5-12-Mi - Inspection Document Mi
5-12-Mi - Inspection Document Mi
5-12-Mi - Inspection Document Mi
Date: _______________
Registration Number: _______________
Serial Number: _______________
Total Time: _______________
1. Description
A. Inspection Document MI consists of item(s) to be inspected at 6000 hours or ten years, whichever occurs first, and every 2400
hours or six years, whichever occurs first thereafter. (Chapter 4 requirement. No grace period.)
B. A descriptive statement of the inspection requirement and the Item Code Number for cross reference to section 5-10-01 is
provided. In many instances, tasks define more specifically the scope and extent of each required inspection. These tasks are
printed in the individual chapters of this manual.
C. The right portion of each page provides room for the mechanic's and inspector's initials and remarks. These pages may be
reproduced as a checklist for use when performing this inspection phase.
2. General Inspection Criteria
A. During accomplishment of each of the specific inspection tasks within this inspection document, additional general inspections
of the surrounding areas should be performed while access is available. These general inspections are intended to detect
obvious conditions which may warrant further action.
B. If it is necessary to replace a component or to make a change to a system while you complete a task, do the task again before
the system or component is returned to service.
A531002 Cabin Interior Skin Detailed Inspection (Chapter 4 item) Note: 151, 152,
Cessna recommends aligning the schedule of Inspection 161, 162,
Document MI with Inspection Document 19 to prevent the need 171, 172,
to remove interior components more than is necessary. Task 53- 241, 242,
20-02-220 251, 252,
261, 262,
271, 272
A531003 Forward Pressure Bulkhead Detailed Inspection (NDI) (Chapter 141, 142,
4 item) Task 53-10-00-250 221, 222,
231, 232,
A531004 Aft Pressure Bulkhead Detailed Inspection (NDI) (Chapter 4 171, 172,
item) Task 53-10-00-251 271, 272