Bachelor Thesis: Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Department of Process Engineering
Bachelor Thesis: Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Department of Process Engineering
Bachelor Thesis: Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Department of Process Engineering
Bachelor Thesis
Bachelor Thesis
Ahsanulnas Miardi
I do not have a compelling reason against the use of the thesis within the meaning of
Section 60 of the Act No.121/2000 Coll., on copyright, rights related to copyright and
amending some laws (Copyright Act).
I would like to express my sincere gratitude and respect towards my thesis supervisor, Dr.
Karel Petera. The continuous support and guidance with him were of great help for the
successful completion of the work and I learned a lot from him.
Finally, I would like to express my love and affection towards my mother whom I owe so
much that can never be repaid and my friends for the unwavering support throughout my life
and studies.
The present work was carried out to investigate particle behavior in the conical fish tank
provided by Lika et al., (2015) using the CFD-DPM approach. CFD (Computational Fluid
Dynamics) analysis was performed to obtain developed flow field around the tank based on
𝑘 − 𝜔 SST (Shear-Stress-Transport) turbulence model. A sedimentation experiment was
carried out to determine properties of the pellets. A simple one-way coupling model was
performed in order to evaluate the particle motion. From DPM (discrete phase model)
simulation, it was found that particle with a density slightly higher than water (approximately
1000 kg/m3) will settle less than a minute compared to a particle having the same density as
the water in 500l tank. The methodology used in this work could help aquaculturits and other
researchers to determine optimal properties of feed pellets.
Chapter-I Introduction
1.1 Terminal velocity and drag coefficient of particle 2
1.1.1 Particle Movement Through Fluid due to
Gravitational Field 2
1.1.2 Stationary Particle Movement – Free Settling 3
1.1.3 Drag on Non-Spherical Particle 4
1.2 Experimental Methods for the Measurement of
Particle Drag Coefficient 5
1.3 Particle Size Characterization 6
1.4 Objective of this work 6
Chapter-II CFD-DPM
2.1 CFD Software Packages 8
2.1.1 Preprocessor 8
2.1.2 Solver 9
2.1.2 Post processing 9
2.2 Principle of computational fluid dynamics 9
2.2.1 Introduction to governing equation 9
2.2.2 The continuity equations 9
2.2.3 The momentum equations 10
2.2.4 The energy equations 11
2.2.5 Comment on the governing equations 11
2.2.6 Turbulent modelling 12
2.3 Principle of discrete phase model 13
2.3.1 Eulerian verses Lagrangian model 13
2.3.2 Modelling discrete phase 13
Simplified assumptions of discrete phase
2.3.3 model 14
2.3.4 Particle force balance 14
2.3.5 Definition of coupling between phases 15
Chapter-IV CFD-DPM Modelling
4.1 Numerical method and model descriptions 21
4.1.1 Introduction 21
4.1.2 Tank Geometry 22
4.1.3 Computational mesh and the quality 22
4.1.4 Grid convergence index 25
4.1.5 Turbulent modelling based on RANS 26
4.1.6 Realizable 𝑘 − 𝜀 model 27
Setting initial conditions for the discrete phase
4.2 modelling 27
4.2.1 Injection type 27
4.2.2 Material 28
4.2.3 Coupling 28
Chapter-VI Conclusions 34
Reference 36
With an anticipated 10 billion people expected to inhabit the planet by 2050, the animal protein
demand keeps rising, while the production of capture fish has been stagnant for the past two
decades. By the year 2030, 62 percent of all seafood production will come from aquaculture. Given
that overfishing of our oceans and other natural resources is continuously increasing year over year,
humans need alternate sources for seafood to feed the planet’s ever-growing. This makes
aquaculture to become one of the fastest-growing food industry in the world (Alliance Global
Aquaculture (Alliance, 2019).
Fish feeding is one of the most important factors in commercial fish farming because feeding
regime may have consequences on both growth performance and feed wastage ( Tsevis, 1992). A
problem arises when undigested feed pellets and do not naturally leave the tank through an outlet
and accumalated in the tank for a long period of time. An impact on fish welfare can be devastating.
This is due mainly to the low quality of water that will increase the stress on the culture of organism
(Rosenthal, 1982; Braaten, 1986).
The size of fish pellet and the rate which they are delivered may affect the amount of feed that an
individual fish can ingest over a period of time. Sub-optimal size pellets or high amount of pellets
may cause feed wastage, as fish may be unable to catch large numbers of pellets before they sink
through (Tvinnereim, 1988).
Fish welfare and production rate are also influenced by the tank hydrodynamics i.e. their
designation must follow speciation while maintaining uniformity of rearing condition, fast
elimination of waste and uniform distribution of fish throughout the tank (Tvinnereim, 1988).
Influence of velocity in which tank should adopt the certain level of turbulence must be
acknowledged to avoid loss of fish muscle tone and the respiration system (Tvinnereim, 1988).
Models of these features conditions have been well established by many authors over the last few
Although it is crucial to implement such construction either adjusting inlet which was largely
dependent on the overall flow pattern (Muller, et al,. 2017), or experiments on different geometry
of the tank itself, we could also look at another approach which describe the behavior of pellet
settling inside the tank during feeding activity.
The main parameter controlling the sedimentation of feed pellets is their terminal velocity. When
a particle starts to fall in still water with zero initial velocity, it accelerates under the gravitational
acceleration until the sum of the forces acting on the particle becomes zero and the particle reaches
a constant falling velocity, called the terminal velocity. Although the column height of the fish tank
is just below the average human size, another variable that controls the rate of a falling particle in
a fluid medium such as fish activity and the inlet of water could also contribute to the rate of
settling. When we look at this approach, we assume that there is zero activity in the tank and that
particle will travel at constant velocity regardless of the parameter which contributes hugely on the
trajectory of travel and settling before reaching the bottom. This is because we want to discover
what flow rate would likely be keeping particles suspend for a longer period of time. Terminal
velocity of feed pellet is one of the important parameters for the determination of their residence
time in the column of the tank. Other main variables affecting terminal velocity are the size and
shape of the particle (Clift R. G., 2005). As a result, in order to have a proper assessment of particle
terminal velocity, it is necessary to quantify their size and shape. Feed pellets are known to have
non-spherical and irregular shapes, with physical, chemical and mechanical characteristics
significantly different from those of spherical particles (Khater & Ali, 2014). Nevertheless, feed
particle have often been approximated as a sphere in numerical descriptions and observations
These differences in density will determine which direction sedimentation occurs. Settling of the
sedimentary particles is controlled by many factors and can be classified by size and density. This
chapter will describe what is known about settling velocity of the particle and how that has been
translated into equations.
See fig 1. We will assume the motion of the particle is isolated at the stationary fluid medium. For
the case of positive orientation in the direction of gravitational force, we can describe the motion
according to Newton’s second law for one-dimensional motion in scalar terms (all forces act in the
vertical direction), in the form;
𝑢𝑡2 𝑑𝑢𝑡
𝑉𝜌𝑠 𝑔 − 𝑉𝜌𝑔 − 𝐶𝐷𝑡 𝑆𝑃 𝜌 = 𝑉𝜌𝑠 (1.1)
2 𝑑𝑡
where 𝑉 is the volume of particle, 𝑆𝑃 is the cross-section of particle perpendicular to the direction
of flow, 𝜌𝑠 and 𝜌 is the density of particle and fluid medium g gravitational acceleration, 𝑢𝑡 is the
instantaneous velocity of a particle with respect to the surrounding fluid and 𝐶𝐷𝑡 is the drag
coefficient of medium against motion of particle.
The term on the right-hand side of Eq. (1.1) expresses the time dependency of particle momentum.
On the left-hand side, there are sequentially expressed forces acting on a particle: gravitational 𝐺 =
𝑚𝑔, buoyancy or Archimedes force 𝐹𝑉 = 𝑉𝜌𝑔, and the resistance or drag force of the medium
𝐹 = 𝐶𝐷𝑡 𝑆𝑃 𝜌 , which always acts against the velocity of particle.
𝑉(𝜌𝑠 − 𝜌)𝑔 = 𝐶𝐷𝑡 𝑆𝑃 𝜌 (1.2a)
We further express the volume 𝑉𝑝 and area 𝑆𝑃 for the case of spherical particle by equation
𝑉𝑝 =
𝑆𝑃 =
where 𝑑𝑠 is the diameter of particles determined by direct measurement or by sieve analysis (further
chapter will explain more of these methods). After combining Eqs. (1.2a) and (1.2b) we obtain
4 𝐷 (𝜌𝑠 − 𝜌)𝑔
𝐶𝐷 = (1.3)
3 𝑢𝑡2 𝜌
The drag coefficient is the most challenging parameter to determine since for a freely falling
particle it depends on many parameters, including particle Reynolds number, shape, orientation
and particle-to-fluid density ratio (Clift, Grace, & Weber, 2005). In sedimentation, just as in another
hydrodynamic process, a Reynolds number is introduced Re by the relation for both spherical and
non-spherical particle
𝑢𝑡 𝐷𝜌 𝑢𝑡 𝐷
Re = = (1.4)
𝜇 𝜈
where 𝜇 designates the dynamic and 𝜈 the kinematic viscosity of medium. For the kinematic
viscosity applies 𝜈 = 𝜇/𝜌.
(Stokes, 1851) showed that at Re ≪ 1, where inertial terms in the Navier-Stokes equations are
negligible, Navier-Stokes equations can be simplified to a linear deferential equation, which can
be solved analytically. At standard condition (i.e. moving with constant relative velocity in
undistributed, unbounded and incompressible flow), for any solid spherical particle, the drag
coefficient is
𝐶𝐷 = (1.5)
At higher Reynolds number, the interactions between fluid and particles is highly non-linear and
complex, and no analytical solution is available for estimating the drag coefficient, even for
spherical particles for which shape quantification is not an issue. Thus, experimental measurements
are the main source of information while numerical solution and boundary layer theory can provide
additional information (Clift, Grace, & Weber, 2005).
In general, at given particle Reynolds number, the average drag coefficient of falling non-spherical
particle is higher than that of a sphere as a consequence of the influence by the shape, roughness,
orientation and particle to-fluid density ratio. As a result, the main challenge is to quantify the shape
of particles through a shape factor that is well correlated with the drag coefficient.
Shape factors are dimensionless quantities used in image analysis and microscopy that numerically
describe the shape of particle, independent of its size. The dimensionless quantities often represent
the degree of deviation from an ideal shape, such as a circle, sphere or equilateral polyhedron
(Wojnar L., 2000). Studies dealing with sedimentation and transport of particle commonly use
shape factor of sphercity, introduced by Wadell (H. Wadell, 1934) introduce the concept.
𝜙= (1.6)
Here 𝑠 is the surface of a sphere having the same volume as a particle and 𝑆 is the actual surface
area of the particle. Shape factors value ranges from zero to one. A shape factor equal to one usually
represents an ideal case or maximum symmetry, such as a circle, sphere, square or cube.
The most common models for estimation drag coefficient of non-spherical is introduce by (Haider
& Levenspeil , 1989). The models of Haider and Levenspiel, Eq (1.6) is generalized correlation for
drag coefficient of regular shape particles, which is based in Re and sphericity 𝜙.
24 𝑏3
𝐶𝐷 = (1 + 𝑏1 𝑅𝑒 𝑏2 ) + (1.7)
Re 𝑏3
1 + Re
Settling columns represent the most used technique for experimental determination of particle
terminal velocity and drag coefficient (Isaacs & Thodos , 1967). In this technique, particles are
released from the top of a vertical column, usually filled with a liquid (e.g. water-based mixtures),
and its terminal velocity is measured (e.g. by stopwatch timing, video imaging) after it travelled
for a sufficiently long distance, where particle acceleration becomes negligible. The required falling
distance is dependent on several parameters including the particle size and shape and properties of
the fluid (i.e. density and viscosity).
We implement the same methodology to determine the calculation of sedimentation velocity 𝑢𝑡
from Eqs. (1.1-1.4) since it needs to be done experimentally. This is due to the fact that the
sedimentation velocity 𝑢𝑡 is contained in the definition of the resistance coefficient 𝐶𝐷𝑡 as well as
in Reynolds’ number Re.
Above-mentioned techniques are powerful tools for rapid assessment of bulk grain size
distribution. However, they cannot be used to accurately derive important characteristic of
individual particles, such as volume and surface area. These characteristics are what is most
important for the determination of particle physical, mechanical and chemical behaviour, such as
terminal velocity. For spherical particle, these parameter can be obtain directly by knowing the
diameter, however, for irregular feed pellet particles, it is not that simple.
Other less common techniques used to characterized particle size include manual measurement.
This method was recently used by (Khater & Ali, 2014). Author studies was carried to determine
the physical and mechanical process of pellets. The dimension of pellets were measured using
digital vernier caliper (Model TESA 1p65- Range 0-150 mm ± 0.01 mm, Swiss). The surface area
and volume was simply calculated by measuring the height and radius of feed pellet. Although this
methodology is an unorthodox to other available techniques, such as those that require sophisticated
instrument where volume and surface area can be measured directly, we could implement the same
method because it is less time consuming and some of those equipment are not available at all.
For the first section, we have established a baseline where every aquaculture faces a common
problem. Studies over the decade have a primary concerns on the effect of tank hydrodynamics.
Tvinnereim, (1988) studied the influence of inlet design and impulse force on the current velocity
and flow distribution in circular and octagonal tanks. Our primary objective is the trajectory of the
fish pellet (particle) when injected inside the surface of the tank and observed. Reasons have been
explained in the introduction sections. Attempt has been made to increase the suspension of bio-
solids. Vertical baffles, installed perpendicular to the water flow could increase bottom velocities
and reduce biosolid accumulation but interfere with fish handling and in some cases caused
behavioral problems (Burley, 1985). In another approach, a pipe placed along the bottom of one
side of the raceway jetted water along the tank bottom, thus establishing rotary circulation on the
longitudinal axis of the tank. This provided self-cleaning properties (Watten and Beck, 1987;
Watten and Johnson, 1990) but the costs of tank construction were high.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has become a promising tool to create a platform for
simulation-driven product development, without the need to produce working prototypes for
testing. By solving the conservation equations for mass and momentum using CFD tools,
comprehensive information on various flow features can be obtained and used to improve the flow
conditions. The primary objective of this work is to study the trajectories of the particle (feed pellet)
in a fish tank using the CFD-DPM approach and evaluating residence time distribution in the
concerned fish tank. The internal fish tank geometry will also influence the flow pattern and thus
particles motion. One of the most difficult part, as stated in previous section is to obtain the effective
density of pellets. This is because the density of pellets also plays a major role in their trajectory
during falling in the fluid flow domain.
The present work was carried out to fulfil the following objective summarized as follow:
a. Creating a lab-scale experiment to obtain basic properties of fish pellets to perform CFD
c. Comparing the obtained results with available literature and to propose further scope
related to the present work.
1. Preprocessor
2. Solver
3. Post Processor
2.1.1 Preprocessor:
Preprocessor consists of geometry and mesh definition of a problem so that it could be easily
interpreted by the solver section of the CFD.
2.1.2 Solver
There are three distinct streams of numerical solution techniques
We shall be primarily concerned with the finite volume method as the ANSYS FLUENT SOLVER
depends on this method.
2.1.3 Post Processing
Post processing help us to interpret results using, for example, vector plots, line and shaded contour
plots, 2D and 3D surface plots, particle tracking, trajectories, etc.
1. Mass is conserved
2. Newton’s second law, F = ma
3. Energy is conserved
This chapter is produced so that both author and reader could understand the meaning and
significant of each of these equation to interpret the CFD results obtained by numerically solving
these equations. These physical principles are applied to a model of the flow; in contrast, this
application results in equations which are mathematical statement if particular physical principle,
namely, the continuity, momentum, and energy equation. Each different model of the flow directly
produces a different mathematical statement of the governing equations, some in conservation form
and other in non-conservation form. Most of the differential equations in this chapter will mainly
focus on the conservation form due to excess amount of information that would not be necessary
for this work. This is because we are interested only on the forms of governing flow equations that
are directly obtained from a flow model which is fixed in space. Finally, the physical boundary
conditions and their appropriate mathematical statement will be developed. The governing
equations must be solved subject to these boundary conditions.
+ ∇. (𝜌𝑢
⃗)=0 (2.1)
Where 𝑢
⃗ is the flow velocity at a point on the control surface, 𝑢
⃗ = 𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧, 𝑡) and 𝜌 is the density
of fluid. Equation (2.1) is a partial differential equation form of the continuity equation. It was
derived on the basis of an infinitesimally small element fixed in space. The fact that the element
was fixed in space leads to the specific differential form given in Eq. (2.1), which is called
conservation form. For incompressible flows, Eq. (2.1) is simplified to
∇. 𝑢
⃗ =0 (2.2)
The resulting equation is called the momentum equation. Newton’s 2nd law, expressed above, when
applied to the moving fluid element says that the net force on the fixed fluid element equals its
mass times the acceleration of the element. This is a vector relation, and can be split into three
scalar relations along the 𝑥, 𝑦, and 𝑧-axes. We will not get into detail for the derivation of these
equation and therefore, the simple form is summarized as follow
𝑚 = 𝜌 𝑑𝑥 𝑑𝑦 𝑑𝑧 (2.5)
Also, recall that the acceleration of the fluid element is the time-rate-of-change of its velocity.
Hence, the component of acceleration in the x-direction, denoted by 𝑎𝑥 , is simply the time-rate-of-
change of 𝑢; since we are following a moving fluid element, this time-rate-of-change is given by
the substantial derivative. Thus
𝐷𝑢 (2.6)
𝑎𝑥 =
Combining Eqs. (2.4-6), we obtain
𝐷𝑤 𝜕𝑝 𝜕𝜏𝑥𝑧 𝜕𝜏𝑦𝑧 𝜕𝜏𝑧𝑧 (2.7c)
𝜌 = − + + + + 𝜌𝑓𝑧
𝐷𝑡 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑧
Equations (2.7a-c) are the Navier-stokes equations in non-conservation form. In the late seventieth
century Isaac Newton stated that shear stress in a fluid is proportional to the time-rate-strain, i.e.
velocity gradient. Such fluid are called Newtonian fluids. The Navier-Stokes equations in symbolic
tensoril form follows:
⃗ (2.8)
ρ [ + (𝑢 ⃗ ] = −∇𝑝 + 𝜌𝑓 + ∇.𝜏⃗
⃗ . ∇)𝑢
Where −∇𝑝 is the pressure force, 𝑓 is the body force per unit mass and ∇.𝜏⃗ is the viscous tensor.
The viscous stress tensor ∇.𝜏⃗ for the case of Newtonian fluid can be written as
where 𝛿𝑖𝑗 is the Kronecker-Delta operator which is equal to 1 if 𝑖 = 𝑗, otherwise equals to zero,
𝑥𝑖 denoted mutually perpendicular coordinate directions and 𝜇 is the molecular viscosity
Energy equation is a mathematical statement representing the conservation of energy principle and
for incompressible flows can be written as:
𝜕𝑇 ⃗⃗ (2.10)
ρ𝑐𝑃 [ ⃗ ∇ 𝑇] = 𝜆∇2 𝑇 + 𝑞̇ (𝑔) +𝜏⃗ :Δ
where 𝑐𝑃 is specific heat at constant pressure, 𝑇 is absolute temperature, 𝜏⃗ is dynamic stress tensor,
⃗⃗Δ is symmetric part of the velocity gradient tensor and 𝑞̇ (𝑔) represents internal heat sources or sinks.
a problem for a particular case at discrete points. The utilized discrete points will enable the
transformation of partial differential equation to solvable algebraic equations. There are numerous
methods available to do this discretization.
A common discretization scheme utilized in CFD analysis is the Finite Volume Method, which is
based on dividing the computational domain into control volumes. The differential equations are
integrated over the control volumes and divergence theorem is applied. To evaluate the derivatives,
the values at the control volume faces are required, which is based on some assumption about its
variation. The result is a set of algebraic equations one for each control volume which is solved
iteratively. In the present work, ANSYS Fluent software package was used for CFD analysis which
is based on Finite Volume Method.
𝑢 = 𝑢̅ + 𝑢′ (2.11)
where 𝑢̅ is the time-average of velocity. This method of analyzing a turbulent flow, known as the
Reynolds averaging approach, is the most commonly adopted for engineering CFD studies. In the
Navier-Stokes equation, the velocity fluctuation with respect to time is separated from the mean
flow velocity and pressure of fluid by averaging of the Navier-Stokes equation. The resulting
equation is called Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS). RANS equation can be written (in
tensor notation) (White, 1974),
where R 𝑖𝑗 is the Reynolds stress tensor which describe the component of the total stress tensor in a
fluid obtained from the averaging operation over Navier-Stokes equation to account for turbulent
fluctuations in fluid momentum. Equation (2.11) is not fully develop yet due to new unknown
introduced such as Reynolds stress tensor and turbulent fluxes. Additional equation is required so
we can close the system by developing turbulent model (see chapter 4).
Each model has specific advantages and disadvantages depending on the requirements of the
simulation. For cases in which a concentration field is the main priority, the Eulerian model is
preferred since its method of calculation innately generates a concentration profile. In contrast, a
case study in which concentration is not the primary concern, but rather particle history is desired,
the Lagrangian model is preferred. In terms of efficiency, the Eulerian model requires significantly
less computational power since it solves for a single continuum, while the Lagrangian model must
solve for multiple independent particle trajectories. In many simulations of particle dispersion with
larger heavy particles (ρparticle >> ρfluid), Lagrangian models are used because the particle behaviour
is significantly different from that of the continuum phase due to the effects of gravity and
buoyancy (Wang & Stock, 1993). Since this research focuses on both heavy particles and tracking
where the particle history is of high importance, the Lagrangian method will be used.
2.3.2 Modeling Discrete Phase
Computation of simulation of the discrete second phase in the Lagrangian frame of reference is
included in ANSYS Fluent package. The second phase consists of spherical particles (which may
be taken to represent droplets or bubbles) dispersed in the continuous phase. ANSYS Fluent
computes the trajectories of these discrete phase entities. The modeling of discrete the phase is the
trajectories of particle-based on Lagrangian formulation which include the discrete phase inertia,
hydrodynamic drag, and the force of gravity, for both steady and unsteady flows. The prediction of
the effect of turbulence on the dispersion of particles due to turbulent eddies also might be also
taken into account.
These modeling capabilities allow ANSYS Fluent to simulate a wide range of discrete phase
problems. The physical equations used for these discrete phase calculation are described in the
following section.
The steady-state DPM model cannot be applied for continuous suspension of particles but well
suited for flows in which particle streams are injected into a continuous phase flow with well-
defined entrance and exit conditions. For cases, in which the particles are suspended indefinitely in
the continuum (e.g. stirred tanks), the unsteady DPM modeling should be used instead.
where 𝐹𝑥 is an additional acceleration (force/unit particle mass), 𝐹𝐷 (𝑢𝑖 − 𝑢𝑃 ) is the drag force per
unit particle mass and
18𝜇 𝐶𝐷 Re (2.14)
𝐹𝐷 =
𝜌𝑃 𝑑𝑝2 24
Here, u is the fluid phase velocity, 𝑢𝑝 is the particle velocity, 𝜇 molecular viscosity of the fluid, 𝜌
is the fluid density, 𝜌𝑃 is the density of particle and 𝑑𝑝2 is the particle diameter. Re is the relative
Reynolds number, which is defined as
𝑎2 𝑎3 (2.16)
𝐶𝐷 = 𝑎1 + + 2
Re Re
where constant 𝑎1 , 𝑎2 , and 𝑎3 are determined for different range of Re. The drag coefficient, 𝐶𝐷 ,
change with relation to particle and flow characteristics. Since we are dealing with irregular shape
particles, the equations by (Haider & Levenspeil , Drag Coefficient and Terminal Velocity of
Spherical and, 1989) are used as stated in chapter 1.
Other forces might be irrelevant to the objective of this work. More information on the equation of
motion of particles can be found in the article (ANSYS, Inc, 2012).
Two different particles (pellet) types are selected for this study (Table 1). The particle or pellet is
classified based on the physical and mechanical properties. There are no standards to distinguish
between pellets except for the based organic compound properties such as protein ratio and pellet
Protein ratio
Batch Code 𝑑𝑒𝑞
Fish-based, % Lipids, % Insects, %
1 TM0 0.0035 100 100 0
2 TM75 0.0034 25 25 75
20 random pellets were selected from each batch. Each pellet is measured using a ruler that is
attached directly to each image taken by a camera and later on measure individually from one
another. Each picture correspond to the number assigned on each pellet. Assuming the pellet
characteristic having the equivalent diameter of the sphere, we only took consideration of the width
of pellet as our characteristics dimension of diameter (see figure 2).
In order to produce a uniform velocity of a particle falling inside the column, we will start the
timing when particle crosses the blue line and end the time when particle cross over the red line.
Thus, approximately, the particle will travel at a distance of 22.4 cm as indicated in Fig 3.
Terminal velocity, or in other words zero acceleration must be achieved as is one of the conditions
because measured drag coefficient of accelerating or decelerating particles are different than those
measured in standard conditions (Clift, Grace, & Weber, 2005).
Figure 2. Sample pellet TM0 – The red box is an outline
parameter of the sample measured against real scale
4 𝐷(𝜌𝑠 − 𝜌)𝑔
𝜌𝑃 = 𝜌𝑓 + (3.1)
3 𝑢𝑡2 𝜌
Since the settling column is rather short to any other comparative settling test analysis such as one
in a recent study (Karabulut & Yandi, 2011) where one-meter column is used, the pellet still not
capable of producing any differences unless the column height is increased, lower viscosity or
different material properties of the pellet. Nevertheless, we conducted a second test where the pellet
was now soaked in water for about 15 minutes before and then dry to soak for a minute to take a
second measurement after soaking before settling into the column the same as the first test whilst
maintaining the condition relatively the same. The result is present in the Table (2) and (3).
Karabulut and Yandi, (2011) introduce a methodology that is slightly different compared to another
conventional method such as image analysis and pycnometer. To measure the density of pellet with
an accuracy of 0.1%, Karabulut (2011) construct a device based on Mercury Displacement Method
(MDM). The average density of 6 mm pellet is 1.0936 g cm-3 and the peak value is about 1.09 g
cm-3. The result obtain was roughly produced by density distribution diagram. The authors also
stated that any measurement which has a percentage error greater than 2% will produce greater
density difference (𝜌𝑝 − 𝜌). For the purpose of the present work, we were going to assume that all
conditions criteria are met and therefore, instead of directly determining the density based on pellets
size and mass, and the limited equipment available, we can obtain the density of the experiment
numerically based on Reynolds number Re and drag coefficient present by (Haider & Levenspeil ,
Drag Coefficient and Terminal Velocity of Spherical and, 1989) 𝐶𝐷 from Eqs. (1.4) and (1.7)
respectively as summarized in table (2)-(5).
Table 4. TM0 after soaking for 15 minutes and new settling velocity
Particle Approx Dia. Time Velocity Re Cd density
Numer (mm) (s) (cm/s) [-] [-] (kg/m3)
1 4 4.9 4.571 182.129 0.9236 1035.0
2 4.3 9.6 2.333 99.934 1.1550 1009.4
3 4.8 8.733 2.565 122.629 1.0604 1009.3
4 4.2 10.467 2.140 89.524 1.2136 1008.3
5 4.5 9.197 2.436 109.164 1.1120 1009.4
6 4.9 13.867 1.615 78.837 1.2885 1003.4
7 4.3 5.034 4.450 190.577 0.9115 1030.2
8 4.4 7.4 3.027 132.659 1.0286 1014.5
9 4.5 7.967 2.812 126.018 1.0491 1012.3
10 4.6 6.2 3.613 165.531 0.9515 1018.8
Average 4.45 8.3365 2.956 129.700 1.0694 1015.1
Table 5. TM75 after soaking for 15 minutes and new settling velocity
We mention in the previous chapter that in order to characterize particle (fish pellet) based on
numerous methodology available, we will choose the most efficient and less time-consuming.
Again, characterizing of irregular particle especially the one is lack of standardized is harder to
define. The method use from sieve analysis was not accurate. One of the main reasons is that the
pellet that shows the highest distribution has a missing sieve in which the experiment cannot
continue and must come with an alternative method. We also cannot implement the image analysis
method because the equipment was not available at the time and therefore we were stuck to the
simplest methodology which is the classic ruller and relying heavily on the visual capability which
to estimate has a percentage error rate of 2-5% error. Nevertheless, the experiment proceeds and
the result obtained was not far from other published studies in similar cases.
4.1.1 Introduction
In CFD analysis, the necessary condition prior to simulation is a modeled geometry defining the
fluid domain with appropriate boundaries. The geometrical parameters of the model are selected
with recent published studied as shown in Fig 4 (Lika et al., 2015). They aim to determine the ideal
condition of European Sea Bass having a significant effect on different tank geometry (2000, 500,
40 L) on growth, survival, and stress. A dynamic energy budget (DEB) model was used to analyze
the result. The author’s findings show that they are no indication of correlations between the
survival of fish tank-rearing volume although the effect does differ when it comes to the growth of
fish on their feeding regime. Smallest tank volume shows to have lower growth compare to the big
one which means that we would select 500l tank for the purpose of our research as shown in Fig.
4. Water is the main fluid for the research and we would use the same variable to keep things in
Ipek (2019) investigated different modeled geometry tank that is listed by Lika et al., (2015) with
the aid of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) using Spalart-Allmaras, k-ω, and k- ε turbulent
model to obtain the ideal flow rate that is suited for the condition of growth performance by the
fish. The authors reported that the k- ε turbulent model is the best to match for good distribution of
velocity in of the 500l tank that is used for the experimental procedure.
For the preceding of this chapter, we will portray the same approach present in Ipek (2019) work.
One of the reason is to avoid the same explanation that is already been state in the paper presented,
although the basic has to be mention to capture the best condition for the setup of simulation and
also to direct to the objective of this work which focuses mainly on the particle behavior acting on
different flow rate as we mention in chapter I.
In general, CFD codes can run either structured or unstructured mesh. Most people will dislike
unstructured meshes due to lack of direct control over the mesh and to the fact that much more data
points and cells are produced than their structured counterparts. On the other hand, unstructured
meshes are mostly automated, much easier to produce, and in more than numerous occasions are
the only ones possible (especially for large scale highly complex geometry for industrial
applications). However, there are some advantages to structured meshing. In boundary layers,
where flow variables change rapidly normal to the wall and highly resolved mesh are required close
to the wall, structured mesh enables much finer resolution than do unstructured grids for the same
number of cells.
We must emphasize that regardless of the type of mesh you choose (structured or unstructured) it
is the quality of the mesh, many aspects of the mesh have a vital contribution to simulation
accuracy, and include among others the type of physics models simulated, the details of the solution
to the particular simulation, chosen discretization scheme and geometric mesh properties having to
do with cell growth, smoothness, proximity and curvature attributes, stretching, featured angles,
etc. This section has no intention of presenting an exhaustive list of metrics, but to name a few
(orthogonality, skewness, aspect-ratio) as conceptual means in the evaluation of mesh quality and
its impact on obtaining an accurate solution.
In particular case, you must always be careful that individual cells are not highly skewed, as this
can lead to convergence difficulties and inaccuracies in the numerical solution. Other factors affect
the quality of the mesh as well. For example, abrupt changes in cell size can lead to numerical or
convergence difficulties in the CFD code. Also, cells with a very large aspect ratio can sometimes
cause problems. While you can often minimize the cell count by using a structured mesh instead
of an unstructured mesh, a structured mesh is not always the best choice, depending on the shape
of the computational domain. You must always be cognizant of mesh quality. Keep in mind that a
high-quality unstructured mesh is better than a poor-quality structured mesh.
Table (6) shows the values of three different size of mesh element which is taken from Ipek (2019).
The author generated these meshes by global element size option provided in ANSYS Fluent
Table 6. Example of mesh quality measures for the generated grid (mesh) according to Ipek (2019).
Max. Max
Number of Min. Orthogonal
Global Element size Nodes Skewness Aspect
Elements Quality
Quality Ratio
50 mm 156800 3016 0.6799 0.93201 16.041
30 mm 284907 52954 0.6385 0.936614 18.428
23 mm 487373 88343 0.6028 0.937796 23.82
It was mention that the author generates tetrahedral mesh before decreasing further the element size
by transforming into a polyhedral mesh using ANSYS Fluent solver to improve the quality of the
mesh and obtain better convergence result. One of the purposes is to reduce iteration time and faster
In the case of presented work, we created only one mesh in ANSYS meshing element with 907 600
of tetrahedral elements before the conversion with aid of Fluent solver to the polyhedral mesh
which produces to reduce mesh element for refinement which is 258 000 mesh element in this
conversion. The obtained values of the mesh quality measures for the generated mesh of modeled
geometry as shown in Fig. 5. The discretized mesh element can be seen in Figure (7).
Figure 8. Illustration of polyhedral mesh of the fish tank used in CFD simulation. Total number of mesh elements after the
polyhedral conversion was 258 000
Methods for examining the spatial and temporal convergence of CFD simulations are presented in
the book by (Roache, 1998). They are based on the use of Richardson’s Extrapolation suitable for
analyzing the grid convergence. This method works by determining the Grid Convergence Index
(GCI) and use these values for further evaluation of the different levels of grids required. Whether
or not this theory hold to improve the accuracy of measurement, the objective is to measure the
uncertainty of the grid convergence.
The GCI can be computed using two levels of the grid; however, three levels are recommended to
accurately estimate the order of convergence and to check that the solutions are within the
asymptotic range of convergence. The GCI value for a particular grid-level indicates the inaccuracy
in the obtained solution from that of an exact solution.
The Readers new to the concept of discretization error estimation are encouraged to review the
summary provided on the web (NASA, n.d.). In the presented work by (Ipek, 2019), the GCI was
evaluated to determine the appropriate mesh size for conducting unsteady and transient flow
analysis with reasonable accuracy.
Since we are producing only one level of mesh or grid in this case, GCI evaluation is not going to
work because as mention earlier that GCI can be computed at least by producing two or more
refinements of grids. If reader is interested in the derivation of the equation explain in this section,
(KWAŚNIEWSKI, 2013) provide the basic concept of grid convergence index. However, the
method still needs to be mention. As mention earlier, there is no viable methodology to obtain
“good quality” of meshing but we can estimate the discretization error and observed the rate of
convergence so that engineers whose lacking in experience and those with experience seeking for
confirmation of validation and verification of their simulation have a better judgment over the
conventional trial-and-error.
Two approaches can be used in order to obtain a closed form of equations that contain only the
mean velocity and pressure, and this model can be divided by two categories that are Reynolds
Stress Models (RMS) and Eddy Viscosity Model. The Reynolds stress is directly solve via transport
equation given in Eq. (4.1) modeled by turbulence models which employ Boussinesq hypothesis
by introducing the concept of eddy turbulent viscosity.
The Boussinesq assumption state that the Reynolds stress tensor, 𝜏𝑖𝑗 , is proportional to the trace-
less mean strain rate tensor 𝑆𝑖𝑗∗ , and can be written explicitly as
̅𝑗 ′
′𝑢 𝜕𝑈𝑖 𝜕𝑈𝑗 2 𝜕𝑈𝑘 2
𝜌𝑢̅𝑖 = 𝜇𝑡 ( + − 𝛿𝑖𝑗 ) − 𝜌𝑘𝛿𝑖𝑗 (4.1)
𝜕𝑥𝑗 𝜕𝑥𝑖 3 𝜕𝑥𝑘 3
The role of turbulent modeling is essential to describe the turbulent (eddy) viscosity. There are
several turbulence models utilized in the CFD analysis such as the Spalart-Allmaras model, the 𝑘 −
𝜖 models, and the 𝑘 − 𝜔 models. The Spalart-Allmaras model is not sufficient to do this due to its
inability to compute the flow shear and anisotropic turbulence. Out of the widely used two-equation
models, the Realisable k _ ε model exhibits superior performance in capturing the streamline
curvature, rotation, recirculation and round jets, which makes it suitable for the present study.
To determine the turbulent viscosity, realisable 𝑘 − 𝜀 turbulence model solves the transport
equations of turbulent kinetic energy 𝑘 and it’s dissipation rate 𝜀 . The turbulent viscosity is
calculated from
𝜇𝑡 = 𝜌𝐶𝜇
water flow. There are two ways in which particle can be injected into the fish tank; inlet current
water or top surface. Since the inlet of water is coming from underneath the tank, from a practical
point of view, it would not possible to inject the particle from this point. Therefore, feeding pellets
will be distributed from the top of the tank and any residual of this particle will fall under the bottom
of tank before washed away by the outlet current. The surface injection will be the type of injection
used for the first defined parameter. The feed (particle) is irregular organic material with an
irregular shape that is difficult to characterize. For our assumptions, it has the same correlation
The type of particle use for this simulation will be inert particle (having no inherent ability to move
or to resist motion).
4.2.2 Material
The material (not for massless particle) indicates the material for the particle. In the third chapter,
we have produced the particle diameter and density based on their settling rate. We will create
manually the particle properties based on the experimental result. In addition, the particle we are
dealing has an irregular shape which means we have to set the physical model to the non-spherical
model. The shape factor (sphericity) corresponds to the drag law coefficient and it is 0.874. It also
important to note that water will be our medium under the category of material. Table (8)
summarized the conditions for our defined injection.
4.2.3 Coupling
As mention in the earlier chapter, there are three different approach to analyze particle trajectories
in some control volume over a medium. The simulation performed in this work is based on the one-
way coupling. For one-way coupling calculations, only the fluid pressure acting at the structure is
transferred to the structure solver. Initially, the fluid field is solved until convergence criteria are
reached usually around 10-4 to 10-3. The calculated forces at the structure boundaries are then
transferred to the structure side. Next, the structure side is calculated until the convergence criterion
is reached. Then, the fluid flow for the next time step is calculated to convergence. The solution is
finished when the maximum number of time steps is reached. A benift to this approach is that
computational time is significantly reduced and that deformation of the fluid mesh does not
included in the calculation, which provides a mesh of constant quality.
5.1.1 Solver
Pressure based solver was selected for the simulation. The objective of this simulation is to produce
a fully-developed flow profile in the tank. The simulation was performed as steady state. The
discharged velocity are 0.08 m/s, 0.04 m/s, 0.8 m/s, 0.4 m/s which flow through inlet pipe having
a diameter of 5 cm, thus turbulent model must be used for the case of the flow field in the tank
(Reynolds number greater than 2300). We will set number of iteration up to 3000 for every change
made in the inflow of material (water) until they converged. The continuity equation ideally should
get below order 10-3 to get a converged solution.
We created surface, medium and bottom plane in order to obtain the velocity profile, so that we
could check the symmetricity with respect to Y-Z plane (previous work by Ipek, 2019, was not
very successful with this).
defined the inlet boundary conditions. Because the flow was discharged through inlet pipe
of 5 cm, the turbulent intensity and length scale at the inlet were considered to be in order
of 5%.
Interior – solid(interior)
Outlet – pressure (outlet)
Surface – symmetry
Wall – solid (stationary)
Figure 9 (a)-(d) show the contour velocity magnitude at different operating conditions. Each
contour plot has the scale according to the maximum velocity of that conditions. Referring to figure
9 (a), the calculation converged around 225 iteration which is a relatively low number. When the
inlet velocity increases 10 times greater, the number iteration it required for simulation to
converged increases dramatically. At one point, the continuity level never reached our ideal
convergence criteria. For example, with an inlet velocity of 0.4 m/s, it required around 6000
iterations. Nevertheless, simulation result is still viable for comparison with the previous case. In
addition, it can be seen clearly at each different inlet conditions, the flow intensity tends to deviate
from the center as the flow rate increases. On a general note, the flow near the wall boundaries
approaches to zero which means solid particle (pellet) will spread out across the surface before
accelerating down when reaching near the wall. Although the flow velocities are relatively small,
the vertical flow field will prevent the particle from sinking through the bottom of the tank rapidly.
Figure 9. Contour of vertical velocity components in three horizontal planes in the fish tank at different inlet velocity
operating parameter in m/s.
Although the volume fraction of solids in the tank is very small compared to the size of the tank
itself, the particle adversely impacts the water quality and hence the welfare and performance of
the fish (Rosenthal, 1982; Braaten, 1986). Uneaten feed pellets and fish feces, if left untreated will
be decomposed or hydrolyzed by microorganisms which reduce dissolved oxygen in the water and
increases concentrations of CO2, NH3, and other mineral nutrients. Thus, the uneaten feed particle
should be removed before it degraded into a fine particle. To facilitate an effective self-cleaning
action, optimal flow conditions and structural design are necessary.
Figure 10. Feed pellet dispersion in fish tank injected from the free surface.
In order to evaluate the particle motion in the selected design, two type of particles (TM0 and
TM75) were used to investigate the motion of solids in the tank. The density plays a major role on
the settling rate of feed pellet. The density was determined experimentally (see chapter 3). Also,
the settling velocity of the particle varies with the size of the particles.
In order to evaluate the particle motion in the selected design, two types of particles (TM0 and
TM75) were used to investigate the motion of solids in the tank. The density plays a major role in
the settling rate of the feed pellet. The density was determined experimentally (see chapter 3). Also,
the settling velocity of the particle varies with the size of the particles. In order to track the particle
through the longest traveling distance, the particles were injected at the water surface. For the sake
of simplicity, the number of particles tracked was limited to 500 to fully develop the Eulerian flow
field. It was also assumed there were no collisions among the particles. A standard wall interaction
with a coefficient of 0.5 for the particle was used in the solution process.
Figure 11 (a) and (b) show the resulting distribution of particles in the fish tank for the selected
inlet configuration injected from the free surface. Two inlet velocities were studied from lowest to
highest respectively. As soon as the particle enters the fluid domain, the particle accelerated
downwards instantly, although the time for settling is higher than the average flow of the fluid
domain, except for the inlet and outlet flow. Figure 11 (b), the inlet flow selected is the highest and
it can be seen region near the outlet, the particle tends to fall slower compared to the region near-
wall boundaries. This is explained in the previous section, the fluid flow approach zero which
means they tend to accelerate the feed pellet faster on their way down the bottom. One logical
reason is that flow is not sufficient enough to return them to the surface. Figure 11 (a) and (b) show
the pellet having the same effective density as fluid (water). It can be seen clearly that the settling
rate tends to increase significantly.
In chapter 3, expansion rate of pellet during settling can be considered but the simulation result is
shows that the longest settling rate was around 500 seconds with the highest flow field domain. In
the experiment, for pellet to increase 30% of its original size, it required almost 15 minutes of
soaking until changes are noticed. This also reduce its density but in order to produce the same
effect, the tank design i.e. its height must increase which require more investment and time.
Figure 11. Fish pellet TM0 injected from surface with the same effective density as fluid (water) at different water inlet parameter
This work presents the development of CFD models of containment aquaculture. There is a lack of
scientific information for the further development of innovative solutions in the field of
hydrodynamics in aquaculture systems. Using CFD, this study has further developed new designs
to improve flow patterns. The three following aspects are worth noting.
Sedimentation analysis was employed to determine the properties of the pellet (effective density)
falling through a fluid at given conditions. Although the experiment was enough to get necessary
properties for the simulation model, the measurement can be improved if we manage to use better
and more reliable equipment. However, the error is still relatively small and can be cross-referenced
with other research available.
Ipek (2019) studied the flow characterization of different fish tank volumes (2000, 500, 400l) using
CFD simulation. The present work further investigates using different inlet parameter for one tank
volume (500l). Having created the fluid flow domain, we found out that 𝑘 − 𝜔 SST turbulence
model does not converge with higher inlet velocities. Figure 12 can be seen that as flow field are
not fully developed and are not symmetric. Hence, it was not suitable for further analysis since the
continuity equation never reaches ideal convergence criteria. That is why 𝑘 − 𝜀 turbulence model
was used in this case.
Figure 12. Contour of vertical velocity components with 𝑘 − 𝜔 SST turbulence model.
The particle flow distribution of feed pellets was performed after creating a suitable flow field
domain. The simple particle-tracking model used in the present study did not consider collisions
between particles and their impact on the flow field. This approach substantially reduces
simulations times.
From DPM simulation, we analyzed the motion of the particle as they settle down the tank. The
motion of the feed pellet was well captured in this study. Particle settling occurs along the flow
length under the influence of kinetic energy of flow and the gravity force. Figure 10 (a) and (b)
shows with an inlet velocity of 10 times larger than commonly used (0.04 m/s, Like et al., 2015),
the two types of particle with measured densities will fall to the bottom quickly (less than 60
seconds). Therefore, if we wanted to prevent fast settling of pellets and their accumulation at the
bottom, the effective density should be quite close to the density of water. The methodology
presented in this work could be used to find out optimal properties of feed pellets as well as other
operational or geometrical parameters of a given fish tank.
In the field of aquaculture, we know the present work dealing with pellet and correct setting of
the model in CFD solver is still very recent. The turbulence model such Reynolds stress model
(RSM) can be used with fine mesh to generate better field flow while the mechanical and
physical properties of the fish pellet can be better established with the further research as it gives
a better representation of the residence time when tracking particle flowing in the fluid domain.
Regardless, such a CFD model can be useful for researchers and aquaculturists which concern
about fish farming.
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