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Earth's Water TG

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Earth’s Water Teacher Guide

Lesson Overview:

This activity  was  developed  to  give participants  an  understanding  of Earth’s  water  – how
much exists,  what it’s like and where  it is found. n this oned hourd long  activity, students
participate  in a demonstration showing the distribution and composition of water  on Earth.  
Students also create  a map showing where freshwater is located on Earth  (in streams, ice
packs,  wetlands, etc.).

Learning  Objectives:

• Explain how much water is on Earth

• Describe the forms and locations of water on Earth
• Explain why it is important to know about our water resources

National Standards:

Core Idea ESS2.C: The  Roles of Water in Earth’s Surface  Processes

• Water continuously cycles among land, ocean, and atmosphere via transpiration,
evaporation, condensation, and crystallization, and precipitation, as well as downhill flows
on land. (MS-­‐ESS-­‐4)
Core Idea ESS2.A: Earth Materials and Systems
• All Earth processes are the result of energy flowing and matter cycling within and  among
the planet’s systems. This energy is derived from the sun and Earth’s hot  interior. The
energy  that flows and matter that cycles produces chemical and physical changes in Earth’s
materials and living organisms. (MS-­‐ESS2-­‐b) (MS-­‐ESS2-­‐c)

Background Information:

Water is fundamental to life on Earth. Knowing where and how much rain or snow falls
globally is vital to understanding how weather and climate impact both our environment
and Earth’s water and energy  cycles,  including  effects on  agriculture, fresh water  
availability and responses to natural disasters. The Global Precipitation Measurement
(GPM) mission, launching in 2014, will help scientist to better understand how much rain
and snow  falls around the world.

Copies  of “Earth’s Water” student  capture sheets
Crayons  – red, blue, green, gray
5 gallon  bucket
Measuring  cup  (1/2 cup  and 2 cup  sizes)
Ice cube tray
Water dropper
Globes or color maps of Earth


Use the “Earth’s Water”  PowerPoint and ask students  to  answer  three riddles. (Slide  2
What do the answers all have in common? WATER!

Show the students a picture of Earth from  space. (Slide  3) Ask the students how much of
Earth’s surface  is covered with water?  (About 70%). Ask the students to list what  they
know  about  water  and  what they  would  like  to  learn  on the  KWL  chart.  Where  is water?
What kinds  of water  exist in, on, or around  Earth? Why is water important?

Share  answers  with the class.


Demonstration: Amounts of water on Earth

(adapted from http://ecosystems.psu.edu/youth/sftrc/lesson-­‐plans/water/6-­‐8/everywhere )

Show the students a 5-­‐gallon  bucket filled with water.  This represents  all the water on
Earth.  Ask students to make a prediction: of the 5 gallons of water, how much do you think
is available  to  humans?  (If desired,  review  with students what  “available water”  would be:
fresh, liquid able to be accessed from  surface water or aquifers.) (Slide  4)

Using the  5 gallon  bucket of water,  ask a student to come up and remove 2 cups of water.
The bucket water  represents  salt water  (97%) and  the  2 cups represent fresh water  (3%)
Move the bucket  to the side and focus on  the cups of freshwater. Ask another student  to
remove ½ cup of water from  one of the 2 cups.  Pour the  other  1 ½ cups  into  an  ice cube  
tray.  The 1½ cups of water  represents  freshwater  that is stored  as  ice in glaciers  and  polar  
ice caps and is therefore not  available for our use.   The ½ cup of water is liquid water in the  
ground, surface water (rivers, lakes), and water vapor in the atmosphere. Although it is  all
freshwater,  it is not all clean and usable by humans. Pull out an eye dropper and ask a third  
student to come up and hold her his/her hand.  Drop one drop of water  into  the  hand  – this
one drop represents the amount of freshwater that is clean, and accessible to humans.  


Summarize this information on the student capture sheet. (Slide  5)


World Water Distribution

Divide students  in groups  of four. Give each group a globe or map of the Earth. Give them  
about five minutes to observe the Earth and distinguish between water and land. Discuss
the observations as a class. (Slide  6) Show Slide 7 and discuss where we find water on  

Load the National Geographic fresh water interactive map (Slide  8

on a computer or projector for the class. Ask students to color and shade their world map
outlines  according  to  where  the  water  is located.  First,  quickly  shade  or color  oceans  (salt
water) red. We cannot  use this water.   Next, from  the NG map, color the permafrost areas
gray. (Permafrost is ground that remains below freezing for several years. There is water in
the soil but it remains frozen.) Also color the glacial and ice areas gray. Along with
permafrost, all of this water is frozen.  Notice the glaciated area  and ice sheets as outlines
along mountain tops. Next, color the wetland areas green. Prominent wetland areas
typically occur along large river systems or where land stays saturated with water for long
periods of time. Finally, shade  blue over the general  river and lake areas.  

What  other water is on  Earth that  we haven’t  labeled?  Answer: Water vapor in  the

Remind students that although there is a lot of green and blue colored on our map (liquid
fresh surface  water), less than  1% of all the water on  Earth is available for our use.  


Discuss  with  students:  (Slide  9) Why is Earth’s nickname “the water planet” both
appropriate and misleading? Answer: 70% of Earth is water so it is appropriate. However  
only about 3% is freshwater and less than 1% is freshwater that is available for animals
and humans to use. Also, we cannot create more water, so it is misleading because there is
not an unlimited amount of water available to us.
List at least five  things you learned to complete the KWL chart we started at the beginning
of class.

• Give students the numbers to create their own pie chart or bar graph of global water
distribution. (Slide  10) http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/earthhowmuch.html
Examples: http://ga.water.usgs.gov

Teacher Notes:

There are many ways to represent the amount of water on Earth and divide it up into
smaller amounts to show the amount of available fresh water. Here we have demonstrated
using  water from  a 5-­‐gallon  bucket. Another method is to use 100 small objects and reduce
them by percentages according to the estimate of water distribution on Earth. This lesson  
from EPA has several examples http://www.epa.gov/region1/students/pdfs/ww_intro.pdf

Additional Resources:

• Helpful information, background, and resources about the GPM mission  and
Precipitation  Education  http://pmm.nasa.gov/education/
• GPM freshwater availability classroom  lesson
• An Apple as the Planet http://nasawavelength.org/resource/nwd 000d 000d 002d 889/
• EPA lesson “All the water in the world” with various levels for grades K-­‐6
• USGS information about how much water is on Earth
• Penn State  “Water,  Water  Everywhere” Lesson


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