2esp2019 01 04
2esp2019 01 04
2esp2019 01 04
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Pakistan being an agricultural country greatly depends on the water. Intense agriculture and ever-increasing
Received 21 August 2019 population growth have created stress on the limited water resources of the country. Therefore, use of industrial
Accepted 23 September 2019 discharge effluent and sewage water for irrigation is a common practice. Realizing the situation of safe disposal of
Available online 2 October 2019 wastewater in Pattoki to minimize the public risks of indiscriminate disposal of wastewater, Punjab government
and Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) constructed a wastewater treatment plant at Pattoki district
Kasur. The purpose of this study is to check the efficiency of wastewater being treated by the treatment plant in
compliance with the National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS) and to check the efficiency of functional
components of treatment plant. Water samples were collected from various points of the treatment plant in order
to perform various onsite and laboratory test (DO, BOD5, COD, Chloride, TSS, and PH) to check the efficiency of the
wastewater treatment plant. The results obtained for each water quality parameters (physical, chemical, and
biological) were compared with National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS). The recommended value of DO
was greater than 2 mg/liter, BOD5, COD, Chlorides, TSS and PH by PEQS were less than 80 mg/liter, 150 mg/liter,
1000 mg/liter, 150 mg/liter and 6.5-9 respectively. The measured values of DO, BOD5, COD, Chlorides, TSS and PH
were 0.3 mg/liter, 310 mg/liter, 48 mg/liter, 1760 mg/liter, 204 mg/liter and 8.3 respectively. The values of DO,
BOD5 and TSS are not within PEQS recommended range. More facultative and anaerobic ponds should be
constructed in order to treat total wastewater generated in Pattoki, as present plant is treating almost one fourth of
total wastewater generated in Pattoki. Aerators should be provided at the aerobic ponds for improving the efficiency
of wastewater treatment plant. Effluent from the treatment plant can be used for floriculture conjunctively with
fresh water. Moreover, the concentration of physio-chemical parameters in the effluent also decreases after mixing
the water available in drain. To some extent it also reduces the infiltration of dangerous components (as drain is not
lined with concrete) present in wastewater that may contaminate the ground water or may have hazardous effects
on quality of soil present in field. However, further studies are required to evaluate chemical parameters or heavy
metals like arsenic, fluorides, chromium, zinc etc.
1. INTRODUCTION anaerobic pond. Anaerobic ponds are normally desludged after a period of
5 years. The facultative ponds usually come after anaerobic ponds to
Wastewater can originate from a combination of domestic, industrial, further polish the effluent. In facultative ponds both bacteria aerobic and
commercial or agricultural activities, surface runoff or storm water, and anaerobic treat the wastewater. Facultative ponds reduce the level of BOD
from sewer inflow or infiltration. The inlet wastewater characteristics to such a level that it can now be disposed to water bodies. In aerobic zone
such as pH, temperature, total solids in dissolved and suspended states of facultative ponds, bacteria and algae exist in mutually beneficial or
(TDS and TSS), chlorides, Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Chemical symbiotic relationship. Algae produce oxygen during photosynthesis
Oxygen Demand (COD) determine the type of treatment adopted in which is consumed by bacteria to metabolize the organic matter, whereas
Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). Ponds have been used for bacteria releases carbon dioxide and other inorganic matter like nitrogen
centuries to store and treat animal and household wastes. However, with and phosphorus which are needed by algae to grow and meet the food
in the last few decades, specific design criteria have been developed in requirement. Hence under normal light the metabolic action of these two
terms of volumetric requirements, organic loading rates and detention microbial groups complement each other. BOD removal in facultative
time. The waste stabilization ponds used for natural process of the pond is usually in range of 70-80% based on unfiltered samples. The
treatment of wastewater consist of anaerobic ponds, facultative ponds, maturation ponds are used to reduce the fecal coli form count in the
and maturation ponds. Anaerobic ponds provide the initial treatment to wastewater. Maturation ponds are aerobic throughout the depth. If more
the wastewater. Suspended solid load in wastewater is mostly removed in fecal coli form reduction is required, then more maturation ponds are
anaerobic pond and settle at bottom as sludge, where it undergoes provided in series. Under such conditions all the maturation ponds are
anaerobic decomposition. The efficiency depends upon the ambient equally sized, and this is the most efficient configuration.
temperature. Approximately around 50% of BOD reduction could place in
Cite The Article: Hassan Amjad, Shanawar Hamid, Yasir Niaz, Muhammad Ashraf, Umair Yasir, Amna Chaudhary, Ali Arsalan, Mian Waqar Daud (2019). Efficiency
Assessment Of Wastewater Treatment Plant: A Case Study Of Pattoki, District Kasur, Pakistan. Earth Sciences Pakistan, 3(2) : 01-04.
Earth Sciences Pakistan (ESP) 3 (2) (2019) 01-04
Treatment ponds have been used to treat wastewater for many years, physio-chemical parameters in disposal drain of the wastewater
particularly as wastewater treatment systems for small communities. treatment plant in Pattoki, District Kasur.
Many terms have been used to describe the different types of systems
employed in wastewater treatment. Oxidation pond has been widely used 2. METHODS
as a collective term for all types of ponds. Originally, an oxidation pond
2.1 Physical parameters
was a pond that received partially treated wastewater, whereas a pond
that received raw wastewater was known as a sewage lagoon [1]. Ph was determined in the field directly with PH meter by taking the onsite
Oxidation (stabilization) pond is a simple scientifically designed pond with samples at different stages of treatment in WWTP. Similarly, temperatures
2-6 feet depth, where BOD5 reduction of a wastewater takes place by were taken with thermometers placed at different points and electrical
supporting algal-bacterial growth these ponds are effective, low-cost and conductivity was checked. Turbidity was checked by turbidity meters. All
simple technology for the treatment of wastewater before it is discharged the parameters were checked after the proper calibration of instruments.
to an aquatic ecosystem, and are commonly used in warm climates to
purify wastewater. The performance of pond depends on climatological 2.2 Chemical parameters
conditions like light, temperature, rain, wind and also the wastewater
quality [2]. The oxidation pond receives flows that have passed through a BOD5 was analyzed in laboratory by standard method. Each sample was
stabilization pond or primary settling tanks. This type of pond provides poured in 9 BOD bottles (3 with 5ml, 3 with 10ml, 3 with 20ml.) for every
biological treatment, additional settling and some reduction in the number stage of treatment. DO of three bottles of each sample was checked same
of fecal coliform present. An oxidation pond is normally designed using the day for zero day DO. Other bottles were kept in incubator with 20oC for 5
same criteria as the stabilization pond [3]. Oxidation pond typically days. Then DO was checked after 5 days and BOD was determined with
operate in an extended aeration mode with long detention and solids Formula.
retention time and is a widely adopted technique for the treatment of
domestic and trade wastes. It is one of the methods used extensively in the 𝐷0 − 𝐷5
𝐵𝑂𝐷5 =
tropical areas of the world for treating the wastewater [4]. Hospital 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑚𝑙.
wastewaters have been reported to be best treated in the oxidation pond.
Oxidation pond comprises different groups of organisms such as bacteria,
algae, protozoa, fungi, viruses, rotifers, nematodes, insects and crustacean 𝐷0 = Dissolves oxygen for zero day
larvae etc. These organisms coexist and compete with each other. The 𝐷5 = Dissolves oxygen after 5days
bacteria present in the pond decompose the biodegradable organic matter
and release carbon dioxide, ammonia and nitrates. These compounds are COD was also determined with by the titration process using ferrous
utilized by the algae, which together with sunlight and photosynthetic ammonium sulfate (FAS) as a reducing agent. The formula below was used
process releases oxygen, enabling the bacteria to breakdown more waste to determine the value of COD
and accomplish reduction in BOD5 levels [5].
(𝐵 − 𝐴) × 𝑁 × 8000
𝐶𝑂𝐷(𝑚𝑔/𝑙𝑖𝑡) =
In Pakistan, the wastewater domestic and industrial is directly disposed to 𝑉𝑜𝑙. (𝑚𝑙)𝑜𝑓𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒
sewer lines, a natural drain or water body, a nearby field or an internal Where,
septic tank. Mostly, wastewater of Islamabad and Karachi are treated and 𝐴 = Titrant volume (ml) for blank
dispose, and the wastewater of other cities is not treated to any biological 𝐵 = Titrant Volume (ml) wastewater
treatment process. Even these two cities treat only a small proportion (less 𝑁 = Normality of ferrous ammonium solution i.e. 0.25N
than 8%) of their wastewater before disposal [6]. Pakistan has become a
water deficit country now a days. The water availability in 1996 is 1,299
m3 per capita which decreases to 1,100 m3 are per capita in 2006. Now it The study area was specially selected due to certain parameters, such as
is projected to decrease 700 m3 per capita in 2025. Therefore, wastewater, the geometric growth of the population and infrastructure development in
and other non-conventional water resources has become important to the city. The performance evaluation of WWTPs was carried out based on
treat and use for irrigation purpose. In Pakistan, the wastewater domestic the following criteria: PH, Temperature, Turbidity, Total Suspended Solids
and industrial is directly disposed to sewer lines, a natural drain or water (TSS), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD5) and Chemical Oxygen Demand
body, a nearby field or an internal septic tank. Mostly, wastewater of (COD), Dissolved Oxygen (DO), chlorides. Few tests like PH, Temperature
Islamabad and Karachi are treated and dispose, and the wastewater of and Turbidity were performed in field and for other test, samples were
other cities is not treated to any biological treatment process. Even these collected after every treatment step from various points in the WWTP, i.e.
two cities treat only a small proportion (less than 8%) of their wastewater raw sewage at the grit chamber, in the inlet box, influent of each anaerobic
before disposal. The increase in population will have a direct impact on the ponds, Influent at each facultative ponds, upstream and downstream of
water-sector for meeting the domestic, industrial and agricultural needs. drain, for laboratory analysis (Figure 1). The average values were
Pakistan has now essentially exhausted its available water-resources and considered for further decision-making processes. Samples were
is on the verge of becoming a water-deficit country. The quality of preserved at 4oC when transporting them to the laboratory. They were
groundwater and surface-water is low and is further deteriorating analyzed for Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biochemical Oxygen
because of unchecked disposal of untreated municipal and industrial Demand (BOD5).
wastewater and excessive use of fertilizers and insecticides. Water quality
monitoring and information management is lacking, even though it’s
crucial to any water-quality improvement Programme [7].
Cite The Article: Hassan Amjad, Shanawar Hamid, Yasir Niaz, Muhammad Ashraf, Umair Yasir, Amna Chaudhary, Ali Arsalan, Mian Waqar Daud (2019). Efficiency
Assessment Of Wastewater Treatment Plant: A Case Study Of Pattoki, District Kasur, Pakistan . Earth Sciences Pakistan, 3(2) : 01-04.
Earth Sciences Pakistan (ESP) 3 (2) (2019) 01-04
Pattoki city is situated at about 80-km from Lahore on Lahore Multan road. Table 1: Design parameters of WWTP Pattoki.
It is also connected by Lahore- Karachi main Railway line. It is central
marketplace for vast agricultural products and for agro-based industries. Parameter Unit Quantity
Several rice mills and oil factories are functioning in the city. One sugar Flow of Pattoki m3/day 9000
mill named Pattoki Sugar Mill is working in the out skirts of the city. The Total area of stabilization pond Acres 50
city has been developing very rapidly both industrial and population wise Total pumps No. 5
during recent past. 2 small pumps Cusec 5
3 large pumps Cusec 10
Pattoki Minor is an irrigation canal and is located in Punjab, Pakistan. The Pipes and valves for small pumps Inch 14
estimate terrain elevation above sea level is 199 meters. For maintaining Pipes and valves for large pumps Inch 20
the quality standards of wastewater Government of Punjab has formed Inlet pipes Inch 20
EQS in 2012. Anaerobic ponds
Detention Time Days 1-5
The wastewater Treatment plant is an extension of the existing PHED Total volume m3 10395
pump station being operated by the TMA staff Pattoki. The purpose of the Wastewater depth in anaerobic M 4.0
plant is to treat all municipal wastewater of Pattoki town. When any of the ponds
five pumps installed on the pump station starts pumping wastewater, Free board M 0.5
wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) will start receiving this water Total depth M 4.5
through inlet pipe. From inlet pipe the water will enter the Anaerobic Mid depth area of anaerobic ponds m2 2599
Ponds through inlet chamber and start accumulating in the anaerobic Side slopes Vertical: 1:3
ponds till the water reaches the level of connecting drains. From horizontal
connecting drains, the water will start entering the Facultative ponds till Length: Width ratio 1:2
the water level in both the ponds become same and treated water is ready Top Length M 51.05
to go out from the outlet drains in the Outlet chamber. The wastewater Top Width M 87.09
treatment plant is an extension of the existing PHED pump station being Bottom Length M 24.05
operated by the TMA staff Pattoki. The purpose of the plant is to treat all Bottom width M 60.09
Top area of anaerobic pond m2 4445.86
municipal wastewater of pattoki town. To achieve this purpose, a proper
Facultative pond
understanding of its working is essential for those involved in the
Detention Time Days 2-12
operation and maintenance of this facility. The wastewater treatment
Total volume m3 41538
plant is divided into two main sections. First, the pump station where 10
Wastewater depth in facultative M 2.0
valves are installed on the 5 pumps each with capacity and almost all
operating activities are initiated and regulated here. Second, the inlet pipe Free board M 0.5
that transport the wastewater into the water stabilization ponds. When Total depth M 2.5
any of the five pumps installed on the pump station starts pumping Mid depth area of facultative ponds M 20769
wastewater WWTP starts receiving this water through inlet pipe. From Side slopes Vertical: 1:3
inlet pipe the water enters the anaerobic ponds through inlet chamber and horizontal
starts accumulating in the anaerobic ponds till the water reach the level of Top Length M 274.95
connecting drains. From the connecting drains the water starts entering Top Width M 87.09
the facultative pond till the water level in both the ponds become same and Bottom Length M 259.95
the treated water is ready to go out from the outlet drains in the outlet Bottom width M 72.09
chamber. Top area of anaerobic pond m2 23946.6
Except for pumping water in the inlet box, all the water runs under gravity 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
flow without any external involvement. The levels are maintained in
different hydraulic structures is such that it minimizes human Wastewater quality of six samples from different points of wastewater
intervention. Similarly, the treatment process itself is dependent on treatment plant Pattoki were analyzed and results obtained for each water
natural elements i.e. oxygen, sunlight etc. and does not require human quality parameters (physical, chemical and biological) were compared
interference. with Punjab Environmental Quality standards (PEQS) guideline values.
Results obtained for each wastewater quality parameter of samples is
shown in the table 2.
Tested parameters Grit Anaerobic Facultative Facultative Drain at After 500 PEQS
chamber influent influent effluent upstream meters
DO 0.3 0.1 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.3 >2
COD (mg/lit) 2000 1100 1000 240 48 132 150
BOD5 (mg/lit) 1470 855 780 320 220 310 80
Chloride (mg/lit) 2340 2340 2340 2340 2340 2340 1000
TSS (mg/lit) 398 385 294 111 82 204 150
Ph 8.2 7.9 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 6.5-9
Cite The Article: Hassan Amjad, Shanawar Hamid, Yasir Niaz, Muhammad Ashraf, Umair Yasir, Amna Chaudhary, Ali Arsalan, Mian Waqar Daud (2019). Efficiency
Assessment Of Wastewater Treatment Plant: A Case Study Of Pattoki, District Kasur, Pakistan . Earth Sciences Pakistan, 3(2) : 01-04.
Earth Sciences Pakistan (ESP) 3 (2) (2019) 01-04
after leaving the anaerobic ponds except chlorides. Non-significant in 5. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS
values of COD, BOD as only anaerobic decomposition of matter is done
here quickly. The value of TSS also shows a minor reduction as the slope Study was carried out to determine the efficiency of wastewater treatment
of anaerobic pond is greater hence reduces the detention time of plant in the city of Pattoki, District Kasur, Pakistan. Following conclusions can
wastewater in pond that ultimately caused the slow settlement of be drawn from the results:
suspended solids under gravity.
The value of DO was significantly less than the prescribed limit of PEQS which
ultimately affected the removal of biodegradable organisms. Therefore,
25 effected the removal of Wastewater treatment plant efficiently decreased the
COD and BOD5 to some extent but could not approach the safe limits. The
20 removal efficiency of COD is almost 88%. However, the value is 60% more
Efficiency (%)
The value of BOD5 and TSS were also more than the prescribed limits of PEQS.
The removal efficiency of BOD5 and TSS is about 80% and 26%, respectively.
5 However, values of BOD5 and TSS were 400 and 200 times more than the
prescribed limits.
COD BOD Chlorides TSS Moreover, the physio-chemical parameters values reduced after flowing
through a channel but still require some treatment to approach safe limits.
Figure 2: Efficiency of Anaerobic Pond
Therefore, it is suggested that total wastewater generated at Pattoki city
4.3 Efficiency of Facultative Ponds should be treated at the treatment plant by providing more facultative and
anaerobic ponds. Aerobic and maturation ponds should be constructed to
As the effluent enters into the facultative pond, aerobic and anaerobic
control DO. Extended aeration system should be installed by providing
decomposition processes start that cause the reduction of COD and BOD.
aerators at the bottom for more efficient BOD5 removal. Coagulation process
Moreover, due to greater detention time of effluent in pond cause the
may be implemented to decrease TSS to the recommended limit. Better
settlement of suspended solids hence removal of TSS occurs better than
treatment of wastewater can be done by providing trickling filters and
anaerobic pond as given in figure 3.
biological contractors. Also, a fully equipped lab should be constructed for
testing various physical, chemical and biological parameter of wastewater
and accordingly maintaining the efficiency of the plant as of PEQS. Study can
100 be conducted to evaluate chemical parameters or heavy metals like arsenic,
80 fluoride, chromium, zinc etc, and to check the feasibility for reuse of treated
Efficiency (%)
20 The work reported in this paper was carried out in Water Quality Laboratory,
0 Department of Civil Engineering, University of South Asia Lahore, Pakistan. I
COD BOD Chlorides TSS express my gratitude to Engr. Dr. Haroon Rashid, HoD, Department of Civil
Engineering, Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and Information
Figure 3: Removal Efficiency of Facultative Pond Technology for his technical guidance to enhance the quality of the research
4.4 Efficiency of treatment plant
Figure 4 shows the efficiency of the treatment plant. Almost 97.6%
removal efficiency is accomplished in COD. The removal efficiency of BOD5 [1] Mackenzie, L.D. 2010. A handbook of introduction to environmental
and total suspended solids (TSS) is achieved less than 80%. As no chemical engineering fourth edition.
treatment is being done to remove chlorides from wastewater so value of
[2] Tharavathy, N.C., Hosetti, B.B. 2003. Biodiversity of algae and
chloride remains same throughout the WWTP.
protozoa in a natural waste stabilization pond: A field study. J Environ
Biol, 24(2), 193-199.
[3] Frank, R.S., Joanne, D. 2003. A handbook of Wastewater Treatment
80 Plant Operations Made Easy: A Practical Guide for Licensure.
Efficiency (%)
Cite The Article: Hassan Amjad, Shanawar Hamid, Yasir Niaz, Muhammad Ashraf, Umair Yasir, Amna Chaudhary, Ali Arsalan, Mian Waqar Daud (2019). Efficiency
Assessment Of Wastewater Treatment Plant: A Case Study Of Pattoki, District Kasur, Pakistan . Earth Sciences Pakistan, 3(2) : 01-04.