Sire 2.0 Q5.4.6
Sire 2.0 Q5.4.6
Sire 2.0 Q5.4.6
Were the lifebuoys, and associated lights, smoke floats and lifelines, in good order,
clearly marked and correctly distributed around the ship?
Short Question Text
Lifebuoys, and associated lights, smoke floats and lifelines
Vessel Types
Oil, Chemical, LPG, LNG
ROVIQ Sequence
Main Deck, Mooring Decks, Bridge
IMO: Resolution A 658 (16) Use and fitting of retro-reflective materials on life-saving appliances
To ensure that all life-saving appliances are in working order and ready for immediate use.
Industry Guidance
.7 If it is intended to operate the quick-release arrangement provided for the self-activated smoke signals and self-
igniting lights, have a mass of not less than 4 kg.
IMO: Resolution A.658 (16) Use and fitting of retro-reflective materials on life-saving appliances
3 Lifebuoys
Retro-reflective materials of a sufficient width (approximately 5 cm) should be applied around or on both sides of the
body of the lifebuoy at four evenly spaced points.
TMSA KPI 9A.1.1 requires that safety inspections are conducted at scheduled intervals by a designated Safety
Officer. Safety inspections of the ship:
10.1 The Company should establish procedures to ensure that the ship is maintained in conformity with the
provisions of the relevant rules and regulations and with any additional requirements which may be established by the
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Personal life-saving appliances
1 Lifebuoys
1.1 Lifebuoys complying with the requirements of paragraph 2.1.1 of the (LSA) Code shall be:
.1 so distributed as to be readily available on both sides of the ship and as far as practicable on all open decks
extending to the ship's side; at least one shall be placed in the vicinity of the stern; and
.2 so stowed as to be capable of being rapidly cast loose, and not permanently secured in any way.
1.2 At least one lifebuoy on each side of the ship shall be fitted with a buoyant lifeline complying with the
requirements of paragraph 2.1.4 of the Code equal in length to not less than twice the height at which it is stowed
above the waterline in the lightest seagoing condition, or 30 m, whichever is the greater.
1.3 Not less than one half of the total number of lifebuoys shall be provided with lifebuoy self-igniting lights complying
with the requirements of paragraph 2.1.2 of the Code, not less than two of these shall also be provided with lifebuoy
self-activating smoke signals complying with the requirements of paragraph 2.1.3 of the Code and be capable of
quick release from the navigation bridge; lifebuoys with lights and those with lights and smoke signals shall be equally
distributed on both sides of the ship and shall not be the lifebuoys provided with lifelines in compliance with the
requirements of paragraph 1.2.
1.4 Each lifebuoy shall be marked in block capitals of the Roman alphabet with the name and port of registry of the
ship on which it is carried.
7 Monthly inspections
7.2 Inspection of the life-saving appliances, including lifeboat equipment, shall be carried out monthly using the
checklist required by regulation 36.1 to ensure that they are complete and in good order.
Containers, brackets, racks, and other similar stowage locations for life-saving equipment shall be marked with
symbols in accordance with the recommendations of the Organization*, indicating the devices stowed in that location
for that purpose. If more than one device is stowed in that location, the number of devices shall also be indicated.
*Refer to the Symbols Related to Life-Saving Appliances and Arrangements, adopted by the Organization by
resolution A.760(18), as amended.
1 Lifebuoys
1.1 Cargo ships shall carry not less than the number of lifebuoys complying with the requirements of regulation 7.1
and section 2.1 of the Code prescribed in the following table:
under 100 8
100 and under 150 10
150 and under 200 12
200 and over 14
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1.2 Self-igniting lights for lifebuoys on tankers required by regulation 7.1.3 shall be of an electric battery type.
Inspection Guidance
The vessel operator should have developed a procedure to ensure that lifebuoys, and associated lights, smoke floats
and lifelines, were in good order, clearly marked and correctly distributed around the ship.
Lifebuoy self-igniting lights do not need to be intrinsically safe if located outside of the gas hazardous area. However,
there must be strict controls in place to avoid those non-intrinsically safe lights being misplaced into the gas
hazardous zone. This may include highlighting or marking of those non-intrinsically safe lights or other appropriate
Sight, and where necessary review, the company procedure to ensure that lifebuoys, and associated lights,
smoke floats and lifelines, were in good order, clearly marked and correctly distributed around the ship.
Inspect a selection of the ship’s lifebuoys, and associated lights, smoke floats and lifelines.
Any matters relating to the lifebuoy and light provided for safe access will be addressed by the appropriate questions
except where the lifebuoy light was found to be unsafe for use in a gas hazardous zone.
Expected Evidence
The company procedure to ensure that lifebuoys, and associated lights, smoke floats and lifelines, were in
good order, clearly marked and correctly distributed around the ship.
The checklist and log for records of monthly inspections and maintenance of the lifebuoys.
There was:
o Less than the required number of lifebuoys.
o An insufficient number of lifebuoys with lights
o A lifebuoy fitted with both light and lifeline.
o No lifebuoy on either side with a buoyant lifeline of the required length.
Lifebuoys were not readily available on both sides of the ship, on each open deck or in the vicinity of the
Lifebuoy stowage locations were not clearly marked with the approved symbols.
Lifebuoys were:
o Not marked with retro-reflective tape.
o Not clearly marked with ship’s name and port of registry.
o Secured in their brackets and not ready for immediate use.
o Fitted with defective self-igniting lights.
o Fitted with self-igniting lights not of an electric battery type.
o Fitted with a non-intrinsically safe light when located within the gas hazardous area of the vessel.
A self-activating smoke float was past its expiry date.
The self-activating smoke float quick release mechanism was not operating freely.
A lifebuoy attached to a self-activating smoke float was less than 4 kg.
Records of inspections and maintenance carried out were incomplete.
Inspection of the lifebuoys indicated that recorded inspections and maintenance had not taken place
Lifebuoys, associated lights, smoke floats or lifelines were defective in any respect.
The accompanying officer and/or the Safety Officer was unfamiliar with the required maintenance and
inspection of the lifebuoys, and associated lights, smoke floats and lifelines.
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