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Corrosion Science
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Solvent-based epoxy coatings filled with graphene oxide nanosheets (GO) are developed to enhance the
Received 28 May 2016 corrosion protection of mild steel substrates. Results reveal that GO distribution in polymer matrix is the
Received in revised form most important parameter influencing coating performance. Viscosity of polymer matrix and GO weight
19 September 2016
percent (wt.%) are exceptional aspects for GO dispersion quality. Among nanocomposites prepared with
Accepted 14 November 2016
different methods and GO wt.% (0.05, 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5), coatings prepared via direct addition of 0.1 wt.%
Available online 15 November 2016
GO to polymer matrix with lower viscosity show desirable GO dispersion quality, better adhesion to
substrate, outstanding barrier properties and superior corrosion protection under NaCl electrolyte.
Epoxy © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Graphene oxide
Nanocomposite coating
A. Mild steel
Corrosion protection
1. Introduction between graphene sheets due to their high specific surface area
[16,17]. Since graphene has high tendency to agglomerate and the
Organic coatings are widely used for corrosion protection stacked graphene sheets behave like graphite with low surface area,
of metallic structures in modern industry [1–4]. Meanwhile, the homogenous dispersion and efficient interfacial interaction of
solvent-based epoxy coatings are amongst the most common graphene in organic coatings are the main challenges to obtain a
industrial polymers used as barrier coatings due to their out- nanocomposite with optimal properties [16–19].
standing mechanical properties, superior adhesion to substrate, One of the approaches to improve the dispersion of graphene
dimensional stability, good chemical resistance, and low cost [5–7]. sheets in nanocomposites is utilizing graphene oxide (GO) which
However, epoxy coatings suffer from brittleness and poor resis- has functional groups including hydroxyls, epoxides and carboxyls
tance to crack propagation [8,9]. Moreover, they have hydrophilic on its structure in order to alter the Van der Waals interactions,
hydroxyl groups and free volumes in their structure which make making them easily dispersed in the polymer matrix. Besides, these
them permeable to aggressive agents (i.e. water, oxygen, Cl− ); functional groups are more compatible with polymer structure
therefore, corrosion of the metallic substrate accelerates over time [16,20]. In this regard, Li et al. [20] reported that the functional
[10–12]. groups of GO play an important role in GO dispersion in polymer
In this regard, nanocomposite coatings are promising method matrix and transfer of interfacial stresses in the composite. Fur-
for improving corrosion resistance of epoxy coatings [12,13]. ther, the processing technique influences the dispersion level of
Recent studies show that graphene improves the corrosion resis- nanofillers in the epoxy matrix and the nanocomposite property
tance of organic coatings by increasing the path of corroding [19]; because strong hydrogen bonds can be formed between GO
agents in the coating to reach to the metal/coating interface and sheets dispersed in the polymer matrix during drying [21].
enhancing the barrier properties of polymer matrix [14,15]. Despite Although several studies have been previously conducted on the
that, there are strong van der Waals forces and - interactions mechanical application of epoxy-GO nanocomposites [6,22–24],
investigations on the corrosion resistance of epoxy coatings
containing GO nanosheets without further functionalization are
limited. Therefore, the main aim of this research is to improve
∗ Corresponding author.
the corrosion protection efficiency of solvent-based epoxy coatings
E-mail address: m r [email protected] (M.R. Vaezi).
0010-938X/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Pourhashem et al. / Corrosion Science 115 (2017) 78–92 79
via using GO without any functionalization. The way of GO addi- out whether it is better to add directly GO suspension to epoxy
tion to epoxy coating and wt.% of GO in nanocomposite coatings resin or polyamide hardener to prepare a homogeneous and stable
have been considered to achieve maximum corrosion protection. nanocomposite with superior corrosion resistance property:
To the best of our knowledge, for the first time, this study demon-
strates that the way of GO addition whether to epoxy resin or (1) GO suspension was directly added to epoxy resin (R); fol-
polyamide hardener can alter the corrosion protection behavior of lowed by probe sonication for 10 min and then, heating at
nanocomposite coatings via its effect on the rheology and bondings 50 ◦ C to evaporate the solvent slowly. Finally, the stoichiometric
formed between GO and polymer matrix. Additionally, epoxy-GO amount of hardener (H) was added and mixed with a labora-
nanocomposite coatings containing different wt.% of GO provide tory mixer. These nanocomposite coatings are abbreviated by
different protection efficiency. The effect of GO on corrosion per- (R + GO) + H.
formance of epoxy coating is investigated by means of polarization (2) GO suspension was directly added to polyamide hardener;
resistance, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and salt spray followed by probe sonication for 10 min and then, heat-
test. ing at 50 ◦ C to evaporate the solvent slowly. Finally, the
polyamide hardener-GO mixture (H + GO) was poured into the
2. Experimental stoichiometric amount of epoxy resin and mixed with a labora-
tory mixer. These nanocomposite coatings are abbreviated by
2.1. Materials R + (H + GO).
Graphite powder (particle size <20 m) was purchased from Moreover, pure epoxy coatings (R + H) without any GO nanofiller
Sigma-Aldrich. Potassium permanganate (KMNO4 ), sulphuric acid were prepared via mechanical mixing epoxy resin and polyamide
(H2 SO4 ), H2 O2 , and HCl used for GO synthesize were purchased hardener in stoichiometric amounts of 1:1. Fig. 1 shows the
from Merck. Epoxy resin (diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A, Epon schematic of nanocomposite coating preparation.
1001) and polyamide hardener (Versamid 115) were used to pre- Secondly, since the results of corrosion tests showed that
pare epoxy coatings. The epoxy equivalent mass of epoxy resin is nanocomposite coatings prepared via R + (H + GO) method have
480–550 and the amine value of polyamide hardener is 230–246 mg superior corrosion resistance, nanocomposite coatings containing
KOH per gram resin. The solid content of the epoxy resin and the different weight percentage of GO nanofiller (0.05, 0.1, 0.3, and
hardener are 75%, and 50%, respectively. 0.5 wt.%) were prepared by the mentioned method to evaluate the
Mild carbon steel plates (ST-12) were purchased from Foolad effect of GO wt.% on the corrosion protection performance of coat-
Mobarakeh Co. of Iran and the chemical composition of the steel ings.
substrates is presented in Table 1. Mild steel panels were sand- The prepared coatings were applied by air spray technique on
blasted and then, they were degreased with acetone before spray sandblasted mild steel plates. The coated substrates cured at room
coating on them. temperature for a week and post-cured at 90 ◦ C for 1 h. The thick-
ness of coatings was in the range of 150 ± 10 m.
2.2. Synthesis of GO
2.4. Characterization
GO was synthesized according to modified Hummers method
[25–27]. In a stepwise preparation, 1 g natural graphite powder The crystal structure of the synthesized GO was characterized by
was added into 50 mL H2 SO4 . After that, 6 g KMnO4 was added X-ray diffraction technique (XRD, PW-1840, Philips, Cu-K␣, 40 kV,
very slowly to the suspension cooled with an ice-bath to keep the 30 mA). Chemical grafting of GO in polymeric matrix (i.e. mixture
reaction temperature below 15 ◦ C. Subsequently, the ice bath was of GO with either epoxy resin (R + GO) or hardener (H + GO)) was
removed and the mixture was stirred continuously in water bath characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR, Perkin Elmer
at 35 ◦ C for 1 day. It is then diluted with slow addition of deionized Spectrum-GX) spectroscopy. The morphology of GO and the dis-
(DI) water and the oxidation reaction was terminated by pouring persion quality of GO in nanocomposite coatings were considered
H2 O2 solution. For purification, the mixture was washed by HCl and using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM, MIRA3
DI water several times to remove residual acids and salts. The oxi- TESCAN). In order to evaluate the GO dispersion in epoxy coating,
dized solid was subsequently suspended in solvent and exfoliated the coated substrates were broken under liquid nitrogen to study
by high-energy sonication to yield GO. the fracture surface. Also, adhesion of nanocomposite coating to
mild steel substrate was measured by pull-off method (Elcometer,
2.3. Preparation of epoxy-GO nanocomposite coatings HATA 108) according to ASTM D4541-09 [28] and the measure-
ments were repeated 3 times to ensure the repeatability of data.
In this research, the effect of two important parameters includ-
ing (I) nanocomposite coating preparation method and (II) GO wt.% 2.5. Electrochemical and corrosion tests
on the corrosion resistance properties of solvent-based epoxy coat-
ings were considered. The electrochemical properties of coatings were considered by
Hence, first of all, epoxy-GO nanocomposite coatings contain- potentiodynamic polarization test and electrochemical impedance
ing 0.1 wt.% GO were prepared via solution processing technique. It spectroscopy (EIS) using an Autolab (potentiostat/galvanostat,
should be mentioned that for nanocomposite preparation, GO was PGSTAT 30). A three electrode cell was used for electrochemical
dispersed in organic solvent (0.1 g GO per 100 mL solvent) with measurement which consists of coated substrate, platinum rod and
ice bath ultrasonic treatment for 1 h to prepare GO suspension. saturated calomel electrode (SCE) as working electrode, counter
In this regard, two procedures were considered in order to find electrode, and reference electrode, respectively and 3.5 wt.% NaCl
solution was used as corrosive electrolyte. For potentiodynamic
Table 1 polarization tests, open circuit potential (OCP) of system at equi-
Chemical composition (wt.%) of mild carbon steel (ST-12). librium state after immersion for 2 h in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution
Element Fe Si C S P Mn Al
was recorded as corrosion potential (Ecorr ). Then, the polarization
curve was plotted by sweeping the applied potential from −0.25 to
Wt.% Balance <0.1 0.1 <0.025 <0.025 0.5 0.07
+0.25 V with respect to OCP at scan rate of 1 mV/s on 1 cm2 anode.
80 S. Pourhashem et al. / Corrosion Science 115 (2017) 78–92
Corrosion current density (icorr ) was determined from Tafel plot by after oxidation and the presence of functional oxygen groups on
extrapolating the linear portion of the curve to Ecorr . Tafel constants GO basal planes [27]. Also, the morphology of GO is identified by
including anodic (a ) and cathodic (c ) slopes were calculated for FE-SEM as shown in Fig. 3, revealing the sheet-like structure of
anodic and cathodic parts of Tafel plot, respectively. The EIS tests exfoliated GO.
were carried out in frequency range of 10−2 to 105 Hz with AC
amplitude of 10 mV at OCP. The EIS measurements were performed 3.2. The effect of preparation method on corrosion resistance of
on coatings immersed in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution at different immer- nanocomposite coatings
sion times of 1, 7, and 14 days. Then, the impedance spectra were
analyzed by fitting the experimental data to electrical equivalent 3.2.1. FTIR analysis
circuit with the help of Nova 1.8 software. The quality of fitting FTIR spectroscopy is used to understand the bonding interac-
was evaluated by reducing the chi-square (2 ) which is the sum tions between the epoxy resin and polyamide hardener with GO
of square of the differences between theoretical and experimental sheets. FTIR spectra of GO, epoxy resin (R), epoxy resin-GO mix-
points and also, by limiting the relative error of each element in the ture (R + GO), polyamide hardener (H), and polyamide hardener-GO
electrical equivalent circuit to 5%. mixture (H + GO) is represented in Fig. 4.
Further, corrosion studies were carried out by salt spray test on FTIR spectra of GO (Fig. 4 (a)) indicates the presence of character-
scratched samples for 300 h exposure to accelerated environment istic bands at 1625 cm−1 (C C, skeletal vibrations from unoxidized
of salt fog cabin according to ASTM B117 [29]. graphitic domains), 1390 and 1721 cm−1 (C O, carbonyl group),
1068 cm−1 (C O, alkoxy group), 1227 cm−1 (C O C, epoxy group),
3424 cm−1 (C OH, hydroxyl group), and the doublet bands at 2850
3. Results and 2917 cm−1 (symmetric and asymmetric CH2 ) [30].These func-
tional groups are produced on the internal and external surfaces
3.1. GO characterization of GO which can increase the surface polarity and further alter the
surface charges [31–34].
Fig. 2 represents the XRD pattern of GO which shows a strong As shown in Fig. 4(b), the characteristic absorption bands for
peak at 2 = 10.5◦ , corresponding to an interlayer spacing of pure epoxy resin appeared at 3459 cm−1 (stretching vibration
0.84 nm. The appearance of diffraction peak at 10.5◦ and the large of hydroxyl groups of free and hydrogen bonded OH groups),
interlayer spacing of GO demonstrates the exfoliation of graphite 3035, 1582, and 750 cm−1 (stretching of aromatic rings), 2967 and
S. Pourhashem et al. / Corrosion Science 115 (2017) 78–92 81
Table 2
Polarization parameters for R + H, (R + GO) + H, and R + (H + GO) samples immersed
in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution.
research, the polyamide hardener used has lower viscosity than 3.2.5. EIS measurements
the epoxy resin; therefore, it is difficult for GO nanosheets to be dis- In this paper, EIS has been used to measure the dielectric prop-
persed in resin epoxy with high viscosity compared with polyamide erties and consider the degradation of nanocomposite coatings at
hardener with low viscosity [8,41]. Similar results have been pre- OCP in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution for different immersion times. The
sented by Dong et al. [42] about clay dispersion in polymer matrix variation of OCP values of samples as a function of immersion time
and they also found that organoclay dispersion in low viscosity is shown in Fig. 8. According to Fig. 8, the OCP values of R + (H + GO)
polymer matrix is better than that with high viscosity. The appro- sample is more positive than the other samples during immersion
priate dispersion and exfoliation of GO in coatings enhances the time, indicating better corrosion protection performance due to
corrosion resistance properties which is verified in further studies. barrier effects of GO in polymer coating. However, the OCP val-
S. Pourhashem et al. / Corrosion Science 115 (2017) 78–92 83
Fig. 5. FE-SEM topographies from the cross-section of (a, b) neat epoxy, (c, d) (R + GO) + H, (e, f) R + (H + GO) at different magnifications.
ues of samples decrease to more negative potentials by increasing Figs. 9–11 show the Bode and Nyquist plots of pure epoxy
immersion time which is related to continuous diffusion of corro- and nanocomposite coatings after 1, 7, and 14 days of immersion.
sive agents to coating/metal interface, leading to corrosion process The Bode plots exhibit high frequency and low frequency regions
at metal surface. due to coating capacitance and charge transfer process, respec-
tively [46]. It can be seen from Fig. 9 (a) that the total impedance
84 S. Pourhashem et al. / Corrosion Science 115 (2017) 78–92
Fig. 9. (a) Bode and phase diagrams and (b) Nyquist diagrams of R + H, (R + GO) + H,
and R + (H + GO) samples immersed in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution for 1 day; marker points
Fig. 7. (a) Potentiodynamic polarization curves for R + H, (R + GO) + H, and
and solid lines show the experimental and fitted data, respectively.
R + (H + GO) coatings on mild carbon steel after immersion in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solu-
tion for 2 h; (b) Tafel extrapolation on the polarization plot of (R + GO) + H sample
for determination of corrosion current and Tafel slopes.
neat epoxy after 1 day of immersion; the |Z|0.01Hz value for pure
epoxy, (R + GO) + H, and R + (H + GO) coatings is 1.48 × 106 , 5 × 106 ,
of both (R + GO) + H and R + (H + GO) nanocomposite coatings in and 19.6 × 106 .cm2 , respectively. This shows the good barrier
high frequency region (104 –105 Hz) after 1 day of immersion are property of nanocomposite coatings at initial of immersion. Mean-
equal and slightly greater than the pure epoxy coating. Further, while, the higher |Z|0.01Hz value of R + (H + GO) sample compared to
the impedance modulus at low frequency of 0.01 Hz (|Z|0.01Hz ) (R + GO) + H, shows that nanocomposites prepared via direct addi-
for both nanocomposite coatings is significantly higher than the tion of GO to low viscosity hardener have higher barrier property
S. Pourhashem et al. / Corrosion Science 115 (2017) 78–92 85
Fig. 11. (a) Bode and phase diagrams and (b) Nyquist diagrams of R + H, (R + GO) + H,
Fig. 10. (a) Bode and phase diagrams and (b) Nyquist diagrams of R + H, (R + GO) + H,
and R + (H + GO) samples immersed in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution for 14 days; marker
and R + (H + GO) samples immersed in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution for 7 days; marker
points and solid lines show the experimental and fitted data, respectively.
points and solid lines show the experimental and fitted data, respectively.
against electrolyte diffusion through coating [47]. By increasing the for nanocomposite coatings is about −90◦ (Fig. 11(a)) even after
immersion time to 7 days (Fig. 10(a)), degradation of pure epoxy immersion for 14 days, indicating strong interfacial interaction of
coating occurs and the |Z|0.01Hz value decreases to 1.46 × 104 .cm2 nanocomposite coatings with metallic substrates.
due to permeation of corrosive solution into the coating. On The above mentioned observations represent that the corrosion
the other side, although the |Z|0.01Hz value of (R + H) + GO and protection performance of epoxy coating significantly improves via
R + (H + GO) nanocomposite coatings decreases slightly by increas- addition of GO as nanofiller. GO enhances the barrier properties
ing immersion time to 7 days (which is about 2.41 × 106 and of epoxy coating against diffusion of corrosive agents to reach the
7.42 × 106 . cm2 , respectively), it is still much higher than pure metal/coating interface. However, the results clearly show that the
epoxy coating. Further, as shown in Fig. 11(a), the |Z|0.01Hz value for preparation method of nanocomposite coating remarkably influ-
R + H, (R + GO) + H, and R + (H + GO) samples after 14 days of immer- ences the degree of corrosion protection performance of coatings. In
sion is 6.03 × 104 , 5 × 106 , and 8.55 × 106 .cm2 , respectively. fact, direct addition of GO to low viscosity hardener, i.e. R + (H + GO)
Moreover, the Z module at high frequency for nanocomposite coat- sample, leads to the increase of corrosion resistance of epoxy
ings is significantly higher than neat epoxy coating after 7 and coatings compared to direct GO addition to high viscosity resin
14 days of immersion. In addition, R + (H + GO) sample shows higher ((R + GO) + H sample). This phenomenon can be attributed to bet-
impedance than (R + GO) + H coating at low frequency, indicating ter distribution of GO nanosheets in R + (H + GO) sample based on
that R + (H + GO) sample provides higher protective performance. FE-SEM observations.
These results signify the excellent barrier properties of nanocom- For further investigations, the EIS measurements are fitted via
posite coatings after 14 days of immersion in corrosive electrolyte an electrical equivalent circuit (Fig. 12). The equivalent circle con-
and the effect of nanocomposite preparation method on corrosion sists of Rs , Qcoat , Rpore , Qdl , and RCT which are solution resistance,
protection performance of coatings. coating constant phase element, coating pore resistance, double
Moreover, phase angle at high frequency is another parameter layer constant phase, and charge transfer resistance, respectively.
for evaluating the corrosion resistance of coatings. Phase angle at Constant phase element (CPE) represents the deviation from ideal
high frequency of pure epoxy and nanocomposite coatings after capacitive behavior and is used in the equivalent circuit to minimize
immersion in NaCl solution for 1 day is about −90◦ (Fig. 9(a)). the systematical error and obtain more precious fitting results. The
However, the phase angle at high frequency of pure epoxy coat- CPE is associated with an exponent (0 ≤ N ≤ 1) which indicates the
ing decreases to about −40◦ after immersion for 7 days (Fig. 10(a)), deviation from an ideal dielectric behavior; if N = 1, it represents an
which is another evident sign for complete delamination of epoxy ideal capacitor behavior and if N = 0, it behaves as an ideal resistor
coating. On the other hand, the phase angle at high frequency [36,48,49]. The electrochemical parameters are given in Table 3.
86 S. Pourhashem et al. / Corrosion Science 115 (2017) 78–92
Table 3
The electrochemical parameters extracted from EIS data for R + H, (R + GO) + H, and R + (H + GO) samples immersed in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution for different times.
Y0 n Y0 n
(−1 cm−2 sn ) (−1 cm−2 sn )
R+H 1 day 34.3 × 10−10 0.784 360 × 103 0.58 × 10−6 0.542 807 × 103 0.027
7 days 4.98 × 10−10 0.969 4.4 × 103 80 × 10−6 0.463 11.4 × 103 0.019
14 days 4.75 × 10−10 0.957 7.2 × 103 39.1 × 10−6 0.544 14.2 × 103 0.040
(R + GO) + H 1 day 5.12 × 10−10 0.924 3.48 × 106 9.01 × 10−7 0.571 1.96 × 106 0.052
7 days 11.4 × 10−10 0.878 0.75 × 106 1.50 × 10−7 0.456 1.77 × 106 0.044
14 days 5.90 × 10−10 0.921 1.28 × 106 0.34 × 10−7 0.410 5.23 × 106 0.009
R + (H + GO) 1 day 4.45 × 10−10 0.975 5.86 × 106 0.08 × 10−7 0.612 14.0 × 106 0.050
7 days 7.87 × 10−10 0.943 3.24 × 106 0.32 × 10−7 0.485 3.94 × 106 0.009
14 days 7.46 × 10−10 0.947 3.60 × 106 0.71 × 10−7 0.352 5.52 × 106 0.028
Fig. 13. FE-SEM images from the cross-section of nanocomposite coatings prepared via R + (H + GO) method containing (a) 0.05, (b) 0.1, (c) 0.3, and (d) 0.5 wt.% GO.
Fig. 14. (a) Potentiodynamic polarization curves for nanocomposite coatings containing 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 wt.% GO after immersion in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution for 2 h;
Tafel extrapolation on the polarization plots of nanocomposite coatings containing (b) 0.05, (c) 0.3, and (d) 0.5 wt.% GO for determination of corrosion current and Tafel
Table 5
The electrochemical parameters extracted from EIS data for nanocomposite epoxy coatings containing 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 wt.% GO after immersion in 3.5 wt.% NaCl
solution for different times.
Y0 n Y0 n
(−1 cm−2 sn ) (−1 cm−2 sn )
0 1 day 34.3 × 10−10 0.784 0.36 × 106 0.58 × 10−6 0.542 0.81 × 106 0.027
7 days 4.98 × 10−10 0.969 4.38 × 103 80 × 10−6 0.463 11.4 × 103 0.019
0.05 1 day 11.2 × 10−10 0.905 0.51 × 106 0.9 × 10−6 0.748 0.58 × 106 0.025
7 days 9.21 × 10−10 0.915 0.14 × 106 2.05 × 10−6 0.737 0.49 × 106 0.020
0.1 1 day 4.45 × 10−10 0.975 5.86 × 106 0.08 × 10−7 0.612 14.0 × 106 0.050
7 days 7.87 × 10−10 0.943 3.24 × 106 0.32 × 10−7 0.485 3.94 × 106 0.009
0.3 1 day 8.70 × 10−10 0.914 2.70 × 106 0.48 × 10−7 0.352 13.8 × 106 0.017
1 day 8.92 × 10−10 0.933 1.35 × 106 1.11 × 10−7 0.177 2.50 × 106 0.015
0.5 24 h 9.17 × 10−10 0.932 3.63 × 106 5.01 × 10−7 0.679 8.66 × 106 0.052
7 days 13.5 × 10−10 0.905 0.85 × 106 1.67 × 10−7 0.741 1.72 × 106 0.008
This sample is R + H (pure epoxy coating).
This sample is R + (H + GO) coating.
Fig. 16. Bode and phase diagrams of nanocomposite coating containing different
wt.% of GO (0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 wt.% GO) after immersion in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solu- Fig. 17. Nyquist plots of nanocomposite coating containing different wt.% of GO (0,
tion for (a) 1 day and (b) 7 days; marker points and solid lines show the experimental 0.05, 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 wt.% GO) after immersion in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution for 1 day;
and fitted data, respectively. marker points and solid lines show the experimental and fitted data, respectively.
in the order of pure epoxy > 0.05 wt.% GO > 0.5 wt.% GO > 0.3 wt.%
GO > 0.1 wt.% GO. The salt spray test confirms that GO wt.% has
great effect on corrosion resistance of nanocomposite coatings and
nanocomposite with 0.1 wt.% GO shows the best corrosion protec-
tion performance.
4. Discussion
Fig. 19. Images of epoxy coatings containing 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 wt.% GO after 300 h exposure to salt spray test.
Fig. 20. Schematic representation of corrosion protection mechanism by epoxy-GO nanocomposite coatings on mild steel substrates.
the corrosion protection ability of epoxy coating becomes better Nanocomposites prepared via direct addition of GO to polyamide
even by incorporation of 0.05 wt.% GO, this nanocomposite coating hardener show better dispersion quality and superior corrosion
cannot provide long term corrosion resistance. The best corro- protection compared with nanocomposites synthesized by direct
sion protection is obtained in the term of nanocomposites with addition of GO to epoxy matrix due to lower viscosity of polyamide
0.1 wt.% GO and by increasing the wt.% of GO to 0.3 and 0.5 wt.%, the hardener vs. epoxy resin used in this research. Further, based on
corrosion protection performance of coatings decreases. Indeed, FE-SEM results and electrochemical measurements, 0.1 wt.% GO
the corrosion protection ability of coatings decreases in the is chosen as an appropriate GO content to prepare nanocompos-
order of epoxy-0.1 wt.% GO > epoxy-0.3 wt.% GO > epoxy-0.5 wt.% ites with the best corrosion resistance; because by increasing GO
GO > epoxy-0.05 wt.% GO » pure epoxy. The aggregation of GO amount to 0.3 and 0.5 wt.% in nanocomposite coatings, GO aggrega-
nanosheets occurs via increasing the amount of GO in coating tion happens which reduces the barrier properties of coatings. We
matrix; hence, the protective performance of nanocomposite coat- believe that the proposed methods for controlling GO dispersion
ing declines. Nanocomposite coatings with optimum GO content are versatile plans to enhance the corrosion promotion activity of
show good chemical bonding at polymer/GO interface and fewer epoxy-GO nanocomposite coatings.
defects. Consequently, the compactness of coating increases and
the amount of micro-pores in coating decreases, limiting the per-
meation of corrosive electrolyte through coating. Acknowledgements
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