Dipen - Simulation of Longshore Sediment at Kuakata - ISOR-JMCE
Dipen - Simulation of Longshore Sediment at Kuakata - ISOR-JMCE
Dipen - Simulation of Longshore Sediment at Kuakata - ISOR-JMCE
e-ISSN: 2278-1684, p-ISSN: 2320-334X, Volume 19, Issue 3 Ser. I (May. – June. 2022), PP 15-31
This study work has been conducted for estimation of longshore sediment transport and coastline evolution as
well. Dedicated hydrodynamic model using MIKE 21 FM is developed, calibrated, and validated for studying
nearshore hydrodynamic analysis and hydrodynamic result is used as input in LITDRIFT and LITLINE model.
Dedicated wave model has been developed using MIKE 21 SW and the simulated wave climate has been used in
LITDRIFT model and LITLINE model. Simulated hydrodynamics of coupled wave-tide model are used in
LITDRIFT model to estimate the rate of longshore sediment transport. It is found that overall net sediment
transport occurs eastward of amount 5.94x10 5 m3/yr and 1.46x105 m3 is eroded for Lebur Char area and
2.36x105 m3 deposited in Kawar Char area per year, estimated by LITDRIFT model of LITPACK module under
MIKE. Coastlines have been simulated by LITLINE model, which is calibrated and validated with the real filed
data of coastline extracted from the satellite images of the year 2018 and 2016. LITLINE model has been
simulated over the year 2010 to 2018 for erosion prone area of Kuakata. It is observed that coastline is moving
towards land with time. Future coastline position is also simulated up to the year 2024. It is predicted that
western part (Lebur Char area) of Kuakata beach will further erode at a rate of 9.6 m/yr up to the year 2024.
Longshore sediment transport
Coastline evolution
Coastal erosion
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Date of Submission: 28-04-2022 Date of Acceptance: 10-05-2022
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I. Introduction
Coastal erosion is one of the big challenges in Bangladesh. Many reasons are responsible for coastal
erosion, among them strong tidal current, wave action, cyclonic storm surge and human interventions are prime
reasons. There has been happening erosion along the main beach of Kuakata for last decades. This study has
been conducted to simulate longshore sediment transport and shoreline evolution along Kuakata beach. A few
numbers of studies have been conducted so far on Kuakata beach regarding erosion issue and other aspects.
Despite these existing studies, there are some research gaps and huge scopes to work with Kuakata beach and
nearshore area. Under this research authors tried to address some research gap finding longshore sediment
transport and simulating coastline evolution.
1.1 Study area
This study is conducted for Kukata beach area. Kuakata is in the southern part of Banaladesh and
northern part of Bay of Bengal (BoB). It is situated 320 km south of capital city Dhaka and 70 km away from
Patuakhali district headquarter. The area lies between latitudes 21 048’ and 21055’ N and longitudes 90003’ and
90015’ E. Kuakata is under Kalapara upazila of Patuakhali district. Study area (Kuakata) is shown in the Figure
1. Kuakata beach is an important place for tourism and thereby plays a vital role for national economy. But
beach erosion is becoming a serious problem day by day. Kuakata beach is about 24 km long stretching from
Corresponding Author. Coast Port and Estuary Division, Institute of Water Modelling, Dhaka-1230
E-Mail Address: [email protected] (Dipen Saha).
The beach is bounded by the Andharmanik river estuary at the west and Rabnabad river estuary at the east.
Longshore sediment transport has been estimated by Littoral Processes FM. Coastline evolution has been
estimated and verified with satellite image coastline for a particular year. Assessment of the longshore sediment
transport and simulation of shoreline changes along Kuakata beach are the main output of this research work
which will help coast management authority to take necessary protection measures.
The annual drift is found by the contribution of transport from each of the wave incidents occurring during the
year.When calculating the annual drift, the wave climate in the calculations is described in a time series file
where each set of items describe the characteristics of one wave incident and the bathymetric conditions at that
time. In addition, the duration of the individual wave incident considered. Thus, the total annual drift Qannual is
found as the sum of the contributions from all wave incidents.
𝑄𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑙 = ∑𝑁𝑆𝐸𝑇𝑆
𝑖=1 𝑄𝑠(𝑖). 𝐷𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛(𝑖) (4)
The characteristics of the individual computation profiles are illustrated by Table 1. Length of the
transect depends on the location of depth of closure. Depth of closure is that depth in the offshore of the sea,
beyond which literally no littoral transport occurs. So, over the time no significant change in bottom elevation of
the sea beyond depth of closure. Length of the transect should be equal or greater than the distance of depth of
closure from coastline. There are several formulae exists to find the depth of closure. For Kuakata nearshore
area, it is seen that depth of closure located within 2000 m. So, the length of the transect in this study is
reasonable and appropriate.
After giving all necessary inputs (i.e., transects position and dimension, cross-sectional profiles, grid
size, beachline orientation and transect orientation and sediment characteristics) in the LITDRIFT model,
timeseries of longshore sediment transport has been simulated. Minimum 4/5 years’ simulation needs to run for
getting better result for LITDRIFT model.
The coastline evolution calculations are based on a co-ordinate system in which the x-axis is a baseline that runs
parallel to the primary coastline orientation, while the y-axis runs from the baseline in offshore direction (Figure
6) yc(x) is the distance from the baseline to the coastline. Coastline profile is used to denote the variation of y c in
Where, Yc(x) is distance from the baseline to the coastline, t is time, hact(x) is height of the active cross-
shore profile, Q(x) is longshore transport of sediment expressed in volume, x is longshore position, Δx is
longshore discretization, Qsou(x) is source/sink term expressed in volume. hact(x) and Qsou(x) are calculated based
on user specifications while longshore transport rate Q(x) is determined from tables relating the transport rate to
the hydrodynamic condition at breaking. Δx is user specified, while the internal timestep, Δt is determined from
stability criteria. From an initial coastline position yinit(x), the evolution in time is determined by solving
equation using an implicit Crank-Ncholson scheme.
The continuity equation for sediment volumes, equation 5, is solved through an implicit Crank-Nicholson
Scheme. The discretization in longshore direction is sketched in Figure 7.
Qi denotes the transport rate between xi and xi+1 while dQi denotes the change in the transport rate with respect
to change in coastline orientation (for values of θ close the local orientation θ0).
𝑑𝑄(𝑥) = (𝑥, 𝜃0 ) (6)
A subscript “t” denotes(known) values of the present time step, while subscript “t+1” denotes unknown values
of the next time step. Transport rates corresponding to time step t+1 are estimated through:
Based on a crank-Nicholson scheme of the continuity equation can be written as
𝑎𝑖 = (1−∝)𝑑𝑄𝑖−1 (8)
∆𝑥 2 .ℎ
𝑏𝑖 = − 𝑎𝑖 − 𝑐𝑖 (9)
𝑑𝑖 = 𝑎𝑖 𝑦𝑖−1,𝑡 + 𝑏𝑖 𝑦𝑖,𝑡 + 𝑐𝑦𝑖+1,𝑡 − ∆𝑥. (𝑄𝑖,𝑡 − 𝑄𝑖−1,𝑡 − 𝑄𝑆𝑖 ) (10)
Where QSi is the contribution from possible sources. ai, bi, ci, and di can be found for the present time step and
with two boundary conditions, the system of equation for all longshore positions can be solved by Gauss-
DOI: 10.9790/1684-1903011531 www.iosrjournals.org 20 | Page
Simulation of Longshore Sediment Transport and Coastline Changing Along Kuakata Beach ..
elimination method. The boundary conditions applied assuming a zero-transport gradient through each
boundary. This causes the coastline orientation at the boundaries to be constant. The parameter α is the Crank-
Ncholson factor.
Providing all essential inputs in the LITLINE model, time series of beach position is simulated. Future shoreline
can also be predicted by this model adopting special technique which is described in the following chapter.
III. Result
Manual calculation of longshore sediment transport, transport from bathymetry data and detailed
results from LITDRIFT model and LITLINE model are explained in the following sections. This result will help
us to understand coastal morphology and take necessary interventions/measures if it is required.
Figure 11: Erosion and accretion pattern by annual littoral transport along Kuakata beach
CERC Formula:
The CERC formula provides an estimate of the instantaneous (gross) sediment transport, ignoring the effects of
currents and onshore-offshore processes. It should be noted that longshore sediment transport rates derived
using the CERC formulation provide at best an order-of-magnitude estimate of the sediment transport, as there
is considerable scatter in reported estimates of the dimensionless K value and as the formulation does not take
the effect of wave period into account in the calculations.
The CERC formula is given by:
𝑄 = (𝜌 ′ 𝑃𝑙𝑠 (11)
𝑠 −𝜌)𝑔𝑎
Where, Q = Longshore sediment transport rate, K = dimensionless empirical coefficient, related to sediment
grain size, ρs = sediment density, ρ = water density, g = acceleration due to gravity, a' = solids fraction of the in-
situ sediment deposit (1-porosity) and the longshore component of energy flux in the surf zone is given by:
𝜌𝑔 2
𝑃𝑙𝑠 = 𝐻 𝐶 sin(2𝜃𝑏 ) (12)
16 𝑠𝑏 𝑔𝑏
Where, Hsb = nearshore breaking height of significant wave, Cgb = wave group speed at breaking, θb = angle
breaking wave crest makes with shoreline
In shallow water,
𝐶𝑔𝑏 = √𝑔𝑑𝑏 (13)
Where, db = depth of wave breaking, which is assumed to be related to the wave breaking height H b = 0.78 db
The values for the parameters in the CERC formula are given below:
The median grain size of sediment (D50) in the surf zone at Kuakata beach from previous literature is found to
be 0.20 mm. From Coastal Engineering Manual (2003), an empirically based value for K is around 0.9, based on
the median grain size D50 = 0.20 mm using coastal engineering manual, 2003. ρs is assumed 2650 kg/m3, g is the
acceleration due to gravity take as 9.81 m2/s and a = 1- porosity, Porosity of a typical beach berm is around 40%
so a = 0.6.
It is seen from model or wave rose analysis, Lebur Char to Gangamatir Char (i.e., transect 1, 2, 3 and 4) and
Kawar Char to Gangamatir Char (i.e., transect 5 & 6) has opposite pattern of longshore sediment transport.
From the wave model result file wave climate is extracted near transect 2. Breaking wave height can be
calculated giving some input data by Surf Wave Calculator (https://swellbeat.com/wave-calculator/).
Water depth is given from 2D hydrodynamic result file near transect 2. Thus, H sb is found out.
Kamphuis Formula:
For comparison purposes, the sediment transport direction and relative magnitude is also evaluated using the
Kamphuis (1991) expression. This expression is based on an extensive series of hydraulic model tests and
depends on breaking wave height, wave period, grain size, nearshore beach slope and nearshore wave approach
angle. The expression is given by:
2 1.5 0.75 −0.25
𝑄𝑘 = (6.4𝑥104 )𝐻𝑠𝑏 𝑇𝑜𝑝 𝑚𝑏 𝐷 𝑠𝑖𝑛(2𝛼𝑏 )0.6 (14)
Where, Qk = sediment transport rate, m3/year, Hsb = breaking wave height, Top = wave period, Mb = nearshore
beach gradient, D = sediment grainsize (i.e., 0.20 mm according to previous literature), αb = angle breaking
wave crest makes with the shoreline.
If data used for the same location in the domain, longshore sediment transport found using above equation is
127,227 m3/yr.
Kamphuis (1991) method also shows that the main potential is for sediment transport from west to east
direction. It is noted that the Kamphuis equation takes into account wave period, which is not a parameter used
by the CERC equation.Kamphuis formula estimates lower littoral drift compared to CERC formula. Values are
close to net sediment transport estimated from the model which validates the model result to some extent.
Figure 12: Comparison of simulated longshore sediment transport along Kukata beach with empirical method
So, it can be concluded that there is a significant longshore sediment transport along Kuakata beach
which is the prime cause of erosion. Series of groyne can be constructed to arrest this transport, thus combat
erosion. As tourism is very important for Kuakata beach, from aesthetic point of view any hard structure like
groyne or breakwater might not be permissible. As a result, soft measurement could be undertaken rather than
hard structure. In that case beach nourishment can be a good idea to protect the beach from erosion. Estimated
annual longshore drift can give idea about the requirement of beach nourishment for the beach.
Figure 13: Volume calculation by bathymetry comparison in nearshore area of Kuakata beach using GEBCO
bathy data of the year 2007 and 2014
Transect-1 214 632 4371 10065 6640 15947 14900 9497 4360 1695 823 319 69463 76409
Transect-2 410 1212 8378 19291 12726 30565 28557 18202 8357 3249 1578 611 133136 141124
Transect-3 634 1876 12972 29868 19704 47325 44216 28183 12939 5030 2443 946 206137 218505
Transect-4 665 1967 13601 31317 20660 49620 46361 29550 13567 5274 2562 992 216136 216136
Transect-5 -123 -364 -1010 -1530 -1046 -1777 -1421 -1066 -187 -721 -370 -343 -9958 9958
Transect-6 -249 -736 -2042 -3092 -2114 -3593 -2873 -2156 -378 -1457 -748 -693 -20131 21741
Net (m3) 1552 4589 36271 85919 56570 138087 129739 82209 38658 13069 6289 1832 594783 683874
Yearly longshore sediment transport is shown in the Figure 16. The highest transport occurs at transect
no. 4 (i.e., 216,136 m3/year). Figure 17 reveals the seasonal variation of longshore sediment transport. It is
observed that there is huge impact of season in the longshore sediment transport.
Figure 15: Monthly longshore sediment transport rate along Kuakata beach
Yearly longshore sediment transport is shown in the Figure 16. The highest transport occurs at transect
no. 4 (i.e., 216,136 m3/year). Figure 17 reveals the seasonal variation of longshore sediment transport. It is
observed that there is huge impact of season in the longshore sediment transport. From the Figure 17, it is seen
that maximum transport occurs at monsoon season, minimum transport occurs at post-monsoon and moderate
amount of transport occurs at pre monsoon season. Seasonal longshore sediment transport for pre monsoon,
monsoon and post monsoon are 184,900 m3; 388,693 m3 and 21,189 m3 are respectively. So, it can be concluded
The calibration and validation of the LITLINE model are shown in the following Figure 20 and Figure
21 which imply quite satisfactory model result. After calibration and validation of LITLINE model. A long-
term simulation (i.e., 9 years) of beach position is conducted for erosion prone area only, the simulated beach
position is shown in the Figure 18. It is observed from the simulation result that maximum erosion occurs 240 m
in 9 years shown by circle on the map and other places erosion varies 100 to 145 m over simulation period.
Figure 22: Simulated shoreline position along Kuakata beach using LITLINE model for period 2010 to 2018
But for future wave field and wind field data, it is not possible to have. If we make assumption that last
5 years wave climate will prevail for next 5 years in the study area, then changing the time series of wave
climate to future we can predict future shoreline for next five years.
Shoreline evolution model can be used more effectively beach morphology study incorporating
structures in the model (i.e., groyne and breakwater). Special technique is to be adopted to predict or simulate
future shoreline. It is estimated for future shoreline simulation that shoreline will move further 9.6 m/year in
next 5 years.
IV. Discussion
LITDRIFT model was calibrated in different ways (i.e., by bathymetric data and empirical equations)
and results are reasonable and promising. On the other hand, LITILINE model is also calibrated and validated
with satellite images. Wave climate and hydrodynamic result derived from wave model and hydrodynamic
model, also calibrated, and validated as well.Result from the wave model is used in LITDRIFT model.
Longshore sediment transport is calculated from LITDRIFT model which is shown in previous chapter. The
overall net sediment transport or resultant transport is eastward. 5.94x10 5 m3/yr sediment transport is seen
eastward. Total amount of erosion and accretion are 1.46x10 5 m3 and 2.36x105 m3 per year which is justified
with bathymetry data of Kukata beach area.By coastline evolution model, it is also observed that up to chainage
13 km shoreline is eroding with time and it is verified with real satellite images coastline where same wave
climate is used as in littoral drift model which confirms the accuracy of longshore sediment transport estimation.
Shorelines of Kuakata are simulated from the year 2020 to 2024. During this period further migrating of
shoreline is predicted as 48 m towards the land.
It is evident that significant erosion is taking place along Kuakata beach. Coast management authority
can take decision to combat the sever erosion either by hard or soft structural measures. Series of groin could
help in this regard for better outcomes. Beach nourishment could be another way to protect but needs to be done
recurrently which eventually increases the maintenance cost.
V. Conclusion
Result from wave and hydrodynamic model is used in littoral drift model and LITLINE model.
Eventually from littoral drift model sediment budget is estimated and from LITLINE model shoreline changes
along beach are observed. Following major findings have been found from this study:
1. Longshore sediment transport is estimated from LITDRIFT model. It is seen that overall net longshore
sediment transport is 5.94x105 m3/yr towards east. Erosion occurs at Lebur Char area is 1.46x10 5 m3/yr
and deposition occurs at Kawar Char area is 2.36x105 m3/yr.
2. Coastline evolution model simulated for eroding western side of Kuakata beach and it is verified with
real satellite images coastline where same wave climate is used as in littoral drift model which
conforms the accuracy of longshore sediment transport estimation. At the same time future shoreline
simulation is done where it is seen that eroding beach will erode further at 9.6 m/yr.
Based on this study some recommendations have been summarized below:
This research work was conducted during M.Sc. Engineering study of corresponding author from
Department of Water Resources Engineering of BUET under the supervision Prof. Dr. Md. Ataur Rahman.
Modeling software and required data were supported by Institute of Water Modelling (IWM). Authors would
also like to be thankful to Prof. Dr. A T M Hasan Zobeyer and Dr. K.M. Ahtesham Hossain, Assistant Professor
from department of Water Resources Engineering of BUET and Mr. Rubayat Alam, Director, Coast port and
Estuary Division, IWM for their valuable suggestions during the study period.
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