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ETA-Danmark A/S Authorised and notified according MEMBER OF EOTA

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DK-2150 Nordhavn No 305/2011 of the European
Tel. +45 72 24 59 00 Parliament and of the Council of 9
Fax +45 72 24 59 04 March 2011
Internet www.etadanmark.dk

European Technical Assessment ETA-18/0355 of 2019/01/08

I General Part
Technical Assessment Body issuing the ETA and designated according to
Article 29 of the Regulation (EU) No 305/2011: ETA-Danmark A/S

Trade name of the Tecnaria DIAPASON Nailed Shear Connector

construction product:

Product family to which Nailed Shear Connector

the above construction
product belongs:

Manufacturer: TECNARIA SpA

Viale Pecori Giraldi 55
Tel.: +39 0424 502029
Fax: +39 0424 502386
Internet: www.tecnaria.com
Manufacturing plant: TECNARIA SpA
Manufacturing Plant I

This European Technical 18 pages including 12 Annexes which form an

Assessment contains: integral part of the document

This European Technical European Assessment Document (EAD)

Assessment is issued in 200033-00-0602 Nailed Shear Connector
accordance with
Regulation (EU) No
305/2011, on the basis of:
This version replaces: The ETA with the same number issued on 2018-05-
Page 2 of 18 of European Technical Assessment no. ETA-18/0355, issued on 2019-01-08

Translations of this European Technical Assessment in

other languages shall fully correspond to the original
issued document and should be identified as such.
Communication of this European Technical
Assessment, including transmission by electronic
means, shall be in full (excepted the confidential
Annex(es) referred to above). However, partial
reproduction may be made, with the written consent of
the issuing Technical Assessment Body. Any partial
reproduction has to be identified as such.
Page 3 of 18 of European Technical Assessment no. ETA-18/0355, issued on 2019-01-08

II SPECIFIC PART OF THE force of the fastening tool is provided by the power load
EUROPEAN TECHNICAL of the cartridge. The application limit of the powder-
actuated fastening system depends on the strength and
ASSESSMENT thickness of the base material. The fastening tools (incl.
cartridges) are an integral part of this assessment with
1 Technical description of product and regard to the capacity of the nailed shear connector
intended use Tecnaria DIAPASON and the application of the
respective system.
Technical description of the product
The nailed shear connector Tecnaria DIAPASON The nailed shear connectors can be placed in one or
(CTFD) is a mechanically attached shear connector for more rows along the length of the composite beams.
use in steel-to-concrete composite beams and in
composite decks with profiled sheeting as an alternate to The shear connectors Tecnaria DIAPASON and the
welded headed studs. powder-actuated fastener SPIT HSBR14 are detailed in
Annexes A1 and A2.
The nailed shear connector consists of an V-shaped
cold-formed metal connector made from steel sheeting 2 Specification of the intended use in
with a thickness of 3 mm which is folded and pressed accordance with the applicable EAD
into a “V” shaped form which is nailed to the supporting
beam. The upstanding “wings” ensure contact with the
The nailed shear connector Tecnaria DIAPASON is
integrated concrete slab. The 70 x 55 mm ribbed base
intended to be used as connection device between steel
plate has 4 holes into which high strength nails are
and concrete in composite beams and composite decks
placed to fix the connector to the metal structure. The
according to EN 1994-1-1. The nailed shear connector
holes in the wings are to be used to insert horizontally
can either be used in new buildings or for the renovation
placed steel reinforcement bars. The connector is made
of existing buildings with the aim to increase the bearing
of galvanized steel type DC03-ZE according to
capacity of aged floor constructions.
Shear connections of composite structures subject to
DIAPASON connectors are attached to the metal
static and quasi-static loading.
support by means of four SPIT HSBR14 nails inserted
into the four holes in the base plate. They are fixed using
As the Tecnaria DIAPASON is a ductile shear connector
a Spitfire Spit P560 Nailer fitted with a special kit made
according to EN 1994-1-1, section 6.6, seismic loading
for this purpose. The anchorage wings embed in the
is covered if the Tecnaria DIAPASON is used as shear
concrete deck of the composite beam. The nailed shear
connector in composite beams used as secondary
connector can be used for composite beams with and
seismic members in dissipative as well as non-
without profiled composite decking.
dissipative structures according to EN 1998-1.
The height of the anchorage is 100 mm or 125 mm in
The intended use is also specified in Annex A1 and B1
order to take the different thicknesses of the concrete
to B4.
slab as well as the different heights of composite deck
into account.
Positioning of the connectors follows Annexes B5 to
The different models of the Tecnaria DIAPASON are:
DIAPASON 100 (CTFD 100) and DIAPASON 125
The installation is only carried out according to the
(CTFD 125). The number in the product designation
manufacturer’s instructions.
refers to the height of the wings.
In combination with composite decking the steel
The powder-actuated fasteners SPIT HSBR14 are made
sheeting is in direct contact with the steel base material
of zinc plated carbon steel with ultimate tensile strength
in the area of the connection.
= 2300 N/mm2. The fasteners comprise of a pin with a
shank diameter of 4.5 mm and they are assembled with
Cartridge selection and tool energy settings in order to
one metal washer. The washer serves to guide the
match the application limit diagram are taken into
fastener while it is being driven into the base material
and it contributes to the shear resistance. The powder-
Installation tests are carried out (e.g. check of nail head
actuated fastening tools Spitfire Spit P560 Nailer is used
standoff hnail), provided the fitness of the recommended
in order to install the SPIT HSBR14 together with the
cartridge cannot be checked otherwise.
Tecnaria DIAPASON shear connector. The driving
Page 4 of 18 of European Technical Assessment no. ETA-18/0355, issued on 2019-01-08

The performances given in Section 3 are only valid if

the nailed shear connector is used in compliance with
the specifications and conditions given in Annexes B1
to B8.

The verifications and assessment methods on which this

European Technical Assessment is based lead to the
assumption of a working life of the nailed shear
connector of at least 50 years.

The indications given on the working life cannot be

interpreted as a guarantee given by the producer or
Assessment Body, but are to be regarded only as a
means for choosing the right products in relation to the
expected economically reasonable working life of the
Page 5 of 18 of European Technical Assessment no. ETA-18/0355, issued on 2019-01-08
3 Performance of the product and references to the methods used for its assessment

Characteristic Assessment of characteristic

3.1 Mechanical resistance and stability (BWR1)

Characteristic resistance in solid concrete decks, No Performance assessed

shear connector orientation parallel to beam axis
Characteristic resistance in solid concrete decks, See annex C1
shear connector orientation perpendicular to
beam axis
Characteristic resistance in composite decks – See annex C2
decking ribs perpendicular to beam axis – shear
connector orientation perpendicular to beam axis
Characteristic resistance in composite decks – No Performance assessed
decking ribs perpendicular to beam axis – shear
connector orientation parallel to beam axis
Characteristic resistance in composite decks – See annex C3
decking ribs parallel to beam axis – shear
connector orientation parallel to beam axis
Characteristic resistance in composite decks – See annex C4
decking ribs parallel to beam axis – shear
connector orientation perpendicular to beam axis
Characteristic resistance of end anchorage of No performance assessed
composite decks

Characteristic resistance for use in seismic areas See annex B1

under seismic actions according to EN 1998-1

Characteristic resistance in solid concrete decks See annex C5

in renovation application with old metallic iron
or steel material with an actual yield strength less
than 235 MPa
Application limit See annex B3

3.4 Safety in case of fire (BWR2)

Reaction to fire The anchors are made from steel classified as Euroclass
A1 in accordance with EN 13501-1 and Commission
Delegated Regulation 2016/364

Resistance to fire No Performance assessed

Page 6 of 18 of European Technical Assessment no. ETA-18/0355, issued on 2019-01-08

4 Attestation and verification of constancy

of performance (AVCP)
4.1 AVCP system
According to the decision 1998/214/EC the European
Commission, the system(s) of assessment and
verification of constancy of performance (see Annex V
to Regulation (EU) No 305/2011) is 2+.

5 Technical details necessary for the

implementation of the AVCP system, as
foreseen in the applicable EAD
Technical details necessary for the implementation of
the AVCP system are laid down in the control plan
deposited at ETA-Danmark prior to CE marking

Issued in Copenhagen on 2019-01-08 by

Thomas Bruun
Managing Director, ETA-Danmark
Page 7 of 18 of European Technical Assessment no. ETA-18/0355, issued on 2019-01-08

Nailed shear connector Tecnaria DIAPASON with powder actuated fastener SPIT HSBR14

Example of intended use: Nailed shear connection in composite beam

Tecnaria DIAPASON Nailed Shear Connector Annex A1

of European
Technical Assessment
Product and intended use ETA-18/0355
Page 8 of 18 of European Technical Assessment no. ETA-18/0355, issued on 2019-01-08

Types of Tecnaria DIAPASON

Table 1: Materials

Designation Material
Galvanised steel type DC03-ZE according
Shear connector
to with thickness 3 mm according to EN
EN 10152
Carbon steel
Ultimate tensile strength: 2300 N/mm2
Powder actuated Yield strength: 1600 N/mm2
fastener SPIT Mechanical zinc plating, min zinc coating
HSBR14 according to 10 μm
ETA-08/0040 Hardness > 57 HRC
Knurled shank
min 8 μm zinc coating

Tecnaria DIAPASON Nailed Shear Connector Annex A2

of European
Technical Assessment
Dimensions and materials ETA-18/0355
Page 9 of 18 of European Technical Assessment no. ETA-18/0355, issued on 2019-01-08

The nailed shear connector Tecnaria DIAPASON is intended to be used as connection device between steel and
concrete in composite beams and composite decks according to EN 1994-1-1. The nailed shear connector can
either be used in new buildings or for the renovation of existing buildings with the aim to increase the bearing
capacity of aged floor constructions.

Shear connections of composite structures subject to:

• Static and quasi-static loading.
• As the Tecnaria DIAPASON is a ductile shear connector according to EN 1994-1-1, section 6.6, seismic
loading is covered if the Tecnaria DIAPASON is used as shear connector in composite beams used as
secondary seismic members in dissipative as well as non-dissipative structures according to EN 1998-1.

Base materials:
• Structural steel S235, S275 and S355 in qualities JR, JO, J2, K2 according to EN 10025-2. Minimum
thickness of the beam flange: where nails are fixed, the steel thickness must be at least 6 mm
• Old steels which cannot be classified accordingly are still applicable provided these are made of unalloyed
carbon steel with minimum yield strength fy of 170 N/mm².

• Normal weight concrete C20/25 – C50/60 according to EN 206.
• Lightweight concrete LC20/22 - LC45-50 according to EN 206.

Composite decking:
• Steel for profiled sheeting follows EN 1993-1-3 and the material codes given there. The decking must
be manufactured according to EN 10346 and have a yield strength between 220 and 355 N/mm².

• Design of the composite beams with Tecnaria DIAPASON shear connectors is made according to EN 1994-
• The Tecnaria DIAPASON shear connectors are ductile shear connectors according to EN 1994-1-1, section
• The partial safety factor of γV = 1.25 is used provided no other values are given in national regulations of
the member states.

• The installation is only carried out according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
• In combination with composite decking the steel sheeting is in direct contact with the steel base material in
the area of the connection.
• Cartridge selection in order to match the application limit diagram are taken into account, see Annex B3.
• Installation tests are carried out (e.g. check of nail head standoff hnail), provided the fitness of the
recommended cartridge cannot be checked otherwise.

Tecnaria DIAPASON Nailed Shear Connector Annex B1

of European
Technical Assessment
Intended use - Specification ETA-18/0355
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Powder-actuated fastening tools and cartridge,

Spitfire P560 nail gun

Tecnaria DIAPASON Nailed Shear Connector Annex B2

of European
Technical Assessment
Powder-actuated fastening tool and components ETA-18/0355
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Applicable range of base material Checking nail penetration

4.5 mm ≤ h nail ≤ 8.5 mm

Cartridge selection

The type of cartridge to be used depends upon the

thickness of the flange onto which the connectors are to
be fixed and the steel grade of the profile. Consult the
diagram below.

Flange S235 S275 S355

6.0 Yellow □ Blue □ Blue □
6.5 Yellow □ Blue □ Blue □
7.0 Yellow □ Blue □ Blue □
7.5 Yellow □ Blue □ Blue □
8.0 Yellow □ Blue □ Blue □
8.5 Blue □ Blue □ Blue □
9.0 Blue □ Blue □ Red □
10.00 Blue □ Blue □ Red □
10.20 Blue □ Blue □ Red □
10.70 Blue □ Blue □ Red □
11.50 Blue □ Red □ Black □
12.70 Blue □ Red □ Black □
13.50 Blue □ Red □ Black □
14.60 Blue □ Red □ Black □
16.00 Red □ Black □ Black □
17.50 Red □ Black □ Black □
19.00 Red □ Black □ Black □
Table II
Table II shows indicative values: we recommend carrying
out tests on site to confirm the choice

Tecnaria DIAPASON Nailed Shear Connector Annex B3

of European
Technical Assessment
Application limit, cartridge selection and fastener inspection ETA-18/0355
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Composite beams without steel decking
As a rule, it is preferable to arrange the connectors
transversely to the axis of the beam

- Pattern 3:
The connector is placed perpendicular to the ribs of the
sheet decking and perpendicular to the beam.
Minimum thickness of the profile flange where the nails • Maximum longitudinal spacing of the connectors: 6
are to be fixed: 8 mm. times the slab thickness or 800 mm
• Maximum longitudinal spacing of the connectors: 6 • Minimum spacing: 80 mm
times the slab thickness or 800 mm
• Minimum spacing: 80 mm

Composite beams with steel decking

Diapason connectors must be fixed as in one of the
following 3 ways.

- Pattern 1:
The connector is placed parallel to the ribs of the Minimum width of the beam for Diapason 100 and 125:
decking and perpendicular to the beam when the
decking is positioned with the ribs perpendicular to the

Minimum width of the beam for two Diapason 100:

- Pattern 2:
The connector is placed parallel to the ribs of the
decking and the beam when the decking is positioned
with the ribs parallel to the beam and runs unbrokenly Minimum width of the beam for two Diapason 125:
over the beam (the sheet is continuous).
This direction of installation is possible even if the
decking is not continuous.

Tecnaria DIAPASON Nailed Shear Connector Annex B4

of European
Technical Assessment
Positioning in composite beams with solid concrete slabs ETA-18/0355
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Table C1 Characteristic and design resistance in solid concrete decks, shear connector orientation
perpendicular to beam axis 1) and 2)

Concrete Characteristic Design Minimum Tecnaria Ductility assessment

class Resistance Prk resistance base material Diapason
[kN] PRd [kN] thickness positioning
C20/25 57.6 46.1 8 Transversal Ductile according to EN
C25/30 57.6 46.1 8 to the axis of 1994-1-1
C30/37 67.3 53.8 8 the beam
C32/40 76.6 61.3 8
C35/45 76.6 61.3 8
C40/50 76.6 61.3 8
LC20/22 57.6 46.1 8
LC25/28 57.6 46.1 8
LC30/33 57.6 46.1 8
LC35/38 57.6 46.1 8
LC40/44 57.6 46.1 8
LC45/50 57.6 46.1 8
LC 50/55 57.6 46.1 8
1) in the absence of other national regulation, a partial safety factor of γV = 1,25 applies
2) Lightweight concrete with a minimum density ρ = 1750 kg/m3

If base material thickness less than 8 mm see page 18.

Tecnaria DIAPASON Nailed Shear Connector Annex C1

of European
Characteristic and design resistance in solid concrete decks, shear Technical Assessment
connector orientation perpendicular to beam axis ETA-18/0355
Page 14 of 18 of European Technical Assessment no. ETA-18/0355, issued on 2019-01-08
Table C2 Design resistance in composite decks – decking ribs perpendicular to beam axis – shear
connector orientation perpendicular to beam axis
Diapason positioning Concrete class resistance PRd
[kN] (3)
type of metal
Type of connector (1)
Diapason 100 without rebar C25/30 or LC20/22-
C30/37 40.7
C35/45 40.7
Diapason 100 with 1 rebar Ø10 C25/30 or LC20/22-
C30/37 40.2
C35/45 40.2
Diapason 100 with 2 rebars Ø10 C25/30 or LC20/22-
C30/37 43.6
According to
C35/45 43.6
the conditions
Diapason 125 without rebar C25/30 or LC20/22-
of (2) 38.2
C30/37 43.2
C35/45 43.2
Diapason 125 with 1 rebar Ø10 C25/30 or LC20/22-
C30/37 48.1
C35/45 48.1
Diapason 125 with 2 rebars Ø10 C25/30 or LC20/22-
C30/37 45.2 Ductile
C35/45 45.2 according to
Diapason 100 without rebar C25/30 or LC20/22- EN 1994-1-1
= kt × 49,0
C30/37 = kt × 57,1
C35/45 = kt × 57,1
Diapason 100 with 1 rebar Ø10 C25/30 or LC20/22-
= kt × 51,1
C30/37 = kt × 56,4
C35/45 = kt × 56,4
Diapason 100 with 2 rebars Ø10 C25/30 or LC20/22-
= kt × 53,1
C30/37 = kt × 61,2
Not according
C35/45 = kt × 61,2
to conditions
Diapason 125 without rebar C25/30 or LC20/22-
of (2) = kt × 44,9
C30/37 = kt × 50,8
C35/45 = kt × 50,8
Diapason 125 with 1 rebar Ø10 C25/30 or LC20/22-
= kt × 47,8
C30/37 = kt × 56,6
C35/45 = kt × 56,6
Diapason 125 with 2 rebars Ø10 C25/30 or LC20/22-
= kt × 46,1
C30/37 = kt × 53,2
C35/45 = kt × 53,2

Tecnaria DIAPASON Nailed Shear Connector Annex C2

of European
Design resistance in composite decks – decking Technical Assessment
ribs perpendicular to beam axis – shear connector orientation ETA-18/0355
perpendicular to beam axis
Page 15 of 18 of European Technical Assessment no. ETA-18/0355, issued on 2019-01-08

(1) Connector without rebar:

Connector with one rebar: fixed with 1 transversely placed Ø10 mm reinforcement bar, 600mm long.

Connector with two rebars: fixed with 2 transversely placed Ø 10 mm reinforcement bars, the upper 600mm
long, the lower 780mm long

(2) Conditions (2) of the table above. Metal deck with:

- Height of rib (hp): maximum 60 mm
- Base width (b): 55 mm or more
- Width b0 of rib (at mid-point for open trough decking or at the top for re-entrant trough decking): minimum 70

0.7 b 0 h 
(3) kt     sc  1  k t , max
nr hp h 
 p 
nr = 1 if one connector per rib,
nr = 2 if two ore more connectors per rib.
The other symbols are defined in the following figure:
Nr Thickness of metal decking Kt,max
1 ≤ 1.0 0.85
1 > 1.0 1.00
≥2 ≤ 1.0 0.70
≥2 > 1.0 0.80

Open trough profile Re-entrant trough profile

Tecnaria DIAPASON Nailed Shear Connector Annex C2

of European
Characteristic resistance in composite decks – decking Technical Assessment
ribs perpendicular to beam axis – shear connector orientation ETA-18/0355
perpendicular to beam axis
Page 16 of 18 of European Technical Assessment no. ETA-18/0355, issued on 2019-01-08
Table C3. Design resistance in composite decks – decking ribs parallel to beam axis – shear connector
orientation parallel to beam axis

Design resistance Prd Ductility

Diapason positioning Concrete class
[kN] (1) assessment
Type of
C25/30 or LC20/22-
Diapason = kl1 x 69.8 ≤ 46.1
100 without
C30/37 = kl1 x 81.4 ≤ 53.8
C35/45 = kl1 x 81.4 ≤ 61.3
C25/30 or LC20/22-
Diapason = kl1 x 72.8≤ 46.1
100 with 1
C30/37 = kl1 x 80.4 ≤ 53.8
rebar Ø10
C35/45 = kl1 x 80.4 ≤ 61.3
C25/30 or LC20/22-
Diapason = kl1 x 75.6≤ 46.1
100 with 2
C30/37 = kl1 x 87.2 ≤ 53.8 Ductile
rebars Ø10
C35/45 = kl1 x 87.2 ≤ 61.3 according to
C25/30 or LC20/22- EN 1994-1-1
Diapason = kl1 x 47.8≤ 46.1
125 without
C30/37 = kl1 x 54.0 ≤ 53.8
C35/45 = kl1 x 54.0 ≤ 61.3
C25/30 or LC20/22-
Diapason = kl1 x 50.8≤ 46.1
125 with 1
C30/37 = kl1 x 60.1 ≤ 53.8
rebar Ø10
C35/45 = kl1 x 60.1 ≤ 61.3
C25/30 or LC20/22-
Diapason = kl1 x 49.0≤ 46.1
125 with 2
C30/37 = kl1 x 56.5 ≤ 53.8
rebars Ø10
C35/45 = kl1 x 56.5 ≤ 61.3

b0  54.5  hsc 
k l1  0.6    1  1 (measures in mm)
hp  
 hp 

When the steel decking is continuous with the passage of the beam, the width of the haunch b 0 is equal to the
width of the rib as shown in the following figures:

When the steel decking is not continuous, b0 is defined as indicated in the following figure:

The height of the haunch should be equal to hp, total height of the decking excluding projections.

Tecnaria DIAPASON Nailed Shear Connector Annex C3

of European
Design resistance in composite decks – decking ribs parallel to beam axis – shear Technical Assessment
connector orientation parallel to beam axis ETA-18/0355
Page 17 of 18 of European Technical Assessment no. ETA-18/0355, issued on 2019-01-08
Table C4. Design resistance in composite decks – decking ribs parallel to beam axis – shear connector
orientation perpendicular to beam axis

Design resistance Prd Ductility

Diapason positioning Concrete class
[kN] (1) assessment
Type of
C25/30 or LC20/22-
= kl2 x 69.8 ≤ 46.1
Diapason 100 LC50/55
without rebar C30/37 = kl2 x 81.4 ≤ 53.8
C35/45 = kl2 x 81.4 ≤ 61.3
C25/30 or LC20/22-
Diapason 100 = kl2 x 72.8 ≤ 46.1
with 1 rebar
C30/37 = kl2 x 80.4 ≤ 53.8
C35/45 = kl2 x 80.4 ≤ 61.3
C25/30 or LC20/22-
Diapason 100 = kl2 x 75.6 ≤ 46.1
with 2 rebars Ductile
C30/37 = kl2 x 87.2 ≤ 53.8
d10 according to
C35/45 = kl2 x 87.2 ≤ 61.3 EN 1994-1-
C25/30 or LC20/22-
= kl3 x 47.8 ≤ 46.1 1
Diapason 125 LC50/55
without rebar C30/37 = kl3 x 54.0 ≤ 53.8
C35/45 = kl3 x 54.0 ≤ 61.3
C25/30 or LC20/22-
Diapason 125 = kl3 x 50.8 ≤ 46.1
with 1 rebar
C30/37 = kl3 x 60.1 ≤ 53.8
C35/45 = kl3 x 60.1 ≤ 61.3
C25/30 or LC20/22-
Diapason 125 = kl3 x 49.0 ≤ 46.1
with 2 rebars
C30/37 = kl3 x 56.5 ≤ 53.8
C35/45 = kl3 x 56.5 ≤ 61.3

b0  100 h 
k l 2  0.6    sc  1  1 (measures in mm)
hp h 
 p 
b0  107 
k l 3  0.6    sc  1  1
hp 
 p 
When the steel decking is continuous with the passage of the beam, the width of the haunch b0 is equal to the
width of the rib as shown in the following figures:

When the steel decking is not continuous, b0 is defined as indicated in the following figure:

The height of the haunch should be equal to hp, total height of the decking excluding projections.

Tecnaria DIAPASON Nailed Shear Connector Annex C4

of European
Design resistance in composite decks – decking ribs parallel to beam axis – shear Technical Assessment
connector orientation perpendicular to beam axis ETA-18/0355
Page 18 of 18 of European Technical Assessment no. ETA-18/0355, issued on 2019-01-08
Design resistance: Effect of reduced base material thickness for Tecnaria DIAPASON 100 – 125

Reduction of design resistance Prd with the factor (tII,act / 8) is required in case the actual base material
thickness is less than 8 mm.
𝑃𝑅𝑑,𝑟𝑒𝑑 = 𝑃𝑅𝑑


PRd,red = reduced design resistance of DIAPASON 100 and DIAPASON 125 for actual base material thickness

tII,act <8 mm and a minimum thickness of 6 mm.

PRd = design resistance of the connectors

No extrapolation of above formula for base material thickness tII,act > 8 mm.

This reduction of resistance is not added to the possible reduction of resistance due to metal decking. The factor
resulting in the largest reduction is used.

Design resistance: Effect of reduced base material strength

Reduction of design resistance Prd with the factor αBM,red is required in case the actual base material minimum
yield strength of the old construction steel is less than 235 N/mm2

• minimum yield strength fy= 170 N/mm2

PRd,red = αBM,red × PRd
αBM,red = 0.81
PRd,red = reduced design strength of the connector

This reduction of resistance is not added to the possible reduction of resistance due to metal decking. The factor
resulting in the largest reduction is used.

Tecnaria DIAPASON Nailed Shear Connector Annex C5

of European
Technical Assessment
Effect of reduced base material thickness for Tecnaria DIAPASON 100 – 125 ETA-18/0355
Effect of reduced base material strength

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