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Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

Department of Shipping
Sample Question Bank for Certificate of Proficiency (COP)
MCQ Exam

Bridge Resource Management and Application of

Leadership and Managerial skills
(Version: 01)

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Engine Room Resource Management and Application of Leadership and Team Working Skills (Management)

1. Standard manning and rest hours are i. Stress

categorized under what type of resource ii. Dissatisfaction
constrains? iii. Uncertainty
i. Regulatory constraints iv. None of the above
ii. Physical constraints
iii. Dependencies on other tasks 5. Which of the following components
iv. Inadequate constrains are not part of stress and load
management ?
2. Which of the following is the correct i. Planning and coordination,
abbreviation of ERM? ii. Time and resource constraints
i. Engine Resource Management iii. Prioritization
ii. Engine room Resourcefulness iv. control
iii. Engine Relation Management 7. Directing, being one of the prominent
iv. Engineer Relation Manager functions of Human Resource
Management that falls under
3. Human factor can be defined as __________
__________ i. Operative functions
i. The entire concept of human ii. Technical functions
behavior iii. Managerial functions
ii. Interrelated Physiological, iv. Behavioral functions
Psychological and Socio-
ethical aspects of a human 8. Human relation approach refers to
being. __________
iii. Micro and macro issues of i. An approach in which crews are
socioeconomic factor facilitated with humanity at the
iv. None of the above workplace.
ii. A shared teamwork between the
4. Finding ways to reduce __________ employee and the employer for
is a crucial responsibility of solving problematic issues.

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Engine Room Resource Management and Application of Leadership and Team Working Skills (Management)

iii. Forming a group of crews on regulations and port as well as

the work front so as to inspire flag state implementation.
them to work collectively for iii. All the above.
the company's growth in terms of
social, economic, and 12.What kind of behavior are we looking
psychological productivity. for as a result of ERM course
iv. None of the above i. Situational awareness,
successful teamwork,
9. Which of the following skill require by decisions are realistic, share
ERM professional? workload.
i. Crew handling ii. Relevant information are
ii. Management obtained early, shared mental
iii. Both i and ii. model of situation.
iv. None of the above iii. Monitoring progress and cross
checking each other.
10. Why ISM CODE is considered to be
integral part of ERM course: 13. How has ERM become one of the
i. Ensuring Pollution prevention highly focused topic in Shipping
ii. Ensuring safe operation of ships industry?
iii. All of the above It focuses on maintaining a satisfied
11. How “communication” plays a vital i. increased customer satisfaction.
role in resource management onboard a ii. It promotes individual
ship? development.
i. All operation will be hazardous iii. Optimum utilization of
and may result in accident manpower by motivation and
Without proper and effective improving efficiency.
communication, iv. Answer: It results in maximum
ii. It is perfect method of ensuring output with the increased
compliance with IMO customer satisfaction.
conventions, international

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Engine Room Resource Management and Application of Leadership and Team Working Skills (Management)

14. What does a Resource specification 18. Identify which of the following
include? thoughts as “HAZARDOUS”
i. Personal characteristics Why take chances, follow the rules
ii. Physical characteristics i. This can happen to me
iii. Psychological characteristics ii. We are all on the same ship
iv. All of the above iii. It’s not my job

15. MLC set minimum standards on 19. Which one is “False”

work-related issues. The following are i. The sea is dangerous
example of such labor standards ii. You can not change the law of
except. nature
i. equal type of opportunity and iii. Mistakes are rare or unusual
treatment plan iv. Seafarers have to face many
ii. collective bargaining challenges.
iii. STCW training requirement
iv. Basic Labor right 20. Which ONE of the following
conventions was not conceived through
16. In which year was the STCW the IMO?
adopted by the IMO? i. STCW
i. 1995 ii. Maritime Labor Convention
ii. 2010 iii. SOLAS
iii. 1984 iv. MARPOL
iv. 1978
21. Which of the following takes a full
17. Which type of proficiency is most interest in the process of strategic
pragmatic? planning?
i. Knowledge based i. Training & Development
ii. Rule “ ii. Quality Control
iii. Skill “ iii. Human Resource
iv. Production

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Engine Room Resource Management and Application of Leadership and Team Working Skills (Management)

22. Which of the following tells the 26. What should you do to avoid mental
correct importance of controlling? SHOCK?
i. Power to influence people's i. Run away from problems
behavior ii. Quarrel with others
ii. Process of regulating the iii. Be calm and quiet as well as
activities take thoughtful decision.
iii. An important mental process on
the part of the manager 27 Why should you use PPE for the
iv. To ensure that all of the purpose of avoiding loss, injury or
activities are coordinated as damage to
per the plan. i. Ship, people or environment?
ii. Enhance awareness, attitude
23 .Which factors do not affect crisis and action
management iii. To comply with ISM code
i. Anger iv. None of the above
ii. Fear
iii. Survival instincts 28. Fatigue cannot be caused by
iv. Attitudes. following reasons
i. Stress
24. Which is not the correct way to ii. Physical illness
handle stress iii. Lack of sleep or rest
i. Regular deep breathing iv. Political unrest
ii. Slow down
iii. Structured approach to crisis. 29. How you should not minimize
iv. Start jumping. traumatic stress ?
i. Settle down
25. What is mind storming ii. Deal with emotions
i. Coming to a decision after lot iii. Rest / sleep
of thinking iv. Run away from the profession.
ii. Do not take a risk
iii. Be afraid of everything

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Engine Room Resource Management and Application of Leadership and Team Working Skills (Management)

30. How will you recognize stress? iii. With the help of human
i. a . Strange behavior behavior's determinants.
ii. Over activity iv. By studying the human behavior
iii. Irrelevant talk of each employee in alliance with
iv. All of the above the organization.

31. Why “ communication” plays a vital 35. What is meant by the factual
role in ERM ? statement of the duties and
i. For preventing close quarter responsibilities?
situation i. Job analysis
ii. In order to avoid “near miss” ii. Job specification
iii. In order to achieve perfect iii. Job evaluation
team work iv. Job description
iv. All of the above
36. For which of these cases have the
33. What do you understand by the IMO and ILO jointly produced
written record of duties, responsibilities, guidelines'?
and conditions of a job? i. A tanker caught fire after an oil
i. Job enrichment spill
ii. Job ranking ii. A group of officer and ratings
iii. Job enlargement onboard a ship accused the
iv. Job description Master of violating rest hour
policy .
34. What are the possible factors that iii. Crane spare part to the ship does
help in understanding the nature of a not meet the technical
human being? specification, according to the
i. As per one's behavior at Chief Engineer
his/her workplace. iv. Ship cargo was damaged due to
ii. Based on how successfully a a super typhoon
management team influences an
individual employee or a group.

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Engine Room Resource Management and Application of Leadership and Team Working Skills (Management)

37 Which of the following correctly ii. proof that a safety

defines the Human Resource management system is in
Department? place in accordance with the
i. Functional department ISM
ii. Service department iii. proof that the vessel complies
iii. Line department with the ISPS code
iv. Authority department iv. proof of compliance with MLC
38. For effective resource
management and avoid fatigue, each 41. Which code established safety
crew has to take rest weekly minimum management objectives and required
i. 70 hours companies to set up a safety
ii. 77 Hours management system of (SMS.?
iii. 65 Hours i. STCW
iv. 60 Hours ii. ISPS
iii. ISM
39. Which of the following refers to the iv. ILC
term quality improvement?
i. A team effort. 42. What does mean job evaluation?
ii. Achieved by PSC inspector. i. Importance of different jobs within
iii. Achieved by company ISM the organization.
policy and safety management ii. Crew apprisal.
system and good team leader iii. Determining the relative worth of
iv. Tough job; somewhat impossible various jobs within ship in
task. monetary terms.
iv. Analyze any shortcomings and
40. An SMC is issued to a ship as further better procedure to
complete the above statement by implement, discuss in team
selecting ONE. after completion of the task.
i. Proof that management .
strategies are being set.

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Engine Room Resource Management and Application of Leadership and Team Working Skills (Management)

43. What is included in the content of iv. Situational awareness

the job description on board task ? .
i. Educational qualification for that 48. . The IMO adopted MARPOL in
particular task and it has been amended by the
ii. Place, task and details work protocols of 1978 and 1997 and kept
done procedure description updated with relevant amendments.
iii. Both i and ii Complete the above statement with the
iv. None of the above ONE most appropriate year
. i. 1978
44. Which MARPOL Annex is ii. 1958
concerned with the control of pollution iii. 1973
by noxious liquid substances in bulk? iv. 1964
i. Annex lll
ii. Annex lV 49. Which of the following is involved in
iii. Annex I the in-basket training?
iv. Annex ll i. Simulation
ii. On-the-job training
45. Which of the following is enhanced iii. Vestibule training
by 360-degree feedback? iv. Coaching
i. Management level decisions
ii. Support level in-charge feedback 50. The first version of the SOLAS was
iii. Concern crew feed back adopted in1914 in response to the
iv. All of the above disaster.Complete the above statement
by selecting the ONE.
47. Which of the following involves one i. Titanic
to one interaction among ship ii. Exxon Valdez
management level, Office management iii. Torrey Canyon
and the crew? iv. Herald of Free Enterprise
i. Motivation
ii. Assertiveness 51. Resource management is also
iii. Training called as

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Engine Room Resource Management and Application of Leadership and Team Working Skills (Management)

i. Onboard store /spare iii. Technique of thinking

management iv. All of the above
ii. onboard crews management
iii. Both i and ii 55. The subject matter of Resource
iv. None of the above management is
i. Store, spare and human being
52. Personnel management specifically ii. Capital investment
deals with human resources in respect iii. Wages and incentives
i. Their assertiveness 56. The following is a function of ERM
ii. Their development and leadership
iii. Their motivation i. Training and development of
iv. All of the above crews
ii. Recruitment and selection of
53. Which of the following is true? crews
i. Principles of general iii. Wages and salary of crews
management apply to Resource iv. decision making technics,
management Planning and organizing
ii. Resource management considers
that planning, decision making, 57. The following principle of Resource
effective management of crews, management reduces stresses to
time-based, well organized. perform task successfully
iii. Personnel management deals i. Principle of fair reward
with the relations of onboard ii. Principle of joint management
personnel towards an onboard iii. Principle of Decision making
task Technics
iv. All of the above iv. Principle of team spirit

54. Resource management is a (an. 58. Resource management policies are

i. Approach related with _____
ii. Point of view i. FLAG State

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Engine Room Resource Management and Application of Leadership and Team Working Skills (Management)

ii. ISM i. ill will

iii. SOLAS ii. Strikes
iv. ISPS iii. All of the above

59. The following which is not Principle 63. If the productive man hours lost are
of Personal Policies less, their available productive hours will
i. Principle of common interest be
ii. Principle of Development i. More
iii. Principle of recognition of trade ii. Less
unions iii. Same
iv. Principle of team spirit iv. None of the above

60. Which international maritime 64. ________ method of training is

regulation establishes basic connected to real life problem.
requirements for training. certification i. Conferences
and watchkeeping for seafarers? ii. Case study
i. ISM iii. Management games
ii. MARPOL iv. Sensitivity training
iii. STCW
iv. SOLAS 65. Leaders must have the following.
i. Sensibility
61. The following factor’s. affect(s. ii. Conceptual skill
resource planning iii. Human relation skill
i. Working hours iv. All of the above
ii. Nature of task
iii. Performance rate 66. Advantage’s. of task planning are
iv. All of the above i. Reduces workload
ii. Tap potentials of crews
62. Satisfactory resolution of the iii. Motivates crews
disputes may avoid the following iv. All of the above
None co-operative actions

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67. The following is not an indication of 71. ______ states the way about what
physical stress are the activities that need to be
i. Biting Nails, Clenching fists and conducted, when it is to be conducted
jaws and how to conduct it.
ii. Tapping feet on the floor, i. Planning
Hunching Shoulders ii. Organizing
iii. Tapping finger on chair/table, iii. Decision Making
Wrinkles on forehead iv. None of the Above
iv. Fever, coughing
72. Human Resource Planning is a part
68. The fundamental objective of every of _____ function of the organization.
organization is i. Operational
i. Survival ii. Managerial
ii. Achieving Targets iii. Analytical
iii. Profit iv. Planning
iv. Compete in competition
73. The operational function of ERM
69. The characteristics of human does not include
resources are ____ in nature. i. Planning
i. Homogenous ii. Decision making Technics
ii. Heterogeneous iii. Crews Safety and prioritization
iii. Ductility iv. Employee engagement
iv. None of the above
74. How can we reducing the Vessel
70. The scope of Engine resource accident by day or night.
management includes i. By using bridge equipment’s
i. Procurement ii. By the proper use of resource
ii. Development & all
iii. Compensation iii. By proper use of knowledge
iv. planning

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Engine Room Resource Management and Application of Leadership and Team Working Skills (Management)

75. Prejudice means iii. shipboard management and

i. An opinion formed without international maritime convention
examination iv. From Master and DPA ,
ii. Preliminary examination SOLAS , MARPOL and STCW
iii. An introductory piece
80. In leadership core point as per
76. The following topic mean false STCW 2010, please tick which is not
i. KPI = Key Performance correct.
indicators i. task and workload management
ii. SMART = Specific, Measurable, ii. Knowledge and effective
Achievable, Relevant & Time resource management
Based iii. Knowledge and decision-making
iii. SWOT = Systematic techniques
Management Technique iv. work hard and earn a good
reputation from management
77. What is the topic of Leadership
management? 81.What points you will consider for
i. Stress and its management stress management as per STCW 2010
ii. Time & Work Management planning and co-ordination
iii. Planning & Organization i. personal assignment and
iv. All above Prioritization
ii. Time and resource constant
79. How you develop leadership and iii. communication
management skill as per STCW 2010 iv. all above
i. international maritime 82.What point will you consider for
convention and effective resource management?
recommendations and national i. allocation assignment and
legislations. prioritization of resource
ii. international maritime convention ii. effective communication and
and social life maintain Situational Awareness

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Engine Room Resource Management and Application of Leadership and Team Working Skills (Management)

iii. Decision reflects team 85..Why is democratic leadership not

experience, assertiveness and considered lasting and ideal ?
motivation i. The majority does not necessarily
iv. All above have the best decisions
ii. It suppresses initiative among
83.What factor you will consider for the crewmembers
decision-making technique. iii. It is solely based on the
i. course of action, situation and principle of status power
risk assessment.
ii. Identify and consider generated 86.The typical authoritarian or semi-
option authoritarian leadership style is solely
iii. Consider physical strength and based on the principle of
evaluation of outcome i. personal power
effectiveness ii. status power
iv. All above iii. expert power

84.How do you define “control” based 87.In which phase of the UPI model
on the principle of basic interpersonal does the leader,along with his
needs? subordinates, plan for the
monitor the subordinates tasks or implementation of the team’s ideas?
accomplishments i. Implementation phase
i. ability to give orders and push for ii. planning phase
the achievement of target goals iii. understanding phase
ii. empowering crew to take control
of their work by delegating 88. What is the responsibility of the
responsibility leader on the 3rd phase of the UPI
iii. ability to make decision model?
iv. ability to give knowledge sharing i. plans for the implementations
v. All the above of the team ideas
ii. gives orders

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iii. creates common understanding vi. a common goal

of the task assigned to the team
92. ERM are emphasized in STCW
89. The UPI Team leadership Method 2010 and they indicate ten soft skills.
enables you to understand how to These are emphasized because of their
develop powerful, creative , self importance and relate to
employed teams,UPI stands for i. assignment, allocation,
i. Universal, power, Interaction communication, decision-
ii. Unwilling, Power, Initiative making, leadership,
iii. Understanding, planning, consideration of team
Implementation experience, assertiveness,
teamwork, prioritization of
90.The first phase in the UPI model is resources and situational
the think , know, and feeling phase . awareness
what is the goal of this phase? ii. assignment, allocation,
i. to create a common communication, decision-making,
understanding of the task leadership, consideration of team
assigned to the team experience, assertiveness,
ii. to plane for the implementation of teamwork, prioritization of
the teams ideas resources and shipping Business
iii. to give orders iii. Seamanship, allocation,
communication, decision-making,
91. A work team is defined as a small leadership, consideration of team
collection of people who commonly experience, assertiveness,
share most of the following teamwork, prioritization of
characteristics expect resources and situational
i. ability to act in manner awareness
ii. team consciousness iv. assignment, allocation,
iii. a sense of shared purpose communication, decision-making,
iv. interdependency r leadership, consideration of team
v. a good sense of humor Education, assertiveness,

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teamwork, prioritization of iv. Having Finest Chief engineer

resources and situational on board.
95. KPI Five smart management
93. Leadership is all about vision, broad techniques for set up goal
perspective, will power and ability to i. Specific, Measureable,
motivate and guide people. In a achievable, Relevant and Time
organization there are 3 type of leader based
i. Strategic leaders, Tactical ii. Specific, Number , achievable,
leaders and Operational leader Relevant and Time based
ii. Strategic leaders, Support leader iii. Specific, Measureable,
and Operational leader Knowledgeable, Relevant and
iii. Management leader, Tactical Time based
leaders and Operational leader iv. Specific, Measureable,
iv. Management leaders, Support achievable, knowledge and
leaders and Operational leader Time based

94. KPI(Key performance indicators are 96. Select. from the options given the
vital factors and issues of an word that most accurately completes the
organization that are measurable and following statement. "Team leaders seek
which reflects the goal of an to create the conditions that enable
organization that are key to the team members to reach common.
attainment of success for the i. Impressions
organization. A ship can have KPI but ii. Preferences
below which one is not KPI iii. Goals
i. Speed it maintained iv. Power
ii. Time lost during breakdowns
iii. percentage of successfully PSC 97. Which one of the following
inspection with minimum statements best describes why it is
observation important to have effective team

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i. To ensure that uncooperative i. Expert power

crew members will be easily ii. Personal power
identified and removed from the iii. Status power
team. iv. Information power
ii. To ensure that each crew
member works independently 100. Which one of the following
iii. To satisfy the management statements best describes the term
iv. To ensure that the collective 'leadership'?
and complementary skills of i. Using resources economically
each crew member can make ii. Getting the job done through
up for individual limitations. others
iii. Directing team members on
98. Which one of the following is NOT a what to do
means by which both the team leader iv. Making people happy and
and team members can reach common satisfied
i. By sharing information and 101.Democratic Leadership style is NOT
knowledge considered lasting and ideal because
ii. By each making their own i. it focuses on achieving the goal
decisions ii. majority is not necessarily the
iii. By building on each other's best group to make competent
strengths decisions
iv. By working together iii. it prevents crew members
taking the initiative.
99. The ratings and junior officers highly iv. it is solely based on the principle
respect the Bosun because of his of status power
experience,age and personality and
they often seek his advice on personal 102. A good leader is capable of
and family matters. In the context of performing their duties by varying their
leadership, which one of the types of role and their conduct. When carrying
power does the Bosun have? out risk assessments and dealing with

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Engine Room Resource Management and Application of Leadership and Team Working Skills (Management)

critical situations they are acting as because of his excellent work

the... performance. in the context of
i. front figure leadership, which one of the types of
ii. negotiator power does the ETO have?
iii. conflict manager i. Status power
iv. informer ii. Expert power
iii. Information power
103. Is the following statement correct iv. Personal power
in relation to work teams onboard ship?
"Being on board a ship does not 105. Increasing the environment for the
necessarily mean being part of a team." team to flourish and assemble.which
i. The statement is incorrect one of the following principles is NOT
because the shipboard correct"
organization is always i. The leadership style of the leader
considered to be a team should have an important
ii. it is correct because teams do not Positive influence on the behavior
really exist on board the ship of team members
iii. it is correct because not all ii. The leader should create an
shipboard organizations possess environment that is pleasant for
the Characteristics of a team, the team to assemble itself
such as common goals, iii. The leadership style should
Interdependency and team match the team's culture
consciousness iv. The leader should use force to
iv. The statement is incorrect assemble team members
because even the engine and
deck Departments are 106. "A work team is defined as a small
considered to be teams collection of people who share all of the
following characteristics EXCEPT.
104. The ship's Electro-Technical Officer i. team consciousness
(ETO. has the respect from all officers ii. a sense of shared purpose
.the crew and the Superintendent iii. common nationality

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Engine Room Resource Management and Application of Leadership and Team Working Skills (Management)

iv. a common goal." the interpersonal need represented by

the letter 'A' in the acronym CIA?
107. authoritarian i. Attitude
leadership style is solely based on the ii. Application
principle of iii. Authority
i. information power iv. Appreciation
ii. status power
iii. personal power 110. Second Engineer ensures that
iv. expert power new crew members are properly
informed before they start any
108. The Chief Engineer observes that maintenance work by explaining the
although highly motivated the Fourth task, the risks involved, based on the
Engineer lacks competence to do the latest risk assessment. and by
assigned maintenance tasks. Based on answering their queries. Which phase
the principles of situational leadership. of the UPI Team Leadership
which one of the following should the (understanding ,planning and
Chief Engineer do? implementation. Model is represented
i. Report this to the Master and let in this example?
them address the situation i. implementation
ii. Observe further and wait until ii. Follow-up
Fourth Engineer takes the iii. Understanding
initiative and asks for guidance iv. Planning
iii. Provide more guidance and
coaching to the Fourth Engineer 111. One of the outcomes of
iv. Show lower assertiveness empowering team members especially
when they are involved in team
109. The three interpersonal needs activates such as the development of
which must be fulfilled in order to create ideas. is that they will
good teams are known by the acronym i. usually hesitate to cooperate
CIA. Which one of the following terms is because they are vulnerable to

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ii. just wait for the leader's decision 114. The UPI Team Leadership Model is
iii. be more committed to the a way to understand how to develop
team's goal because they feel powerful, creative and self-empowered
they own the idea." teams. The abbreviation UPI stands
iv. only participate because they are for...
forced to do so i. uniformity. Planning and
112. The second phase of the UPI ii. understanding, progressing and
model(. Understanding ,planning and implementation
implementation. is when the leader and iii. uniformity. Planning and
other responsible employees implement at on.
i. start planning how to implement iv. understanding ,planning and
the ideas of the team implementation
ii. give orders
iii. create a common understanding 115. Low follower readiness is shown by
of the task that the team is those who are...
confronted with." i. unable and unwilling
iv. try to understand the situation ii. Able but unwilling
iii. Able and willing
113. During the third phase of the UPI iv. unable but willing."
model (understanding ,planning and
implementation., the leader. 116. Seafarers should possess good
i. gives orders to the team." decision making techniques because --
ii. starts planning how to implement -
the ideas of the team i. Crucial decision are made on
iii. generates options for the team based on intuition.
iv. creates a common ii. They are not responsible for the
understanding of the task that safety of the vessel, its cargo and
the team is confronted with crew
iii. It is all right to commit errors at
the beginning

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iv. Wrong decisions may result i. Collaborative

into accidents, injuries, lost ii. Dictatorship
business, Jeopardized Career iii. Consultative
et iv. Autocratic

117. All of the following are forms of 120. What decision making style do you
decision making except which option? use when disclose your intention and
i. Saying Yes or no ask other individuals for specific
ii. Turning Left or right information or opinion?
iii. Reading SMS Manual i. Closed autocratic
iv. Going ahead or stopping ii. Individuals Consultation
iii. Collaborative
118. According to STCW 2010 Manila iv. Observation Techniques
Amendments, all of the Following
shipboard personnel Are required to 121. The Decision making style of
have knowledge and ability to apply individuals consultation is most suitable
decision making technics Except---- in which of the following situations?
i. Ratings i. Investigate an accident
ii. Engine Officer ii. Handle an emergency situation
iii. Electro-Technical Officers such as pirate attack
iv. Deck Officers iii. Conduct a risk assessment
iv. Contain Oil Spill
119. Master called for a meeting to
discuss where to allocate the ship’s 122. Without disclosing his intention, the
recreational funHe facilitated the chief Mate asked the Chief engineer
meeting and allowed the officers and about remaining onboard(ROB.
crews to give their suggestions. After quantities of Fuel Oil(FO. and Diesel Oil
the discussion all voted and the master (DO. to compute the maximum loadable
followed the decision of the majority. cargo. What decision making style did
What decision making style Did the the chief mate use?
master use in this scenario? i. Collaborative

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ii. Open Autocratic iii. The affected individuals are

iii. Individual Consultation mandated to follow your decision
iv. Institutes iv. You Have little time available
to make the Decision.
123. In this decision making style, You
have the absolute authority to make the 126. The acronym SWOT stands for
decision based on what you currently strengths, weakness, opportunities and
know or aware of without consulting –
Anybody i. Team
i. Open Autocratic ii. Threats
ii. Collaborative iii. Time Constraints
iii. Defensive iv. Training
iv. Closed Autocratic
127. SWOT Analysis is a Decision
124. This Decision Making tool is used making tool that can be used for which
to make a collective assessment step in the
involving different individuals without Decision-Making process?
fear of being criticized opposed or i. Evaluating outcome effectiveness
Taken for granted ii. Generating options
i. Questioning Techniques iii. Allocating resources
ii. Observation Techniques iv. Assessing the situation
iii. Brainstorming
iv. Active listening 129. In the question techniques, what
type of Question should you use to
125. When are consultative and encourage Generous response?
collaborative Decision-making styles i. Open
applicable? ii. Closed
i. You are fully competent on the iii. Formal
subject. iv. Probing
ii. The Team member’s commitment
to the decision is important

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130. What type of options remains after iii. Show an intimidating stare
eliminating those that do not appear to iv. Cross your hands
be realistic, practical or appropriate to
the situation. 134. This step in the decision making
i. Decision process deals with creating the correct
ii. Alternatives picture of the situation.
iii. Feasible options i. Step 4 – Assess the options
iv. Raw options ii. Step 2 – Assess the situation
iii. Step 1 – Define the problem and
131. In Decision Making technique, the setting the goal
two options that are assessed to be the iv. Step 3 – Generate the options
most workable are called------
i. Best option 136. As an official , which of the
ii. Invalid option following techniques should you NOT
iii. Feasible options use to maintain an appropriate level of
iv. Raw options shipboard workload?
i. Planning
132. A decision made in simple ii. Elimination
situation and based solely on personal iii. Delegation
Experience, Common sense or intuition iv. Prioritization
is called ------
i. Analytic 137. It is the perceived amount of effort
ii. Fast Tracked that is being demanded from an
iii. Intuitive individual for a particular perio
iv. Complex i. Workload
ii. Schedule
133. Which of the following options is iii. Maintenance
an appropriate non-verbal skill for active iv. Task
i. Continue what you are doing
ii. Avoid distractions

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138. Seafarers with low workload have iv. Coordination

the tendency to become all of the
following EXCEPT…………… 141. Shipboard workload can be
i. Productive assessed by considering the perceived
ii. Homesick difficulty level of the tasks, its urgency
iii. Bored and importance and……………..
iv. Less productive i. Vessel speed
ii. Type of cargo
139. The Chief is assisting the port iii. Available time
inspector with cargo documentation. He iv. Results of previous inspections
needs to read the draft for calculating
the cargo quantity but it is more urgent 142. While the ship is at port, an AB
and important that he provides the became sick and was immediately sent
document to the inspector right away. home for medication. The replacement
Which of the following options should was still being process. While waiting for
the Chief Mate do to address this time the replacement’s arrival, the ship was
constraint? short of one deckhand in cleaning the
i. Delegate the task to the Third cargo hold. This lack of personnel in an
Mate example of……….
ii. Ask the Captain for advice i. Accident
iii. Wait until the first task is ii. Time constraint
completed iii. Safe manning
iv. Attend a training on time iv. Resource constraint
143. In which of the following
140. All of the following are task situations will shipboard crew gave a
workload management tools high possibility of experiencing time
EXCEPT……….. constraints?
i. Planning i. Ship is at anchor waiting for berth
ii. Prioritization ii. During long navigation
iii. Replacement

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iii. Ship is drifting and awaiting that you have control on are work
voyage instructions habits,………and prioritization skills.
iv. Ship is engaged in short i. Competence
voyages ii. Commercial demands
iii. Environmental conditions
144. Which of the options below iv. Trade route
exemplify proper ways of addressing
time and resource constraints? 147. Which of the following options
i. Request the necessary spares, correctly describes coordination?
provisions, or supplies i. It avoids overlapping of tasks
according to inventory and ii. It makes all shipboard crew
projected future requirements motivated
ii. Put pressure on the subordinates iii. It ensures completion of tasks
to meet the deadlines. as scheduled
iii. Send a complain to the company iv. It eliminated less prioritized tasks.
and keep quite.
iv. Ensure that the planned 148. Soliciting feedback for personal
maintenance system (PMS. is is done during ….to find the outcome
religiously followed. and to determine what needs to be
improved and what practices should be
145. All of the following are external retained.
factors that can cause resource i. Briefing
constraints EXCEPT… ii. Planning
i. Company budget iii. Toolbox talk
ii. Trade route iv. Performance appraisal
iii. Supplier delay
iv. Commercial demand 149. Which of the following options is
a feedback mechanism to check if
146. Time constraints are caused by planning outcomes are achieved after a
factors that you may or may not have number of shipboard operation?
control on. Some examples of factors i. Debriefing

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ii. Safety meeting

iii. Toolbox talk 152. As tasks become …..the higher
iv. Briefing the workload becomes.
i. Urgent
150. A senior officer who provides too ii. Coordinated
much input, direction and review of the iii. Completed
delegated work to a junior officer or iv. Fewer
rating is doing……… which is the
opposite effective delegation. 153. During cargo loading operation of
i. Leadership a crude tanker, the Deck watch keeper
ii. Coordination continuously monitors the cargo level.
iii. Micromanagement He considers this task as
iv. Assignment ……………that he needs to prioritize to
achieve the teams goal of safe
151. The third Engineer was issued operation and avoid overflow. If indeed it
with five work orders by the chief overflows, it will trigger an urgent and
Engineer. All of these maintenance jobs important activity that is considered
are due within the week. Assuming that critical
the Third Engineer has no other i. Urgent but not important
activities except for these five ii. Urgent and important
maintenance jobs. How should he/she iii. Not urgent but important
prioritize the tasks? iv. Not urgent and not important
i. Prioritize the work order which is
easiest to complete 154. While urgent activities lead to the
ii. Prioritize the work order with the achievement of another person’s goals
most immediate due date. ,important activities have outcomes that
iii. Prioritize the work order which lead to the achievement of……
can be completed in the shortest i. Personal and/ or team goals
time. ii. The Master’s goals
iv. Ask the second Engineer how iii. Higher safety standards
to prioritize these work orders. iv. Shipboard management’s goals

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sender that the message was correctly

155. Which of the activities do not lead received and interpreted?
to the achievement of any goals and are i. Verification
considered distractions and should be ii. Sender
avoided as much as possible. iii. Feedback
i. Not urgent and not important iv. Context
ii. urgent but not important
iii. not urgent but important 159. The chief engineer asked the fourth
iv. urgent and important engineer to give him the fuel ROB
figures, The instruction Was not clear to
156. Which one of the factors given in the fourth engineer, but he simply said
the options the most likely to make “Yes sir!” in order to avoid looking
someone stresse foolish. Which ONE of the types of
i. Goals communication barrier is the above an
ii. Demands example of?
iii. Coping i. Lack of time and planning
iv. Stressors ii. Noise
iii. Competence level
157. Select the one term from those iv. Fear
given in the options which most
accurately completes the following
statement. "All of the following are 160. You are the 2nd Engineer and
physical symptoms of stress EXCEPT you notice that tools are scattered and
for... improperly secured in the workshop.
i. Sadness You expect the Fitter to secure these
ii. Headaches tools after every usage. Which One of
iii. Difficulty in breathing these best describes the most
iv. Dizziness appropriate course of action that you
can take?
158. Which ONE of these components i. Instruct the 3rd Engine to make a
of communication confirms to the report about this

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ii. Instruct the fitter to call you iv. Extend the time until all newly
iii. Talk to him face to face raised issues are tackled
iv. Disregard it.
164. You observed that the third mate
161. Misunderstanding is likely to has not been doing the maintenance
happen. Which Two of these are jobs for lifesaving and firefighting
examples of voice less communication? equipment. Following, which ONE of
i. Ship to ship VHF call these statements would it be best to use
ii. Hand signals in approaching the issue with the third
iii. Verbal Instruction mate ?
iv. Phone call to ship’s agent i. Give me three reasons why I
should not send you home. You
162. Which of the personal attitude is fail to check the life saving and
required for effective communication? firefighting equipment again.
i. Defensiveness ii. I Just don’t understand why you
ii. Distorted perception failed to inspect all life saving and
iii. Selective hearing firefighting equipment again . you
iv. Trustworthiness own me an explanation.
iii. I observed that you were not
163. Which one of these would be the able to inspect all life saving
best course of action when issues are and fire fighting equipment
raised in meeting that are not originally again. I Would like to know
part of the meeting agend your challenges so that I may
i. Disregard any new issues that be able to assist you.
are not part of the original iv. You are irresponsible. Explain
agenda. why you failed again to inspect all
ii. Tackle this new issue instead of life saving and firefighting
the original agenda. equipment.
iii. Take note of this new issue
and put it on the agenda for the 165.Here is a corrective feedback
next meeting message forwarded by the master to the

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chief cook Based on the feedback , 168. Select from these the ONE which is
which ONE of these statements refers NOT an example of external
to the ‘ effect’ part of the communication.
communication? i. The third mate reports the ship’s
i. I would like you to wear position to vessel Traffic
appropriate shoes always while information system
you are inside the galley ii. The Captain Contacts the Chief
ii. This is unsafe and sets a bad Mate Through VHF at forward
example for the mess man. mooring station
iii. I noticed that you have been iii. The vessel report ETA to port
wearing slippers while working control
inside the galley iv. An officer makes a DSC call to
iv. Hi chief , I Would like to talk to another ship
you about safety improvement
in the galley. 169. Which of the item not best suited
for use in internal communication?
167. Which ONE of these actions is i. Intercom
generally associated with good listening ii. Written messages
skills? iii. VHF Radio
i. Maintaining an appropriate iv. Satellite phone
level of eye contact
ii. Learning back in your chair while 170. Which one of best describes how
in a meeting. communication should be onboard the
iii. Answering your phone while in ship
the middle of a conversation with i. It should be characterized by
another person . lengthy exchange of messages
iv. Taking to a person while here through email phone calls
working on the computer ii. It should be charactized by
simplicity. Directness, and
usage of standard marine
communication phrases.

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iii. There are no fundamental iii. tell the senior officer right
differences between away that it should be dead
communication with people slow ahead
ashore and communication iv. wait and see until the officer
between people onboard the realizes that he made a wrong
ship. action
iv. It should be based on the
language of the majority group 173. Lower assertive leadership is
suitable in situations where
171. Which one of the following types of management and commitment of
conflict is linked to self – esteem, loyalty subordinates are necessary. This is
, or breaking one’s trust and rejection? most appropriate to use in which of the
i. Technical conflict following situations?
ii. Personal conflict i. Managing operation
iii. Values conflict ii. debriefing
iv. Interest conflict iii. Toolbox talk
iv. Abandon ship
172. You are a junior officer. You heard
that an engine telegraph order "dead 174. In co-ordination with the Chief
slow ahead" was requesteYou observed Engineer, you are assigned to monitor
that your experienced senior officer the fuel oil tank during bunkering
acknowledged the order but set the operation. The bunker tanks are fitted
telegraph to "dead slow astern" with automatic ullaging system. What
insteaHow will you react in this appropriate action should you do to
situation? eliminate the factor of complacency and
i. Ask someone to confirm your over reliance on the ullaging system to
understanding ensure a safe bunkering operation?
ii. Never question the senior officer i. Take manual sounding only when
action you hear the high alarm
ii. Always trust that the indicators
will show accurate reading as

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what has been oh seen in the

past 177. IMO is responsible : Complete the
iii. Prior and during the bunkering about statement by selecting the most
operation. take manual appropriate phrases encouraging the
sounding and compare with ratification of maritime conventions by
auto ullaging and sounding as many flag States as possible:
book i. the development of
iv. Take manual sounding when international conventions and
order by the Chief Engineer recommendations concerning
safety and security of shipping
175. How should you react upon and prevention of marine
hearing an alarm pollution by ships
i. Acknowledge the alarm and wait ii. the development of international
ii. Acknowledge the alarm then conventions and
reset recommendations concerning
iii. Reset the alarm then wait if it safety of shipping and prevention
goes on again of marine pollution by ships
iv. Put the alarm to silent mode then iii. the development of local and
reset company policies of companies
across the worl
176. When you are carefully observing iv. the implement convention of state
a potential danger, yow situational legislations related to shipping
awareness is at
i. Level 3
ii. Level 2
iii. Level 1

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