Ballistic Impact
Ballistic Impact
Ballistic Impact
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3 authors:
Pascal Bruniaux
Ecole d'ingénierie et d'innovation textile
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Defence Technology
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Article history: Personal body armour is one of the most important pieces of equipment to protect human beings from
Received 9 January 2021 various critical and fatal injuries. In today’s modern world, various organizations including law
Received in revised form enforcement and security service have made it mandatory for their personnel to wear personal pro-
19 February 2021
tection system while on field duty. However, the systems should comprise an improved ballistic per-
Accepted 15 March 2021
Available online xxx
formance, light-weighted, flexible as well as comfortable panel not only to be accepted with a wider
range but also for effective performances of the consumer. Generally, the overall performances of the
protective body armour could be affected by various parameters including armour design techniques,
Body armour panel design
type of materials used and finishing of the panels. The current paper aims to critically review state-of-art
Ballistic impact behaviours for armour panel design techniques and the different perspective body armour materials. The paper
Nanocomposites starts by discussing the different body armour and its category. Later, the different states of technology
Shear thickening fluids (STFs) for armour panel design (mostly for women), its problems and the possible solutions will be cited. Later,
Military the commonly used different polymeric fibrous and the future possible advanced materials including
carbon nanotube (CNT), Graphene CNT and shear thickening fluids (STFs) treated materials for devel-
oping the reinforced body armour panel will be discussed. The authors believe that this paper will
enlighten useful guidelines and procedures about the different panel design techniques and current and
promising future materials for researchers, designers, engineers and manufacturers working on the
impact resistance body armour field.
© 2021 China Ordnance Society. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications
Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
1. Introduction protective vests while on duty. Even though various countries make
the ballistic vest an obligatory outwears for their officers, however,
In general, ballistic and sharp weapon protecting clothing also many personnel did not feel comfortable to wear the vests while on
called personal armour can be worn by law reinforcement police, duty. This is because most of the developed vests are made with
military and other civilian such as journalist, security guards to either heavy or/and rigid materials to achieve better ballistic
protect themselves from ballistic, spike, knife and stab threats etc. impact protections for higher threat level (NIJ Level III and IV).
[1]. Its developmental history is as old as the evolution of mankind Unless it is designed with lightweight, flexible, well-fitted along
and evolved from time to time to protect different parts of the body. with good ballistic resistance performances, wearing heavy and
It includes the torso (body armour), the cranium (helmets), and the inflexible body armour for an extended period could generate
face & eye (visors, glasses, goggles and pelvic & neck protection excessive heat and bring less mobility [3e5]. For the last many
garments [2]. In today’s scenario, many law enforcement agencies decades, various materials from felt to metal, fabric to composite,
have made it mandatory for their officers to wear ballistic nanomaterials and further bioinspired materials in its biomimetic
conditions were exploited for the developments of body armour
systems [6]. Currently, various researchers and body armour de-
* Corresponding author. Universite of Lille, ENSAIT, GEMTEX lab, 2 Alle
e Louise et velopers have involved and continuously working intensively on
Victor Champier, 59056, Roubaix, France.
the new generation and innovative different ballistic fibres, ballistic
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M.A. Abtew), Francois.boussu@ (F. Boussu), [email protected] (P. Bruniaux). fabrics, panel layers parameters and body armour design tech-
Peer review under responsibility of China Ordnance Society niques not only to improve the overall performance but also to
2214-9147/© 2021 China Ordnance Society. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-
ND license (
Please cite this article as: M.A. Abtew, F. Boussu and P. Bruniaux, Dynamic impact protective body armour: A comprehensive appraisal on panel
engineering design and its prospective materials, Defence Technology,
M.A. Abtew, F. Boussu and P. Bruniaux Defence Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx
realize the requirement of a modern military operation, researchers, body armour developers and armour manufacturers
technology-driven war tactics and current terror threats [7e9]. for future research and developments in the field of body armour
Meanwhile, the involvement and participation of women work- by discussing and analyzing the different available resources
forces have been also drastically increased for the last few decades related to designing techniques, a material used and its testing
in the field of law enforcement, privet security and military forces methods, standards and evaluations systems of body armour.
across the globe [10,11]. Even though the numbers of women
personnel are significant, they were fitted with either unisex or 2. Personal body armour and its categories
smaller size of male-based body armour for so long. This fitting of
male-based armour for women personnel’s is not acceptable due to 2.1. A brief history of personal ballistic body armour
not only the physiological differences but also imposes the
disproportionate on fitness, comfort, and worse ballistic protection Body armour is the most important piece of equipment to
causing functional sacrifices. Even, unlike the male, designing of protect human beings from various critical and fatal injuries
women soft body armour encounter problems and need special [4,21,22]. Among the different threats, impacting by the projectile is
attention due to its unique curvilinear body shape. Moreover, the one of the most common threats. The ballistic impact is a very
effectiveness of the women soft body armour related to ballistic complex mechanical process where a very low-mass high-velocity
impact performance, fitness and comfort depend on the various projectile is propelled by a source onto a target and impacted which
factors including type of ballistic material, material finishing and mainly effect near the location of impact. The absorption of energy
garment designing techniques. Considering the above problems, before it gains access to the body and its energy distribution among
various researchers and body armour manufacturer have been the ballistic materials are very important aspects to understand the
working on unique design techniques and appropriate materials to principle and effect of energy transfer from projectile [23]. Mean-
develop women soft body armour based on their morphological while, the demand by military and police personnel has drastically
shape [3][ [12e20]]. However, most of such kinds of researches increased and the protection suits have been progressively
findings are funded either privately to improve the marketability of improved by new constructions made from proper materials [24].
specific products or patented by intelligence security authorities or Besides, to be worn by the officer, the body armour generally not
individuals. This makes those research output unreachable and only constructed with the material having better resistance to
secret for the wider audiences who are working and making projectile penetration but also designed in reasonably light in
research in the field. Moreover, despite various research studies on weight and flexible. Body armour was developed from different
the field of ballistic material and design of body armour, it is also materials for the last many decades. Generally, the historical evo-
acknowledged that a detail and systematic review dealing with lutions of body armour have a direct relationship with gun power
women soft body armour design, ballistic material and its testing improvement. For instance, the development of high-speed pro-
methodologies have not been well investigated and documented. jectiles and explosive materials have reconstructed the dynamics of
For this reason, it is very difficult to find the current situation and the battlefield, which further advocated the growth of the
the specific gap in the field for further analyzing, investigations and advanced ballistic protection system that is a low cost, damage-
improvement. resistant, flexible, lightweight and comfortable to wear with effi-
In general, the paper will try to discuss different types of body cient energy absorbing capacity [5].
armour and their characteristics toward ballistic protections. Between the 1800s to World War I, various metallic materials
Various materials and designing techniques (especially for women) were applied as ballistic protective materials to develop different
for the developments of body armour have been also outlined. levels of body armour [25]. For example, in 1879 the home-made
Specifically, a recent state of the technology used on design and suit weighed 44 kg body armour mainly made from metal scraps
developments of women body armour will be focused on. More- was developed in Australia to cover the upper torsos, upper arms
over, recent and future possible material era for developing ballistic and legs. Besides, the US has also developed various body armour
protective body armour will be mentioned. This review paper with the hard plate to protect the chest and heads during World
would give valuable information and hopefully help different War I [26]. Besides, in the early stages of World War II, the US has
M.A. Abtew, F. Boussu and P. Bruniaux Defence Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx
also developed different body armour but found it very heavy, less three sections, namely carriers, panel cover and ballistic panels
mobile and uncomfortable. Later, the flexible body armour was (Fig. 1(c)). The carrier is used to serve and secure the ballistic panels
developed with the help of different synthetic fibres like Nylon. to the wearer’s and usually made of typical garment fabrics such as
Even though it was not successful, Nylon 6.6 was the first synthetic nylon or cotton. The ballistic panels are usually constructed sepa-
fibre used for ballistic systems in the form of a basket-weave rately from the vest carrier of multiple layers of ballistic-resistant
flexible pad to cover the upper chest and shoulders and the plate materials that help to provide ballistic protection. Whereas, the
for chest protections [27]. Later, around 1970, the DuPont company cover is mainly helping to protect the ballistic materials from the
has introduced the new synthetic fibre (Kevlar) and later in1976 the various environments. In general, the frontal and back ballistic
first all-Kevlar based flexible ballistic body armour developed [28]. panels are introduced into the front and back pockets of the vest
Later, several new fibres such as Dyneema by DSM’s, GoldFlex by carrier respectively. For better and easier cleaning, the ballistic
Honeywell’s, Spectra and Twaron by Teijin, and Zylon by Toyobo’s panels could or could not be removed from the outer armour panel.
were introduced for flexible body armour development [29]. Unlike Besides, depending on the level of firearm threats, modern body
their higher cost, they were claimed as lighter in weight and armour was worn by police, law enforcement agencies and the
possess much better ballistic protection than Kevlar. The first soft military categorized into two categories, namely, soft body armour
body armour has been invented in Korea around the 1860s with and hard body armour [7].
thirteen layers of cotton fabrics. Even though the developed soft
body armour is hot to wear and easily burnt by fragment heat, it 2.2.1. Hard (or rigid) body armour
was considered at that time as effective regarding bullet pro- Hard (or rigid) armour is delicately designed when the textile-
tections. Silk was also introduced to develop the soft body armour based soft body armour become ineffective against military rifle
using 18 to 30 layers of cloth to protect the wearers from arrow rounds. It mostly becomes standard in military use, corrections and
penetration [30]. The US has also designed and developed flak other law enforcement to resist more than 500 m/s velocities. It is
jackets made of nylon fabrics for aircraft crews to stop the flak and developed by integrating the textile-based soft body armour along
shrapnel but not bullets around the early stages of World War II with rigid materials such as metallic plates (steel or titanium),
[31]. Relatively lighter body armour but not successful to stop the ceramic tiles, polyethene plate, silicon carbide, boron carbide plates
bullet and fragments was developed using fibre-reinforced plastics or laminated (coated) composites, etc as shown in Fig. 2.
by integrating with the nylon vests in 1951. However, the first soft Besides, it is worn at a high risk of attack not only to stop the
body armour was designed to hold hard ceramic plates to suc- projectile against all handguns and a wide range of rifles but also
cessful stop 7 mm rifle rounds projectiles in 1967 [32]. Later, a fragments from explosions. The hard armour plate could weigh by
quilted nylon faced with multiple steel plates was designed and itself up to 1.4 kge3.0 kg. Ceramics such as alumina (Al2O3 and
developed by the American Body Armor and marketed to American silicon carbide (SiC)) are commonly used armour plates for hard
law enforcement agencies under the trade name ‘Barrier Vest.’ armour ballistic applications for the ballistic protection of NIJ
standard level type III (rifle) and IV (armour-piercing rifle). It is also
2.2. Categories of personal protective body armour composed of ceramics parts combined with composite reinforce-
ment with epoxy resin to obtain better flexibility, light-weight and
The higher demands of body armour by law enforcement ballistic performance as compared with pure ceramic tiles [34].
agencies for their officers contributed not only to its huge demand Nowadays, fibre-based textile laminated composite systems
but also to the improvement of body armour in terms of material become the widely used armour panel materials in the market and
and design aspects. A wide variety of body armour is nowadays get higher attention from researchers mainly due to their reduction
available on the market with different threat and protection level. of weight by maintaining the impact resistance. However, charac-
In general, those body armour could be classified as covert and terizing the composite material before the application will help to
overt based on their flexibility, wearing styles and wearing situa- obtain an amour plate with better ballistic resistance and comfort.
tions. Armour designed as thin as possible to be worn comfortably For example, a small amount of resin (20%) while impregnating the
under standard uniforms or other garments is Covert body armour woven fabrics gives better energy absorption by maintaining flex-
(Fig. 1(a)). It can be worn in a duty where less level of protection is ibility than higher resin values through restricting yarns not to
required such as security operatives, cops, and close protection share the load effectively [35]. Incorporations of vinyl ester resins
officers. Overt body armour is a usually bulkier design made from coated Dyneema® fabrics in the soft body amour (NIJ-level II) could
harder panels and wore over the garments (Fig. 1(b)). Such body also give a ballistic resistance up to NIJ standard level III. Moreover,
armour styles are worn by officers, where they are under high-risk various research studies have also intensively investigated and
operation. However, all the mentioned body armour composed of characterized the ballistic impact performances and flexibility
Fig. 1. (a) Compositions of typical body armour, (b) covert and (c) overt body armour [33].
M.A. Abtew, F. Boussu and P. Bruniaux Defence Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 2. Commercial hard ballistic armour (A) VestGuard, (B) Alpha™ (C) hard body armour with hard steel plates [33].
properties of the different fibre-based textile composite used as researchers and armour development to device appropriate
hard body armour [36e40]. methods and materials for achieving lightweight, flexible, and
comfortable armour panels [43].
2.2.2. Soft body armour
The soft body armour is normally developed with various layers 3. State of technology e body armour panel design
(20e50) of ballistic resistance flexible textile materials made of
yarns of high-performance fibres and weighing (below 4.5 kg) in a The body armour panel is comprised of various layers of mate-
different form as shown in Fig. 3 (a) and (b). Normally the different rials depending on the threat level to protect the wearer’s upper
flexible ballistic layers are assembled in different forms to develop torso [43,44]. Such multiple layers were arranged and joined
the final ballistic vest panel. In general, soft body armour could together differently to create the two body armour panels, the front
suffice to perform against low to medium level firearm threats. and back panels. The women body armour panel, especially the
According to the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) standards, soft frontal panels, should comprise a non-planar panel to optimize its
body armour includes type IIA (9 mm FMJ RN bullets, 8.0 g, the protection and comfort performance [45]. However, due to the
velocity of 373 ± 9.1 m/s and with 0.40 S&W FMJ bullets, 11.7 g and lower involvement of women in security such as military pro-
a velocity of 352 m/s ± 9.1 m/s), Level II (9 mm FMJ RN bullets, 8.0 g fessions, they were fitted with men’s body armour for the last many
and a velocity of 398 m/s ± 9.1 m/s and with 0.357 Magnum JSP years which causes poor ballistic protection, non-comfort, and
bullets, 10.2 g and a velocity of 436 m/s ± 9.1 m/s and Level IIIA negative psychological effect [46,47]. However, in the last few de-
(0.357 SIG FMJ FN bullets, 8.1 g and a velocity of 448 m/s ± 9.1 m/s cades, women participation in military, law enforcement, security
and with 0.44 Magnum SJHP bullets, 15.6 g and a velocity of 436 m/ offices etc. have been become considerably increased. For example,
s ± 9.1 m/s). It offers significant contributions to ballistic protection in 2008, 16.7% of police officers in the EU were women. In the recent
from small arms fire (handgun bullets) and tailored to conform very year of 2016, among the total of 324 police officers per 100 000
well to the body contour to provide good levels of comfort. Unidi- people in the EU, women police officers’ percentages were
rectional (UD) and 2D woven fabrics are commonly used textile increased to 21%. This indicates that one in five polices officers was
fabric structure used to develop soft body armour systems in terms a woman [48]. Similarly, the entire UK police forces were also male
of higher protection without sacrificing mobility and comfort [41]. at the start of the 20th century and even their numbers were very
However, the fabric type, all the different multi-scale structural small since the 1970s. However, according to the study, in March
hierarchy of soft body armour determines not only the ballistic 2016, 28.6% of police officers in England and Wales were women.
impact performances but also can cause a probabilistic penetration This was an increase from 23.3% in 2007 [49]. Besides, in March
response as shown in Fig. 3(c). 2017, the percentage of female officers even increased to 29.1% in
On contrary, the higher number of layer involved make it heavy, England and Wales, 29% in Scotland and 28.5% in Northern Ireland
bulky, and inflexible, interfering which affects the mobility and [49e51]. The women were made up of a 61% majority of non-sworn
comfort of the wearer [41,42]. This becomes challenges for police staff and 45% of Police Community Support Officers. Women
Fig. 3. (a) Panels, (b) soft body armour, (c) structural scales in Kevlar fabric armour.
M.A. Abtew, F. Boussu and P. Bruniaux Defence Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx
became eligible to apply for all roles in the British forces in 2018 and developed women’s soft body armour by involving different
[52]. Moreover, the percentage of women was 5.0% in 1980 and 9.8% kinds of dart designs in different forms to accommodate the
in 1995 for the police force in the United States [51,53]. This number women’s body bust area (cut-and-stitch approaches). However,
even grew further and recorded 11.2% in 2005 and 11.9% in 2014 such design methods bring lower ballistic protection at weakness
[54,55]. In the French Army, the number of women participant was points of the stitches (dart seams line) against projectile during
evolved around 1987 with around 18000 which is about 7% and impact. Moreover, the accumulated material at darts areas also
increased to 44500 women (12, 7%) in 2003 and even after a year in cinches the body near-certain positions of the bust and creating
2004 it was recorded about 18% [11]. In the Canadian Armed Forces uncomfortable when worn by the wearer [46] [19]. Research
(CAF), women participation made up 11.4% by 2001. By 2018, 15.3% studies even further studied to optimize the ballistic performance
in CAF personnel, 4.3% in combat personnel, and 17.9% in all CAF and the comforts of women body armour design designed by the
officers were women. Besides, out of 14 434 women, 7408 were in cut-and-stitch methods. For example, concealable soft body ar-
the Army, 2856 in the Royal Canadian Navy, and 4160 in the Royal mour was designed using a plurality of layers of ballistic material,
Canadian Air Force [56]. Such increments of women participation in where the different layers of the material include a series of folded
the field officer make it mandatory to design body armour based on pleats arranged at selected angles and intervals along with the layer
their unique physique to achieve better protection and comfort. and sewn along their length [3]. Another woman’s body armour
However, considering the women body armor design challenge, a having dual cups has been also designed for accommodating, pro-
dedicated design and manufacturing of female soft body armour tecting and supporting the breasts [15]. Body armour with con-
based on their unique morphological differences for better pro- toured front panel, all-fabric, lightweight panel composed of a
tection and comfort are in great demand. The following section plurality of superposed layers of protective plies of fabric made of
discussed on the different techniques to design women soft body aramid polymer yarns has been also developed. This panel was
armour. contoured using overlapping seams joining two side sections to a
central section of the panel to the curvature of the bust of a female
3.1. Women body armour designing techniques wearer to convey good ballistic protection and comfort [13]. A
ballistic vest with front and rear ballistic panel which also has
Nowadays due to the various ballistic threat levels and types, the elongated side portion to provide ballistic protection for the side of
demand for body armour for ballistic protection has been increased a female wearer’s breast conformed to the body of a wearer by a
[1]. Similarly, apart from its ballistic protection, the body armour is stretchable outer garment located over the ballistic panels has been
essential to provide fit and comfort for personnel’s who engage in also developed [16]. Another study also optimizes the protection
military, police, personal security, reporter, and prison work. zones for tailor-made bullet-proof vest using a virtual body given
However, according to the study, the thermal comfort, fit and by the body scanner for more comfort and to accelerate the sizing
mobility of the body armour among the male and female person- process through improving the measurement process [65] as
nel’s are different due to their upper torso differences [57]. Such shown in Fig. 4.
problems might be solved during women designing through the The study replaces the traditional design method with a three-
involvement of filler materials including foams and pads in the dimensional design process using darts rotation techniques for
body armour panel system [58e60]. Moreover, the designing better fitness based on the different female morphology.
technique of the final soft body armour played a great role in the Another approach with the new geometric definition of the vest
overall performances of the body armour. For example, at the time by introducing different body parameters (Fig. 5) was proposed.
of the ballistic impact, the impacted body part should be properly The 3D virtual body was generated using Body Scanner to makes
fitted or the multi-layer panels should be designed to properly lie the tailor-made bullet-proof vest more comfortable and improve
on the specific body to provide good protection. This well-fitted the measurement process during sizing. The optimization of the
body armour will give the wearer all the time not only comfort different protection zones by materials distribution based on the
but also secure and enhanced protection while instant impacting vulnerability of the body toward the impact was designed as shown
[61,62]. On the contrary, if the body armour is not developed in Fig. 5(a) and (b) [66]. The correct pattern was generated and
considering proper material and appropriate design, the person- draped on the attained virtual 3D female dummy using Design
nel’s might be neither protected nor obtained comfort while per- Concept (Fig. 5 (c)) and its various protection zone was delimited
forming their job outdoors [63]. It is also very challenging to with the help of various darts positions (Fig. 5 (d)).
improve both protective performance and comfort at the same time
while developing body armour. On the other hand, unlike men, the 3.1.2. Folding and overlapping
above problem even became worse while manufacturing women Fabric folding and overlapping are barely used designing tech-
body armour [52] due to the panel has to properly accommodate niques to develop the women’s body armour [67] [3]. The folding
their upper curvaceous body shape. Moreover, not only the vari- technique is mainly used to shape the materials into a three-
ability of the women’s upper body shape but also the stiffness dimensional form by folding the materials and stitched at the
behaviours of the ballistic materials with its large number of layers side in a certain shift. This also revealed the limitation of ballistic
make it very difficult to achieve the required performance. Nowa- performance due to material discontinuities and weak stitching
days, various women body armour designing techniques were area around folded material. One of the women’s body armour with
proposed to minimize the above problems [64] [3] [13e15] multiple layers of penetration-resistant material was designed us-
[17e20]. Cut-and-sew, overlapping, folding, moulding methods is ing a series of V-shaped darts in successive layers to shape and fit
widely known techniques for designing women body armour the bust of women [67]. The V-shaped material was then folded on
[9,53e55]. This sub-section will try to discuss the different itself to form a pleat and is angularly offset from one another in
methods in details. directions so that the added thickness is distributed substantially
evenly, thereby avoiding bulges or stiffness and improving the
3.1.1. Traditional cut-and-sew technique wearing comfort. However, folding techniques could also create
For the last many years, cut-and-sew methods were commonly many folded fabrics at the side with sharp edges create thicker
used design methods in the industry to develop women’s body panels while folding which causes itching, less personal mobility,
armour. Various researcher and armour developers have designed and discomfort. Superposing methods have also used the layers of
M.A. Abtew, F. Boussu and P. Bruniaux Defence Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 4. Production process of women ballistic vest with dart rotation methods (a) 3D virtual model, (b) Mesh creation on the different body areas, (c) Dart formation and (d)
Garment draping [65].
Fig. 5. Design processes of a ballistic vest with various protection zone (a) protection zones on front and back of the virtual body, (b) measurement values, fit and final fitting, (c)
distribution of darts (d) Set of layers (12th) while alternation of darts [66].
ballistic material to develop contoured surfaces to accommodate using overlapping seams while joining the two-side section to the
the frontal women part called overlapping. It also applied over- centre section of the panel as shown. The multiple layers which
lapping seams to join the different superimposed layers. However, were superimposed were comprised of ballistic-resistant fabric
In this method, the small ballistic missiles still can penetrate by made of aramid polymer yarns.
severing the loop of threads among the seams [68] [13]. One patent
work tried to develop a light-weight, all-fabric and contoured body
3.1.3. Moulding methods
armour panel to protect the torso of a woman against small arms
Various researches have tried to develop women’s body amour
missiles using overlapping methods [13] as shown in Fig. 6. The
using the different traditional method to accommodate the bust
frontal panels were contoured to the curvature of the women bust
area [66] [15] [16]. However, the above commonly used design
M.A. Abtew, F. Boussu and P. Bruniaux Defence Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx
system gives a weakness at the seams against projectile impact and ability. A moulding process applied on the base functional materials
low comfort performance. Besides, the above-methods also face of multi-layer woven laminated to substantially conform the
difficulty to obtain accurate surface data for women’s breasts due to women’s frontal body morphology was invented (Fig. 8) [14]. The
the borderline of the breast is ambiguous at the skin surface which thermoplastic material was applied during the moulding process to
led to less fitted body armour. Considering all problems, additional fuse the fibres within the 3D woven material for better lamination
designing techniques would be required to design the frontal and improved ballistic impact performances. The material forming
women body armour panels to properly accommodate the bust on upper and lower panel shape Fig. 8 (a)) was designed based on
shape with better for better impact performance, comfort and the women’s frontal shape. Such design was claimed for its capa-
fitness. Different work has been done to come up with the solution bility of retaining the moulded shape for better comfort and ease of
to improve the problem and properly accommodating the curvy movement (Fig. 8 (b) & (c)).
region[ [69,70]]. Normally, the more the ballistic vest resembles the A contoured, form-fitting and flexible panel through the
required shape of the body; the better fitness and efficient pro- moulding process using three-dimensional woven material was
tection will be obtained. Therefore, developing women’s body ar- also invented (Fig. 9). The required number of layer fabric is placed
mour which properly accommodates the bust area and fitting of the jointly and substantially parallel with each other and moulded to
different curvilinear areas with the required dome-shape will adapt to the women’s torso. Each layer of the fabric was made of
improve not only the fit and comfort but also its ballistic pro- weft and warp yarns with a long float weave in one or more di-
tections for different women morphology [71]. Moulding becomes rections. The Adhesive resin can be used for the impregnations of
good technology to create the required dome-shape through the yarn in each sheet. As shown in Fig. 9 (a) the multiple woven bal-
forming process without applying any kind of cutting and stitching listic fabric layers are placed on the preformed mould between the
but seamless frontal body armour by mimicking the bust area. upper and lower portion to conform to the desired body contour.
However, the methods need both advanced designing techniques Then, the fabric sheets with applied adhesive will be compressed
and proper materials to accommodate the required shape between the two portions and subsequently the long floats of the
[19,20,72]. fabric weave help to conform to the required shape of the mould
Teijin Aramid in collaboration with Triumph International [75].
claims the concept of manufacturing the women’s body armour Another research presented the mathematical modelling for
through the moulding process as shown in Fig. 7. The moulding pattern developments of seamless women armour frontal panel
process was carried out using pressure and heat on the 2D woven considering body size and bra size [46] and combining the bust-cup
p-aramid (CT709) fabric to create the moulded panels [73]. Each and no bust-cup areas (block projection) using classic coat block
moulded layer was then kept one over the top of the other to obtain pattern by omitting the dart. According to the study, three different
a garment part and, joined by a base seam, e.g., in the middle of the models (Fig. 10(aec)) to accommodate the bust-cup areas were
panel as shown in Fig. 7 (b) and close look of the panel at the bust developed.
area in Fig. 7 (c). Another women’s body armour using a 3D melded Unlike the first two, the last model (Fig. 10 (c)) was likely
multilayer laminated woven structure was also developed with appropriate since it is developed considering the shape of frontal
better retaining and conforms of the female torso [14]. Other re- mannequins and bust area, and dividing it into seven different
searchers have also used a 3D pattern for the frontal panels of geometrical shapes (Fig. 10 (d)). Finally, the mathematical model
women’s body armour. For example, parametric design methods based on half of the female body armour front panel was computed
for generating human body models of varying sizes according to based on a size 12 standard mannequin (Fig. 10 (e)) and a simple
different anthropometric measurements in the 3D domain and 3D pattern for the first layer of the panel was generated for the frontal
presentation were used to develop warp-knitted seamless gar- part (Fig. 10 (f)). Later, the pattern was transferred to a 3D warp
ments [74]. A new design approach has been also proposed for angle-interlock fabric (Fig. 11 (a)) to validate the model through by
developing women’s body armour by introducing the different moulding process. Later, a pattern for various panel layers was also
personal parameters of the body inside the new geometric defini- developed (Fig. 11(b)) [69] and used 3D warp interlock fabric to
tion of the vest using real 3D body measurement to optimize the shape the frontal women’s body armour as shown in Fig. 11(c).
assembly process and projection zone [66]. Other three- Another study [76] also used CAD knowledge to evolve women
dimensional seamless women body armour were also designed adaptive bust in the virtual manikin for body armour development
combining CAD software and knitting technology [70]. Some re- (Fig. 12(a)). Such an adaptive bust was introduced into a 3D design
searchers have also used 3D warp interlock fabric to accommodate process (Fig. 12 (b)) to create a well fitted 3D bra pattern (Fig. 12 (c)).
their women’s body armour design due to its good moulding An efficient reverse engineering approach (2D-3D-2D) was carried
Fig. 6. Women body armour with overlapping seams, (a) Perspective view (b) plan view (c) exploded perspective view of different ply joined with overlapping and (d) a vertical
section through the overlapping seams [13].
M.A. Abtew, F. Boussu and P. Bruniaux Defence Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 8. (a) Multilayer laminate for ballistic protective wear in the vest form constructed to conform to the natural curvature of a female torso, (b) and (c) it’s the front sectional
component and fitting form [14].
Fig. 9. Moulding process for developing flexible women body armour with 3D woven material [75].
out to design 2D patterns for female soft body armour seamless corresponding mechanical damages [ [20]] [ [82e84]]. Still, an
front panel design based on the developed adaptive mannequin improvement is required in panel design and ballistic material with
(Fig. 12 (d) (e) (f) (g) [71]. better moulding property.
Such methods mainly help to attain the required bust volume in
the pattern generation process for eliminating the darts design
element. The new frontal flattened pattern gives a better shape to 4. The new possible future era materials in impact armour
accommodate the deformation with low distortion throughout the panel development
fabric surface while flattening. Later, a novel systematic 3D design
approach was applied to generate a pattern for successive panel For the last many decade’s body armour was developed using
layer based on the first layer pattern [47] as shown in Fig. 13. heavy and rigid materials including ceramics and steels. So,
The design processes used the thickness of each layer in the 3D attaining better and improved ballistic performance was in the
design database with appropriate coordinates. The armour system scarifications of the weight and comforts of wearers. Nowadays,
later developed using the developed pattern and 3D warp interlock. introducing high-performance fibre in body armour system make it
The moulding technique also used to develop composite riot hel- possible to achieve both soft and light weighted along with suffi-
met shells with reinforcing fibre continuity for better protection cient protection performance. However, the continuous changing of
[77e81]. In the moulding process, the textile material possesses threat type, level and environments make it difficult to predict the
and considered different moulding characteristics such as surface future capabilities of the body armour. This phenomenon engaged
shear angle, material thickness variation, drawing-in values and its the researchers to work further and developed new materials and
appropriate designs [27]. Therefore, applications of various
M.A. Abtew, F. Boussu and P. Bruniaux Defence Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 10. (a), (b) and (c) different geometrically models to represent the bust area, (d) mathematical model of half front panel of the women body armour, (e) size 12 standard
mannequin and (f) the developed pattern [46].
Fig. 11. (a) Single-layer validations (b) pattern development process for multiple layers and (c) experimental validation for multiple layers of the front panel of the female body
armour using 3D warp angle interlock fabrics [69].
methods and materials including chemical treatment for surface ballistic armour [95]. Mostly, fabrics and composite which is rein-
modifications and new material development would be interesting forced by nano material depend on the surface area, volume ratio
to enhance the body armour performance at a lower weight and nano reinforcement interphase characteristics. The particles
[85e92]. The following section will discuss the different latest and might be silica, organic and inorganic, and the layered material
promising materials which could drive the next armour milestone. includes graphite, whereas the fibrous material mainly involves
nano-fibres and nano-tubes [6]. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) (which is
4.1. Applications of carbon nanotube (CNTs) rolled as hexagonal carbon network and covered by pentagonal
carbon ring) are one of the nano additives which are increasingly
Applications of Nanomaterials in the area of textiles are drasti- used with unique but supreme properties in terms of mechanical,
cally growing to improve performance and create unparalleled chemical, electronic and magnetic as compared to other categories
textile functions. Nanotechnology is the process of developing and [96]. In general, such kinds of CNTs could be also come with a
applying material, device and mechanisms to enhance significantly category of multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) and single-
the physical, chemical and biological properties at their nanoscale walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT). They are mainly produced
size (0.1e100 nm) [93]. It usually provides either enhancement on through arc discharge, pyrolysis of hydrocarbons over metal par-
the existing properties or adds new functionalities to textiles. Due ticles, laser vaporization of graphite target, solar carbon vapor-
to the advancements of Nanomaterials manufacturing, newly ization, electrolysis of carbon electrodes in molten ionic salts etc.
developed materials such as; Carbon Nanotube (CNTs) and Gra- Various researchers have also studied the CNTs as reinforcement for
phene CNT has been discovered and used for protection. The Car- body armour applications [97e101]. One of the researchers inves-
bon nanotubes (CNTs) material generally revealed unique tigated the impact and bouncing-back processes performances of
mechanical properties, particularly in improving tensile strength elastic carbon nanotubes with large radii as anti-ballistic materials.
and provides stronger, tougher and stiffer than synthetic fibres [94]. It shows better performance in projectile halting, rebounding the
It also possesses high ballistic resistance, high energy absorbing force instead of spreading throughout the panel and able to repel
capability and multi-hit resistance to develop an enhanced making the projectile with minimum or no damage to the wearer of a
M.A. Abtew, F. Boussu and P. Bruniaux Defence Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 12. Developing first seamless women body armour panel layer pattern (a) adaptive bust on a virtual mannequin, (b) Mesh creation on the adaptive bust for bra design, (c) well-
fitted bra pattern flattening through the 3D design process (CAD Knowledge) [76], Reveres engineering pattern developing a system for generating the 1st layer of seamless female
frontal soft body armour panel from the adaptive bust, (d) horizontal (e) vertical projection line, (f) projections of 3D body measurement on the horizontal and vertical projection
line and (g) Flattened pattern for first layers of seamless women body armour [71].
Fig. 13. Multilayer seamless armour pattern development (a) 3D body mesh creation on frontal virtual adaptive women body and its multi-layer panels with zoomed views of
corresponding mesh (5 layers), (b) pattern block projection to projection grid for multi-layer through flattening (c) Flattened multi-layer soft body armour panel pattern [47].
bulletproof vest [102]. Another study has also developed, tested composites without CNTs [104]. Another study has also studied the
against 9 mm Full Metal Jacket projectile to investigate the influ- performances of CNTs in various armour composite panels with
ence of multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) inclusion with Kevlar®29 woven fabrics in an epoxy matrix against V50 test for 44
different weight percentage (0%, 0.1%, 0.55% and 1.0 wt %) on the calibre soft-point rounds and 30 calibres FSP (fragment simulated
energy absorption capabilities of ballistic composite panels. The projectile). The armor composite panel with 1.65 wt % carbon
composite with compositions of MWCNT greatly improves the nanotubes and 1.65 wt % milled fibres revealed a 6.5% improvement
impact energy absorption value of the panel and proportional with in the V50 test results [105]. The research study also designs
the epoxy/MWCNT matrix’s fracture toughness properties [103]. polymer matrix composite armour with E-glass continuous fibre
Furthermore, the mechanical behaviour against the ballistic impact poly-vinyl-ester-epoxy matrix composite laminas interlaced with
(V50) tests of E-glass fabric composite reinforced with multi-walled multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) reinforced composite
carbon nanotubes (CNTs) showed a higher V50 value by 11.1% and mats. Different armour panels were then designed by varying the
promised for the applications of blast protection due to their different location and thickness of the carbon nanotube reinforced
reduced weight and energy dissipation behaviours compare with composite mats to test against FSP) for their ballistic impact
M.A. Abtew, F. Boussu and P. Bruniaux Defence Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx
performance. Based on the result, at the specified armor thickness, layer armour system. Thus, one of the researchers has investi-
the position as well as the carbon nanotube reinforced composite gated the bi-layer panel which comprises an alumina layer and a
mats thickness greatly influences the ballistic performance of the nano-infused epoxy layer against Fragment Simulating Projectile
armor. For example, armor panel composites with thicker CNTs (FSP) at V50 of 400 m/s [112]. A 0 to 1 wt% loading range of Silica
reinforced composite mats at the armor frontal face (projectile nanoparticles and MWCNT were applied, and Nano-silica infused
strike side) revealed best ballistic performances [106]. Similarly, the composite armour shows better ballistic properties up to 0.5 wt%
role of multi-walled carbon-nanotube (MWCNT) reinforcements in loading beyond which the MWCNT infused one has better ballistic
improving the ballistic-protection performance of polyvinyl-ester- properties. As shown in Fig. 14 (a) & (b), the nano-silica infused
epoxy matrix (PVEE)/E-glass fiber matrix reinforced laminate ar- epoxy/ceramic armour under the high-velocity impact, the
mor was investigated through model development approach and maximum enhancement in the energy absorption and the ballistic
transient non-linear dynamics simulations of the projectile/armor limit respectively occurred with 0.5 wt % nano-silica infusion.
interactions. In this study a hybrid armor with 100 mm-thick high At this percentage, the enhancements in energy absorption and
MWCNT-content PVEE-matrix MWCNT-reinforced lamina sand- ballistic limit were observed as 67.48% and 28.7% respectively
wiched between two PVEE-matrix/E-glass mat reinforced laminas compared to neat epoxy armour. Besides, as shown in Fig. 14 (c), the
and monolithic E-glass mat reinforced composite laminate with a MWCNT infused epoxy/ceramic armour also revealed the
low MWCNT-content MWCNT-doped PVEE-matrix were investi- maximum enhancement in the energy absorption and ballistic limit
gated. According to the V50 results of projectile/armor interaction at 1 wt % MWCNT infusion. At this percentage, the enhancements in
simulation, both armor systems yield a minimal (6%) increase in the energy absorption and ballistic limits were 45.8% and 19.74%
ballistic protection [107]. respectively than neat epoxy ceramic armour.
Another recent research has also studied the effects of de- From the different perspectives, the collective dynamics be-
positions of various micro and nano-fillers to the fibre on its bal- haviours of CNT fibres were compared directly against Nylon,
listic impact performances and energy absorption of the hybrid Kevlar, and aluminium monofilament fibres under the same su-
laminates consisting of woven Kevlar fibre fabric, epoxy, and AA personic impact conditions. The result shows that the kinetic en-
5086-H32 aluminium sheets against NATO standards by calibre 270 ergy absorption characteristics of the CNT fibres dominate all other
Winchester rifle. The result shows that hybrid composite laminates fibres (Fig. 15 (a) - (f)). Thus, the strain-rate-dependent strength-
with micro and nano-fillers deposition into the surface of the ening mechanics of an ensemble of nanomaterials is also a prom-
Kevlar fibres fabrics revealed an enhanced ballistic impact resis- ising insight for the development of high-performance fibres used
tance and impact energy absorption capabilities than its counter- in body armour including its exceptional stability in various harsh
part laminate containing no nano-filler impregnation. Specifically, environments [113].
laminates deposited by aluminium powder nano-fillers gives the
highest impact energy absorption capacity followed by colloidal 4.2. Applications of shear thickening fluids (STFs) on body armour
silica and silicon carbide powder. Gamma alumina powder and
potato flour addition on the laminate revealed minimum impact Shear thickening fluid (STF) is a non-Newtonian fluid, and its
energy absorption capability enhancements. The researcher claims behaviour is usually shown by concentrated colloidal dispersions
additions of micro-and nano-fillers coating on Kevlar fabrics using comprising of solid particles (silica, calcium carbonate, silicon car-
PEG-400 is a promising method for strengthening interfacial bide, etc.) in a dispersion liquid (water, polyethylene glycol,
bonding between the matrix and fibres in hybrid composite lami- ethylene glycol, silicone oil, etc.). This helps to exhibit a sudden
nates [108]. Another study also tried to use two kinds of multi- increase in viscosity above a critical shear rate, which transforms a
walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), namely pristine MWCNT liquid dispersion into a material with solid-like properties [114].
and Carboxylic acid-functionalized MWCNTs to demonstrate their The mixture of such flowable and hard components at a particular
effect on the ballistic behaviour of MWCNT/epoxy nanocomposites. composition results in a material with remarkable properties [115].
The dynamic behaviours of the MWCNT reinforced nanocomposite Thus, various studies have hypothesized and discussed the in-
such as the damping ratio showed a decreased value with the teractions of the different mechanisms of the above particle media
increasing of the MWCNT addition, whereas the natural frequency in developing the STF systems to increase their shear rate [116]
enhanced as MWCNT addition increased. Specifically, functional- [117] [118] [119]. It also comprised concentrated stabilized disper-
ized MWCNTs faces reductions in energy dissipation ability but sions of rigid sub-micrometre particles in a carrier fluid [120]. Such
increments of stiffness due to an improved interfacial bonding shear thickening fluids (STF) mechanism allows for further
between the nanotubes and epoxy resin [109]. A 3.5 mm thick tiles enhancement of ballistic resistance without hindering flexibility by
made of hybrid multi-scale material by integrating several layers of the fabric impregnation process. Among the different theories, the
Kevlar fabric and carbon fibre plies within a polymeric matrix hydro-clustering mechanism [114] [117], considered as one of the
reinforced by carbon nanotubes were also tested against metallic substantial and acceptable method systems to the explication of the
bullets fired at about 400 m/s and 1000 m/s. The results show that a STF mechanism and even further supported by different techniques
thin and light tile of the designed composite material can absorb including neutron scattering and shear rheology [119]. As shown in
high energy impacts with local delamination of the layered struc- Fig. 16, at the equilibrium conditions, the particles were found at
ture [110]. Another study was also numerically investigated to the state of continuous Brownian motion while and staying at
study the ballistic resistance of the carbon nanotube (CNT) fibres random positions but persistent particle-to-particle repulsive
reinforced composites based on the reinforcement characteristics forces. While applying an external shear force on the system, the
(single fibre geometrical, fibres volume (mass) concentration and particles have moved and align themselves along with that shear
distribution). Both the finite element simulations and it’s sharp force and create some kind of ordered structure to lower its
nose projectile impact experimental investigation shows that the viscosity.
involvements of the carbon nanotube fibres in the matrix com- The shear thickening behaviour and its performance will be
posites show a great impact on its final ballistic performances [111]. affected by different factors. Various researchers have studied and
Unlike the addition of nano-reinforcements to plastics and fibres, intensively discussed the relationship between the different pa-
another study investigated the effect of nano-reinforcements rameters and their performances [42] [122] [121]. The particle size
infusion into an epoxy layer on the ballistic performances of bi- distribution, solid volume fraction, particle size, particle shape and
M.A. Abtew, F. Boussu and P. Bruniaux Defence Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 15. Ultrafast stroboscopic imaging of individual fibres subjected to the supersonic transverse impact of a probe-particle. (a) Schematic of sequential deformation shapes of a
fibre under a probe-particle impact. (b) Optical image of four fibres suspended in the air. The typical size of a probe particle is depicted. Femtosecond multi-exposure micrographs of
(c) aluminium, (d) nylon, (e) Kevlar, and (f) CNTF showing real-time deformation of the fibres [113].
Fig. 16. The basic hydro cluster mechanism and its schematic representation of shear-thinning and shear-thickening forming behaviours of particle suspensions [42] [121].
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Fig. 18. Force generation and energy absorption graphs of untreated Kevlar fabric, and Force generation and energy absorption graphs of STF treated Kevlar fabric at (b) (50%,
2.0 bar), (c) 60%, 2.0 bar and (d) 70%, 2.0 bar [131].
Table 1
The ballistic impact energy absorption by KevlareSTF composites with different padding pressure(bar) and silica concentration (%) in dynamic impact test [132].
Padding pressure/bar Silica concentration/% Impact Energy/J % increase in impact energy Impact energy/J % increase in impact energy
to 45 wt %) revealed an increment in the energy absorption capa- causing a decrease in the energy absorption [138]. Apart from 2D
bilities of composites. woven fabric structure, nowadays 3D woven fabrics impregnated
Besides, the specific energy absorption (SEA) based on the with shear thickening fluid has been also involved and investigated
normalized areal density of the neat and impregnated fabrics for developing higher performance body armour [139].
revealed the SEA of 15 wt % nano-silica loading is lower compared For example, one of the researches has engineered five different
to the neat fabric. However, 35 wt % STF/Kevlar composites show structures of 3D woven orthogonal aramid fabrics based on binding
the highest and 2.3 times larger SEA than those of the neat fabric. and stuffer warp yarn ratios and treated with shear thickening fluid
Unlike other researchers, one of the studies has revealed that (STF) for soft body armour [140]. The STF treated 3D woven fabric
the Shear thickening fluid (STF) impregnated fabrics brought an and its corresponding net fabric were tested against the energy
improved ballistic performance against impacts but its effect was absorption and back face signature (BFS). Even though STF
not obvious at high impact velocity (e.g., 300 m/s). The study uti- impregnation generally improved the impact of energy absorption
lizes the single-ply and 10-ply neat and STF-impregnated aramid and BFS depth as shown in Fig. 23. Moreover, STF treated 3D woven
fabric panels and tested against high impact velocities (500 m/s). aramid fabrics with higher stuffer to binding yarns (revealed much
Based on the investigations, the specific energy absorption (SEA) better impact energy absorption and bullet resistance due to its
of the single-ply and 10-ply STF impregnated fabric panels was good synergy effects of the fabric with STF. For example, STF
found 44.8% and 64.1% lower than that of their corresponding neat impregnated 3D fabrics with 4:1 and stuffer to binder ratio per-
fabrics respectively as shown in Fig. 22 (a) and (b). Based on the formed the best in ballistic evaluations.
morphological mechanisms’ analysis Fig. 22(c), (d) (e) and (f)), due Besides the different STF parameter, the fabric count and shot
to the total movement constraint of the primary yarns in the STF location are also other factors which affect the ballistic perfor-
impregnation, the bullet velocities were reduced while perforating mances of shear thickening fluid (STF) treated p-aramid fabrics.
the fabrics. Such a mechanism helps to change only from tensile to One of the studies tested fabric panels made of different counts
shear dominant but also increases the possibility of earlier damage against 9 mm bullets at 436 m/s for body armour application. Based
and failure of the primary yarns, and reduces the pull outdistance, on the result, soft body armour panel made of higher fabric count
M.A. Abtew, F. Boussu and P. Bruniaux Defence Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx
Table 2 lower speeds (<700 m/s). However, one of the researchers tried to
Data of the ballistic samples ([135]). understand the impact energy absorption characteristics of neat
S. No. Sample Code Impact Velocity /(m∙s-1) Residue Velocity /(m∙s-1) fabric and STF impregnated Kevlar fabric specimens at higher
1 STF-100 nm-65% 181.4 92.1
speeds (>700 m/s). Based on the high-speed test, STF impregnation
2 STF-250 nm-67% 182.0 81.3 provides substantial energy absorption enhancement in terms of
3 STF-400 nm-67% 183.0 73.2 volume, areal density, and fabrication material cost. For example, a
4 STF-500 nm-67% 175.0 68.2 5-layer STF impregnated Kevlar configuration revealed similar
5 STF-750 nm-67% 178.1 59.1
specific energy absorption (SEA) as that of 8-layer neat Kevlar at a
6 STF-600 nm-67% 169.9 63.2
7 STF-600 nm-69% 176.1 57.1 normalized level in terms of areal density and thickness. This
8 STF-600 nm-70% 177.1 53.2 means that STF impregnated Kevlar provides an approximately 70%
9 STF-100 nm-71% 178.2 50.1 enhanced SEA over neat Kevlar [142]. Besides, the above high-
STF-100 nm-72% 179.0 47.1 velocity impact experiment conducted studies have been also
10 PEG-200 181.1 160.1
Fig. 20. Photographs of neat Kevlar fabric (a) and sphere silica/EG suspension treated Kevlar composite fabric (b) after ballistic resistance testing [136].
performed higher impact energy dissipation and lower BFS (back compared with the numerical result by using the commercial tool
face signature). Besides, shots at the edge of the target face a higher LS-DYNA [143]. Based on the experimental and numerical analysis,
ballistic limit value (V50), as well as the BFS value of the panels the friction between the impacting projectile, fabric, and yarns
[141]. The most researcher has investigated the impact energy ab- within the fabric during impact was found the major factor behind
sorption characteristics of STF impregnated fabric specimens at the the energy absorption mechanism of the material. Similarly,
M.A. Abtew, F. Boussu and P. Bruniaux Defence Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 21. (a) Energy absorption of two- and four-layer samples and (b) Specific energy absorption (SEA) of two- and four-layer samples, Panels in high velocity impact tests of (c) Neat
fabric, (d) Impregnated fabric with (d) 15 wt % STF (e) 25 wt % STF (f) 35 wt % STF (g) 45 wt % STF [137].
Fig. 22. Energy absorption and SEA at impact velocity (455e510 m/s) for (a) single-ply fabrics (b) 10-ply fabrics, and fiber damage after ballistic tests of (c) failed neat fabric, (d)
failed fabric with STF impregnation, (e) and(f) are SEM images and zoomed image of the failed fibers respectively [138].
another study has also studied the effect of STF impregnation fabric tested the ballistic impact performances of multi-phase STFs by
with effective dispersing silica nanoparticles in a suspension, adding different amount of silicon carbide (SiC) additives into silica
impregnating fabrics, and performing high-velocity impact exper- and polyethylene glycol (PEG) based suspensions using lead-core
iments (>1 km/s) to compare the post-impact characteristics be- bullets with an impact speed of ~330 m/s. The result shows that
tween neat and impregnated Kevlar fabrics. The high-velocity multi-phase STFs improve the ballistic performance of high-
impact of STF-impregnated Kevlar fabric revealed differences in the performance fabrics in comparison to single-phase STFs, however,
post-impact rear formation compared to neat Kevlar [144]. On the the mass efficiency of fabrics has a loss of performance for high-
other hand, the most researcher has extensively investigated the velocity impact conditions [145]. Some research has also attemp-
effects of Single-phase shear thickening fluids (STFs) for body ted to investigate numerically and computationally the potential of
protective applications. On the contrary, a study has fabricated and STF in ballistic application [146,147]. Some researcher has also
M.A. Abtew, F. Boussu and P. Bruniaux Defence Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 23. (a) Impact energy absorption by single layer and (b) Back Face Signature for different 3D fabric panels [140].
applied STF to enhance the stab performances of the body armour this section will discuss the current state-of-the-art of graphene
panel composites [127] [148] [149]. One of the studies has prepared research for body armour applications. Research study has studied
STF through ultrasound irradiation of silica nanoparticles dispersed the ballistic tests of graphene with the steel ball (Fig. 25 (b)) and the
in liquid polyethene glycol polymer to make STF/fabric composite result revealed that a layer of carbon one-atom thick can absorb
(Kevlar and Nylon fabrics as reinforcement) against Knife threats blows and the pure graphene performs twice as the currently used
and quasi-static penetration performances against both engineered fabrics in bulletproof vest applications. However, such high-speed
spike and knife [115]. The results showed that STF impregnated projectile methods make it very difficult not only to assess and
fabrics have better penetration resistance as compared to neat understand its toughness behaviour but also could not provide
fabrics without affecting the fabric flexibility and could be used for evidence of graphene’s real strength.
liquid body armour applications. Similar studies have also per- To avoid such a problem, a group of researcher from Rice Uni-
formed to study the stab resistance of shear thickening fluid (STF)- versity & University of Massachusetts [165] has come with a new
treated Kevlar® and Nylon fabrics [150]. With the same density, engineering method of miniaturized ballistics to test and describe
(STF)-treated Kevlar® and Nylon composites exhibit a significant the highestrain-rate behaviour of multilayer graphene over a range
improvement compared to neat fabric targets. Very recent works of thicknesses (10e100 nm). The study applied laser pulse to su-
also presented the recent advances and future potentials of the SSG perheat gold filaments until they vaporized (as gunpowder) to fire
(Shear stiffening gel) and its derivatives to involve in practical ap- such projectiles into 10 to 100 sheets of graphene at 3 km/s. Based
plications of sensors, energy devices, damper controls, and body on the results (as shown in Fig. 26), the single graphene sheets
armors [151]. dissipate kinetic energy by tensile stretching of the membrane a
cone shape followed by crystallographic directions at the impact
4.3. Applications of graphene on body armour development point, and then by cracking outward radially. In meantime, the
study suggested to use either multiple graphene layers or incor-
Graphene, which is the basic form of all graphitic structure, is a porating them into a composite structure to encounter the crack
two-dimensional (2D) crystal sheet of sp2-hybridized carbon spreading. However, the penetration energy for multilayer gra-
atoms with a single layer mostly organized in a honeycomb matrix phene was found ~10 times more than literature values for
structure (Fig. 25 (a). It was first discovered around 2004 by the macroscopic steel sheets at 600 m per second. Besides, the gra-
University of Manchester professors and presented their achieve- phene quickly absorbs, and dissipate its energy effectively to halt
ment in the science magazine [152]. It is a basic atomic monolayer the projectile due to its higher sound wave propagation perfor-
building block for other kinds of graphitic materials having mance, high strength, stiffness, and structural anisotropy than
different geometries which can be wrapped into spherical struc- steel. This makes the MLG an extraordinary armour material
tures (zero-dimensional fullerenes), rolled into one-dimensional revealing excellent impact energy delocalization under a super-
(1-D) structures (carbon nanotubes, CNTs), or stacked into three- sonic penetration event which consumes kinetic energy from the m-
dimensional (3-D) layered structures (graphite) as shown in bullet while the MLG membrane sustains high dynamic tensile
Fig. 24 (a) [153]. Graphene has also exceptionally high intrinsic stress, the m-bullet effectively experiences a higher areal density
strength and stiffness arising from the two-dimensional (2D) hex- material. The thin graphene atom revealed excellent mechanical
agonal lattice of covalently bonded carbon atoms. behaviours, but less performance in its hardness and transverse
It is considered the world’s thinnest, strongest, and most stiffness as compared to diamond. Besides, no research group has
conductive material in electricity and heat application. Its excellent performed a practical demonstration regarding the transformation
behaviours in its thermal conductivity, physical-chemical proper- of multilayer graphene into diamond-like ultrahard structures.
ties, fast mobility of charge carriers, electrical conductivity, me- However, a group of researchers from the University of New York
chanical strength, lightweight behaviours, biocompatibility etc. [166] has developed two-layer graphene (graphene foil) on
show a great interest in various field of application [153e156]. Due SiC(0001) which exhibits higher transverse stiffness and hardness.
to such outstanding behaviour, it has the potential to revolutionize The material is 1000 times thinner than a single hair but shows an
entire industries in the field of nanoelectronics, energy generation, excellent protective resistant toward perforation with diamond tips
nanocomposites, nanomedicine and biomaterials [157e164]. Its upon indentation.
introduction will discover new advanced materials, and many more Moreover, the two-layer graphene film even converts into a
future technologies will become realistic in the forthcoming years diamond-like film upon compression to produce a change in both
[154]. Recently, a great effort has been dedicated to assessing the elastic deformations and sp2 to sp3 chemical. However, the
potential applications of graphene and its oxide in the de- researcher also discovered that both experiments and theoretical
velopments of body armour. Even though there is a limited study, calculations, exhibits such reversible phase change did not work for
M.A. Abtew, F. Boussu and P. Bruniaux Defence Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 24. Mother of all graphitic forms, Graphene is a 2D building material for carbon materials of all other dimensionalities with (a) wrapping up into 0D buckyballs, (b) rolled into
1D nanotubes or (c) stacked into 3D graphite [153] and (d) Graphene application on Biomedical field [154].
Fig. 25. (a) Graphene structure and (b) miniature ballistic tests by firing tiny silica spheres at sheets of graphene [165].
Fig. 26. The micro ballistic experiment. (A) Scheme of the experiment. (B) Side-view image of a moving m-bullet taken by triple exposure at time steps t1 to t3. (C) MLG membrane
on a sample holder after a-LIPIT with 3 separate impact test regions (green backlight). (D) Schematic illustration of penetration steps: (i) pre-penetration stage; (ii) conic defor-
mation stage; (iii) fracture stage; and (iv) post penetration stage (film morphology) after penetration and relaxation. (E) Specific penetration energy of MLG, PMMA, and gold
membranes compared with macroscopic materials at various impact velocities [165].
either thicker graphene films (three to five layers) or a single SiC a flexible protective coating placed on top of body armour for
buffer layer due to higher thickness deters the phase trans- enhancing its strength. Recently, researchers become more inter-
formation as shown in Fig. 27. ested and greatly involved to further investigate and understand
The research also proposes the two-layer graphene film could as the extraordinary properties of graphene against ballistic impacts.
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One study has tried to predict the penetration resistance of multi- 0.50%) on the ballistic performance of Kevlar/Cocos nucifera
layer graphene membranes under uniaxial tension based on sheath-reinforced epoxy composites was investigated. Nine- and
analytical ab initio density functional theory calculations. Their 12-layered laminates were fabricated with different numbers of
prediction confirms that continuous graphene membranes perform Kevlar and Cocos nucifera sheath plies. Based on the result, the
extraordinary performance on penetration at masses up to 100x addition of GnPs improved the energy absorption by 8.5% (nine
lighter than existing state-of-the-art barrier materials [167]. plies) and 12.88% (12 plies) and the ballistic limit by 4.28% (nine
Another study also investigated the quasi-static and dynamic plies) and 6.17% (12 plies), respectively at 0.25 wt %. However,
loading responses of multilayer graphene/polyvinyl alcohol (MLG/ hybrid Kevlar/Cocos nucifera sheath/epoxy/GnP composites and
PVA) and compared them with pure PVA and aluminium (having Cocos nucifera sheath/epoxy/GnP laminated composites decreased
equal areal mass). The MLG/PVA was produced with 10 m m thick the energy absorption and ballistic limit after the addition of GnPs
films, reinforced by 35 vol % MLG and 85 mm2 through graphene due to GnPs addition improved the interfacial interactions between
liquid exfoliation followed by filtration of the MLG/PVA dispersion. the fibre and GnP modified epoxy matrix, which is inappropriate to
The MLG/PVA films revealed a 50% higher ballistic limit and twice absorb and dissipate the kinetic energy of the projectile [172].
Young’s modulus than Aluminum films and pure PVA respectively. Another research also used graphene oxide (GO) reinforced
On contrary, MLG/PVA shows lower tensile strength and higher Twaron® fabric to improve the ballistic properties of the material.
load carrying capacity compared to Aluminum films [168]. Another The results show a better resistive force of the two filtrations GO
study has also proposed a multi-layered grapheneepolyethylene coated fabric, up to 50%, when compared to the plain as-received
nanocomposite as a lightweight and energy-absorbing material fabric while subjected to ballistic tests with 9 mm ammunition
[169]. To strengthen the current investigations values of graphene [173].
under impact operations, a recent study has suggested a combined
numerical and analytical modelling system. The study involves
reactive molecular dynamics for ballistic tests on single, double, 5. Conclusions
and triple-layered graphene sheets at experimental velocity values
in their numerical modelling. Thus, both simulations and experi- It is very challenging to improve simultaneously protection and
ments agree that as the layer number (N) increases (from ~15 MJ/kg comfort while developing body armour. Either the comfort or
for N ¼ 1 to ~0.9 MJ/kg for N ¼ 350), then the specific penetration weight of body armour will be sacrificed to maintain better pro-
energy decreases [170]. Another study has also fabricated tection or vice-versa. Many researchers, engineers, armour de-
graphene-based nanocomposites with polyester resin matrix velopers and manufacturers have worked very hard to challenge
doped in pristine few-layer graphene (FLG) and reinforced with such problems and bring innovative solutions based on various
glass fibre fabric (FGRP) with 0.25% and 1% w/w doping percentages parameters. The current paper critically reviews and gives a detail
range. The impact test against 7.62 51 mm NATO Ball ammunition discussion to understand the various armour panel designs, spe-
& V0 (NATO STANAG 2920 standard) shows that an increment of cifically for women, and the present and future era armour
doping percentage graphene raises its Vo values (reach 266.4 m/s at materials.
1% w/w), which is 72.2% improvement as compared with non- The different researcher has proposed various armour design
doped FRGP laminate. Besides, the graphene doped samples (gra- techniques specifically used for women body, such as cut-and-
phene-based nanocomposites) revealed better tensile and impact stitch, folding and overlapping, moulding etc. All the designing
properties and claimed to be a promising research area for devel- techniques shows their advantages and disadvantageous in the
oping a new generation of body armour systems with better pro- final performances. For example, cut-and-stitch brought the
tection levels in terms of ballistic performance and comfort [171]. weakest point on the stitch line and discomfort around the dart due
Researchers have also involved derivatives of such materials with to accumulations of fabrics. Fabric folding and overlapping also
the existing body armour to enhance its performances. The effect of revealed some limitations on performance due to material
graphene nanoplatelets (GnPs) with different wt. % (0%, 0.25%, discontinuity and weak stitching area around the folded materials.
On contrary, moulding techniques gives produces the required
Fig. 27. TEM images of (a) 5-L graphene on SiC (0001) (b) the buffer layer on SiC (0001), (c) 2-L epitaxial graphene on SiC. Scale bar, 5 nm, and Indentation curves of (d) SiC, HOPG
and 10-L graphene on SiC (000e1), (e) 5-L graphene on SiC (0001), (f) the buffer layer on SiC (0001) and (g) 2-L epitaxial graphene (red) and SiC (black). For 2-L graphene, curves
were acquired at different positions on different samples [166].
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