Cdra Faci Guide

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Climate and Disaster Risk

Assessment (CDRA)


What is Climate and Disaster Risk Assessment (CDRA)?*

The Climate and Disaster Risk Assessment is the process of studying risks and vulnerabilities of ex-
posed elements namely, people, urban areas, agriculture, forestry and fishery production areas, critical
point facilities, lifelines and other infrastructure associated with natural hazards and climate change. It
seeks to establish risk and vulnerable areas by analyzing the underlying factors on hazard, exposure,
vulnerability/sensitivity, and adaptive capacities. The CDRA facilitates the identification of priority deci-
sion areas and allow the identification of various disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation
measures in the form of land use policy interventions (i.e. land use policies, zoning provisions, support
legislation, programs and projects) to address current and prevent future risks and vulnerabilities.
The CDRA involves six (6) major steps:

1. Collect and organize climate change and hazard information

2. Scope the potential impacts of climate change and hazard
3. Develop the exposure database
4. Conduct climate change vulnerability assessment (CCVA)
5. Conduct disaster risk assessment
6. Summarize findings

Source: Supplemental Guidelines on Mainstreaming Climate and Disaster Risks in the Compre-
hensive Land Use Plans (Executive Summary), HLURB
Collect and organize climate change and
hazard information
Step 1 involves gathering and analysis of data on historical climate trends 1
including seasonal increase/decrease of temperature and precipitation and
the changes in number of days with extreme events. It also involves the
establishment of data on previous disasters and hazards that have affected
the locality.

What are the objectives of Step 1?

 Understand the various future climate What are the Outputs?
scenario/s by analyzing climate change
1. Local Climate Change Projections
 Characterize the natural hazards that may 2. Inventory of natural hazards and their
potentially affect the locality/barangay; and characteristics
 Understand previous disasters and severely 3. Tabular compilation of historical disaster
affected elements. damage/loss data
4. Summary of barangay-level hazard
inventory matrix

How much time will Step

1 require?

Two (2) days to conduct step

1 provided that the data re-
quirements are prepared be-

Who should participate?

What are the information
requirements and their primary
sources?  City/Municipal Agriculturist
 City/Municipal Planning Development
 Local Disaster Risk Reduction Manage-
ment Officer
 City/Municipal Local Government Op-
eration Officer
 City/Municipal Environment and Natu-
ral Resources Officer
 City/Municipal Health Officer
 City/Municipal Social and Welfare De-
velopment Officer
 GIS Expert

LGUs may include other participants as

deemed necessary.

Ensure that the data required are com-

plete before the actual workshop,
including base and hazards maps from
mandated agencies. Inform the team of
the needed data for the workshops.
Step 1 Process
1 Collect and organize climate change information

The task involves collecting and reviewing important climate change information relevant to the lo-
cal government units. Using the Climate Change in the Philippines developed by PAGASA, the sea-
sonal changes in 1) temperature, 2) rainfall, and 3) extreme events for 2020 and 2050 in the
locality can be generated.
The computed values can be summarized and organized using Table 1: Projected Changes in
Climate Variables.

Request the Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) to
discuss Climate Scenarios and Projections to the participants including the process of deriving the season-
al changes.

Request PAGASA for downscaled climate projection. Ensure that all requests are made 2-3
weeks before the conduct of the workshop to give the mandated agencies time to prepare for
the needed data.

2 Collect and organize hazard information

This involves gathering and analyzing hazard information to better understand the various natural
hazards affecting the locality. It also involves an inventory of historical disasters to establish
patterns of hazards in terms of its intensity and magnitude, including the scale of damages to
property (i.e. agriculture, houses, socio-economic support infrastructure and utilities) and how it
affected local communities (fatalities, injuries and number of severely affected families). At the end
of this task, LGUs should be able to compile the necessary hazard maps and describe the hazard
susceptibilities of barangays or specific areas within the city or municipality.

Gather hazard maps from mandated agencies and conduct ground validation if necessary.
The facilitator may include a session on the compilation, review and validation of risk maps
(hazard and resources maps) prior to the conduct of Step 1. The mandated agencies such as
the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) and the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and
Seismology (PHIVOLCS) may also be invited to discuss geo-hazards and existing hazard maps.
Compile and review the hazard maps considering the source (mandated agency), scale, year it
was published and the information that can be generated from them. Direct the participants to
organize the findings in the Table 2. Hazard Inventory Matrix and description, columns a, b,
c and d.

Coordinate with the concerned agencies for the presentation and interpretation of
technical inputs.

Include the following as resource persons:

 PAGASA for climate projections
 PHIVOLCS for earthquake-related hazards
 MGB for flood-induced landslide and other geologic hazards maps
Based on the hazard maps collected and validated, prepare an analysis
based on the susceptibility of the municipality/city, the magnitude and
speed of onset of the hazard, the likelihood of occurrence and the areas

Instruct the participants to summarize the analysis using the Table 2

Hazard Inventory Matrix and description, columns e, f, g, h and i.

3 Analyze previous disasters

The record of past disaster events will provide a better understanding of hazards, specifically,
the pattern of occurrence, observed or experienced magnitude/intensity, and areas that are
often affected. The analysis of disaster records will generate information that the hazard maps
do not contain consider the number of casualties, affected families and individuals, and the
damaged houses and infrastructure.

Ask the participants to refer to Table 3: Records of Previous Disasters and provide the needed
information. The data can generated from the existing records of the Local Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management Office (LDRRMO) or other community-based DRRM data that the LGU have.

Workshops may be conducted through breakout or plenary sessions considering the time and duration of 2
days allotted for Step 1.

4 Prepare a hazard susceptibility inventory matrix

Based on hazard maps, and climate change projections, prepare a hazard susceptibility inventory
matrix in order to describe the susceptibilities of the municipality/city for sudden and slow onset
hazards. Hazard susceptibility attributed to climate change (i.e. sea-level rise), including past
extreme weather events (drought) experienced by the municipality, can also be included.

Instruct the participants to indicate in the table, through checkmarks, the Table 4: Hazard
Susceptibility Inventory Matrix the hazards that have affected and that may affect Ba-
rangays regardless of the degree of impact or frequency of the hazard.

Allot 2 weeks for the validation of the results of Step 1 before proceeding to Step 2 of CDRA process.
Scope the potential impacts of climate
change and hazard
This step summarizes the initial scoping of potential hazards affecting the locality, including the
associated impacts of climate change. These are based on the findings from the initial scoping
of climate trends, climate change, and compilation of hazard maps. This involves identifying
various climate stimuli from climate trends, climate change projections, and hazards that will
likely affect the municipality and the chain of direct and indirect impacts that may likely affect the
various systems of interest and development sectors.

What is the objective of Step 2?

 Scope the potential impacts of climate change and What are the Outputs?
hazards on relevant sectors
1. Summary of potential climate change
impacts and potentially exposed units
2. Impact Chain Diagrams per sector or
systems of interest
How much time will Step
2 require?

Three (3) days

Who should participate?

What are the information
requirements and their primary
1. City/Municipal Planning Development
sources? Coordinator
2. City/Municipal Agriculturist
3. City/Municipal Health Officer
4. City/Municipal Social and Welfare
Development Officer
Step 2 will utilize the enhance outputs of Step 1. 5. City/Municipal Engineer
6. Local Disaster Risk Reduction
Management Officer
7. City/Municipal Local Government
Operation Officer
8. Local Economic and Investment
Promotions Officer (LEIPO)
9. City/Municipal Environment and Natural
Resources Officer
10. Sanguniang Panlungsod/Bayan Representative

LGUs may include other participants as

deemed necessary.
Step 1 Process
1 Identify the various climate stimuli

Based on the projected changes in the mean climate variables identified in Table 1 of Step 1,
derive the relevant climatic stimuli that would likely affect the locality and systems of interest.
The systems of interest include Population, Natural Resources, Critical Facilities, Urban Use,
and Infrastructures and Utilities.

Climate change stimuli refer to the general changes expected in the climate. These include
changes in seasonal temperature and rainfall, number of dry days, sea level rise, and number
of days with extreme temperatures.

Instruct the participants to indicate in the Columns F to J of Table 1. Projected Changes

in Climate Variables and potential affected exposure units whether the systems of
interest are likely to be affected or not by climate stimuli.

2 Prepare sectoral impact chain diagrams

Impact chains provide the most important chains of cause and effect leading to the potential
impacts relevant in the planning area. This can help identify the key development areas/
sectors where climate change and disasters will likely impact and guide the detailed study of
establishing the level of risks and vulnerabilities of the area.

Based on the identified climate stimuli (including the potentially affected systems of inter-
ests), ask the participants to identify the potential direct and indirect impacts of the cli-
mate stimuli to the various sectors or systems of interest. Formulate impact chain analysis
for each of the systems of interest per climate stimulus per hazard (refer to Figure 2 for
climate-related hazards) or per hazard (Refer to Figure 3 for geologic hazards).

3 Summarize findings

At the end of this task, the participants will have an initial scoping of the potential
manifestations of climate change and the various direct and indirect impacts to the relevant
planning sectors and systems of interest. This will facilitate the identification of relevant
sectors in the city/municipality which will be covered in the climate and disaster risk

Given that the climate stimuli and the sectors and systems of interest potentially to be af-
fected have been identified and analyzed through impact chains, ask the participants to
enumerate and summarize how the various climate stimuli or hazard will impact the
systems of interest sectors. Table 5: Climate Change Impacts is provided for the results.
Develop the Exposure Database
The Exposure Database provides baseline information pertaining to 3
the elements at risk. Elements at risk refer to population, assets,
structures, economic activities, and environmental resources which
are located in areas exposed to potential impacts of climate change
and damaging hazard events.
The exposure data shall provide the location, vulnerability/sensitivity
and adaptive capacity attributes of the exposed elements which are
necessary information when conducting Step 4: Climate Change
Vulnerability Assessment (CCVA) and Step 5: Disaster Risk
Assessment (DRA).
Ideally, each element must be geo-referenced and accordingly
What are the Outputs?
reflected on a map. This will facilitate overlay with hazard maps and
maps depicting impacts of climate change, such as sea level rise, 1. Exposure and Sensitivity Database
which will be the basis in estimating the exposed elements expressed 2. Attribute information on exposure,
in terms of area, number and/or unit cost. sensitivity/adaptive capacity of the
various exposure elements
The HLURB Supplemental Guidelines on Mainstreaming CDRA in the 3. Base (Exposure) Map
CLUP is primarily focused on the analysis of the exposed units in
terms of population, urban use area, natural resource-based
production, critical point facilities, and lifeline utilities. Other area– or
element-based information should also be gathered to establish the
sensitivity/vulnerability and adaptive capacity of the exposed elements
which will be the basis for estimating the levels of risk and

What are the objectives of Step 3? How much time will

Step 3 require?
 Prepare an exposure database that will contain
baseline information on potentially affected
elements Three (3) days
 Describe the vulnerabilities/sensitivities of the
elements using indicators
 Describe the adaptive capacities of elements
using various indicators
 Provide the baseline information for the conduct LGUs may include other participants as
of the Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment deemed necessary.
(CCVA) and Disaster Risk Assessment (DRA)
Include GIS Expert as Local Resource

Who should participate?

City/Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator Liga ng mga Barangay President

City/Municipal Agriculture Officer City/Mun Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Officer
City/Municipal Health Officer City/Municipal Local Government Operations Officer
City/Municipal Social Welfare and Development Officer City/Municipal Treasurer and Budget Officers
City/Municipal Engineer City/Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Officer

Representative from DepEd/CHED Local Economic Investment and Promotions Officer

City/Municipal Tourism Officer GIS Expert/Mapper
City/Municipal Market Administrator CBMS Data Manager
What are the information requirements and
their primary sources?
Source Data/Information needed
CLUP Land Uses (in hectares)
M/CAO Percentage of farming families dependent to commercial input
M/CAO Number of fishers without access to hazard information
M/CAO Percentage farming areas without technical support
M/CAO Percentage of farmers without access to alternative livelihood
M/CAO Percentage of fisherfolks without own boats & fishing nets
M/CAO Percentage of fisherfolks without access to alternative livelihood
M/CAO Number of fisherfolks without direct access to market
M/CAO Area Allocation for farming (in hectares)
M/CAO Area devoted to livestock farming (in hectares)
M/CAO Area devoted to crop farming (in hectares)
M/CAO Area devoted to aquaculture (in hectares)
M/CAO Areas without irrigation coverage (rain fed) (in hectares)
M/CAO Number of production areas without post-harvest facilities
M/CENRO Number of post harvest facilities /processing plants
M/CENRO Number of species of endemic flora in the forest area
M/CENRO Number of species of endemic fauna in the forest area
M/CENRO Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title/Claim (CADT /CADC) (in hectares)
M/CENRO Protected area (in hectares)
M/CENRO Declared Community-based Forest Management (CBFM) (in hectares)
M/CENRO Agricultural area (in hectares)
M/CENRO Mangrove area (in hectares)
M/CENRO Fish sanctuary area (in hectares)
M/CENRO Declared watershed area (in hectares)
M/CENRO Number of persons living within the forest area
M/CENRO Number of persons dependent to forest/watershed for survival
M/CENRO Number of persons living within the watershed area
M/CENRO Area susceptible to forest fires (in hectares)
M/CENRO Area affected by indiscriminate cutting of trees (in hectares)
M/CENRO Area susceptible to forest fires (in hectares)
M/CENRO Area where kaingin exists (in hectares)
M/CENRO Percentage of household without proper waste segregation
Total number of lying-in clinics with birthing facilities and type (wood,
steel, mixed)
Other government owned halls (please specify names) and type (wood, steel,
M/CEO Number of livestock and poultry houses without slaughter houses
Number and percentage of health centers that are dilapidated, needs renova-
tion, etc.
M/CEO Number and percentage of health centers without toilet facilities
M/CEO Area with electricity & water supply (in hectares)
Source Data/Information needed
M/CEO Number of Farm-to-Market Road
M/CEO Name and length of Farm-to-Market Road (in kilometers)
M/CEO Number of bridges
M/CEO Name and type of construction material of bridges
M/CEO Irrigation system (in hectares)
M/CEO Number and type of drainage systems
M/CEO Number of roads
M/CEO Name of roads and classification
M/CEO Number of flood control dikes
M/CEO Length of flood control dikes (in kilometers)
M/CEO Length of sea walls (in kilometers)
M/CEO Number of electric towers
M/CEO Number of power lines
M/CEO Number of TelCom Towers (Company)
M/CEO Percentage of wooden electric post
M/CEO Percentage of cemented/asphalt roads
M/CEO Percentage of rough roads
M/CEO Percentage of areas without road access
M/CEO Percentage of areas without upgraded drainage system
M/CEO Road type and conditions leading to health centers
M/CEO Road type and conditions leading to schools, school buildings
M/CEO Road type and conditions leading to health centers
M/CEO Number and name of parks and recreation facilities
M/CEO Number of public markets
M/CEO Number of evacuation center
M/CEO Number of buildings for industrial use
M/CEO Number of buildings for commercial use
M/CPDC Percentage of agriculture farmers
M/CPDC Percentage of fisherfolks
M/CPDC Number of farming dependents households
M/CPDC Number of livestock dependents households
M/CPDC Number of farmers without access to hazard information
M/CPDC Number and names of multipurpose halls
M/CPDC Total number of material recovery facilities (MRF)
M/CPDC Number of irrigation facilities
M/CPDC Number of fishports
M/CPDC Number of storage facilities
M/CPDC Number of public markets without access to water supply
M/CPDC Number of Public markets without access to electricity
M/CPDC Total number of hospitals
M/CEO Name of hospital and type (wood, steel, mixed)
M/CEO Number of buildings per hospital
Source Data/Information needed
M/CPDC Number of health workers per health center
M/CHO Number of RHU without qualified health personnel
M/CHO Number of RHUs without basic health equipment/facilities /supplies
M/CPDC Total number of health centers and type (wood, steel, mixed)
M/CPDC Number of health centers without access to water supply
M/CPDC Number of health centers without access to electricity
M/CPDC Number of hospitals without access to electricity
M/CPDC Number of hospitals without access to water supply
M/CPDC Number of hospitals without access to water supply
M/CEO Number and percentage of one-storey Rural Health Units (RHUs)
M/CPDC Number of incidence of waterborne diseases
M/CPDC School name and type of construction materials (wood, steel, mixed)
M/CPDC School classification (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary)
M/CPDC Total number of classrooms per school building
M/CEO Number and percentage of one-storey school buildings
M/CEO Number and percentage of school buildings that are dilapidated, needs renovation, etc.
M/CEO Number and percentage of schools used as evacuation areas

M/CEO Type of roofing materials of school buildings (asphalt, wood, metal, vinyl, rolled)

M/CEO Number of toilets per school building

M/CPDC Number of schools without access to electricity
M/CPDC Number of teachers per school
M/CPDC Number of students per school
M/CPDC Total number of population
M/CPDC Total number of households
M/CPDC Male and female population
M/CPDC Number of informal settlers
M/CPDC Number of young dependents (0-15 yo)
M/CPDC Number of old dependents (>60 yo)
M/CPDC Number of persons with disabilities (PWD)
M/CPDC Percentage of households living below the poverty threshold
M/CPDC Percentage of population without regular income/ employment
M/CPDC Percentage of population without access to hazard information
M/CPDC Percentage of households without access to water
M/CPDC Number and percentage of households without electricity
M/CPDC Number of indigenous peoples
M/CHO Percentage of malnourished children individuals
M/CHO Percentage of malnourished old individuals
M/CHO Percentage of population without access to PhilHealth
Step 3 Process
Prepare exposure and sensitivity database and
compile attributes

The exposure database should be map-based; however, data can be generated from the barangay level (through
ground truthing). The exposure database for CDRA will make use Tables 6.1 to 6.5 to cover all the systems of interest.

1.1 Prepare exposure maps

Prepare a base map of population, shelter/settlement, infrastructures including lifelines and critical facilities
(health, schools, and sports and recreation, roads and bridges, watershed), central business centers, crops
fisheries and livestock, and other elements that may be identified by the LGU.

Instruct the LGUs to prepare a base map before the conduct of Step 3. Separate base maps
for population, natural resources, urban use, critical facilities and lifeline infrastructures
should be produced.

1.2 Prepare the exposure database

Using the base maps produced and the available data gathered, instruct the participants to derive the
information (exposure indicators) required as indicated in the Exposure column (Column B) of the
exposure database.

1.3 Prepare the sensitivity database

After indicating the exposure information, determine the sensitivity of the systems of interest of the locality. Sensitivity
implies the characteristics and conditions that make the exposed elements easily affected.

Ask the participants to supply the Column C (Sensitivity) of the exposure database using the given

The facilitator/s may ask the LGU point If the information will be supplied in
persons to supply the exposure database advance, the workshop for Step 3 can
to shorten the duration of the writeshop. devoted to the validation of maps and
The base maps can also be prepared the exposure database. Given this
beforehand with the assistance of GIS scenario, the facilitator can proceed to
expert/s if available. Step 4.
Gather indicators related to adaptive capacity of the exposed elements

Adaptive capacity is the ability of a system to adjust to climate change (including climate variability and extremes) to
moderate potential damages, to take advantage of opportunities, or to cope with the consequences. It is the
combination of abilities and efforts in both physical elements (infrastructure, material wealth, technology) and social/
institutional elements (human/social capital including information, governance/institutional strength) to adapt to climate

Ask the participants to evaluate the adaptive capacity of the LGU given the exposed elements and
sensitivities of the barangays and the city/municipality, using the following six (6) dimensions:

1. Wealth – Financial resources

2. Information – Level of knowledge, info dissemination
3. Technology – Example: drought resistant crop types being tested, research conducted
4. Institution and Governance – Policies, plans and programs
5. Social capital – Capacities, organized groups, CSO, trained staff
6. Infrastructure – Structures to withstand climate projections

Instruct the participants to summarize the findings in the Adaptive Capacity Column (Column D).

6 Dimensions of Adaptive Capacity Examples

Institutions and Governance
Social Capital
Conduct a Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment
The Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment (CCVA) is a tool which assesses the vulnerabil- 4
ities of the locality to various climate-related stimuli. The tool is qualitative in approach in order
to determine the level of vulnerability and the underlying factors contributing to vulnerability by
looking into the extent of exposure, and analyzing sensitivities and adaptive capacities. This
will facilitate the identification of decision areas, planning implications, and policy interventions
considering the impacts of projected climate stimuli.

What are the objectives of Step 4?

 Determine exposed elements to the various What are the Outputs?
climate stimuli
1. Impact Area Map
 Analyze and determine sensitivities
2. CCVA summary decision areas and
 Identify potential impacts of climate change to the issues matrix
system 3. CCVA vulnerability assessment
 Analyze adaptive capacities matrix
 Determine level of vulnerabilities
 Identify land use planning decision sectors and/or

How much time will

LGUs may include other participants as deemed
Step 4 require? necessary.

Three (3) to five (5) days

The facilitator/s may invite technical resource
person to discussions on technical information
necessary for CCVA (i.e. climate stimuli,
mapping scales).

Who should participate?

City/Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator Liga ng mga Barangay President

City/Municipal Agriculture Officer City/Mun Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Officer
City/Municipal Health Officer City/Municipal Local Government Operations Officer
City/Municipal Social Welfare and Development Officer City/Municipal Treasurer and Budget Officers
City/Municipal Engineer City/Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Officer

Representative from DepEd/CHED Local Economic Investment and Promotions Officer

City/Municipal Tourism Officer GIS Expert/Mapper
City/Municipal Market Administrator CBMS Data Manager
What are the information
requirements and their primary
sources? STEP

Step 4 will utilize the information from Step 3.

Step 4 Process

Identify the System of Interest, Climate Stimuli and

Impact Area

1.1 Derive the climate stimuli and affected systems of interest

The impact area reflects the spatial extent of the potential effect of the climate stimuli. Climate stimuli might affect a
number of barangays or could be the entire city or municipality.

Using Table 7. Impact Area and Climate Stimuli, instruct the participants to derive the climate
stimuli identified in Step 2. Determine the impact area in Column B.

Ask the participants to identify the systems of interest (population, natural resources, urban use
areas and infrastructures) and the sectors that are going to be affected by the climate stimuli in
Columns C and D of Table 7.

1.2 Generate Impact Area Map

An impact area can be mapped out to represent the areas of coverage and to facilitate the identification of exposed
units. The impact area map is a map similar to a hazard map but shows areas that are could potentially be affected by
climate stimuli such as sea level rise and increase in the number of dry days.

Using the base maps collected in Step 1 or the exposure maps produced in Step 3, instruct the
C/MPDC and GIS staff, or tap GIS experts if available, to generate impact area maps of the climate
stimuli for every potentially affected system of interest. There should be separate map for every
hazard brought by climate stimuli (i.e sea level rise) on population, natural resources, urban use
areas and infrastructure.

Climate Variable refers to Climate Stimuli refers to refer to the general

changes expected in the climate. These include
changes in seasonal temperature and rainfall,
number of dry days, sea level rise, and number
of days with extreme temperatures.
Determine the Exposed Units and
Conduct Sensitivity Analysis STEP
The indicators in the exposure database gathered in Step 3 shall be the same indicators of
exposed elements and sensitivity in the CCVA.

The participants may overlay the exposure maps (in Step 3) and the Impact Area Map to have a better view
of the exposed units. Based on the overlay of the map, identify the exposed elements for each system of
interest. The exposed elements shall be indicated in the Exposure Column (Column B) and Sensitivity Col-
umn (Column C) of the following Tables:

 Population in Table 8.1

 Natural Resources in Table 8.2
 Critical Facilities in Table 8.3
 Lifeline Facilities in Table 8.4
 Urban Use in Table 8.5

3 Evaluate the Adaptive Capacity

Evaluate the various adaptive capacities of the systems of interest by referring to the adaptive capacity indica-
tors in the exposure database (Step 3). These indicators of adaptive capacities can describe whether the system
is able to accommodate or cope with the impacts with very minimal disruption or short to long term detrimental

Evaluate the various adaptive capacities of the systems of interest by referring to the adaptive capacity indicators Evaluate
the various adaptive capacities of the systems of interest by referring to the adaptive capacity indicators in Column D.
4 Rate the Degree of Impact

The impact rating represents the level and kind of impacts the system is likely to experience, and time and resources needed for
interventions to return to pre-impact levels.

Based on the exposure data, the degree of sensitivities of the exposed units, and identified potential impacts, qualitatively
determine the degree of impact. The participants will be assigned to rate the Degree of Impact in Column E using the de-
gree of impact scoring and description (see table below).

The facilitator may divide that participants into groups to facilitate scoring.

Degree of
Degree of
Impact Description
Estimated direct impacts in terms of number of fatalities, injuries and value of property damage will be
disastrous given the extent of exposure and current sensitivity of the system. Medium to long term indi-
High 3
rect impacts will also be experienced which may affect development processes. Significant costs needed
to return to pre-impact
Moderate direct impacts in terms of terms of number of fatalities, injuries and value of property damage
are expected given the extent of exposure and current sensitivities of the system. Short to medium term
Moderate 2
indirect impacts will also be experienced which may affect development processes. Medium to low cost
needed to return to pre-impact levels within a short to medium time period.
Estimated direct and indirect impacts are low to negligible which can be felt within a short term period.
Low 1 Minimal impacts to development processes and no significant cost needed to return to pre-impact levels.

5 Rate the Adaptive Capacity

Similar to the process of assigning the degree of impact score, instruct the participants to qualitatively as-
sign the adaptive capacity score for each element exposed in Column F using the suggested scoring system

Degree of Adaptive
Adaptive Capacity Description
Capacity Rating
The system is not exible to accommodate changes in the climate. Addressing the impacts will be costly.
Low 3
The LGU and property owners will require external assistance to address the impacts.
Addressing the impacts will require signi cant cost but it is still within the capacity of the system to adapt
Moderate 2 to potential impacts. It can accommodate within its resources the cost for adapting and mitigating im-
The system is able to accommodate changes in climate. There are adaptation measures in place to ad-
High 1
dress impacts.

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