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Atomic Structure

Rutherford Atomic Model (a – particle scattering experiment)

a – particle ? He+2 is know as a – particle

a – particle = He+2 = Doubly ionized He atom
a – particle = Nucleus of He atom
Atomic Structure
Rutherford Atomic Model (a – particle scattering experiment)
Rutherford took thin gold foil for this experiment.
Because gold foil is most malleable.
He bombarded a-particle on thin gold foil.
He made a circular fluorescent screen around gold foil.
Atomic Structure
Rutherford Atomic Model (a – particle scattering experiment)
Most of the a-particles passed undeviated through the gold foil.
Most of the part of the an atom is empty.
Atomic Structure
Rutherford Atomic Model (a – particle scattering experiment)

Few a-particle are deviated through small angles.

Atom contains –ve & +ve charge in equal amount : atom is neutral
Atomic Structure
Rutherford Atomic Model (a – particle scattering experiment)

A very Few (1 out of 20000) a-particle is deviated back to the

original path (180° deviated).
Whole of the +ve charge of an atom is concentrated in a small
volume called nucleus.
Atomic Structure
Drawback of Rutherford Model
If electron releases energy then finally it will merge in nucleus.
So Rutherford failed to explain existence of atom.
It can not explain the line spectrum of hydrogen.
Atomic Structure
Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)

(Wave nature) (Particle nature)

Maxwell Plank
Atomic Structure
Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)
According to Maxwell EMR travels in form of waves
Wavelength (l) : Distance b/w any two crests or trough.
S.I. unit = Meter
1Å = 10–10 m
1 nm = 10–9 m
1 pm = 10–12 m
1 fm = 10–15 m
Atomic Structure
Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)
Frequency (n) = No. of waves passing through a point per second.
Velocity of Wave
In vacuum EMR travels with speed of light
For EMR : n =
Unit = Sec–1 or Hz
1 KHz = 103 Hz
1 MHz = 106 Hz
1 ml Hz = 10–3 Hz
Atomic Structure
Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)
Wave number (n) = no. of waves in 1 m length
1 −1
n= m
Wave number (n) = Reciprocal of wavelength
Atomic Structure
Plank’s Quantum Theory
Maxwell supports wave nature of light
Plank supports particle nature of light
According to Plank light energy is transmitted in form of small
packets called quanta.
In case of light these quanta are called photon.
Atomic Structure
Characteristic of photon
Energy of photon E  n
E = hn
h = 6.62 × 10–34 J-sec
Energy for n no. of photon = E =
Atomic Structure
Unit of Energy
S.I. Unit = Joule
Other unit = eV
1eV = 1.6 × 10–19 J
h = 6.63 × 10–34 J-s
hc = 1240 eV-nm
hc = 12400 eV-Å
Atomic Structure
Ques. Calculate energy of 100 photons if wavelength of light is
2000 Å
Sol. l = 2000Å
n = 100
12400 eV − Å
100  = 620eV
= 620  1.6  10−19 J
Atomic Structure
Ques. A light source of wavelength 2000 Å emits 0.5 J
energy, the number of photons emitted from the
source will be :
Sol. l = 2000Å
E = 0.5 J
Atomic Structure

Wave Nature of Electromagnetic Radiation

Ex. : Calculate (1) Wave number and (2) Frequency of yellow

radiation having wavelength 5800 Å
Atomic Structure

Ques. Calculate energy of one mole of photons of radiation whose

frequency is 5 × 1014 Hz.
Atomic Structure
Photoelectric Effect
Photoelectric effect supports particle nature of light.
When light is incident on certain metal electrons are ejected
out of metal surface.
These electrons are called photoelectrons.
The current flows due to motion of electron in circuit.
This phenomena is called photoelectric effect.
Atomic Structure
Photoelectric Effect
Work Function (f) & Threshold Energy
Minimum energy required to eject an electron out of metal surface.
Work function is the characteristics of a metal.
Work function is different for different metals.
Atomic Structure
Photoelectric Effect
Threshold Frequency (n0)
The Minimum frequency of incident light to eject an electron from
metal surface.

Threshold wavelength (l0)

The Minimum wavelength require to eject an electron from metal
f = hn 0 =
Atomic Structure
Photoelectric Equation

This is based on conservation of energy principle.

The energy incident on the metal surface is used up into two work.
1. To eject the electrons from metal surface (work function).
2. To provide K.E. to ejected electron
Ei = f + (K.E.)max
hni = hn0 + (K.E.)max
hc hc
= + (K.E.)max
li l 0
Atomic Structure
Ques. If the work function (w) of metal is 3.1 eV, find its
threshold wavelength and the maximum kinetic energy
of the electron emitted when radiation of
300 nm strike the metal surface. (Take hc = 12400 eVÅ)
Sol. f = 3.1 eV
hc 12400 eV
f= = 3.1 eV = Å l 0 = 4000Å
l0 l0
hc 1240 eV − nm
Ei = = = 4.13 eV
li 300 nm
Ei = f + (K.E.)max

4.13 eV = 3.1 eV + (K.E.)max

(K.E.)max = 1.03 eV
Atomic Structure

Bohr’s Atomic Model

Based on quantum theory of radiation and classical law of physics.

Applicable only for single e– species.
Eg. : H, He+, Li2+, Be3+.

Radius of orbit : rn = 0.529  Å 1Å = 10–10 m = 10–8 cm
Atomic Structure

Bohr’s Atomic Model

Ques. Calculate the radius of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Bohr’s orbit of hydrogen.
Atomic Structure

Bohr’s Atomic Model

Ques. Calculate radius ratio of 3rd and 5th orbit of He+.

Atomic Structure

Bohr’s Atomic Model

Ques. Calculate radius ratio of 2nd excited state of H & 1st excited state of Li+2.
Atomic Structure

Energy of an electron

En = –21.69 × 10–19 × (Z2/n2) J/atom

En = – 13.6 × z2 / n2 ev/atom

1ev = 1.602 × 10–19 J

𝐊 𝐙𝐞𝟐
𝐊. 𝐄. =
PE = – 2 K.E.
𝐊 𝐙𝐞𝟐
𝐏. 𝐄. = − KE = – T.E
PE = +2 T.E
𝐊 𝐙𝐞𝟐
𝐓. 𝐄. = −
Atomic Structure
Energy of Electron in nth Bohr’s orbit
En = −13.6  2 eV
Atomic Structure

Energy difference between two energy levels.

1 1
En2 − En1 = −13.6  Z 2  2 − 2  ev / atom
 n2 n1 
Atomic Structure

Energy of an electron

Ques. Calculate the energy of Li+2 atom for 2nd excited state.
Atomic Structure

Energy of an electron

Ques. Calculate the ratio of energies of He+ for 1st and 2nd excited state.
Atomic Structure

Energy of an electron

Ques. If the P.E. of an electron is –6.8 eV in hydrogen atom then find out
K.E. , total energy & the orbit where it exist and the radius of orbit.
Atomic Structure

Velocity of an electron

V = 2.18  106   m / s
Atomic Structure

Velocity of an electron

Ques. If the total energy of an electron is – 1.51 eV in hydrogen atom then

find out K.E., P.E. orbit, radius & velocity of election in that orbit.
Atomic Structure
Time period of revolution (T)
Time taken by electron to complete one revolution around nucleus.

−16 n3
T = 1.52  10  2 sec
T 2
Atomic Structure
Ques. Cal. radius ratio for 2nd orbit of He+ ion & 3rd orbit of Be+3 ion.
Sol. He+ Be+3
Z1 = 2 Z2 = 4
n1 = 2 n2 = 3
r1 n12 Z2
= 2
r2 n2 Z1
22 4 8
= 2 =
3 2 9
Atomic Structure
Ques. If velocity an electron in 1st orbit of H atom is V, what
will be the velocity of electron in 3rd orbit of Li+2.
(A) V (B) V/3
(C) 3V (D) 9V
Sol. H Li2+
Z1 = 1 Z2 = 3
n1 = 1 n2 = 3
V1 Z1 n2
V2 Z2 n1

V 1 3
= 
V2 3 1
V2 = V
Atomic Structure
Ques. In an atom, two electron move around the nucleus in
circular orbits of radii R and 4R. The ratio of the time
taken by them to complete one revolution is :
(A) 1 : 4 (B) 4 : 1
(C) 1 : 8 (D) 8 : 1
Sol. r1 n12 T1 n13
= 2 = 3
r2 n2 T2 n2
4 n12 T1 8
= 2 =
1 n2 T2 1
n1 2
n2 1
Atomic Structure

Hydrogen line Spectrum

P-Fund series

Bracket series

Paschen series

Balmer series

Lyman series
Atomic Structure

Hydrogen line Spectrum

Series n1 n2 No. of lines Region

Lyman 1 2, 3, … (n2 – 1) U.V
Balmer 2 3, 4, 5… (n2 – 2) Visible
Paschen 3 4, 5, 6… (n2 – 3) Infrared region
Bracket 4 5, 6, 7… (n2 – 4) Infrared region
P-fund 5 6, 7, 8… (n2 – 5) Infrared region
Humphery 6 7, 8, 9… (n2 – 6) Far infrared region
Atomic Structure

Total Number of Lines in Spectrum

(n2 - n1) (n2-n1+1)

Atomic Structure

Hydrogen line Spectrum

Ques. In hydrogen spectrum if electron moves from 7 to 1 orbit by

transition in multi steps then find out total no. of lines in spectrum.
Atomic Structure

Hydrogen line Spectrum

Ques. In a hydrogen spectrum of electron moves form 6th to 3rd orbit by

transition in multi steps then find out the following steps :
(1) total number of lines in spectrums
(2) total number of lines in u.v region
(3) total number of lines in visible region
(4) total number of lines in IR region
Atomic Structure

Rydberg formula

DE = En2 – En1

Z2  Z2 
DE = −13.6 2 −  −13.6 2 
n2  n1 

hc 1 1 R = Rydberg constant
= −13.6Z2  2 − 2 
l  n1 n2  = 109678 Cm–1
1 13.6 2  1 1   109700 Cm–1
= Z  2 − 2
l hc  n1 n2 
1 1 1 = 9.12  10−6 cm = 9124Å
v= = RZ 2  2 − 2  R
l  n1 n2 
Atomic Structure

Rydberg formula

Ques. Calculate wave length of 1st line of Balmer series in hydrogen spectrum.
Atomic Structure

Rydberg formula

Ques. Calculate the frequency of the last line the Lyman series in
hydrogen spectrum.
Atomic Structure

Dual Behavior of Matter or (De-Broglie concept)

If the nature of light is both particle & wave, then this dual behavior
should be true for the matter also. → De-Broglie statement.
Wavelength (l) of mater particle 

l 
l 
Atomic Structure

Dual Behavior of Matter or (De-Broglie concept)

1 2KE h
K.E. = mv2 V= l =
2 m mv

h h
l =  l=
2KE 2KE  m
Atomic Structure

Dual Behavior of Matter or (De-Broglie concept)

Ques. The mass of an electron is 9.1 × 10–31 kg if its K.E. is 3 × 10–25 J,

calculate its wavelength.
Atomic Structure

Dual Behavior of Matter or (De-Broglie concept)

Ques. Calculate the mass of a photon with wavelength 3.6 Å

Atomic Structure
D-Broglie Concept
When a charged particle is accelerated from rest by applying voltage (V)

150 12.27
le = Å or Å
Atomic Structure
D-Broglie Concept
Association of De-Broglie concept with Bohr’s Model
According to Bohr’s model : mvr =
nh h
2r = l=
mv mv
2r = nl
n = No. of shell acc. to Bohr model
n = No. of wave acc. to De-Broglie model
Atomic Structure

Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle

It is impossible to determine simultaneously the exact position & momentum

(or velocity) of an electron.

h DP → uncertainty in momentum
Dx  DP 
4 Dx → uncertainty in position

Dx  (m.DV) 
4 Dv → uncertainty in velocity

Dx  DV 
4 m
Atomic Structure

Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle

Ques. A microscope using suitable photons is employed to locate an electron

in an atom within a distance of 0.1 Å. What is the uncertainty involved
in the measurement of its velocity ?
Atomic Structure

Quantum Number

Define the possible location of an electron in an atom.

Quantum Number

Principal Azimuthal Magnetic Spin

Quantum Quantum Quantum Quantum
Number Number Number Number
Atomic Structure

Quantum Number

Principal Quantum Number : Determine the size and energy of the orbital.
Number of orbitals present in nth shell = n2
Number of sub. Shell present in nth shell = n
n Subshell
1 s
2 s, p
3 s, p, d
4 s, p, d, f
Atomic Structure

Quantum Number
Angular momentum of any orbit =

Angular momentum of revolving electron.

mvr =
Atomic Structure

Quantum Number

Azimuthal Quantum Number (l) : Defines the 3-D shape of the orbital
and no of subshell in a shell.
Value of l = 0 to (n – 1)
n=1 ⎯→ l=0
n=2 ⎯→ l = 0, 1
n=3 ⎯→ l = 0, 1, 2
Atomic Structure

Quantum Number

No. of orbital in subshell = 2l + 1

Maximum no. of e– in particular subshell = 2 × (2l + 1)

Orbital angular momentum =  ( + 1)
Atomic Structure

Quantum Number

Magnetic Quantum Number : (m)

Represents the shape of orbitals and orientation of orbital.
Value of m = – l to +l including zero.
Value l Value of m
0 0
1 –1, 0, – 1
2 –2, –1, 0, +1, +2
Atomic Structure

Quantum Number

Spin Quantum Number : (s)

Represent orientation of the spin of the electron.
Value of s = +1/2 & –1/2
Each orbital can accommodate 2 electron with opposite spin.

Spin angular momentum of e– = s(s + 1) 
= s(s + 1) h
Atomic Structure

Quantum Number

Ques. What is total number of orbitals associate with principal quantum

number n = 3 ?
Atomic Structure

Quantum Number

Ques. Using s, p, d, f notations, describes the orbital with the following

quantum numbers.
(1) n = 2, l = 1
(2) n = 4, l = 0
(3) n = 5, l = 3
(4) n = 3, l = 2
Atomic Structure

Rules for filling of orbitals

Aufbau Principal Pauli’s exclusion Hund’s rule of

Principal maximum
Atomic Structure

Rules for filling of orbitals

Aufbau Principal : In ground state of atom orbitals are filled in order of

their increasing energies.
Atomic Structure

Rules for filling of orbitals

Orbital Value of n Value of l Value of (n + l)

1s 1 0 1+0=1
2s 2 0 2+0=0
2p 2 1 2+1=3 Lower
3s 3 0 3+0=3 energy

3p 3 1 3+1=4 Lower
4s 4 0 4+0=4
3d 3 2 3+2=5
4p 4 1 4+1=5 energy
5s 5 0 5+0=5
Atomic Structure

Rules for filling of orbitals

Lowest (n + l) value orbital filled first.

At (n + l) → same → lowest value of n filled first.
Atomic Structure

Rules for filling of orbitals

Pauli’s exclusion Principle : No two electrons in an atom can have the

same set of four quantum numbers.
Orbital can accommodate maximum 2 electron with opposite spin.
Atomic Structure

Rules for filling of orbitals

Ex. : 6C
12 ⎯→ 1s2 2s2 2p2

n 1 2 2
l 0 0 1
m 0 0 –1 , 0, +1
s +1/2, –1/2 +1/2, –1/2 +1/2, +1/2
Atomic Structure

Rules for filling of orbitals

Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity : pairing of electrons will not start until
& unless all the orbitals of that subshell get one electron with same spin.
B ⎯→ 1s2 2s2 2p2

C ⎯→ 1s2 2s2 2p2

N ⎯→ 1s2 2s2 2p2

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