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org © 2020 IJCRT | Volume 8, Issue 2 June 2020 | ISSN: 2320-2882


Anadi Parashar, Final Year P.G Scholar, Dept. of Basic Principles, Parul Institute of Ayurved, Parul
Amit Upasani, Associate Professor, Dept. of Basic Principles, Parul Institute of Ayurved, Parul
V.M Sreekanth, Associate Professor, Dept. of Basic Principles, Parul Institute of Ayurved, Parul
Rameshwar Vishvakarma, Final Year P.G Scholar, Dept. of Basic Principles, Parul Institute of Ayurved,
Parul University

Alcoholism is one of the most important social problems today, and it's becoming worse every year. The
developing countries of Asia, particularly India, are experiencing the quickest growth. Drinking alcohol
makes a man's life a living hell. Alcohol not only harms a person's health, but it also harms his family and
society. In Ayurveda, the various disorders caused by improper diet are referred to as diseases. Madya is that
one which do the action of Madatyaya. Whatever beverage which produces intoxication in the individuals
also can be understood as Madya. The present article does a critical review about the Madya with its types.
Keywords: Madya, types, Madatyaya.

Nirukti & Nirvachana
The word ‘mada’ is derived from the word ‘madee’ which gives the meaning ‘harsha’ – ‘madee harshe’
(Amarakosha). It is defined as ‘maadyatyanena karane yat Madya ’i.e., which does the action of maadyata
is called Madya.
Madya – “maadyati yattanMadyam” i.e., by excessive intake of which the intoxication develops that
is called Madya.
It is said as “peyam yanmaadakam lokaistanMadyamabhidheeyate” in Bhavaprakasa, i.e., whatever
the beverage which when taken causes intoxication, then it is called Madya.
Sarngadhara says, “Buddhim lumpati yaddravyam madakaari taducyate/ tamoguna pradhanasca
yathaa Madyam suraadikam”. Madakaari dravya is that, by the intake of which produces disturbance of the
intellect faculty by virtue of its tamoguna like Madya, sura etc.

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Synonyms of Madya
12 synonyms of Madya are explained in Amara kosha. They are Sura, Halipriya, Hala, Parisrut,
Parisruta, Varunatmaja, Gandhottama, Prasanna, Eera, Kadambari, Madira, Kasyam.
Seedhu, Maireyam, Eera, Madira, Sura, Kadambari, Varuni, Hala, Balavallabha are the synonyms
explained in Bhavaprakasa.1

Madya in ancient classics

The term sura which is a synonym of the Madya is verbally related to term suraa meaning the God.
So intake of sura is not prohibited in ancient classics. At the same time its excessive or inappropriate use
leads to miseries. On the one hand, Madya forms an integral part of the Vedic sacrifice called Sautramani
and on the other, it is pointed out that on account of its excessive intake, Indra, the Lord of the gods, lost his
energy which was later restored only after its intake according to the prescribed procedure and in appropriate
From the Vedic period people are aware of Madya kalpas. Descriptions regarding preparation of
Madya, its qualities are described in all ancient books irrespective of religions. In Indian scriptures there are
descriptions on Madya in-detail.
Brihaspati, explains three varieties of Madya viz., Gaudi, Maadhvi and Paishtiki. According to him, brahmin
taking Madya is an act of greatest sin.
In all puranas like Kaalika purana, Koormapurana etc., Madya is prohibited to brahmins.
In Manusmriti while explaining ten ill effects originating from kama, he says, four habits originated
from it are very difficult to be treated. They are panam (alcohol abuse), aksha (gambling), stree kama
(excessive passion towards women), and mrigaya (habit of hunting). Among these four, habit of Madya pana
is most difficult one to be devoid of. Alcohol is strictly prohibited for women in Manusmriti.
In Brihatrayis (500 BC) sufficient information about the Madya kalpas are available.
Kautilya, physician of King Chandragupta, in his text Artha sastra had mentioned that during his
period (2nd and 3rd century BC) the knowledge regarding the preparation of Madya reached fairly a good
state. Madya has been used medicinally from since ancient period. Detailed description regarding the
properties, types, bad effect etc, of Madya is available in a separate classification called Madya varga in
Charaka, Susrutha, Astanga hridaya etc.

Classification of Madya
By the action of intoxication, Madya is single type only. However, depending on the substances from
which Madya is prepared, it is classified in to so many varieties. 3 Following are the classification of Madya.

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According to kala
Based on kala prakarsha (maturity) Madya is classified into two.
1) Navam: - Nava Madya is one which is new or upto 10 days matured. It is basically asanjata rasa (not fully
ripened). It is abhishyandi and guru in nature, aggravates tridoshas, possess unpleasant dour and taste, not
good for hridaya and causes vidaha.4
“guru tridosha jananam navam” 5
2) Jeernam: - The Madya which is more than 10 days matured or some says more than 1 year matured is
called jeerna Madya.
“jeernamatho anyatha” 5
Madya having the qualities opposite to that of nava Madya is known as jeerna Madya.
It is having pleasant odour, kindles digestion, good for hridaya, promotes taste, destroys krimi, dilates the
channels of tissues, is easily digestible and mitigates vata and kapha. 6
According to difference in yonis
Depending upon the source drug from which Madya is prepared, it is classified into three. They are
Paishtikam, mardweekam and Gaudam 7
1) Paishtikam: - Madya prepared from the grains is called paishtikam.
2) Mardweekam: - Madya prepared from the grapes is called mardweekam. It is having properties like
lekhana, saratva, madhura rasa, not very hot in potency, is good for hridaya, causes slight increase of pitta
and vata, cures pandu, prameha, arsas and krimi. 8
3) Gaudam: - Madya prepared from molasses is called Gauda Madya. It helps in the elimination of mutra,
sakrit and vata. It causes tarpana and having deepana property. 9
According to Vagbhata Draksha, Ikshu, Makshika, Sali, Vreehi etc. are 5 substances used for
manufacturing Madyas.10

Types of Madya
The fermented liquor prepared by using cooked rice, barley etc. is Sura. It is produced from Dhanya
varga, so called paistika Madya.11
Types of sura: - There are three types of Sura Madya. They are Lohita sura, Swetha sura, Parisruta sura
Sura is having vatahara property. It can be used for brimhana and is very good to improve the
digestive power and increase the breast milk production. It can be used in the treatment of kasa, arsas,
grahani, mutraghata, pandu etc.12

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Sura Madya division
Sura Madya can be divided into 5 portions. They are
1. Prasanna: - The clear supernatant fluid of sura is called prasanna. 10 It is very effective in chardi, arochaka,
hrit kukshi toda, soola, vibandha and anaha. It mitigates kapha and vata. 11
2. Kadambari: - The portion of sura below to prasanna and slightly thicker than it is called kadambari. 10
3. Jagalam: - The portion below kadambari and next thicker to it is called Jagalam 13. It is constipating, ushna
in veerya, hridya, promotes digestion, increases thirst and kapha, caus4s sopha.14 It is indicated in soola,
pravahika, atopa, trishna, sopha, arshas.15
4. Medakam: - The bulker portion to Jagala is known as medakam.13
5. Surabeeja/Vakkasam: - the residue left over after distillation is called surabeeja, vakkasa, or kinwa.13
It is having the properties like vata kopana, guru, deepana, srista vinmootrata, visada and is having
alpa mada.16
The Madya prepared from tala and kharjoora is called varuni It is hridya, laghu, tikshna and is
indicated in Soola, Kasa, Vami, Svasa, Vibandha, Adhmana, Peenasa. 18
Ikshurasa kritam Madyam seedhu (Hemadri)
It is of 2 types, Apakwarasa seedhu and Pakwarasa seedhu. Juice of sweet substances fermented without
boiling them is known as Seetarasa seedhu or Apakwarasa seedhu and if prepared by boiling them, it will be
called Pakwarasa seedhu.19
Seedhu Madya prepared from guda is having kashaya and madhura rasa, pachana and deepana
property. 20
Seedhu prepared from sugar is sweet, promotes taste, kindles digestion, purifies the urinary bladder,
mitigate vata, good for hridaya and stimulates the sense organs. 21
Pakwarasa seedhu prepared by boiling sugarcane juice is having the properties like varnakaratva,
saratva, sophagna, deepana, hridya. It induces taste and also very effective in Sleshma and Arshas.22
Seetharasa seedhu prepared from unboiled sugarcane juice is varnakara,deepana,produces karsana,
good for voice, cures sopha, udara, vibandha and arsas.23
It is laghu in paka. It is best for Meha, Kushta, Visha and Sopha. It is having tikta kashaya and
mashura rasa, teekshna and ushna properties and pacifies Vata.
It is a mixture of Madya prepared by sandhana of three source drugs. It is having kashaya and madhura
rasa, tikshna and guru guna, it will cause mada and cures Arshas, Kapha, Gulma, Krimi, Medas and pacifies

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Guna and karma of Madya

Madya is prepared of different types of ingredients, they have different attributes and actions, and
they are intoxicating in nature.
Charaka26 and Vagbhata27 say that Madya has ten attributes, but Susruta28 says only eight attributes
except laghu and amla attributes of Charaka and Vagbhata. All the Madyas are generally, pittakara and
vatahara in nature.

Table No: 1 Attributes of Madya according to different acharyas

Charaka & Vagbhata Susruta
Attributes of Madya Attributes of Madya Action of Madya

Laghu _
Ushna Ushna Seetahara
Tikshna Tikshna Manogatiharana
Sukshma Sukshma Visati avayavaan
Amla _
Vyavayi Vyavayi Harshadam

Aasugam Aasukaram Aasukarma

Ruksha Ruksha Vata kopa
Vikashi Vikashi Visarpati
Vishada Vishada Kapha and sukra hara

Actions of alcohol due to the above properties are as follows:

It counteracts seeta property by virtue of ushna property, it destroys all the functions of manas by its
property of tikshna, it reaches in to every part of body by virtue of sukshma guna, due to its visada property
it destroys kapha and sukra, it aggravates vata due to its property of ruksha, it is instantaneous in its actions
by virtue of its aasukaari property, it is exhilarating on account of its vyavayitva, it spreads all over the body
by its property of vikashi.29 Madya by nature is amla rasa pradhana, but it has four subsidiary tastes like
madhura (sweet), kashaya (astringent), tikta (bitter) and katu (pungent), and it has the properties of rochana
and deepana also. 30

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Madya is a substance which effects on all functions of the body by creating inebriation and enhancing tamo
Guna and can prove fatal. Ayurvedic concept of Madya is slightly different as compared to modern
medicine. A Madya possesses similar property as that of Visha except that it has amla rasa as compared
to anirdeshya rasa of Visha. It is a medicine and can improve health, if used properly.
According to Ayurveda every dravya(substance) can create a specific action on the body and this action
depends upon the Guna (properties) of that dravya. Particular Guna decides the particular action of
thatdravya on the body. The action of Madyas has been well described by Aacharyas. It is mentioned in
the text that Madya has tenGunas (properties).The properties of Madya are slightly less potent as
compared to Visha
i.e. poisoning. The properties like Ushnatav,Tikshna, Ashukari, Vyavahi, Vikasi etc.


It is important to study the properties of substance to know its action on the body. The properties of
Madya are literally studied and its action on the body is explained. The properties of Madya can be
utilized in medicine to improves and enhance its action at the same time the ill effects of the Madya can
be reduced. Once we come to know the Gunas of Madya they can be used properly. They can be used
as medicine and their unwanted effects can be nullified by using Opposite properties. Properties of a
substance decide how it is going to affect the body. Different medicinal preparation of the Madya is used
today in Ayurvedic formulation and their efficacy can be understood by understanding the properties of


1. 1 .Agnivesha, Charaka, Dridhabala, Charaka Samhita, Chikitsasthana 24/3-10, edited by Acharya

Vidyadhar Shukla. Chaukhamba Sanskrit, Sansthan, Varanasi. 2011

2. Agnivesha, Charaka, Dridhabala, Charaka Samhita, sutrasthana ,25/49, edited by Acharya

Vidyadhar Shukla. Chaukhamba Sanskrit, Sansthan, Varanasi. 2011

3. Shastri Ambika dutt commentary on Sushrut samhita of Maharshi Sushrut, sutrasthana chapter

45/192 varanasi chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan 2019.

4. Dr.brahmanand Tripathi’nirmala’hindi commentary on Astang hrdyam, sutrasthana chapter 5/65,

Chaukhamba Sanskrit, Sansthan, Varanasi. 2007.

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45/170 varanasi chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan 2019.

7. Dr.brahmanand Tripathi’nirmala’hindi commentary on Astang hrdyam, sutrasthana chapter 5/72,

Chaukhamba Sanskrit, Sansthan, Varanasi. 2007.

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www.ijcrt.org © 2020 IJCRT | Volume 8, Issue 2 June 2020 | ISSN: 2320-2882
8. Dr.brahmanand Tripathi’nirmala’hindi commentary on Astang hrdyam, sutrasthana chapter 5/73,

Chaukhamba Sanskrit, Sansthan, Varanasi. 2007.

9. INDU “SHASHILEKHA commentary on, Astang Sanghra sutrasthana chapter 6/1 27-128,

Chaukhamba Sanskrit, Sansthan, Varanasi. 2007.

10. Sarangadhacharya; Sarangadhara Samhita, Dipika Hindi Commentary by Dr. Brahmanand

Tripathi, Madhyama Khanda 10/5 ChaukambhaSurabharati Prakashan, Varanasi.

11. Shastri Ambika dutt commentary on Sushrut samhita of Maharshi Sushrut, sutrasthana chapter

45/175 varanasi chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan 2019.

12. Shastri Ambika dutt commentary on Sushrut samhita of Maharshi Sushrut, sutrasthana chapter

45/177 varanasi chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan 2019.

13. Sarangadhacharya; Sarangadhara Samhita, Dipika Hindi Commentary by Dr. Brahmanand

Tripathi, Madhyama Khanda 10/6 ChaukambhaSurabharati Prakashan, Varanasi.

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45/180 varanasi chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan 2019.

15. INDU “SHASHILEKHA commentary on, Astang Sanghra sutrasthana chapter 6/115, Chaukhamba

Sanskrit, Sansthan, Varanasi. 2007.

16. Shastri Ambika dutt commentary on Sushrut samhita of Maharshi Sushrut, sutrasthana chapter

45/181 varanasi chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan 2019.

17. Sarangadhacharya; Sarangadhara Samhita, Dipika Hindi Commentary by Dr. Brahmanand

Tripathi, Madhyama Khanda 10/7 ChaukambhaSurabharati Prakashan, Varanasi.

18. INDU “SHASHILEKHA” commentary on, Astang Sanghra sutrasthana chapter 6/114, Chaukhamba

Sanskrit, Sansthan, Varanasi. 2007.

19. Bhavamisra; Bhavaprakasha, English translation by Prof. K. R. Srikantha Murthy, Sandhana varga

/ 26 Krishnadas academy, Varanasi.

20. Shastri Ambika dutt commentary on Sushrut samhita of Maharshi Sushrut, sutrasthana chapter

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www.ijcrt.org © 2020 IJCRT | Volume 8, Issue 2 June 2020 | ISSN: 2320-2882
22. Shastri Ambika dutt commentary on Sushrut samhita of Maharshi Sushrut, sutrasthana chapter

45/184- 185 varanasi chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan 2019.

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25. Shastri Ambika dutt commentary on Sushrut samhita of Maharshi Sushrut, sutrasthana chapter

45/189 varanasi chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan 2019.

26. Agnivesha, Charaka, Dridhabala, Charaka Samhita, Chikitsasthana, 24/30-31, edited by Acharya

Vidyadhar Shukla. Chaukhamba Sanskrit, Sansthan, Varanasi. 2011

27. Dr.brahmanand Tripathi’nirmala’hindi commentary on Astang hrdyam, Nidansthana chapter 6/1,

Chaukhamba Sanskrit, Sansthan, Varanasi. 2007.

28. Shastri Ambika dutt commentary on Sushrut samhita of Maharshi Sushrut, uttartantra chapter 47/3

varanasi chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan 2019.

29. Shastri Ambika dutt commentary on Sushrut samhita of Maharshi Sushrut, Uttartantra chapter 4/4-

6 varanasi chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan 2019.

30. Bhela; Bhela samhitha,28/1edited by Priyavrat Sharma, published by Chaukhambha visvabharati,


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