Antibiotics 09 00119 With Cover
Antibiotics 09 00119 With Cover
Antibiotics 09 00119 With Cover
Special Issue
Targeting β-lactamases to Fight Bacterial Resistance to β-lactam Antibiotics
Edited by
Dr. Cecilia Pozzi
Insights into Acinetobacter baumannii: A Review of
Microbiological, Virulence, and Resistance Traits in a
Threatening Nosocomial Pathogen
Carole Ayoub Moubareck 1, *,† and Dalal Hammoudi Halat 2,†
1 College of Natural and Health Sciences, Zayed University, Dubai P.O. Box 144534, UAE
2 Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, Lebanese International University, Beirut,
Bekaa Campuses 1103, Lebanon; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +971-4-402-1745
† Authors contributed equally to the manuscript.
Received: 3 February 2020; Accepted: 2 March 2020; Published: 12 March 2020
Abstract: Being a multidrug-resistant and an invasive pathogen, Acinetobacter baumannii is one of the
major causes of nosocomial infections in the current healthcare system. It has been recognized as an
agent of pneumonia, septicemia, meningitis, urinary tract and wound infections, and is associated
with high mortality. Pathogenesis in A. baumannii infections is an outcome of multiple virulence
factors, including porins, capsules, and cell wall lipopolysaccharide, enzymes, biofilm production,
motility, and iron-acquisition systems, among others. Such virulence factors help the organism to resist
stressful environmental conditions and enable development of severe infections. Parallel to increased
prevalence of infections caused by A. baumannii, challenging and diverse resistance mechanisms in
this pathogen are well recognized, with major classes of antibiotics becoming minimally effective.
Through a wide array of antibiotic-hydrolyzing enzymes, efflux pump changes, impermeability,
and antibiotic target mutations, A. baumannii models a unique ability to maintain a multidrug-resistant
phenotype, further complicating treatment. Understanding mechanisms behind diseases, virulence,
and resistance acquisition are central to infectious disease knowledge about A. baumannii. The aims
of this review are to highlight infections and disease-producing factors in A. baumannii and to touch
base on mechanisms of resistance to various antibiotic classes.
1. Introduction
Over the last decades, Acinetobacter baumannii has globally emerged as a highly troublesome
nosocomial pathogen. Its clinical significance has been largely driven by a remarkable ability to acquire
or upregulate various resistance determinants, making it one of the most successful multidrug-resistant
(MDR) organisms threatening current antibiotic therapy [1]. On top of such fascinating resistance
acquisition, A. baumannii is endowed with multiple mechanisms of survival under a wide range of
environments, potentiating capacity for hospital spread [2]. The attributable mortalities in patients
with A. baumannii healthcare-associated infections, of which ventilator-associated pneumonia and
bloodstream infections are the most common, can range from 5% in general hospital wards to 54%
in the intensive care unit (ICU) [3], with increasing reports of community-acquired A. baumannii
infections [4]. Mounting evidence of extensively drug-resistant (XDR) and pandrug-resistant (PDR)
isolates of A. baumannii is also accumulating in different countries [5–7]. The World Health Organization
(WHO) has assigned A. baumannii as a critical priority pathogen posing a great threat to human health,
and towards which new antibiotics are urgently needed [8]. Such clinical and public health implications
underlie the need to further understand and evaluate both disease and antibiotic resistance mechanisms
in this pathogen. The aims of the current review are to highlight clinically relevant infections and
disease-producing factors in A. baumannii, and to revise its mechanisms of resistance to various
antibiotic classes.
addressing risk factors for acquisition of A. baumannii have reported multiple culprits including long
ICU stay, previous hospital or ICU stay, previous antimicrobial therapy, mechanical ventilation, use of
devices (indwelling catheters, endotracheal tube or nasogastric tube), older age, major or emergent
surgery, low birth weight or prematurity, dialysis, and prolonged use of total parenteral nutrition
or intravenous lipids [23–26]. In recent years, A. baumannii infections involving respiratory tract,
bloodstream, skin and soft tissue, urinary tract, and central nervous system have emerged as highly
problematic in healthcare institutions. Figure 1 summarizes A. baumannii disease burden, resistance,
and endemicity in humans, animals, and the environment.
Figure 1. The dynamic microbiological nature of Acinetobacter baumannii derives from an interplay
between the associated infections, wide arsenal of virulence factors, multidrug-resistant phenotype,
and spread in animals and the environment.
parts of Australia, Oceania, and Asia, including Taiwan, China, and Thailand [36]. A recent Chinese
study reported A. baumannii CAP caused by a rare sporadic clone of sequence type 880 that carries the
plasmid-encoded blaOXA-72 gene conferring resistance to carbapenems [37]. Accumulating scientific
evidence about the role of A. baumannii in respiratory tract infections needs to be put in perspective for
better surveillance and control.
3.5. Meningitis
Nosocomial meningitis due to A. baumannii remains an increasing threat in intensive
care neurosurgery units, with mortality approaching 70%, especially in patients on indwelling
ventriculostomy tubes or cerebrospinal fistulae and receiving post-surgical antimicrobial therapy [55].
The largest case series of postneurosurgical A. baumannii meningitis published in 2019 revealed that
21% of isolates had XDR phenotype with sensitivity to only colistin and tigecycline. Furthermore,
age over 40, presence of external ventricular drain, raised cerebrospinal fluid white blood cell count,
and presence of comorbidities (diabetes and hypertension) were risk factors for mortality due to
A. baumannii in the neurosurgical ICU [56]. In a review of pediatric meningitis cases caused by
A. baumannii in China, cultures of cerebrospinal fluid yielded MDR, XDR, and PDR A. baumannii
following neurosurgery, with high mortality rate [57]. In another report from China, and in a university
hospital, the prevalence of MDR and XDR A. baumannii infection among patients with intracranial
infection after a neurosurgical operation was 33.64%. The isolates were 100% resistant to imipenem and
meropenem, 98.38% to cefazolin, 100% to ceftazidime, 100% to cefatriaxone, and 98.39% to cefepime,
but completely sensitive to polymyxin B, 60.66% to tigecycline, and 49.18% to amikacin. No significant
differences in basic clinical data were observed between the two groups [58].
proinflammatory response in animal models [68]. The antigenic O-polysaccharide of the LPS, together
with pili, might promote adherence to host cells as a first step of colonization [69].
Beyond the LPS, a major cell structure determinant of A. baumannii virulence is the presence of a
capsule around bacterial surface. The repetitive, closely packed sugar units of the capsule create a
barrier against environmental conditions like dryness and disinfection, and immune system reactions
like phagocytosis; it also protects against some antimicrobials [70,71]. Despite differences in capsular
sugars of A. baumannii, with over 100 variable types, the capsule is perpetually effective for survival of
the pathogen during infections and its ability to grow in serum [72].
4.3. Enzymes
Phospholipases are known additional virulence factors of A. baumannii; these are crucial hydrolytic
enzymes and possess a lipolytic activity against phospholipids of human cell membranes. While the
enzyme phospholipase D helps A. baumannii to persist in human serum as shown in a murine
pneumonia model, another enzyme, phospholipase C, is toxic to epithelial cells [73].
Data about enzymes in A. baumannii continue to culminate; recently, the enzyme CpaA,
a glycan-specific adamalysin-like protease, was identified as a virulence factor that inhibits blood
coagulation through inactivation of factor XII. As such, CpaA attenuates formation of thrombi in
intravascular sites, promoting dissemination capacity of A. baumannii [74].
4.4. Capsular Polysaccharide Composition and Outer Membrane Resistance to Desiccation and Disinfection
Desiccation resistance, or persistence in dry environments, can allow A. baumannii strains to
survive up to 100 days, although this period is variable [75]. A. baumannii environmental survival is
related to presence of capsular polysaccharides surrounding the whole cell and providing defense
against the environment [76]. Resistance to dryness has been linked to outer membrane composition;
a mutant strain of A. baumannii with chemically altered lipo-oligosaccharide was unstable in dryness,
suggesting that fluidity of the outer membrane resulting from changes in its lipid structure allows
escape of water and nutrients to outside of the cell [77].
A. baumannii is shown to actively pump chlorhexidine, an antiseptic used against a wide range
of bacteria by disrupting cell membranes. The Acinetobacter chlorhexidine efflux protein (AceI) is
responsible for such pumping, possibly promoting survival under stressful conditions [78]. On the
other hand, ethanol promotes growth and virulence of A. baumannii [79]. Ethanol in the serum of
alcoholic subjects weakens phagocytosis and hence destruction of the organism [80]. Likewise, excess
human consumption of ethanol is a probable predisposing factor for A. baumannii community-acquired
infections [35].
encoded by some strains of A. baumannii, and help in maturation of biofilms, like BapAb [85].
Another notable factor that helps A. baumannii to produce biofilm is production of the exopolysaccharide
poly-β-1,6-N-acetylglucosamine (PNAG), which is produced by many Gram-negative species, and is
essential for adhesion and aggregation [86].
Many reports suggest that quorum sensing plays a major role in biofilm formation. Quorum sensing
is a mode of communication among bacteria to maintain population density, usually by production of
signaling molecules known as autoinducers [87]. These are hormone-like compounds, including acyl
homoserine lactones (AHLs), that are responsible to regulate motility, biofilm formation, and other
characteristics. The quorum sensing cycle in A. baumannii includes AbaI inducer as well as its cognate
receptor AbaR. AbaI, encoded by the gene abaI, is a sensor protein that functions as an autoinducer
synthase producing signal AHL molecules, while AbaR functions as a receptor protein, which upon
binding to AHLs induces a cascade of reactions. This binding triggers production of more AHLs in a
positive feedback loop manner, which results in regulation of biofilm formation [88].
4.6. Motility
Bacterial motility contributes to the infectious ability and increased virulence of some bacteria [89].
A. baumannii lacks flagella and has been long labeled as non-motile [90,91]. However, studies show
that this organism can survive during infection and can spread on surfaces during hospital survival by
using twitching motility [92]. Such motility consists of extension and retraction movements to push
cells in media, by means of type IV pili [93]. In addition to motility, these pili are also responsible for
biofilm formation and gene transfer [94]. In A. baumannii, a model of Caenorhabditis elegans infection
showed higher virulence due to motility [95]. Investigations comparing blood isolates of A. baumannii
to sputum isolates found that the former isolates were more motile, probably indicating a higher
survival advantage in blood [96].
In addition to twitching motility, some isolates of A. baumannii move on living and non-living
surfaces without relying on flagella by another mode of motility called surface-associated motility [97].
This type of motility also requires type IV pili, quorum sensing, lipo-oligosaccahride production,
and 1,3-diaminopropane, which mediates signaling needed for impacting surface-associated motility
by quorum sensing [90].
4.9. Others
Although tangible progress was accomplished in A. baumannii pathogenesis studies, emerging
areas are still under in-depth investigation. Among these, outer membrane vesicles, long recognized to
protect bacteria against host innate immunity, are being studied for their ability to provide mechanisms
for secretion of virulence factors in A. baumannii [99]. Possibilities also exist that A. baumannii may
acquire a toxin-like virulence factor like other human pathogens such as Vibrio cholerae [111]. Indeed,
ongoing research on molecular mechanisms utilized by this pathogen for survival within the host and
adaptation to environmental stress could uncover additional important pathogenesis features.
limitation to colistin is high rates of nephrotoxicity and neurotoxicity, as well as poor penetration
into the lung tissue, incumbering its utility [115]. Another alternative agent is minocycline, where
successful clinical and microbiologic outcomes were reported for patients with A. baumannii VAP as
well as skin and soft tissue infections [116]. Tigecycline, an alternative antibiotic for MRD and XDR
strains of A. baumannii, has been used with variable success rates [117,118]. Despite reasonable in vitro
activity of this agent against A. baumannii, clinical data remain limited. Specifically, in clinical trials
with A. bauamnnii VAP and bacteremia, patient outcomes with tigecycline have been inferior to other
agents [119]. An interesting alternative to both tetracyclines, minocycline and tigecycline, may be the
β-lactamase inhibitor, sulbactam, which has direct antimicrobial activity against A. bauamnnii, via its
intrinsic affinity for A. baumannii penicillin-binding proteins [36]. A major disadvantage of sulbactam is
that it is only available in combination with ampicillin in the United States, besides emerging resistance,
warranting further investigations into the clinical utility of this agent [120].
Combination therapy is frequently used in A. baumannii infections as a strategy to increase antibiotic
coverage before drug susceptibility testing results are known, to decrease the risk of resistance, and to
improve patient outcomes. However, there are no definitive clinical data to support its use for these
purposes, and results from human trials are limited [112]. For example, therapy with polymyxin B plus
another agent (imipenem, meropenem, rifampin, ampicillin-sulbactam, or others) was associated with
a lower mortality rate than with polymyxin B monotherapy [121]. A randomized, multicenter trial
done on patients with XDR A. baumannii infections treated with colistin and rifampin versus colistin
alone, showed superior microbial eradication in patients randomized to the combination arm, but no
difference in mortality [122]. Other combination regimens suggest increased efficacy of sulbactam
with cefepime, meropenem, imipenem, amikacin, or rifampin [123]. Alternative combinations include
colistin-tigecycline and colistin-carbapenem therapy, with the latter perhaps the most supported [36],
and have been recommended in several trials [124–126]. Furthermore, a recent investigation has
highlighted a remarkable synergistic interaction between colistin and vancomycin [127].
A clear consensus regarding the most appropriate combination therapy for resistant A. baumannii
infections remains to be established, pending more comprehensive clinical studies. Until these become
accessible, and until novel antimicrobial entities, bacteriophages, or antimicrobial peptides, which are
under thorough scientific investigation, become established, resistance of A. bauamnnii to contemporary
therapies will escalate. Figure 3 and Table 1 summarize the antibiotic resistance mechanisms in
A. baumannii; an elaboration of these mechanisms with literature citing them is presented below.
5.1. β-lactams
The most prevalent mechanism of resistance of A. baumannii to β-lactams is enzymatic hydrolysis
by β-lactamases; all of the four Ambler classes of these enzymes have been described in this organism,
in addition to nonenzymatic pathways.
pumps of A. baumannii fall into two categories: RND pumps, which are nonspecific, constitutive
pumps, and Tet efflux pumps with TetA conferring resistance to tetracycline but not minocycline or
doxycycline and TetB resulting in resistance to minocycline and tetracycline, tigecycline remaining
unaffected [181]. The general structure of RND pumps includes three parts, namely, AdeA, AdeB,
and AdeC in A. baumannii. These respectively encode membrane fusion, multidrug transporter,
and outer membrane pump elements [178]. Gene disruption analysis proved that RND pumps can
eject tetracyclines, elevating MICs for tigecyline, minocycline, and tetracycline [182]. Other RND
pumps like AdeIJK exist but may play a less profound role on tetracycline efflux and can be synergistic
with AdeABC [183].
According to studies from many countries, overexpression of the efflux pumps AdeABC and
AcrAB-TolC efflux systems was observed in clinical tigecycline-resistant isolates [184–186]; this is
increasingly affecting utility of this modified tetracycline in treatment. Tigecycline has broader spectrum
of activity compared to earlier tetracyclines, has good tissue penetration, and is stable against many
tetracycline resistance mechanisms including Tet efflux pumps, as well as against ribosomal protection,
such as Tet(O) and Tet(M) [187]. Control of tigecycline usage should be considered to reduce emergence
of resistance.
Resistance to minocycline in A. baumannii is rare and has been attributed to tetM, a ribosomal
protection gene [181]. This gene possesses almost 100% homology to S. aureus gene, and may represent
transfer of resistance mechanisms between the two pathogens [188]. Because tetM encodes a GTPase
analogous to the elongation factors EF-G and EF-Tu, it can mediate tetracycline release from bacterial
ribosome by a GTP-dependent mechanism, through competition with EF-G for an overlapping binding
site. By dissociation of tetracycline from its ribosomal binding site, tetM enables translation to continue
in the presence of tetracycline [189]. Recent evidence shows that tetM is encoded by A. baumannii
isolated from wastewater treatment plants [190] and animal culture ponds [191], indicating extensive
dissemination; the assessment of such resistance pools is critical not only for clinical significance, but
also for environmental protection.
5.3. Fluoroquinolones
The emergence of resistance to fluoroquinolones in A. baumannii results from mutations of the
fluoroquinolone target enzymes, DNA gyrase and DNA topoisomerase IV, respectively encoded by the
genes gyrA and parC. [192]. These mutations mainly affect the fluoroquinolone-resistance determining
regions (QRDRs) of the target enzymes, with common amino acid substitutions being Ser 83 and
Gly 81 within gyrA, and Ser 80 and Glu 84 within parC. [193]. Such mutations decrease affinity of
fluoroquinolones to the enzyme-DNA complex. Clinically significant resistance to fluoroquinolones
may be achieved with only a single mutation in gyrA; however, double amino acid of both gyrA and parC
produce augmented resistance compared to single ones [194]. There has not been evidence of mutations
in parC without a concurrent mutation in gyrA, which suggests that DNA topisomerase IV could be a
complementary target for fluoroquinolones [193]. So far, plasmid-mediated fluoroquinolones resistance
genes like qnrA, qnrB, and qnrS have not been identified in epidemiologic studies of A. baumannii.
Moreover, moderate level fluoroquinolone resistance in A. baumannii may result from
chromosomal efflux pumps [81]. Efflux pump inhibitors can reverse multidrug resistant phenotype
of A. baumannii [194]. Mutations of a two-step regulator (AdeR) and sensor (AdeS) of the previously
mentioned AdeABC efflux pump belonging to RND family of pumps resulted in higher fluoroquinolone
efflux [192]. Finally, quinolones are the principle substrates of the efflux pump AbeM, resulting in
clinically significant MIC changes for ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin [195]. It is worth mentioning
that AbeM is a hydrogen-ion-coupled member of the multidrug and toxic compound extrusion
(MATE) family.
Antibiotics 2020, 9, 119 14 of 29
5.4. Aminoglycosides
Aminoglycoside resistance in A. baumannii results from production of aminoglycoside-modifying
enzymes (AMEs), which can be categorized into various groups with different chemical actions,
including acetyltransferases, adenyltransferases, and phosphotransferases [196]. Such AMEs alter
corresponding functional groups on aminoglycosides, weakening the binding capacity of these
antibiotics at their ribosomal target sites. AMEs are often found within class 1 integrons and can be
located on either plasmids or chromosomes [197]. The action of AMEs is selective, whereby they
differently affect various aminoglycoside molecules. For instance, A. baumannii phosphotransferases
can make many aminoglycosides, including amikacin, inactive. Gentamicin and tobramycin retain
activity because of their inability to accept phosphate secondary to a lack of 3′ -hydroxyl groups [198].
A. baumannii isolates may produce a combination of AMEs, as in a PDR A. baumannii strain described
in China and carrying four AMEs [199]. Among others, AAC(3)-Ia, ANT(2’)-Ia, and ANT(3”)-Ia are
variants of AMEs described in A. baumannii [186,200,201].
Another resistance mechanism to aminoglycosides is the production of 16S rRNA methylase genes
armA, rmtA, rmtB, rmtC, and rmtD, which alter target binding site for aminoglycosides within the 30S
ribosomal subunit. Unlike AMEs, methylases induce high-level resistance across all clinically useful
aminoglycosides, including gentamicin, tobramycin, and amikacin [198]. The armA gene is found
among other Gram-negative organisms, is plasmid-borne, and lies within a transposon (Tn1548) [202].
Although AMEs remain the principle aminoglycoside resistance mechanism in A. baumannii, these
antibiotics are also subject to efflux pump ejection outside the cell. Gentamicin is subject to effective
efflux by AdeABC and AbeM pumps, while these two pumps are less efficient in extruding the more
hydrophilic aminoglycosides, amikacin and kanamycin [176,203].
5.5. Macrolides
While azithromycin shows variable activity against some A. baumannii isolates, this does not
really appear significant for clarithromycin and erythromycin [203]. There are only scarce reports
in literature on successful treatment of infections caused by A. baumannii with macrolides; however,
A. baumannii with a mutant AbeS small multidrug resistance (SMR) pump exhibits erythromycin
and chloramphenicol resistance [204]. Recently, an investigation from Japan [205] proved that the
MacA-MacB-TolC tripartite complex transmembrane machine of A. baumannii that spans both the
inner and outer membranes exists as a unique type of transporter. Macrolides, virulence determinants,
peptides, and cell envelop elements appear to be important substrates of this transporter.
5.6. Polymyxins
Polymyxin E, also known as colistin, is an old antibiotic belonging to the polymyxin family, first
introduced in the 1950s; owing to its harmful effects on renal function, its use was banned by many
countries [206]. Nevertheless, the rapid emergence of resistance in A. baumannii to multiple antibiotics,
including carbapenems, has revived interest in the use of colistin. Currently, resistance to this latter
antibiotic in A. bauamannii is on the rise [207].
Primary colistin resistance mechanisms in A. baumannii are chromosomally encoded, and involve
(i) phosphoethanolamine (PetN) addition to lipid A of the outer membrane altering its structure,
(ii) mutation of genes needed for lipid A synthesis leading to its complete loss, (iii) of outer membrane
low expression of proteins needed for outer membrane stability, and (iv) deficient expression of LPS
synthesis cofactors [207]. Polymyxins are cationic amphipathic compounds, and initially interact with
the negatively charged lipid A component of LPS. Controlled addition of positively charged residues
such as PetNt to LPS reduces negative charge on bacterial surface and therefore limits interaction
between the polymyxin and the LPS [208]. The expression of PetN transferases is regulated by the
concerted action of TS systems [209]. Colistin resistance in A. baumannii clinical isolates is associated
with alterations in the pmrCAB operon. The pmrC gene codes for a PetN transferase, and pmrA and
Antibiotics 2020, 9, 119 15 of 29
pmrB code for TS system. Mutations in the PmrAB TS system induce overexpression of pmrC, leading to
modification of lipid A with PetN and colistin resistance [210]. Uniquely, A. baumannii strains can also
become highly resistant to polymyxins via spontaneous mutations in lipid A biosynthesis such that
they produce no LPS or lipid A. If the biosynthetic lipid A genes, lpxA, lpxC, or lpxD, become completely
inactive, LPS is lost, elevating colistin MIC due to lack of LPS interaction with this antibiotic [211].
Recently, additional genes (lpsB, lptD, and vacJ) were shown to contribute to polymyxins resistance
in A. baumannii. These genes reduce fluidity and increase osmotic resistance of the outer membrane.
In overexpression mutations of these genes, polymyxin resistance in A. baumannii occurs [212].
The levels of biotin are essential for susceptibility to polymyxins in A. baumannii. Biotin is a co-factor
of lipid metabolism, involved in a rate-limiting step in fatty acid synthesis. Accordingly, high levels
of biotin promote increased lipid A synthesis, with higher sensitivity to colistin. On the other hand,
mutations in genes needed for biotin synthesis reduces effectiveness of colistin [212]. Hood and
colleagues showed that removal of a particular locus of lpsB, which is involved in biotin biosynthesis
can result in colistin resistance in A. baumannii [213].
Resistance to colistin in A. baumannii was originally chromosomal, which limits its rapid
distribution and dissemination [207]. However, the plasmid-borne mcr-1 gene was identified in
Escherichia coli of animal, human, and environmental origin from China in 2015 [214]. Subsequently,
mcr-1.2, mcr-2, mcr-3, mcr-4, and mcr-5 variants were also identified [215]. Diverse plasmids with
mcr genes are nowadays described in Enterobacteriaceae from many countries. This gene encodes
a PetN transferase resulting in polymyxin resistance. Despite that, mcr has not been described in
A. baumannii until recently in reports from Pakistan [206] and Brazil [216], probably highlighting the
high tendency for spread and stressing the need to understand the actual status of global colistin
resistance in this pathogen.
Antibiotics 2020, 9, 119 16 of 29
Table 1. Important resistance determinants in Acinetobacter baumannii showing possible enzymes/target modifications/permeability lesions.
Antibiotic Resistance Mechanism Example Reference
Permeability Defect
ESBLs of the families TEM, SHV, CTX-M, PER and VEB [129–132]
SCO-1 (narrow spectrum) [134]
Carbapenem-hydrolyzing ESBL of GES-type (GES-11) [135,136]
Ambler class A
KPC-2 [139]
KPC-3 [138,139]
KPC-5 [137]
NDM [143–147]
VIM [148]
β-lactamases GIM [149]
Ambler class B
β-lactams SIM [150]
IMP [151–153]
Ambler class C AmpC-69, AmpC-70, AmpC-71, and ADC-196 [2,157,158]
OXA-23-like [20,136,164,165,167,170]
OXA24/40-like [159]
OXA-51-like [20,166]
Ambler class D
OXA-58-like [169]
OXA-143-like [161]
OXA-235-like [162]
Table 1. Cont.
Antibiotic Resistance Mechanism Example Reference
Permeability Defect
RND pump AdeABC, AdeIJK, and AcrAB-TolC [179–185]
Efflux pump overactivity
Tertacyclines Tet pump TetA and TetB [180]
Ribosomal protection Tetracycline dissociation from ribosome Tet(O) and Tet(M) [180,186–188]
DNA gyrase GyrA [191,192]
Target mutation
DNA topoisomerase IV ParC [191,192]
RND pump AdeABC [81,191]
Efflux pump overactivity
MATE family AbeM [194]
AAC(3)-Ia [185]
AAC(3′ )-Ia [200]
Drug inactivating enzymes Aminoglycoside modifying enzymes
ANT(2′ )-Ia [200]
ANT(3”)-Ia [199]
Target mutation 16sRNA methylase genes armA, rmtA, rmtB, rmtC, and rmtD [197,201]
Efflux pump overactivity RND pumps AdeABC [175,202]
Macrolides Efflux pump overactivity SMR pump AbeS [204]
PmrC [208–210]
Lipid A modification by PetN transferase MCR-1 [214]
MCR-4 [215,216]
Polymyxins Target mutation
Lack of lipid A biosynthesis LpxA, LpxC, or LpxD [211]
Decreased stability of outer membrane LpsB, LptD, and VacJ [212]
Reduced biotin synthesis LpsB [207,212,213]
ESBLs = Extended-spectrum β-lactamase; PBP = Penicillin binding protein; RND = resistance-nodulation-division; MATE = multidrug and toxic compound extrusion; SMR = small
multidrug resistance; PetN = phosphoethanolamine.
Antibiotics 2020, 9, 119 18 of 29
6. Conclusions
A. baumannii has developed three basic properties to perfectly adapt to current healthcare settings:
(i) Ability to colonize skin, mucous membranes, and devices and survive in the hospital environment;
(ii) ability to express multiple virulence features; and (iii) extensive resistance to antimicrobial
agents through enzymatic modification of antibiotics, target gene mutation, altered outer membrane
permeability, and upregulated multidrug efflux pumps. With rapid increase in studies addressing the
entire armamentarium of virulence determinants and resistance pathways possessed by this superbug,
its complex influences on human health are gradually uncovered. Indeed, thorough investigations will
reveal additional knowledge about this staggering pathogen, and the future holds promise for better
insights into its machineries through novel research directions.
Author Contributions: D.H.H. conceptualized and wrote the first draft of this review. C.A.M. was in charge of
revision and editing. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: The APC was funded by Zayed University.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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