BISS Pre-Meeting Survey - Response 1

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23/5/24, 17:54 Because I Say So (BISS) 2024 Workshop - Pre-meeting survey

View results


1 Anonymous 41:18
Time to complete

The physical campaign

What is your opinion with regards to the physical campaign shared in terms of concept, content and format, please write your comments be‐

1. Concept

The use of informercials is very effective as it uses attractive visuals to spread the messages. These visuals will grab the attention of the target audience and
make it appealing for them to read, which ensures that the messages are understood and retained. The use of the videos is also very effective as these are
user friendly, and people can listen to them whilst performing another task and still understand the messages. The use of sport as a metaphor for health
issues highlights the importance of taking the leadership in one's health and persevering when faced with obstacles and challenges (John's case)

2. Format

The fliers are well formatted and the messages are very clear. The videos are also relatively short and thus will capture the attention span of the audience

3. Content

The content is quite comprehensive as it introduces the concept of single pill combinations, defines it and states the benefits. It also encourages the target
audience to test their blood pressure regularly and states the advantages of preventing complications. It stresses the importance of being the "captain" of
one's life, motivating people to take charge of their own health when it comes to hypertension.

The patient leaflet

What is your opinion with regards to the patient leaflet shared in terms of concept, content and format, please write your comments below

4. Concept

The leaflets are very attractive and clear. They use beautiful pictures which tell a story of the symptoms and the need to prevent complications

5. Format

The format is very good. On the slides the text looks small, but I am sure the real leaflets will have bigger text that will be easy to read.… 1/6
23/5/24, 17:54 Because I Say So (BISS) 2024 Workshop - Pre-meeting survey
6. Content

The content is very relevant and educative. It consists of key definitions, explains the importance of regular checks, cause and symptoms of high blood
pressure and messages encouraging people to regularly check their blood pressure.,

7. Do you have any other comments/suggestions for next leaflets? If yes, please write them in the comment box below

Maybe a picture of a healthcare professional testing a patient in a clinical setting?

The social media campaign

What is your opinion with regards to the social media campaign shared in terms of concept, content and format, please write your comments

8. Concept

The concept of short videos is very appealing to social media users. The people in the videos are well spoken, describing their situations in simple language
that is easy to understand.

9. Format

The format is good

10. Content

The content is very relevant as it comes from lived experience. It has the potential to be easy for the recipients to understand and identify with. The
messaging is very clear and educative, telling the people about the causes, symptoms, prevention tips and also encouraging people to take their medications
and to consult their doctor. The messages on tips for not forgetting to take medications are very special as forgetfulness is one of the major reasons behind
lack of adherence. The use of hyperlinks enables people to obtain more information than what can be communicated on the flier.

11. Do you have any other comments/suggestions for next social media campaigns? If yes, please write them in the comment
box below


12. What is your social media post? Please name it in the comment box below

I use mostly facebook, Linkedin and X

Additional questions… 2/6
23/5/24, 17:54 Because I Say So (BISS) 2024 Workshop - Pre-meeting survey
13. Considering your life before diagnosis, which barriers do you think inhibit people from getting their blood pressure

Please select 3 options.

Lack of knowledge / health literacy

Scared of the truth and reality of what happens next

Discomfort or fear experienced when visiting healthcare professionals (HCPs)

Lack of access to HCPs

Lack of home testing devices

Attitude to ageing (“I’m not that old”)

Everyday commitments (e.g., work, family etc.)


14. A single-pill combination (SPC), also known as a fixed-dose combination, is a single pill that contains a combination of two
or more active ingredients.

In your own words, please briefly describe what “single pill combination (SPC)”? means to you using the comment box

It means that the ingredients of two or more pills are combined into one pill which means the patient will now only take one pill instead of several pills at the
same time. This significantly reduces the pill burden on the patient.

15. In your own words, please briefly describe what adherence means to you using the comment box below:

Adherence means taking medication exactly as prescribed by the doctor or healthcare practitioners. It means not missing a single dose and also not rationing
medication.… 3/6
23/5/24, 17:54 Because I Say So (BISS) 2024 Workshop - Pre-meeting survey
16. Adherence usually refers to whether patients take their medications as prescribed, as well as whether they continue to take
a prescribed medication

Based on this definition, please rate the impact of the following potential barriers in relation to treatment adherence:

No impact Low impact Moderate impact High impact Severe impact

Lack of
ar instructions
from HCPs

Lack of access
to treatment
(e.g., difficulty

Dosing (e.g.,
too many pills
to take)

Time of day of

Frequency of

Treatment side

caused by
everyday life
(e.g., work,
family etc.)


17. If you selected other, please provide further details using the comment box below:

The existence of other comorbidities'

Mental Health challenges

Digital behaviour

18. Do you currently use any smartphone apps to manage your high blood pressure? *



19. If yes, please confirm which apps you use via the comment box below… 4/6
23/5/24, 17:54 Because I Say So (BISS) 2024 Workshop - Pre-meeting survey
20. If developing a smartphone app to support people living with high blood pressure, what content should be included as a

Please select 3 options.

Educational content (e.g., information on high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease)

Coaching based on practical advice/guidance from patients (via a Chatbot)

Lifestyle tips and advice (e.g., nutrition, physical activity etc.)

Treatment calendar

Push notifications (e.g., treatment reminder, blood pressure check reminder)


21. On a scale of 1-5 how important are the following in relation to the development of such an app?

Moderately Extremely
Not important Little important important Very important important

Co-created with

Co-created with
doctors / other
health care

Potential to
merge or be
compatible with
other apps in
disease space

Regular app
updates /
maintenance of


22. If you selected other, please provide further details using the comment box below… 5/6
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23. Which digital channels do you use most frequently? [PLEASE SELECT TOP THREE FROM LIST BELOW]

Please select at most 3 options.






Threads (X)

I don't use digital channels


24. What type of content do you engage most with on these channels? [PLEASE SELECT TOP THREE FROM LIST BELOW]

Please select 3 options.

Written content (e.g., blogs, articles etc.)


Stories (i.e., Instagram or Facebook)

Live streams

Links to external content



Graphics (e.g. GIFs, memes etc.)

Other… 6/6

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