Learn how to make a balloon-popping game!
Step 1 Introduction
when clicked
go to x: 0 y: 0
point in direction 45
move 1 steps
if on edge, bounce
Test out your balloon. Does it move too slowly? Change the numbers in your code if you want to speed it
up a bit.
Did you also notice that your balloon flips as it moves around the screen?
Balloons don’t move like this! To fix this, click on the balloon sprite icon, and then click the direction.
In the ‘rotation style’ section, click ‘Do not rotate’ to stop the balloon rotating.
With the code you have now, your balloon will always start in the same place and move in the same path.
Click the flag a few times to start your program, and you’ll see it’s the same every time.
Instead of using the same x and y position each time, you can let Scratch pick a random number
instead. Change your balloon’s code, so that it looks like this:
when clicked
point in direction 45
move 1 steps
if on edge, bounce
If you click the green flag a few times, you should notice that your balloon starts in a different place each
You could even use a random number to choose a random balloon colour each time:
I need a hint
when clicked
point in direction 45
move 1 steps
if on edge, bounce
What happens if this code is put at the start of your program? Does anything different happen if you put this code
inside the forever loop? Which do you prefer?
Click on your balloon sprite, and then click the Costumes tab. You can delete all of the other costumes,
just leaving 1 balloon costume. Add a new costume, by clicking Paint new costume and create a new
costume called burst.
Make sure that your balloon switches to the right costume when the game starts. Your code should now
look like this:
when clicked
move 1 steps
if on edge, bounce
You’ll need to improve this code, so that when the balloon is clicked, it shows the burst costume for a
short time, and is then hidden.
You can make all of this happen by changing your balloon when sprite clicked code to this:
Now that you’re deleting the balloon when it’s clicked, you’ll also need to add a show block to the start of
the when flag clicked code.
when clicked
To keep the player’s score, you need a place to put it. Create a new variable called score.
Type in the name of your variable. You can choose whether you would like your variable to be
available to all sprites, or to only this sprite. Press OK.
Once you have created the variable, it will be displayed on the Stage, or you can untick the
variable in the Scripts tab to hide it.
When a new game is started (by clicking the flag), you should set the player’s score to 0. Add this code to
the top of the balloon’s when flag clicked code:
when clicked
set score to 0
change score by 1
Run your program again and click the balloon. Does your score change?
Step 6 Lots of balloons
A much better way of getting lots of balloons is to clone the balloon sprite.
Drag your balloon when flag clicked code to a new when I start as a clone control block.
when clicked
set score to 0
move 1 steps
if on edge, bounce
move 1 steps
if on edge, bounce
Add code to create 20 balloon clones to the when flag clicked code.
when clicked
set score to 0
repeat 20
change score by 1
Test your project! Now when the flag is clicked, your main balloon sprite will hide and then clone itself 20
times. When each of these 20 clones is started, they will each bounce around the screen randomly, just
as they did before. See if you can pop the 20 balloons!
Step 7 Adding a timer
You can make your game more interesting, by only giving your player 10 seconds to pop as many balloons as
You can use another variable to store the remaining time left. Click on the stage, and create a new
variable called time.
Here’s the code to do this, which you can add to your stage:
when clicked
set time to 10
wait 1 seconds
change time by -1
stop all
Drag your ‘time’ variable display to the right side of the stage. You can also right-click on the variable
display and choose ‘large readout’ to change how the time is displayed.
Test your game. How many points can you score? If your game is too easy, you can:
You’ll need to think about the objects you’re adding. Think about:
How many will there be?
How big is it? How does it move?
How many points will you score (or lose) for clicking it?
Will it move faster or slower than the balloons?
What will it look/sound like when it’s been clicked?
If you need help adding another object, you can reuse the previous steps!
Step 8 What next?