollout occur, wheel friction stops side drifting caused by the
crosswind. However, weathervaning will continue, and this effect will increase, as the
airplane loses its relative-wind with slowing of forward movement.
The forward movement of the airplane causes airflow (generated wind) along the
vertical control surfaces, allowing rudder steering effectiveness for directional control
and countering of the crosswind weathervaning force.
When slowing, to maintain more relative airflow along the airplane, it is possible to add
some power, obtaining propeller-blasting wind, to prolong rudder effectiveness for
added steering control. When using power to maintain rudder authority during the
landing rollout, careful braking can still be used for deceleration.
In strong crosswind conditions, the technique of adding power to generate windblast
from the propeller to reduce the crosswind effect will also be required for directional
control while taxiing.
Crosswind and Tailwind Landing Considerations
Additional consideration for crosswind landings is the groundspeed incurred. If the wind
is other than direct crosswind, it is possible to have a significant headwind component
resulting in relatively slower touchdown groundspeed, this results in a shorter landing
Increasing indicated-airspeed to counter possible wind gust effects is a usual technique.
As a quick reference, a pilot can fly an approach indicated-airspeed up to the normal
groundspeed of a no-wind approach. Add the headwind component to the approach
With tailwind landing, when slowing the airplane transits the groundspeed at which
relative-wind of forward movement, versus any tailwind component become equal,
there will only be crosswind on the rudder. This situation could cause directional control
problems if not considered. It can be expected nose wheel steering should be available,
or again, propeller-blast may be required.
It may be especially significant for aircraft with castoring nose wheels though individual
wheel braking should be available during this time. There is still always an option to add
power for propeller-blast to regain or maintain rudder control.
Extreme Crosswind Landing Situations
During the landing rollout in strong crosswind situations, the use of power is a significant
aid in directional control. The pilot must learn to assume it will be necessary to use
some power with reduced flap during any crosswind landing and rollout. A landing will
require this technique, in all situations of unusually strong crosswinds.
Normal landing procedures, with idle power at touchdown and rollout, develop habit
patterns that may not be appropriate in the crosswind-landing situation.
If, at any time, it becomes apparent there is becoming insufficient directional control to
maintain runway tracking during a landing rollout and sufficient runway remains, it may
be necessary to initiate a landing roll go-around.
The increased full power propeller-blast and acceleration of relative indicated-airspeed
may regain directional control for a successful go-around takeoff. This requires
immediate initiation upon any awareness of marginal directional control. It also requires
consideration of there being sufficient runway remaining.
Anytime control begins deteriorating, add power for propeller-blast, even up to takeoff
power. Cautious full braking may be required; whatever it takes to maintain rudder and
nose wheel steering control.
Emergency Crosswind Landing
Landing at airports when strong crosswinds exist sometimes requires some “out of the
box” thinking. Some pilots may decide to try making a crosswind approach and find they
are not proficient enough to continue. As with all flight, there must be alternative
action available.
Making a go-around from the initial approach is often the best decision. You can now
consider where you went wrong, and fly a second, or third, better controlled, approach
for landing. Often in strong winds, there are gusts followed by lulls of lesser winds.
Making several approaches until arriving at a period of lull may be required.
Landing on a runway more aligned with the wind or angling slightly across a wide runway
could be an obvious alternative for a small aircraft. If there is no other landing runway,
the flight must consider any available alternate airport, if fuel and weather allow.
Without this option, it could be you must declare an emergency, and will have to make a
decision to keep the airplane and its occupants safe.
Such options, which could exist in an emergency, would be landing where there is no
crosswind, such as a taxiway, a road, or open field aligned with the wind.
Landing into a strong headwind reduces the landing roll considerably. A 40-knot
headwind with a 50-60 knot approach indicated-airspeed can make an emergency
landing a feasible option.
Thinking of an emergency scenario for the destination area becomes a significant part of
the planning. Consideration of emergency options ahead of time allows more confident
and appropriate decisions should a time come to deal with a strong crosswind.
High Wind Taxi Operations
It requires consideration of control positioning for all taxi operations in windy
conditions. The ailerons, turned into the wind, and the elevator-pitch control using
propeller-blast for holding the tail aid in avoiding any undesired lifting from wind
effects. This applies to all takeoff, landing, rollout, and taxi operations.
Exercise care in any high wind taxi operation. Taxiing with engine power for blasting air
across the airfoils can reduce crosswind effects substantially. In addition, when changing
the direction of taxiing, turning requires careful planning of control positioning.
Parking without outside help requires consideration. It could be necessary to park next
to a tie-down anchor faced directly into any wind, setting the brakes, leaving the power
at a setting to offset the wind effect.
That could allow quickly exiting the aircraft to fasten a tie down, then shutting down
the engine. Such an operation will require extremely careful consideration and
awareness of the turning propeller.
An encounter of extreme wind, such as a passing gust front, could require parking when
taxiing, facing into the wind, and using power, with the brakes set, while waiting the
gust front passage.
An alternative might be, if time allows, taking off with flight away from the extreme
phenomena until it passes, with a landing at an alternate airport, or circumventing the
weather and then returning, to land after passage.
Landing With One Brake Inoperative
Finding an inoperative brake upon landing requires prior knowledge of and consideration
of what can happen. Initial testing of brakes should occur during the approach checklist,
and again just after touchdown with the aircraft under rollout control, gentle
application of brakes after touchdown should be normal procedure.
Becoming aware of an inoperative brake at this time, there should still be some rudder
authority for steering. There must be an immediate decision of applying takeoff power
and going around or if there is not sufficient runway, apply nose down elevator for
maximum nose wheel steering authority.
Gentle application of braking as steering control will tend to turn to one side. Opposite
steering with release of braking will turn the aircraft back. Alternate turning and gentle
braking will result in zigzagging along the runway. You can expect substantially longer
landing roll.
Maintaining this directional control may be marginal and if exiting the runway, it still
may be possible to direct toward areas for minimizing any damage.
This is discussion of the factors related to high-altitude flight operations and the effects
on engine performance in low-density air.
The reduced availability of oxygen for burning affects all engines so in many situations
there may not be sufficient excess thrust available for takeoff or when airborne safe
High-Altitude Flight
Every week someone crashes during takeoff from a high-altitude airport. The reason is
often the pilot's lack of understanding of how low-density air affects engine
The normal assumption as taught is that aircraft will not fly as well at high altitudes as
at low altitudes. This is a very broad generalization based on limited understanding of
the physics involved. It is not the air; it is engine power and propellers.
With low-density air, the engine cannot produce its maximum rated power and rpm
limitation of the engine will not turn a fixed pitch propeller fast enough to cause the
normally expected mass thrust. These are huge factors against attaining required
acceleration for takeoff.
With combinations of high elevation, high temperature and/or high humidity, and being
no visual reference of reduced thrust during ground operation and takeoff, it requires
very careful planning and consideration of all factors related to the aircraft performance
to assure any safe takeoff. An understanding of the atmospheric density and the factors
related to engine power is essential.
The earth’s atmosphere is an enormous mass covering the earth’s surface and extends
miles upward into space. It contains a mixture of approximately 78% nitrogen and 21%
oxygen along with some small quantities of other elements.
We cannot see these gases, but even so, air has these elemental quantities of mass, so
has weight. The earth’s gravitational force pulls the molecules of air toward the surface,
piling them on top of each other. Molecules of the air become packed densely at the
surface and gradually less dense as altitude increases. We often refer to this as thinning
of the air as altitude increases.
A standard measurement of pressure exerted by this piling of the air is by barometrically
measuring the lifting of mercury in a closed tube. The accepted atmospheric pressure
standard measurement at sea level is 29.92 inches of mercury (1013.5 hPa).
Atmospheric pressure change is the basis of operation of the altimeter instrument used
for indicating flight altitudes.
reduced available oxygen mass per unit volume at higher altitudes limits the possible
power output of engines.
In higher altitude, temperature, or humidity low air-density conditions, the engine
cannot intake sufficient mass of oxygen for burning enough fuel to produce its maximum
rated power.
Though increased velocity compensates the effect of reduced density for indicated-
airspeed pressure, the reduced availability of oxygen dramatically affects the engine
power available. Higher altitudes, temperatures, and levels of humidity all mean
reduction of oxygen intake for burning in the engine.
When climbing to higher altitudes, the available engine thrust gradually decreases so the
climb rate also gradually decreases. At some maximum altitude, the climb rate will
become zero and the engine will be producing only its sustaining thrust for the set
indicated-airspeed. At this maximum altitude (absolute altitude) Vx and Vy become
equal. The aircraft will then be flying level at that same constant indicated-airspeed at
this maximum altitude.
Engine Power and Engine Power Rating
Engine power is what sustains the aircraft in level and climbing flight. When maintaining
a constant indicated-airspeed, constant altitude, wings level flight, the engine power is
providing the sustaining-thrust.
At any altitude or attitude, it requires a constant mass-of-the-air displacement with its
constant encountering pressure for the selected indicated-airspeed condition.
Manufacturer rating of engines are determined with the use of sea-level standard
conditions. A 110-horsepower-rated engine can produce the 110 horsepower only at sea
level on a standard day. The typical aircraft with this 110 horsepower engine in the
standard conditions is capable of producing approximately 460 pounds of thrust.
In the lower atmosphere there is an approximate linear pressure reduction as altitude
increases, and for this reason, engine power gradually decreases during climb. As an
example, if your engine/propeller, at full throttle, produces 460 pounds of thrust at sea
level, but will produce only its sustaining thrust of 160 pounds at slightly below 12,000
feet, this is a 300-pound reduction of thrust available.
In this example, there is a 25-pound reduction of thrust for each 1,000 feet of increased
altitude. At 5,000 feet, you can expect to have 335 pounds of thrust available but only
175 pounds of excess thrust for maneuvering. At 10,000 feet, you will have 210 pounds
of thrust available but only 50 pounds of excess thrust for maneuvering. At 12,000 feet,
there will be only 160 pounds of thrust, leaving no thrust available for maneuvering
without descent for adding gravity component-thrust.
Engine Fuel/Air-Induction
The conditions of atmospheric temperature, humidity, and pressure affect the power
output of air-breathing engines. In addition to the reduced oxygen available, the
atmospheric pressure injecting the air into the induction system decreases, so also
contributes to the continuous reduction of engine power as altitude increases.
Low-density air and the resulting reduced oxygen per unit volume requires reduction of
the fuel (leaning the mixture) to maintain optimum fuel-vapor/air ratio for proper
burning. Leaning with the mixture control reduces fuel to maintain proper burning but
results in reduced power output. The result of the leaning procedure is a gradual
reduction of available fuel, resulting in engine operation as if slowly retarding the
throttle throughout climb.
Fig. 7-1
displace sufficient mass-of-the-air and maintain the encountering air pressure for that
The same aircraft, with a more powerful engine, will continue climbing to some higher
altitude, at which it eventually will produce only the required minimum 160 pounds of
sustaining thrust.
That will then be the absolute ceiling for the aircraft with the more powerful engine. At
that higher altitude, the aircraft will maintain a level flight attitude at the same
sustaining indicated-airspeed until changing its conditions.
If this aircraft engine provided 160 or more pounds of thrust at thirty thousand feet, it
could continue climbing to that altitude. The thrust available to sustain the aircraft is
the limitation to flight altitudes. Limitation to flight performance relates to the
availability of thrust.
Air Density and the Airport
A pilot must be very aware of the reduction of engine performance at high-altitude
airports. An airport at a 6,000-foot elevation on a hot, humid day can have an effective
air density equivalent to 8-10,000 feet. The performance of the engine will significantly
degrade, possibly having no more than 100-150 pounds of excess thrust available for
takeoff. A pilot must be extremely careful when calculating takeoff performance in
these conditions.
It is important to adjust the mixture control and insure no carburetor icing to attain
maximum power prior to releasing brakes for every takeoff.
The appearance of long runways at high altitude airports can be deceiving. With reduced
power and related thrust from the propeller, the takeoff roll is going to be significantly
longer than at low altitude runways. It still requires attaining Vy for continued flight so
there will be a long takeoff roll, which may leave little excess runway for stopping if an
abort becomes necessary. Short-field takeoff procedures may be appropriate even with
a very long runway.
Air Density and You!
The regulations require beginning use of supplemental oxygen when above 12,500 feet.
However, the need for oxygen relates to an individual’s actual physical condition.
Many pilots would be safer if they considered using some oxygen when operating at
substantially lower altitudes. Though not showing or feeling symptoms of hypoxia,
lowered physical response can still affect the operation.
Additionally, passengers on longer high altitude flights will find the use of supplemental
oxygen will have them feeling better at the end of the flight.
High Density Atmosphere
An opposite aspect of extreme temperature is cold weather. Cold weather altimeter
readings when set at a local field elevation will have the aircraft flying as some lower
altitude than indicated. This may be obvious in visual flight conditions when low to the
ground, however, instrument approaches in IMC must consider that the aircraft near sea
level altitudes can be as much as 100 to 200 feet lower than the altimeter reads.
An example may be at minus 10-degrees C, at 1000 feet the aircraft will be up to 100
feet lower than the altimeter reading, at 2000 feet it may be 200 feet lower than the
altimeter reading. An approach over mountainous terrain may put the aircraft lower
than required minimum clearances.
Flight in these conditions requires adding that correction to the altitude being flown,
i.e., to be at 1,000 ft., the pilot must fly an indicated 1,100 ft.
Chapter 8-------STALLS
This chapter discusses maneuvering at slow indicated-airspeed and conditions that lead
to inadvertent stalling of the aircraft. Emphasis is on avoiding the stall, and in the event
of a low altitude stall, recovery with minimized altitude loss.
Stall is a condition of attaining an extreme angle-of-attack until the wings can no longer
develop lift. This is a pilot induced condition caused by holding aft elevator input.
There is a huge history in aviation related to stalling and a related emphasis on training
regarding stalls. It is common for accident evaluations to call aircraft accidents and
incidents the result of stalling and crashing.
It is true; low altitude stall leading to an accident often occurs during excessive
maneuvering for an approach to landing and/or emergency off-field landings.
A stall is always the result of pilot input, pulling on the control wheel, allowing an
autopilot to control...all pilot input. Continued aft elevator control causing stall can
lead to a spin. Expect loss of altitude during stall recovery.
We previously found that pulling on the control wheel causes increased elevator-pitched
angle-of-attack allowing reduced indicated-airspeed. Therefore, it seems obvious maybe
we shouldn’t pull on the control wheel so much when maneuvering at low altitudes
and/or operating at low indicated-airspeeds. Be very aware of the consequences of any
pulling of the control wheel.
When maneuvering at slow indicated-airspeeds, if things aren’t going right, adding
power will usually solve the problem. If sufficient power is not available, then you must
use gravity with loss of altitude. No matter the case, if below Vy or at any lower
approach-configured indicated-airspeed, continued pulling the control wheel is often the
wrong solution.
It is important to note, when stalled, the acceleration of gravity is a thrust effect equal
to the weight of the aircraft. That may be as much as four times maximum engine
thrust. Things begin happening very fast.
Elevator-Pitched Critical Angle-of-attack
There is a limit for increased elevator-pitch and related reduced indicated-airspeed
maneuvering. At some maximum elevator-pitched angle, attaining wing critical angle-of-
attack, the airflow over the surface of the wings will be unable to maintain its
conforming laminar flow along the surface, and will break away, causing a turbulent
flow area across the top surfaces of the wings with increased induced drag and loss of
lift…a stall.
Critical elevator-pitch is the aircraft elevator-pitched angle above the direction-of-
motion that causes loss of conforming airflow over the wings. This happens to all aircraft
at some higher angle-of-attack. The indicated-airspeed is the instrument that indicates
being slowed toward critical angle-of-attack, however, because of different mass or “g”
Increasing elevator-pitch angle causes the airflow to deflect more and more away from
the top wing surface, until reaching the wing critical angle-of-attack. At that point, the
Coanda effect is lost, as the laminar airflow can no longer follow the wing contour so
breaks away with resulting turbulent flow and loss of lift.
With a positive dynamically stable aircraft, a stall can only happen by continued aft
elevator-pitch control input from you, the pilot. If not pulling on the control wheel,
there is no reduced indicated-airspeed, but merely descent with added gravity
Using the hands-off flight control technique eliminates the possibility of stall. You must
maintain normal operating procedures with minimum or no aft elevator and the use of
power to assure the aircraft cannot attain wing critical angle-of-attack.
Normally stalling an aircraft will be only for demonstration to regulators of the ability to
recognize approaching and recovery from possible stalling situations.
Stall Situations
All stalls result from pilot induced elevator-pitch angle creating an excessive wing angle-
of-attack. Actual stall events typically are unwanted, unexpected and at low altitudes.
For this reason, it is necessary the pilot be familiar with how each aircraft stalls, and
how to recover rapidly from such an event.
A review of Appendix 1 will show the mental physiological effect of manual elevator
control. This explains how it becomes likely to manually over-control aft elevator input
when maneuvering at slowed indicated-airspeeds.
There should be a review of the minimum maneuvering indicated-airspeed before every
takeoff. It is just after takeoff, when at slow indicated-airspeeds that engine
malfunction often requires immediate maneuvering that often leads to stall incidents.
The idea that you can stall the aircraft, with simply pulling on the control wheel, should
alert you to how to avert a stall. Just don’t pull!
There are, however, certain circumstances that have historically led to stalls, and,
unfortunately, these situations typically occur during low indicated-airspeed, low-
altitude maneuvering, often making it impossible to recover.
The control input forces become less during slowed flight as airflow pressures across the
control surfaces reduce. The reduced pressure on control throw requires more input to
get the same response and tends to hide the concept of approaching a stalling indicated-
These situations, then, can lead toward the stall scenario, and if occurring at low
altitude, are often with fatal consequences.
The attitude of your aircraft in a wings level stall is quite nose high, and normally easily
recognized. However, the nose high attitude in a descending turn is difficult or
impossible to recognize, which coupled with the mental physiology involved adds to the
tendency of continued input of extreme control. Coupled with an increasing stall
indicated-airspeed from “g” loading, a steep banked turning stall can occur.
Any distraction when directing the aircraft toward a point, such as the low indicated-
airspeed descending turn to a landing area, can divert attention from controlling and
inadvertently forcing an attitude, rather than letting the aircraft fly.
It requires training of all pilots in how to consciously maneuver (adding power) with
minimum manual elevator control during turns and awareness of the consequences of
elevator-pitch input. The review of Appendix 1 will allow understanding of how manual
control can inadvertently become too great.
Common Stall Scenarios
The following are the most common situations leading to low-altitude stalls resulting
from excessive pilot input of aft elevator-pitch control.
1. Base to final approach turn; in this lowered indicated-airspeed, high drag configured
turn, if the aircraft seems to be overshooting the final approach, it is human nature
to want to continue into a steep bank and pull the control wheel in an attempt to
correct back. A steep banked attitude with aft elevator control results in increasing
the “g” loading with an associated increase of stall indicated-airspeed while causing
reduced indicated-airspeed.
There must be a practiced and drilled discipline for you to be aware, and know how
to make this turn safely. If you have to pull the elevator control in a steep turn, it
may be time to abort the approach.
2. Having an engine problem at takeoff, and making a reduced power or loss-of-power
steep turn attempt to return to the airport often results in inadvertent excessive
elevator control input and again a low-altitude turning stall. Without training to
know how to make this turn in every airplane you fly, it is likely best to continue
ahead making an off-field landing.
3. Aft elevator-pitch input during takeoff when indicated-airspeed is at minimum initial
flying indicated-airspeed can easily become a stall situation. This is more common in
operation within low-density air of high-altitude, or short-field takeoff attempts to
make it fly. Let it stay in ground-effect for acceleration to safe indicated-airspeeds.
4. Low altitude, slow indicated-airspeed, circling turns, when observing an object on
the ground can lead to inadvertent loss of control. This is diversion of attention,
trying to sight something on the ground and concentrating on that rather than flying
the machine. This type of flight maneuvering is safer by trimming to hands-off at the
desired indicated-airspeed, maintaining the level turn altitude with added power,
changing bank angle with rudder steering, and releasing any aft control wheel input.
5. Normal landing flare is a common situation with slowing of the aircraft toward the
minimum elevator-pitched indicated-airspeed. The intent is to touchdown just as
approaching stall indicated-airspeed. If the roundout and flare are too high, it is
possible to stall and have the aircraft drop a few feet onto the runway.
The landing stall can create a hard landing, with damage to the structure of the
aircraft. The landing touchdown stall requires consideration of possible strut
attachment damage, which may not be visually identifiable. This may mean
canceling the flight for a maintenance inspection.
How do you know it is a hard landing? There being no way to measure, the only way to
know for sure… “If you thought it might have been, then it is!”
Elevator Trim Stall!
The elevator-pitched trim stall results from a go-around maneuver with your aircraft
trimmed at the slower indicated-airspeed of a high drag configured landing approach.
When initiating the approach abort/go-around procedure, attempting leveling with aft
control wheel input just prior to or as the power input happens, could cause attaining
the critical wing angle-of-attack, a stall.
All approaches are at power settings below sustaining thrust for level flight. This is to
allow the aircraft to descend toward the landing. This reduces the thrust component-lift
from the engine power that resulted in adding aft elevator-pitch trim to maintain the
approach indicated-airspeed.
When adding go-around power, the aircraft may pitch up more than desired. Increased
angle-of-attack from increasing to and through sustaining thrust will increase the angle-
of-attack, allowing more reduction of indicated-airspeed.
If propeller-blast is affecting the tail loading, there could be additional elevator-pitch
loading allowing additional reduction of indicated-airspeed.
Excess power causing climb pitch creates a large nose up attitude change. The excess
power can be causing climb-pitch, depending on thrust available, thereby adding a climb
angle to the elevator-pitch angle results in an unusual nose high attitude though not
necessarily approaching elevator-pitched critical angle-of-attack.
From the descending approach, it is common for you to think it necessary to pull the
control wheel to level as you ram the throttle to this maximum go-around power setting.
Too fast response by pulling the control wheel, can easily happen at or before attaining
the excess power input, and possibly cause stall indications, or an actual stall, as power
increase creates its additional angle-of-attack and climb-pitch.
Without caution, the nose up trim of a low indicated-airspeed approach, with rapid
power application, coupled with aft control wheel input for stopping descent, could
easily come together for the stall.
Accelerated and Secondary Stall
It is possible to force a stall from any attitude or indicated-airspeed, including descent.
An accelerated stall is from input of excessive aft elevator control forcing the attitude
to exceed the elevator-pitched critical angle-of-attack before any slowing has occurred.
This can happen from any attitude and indicated-airspeed situation.
A high indicated-airspeed dive attitude requires cautious coordination of control to avoid
overstress of the wing loading while at the same time, exercising care not to cause
excessive elevator-pitch input leading to attaining the critical angle-of-attack, an
accelerated stall.
Secondary stall occurs during stall recovery as an accelerated stall. It is the result of too
rapid and excessive up elevator-pitch following the initial down elevator-pitch input
when initiating a stall recovery.
Introduction of secondary stall can be as an additional maneuver to the normal stall
recovery demonstration.
Disturbed Air Encounter
If you could see air, it might be frightening!
There are other ways to cause inadvertent stall. Though you can stall the aircraft with
aft elevator-pitch input by exceeding the elevator-pitched critical angle of the wings, it
is possible to encounter situations, such as inflight air turbulence, or wake turbulence
from the passing of another aircraft.
These situations generate high velocity vortices in the free-stream air mass that if
encountered can cause a wing to stall or in some manner cause drastic lift change,
perhaps only on one wing at a time.
An upset is a sudden, erratic, changed attitude. You can expect upset, rapid altitude
change, or indicated-airspeed change with flight into extreme microburst winds,
downdraft, or updraft, and lingering wake vortices from the disrupted airflow caused by
the prior passing of an aircraft.
Recovery from upset requires acrobatic flight maneuvering control. Extreme nose up or
steep banked attitudes from upset can approach or lead to actual stall with improper aft
elevator-pitch control input.
In an extreme attitude, awareness of the necessity to push the control wheel forward
with coordinated input of the rudder needs to be firmly entrenched in the pilot’s mind.
Extreme pitch up may require banking the attitude to pitch the nose vertically down
with rudder.
It is difficult to have a mindset to push if in proximity to the ground!
Microburst is rapid change in direction of airmass movement associated with
thunderstorm approach and passage across an area. Low altitude, high velocity, vertical
winds are associated with thunderstorm passage. When encountered, this effect can
cause extreme changes of indicated-airspeed and altitude.
Avoidance of a thunderstorm is the primary way to handle this phenomenon. Inadvertent
encounter may require maximum power to maintain controlled flight. Continued
penetration through an area may not be possible with an aircraft, thereby calling for
immediate turn away.
Large indicated-airspeed changes can occur when encountering microburst winds. Low
indicated-airspeed approach configurations can create possible stall situations when
passing through these rapidly changing winds. Consider increasing approach indicated-
airspeed to allow an airspeed margin for passing through these conditions.
course. If runway length will allow, make your landing touchdown just beyond the
touchdown of the airplane ahead.
Do not hesitate to go-around if not satisfied with the spacing or time for wake
dissipation. Understand where or if wake turbulence can linger from the airplane ahead.
Air mass movement can be determined from the reported wind direction and speed.
Calm winds allow wake turbulence to linger for considerable periods over the approach
of the runway. Light winds crossing parallel runways can drift wake turbulence from one
parallel runway to the other! At the first indication of any erratic flight behavior,
immediately increase power and altitude.
Being suspicious of the possibility of wake encounter is a significant deterrent and allows
much more rapid reactions. Be aware there can be lingering wake even from small
aircraft during takeoff where they are using maximum power. Engine thrust’s blasting-
air cause’s disruption of airflow similar to the volumetric displacement of aircraft
passage through an air mass.
Understand that an encounter can result in at least momentary totally uncontrolled
flight! Don’t hesitate to go-around before the encounter if unsure of what might
happen. Don’t let the controllers influence your caution. Going around is always
preferable to breaking the aircraft. You fly the airplane, not the controllers!
Practice Stalls
Prior to practice of stalling flight, inspect the aircraft to see that you have stored all
loose items, so nothing can become a hazard in the cockpit. Assure seatbelts are tight.
When creating an attitude that approaches the maximum an airplane can fly, the
slowing indicated-airspeed will cause reduced lift, increased induced drag, and gravity
starting the nose down. This condition will cause acceleration by gravity, and the
machine to continue flight.
If you input additional up elevator-pitch, an extreme pitched up attitude can result
leading to more indicated-airspeed loss, and if continued, the aircraft stalls. The
aircraft begins to fall. Falling from the gravity force of acceleration is with a thrust
equivalent of the aircraft’s weight. That is rapid acceleration accompanied with rapid
loss of altitude.
Emphasize the comparison of control inputs that allow your airplane to operate safely,
versus the inputs that created stalls. The stalls occur with added aft elevator-pitch
control input by you, when attempting to maintain an attitude. Only with prior mental
preparation and awareness of the maneuvering can you prevent excessive aft elevator
Stall Training
Excessive nose-up elevator-pitch control causes stall. Stalling can only happen with
controlling to the critical elevator-pitched angle. This happens with aft/up elevator-
pitch control input.
All practice stall scenarios result in increasing to the critical elevator-pitched angle to
its related critical wing angle-of-attack. Increased elevator-pitch always allows the
aircraft to decrease indicated-airspeed.
Initially fly the setup, configuration, demonstration, and flight of different stall
scenarios, without elevator-pitch input, to indicate how the airplane “wants” to fly, and
its descending response in each situation. These will show that the aircraft will not stall
without pilot input, because there is no change to the set elevator-pitch, even with
large power change.
In this scenario, power reduction below sustaining power would cause some reduced
elevator-pitch effect allowing acceleration. There would be no stall.
A second demonstration of each scenario follows, using the elevator “aft/to” control
input for learning indications of approaching a stall, and then, a third demonstration of
an actual stall.
Emphasize minimum altitude loss and recovery techniques throughout all demonstrations
and practice.
Emphasis is to understand, for an airplane to stall, it requires the pilot pulling on the
elevator control, and initial stall recovery is release or push on the elevator control.
In all different configurations, with ongoing discussion during the maneuvers, note the
indicated-airspeed at which a stall occurs and the altitude loss in the recovery, these
become limitations for operation of this aircraft.
You must be convinced that stalling an aircraft is the result of improper pilot input
causing some minimum indicated-airspeed, at which stall will occur.
The most common, unwanted stall incidents occur unexpectedly at low altitudes. Often
these incidents are at such low altitudes there is minimum altitude for recovery.
Stalls can only happen, when you pull on the control wheel or stick, in an attempt to
“make” the airplane perform. Physically, it is impossible for the machine to do
something it cannot and will always respond with descent.
In beginning flight, accomplish all maneuvers, except landing roundout and flare, with
hands-off technique using minimum elevator-pitch control. Initial flight demonstration
and practice finds the limits of normal flight. That is, the maximum attitudes the
aircraft can fly without any elevator-pitch input allowing change of indicated-airspeed.
You will find that when exceeding any of these maneuvering limits, it results in the
aircraft descending.
Discuss and demonstrate the lowering of the nose and application of power at low
altitudes, with approaches to actual landings. This allows acquaintance with the sight
picture of low-altitude maneuvering. Demonstrate flight, seeing the ground, and
obstacles on the ground, up close while maneuvering!
This exercise should be demonstrated by the Instructor, and be related to recognizing
control feel of marginal maneuvering situations and initiating proper recoveries prior to
even approaching close to a stall.
You should become aware of the control inputs and indicated-airspeed at which
beginning to feel stall indication for each maneuver. The different attitudes and
configurations have their own indicated-airspeed limitations for flight.
You should then be shown and practice how control input can cause the actual stall to
occur. Emphasize that most recoveries will result in loss of altitude.
You must also understand that each aircraft has its own minimum indicated-airspeed at
the different attitudes and configurations at which they will begin descending.
Awareness of these indicated-airspeeds should be part of a normal checkout when
operating any given aircraft.
The emphasis should be in awareness of control feel at minimum indicated-airspeed for
a current configuration and attitude. The control feel awareness should cause recovery
initiation well before reducing to stall indicated-airspeed. This relates to every aircraft
checkout you fly.
The reference you have for indicated-airspeed is the reduced feel of control input and
the indicated-airspeed indicator. Your airplane performance should relate to what you
read on the indicator in spite of any theoretical errors that may be involved.
When determining the indicated-airspeed limits from actual operation, the pilot can use
those actual limits as reference for control.
At any given maneuvered attitude and indicated-airspeed, there is an expected
response. The pilot should know what the indicated-airspeed for the indicator installed
on this aircraft will be for each attitude and always expect to fly well above the actual
Stall Recovery
“You Stall the Airplane!” “Turn it loose!”
Teach and drill the stall recovery as an emergency, minimum altitude loss, procedure.
Most actual stall scenarios occur at very low altitudes, so use very rapid and positive
recovery procedures.
When an airplane stalls use the rudder and little or no aileron to maintain controlled
flight. The aerodynamic forces will attempt return to coordinated flight.
If the plane stalls and rolls, use down elevator and aileron turned with the roll to help
the plane get into laminar flow flight, which should regain controlled flight.
Incorporate flight toward zero “g” in practice when learning how to recover from any
low altitude unusual attitude, or stalled condition to attempt absolute minimum loss of
As part of finding limitations and recovery from extreme attitudes, you should practice
the feeling of approaching a zero-g condition. This is rapidly pushing the nose down for
momentary reduced g-force. This maneuver results in less than one-g conditions, causing
you to feel lifted upward against your seat belt.
These sensations are not usual and need to be part of normal recovery training
experience from extreme attitudes. Flight at less than one-g reduces the aircraft wing
loading and the related stalling indicated-airspeed.
hundred to three thousand feet, and possibly much more, with the related time,
possibly minutes, for this change to occur.
An aircraft falling in the stalled condition can only happen with the aircraft manually
held in the stall by a confused crewmember. With the acceleration of gravity being
thrust equivalent to the gross weight and not allowed to reduce below critical angle-of-
attack, the aircraft will quickly accelerate through the rarefied air into a high-velocity
stalled descent.
If this happens with reduced power, the ram effect into under-slung engine frontal areas
from the increasing mass of lower altitudes can create large nose-down pitch forces.
Recovery may then only occur with added engine thrust to reduce or eliminate the ram
effect while simultaneously causing thrust component-lift, pitching up, at the engines.
There will now be that portion of thrust component-lift again contributing to angle-of-
attack for a new indicated-airspeed as called for by the elevator position. This
procedure requires coordination with nose-down elevator pitch, elevator trim, and
increased power.
In all cases, at higher altitudes with the low-density air, this takes time and altitude.
Stall incidents with delayed initiation for recovery can take up to twenty or more
thousand feet.
A mental problem occurs in an engine-out situation. The first thing the pilot must do is
understand; there is no decision, a landing is going to occur somewhere nearby.
Acceptance in the mind is vital for continued decision-making. You can think about it a
bit and make up your mind right now, so if it ever happens, the previous consideration
of this kind of decision aids forward thinking.
Excessive controlling, especially manual aft elevator-pitch (pulling up), will not cure any
alarm, concern, or fear of a flight situation. If the engine power available will not lift
the aircraft sufficiently, it is going to descend.
• If the ground is close, with complete or partial power loss, controlling direction to
a best probable landing site is likely your only option. Accept it! Keep flight
control throughout; find a glide indicated-airspeed and land the aircraft.
• Prepare yourself mentally for this kind event by visualizing different kinds of
scenarios. If the situation ever arises, it will come back to mind.
Select a Site
Accept that the airplane must land immediately and select a site. Upon the realization
of engine failure, with or without acceptance of the necessity of landing immediately,
the pilot must select a most suitable place for landing.
This is not something allowing delay or even considered contemplation. There often will
be only seconds, though in many cases, it can be minutes, before the aircraft lands.
Low-level engine failure leaves few choices for a landing area. Prior consideration of the
kinds of surfaces that could be available and the probable scenario of landing touchdown
and roll-out conditions with low altitude engine failure aids in making the immediate
analysis and landing decision.
Control the Aircraft
After selecting a landing site, reducing to maximum endurance (Vme) allows more time
for the approach while reducing toward a minimum approach indicated-airspeed. This is
typically a 10-15 knot indicated-airspeed reduction from Vy. A rapid nose up elevator
trimming allows the aircraft to fly hands-off reducing the need for the distraction of
indicated-airspeed control. Initial trimming can be close is good enough. Turn loose of
the control wheel and fly visual directed course flight.
Vme (loiter) can be attained by multiplying best glide indicated-airspeed by .75, and Vc
(optimum cruise) for most operations is attained by dividing best glide by .75. (V bg
divided by .75 equals 1.3 times Vbg)
The Approach
It is now necessary to fly to the chosen field while attempting to setup and maintain
approach and landing procedures as close to normal as possible.
Once the landing site is determined to be close, consider reducing the indicated-
airspeed toward maximum endurance (Vme). This is a reduction of ten-fifteen knots
below your best-glide indicated-airspeed. Vme (loiter) allows maximum time in the air
while giving the opportunity to push the nose down toward best glide indicated-airspeed
if the sighted landing area is moving up indicating going low and needing to extend the
approach. Best glide and ground effect are ways to extend the approach glide.
If the landing area is moving down relative the windshield, you are going high so
forward-slipping and/or increased flap will add drag for increased descent rate without
increased indicated-airspeed.
The emergency landing approach procedure is similar to an idle-power approach. You
are a glider. There is no engine control of altitude. A pilot must be proficient in energy
management for minimum powered visual approach and Directed-Course spot landing
Initial control must be with consideration of the potential energy available, the need for
zoom, if there is excess indicated-airspeed to attain a Vy for distance, or continued
zoom/dive energy manipulation for turning. If low and slow immediate dive (descent) to
maintain the flight control with whatever maneuvering is possible. In all cases, the
elevator now controls the indicated-airspeed for rate of descent. Trim the elevator for a
gliding indicated-airspeed; do not stall.
The engine out approach is initially flown by attempting to maneuver the aircraft
toward a landing position as close to a normal approach as possible. This is flying toward
a “key” position.
A “key” position is any point along a visual landing pattern reached in attempting to set
up a normal approach position relative to the chosen landing site. If not high enough to
glide to a downwind “key” position, then fly to a normal base to final “key” position. If
still not high enough, then fly directly toward the landing point maintaining it visually
sighted low on the windshield.
Fly the idle-power approach technique toward a highest “key” position possible for the
selected landing site, while attempting restart, and radioing the status of airplane.
Do as many procedures, including re-start as possible in the time available while flying
toward this approach “key” position. Accomplishment of a more normal approach and
landing procedure will follow. However, never allow procedures to distract from positive
aircraft indicated-airspeed control.
Engine failure at very low altitude may force landing within a few seconds. At that
point, you are already on short final, or even at roundout, or flare. This is a time for
maintaining short-field and soft-field touchdown attitude and indicated-airspeed
Continue controlling to make a normal landing at a reduced indicated-airspeed approach
allowing flaring for minimum speed touchdown, even if the touchdown will be into
rocks, trees, cars, or houses. Direct the aircraft with rudder steering and aileron turning
as able.
Maintain the approach indicated-airspeed. DO NOT PULL THE ELEVATOR CONTROL until
roundout—DO NOT ALLOW THE AIRCRAFT TO STALL! —this is a normal idle-power type
Very High
High Key—X
Approx. 1,000’ AGL
X—High Key
Approx. 1,000’ AGL
As the pilot, you must also try to prepare for the probable rapid deceleration that will
occur on an unprepared surface.
The mental preparation is that, at some point at or soon after touchdown, everyone will
become passengers. It is imperative that you be conscious when the aircraft stops!
The Mental Anxiety
A pilot making an actual engine-out approach to a selected area may begin realizing the
aircraft could land short. It is almost impossible to convince oneself not to fly a little
high or a little fast on an emergency power-off approach. Real-life experiences show it
is usual for pilots to do one or the other and often both, staying high and fast.
This is a decision a pilot must have made prior to flight. It is essential to review, study,
and consider how one will think when in the engine-out situation. How will the engine-
out approach affect oneself mentally?
It takes an aware pilot to keep flying a normal directed-course approach in these
conditions. Clear understanding of power off and idle-power approach and landing
procedures is required. Minimum power landing proficiency and understanding use of
ground-effect helps in the decision not to fly too high or too fast.
Remember; the accident occurs at or after touchdown. Until then, fly your airplane.
What is Experience?
Off-field landing experience comes from considering scenarios of possible conditions. It
is possible to project an infinite number of scenarios, from farm fields, with little or no
obstruction, to landing in houses, rocks, trees, and gullies. At least there has now been
consideration of what could happen.
You will try to touchdown, with controlled minimum forward velocity. The landing gear,
which is stressed for landing, should be first to absorb energy. Trees or other obstacles
encountered with the wings can contribute to stopping.
The cockpit is least designed for absorbing energy and makes it a hazardous place if
encountering an obstacle. Think about the difference, landing on top of a tree or
between trees. Steer as possible to avoid any direct impact with obstacles. A glancing
impact is preferable.
A common off-field landing situation is the nose-wheel catching and flipping the aircraft
upside down. Now you are hanging by your seat belt. What does that feel like? Think
about it. Hanging upside down, at night, with a broken arm, what do you have to do
Engine failure on a dark black night with no landing light available and unable to
distinguish anything on the ground is an interesting condition. The landing is inevitable.
Set a minimum forward indicated-airspeed, by configuring with full flaps and full nose
up elevator-pitch trim.
The configuration of the aircraft will cause higher vertical descent, with a minimum
forward velocity. This may also be a viable option for landing in treetops or on top of a
There will be no stall if aft elevator-pitch is not manually applied. Maintain the wings
level, while bracing for impact. Initiate protection of the face early since there is no
way to know when impact will occur. Remember landing lights may be a way to alleviate
this kind of situation.
Upon eventual touchdown, the landing gear absorbs the vertical impact, and much of
the forward speed, minimizing the stopping distance.
Consider that deceleration from forward velocity is more gradual than the instant stop
of vertical descent at surface contact.
See, you just gained a little experience. There are lots more scenarios that could be
thought up. All this thinking is gaining experience.
In any case, prior consideration is the key. If you considered it five years ago, it is still
there when the time comes to use it. Practice this at a safe altitude to see if any
specific control is required and learn the descent rates that result.
In gaining your experiences by considering all these scenarios, you might also talk to
some of the old pilots of the world. There are those that have done this thing for real
and all have considered it in some manner.
A technique might be having the elevator-trim full nose up at touchdown. That reduces
the elevator-pitch input pressures quite a bit. You might have to hold the nose down
some as it slows.
It is better sinking than stalling. Stall is falling. That is when people tend to get hurt
badly. The aircraft structure can absorb sinking much better than catching a wing from a
Practice of techniques at altitude enable having mental preparation and a procedure
ready. Low altitude power loss at take-off is not the time for innovation or invention.
Always know a minimum indicated-airspeed for your aircraft.
Landing vs. Crashing
A common phrase that appears in many accident reports says, “The aircraft stalled and
The emergency off-field landing situation seems to infer a crash if damaging the airplane
and a landing if not damaged. However, there is a difference between landing and
crashing which does not involve the condition of the airplane.
The control of the aircraft during any approach and touchdown determines the
difference of landing or crashing. A controlled aircraft flown to and through touchdown
is a landing. An approach, which stalls the aircraft at any time prior to touchdown, will
result in a crash. A crash is the aircraft falling uncontrolled to the surface, even just a
few feet.
If making an emergency off-field approach to an area with obstacles there is a strong
tendency to try to make the aircraft avoid these obstacles.
Often it is not possible to avoid these kinds of obstacles in partial or unpowered forced
landings. You must accept that it is going to be bad and continue flying the aircraft to a
normal landing approach and touchdown, no matter the condition of the landing area.
The landing gear is the obvious first place you want contact with the surface. Its design
is to absorb lots of energy. After the gear, the wings contacting obstacles will absorb
some energy. The fuselage should be the last place you want to encounter an obstacle.
You are there. A direct encounter with an obstacle can push the engine back into the
cockpit. That is not good. A glancing encounter may be better.
The key is to use all means possible to slow with minimum contact of the fuselage. This
means you must have controlled the aircraft as long as possible. At touchdown, you will
quickly become aware when you no longer have any control and have become a
Continuing the Approach
You have now gained enough experience to be aware you definitely want to land on that
chosen area or at least close.
You will visually establish a Directed-Course on the final approach. Now you are
confident you can make the field. The field sure looks bad. There are trees and rocks
just short of the touchdown point, and the field looks rough down this low to the
ground. It looked a lot better from a higher altitude. The tall grass was covering up a lot
of rocks, ditches, and gullies.
You have to live with the decision. In some cases, if recognized early enough, it may be
possible to change landing fields. That is another decision that deserves consideration
when discussing scenarios. Be real sure, if you decide to change landing fields.
Now you have to land this thing on the selected area. Get it centered low and unmoving
relative to the windshield. Attaining a Directed-Course allows early confirmation of the
landing area and enables more time for controlling. If maintaining a Directed-Course,
you cannot miss.
Consider if it is necessary to land on the area at slightly faster indicated-airspeed, or
can you afford floating past some. Are you faster or slower than best glide indicated-
airspeed? Keep the visual picture. Make the airplane go to it.
You better watch out when trying to make the airplane do something. Maybe it can't. Be
real careful using the elevator-pitch control now. You have the indicated-airspeed set
with elevator-trim. All you can do with the elevator-pitch, before roundout and flare, is
pull too much and stall. Don’t do that!
Extreme Landing Surface
If landing on an extremely bad surface, it is obvious dismantling of the aircraft will
follow. Consider using maximum nose up trim and full flaps for a minimum forward
velocity as outlined for the dark night landing. Then you don’t need the elevator-pitch
control. The aircraft will be at its minimum indicated-airspeed, a behind the power
curve situation.
The descent rate will be some higher and any change will require pushing the control
wheel. That allows the landing gear to absorb its maximum of both vertical (potential)
and horizontal (kinetic) energies.
Remember, there is no set way to make these rough field obstacle landings. You must
have previously considered as many different scenarios as possible. Never decide there
is one way to do this.
When the time comes, you must do whatever it takes for that situation. It will not be
any of those previously considered. Every landing approach is the same; the touchdown
will be different in different circumstances and with different obstacles. Land the
aircraft first, don’t let it stall.
Landing on Relatively Smooth Surface
On relative good surfaces, you can set the indicated-airspeed for a normal approach to a
short field or soft-field landing. Set the elevator-pitch trim to this speed in anticipation
of making a normal touchdown.
Now, are you high or low? Most people tend to be high. You can utilize drag procedures
like extension of the flaps or slips to increase descent.
Are you low? You could be some low, though with care, keeping the landing area
centered on the windshield it should not be too low. You are below best glide indicated-
airspeed; push it down to get best glide indicated-airspeed again. That will extend the
glide. If you are making the approach with full flaps for drag, raising some partial flaps
will extend the glide distance.
Do you feel you are too low for that? You have little choice but to push the elevator-
pitch control to gain best glide indicated-airspeed, or even a little faster, and level just
above the surface, with minimum flaps for reduced drag. Now you will be in ground-
effect. That can extend your glide distance even more.
Maneuver to a minimum forward speed. You are just above the ground, hopefully,
approaching the selected touchdown area. You are landing…wait a minute! This
technique is the same for all landings. Your approach to touchdown is always the same.
It is just another Visual Directed-Course toward a landing area. This is what you always
do when making any idle-power approach…isn’t that interesting?
The roundout and flare will likely be the last control inputs you can make, unless you
are on a relatively smooth field. At this point, whatever it takes. Keep flying through
touchdown. You will recognize when you have become a passenger, until then, keep
flying, and keep steering.
The roundout has leveled the aircraft, and it is slowing and sinking. Continue to flare
the nose up as normal. Just don’t stall. Any stall should occur only at touchdown. You
have maneuvered to a minimum forward speed. That is the best you can do. Do not try
to make it fly slower. It can’t. It will stall if you attempt it. You are on the ground. It is
rough. You never experienced anything like this before. This part needs discussion.
You just landed in rocks and gullies. The airplane just came to a rapid stop.
Upon touchdown, you realized you had no control. You became a passenger. You even
thought… “I am now a passenger—I have to be conscious when the aircraft stops.”
It may seem strange, if this ever happens, but you will think that. Why? Because I just
told you so! It is now in your mind, and if the time ever comes, you will recall it…believe
me, I know.
Landing Roll
Did I say roll, well, maybe so, maybe no? You are not finished yet. Most of the
excitement takes place from touchdown to stop. You thought the approach was tough,
but the landing is where it is.
What do you do during the landing roll?
The main thing is, in what condition you need to be when the aircraft stops.
YOU NEED TO BE CONSCIOUS! If not conscious, you can do nothing for yourself or for
How do you do that? Well, you have to protect your head. Don’t let it bang around. You
just instructed your passengers to protect their heads and faces. You have to do the
same, if you can.
Consideration of some techniques might help protect you during touchdown to stop. (I
don’t necessarily call it a landing roll.)
You can expect any emergency landing touchdown and rollout to be very exciting.
Assume there will be obstacles of some sort that will cause rapid deceleration and
probable dismantling of the aircraft. Therefore, at touchdown you must be prepared to
survive this deceleration until stopped.
Staying Conscious
You just touched down on an unprepared field. Things are quickly going bad.
How quick is quick? How long from touchdown to stop, if you land in the trees, rocks,
and gullies? If you encounter irregular hard objects, the airplane is going to start coming
apart. It may tip over on its back. No one can guess. No two incidents are ever the
Everything takes time.
The one thing you can depend upon is that the deceleration will be quite fast. In many
cases, you could expect touchdown to stop within three to five seconds.
During those few seconds of deceleration, you are to recognize you are a passenger and
be protecting your head to assure consciousness when stopped. That is not a lot of time,
but maybe it is enough to do something. How long is three to five seconds?
Try counting…one thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three, one thousand
four, one thousand five…! That is a lot of time.
What did you do during this time?
One thousand one…you had previously figured out how this works, so at touchdown in
these extremely rough conditions, you quickly realized you were now a passenger. You
had no control of the aircraft.
Thrown forward from the rapid deceleration, you have leaned against the shoulder
harness. You happened to have a coat you had previously put in your lap, put it up into
your face, and wrapped your arms around your head to keep from banging against the
glare shield and window post.
One thousand two…you are keeping your eyes open, so you can react. Things are
bouncing all over. When is this thing going to stop?
One thousand three…It seems like it has been three minutes. It is like slow motion. I
almost feel that I can do anything I want.
One thousand four…wow, it just flipped over on its back.
One thousand five…It finally stopped. I’m conscious, but I’m hanging upside down. I
better get everyone out of here.
After Stopping
Anyway, you have stopped, upside down, hanging by your seatbelt, with a broken arm.
Do you know what that feels like? Take time to consider this kind of situation as part of
your experience training.
Don’t worry. You are conscious, and if you get out quickly before the plane catches fire,
you are home free. You will heal. Those bumps on your head will go away.
Ouch! That hurts, dropping from the seat belt onto your head. Your left arm isn’t doing
anything. You have to get these people out!
What do you think just happened?
You were protecting your head and face while watching what was going on. Your brain
works fast. It seemed like minutes for the thing to stop. You were lucky enough to be
You will be able to remember in detail all these events the rest of your life. That is what
happens when you have your eyes open during fast-moving events. It could be the same
in a rolling car accident, a fall from a ladder, or any other fast-moving situation.
Time seems to slow down…if you are watching.
Your passengers are conscious too as they were not bumped so badly. They were
protecting their faces with coats for padding; arms wrapped around their heads, and
leaning forward at impact, so…get them out of the airplane. The door is blocked! Kick
the window out with your feet.
That part is all over now. Take care of anyone hurt badly, then go sit together by a tree
somewhere and try listening for the birds singing. It’s nice and quiet now. The birds
should begin singing soon.
This is a way of relaxing for control of shock. There is not anything pressing for now.
Rescue will come sometime in the next few minutes or hours. Don’t worry about food. It
takes a few weeks to starve. Most people need to lose a pound or so anyway. Of course,
you always carry water.
Flight into IMC and Visual Disorientation
Loss of visual reference can quickly lead to disorientation and uncontrolled flight. A
pilot without instrument flight training is required to know procedures to maintain
control if inadvertently flying into clouds or for any other reason losing visual reference.
Flight into clouds requires an immediate one-hundred and eighty degree turn to exit the
conditions. In addition, flight in certain marginal weather conditions, especially at night,
can cause temporary loss of visual references, requiring maintaining control with
reference to instruments, perhaps for some extended time.
We have now learned when trimmed hands-off, aircraft essentially fly by themselves. If
practiced as normal flight, safe control when encountering inadvertent IMC is by simply
turning loose the control wheel, watching and believing the turn-and-bank or roll
instrument. Push a rudder to attain and hold a standard rate turn for one minute, then
reverse the rudder to attain and hold zero turn and fly out of the condition.
With practice, a pilot will quickly learn satisfactory control to fly safely back to visual
conditions. Note; one minute seems like a long time during this maneuver!
When maneuvering in this manner, there will be some minimum descent while in the
turn. If the encounter is weather related, a small descent often aids in exiting the
conditions, however to assure terrain clearance, adding a small amount of power would
maintain a level turn and if deemed necessary, even more power causing climb.
If losing visual reference in night VFR, again by turning loose of the control wheel and
maintain zero turn on the turn-and-bank instrument, it is probable using excess thrust
for climb will aid re-attaining distant lights or references. At the same time, climbing
increases terrain clearance. The flight continues with reference to the turn-and-bank
indicator for reversing direction and/or continued maneuvering.
For a pilot initially taught to always fly trimmed hands-off, this is continued normal
flight. Hands-off elevator trimming and rudder steering also make nice stabilized
approaches. Just use a coordinated power change for altitude control in straight and
level or turning flight.
Take-off Load Shift
In the case of an aircraft takeoff having a rearward load shift resulting in approaching
stall, a reduction of the large take-off thrust setting would cause significant reduction of
angle-of-attack. Depending on the stabilizer/elevator lifting, and the extent of aft
loading shift, it may allow enough time and altitude for recovery, or possible controlled
landing straight ahead.
This type of situation is always sudden and unexpected. It is not intuitive to reduce
power at takeoff when encountering such a problem, so only with prior consideration is
it likely a pilot would ever think of this when involved in an actual situation. Most
modern aircraft have single engine thrust sufficient for continued flight.
Always consider instant thrust reduction with full nose down elevator input. There have
been situations in which it was possible to generate sufficient lift with the elevator to
allow continued flight for a landing. The only other alternative is attempting to avoid
stall by rapid descent attempting to make a controlled forced landing.
This chapter is putting it all together. You are going on a flight to learn what a pilot can
What makes an aircraft fly? Money! How does an airplane fly?
Do not worry too much about how. Engineers designed your airplane to be aerodynamic
and manufacturers built it to fly. It is a big chunk of aluminum sitting there. You cannot
change that. You just deal with it. If started and turned loose, it will fly by itself.
What is all the fuss about? Your job as the pilot is the utilization of energy through
thrust to enable safe, controlled flight.
What can a pilot do? Push and pull the throttle for power control and operate the flight
controls…that’s it! Let the machine fly hands off and control the engine thrust by
pointing it in the direction you want to go.
This isn’t about theory; it’s just flying the airplane. Let’s see if you really understand
how to control an aircraft! Following are short summaries of the required control inputs
for each phase of flight.
Study of Appendix-1 about the physiology of manual control prior to initial flight will
help understanding how the body makes input to the controls.
The initial flight of a Student is a big and lasting impression of how to control an
aircraft. This makes it important to consider how to conduct this first flight.
Demonstrating the following procedures to initial flight Students introduces the concept
that the airplane flies, they direct. Use of hands-off flight control throughout this initial
flight insures the new Student understands…the airplane wants to fly and left alone will
Minimum control input throughout this flight, limited to power change and rudder
steering, with the elevator trim set prior to takeoff, allows the initial Student to
concentrate visually on learning to see, hear, and feel the aircraft.
Taxi for Takeoff
You start the engine and prepare to taxi. This is driving the aircraft on the surface.
Acceleration is with the hand throttle, steering is pushing the rudder pedals, and
stopping is with the individual foot operated brakes on the rudder pedals…there is
blasting air blowing behind.
Initial Students often need shown the technique of “wiggling” the rudders to and fro for
precise directional control until learning the “feel” of steering with the feet as
explained in Appendix-1.
It is a new experience with a large machine. It is now twenty or more feet to each wing
tip. You have to remember that, because it is you. You are real big now.
The tail swings in a large arc when turning and on some aircraft has an arc of travel
larger than the wing tips. Think big!
This all requires visually checking for clearance of the machine and the taxiway before
maneuvering the aircraft. Don’t hesitate to vocalize when clearing. “Clear left”, “Clear
right”, “Wingtips clear”, “Clear behind”.
Traffic on airports is one-way. There is no passing or meeting of opposite direction
aircraft. If an aircraft is in the way, you just have to stay back and wait for it to clear.
Other aircraft will do the same for you.
• Movement/motion control is with throttle input.
• Steering and braking are with the rudder pedals.
• Where are the wing tips?
• Don’t forget the propeller-blasting air behind. It can blow things away, and other
aircraft can blow you away.
Takeoff Flight
There are pre-takeoff procedures to assure proper configuration of the aircraft for
takeoff and that the engine, instruments, and flight controls are functioning properly.
For initial flight control, there is a pre-takeoff setting for the elevator trim. This setting
determines the indicated-airspeed at which the aircraft will lift-off; initial flight begins.
For this initial flight, we will set the elevator trim for an expected V x as the initial
You taxi onto the runway for takeoff. With most small aircraft, takeoff power set to
maximum forward throttle, mixture adjusted to maximum power and brake release. The
aircraft begins accelerating down the runway using the rudder controls for steering
alignment along the centerline of the runway.
The use of rudder steering corrects the engine gyroscopic turning effects. As the aircraft
transits the indicated-airspeed set by elevator-trim, the aircraft will begin flying. It is
now airborne.
For this first flight, steer with rudder input, aided with minimum control wheel aileron
turning by the Instructor as may be required. Visually sighting a prominent point on or
toward the horizon allows maintaining direction as you continue ahead in a slight nose-
up climb attitude. You are climbing at the lift-off indicated-airspeed. There is no more
acceleration; you are in space with three-dimensional maneuvering capabilities.
Since setting takeoff power, there has been only pilot control input of steering with
rudder and possibly some turning with aileron. Throughout all flight operations,
coordinated power and elevator pitch input is always whatever it takes. Then trim
toward hands-off control.
When airborne, the momentum of large (mass) aircraft, at their higher indicated-
airspeeds, requires larger areas of operation and more time for attitude change. At
higher altitudes (low-density air), the related true airspeed is a higher velocity within an
air mass and requires even larger areas for operation.
Unless flying very close to the surface, there is little reference to indicate the extent of
travel during a maneuver. Visual observation of low-level flight maneuvering allows
learning judgment of the required space for close to the ground maneuvering. Higher
altitude maneuvering requires little consideration of the extent of space involved.
• Elevator-pitch was trim-set for an initial indicated-airspeed, there has been little, or
no input of elevator control.
• Steering is with rudder during ground roll and initial flight. Heading is toward a
visually selected point in the distance toward the horizon.
• Control-wheel aileron if necessary for maintaining wings level or turning to maintain
• Throttle and mixture are set at maximum power for takeoff.
• Continued input for headings and turns allows fixing rudder use in the Student’s
mind. The associated yaw allows learning awareness of kinesthetic feel of the
airplane through the seat-of-the-pants.
Climbing Flight
The maximum or takeoff power thrust is sustaining the flight with a climb-angle from
excess thrust. The aircraft is now proceeding straight ahead in a climb attitude. You can
monitor the sustained thrust and elevator-pitch trim as indicated-airspeed and the
excess thrust and climb-angle as rate-of-climb.
Initiate any required change in climb indicated-airspeed with small elevator control
input. Then adjust the elevator-pitch trimming to set the new indicated-airspeed for
hands-off/finger-tip elevator controlling.
The visual picture is the horizon level across the center to lower edge of the windshield
or even slightly below the nose cowling and for heading control a selected prominent
point on or toward that distant horizon.
Throughout the climb, initiate small-banked clearing turns of 10-15 degrees left and
right of the selected heading point. This is slow rudder steering input and visual attitude
monitoring of the horizon with small-banked angles across the windshield while turning
back and forth. This continues throughout all climbing and descending flight to allow
scanning the area for conflicting traffic.
• Elevator control and elevator-pitch trim adjusted to attain a desired climb indicated-
• Steering with rudder for small angled clearing turns during flight. Aileron input if
necessary for turning to a heading.
• Throttle and mixture setting continues at maximum continuous power.
• Climb rate will be that available from excess power.
• Visual sighting of the horizon during climbing turns is at a small angle, low across the
Level Flight
Upon approaching the desired cruising altitude, begin gradual power reduction to cause
leveling for a desired constant altitude.
If requiring a different cruise indicated-airspeed, the elevator control can be pushed
slightly to allow acceleration, or pulled slightly to allow deceleration with coordinated
power adjustment of thrust to cause the indicated-airspeed change. Coordination of
power with elevator-pitch trim sets the desired indicated-airspeed for level flight.
The visual picture of the horizon will now be level across the windshield and in a desired
direction as referenced to a chosen heading point on the horizon. Checking wing tips
equal distance from the horizon confirms wings level while allowing scanning for traffic.
When properly coordinated, the aircraft flies with hands-off the controls.
• Elevator control and elevator-pitch trim adjusted to set a cruise indicated-airspeed.
• Throttle setting coordinated to sustain level flight.
• Steering is with small angled turns by rudder input for heading corrections during
• Aileron input for desired bank angle as necessary if turning.
• Visual sighted horizon fixed level across the windshield, directed to a distant point.
To initiate climb from a set altitude, increase the throttle and adjust the mixture to a
climb power setting. There will now be excess thrust pitching to a climb angle with
increasing altitude from the excess thrust component-forward sustaining in the new
direction-of-motion of increased altitude.
The visual picture will be the horizon level and low across the windshield similar to the
initial takeoff climb to altitude. The procedures are the same. Clearing turns while
climbing and leveling at a new altitude are the same as the original leveling procedure.
Leveling from Climb
When approaching an assigned altitude, initiate a gradual, coordinated decrease of
power until attaining the sustaining thrust for the set indicated-airspeed.
• Level flight acceleration to a higher indicated-airspeed cruise requires allowing
continued climb thrust for causing acceleration by reduced elevator-pitch then
power reduction coordinated with elevator trim at the new indicated-airspeed.
Turning Flight
Level constant indicated-airspeed turns use aileron and rudder input to maneuver into a
bank-angled attitude in the direction desired. The rudder input steers the thrust to
coordinate any adverse turning forces.
The initial flight can be done without aileron input to allow continued indoctrination of
rudder use.
Visually clearing the area, coordinated power/thrust increase is necessary for altitude
control as the aircraft rolls into an angled attitude. At the desired angle of bank (the
horizon angled across the windshield and the aircraft nose moving level along the
horizon), neutralize aileron input. The power increase coordinates the thrust
component-lift (climb-pitch) for necessary vertical lift to maintain the nose visually
tracking level across the horizon.
Rudder input as necessary maintains turn coordination.
Choose a point on the horizon toward the new direction of flight, and as the nose
tracking along the horizon approaches the point, the aileron and rudder coordinated
input, are turned back to level the wings for flight direct toward that new point.
Level constant indicated-airspeed turns are limited in bank angle by the maximum
power available. Steeper banked level turns will require coordinated aft elevator pitch
input with related slowing from increased angle-of-attack.
Reduction of power coordinated to maintain level flight, while reducing the turning bank
angle, returns to the sustaining thrust setting as set prior to initiating the turn.
• Aileron turning during flight is coordinated with rudder steering.
• Aileron input to attain a desired angle of bank, then neutralized.
• Increased throttle coordinated for added thrust component-lift to maintain level
turning flight.
• Visual sighting confirms level nose tracking along the horizon.
Maximum Performance Turn (wing-over)
Initiate maximum performance zoom/dive turns with increased thrust to maximum,
which will pitch the nose into a climb attitude. Simultaneously roll into the turn with
increasing bank using coordinated rudder input into the turn, and as indicated-airspeed
reduces, the nose begins dropping.
As the bank angle passes 45 degrees, not to exceed 60 degrees, and the nose descends
toward the horizon, begin reducing thrust toward the previous sustaining thrust. The
bank angle must be coordinated rolling out to wings level as the aircraft turns 180
There is little or no elevator-pitch control necessary, so the angle-of-attack is then
• Aileron turning during flight is coordinated with rudder steering.
• Aileron input as necessary to attain a desired angle of bank, then neutralized.
• Throttle setting coordinated with maximum thrust for climb-pitched lift to initiate
the climbing/descending turn.
• Rudder insures nose down vertical pitch with continued coordination while rolling out
of the turn.
• Initially the indicated-airspeed will slow and then begin rapidly increasing as the
nose descends through the horizon.
• Thrust is coordinated to return to the sustaining thrust, as the wings become level
and the aircraft returns to the original altitude.
Initiating a descent is with gradual decrease of thrust. The horizon sighted visually will
be level but move slightly higher across the windshield. There will be some initial
When reducing thrust from the sustaining thrust, there is a small reduction of the thrust
component-lift contributing to angle-of-attack. This causes a decrease of angle-of-
attack allowing some acceleration, so to maintain the same constant indicated-airspeed
it requires a small nose up elevator-pitch input and elevator re-trim for hands-off
• Constant indicated-airspeed requires coordinated thrust and elevator trim with any
change of attitude.
Leveling from Descent
Adding power from descent increases the thrust component-lift at the engine, again
increasing angle-of-attack, and allowing some slowing. Coordination with elevator pitch
and elevator trim is required to resume constant indicated-airspeed, level, hands-off
• Leveling at a new altitude requires again coordinating elevator-pitch and trim with
the increased power setting to continue at the same indicated-airspeed.
• All descending flight requires coordination of elevator-pitch and trim with any
changed engine thrust component-lift for maintaining constant indicated-airspeed
Descending Flight to a Destination
To descend, turn toward a sighted destination. As the destination comes into view in the
windshield, maintain level cruise heading and altitude until the destination gradually
moves down becoming sighted, and centered toward the middle or lower edge of the
At that time, reduce power slightly to cause the aircraft to descend maintaining the
destination as an unmoving point at the lower edge of the windshield.
This is establishing a “Directed-Course” toward the landing airport. Adjust the power
and elevator-pitch trim to maintain the destination, unmoving, in the lower center of
the windshield at the desired descent indicated-airspeed.
The initial power reduction of thrust will allow a slight acceleration. Coordinated
elevator-pitch trim and thrust adjustment will set a desired descending indicated-
airspeed. This descent technique will have the aircraft at approximately one-thousand
feet above the destination at one to two miles out.
When approaching the traffic pattern altitude, level with increased thrust while
maneuvering onto the traffic pattern downwind leg. Configure the flaps, and adjust the
elevator and elevator-pitch trim to the desired indicated-airspeed for the approach.
On or before the downwind leg, complete the landing approach checklist, and adjust the
elevator-pitch trim to maintain the initial approach indicated-airspeed.
Make configuration changes with power and elevator-pitch trim adjustments as
necessary for maintaining altitude and indicated-airspeed.
• Aileron turning during flight is coordinated with rudder steering.
• Elevator and elevator-pitch trim adjust to maintain the desired indicated-airspeed.
• Throttle, mixture, and carburetor heat settings adjusted to coordinate the sustaining
thrust for any changed configuration and indicated-airspeed. Constant altitude is
coordinated with thrust.
A normal landing approach will continue the downwind leg, past the approach end for
20-30 seconds, then, initiate a turn to base leg with some reduced thrust for a gradual
descent, and a second turn to the final approach. Coordination of power then maintains
a gradual descent to rollout of the turn on the final approach at approximately 500 to
700 feet above the ground.
Maneuver with turns, to align tracking over the extended centerline to the runway.
Adjust the power to maintain altitude until the landing area visually centers again low
on the windshield, then reduce thrust slightly to maintain the landing area unmoving in
that fixed sighting.
Configure the final landing flaps and adjust elevator and elevator-pitch trim with
coordinated power to the final approach indicated-airspeed.
Complete the final landing checklist while maintaining the landing area unmoving in its
low, centered position on the windshield.
• Aileron turning during flight is coordinated with rudder steering.
• Elevator control and elevator-pitch trim set the final approach indicated-airspeed.
• Throttle setting adjusted to coordinate the approach descent to maintain the visual
sight-picture of the runway landing area unmoving, centered low in the windshield.
When approaching the end of the runway, approximately 10-15 feet above the ground,
begin gradual pulling of the elevator control to roundout, leveling the aircraft. This
reduces decent rate and slowing of the indicated-airspeed. Simultaneously start power
reduction toward idle, steering with rudder for main-wheel alignment with the runway
and turning with aileron as necessary to maintain centerline alignment as sighted ahead.
The aircraft will be slowing and sinking toward the runway. Continue the aft elevator
manual control, to cause and hold a slight nose up flaring attitude, while allowing slow
sinking to the surface. Your peripheral vision will see the ground begin rising up
alongside the airplane…hold that attitude…Touchdown!
Continue controlling with the flight controls as if flying. As the aircraft decelerates,
reduce the aft elevator control to allow the nose-wheel to touchdown.
On the ground, nose-wheel steering and individual main wheel braking will be available
for directional control, slowing, and stopping…the flight is complete…but you are not
through, keep flying until parked.
Taxi to parking uses the same procedures and considerations as when departing. You are
big again and must remember where the wingtips are relative to your aircraft, your
blasting air, any crosswinds, and the environment in which you are maneuvering.
• Steer with rudder to align the fuselage with direction of movement. Turn with
aileron to align tracking toward the landing area.
• Adjust the throttle setting to coordinate descent to maintain the visual sight picture
of the landing area centered low and unmoving in the windshield.
• Reduce power toward idle or adjust as needed for control, use manual elevator
control for landing roundout, and flare.
• Landing roll directional control is with rudder at touchdown
• At touchdown, turn the ailerons full toward any wind and immediately check brakes
to assure availability.
Crosswind Landings
As you approach for landing, the prevailing crosswind requires a heading correction
turned into this wind for maintaining tracking alignment over the runway extended
The visual picture shows the landing area unmoving near the bottom of the windshield,
but offset to one side, away from the wind direction.
For this approach, you will use the technique of maneuvering into a sideslip prior to
roundout. Input and hold rudder steering to align the aircraft’s longitudinal axis parallel
to the runway. Simultaneously input aileron control to turn toward the wind.
You hold this side-slipping maneuver until touchdown. This has the wheels aligned with
the direction-of-motion down the runway for touchdown. The banked attitude into the
wind is causing a horizontal force vector for offsetting the crosswind vector, and with
aileron turning adjustment, maintains tracking over the runway centerline.
At touchdown, the main wheel toward the wind is lower so touches down first. Shortly
the opposite main wheel touches down. You continue steering the rudder to maintain
the centerline travel, and turn the aileron control fully into the wind, to prevent
possible wing lift from wind gusts, during the rollout.
As the aircraft slows, the relative-wind diminishes, so the crosswind will be trying to
weathervane the aircraft, possibly making steering control difficult.
If steering seems marginal, you add some power to cause blasting air deflecting some of
the crosswind force across the rudder aiding in steering. Use individual wheel braking to
aid directional control.
As you slow the aircraft to turn off the runway and stop, you continually monitor the
relative-wind direction, and adjust the ailerons and elevator, to avoid any wing or tail
Taxiing with strong winds requires much care. Offset of weathervaning effect may
require propeller-blast, with coordinated braking for steering and speed control.
• Rudder steering coordinates turns toward the landing area, holds the direction of
main wheel alignment when in the slip, and then controls the rollout and taxi
directional control after touchdown.
• Aileron input as necessary for angle of bank when turning to headings. With the
cross-controlled sideslip maneuver, a roll angle creates horizontal (side-to-side)
control of tracking for opposing the crosswind effect.
• Slightly reduced throttle setting coordinates descent to maintain the sight picture, of
the landing area, visually centered low in the windshield.
• Reduce power toward idle for landing, or maintain some power if required for
propeller-blast to counter stronger crosswind during the landing, rollout, and taxi.
• Manual elevator-pitch control is required for the landing roundout leveling and flare.
Emergency Landings
You just lost your engine power! You are now a glider. The aircraft begins an immediate
descent accelerating toward a new indicated-airspeed caused by loss of the vertical
thrust component-lift.
You immediately adjust the elevator-pitch and trim to maintain the best-glide indicated-
airspeed. Simultaneously, you look for a suitable landing area.
An open area looks suitable, so you turn toward it. Meanwhile, you have attempted
engine re-start to no avail. You make an emergency radio transmission for alerting
others of your problem and location. Realizing being able to make the field, reduce ten-
fifteen knots toward loiter indicated-airspeed for your approach.
Your altitude seems low; you head directly toward the selected landing area while
pushing elevator to increase back toward best glide indicated-airspeed. Maneuvering,
you place the landing area into an unmoving visual picture centered low on the
windshield. It starts moving down on the windshield.
You know that means you are a little high so reduce back toward loiter indicated-
airspeed with forward slip and/or turn toward a base to final approach key position to
lose some of the extra altitude. As the landing area begins rising, turn back to visually
center it again.
You continue and again the landing area is moving down. You again enter a forward
slipping maneuver to cause increased descent rate while slowing toward loiter indicated-
airspeed. The landing area visually moves slowly back up to the lower windshield, and
alignment is toward the selected landing area.
The landing site doesn’t look very good down here at a lower altitude, but you are
committed. You select landing flaps. That causes a lot of drag and the sighted landing
area moves up on the windshield. Now you are going low.
You have trimmed the elevator to your minimum approach indicated-airspeed but now
must retract flaps to approach setting. That reduces some drag and reduces the rapid
descent. The visual picture shows the landing area unmoving about the middle of the
The landing area is not moving relative to the windshield. You are going to make the
field, even if you are some lower than a normal approach. You are at your normal initial
approach configuration and indicated-airspeed.
It looks like a rough field with some rocks hidden in the tall grass. This is not going to be
pretty. You fly the aircraft toward the chosen area for a normal landing. Crossing the
boundary, select full flaps and rotate for a normal roundout, flare, and touchdown.
Touchdown! It’s rough, you no longer have control, and “you are now a passenger”, you
must be conscious when it stops. Protect your head…any way you can. Wrap your arms
around it.
Anticipating deceleration and to avoid being thrown forward, lean forward against the
shoulder harness while covering your head and face. If possible, keep your eyes open.
You are stopped; the airplane is upside down, and you are hanging from the seatbelt.
You are conscious. Oh, that big bump on the head hurts, but it will heal. Get out and
help any passengers as necessary. Go sit by a tree, and listen for birds to start singing.
Relax and enjoy the sights…you are alive.
• Rudder steering coordinates the turns toward a key point, the landing area, and
directional control to touchdown.
• Aileron input as necessary for desired angle of bank when turning to headings.
• When making the field, elevator-pitch trimmed indicated-airspeed allows the aircraft
to fly between best glide and loiter indicated-airspeed with minor manual elevator
• Flap extension and forward slips for controlling descent to maintain the landing area
visually sighted as an unmoving target.
• Use manual elevator control for normal landing, roundout, and flare.
• If rollout becomes uncontrollable, you are now a passenger, protect your head to
maintain consciousness.
• Exit the aircraft. Sit quietly for a while to control shock related to the excitement
you just experienced.
Loss of Visual Conditions—180-degree Turn
Upon awareness of losing outside visual references, immediately turn loose of the
control wheel. Look at the turn and bank or attitude indicator and with only rudder
control, gradually turn to, and hold a standard rate turn as indicated on the turn
The aircraft will retain its angle of attack as set with elevator trim. With this small-
banked attitude, the aircraft will slowly descend throughout the turn. After one minute,
rudder-turn the aircraft back to indicate zero bank and fly back to visual conditions.
Throughout the maneuvering while lacking visual reference, you will experience some
feelings of vertigo. Sit as still as possible with minimum head movement and believe the
turn instrument.
As we have learned, the aircraft will maintain its indicated-airspeed throughout. If
conditions require, minimize loss of altitude with some added power throughout to
maintain level flight or cause some climb.
If the loss of visibility is not weather related, such as dark night with temporary loss of
ground reference, the same principal applies. In this case, continue with rudder control
and reference to the turn indicator to maintain level or maneuvering of the
flight…believe the instrument! If unable to attain visual sighting with some climb,
reverse course to regain visual conditions, minimize any control wheel input. The
aircraft will fly fine with small power increase and rudder control inputs.
This is normal “hands-off” flight control but now with visual reference to an instrument.
• Turn loose of the control wheel. Do not immediately attempt turns.
• Look at the turn and bank instrument.
• With only rudder control, gradually turn the aircraft to indicate a standard rate turn
and hold this for one minute.
• After one minute, reverse the turn to indicate wings level and fly out of the
So, How Are Airplanes Controlled?
It’s all throttle, control wheel (ailerons and elevator), elevator-pitch trim, and rudder
pedals, all are for coordinated steering of thrust for a desired direction-of-
motion…that’s it!
Engine power adjusted to a sustaining thrust and coordinated elevator-pitch trim causes
constant indicated-airspeed, constant altitude travel (Hands-off Flight).
Adding Excess Thrust sets a climb pitch angle for increasing altitude or added lift in a
turn. This changes direction-of-motion from horizontal to a climb angle with increasing
altitude or in a turn, coordination by added thrust component-lift for constant
indicated-airspeed level turn.
Indicated-Airspeed Control:
The Elevator-pitch sets indicated-airspeed. That’s all the elevator ever does…change
angle-of-attack. Normally, trimming the elevator or horizontal stabilizer maintains a
desired angle-of-attack indicated-airspeed. Holding the control wheel manually for
indicated-airspeed control is possible though for long periods can be tiring.
The vertical component-lift of engine sustaining thrust contributes to aircraft angle-of-
attack pitch. Any additional thrust beyond the sustaining thrust would be excess thrust
and begin increased altitude.
Descent is with thrust reduced below level flight sustaining thrust. This causes descent-
pitch with a small decrease of angle-of-attack and its related increased indicated-
airspeed. Maintaining a fixed indicated-airspeed in descent requires re-trim of elevator-
pitch when making any change of power setting below the sustaining thrust of a current
angle-of-attack setting.
Acceleration and Deceleration:
Increasing or decreasing the angle-of-attack allows deceleration or acceleration.
For level flight, a newly trimmed angle-of-attack requires coordinated power to a new
sustaining thrust setting for the changed indicated-airspeed.
The elevator-pitch change allows the indicated-airspeed to change. The coordinated
power application causes the indicated-airspeed change.
Climb Control:
Adjustment of engine thrust to a setting greater than a given level flight sustaining
thrust results in climb pitch with increasing altitude.
Directional Control:
The ailerons turn; banking for a turn causes a horizontal component of the aerodynamic
and engine thrust component-lift forces. These horizontal component forces change the
aircraft direction of travel.
The rudder steers; an aerodynamic yaw force (side-pitch) with rudder input directs the
thrust to a desired direction for turn coordination and slip maneuvering. Additionally,
yaw makes a small change to wing lift and associated gradual banking.
Level, constant indicated-airspeed turns, require coordinated increased thrust
component-lift to maintain the total vertical component-lift by coordinated power
Descent Control:
Control of indicated-airspeed differs when reducing power settings below level flight
sustaining thrust. A slight reduction of engine thrust below sustaining thrust will allow
descent. Gravity component-thrust begins supplementing to maintain the sustaining
thrust. There will be some acceleration with the reduction of that engine thrust
component-lift contributing to angle-of-attack.
Flight control requirements change when operating with power between idle and level
flight sustaining engine thrust at a set indicated-airspeed. In all reduced power
descending flight, a power increase now continues to cause thrust component-lift
increase but also increases the angle-of-attack allowing deceleration. Power decrease
will reduce that lift with associated reduced angle-of-attack, allowing some
Maneuvering in descent then requires coordination of elevator-pitch trim with any power
change to maintain a constant indicated-airspeed.
Landing Control:
Adjustment of engine thrust, flap extension drag, and descent with controlled forward
slipping, allows maintaining the sighted landing area, unmoving, as related to the
Elevator-pitch control is with manual aft input used for roundout and flare. The rudder
steers for paralleling the fuselage to the extended centerline for short-final approach,
touchdown, and landing roll. The ailerons turn side-to-side controlling alignment for
tracking over the centerline of the runway until touchdown then turned fully into the
wind. Wheel braking is applied as required for steering and stopping.
Landing Roll and Ground Operation; thrust for blasting airmass to supplement rudder
authority if required for directional control in crosswind. Aileron and elevator control
surfaces turned to counter crosswind effect.
All Flight:
For control of all flight, there are only those few things necessary for consideration.
There are maximum indicated-airspeed limitations for structural considerations and
minimum indicated-airspeed limitations for sustaining aerodynamic lift to allow safe,
continued, flight. Therefore, there are maximum and minimum indicated-airspeeds.
Just set the elevator-pitch for a safe indicated-airspeed and it will stay at that airspeed
as long as you don’t push or pull on the control wheel.
Power/thrust adjustment sustains the aircraft at its set indicated-airspeed and with
change allows climb, descent, or constant altitude control.
Increased thrust causes climb pitch with altitude increase. Decreased thrust causes
negative climb-pitch, descent, with altitude decrease and allows gravity component-
thrust to sustain the indicated-airspeed.
The ailerons bank the attitude to cause a horizontal component of the aerodynamic and
engine lifts that turns the aircraft. The rudder steers the direction of thrust for
coordination of adverse forces in turns.
In a banked attitude, there are horizontal components of thrust causing turn, but for
maintaining level turning flight, it requires an increased vertical component of lift from
increased engine thrust component-lift to maintain constant altitude and indicated-
Steep turns may require elevator-pitch and slowing to maintain constant altitude. This
requires caution when slowed as it may approach minimum safe indicated-airspeed and
About the only time you use any significant elevator control input, is during initiation of
indicated-airspeed trim change, and for landing roundout and flare. Most of the time
you don’t even touch the elevator control.
This is all there is. After all of this writing on why things happen, what can you do? You
have no control of the aircraft design. You can only operate according to the basic
physics involved, and the POH limitations of the structure. That’s it…we’ve beaten it to
death! Not quite one page double-spaced, but even you can fly!
Year after year, stall/spin events account for a disturbing number of general aviation
accidents. According to the Air Safety Institute’s Nall Report, “failure to maintain
airspeed” appears as a proximate or contributing cause in roughly 40 percent of the
fatal accidents. This statistic persists in spite of stalls, stall recovery, and stall
prevention having been taught — ad nauseam — to virtually every candidate for every
certificate, rating, flight review, insurance checkout, and type certificate over the last
half-century, or more.
Someone once defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over and expecting
a different result.” It is the opinion of this author — a long-time flight instructor —
that the results demonstrate that we in the flight instruction profession are not giving
our customers an adequate methodology for dealing with this problem. Specifically, we
do not provide a sufficiently clear and effective means of preventing unintentional
stalls. This article is an attempt to define such a methodology.
Central to the problem of the prevention of unintentional stalls is a general
misunderstanding of how and why an aircraft will stall. Too often, we hear discussed
the aircraft’s stall speed; in fact, the aircraft stalls if, and only if, the wing exceeds
the critical angle of attack. That this will occur at a particular speed is only true given
a closely defined set of conditions. Any stall speed is only valid at a particular
combination of weight and load factor; the critical angle of attack does not change as
long as the flap configuration is constant.
A second poorly understood concept is the issue of trim and stability. Pilots tend to
think that the aircraft trims to an indicated-airspeed; this, also, is only true under
particular circumstances. The static stability of an airplane tends to drive it back to a
trimmed angle of attack. This will correspond to a particular airspeed only under
steady-state conditions.
The stability of the aircraft can be used to the pilot’s advantage with regard to stall
prevention. In a nutshell, let go of the controls. Once releasing the controls, the
aircraft will return to the trimmed angle of attack (regardless of the airspeed) within a
little more than a second. Most aircraft will not trim to an angle of attack that exceeds
the critical angle of attack; thus, with very rare exception, an aircraft loaded forward
of the aft center of gravity limit cannot be stalled in hands-off flight.
Unintentional stalls, then, occur when the pilot applies enough backpressure on the
yoke to overcome the natural stability of the aircraft, leave the trimmed angle of
attack, and exceed the critical angle of attack. It would seem, then, that we could
eliminate unintentional stalls by warning pilots to avoid applying excessive
One would think this would work. History tells us, however, that it does not.
Discovering the reason for this paradox requires bringing some outside knowledge into
play. In particular, I find it helpful to consider the 19th century contributions of German
anatomist and physiologist Ernst Heinrich Weber (1795-1878), and his student, physicist
and philosopher Gustav Theodor Fechner (1801-1887).
These two scientists developed the theory of perception, defining the “just
noticeable difference (JND),” or, in other words, the minimum change in a stimulus
required to trigger perception.
With regard to pressure stimulus (such as force on the yoke), the JND is a change of
approximately 14 percent of the pressure already present. Today, the relationships
they defined are referred to as the Weber-Fechner law, or the W-F law. It is common
knowledge in physiology but, unfortunately, not so well known in aviation.
Several features of the W-F law are important to flight operations. First, any
stimulus (yoke pressure) which is constant will fade from perception over a short time.
A pilot who is flying in an out-of-trim condition will soon lose the ability to perceive
that he or she is applying any elevator pressure at all. The out-of-trim condition
becomes the new zero; the pilot cannot trim it off, because they do not perceive that it
is there.
Second, a constant stimulus (i.e., steady backpressure to compensate for being out-
of-trim) will elevate the just-noticeable-difference. If the pilot is holding a constant 20
lbs. backpressure, the minimum pressure change he or she can feel on the yoke is now
2.8 lbs., in any direction.
Every attempt to make a “small” input will become a “small” input plus 2.8 lbs. of
additional pressure that the pilot has no way to know he or she is applying. The result
is over-controlling; small, precise inputs are impossible.
Also, the pilot will tend to make unintended inputs, in pitch and roll, across a 5.6
lb. “dead spot” in his or her perception. This can be especially vexing when the pilot is
attempting to accomplish non-flying tasks, such as reading a chart, or dialing a radio
frequency; he or she will apply an unknown and unintended input up to the limits of
the JND.
A pilot flying in this manner is much more at risk of inducing an unintentional stall.
Too many pilots are in the habit of flying the aircraft with large control pressures, far
away from the trimmed angle-of-attack. The elevated JND makes it easy to apply the
control forces accidentally that are necessary to overcome the stability of the aircraft
and drive it to and past the critical angle of attack.
Avoiding Stall
To avoid the unintentional stall, we need to develop the habit of flying the aircraft
in trim and hands off. An airplane which is in trim and flown hands off is (with rare
exception) impossible to stall. The natural (static) stability will drive it to and hold it
at the trimmed (not stalling) angle of attack; flying hands-off ensures the pilot will not
force the aircraft away from the trimmed (not stalling) condition.
Getting into a perfectly trimmed condition is not always as easy as it sounds. For
most pilots, it requires a change in the way we touch the controls. Due to the
physiology, it is virtually impossible for pilots to trim an aircraft precisely if their
hands are still on the yoke.
Trimming, then, requires that we trim the aircraft to the limits of our perception
(trim off the pressure), and then let go. Only with the hands off the yoke can we
observe the change in pitch attitude and vertical speed, which is the clue to the
remaining out-of-trim condition that existed below our ability to perceive.
Once observed, the change should prompt the pilot to pitch (with the yoke, not the
trim) back to the desired pitch attitude and rate of climb, trim slightly against the
error, and try again. Only when the aircraft will stay at the desired pitch attitude and
vertical speed for five to 10 seconds in hands-off flight can it be considered to truly be
in trim.
Once in trim, the pilot should endeavor to avoid violating that trim. That is, “if it
ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Said another way, the pilot should not touch the yoke unless
there is presently an error in pitch that needs correction. If the airplane is doing what
it should, there is no need to touch it!
All transitions in airspeed, power setting, and configuration will induce some trim
change. Immediately address any change in the trimmed condition to bring the aircraft
back to the desired trim. Once regaining the trim, maintain it by flying hands off to the
maximum possible extent.
It is important to realize that the oft-repeated advice “use a light grip” is,
unfortunately, a misnomer. Another principle of physiology, the grab-and-grip reflex,
makes this so.
Under stress, the reflex induces us to unconsciously grab hold (of the yoke) and grip
with increasing pressure. Over time, the light grip will invariably escalate to the famed
white knuckles condition we see so often, and create all of the same problems as an
out-of-trim condition.
Thus, when a pilot does have to make a control input, it is important to avoid
setting up a grip condition; it is better to touch the yoke, rather than to grip it. Use
the minimum pressure required to achieve the desired correction, and then go back to
hands off.
If you’ve developed the uneasy feeling that this methodology involves a radical
change in the way we fly, you would be correct. It requires discipline, thought, and
practice to achieve truly in-trim and hands-off flying skills, but the rewards are worth
it: better stall resistance, smoother ride for the passengers, more precise control of
the aircraft, and lower pilot workload.
My Comment:
There must be coordinated thrust change to attain and maintain a constant altitude with
even small elevator trim change.
A tractor aircraft has lifting at the engine attachment that in descent causes elevator
trim change with thrust change. In all realms of flight, pusher aircraft thrust change
causes trim change.
Adding thrust for climb with a tractor aircraft may have some trim change due to
increased prop-blast depending on the horizontal stabilizer position.
Most aircraft reciprocating engines operate without modern electronic or computer
controlled inputs. You use manual control for starting and operation.
This discussion is about the basic considerations for engine operations. It requires
understanding manual fuel/air mixture controlling for efficient burning.
limited in operation, but, with reasonable design considerations, they perform very well
for their purpose.
There is a limit to what different airplanes can do. Some fly very slowly, and some real
fast. The power available, when trying to fly attitudes pitched much above level flight,
limits most aircraft.
All aircraft have structural limits. Design criteria optimize structural strengths with
expected loads allowed.
Most airplanes have power enough only for attaining attitudes, 12-15 degrees nose up,
and 40-50 degrees bank in level flight. What happens if you try to exceed an attitude
limit? You descend!
Descending flight uses gravity component-thrust to sustain indicated-airspeed. If you
attempt an attitude that is limited by the power available, the airplane will lose
altitude due to gravity. The airplane will always continue moving according to the forces
it encounters. If the engine cannot supply them, gravity will, but by descending at a new
The pressure of high indicated-airspeed flight and acceleration “g” loads, can stress the
structure, so all airplanes have operational indicated-airspeed and load limits.
Exceptionally slow indicated-airspeed resulting in flight with increased induced drag
greater than the thrust available will require loss of altitude to recover. Stalls also result
from slow indicated-airspeeds by pilot over-control and may require maximum power
and usually loss of altitude for recovery.
All flight has a limitation of power and structure. Your aircraft must always operate
within the published limits as determined by the manufacturer. There are many other
limitations due to flight regulation, traffic, weather conditions, flight over high terrain,
and physiological limits of pilots and passengers.
Power System
Your engine is the source of operating power and is the only way to sustain flight, so
deserves special attention and conservative operation to assure its reliability.
All airplanes have an engine as a power source to enable generation of lift. Safe
operation requires dependable engines. For this reason, you must understand how an
engine operates and how to care for it to maintain its reliability.
The most common engines used in small aircraft are four or six cylinder air-cooled
reciprocating piston engines. These aircraft engines normally run at high power settings
for long periods for takeoff and climb to altitude. Most flight is at a cruise setting in a
range of 60% to 75% of maximum power.
This is not a discussion of procedures for specific engine operation since there are many
different engines, fuel systems, and starting conditions. There are, however, certain
fundamental requirements that apply to all reciprocating engines.
Ignition System
Aircraft engines have two independent engine driven magneto powered ignition systems.
The ignition system does not rely on the aircraft electrical system.
The magnetos each provide high voltage current separately to one of the two spark plugs
in each cylinder. This dual ignition system controlled from the cockpit by a multi-
function switch, allows turning the magnetos on and off, or selecting either, or both. A
malfunction of one magneto allows continued operation with one sparkplug in each
cylinder. A malfunction of one sparkplug in a cylinder reduces that one cylinder to single
sparkplug operation.
Engine Fuel Supply
There is an engine-driven fuel pump to assure a continuous positive fuel flow supply.
Some airplanes also have an electric fuel pump for fuel transfer and backup for
additional reliability.
There are two different ways of introducing fuel into engines. An engine with a
carburetor creates low pressure through a venturi, sucking fuel into the induction
airstream. An engine with fuel injection forcibly sprays fuel, under high pressure,
through a small nozzle, to the intake valve area.
Fuel/Air Mixture
It always requires an optimum fuel-vapor/air ratio to ensure proper fuel burning for
satisfactory engine operation.
High temperature, high altitude, and/or high humidity reduce air density so limits the
available oxygen for burning, resulting in reduced power possible. The fixed size fuel/air
induction systems restrict available oxygen mass of less dense air so can only burn less
fuel and so have reduced power in low-density airmass conditions.
Engine operation, for optimum power, is dependent on the complete burning of the fuel.
As density of the air lowers the oxygen available requires gradual reduction of fuel to
maintain optimum fuel/air ratio.
Manual adjustment of the mixture control actuator controls the fuel supplied to the air.
You must manually maintain an optimum ratio of fuel and air throughout the flight.
You gradually pull the mixture control actuator, to coordinate with the reduced oxygen
available for burning low-density air. This action results as if slowly closing the throttle,
reducing the power output of the engine.
Adjusting the hand controlled manual mixture control changes the quantity of metered
fuel at the carburetor, allowing proper burning for engine operation. The actual
atmospheric condition within which the aircraft is operating determines the amount of
control required.
Indication of the optimum ratio occurs when you attain the maximum rpm on fixed pitch
propeller engine systems, or the maximum manifold pressure with variable pitched
propeller engine systems at a current throttle setting
Mixture settings must be checked every time maximum power is required, no matter the
altitude. Lower altitudes often have high temperatures that also result in relative high
density altitudes.
The carburetor is the device for metering and mixing of fuel and air for operation of
your engine. It consists of a fuel metering venturi with a throttle valve (butterfly valve)
for controlling the volume of airflow.
Fuel metered into the carburetor induction venturi, vaporizes by mixing with the air.
The fuel then flows past the throttle valve, through the intake manifold induction tubes,
to each cylinder intake valve, and into the combustion chambers.
Butterfly Valve
The butterfly valve controls the volume of airflow through the carburetor. The airflow
volume in turn controls the quantity of fuel metered into the venturi area of the
carburetor thereby controlling the power output of the engine.
At some altitude or power setting, the throttle, increased to full forward, will have the
butterfly valve full open. After reaching that condition, adjusting the mixture control
sets and maintains the proper fuel/air vaporized mixture for optimum burning. After this
time, power available slowly decreases as the air density reduces.
Mixture Control
At this point, any further reduction of air density will require reducing the fuel with the
manually operated mixture control to maintain the proper fuel/air ratio. The continued
reduction of fuel to the engine, in this manner, results in a gradual loss of power
possible with increased altitude.
The hand throttle control connects directly to the carburetor butterfly valve.
Forward/in manual operation opens the butterfly valve to allow increased air volume
and fuel metering to increase engine power. Pulling the throttle full out closes the
butterfly valve, reducing the fuel-vapor/airflow attaining an engine-idle operating
The throttle, pushed full in, causes the butterfly valve to be full open, and positions the
induction system for its maximum volume of vaporized fuel/airflow into the engine.
Accelerator Pump
The accelerator pump is an integral part of the carburetor. Moving the throttle to its
full-open position activates the accelerator pump, which inputs a small amount of fuel
at the carburetor. This gives a momentary extra fuel input to allow rapid acceleration of
engine power when running.
When you are cranking the engine, any time pushing the throttle full open, it inputs the
same small amount of fuel. If the engine is not cranking, activating the throttle full
open, multiple times (pumping), deposits a relatively large quantity of fuel, which will
accumulate in the bottom of the carburetor.
A backfire during cranking can ignite accumulated fuel resulting in a carburetor fire. It is
imperative you use caution, when using the accelerator pump as a source of starting fuel
by activating it only when cranking so the fuel continually sucks into the combustion
chambers. You must still be aware of the possible accumulation of fuel.
The cranking procedure for clearing flooded cylinders when starting does not necessarily
eliminate all accumulated fuel in the bottom of the carburetor.
Carburetor Ice
Ice in the throat of a carburetor is the result of cooling by the expansion of the
vaporizing fuel exiting the venturi. The accumulated ice is from vaporized fuel mixing
with humid air passing through the carburetor. Icing occurs in engines equipped with
carburetors similar to those installed in many light airplanes.
Carburetor icing occurs, from the expansion of the fuel and humid air exiting the
carburetor venturi, which causes a significant temperature drop, so the water vapor may
freeze. The ice forms at the outlet of the carburetor throat causing restriction to the
fuel/air mixture flow.
If allowed to continue, the ice gradually restricting the airflow causes engine
performance as if retarding the throttle. You will see a very slow reduction of engine
rpm. Continued operation in this condition could lead to a complete blockage of the
carburetor and engine failure.
Icing causes a gradual rpm drop, as though retarding the throttle, which, if not
corrected, eventually causes the engine to run rough or quit. With a fixed-pitch
propeller, when maneuvering, normal varying of the rpm often disguises icing effects.
Operation at idle settings for long periods is the most common condition for creating
ice. This often occurs during low power descents and approaches to landings. Icing after
engine run-up can also occur during waiting periods prior to takeoff
Conditions, conducive for carburetor ice, are temperatures ranging 15°F to 86°F (-10º to
+ 32ºC). This is a large temperature span and relates to the extremes of humid
conditions. Most aircraft procedures call for use of carburetor heat if conducting
prolonged operation at low to idle power settings.
The two situations for detection of the development of carburetor ice, a gradual drop in
RPM with fixed-pitch prop aircraft, or as a gradual drop in manifold pressure with a
constant-speed propeller.
A pressure carburetor inputs fuel past the throttle plate from the air inlet. Fuel-injected
engine fuel/air mixture metering is into the intake valve area of the hot cylinder. This
reduces the potential for forming carburetor ice.
When icing conditions exist, apply carburetor heat often at cruise throttle setting. At
any indication of carburetor ice, always apply full carburetor heat. The engine may run
roughly, as the ice melts and the water goes through the hot cylinders.
Carburetor heat should be full heat or nothing. Use partial carburetor heat only on
aircraft equipped with a carburetor temperature gauge or ice light. It is good practice to
use carburetor heat anytime operating at reduced power, especially for low altitude
operation and landing.
If conditions are conducive to icing, or if noting icing during engine run-up, perform a
carburetor heat check immediately before takeoff.
Carburetor Heat
Selecting carburetor heat directs an alternate source of air for burning. The alternate
air source bypasses the air filter and directs the airflow to pass either near the hot
engine, or near the hot exhaust system, to allow warming.
This warmer air is what melts any ice present. Warmer air also is less dense, so there is
an associated small drop in rpm, as related to the normal power and air source.
When selecting carburetor heat, the warmed carburetor air, bypassing the air filter,
introduces hot, less dense air, to the carburetor, enriching the fuel/air mixture. The
warm air melts the ice from the carburetor venturi throat and throttle butterfly plate.
There may be some increased roughness for a few seconds as the engine ingests water
from any melting ice, then after any ingestion, smooth operation within a few more
seconds. Sucking some ice into the engine could occur, so there could be momentary
rough, and perhaps backfiring, of the engine. After turning the heat off, rpm goes back
to normal.
If there is immediate improvement, this usually indicates that either the richer mixture,
or the bypassed intake, indicate the problem. If the engine smoothes out immediately
with application of carburetor heat, then back to roughness when turning the heat off,
indicates a blocked air intake filter.
Oil Temperature and Pressure
All engines require sufficient lubrication to minimize wear and prolong reliability. In
addition to numerous rotating bearing surfaces. Reciprocating engines have many
surfaces that slide across each other, so it is extremely critical, that sufficient oil is
available for this purpose. The pistons, camshafts, and push rods are examples of
components that have continuous moving contact.
The oil pump design provides pressure to assure all engine bearings and surfaces be
adequately lubricated. Constant pressurized oil flow routed through orifices to bearings
and bearing surfaces, splashed by oil bath, and sprayed onto the moving crankshaft,
piston, and cylinder surface areas, provides engine lubrication.
Gauges located in the cockpit allow monitoring of oil pressure and temperature.
The lubrication process also requires maintaining oil within specified temperature
ranges, high enough to assure evaporation of any possible water accumulation, and yet
low enough to not breakdown its chemical characteristics. The oil temperature gauge
allows monitoring this operational range.
One of the most serious problems you can encounter with an engine is loss of oil or
failure of the oil pump. Lack of lubrication is disastrous to an engine. Though quite rare,
it does happen. Loss of oil will rapidly lead to a high oil temperature and low oil
Failure of the oil pump or oil quantity, indicated by loss of oil pressure, will quickly
cause a rapid rise of oil temperature. Though the engine may still be running, you can
expect imminent engine failure.
If a landing area is immediately available, it may be appropriate to consider shutting the
engine off to reduce its damage, but only if absolutely sure of the landing area. It then
becomes an engine out emergency landing without having to consider imminent failure
and changing procedures in the midst of an approach.
Whatever the case, it requires you make an immediate emergency landing. Whether or
not the engine is still running, you should fly an engine out procedure. You are expecting
actual failure at any time. You must be familiar with the operating manual and
immediate action emergency procedures for your airplane.
Engine Cranking and Starting
When starting, you should understand the conditions that can occur in the combustion
chambers, how to introduce fuel, and how to control the fuel/air elements.
Most operating manuals for small aircraft indicate a 30-second limit for continuous
cranking of the engine. In reality, many modern starters have 10-second limitations so it
is imperative you understand your specific aircraft limitations.
You must be aware of your aircraft starter limitations, if the engine does not start
immediately, limit cranking to 5-10 seconds. It is seldom necessary to crank more than a
few seconds. In that amount of time, it is obvious conditions are not right to obtain a
For your engine to start, you must meet two criteria. There must be properly vaporized
fuel introduced into the combustion chamber, and there must be an ignition spark to
ignite the fuel.
Aircraft engines have dual ignition magnetos and corresponding dual spark plugs. It
requires a double failure in the generation of the spark from the magnetos or fouling of
both spark plugs in all cylinders causing complete loss of ignition.
In the case of a flooded engine with the introduction of too much fuel, it is possible for
all spark plugs to be wetted, to the extent they do not fire.
Cranking causes intake vacuum in the cylinders. In cold weather, it is possible the
reduced air pressure can allow moisture condensation, which can frost over the cold
spark plugs, preventing them from causing ignition spark.
Starting Fuel
In the heat of summer, when you are starting a hot engine, it is common to have engine
flooding. Fuel easily vaporizes from residual heat, and even a slight excess could create
a too-rich mixture.
The input of throttle control is also a consideration during cranking. The throttle
control, connected directly to the butterfly valve, adjusts airflow into the induction
system. Opening the throttle increases the available air for changing the fuel/air ratio.
Fuel priming is the initial source of fuel for starting a carburetor-equipped engine. You
manually operate the primer pump, spraying a small amount of fuel near one or more of
the intake valves. Each cycle of pushing the primer pump adds a small quantity of fuel.
At the beginning of cranking, the partially vaporized fuel sucks into the combustion
chamber. The quantity of fuel priming, the amount of air allowed through the induction
system, and the prevailing temperature in the engine will determine the amount of total
vaporization and the resulting fuel-vapor/air ratio.
In average conditions, the engine will start almost immediately upon activation of the
starter. If the ignition does not begin immediately, it may be required to open the
throttle slightly, to allow more air for vaporization. This would probably be normal in
most conditions.
Shortly after the beginning of cranking, intake air through the carburetor will also begin
drawing fuel from that source. Little fuel is initially available from the carburetor at the
slow rpm of cranking.
Opening the throttle butterfly valve allows greater airflow into the engine. A common
technique of pumping the throttle, opening and closing the butterfly valve, is merely
varying the airflow through the intake manifold system while causing little or no change
to the amount of fuel introduced at the carburetor.
While cranking, pushing the throttle wide-open deposits a small amount of fuel into the
carburetor throat from the accelerator pump. This is an alternative way of introducing
fuel into the induction system when cranking.
Use care, not to have excessive fuel that could drain and accumulate in the bottom of
the carburetor, and in case of backfire possibly result in a carburetor fire.
Continue cranking enough to allow the engine to draw any possible burning fuel back
into the engine if the engine has not yet started.
Accelerator Pump
The last approximately one-half inch of throttle input activates the acceleration pump
to deposit a small amount of fuel directly into the induction system at the carburetor.
This pump, built into the carburetor, assures sufficient fuel is available, for rapid
acceleration, during normal running engine operation.
The carburetor accelerator pump is available for input of additional fuel during start, if
necessary, but requires careful use.
Engine Fire While Starting
Any time you move the throttle full forward, there will be some fuel deposited into the
induction system at the carburetor by the accelerator pump. It is possible by pumping
the throttle full forward several times to have an excess of fuel accumulate in the
bottom of the carburetor system.
A backfire of the engine during cranking could ignite this fuel resulting in a carburetor
fire. Continued cranking will usually draw any fire into the engine with no adverse
Stopping cranking at that time could allow the fire to continue to the extent of
destroying the aircraft. It is imperative you understand the use of the throttle and
starter during start.
Fuel Conditions for Starting
You also must understand the requirements that allow the fuel to ignite during engine
start. Fuel-vapor/air mixture ratios, that will not ignite when starting, are mixtures
referred to as too lean and too rich.
With fuel-vapor/air mixtures that enter the combustion chamber, there is a small range
(approximately 12-15 parts of air to 1-part fuel-vapor, by weight) which will ignite
resulting in engine start.
During start, a “lean” mixture refers to too little fuel and a “rich” mixture refers to too
much fuel for the available air (oxygen). Elimination of a too rich mixture, “flooded”,
condition can be by shutting off the mixture control, and cranking thereby pumping
large quantities of air to rid (“dry out”) the combustion chamber of excess fuel.
Note that during the cranking, to dry out the combustion chamber, the fuel-vapor/air
mixture will pass a condition of proper mix, and ignition could occur. With prompt
action, pushing the mixture control in, to turn on the fuel, the engine will start!
This procedure is called a "flood start" when done deliberately.
Conditions for Starting
Consideration of the probable conditions, prior to cranking, will allow you to make a
reasonable decision of the amount of priming necessary and any additional inputs that
may be required. There are often individual techniques developed for different engine
Engines, with fuel injection systems, have all metered fuel directed to the intake valve
area, and the carburetor is merely a throttle control for air input with the butterfly
These engines will not have to be primed, though consideration of the conditions in the
combustion chamber to predict the condition of the fuel, and the vaporizing airflow is
The fuel injection systems, when hot, after shutdown, can have residual fuel vaporize in
the fuel supply lines causing vapor lock. Most of these systems have a purge valve for
circulating fuel into the system. Technique varies depending on temperatures.
Restarting a hot engine within a few minutes after shut down may require only cranking.
The longer the engine shut down and the higher the temperatures, the more
vaporization that has possibly taken place within the fuel lines. It can take several
seconds purging before trying the start.
A possible technique for starting a hot fuel injected engine is mixture full rich, fuel
pump on, boost pump on, then watch the fuel pressure. Wait until the fuel pressure
peaks, move throttle to half and crank. When it fires, quickly retard the throttle to idle
or 1,000 RPM's and turn off boost pump.
A basic premise in starting of all engines, the colder the temperature, the more priming
that may be required. To attain sufficient vaporization, more fuel may be required in
the system. At higher temperatures, sufficient, or excess vaporization, often occurs.
• Systematic use of procedures and checklists are necessary to assure a safe
• Optimized starting fuel vaporization and air mixing take place with flow through
the carburetor or at the intake valve area for fuel-injected engines.
• Fuel vapor/air mixture is lean when the ratio is too much air and rich when too
much fuel.
• The manual throttle operates the carburetor butterfly valve for control of air
• The accelerator pump introduces a small quantity of fuel at the carburetor when
opening the throttle manually to full forward open position.
• Cooling from rapid expansion of the fuel/air mixture can cause ice accumulation
in the carburetor throat when humid air conditions exist.
• Indication of carburetor ice is reduction of rpm or manifold pressure.
• Engine oil temperature and pressure require monitoring at all times. Loss of
engine oil is an emergency requiring immediate landing.
• Engine starters have short operational time limits.
• Ignition only occurs with proper fuel/air ratios.
• Correct the engine starting when the mixture (flooded) is too rich, by shutting off
the fuel and cranking to purge the cylinders of fuel.
• Accelerator pump use during start can introduce excessive fuel into the
• The prevailing environmental temperature and humidity affect starting condition.
When operating on the surface excess thrust causes increased speed. The instant
the aircraft attains sufficient indicated-airspeed for generation of lift equal to its
weight it becomes airborne. At that moment, acceleration stops and climb
Airborne acceleration comes from reducing angle-of-attack, down/away elevator
or nose down elevator trim input reducing the frontal-plate area and allows the
airplane to accelerate. The coordination of power will determine the lift for
maintaining level, climbing, or descending flight while causing acceleration.
Aerodynamic Lift:
The outward reactive force of airfoils from airmass encounter of the aircraft
motion. Wing and body lifting is out the top of the structure and elevator
lifting/loading can out the top or bottom of the horizontal tail structure.
Aerodynamic Lift Component-Turn:
The component of aerodynamic lift directed along the lateral axis when in a
rolled attitude.
Aerodynamic Load:
Aerodynamic generated forces acting away on the lower surface of the structure,
such as from the horizontal stabilizer.
AGL (Above Ground Level):
Altitude expressed as feet above the terrain.
Flight controls for turning. Hinged to the outer trailing edge of the wings and
operate in opposite directions to each other from input by the pilot
rotating/turning the control wheel or moving a control stick left or right.
Movement of the ailerons causes change in lift at the outboard portion of the
wings. With one going up and the other going down the resulting unbalanced wing
lift will create bank/roll force vectors around the longitudinal axis relative to the
pilot creating a horizontal lift force to cause turning.
Aim point:
Distant reference toward which directing the aircraft for heading and attitude
Air Density:
The mass of a unit volume of air as determined by its pressure, temperature, and
humidity. Low-density air mass contains reduced oxygen for burning, restricting
engine performance in reduced air density conditions.
The total airmass surrounding the earth composes the atmosphere. The earth’s
gravitational effect on the mass of air results in it being denser near the surface.
Movement through the atmosphere of air causes lift with appropriately design-
shaped and powered machines. Proper displacement of a sufficient mass of air
with motion suspends the airplane within the atmosphere.
Orientation of the airplane in space relative to the earth’s surface or to the pilot.
Typical inference is an aircraft being in a “straight and level” attitude. This
means constant heading, altitude, and indicated-airspeed, with wings level to the
horizon. Any variation from straight and level is a change in bank attitude (roll),
pitch attitude (climb or descent), or any combination of these.
Attitude Roll:
Airborne rotation of the aircraft around the maneuvering longitudinal axis.
Pushing the Elevator control causes pitch (reduced angle-of-attack) change in a
direction away from the pilot no matter the attitude.
Axis of Rotation:
An imaginary straight line about which rotation occurs. Any one of three lines
intersecting at the effective center of gravity (load) and defining the in-flight
attitude of an airplane. One determined by the direction of forward motion and
the other two at right angles to it and to each other.
Axis, Dimensional:
The structural axes perpendicular to each other designated laterally wingtip to
wingtip, longitudinally nose to tail, and vertically, all aligned through the
intersection of each other.
Axis, Maneuvering:
In flight, there becomes a maneuvering longitudinal axis aligned through the
length of the aircraft oriented in the direction of motion with lateral and vertical
axes all perpendicular to each other and all passing through the center of
Pulling the Elevator control causes nose pitch in the direction toward the pilot
thereby increasing the angle-of-attack.
Equalizing the forces of lift-load and thrust-drag to maintain a desired constant
Inflight maneuver for turning or slipping by rotation about the maneuvering
longitudinal axis causing an angular attitude to the direction of motion.
Bank Angle:
The attitude angle of rotation about the maneuvering longitudinal axis to a
specific attitude angle relative the direction of motion.
Best Glide (Vbg) Indicated-airspeed:
The indicated-airspeed that gives most ground distance when gliding, attained
from an optimum rate of descent of the aircraft.
Body Angle:
The angle between the inflight direction of motion and the dimensional
longitudinal axis. The angle-of-attack of the aircraft body.
Taxi deceleration input by applying foot pressure on the brake pedals mounted on
top of each rudder pedal controls individual main wheel brakes. The left pedal
brakes the left main wheel and the right pedal brakes the right main wheel. Nose
wheel steering while braking is with input of individual rudder pedals in the
direction of desired movement.
Center of Gravity/Center-of-mass (static c.g.):
The static center of gravity acts at the averaged location of the components of
aircraft mass and the loading. It changes with changes in aircraft mass loading
and placement of that mass. An airplane is a combination of many components,
the wings, engines, fuselage, and tail, plus payload and fuel. Each component has
a weight force and moment arm associated with its location on the machine. The
center-of-mass does not change with aerodynamic loading.
Center of Pressure (Effective CG):
The point at which all force components of mass and aerodynamic load and
opposing vertical lift are acting on the maneuvering longitudinal axis to maintain
current balance.
Chord Line:
A straight line from the trailing edge through the leading edge of the wing used as
reference for measuring wing angle-of-attack from the relative-wind and the
angle of incidence to the aircraft.
Increasing altitude. Excess power causes climb, an input greater than that
required to sustain level flight at a specific indicated-airspeed.
Climb Angle:
The angle of the thrust acting above the dimensional longitudinal axis, the
direction of motion.
The increased angular attitude above level sustained flight that causes climb
Collision Course:
1. A course or path of travel that, if unchanged, will lead to a collision with
another aircraft or object.
2. An inadvertent course normally discovered when scanning for other traffic in
flight. If a sighted object does not move relative to a point on the window, it
is on a collision course.
3. Interception of an aircraft in-flight by maneuvering to have that flight
unmoving on the window thereby establishing a collision course toward it.
Critical Angle-of-Attack:
Angle-of-attack at which the laminar flow of the airstream, the Coanda effect,
causing changed direction of airflow over the top surface will separate resulting
in loss of lift, stalling.
The travel of an air mass (real wind) when not directed toward the nose or tail
but crossing the course.
Crosswind Component:
That Vector-component direction and velocity of air mass movement
perpendicular to a direction of reference or flight.
Density Altitude:
Pressure Altitude corrected for temperature and humidity. Air density
(atmospheric pressure) decreases with increased altitude, temperature, and
humidity. Warm air is less dense than cold air because there are fewer air
molecules (less mass) in a given volume of warm air than in the same volume of
cooler air. Humid air has less mass than dry air. Less dense air therefore contains
less oxygen per unit volume, which reduces the power possible from engines.
Decreasing altitude. Descent is by decreasing engine powered thrust from that
needed for sustaining level flight. Reduction of power results in the airplane
starting to descend allowing generation of a sustaining horizontal gravity
component-thrust to maintain the angle-of-attack indicated-airspeed.
The descent angle (negative climb angle), controlled by elevator pitch, will be
dependent on the amount of power reduction when maneuvering into a
descending direction by decrease of thrust or elevator-pitched change of
attitude. Reduction of angle-of-attack and subsequent acceleration without
coordinated increase of engine power causes descent until power and density
altitude again balance.
The elevator control wheel, forward and aft movement adjusts elevator-pitch.
Elevator-pitch adjustment is rotation of the fuselage around the effective lateral
axis to control the aircraft angle-of-attack. Elevator-pitched settings allow
specific indicated-airspeeds at which the aircraft will fly.
Elevator Trim:
The trim control is typically a small non-calibrated wheel, adjusted by rolling
pitch up to increase encountering angle for slower indicated-airspeed or down to
decrease this angle for faster indicated-airspeed. Some aircraft have an electrical
switch for setting elevator trim.
Pilot input allows changing the elevator neutral setting by creating a desired
angle (angle-of-attack), frontal plate area of impact/dynamic displacement, to
the relative wind. A specific indicated-airspeed results. When trimmed to attain a
desired indicated-airspeed, it enables hands-off flight of elevator control.
An occurrence putting the aircraft safety at risk.
Aft section of the aircraft incorporating the vertical and horizontal stabilizers,
rudder, and elevator.
Potential energy (energy at rest or stored) obtained from position (descending
from altitude) and chemical (burning fuel).
Kinetic energy (energy of motion, ½ mv²), the momentum of mass and its motion
(the motion of the aircraft, mv).
A device for converting potential energy of fuel creating power to cause thrust.
Engine thrust component-lift caused by an aircraft pitched attitude (angle-of-
attack) above the direction of motion.
Engine Power:
Available engine performance. Power is dependent on physical mass of air intake.
With low-density air (low mass to volume) at high altitudes and/or with high
temperatures the engines cannot intake sufficient oxygen for burning to develop
full sea-level rated power.
Excess Engine Thrust:
Applied engine thrust above that required for sustaining a constant level flight
indicated-airspeed condition which allows maneuvering in level and climbing
Extended Centerline:
An imaginary extension of the runway centerline away from the runway.
Fifth Control:
Thrust Component-Lift causes pitch change with a change in thrust.
Panel devices attached to or within the wing trailing edges allowing extension for
increasing wing surfaces to enable slower flight indicated-airspeeds.
Continuing the landing roundout, causing the attitude to become slightly nose up
as the aircraft slows and sinks to the surface, allowing the main wheels to touch
down first.
Putting mass into motion or changing its rate or direction of motion. Propel
against resistance
Force Vector:
Representation of a force’s magnitude and direction
Force Component-Vector:
Related directional forces when a vector is divided into components 90° to each
other. The directional components Fy and Fx are 90° to each other. Component
vectors represent separate forces which when exerted in their specific directions
result in the reactive force F. Example, if angle θ is 60º, Fy = .866 lb. and Fx =.5
lb. Exerting these two force vectors in their directions results in a force F= 1.0 lb.
in its specific resultant direction.
Relative to the Pilot, the direction of aircraft motion, no matter its attitude.
Frontal-Plate Area:
The total area of the aircraft structure that encounters and displaces free-stream
mass-of-the--air. Angled motion causes the volume of air displaced to be greater
than the aircraft volume.
To maintain a specific indicated-airspeed, the angle-of-attack requires a frontal-
plate area to the relative-wind to balance the displacement/pressures (lbs. /sq.
in.) of the encountering free-stream air.
If indicated-airspeed is increased, the airflow volume increases, with related
increased vertical displacement pressures, so it requires a reduced angle-of-
attack frontal-plate area to maintain the same vertical lift.
The point about which a system balances. In flight this becomes the center-of-
pressure through which the total of all different forces are considered acting on
the aircraft.
The body of the aircraft.
“g” Force:
The force exerted on an object by gravity and always directed vertically toward
the earth. This force is equal to the weight of the object.
In a turn, the centripetal force generated adds to the total aircraft loading. A
level 45-degree turn will generate an additional .4 times the object's weight (1.4
Flight with reduced or no engine power, using gravity component-thrust.
Glide Speed:
Gliding indicated-airspeed used when reducing or losing power and sustained by
gravity component-thrust.
The procedure of aborting a landing or landing approach, consisting of
simultaneously adding power, leveling, accelerating, and climbing while adjusting
and configuring toward a takeoff procedure.
The acceleration force of attraction of the earth’s mass to the mass of an object.
Gravity is a source of generating movement in an aircraft in flight. The gravity
component-thrust is similar to engine thrust but always requires descent.
Gravity Component-Thrust:
The aircraft in a descending attitude angle (negative climb) has a thrust
component-forward from gravity acting from the center of mass.
Increased lift pressure below an airplane when flying very low to the surface.
Maximum effect is at the surface and essentially disappears at one wing length of
altitude. It is the result of the reduction of up-wash, downwash, and wingtip
vortices, providing a corresponding decrease in induced drag.
Ground Roll:
Landing: The distance required from touchdown to stop.
Takeoff: The distance required from brake release to the wheels leaving the
runway becoming airborne.
Actual velocity relative the earth’s surface.
Movement over time relative to the surface.
True airspeed corrected for the effect of air mass movement across the surface.
Hands-Off Flight Control:
A control technique of minimized manual input to the control wheel.
The compass direction the aircraft is pointed. A no-wind course.
That Vector-component of air mass movement (real wind) opposite the direction
of flight or a referenced course.
High-Density Altitude:
A relative altitude related to a standard when considering the density of air. Low-
density air occurs at high-density altitudes.
Horizontal Stabilizer:
Small aerodynamic airfoil normally mounted horizontally on the tail (empennage)
for flight stabilization. An attached elevator allows nose up and down pitch
steering for angle-of-attack indicated-airspeed control. Some aircraft have
adjustable stabilizers for pitch and pitch trim.
Reading of the indicated-airspeed instrument within the aircraft. The reference
airspeed for manipulation of the airplane and calibrated in units of speed. This
reference is a measurement of the impacting/ram air pressure into the pitot
system as an indication to the pilot of relative mass-of-the-air pressures against
the aircraft structure.
Indicated-Airspeed Indicator:
Cockpit instrument showing pressure airspeed for monitoring aircraft
Induced Drag:
Rearward component of lift and gravity forces. Drag increases with increased
angle-of-attack as the machine moves within the air mass. It tends to be greater
at lower indicated-airspeeds because higher angles of attack result in increased
frontal-plate area, greater volumetric displacement, and related increased travel
of the airflow around the structure.
The property of mass by which it retains its state of rest or its velocity along a
straight line so long as not acted upon by an external force.
The maneuvering of roundout, flare, touchdown, and rollout to stop.
Landing Area: (aiming point)
An area on the surface chosen for landing.
An aim-point for controlling a visual Directed-Course of travel toward the
selected landing area, the touchdown point will normally be just beyond.
Level Flight:
Constant altitude flight. Upon reaching a specific altitude, forward elevator
control to maintain level altitude allowing acceleration to the desired cruise
indicated-airspeed with coordinated reduction of power will cause stabilized
constant indicated-airspeed, constant altitude flight.
A force away from the top of the machine in any attitude.
Lift (Aerodynamic):
See, Aerodynamic Lift
Lift (thrust component-lift):
The component-lift at the aircraft engine thrust attachment, and caused by the
angled attitude of the aircraft above the direction of travel (motion).
The forces opposing lift. This involves both the gravitational force directed
toward the earth plus any aerodynamically generated force from an airfoil
directed opposite the lift vectors. Aerodynamic loading will be negative lift from
the elevator and/or centrifugal “g” loading when maneuvering away from wings
level constant altitude flight.
Load Factor:
The ratio of the aerodynamic load on the structure to the weight of the aircraft.
A current “g” loading.
Maximum Endurance (Vme); Indicated-airspeed at which an aircraft can remain
airborne the longest time.
Longitudinal Axis:
Dimensional: A line directed through the static center of gravity of the aircraft
front to back, and parallel to the structure of the body.
Maneuvering: A line directed through the center of pressure (load) of the aircraft
front to back, in the direction of motion, parallel to the line of flight.
The act of steering and guiding the travel of the machine throughout different
The magnitude of elemental matter due to gravitational force.
Determined as the weight per unit volume
Mass-of-the-air (airmass):
The quantity of air as determined by its elemental mass weight per unit volume.
Mixture Control:
Allows manual metering of fuel for controlling the fuel-vapor to air ratio to the
engine. Full out position shuts off all fuel to the engine at the carburetor. Full in
position allows a pre-set maximum fuel quantity metering into the carburetor.
Very low-density (high-altitude) operation requires manual reduction of fuel
(leaning) for all engine operation to maintain optimum fuel/air mixture.
The tendency of a force to cause a body to rotate about a point and defined as
the product of the force (F) and the moment arm (distance).
Intensity of motion; product of a mass and its velocity (mv). The tendency to
maintain motion until acted upon by other force.
A direction away from the aircraft.
Inadvertent maneuvering beyond a desired track, such as tracking past the
extended centerline when turning to roll out on final approach.
(n.)The longitudinal angled attitude of the aircraft relative the horizon.
(v.)The act of inputting to and away elevator control or engine thrust component-
lift changing the attitude of the aircraft.
Pitch Angle:
The angle measured from the horizon to the static longitudinal axis. The angular
profile attitude of the static longitudinal axis relative to the horizon.
Pitch Axis:
The lateral or transverse rotational axis through an aircraft. Also called the
pitching axis.
Pitch, Climb:
The increased attitude angle resulting from changed direction of motion caused
by excess-thrust component-lift and sustained by the excess-thrust component-
Pitch Control:
Pitch Control is affected by forward or aft control wheel input to the elevator or
horizontal stabilizer, the elevator trim wheel, and engine power changes.
Changed downwash over the tail from power changes can affect elevator-pitch
trim on some aircraft.
Pitch, Moment:
Force acting at a distance from the center of pressure produces a moment. The
fuselage acts as the arm for the horizontal stabilizer, elevator, and engine
pitching forces moving the aircraft nose to or away relative to the pilot.
Pitch, Thrust-component:
The thrust component-lift at the engine attachment with a moment arm to the
center of pressure.
Pitch Up:
Relates to controlling the airplane with power, configuration change, or elevator
input, and is relative to the pilot in the aircraft. This is a relationship of the
airplane’s attitude, input of pitch control, (elevator or power change) and the
indicated-airspeed (angle-of-attack) the airplane wants to fly.
Manual elevator input changes aircraft pitch with a related change to the angle-
of-attack and indicated-airspeed. Power changes cause increase or decrease of
pitch from engine thrust component-lift, engine placement torque (moment away
from centerline), propeller-blasting air, and wing downwash flow across the
Change in any one of these inputs can contribute to change of elevator trim. A
pilot must always consider these criteria when checking out in any specific
aircraft to enable understanding control response when changing power input and
A forward facing, open-ended, tube, rammed with the mass-of-the-air from
forward motion of flight used for measuring indicated-airspeed pressure.
The reaction to a force, measured in unit area.
Pressure Altitude:
The altitude in a standard atmosphere. The standard barometric pressure is 29.92
inches of mercury, 1013.25 hPa.
Propeller (prop):
Fan device attached to an engine for generating thrust.
Propeller-blast (prop-blast, prop-wash):
Rearward accelerated airmass caused by propeller rotation and affecting the
horizontal stabilizer and areas behind the aircraft.
Ram Air Pressure:
The dynamic pressure created by forward motion into the free-stream air.
Real Wind:
Surface Wind, The horizontal movement of an air mass across earth’s surface.
Relative Wind:
The encountering of the free-stream air. Movement generated wind opposite the
direction of the aircraft motion. A wind of motion.
1. Banking/Roll: Changing the aircraft attitude away from or to wings level flight.
2. Aircraft motion on the ground.
Roll/Bank in/out:
Inflight maneuvering for turns. Roll into a turn is inputting control by banking the
wings away from horizontal.
Roll out of a turn is inputting control to return to wings level horizontal).
1. The landing roll after touchdown until stopping or slowed for turnoff of the
2. Reducing banking in turns to resume wings level flight.
The act of turning as around an axis, the pitching and banking of attitude.
The pitching up at specific indicated-airspeeds for takeoff, Vr.
Leveling, with gradual manual back elevator when a few feet above the ground
for a landing. This causes reduced descent rate and slowing as the angle-of-attack
A flight control for causing yaw/rotation around the aircraft vertical axis steering
the direction of engine thrust. Attached to the trailing edge of the vertical
stabilizer the rudder swings left or right into the airstream with input by the
pilot’s feet to the rudder pedals creating aerodynamic force sideways yawing the
Outside; visually searching the total area around for unknown or conflicting
Inside; visually checking and confirming instrument readings.
Setting a Directed-Course:
Maneuvering flight toward a sighted point by maintaining it unmoving relative a
point on the windshield, a collision course.
A technique for determination of a Directed-Course can be by visually sighting or
physically pointing a finger at the object or destination and maneuvering the
aircraft attitude such that the object or destination is fixed, unmoving, relative
to that point on the window.
A departure area limited in length to that required to attain takeoff indicated-
Sight Picture:
The pilot’s view of the horizon and points on the horizon and ground used as
reference toward which directing visual flight.
Uncoordinated attitude of a turn by input of opposite directed rudder causing the
aircraft to slide into the turn. Slip causes the aircraft to move sideways.
Forward-slip is a technique of cross controlling to cause added drag to increase
rate of descent in the direction of motion.
Side-slip is a crosswind landing technique for having the wheels aligned with the
direction of motion with rudder steering and opposite direction banking turn with
aileron to counter crosswind drifting for centerline tracking control.
Rapidity of motion. Time rate of change. Distance traveled over time, as miles
per hour.
True Airspeed is motion within an airmass and relative only to velocity within that
air mass.
Groundspeed is motion relative to the earth's surface.
Indicated-airspeed is measurement of the airmass pressure encountered, not a
speed at all!
The tendency of a system to retain its position or attitude, or if displaced, to
return to that position or attitude.
Airfoils normally attached horizontally and vertically to the tail for aircraft pitch
and yaw stabilization and control.
The condition of exceeding wing critical angle-of-attack, the disruption of lift,
and the aircraft begins falling.
Pilot aft elevator input forcing an angle-of-attack such that laminar airflow over
the wing separates causing failed aerodynamic lift.
Directing thrust of the aircraft with brakes and flight controls.
Components of the aircraft that transport, transmit, or carry forces and loads.
Surface Wind:
Real Wind; the horizontal movement of an air mass relative the earth.
Sustaining Thrust:
The thrust required to sustain the indicated-airspeed of flight.
That component-vector of air mass movement (real wind) in the direction of
Allows Pilot manual adjustment of power by control of airflow through the
carburetor. Controls the power output and resultant thrust to allow motion and
acceleration to attain and sustain ground maneuvering and flight. Pushing the
throttle full forward/in results in maximum power output. Pulling the throttle
away/out reduces the engine power output. Pushing in causes increased power.
Full out is idle position.
A reactive force forward from large quantities of airmass movement exerted by a
propeller (blasting air) or directed burning fuel of a jet engine (expanding gases)
for creating motion.
Gravity component-forward with descent.
Thrust Component-Forward:
The reactive thrust force acting in the direction of motion
Thrust Component-Lift:
The reactive thrust force acting away at the top of the source as lift.
To or Away (toward/from):
Pull and push of elevator control causing aircraft pitch change up or down relative
the aircraft, not the earth.
Instant of wheel contact with the surface upon landing.
Touchdown spot/point/area:
Visually sighted chosen landing spot for Directed-Course approach. Also called
approach aim point.
Adjustment of small airfoils on the flight control surfaces (yaw, roll, and pitch) to
coordinate and balance input to a neutral control position for steady state flight
with minimum pilot input.
Rate of travel within and relative to the specific air mass.
When rolled into a banked attitude, the total wing lift becomes at an angle
relative to gravity. Roll results in causing a horizontal component of aerodynamic
and engine thrust component-lift that changes heading (direction of motion) by
causing turn.
Turn Control:
Coordination of Aileron, Rudder and Thrust input is required to roll into an
attitude away from wings level. The aerodynamic lift vector changes direction so
reduces the vertical-component lift and begins generating horizontal component-
lift that causes heading change. For maintaining level flight, constant indicated-
airspeed, added power for additional lift is required.
A direction increasing the vertical distance from the earth's surface.
To the Pilot within the aircraft, a direction out the top of the machine no matter
the attitude.
Aircraft attitude with lift forces orientated away from the surface.
Directing increased distance from the earth's surface.
Within an aircraft, direction away from the top of the machine.
Vector (Force):
A quantity of force possessing both magnitude and direction describing the
reaction to power and gravity (energy) input.
Vector-Component (Force):
A related directional force when dividing a force vector into components acting
90° to each other. The force F has related directional components, F y and Fx, 90°
to each other. Component vectors represent separate forces which when exerted
in their specific directions result in a reactive force F. Example; if F y = .866 lb.
and Fx =.5 lb. Trigonometrically adding the two vector forces results in a resultant
vector force F= 1 lb. angled thirty and sixty degrees between the two.
Rapidity of motion. Time rate of change relative a reference. Distance traveled
over time, as miles per hour.
Direction to or away from the earth. Away from the earth is positive and to is
Vertical Component of a Force:
A force or component force directed upward away from the earth.
Vertical Lift:
The component-lift forces out of the aircraft directed away from the earth.
Visual Directed Flight:
Flight control using sighting of the horizon and distant objects as reference for
Va (maximum indicated-airspeed in turbulence):
The maximum airspeed for turbulence. For a typical light civilian aircraft, V a will
be approximately double Vs, to ensure that the plane will stall under acceleration
greater than 0 g (0 m/s²).
Vc (Optimum Cruise)
Attained by dividing Vy by .75, equivalent to 1.3 times Vy
Vfe (maximum indicated-airspeed for extending flaps):
Maximum airspeed for flap extension.
Vme (Loiter):
Maximum Endurance; Indicated-Airspeed at which the aircraft
will remain airborne the longest time. Vme = Vy y .75.
Vne (never exceed indicated-airspeed):
Airspeed if exceeded may result in structural failure (red line).