Lesson Pplan Conjunctions
Lesson Pplan Conjunctions
Lesson Pplan Conjunctions
Institution/ Context of language teaching: Şehit Mustafa Yaman Proje Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi
Material (Course-book or any other) Used: Worksheets, Smart board and students book.
Lesson Focus: Grammar skill (Grammar for general understanding) The topic: Conjunctions and
Transitions, listening and reading skills.
Learners’ previous knowledge: The students have knowledge about Conjunctions and Transitions.
Learner profile (Age + Proficiency level/ Number of students): 17-18 year-old learners at High
School. Their proficiency level is B1 level. There are 15-16 students.
Anticipated problems & Remedies during Teaching: A teacher can use the white board if a
technical problem occurs.
1. the students will improve and practice their grammar skills through activities.
2. The students will respond to the questions by using grammar forms such as but, so and because.
By the end of the lesson, the students will have/ students will be able to …
1. Identify conjunctions and transitions, specifically "but," "so," and "because," and other phrases.
2. develop their listening skills by listening to the voice message.
3. develop their reading skills by reading the text and doing the exercises.
Lesson Plan (The
Procedure Interactio
Stage Aids &
What do the teacher and the students do? n Pattern
4 The teacher greets the students and takes attendance. They Whole Warm-up part is important. Students
chat with each other. Then The teacher asks questions for class may come tired or sleepy
example? How can we make a sentence by using The sometimes, so it is good to energize
Conjunctions and transitions? By doing that, the teacher teacher them and get them ready for the
again asks any ideas about but,so and because. and make lesson.
the students think about the topic.
Lesson Plan, 2
introduction to the grammar topic.
Using examples and teaching the form
of the grammar phrases ("but," "so,"
and "because") helps students to
understand the structure and usage.
Breaking down the lesson into
manageable components ensures that
students comprehend each element
before moving on to the next. Through
clear and concise teaching, students are
equipped with the necessary tools to
apply their learning effectively in
practice activities.
Lesson Plan, 3
Reading comprehension activities
After the teacher teaches some grammar form to the are essential for reinforcing grammar
student, she/he continues with the activities in the concepts in context. By providing a
20 students text related to technology, students
students book.
book have the opportunity to practice
In the first activity, the teacher asks the students to
identifying and using conjunctions
read the text and answer the questions. The text is
and transitions in a real-world
about technology. The whole
context. This activity aims to
In the second activity, the students are asked to listen to enhance students' understanding of
the voice message about the things to be done and find the how conjunctions and transitions
things to be done by writing them. contribute to the coherence of a text.
While-stage In the third activity, the students asked to study the text Listening comprehension activities
describing a hi-tech product. Then, do the exercises. are effective for reinforcing grammar
There are 3 parts in the third activity. In the first concepts in aural contexts. By
section, the students are asked to find the paragraph listening to a voice message,
students practice identifying the use
cover. ın the second section, they are asked to find the
of conjunctions and transitions in
linking words in the paragraph and write them in the
spoken language, which is equally
relatable boxes. In the third section, they are asked to
important as written language.
find the linking words in the text and in section 2 and
replace them in the table below. This activity involves a more
in-depth analysis of a text describing
Lesson Plan, 4
a hi-tech product. It's structured in
three parts to gradually increase the
level of challenge, allowing students
to reinforce their understanding of
conjunctions and transitions.
● Text Structure
Recognition: By identifying
the paragraph that best
covers the given topic,
students practice recognizing
the structure of a text and
how transitions and
conjunctions are used to link
ideas within a paragraph.
Lesson Plan, 5
● Text Analysis: Students are
required to find the linking
words in the paragraph and
write them in the related
boxes. This task promotes
close reading and
understanding of how
transitions and conjunctions
contribute to the coherence
of a text.
● Text Manipulation:
Students are asked to find the
linking words in the text and
in Section 2, then replace
them in the table below. This
task encourages students to
actively manipulate text,
improving their
understanding of the role of
Lesson Plan, 6
conjunctions and transitions
in maintaining coherence.
Lesson Plan, 7
This part is useful to have an
If there is a time, the teacher asks students to make a opportunity to check which parts
list about what they learned in today’s lesson. class remained in the mind of the
students about that day’s lesson.
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Lesson Plan, 9