Lecture 1 Disorders of The Ear
Lecture 1 Disorders of The Ear
Lecture 1 Disorders of The Ear
Is Qtip good at helping cerumen impaction? NO, further push cerumen impaction further
Body parts at high risk for frost bite Ears, nose and cheeks
What is Standard of care for treatment of not to treat with antibiotics on first visit but to
AOM in children older than 2 years treat pain and observe.
Symptoms of chronic suppurative otitis media hearing loss, tinnitus, increasing pain, vertigo,
or facial palsy
Treatment of chronic suppurative otitis media culture and sensitivity of the discharge to get
most appropriate antibiotic selection.
What is Sensorineural Hearing Loss dysfunction of the inner ear, which may be
caused by a failure of the generation of nerve
signals in the cochlea by the cochlea hair
cells or propagation of electrical signals along
the cochlear division of CN VIII.
What is Otosclerosis
sclerotic fixation of the stapes.
● hearing-aid, or surgery.
Treatment of Otosclerosis
● Surgery is stapedectomy and
placement of prosthesis. Procedure
has 95% success rate
What are symptoms of Acoustic Neuroma asymmetric hearing loss and tinnitus.