Unit Two
Unit Two
Unit Two
For a few verbs where the stem ends in x, z or tz the same pattern applies:
a ä
e i
e ie
Changes from a to ä
Important verbs – apart from schlafen – which follow this pattern are:
Changes from e to i
You have seen that sprechen and essen are two prominent verbs which change
their vowel from e to i. Other verbs which follow this pattern are:
The verb nehmen also follows the e to i pattern, but it has greater spelling
variations. Here are all forms:
Changes from e to ie
Some verbs such as sehen and lesen, where the e sound is pronounced long,
change their vowel e into ie:
There are also two other groups of verb forms which do not conform to the
regular pattern in the present tense:
• the verbs sein and haben ‘to be’ and ‘to have’ (see Unit 4)
• the modal verbs (see Unit 18).
Exercise 3.1
Write out the full present tense of the following verbs (for all persons: ich, du,
Sie, er/sie/es, wir, ihr, Sie, sie):
1 arbeiten
2 tanzen
3 heißen
4 reisen
Exercise 3.2
Here is a list of frequently used irregular verbs. Place a tick against the ones
which change their vowel in the present tense and a cross against the ones
which do not. The first two have been done for you. Use a verb list to check
your answers.
bleiben ✗ helfen schreiben stehen
Exercise 3.3
Here is what Hans Homann, a young television presenter from Austria, says
about himself. Use this information to write a short portrait of him. The first
sentence has been done for you.
Exercise 3.4
Translate the following sentences into German: