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Every Day (Lesson 17 - 32)

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Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self,
(Listening 4)
Topic Every day Theme Family and
Skills Main: Listening Complementary: Listening
Content 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar 1.3 Use appropriate listening strategies in a
Standard contexts. variety of contexts.
1.3.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words by
Learning 1.2.2 Understand with support specific
using visual clues when a teacher or classmate
Standard information and details of short simple texts.
is speaking.
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Listen the recording and mime all the actions as they hear them.
2. Listen and say what they remember about their friends using “always/sometimes/never”.

1. Pupils play a miming game to introduce the new vocabulary.

Starter 2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity.
 Pupils play a circle game.
 Each pupil takes a card.
 Some pupils are chosen to tell the class what is on their card.
 Pupils listen to a song about a boy called Mike.
 Pupils listen and hold up their card when they hear their action.
Main Activities
 All pupils mime all the actions as they hear the recording again.
 Pupils listen to the song and follow the words before drawing a line to match the
pictures on textbook page 15.
 Pupils are directed to the Grammar box.
 Pupils read the sentences out loud, followed by the teacher.
5. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation about -s and -es.
6. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
7. Pupils play a mime game in groups.
8. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Present simple for routines Get Smart plus 3 Individual
Student’s Book p.15 Worksheet
Teacher’s Book p.32

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 18 (Speaking 4) Topic Every day Theme Family and
Skills Main: Speaking Complementary: Writing
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language
2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly. form and style for a range of purposes in print
and digital media.
Learning 2.1.2 Find out about and describe basic 4.3.2 Spell an increased range of familiar high
Standard everyday routines. frequency words accurately in guided writing.
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. State Mike’s daily routines.
2. Write about their daily routines.

1. Pupils sing along to the song on textbook page 15.

Starter 2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity.
 Pupils play a guessing game using the word cards.
 Pupils play a matching game with a set of flashcards and word cards.
 Pupils take turns to turn over two cards to try to find a picture + a word that matches.
 Pupils talk about their daily routines.
Main Activities
 Pupils write their own routine in row 1 of the table on Student’s Book p.15.
 Pupils talk about the picture on page 15.
 Pupils listen to the audio and repeat after it.
 Pupils are divided into a few groups.
 Pupils take turns talking about the activities they always, sometimes and never do.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils play a word game.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Present simple for routines Get Smart plus 3 Individual
Student’s Book p.15 Activity 1 Worksheet
Teacher’s Book p. 32–33

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 19 (Reading 4) Topic Every day Theme Family and
Skills Main: Reading Complementary: Reading
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear
print and digital texts by using appropriate print and digital texts by using appropriate
reading strategies. reading strategies.
Learning 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of short simple 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details
Standard texts. of short simple texts.
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:

1. Pupils play a word chain game (Teacher’s book page 34).

Starter 2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity.
 Pupils are introduced to new words using the flashcards.
 Pupils are asked to read the story on textbook page 16.
 Pupils are asked a few questions about the story.
 Pupils listen to the audio and read after the audio.
Main Activities
 A few pupils are chosen to act out the story.
 Pupils are asked about the characters in the story and answer “Yes, he/she does”, “No,
he/she doesn’t”, “Yes, I do” and “No, they don’t”.
 Pupils are introduced to the Grammar Box on textbook page 17.
 Pupils practice answering the questions.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils raise their hands if… they take the bus / walk / drive / take the train to school.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Present simple for routines Get Smart plus 3 Individual
Student’s Book p.16–17 Worksheet
Teacher’s Book p34

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 20 (Writing 4) Topic Every day Theme Family and
Skills Main: Writing Complementary: Writing
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language 4.3 Communicate with appropriate language
form and style for a range of purposes in print form and style for a range of purposes in print
and digital media. and digital media.
4.3.1 Use capital letters, full stops and question
Learning 4.3.3 Plan, draft and write an increased range of
marks appropriately in guided writing at sentence
Standard simple sentences.
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Draft a sentence for the picture given in group with guidance.
2. Punctuate correctly in their writing on the notebook.

1. Pupils play jumble up letters game.

Starter 2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity.
 Pupils look at the flashcards and xxx every day and I always/sometimes/never xxx from
the pupils.
 Put pupils in groups (one group for each flashcard).
 Each group drafts a sentence for their picture, I always/never/sometimes xxx.
 One pupil from each group are called to write their sentence.
Main Activities  Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation on how to change the sentence to He/She and
adding the third person -s by giving example sentences (talk about yourself and then
about male and female pupils).
 Pupils write three or four sentences in their notebooks.
 Pupils draft their sentences.
 Pupils to write their sentences in the worksheet given.
 Pupils present their work to the class (teacher to choose randomly).
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. A few pupils are chosen to summarise the lesson.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Present simple for daily routines (third Flashcards for daily routine Individual
person He/She -s) Worksheet

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self,
21 (Language Arts
Topic Every day Theme Family and
Skills Main: Language Arts Complementary: Language Arts
Content 5.3 Express an imaginative response to literary 5.1 Demonstrate appreciation through non-
Standard texts. verbal responses.
5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and intelligibly 5.1.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and
through creating simple action songs on familiar songs
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Sing along with action using their toothbrush.
2. Change lyrics and sing along in group with guidance

1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.

 Pupils show their toothbrushes.
Starter  Pupils talk about the colour, size and type of toothbrush they have.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils work in pairs to compare their toothbrushes.
 Each pair makes at least two sentences comparing their toothbrushes, e.g. their colour:
My toothbrush is red; Izzi’s toothbrush is pink.
 Pupils show how they brush their teeth
 Pupils hear a song about brushing your teeth.
Main Activities
 Pupils will hear the song again the second time, and this time they should mime with
their toothbrushes. Encourage them to sing along too.
 Pupils work in groups of three or four to choose a daily routine action and make a new
verse of the song.
 Each group perform their verse twice. The rest of the class should join in the second
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation about the importance of keeping their teeth clean and
Plenary healthy, the best ways to brush their teeth and visiting the dentist regularly.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Present simple for routines A song about brushing your teeth – Individual
This is the way… Worksheet

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 22 (Listening 5) Topic Every day Theme Family and
Skills Main: Listening Complementary: Listening
Content 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar
Standard contexts. contexts.
Learning 1.2.2 Understand with support specific 1.2.5 Understand a wide range of short
Standard information and details of short simple texts. supported questions.
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
3. Listen to the recording and write down the correct answer.
4. Listen and touch the words listed.

1.Pupils carry out warm-up activity.

 Pupils play a game Don’t break the chain (refer to Teacher’s Book p.34).
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils work in pairs or small groups.
 Each pair/group a set of word cards. The set includes the words from the main
vocabulary, all cut up and mixed up (e.g. take / the / bus / walk / take / the train / drive).
 Pupils work together to try to arrange them to make the vocabulary phrases or words.
Main Activities  Pupils touch the words as they hear the questions asked by the teacher (e.g. Does Ali
always take the bus to school?).
 Pupils open their books on page 17.
 Pupils look at the pictures on Activity 3 and are asked a few questions.
 Pupils listen to the audio and number the pictures 1-4.
 Pupils discuss the answers with the teacher.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils carry out post lesson activity with guidance.
Plenary  Pupils answer True and False sentences about the pictures in Activity 3.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Present simple, Yes/No questions Get Smart plus 3 Individual
Student’s Book p.17 (and 15 in step Worksheet
Teacher’s Book p.35

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Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 23 (Speaking 5) Topic Every day Theme Family and
Skills Main: Speaking Complementary: Listening
Content 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar
2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
Standard contexts.
Learning 2.1.2 Find out about and describe basic 1.2.5 Understand a wide range of short
Standard everyday routines. supported questions.
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Conduct a survey in pairs.
2. Listen and list down yes or no regarding their friend’s opinion.

1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.

 Pupils play a miming game.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils are asked on what the children are doing (textbook page 17).
 Pupils listen to the audio and repeat the exchange.
 In pairs, pupils make a few sentences from the table.
 Pupils conduct a class survey.
Main Activities
 In pairs, pupils write a question (for example, Do you … to school? or Does your
dad/mum … to work?)
 Each pair asks 5 pair (10 pupils) their question and write yes or no for each pupil that
they have interviewed.
 Pupils complete the worksheet in their pairs.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils reflect on the lesson.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Present simple Yes/No questions Get Smart plus 3 Individual
Student’s Book p.17 Worksheet
Teacher’s Book p.35

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 24 (Reading 5) Topic Every day Theme Family and
Skills Main: Reading Complementary: Reading
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear
print and digital texts by using appropriate print and digital texts by using appropriate
reading strategies reading strategies
Learning 3.2.4 Recognise and use with support key 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details
Standard features of a simple monolingual dictionary of short simple texts
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Search the words in the dictionary and find out the meaning of the words.
2. Read the word cards and match to the correct pictures.

1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.

 Pupils play a word game to focus on the word teacher.
Starter  Pupils are shown a dictionary by the teacher.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils find the meaning of the word cat in the dictionary.
 Pupils look at the pictures of the people from Student’s Book p.18 on the board.
 Pupils work in at least seven groups.
 Each group is given a word and pupils have to work together to find the meaning of the
Main Activities word.
 Pupils are asked on which picture on the board they think their word belongs with.
 A pupil is called to move their word card next to the correct picture on the board.
 Pupils look at textbook page 18.
 Pupils listen to the audio and repeat after it.
 Pupils are asked a few comprehension questions based on the text.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils carry out post lesson activity with guidance.
Plenary  Pupils tell if they have a family member who is a firefighter, doctor or lifeguard.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Present simple for habits and Get Smart plus 3 Individual
occupations Student’s Book, p.18 Worksheet
Teacher’s Book p.36

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 25 (Writing 5) Topic Every day Theme Family and
Skills Main: Writing Complementary: Listening
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language 2.2 Use appropriate communication strategies.
form and style for a range of purposes in print
and digital media.
Learning 4.3.2 Spell an increased range of familiar high 2.2.2 Ask for attention or help from a teacher or
Standard frequency words accurately in guided writing. classmate by using suitable questions.
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
3. Fill in the crossword puzzle in pair correctly.
4. Talk about their parents’ occupation in groups with guidance.

1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.

 Pupils play a guessing game.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils are introduced on new occupations vocabulary using flashcards.
 Pupils refer to the Grammar Box on page 19 and listen to teacher’s explanation.
Main Activities  Pupils then read the sentences on Activity 3 and write the occupation.
 Pupils number the pictures according to the sentences.
 Pupils do a crossword puzzle in pairs.
 Pupils talk about their parents’ occupation.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils are asked on what they have learned for today’s lesson.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Present simple for habits/occupations Get Smart plus 3 Individual
Student’s Book p.19 Worksheet
Teacher’s Book p.37

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self,
26 (Language Arts
Topic Every day Theme Family and
Skills Main: Language Arts Complementary: Listening
Content 5.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar
Standard songs contexts
Learning 5.1.2 In addition to Year 2 text types: simple 1.2.3 Understand with support short simple
Standard poems. narratives
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Say and mime the means of transport according to the pictures.
2. Say the words and do the actions.

1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.

 Pupils to give the children names: 2 children should be girls and 2 children boys.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils suggest actions to mime the means of transport.
 When you have used all the pictures, teacher says the whole rhyme again.
Main Activities
 Pupils join in with the words and actions.
 Repeat the steps until pupils can say the rhyme confidently
 Pupils to copy the rhyme and add the correct means of transport.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils carry out post lesson activity with guidance.
 Pupils close their books and divide them into four groups, one group for each picture.
Plenary  Each group performs the rhyme for their picture, so that the class performs the
complete rhyme.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
He/She + present simple ‘s’; means of Flashcards or pictures Individual
transport Worksheet

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 27 (Listening 6) Topic Every day Theme Family and
Skills Main: Listening Complementary: Speaking
Content 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar 2.3 Communicate appropriately to a small or
Standard contexts. large group.
Learning 1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea of 2.3.1 Narrate very short basic stories and
Standard short simple texts. events.
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Listen and guess the pictures in groups.
2. Describe the pictures to their peers.

1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.

 Pupils play a mime game.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils choose an occupation and draw it on the worksheet.
 Pupils have to write the occupation word under the picture but not their name.
 Pupils talk about the person on their picture.
Main Activities  In groups, pupils put their pictures together.
 Each pupil in turn talks about their picture. The other pupils listen carefully and guess
which picture is the pupils.
 Pupils guess in their notebooks so that feedback can be done as a group after each
pupil has had a turn speaking.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils summarise the lesson.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Present simple for habits and Get Smart plus 3 Individual
occupations Student’s Book p.19 Worksheet
Teacher’s Book p.37

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 28(Speaking 6) Topic Every day Theme Family and
Skills Main: Speaking Complementary: Listening
Content 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar
2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
Standard contexts
Learning 2.1.2 Find out about and describe basic 1.2.5 Understand a wide range of short
Standard everyday routines supported questions
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Talk about what they want to be when they grow up.
2. Ask and answer on their peer’s dream occupation.

1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.

 Pupils play “Guess the occupation” game.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils guess the occupation demonstrated by the teacher.
 Pupils look at each flashcard and say the word/ phrase a few times.
 Pupils listen to the audio and repeat after the words.
 Pupils play a matching game with flashcards, where pupils in pairs or small groups
Main Activities match the occupation with what the person does (e.g. pilot + fly a helicopter).
 In pairs, pupils question and answer about occupations.
 Pupils refer to their textbook on page 20 and guess what Lucy and Sue are doing.
 Pupils follow along as the teacher plays the CD.
 Pupils carry out a survey among their classmates in groups.
 A representative from each group share their survey results to the class.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils carry out post lesson activity with guidance.
 Teacher gives feedback on the activity including a focus on / review of common
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Present simple (want to) Get Smart plus 3 Individual
Student’s Book, p.20 Worksheet
Teacher’s Book, p.38– 39

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 29 (Reading 6) Topic Every day Theme Family and
Skills Main: Reading Complementary: Reading
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear
print and digital texts by using appropriate print and digital texts by using appropriate
reading strategies reading strategies.
Learning 3.2.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words 3.2.2 Understand specific information and
Standard from clues provided by visuals and the topic details of short simple texts
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Read the text about Malaysian charity organizations.
2. Identify which vocabulary belongs to which picture.

1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.

 Talk to pupils about a few organisations.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils look at the flashcards.
 Pupils refer to page 115 and state which vocabulary belongs to each picture.
 Pupils listen to the audio and shadow read.
Main Activities
 Pupils point to the pictures while listening to the audio.
 Pupils answer the questions about the audio.
 Pupils refer to the texts in Activity 1 in page 115.
 Pupils write the corresponding letter according to which organisation they refer to.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils carry out post lesson activity with guidance.
Plenary  Pupils talk about which organisation they would like to join and why.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Present simple for habits Get Smart plus 3 Individual
Student’s Book, p.115 Worksheet
Teacher’s Book, p.178

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 30 (Writing 6) Topic Every day Theme Family and
Skills Main: Writing Complementary: Writing
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language 4.3.1 Use capital letters, full stops and question
form and style for a range of purposes in print marks appropriately in guided writing at sentence
and digital media. level
Learning 4.1 Form letters and words in neat legible print 4.1.2 Begin to use cursive handwriting in a
Standard using cursive writing limited range of written work*
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Fill in the blanks with I’s where necessary.
2. Write the sentences about their day in cursive writing.

1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.

 Pupils play Do not break the chain (See Teacher’s Book p.34).
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils look at their textbook on page 16.
 Pupils are asked on what they can on the page.
 Pupils point to the pictures based on the recording.
 Pupils to tick the activities they hear in Jim’s diary as they hear them.
Main Activities
 Pupils read along as they listen to the recording.
 Pupils answer comprehension questions based on the text.
 Pupils work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.
 Pupils write sentences about their day in cursive writing in their notebooks.
 Pupils play a guessing game.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. A few pupils are asked to summarise the lesson.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Present simple for routines Get Smart plus 3 Individual
Student’s Book, p.21 Worksheet
Teacher’s Book p.34, 39 & 40–41

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Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self,
31 (Language Arts
Topic Every day Theme Family and
Skills Main: Language Arts Complementary: Speaking
Content 2.1Communicate simple information intelligibly.
5.2 Express personal responses to literary texts.
5.2.1 Ask and answer simple questions about 2.1.5 Describe people and objects using suitable
characters, actions and events of interest in a words and phrases.
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Draw a picture showing an occupation.
2. Talk about their picture among their friends in groups.

1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.

 Pupils play a guessing game.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation about career.
 Pupils read and listen to a story about a school career day.
 Pupils discuss about the title of the story with the teacher.
Main Activities
 Pupils talk about their dream occupation.
 Each pupil to draw a picture showing an occupation.
 In groups, pupils share their pictures.
 Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation about the Value mentioned at the end of the story.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils talk about the new words they have learned today.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Present simple want to + be + Get Smart plus 3 Individual
occupation Student’s Book, p.22–23 Worksheet
Teacher’s Book, p.42–43

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Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self,
32 (Language
Awareness 2)
Topic Every day Theme Family and
Skills Main: Reading Complementary: Writing
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for
print and digital texts by using appropriate a range of purposes in print and digital media.
reading strategies.
Learning 3.2.2 Understand specific information and 4.2.4 Describe people and objects using suitable
Standard details of short simple texts. words and phrases.
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Answer questions based on the text read.
2. Unjumble the sentences in groups.

1.Pupils carry out warm-up activity.

 Pupils play a guessing game.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils look at the picture and the teacher tells them the boy is Hamid and the girl is
May. They are siblings.
 Pupils look and read silently the text on the worksheet.
 Pupils are asked a few questions about the text.
 Pupils look at how the teacher unjumbles a sentence by doing an example on the
Main Activities
 Pupils to work in groups of three and unjumble the sentences.
 Pupils write in their notebooks:
o Something they always/never do every day.
o Something someone else always/never does every day.
o What they want to be when they grow up.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils summarise the lesson.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Review of unit language Get Smart plus 3 Individual
Student’s Book, p.24 Activities 1 Worksheet
and/or 2
Teacher’s Book, p.44–45

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