Ed7 Module19
Ed7 Module19
Ed7 Module19
How motivated are you? Here is the best score yourself by checking the appropriate column.
BEHAVIOR 1 2 3 4 5
9. I like homework.
12. My teacher's unfavourable remarks do not turn me off; rather they challenge me to
do my best.
13. I believe that success can be reached by anyone who works hard.
16. I study not only for grades but more for leaening.
18. I believe that how much I learn form class depends ultimately on me.
22. I read outside my assignments and lessons because it helps me improve myself.
26. I am willing to give up the satisfaction of an immediate goal for the sake of a more
important remote goal. E.g give up watching TV in order to dtudy
1. Go over the 26 items of the questionnaire checklist. Convert them into indicators of poor/ low
motivation for contrast.
2. Add the list of 26 indicators of high motivation
3. Reflect in your learning experiences. Can you recall some examples of extrinsic and intrinsic
motivation in your life as a student?
4. In what instances is extrinsic motivation necessary? Give examples.
5. Critics argue that using rewards sends students the wrong message about learning and they cite
research suggesting that rewards actually decrease interest in intrinsically motivating tasks.
Synapses Strengtheners
1. According to psychologist Carol Dweck "motivation is often more important than initial ability in
determining our success." Do you agree? Why?
2. To what do you compare motivation to make its facilitating function in learning concrete? Co.e
up with metaphors. ( An example of a metaphor is " teaching is lighting a torch...) Show this by
completing this : Motivation is ................................
3. Surf the internet on telic and paratelic Motivational modes of Michael Apter. How do thes relate
to extrinsic and intrinsic motivation?
4. Read on biographies of great men and women. Find out how they became great. Report on one
boograpy in class. Narrative the part of the biography that you like most
5. " Potential performance is a product of ability and motivstoon." What does this mean? Do you
agree? Explain your answer.
6. The higher the extrinsic motivation, the lower the intrinsic motivation and vice versa. Do you
7. Eric Jensen, notes author and educational consultant in the are of brain- based learning states: if
the learner is doing the task to get the reward, it will be understood on some level, that the task
I'd inherently undesirable. Forget the use of rewards ..... Make school meaningful, relevant and
fun. Then you won't have the bride students. ( Eric Jensen)
Assessment Task/ s
1. Make an outline of this Module on motivstoonal and, following your outline, give a lecturette.
2. Distinguish between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Give an example for each.
3. Justify the role that extrinsic motivation plays in the development of intrinsic motivation.