3 May 2024
3 May 2024
3 May 2024
3 May 2024
Principal's Message
Dear Parents, Staff and Students,
Welcome Back
A warm welcome to all students on their return to classes this week. Staff commenced the term on
Monday with a special focus on building the vocabulary of students and the principles of explicit
We are working to build students’ vocabulary of Tier 2 words which are more challenging, ambitious
words that we normally do not use in day to day conversations. These are the words that allow students
to access academic writing. We also focussed on Tier 3 words that are subject specific words.
Our approach to explicit instruction is framed within Barak Rosenshine’s work which combines three
distinct research areas (cognitive science, classroom practices, cognitive support) and how they
complement each other by addressing how:
Anzac Day was commemorated with students and staff representing us at the local dawn service at
Petersham RSL Club. Later that morning our concert band marched in the Sydney City Anzac Day March
held in Elizabeth Street in front of large crowds of people who applauded our boys for their tribute to
servicemen and women. Our students were outstanding ambassadors for the school in the way they
presented themselves and for the way they marched and played. Congratulations to them and the music
staff with Mr Kenny Lee and Mr Slide McBride all doing a great job leading the boys and they were well
supported by Mr Dan Valencic, Mr Brad Smith, Mr Konnor Giesler Edge and Mr Mark Woodbury. The
whole school gathered on Tuesday morning to mark Anzac Day in a liturgy organised by the History Club.
Founder’s Day
On Wednesday morning we celebrated the dual feast days of St Joseph the Worker (1 May) and Blessed
Edmund Rice (May 5) in a Mass celebrated by Bishop Terry Brady. In his homily Bishop Terry reminded us
that the face of Christ can be found in those that suffer more than most. His words underlined our
responsibility to the poor and those on the margins of society and the parallels drawn to the fidelity of
both St Joseph and Blessed Edmund Rice were very apparent.
Italian Trip
Welcome back to the students and accompanying staff who enjoyed their holiday trip to Italy. A
highlight of the experience was the billeting of boys with local families which really gave our students a
great insight into Italian culture. A big thank you to Ms Suzie Saadeh, Ms Chrissie Daniels, Mrs Mary
Daus and Mr Paul Kapeleris
The Term Ahead
Students returned to us well dressed in their winter uniforms and I thank parents for ensuring that your
son was properly attired for classes this term. The boys certainly looked great in the blazers and
thankfully Year Coordinators only had to speak to a few boys about inappropriate haircuts.
This term features our Winter Sports Competitions for Rugby League and Football and again we are
fielding a record number of teams in both the Sydney East and Inner West conferences for the
competition for Sydney Catholic Schools. No other Catholic school in the Archdiocesan Competition has
six Football teams in the Junior Division and two Rugby League Teams in the Under 13s. This is a great
testament to the generosity and goodwill of so many of our teaching staff who have agreed to coach a
team this year. It is important that boys support their coaches by turning up to training and in doing so
they support their team mates so that together they can do their best.
Boys will be reminded of the conduct required to represent the school. The SCS Code of Conduct is
published in this edition for the benefit of parents, teachers and students.
Students and parents/carers/guardians must abide by Sydney Catholic Schools (SCS) Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct is applicable to students, teachers, team managers, coaches, parents and
spectators. Young people involved in sport have a right to participate in a safe and supportive
environment following:
• The goals of the game are to have fun, improve skills and be selected to represent the diocese
(where applicable).
• Be a good sport. Applaud good performance and efforts from all individuals and teams.
• Respect the rights, dignity of worth of all participants regardless of their gender, ability, cultural
background or religion
• Place the safety and welfare of the participants above all else.
CSDA Debating
Our debating teams commence the Catholic Schools Debating Association Competition tonight with us
hosting the first round against Santa Sabina College. We are fielding two teams in each division and the
boys have already had two training sessions to prepare them for tonight’s debates. Best wishes to them
and their coaches.
Date Changes
Following the wash out of today’s Founder's Day picnic we will combine the Br Bernie Gartland Cup and
Founder's Day on Thursday, 22 August 2024. We have also secured dates for a number of important
The later scheduled date for Speech Night this year (Tuesday, 3 December) has meant that we will now
conclude classes for Years 5-11 on that day. All students in Years 5-9 and Year 11 will be required to
attend that evening. The other closing dates remain the same with Year 10 finishing the year with their
Graduation Mass and Prize Giving on Thursday, 28 November and their picnic to Jamberoo on Friday, 29
November. The Parent Teacher Day (via Zoom) remains scheduled for Wednesday, 4 December.
Christian Brothers’ High School Lewisham is blessed to have nearly one in five of its students celebrating
Easter this Sunday. As our Orthodox families know so well their Easter always falls after the Jewish
Passover and they have been fasting whilst Catholics have been celebrating the joy of Easter for some
time now. I hope the forecast of heavy rain does not dampen your celebrations of the Risen Lord and we
hope it will be a special gathering for families.
We pray for our Orthodox member churches; the Antiochian, Coptic, Greek and Syrian Churches.
"Let no one fear death, for the death of our Saviour has set us free! Christ is risen and the angels rejoice!"
St John Chrysostom
Dr Michael Blowes
To RSVP for the Mother's Day Mass, please click here Mother's Day Mass RSVP
Liam attended the PSSA Swimming Carnival on Thursday, 11 and Friday, 12 April.
He came 1st in 50m Backstroke and 3rd in 200m IM. Therefore, Liam gained selection into the NSW
PSSA Team for the School Sports Australian Championships on the Gold Coast from 24-27 July 2024.
Liam this year has had a very successful swimming season achieving great results at the Sydney Catholic
Schools Carnival (five Gold Medals one record broken), MacKillop Carnival (two Gold Medals, two Silver
Medals, one Third Place) and most recently at the PSSA Carnival (one gold medal and one Bronze).
Term 2 is the commencement of the Winter Uniform. This uniform involves wearing the School
Blazer. The expectation surrounding the blazer is that while travelling to and from school the boys are to
be wearing their blazer. At bus stops, on trains and walking to school boys are required to be in full
school uniform which includes the blazer.
The school has changed the end date of Term 4 for Years 7-9 to coincide with the annual Speech
Night. Year 10 will conclude on Friday, 29 November which will be their community day to Jamberoo.
Years 5- 9 and Year 11 will conclude on Tuesday, 3 December which is also the date of the annual Speech
Night which is a compulsory school event.
Representative sports for Term 2 are Rugby League & Football. The expectations are that boys attend
training on the Wednesday and games on the Thursday. If for any reason your son can not attend
training or the game, please contact the coach of the team. Training is compulsory, training enables
coaches to ensure squad teams develop teamwork and communication. Opens Teams will train after
lunch on Wednesday: Football will be held at Arlington and Rugby League at Marrickville.
On Tuesday, 21 May the Year 11 and Year 12 Interviews will take place. These interviews will require the
school to conclude early. The boys will be dismissed at 12.30 pm – buses will be picking up the students
at 12.40 pm.
Congratulations to the following boys who achieved 100% attendance in Term 1 an outstanding
achievement. This should be a goal every student should aim for each term.
Year 5
Giuseppe Aversa, Jay Bailey, Freddie Baker, Seyi Barros, Matteo Baysari, Reggie Beresford, Jacob Coorey,
Liam Cormack, Luca De Giosa, Elliot Dhupelia, William Elia, Alessandro Errichiello, Lucas Gray, Jai
Hadfield, Alexandros Karasantes, Aidan Knight, Terry Liu, Nicholas Lourbeas, Flynn Sawers, Adrian
Serratore, John Sgouras, Owen Sharkey, Xander Shen, Pahkhun Thammakitpairote, Duke Tourni, Joseph
Year 6
Zayn Afiouni, Georgio Begetis, Mateo Calvo-Campos, Michael D'Arrigo, Marcus De Grazia, Elias Donato,
Corbin Elliott, Sebastian Ferraina, Matteo Giannini, Michael Hamad, Aziah Harb, Flynn Hunter, Michael
Karasantes, Arthur Kemp, Zac Kiggins, Louis Lebourg, Kevin Luo, Tadhg Murphy, Gabriel Nassis, Nathan
Ong, Daniele Papa, Asher Poynting, Michael Ribeiro, Adrian Sahlani, Joel Scott, Nikolas Serci, Martin Su,
Ashton Tu, Kingsley Yu.
Year 11
Lucas Von Drasek, Marcus Tambs, Meyer Sung, Byron Singh, Jarrad Selvakumaraswamy, Jacob Roberts,
Charlie Restifo, John Psarommatis, George Papadopoulos, Connor Papadimitriou, Christopher
Panagiotlaris, Luca Novak, Luca Melia, Samuel Maybury, Ben Maixner, Matthew Maiese, Ottavio Locantro,
Leo Lazendic, John Kotselas, Thomas Hyde Page, Lachlan Hayes, Lysander Gionis, Alessandro Fresta,
Hector Fountain, Reuben Elias, Lucas De Sousa, Aston Dales, Kye Carey, Jayden Candotti, Finlay Cameron,
Joshua Budihardjo, James Aoun, Dante Angilletta, Thomas Anderson, Finley Anderson, Dimitri Alligiannis,
Luke Ajdinovic
Year 10
Daniel Yazbeck, Jayden Tat, Lazarus Stamboulidis, Dimitrios Simotas, Xavier Serratore, Joshua Savoca,
Joel Salter, Avish Prasad, Luca Philippou, Levi Nassour, Sebastien Martino, Anthony Marcroft, Daniel
Malkiewicz, Max Leonardi, Thomas Lagoudakis, Isaac Lagoudakis, Dimitri Kessemlis, Ethan Harnett,
Reuben Hage, Luca Guarrera, Michael Griffin, Mark Anthony Gianni, Benjamin Davenport, Frederick
Dandy, Cyril Charbel, Ryan, Chan, Saverio Catanzariti, George Altas, Dimitri Alexiou
Year 9
Peter Akkary, Cameron Anderson, John Aravopoulos, Andrew Ayoub, Peter Begetis, Ayaan Bhujel, Lucas
Bozzi, Jarvis Caleo, Nicholas Chan, Sebastian Derrick, Jake Doris, Jacob Elachi, John Ellias, Nathan Ellias,
Brandon Fan, Dimitri Filladites, Albert Francis, Zachary Giannakakis, Dac Andy Ho, Samuel Jennings,
Dimitri Konakas, Charlie Mancuso, Luca Marando, Thanasi Martikas, Dylan Pedley, Filippo Pierce,
Constantine Rahiotis, Phoenix Reiterbauer, Lucas Spanos, Rocco Varrica, Leon Vasilaras, Aidan Williams,
Eason Zhao
Year 7
Ethan Zygouras, Jason Zhuang, Jerry Zheng, Josh Yenson, James Winfield, Oscar Wilson, James Walker,
Aiden Von Drasek, Conrad Teoh, Marcel Tabbiche, Albert Shen, Anthony Semaan, Lucian Sawires,
Santiago Ruiz Oyaga, Nicholas Rosadi, Lewis Ritchie, Zachariah Rabahi, Sebastian Previtera, Niccola Pierce,
Xavier Philippou, Mo Ongosia, Tristian Moussa, Raphael Mihopoulos, Jack McElwee, Alejandro Lopes,
Louis Llavero, Oscar Li, Aidan Leung, San Lee, Elias Khoury, Rhys Kelly, Lucas Karam, Julien Ishac, Nyah
Ibrahim, Lucas Grasso, Joseph Francis, Ruaridh Findlay, Cameron Findlay, Benjamin Elachi, Lucas Dias,
Christian Debes, Ayden Crawford Aiden Ayoub, Dion Bacvarovski, Avik Bhowmik, Joseph Caccavari, James
Year 8
Jackson Zarb, Bernard Teoh, Calvert Suharto, Austin Su, George Stamboulidis, Andrei Sirna, Marcus Serci,
Ethan Savvas, Christian Sarkis, James Saikali, Darcy Robinson-Fidler, Apurv Parkhe, Ryan Mullen, Oliver
Maybury, Vincent Lo Giudice, Alex Lenzo, Orion Kokkonis, Sai Karmacharya, Jack Karam, Bada Kang,
Christopher James, Newman Huang, Francesco Giannini, Andrew Fasogiannis, Ernesto Errichiello,
Christian Elia, Antonios Elachi, Stephen Eap, Jack Drakos, Nicholas Crematy, Francesco Catanzariti,
Riccardo Baysari, Isaac Barrett, Xavier Aoun, Joseph Abibadra,
Year 12
Moran Abou-Antoun, Daniel Akkary, Alex Andronico, Allan Bechara, Lucas Chatto, George Cook, Anthony
Faddoul, Marcus Fernandez, Samuel Gheller,Philip Gionis, George Griffin, Max Herron, Sam Katsaros,
Christian Kayrouz, Andrew Kessemlis, Daniel Khoury, Harry Le, Benjamin Lloyd, Emmanuel Loaiza, Adam
Malkiewicz, Marco Mazzotta, Jeremy McCardell, Harrison McCarthy, Harris Nicolacopoulos, Niko
Paschalis, Oscar Salameh, Elliott Strudwick-Deboer, Nicholas Tardelli, David Tetzlaff, Angus Trickey,
Alexander Vasilaras, Alan Yusuf.
Mr Mark Woodbury
Deputy Principal
CBHS Lewisham Commemorates ANZAC Day
During the School Holidays, CBHS Lewisham students and staff participated in varous ANZAC
commemorations around the city on 25 April.
Mr Dan Valencic, Mr Brad Thompson and Mr Konnor Geisler-Edge represented our community at the
Dawn Service at Petersham Town Hall. The moving and solemn service saw Mr Thompson lay a wreath
commemoration the Old Boys from Lewisham who have served in the Army, Navy, Airforce and
Merchant Navy since the Boer War. Mr Valencic commenced the event by acknowledging the lands of
the Gadigal people and their service to protecting their traditional lands and our nation since 1788.
1 - Mr Brad Thompson, Mr Dan Valencic and Mr Konnor Geisler-Edge at Petersham Town Hall Dawn Service
For the second consecutive year, our School Marching Band participated in the City of Sydney ANZAC
March, acompanying vetrans from the Special Forces and Ambulance Corps on the day. The students
marched alongside Mr Slide McBride, Clarinet Tutor Mr Jordan Byrnes and event coordinator Mr Kenny
Lee. Along with medley of chorales and hymns, the school song echoed through the city in a fitting
tribute to the many Old Boys who have served our nation since our school commenced in 1891.
To commence the new term, the rest of our community gathered in commemoration on Tuesday, 30
April in a special ceremony conducted by members of our Elective History classes. In silent respect, our
students paid homage to the countless men and women who have suffered and perished due to war and
conflict and continue to do so in current conflict zones in the Palestinian Territories, Israel, Ukraine and
Russia. Lest We Forget.
Mr Dan Valencic
On Wednesday, 1 May, the school gathered to celebrate the Feast of St Joseph the Worker – Patron Saint
of Lewisham. The traditional commencement of Founders Week is book-ended by the Feast Day of our
other significant founder, Blessed Edmund Rice [Feast Day 5 May].
The occasion saw the return of Old Boys, Christian Brothers, World Youth Day counterparts and
significant members of our Edmund Rice community to celebrate with us on the day. Mass was
concelebrated by Bishop Terry Brady, our own Fr Jack Evans and Deacon Sone Tominiko who was our
World Youth Day Seminarian overseas and a former student of Mr Dan Valencic from LaSalle,
Our universal prayers focused on the work provided by our Edmund Rice partners around the globe and
reminded the student cohort of the importance of the strong work ethic, determination and provisions
St Joseph awarded Mary and Jesus to allow their discipleship on the road.
The event showcased our community’s proud rendition of the school song, ‘Conanti Corona’. Written
100 years ago by Br J A Kearney, it chronicles the proud history and early vision of our schools presence
here in Lewisham. Old Boy Captains, John and James Khoury and our longest standing Principal, Br Paul
Conn responded accordingly to the song being sung with such gusto.
Conanti Corona!
Mr Dan Valencic
3 - Maura Manning, Director of NSW Colleges and CEO Edmund Rice Education Australia NSW Colleges Ltd, Dr Michael Blowes
and Br Paul Conn
The P&F will be running the annual Mother’s Day stall until Friday, 10 May before school, at recess and
lunch outside Student Services. A big thank you to Mrs Paradisis from Birds of a Feather Co for her kind
donation of earrings to the stall https://birdsofafeathercouture.com/
Gifts range from $2 - $20 to spoil the Mothers, Grandmothers, Aunties and significant Women in our
students' lives .
All proceeds will go towards the CBHS Lewisham Bursary Fund to help families in need.
Year 8 Brady at Workul Koo, Terrigal
You may have heard snippets about our homeroom’s trip to Terrigal last term from the boys. I know
teenage boys can be a bit concise in their stories, so I thought I'd give you a fuller sketch of our time
We kicked off the trip by taking the boys to a local bowling alley, which served burgers that made
McDonald's look amazing. Later, we focused on mindfulness, exploring how to 'fall forward' and learn
from life's challenges. In the afternoon, the boys took to the beach, enjoying a variety of fun in the sun.
They devoured pizza for dinner and later designed masks reflecting how they see themselves and how
others perceive them. The boys were surprised to discover that their peers held them in higher regard
than they held themselves. To wrap up the day, the boys indulged in desserts, mixing and matching jelly,
ice cream, and toppings until their hearts were content.
The second day began with an early trip to the local parish for morning mass. The boys acted in an
incredibly respectful manner, engaging with other members of the parish, and represented the school
proudly, making the most of the morning out. Back at the house, the boys split into two groups for a day
of outdoor adventures — surfing lessons, paddleboarding, and kayaking — switching activities on the
final morning. After a home-prepared sandwich lunch, we trekked up The Skillion hill. We took some
time on the beach to swim and relax before the boys had the chance to visit local shops. It was great to
see all the boys engaging with each other so much that we ended up playing a 20-person game of ‘piggy
in the middle’. Before we left the beach, some boys couldn’t resist the smell of charcoal chicken and
chips for a pre-dinner snack! After showers and a barbecue dinner, the boys engaged in another
mindfulness activity, reflecting on their fears and writing letters of gratitude to those who have helped
them overcome challenges. The evening wrapped up with games like ping-pong and Mario Kart,
followed by a Service of Healing.
On the last day, a small group of boys woke early to watch a Liverpool FC game, representing the school's
affiliation with Atalanta BC proudly. Breakfast consisted of toasties and cereal (in addition to a song
request), after which the boys tackled their alternate activity. Before leaving, they took part in a final
exercise, each choosing a badge that symbolized how they would overcome challenges they’d identified
earlier. They signed their names under the badge on our Rubicon T-shirt, making for a wonderful
keepsake of the trip to be displayed in our homeroom until graduation.
The bus was then loaded, rooms tidied, and the boys said goodbye to Workul Koo as young men in
training - ready to take on the world.
As Brady's homeroom teacher, I wanted to share how proud I am of the boys. They worked incredibly
well as a group and as a team, demonstrating impressive collaboration and dedication. It's a privilege to
be their homeroom teacher.
Mr Alexander Licata
Year 12 Parents
Some very detailed information regarding University UAC Applications was sent to your son's email
account yesterday asking for each Year 12 student who wishes to apply for Teritary Education to read the
contents of the email, think about the information read and ACT upon it. Students are encouraged
to ask for assistance now if they have questions. A summary of the email is below.
1. https://uac.edu.au/ Sign up to receive news and reminders of closing dates
2. Two Youtube clips from UAC Digital regarding completing your UAC application
3. Applying to Uni attachment above to read. If you need to apply for EAS please seek out an
appointment with Mr Roumie now and he will direct you to a School Counsellor. You need
supporting documentation from specialists/professionals and school support, acknowledgement for this
4. Open Days Dates and Tertiary Open Days Information (attached in email). Please take note of these
dates and plan to attend. You will be the student attending campus for the next FOUR years or so.
Please do your research.
5. Get your usi number-usi.gov.au (You will need your identity documents). All UAC applications now
require a USI.
6. Early Entry Schemes attachment above - remember UAC is not Early Entry. You must make a direct
application to the Uni for their Early Entry Scheme. All Universities have different rules and conditions for
this scheme generally based on Year 11 results.
UTS and Macquarie University representatives will be here in the McDonald Centre to talk about all the
ways into Uni including Early Entry and Portfolio schemes. The link to register has been in highlights
the school newsletter.
8. Please only use the UAC ATAR calculator to get an idea of your ATAR. This is the most reliable
computer indicator of your ATAR to date. Remember there is still time to take action and improve results.
Yesterday Year 12 students who indicated they would like to attend university enjoyed an informative
presentation from UNSW followed by a presentation about the UTS Bachelor of Accounting Co-op
Scholarship Program presented by ex- student Daniel Fortini (scholarship receiptiant) and his colleague
Nick. Both of these presentations were excellent and I thanked the presenters on behalf of the students
for their time in coming to our school to speak with our young men.
Currently many schemes and university programs are holding webinars and these are listed in the weekly
careers newsletter from Jobjump below.
UTS & Macquarie Uni Visit
UTS and Macquarie Uni representatives will be visiting the school to explain their Early Entry Schemes,
Portfolio Entry and Pathways into Uni.
Time: 6.00-7.30 pm
While aimed at our Year 11 and 12 students, this event is open to our whole community. If you have
siblings or friends who wish to attend they would be most welcome.
Universities are always evolving and if you would like to be updated and informed please attend on 15
May 2024 with your son.
Please join us to learn about the Dual Accreditation Program at CBHS covering both School Based
Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBAT) and Vocational Education & Training (VET) Pathways. Students
currently undertaking this pathway will be on hand to provide an insight into the benefits of these
Time: 6.00-7.00 pm
Venue: Treacy Centre -Enter via Gate 9 (Denison Road between Toothill & Eltham Streets)
Students wishing to undertakre this pathway must be in attendance with a parent/carer as the necessary
paperwork will be explained and given to those in attendance.
Robyn Stoddart
Unfortunately, our return to school and sport yesterday was greeted with more rain this week which saw
another two lost trial days for our Term 2 Winter sports of Football and Rugby League.
Trials will continue at Wednesday training after school next week with Round One of the winter
competition to begin on Thursday.
Term 2
A reminder to all families that training and trials occur EVERY WEDNESDAY after school, beginning on 1
May, and that training is compulsory for all players. Any student who has difficulty attending must see
Mr Mamo to arrange a solution suitable to both parties, which may include an early finish. Training
focusses on team building and tactical preparation and awareness, so families need not fear about
players leaving tired for their club sessions afterwards.
CBHS Lewisham have been invited to participate in the inaugural Edmund Rice Cup, a Football Gala Day
for our best Year 7 Footballers, on TUESDAY 7 MAY, Week 2, at West Wanderers football centre, as part
of Founder’s Week celebrations. I have been conducting trials over the last two weeks to select a team
to participate in this exciting event. Successful players have been notified via Google Classroom.
Preparations will then continue at lunchtime today and on Monday in the McDonald Centre, before we
participate in the Cup on Tuesday.
(Year 11/12 Football) EVERY Wednesday departing at LUNCHTIME for training at 2 pm sharp until 3.15
pm at Arlington and Thursdays at Arlington during Sport until the competition begins and we start
matches and
Opens (U16 and older in Rugby League) EVERY Wednesday departing at LUNCHTIME for training at 2 pm
sharp until 3.15 pm at Marrickville Park and Thursdays at Marrickville during Sport until the competition
begins and we start matches.
Intermediate Football (Year 9/10) EVERY Wednesday departing at 3.15 pm for training at 3.30 pm sharp
until 450pm at Arlington and Thursdays at Arlington during Sport until the competition begins and we
start matches.in Term 2.
U14/15 Rugby League EVERY Wednesday departing at 3.15 pm for training at 3.30 pm sharp until 4.50
pm at Marrickville and Thursdays at Marrickville during Sport until the competition begins and we start
matches in Term 2.
Junior Football (Year 7/8) EVERY Wednesday departing at 3.15 pm for training at 3.20 pm sharp until
4.50 pm at Beaman and Thursdays at Beaman during Sport until the competition begins and we start
matches in Term 2. Bus transport provided.
U112/13 Rugby League EVERY Wednesday departing at 3.15 pm for training at 3.30 pm sharp until 4.50
pm at Marrickville and Thursdays at Marrickville during Sport until the competition begins and we start
matches in Term 2.
Please note that for Arlington and Marrickville, the boys walk independently to the venues after school
and for matches. Training attire is suitable clothing and boots for both sports and shin pads (Football)
and mouthguards (Rugby League).
Boys not involved in the representative teams will play recreational sports within their year groups on
Thursday afternoon with boys returning to school for dismissal at 2.45 pm. Boys in House Sport may
leave directly from the venue at approximately 2.25 pm with the written permission of parents/carers.
We are short players for U13 Rugby League so any boys interested in joining the team should see Mr
Boscato as soon as possible.
Good luck to our Table Tennis Team who will participate in the SCS Championships next Tuesday at
Hurstville. Unfortunately, the boys have been unable to train due to the last few weeks of sport being
cancelled however are keen to do well at the Championships.
Best wishes also to our Opens Football players who trial for places in the SCS U19 Team on Tuesday. The
players are: George Kontis, Marcello Nicoliello, Max Rulli, Zac Zarrino, Emmanuel Loaiza and Alexander
In addition to our school based sport, talented sportsmen can also independently apply to the CSNSW
website to trial. Parents/Carers will firstly need to navigate the site and register to receive access. It
should be noted that all trials are AGE SPECIFIC and not all ages are catered for.
Individual Registration and Trials with entry via the CSNSW Portal.
All students must be registered by close date to be considered for selection. The following sports are
individual nominations only - this is the responsibility of parents / carers.
Registrations are completed on the CSNSW.SPORT portal. Parents must create an account and add child.
Attached is the link for HELP.
NSWCCC Selections 18 Years Monday, 13 May, 16 Years Tuesday 14 May @ Sutherland $45
NSWCCC Selections Monday, 27 May @ Ryde 8:30 am - 12 pm Boys & 12 pm - 3:30 pm Girls $35
With regards to those boys wishing to pursue a pathway to further schoolboy representation for
NSWCCC teams, please follow the links below for information and registration which must be completed
by individual families. Please be mindful that not all age groups are catered for.
Registration link is shown below. Interested student should apply via the site.
Please click here to see the entire Term 2, Extra Curricular Calendar, Term 2 will feature over 20 activities
a week, below are just a few
• After School Sports Club – A new option for CBHS families offering an active After-School option
for students in Years 5–8. Gym Masters will be $300 per term for 1 session a week and will be
held in the McDonald Centre from the home bell until 5 pm every day (pending numbers), click
for more details and to sign up
• ALFA Development Squads – Atalanta Lewisham Football Academy offers training for 1 or 2
sessions a week for students who want to expand their football skills, but still play with their
local club on the weekend. Development Sessions run 3:30-5:00 pm Monday and/or Wednesday
and are offered on a term-to-term basis, click for more details and to sign up
• Code Club – Will be running their Minecraft Engineers program on a Wednesday from the home
bell until 4:35 pm and will be $284 from 8 May–26 June click for more details and to sign up
• Waterford Learning Centre – Will continue to offer a place for students to complete homework,
study or read on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from home bell until 5:30 pm if you have not
already completed a permission note and wish to attend please download the permission note
here and return to the WLC before your first session
Please refer to the timetable for contact details and how to sign up for all the other activities.
Acknowledgement of Country
Christian Brothers’ High School Lewisham acknowledges the Gadigal and Wangal people both past and
present who are the Traditional Custodians and have sustained the life, spirit and promise of this land on
which our school now stands. We are committed to being in dialogue with Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander peoples to foster a diverse and inclusive community that aims for unity and solidarity. We value
and nurture authentic relationships celebrating rich and unique gifts that we share through our teaching,
learning and schooling experiences to deepen our appreciation and understanding as we journey
towards reconciliation.