Curriculum BTech 22-26 01112023
Curriculum BTech 22-26 01112023
Curriculum BTech 22-26 01112023
or External Examiner for theoretical papers. Theoretical papers will be moderated by a Board of
Moderators, constituted in the BOS, consisting of at least 4 (four) departmental faculty members
including HOD as the Chairman of the Board of Moderators.
Practical Papers for Laboratory Courses
Examination of Practical Papers (excluding Mandatory Non-credit Courses, Project Work,
Internship/ Plant Training and General Viva-Voce) will be conducted by a Board of Examiners
constituted by 2 (two) Internal Examiners and 2 (two) departmental External Examiners.
Laboratory Courses with 3 credits will be of 100 marks and courses with 2 credits (Language &
Communication, Process Equipment Design & Drawing and General Viva-Voce) will carry 50
marks. Marks distribution will be as follows: 30 (or15) marks for Internal Assessment and Report/
Laboratory Note Book + 20 (or10) marks for results and/or answer script + 50 (or 25) marks for
Viva-Voce. Details of Process Equipment Design & Drawing and General Viva-Voce are
described latter.
Mandatory Non-Credit Courses
For “Theoretical” Mandatory Non-credit Courses (“Environmental Science” and “Indian
Constitution”), the examination shall follow the procedure as stipulated under “Theoretical
Papers”. Evaluation will be based on 100 marks having pass marks of 50.
Examination of “Practical” Mandatory Non-credit Course (“Workshop Practice &
Engineering Drawing”) will be conducted by at least 3 (three) Internal Examiners including HOD
(Chairman of the Board). Evaluation will be based on 100 marks having pass marks of 50. Marks
distribution will be as follows: 30 marks for Internal Assessment and Sessional + 20 marks for
Job/Drawing and Answer Script + 50 marks for Viva-Voce.
“Workshop Practice & Engineering Drawing” shall have to be cleared by students who
will join from Semester–III (after passing B.Sc. Chemistry Honours as lateral entry). However,
“Environmental Science” and “Indian Constitution” shall have to be cleared by all students.
Mandatory Non-credit courses should be mentioned in the respective Semester mark
sheets as and when applicable.
Process Equipment Design and Drawing
Two type-written bound copies of the Report along with Equipment Drawing should be
submitted by the candidates before the examination for that particular End-Semester Examination.
Viva-Voce will be conducted by a panel of 4 (four) departmental Examiners including the
Teacher(s) In-Charge of the course. Marks distribution will be as follows: 20 marks for Response
and Performance in the Class + 15 marks for Report + 15 marks for Viva-Voce = Total 50 marks
(2 credits).
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Additional Regulations for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. Programme in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta
(w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Project Work
Part-1: Project should be allotted at the beginning of Semester–VII. At the end of
Semester–VII, before the End-Semester Examination starts, a student should submit 2 (two) type-
written bound copies of the Project Report containing mainly literature review and work plan. A
Seminar presentation will be made in front of a Panel of 2 (two) Examiners (Internal) including
the Project Supervisor duly constituted by the BOS. Marks distribution will be as follows: 15
marks for Project Report + 20 marks for continuous evaluation by respective Supervisor + 15
marks for Seminar and Viva-Voce = Total 50 marks (1 credit).
Part 2: At the end of Semester–VIII, before the End-Semester Examination starts, a
student should submit 3 (three) type-written bound copies of the final Project Report. A Seminar
presentation will be made in front of a common Panel of Examiners constituted by the BOS
including at least 1 (one) External Examiner. Marks distribution will be as follows: 30 marks for
Project Report + 40 marks for continuous evaluation by respective Supervisor + 30 marks for
Seminar and Viva-Voce = Total 100 marks (4 credits).
Internship/ Plant Training
There are provisions for 3 (three) Internships/ Plant Trainings. After each Internship/ Plant
Training, a student has to submit 2 (two) type-written bound copies of Report with certificate
from respective training providers within 1 (one) month of the following semester.
Each student has to present a Seminar on the Internship/ Plant Training program. In all
cases, boards consisting of the Teacher(s) In-Charge of Internship/Plant Training, 1 (one)
departmental External Examiner and HOD as the Chairman of the Board, will jointly conduct the
Seminar-cum-Viva-Voce Examination. The evaluation will be based on Report, Seminar
presentation and Viva-Voce. Marks distribution for 3 credits will be as follows: 50 marks for
Report + 30 marks for Seminar presentation + 20 marks for Viva-Voce = Total 100 marks. Marks
distribution for 2 credits will be as follows: 25 marks for Report + 15 marks for Seminar
presentation + 10 marks for Viva-Voce = Total 50 marks.
General Viva-Voce Examination
At the end of the Semester–VIII, General Viva-Voce Examination shall be conducted by 2
(two) panels, each consisting of at least 1 (one) External Examiner and 3 (three) Internal
Examiners. The total marks will be 50 (2 credits).
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Course Structure for Semesters – III to VIII of
4 Year B.Tech. Programme in Chemical Engineering,
University of Calcutta
(w.e.f. Academic Session 2019-2020)
Course Structure for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta
[w.e.f. Academic Year 2019–2020]
Semester III
Paper Code Course Category Credit Marks
L-T-P Total
BSMA 301 Mathematics - III BS 2-1-0 3 3 100
BSTH 302 Thermodynamics BS 1-1-0 2 2 100
ESSM 303 Engineering and Solid Mechanics ES 2-1-0 3 3 100
ESMS 304 Material Science ES 2-1-0 3 3 100
PCFM 305 Fluid Mechanics PC 2-1-0 3 3 100
PCMB 306 Material and Energy Balance Computation PC 2-1-0 3 3 100
PCER 307 Energy Resources and Their Utilization PC 3-0-0 3 3 100
PCFA 308 Energy Resources and Analytical PC 0-0-6 6 3 100
Instrument Laboratory
NCWD 309 Workshop Practice and Engineering MN 0-0-3 3 0 100
TOTAL 14-6-9 29 23 800*
Note: Workshop Practice & Engineering Drawing (NCWD 309) shall have to be cleared by the students
joining at Semester III after passing B.Sc. Chemistry Honours as lateral entry.
*Total Marks exclude NCWD 309 (Mandatory Non-Credit Course for post B.Sc. Chemistry Honours).
#Total Hour/Week includes NCWD 309
Semester IV
Paper Code Course Category Credit Marks
L-T-P Total
ESPT 401 Process Thermodynamics ES 2-1-0 3 3 100
ESMD 402 Machine Design and Drawing ES 1-1-0 2 2 100
PCHT 403 Heat Transfer – I PC 2-1-0 3 3 100
PCPT 404 Particle and Fluid Processing Technology PC 2-1-0 3 3 100
PCMT 405 Mass Transfer – I PC 2-1-0 3 3 100
PCNM 406 Numerical Methods in Chemical PC 2-1-0 3 3 100
HMLC 407 Language and Communication Laboratory HM 1-0-2 3 2 50
MNES 408 Environmental Science MN 2-0-0 2 0 100
TOTAL 14-6-2 22 19 650*
Note: Internship Program (Intra- /Inter- Institute activities) after Semester IV having 2 Credits will go to
Semester V; *Total Marks exclude MNES 408 (Mandatory Non-Credit Course)
Semester V
Paper Code Course Category Credit Marks
L-T-P Total
PCRE 501 Chemical Reaction Engineering - I PC 2-1-0 3 3 100
PCMT 502 Mass Transfer - II PC 2-1-0 3 3 100
PCCT 503 Chemical Process Technology - I PC 3-0-0 3 3 100
PECE 504/514 Professional Elective – I PE 2-1-0 3 3 100
OECE 505/515 Open Elective – I OE 2-1-0 3 3 100
HMEM 506 Economics and Management HM 3-0-0 3 3 100
PCFH 507 Chemical Engineering Laboratory - I PC 0-0-6 6 3 100
PIIA 508 Internship PI - - 2 50
MNIC 509 Indian Constitution MN 2-0-0 2 0 100
TOTAL 16-4-6 26 23 750*
Note: After Semester V Internship/ Plant Training Program (Industrial/Govt./NGO/MSME/Rural
Internship/ Innovation / Entrepreneurship) having 3 credits will go to Semester VI.
Chemical Engineering Laboratory – I: Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer
*Total Marks exclude MNIC 509 (Mandatory Non-Credit Course)
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Course Structure for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta
[w.e.f. Academic Year 2019–2020]
Semester VI
Paper Code Course Category Credit Marks
L-T-P Total
PCRE 601 Chemical Reaction Engineering - II PC 2-1-0 3 3 100
PCCT 602 Chemical Process Technology - II PC 3-0-0 3 3 100
PECE 603/613 Professional Elective – II PE 2-0-0/ 2 2 100
OECE 604/614 Open Elective - II OE 2-1-0/ 3 3 100
HMVE 605 Value and Ethics HM 2-0-0 2 2 100
PCMR 606 Chemical Engineering Laboratory – II PC 0-0-6 6 3 100
PCED 607 Process Equipment Design and Drawing PC 0-0-4 4 2 50
PIPT 608 Internship/ Plant Training PI - - 3 100
TOTAL 10-3-10/ 23 21 750
Note: After Semester VI Internship/ Plant Training Program (Industrial/Govt./NGO/MSME/Rural
Internship/ Innovation /Entrepreneurship) having 3 credits will go to Semester VII.
Chemical Engineering Laboratory–II: Mass Transfer, Chemical Reaction Engineering & Thermodynamics
Semester VII
Paper Code Course Category Credit Marks
L-T-P Total
PCHT 701 Heat Transfer - II PC 1-1-0 2 2 100
PCIC 702 Process Instrumentation and Control PC 2-1-0 3 3 100
PECE 703/713 Professional Elective - III PE 2-0-0 2 2 100
OECE 704/714 Open Elective - III OE 2-1-0 3 3 100
OECE 705/715 Open Elective - IV OE 2-1-0 3 3 100
PCPS 706 Plant Design and Simulation Laboratory PC 1-0-4 5 3 100
PIPW 707 Project Work PI 0-0-2 2 1 50
PIPT 708 Internship/Plant Training PI - - 3 100
TOTAL 10-4-6 20 20 750
Semester VIII
Paper Code Course Category Credit Marks
L-T-P Total
PECE 801/811 Professional Elective - IV PE 1-1-0 2 2 100
PCIM 802 Instrumentation & Control and Mechanical PC 0-0-6 6 3 100
Operation Laboratory
PIPW 803 Project Work PI 0-0-8 8 4 100
PIGV 804 General Viva-Voce PI - - 2 50
TOTAL 1-1-14 16 11 350
Note: General Viva-Voce: Comprehensive viva-voce to test the student's overall grasp of the principles of
Chemical Engineering and allied subjects.
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Course Structure for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta
[w.e.f. Academic Year 2019–2020]
Professional Electives
Paper Name Paper Code Hour/Week Credits
L-T-P Total
Semester–V: Professional Elective – I (To Select any one)
Transport Phenomena PECE 504 2-1-0 3 3
Interfacial Engineering PECE 514 2-1-0 3 3
Semester–VI: Professional Elective – II (To Select any one)
Petroleum Refinery PECE 603 2-0-0 2 2
Environmental Pollution and Control PECE 613 1-1-0 2 2
Professional Elective – III (To Select any one)
Petrochemicals PECE 703 2-0-0 2 2
Polymer Science and Engineering PECE 713 2-0-0 2 2
Professional Elective – IV (To Select any one)
Advanced Process Control PECE 801 1-1-0 2 2
Advanced Separation Techniques PECE 811 1-1-0 2 2
Open Electives
Paper Name Paper Code Hour/Week Credits
L-T-P Total
Semester–V: Open Elective – I (To Select any one)
Computational Fluid Dynamics OECE 505 2-1-0 3 3
Industrial Hazards and Plant Safety OECE 515 2-1-0 3 3
Semester–VI: Open Elective – II (To Select any one)
Modeling Simulation and Optimization OECE 604 2-1-0 3 3
Solid Waste Management OECE 614 3-0-0 3 3
Open Elective – III (To Select any one)
Project Engineering OECE 704 2-1-0 3 3
Process Plant Simulation OECE 714 2-1-0 3 3
Open Elective – IV (To Select any one)
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology OECE 705 2-1-0 3 3
Biotechnology OECE 715 2-1-0 3 3
HS: Humanities BS: Basic Science ES: Engineering Science
PC: Professional Core PE: Professional Elective OE: Open Elective
PI: Project Internship
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Syllabi for Semesters – III to VIII of
4 Year B.Tech. Programme in Chemical Engineering,
University of Calcutta
(w.e.f. Academic Session 2019-2020)
Second Year
Semester - III
Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to:
CO1 Demonstrate the knowledge of probabilistic approaches to solve wide range of engineering
CO2 Recognize various probability distribution functions to quantify physical and engineering
CO3 Apply sampling methods in engineering problems.
CO4 Use correlation & regression in solving engineering problems.
CO5 Solve problems in terms of graphs and trees.
CO6 Use large flow networks.
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Course Objectives Principles and application of first and second law of thermodynamics, and
phase equilibria. Calculation of work output from different types of power
cycles, Discussion of liquefaction, refrigeration systems
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to
CO1 Explain different type of thermodynamics parameters, properties and functions
CO2 Explain different type of thermodynamics process
CO3 Explain different type of power cycles
CO4 Explain different type of refrigeration and liquefaction process
CO5 Apply mass and energy balances to closed and open systems
CO6 Brief description of phase equilibrium
CO7 Calculation work output from different thermodynamics process
CO8 Evaluate the properties of non-ideal gases
CO9 Solve problems involving liquefaction, refrigeration and different power cycles.
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Course Objectives To teach students about the nature of stresses developed in simple
geometries such as bars, cantilevers, beams, shafts, cylinders and spheres
for various types of simple loads.
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to
CO1 Explain the basic concepts of resolution and composition of forces.
CO2 Identify the condition of equilibrium for beams, truss, or any engineering component.
CO3 Demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of various geometric sections used in engineering
CO4 Calculate the different stresses and strains occurring in components of the structure
CO5 Demonstrate the deformations such as axial, normal deflections under different loading conditions
CO6 Illustrate the changes required for the higher factor of safety to prevent deformation
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Course Objectives: To introduce the mechanics of fluids (fluid statics and fluid dynamics),
relevant to Chemical Engineering operations.
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to:
CO1 Understand Boundary layer separation and properties
CO2 Understand Packed bed void fraction, sphericity and drag
CO3 Calculate pressure drop and frictional loss during flow of fluid
CO4 Correlate flow rate and pressure drop in different Flow meters
CO5 Calculate Static and Fluidized bed pressure drops and fluid velocity
CO6 Apply relevant equations for Pump head and power calculations
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Course Objectives The course will serve as a basis for all further chemical engineering courses
where the conservation of materials and energy are manifested.
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to
CO1 Recapitulate fundamentals of units and dimension, memorize the mole and molecular
weight of gases, vapors and liquids. State the gas laws, partial pressure, vapor pressure,
Raoults law, saturation and psychrometry.
CO2 Explain and classify the material balance without chemical reaction and explain the
material balance of different unit operations.
CO3 Apply, develop the material balance equation for different unit operations.
CO4 Understanding of mass and energy balance with chemical reaction involved in various
chemical processes
CO5 Solve problems using mass and energy balances for steady and unsteady state conditions
CO6 Prepare flow-sheet and calculate relevant heat and mass associated with chemical
reactions, and involving concepts like recycle, bypass and purge.
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Course Objectives: To make the students aware about different sources of primary energy and
their occurrences, discoveries, extraction and processing technologies. Also
provide some ideas on future of energy, process technology and their uses.
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to
CO1 Understand of renewable and non-renewable sources of energy and recent worldwide and
Indian energy scenario
CO2 Gain knowledge about energy processing technology like coal, crude Oil, nuclear energy,
and other renewable energy systems
CO3 Learn industrial and domestic applications of different energy sources
Fuel cells: Introduction; different types of fuel cells- construction; operating principles and
utilization. (2L)
Nuclear Energy: Nuclear fission principles, sources and purification of nuclear fuels, power
generation by nuclear reactors, reaction and operation, radioactive waste disposal. (2L)
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Internal Assessment and Laboratory Note Book 30
End Semester: Results and Answer script 20
End Semester: Viva-Voce 50
Total 100
Pre-requisite: Basic of Physics, Chemistry, Energy resources and their utilization and
knowledge of basic properties and standard of fuels.
Course Objectives: To make the students aware about the characterization of fuels and to
introduce them to the working principles and standard test method of the
sophisticated analytical instruments.
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to
CO1 Analyze the operation and performance of equipment through group tasks
CO2 Understand the principles and conduct the experiments for determination of properties of
different fuels
CO3 Learn basic analytical techniques useful for fuel properties testing and analysis
CO4 Identify unknown organic compound in a sample and quantify that compound
CO5 Identify functional groups and the calibration curve of organic/ inorganic compounds
Part – A: Energy Resources Laboratory [At least 8 (eight) Experiments shall be conducted]
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Internal Assessment and Sessional 30
End Semester: Job/Drawing and Answer script 20
End Semester: Viva-Voce 50
Total 100
Pre-requisite Basics of Physics and Mathematics for B.Sc (Chemistry Hons) programme
Course Objective To familiarize the lateral entry candidates [B.Sc. Chemistry (Hons)] about
the basic Workshop Practice and Engineering Drawing.
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to
CO1 Explain the type of mechanical workshop processes and engineering drawing.
CO2 Discuss about tools of workshop processes and engineering drawing.
CO3 Illustrate the procedure of mechanical workshop processes and engineering drawing.
CO4 Develop the specimen and engineering diagram
CO5 Interpret the results for higher precision.
CO6 Calculate the mathematical aspects required to perform the mechanical workshop processes and
engineering drawing.
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Second Year
Semester - IV
Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to
CO1 Understanding of thermodynamics properties of real gas, solution and mixing
CO2 Understanding of partial properties in solution
CO3 Understanding of fugacity, excess properties, activity coefficient, different
thermodynamics model
CO4 Understanding of phase equlibria, chemical reaction equilibria
CO5 Application of residual properties for real gas problem
CO6 Application of Excess properties for real solution problem
CO7 Application of different thermodynamics model
CO8 Application of chemical reaction equilibria
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Course Objectives To familiarize different aspects of machines which would be required for
static and rotating equipment in the chemical process industries
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to
CO1 Indicate the basics concept of deformation and standardizations of design.
CO2 Describe types of loading in a body.
CO3 Compute the motion parameters, stresses, and strains of the system.
CO4 Calculate the stresses and strains according to the loading requirement.
CO5 Demonstrate the higher safety of a design.
CO6 Use of software for drawing mechanical components.
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
coupling; design for lateral rigidity, Castigliano’s theorem; area-moment method, graphical
integration method. (2L+1T)
3. Helical springs: Stress and deflection equation; spring materials & styles of end; design
against static & fluctuating load; optimum design of helical spring; multi-leaf springs. (2L)
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to:
CO1 Understand different heat transfer resistances and coefficients
CO2 Understand overall heat transfer coefficient, dirt factor, caloric temperature, pressure drops
CO3 Identify and select type of shell and tube exchanger based on TEMA classification
CO4 Apply knowledge to calculate LMTD, dirt factor, overall heat transfer coefficient and
thermal loads
CO5 Selection of Shell and Tube passes, calculation of area and pressure drops and verification
of selection
CO6 Preparation of Data Sheet after designing a Shell and Tube heat exchanger
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
2. Condensation outside horizontal and vertical tube bank; Heat transfer to boiling liquid,
Analysis of boiling curve, Nucleate boiling mechanism. (2L+1T)
3. Radiation heat transfer: Introduction; Black body radiation, Plank’s distribution law,
Monochromatic emissive power; Wein’s displacement law; (2L)
4. Kirchoff’s Law; Emissivity of Solids, Concept of gray body; Radiation exchange between
surfaces, Concept of View Factor, Radiation shield; Absorption and emission in a gaseous
medium. (2L+1T)
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Course Objectives To introduce students the numerous industrial operations dealing with the
particulate solids and their handling in various unit operations, particle-
fluid interactions as well as mechanical operations like sedimentation,
filtration, separation of solids and fluids, etc. with their respective industrial
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to
CO1 Explain various equipments for size reduction used in Chemical Industries.
CO2 Explain different types of mixing and filtration processes used in Chemical Industries.
CO3 Demonstrate the principles of liquid-solid, gas-solid, and solid-solid separators
CO4 Demonstrate the different solid conveying equipment’s
CO5 Calculate the power requirements and crushing efficiencies of different crushers
CO6 Calculate pertinent parameters for mixing and filtration equipments.
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Course Objectives To learn the basic concepts of molecular diffusion, convective and inter-
phase mass transfer, design of staged and continuous contact equipment,
gas-liquid absorption and distillation.
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to
CO1 Explain the principles of molecular diffusion and convective mass transfer, , theories of
inter-phase mass transfer with overall mass transfer
CO2 Explain gas-liquid absorption & stripping, flash & batch distillation, feed quality in binary
CO3 Calculate diffusion coefficients for liquids and gases, analyze the similarity of mass, heat
and momentum transfer, estimate individual/overall mass transfer coefficients, estimate
mass transfer rates (with/without reaction)
CO4 Demonstrate the constructional features of various gas-liquid contacting equipment,
hydrodynamic characteristics of stage-wise and continuous equipment
CO5 Calculate the extent of separation achieved and number of theoretical stages required for a
given extent of separation using different techniques for packed bed absorber & plate
tower as required for their design
CO6 Calculate the extent of separation achieved and number of theoretical stages required for a
binary distillation using McCabe-Thiele and Ponchon-Savarit methods as required for
distillation column design
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
3. One dimensional steady and unsteady state molecular diffusion in constant (slab), variable
(sphere and cylinder) area; three dimensional general equation– concept of equation of
continuity; multi-component diffusion.
Introduction to convective mass transfer, eddy diffusion and basic concept of mass transfer
coefficient. (2L+1T)
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to
CO1 State the outline of different types of equation to find out the solution of Chemical
Engineering problems numerically.
CO2 Distinguish the different types of equation associated with the different Chemical
Engineering fields.
CO3 Demonstrate the application of mathematical methods to solve the Chemical Engineering
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4. Finite difference method (Forward, Backward and Central Difference); Solution of a set of
ODEs, application in Chemical Engineering systems. (2L+1T)
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Internal assessment and Report 15
End Semester: Answer script 10
End Semester: Viva-Voce 25
Total 50
Pre-requisites: None
Course Outcome:
Students completing the course will be able to
CO1 Interpret opinions & views with clarity
CO2 Express ideas clearly
CO3 Discuss in a group and in a meeting efficiently
CO4 Examine better
CO5 Use various techniques of communication for multiple requirements of globalized
CO6 Develop interpersonal relations in multicultural environment.
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to
CO1 Clarify the importance of earth, environment and ecosystem.
CO2 Explain the various segments of Environment.
CO3 Explain & interpret the natural resources.
CO4 Demonstrate the impact of human population on environment.
CO5 Illustrate environmental pollution and disaster management.
CO6 Interpret environmental ethics.
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Third Year
Semester - V
Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Course Objectives: This course will discuss kinetics of chemical reactions and give overview
of various kinds of reactors. This course will teach students design of
multiple reactions, handling of reactions coupled with mass and heat
transfer. This course will also teach applications of reactor combinations in
order to achieve desired quality and quantity of products.
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to
CO1 Memorize different rate of reactions and their classifications of elementary and non-
elementary reactions, single and multiple reactions.
CO2 Explain how to find the rate equation using integral as well as differential method of
analysis for constant and variable volume batch reactors.
CO3 Demonstrate how to apply the design equation in case of different types of reactors.
CO4 Design multiple reactions
CO5 Use reactors or their combinations to achieve optimum quality and quantity of products
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Course Objectives: To introduce complex mass transfer processes and to understand their
applications in chemical process industries.
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to:
CO1 Explain the principles of adsorption, crystallization, chromatography, humidification,
extraction and basics of membrane separation processes
CO2 Explain continuous adsorption, membrane modules, types of chromatographic processes,
binary and ternary diagrams of systems
CO3 Calculate maximum adsorption capacity of an adsorbent and rate of adsorption
CO4 Solve problems of Leaching operation in single and multiple stages
CO5 Solve problems of Liquid-Liquid Extraction operation for partially miscible and
completely immiscible systems
CO6 Demonstrate the constructional features and working principles of crystallizers and fixed
bed adsorption column in industry
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Drying: Introduction, drying rate curve, drying mechanism, time of drying from drying rate data,
the mechanism of moisture movement during drying. Classification and selection of dryer. Direct
and indirect-heat batch and continuous dryers. (3L+1T)
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Course Objectives To learn the coupling between three transport phenomena with applications
in various disciplines in engineering for demonstrating the common
mathematical structure of transport problems involving Newtonian and
non-Newtonian fluids, solid-state heat conduction, forced and free
convection, binary diffusion with or without chemical reaction.
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to
CO1 Explain overall balances for conservation of momentum, energy and mass.
CO2 Recognize different analogies among momentum, heat and mass transfer for industrial
CO3 Develop appropriate macroscopic balances for solving conservation of momentum, energy
and mass.
CO4 Demonstrate the appropriate equations of change to obtain desired profiles for velocity,
temperature and concentration for industrial application.
CO5 Examine the information obtained from solutions of the balance equations to obtain
Engineering quantities of interest.
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Module –I (No. of classes: 10)
1. Concept and definition of interface; Physical surfaces, Surface tension; (1L)
2. Kinetics of molecules in the surface; Overview of industrial applications of various
interfacial phenomena; (1L)
3. Colloidal materials; Properties of colloidal systems; Experimental characterization of
colloidal dispersions; (1L)
4. Forces at interface: Introduction to intermolecular and surface forces, van der Waals forces,
Hamaker constant, Derjaguin approximation, Electrostatic double layer force, Gouy-
Chapman model of double layer, Stern layer, Disjoining pressure, DLVO theory, Non-
DLVO forces (Born repulsion, hydrophobic interaction, hydration force, bridging
interaction). (4L+3T)
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Course Objectives To understand and visualize various flow patterns in equipment or pipeline
in different industrial or research problem. To learn the model development
based on numerical approach with partial differential equations (PDEs)
converting into algebraic equation and to simulate different optimized
process parameter for different process.
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to
CO1 Explain the complexity and non-availability of analytical solution method
CO2 Explain different governing equation in conservative and non-conservative forms
CO3 Explain the necessity of CFD for turbulent flow model
CO4 Able to characterize transfer process in equipment or pipeline
CO5 Able to visualize transfer process in equipment or pipeline
CO6 Interested to use software of CFD to understand and present the transfer process
Solution of convective-diffusion problems:
1. Steady and unsteady problems. (3L+1T)
2. Different schemes. (4L+2T)
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Course Objectives To understand chemical plant hazards and their remedies, risk management
principles, accident analysis and safety rules
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to
CO1 Identify typical sources of risk and hazard in a process plant.
CO2 Explain the severity of the consequences of incidents
CO3 Explain the legal framework controlling process plant safety in process plant
CO4 Demonstrate how the root cause of incidents can be investigated and analyzed and the
various human and technical aspects of such causes.
CO5 Use logic based quantitative risk analysis
CO6 Apply a Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP)
Module-I (No. of classes: 10)
1. Introduction to industrial hazard. Difference between risk and hazard. Classification of
chemical plant accidents. Nature of accident in processes. (2L)
2. Fundamentals of Toxicology, Effect of Toxicants on Biological Systems, Dose-response
relationships, Threshold limit values. (2L+1T)
3. Industrial Hygiene: Material safety data sheets (MSDS), Occupational health and hygiene;
Occupational hazards and control. (3L+2T)
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3. Relief System & Sizing: Introduction, Flares, Scrubbers, Condensers; Rupture discs,
Deflagration venting for dust and vapour explosions. (2L+1T)
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Course Objectives: To know about the economical and managerial aspects of design and
operation of a chemical plant
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to
CO1 Explain different economic and accounting concepts
CO2 Apply the knowledge of the interplay of various economic variables and indicators in
CO3 Illustrate the methodologies involved in project financing.
CO4 Apply knowledge about allocation, management and funding of financial resources.
CO5 Demonstrate the functions, roles and skills of management for running a cohesive business
CO6 Assess the effective application of managerial practices to both economic and human
resources of a firm.
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Internal Assessment and Laboratory Note Book 30
End Semester: Results and Answer script 20
End Semester: Viva-Voce 50
Total 100
Course Objectives To check and verify some of the theories in Fluid mechanics and Heat
transfer experimentally
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to
CO1 Analyze the performance of equipment through group tasks
CO2 Conduct the experiments for determination of fluid behaviors
CO3 Demonstrate and understand the principles of fluid flow through testing instruments
Part – A: Fluid Mechanics Laboratory [At least 8 (eight) Experiments shall be conducted]
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Part – B: Heat Transfer Laboratory [At least 8 (eight) Experiments shall be conducted]
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Report 25
End Semester: Seminar presentation 15
End Semester: Viva-Voce 10
Total 50
Each student shall be required to undertake Intra / Inter Institutional activities as part of Internship
program after Semester IV and before commencement of Semester V for about 4 (four) weeks
duration. After completion of the Internship program, a student has to submit 2 (two) type-written
bound copies of Report with certificate from respective Internship providers within 1 (one) month
of the following semester (Semester V). Each student has to present a Seminar on the Internship
program at the time of the End-Semester Examination.
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to
CO1 Explain the basic features and modalities about Indian constitution
CO2 Interpret the various rights and responsibilities of an Indian citizen
CO3 Relate the functioning of Indian parliamentary system at the center and state level.
CO4 Illustrate the different aspects of Indian Legal System and its related bodies.
CO5 Apply different laws and regulations related to engineering practices.
CO6 Develop role of engineers with different organizations and governance models
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Third Year
Semester - VI
Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to
CO1 Identify different unit processes in a given process flow diagram
CO2 Explain manufacturing of different industries (oils & fats, sugar & starch, fermentation,
paper & pulp, phosphoric acid, fertilizer, cement, coal chemicals, industrial gases, paints &
pigments, dyes).
CO3 Explain the Indian industrial scenario of above mentioned industries.
CO4 Demonstrate process operations of above mentioned industries.
CO5 Illustrate raw material requirements, process conditions, construction material and
operational aspects for the above mentioned industries.
CO6 Assess the potential of above mentioned industries.
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Course Objectives: Studying this subject the students will learn about the extraction and
production, characterisation of crude oil as well as product of oil and gas to
meet energy needs, as well as refining of crude oil for a wide spectrum of
useful products such as petrochemicals, Chemicals, Plastics. Different
crude oil Treatment Techniques as well as design aspects for atmospheric
and vacuum column
Courses outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to
CO1 Explain the role of petroleum as energy source amidst world energy scenario
CO2 Explain the chemical and physical principles of the refining of crude oil.
CO3 Illustrate various product properties & test methods
CO4 Demonstrate various petroleum refining processes
CO5 Demonstrate various operations of a petroleum refinery
CO6 Interpret safe practices in operations of refineries
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Course Objectives: To learn the essential principles used for environmental pollution and to
understand the remedial measures for pollutions generated from industries
and other sources in accordance with appropriate Indian environmental
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to
CO1 Explain various types of pollution from chemical industries and various regulations
pertinent to air/water pollutions and waste management.
CO2 Explain air pollution control devices for industrial gaseous &/or particulate air pollutants
and treatment systems industrial waste water.
CO3 Explain the ethical issues and societal impact of releasing pollutants in the environment.
CO4 Demonstrate the performance of gravity settling chamber, cyclone, bag filter, ESP, wet
scrubber and absorbers for air pollution control.
CO5 Demonstrate physico-chemical and biological treatment systems for waste water.
CO6 Find ways to dispose, minimize or utilize solid wastes from different sources.
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to:
CO1 Understanding the principle of mass, energy and momentum conservation equations
CO2 Design and solve of steady state and unsteady state model equations
CO3 Numerical techniques to solve Algebraic, ODE and PDE
CO4 Pros and cons of different systems
CO5 Optimizing a process
CO6 Designing different units of chemical plants
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to
CO1 Explain various types of solid wastes and various waste management rules of India.
CO2 Explain treatment technologies for the management of various solid wastes.
CO3 Explain the ethical issues and societal impact of releasing pollutants in the environment.
CO4 Select technologies for managing different waste streams
CO5 Demonstrate industrial waste management systems
CO6 Find ways to dispose, minimize or utilize solid wastes from different sources.
Module – I (No. of classes: 10)
1. Introduction; Types and classification of solid wastes; rate of generation; concept of
integrated solid waste management (ISWM); (2L)
2. Municipal Solid Waste (MSW);
(a) Separation and collection methodologies; recycling and reuse; (3L)
(b) Characterization for treatment – physical, chemical and biological; empirical formulae;
Dulong’s formula for calorific value; mechanical operation in managing MSW. (3L)
(c) Management of urban solid waste in developing countries; comparison with developed
countries. (1L)
(d) Indian regulation for MSW management. (1L)
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Internal Assessment and Laboratory Note Book 30
End Semester: Results and Answer script 20
End Semester: Viva-Voce 50
Total 100
Course Objectives To check and verify some of the basic principles of the three courses
studied in respective theoretical papers
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to
CO1 Have the real life feeling of the theoretical knowledge on Mass Transfer Process by
performing experiments
CO2 Understanding of different types of reactor
CO3 Understanding of distribution of reactant in reactor
CO4 Understanding of heat capacity ratio of Air, the isentropic expansion process of a real gas,
response of the pressurized vessel, ratio of volumes of a gas at different temperatures,
saturation pressure at different temperatures
CO5 Understanding of PVT relationship of water & Throttling experiment
CO6 Calculate different parameters of the theories related to molecular diffusion, convective
mass transfer and other separation processes by performing experiments.
CO7 Evaluation of Residence Time Distribution (RTD)
Part – A: Mass Transfer Laboratory [At least 8 (eight) Experiments shall be conducted]
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Internal Assessment and Laboratory Note Book 15
End Semester: Results and Answer script 10
End Semester: Viva-Voce 25
Total 50
Pre-requisite Heat Transfer, Mass Transfer I & II, Chemical Process Technology I & II,
Material and Energy Balance Computation, Engineering Drawing
Course Objectives To have basic idea of process equipment design and drawing applying the
principles previously studied.
Course outcomes
Students completing the course will be able to
CO1 Explain the general arrangement drawings of an equipment
CO2 Explain the principles of design of an equipment
CO3 Solve design problems of an equipment
CO4 Apply their theoretical knowledge for the design of engineering equipments relevant to
chemical engineering
CO5 Assess the various steps in designing an equipment
CO6 Use 3D drawing tools for engineering drawing of equipment as per design
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Report 50
End Semester: Seminar presentation 30
End Semester: Viva-Voce 20
Total 100
Each student shall be required to undergo Internship/Plant Training, for a period of 4 (four) to 6
(six) weeks in a chemical process industry or R&D laboratory of an industry or design/
consultancy organization after Semester V and before commencement of Semester VI. After
completion of the Internship/Plant Training program, a student has to submit 2 (two) type-written
bound copies of Report with certificate from respective training providers within 1 (one) month of
the following semester (Semester VI). Each student has to present a Seminar on the
Internship/Plant Training program at the time of the End-Semester Examination.
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Fourth Year
Semester - VII
Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Course Objectives: Idea of compact Heat Exchangers, Design and economy of Evaporator,
Design concept of furnace, Heat exchanger networking
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to:
CO1 Understand category of heat transfer equipments based on application
CO2 Understand compactness of heat exchangers
CO3 Make calculations of fin/ plate Heat exchanger areas
CO4 Calculate steam economy in evaporators
CO5 Calculation of pipe-steel heater heat loads, surface area
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Course Objectives: To introduce the basic theories of Process Instrumentation & Control
relevant to Chemical Engineering operations.
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to:
CO1 Understanding the basic principles of process modelling
CO2 Understanding the approach of control theory
CO3 Designing the basic control blocks for a chemical process
CO4 Designing the controller for a chemical process
CO5 Investigating the stability of a process
CO6 Updating the feedback scheme to advanced control schemes
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to
CO1 Understand the basic aspects of petrochemical industries. Understand
CO2 Understand the various processing techniques and their Understand
characteristics/limitations of synthesis of petrochemicals.
CO3 Develop knowledge of safety and pollution control in the industrial process. Apply
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Manufacture of Phthalic anhydride, maleic anhydride, etc. Manufacture of industrial dyes based
on petroleum feed stocks. (3L)
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Course outcomes
Students completing the course will be able to
CO1 To acquire concepts of various useful polymers and their classification.
CO2 Acquire the concept of polymer synthesis and processing.
CO3 Ability to identify structure - properties relation of polymer.
CO4 To gain concept about different polymer processing and application of Engineering
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Pre-requisite: Materials and Energy Balance, General Heat and Mass Transfer,
Economics, Management, Process Control
Course Objectives: This course will deliver overview on all stages of process plant
construction: from feasibility study to plant commissioning and start-up. It
will also teach students different aspects of cost estimation and profitability
Module I (No. of classes: 10)
Concept of project: Engineering ethics, Concept of project, project development: scale-up and
scale-down techniques, role of a project engineer; brief overview of feasibility study: site
selection and its various governing factors. (2L)
Pre-design cost estimation (1L+1T)
Basic engineering and process drawing: process description and flow diagram (PFD), P&I
diagram (2L+1T)
Plant layout, equipment specification, utilities; detailed engineering: specification, drawing, codes
and standards, checking and incorporating vendor's information, procurement of equipment and
materials, plant Commissioning and start-up. (2L+1L)
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
methods: straight line, multiple straight line, declining balance method, sum-of-the-years digit
method and sinking fund method. (4L+2T)
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Course Objectives: To have idea of overall and equipment-wise materials and energy balance
in a simulated chemical plant
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to
CO1 Collective response of process behaviour
CO2 Effect of stream recycling in processes
CO3 Specific purpose simulation and networking
CO4 Tearing and partitions in process plant network
CO5 Fundamentals of commercial packages
CO6 Modular structure of chemical plant
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to
CO1 Acquire knowledge the differences between nanomaterials and conventional materials.
CO2 Acquire the concept of synthesis nanomaterials.
CO3 Ability to identify specific nanomaterials and explain the scientific reasons for the
properties display.
CO4 Gain concept about different characterization techniques for analyse and acquire the idea
how to apply nanotechnology in different fields for better efficiency nano materials.
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Course Objectives To inter-relate chemistry and unit operations with the biological life
processes for understanding the basis of bio-based chemical process plants.
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to
CO1 Explain the basis of biotechnology to correlate chemistry and biology for industrial
CO2 Gain knowledge about kinetics of biochemical reactions.
CO3 Demonstrate bio-based separation and kinetic processes for solving the application of
chemical engineering processes.
CO4 Learn about cell growth kinetics and performance of large scale bioreactor.
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Internal Assessment and Laboratory Note Book 30
End Semester: Results and Answer script 20
End Semester: Viva-Voce 50
Total 100
Course Objectives Purpose of different equipment sizing based on industry scale and material
and energy balance.
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to
CO1 Explain the working principle of different equipments
CO2 Explain the overall layout equipments in a complete chemical plant
CO3 Explain material and energy balance
CO4 Explain thermodynamic model for different problem
CO5 Demonstration of different equipment based on industrial equipment
CO6 Design and simulation of a complete chemical plant
CO7 Demonstration of Proper thermodynamic model based on industrial problem
CO8 Demostration of optimization of different process parameters
1. Introduction of any commercial simulation package, such as ASPEN, UNISIM etc or similar
2. Discussion of different thermodynamic model.
3. Steady state simulations of the following unit operations: pump and compressor, heat
exchanger, flash drum, absorption distillation and extraction columns, reactors.
4. Design and simulation of a complete chemical plant.
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Project Report 15
Continuous evaluation by respective Supervisor 20
End Semester: Viva-Voce 15
Total 50
Project should be allotted at the beginning of the Semester VII. At the end of the Semester VII,
before the End-Semester Examination starts, a student should submit two type-written bound
copies of the Project Report containing mainly literature review and work plan. A Seminar
presentation will be made in front of a Panel of Examiners duly constituted by the Board of
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Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Report 50
End Semester: Seminar presentation 30
End Semester: Viva-Voce 20
Total 100
Each student shall be required to undergo Internship/Plant Training, for a period of 4 (four) to 6
(six) weeks in a chemical process industry or R&D laboratory of an industry or design/
consultancy organization after Semester VI and before commencement of Semester VII. After
completion of the Internship/Plant Training program, a student has to submit 2 (two) type-written
bound copies of Report with certificate from respective Internship/Plant Training providers within
1 (one) month of the following semester (Semester VII). Each student has to present a Seminar on
the Internship/Plant Training program at the time of the End-Semester Examination.
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Fourth Year
Semester - VIII
Syllabi for Semesters - III to VIII of 4 Year B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta (w.e.f. Academic Year 2019-2020)
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Type of Evaluation Marks
Sessional Assessments through Class Test/ Assignments 20
Sessional Active participation in routine classes 05 30
Overall conduct, attendance, manners, skills etc. 05
End Semester 70
Total 100
Type of Evaluation Marks
Internal Assessment and Laboratory Note Book 30
End Semester: Results and Answer script 20
End Semester: Viva-Voce 50
Total 100
Course Objectives To check and verify some of the basic principles of the two courses studied
in respective theoretical papers
Course outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to
CO1 Explain the fundamental principles underlying mechanical operation through practical
CO2 Explain the fundamental principles underlying process control through practical
CO3 Apply various instruments for industrial applications
CO4 Assess inherent characteristics of control valve
CO5 Estimate the performances of mechanical operation equipment
CO6 Assess size reduction equipment for industrial applications
Type of Evaluation Marks
Project Report 30
Continuous evaluation by respective Supervisor 40
End Semester: Viva-Voce 30
Total 100
At the end of the Semester VIII, before the End-Semester Examination starts, a student should
submit three type-written bound copies of the final Project Report. A Seminar presentation will be
made in front of a Panel of Examiners duly constituted by the Board of Studies.
Type of Evaluation Marks
End Semester: General Viva-Voce 50
Total 50