TikTok Social Media Marketing

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Journal of Economic, Religious, and Entrepreneurship (JoERE)

Volume 1 (1) January-June 2023, page 31-38


TikTok's Social Media Marketing Gives Strong Impact on Product Sales


Mega Julianti 1* https://orcid.org/0009-0002-5647-7919

Hari Mudjiarto2 https://orcid.org/0009-0002-1624-0334
Partama Nagatitha3 https://orcid.org/0009-0006-2883-6469
Luwiha4 https://orcid.org/0009-0006-5283-2361
Widi Astuti5 https://orcid.org/0009-0004-4021-8001

12345BuddhistBusiness and Management Department, STIAB Jinarakkhita, Lampung, Indonesia

*corresponding author: Mega Julianti, [email protected]


Marketing is the most essential part of a business. Marketing does Keywords:
not only look at unique products, low and attractive prices, and Marketing; TikTok.
product availability for consumers. In the current era, one
marketing activity is utilizing social media such as TikTok. In 2020 Article History:
the use of TikTok reached 625 million. In Indonesia, TikTok users Received: 23 June 2023
reached approximately 30 million users. On the platform, there is Revised: 30 June 2023
a link feature to e-commerce sites on user profiles; therefore, Accepted: 30 June 2023
TikTok is a free service with exciting content as a promotional Published: 30 June 2023
medium in sales. This research aims to find out marketing
activities on TikTok media in increasing sales. This study used
primary data by distributing questionnaires to online sellers to How to Cite in APA Style:
obtain data from sellers who use the media, with a sample of 35 Julianti, M., et al. (2023).
respondents. The analysis used Simple Regression to test the TikTok's Social Media
influence on variables to provide recommendations that TikTok Influence in Increasing
media is very influential in attracting consumers. Sales. Journal of Economic,
Religious, and
Entrepreneurship,1 (1).


TikTok is an increasingly popular social media platform, especially among teenagers and
young adults. The app allows users to create and share short videos with background music,
visual effects, and exciting filters. In recent years, TikTok has become a popular marketing
tool for companies and brands to promote their products (Ali, M., Eman, N., &; Nawaz, 2021).
One of the reasons why TikTok has become such an effective marketing tool is because of
its appeal to the younger generation. Teenagers and young adults are potential consumers
who are essential to many companies. They are highly socially connected consumers and
love discovering new brands and products through social media. With the growing number
of TikTok users, many companies and brands see a huge opportunity to leverage the
platform to increase brand awareness and sales of their products.

Moreover, TikTok has a unique algorithm that allows viral videos to gain greater exposure
than other social media platforms. This means that brands can reach a more significant and
potential audience without spending vast amounts on advertising (Baurley, 2019). In some
cases, a successful TikTok marketing campaign can significantly increase sales. A creative
and engaging TikTok marketing campaign can help brands build emotional connections
with their consumers and introduce new products effectively. For this reason, TikTok has
become an important marketing tool for many companies and brands. While the platform

Published by STIAB Jinarakkhita

Lampung. 31
Journal of Economic, Religious, and Entrepreneurship (JoERE)
Volume 1 (1) January-June 2023, page 31-38

is still relatively new, its influence in boosting sales has proven considerable, especially for
brands targeting young, socially connected consumers. Nowadays, the problems are related
to TikTok Limited's target audience. Although TikTok has many users, this platform tends
to be more popular among teenagers and young people (Yim, M. Y. C., & Lee, 2021). This can
be challenging if the product or service is aimed more at a more mature or specialized
market segment. Reaching the right target audience and ensuring the relevance of the
content can be problematic in marketing a particular product or service. Measuring
TikTok's marketing influence on sales directly can be difficult because the platform focuses
more on entertaining content than in-person transactions. Understanding TikTok's
contribution to increased sales requires the proper use of metrics and analytics tools.

TikTok Social Media

TikTok is a social media platform that allows users to create, share, and watch short videos.
Launched in 2016 by a Chinese tech company, TikTok has become a global phenomenon
with a huge user base. The app allows users to record short videos for 15 to 60 seconds,
which can be decorated with various creative effects, music, and filters. TikTok has
distinctive traits that set it apart from other social media platforms. The most prominent
feature is the "For You Page" (FYP), which is a personalized stream of content based on user
preferences and behavior (Kaur, H., &; Sharma, 2021). The intelligent algorithm selects
videos and displays them to users based on their interests and previous interactions. It
allows users to find and enjoy content that suits their claims quickly and entertainingly. In
marketing and business, TikTok has become an attractive platform for brands and
companies to interact with younger audiences and reach a broad audience. Many brands
use TikTok to promote their products through creative campaigns, advertisements, and
collaborations with TikTok influencers. With its growing popularity, TikTok has become an
essential channel in digital marketing strategies to increase brand awareness, user
engagement, and sales.

Social Influence Theory is a social psychology concept that individuals tend to be influenced
by others in decision-making and behavior. This theory recognizes that humans are social
creatures who naturally tend to be influenced by social norms, reference groups, and the
people around them. In the context of TikTok, the platform can leverage social influence
theory by creating engaging and inspiring content (Yang, Z., Algesheimer, R., & Dholakia,
2020). Through engaging content, TikTok users who promote a particular product or brand
can influence their followers to consider or purchase the product. Using features such as
hashtags and challenges, TikTok facilitates the broader dissemination of content and
potential social influence. Social influence in the context of TikTok can come from various
sources, such as celebrities, influencers, friends, or community members. Content that gets
a lot of interaction and positive comments can also create a bandwagon effect, where people
tend to follow what is popular or liked by many people (Lin, X., Chen, Y., Zhang, Q., &; Gao,
2020). However, remember that social influence isn't just limited to positive content.
Controversial, negative, or potentially harmful content can also influence consumer
behavior when considering or avoiding certain products or brands.

Increase Sales

Increasing sales is an effort made by a company to increase the number of products or

services sold to customers. This can be achieved through various marketing strategies and
tactics to generate revenue growth and profits. Consumer Decision-Making Process The

Published by STIAB Jinarakkhita

Lampung. 32
Journal of Economic, Religious, and Entrepreneurship (JoERE)
Volume 1 (1) January-June 2023, page 31-38

stages passed by consumers in making purchase decisions, namely the stages of need
recognition, information search, alternative evaluation, purchase, and post-purchase
evaluation (Zeithaml, 1988). In the ever-evolving digital era, consumers search for product
and brand information online before purchasing. Therefore, brands must pay attention to
their presence on online platforms such as social media and official websites. Increasing
sales involves a series of steps designed to influence customer buying behavior. Digital
Marketing In the digital age, online marketing is essential for increasing sales. Search engine
optimization (SEO), social media marketing, online advertising, and content marketing can
reach a broader target audience, increase brand visibility, and influence purchasing
decisions (Cialdini, R. B., & Goldstein, 2004: 591-621). Consumer Behavior involves
studying how consumers perceive, choose, and consume products or services (Solomon,
2019). In the context of sales, understanding the psychological, social, and cultural factors
that influence consumer behavior can assist companies in designing effective sales
strategies. Conducting an effective marketing strategy is essential to increase sales. It
involves various marketing tools, such as advertising, sales promotion, branding, and digital
marketing. Effective marketing aims to create brand awareness, motivate customers to
make purchases, and build strong relationships with consumers.


In this study, researchers used survey methods with a descriptive quantitative approach
and data processing techniques in the form of questionnaires with a total of 84 questions
using the Likert scale in the answers. The number of samples in this study was 35
respondents. The research design in this study conducted by researchers includes: making
observations, compiling the background of the problem, identifying problems, formulating
problems, making theoretical foundations that are used or looking for theories related to
TikTok and Increasing Sales, making research methods, determining research variables,
making instrument grids, collecting data through questionnaires, analyzing data, making
conclusions and suggestions. Data analysis is a step that follows data collection from all
respondents or other data sources (Sugiono, 2019). Grouping data based on variables from
all respondents, presenting data on each variable studied, carrying out calculations to
overcome problem formulations, and completing calculations to evaluate hypotheses that
have been put forward are all activities included in data analysis. Simple linear regression
analysis to obtain higher and more reliable analysis results, this study uses analysis and
uses the SPSS (Statistical Program for the Social Sciences) data processing program.

The population is the entire subject in the region and time with certain qualities that have,
qualities and characteristics that have been determined by researchers to be studied and
then concluded that the population is the entire research subject that has the same features.
(Samsu, 2017). In this study, the population studied was TikTok users aged 16-30 years,
totaling 176 users in the Trirahayu Pesawaran area. The sample is the portion of the
population that the researcher will examine or subject. In this study, the formula that will
be used as a foundation in sampling is the Slovin formula (Prapitasari et al., 2019)
𝑛 = 1+𝑁(𝑒)2
The sampling technique in this study uses the Proportionate Random Sampling method,
which is used in existing population conditions consisting of several layers or groups of
individuals with different characteristics.

Published by STIAB Jinarakkhita

Lampung. 33
Journal of Economic, Religious, and Entrepreneurship (JoERE)
Volume 1 (1) January-June 2023, page 31-38


Based on instrument trials on the influence of TikTok in increasing sales, it was found that
out of 90 items, there were 84 valid items. Invalid statements are found in numbers 1, and
12 in variable X and contained in numbers 53, 61, 70, and 78, which are invalid in variable
Y. Some of these items were declared invalid by comparing the r table on 54 respondents;
the significant level of 0.05 was 0.2681. Question items 1, 12, 53, 61, 70, and 78 < r table
(0.02681) so that 84 valid statement items will be used to obtain research data. Based on
the test of the research reliability instrument, the SPSS reliability coefficient of 16 produces
an alpha of 0.747 because p > 0.05 means the measuring instrument is declared reliable. It
can be concluded that the research instruments used in this study meet the requirements
and have good reliability.

Table 1. Reliability Test

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
.747 90

Based on the results of data analysis and hypothesis testing, it has been found that there is
a positive and significant influence between TikTok and Sales. The hypothesis testing
results show that this study's hypothesis is acceptable. This means that research data
support the assumptions underlying the theoretical analysis explained in TikTok's influence
in increasing sales.

Normality Test

The output results in Kolmogorov Smirnov's One Sample column can be seen that the
significant value for TikTok is 0.393 and Increasing Sales by 0.276. It is concluded that the
population data obtained from the distribution of instruments in the form of questionnaires
has been normally distributed, or Ha is accepted.
Table 2. Normality Test
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
N 35 35
Normal Parametersa Mean 170.74 120.63
Std. Deviation 20.791 15.397
Most Extreme Differences Absolute .152 .168
Positive .152 .168
Negatif -.098 -.120
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .899 .994
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .393 .276
a. Test distribution is Normal.

Published by STIAB Jinarakkhita

Lampung. 34
Journal of Economic, Religious, and Entrepreneurship (JoERE)
Volume 1 (1) January-June 2023, page 31-38

Homogeneity Test

The homogeneity test results of the output test of homogeneity variance between TikTok and
Increase Sales by 0.137. Based on these results and TikTok's significant value towards
Increasing Sales 0.137 > 0.05, it can be said that both data are normal homogeneity.

Table 3. Homogeneity Test

Test of Homogeneity of Variances
TikTok terhadap Penjulan
Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
2.261 1 68 .137

Simple Regression Analysis

Table 4. Regression Equation Output

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 19.105 13.215 1.446 .158
X .595 .077 .803 7.737 .000
a. Dependent Variabel: Y

Coefficients obtained a constant value of 19.105, meaning if TikTok (X) has a value of 0,
Increase Sales (Y) has a positive value of 19.105. The regression coefficient on the TikTok
variable (X) is 0.595, meaning that if TikTok experiences an increase or development, the
variable Increase Sales (Y) will increase by 0.595 with the regression equation.
Table 5. Anova analysis output

Sum of
Model Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 5196.010 1 5196.010 59.867 .000a
Residual 2864.161 33 86.793
Total 8060.171 34
a. Predictors: (Constant), X
b. Dependent Variabel: Y

Based on the ANOVA output, a calculated F value of 59,867 and a significant 0.000 is
obtained, so there is no need to match the F table, because SPSS has facilitated a significant
value. Implementation of the results obtained is significant 0.000 < 5% means Ho is rejected,
and Ha is accepted. This means that TikTok influences Increasing Sales.

Published by STIAB Jinarakkhita

Lampung. 35
Journal of Economic, Religious, and Entrepreneurship (JoERE)
Volume 1 (1) January-June 2023, page 31-38

Table 6. Residual Statistics

Residuals Statisticsa
Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation N
Predicted 104.13 158.84 120.63 12.362 35
Residual -20.295 17.164 .000 9.178 35
Std. -1.334 3.091 .000 1.000 35
Std. Residual -2.178 1.842 .000 .985 35
a. Dependent Variabel: Y

TikTok's minimum residue was -20,295, the maximum value was 17,164, the mean was
0.000, and the standard deviation was 9,178 with 35 respondents.
Table 7. Value of Determation coefficient R Square (model summary)

Model Summaryb
Model R R Adjusted R Std. Error of the Estimate
Square Square
1 .803a .645 .634 9.316
a. Predictors: (Constant), X
b. Dependent Variabel: Y

The coefficient of determination in Table 7 above is R Square which has a value of 0.645;
thus, 64% of TikTok affects Increase Sales while other factors influence the remaining 36%.


The research results show a positive and significant influence between TikTok and Increase
Sales means that TikTok Many brands use TikTok to promote their products through
creative campaigns, advertisements, and collaborations with TikTok influencers. With its
growing popularity, TikTok has become an essential channel in digital marketing strategies
to increase brand awareness, user engagement, and sales, as seen in the regression test
results with a coefficient value of 0.595. The diversity in Increasing Sales has a relationship
with TikTok, which can be seen from the value of the determination coefficient of o.648, so
the diversity on TikTok contributes 64.5%. At the same time, increasing sales by 35.5 was
influenced by other factors outside TikTok that were not studied in this study. The results
showed a positive and significant relationship between TikTok in Increasing Sales. Based
on the description above, there are statement items with High-value categories for the
effects of descriptive analysis that researchers have carried out. The study results
accurately show the significant influence between TikTok variables on Sales variables. The
criterion for hypothesis testing is to reject Ho if t counts, t tables, and vice versa. For the
distribution of t used dk = (n-2) and α = 0.05 obtained 1.446. So it can be seen that t counts
> t table (7.737 > 1.446) or sig (0.000 ≤ 0.05), so it can be concluded that ho is rejected and
ha is accepted, so there is an influence of TikTok in increasing sales. The results of this study
show that based on the t-test for promotional variables on social media, TikTok has a
positive and significant influence on product purchase decision variables. Positive means

Published by STIAB Jinarakkhita

Lampung. 36
Journal of Economic, Religious, and Entrepreneurship (JoERE)
Volume 1 (1) January-June 2023, page 31-38

that if the promotion on TikTok social media is good, it will affect product purchase
decisions. This research is relevant to research (Sanjaya, 2015) showing that media social
marketing brought a significant impact on product sales increase. The results showed that
promotion through Instagram social media significantly influences purchasing decisions. In
realizing success, marketing activities carried out by the company must determine the
promotion strategy. The promotion strategy combines promotional elements or equipment,
such as advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, and public relations (Nufus &;
Handayani, 2022). The above statement is in line with Dwiyanti &; Fitri's research (2021)
that social media has an essential role in increasing the sales volume of products because it
is based on very rapid technological advances that encourage some business people to use
social media as a tool to market their products.


Based on research and discussion about the influence of TikTok in Increasing Sales, it can
be concluded that there is a positive and significant influence between TikTok in increasing
sales. The magnitude of TikTok's effect in increasing sales can be seen from R Square by
64.5%; TikTok affects Sales, while other factors outside this study influence 35.5%. The
results showed a positive and significant influence between TikTok in increasing sales.
Therefore, it is necessary to formulate implications in this case. The study results show that
TikTok's impact on increasing sales is significant. The results of this study show the
influence of TikTok in increasing sales. Researchers realize there are still shortcomings in
this study. This research is expected to provide a good picture so readers know TikTok is
growing in sales. Researchers are then likely to be able to develop and measure each
variable more deeply and improve existing research supported by the latest information
following what is experienced so that researchers and readers can feel the study's benefits
and results.

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