A Preliminary Investigation of Radiomics Differences Between
A Preliminary Investigation of Radiomics Differences Between
A Preliminary Investigation of Radiomics Differences Between
Objectives Prediction of intracranial aneurysm rupture is important in the management of unruptured aneurysms. The application
of radiomics in predicting aneurysm rupture remained largely unexplored. This study aims to evaluate the radiomics differences
between ruptured and unruptured aneurysms and explore its potential use in predicting aneurysm rupture.
Methods One hundred twenty-two aneurysms were included in the study (93 unruptured). Morphological and radiomics features
were extracted for each case. Statistical analysis was performed to identify significant features which were incorporated into
prediction models constructed with a machine learning algorithm. To investigate the usefulness of radiomics features, three
models were constructed and compared. The baseline model A was constructed with morphological features, while model B was
constructed with addition of radiomics shape features and model C with more radiomics features. Multivariate analysis was
performed for the ten most important variables in model C to identify independent risk factors. A simplified model based on
independent risk factors was constructed for clinical use.
Results Five morphological features and 89 radiomics features were significantly associated with rupture. Model A, model B,
and model C achieved the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.767, 0.807, and 0.879, respectively. Model C
was significantly better than model A and model B (p < 0.001). Multivariate analysis identified two radiomics features which
were used to construct the simplified model showing an AUROC of 0.876.
Conclusions Radiomics signatures were different between ruptured and unruptured aneurysms. The use of radiomics features,
especially texture features, may significantly improve rupture prediction performance.
Key Points
• Significant radiomics differences exist between ruptured and unruptured intracranial aneurysms.
• Radiomics shape features can significantly improve rupture prediction performance over conventional morphology-based
prediction model. The inclusion of histogram and texture radiomics features can further improve the performance.
• A simplified model with two variables achieved a similar level of performance as the more complex ones. Our prediction model
can serve as a promising tool for the risk management of intracranial aneurysms.
* Yi Qian
[email protected]
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Macquarie University,
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
National Key Clinical Specialty/Engineering Technology Research
Center of Education Ministry of China, Guangdong Provincial Key
Laboratory on Brain Function Repair and Regeneration,
Neurosurgery Institute, Department of Neurosurgery, Zhujiang
Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, Guangdong,
Monash Medical Centre, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria,
Eur Radiol
regression in our training procedures. LASSO and ridge re- was compared with model C in terms of area under the receiv-
gression are developed from logistic regression with the use of er operating characteristic curve (AUROC).
regularization. Regularization can shrink the less important
features’ coefficients to zero and remove redundant features. Statistical analysis
This is particularly helpful when we deal with a large number
of features compared with the number of training samples. All features were compared between ruptured and unruptured
The model training and evaluation workflow are illustrated cases using univariate analyses. For binary or categorical fea-
in Fig. 2. Model A, model B, and model C were compared tures, Fisher exact test or chi-square test was performed. For
in terms of the area under the receiver operating characteristic continuous features, they were first examined with the
curve (AUROC). We also presented the comparison in terms Shapiro-Wilk test to determine normality, followed by the
of the area under the precision-recall curve (AUPRC), which Student t test or Mann-Whitney U test. A p value < 0.05 was
is more informative than ROC when evaluating binary classi- considered statistically significant. Comparison between multi-
fier on imbalanced data [29]. The sensitivity and specificity of ple groups was corrected by Bonferroni correction. Multivariate
each model were determined at the optimal cutoff point on the logistic regression was performed with a backward stepwise
AUROC curve, defined as the point at which the Youden method. Variable collinearity was assessed by Pearson’s corre-
index (J = sensitivity + specificity − 1) reaches its maximum. lation test. The comparison of different models’ performance in
Since the consequence of missing a rupture-prone aneurysm is the 100 repeats was examined by Wilcoxon signed-ranks test as
more severe, we have also presented precision at sensitivity suggested by a previous study [30]. Statistical analyses were
equal to 100%. The importance of each variable was ranked performed using SPSS 24.0 (IBM Corp).
by the average magnitude of coefficients in the 100 repeats.
Having too many features can increase the model complex-
ity and limit its practical use in clinical settings. Therefore, a Results
simplified model was also derived. First, the collinearity of the
top ten most important features in model C was examined. The statistics of the unruptured and ruptured aneurysms are
Linearly independent features were input to multivariate re- presented in Table 1. Aneurysm size, neck width, parent artery
gression to identify independent and significant variables. A diameter, location, size ratio, and aspect ratio were significant-
simplified model using only independent and significant var- ly different between the two groups. For the 107 radiomics
iables was trained and evaluated again using the method pre- features, 89 of them showed significant difference between
viously described. The performance of the simplified model the two groups, which include shape descriptors, first-order
histogram descriptors, and texture descriptors. A heat map size ratio, and aspect ratio were the three most important var-
was constructed to show the association between radiomics iables. For model B, sphericity, location on ICA, and surface-
features and aneurysm rupture status, as shown in Fig. 3. For to-volume ratio were the important variables. For model C,
details of each feature, please see Supplemental Table 1. gray-level co-occurrence matrix maximum probability
To investigate whether radiomics features are useful in (GLCM Max Probability), location on ICA, and gray-level
predicting aneurysm stability in addition to aneurysm mor- co-occurrence matrix maximal correlation coefficient
phology, three models based on different features were con- (GLCM MCC) were the three most important variables. It
structed. Model A (baseline model) achieved an average should be noted that location of ICA and AComA appeared
AUROC of 0.767 (95% CI 0.754–0.779). Model B showed as important features in all three models. In all three models,
an average AUROC of 0.807 (95% CI 0.795–0.818), which is ICA was associated with negative coefficient (decreased risk)
significantly better than model A (p < 0.001). The difference and AComA was associated with positive coefficient (in-
between model A and model B is the inclusion of radiomics- creased risk).
derived shape features. Model C showed the best AUROC The correlations between model C’s top ten features are
among the three models at 0.879 (95% CI 0.871–0.888), sig- shown in Supplemental Fig. 1. We observed that some
nificantly better than model B (p < 0.001). The AUPRC of the radiomics features were linearly dependent on each other.
three models were 0.593 (95% CI 0.576–0.610), 0.631 (95% For linearly correlated features, we only selected the ones with
CI 0.615–0.649), and 0.763 (95% CI 0.748–0.777), respec- factors of greatest importance. As a result, only four features
tively. Similarly, model C was significantly better than model (ICA, AComA, GLCM Max Probability, and GLSZM Zone
B and model A (p < 0.001), which was consistent with the Percentage) were input into multivariate analysis. Multivariate
result of AUROC. The performances of the models were regression analysis showed that GLCM Max Probability and
summarized in Table 2. If a high sensitivity threshold is GLSZM Zone Percentage were independent and significant
chosen (~ 100%), models A, B, and C will have a positive variables (p < 0.05) while location being AComA was mar-
predictive value of 0.388, 0.441, and 0.518, respectively. ginally significant (p = 0.067). The multivariate analysis re-
The difference between model B and model C is the inclusion sults were shown in Table 3. The simplified model construct-
of first-order features and second-order texture features. The ed with the two radiomics features (GLCM Max Probability
three ROC curves are shown in Fig. 4. Our results suggested and GLSZM Zone Percentage) achieved an AUROC of 0.876
that the inclusion of radiomics features can significantly improve (95% CI 0.866–0.885), which indicates that the simplified
prediction performance. It also showed that model C is both model performed as well as model C. The simplified model
more sensitive and specific compared with the other 2 models. had a ROC curve almost identical to that of model C. There is
The ten most important variables in each model and their no statistically significant difference between the performance
importance are shown in Fig. 5. For model A, aneurysm size, of simplified model and model C.
Fig. 3 Heat map of statistically significant radiomics features selected for machine learning. Each row and column correspond to one normalized
radiomics feature and one aneurysm, respectively
Eur Radiol
Discussion radiomics features derived from CTA images can predict an-
eurysm stability with high discrimination (AUROC = 0.879).
In this study, we have shown the significant differences in Various aneurysm morphological parameters have been
radiomics between ruptured and unruptured aneurysms. We suggested to be related to rupture including size, size ratio,
further demonstrated that a machine learning model based on aspect ratio, shape regularity, and locations [2–6, 9, 26].
Fig. 5 Top ten features and feature coefficients (feature importance) in models A, B, and C
Model A derived from morphological parameters showed a three most important variables to predict aneurysm stability.
similar result where size, size ratio, and aspect ratio were the Model B was constructed with morphological features plus
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Table 3 Multivariate analysis of the top 10 important variables in that these texture patterns may indirectly represent the hemo-
model C
dynamics within the aneurysm. Hemodynamics parameters
OR (95% CI) p Value have been associated with aneurysm rupture. However, most
studies of aneurysm hemodynamics employed computer sim-
GLCM Max Probability 7.365 (1.289–42.084) 0.025 ulations which are based on assumed properties of flow [5–8].
GLSZM Zone Percentage 0.001 (0.000–0.012) 0.001 In contrast, radiomics features are derived from images, which
AComA 3.605 (0.915–14.20) 0.067 are more objective and realistic.
ICA 0.647 (0.153–2.742) 0.554 The simplified model achieved a similar level of perfor-
mance as model C. This can be explained by the fact that
many radiomics features were correlated to each other and
shape descriptors derived from radiomics. Statistical analysis redundant, as suggested by a 2018 study [33]. Removing re-
showed that most of these shape descriptors were significantly dundant features can simplify the model, improve its interpret-
related to aneurysm rupture, similar to the result obtained by ability, and facilitate practical use in clinical setting. In the
Liu et al [19]. Conventionally, size, size ratio, and aspect ratio current study, machine learning models required input of
have been associated with rupture risk. A question may be radiomics features, which were extracted from images using
raised as to whether these shape descriptors are just redundant PyRadiomics. Since the preprocessing of images is not trivial
surrogates of conventional aneurysm morphologies or wheth- to doctors, to make the model easier to use in clinical settings,
er they encompass extra information not contained in conven- a web-based calculator for a simple risk scoring scale can be
tional morphological parameters. By comparing models A derived from machine learning models, as illustrated in previ-
and B, we found that the additional use of radiomics-derived ous work [34].
shape descriptors can better predict aneurysm rupture. Liu et al have previously shown that using shape features
We further examined whether the inclusion of more derived from radiomics can predict aneurysm rupture [19].
radiomics features can further improve the prediction model. The difference between our work and previous work is mainly
By comparing models C and B, we found that including these in three aspects. First, previous work is based on DSA images.
descriptors significantly improves the prediction performance We used CTA images which are more commonly used in the
(0.879 vs 0.807, p < 0.001). monitoring of untreated aneurysms. Second, our study was
In multivariate analysis, AComA appeared as marginally based on mid-term follow-up. For unruptured aneurysms, they
significant with OR = 3.605 (p = 0.067), which agrees with pre- have remained stable for at least 2 years. For aneurysms that
vious study indicating AComA as an independent risk factor ruptured during follow-up, since post-rupture aneurysm mor-
[2]. Only GLCM Max Probability (OR = 7.365) and GLSZM phology may change [25], in this study, only pre-rupture im-
Zone Percentage (OR = 0.001) remained as independent and ages within 1 year before rupture were used, which makes it
significant variables. In ruptured group, GLCM Max more accurate and applicable to real-world situation. Third,
Probability was significantly higher (p < 0.001) and GLSZM we examined extra features (first-order histogram and second-
Zone Percentage was significantly lower (p < 0.001) than their order texture features) in our model and we proved that these
counterpart in the unruptured group. The gray-level co-occur- extra features could improve the model performance signifi-
rence matrix describes the probability distribution for neighbor- cantly. Besides radiomics, deep learning has also shown
ing voxels to have similar intensity levels. A higher value of promise in aneurysm detection on CTA images [35].
GLCM Max Probability indicates that a certain texture pattern Radiomics integrated with deep learning may provide a new
is more salient in the aneurysm region. The gray-level size zone method in the risk management of intracranial aneurysms.
matrix quantifies gray-level zones (region of similar voxel in-
tensities) in images. A lower value of GLSZM Zone Percentage
indicates fewer zones (region of similar voxel intensities) in the Limitations
aneurysm region, which also means higher heterogeneity.
Therefore, these two texture descriptors suggested that This study has several limitations. Although we believe our
rupture-prone aneurysms were associated with higher heteroge- study has included a relatively large number of follow-up
neity in voxel intensity and appeared to show certain texture aneurysms, from statistical point of view, the number of cases
patterns. Two typical images of aneurysms with heterogenous included in the current study is relatively small and may not
pattern and two typical images of aneurysms with homoge- fully represent the variability among ruptured aneurysms. We
neous patterns are shown in Supplemental Fig. 2. did not include some recognized clinical risk factors such as
The texture patterns within the aneurysm region are likely hypertension and hyperlipidemia, which should be considered
to be caused by the uneven distribution of contrast. in future study. The follow-up period of 2 years is relatively
Inhomogeneous contrast pattern has been suggested to be re- short, and thus, our result may not be fully applicable for
lated to turbulent flow [31, 32], which has led us to propose predicting the long-term stability of aneurysms. As this is
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