The document discusses the different types of al-Mushtaqqaat (derived nouns) in Arabic grammar. It explains seven main types of derived nouns: Ism al-Faa'il, Ism al-Maf'ool, Ism al-Tafdeel, Ism al-Zarf, Ism al-Aalah, Ism al-Mubalighah, and al-Sifah al-Mushabbahah. It provides examples and details for Ism al-Aalah and Ism al-Zarf.
The document discusses the different types of al-Mushtaqqaat (derived nouns) in Arabic grammar. It explains seven main types of derived nouns: Ism al-Faa'il, Ism al-Maf'ool, Ism al-Tafdeel, Ism al-Zarf, Ism al-Aalah, Ism al-Mubalighah, and al-Sifah al-Mushabbahah. It provides examples and details for Ism al-Aalah and Ism al-Zarf.
The document discusses the different types of al-Mushtaqqaat (derived nouns) in Arabic grammar. It explains seven main types of derived nouns: Ism al-Faa'il, Ism al-Maf'ool, Ism al-Tafdeel, Ism al-Zarf, Ism al-Aalah, Ism al-Mubalighah, and al-Sifah al-Mushabbahah. It provides examples and details for Ism al-Aalah and Ism al-Zarf.
The document discusses the different types of al-Mushtaqqaat (derived nouns) in Arabic grammar. It explains seven main types of derived nouns: Ism al-Faa'il, Ism al-Maf'ool, Ism al-Tafdeel, Ism al-Zarf, Ism al-Aalah, Ism al-Mubalighah, and al-Sifah al-Mushabbahah. It provides examples and details for Ism al-Aalah and Ism al-Zarf.
al-Mushtaqqaat ( )المشتقاتalso called asma-e-mushtaqqaat ( )اسمائے مشتقاتin Urdu. This
is a topic of Sarf. In our previous class, we studied that Mushtaq are those words that are derived from any other word al-Mushtaqqaat (plural of mushtaq) are total seven. They are: 1.Ism al-Faa’il ()اسم الفاعل. 2.Ism al-Maf’ool ()اسم المفعول. 3.Ism al-Tafdeel ()اسم التفضيل. 4.Ism al-Zarf ()اسم الظرف. 5.Ism al-Aalah ()اسم اآللة. 6.Ism al-Mubalighah ()اسم المبالغة. al-Mushabbahah ()الصفة المشبهة. اسم آله • ism al-aalah. It is also a kind of al-mushtaqqaat, and so, it is a part of Sarf. • Ism al-Aalah is a word that describes the tool for a verb. It can easily be derived from verb. There are three meters (wazn) for ism al-zarf. • ِم ْفعَل • ِم ْفعَلَة • ِم ْفعَال • Fataha ( (فَتَحis past tense for third person singular masculine that means he opened. From it, ism al-aalah is derived as miftaahun ( ) ( ِم ْفتَاحIt means tool to open something i.e. key. It is from the third meter. • From the second meter, we can have the example of miknasat un.)سة َ َِم ْكن • from the first meter, we can have the example of mibradun .)ِمب َْرد Examples from Quran (Aalaa & Ism Aalaa) ism al-zarf • . It is also a kind of al-mushtaqqaat, and so, it is a part of Sarf. • Ism al-Zarf is a word that describes the place or time of a verb. It can easily be derived from verb. There are two meters (wazn) for ism al-zarf. • َم ْفعَل • َم ْف ِعل • Darasa ( )س َ َد َرis past tense for third person singular masculine. It means he studied. From it, we can derive ism al-zarf as madrasun ( ,) َم ْد َرسand changing it to feminine state, it becomes madrasatun ( .)سة َ َم ْد َرIt means place to study i.e. school. • Sajada ( )س َج َد َ is past tense for third person singular masculine. It means he prostrated. From it, we can derive ism al-zarf as masjidun ( .) َم ْس ِجدIt means place to prostrate i.e. mosque. س ۡال َم ِ ص ۡي ُر • اب َج َهنَّ َؕم َو ِب ۡئ َ َو ِللَّ ِذ ۡي َن َكفَ ُر ۡوا ِب َر ِب ِه ۡم َ ع َذ ُ
اور جنہوں نے اپنے رب کے ساته کفر کيا (ف )۱۴ان کے ليے جہنم کا عذاب ہے ،اور • کيا ہی برا انجام )Al Mulk (6