SM L4 U7 Test
SM L4 U7 Test
SM L4 U7 Test
Name: Class:
k e y b o a r d
y b k a e d r o
b r t u e o a i n m
i l v n i o
g a t l i r n e
r b m e o n t o
2 a saxophone
b b recorder
3 c guitar
d harp
4 e trumpet
5 f drums
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2014 Super Minds Level 4 Unit Tests
Orchestra practice
Name: Class:
theirs ours his yours ours mine hers
A: Jack and Jimmy, are these your drums? B: Yes, they’re ours .
2 A: Martha, is this your homework? B: No, it’s not .
3 A: Is this Grandma’s jacket? B: Yes, it’s .
4 A: That’s a beautiful violin. It is Ben’s? B: Yes, it’s .
5 A: Is this Anna and Ricky’s car? B: No, is the blue
one over there.
6 A: This is my new saxophone. B: Is it really ?
7 A: Jan and Leo, is this your dog? B: Yes, it’s .
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2014 Super Minds Level 4 Unit Tests