CFR 2023 Title21 Vol8 ChapI
CFR 2023 Title21 Vol8 ChapI
CFR 2023 Title21 Vol8 ChapI
(This book contains Parts 800 to 1299)
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aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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EDITORIAL NOTE: Nomenclature changes to chapter I appear at 59 FR 14366, Mar. 28, 1994;
68 FR 24879, May 9, 2003; and 69 FR 13717, Mar. 24, 2004.
Part Page
800 General .................................................................... 7
801 Labeling .................................................................. 28
803 Medical device reporting ......................................... 64
806 Medical devices; reports of corrections and remov-
als ......................................................................... 81
807 Establishment registration and device listing for
manufacturers and initial importers of devices ... 85
808 Exemptions from Federal preemption of State and
local medical device requirements ....................... 103
809 In vitro diagnostic products for human use ............ 109
810 Medical device recall authority .............................. 118
812 Investigational device exemptions .......................... 125
813 [Reserved]
814 Premarket approval of medical devices .................. 146
820 Quality system regulation ...................................... 170
821 Medical device tracking requirements .................... 184
822 Postmarket surveillance ......................................... 191
830 Unique device identification ................................... 199
860 Medical device classification procedures ................ 208
861 Procedures for performance standards development 229
862 Clinical chemistry and clinical toxicology devices 233
864 Hematology and pathology devices ......................... 285
866 Immunology and microbiology devices ................... 317
868 Anesthesiology devices ........................................... 425
870 Cardiovascular devices ............................................ 450
872 Dental devices ......................................................... 493
874 Ear, nose, and throat devices .................................. 522
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21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
Part Page
880 General hospital and personal use devices .............. 611
882 Neurological devices ............................................... 640
884 Obstetrical and gynecological devices .................... 675
886 Ophthalmic devices ................................................. 705
888 Orthopedic devices .................................................. 735
890 Physical medicine devices ....................................... 768
892 Radiology devices .................................................... 793
895 Banned devices ........................................................ 812
898 Performance standard for electrode lead wires and
patient cables ....................................................... 818
1210 Regulations under the Federal Import Milk Act .... 1048
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS
Part Page
1230 Regulations under the Federal Caustic Poison Act 1051
1240 Control of communicable diseases .......................... 1058
1250 Interstate conveyance sanitation ........................... 1063
1251–1270 [Reserved]
1271 Human cells, tissues, and cellular and tissue-based
products ............................................................... 1074
1272–1299 [Reserved]
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tion 501(c) of the Federal Food, Drug, tions used, for example, to clean, dis-
and Cosmetic Act (the act), and, fur- infect, wet, lubricate, rinse, soak, or
ther, may be deemed misbranded with- store contact lenses and salt tablets or
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§ 800.12 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
means the package cannot be dupli- these changes do not affect the com-
cated with commonly available mate- position of the container, the torque
rial or through commonly available (tightness) of the container, or the
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 800.20
before May 5, 1983. This does not in- assuring safe and effective devices.
clude the requirement in paragraph (b) (1) For a description of a patient ex-
of this section that the indicator or amination glove, see § 880.6250. Finger
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§ 800.20 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
cots, however, are excluded from the (iii) Automatic water-dispensing ap-
test method and sample plans in para- paratus or manual device capable of de-
graphs (b) and (c) of this section. livering 1,000 ml of water;
(2) For a description of a surgeons’ (iv) Stand with horizontal rod for
glove, see § 878.4460 of this chapter. hanging the hook end of the plastic
(b)(1) General test method. For the pur- tube. The horizontal support rod must
poses of this part, FDA’s analysis of be capable of holding the weight of the
gloves for leaks and visual defects will total number of gloves that will be sus-
be conducted by a visual examination pended at any one time, e.g., five
and by a water leak test method, using gloves suspended will weigh about 5
kilograms (kg);
1,000 milliliters (ml) of water.
(v) Timer capable of measuring two
(i) Units examined. Each medical
minute intervals.
glove will be analyzed independently. (3) Visual defects and leak test proce-
When packaged as pairs, each glove is dures. Examine the sample and identify
considered separately, and both gloves code/lot number, size, and brand as ap-
will be analyzed. propriate. Continue the visual exam-
(ii) Identification of defects. For this ination using the following procedures:
test, defects include leaks detected (i) Visual defects examination. Inspect
when tested in accordance with para- the gloves for visual defects by care-
graph (b)(3) of this section. A leak is fully removing the glove from the
defined as the appearance of water on wrapper, box, or package. Visually ex-
the outside of the glove. This emer- amine each glove for defects. As noted
gence of water from the glove con- in paragraph (b)(1)(iii) of this section, a
stitutes a watertight barrier failure. visual defect observed in the top 40 mm
Other defects include tears, embedded of a glove will not be counted as a de-
foreign objects, extrusions of glove ma- fect for the purpose of this part. Vis-
terial on the exterior or interior sur- ually defective gloves do not require
face of the glove, gloves that are fused further testing, although they must be
together so that individual glove sepa- included in the total number of defec-
ration is impossible, gloves that adhere tive gloves counted for the sample.
to each other and tear when separated, (ii) Leak test set-up. (A) During this
or other visual defects that are likely procedure, ensure that the exterior of
to affect the barrier integrity. the glove remains dry. Attach the
(iii) Factors for counting defects. One glove to the plastic fill tube by bring-
defect in one glove is counted as one ing the cuff end to the 40 mm mark and
defect. A defect in both gloves in a pair fastening with elastic strapping to
of gloves is counted as two defects. If make a watertight seal.
multiple defects, as defined in para- (B) Add 1,000 ml of room temperature
graph (b)(1)(ii) of this section, are water (i.e., 20 (deg)C to 30 (deg)C) into
found in one glove, they are counted as the open end of the fill tube. The water
should pass freely into the glove. (With
one defect. Visual defects and leaks
some larger sizes of long-cuffed sur-
that are observed in the top 40 millime-
geons’ gloves, the water level may
ters (mm) of a glove will not be count-
reach only the base of the thumb. With
ed as a defect for the purposes of this
some smaller gloves, the water level
may extend several inches up the fill
(2) Leak test materials. FDA considers tube.)
the following to be the minimum mate- (iii) Leak test examination. Imme-
rials required for this test : diately after adding the water, examine
(i) A 60 mm by 380 mm (clear) plastic the glove for water leaks. Do not
cylinder with a hook on one end and a squeeze the glove; use only minimum
mark scored 40 mm from the other end manipulation to spread the fingers to
(a cylinder of another size may be used check for leaks. Water drops may be
if it accommodates both cuff diameter blotted to confirm leaking.
and any water above the glove capac- (A) If the glove does not leak imme-
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 800.20
using the wire hook on the open end of Procedures For Inspection By At-
the fill tube (do not support the filled tributes.’’
glove while transferring). (2) Sample sizes, inspection levels, and
(B) Make a second observation for minimum AQLs. FDA will use single
leaks 2 minutes after the water is normal sampling for lots of 1,200 gloves
added to the glove. Use only minimum or less and multiple normal sampling
manipulation of the fingers to check for all larger lots. FDA will use general
for leaks. inspection level II in determining the
(C) Record the number of defective sample size for any lot size. As shown
gloves. in the tables following paragraph (c)(3)
of this section, FDA considers a 1.5
(c) Sampling, inspection, acceptance,
AQL to be the minimum level of qual-
and adulteration. In performing the test
ity acceptable for surgeons’ gloves and
for leaks and other visual defects de- a 2.5 AQL to be the minimum level of
scribed in paragraph (b) of this section, quality acceptable for patient exam-
FDA will collect and inspect samples of ination gloves.
medical gloves, and determine when (3) Adulteration levels and accept/reject
the gloves are acceptable as set out in criteria. FDA considers a lot of medical
paragraphs (c)(1) through (c)(3) of this gloves to be adulterated when the num-
section. ber of defective gloves found in the
(1) Sample plans. FDA will collect tested sample meets or exceeds the ap-
samples from lots of medical gloves in plicable rejection number at the 1.5
accordance with agency sampling AQL for surgeons’ gloves or the 2.5
plans. These plans are based on sample AQL for patient examination gloves.
sizes, levels of sample inspection, and These acceptance and rejection num-
acceptable quality levels (AQLs) found bers are identified in the tables fol-
in the International Standard Organi- lowing paragraph (c)(3) of this section
zation’s standard ISO 2859, ‘‘Sampling as follows:
Number Defective
Lot Size Sample Sample Size Number Examined
Accept Reject
8 to 90 Single sample 8 0 1
Seventh 80 560 18 19
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§ 800.20 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
5 to 50 Single sample 5 0 1
tion 501(c) of the act are subject to ad- or a lot or part of a lot of seized domes-
ministrative and judicial action, such tic gloves.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 800.30
(i) Modified sampling, inspection, and considers a lot or part of a lot of adul-
acceptance. If FDA authorizes recondi- terated gloves, that is reconditioned in
tioning of a lot or portion of a lot of accordance with paragraph (d)(2)(i) of
adulterated gloves, testing to confirm this section, to be acceptable when the
that the reconditioned gloves meet number of defective gloves found in the
AQLs must be performed by an inde- tested sample does not exceed the ac-
pendent testing facility. The following ceptance number in the appropriate ta-
tightened sampling plan must be fol- bles in paragraph (d)(2)(ii)(B) of this
lowed, as described in ISO 2859 ‘‘Sam- section for reconditioned surgeons’
pling Procedures for Inspection by At-
gloves or patient examination gloves.
(A) General inspection level II, (B) FDA considers a reconditioned lot
(B) Single sampling plans for tight- of medical gloves to be adulterated
ened inspection, within the meaning of section 501(c) of
(C) 1.5 AQL for surgeons’ gloves, and the act when the number of defective
(D) 2.5 AQL for patient examination gloves found in the tested sample
gloves. meets or exceeds the applicable rejec-
(ii) Adulteration levels and acceptance tion number in the tables following
criteria for reconditioned gloves. (A) FDA paragraph (d)(2)(ii)(B) of this section:
Number Defective
Lot Size Sample Sample Size
Accept Reject
13 to 90 Single sample 13 0 1
8 to 50 Single sample 8 0 1
[55 FR 51256, Dec. 12, 1990, as amended at 71 § 800.30 Over-the-counter hearing aid
FR 75876, Dec. 19, 2006] controls.
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§ 800.30 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
conduction hearing aids that satisfy impairment. The device, through tools,
the requirements in paragraphs (c) tests, or software, allows the user to
through (f) of this section are consid- control the hearing aid and customize
ered ‘‘available’’ over the counter as it to the user’s hearing needs. The de-
section 520(q)(1)(A)(v) of the Federal vice may use wireless technology or
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act uses the may include tests for self-assessment
term. Air-conduction hearing aids that of hearing loss. The device is available
do not meet the definition in section over-the-counter, without the super-
520(q) of the Federal Food, Drug, and vision, prescription, or other order, in-
Cosmetic Act or do not satisfy the fol- volvement, or intervention of a li-
lowing requirements are prescription censed person, to consumers through
hearing aids. Unless otherwise speci- in-person transactions, by mail, or on-
fied, the requirements in this section line, provided that the device satisfies
are in addition to other applicable re- the requirements in this section.
quirements, including but not limited Prescription hearing aid. A prescrip-
to special controls found in the appli- tion hearing aid is a hearing aid that is
cable classification regulation in part not an OTC hearing aid as defined in
874 of this chapter. this section or a hearing aid that does
(b) Definitions for the purposes of this not satisfy the requirements in this
section. This section uses the following section.
definitions: Rebuilt hearing aid. An OTC hearing
Air-conduction hearing aid. An air- aid is ‘‘rebuilt’’ if the manufacturer
conduction hearing aid is a hearing aid has inspected and tested the device,
that conducts sound to the ear through made any necessary modifications to
the air. ensure it meets applicable regulatory
Hearing aid. A hearing aid is any requirements, including the require-
wearable device designed for, offered ments in this section to be available
for the purpose of, or represented as OTC, and adequately reprocessed the
aiding persons with or compensating device for the next user.
for, impaired hearing. Sale. Sale includes a lease, rental, or
Licensed person. A licensed person is a any other purchase or exchange for
person as defined in section 201(e) of value.
the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Tools, tests, or software. Tools, tests,
Act that holds a license or degree for or software are components of the de-
the diagnosis, assessment, or treat- vice that, individually or in combina-
ment of hearing loss; or that holds a li- tion, allow a lay user to control the de-
cense to sell or distribute hearing aids. vice and customize it sufficiently, such
A person that must meet generally ap- as the device’s output, to meet the
plicable licensing or operating require- user’s hearing needs.
ments such as annual health and safety Used hearing aid. A hearing aid is
inspections, provided the generally ap- ‘‘used’’ if a user has worn it for any pe-
plicable licensing or operating require- riod of time. However, a hearing aid
ment is consistent with this section shall not be ‘‘used’’ merely because a
and other applicable requirements prospective user wore it as part of a
under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cos- bona fide hearing aid evaluation to de-
metic Act, is not a ‘‘licensed person’’ termine whether to select that par-
solely for that reason. A person that ticular hearing aid for that prospective
represents as a marketer, seller, dis- user. A hearing aid evaluation is ‘‘bona
penser, distributor, or customer sup- fide’’ if it was conducted in the pres-
port representative (or an equivalent ence of the dispenser or a hearing
description) is not a ‘‘licensed person’’ health professional selected by the dis-
solely by making such representations. penser to assist the prospective user in
Over-the-counter hearing aid. An over- making a determination.
the-counter (OTC) hearing aid is an air- (c) Labeling. An OTC hearing aid shall
conduction hearing aid that does not bear all of the following in the label-
require implantation or other surgical ing:
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
intervention, and is intended for use by (1) Outside package labeling. The out-
a person age 18 or older to compensate side package of an OTC hearing aid
for perceived mild to moderate hearing shall bear all of the following:
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 800.30
(i) Warnings and other important infor- (A) (A) Warning against use in people
mation. All of the following shall ap- younger than 18.
pear on the outside package:
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§ 800.30 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(ii) Statement of build condition. If the vice’s common name on the principal
OTC hearing aid is used or rebuilt, the display panel may satisfy all or part of
outside package shall declare that fact. this requirement to the extent the
A sticker under and visible through the common name includes the marks.
outer wrapper will suffice to declare (iv) Indication of battery information.
the same prominence required under (v) Indication of control platform. The
§ 801.61(c) of this chapter for the de- outside package shall indicate whether
vice’s statement of identity. The de- a mobile device or other non-included
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 800.30
control platform is required. The indi- site or customer registration and with-
cation must include the type of plat- out requiring purchase of any product
form and how the platform connects to or service. The user instructional bro-
the device. chure shall include all of the following:
(2) Labeling, inside the package. The (i) The following warnings, which
manufacturer or distributor of an OTC shall appear in the following order and
hearing aid shall include a user in- prior to any content except the cover
structional brochure inside the pack- page:
age and shall make an electronic (A) Warning against use in people
version available for download without younger than 18.
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§ 800.30 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(ii) Any additional warnings the to any content except the cover page
manufacturer may include prior to the and the warnings under paragraphs
cautions and notices to users in para- (c)(2)(i) and (ii) of this section:
graph (c)(2)(iii) of this section. (A) Caution about hearing protection.
(iii) The following cautions and no-
tices for users, which shall appear prior
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 800.30
controls intended for user adjustment. limit and damage to the tympanic
(vi) A description of any accessory membrane.
that accompanies the OTC hearing aid, (B) The tools, tests, or software that
including but not limited to wax allow the user to control the OTC hear-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
guards and accessories for use with a ing aid, including self-selection and
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§ 800.30 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
the user’s hearing needs, including in- all of the following clearly and perma-
formation about properly fitting nently, except as provided in paragraph
eartips. (c)(3)(iii) of this section:
(C) Use of the OTC hearing aid with (i) The serial number.
any accompanying accessories. (ii) If the battery is removable, a ‘‘+’’
(D) Maintenance and care of the OTC symbol to indicate the positive ter-
hearing aid, including how a lay user minal for battery insertion unless the
can clean, disinfect, and replace parts battery’s physical design prevents in-
or how to seek replacements, as well as serting the battery in the reversed po-
how to store the hearing aid when it sition.
will not be used for an extended period (iii) If the OTC hearing aid is used or
of time. rebuilt, the manufacturer shall phys-
(E) If the battery is replaceable or re- ically attach a removable tag to the
chargeable, how to replace or recharge hearing aid declaring that fact.
the battery, including a generic des- (4) Technical specifications. All of the
ignation of replacement batteries. following technical specifications shall
(F) Expected battery life. appear in the user instructional bro-
(G) Any other information necessary chure that accompanies the device.
for adequate directions for use as de- You may additionally include it on the
fined in § 801.5 of this chapter. outside package:
(viii) Identification of any known (i) The maximum output limit value
physiological side effects associated (Output Sound Pressure Level 90
with the use of the OTC hearing aid (OSPL90)).
that may warrant consultation with a (ii) The full-on gain value, which is
physician, referring to an ear-nose- the gain with a 50 decibel (dB) Sound
throat doctor when preferable, includ- Pressure Level (SPL) pure-tone input
ing if applicable, skin irritation and and volume set to full on.
accelerated accumulation of cerumen (iii) The total harmonic distortion
(ear wax). value.
(ix) The technical specifications re- (iv) The self-generated noise value.
quired by paragraph (c)(4) of this sec- (v) The latency value.
tion. (vi) The upper and lower cutoff fre-
(x) A description of commonly occur- quencies for bandwidth.
ring, avoidable events that could ad- (5) Software device labeling. OTC hear-
versely affect or damage the OTC hear- ing aid software that is not distributed
ing aid, including but not limited to, as with the hearing aid or amplification
applicable, ear wax buildup, drops, im- platform shall meet all of the following
mersion in water, or exposure to exces- labeling requirements. With respect to
sive heat. the information required under para-
(xi) If the hearing aid incorporates graphs (c)(1) through (4) of this section,
wireless technology in its program- the information must be provided in
ming or use, appropriate warnings, in- the software device labeling, as speci-
structions, and information relating to fied in paragraphs (c)(5)(i) through (v)
electromagnetic compatibility and of this section, rather than the loca-
wireless technology and human expo- tions (e.g., outside package labeling)
sure to non-ionizing radiation. specified in paragraphs (c)(1) through
(xii) Information on how and where (4):
to obtain repair service or replace- (i) Prior to first use of the software
ments, including at least one specific or obtaining payment information for
address where the user can go or send the software, whichever occurs first,
the OTC hearing aid to obtain such re- the labeling must clearly and promi-
pair service or replacements. nently present all of the following to
(xiii) If clinical or non-clinical stud- the prospective user. For each, the la-
ies were conducted by or for the manu- beling must remain visible until the
facturer to support the performance of user dismisses it or proceeds to the
the OTC hearing aid, a summary of all next step:
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 800.30
(B) Disclosures of any fees or pay- of 111 dB SPL at any frequency except
ments after first use or initial pay- as provided in paragraph (d)(2) of this
ment, including but not limited to any section.
fees or payments relating to subscrip- (2) Output limit for a device with acti-
tions, add-on features, or continued ac- vated input-controlled compression. An
cess to features or services. The disclo- OTC hearing aid that has input-con-
sures must name and briefly describe trolled compression activated shall not
what each fee or payment covers. exceed an output limit of 117 dB SPL at
(C) The information required under any frequency.
paragraphs (c)(1)(i), (iii), and (v) of this (e) Electroacoustic performance limits.
section. An OTC hearing aid shall perform with-
(ii) Prior to first use of the software, in all of the following electroacoustic
the labeling must clearly and promi- limits. Measure each electroacoustic
nently present all of the following to performance characteristic using an
the prospective user: acoustic coupler as described in para-
(A) The information required under graph (e)(6) of this section, where appli-
paragraph (c)(2)(i)(A) of this section, cable:
and it must remain visible until the (1) Output distortion control limits.
user acknowledges it. Test the output distortion of the OTC
(B) The information required under hearing aid as follows to ensure that it
paragraphs (c)(2)(i)(B) and (C), (c)(2)(ii), does not exceed the limit specified in
(iii), and (v), (c)(2)(vii)(B) and (G), and paragraphs (e)(1)(i) through (iii) of this
(c)(2)(viii) and (ix) of this section, and section.
the information must remain visible (i) The total harmonic distortion plus
until the user dismisses it or proceeds noise shall not exceed 5 percent for
to the next step. output levels within one of the fol-
(C) All other information required lowing sets of levels, depending on the
under paragraph (c)(2) of this section, test method:
to the extent applicable, and the infor- (A) Using sine wave-based testing,
mation must remain visible until the measure at 70 dB SPL and 100 dB SPL;
user dismisses it or proceeds to the or
next step. (B) Using a 500-hertz (Hz) one-third-
(iii) The software device labeling octave pulsed-noise signal, measure at
must include the information required 67 dB SPL and 97 dB SPL.
under paragraphs (c)(3)(i) and (c)(4) of (ii) You must measure the total har-
this section. monic distortion using a 500-Hz input
(iv) All of the software device label- tone with an analyzer that has a band-
ing must be accessible for review after width at least as wide as the frequency
acknowledgment, dismissal, or pro- limits of the OTC hearing aid.
ceeding to the next step. (iii) You must measure the output
(v) If there are changes to any of the distortion at the OTC hearing aid’s
labeling required under paragraph maximum volume and the input sound
(c)(5) of this section, the labeling with level to the OTC hearing aid adjusted
the changed information must be pre- to produce the required outputs.
sented to the user until the user dis- (2) Self-generated noise level limits.
misses it. Self-generated noise shall not exceed 32
(d) Output limits. The output limit for dBA. You must disable any methods
an OTC hearing aid shall be the device that artificially lower the apparent
maximum acoustic output sound pres- noise floor for the measurement. Such
sure level (SPL) with an acoustic cou- methods would include but are not lim-
pler as described in paragraph (e)(6) of ited to auto-muting and downward ex-
this section when the device input is a pansion.
90 dB SPL pure-tone, and the gain/vol- (3) Latency. Latency shall not exceed
ume control is full on. An OTC hearing 15 ms. You must measure the latency
aid shall not exceed the following lim- with a method that is accurate and re-
its at any of the frequencies at which peatable to within 1.5 ms.
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§ 800.30 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(5) User-adjustable volume control. The vention of a licensed person for con-
OTC hearing aid shall have a user-ad- sumers to access OTC hearing aids, a
justable volume control. licensed person may service, market,
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 800.55
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§ 800.55 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
a detention before the expiration of the (e) Approval of detention order. A de-
detention period. tention order, before issuance, shall be
(d) Issuance of detention order. (1) The approved by the FDA Division Director
detention order shall be issued in writ- in whose division the devices are lo-
ing, in the form of a detention notice, cated. If prior written approval is not
signed by the authorized FDA rep- feasible, prior oral approval shall be
resentative who has reason to believe obtained and confirmed by written
that the devices are adulterated or memorandum within FDA as soon as
misbranded, and issued to the owner, possible.
operator, or agent in charge of the (f) Labeling or marking a detained de-
place where the devices are located. If vice. An FDA representative issuing a
the owner or the user of the devices is detention order under paragraph (d) of
different from the owner, operator, or this section shall label or mark the de-
agent in charge of the place where the vices with official FDA tags that in-
devices are detained, a copy of the de- clude the following information:
tention order shall be provided to the (1) A statement that the devices are
owner or user of the devices if the own- detained by the United States Govern-
er’s or user’s identity can be readily ment in accordance with section 304(g)
determined. of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cos-
(2) If detention of devices in a vehicle metic Act (21 U.S.C. 334(g)).
or other carrier is ordered, a copy of (2) A statement that the devices shall
the detention order shall be provided to not be used, moved, altered, or tam-
the shipper of record and the owner of pered with in any manner for the pe-
the vehicle or other carrier, if their riod shown, without the written per-
identities can be readily determined. mission of an authorized FDA rep-
(3) The detention order shall include resentative, except as authorized in
the following information: paragraph (h) of this section.
(i) A statement that the devices iden- (3) A statement that the violation of
tified in the order are detained for the a detention order or the removal or al-
period shown; teration of the tag is punishable by
(ii) A brief, general statement of the fine or imprisonment or both (section
reasons for the detention; 303 of the act, 21 U.S.C. 333).
(iii) The location of the devices; (4) The detention order number, the
(iv) A statement that these devices date and hour of the detention order,
are not to be used, moved, altered, or the detention period, and the name of
tampered with in any manner during the FDA representative who issued the
that period, except as permitted under detention order.
paragraph (h) of this section, without (g) Appeal of a detention order. (1) A
the written permission of an author- person who would be entitled to claim
ized FDA representative; the devices, if seized, may appeal a de-
(v) Identification of the detained de- tention order. Any appeal shall be sub-
vices; mitted in writing to the FDA Division
(vi) The detention order number; Director in whose division the devices
(vii) The date and hour of the deten- are located within 5 working days of
tion order; receipt of a detention order. If the ap-
(viii) The period of the detention; peal includes a request for an informal
(ix) The text of section 304(g) of the hearing, as defined in section 201(x) of
act and paragraph (g) (1) and (2) of this the act, the appellant shall request ei-
section; ther that a hearing be held within 5
(x) A statement that any informal working days after the appeal is filed
hearing on an appeal of a detention or that the hearing be held at a later
order shall be conducted as a regu- date, which shall not be later than 20
latory hearing under part 16 of this calendar days after receipt of a deten-
chapter, with certain exceptions de- tion order.
scribed in paragraph (g)(3) of this sec- (2) The appellant of a detention order
tion; and shall state the ownership or propri-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
(xi) The mailing address, telephone etary interest the appellant has in the
number, and name of the FDA Division detained devices. If the detained de-
Director. vices are located at a place other than
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 800.55
and the appellant. The presiding officer (3) The FDA representative who
shall decide whether to affirm or re- issued the detention order, or another
voke the detention within 5 working responsible division office official, may
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§ 800.55 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
approve, in writing, the movement of under paragraph (d) of this section, the
detained devices for any of the fol- owner, operator, or agent in charge of
lowing purposes: any factory, warehouse, other estab-
(i) To prevent interference with an lishment, or consulting laboratory
establishment’s operations or harm to where detained devices are manufac-
the devices. tured, processed, packed, or held shall
(ii) To destroy the devices. have, or establish, and maintain ade-
(iii) To bring the devices into compli- quate records relating to how the de-
ance. tained devices may have become adul-
(iv) For any other purpose that the terated or misbranded, records on any
FDA representative who issued the de- distribution of the devices before and
tention order, or other responsible divi- after the detention period, records on
sion office official, believes is appro- the correlation of any in-process de-
priate in the case. tained devices that are put in final
(4) If an FDA representative approves
form under paragraph (h) of this sec-
the movement of detained devices
tion to the completed devices, records
under paragraph (h)(3) of this section,
of any changes in, or processing of, the
the detained devices shall remain seg-
regated from other devices and the per- devices permitted under the detention
son responsible for their movement order, and records of any other move-
shall immediately orally notify the of- ment under paragraph (h) of this sec-
ficial who approved the movement of tion. Records required under this para-
the devices, or another responsible graph shall be provided to the FDA on
FDA division office official, of the new request for review and copying. Any
location of the detained devices. FDA request for access to records re-
(5) Unless otherwise permitted by the quired under this paragraph shall be
FDA representative who is notified of, made at a reasonable time, shall state
or who approves, the movement of de- the reason or purpose for the request,
vices under this paragraph, the re- and shall identify to the fullest extent
quired tags shall accompany the de- practicable the information or type of
vices during and after movement and information sought in the records to
shall remain with the devices until which access is requested.
FDA terminates the detention or the (2) Records required under this para-
detention period expires, whichever oc- graph shall be maintained for a max-
curs first. imum period of 2 years after the
(i) Actions involving adulterated or mis- issuance of the detention order or for
branded devices. If FDA determines that such other shorter period as FDA di-
the detained devices, including any rects. When FDA terminates the deten-
that have been put in final form, are tion or when the detention period ex-
adulterated or misbranded, or both, it pires, whichever occurs first, FDA will
may initiate legal action against the advise all persons required under this
devices or the responsible individuals, paragraph to keep records concerning
or both, or request that the devices be that detention whether further record-
destroyed or otherwise brought into
keeping is required for the remainder
compliance with the act under FDA’s
of the 2-year, or shorter, period. FDA
ordinarily will not require further rec-
(j) Detention termination. If FDA de-
cides to terminate a detention or when ordkeeping if the agency determines
the detention period expires, whichever that the devices are not adulterated or
occurs first, an FDA representative au- misbranded or that recordkeeping is
thorized to terminate a detention will not necessary to protect the public
issue a detention termination notice health, unless the records are required
releasing the devices to any person who under other regulations in this chapter
received the original detention order or (e.g., the good manufacturing practice
that person’s representative and will regulation in part 820 of this chapter).
remove, or authorize in writing the re- [44 FR 13239, Mar. 9, 1979, as amended at 49
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
moval of, the required labels or tags. FR 3174, Jan. 26, 1984; 69 FR 17292, Apr. 2,
(k) Recordkeeping requirements. (1) 2004; 79 FR 9412, Feb. 19, 2014; 82 FR 14147,
After issuance of a detention order Mar. 17, 2017; 85 FR 16555, Mar. 25, 2020]
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 800.75
§ 800.75 Requests for supervisory re- after the date of the decision involved.
view of certain decisions made by Any such request for supervisory re-
the Center for Devices and Radio- view not received by CDRH within 30
logical Health. days after the date of the decision in-
(a) Definitions. The following defini- volved is not eligible for review. Except
tions shall apply to this section: as provided in paragraph (b)(1)(ii) or
(1) FDA means the Food and Drug (iii) of this section, FDA will render a
Administration. decision within 45 days of the request
(2) 517A decision means a significant for supervisory review.
decision made by the Center for De- (ii) A person requesting supervisory
vices and Radiological Health, as set review under paragraph (b)(1)(i) may
forth in section 517A of the Federal request an in-person meeting or tele-
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, and in- conference with the supervisor review-
cludes one of the following decisions: ing the request for supervisory review.
(i) A substantially equivalent order
Except as provided in paragraph
under § 807.100(a)(1) of this chapter, or a
(b)(1)(iii) of this section, if a request
not substantially equivalent order
for in-person meeting or teleconference
under § 807.100(a)(2) of this chapter;
(ii) An approval order under § 814.44(d) is included in the request for super-
of this chapter, an approvable letter visory review to CDRH, CDRH will
under § 814.44(e) of this chapter, a not schedule the meeting or teleconference
approvable letter under § 814.44(f) of to occur within 30 days of receipt of the
this chapter, or an order denying ap- request. Except as provided in para-
proval under § 814.45 of this chapter; graph (b)(1)(iii) of this section, a deci-
(iii) An approval order under sion will be rendered within 30 days of
§ 814.116(b) of this chapter, an approv- such meeting or teleconference.
able letter under § 814.116(c) of this (iii) The timeframes for CDRH to
chapter, a not approvable letter under render a decision provided in (b)(1)(i)
§ 814.116(d) of this chapter, or an order and (ii) of this section, and the time-
denying approval under § 814.118 of this frame to schedule an in-person meeting
chapter; or teleconference review in (b)(1)(ii) of
(iv) A grant or denial of a request for this section, do not apply if a matter
breakthrough device designation under related to the 517A decision under re-
section 515B of the Federal Food, Drug, view is referred by CDRH to external
and Cosmetic Act; experts, such as an advisory com-
(v) An approval order under § 812.30(a) mittee, as provided in § 10.75(b) of this
of this chapter or a disapproval order chapter.
under § 812.30(c) of this chapter; (2) Supervisory review. An initial or
(vi) A failure to reach agreement let- sequential request for supervisory re-
ter under section 520(g)(7) of the Fed- view within CDRH under § 10.75 of this
eral Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act; or
chapter of a decision other than a 517A
(vii) A clinical hold determination
decision that is not received by CDRH
under section 520(g)(8) of the Federal
within 60 days after the date of the de-
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
(3) CDRH means the Center for De- cision involved will be denied as un-
vices and Radiological Health. timely, unless CDRH, for good cause,
(b) Submission of request—(1) Review of permits the request to be filed after 60
517A decisions. (i) An initial or sequen- days. An initial or sequential request
tial request for supervisory review for supervisory review within CDRH of
within CDRH of a 517A decision under a decision other than a 517A decision
§ 10.75 of this chapter must be addressed must be addressed to the next organi-
to the next organizational level or zational level or higher above the indi-
higher above the individual who made vidual who made the decision; sub-
the decision; submitted in electronic mitted in electronic format in accord-
format in accordance with section ance with section 745A(b) of the Fed-
745A(b) of the Federal Food, Drug, and eral Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act,
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
Cosmetic Act; marked ‘‘Appeal: Re- when applicable; marked, ‘‘Appeal: Re-
quest for Supervisory Review’’; and re- quest for Supervisory Review’’ in the
ceived by CDRH no later than 30 days subject line of the electronic request;
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Pt. 801 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 801.3
be used and ‘‘The’’ may be omitted. In Device package means a package that
the case of an individual, partnership, contains a fixed quantity of a par-
or association, the name under which ticular version or model of a device.
the business is conducted shall be used. Expiration date means the date by
(c) Where a device is not manufac- which the label of a device states the
tured by the person whose name ap- device must or should be used.
pears on the label, the name shall be FDA, we, or us means the Food and
qualified by a phrase that reveals the Drug Administration.
connection such person has with such Finished device means any device or
device; such as, ‘‘Manufactured for accessory to any device that is suitable
___’’, ‘‘Distributed by _____’’, or any for use or capable of functioning.
other wording that expresses the facts. Global Unique Device Identification
(d) The statement of the place of Database (GUDID) means the database
business shall include the street ad- that serves as a repository of informa-
dress, city, State, and Zip Code; how- tion to facilitate the identification of
ever, the street address may be omitted medical devices through their distribu-
if it is shown in a current city direc- tion and use.
tory or telephone directory. The re- Human cells, tissues, or cellular or tis-
quirement for inclusion of the ZIP sue-based product (HCT/P) regulated as a
Code shall apply only to consumer device means an HCT/P as defined in
commodity labels developed or revised § 1271.3(d) of this chapter that does not
after the effective date of this section. meet the criteria in § 1271.10(a) and that
In the case of nonconsumer packages, is also regulated as a device.
the ZIP Code shall appear on either the Implantable device means a device
label or the labeling (including the in- that is intended to be placed in a sur-
voice). gically or naturally formed cavity of
(e) If a person manufactures, packs, the human body. A device is regarded
or distributes a device at a place other as an implantable device for the purpose
than his principal place of business, the of this part only if it is intended to re-
label may state the principal place of main implanted continuously for a pe-
business in lieu of the actual place riod of 30 days or more, unless the
where such device was manufactured or Commissioner of Food and Drugs deter-
packed or is to be distributed, unless mines otherwise in order to protect
human health.
such statement would be misleading.
Label has the meaning set forth in
§ 801.3 Definitions. section 201(k) of the Federal Food,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
As used in this part: Labeler means:
Automatic identification and data cap- (1) Any person who causes a label to
ture (AIDC) means any technology that be applied to a device with the intent
conveys the unique device identifier or that the device will be commercially
the device identifier of a device in a distributed without any intended sub-
form that can be entered into an elec- sequent replacement or modification of
tronic patient record or other com- the label; and
puter system via an automated proc- (2) Any person who causes the label
ess. of a device to be replaced or modified
Center Director means the Director of with the intent that the device will be
the Center for Devices and Radio- commercially distributed without any
logical Health or the Director of the subsequent replacement or modifica-
Center for Biologics Evaluation and tion of the label, except that the addi-
Research, depending on which Center tion of the name of, and contact infor-
has been assigned lead responsibility mation for, a person who distributes
for the device. the device, without making any other
Combination product has the meaning changes to the label, is not a modifica-
set forth in § 3.2(e) of this chapter. tion for the purposes of determining
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§ 801.4 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
The intent may be shown by such per- pose for which it is neither labeled nor ad-
sons’ expressions, the design or com- vertised. The intended uses of an article may
position of the article, or by the cir- change after it has been introduced into
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 801.15
interstate commerce by its manufacturer. If, (f) Route or method of administra-
for example, a packer, distributor, or seller tion or application.
intends an article for different uses than
those intended by the person from whom he
(g) Preparation for use, i.e., adjust-
received the device, such packer, distributor, ment of temperature, or other manipu-
or seller is required to supply adequate label- lation or process.
ing in accordance with the new intended
uses. And if the totality of the evidence es- § 801.6 Medical devices; misleading
tablishes that a manufacturer objectively in- statements.
tends that a device introduced into inter-
state commerce by him is to be used for con- Among representations in the label-
ditions, purposes, or uses other than ones for ing of a device which render such de-
which it has been approved, cleared, granted vice misbranded is a false or mis-
marketing authorization, or is exempt from leading representation with respect to
premarket notification requirements (if another device or a drug or food or cos-
any), he is required, in accordance with sec- metic.
tion 502(f) of the Federal Food, Drug, and
Cosmetic Act, or, as applicable, duly promul-
§ 801.15 Medical devices; prominence
gated regulations exempting the device from
the requirements of section 502(f)(1), to pro-
of required label statements; use of
vide for such device adequate labeling that
symbols in labeling.
accords with such other intended uses. (a) A word, statement, or other infor-
mation required by or under authority
§ 801.5 Medical devices; adequate di- of the act to appear on the label may
rections for use.
lack that prominence and conspicuous-
Adequate directions for use means di- ness required by section 502(c) of the
rections under which the layman can act by reason, among other reasons, of:
use a device safely and for the purposes (1) The failure of such word, state-
for which it is intended. Section 801.4 ment, or information to appear on the
defines intended use. Directions for use part or panel of the label which is pre-
may be inadequate because, among sented or displayed under customary
other reasons, of omission, in whole or conditions of purchase;
in part, or incorrect specification of:
(2) The failure of such word, state-
(a) Statements of all conditions, pur-
ment, or information to appear on two
poses, or uses for which such device is
or more parts or panels of the label,
intended, including conditions, pur-
each of which has sufficient space
poses, or uses for which it is prescribed,
therefor, and each of which is so de-
recommended, or suggested in its oral,
signed as to render it likely to be,
written, printed, or graphic adver-
tising, and conditions, purposes, or under customary conditions of pur-
uses for which the device is commonly chase, the part or panel displayed;
used; except that such statements shall (3) The failure of the label to extend
not refer to conditions, uses, or pur- over the area of the container or pack-
poses for which the device can be safely age available for such extension, so as
used only under the supervision of a to provide sufficient label space for the
practitioner licensed by law and for prominent placing of such word, state-
which it is advertised solely to such ment, or information;
practitioner. (4) Insufficiency of label space for the
(b) Quantity of dose, including usual prominent placing of such word, state-
quantities for each of the uses for ment, or information, resulting from
which it is intended and usual quan- the use of label space for any word,
tities for persons of different ages and statement, design, or device which is
different physical conditions. not required by or under authority of
(c) Frequency of administration or the act to appear on the label;
application. (5) Insufficiency of label space for the
(d) Duration of administration or ap- placing of such word, statement, or in-
plication. formation, resulting from the use of
(e) Time of administration or appli- label space to give materially greater
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§ 801.15 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 801.30
under which FDA operates, and where two digits; followed by the day, using
the standard is national or inter- two digits; each separated by hyphens.
national in scope. For example, January 2, 2014, must be
(B) The term ‘‘symbols glossary’’ presented as 2014–01–02.
means a compiled listing of: (b) Exceptions. (1) A combination
(1) Each SDO-established symbol product that properly bears a National
used in the labeling for the device; Drug Code (NDC) number is not subject
(2) The title and designation number to the requirements of paragraph (a) of
of the SDO-developed standard con- this section.
taining the symbol; (2) If the device is an electronic prod-
(3) The title of the symbol and its ref- uct to which a standard is applicable
erence number, if any, in the standard; under subchapter J of this chapter, Ra-
and diological Health, the date of manufac-
(4) The meaning or explanatory text ture shall be presented as required by
for the symbol as provided in the FDA § 1010.3(a)(2)(ii) of this chapter.
recognition or, if FDA has not recog-
nized the standard or portion of the [78 FR 58818, Sept. 24, 2013]
standard in which the symbol is lo-
cated or the symbol is not used accord- Subpart B—Labeling Requirements
ing to the specifications for use of the for Unique Device Identification
symbol set forth in FDA’s section
514(c) recognition, the explanatory text § 801.20 Label to bear a unique device
as provided in the standard. identifier.
(2) If the label contains any represen- (a) In general. (1) The label of every
tation in a foreign language, all words, medical device shall bear a unique de-
statements, and other information re- vice identifier (UDI) that meets the re-
quired by or under authority of the act quirements of this subpart and part 830
to appear on the label shall appear of this chapter.
thereon in the foreign language.
(2) Every device package shall bear a
(3) If the labeling contains any rep-
UDI that meets the requirements of
resentation in a foreign language, all
this subpart and part 830 of this chap-
words, statements, and other informa-
tion required by or under authority of
the act to appear on the label or label- (b) Exceptions. Exceptions to the gen-
ing shall appear on the labeling in the eral rule of paragraph (a) of this sec-
foreign language. tion are provided by §§ 801.30, 801.45, and
801.128(f)(2), and § 801.55 provides a
[41 FR 6896, Feb. 13, 1976, as amended at 81 means to request an exception or alter-
FR 38930, June 15, 2016] native not provided by those provi-
§ 801.16 Medical devices; Spanish-lan-
guage version of certain required [78 FR 58818, Sept. 24, 2013]
If devices restricted to prescription § 801.30 General exceptions from the
use only are labeled solely in Spanish requirement for the label of a de-
for distribution in the Commonwealth vice to bear a unique device identi-
of Puerto Rico where Spanish is the
predominant language, such labeling is (a) In general. The following types of
authorized under § 801.15(c). devices are excepted from the require-
ment of § 801.20; a device within one or
§ 801.18 Format of dates provided on a more of the following exceptions is not
medical device label. required to bear a unique device identi-
(a) In general. Whenever the label of a fier (UDI):
medical device includes a printed expi- (1) A finished device manufactured
ration date, date of manufacture, or and labeled prior to the compliance
any other date intended to be brought date established by FDA for § 801.20 re-
to the attention of the user of the de- garding the device. This exception ex-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
vice, the date must be presented in the pires with regard to a particular device
following format: The year, using four 3 years after the compliance date es-
digits; followed by the month, using tablished by FDA for the device.
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§ 801.35 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(2) A class I device that FDA has by (2) A device constituent of such a
regulation exempted from the good combination product whose compo-
manufacturing practice requirements nents are physically, chemically, or
of part 820 of this chapter, exclusive of otherwise combined or mixed and pro-
any continuing requirement for record- duced as a single entity as described by
keeping under §§ 820.180 and 820.198. § 3.2(e)(1) of this chapter is not subject
(3) Individual single-use devices, all to the requirements of § 801.20.
of a single version or model, that are (3) Each device constituent of such a
distributed together in a single device combination product, other than one
package, intended to be stored in that described by § 3.2(e)(1) of this chapter,
device package until removed for use, must bear a UDI on its label unless
and which are not intended for indi- paragraph (a)(11) of this section ap-
vidual commercial distribution. This plies.
exception is not available for any (c) Exception for shipping containers.
implantable device. The device package This rule does not require a UDI to be
containing these individual devices is placed on any shipping container.
not excepted from the requirement of (d) The UDI of a class I device is not
§ 801.20, and must bear a UDI. required to include a production identi-
(4) A device used solely for research, fier.
teaching, or chemical analysis, and not
intended for any clinical use. [78 FR 58818, Sept. 24, 2013]
(5) A custom device within the mean-
ing of § 812.3(b) of this chapter. § 801.35 Voluntary labeling of a device
with a unique device identifier.
(6) An investigational device within
the meaning of part 812 of this chapter. (a) The labeler of a device that is not
(7) A veterinary medical device not required to bear a unique device identi-
intended for use in the diagnosis of dis- fier (UDI) may voluntarily comply with
ease or other conditions in man, in the § 801.20. If a labeler voluntarily includes
cure, mitigation, treatment, or preven- a UDI for a device, the labeler may vol-
tion of disease in man, or intended to untarily provide information con-
affect the structure or any function of cerning the device under subpart E of
the body of man. part 830 of this chapter.
(8) A device intended for export from (b) A device may bear both a Uni-
the United States. versal Product Code (UPC) and a UDI
(9) A device held by the Strategic Na- on its label and packages.
tional Stockpile and granted an excep-
[78 FR 58818, Sept. 24, 2013]
tion or alternative under § 801.128(f)(2).
(10) A device for which FDA has es-
§ 801.40 Form of a unique device iden-
tablished a performance standard tifier.
under section 514(b) of the Federal
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and has (a) Every unique device identifier
provided therein an exception from the (UDI) must meet the technical require-
requirement of § 801.20, or for which ments of § 830.20 of this chapter. The
FDA has recognized all or part of a per- UDI must be presented in two forms:
formance standard under section 514(c) (1) Easily readable plain-text, and
of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cos- (2) Automatic identification and data
metic Act and has included an excep- capture (AIDC) technology.
tion from the requirement of § 801.20 (b) The UDI must include a device
within the scope of that recognition. identifier segment. Whenever a device
(11) A device packaged within the im- label includes a lot or batch number, a
mediate container of a combination serial number, a manufacturing date,
product or convenience kit, provided an expiration date, or for a human cell,
that the label of the combination prod- tissue, or cellular or tissue-based prod-
uct or convenience kit bears a UDI. uct (HCT/P) regulated as a device, a
(b) National Drug Code (NDC) Numbers. distinct identification code as required
If a combination product properly by § 1271.290(c) of this chapter, the UDI
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 801.55
(c) If the AIDC technology is not evi- (e) Exception to be noted in design his-
dent upon visual examination of the tory file. A labeler that decides to make
label or device package, the label or de- use of an exception under paragraph (d
vice package must disclose the pres- of this section) must document the
ence of AIDC technology. basis of that decision in the design his-
(d) A class I device that bears a Uni- tory file required by § 820.30(j) of this
versal Product Code (UPC) on its label chapter.
and device packages is deemed to meet
[78 FR 58818, Sept. 24, 2013]
all requirements of subpart B of this
part. The UPC will serve as the unique § 801.50 Labeling requirements for
device identifier required by § 801.20. stand-alone software.
[78 FR 58818, Sept. 24, 2013] (a) Stand-alone software that is not
distributed in packaged form (e.g.,
§ 801.45 Devices that must be directly
marked with a unique device iden- when downloaded from a Web site) is
tifier. deemed to meet the UDI labeling re-
quirements of this subpart if it com-
(a) In general. A device that must plies with the requirements of para-
bear a unique device identifier (UDI) on graph (b) of this section and conveys
its label must also bear a permanent the version number in its production
marking providing the UDI on the de- identifier.
vice itself if the device is intended to (b) Regardless of whether it is or is
be used more than once and intended to not distributed in packaged form,
be reprocessed before each use. stand-alone software regulated as a
(b) UDI for direct marking. The UDI medical device must provide its unique
provided through a direct marking on a device identifier through either or both
device may be: of the following:
(1) Identical to the UDI that appears
(1) An easily readable plain-text
on the label of the device, or
statement displayed whenever the soft-
(2) A different UDI used to distin- ware is started;
guish the unpackaged device from any
(2) An easily readable plain-text
device package containing the device.
statement displayed through a menu
(c) Form of a UDI when provided as a command (e.g., an ‘‘About * * *’’ com-
direct marking. When a device must bear mand).
a UDI as a direct marking, the UDI
(c) Stand-alone software that is dis-
may be provided through either or both
tributed in both packaged form and in
of the following:
a form that is not packaged (e.g., when
(1) Easily readable plain-text;
downloaded from a Web site) may be
(2) Automatic identification and data identified with the same device identi-
capture (AIDC) technology, or any al- fier.
ternative technology, that will provide
the UDI of the device on demand. [78 FR 58818, Sept. 24, 2013]
(d) Exceptions. The requirement of
paragraph (a) of this section shall not § 801.55 Request for an exception from
apply to any device that meets any of or alternative to a unique device
the following criteria: identifier requirement.
(1) Any type of direct marking would (a) A labeler may submit a request
interfere with the safety or effective- for an exception from or alternative to
ness of the device; the requirement of § 801.20 or any other
(2) The device cannot be directly requirement of this subpart for a speci-
marked because it is not techno- fied device or a specified type of device.
logically feasible; A written request for an exception or
(3) The device is a single-use device alternative must:
and is subjected to additional proc- (1) Identify the device or devices that
essing and manufacturing for the pur- would be subject to the exception or al-
pose of an additional single use. ternative;
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
(4) The device has been previously (2) Identify the provisions of this sub-
marked under paragraph (a) of this sec- part that are the subject of the request
tion. for an exception or alternative;
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§ 801.57 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(3) If requesting an exception, explain fication of the device through its dis-
why you believe the requirements of tribution and use. Any labeler may
this subpart are not technologically make use of an exception or alter-
feasible; native granted under this section, pro-
(4) If requesting an alternative, de- vided that such use satisfies all safe-
scribe the alternative and explain why guards or conditions that are part of
it would provide for more accurate, the exception or alternative.
precise, or rapid device identification (d) FDA may initiate and grant an
than the requirements of this subpart exception or alternative if we deter-
or how the alternative would better en- mine that the exception or alternative
sure the safety or effectiveness of the is in the best interest of the public
device that would be subject to the al- health. Any such exception or alter-
native will remain in effect only so
(5) Provide, if known, the number of
long as there remains a public health
labelers and the number of devices that
need for the exception or alternative.
would be affected if we grant the re-
quested exception or alternative; and (e) The Center Director may rescind
(6) Provide other requested informa- an exception or alternative granted
tion that the Center Director needs to under this section if, after providing an
clarify the scope and effects of the re- opportunity for an informal hearing as
quested exception or alternative. defined in section 201(x) of the Federal
(b) A written request for an exception Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and
or alternative must be submitted by under part 16 of this chapter, the Cen-
sending it: ter Director determines that the excep-
(1) If the device is regulated by the tion or alternative no longer satisfies
Center for Biologics Evaluation and the criteria described in this paragraph
Research (CBER), by email to: (e) or that any safeguard or condition
[email protected] or by cor- required under this paragraph (e) has
respondence to: Food and Drug Admin- not been met.
istration, Center for Biologics Evalua-
[78 FR 58818, Sept. 24, 2013, as amended at 80
tion and Research, Document Control FR 18093, Apr. 3, 2015; 81 FR 11428, Mar. 4,
Center, 10903 New Hampshire Ave., 2016; 85 FR 18441, Apr. 2, 2020]
Bldg. 71, Rm. G112, Silver Spring, MD
20993. § 801.57 Discontinuation of legacy FDA
(2) In all other cases, by email to: identification numbers assigned to
[email protected], or by cor- devices.
respondence to: UDI Regulatory Policy (a) On the date your device must bear
Support, Center for Devices and Radio- a unique device identifier (UDI) on its
logical Health, Food and Drug Admin- label, any National Health-Related
istration, 10903 New Hampshire Ave.,
Item Code (NHRIC) or National Drug
Bldg. 32, Rm. 3293, Silver Spring, MD
Code (NDC) number assigned to that
device is rescinded, and you may no
(c) The Center Director may grant an
longer provide an NHRIC or NDC num-
exception or alternative, either in re-
ber on the label of your device or on
sponse to a request or on his or her own
initiative, if the Center Director deter- any device package.
mines that an exception is appropriate (b) If your device is not required to
because the requirements of this sub- bear a UDI on its label, any NHRIC or
part are not technologically feasible, NDC number assigned to that device is
or that an alternative would provide rescinded as of September 24, 2018, and
for more accurate, precise, or rapid de- beginning on that date, you may no
vice identification than the require- longer provide an NHRIC or NDC num-
ments of this subpart or would better ber of the label of your device or on
ensure the safety or effectiveness of any device package.
the device that would be subject to the (c) A labeler who has been assigned
alternative. If we grant an exception or an FDA labeler code to facilitate use of
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
alternative, we may include any safe- NHRIC or NDC numbers may continue
guards or conditions deemed appro- to use that labeler code under a system
priate to ensure the adequate identi- for the issuance of UDIs, provided that—
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 801.61
(1) Such use is consistent with the tents for all packages of substantially
framework of the issuing agency that the same size, the term area of the prin-
operates that system; and cipal display panel means the area of
(2) No later than September 24, 2014, the side or surface that bears the prin-
the labeler submits, and obtains FDA cipal display panel, which area shall
approval of, a request for continued use be:
of the assigned labeler code. A request (a) In the case of a rectangular pack-
for continued use of an assigned labeler age where one entire side properly can
code must be submitted by email to: be considered to be the principal dis-
[email protected], or by cor- play panel side, the product of the
respondence to: UDI Regulatory Policy height times the width of that side;
Support, Center for Devices and Radio- (b) In the case of a cylindrical or
logical Health, Food and Drug Admin- nearly cylindrical container, 40 percent
istration, 10903 New Hampshire Ave., of the product of the height of the con-
Bldg. 32, Rm. 3293, Silver Spring, MD tainer times the circumference; and
(c) In the case of any other shape of
(d) Each request for continued use of
container, 40 percent of the total sur-
an assigned labeler code must provide—
face of the container: Provided, how-
(1) The name, mailing address, email
ever, That where such container pre-
address, and phone number of the label-
sents an obvious ‘‘principal display
er who is currently using the labeler
panel’’ such as the top of a triangular
or circular package, the area shall con-
(2) The owner/operator account iden-
tification used by the labeler to submit sist of the entire top surface.
registration and listing information In determining the area of the prin-
using FDA’s Unified Registration and cipal display panel, exclude tops, bot-
Listing System (FURLS). toms, flanges at the tops and bottoms
(3) The FDA labeler code that the la- of cans, and shoulders and necks of bot-
beler wants to continue using. tles or jars. In the case of cylindrical
or nearly cylindrical containers, infor-
[78 FR 58820, Sept. 24, 2013, as amended at 81
FR 11428, Mar. 4, 2016; 85 FR 18441, Apr. 2, mation required by this part to appear
2020] on the principal display panel shall ap-
pear within that 40 percent of the cir-
Subpart C—Labeling Require- cumference which is most likely to be
displayed, presented, shown, or exam-
ments for Over-the-Counter ined under customary conditions of dis-
Devices play for retail sale.
§ 801.60 Principal display panel.
§ 801.61 Statement of identity.
The term principal display panel, as it
(a) The principal display panel of an
applies to over-the-counter devices in
package form and as used in this part, over-the-counter device in package
means the part of a label that is most form shall bear as one of its principal
likely to be displayed, presented, features a statement of the identity of
shown, or examined under customary the commodity.
conditions of display for retail sale. (b) Such statement of identity shall
The principal display panel shall be be in terms of the common name of the
large enough to accommodate all the device followed by an accurate state-
mandatory label information required ment of the principal intended ac-
to be placed thereon by this part with tion(s) of the device. Such statement
clarity and conspicuousness and with- shall be placed in direct conjunction
out obscuring designs, vignettes, or with the most prominent display of the
crowding. Where packages bear alter- name and shall employ terms descrip-
nate principal display panels, informa- tive of the principal intended action(s).
tion required to be placed on the prin- The indications for use shall be in-
cipal display panel shall be duplicated cluded in the directions for use of the
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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§ 801.62 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(c) The statement of identity shall be at 68 °F (20 °C). See also paragraph (p)
presented in bold face type on the prin- of this section.
cipal display panel, shall be in a size (c) The declaration may contain com-
reasonably related to the most promi- mon or decimal fractions. A common
nent printed matter on such panel, and fraction shall be in terms of halves,
shall be in lines generally parallel to quarters, eighths, sixteenths, or thirty-
the base on which the package rests as seconds; except that if there exists a
it is designed to be displayed. firmly established, general consumer
usage and trade custom of employing
§ 801.62 Declaration of net quantity of different common fractions in the net
contents. quantity declaration of a particular
(a) The label of an over-the-counter commodity, they may be employed. A
device in package form shall bear a common fraction shall be reduced to
declaration of the net quantity of con- its lowest terms; a decimal fraction
tents. This shall be expressed in the shall not be carried out to more than
terms of weight, measure, numerical two places. A statement that includes
count, or a combination of numerical small fractions of an ounce shall be
count and weight, measure, or size: deemed to permit smaller variations
Provided, That: than one which does not include such
(1) In the case of a firmly established fractions.
general consumer usage and trade cus- (d) The declaration shall be located
on the principal display panel of the
tom of declaring the quantity of a de-
label, and with respect to packages
vice in terms of linear measure or
bearing alternate principal panels it
measure of area, such respective term
shall be duplicated on each principal
may be used. Such term shall be aug-
display panel.
mented when necessary for accuracy of
(e) The declaration shall appear as a
information by a statement of the
distinct item on the principal display
weight, measure, or size of the indi-
panel, shall be separated, by at least a
vidual units or of the entire device.
space equal to the height of the let-
(2) If the declaration of contents for a tering used in the declaration, from
device by numerical count does not other printed label information appear-
give accurate information as to the ing above or below the declaration and,
quantity of the device in the package, by at least a space equal to twice the
it shall be augmented by such state- width of the letter ‘‘N’’ of the style of
ment of weight, measure, or size of the type used in the quantity of contents
individual units or of the total weight, statement, from other printed label in-
measure, or size of the device as will formation appearing to the left or right
give such information; for example, of the declaration. It shall not include
‘‘100 tongue depressors, adult size’’, ‘‘1 any term qualifying a unit of weight,
rectal syringe, adult size’’, etc. When- measure, or count, such as ‘‘giant pint’’
ever the Commissioner determines for and ‘‘full quart’’, that tends to exag-
a specific packaged device that an ex- gerate. It shall be placed on the prin-
isting practice of declaring net quan- cipal display panel within the bottom
tity of contents by weight, measure, 30 percent of the area of the label panel
numerical count, or a combination of in lines generally parallel to the base
these does not facilitate value on which the package rests as it is de-
comparisions by consumers, he shall by signed to be displayed: Provided, That:
regulation designate the appropriate (1) On packages having a principal
term or terms to be used for such arti- display panel of 5 square inches or less
cle. the requirement for placement within
(b) Statements of weight of the con- the bottom 30 percent of the area of the
tents shall be expressed in terms of av- label panel shall not apply when the
oirdupois pound and ounce. A state- declaration of net quantity of contents
ment of liquid measure of the contents meets the other requirements of this
shall be expressed in terms of the U.S. part; and
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
gallon of 231 cubic inches and quart, (2) In the case of a device that is mar-
pint, and fluid-ounce subdivisions keted with both outer and inner retail
thereof, and shall express the volume containers bearing the mandatory label
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 801.62
information required by this part and than 5 but not more than 25 square
the inner container is not intended to inches.
be sold separately, the net quantity of (3) Not less than three-sixteenths
contents placement requirement of this inch in height on packages the prin-
section applicable to such inner con- cipal display panel of which has an
tainer is waived. area of more than 25 but not more than
(3) The principal display panel of a 100 square inches.
device marketed on a display card to (4) Not less than one-fourth inch in
which the immediate container is af- height on packages the principal dis-
fixed may be considered to be the dis- play panel of which has an area of more
play panel of the card, and the type than 100 square inches, except not less
size of the net quantity of contents than one-half inch in height if the area
statement is governed by the dimen- is more than 400 square inches.
sions of the display card. Where the declaration is blown, em-
(f) The declaration shall accurately bossed, or molded on a glass or plastic
reveal the quantity of device in the surface rather than by printing, typ-
package exclusive of wrappers and ing, or coloring, the lettering sizes
other material packed therewith. specified in paragraphs (h)(1) through
(g) The declaration shall appear in (4) of this section shall be increased by
conspicuous and easily legible boldface one-sixteenth of an inch.
print or type in distinct contrast (by (i) On packages containing less than
typography, layout, color, embossing, 4 pounds or 1 gallon and labeled in
or molding) to other matter on the terms of weight or fluid measure:
package; except that a declaration of (1) The declaration shall be expressed
net quantity blown, embossed, or mold- both in ounces, with identification by
ed on a glass or plastic surface is per- weight or by liquid measure and, if ap-
missible when all label information is plicable (1 pound or 1 pint or more) fol-
so formed on the surface. Requirements lowed in parentheses by a declaration
of conspicuousness and legibility shall in pounds for weight units, with any re-
include the specifications that: mainder in terms of ounces or common
or decimal fractions of the pound (see
(1) The ratio of height to width of the
examples set forth in paragraphs (k) (1)
letter shall not exceed a differential of
and (2) of this section), or in the case of
3 units to 1 unit, i.e., no more than 3
liquid measure, in the largest whole
times as high as it is wide.
units (quarts, quarts and pints, or
(2) Letter heights pertain to upper pints, as appropriate) with any remain-
case or capital letters. When upper and der in terms of fluid ounces or common
lower case or all lower case letters are or decimal fractions of the pint or
used, it is the lower case letter ‘‘o’’ or quart (see examples set forth in para-
its equivalent that shall meet the min- graphs (k) (3) and (4) of this section). If
imum standards. the net weight of the package is less
(3) When fractions are used, each than 1 ounce avoirdupois or the net
component numeral shall meet one- fluid measure is less than 1 fluid ounce,
half the minimum height standards. the declaration shall be in terms of
(h) The declaration shall be in letters common or decimal fractions of the re-
and numerals in a type size established spective ounce and not in terms of
in relationship to the area of the prin- drams.
cipal display panel of the package and (2) The declaration may appear in
shall be uniform for all packages of more than one line. The term ‘‘net
substantially the same size by com- weight’’ shall be used when stating the
plying with the following type speci- net quantity of contents in terms of
fications: weight. Use of the terms ‘‘net’’ or ‘‘net
(1) Not less than one-sixteenth inch contents’’ in terms of fluid measure or
in height on packages the principal dis- numerical count is optional. It is suffi-
play panel of which has an area of 5 cient to distinguish avoirdupois ounce
square inches or less. from fluid ounce through association of
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
(2) Not less than one-eighth inch in terms; for example, ‘‘Net wt. 6 oz’’ or
height on packages the principal dis- ‘‘6 oz net wt.,’’ and ‘‘6 fl oz’’ or ‘‘net
play panel of which has an area of more contents 6 fl oz.’’
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§ 801.62 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
largest whole units (yards, yards and of the package. Reasonable variations
feet, feet). The declaration in terms of caused by loss or gain of moisture dur-
the largest whole units shall be in pa- ing the course of good distribution
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 801.109
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§ 801.110 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
practice, with labeling bearing the tion is made to a person in whose pos-
name and address of such licensed prac- session the article is not exempt, or is
titioner and the directions for use and made for any purpose other than those
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 801.128
specified, such exemption shall expire, (i) Identify the specified lots,
with respect to such shipment or deliv- batches, or other units of the medical
ery or part thereof, at the beginning of device that would be subject to the ex-
that shipment or delivery. The causing ception or alternative;
of an exemption to expire shall be con- (ii) Identify the labeling provision(s)
sidered an act which results in such de- listed in paragraph (f) of this section
vice being misbranded unless it is dis- that are the subject of the exception or
posed of under circumstances in which alternative request;
it ceases to be a drug or device. (iii) Explain why compliance with
(b) The exemptions conferred by the labeling provision(s) could ad-
§§ 801.119, 801.122, and 801.125 shall con- versely affect the safety, effectiveness,
tinue until the devices are used for the or availability of the specified lots,
purposes for which they are exempted, batches, or other units of a medical de-
or until they are relabeled to comply vice that are or will be held in the
with section 502(f)(1) of the act. If, how- Strategic National Stockpile;
ever, the device is converted, or manu- (iv) Describe any proposed safeguards
factured into a form limited to pre- or conditions that will be implemented
scription dispensing, no exemption so that the labeling of the device in-
shall thereafter apply to the article un- cludes appropriate information nec-
less the device is labeled as required by essary for the safe and effective use of
§ 801.109. the device, given the anticipated cir-
cumstances of use of the device;
§ 801.128 Exceptions or alternatives to (v) Provide a draft of the proposed la-
labeling requirements for medical beling of the specified lots, batches, or
devices held by the Strategic Na- other units of the medical device sub-
tional Stockpile. ject to the exception or alternative;
(a) The appropriate FDA Center Di- and
rector may grant an exception or alter- (vi) Provide any other information
native to any provision listed in para- requested by the Center Director in
support of the request.
graph (f) of this section and not explic-
(c) The Center Director must respond
itly required by statute, for specified
in writing to all requests under this
lots, batches, or other units of a med-
section. The Center Director may im-
ical device, if the Center Director de-
pose appropriate conditions when
termines that compliance with such la-
granting such an exception or alter-
beling requirement could adversely af-
native under this section.
fect the safety, effectiveness, or avail-
(d) A grant of an exception or alter-
ability of such devices that are or will
native under this section will include
be included in the Strategic National
any safeguards or conditions deemed
appropriate by the Center Director so
(b)(1)(i) A Strategic National Stock- that the labeling of devices subject to
pile official or any entity that manu- the exception or alternative includes
factures (including labeling, packing, the information necessary for the safe
relabeling, or repackaging), distrib- and effective use of the device, given
utes, or stores devices that are or will the anticipated circumstances of use.
be included in the Strategic National (e) If the Center Director grants a re-
Stockpile may submit, with written quest for an exception or alternative to
concurrence from a Strategic National the labeling requirements under this
Stockpile official, a written request for section:
an exception or alternative described (1) The Center Director may deter-
in paragraph (a) of this section to the mine that the submission and grant of
Center Director. a written request under this section
(ii) The Center Director may grant satisfies the provisions relating to pre-
an exception or alternative described market notification submissions under
in paragraph (a) of this section on his § 807.81(a)(3) of this chapter.
or her own initiative. (2)(i) For a Premarket Approval Ap-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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§ 801.150 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
the case may be, of such device in such Food and Drug Administration will ini-
establishment as will insure, if such tiate no regulatory action against the
specifications are followed, that such device as misbranded or adulterated
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 801.405
safety of denture reliners, repair kits, lead to faster bone loss, continuing ir-
pads, cushions, and other articles mar- ritation, sores, and tumors. For Use
keted and labeled for lay use in the re- Only Until a Dentist Can Be Seen.’’
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§ 801.410 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(c) Adequate directions for use re- to the claims of usefulness will be re-
quire full information of the temporary garded as false and misleading under
and emergency use recommended in sections 201(n) and 502(a) of the Federal
order for the layman to understand the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
limitations of usefulness, the reasons (e) Regulatory action may be initi-
therefor, and the importance of adher- ated with respect to any article found
ing to the warnings. Accordingly, the within the jurisdiction of the act con-
labeling should contain substantially trary to the provisions of this policy
the following information: statement after 90 days following the
(1) For denture repair kits: Special date of publication of this section in
training and tools are needed to repair the FEDERAL REGISTER.
dentures to fit properly. Home-repaired
dentures may cause irritation to the § 801.410 Use of impact-resistant
gums and discomfort and tiredness lenses in eyeglasses and sunglasses.
while eating. Long term use may lead (a) Examination of data available on
to more troubles, even permanent the frequency of eye injuries resulting
changes in bones, teeth, and gums, from the shattering of ordinary crown
which may make it impossible to wear glass lenses indicates that the use of
dentures in the future. For these rea- such lenses constitutes an avoidable
sons, dentures repaired with this kit hazard to the eye of the wearer.
should be used only in an emergency (b) The consensus of the ophthalmic
until a dentist can be seen. Dentures community is that the number of eye
that don’t fit properly cause irritation injuries would be substantially reduced
and injury to the gums and faster bone by the use in eyeglasses and sunglasses
loss, which is permanent. Dentures of impact-resistant lenses.
that don’t fit properly cause gum (c)(1) To protect the public more ade-
changes that may require surgery for quately from potential eye injury, eye-
correction. Continuing irritation and glasses and sunglasses must be fitted
injury may lead to cancer in the with impact-resistant lenses, except in
mouth. You must see your dentist as those cases where the physician or op-
soon as possible. tometrist finds that such lenses will
(2) For denture reliners, pads, and not fulfill the visual requirements of
cushions: Use of these preparations or the particular patient, directs in writ-
devices may temporarily decrease the ing the use of other lenses, and gives
discomfort; however, their use will not written notification thereof to the pa-
make the denture fit properly. Special tient.
training and tools are needed to repair (2) The physician or optometrist
a denture to fit properly. Dentures that shall have the option of ordering glass
do not fit properly cause irritation and lenses, plastic lenses, or laminated
injury to the gums and faster bone glass lenses made impact resistant by
loss, which is permanent and may re- any method; however, all such lenses
quire a completely new denture. shall be capable of withstanding the
Changes in the gums caused by den- impact test described in paragraph
tures that do not fit properly may re- (d)(2) of this section.
quire surgery for correction. Con- (3) Each finished impact-resistant
tinuing irritation and injury may lead glass lens for prescription use shall be
to cancer in the mouth. You must see individually tested for impact resist-
your dentist as soon as possible. ance and shall be capable of with-
(3) If the denture relining or repair- standing the impact test described in
ing material forms a permanent bond paragraph (d)(2) of this section. Raised
with the denture, a warning statement multifocal lenses shall be impact re-
to the following effect should be in- sistant but need not be tested beyond
cluded: ‘‘This reliner becomes fixed to initial design testing. Prism segment
the denture and a completely new den- multifocal, slab-off prism, lenticular
ture may be required because of its cataract, iseikonic, depressed segment
use.’’ one-piece multifocal, bioconcave,
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
(d) Labeling claims exaggerating the myodisc and minus lenticular, custom
usefulness or the safety of the material laminate and cemented assembly
or failing to disclose all facts relevant lenses shall be impact resistant but
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 801.410
need not be subjected to impact test- a laminar layer, if any, and across a
ing. To demonstrate that all other complete diameter into two or more
types of impact-resistant lenses, in- separate pieces, or if any lens material
cluding impact-resistant laminated visible to the naked eyes becomes de-
glass lenses (i.e., lenses other than tached from the ocular surface. The
those described in the three preceding test shall be conducted with the lens
sentences of this paragraph (c)(3)), are supported by a tube (1-inch inside di-
capable of withstanding the impact ameter, 11⁄4-inch outside diameter, and
test described in this regulation, the approximately 1-inch high) affixed to a
manufacturer of these lenses shall sub- rigid iron or steel base plate. The total
ject to an impact test a statistically weight of the base plate and its rigidly
significant sampling of lenses from attached fixtures shall be not less than
each production batch, and the lenses 27 pounds. For lenses of small min-
so tested shall be representative of the imum diameter, a support tube having
finished forms as worn by the wearer, an outside diameter of less than 11⁄4
including finished forms that are of inches may be used. The support tube
minimal lens thickness and have been shall be made of rigid acrylic plastic,
subjected to any treatment used to im- steel, or other suitable substance and
part impact resistance. All non- shall have securely bonded on the top
prescription lenses and plastic pre- edge a 1⁄8- by 1⁄8-inch neoprene gasket
scription lenses tested on the basis of having a hardness of 40 ±5, as deter-
statistical significance shall be tested mined by ASTM Method D 1415–88,
in uncut-finished or finished form. ‘‘Standard Test Method for Rubber
(d)(1) For the purpose of this regula- Property—International Hardness’’ a
tion, the impact test described in para- minimum tensile strength of 1,200
graph (d)(2) of this section shall be the pounds, as determined by ASTM Meth-
‘‘referee test,’’ defined as ‘‘one which od D 412–98A, ‘‘Standard Test Methods
will be utilized to determine compli- for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermo-
ance with a regulation.’’ The referee plastic Elastomers—Tension,’’ and a
test provides the Food and Drug Ad- minimum ultimate elongation of 400
ministration with the means of exam- percent, as determined by ASTM Meth-
ining a medical device for performance od D 412–68 (Both methods are incor-
and does not inhibit the manufacturer porated by reference and are available
from using equal or superior test meth- from the American Society for Testing
ods. A lens manufacturer shall conduct Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Dr., West
tests of lenses using the impact test de- Conshohocken, Philadelphia, PA 19428,
scribed in paragraph (d)(2) of this sec- or available for inspection at the Cen-
tion or any equal or superior test. ter for Devices and Radiological
Whatever test is used, the lenses shall Health’s Library, 9200 Corporate Blvd.,
be capable of withstanding the impact Rockville, MD 20850, or at the National
test described in paragraph (d)(2) of Archives and Records Administration
this section if the Food and Drug Ad- (NARA). For information on the avail-
ministration examines them for per- ability of this material at NARA, call
formance. 202–741–6030, or go to: http://
(2) In the impact test, a 5⁄8-inch steel
ball weighing approximately 0.56 ounce code_of_federal_regulations/
is dropped from a height of 50 inches ibr_locations.html. The diameter or con-
upon the horizontal upper surface of tour of the lens support may be modi-
the lens. The ball shall strike within a fied as necessary so that the 1⁄8- by 1⁄8-
5⁄8-inch diameter circle located at the inch neoprene gasket supports the lens
geometric center of the lens. The ball at its periphery.
may be guided but not restricted in its (e) Copies of invoice(s), shipping doc-
fall by being dropped through a tube ument(s), and records of sale or dis-
extending to within approximately 4 tribution of all impact resistant lenses,
inches of the lens. To pass the test, the including finished eyeglasses and sun-
lens must not fracture; for the purpose glasses, shall be kept and maintained
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
of this section, a lens will be consid- for a period of 3 years; however, the
ered to have fractured if it cracks names and addresses of individuals pur-
through its entire thickness, including chasing nonprescription eyeglasses and
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§ 801.415 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
known useful medical application in part per million by volume of air circu-
specific, adjunctive, or preventive ther- lating through the device) as estab-
apy. In order for ozone to be effective lished herein and the smallest area in
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 801.422
which such device can be used so as not gaged in the sale of hearing aids to any
to produce an ozone accumulation in member of the consuming public or any
excess of 0.05 part per million. employee, agent, salesperson, and/or
(4) In any medical condition for representative of such a person.
which there is no proof of safety and ef- Hearing aid. A hearing aid is any
fectiveness. wearable device designed for, offered
(5) To generate ozone at a level less for the purpose of, or represented as
than 0.05 part per million by volume of aiding persons with or compensating
air circulating through the device and for, impaired hearing.
it is labeled for use as a germicide or Prescription hearing aid. A prescrip-
deodorizer. tion hearing aid is a hearing aid that is
(d) This section does not affect the not an over-the-counter (OTC) hearing
present threshold limit value of 0.10 aid as defined in § 800.30 of this chapter
part per million (0.2 milligram per or a hearing aid that does not satisfy
cubic meter) of ozone exposure for an 8- the requirements in § 800.30 of this
hour-day exposure of industrial work- chapter.
ers as recommended by the American
Rebuilt hearing aid. A prescription
Conference of Governmental Industrial
hearing aid is ‘‘rebuilt’’ if the manufac-
turer has inspected and tested the de-
(e) The method and apparatus speci-
vice, made any necessary modifications
fied in 40 CFR part 50, or any other
to ensure it meets applicable regu-
equally sensitive and accurate method,
latory requirements, including the re-
may be employed in measuring ozone
pursuant to this section. quirements in this section, and ade-
quately reprocessed the device for the
§ 801.417 Chlorofluorocarbon propel- next user.
lants. Sale. Sale includes a lease, rental, or
The use of chlorofluorocarbon in de- any other purchase or exchange for
vices as propellants in self-pressurized value.
containers is generally prohibited ex- Used hearing aid. A hearing aid is
cept as provided in § 2.125 of this chap- ‘‘used’’ if a user has worn it for any pe-
ter. riod of time. However, a hearing aid
shall not be ‘‘used’’ merely because a
[43 FR 11318, Mar. 17, 1978]
prospective user wore it as part of a
§ 801.422 Prescription hearing aid la- bona fide hearing aid evaluation to de-
beling. termine whether to select that par-
ticular hearing aid for that prospective
(a) Scope. This section specifies the
user. A hearing aid evaluation is ‘‘bona
labeling requirements for prescription
fide’’ if it was conducted in the pres-
hearing aids. Any hearing aid that does
ence of the dispenser or a hearing
not satisfy the requirements of § 800.30
health professional selected by the dis-
of this chapter shall be a prescription
penser to assist the prospective user in
device. Unless otherwise specified, the
making a determination.
requirements in this section are in ad-
dition to other applicable require- (c) Labeling. A prescription hearing
ments, including but not limited to aid shall bear all of the following label-
special controls found in the applicable ing:
classification regulation in part 874 of (1) Outside package labeling. The out-
this chapter. This section does not side package of a prescription hearing
apply to group auditory trainers. aid shall bear all of the following:
(b) Definitions for the purposes of this (i) Warnings and other important infor-
section. This section uses the following mation. All of the following shall ap-
definitions: pear on the outside package:
Dispenser. A dispenser is any person, (A) Warning against use in people
as defined in section 201(e) of the Fed- younger than 18 without prior medical
eral Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, en- evaluation.
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§ 801.422 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 801.422
whether a mobile device or other non- site or customer registration and with-
included control platform is required. out requiring purchase of any product
The indication must include the type or service. The user instructional bro-
of platform and how the platform con- chure shall include all of the following:
nects to the device. (i) The following warnings, which
(2) Labeling, inside the package. The shall appear in the following order and
manufacturer or distributor of a pre- prior to any content except the cover
scription hearing aid shall include a page:
user instructional brochure inside the (A) Warning against use in people
package and shall make an electronic younger than 18 without prior medical
version available for download without evaluation.
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§ 801.422 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(D) Additional warnings. Any addi- (ii) The following cautions and no-
tional warnings the manufacturer may tices for users, which shall appear prior
include prior to the cautions and no- to any content, except the cover page
tices to users in paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of and the warnings under paragraph
this section. (c)(2)(i) of this section:
(A) Caution about hearing protection.
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 801.422
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§ 801.422 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(iii) An illustration(s) of the prescrip- user can clean, disinfect, and replace
tion hearing aid that indicates oper- parts or how to seek replacements, as
ating controls, user adjustments, and well as how to store the hearing aid
the battery compartment. when it will not be used for an ex-
(iv) Information on the function of tended period of time.
all controls intended for user adjust- (C) If the battery is replaceable or re-
ment. chargeable, how to replace or recharge
(v) A description of any accessory the battery, including a generic des-
that accompanies the prescription ignation of replacement batteries.
hearing aid, including but not limited (D) Expected battery life.
to wax guards, and accessories for use
(vii) Identification of any known
with a computer, television, or tele-
physiological side effects associated
with the use of the prescription hear-
(vi) Specific instructions for all of
the following: ing aid that may warrant consultation
(A) Use of the prescription hearing with a physician, referring to an ear-
aid with any accompanying acces- nose-throat doctor when preferable, in-
cluding if applicable, skin irritation
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
(B) Maintenance and care of the pre- and accelerated accumulation of ceru-
scription hearing aid, including how a men (ear wax).
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 801.422
(viii) The technical specifications re- that accompanies the device, including
quired by paragraph (c)(4) of this sec- all of the following:
tion unless such specifications appear (i) Saturation output curve (Satura-
in separate labeling accompanying the tion Sound Pressure Level (SSPL) 90
prescription hearing aid. curve).
(ix) A description of commonly oc- (ii) Frequency response curve.
curring, avoidable events that could (iii) Average saturation output (High
adversely affect or damage the pre- Frequency (HF)-Average SSPL 90).
scription hearing aid, including but not
(iv) Average full-on gain (HF-Average
limited to, as applicable, ear wax build-
up, drops, immersion in water, or expo- full-on gain).
sure to excessive heat. (v) Reference test gain.
(x) If the hearing aid incorporates (vi) Frequency range.
wireless technology in its program- (vii) Total harmonic distortion.
ming or use, appropriate warnings, in- (viii) Equivalent input noise.
structions, and information relating to (ix) Latency, measured using a meth-
electromagnetic compatibility and od that is accurate and repeatable to
wireless technology and human expo- within 1.5 ms.
sure to non-ionizing radiation. (x) Battery current drain.
(xi) Information on how and where to (xi) Induction coil sensitivity (tele-
obtain repair service or replacements, phone coil aids only).
including at least one specific address (xii) Input-output curve (only for
where the user can go or send the pre-
hearing aids with automatic gain con-
scription hearing aid to obtain such re-
pair service or replacements.
(xii) If clinical or non-clinical studies (xiii) Attack and release times (only
were conducted by or for the manufac- for hearing aids with automatic gain
turer to support the performance of the control).
prescription hearing aid, a summary of (5) Software device labeling. Prescrip-
all such studies. tion hearing aid software that is not
(3) Labeling on the device. The labeling distributed with the hearing aid or am-
on a prescription hearing aid itself plification platform shall meet all of
shall bear all of the following clearly the following labeling requirements.
and permanently, except as provided in With respect to the information re-
paragraph (c)(3)(iii) of this section: quired under paragraphs (c)(1) through
(i) The serial number. (4) of this section, the information
(ii) If the battery is removable, a ‘‘+’’ must be provided in the software device
symbol to indicate the positive ter- labeling, as specified in paragraphs
minal for battery insertion unless the (c)(5)(i) through (v) of this section,
battery’s physical design prevents in- rather than the locations (e.g., outside
serting the battery in the reversed po- package labeling) specified in para-
sition. graphs (c)(1) through (4).
(iii) If the prescription hearing aid is (i) Prior to first use of the software
used or rebuilt, the manufacturer shall
or obtaining payment information for
physically attach a removable tag to
the software, whichever occurs first,
the hearing aid declaring that fact.
(4) Technical specifications. You must the labeling must clearly and promi-
determine the technical specification nently present all of the following to
values for the prescription hearing aid the prospective user. For each, the la-
labeling in accordance with the test beling must remain visible until the
procedures of ANSI/ASA S3.22–2014 user dismisses it or proceeds to the
(R2020), except as provided in para- next step:
graph (c)(4)(ix) of this section for la- (A) Compatibility and minimum op-
tency. Technical specifications and erating requirements for the software
their associated values that are useful device.
in selecting, fitting, and checking the (B) Disclosures of any fees or pay-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
performance of the prescription hear- ments after first use or initial pay-
ing aid shall appear in the user instruc- ment, including but not limited to any
tional brochure or in separate labeling
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§ 801.430 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. This material vomiting, diarrhea, fainting or near
is available for inspection at the Food fainting when standing up, dizziness, or
and Drug Administration and at the a rash that looks like a sunburn;
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 801.430
(ii) What to do if these or other signs (2) The package label shall include an
of TSS appear, including the need to explanation of the ranges of absorb-
remove the tampon at once and seek ency and a description of how con-
medical attention immediately; sumers can use a range of absorbency,
(2) The risk of TSS to all women and its corresponding absorbency term,
using tampons during their menstrual to make comparisons of absorbency of
period, especially the reported higher tampons to allow selection of the tam-
risks to women under 30 years of age pons with the minimum absorbency
and teenage girls, the estimated inci- needed to control menstrual flow in
dence of TSS of 1 to 17 per 100,000 men- order to reduce the risk of contracting
struating women and girls per year, TSS.
and the risk of death from contracting (f) A manufacturer shall measure the
TSS; absorbency of individual tampons using
(3) The advisability of using tampons the test method specified in paragraph
with the minimum absorbency needed (f)(2) of this section and calculate the
to control menstrual flow in order to mean absorbency of a production run,
reduce the risk of contracting TSS; lot, or batch by rounding to the nearest
(4) Avoiding the risk of getting tam- 0.1 gram.
pon-associated TSS by not using tam- (1) A manufacturer shall design and
pons, and reducing the risk of getting implement a sampling plan that in-
TSS by alternating tampon use with cludes collection of probability sam-
sanitary napkin use during menstrual ples of adequate size to yield consistent
periods; and tolerance intervals such that the prob-
(5) The need to seek medical atten- ability is 90 percent that at least 90
tion before again using tampons if TSS percent of the absorbencies of indi-
warning signs have occurred in the vidual tampons within a brand and
past, or if women have any questions type are within the range of absorb-
about TSS or tampon use. ency stated on the package label.
(e) The statements required by para- (2) In the absorbency test, an
graph (e) of this section shall be promi- unlubricated condom, with tensile
nently and legibly placed on the pack- strength between 17 Mega Pascals
age label of menstrual tampons in con- (MPa) and 30 MPa, as measured accord-
formance with section 502(c) of the ing to the procedure in the American
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act Society for Testing and Materials
(the act) (unless the menstrual tam- (ASTM) D 3492–97, ‘‘Standard Specifica-
pons are exempt under paragraph (g) of tion for Rubber Contraceptives (Male
this section). Condoms)’’ 1 for determining tensile
(1) Menstrual tampon package labels strength, which is incorporated by ref-
shall bear one of the following absorb- erence in accordance with 5 U.S.C.
ency terms representing the absorb- 552(a), is attached to the large end of a
ency of the production run, lot, or glass chamber (or a chamber made
batch as measured by the test de- from hard transparent plastic) with a
scribed in paragraph (f)(2) of this sec- rubber band (see figure 1) and pushed
1The Director of the Federal Register ap-
Ranges of absorbency in Corresponding term of ab- proves this incorporation by reference in ac-
grams 1 sorbency
cordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part
6 and under Light absorbency 51. You may obtain a copy from the Amer-
ican Society for Testing and Materials Inter-
6 to 9 Regular absorbency national, 100 Barr Harbor Dr., P.O. Box C700,
West Conshohocken, PA 19428–2959, 610–832–
9 to 12 Super absorbency
9578, You may inspect a copy
12 to 15 Super plus absorbency at the FDA Main Library, 10903 New Hamp-
shire Ave., Bldg. 2, 3d floor, Silver Spring,
15 to 18 Ultra absorbency MD 20993–0002, 301–796–2039, or at the Na-
tional Archives and Records Administration
Above 18 No term
(NARA). For information on the availability
1These ranges are defined, respectively, as follows: Less
of this material at NARA, call 202–741–2139,
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
than or equal to 6 grams (g); greater than 6 g up to and in- or go to:
cluding 9 g; greater than 9 g up to and including 12 g; greater
than 12 g up to and including 15 g; greater than 15 g up to eral_register/code_of_federal_regulations/
and including 18 g; and greater than 18 g. ibr_locations.html.
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§ 801.430 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
through the small end of the chamber chloride, 0.5 gram Certified Reagent
using a smooth, finished rod. The Acid Fushsin, 1,000 milliliters distilled
condom is pulled through until all water) is then pumped through the in-
slack is removed. The tip of the fusion needle at a rate of 50 milliliters
condom is cut off and the remaining per hour. The test shall be terminated
end of the condom is stretched over the when the tampon is saturated and the
end of the tube and secured with a rub- first drop of fluid exits the apparatus.
ber band. A preweighed (to the nearest (The test result shall be discarded if
0.01 gram) tampon is placed within the fluid is detected in the folds of the
condom membrane so that the center
condom before the tampon is satu-
of gravity of the tampon is at the cen-
rated). The water is then drained and
ter of the chamber. An infusion needle
(14 gauge) is inserted through the sep- the tampon is removed and imme-
tum created by the condom tip until it diately weighed to the nearest 0.01
contacts the end of the tampon. The gram. The absorbency of the tampon is
outer chamber is filled with water determined by subtracting its dry
pumped from a temperature-controlled weight from this value. The condom
waterbath to maintain the average shall be replaced after 10 tests or at the
temperature at 27±1 °C. The water re- end of the day during which the
turns to the waterbath as shown in fig- condom is used in testing, whichever
ure 2. Syngyna fluid (10 grams sodium occurs first.
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 801.430
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§ 801.430 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(3) The Food and Drug Administra- test method specified in this section if
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
tion may permit the use of an absorb- each of the following conditions is met:
ency test method different from the (i) The manufacturer presents evi-
dence, in the form of a citizen petition
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 801.433
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§ 801.435 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
patient should consult his or her physician if tween 15 and 30 °C for the lifetime of
there are questions about alternatives. the product (real time storage).
(c) This section does not replace or (e) If a product fails the physical and
relieve a person from any requirements mechanical integrity tests commonly
imposed under 40 CFR part 82. used by industry after the completion
[61 FR 20101, May 3, 1996]
of the accelerated storage tests de-
scribed in paragraphs (d)(1) and (d)(2) of
§ 801.435 User labeling for latex this section, the product expiration
condoms. date must be demonstrated by real
(a) This section applies to the subset time storage conditions described in
of condoms as identified in § 884.5300 of paragraph (d)(3) of this section. If all of
this chapter, and condoms with the products tested after storage at
spermicidal lubricant as identified in temperatures as described in para-
§ 884.5310 of this chapter, which prod- graphs (d)(1) and (d)(2) of this section
ucts are formed from latex films. pass the manufacturer’s physical and
(b) Data show that the material in- mechanical integrity tests, the manu-
tegrity of latex condoms degrade over facturer may label the product with an
time. To protect the public health and expiration date of up to 5 years from
minimize the risk of device failure, the date of product packaging. If the
latex condoms must bear an expiration extrapolated expiration date under
date which is supported by testing as paragraphs (d)(1) and (d)(2) of this sec-
described in paragraphs (d) and (h) of tion is used, the labeled expiration date
this section. must be confirmed by physical and me-
(c) The expiration date, as dem- chanical integrity tests performed at
onstrated by testing procedures re- the end of the stated expiration period
quired by paragraphs (d) and (h) of this as described in paragraph (d)(3) of this
section, must be displayed prominently section. If the data from tests fol-
and legibly on the primary packaging lowing real time storage described in
(i.e., individual package), and higher paragraph (d)(3) of this section fails to
levels of packaging (e.g., boxes of confirm the extrapolated expiration
condoms), in order to ensure visibility date, the manufacturer must, at that
of the expiration date by consumers. time, relabel the product to reflect the
(d) Except as provided under para- actual shelf life.
graph (f) of this section, the expiration
(f) Products that already have estab-
date must be supported by data dem-
lished shelf life data based upon real
onstrating physical and mechanical in-
time storage and testing and have such
tegrity of the product after three dis-
crete and representative lots of the storage and testing data available for
product have been subjected to each of inspection are not required to confirm
the following conditions: such data using accelerated and inter-
(1) Storage of unpackaged bulk prod- mediate aging data described in para-
uct for the maximum amount of time graphs (d)(1) and (d)(2) of this section.
the manufacturer allows the product to If, however, such real time expiration
remain unpackaged, followed by stor- dates were based upon testing of prod-
age of the packaged product at 70 °C ucts that were not first left
(plus or minus 2 °C) for 7 days; unpackaged for the maximum amount
(2) Storage of unpackaged bulk prod- of time as described in paragraph (d)(3)
uct for the maximum amount of time of this section, the real time testing
the manufacturer allows the product to must be confirmed by testing products
remain unpackaged, followed by stor- consistent with the requirements of
age of the packaged product at a se- paragraph (d)(3) of this section. This
lected temperature between 40 and 50 testing shall be initiated no later than
°C (plus or minus 2 °C) for 90 days; and the effective date of this regulation.
(3) Storage of unpackaged bulk prod- Until the confirmation testing in ac-
uct for the maximum amount of time cordance with paragraph (d)(3) of this
the manufacturer allows the product to section is completed, the product may
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
remain unpackaged, followed by stor- remain on the market labeled with the
age of the packaged product at a mon- expiration date based upon previous
itored or controlled temperature be- real time testing.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 801.437
(g) If a manufacturer uses testing volves the use of natural latex in a con-
data from one product to support expi- centrated colloidal suspension. Prod-
ration dating on any variation of that ucts are formed from natural rubber
product, the manufacturer must docu- latex by dipping, extruding, or coating.
ment and provide, upon request, an ap- (2) The term ‘‘dry natural rubber’’
propriate justification for the applica- means rubber that is produced by the
tion of the testing data to the vari- dry natural rubber process that in-
ation of the tested product. volves the use of coagulated natural
(h) If a latex condom contains a latex in the form of dried or milled
spermicide, and the expiration date sheets. Products are formed from dry
based on spermicidal stability testing natural rubber by compression mold-
is different from the expiration date ing, extrusion, or by converting the
based upon latex integrity testing, the sheets into a solution for dipping.
product shall bear only the earlier ex- (3) The term ‘‘contacts humans’’
piration date. means that the natural rubber con-
(i) The time period upon which the tained in a device is intended to con-
expiration date is based shall start tact or is likely to contact the user or
with the date of packaging.
patient. This includes contact when
(j) As provided in part 820 of this
the device that contains natural rubber
chapter, all testing data must be re-
is connected to the patient by a liquid
tained in each company’s files, and
path or an enclosed gas path; or the de-
shall be made available upon request
vice containing the natural rubber is
for inspection by the Food and Drug
fully or partially coated with a powder,
and such powder may carry natural
(k) Any latex condom not labeled
with an expiration date as required by rubber proteins that may contaminate
paragraph (c) of this section, and ini- the environment of the user or patient.
tially delivered for introduction into (c) Devices containing natural rubber
interstate commerce after the effective shall be labeled as set forth in para-
date of this regulation is misbranded graphs (d) through (h) of this section.
under sections 201(n) and 502(a) and (f) Each required labeling statement shall
of Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic be prominently and legibly displayed
Act (21 U.S.C. 321(n) and 352(a) and (f)). in conformance with section 502(c) of
the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
[62 FR 50501, Sept. 26, 1997] Act (the act) (21 U.S.C. 352(c)).
§ 801.437 User labeling for devices that (d) Devices containing natural rubber
contain natural rubber. latex that contacts humans, as de-
scribed in paragraph (b) of this section,
(a) Data in the Medical Device Re- shall bear the following statement in
porting System and the scientific lit- bold print on the device labeling:
erature indicate that some individuals
‘‘Caution: This Product Contains
are at risk of severe anaphylactic reac-
Natural Rubber Latex Which May
tions to natural latex proteins. This la-
Cause Allergic Reactions.’’
beling regulation is intended to mini-
mize the risk to individuals sensitive This statement shall appear on all de-
to natural latex proteins and protect vice labels, and other labeling, and
the public health. shall appear on the principal display
(b) This section applies to all devices panel of the device packaging, the out-
composed of or containing, or having side package, container or wrapper,
packaging or components that are and the immediate device package,
composed of, or contain, natural rubber container, or wrapper.
that contacts humans. The term ‘‘nat- (e) Devices containing dry natural
ural rubber’’ includes natural rubber rubber that contacts humans, as de-
latex, dry natural rubber, and syn- scribed in paragraph (b) of this section,
thetic latex or synthetic rubber that that are not already subject to para-
contains natural rubber in its formula- graph (d) of this section, shall bear the
tion. following statement in bold print on
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Pt. 803 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
This statement shall appear on all de- tions relate to device packaging that uses
vice labels, and other labeling, and ‘‘cold seal’’ adhesives.
shall appear on the principal display [62 FR 51029, Sept. 30, 1997, as amended at 63
panel of the device packaging, the out- FR 46175, Aug. 31, 1998]
side package, container or wrapper,
and the immediate device package, PART 803—MEDICAL DEVICE
container, or wrapper. REPORTING
(f) Devices that have packaging con-
taining natural rubber latex that con- Subpart A—General Provisions
tacts humans, as described in para- Sec.
graph (b) of this section, shall bear the 803.1 What does this part cover?
following statement in bold print on 803.3 How does FDA define the terms used
the device labeling: in this part?
803.9 What information from the reports do
‘‘Caution: The Packaging of This
we disclose to the public?
Product Contains Natural Rubber 803.10 Generally, what are the reporting re-
Latex Which May Cause Allergic Reac- quirements that apply to me?
tions.’’ 803.11 What form should I use to submit re-
ports of individual adverse events and
This statement shall appear on the where do I obtain these forms?
packaging that contains the natural 803.12 How do I submit initial and supple-
rubber, and the outside package, con- mental or followup reports?
tainer, or wrapper. 803.13 Do I need to submit reports in
(g) Devices that have packaging con- English?
803.15 How will I know if you require more
taining dry natural rubber that con- information about my medical device re-
tacts humans, as described in para- port?
graph (b) of this section, shall bear the 803.16 When I submit a report, does the in-
following statement in bold print on formation in my report constitute an ad-
the device labeling: mission that the device caused or con-
tributed to the reportable event?
‘‘The Packaging of This Product Con- 803.17 What are the requirements for devel-
tains Dry Natural Rubber.’’ oping, maintaining, and implementing
This statement shall appear on the written MDR procedures that apply to
packaging that contains the natural me?
803.18 What are the requirements for estab-
rubber, and the outside package, con- lishing and maintaining MDR files or
tainer, or wrapper. records that apply to me?
(h) Devices that contain natural rub- 803.19 Are there exemptions, variances, or
ber that contacts humans, as described alternative forms of adverse event re-
in paragraph (b) of this section, shall porting requirements?
not contain the term ‘‘hypoallergenic’’ Subpart B—Generally Applicable Require-
on their labeling. ments for Individual Adverse Event Re-
(i) Any affected person may request ports
an exemption or variance from the re-
quirements of this section by submit- 803.20 How do I complete and submit an in-
dividual adverse event report?
ting a citizen petition in accordance 803.21 Where can I find the reporting codes
with § 10.30 of this chapter. for adverse events that I use with med-
(j) Any device subject to this section ical device reports?
that is not labeled in accordance with 803.22 What are the circumstances in which
paragraphs (d) through (h) of this sec- I am not required to file a report?
803.23 Where can I find information on how
tion and that is initially introduced or to prepare and submit an MDR in elec-
initially delivered for introduction into tronic format?
interstate commerce after the effective
date of this regulation is misbranded Subpart C—User Facility Reporting
under sections 201(n) and 502(a), (c), and Requirements
(f) of the act (21 U.S.C. 321(n) and 803.30 If I am a user facility, what reporting
352(a), (c), and (f)). requirements apply to me?
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 803.3
803.33 If I am a user facility, what must I in- (b) This part supplements and does
clude when I submit an annual report? not supersede other provisions of this
chapter, including the provisions of
Subpart D—Importer Reporting
part 820 of this chapter.
(c) References in this part to regu-
803.40 If I am an importer, what reporting latory sections of the Code of Federal
requirements apply to me? Regulations are to chapter I of title 21,
803.42 If I am an importer, what informa- unless otherwise noted.
tion must I submit in my individual ad-
verse event reports? § 803.3 How does FDA define the terms
used in this part?
Subpart E—Manufacturer Reporting
Requirements Some of the terms we use in this part
are specific to medical device reporting
803.50 If I am a manufacturer, what report- and reflect the language used in the
ing requirements apply to me? statute (law). Other terms are more
803.52 If I am a manufacturer, what infor-
general and reflect our interpretation
mation must I submit in my individual
adverse event reports? of the law. This section defines the fol-
803.53 If I am a manufacturer, in which cir- lowing terms as used in this part:
cumstances must I submit a 5-day re- (a) Ambulatory surgical facility (ASF)
port? means a distinct entity that operates
803.56 If I am a manufacturer, in what cir- for the primary purpose of furnishing
cumstances must I submit a supple- same day outpatient surgical services
mental or followup report and what are
to patients. An ASF may be either an
the requirements for such reports?
803.58 Foreign manufacturers. independent entity (i.e., not a part of a
provider of services or any other facil-
AUTHORITY: 21 U.S.C. 352, 360, 360i, 360j, 371, ity) or operated by another medical en-
tity (e.g., under the common owner-
SOURCE: 79 FR 8846, Feb. 14, 2014, unless ship, licensure, or control of an entity).
otherwise noted. An ASF is subject to this regulation
regardless of whether it is licensed by a
Subpart A—General Provisions Federal, State, municipal, or local gov-
ernment or regardless of whether it is
§ 803.1 What does this part cover? accredited by a recognized accredita-
(a) This part establishes the require- tion organization. If an adverse event
ments for medical device reporting for meets the criteria for reporting, the
device user facilities, manufacturers, ASF must report that event regardless
importers, and distributors. If you are of the nature or location of the medical
a device user facility, you must report service provided by the ASF.
deaths and serious injuries that a de- (b) Become aware means that an em-
vice has or may have caused or contrib- ployee of the entity required to report
uted to, establish and maintain adverse has acquired information that reason-
event files, and submit summary an- ably suggests a reportable adverse
nual reports. If you are a manufacturer event has occurred.
or importer, you must report deaths (1) If you are a device user facility,
and serious injuries that your device you are considered to have ‘‘become
has or may have caused or contributed aware’’ when medical personnel, as de-
to, you must report certain device mal- fined in this section, who are employed
functions, and you must establish and by or otherwise formally affiliated
maintain adverse event files. If you are with your facility, obtain information
a manufacturer, you must also submit about a reportable event.
specified followup. These reports help (2) If you are a manufacturer, you are
us to protect the public health by help- considered to have become aware of an
ing to ensure that devices are not adul- event when any of your employees be-
terated or misbranded and are safe and comes aware of a reportable event that
effective for their intended use. If you is required to be reported within 30 cal-
are a medical device distributor, you endar days or that is required to be re-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
must maintain records (files) of inci- ported within 5 work days because we
dents, but you are not required to re- had requested reports in accordance
port these incidents. with § 803.53(b). You are also considered
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§ 803.3 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
to have become aware of an event when Other devices are not labeled as to
any of your employees with manage- their respective EOL, but are expected
ment or supervisory responsibilities to remain operational through activi-
over persons with regulatory, sci- ties such as maintenance, repairs, or
entific, or technical responsibilities, or upgrades, for an estimated period of
whose duties relate to the collection time.
and reporting of adverse events, be- (g) FDA, we, us, or Agency means the
comes aware, from any information, in- Food and Drug Administration.
cluding any trend analysis, that a re- (h) Five-day report means a medical
portable MDR event or events neces- device report that must be submitted
sitates remedial action to prevent an by a manufacturer to us under § 803.53
unreasonable risk of substantial harm within 5 work days.
to the public health. (i) Hospital means a distinct entity
(3) If you are an importer, you are that operates for the primary purpose
considered to have become aware of an of providing diagnostic, therapeutic
event when any of your employees be- (such as medical, occupational, speech,
comes aware of a reportable event that physical), surgical, and other patient
is required to be reported by you with- services for specific and general med-
in 30 days. ical conditions. Hospitals include gen-
(c) Caused or contributed means that a eral, chronic disease, rehabilitative,
death or serious injury was or may psychiatric, and other special-purpose
have been attributed to a medical de- facilities. A hospital may be either
vice, or that a medical device was or independent (e.g., not a part of a pro-
may have been a factor in a death or vider of services or any other facility)
serious injury, including events occur- or may be operated by another medical
ring as a result of: entity (e.g., under the common owner-
(1) Failure, ship, licensure, or control of another
(2) Malfunction, entity). A hospital is covered by this
(3) Improper or inadequate design, regulation regardless of whether it is
(4) Manufacture, licensed by a Federal, State, municipal
(5) Labeling, or or local government or whether it is
(6) User error. accredited by a recognized accredita-
(d) Device user facility means a hos- tion organization. If an adverse event
pital, ambulatory surgical facility, meets the criteria for reporting, the
nursing home, outpatient diagnostic hospital must report that event regard-
facility, or outpatient treatment facil- less of the nature or location of the
ity as defined in this section, which is medical service provided by the hos-
not a physician’s office, as defined in pital.
this section. School nurse offices and (j) Importer means any person who
employee health units are not device imports a device into the United States
user facilities. and who furthers the marketing of a
(e) Distributor means any person device from the original place of manu-
(other than the manufacturer or im- facture to the person who makes final
porter) who furthers the marketing of delivery or sale to the ultimate user,
a device from the original place of but who does not repackage or other-
manufacture to the person who makes wise change the container, wrapper, or
final delivery or sale to the ultimate labeling of the device or device pack-
user, but who does not repackage or age. If you repackage or otherwise
otherwise change the container, wrap- change the container, wrapper, or la-
per, or labeling of the device or device beling, you are considered a manufac-
package. If you repackage or otherwise turer as defined in this section.
change the container, wrapper, or la- (k) Malfunction means the failure of a
beling, you are considered a manufac- device to meet its performance speci-
turer as defined in this section. fications or otherwise perform as in-
(f) Expected life of a device means the tended. Performance specifications in-
time that a device is expected to re- clude all claims made in the labeling
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
main functional after it is placed into for the device. The intended perform-
use. Certain implanted devices have ance of a device refers to the intended
specified ‘‘end of life’’ (EOL) dates. use for which the device is labeled or
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 803.3
marketed, as defined in § 801.4 of this gests that a device has or may have
chapter. caused or contributed to a death or se-
(l) Manufacturer means any person rious injury or
who manufactures, prepares, propa- (2) An event that manufacturers or
gates, compounds, assembles, or proc- importers become aware of that rea-
esses a device by chemical, physical, sonably suggests that one of their mar-
biological, or other procedure. The keted devices:
term includes any person who either: (i) May have caused or contributed to
(1) Repackages or otherwise changes a death or serious injury, or
the container, wrapper, or labeling of a (ii) Has malfunctioned and that the
device in furtherance of the distribu- device or a similar device marketed by
tion of the device from the original the manufacturer or importer would be
place of manufacture; likely to cause or contribute to a death
(2) Initiates specifications for devices or serious injury if the malfunction
that are manufactured by a second were to recur.
party for subsequent distribution by (p) Medical personnel means an indi-
the person initiating the specifica- vidual who:
tions; (1) Is licensed, registered, or certified
(3) Manufactures components or ac- by a State, territory, or other gov-
cessories that are devices that are erning body, to administer health care;
ready to be used and are intended to be (2) Has received a diploma or a degree
commercially distributed and intended in a professional or scientific dis-
to be used as is, or are processed by a cipline;
licensed practitioner or other qualified (3) Is an employee responsible for re-
person to meet the needs of a par- ceiving medical complaints or adverse
ticular patient; or event reports; or
(4) Is the U.S. agent of a foreign man- (4) Is a supervisor of these persons.
ufacturer. (q) Nursing home means:
(m) Manufacturer or importer report (1) An independent entity (i.e., not a
number. This number uniquely identi- part of a provider of services or any
fies each individual adverse event re- other facility) or one operated by an-
port submitted by a manufacturer or other medical entity (e.g., under the
importer. This number consists of the common ownership, licensure, or con-
following three parts: trol of an entity) that operates for the
(1) The FDA registration number for primary purpose of providing:
the manufacturing site of the reported (i) Skilled nursing care and related
device, or the registration number for services for persons who require med-
the importer. If the manufacturing site ical or nursing care;
or the importer does not have an estab- (ii) Hospice care to the terminally ill;
lishment registration number, we will or
assign a temporary MDR reporting (iii) Services for the rehabilitation of
number until the site is registered in the injured, disabled, or sick.
accordance with part 807 of this chap- (2) A nursing home is subject to this
ter. We will inform the manufacturer regulation regardless of whether it is
or importer of the temporary MDR re- licensed by a Federal, State, munic-
porting number; ipal, or local government or whether it
(2) The four-digit calendar year in is accredited by a recognized accredita-
which the report is submitted; and tion organization. If an adverse event
(3) The five-digit sequence number of meets the criteria for reporting, the
the reports submitted during the year, nursing home must report that event
starting with 00001. (For example, the regardless of the nature or location of
complete number will appear as fol- the medical service provided by the
lows: 1234567–2011–00001.) nursing home.
(n) MDR means medical device re- (r) Outpatient diagnostic facility
port. means:
(o) MDR reportable event (or reportable (1) A distinct entity that:
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§ 803.3 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(ii) Does not assume ongoing respon- less of the nature or location of the
sibility for patient care, and medical service provided by the out-
(iii) Provides its services for use by patient treatment facility.
other medical personnel. (t) Patient of the facility means any
(2) Outpatient diagnostic facilities individual who is being diagnosed or
include outpatient facilities providing treated and/or receiving medical care
radiography, mammography, at or under the control or authority of
ultrasonography, electrocardiography, the facility. This includes employees of
magnetic resonance imaging, comput- the facility or individuals affiliated
erized axial tomography, and in vitro with the facility who, in the course of
testing. An outpatient diagnostic facil- their duties, suffer a device-related
ity may be either independent (i.e., not death or serious injury that has or may
a part of a provider of services or any have been caused or contributed to by
other facility) or operated by another a device used at the facility.
medical entity (e.g., under the common (u) Physician’s office means a facility
ownership, licensure, or control of an that operates as the office of a physi-
entity). An outpatient diagnostic facil- cian or other health care professional
ity is covered by this regulation re- for the primary purpose of examina-
gardless of whether it is licensed by a tion, evaluation, and treatment or re-
Federal, State, municipal, or local gov- ferral of patients. Examples of physi-
ernment or whether it is accredited by cian offices include: Dentist offices,
a recognized accreditation organiza- chiropractor offices, optometrist of-
tion. If an adverse event meets the cri- fices, nurse practitioner offices, school
teria for reporting, the outpatient di- nurse offices, school clinics, employee
agnostic facility must report that health clinics, or freestanding care
event regardless of the nature or loca- units. A physician’s office may be inde-
tion of the medical service provided by pendent, a group practice, or part of a
the outpatient diagnostic facility. Health Maintenance Organization.
(s) Outpatient treatment facility means
(v) Remedial action means any action
a distinct entity that operates for the
other than routine maintenance or
primary purpose of providing nonsur-
servicing of a device where such action
gical therapeutic (medical, occupa-
is necessary to prevent recurrence of a
tional, or physical) care on an out-
reportable event.
patient basis or in a home health care
(w) Serious injury means an injury or
setting. Outpatient treatment facili-
illness that:
ties include ambulance providers, res-
cue services, and home health care (1) Is life-threatening,
groups. Examples of services provided (2) Results in permanent impairment
by outpatient treatment facilities in- of a body function or permanent dam-
clude the following: Cardiac age to a body structure, or
defibrillation, chemotherapy, radio- (3) Necessitates medical or surgical
therapy, pain control, dialysis, speech intervention to preclude permanent
or physical therapy, and treatment for impairment of a body function or per-
substance abuse. An outpatient treat- manent damage to a body structure.
ment facility may be either inde- Permanent means irreversible impair-
pendent (i.e., not a part of a provider of ment or damage to a body structure or
services or any other facility) or oper- function, excluding trivial impairment
ated by another medical entity (e.g., or damage.
under the common ownership, licen- (x) User facility report number means
sure, or control of an entity). An out- the number that uniquely identifies
patient treatment facility is covered each report submitted by a user facil-
by this regulation regardless of wheth- ity to manufacturers and to us. This
er it is licensed by a Federal, State, number consists of the following three
municipal, or local government or parts:
whether it is accredited by a recog- (1) The user facility’s 10-digit Centers
nized accreditation organization. If an for Medicare and Medicaid Services
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
adverse event meets the criteria for re- (CMS) number (if the CMS number has
porting, the outpatient treatment fa- fewer than 10 digits, fill the remaining
cility must report that event regard- spaces with zeros);
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 803.9
(2) The four-digit calendar year in (v) For an HCT/P regulated as a de-
which the report is submitted; and vice, the distinct identification code
(3) The four-digit sequence number of required by § 1271.290(c) of this chapter.
the reports submitted for the year,
[79 FR 8846, Feb. 14, 2014, as amended at 80
starting with 0001. (For example, a FR 10587, Feb. 27, 2015]
complete user facility report number
will appear as follows: 1234560000–2011– § 803.9 What information from the re-
0001. If a user facility has more than ports do we disclose to the public?
one CMS number, it must select one
that will be used for all of its MDR re- (a) We may disclose to the public any
ports. If a user facility has no CMS report, including any FDA record of a
number, it should use all zeros in the telephone report, submitted under this
appropriate space in its initial report part. Our disclosures are governed by
(e.g., 0000000000–2011–0001). We will as- part 20 of this chapter.
sign a number for future use and send (b) Before we disclose a report to the
that number to the user facility. This public, we will delete the following:
number is used in our record of the ini- (1) Any information that constitutes
tial report, in subsequent reports, and trade secret or confidential commer-
in any correspondence with the user fa- cial or financial information under
cility. If a facility has multiple sites, § 20.61 of this chapter;
the primary site may submit reports (2) Any personal, medical, and simi-
for all sites and use one reporting num- lar information, including the serial
ber for all sites if the primary site pro- number of implanted devices, which
vides the name, address, and CMS num- would constitute an invasion of per-
ber for each respective site.) sonal privacy under § 20.63 of this chap-
(y) Work day means Monday through ter. However, if a patient requests a re-
Friday, except Federal holidays. port, we will disclose to that patient
(z) [Reserved] all the information in the report con-
(aa) Human cell, tissue, or cellular or cerning that patient, as provided in
tissue-based product (HCT/P) regulated as § 20.61 of this chapter; and
a device means an HCT/P as defined in (3) Any names and other identifying
§ 1271.3(d) of this chapter that does not information of a third party that vol-
meet the criteria in § 1271.10(a) and that untarily submitted an adverse event
is also regulated as a device. report.
(bb) Unique device identifier (UDI) (c) We may not disclose the identity
means an identifier that adequately of a device user facility that makes a
identifies a device through its distribu-
report under this part except in con-
tion and use by meeting the require-
nection with:
ments of § 830.20 of this chapter. A
unique device identifier is composed of: (1) An action brought to enforce sec-
(1) A device identifier—a mandatory, tion 301(q) of the Federal Food, Drug,
fixed portion of a UDI that identifies and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 331(q)), in-
the specific version or model of a de- cluding the failure or refusal to furnish
vice and the labeler of that device; and material or information required by
(2) A production identifier—a condi- section 519 of the Federal Food, Drug,
tional, variable portion of a UDI that and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360i));
identifies one or more of the following (2) A communication to a manufac-
when included on the label of the de- turer of a device that is the subject of
vice: a report required to be submitted by a
(i) The lot or batch within which a user facility under § 803.30; or
device was manufactured; (3) A disclosure to employees of the
(ii) The serial number of a specific Department of Health and Human
device; Services, to the Department of Justice,
(iii) The expiration date of a specific or to the duly authorized committees
and subcommittees of the Congress.
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
(iv) The date a specific device was
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§ 803.10 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
§ 803.10 Generally, what are the re- § 803.11 What form should I use to sub-
porting requirements that apply to mit reports of individual adverse
me? events and where do I obtain these
(a) If you are a device user facility,
you must submit reports (described in (a) If you are a manufacturer or im-
subpart C of this part), as follows: porter, you must submit reports of in-
(1) Submit reports of individual ad- dividual adverse events to FDA in an
verse events no later than 10 work days electronic format in accordance with
§ 803.12(a) and § 803.20, unless granted an
after the day that you become aware of
exemption under § 803.19.
a reportable event:
(b) Importer reports submitted to de-
(i) Submit reports of device-related
vice manufacturers may be in paper
deaths to us and to the manufacturer, format or an electronic format that in-
if known, or cludes all required data fields to ensure
(ii) Submit reports of device-related that the manufacturer has all required
serious injuries to the manufacturers information.
or, if the manufacturer is unknown, (c) If you are a user facility, you
submit reports to us. must submit reports of individual ad-
(2) Submit annual reports (described verse events in accordance with
in § 803.33) to us. § 803.12(b) and § 803.20.
(b) If you are an importer, you must (d) Form FDA 3500A is available on
submit reports (described in subpart D the internet at https://
of this part), as follows:
(1) Submit reports of individual ad- medwatch/index.cfm.
verse events no later than 30 calendar [79 FR 8846, Feb. 14, 2014, as amended at 80
days after the day that you become FR 10587, Feb. 27, 2015; 85 FR 18441, Apr. 2,
aware of a reportable event: 2020]
(i) Submit reports of device-related
deaths or serious injuries to us and to § 803.12 How do I submit initial and
the manufacturer or supplemental or followup reports?
(ii) Submit reports of device-related (a) Manufacturers and importers
malfunctions to the manufacturer. must submit initial and supplemental
(2) [Reserved] or followup reports to FDA in an elec-
(c) If you are a manufacturer, you tronic format that FDA can process,
must submit reports (described in sub- review, and archive.
part E of this part) to us, as follows: (b) User facilities that submit their
(1) Submit reports of individual ad- reports and additional information to
verse events no later than 30 calendar FDA electronically must use an elec-
tronic format that FDA can process,
days after the day that you become
review, and archive. User facilities that
aware of a reportable death, serious in-
submit their reports to FDA on paper
jury, or malfunction. must submit any written report or ad-
(2) Submit reports of individual ad- ditional information required under
verse events no later than 5 work days this part to FDA, CDRH, Medical De-
after the day that you become aware vice Reporting, P.O. Box 3002, Rock-
of: ville, MD 20847–3002, using Form FDA
(i) A reportable event that requires 3500A. Each report must be identified
remedial action to prevent an unrea- (e.g., ‘‘User Facility Report’’ or ‘‘An-
sonable risk of substantial harm to the nual Report’’).
public health or (c) If you are confronted with a pub-
(ii) A reportable event for which we lic health emergency, this can be
made a written request. brought to FDA’s attention by con-
(3) Submit supplemental reports if tacting FDA’s Office of Crisis Manage-
you obtain information that you did ment, Emergency Operations Center by
not submit in an initial report. telephone, 24-hours a day, at 301–796–
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 803.18
NOTE: This action does not satisfy your ob- § 803.17 What are the requirements for
ligation to report under part 803. developing, maintaining, and imple-
(d) You may submit a voluntary tele- menting written MDR procedures
phone report to the MedWatch office at that apply to me?
800–FDA–1088. You may also obtain in- If you are a user facility, importer,
formation regarding voluntary report- or manufacturer, you must develop,
ing from the MedWatch office at 800–
maintain, and implement written MDR
FDA–1088. You may also find the vol-
procedures for the following:
untary Form FDA 3500 and instructions
to complete it at: (a) Internal systems that provide for:
Safety/MedWatch/HowToReport/ (1) Timely and effective identifica-
DownloadForms/default.htm. tion, communication, and evaluation of
events that may be subject to MDR re-
§ 803.13 Do I need to submit reports in quirements;
English? (2) A standardized review process or
Yes. You must submit all reports re- procedure for determining when an
quired by this part in English. event meets the criteria for reporting
under this part; and
§ 803.15 How will I know if you require (3) Timely transmission of complete
more information about my medical medical device reports to manufactur-
device report? ers or to us, or to both if required.
(a) We will notify you in writing if we (b) Documentation and record-
require additional information and will keeping requirements for:
tell you what information we need. We (1) Information that was evaluated to
will require additional information if determine if an event was reportable;
we determine that protection of the (2) All medical device reports and in-
public health requires additional or formation submitted to manufacturers
clarifying information for medical de- and/or us;
vice reports submitted to us and in (3) Any information that was evalu-
cases when the additional information ated for the purpose of preparing the
is beyond the scope of FDA reporting submission of annual reports; and
forms or is not readily accessible to us. (4) Systems that ensure access to in-
(b) In any request under this section, formation that facilitates timely fol-
we will state the reason or purpose for lowup and inspection by us.
the information request, specify the
due date for submitting the informa- § 803.18 What are the requirements for
tion, and clearly identify the reported establishing and maintaining MDR
event(s) related to our request. If we files or records that apply to me?
verbally request additional informa- (a) If you are a user facility, im-
tion, we will confirm the request in
porter, or manufacturer, you must es-
tablish and maintain MDR event files.
§ 803.16 When I submit a report, does You must clearly identify all MDR
the information in my report con- event files and maintain them to facili-
stitute an admission that the device tate timely access.
caused or contributed to the report- (b)(1) For purposes of this part,
able event? ‘‘MDR event files’’ are written or elec-
No. A report or other information tronic files maintained by user facili-
submitted by you, and our release of ties, importers, and manufacturers.
that report or information, is not nec- MDR event files may incorporate ref-
essarily an admission that the device, erences to other information (e.g.,
or you or your employees, caused or medical records, patient files, engi-
contributed to the reportable event. neering reports), in lieu of copying and
You do not have to admit and may maintaining duplicates in this file.
deny that the report or information Your MDR event files must contain:
submitted under this part constitutes (i) Information in your possession or
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§ 803.19 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
decision making processes used to de- life of the device, whichever is greater.
termine if a device-related death, seri- You must maintain copies of these
ous injury, or malfunction was or was records for this period even if you no
not reportable under this part; longer distribute the device.
(ii) Copies of all reports submitted (3) You must maintain the device
under this part (whether paper or elec- complaint files established under this
tronic), and of all other information re- section at your principal business es-
lated to the event that you submitted tablishment. If you are also a manufac-
to us or other entities such as an im- turer, you may maintain the file at the
porter, distributor, or manufacturer; same location as you maintain your
and complaint file under part 820 of this
(iii) Copies of all electronic acknowl- chapter. You must permit any author-
edgments FDA sends you in response to ized FDA employee, at all reasonable
electronic MDR submissions. times, to access, to copy, and to verify
(2) If you are a user facility, im- the records required by this part.
porter, or manufacturer, you must per- (e) If you are a manufacturer, you
mit any authorized FDA employee, at may maintain MDR event files as part
all reasonable times, to access, to copy, of your complaint file, under part 820 of
and to verify the records required by this chapter, if you prominently iden-
this part. tify these records as MDR reportable
(c) If you are a user facility, you events. We will not consider your sub-
must retain an MDR event file relating mitted MDR report to comply with this
to an adverse event for a period of 2
part unless you evaluate an event in
years from the date of the event. If you
accordance with the quality system re-
are a manufacturer or importer, you
quirements described in part 820 of this
must retain an MDR event file relating
chapter. You must document and main-
to an adverse event for a period of 2
tain in your MDR event files an expla-
years from the date of the event or a
nation of why you did not submit or
period of time equivalent to the ex-
could not obtain any information re-
pected life of the device, whichever is
quired by this part, as well as the re-
greater. If the device is no longer dis-
sults of your evaluation of each event.
tributed, you still must maintain MDR
event files for the time periods de- § 803.19 Are there exemptions,
scribed in this paragraph (c). variances, or alternative forms of
(d)(1) If you are a device distributor, adverse event reporting require-
you must establish and maintain de- ments?
vice complaint records (files). Your
(a) We exempt the following persons
records must contain any incident in-
from the adverse event reporting re-
formation, including any written, elec-
tronic, or oral communication, either quirements in this part:
received or generated by you, that al- (1) A licensed practitioner who pre-
leges deficiencies related to the iden- scribes or administers devices intended
tity (e.g., labeling), quality, durability, for use in humans and manufactures or
reliability, safety, effectiveness, or per- imports devices solely for use in diag-
formance of a device. You must also nosing and treating persons with whom
maintain information about your eval- the practitioner has a ‘‘physician-pa-
uation of the allegations, if any, in the tient’’ relationship;
incident record. You must clearly iden- (2) An individual who manufactures
tify the records as device incident devices intended for use in humans
records and file these records by device solely for this person’s use in research
name. You may maintain these records or teaching and not for sale. This in-
in written or electronic format. You cludes any person who is subject to al-
must back up any file maintained in ternative reporting requirements under
electronic format. the investigational device exemption
(2) You must retain copies of the re- regulations (described in part 812 of
quired device incident records for a pe- this chapter), which require reporting
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
riod of 2 years from the date of inclu- of all adverse device effects; and
sion of the record in the file or for a pe- (3) Dental laboratories or optical lab-
riod of time equivalent to the expected oratories.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 803.20
[79 FR 8846, Feb. 14, 2014, as amended at 85 later than 30 calendar days after the
FR 18441, Apr. 2, 2020; 88 FR 16879, Mar. 21, day that you become aware of informa-
2023] tion that reasonably suggests that a
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§ 803.21 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
device has or may have caused or con- whether or not a device-related event
tributed to a death or serious injury or was reportable.
(ii) The manufacturer, no later than
30 calendar days after receiving infor- § 803.21 Where can I find the reporting
mation that a device you market has codes for adverse events that I use
with medical device reports?
malfunctioned and that this device or a
similar device that you market would (a) The MedWatch Medical Device
be likely to cause or contribute to a Reporting Code Instruction Manual
death or serious injury if the malfunc- contains adverse event codes for use
tion were to recur. with Form FDA 3500A. You may obtain
(3) If you are a manufacturer, you the coding manual from FDA’s website
must submit MDR reports to us: at:
(i) No later than 30 calendar days mandatory-reporting-requirements-manu-
after the day that you become aware of facturers-importers-and-device-user-facili-
information that reasonably suggests ties/mdr-adverse-event-codes.
that a device may have caused or con- (b) We may sometimes use additional
tributed to a death or serious injury or coding of information on the reporting
(ii) No later than 30 calendar days forms or modify the existing codes. If
after the day that you become aware of we do make modifications, we will en-
information that reasonably suggests a sure that we make the new coding in-
device has malfunctioned and that this formation available to all reporters.
device or a similar device that you [79 FR 8846, Feb. 14, 2014, as amended at 85
market would be likely to cause or FR 18441, Apr. 2, 2020]
contribute to a death or serious injury
if the malfunction were to recur; or § 803.22 What are the circumstances in
(iii) Within 5 work days if required by which I am not required to file a re-
§ 803.53. port?
(c) What kind of information reason- (a) If you become aware of informa-
ably suggests that a reportable event has tion from multiple sources regarding
occurred? the same patient and same reportable
(1) Any information, including pro- event, you may submit one medical de-
fessional, scientific, or medical facts, vice report.
observations, or opinions, may reason- (b) You are not required to submit a
ably suggest that a device has caused medical device report if:
or may have caused or contributed to (1) You are a user facility, importer,
an MDR reportable event. An MDR re- or manufacturer, and you determine
portable event is a death, a serious in- that the information received is erro-
jury, or, if you are a manufacturer or neous in that a device-related adverse
importer, a malfunction that would be event did not occur. You must retain
likely to cause or contribute to a death documentation of these reports in your
or serious injury if the malfunction MDR files for the time periods speci-
were to recur. fied in § 803.18.
(2) If you are a user facility, im- (2) You are a manufacturer or im-
porter, or manufacturer, you do not porter and you did not manufacture or
have to report an adverse event if you import the device about which you
have information that would lead a have adverse event information. When
person who is qualified to make a med- you receive reportable event informa-
ical judgment reasonably to conclude tion in error, you must forward this in-
that a device did not cause or con- formation to us with a cover letter ex-
tribute to a death or serious injury, or plaining that you did not manufacture
that a malfunction would not be likely or import the device in question.
to cause or contribute to a death or se-
rious injury if it were to recur. Persons § 803.23 Where can I find information
qualified to make a medical judgment on how to prepare and submit an
include physicians, nurses, risk man- MDR in electronic format?
agers, and biomedical engineers. You (a) You may obtain information on
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
must keep in your MDR event files (de- how to prepare and submit reports in
scribed in § 803.18) the information that an electronic format that FDA can
the qualified person used to determine process, review, and archive at: http://
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 803.32
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§ 803.33 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(3) Manufacturer name, city, and clude the report number of the initial
state; report;
(4) Model number, catalog number, (8) Date of your report (month, day,
serial number, lot number, or other year);
identifying number; expiration date; (9) Approximate age of device;
and unique device identifier (UDI) that (10) Event problem codes—patient
appears on the device label or on the code and device code (refer to the
device package; ‘‘MedWatch Medical Device Reporting
(5) Operator of the device (health pro- Code Instructions’’);
fessional, lay user/patient, other); (11) Whether a report was sent to us
(6) Date of device implantation and the date it was sent (month, day,
(month, day, year), if applicable; year);
(7) Date of device explantation (12) Location where the event oc-
(month, day, year), if applicable; curred;
(8) Whether the device is a single-use (13) Whether the report was sent to
device that was reprocessed and reused the manufacturer and the date it was
on a patient (Yes, No)? sent (month, day, year); and
(9) If the device is a single-use device (14) Manufacturer name and address,
that was reprocessed and reused on a if available.
patient (yes to paragraph (c)(8) of this [79 FR 8846, Feb. 14, 2014, as amended at 80
section), the name and address of the FR 10587, Feb. 27, 2015]
(10) Whether the device was available § 803.33 If I am a user facility, what
must I include when I submit an an-
for evaluation and whether the device nual report?
was returned to the manufacturer; if
so, the date it was returned to the (a) You must submit to us an annual
manufacturer; and report on Form FDA 3419. You must
(11) Concomitant medical products submit an annual report by January 1,
and therapy dates. (Do not report prod- of each year. You may obtain this form
ucts that were used to treat the event.) on the internet at:
(d) Initial reporter information media/72292/download.
(Form FDA 3500A, Block E). You must (b) You must clearly identify your
submit the following: annual report as such. You must sub-
(1) Name, address, and telephone mit your annual report to FDA, CDRH,
number of the reporter who initially Medical Device Reporting, P.O. Box
provided information to you, or to the 3002, Rockville, MD 20847–3002. Your an-
manufacturer or distributor; nual report must include:
(1) Your CMS provider number used
(2) Whether the initial reporter is a
for medical device reports, or the num-
health professional;
ber assigned by us for reporting pur-
(3) Occupation; and
poses in accordance with § 803.3;
(4) Whether the initial reporter also (2) Reporting year;
sent a copy of the report to us, if (3) Your name and complete address;
known. (4) Total number of reports attached
(e) User facility information (Form or summarized;
FDA 3500A, Block F). You must submit (5) Date of the annual report and re-
the following: port numbers identifying the range of
(1) An indication that this is a user medical device reports that you sub-
facility report (by marking the user fa- mitted during the report period (e.g.,
cility box on the form); 1234567890–2011–0001 through 1000);
(2) Your user facility number; (6) Name, position title, and com-
(3) Your address; plete address of the individual des-
(4) Your contact person; ignated as your contact person respon-
(5) Your contact person’s telephone sible for reporting to us and whether
number; that person is a new contact for you;
(6) Date that you became aware of and
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
the event (month, day, year); (7) Information for each reportable
(7) Type of report (initial or fol- event that occurred during the annual
lowup); if it is a followup, you must in- reporting period including:
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 803.42
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§ 803.50 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(6) Description of relevant tests, in- (1) An indication that this is an im-
cluding dates and laboratory data; and porter report (by marking the importer
(7) Description of other relevant pa- box on the form);
tient history, including preexisting (2) Your importer report number;
medical conditions. (3) Your address;
(c) Device information (Form FDA (4) Your contact person;
3500A, Block D). You must submit the (5) Your contact person’s telephone
following: number;
(1) Brand name; (6) Date that you became aware of
(2) Product Code, if known, and Com- the event (month, day, year);
mon Device Name; (7) Type of report (initial or fol-
(3) Manufacturer name, city, and lowup). If it is a followup report, you
state; must include the report number of
(4) Model number, catalog number, your initial report;
serial number, lot number, or other (8) Date of your report (month, day,
identifying number; expiration date; year);
and unique device identifier (UDI) that (9) Approximate age of device;
appears on the device label or on the (10) Event problem codes—patient
device package; code and device code (refer to FDA
(5) Operator of the device (health pro- MedWatch Medical Device Reporting
fessional, lay user/patient, other); Code Instructions);
(6) Date of device implantation (11) Whether a report was sent to us
(month, day, year), if applicable; and the date it was sent (month, day,
(7) Date of device explanation year);
(month, day, year), if applicable; (12) Location where event occurred;
(8) Whether the device is a single-use (13) Whether a report was sent to the
device that was reprocessed and reused manufacturer and the date it was sent
on a patient (Yes, No)? (month, day, year); and
(9) If the device is a single-use device (14) Manufacturer name and address,
that was reprocessed and reused on a if available.
patient (yes to paragraph (c)(8) of this [79 FR 8846, Feb. 14, 2014, as amended at 80
section), the name and address of the FR 10587, Feb. 27, 2015]
(10) Whether the device was available Subpart E—Manufacturer
for evaluation, and whether the device
was returned to the manufacturer, and
Reporting Requirements
if so, the date it was returned to the § 803.50 If I am a manufacturer, what
manufacturer; and reporting requirements apply to
(11) Concomitant medical products me?
and therapy dates. (Do not report prod- (a) If you are a manufacturer, you
ucts that were used to treat the event.) must report to us the information re-
(d) Initial reporter information quired by § 803.52 in accordance with
(Form FDA 3500A, Block E). You must the requirements of § 803.12(a), no later
submit the following: than 30 calendar days after the day
(1) Name, address, and telephone that you receive or otherwise become
number of the reporter who initially aware of information, from any source,
provided information to the manufac- that reasonably suggests that a device
turer, user facility, or distributor; that you market:
(2) Whether the initial reporter is a (1) May have caused or contributed to
health professional; a death or serious injury or
(3) Occupation; and (2) Has malfunctioned and this device
(4) Whether the initial reporter also or a similar device that you market
sent a copy of the report to us, if would be likely to cause or contribute
known. to a death or serious injury, if the mal-
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 803.52
(1) You must submit all information jury). An outcome is considered a seri-
required in this subpart E that is rea- ous injury if it is:
sonably known to you. We consider the (i) A life-threatening injury or ill-
following information to be reasonably ness;
known to you: (ii) A disability resulting in perma-
(i) Any information that you can ob- nent impairment of a body function or
tain by contacting a user facility, im- permanent damage to a body structure;
porter, or other initial reporter; or
(ii) Any information in your posses- (iii) An injury or illness that requires
sion; or intervention to prevent permanent im-
(iii) Any information that you can pairment of a body structure or func-
obtain by analysis, testing, or other tion;
evaluation of the device. (3) Date of event;
(2) You are responsible for obtaining (4) Date of this report;
and submitting to us information that (5) Description of the event or prob-
is incomplete or missing from reports lem, including a discussion of how the
submitted by user facilities, importers, device was involved, nature of the
and other initial reporters. problem, patient followup or required
(3) You are also responsible for con- treatment, and any environmental con-
ducting an investigation of each event ditions that may have influenced the
and evaluating the cause of the event. event;
If you cannot submit complete infor- (6) Description of relevant tests, in-
mation on a report, you must provide a cluding dates and laboratory data; and
statement explaining why this infor- (7) Other relevant patient history in-
mation was incomplete and the steps cluding preexisting medical conditions.
you took to obtain the information. If (c) Device information (Form FDA
you later obtain any required informa- 3500A, Block D). You must submit the
tion that was not available at the time following:
you filed your initial report, you must (1) Brand name;
submit this information in a supple- (2) Product Code, if known, and Com-
mental report under § 803.56 in accord- mon Device Name;
ance with the requirements of (3) Manufacturer name, city, and
§ 803.12(a). state;
(4) Model number, catalog number,
§ 803.52 If I am a manufacturer, what
information must I submit in my in- serial number, lot number, or other
dividual adverse event reports? identifying number; expiration date;
and unique device identifier (UDI) that
You must include the following infor- appears on the device label or on the
mation in your reports, if known or device package;
reasonably known to you, as described (5) Operator of the device (health pro-
in § 803.50(b). These types of informa- fessional, lay user/patient, other);
tion correspond generally to the for- (6) Date of device implantation
mat of Form FDA 3500A: (month, day, year), if applicable;
(a) Patient information (Form FDA (7) Date of device explantation
3500A, Block A). You must submit the (month, day, year), if applicable;
following: (8) Whether the device is a single-use
(1) Patient name or other identifier; device that was reprocessed and reused
(2) Patient age at the time of event, on a patient (Yes, No)?
or date of birth; (9) If the device is a single-use device
(3) Patient gender; and that was reprocessed and reused on a
(4) Patient weight. patient (yes to paragraph (c)(8) of this
(b) Adverse event or product problem section), the name and address of the
(Form FDA 3500A, Block B). You must reprocessor;
submit the following: (10) Whether the device was available
(1) Identification of adverse event or for evaluation, and whether the device
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§ 803.53 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(11) Concomitant medical products (8) Whether the use of the device was
and therapy dates. (Do not report prod- initial, reuse, or unknown;
ucts that were used to treat the event.) (9) Whether remedial action was re-
(d) Initial reporter information ported as a removal or correction
(Form FDA 3500A, Block E). You must under section 519(f) of the Federal
submit the following: Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, and if it
(1) Name, address, and telephone was, provide the correction/removal re-
number of the reporter who initially port number; and
provided information to you, or to the (10) Your additional narrative; and/or
user facility or importer; (11) Corrected data, including:
(2) Whether the initial reporter is a (i) Any information missing on the
health professional; user facility report or importer report,
(3) Occupation; and including any event codes that were
(4) Whether the initial reporter also not reported, or information corrected
sent a copy of the report to us, if on these forms after your verification;
known. (ii) For each event code provided by
(e) Reporting information for all the user facility under § 803.32(e)(10) or
manufacturers (Form FDA 3500A, the importer under § 803.42(e)(10), you
Block G). You must submit the fol- must include a statement of whether
lowing: the type of the event represented by
(1) Your reporting office’s contact the code is addressed in the device la-
name and address and device manufac- beling; and
turing site; (iii) If your report omits any required
(2) Your contact person’s telephone information, you must explain why
number; this information was not provided and
(3) Your report sources; the steps taken to obtain this informa-
(4) Date received by you (month, day, tion.
(5) PMA/510k Number and whether or [79 FR 8846, Feb. 14, 2014, as amended at 80
not the product is a combination prod- FR 10587, Feb. 27, 2015]
(6) Type of report being submitted § 803.53 If I am a manufacturer, in
(e.g., 5-day, initial, followup); and which circumstances must I submit
a 5-day report?
(7) Your report number.
(f) Device manufacturer information You must submit a 5-day report to us
(Form FDA 3500A, Block H). You must with the information required by
submit the following: § 803.52 in accordance with the require-
(1) Type of reportable event (death, ments of § 803.12(a) no later than 5 work
serious injury, malfunction, etc.); days after the day that you become
(2) Type of followup report, if appli- aware that:
cable (e.g., correction, response to FDA (a) An MDR reportable event neces-
request, etc); sitates remedial action to prevent an
(3) If the device was returned to you unreasonable risk of substantial harm
and evaluated by you, you must in- to the public health. You may become
clude a summary of the evaluation. If aware of the need for remedial action
you did not perform an evaluation, you from any information, including any
must explain why you did not perform trend analysis or
an evaluation; (b) We have made a written request
(4) Device manufacture date (month, for the submission of a 5-day report. If
day, year); you receive such a written request
(5) Whether the device was labeled from us, you must submit, without fur-
for single use; ther requests, a 5-day report for all
(6) Evaluation codes (including event subsequent events of the same nature
codes, method of evaluation, result, that involve substantially similar de-
and conclusion codes) (refer to FDA vices for the time period specified in
MedWatch Medical Device Reporting the written request. We may extend
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 806.1
(2) Conduct, or obtain from the for- that do not reduce a risk to health
eign manufacturer the necessary infor- posed by the device or remedy a viola-
mation regarding, the investigation tion of the act caused by the device.
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§ 806.2 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 806.10
the specific version or model of a de- the complete number for the first cor-
vice and the labeler of that device; and rection report submitted on June 1,
(2) A production identifier—a condi- 1997, will appear as follows for a firm
tional, variable portion of a UDI that with the registration number 1234567:
identifies one or more of the following 1234567–6/1/97–001–C. The second correc-
when included on the label of the de- tion report number submitted by the
vice: same firm on July 1, 1997, would be
(i) The lot or batch within which a 1234567–7/1/97–002–C etc. For removals,
device was manufactured; the number will appear as follows:
(ii) The serial number of a specific 1234567–6/1/97–001–R and 1234567–7/1/97–
device; 002–R, etc. Firms that do not have a
(iii) The expiration date of a specific seven digit registration number may
device; use seven zeros followed by the month,
(iv) The date a specific device was date, year, and sequence number (i.e.
manufactured. 0000000–6/1/97–001–C for corrections and
(v) For an HCT/P regulated as a de- 0000000–7/1/97–001–R for removals). Re-
vice, the distinct identification code ports received without a seven digit
required by § 1271.290(c) of this chapter. registration number will be assigned a
[62 FR 27191, May 19, 1997, as amended at 63 seven digit central file number by the
FR 42232, Aug. 7, 1998; 78 FR 58821, Sept. 24, district office reviewing the reports.
2013] (2) The name, address, and telephone
number of the manufacturer or im-
Subpart B—Reports and Records porter, and the name, title, address,
and telephone number of the manufac-
§ 806.10 Reports of corrections and re- turer or importer representative re-
sponsible for conducting the device
(a) Each device manufacturer or im- correction or removal.
porter shall submit a written report to (3) The brand name and the common
FDA of any correction or removal of a name, classification name, or usual
device initiated by such manufacturer name of the device and the intended
or importer if the correction or re- use of the device.
moval was initiated:
(4) Marketing status of the device,
(1) To reduce a risk to health posed
i.e., any applicable premarket notifica-
by the device; or
tion number, premarket approval num-
(2) To remedy a violation of the act
ber, or indication that the device is a
caused by the device which may
preamendments device, and the device
present a risk to health unless the in-
formation has already been provided as listing number. A manufacturer or im-
set forth in paragraph (f) of this sec- porter that does not have an FDA es-
tion or the corrective or removal ac- tablishment registration number shall
tion is exempt from the reporting re- indicate in the report whether it has
quirements under § 806.1(b). ever registered with FDA.
(b) The manufacturer or importer (5) The unique device identifier (UDI)
shall submit any report required by that appears on the device label or on
paragraph (a) of this section within 10- the device package, or the device iden-
working days of initiating such correc- tifier, universal product code (UPC),
tion or removal. model, catalog, or code number of the
(c) The manufacturer or importer device and the manufacturing lot or se-
shall include the following information rial number of the device or other iden-
in the report: tification number.
(1) The seven digit registration num- (6) The manufacturer’s name, ad-
ber of the entity responsible for sub- dress, telephone number, and contact
mission of the report of corrective or person if different from that of the per-
removal action (if applicable), the son submitting the report.
month, day, and year that the report is (7) A description of the event(s) giv-
made, and a sequence number (i.e., 001 ing rise to the information reported
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
for the first report, 002 for the second and the corrective or removal actions
report, 003 etc.), and the report type that have been, and are expected to be
designation ‘‘C’’ or ‘‘R’’. For example, taken.
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§ 806.20 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(8) Any illness or injuries that have facturer or importer need not admit,
occurred with use of the device. If ap- and may deny, that the report or infor-
plicable, include the medical device re- mation submitted under this section
port numbers. constitutes an admission that the de-
(9) The total number of devices man- vice caused or contributed to a death
ufactured or distributed subject to the or serious injury.
correction or removal and the number (f) No report of correction or removal
in the same batch, lot, or equivalent is required under this part, if a report
unit of production subject to the cor- of the correction or removal is required
rection or removal. and has been submitted under parts 803
(10) The date of manufacture or dis- or 1004 of this chapter.
tribution and the device’s expiration [62 FR 27191, May 19, 1997, as amended at 63
date or expected life. FR 42232, Aug. 7, 1998; 69 FR 11311, Mar. 10,
(11) The names, addresses, and tele- 2004; 78 FR 58821, Sept. 24, 2013]
phone numbers of all domestic and for-
eign consignees of the device and the § 806.20 Records of corrections and re-
dates and number of devices distrib- movals not required to be reported.
uted to each such consignee. (a) Each device manufacturer or im-
(12) A copy of all communications re- porter who initiates a correction or re-
garding the correction or removal and moval of a device that is not required
the names and addresses of all recipi- to be reported to FDA under § 806.10
ents of the communications not pro- shall keep a record of such correction
vided in accordance with paragraph or removal.
(c)(11) of this section. (b) Records of corrections and remov-
(13) If any required information is als not required to be reported to FDA
not immediately available, a state- under § 806.10 shall contain the fol-
ment as to why it is not available and lowing information:
when it will be submitted. (1) The brand name, common or usual
(d) If, after submitting a report under name, classification, name and product
this part, a manufacturer or importer code if known, and the intended use of
determines that the same correction or the device.
removal should be extended to addi- (2) The unique device identifier (UDI)
tional lots or batches of the same de- of the device, or the device identifier,
vice, the manufacturer or importer universal product code (UPC), model,
shall within 10-working days of initi- catalog, or code number of the device
ating the extension of the correction or and the manufacturing lot or serial
removal, amend the report by submit- number of the device or other identi-
ting an amendment citing the original fication number.
report number assigned according to (3) A description of the event(s) giv-
paragraph (c)(1) of this section, all of ing rise to the information reported
the information required by paragraph and the corrective or removal action
(c)(2), and any information required by that has been, and is expected to be
paragraphs (c)(3) through (c)(12) of this taken.
section that is different from the infor- (4) Justification for not reporting the
mation submitted in the original re- correction or removal action to FDA,
port. The manufacturer or importer which shall contain conclusions and
shall also provide a statement in ac- any followups, and be reviewed and
cordance with paragraph (c)(13) of this evaluated by a designated person.
section for any required information (5) A copy of all communications re-
that is not readily available. garding the correction or removal.
(e) A report submitted by a manufac- (c) The manufacturer or importer
turer or importer under this section shall retain records required under this
(and any release by FDA of that report section for a period of 2 years beyond
or information) does not necessarily re- the expected life of the device, even if
flect a conclusion by the manufacturer, the manufacturer or importer has
importer, or FDA that the report or in- ceased to manufacture or import the
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS Pt. 807
807.20 Who must register and submit a de- SOURCE: 42 FR 42526, Aug. 23, 1977, unless
vice list? otherwise noted.
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§ 807.3 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(2) Initial importation of devices (k) Product code means the code used
manufactured in foreign establish- by FDA to identify the generic cat-
ments; or egory of a device.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 807.3
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§ 807.20 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
device, unless the foreign establish- of a device intended for human use, in-
ment ships the device directly to the cluding any person who:
consumer or patient. (1) Initiates or develops specifica-
(y) Person who imports or offers for im- tions for a device that is to be manu-
port means, for purposes of this part, factured by a second party;
an agent, broker, or other entity, other (2) Sterilizes or otherwise makes a
than a carrier, that the foreign estab- device for or on behalf of a specifica-
lishment uses to facilitate the import tions developer or any other person;
of its device into the United States. (3) Repackages or relabels a device;
[42 FR 42526, Aug. 23, 1977, as amended at 43 (4) Reprocesses a single use device
FR 37997, Aug. 25, 1978; 57 FR 18066, Apr. 28, that has previously been used on a pa-
1992; 58 FR 46522, Sept. 1, 1993; 59 FR 64295, tient;
Dec. 14, 1994; 60 FR 63606, Dec. 11, 1995; 63 FR (5) Acts as an initial importer as de-
51826, Sept. 29, 1998; 66 FR 59159, Nov. 27, 2001; fined in § 807.3(g), except that initial
77 FR 45940, Aug. 2, 2012] importers may fulfill their listing obli-
gation for any device for which they
Subpart B—Procedures for Device did not initiate or develop the speci-
Establishments fications for the device or repackage or
relabel the device by submitting the
§ 807.20 Who must register and submit name and address of the manufacturer.
a device list? Initial importers shall also be prepared
(a) An owner or operator of an estab- to submit, when requested by FDA, the
lishment not exempt under section proprietary name, if any, and the com-
510(g) of the Federal Food, Drug, and mon or usual name of each device for
Cosmetic Act or subpart D of this part which they are the initial importer;
who is engaged in the manufacture, (6) Manufactures components or ac-
preparation, propagation, cessories that are ready to be used for
compounding, assembly, or processing any intended health-related purpose
of a device intended for human use and are packaged or labeled for com-
shall register and submit listing infor- mercial distribution for such health-re-
mation for those devices in commercial lated purpose, e.g. blood filters, hemo-
distribution, except that registration dialysis tubing, or devices which of ne-
and listing information may be sub- cessity must be further processed by a
mitted by the parent, subsidiary, or af- licensed practitioner or other qualified
filiate company for all the domestic or person to meet the needs of a par-
foreign establishments under the con- ticular patient, e.g., a manufacturer of
trol of one of these organizations when ophthalmic lens blanks.
operations are conducted at more than (b) Registration or listing does not
one establishment and there exists constitute an admission or agreement
joint ownership and control among all or determination that a product is a
the establishments. The term ‘‘device’’ device within the meaning of section
includes all in vitro diagnostic prod- 201(h) of the Federal Food, Drug, and
ucts and in vitro diagnostic biological Cosmetic Act.
products not subject to licensing under (c) Registration and listing require-
section 351 of the Public Health Service ments shall not pertain to any person
Act. An owner or operator of an estab- who acts as a wholesale distributor, as
lishment located in any State as de- defined in § 807.3(t), and who does not
fined in section 201(a)(1) of the Federal manufacture, repackage, process, or
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act shall relabel a device.
register its name, places of business, (d) Owners and operators of establish-
and all establishments and list the de- ments or persons engaged in the recov-
vices whether or not the output of the ery, screening, testing, processing,
establishments or any particular de- storage, or distribution of human cells,
vice so listed enters interstate com- tissues, and cellular and tissue-based
merce. The registration and listing re- products, as defined in § 1271.3(d) of this
quirements shall pertain to any person chapter, that are regulated under the
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
who is engaged in the manufacture, Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
preparation, propagation, must register and list those human
compounding, assembly, or processing cells, tissues, and cellular and tissue-
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 807.22
based products with the Center for Bio- Radiological Health, Food and Drug
logics Evaluation and Research on Administration, 10903 New Hampshire
Form FDA 3356 following the proce- Ave., Bldg. 66, Rm.1432, Silver Spring,
dures set out in subpart B of part 1271 MD 20993–0002, that includes the fol-
of this chapter, instead of the proce- lowing information:
dures for registration and listing con- (1) The name and address of the de-
tained in this part, except that the ad- vice establishment(s) to be registered,
ditional listing information require- a contact person for the owner or oper-
ments of § 807.26 remain applicable. ator of the establishment, and the tele-
(e) Owners and operators of establish- phone number at which that person can
ments that manufacture devices li- be reached. If the establishment has al-
censed under section 351 of the Public ready registered in the past, the letter
Health Service Act as well as licensed should also include the owner or oper-
biological products used in the manu- ator number, registration number, and
facture of a licensed device must reg- any listing numbers previously as-
ister and list following the procedures signed by FDA for devices manufac-
set out in part 607 of this chapter, in- tured at that establishment.
stead of the procedures for registration (2) Information about whether the
and listing contained in this part. company is an initial importer as de-
[77 FR 45941, Aug. 2, 2012] fined in § 807.3(g) and, if so, whether it
also conducts any other activities or
§ 807.21 How to register establish- operations relating to devices.
ments and list devices. (3) A statement that use of the Inter-
(a) Owners or operators of establish- net is not reasonable for the person re-
ments that are subject to the registra- questing the waiver, and an expla-
tion and listing requirements of this nation of why such use is not reason-
part must provide the following infor- able. The statement must be signed by
mation to us using our electronic de- the owner or operator of the establish-
vice registration and listing system, ment, or by a person employed by the
except as provided in paragraphs (b), owner or operator who is authorized to
(c), and (d) of this section: make the declaration on behalf of the
(1) Initial establishment registration owner or operator.
information as required by §§ 807.22(a) (c) Those owners or operators who
and 807.25; have obtained a waiver from filing reg-
(2) Updates to registration informa- istration and listing information elec-
tion as required by §§ 807.22(b) and tronically should refer to § 807.34 for in-
807.25; formation on how to submit such infor-
(3) Initial device listing information mation by postal mail.
as required by §§ 807.22(a), 807.25, and (d) When additional device listing in-
807.28; formation (e.g., copies of labeling or
(4) Updates to device listing informa- advertisements) is requested by FDA as
tion as required by §§ 807.22(b), 807.25, described at § 807.26(e), such informa-
and 807.28, including updates to reflect tion may be submitted by postal mail
the discontinuance or resumption of or electronically by email, but will not
the commercial distribution of a pre- be submitted using the FDA electronic
viously-listed device as specified at device registration and listing system.
paragraphs (d) and (e) of § 807.28.
(b) If the information under § 807.21(a) [77 FR 45941, Aug. 2, 2012, as amended at 85
cannot be submitted electronically, a FR 18442, Apr. 2, 2020]
waiver may be requested. Waivers will
be granted only if use of electronic § 807.22 Times for establishment reg-
means is not reasonable for the person istration and device listing.
requesting the waiver. To request a (a) Initial registration and listing. An
waiver, applicants must send a letter owner or operator of an establishment
to the Imports and Registration and who has not previously entered into an
Listing Team, Division of Regulatory operation described in § 807.20(a) shall
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§ 807.25 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(b) Registration and listing updates. requirements of this part shall provide
Owners or operators shall review and such information to us by using the
update all of their establishment reg- FDA electronic device registration and
istration and device listing informa- listing system, unless granted a waiver
tion that is on file at FDA, docu- from electronic submission in accord-
menting any changes that were not ance with § 807.21(b). Electronic submis-
previously reported as follows: sions of registration and listing infor-
(1) Annual registration for each fiscal mation must comply with part 11 of
year is required for all establishments. this chapter, except for the require-
Annual registration shall take place ments in § 11.10(b), (c), and (e), and the
during the period beginning on October corresponding requirements in § 11.30 of
1 and ending on December 31 of each this chapter. Those owners or opera-
fiscal year; tors granted a waiver from electronic
(2) Updates to the registration infor- submission should refer to paragraphs
mation as described in § 807.25(b) shall (c) and (g) of this section and § 807.34
be made within 30 days of any change for instructions on how to submit de-
to such information; vice registration and listing informa-
(3) Every fiscal year, during the pe- tion.
riod beginning on October 1 and ending (b) Registration information required
on December 31, owners or operators to be submitted includes: The name
shall review and update all of their de- and mailing address of the device es-
vice listing information that is on file tablishment; the Web site address of
at FDA, reporting any changes or dele- the device establishment, if any; the
tions to listings and any new listings name, address, phone number, fax num-
that were not previously reported. The ber, and email address of the owner or
accuracy of all information on file operator; the name, address, phone
must be confirmed each year regardless number, fax number, and email address
of whether any changes were made to of the establishment’s official cor-
the owner or operator’s list of devices; respondent; and all trade names used
and by the establishment.
(4) Changes to listing information (c) Owners or operators who have
may also be made at other times, such been granted a waiver from electronic
as when a device is introduced into filing must submit the establishment
commercial distribution, when a registration information described in
change is made to a previously-listed paragraph (b) of this section, except for
device, or when a previously-listed de- the Web site and email address infor-
vice is removed from commercial dis- mation, in paper form using the proce-
tribution. dures set forth in § 807.34.
(c) Failure to submit required informa- (d) Each owner or operator is re-
tion. Failure to submit any of the re- quired to maintain a listing of all offi-
quired information on time, as speci- cers, directors, and partners for each
fied in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this establishment registered by the owner
section, will put the establishment in a or operator and to furnish this infor-
‘‘failed to register’’ or ‘‘failed to list’’ mation to FDA upon request.
status as applicable. The establishment (e) For each establishment, an offi-
will not be considered active and the cial correspondent must be designated
establishment registration and device by the owner or operator to serve as a
listing information may not appear on point of contact with FDA on matters
the FDA Web site until such time as relating to the registration of device
the owner or operator submits and establishments and the listing of de-
FDA processes the required informa- vice products. Each owner or operator
tion. shall also provide FDA with the name
[77 FR 45942, Aug. 2, 2012] of a contact person at the owner or op-
erator’s offices who will be responsible
§ 807.25 Information required for de- for identifying the official cor-
vice establishment registration and respondent for each establishment. The
device listing.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 807.26
designated. The official correspondent emption for each device listed that is
is responsible for: subject to sections 505, 510(k), 513(f)(2),
(1) Providing FDA with all required 515, or 520(m) of the Federal Food,
registration and listing information Drug, and Cosmetic Act, which in-
electronically unless a waiver from cludes devices that are not exempt
electronic submission has been granted from premarket notification and ap-
in accordance with § 807.21(b); proval.
(2) Receiving all correspondence from (5) Each activity or process that is
FDA concerning registration and list- conducted on or done to the device at
ing; each establishment, such as manufac-
(3) Supplying, when requested by turing, repacking, relabeling, devel-
FDA, the names of all officers, direc- oping specifications, remanufacturing,
tors, and partners; and single-use device reprocessing, con-
(4) Receiving communications from tract manufacturing, contract steri-
FDA by email, or by postal mail if the lizing, or manufacturing for export
owner or operator has been granted a only.
waiver from the requirement to file [77 FR 45942, Aug. 2, 2012]
registration and listing information
electronically. § 807.26 Additional listing information.
(f) The designation of an official cor- (a) Each owner or operator shall
respondent does not in any manner af- maintain a historical file containing
fect the liability of the owner or oper- the labeling and advertisements in use
ator of the establishment or any other on the date of initial listing, and in use
individual under section 301(p) or any after October 10, 1978, but before the
other provision of the Federal Food, date of initial listing, as follows:
Drug, and Cosmetic Act. (1) For each device subject to section
(g) Device listing information must 514 or 515 of the act that is not a re-
be submitted to FDA electronically un- stricted device, a copy of all labeling
less a waiver from electronic submis- for the device;
sion has been granted in accordance (2) For each restricted device, a copy
with § 807.21(b). Owners or operators of all labeling and advertisements for
who have been granted a waiver must the device;
submit the required device listing in- (3) For each device that is neither re-
formation, including information re- stricted nor subject to section 514 or
quired by this paragraph, § 807.28, and 515 of the act, a copy of all labels,
any listing information requested by package inserts, and a representative
FDA under § 807.26(e), in paper form sampling of any other labeling.
using the procedures set forth in (b) In addition to the requirements
§ 807.34. The information required for set forth in paragraph (a) of this sec-
each device listed includes: tion, each owner or operator shall
(1) The current registration number maintain in the historical file any la-
and name of each establishment under beling or advertisements in which a
the ownership and control of the owner material change has been made any-
or operator where the device is manu- time after initial listing.
factured, repackaged, relabeled, or oth- (c) Each owner or operator may dis-
erwise processed, or where specifica- card labeling and advertisements from
tions are developed. the historical file 3 years after the date
(2) The product code for each device of the last shipment of a discontinued
that is exempt from premarket notifi- device by an owner or operator.
cation and approval or which was in (d) Location of the file:
commercial distribution prior to May (1) Currently existing systems for
28, 1976. maintenance of labeling and adver-
(3) The proprietary or brand name(s) tising may be used for the purpose of
under which each device is marketed. maintaining the historical file as long
(4) The FDA-assigned premarket sub- as the information included in the sys-
mission number of the approved appli- tems fulfills the requirements of this
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
cation, cleared premarket notification, section, but only if the labeling and ad-
granted de novo classification petition, vertisements are retrievable in a time-
or approved humanitarian device ex- ly manner.
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§ 807.28 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(2) The contents of the historical file the names of all distributors for whom
may be physically located in more than it has been manufactured.
one place in the establishment or in (f) Labeling, advertisements, and
more than one establishment provided other information to be submitted
there exists joint ownership and con- upon request in accordance with para-
trol among all the establishments graph (e) of this section may be sub-
maintaining the historical file. If no mitted by postal mail or electronically
joint ownership and control exists, the by email, but will not be submitted
registered establishment must provide using the FDA electronic device reg-
the Food and Drug Administration istration and listing system. Electronic
with a letter authorizing the establish- submissions of such information must
ment outside its control to maintain comply with part 11 of this chapter, ex-
the historical file. cept for the requirements in § 11.10 (a),
(3) A copy of the certification and (c) through (h), and (k), and the cor-
disclosure statements as required by responding requirements in § 11.30 of
part 54 of this chapter shall be retained this chapter. The information provided
and physically located at the establish- in electronic format must be in a form
ment maintaining the historical file. that we can process, review, and ar-
(e) Each owner or operator shall be chive.
prepared to submit to the Food and [43 FR 37999, Aug. 25, 1978, as amended at 51
Drug Administration, only upon spe- FR 33033, Sept. 18, 1986; 63 FR 5253, Feb. 2,
cific request, the following informa- 1998. Redesignated and amended at 77 FR
tion: 45943, Aug. 2, 2012]
(1) For a device subject to section 514
or 515 of the act that is not a restricted § 807.28 Updating device listing infor-
device, a copy of all labeling for the de- mation.
vice. (a) Updating of device listing infor-
(2) For a device that is a restricted mation is required if an additional es-
device, a copy of all labeling for the de- tablishment begins to engage in any of
vice, a representative sampling of ad- the activities described in § 807.3(d)
vertisements for the device, and for with respect to a listed device, such as
good cause, a copy of all advertise- manufacturing, developing specifica-
ments for a particular device. A re- tions, repackaging, relabeling, or oth-
quest for all advertisements will, where erwise processing the device. Updating
feasible, be accompanied by an expla- of the listing is also required if an es-
nation of the basis for such request. tablishment begins performing another
(3) For a device that is neither a re- activity on or to the device, or ceases
stricted device, nor subject to section to perform an activity on or to the de-
514 of 515 of the act, the label and pack- vice that had previously been identi-
age insert for the device and a rep- fied on the device listing.
resentative sampling of any other la- (b) An owner or operator shall create
beling for the device. a new device listing using the FDA
(4) For a particular device, a state- electronic device registration and list-
ment of the basis upon which the reg- ing system:
istrant has determined that the device (1) If introducing into commercial
is not subject to section 514 or 515 of distribution an exempt device identi-
the act. fied with a product code that is not
(5) For a particular device, a state- currently listed by the owner or oper-
ment of the basis upon which the reg- ator; or
istrant has determined the device is (2) If introducing into commercial
not a restricted device. distribution a non-exempt device with
(6) For a particular device, a state- an FDA premarket submission number
ment of the basis for determining that that is not currently listed by the
the product is a device rather than a owner or operator.
drug. (c) All device listings for foreign es-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
(7) For a device that the owner or op- tablishments must be submitted before
erator has manufactured for distribu- the device may be imported or offered
tion under a label other than its own, for import into the United States.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 807.35
Health, Food and Drug Administration, subject to part 207 of this chapter.
10903 New Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 66, (c) Although establishment registra-
Rm. 1432, Silver Spring, MD 20993–0002. tion and device listing are required to
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§ 807.37 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 807.65
in communications with the foreign es- (b) Upon initial registration, annu-
tablishment, respond to questions con- ally, and at the time of any changes,
cerning the foreign establishment’s each foreign establishment required to
products that are imported or offered register and list as provided in
for import into the United States, and § 807.40(a) must, using the FDA elec-
assist FDA in scheduling inspections of tronic device registration and listing
the foreign establishment. If the agen- system, submit the name, address, tele-
cy is unable to contact the foreign es- phone and fax numbers, email address,
tablishment directly or expeditiously, and registration number, if any has
FDA may provide information or docu- been assigned, of each person who im-
ments to the United States agent, and ports or offers for import the establish-
such an action shall be considered to be ment’s devices into the United States.
equivalent to providing the same infor- The term ‘‘person who imports or of-
mation or documents to the foreign es- fers for import,’’ which is defined in
tablishment. § 807.3(y), includes agents, brokers, or
(3) The foreign establishment or the other parties used by the foreign estab-
United States agent shall report lishment to facilitate the import of its
device into the United States.
changes in the United States agent’s
(c) For each individual or organiza-
name, address, or phone number to
tion identified by the foreign establish-
FDA within 10-business days of the
ment under paragraphs (a) and (b) of
this section, the foreign establishment
(c) No device may be imported or of- must submit to FDA electronically the
fered for import into the United States current FDA premarket submission
unless it is the subject of a device list- number and any other identifying in-
ing as required under subpart B of this formation that is known to the estab-
part and is manufactured, prepared, lishment for each device being im-
propagated, compounded, or processed ported or offered for import by the
at a registered foreign establishment; named individuals or organizations.
however, this restriction does not
apply to devices imported or offered for [77 FR 45944, Aug. 2, 2012]
import under the investigational use
provisions of part 812 of this chapter. Subpart D—Exemptions
(d) The device establishment reg-
§ 807.65 Exemptions for device estab-
istration and device listing informa- lishments.
tion shall be in the English language.
The following classes of persons are
[66 FR 59160, Nov. 27, 2001, as amended at 77 exempt from registration in accord-
FR 45944, Aug. 2, 2012] ance with § 807.20 under the provisions
of section 510(g)(1), (g)(2), and (g)(3) of
§ 807.41 Identification of importers the act, or because the Commissioner
and persons who import or offer for
import. of Food and Drugs has found, under
section 510(g)(5) of the act, that such
(a) Upon initial registration, annu- registration is not necessary for the
ally, and at the time of any changes, protection of the public health. The ex-
each foreign establishment required to emptions in paragraphs (d), (e), (f), and
register and list as provided in (i) of this section are limited to those
§ 807.40(a) must, using the FDA elec- classes of persons located in any State
tronic device registration and listing as defined in section 201(a)(1) of the
system, submit the name, address, tele- act.
phone and fax numbers, email address, (a) A manufacturer of raw materials
and registration number, if any has or components to be used in the manu-
been assigned, of any importer (defined facture or assembly of a device who
in § 807.3(x)) of the establishment’s de- would otherwise not be required to reg-
vices that is known to the foreign es- ister under the provisions of this part.
tablishment. The foreign establishment (b) A manufacturer of devices to be
must also specify which of the estab- used solely for veterinary purposes.
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§ 807.81 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
are generally known by persons trained pursuant to § 807.20 must submit a pre-
in their use and which are not labeled market notification submission to the
or promoted for medical uses. Food and Drug Administration at least
(d) Licensed practitioners, including 90 days before he proposes to begin the
physicians, dentists, and optometrists, introduction or delivery for introduc-
who manufacture or otherwise alter de- tion into interstate commerce for com-
vices solely for use in their practice. mercial distribution of a device in-
(e) Pharmacies, surgical supply out- tended for human use which meets any
lets, or other similar retail establish- of the following criteria:
ments making final delivery or sale to (1) The device is being introduced
the ultimate user. This exemption also into commercial distribution for the
applies to a pharmacy or other similar first time; that is, the device is not of
retail establishment that purchases a the same type as, or is not substan-
device for subsequent distribution tially equivalent to, (i) a device in
under its own name, e.g., a properly la- commercial distribution before May 28,
beled health aid such as an elastic ban- 1976, or (ii) a device introduced for
dage or crutch, indicating ‘‘distributed commercial distribution after May 28,
by’’ or ‘‘manufactured for’’ followed by 1976, that has subsequently been reclas-
the name of the pharmacy. sified into class I or II.
(f) Persons who manufacture, pre- (2) The device is being introduced
pare, propagate, compound, or process into commercial distribution for the
devices solely for use in research, first time by a person required to reg-
teaching, or analysis and do not intro- ister, whether or not the device meets
duce such devices into commercial dis- the criteria in paragraph (a)(1) of this
tribution. section.
(g) [Reserved] (3) The device is one that the person
(h) Carriers by reason of their re- currently has in commercial distribu-
ceipt, carriage, holding or delivery of tion or is reintroducing into commer-
devices in the usual course of business cial distribution, but that is about to
as carriers. be significantly changed or modified in
(i) Persons who dispense devices to design, components, method of manu-
the ultimate consumer or whose major facture, or intended use. The following
responsibility is to render a service constitute significant changes or modi-
necessary to provide the consumer (i.e., fications that require a premarket no-
patient, physician, layman, etc.) with a tification:
device or the benefits to be derived (i) A change or modification in the
from the use of a device; for example, a device that could significantly affect
hearing aid dispenser, optician, clinical the safety or effectiveness of the de-
laboratory, assembler of diagnostic x- vice, e.g., a significant change or modi-
ray systems, and personnel from a hos- fication in design, material, chemical
pital, clinic, dental laboratory, composition, energy source, or manu-
orthotic or prosthetic retail facility, facturing process.
whose primary responsibility to the ul- (ii) A major change or modification
timate consumer is to dispense or pro- in the intended use of the device.
vide a service through the use of a pre- (b)(1) A premarket notification under
viously manufactured device. this subpart is not required for a device
[42 FR 42526, Aug. 23, 1977, as amended at 58 for which a premarket approval appli-
FR 46523, Sept. 1, 1993; 61 FR 44615, Aug. 28, cation under section 515 of the act, or
1996; 65 FR 17136, Mar. 31, 2000; 66 FR 59160, for which a petition to reclassify under
Nov. 27, 2001] section 513(f)(2) of the act, is pending
before the Food and Drug Administra-
Subpart E—Premarket Notification tion.
Procedures (2) The appropriate FDA Center Di-
rector may determine that the submis-
§ 807.81 When a premarket notification sion and grant of a written request for
submission is required. an exception or alternative under
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 807.87
(c) In addition to complying with the and, if known, its appropriate panel;
requirements of this part, owners or or, if the owner or operator determines
operators of device establishments that that the device has not been classified
manufacture radiation-emitting elec- under such section, a statement of that
tronic products, as defined in § 1000.3 of determination and the basis for the
this chapter, shall comply with the re- person’s determination that the device
porting requirements of part 1002 of is not so classified.
this chapter. (d) Action taken by the person re-
[42 FR 42526, Aug. 23, 1977, as amended at 72 quired to register to comply with the
FR 73601, Dec. 28, 2007] requirements of the act under section
514 for performance standards.
§ 807.85 Exemption from premarket
notification. (e) Proposed labels, labeling, and ad-
vertisements sufficient to describe the
(a) A custom device is exempt from device, its intended use, and the direc-
premarket notification requirements of tions for its use. Where applicable, pho-
this subpart if the device is within the
tographs or engineering drawings
meaning of section 520(b) of the Fed-
should be supplied.
eral Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
(1) It is intended for use by a patient (f) A statement indicating the device
named in the order of the physician or is similar to and/or different from
dentist (or other specially qualified other products of comparable type in
person); or commercial distribution, accompanied
(2) It is intended solely for use by a by data to support the statement. This
physician or dentist (or other specially information may include an identifica-
qualified person) and is not generally tion of similar products, materials, de-
available to, or generally used by, sign considerations, energy expected to
other physicians or dentists (or other be used or delivered by the device, and
specially qualified persons). a description of the operational prin-
(b) A distributor who places a device ciples of the device.
into commercial distribution for the (g) Where a person required to reg-
first time under his own name and a re- ister intends to introduce into com-
packager who places his own name on a mercial distribution a device that has
device and does not change any other undergone a significant change or
labeling or otherwise affect the device modification that could significantly
shall be exempted from the premarket affect the safety or effectiveness of the
notification requirements of this sub- device, or the device is to be marketed
part if: for a new or different indication for
(1) The device was in commercial dis- use, the premarket notification sub-
tribution before May 28, 1976; or
mission must include appropriate sup-
(2) A premarket notification submis-
porting data to show that the manufac-
sion was filed by another person.
turer has considered what con-
[42 FR 42526, Aug. 23, 1977, as amended at 81 sequences and effects the change or
FR 70340, Oct. 12, 2016] modification or new use might have on
§ 807.87 Information required in a pre- the safety and effectiveness of the de-
market notification submission. vice.
(h) A 510(k) summary as described in
Each premarket notification submis-
§ 807.92 or a 510(k) statement as de-
sion shall contain the following infor-
scribed in § 807.93.
(a) The device name, including both (i) A financial certification or disclo-
the trade or proprietary name and the sure statement or both, as required by
common or usual name or classifica- part 54 of this chapter.
tion name of the device. (j) For a submission supported by
(b) The establishment registration clinical data:
number, if applicable, of the owner or (1) If the data are from clinical inves-
operator submitting the premarket no- tigations conducted in the United
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§ 807.90 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
adverse safety and effectiveness data dress displayed on the website https://
described in the class III summary or
citation. OfficeofMedicalProductsandTobacco/
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 807.92
mitter claims equivalence. A legally (b) 510(k) summaries for those pre-
marketed device to which a new device market submissions in which a deter-
may be compared for a determination mination of substantial equivalence is
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§ 807.93 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
also based on an assessment of per- information, but excluding all patient iden-
formance data shall contain the fol- tifiers, and trade secret and confidential
lowing information: commercial information, as defined in 21
CFR 20.61.
(1) A brief discussion of the nonclin-
ical tests submitted, referenced, or re- (2) The statement in paragraph (a)(1)
lied on in the premarket notification of this section should be signed by the
submission for a determination of sub- certifier, made on a separate page of
stantial equivalence; the premarket notification submission,
(2) A brief discussion of the clinical and clearly identified as ‘‘510(k) state-
tests submitted, referenced, or relied ment.’’
on in the premarket notification sub- (b) All requests for information in-
mission for a determination of substan- cluded in paragraph (a) of this section
tial equivalence. This discussion shall shall be made in writing to the cer-
include, where applicable, a description tifier, whose name will be published by
of the subjects upon whom the device FDA on the list of premarket notifica-
was tested, a discussion of the safety or tion submissions for which substantial
effectiveness data obtained from the equivalence determinations have been
testing, with specific reference to ad- made.
verse effects and complications, and (c) The information provided to re-
any other information from the clin- questors will be a duplicate of the pre-
ical testing relevant to a determina- market notification submission, in-
tion of substantial equivalence; and cluding any adverse information, but
(3) The conclusions drawn from the excluding all patient identifiers, and
nonclinical and clinical tests that dem- trade secret and confidential commer-
onstrate that the device is as safe, as cial information as defined in § 20.61 of
effective, and performs as well as or this chapter.
better than the legally marketed de-
vice identified in paragraph (a)(3) of [59 FR 64295, Dec. 14, 1994]
this section.
(c) The summary should be in a sepa- § 807.94 Format of a class III certifi-
rate section of the submission, begin-
ning on a new page and ending on a (a) A class III certification submitted
page not shared with any other section as part of a premarket notification
of the premarket notification submis- shall state as follows:
sion, and should be clearly identified as I certify, in my capacity as (position held
a ‘‘510(k) summary.’’ in company), of (company name), that I have
(d) Any other information reasonably conducted a reasonable search of all infor-
deemed necessary by the agency. mation known or otherwise available about
the types and causes of safety or effective-
[57 FR 18066, Apr. 28, 1992, as amended at 59
ness problems that have been reported for
FR 64295, Dec. 14, 1994]
the (type of device). I further certify that I
am aware of the types of problems to which
§ 807.93 Content and format of a 510(k)
the (type of device) is susceptible and that,
to the best of my knowledge, the following
(a)(1) A 510(k) statement submitted summary of the types and causes of safety or
as part of a premarket notification effectiveness problems about the (type of de-
shall state as follows: vice) is complete and accurate.
I certify that, in my capacity as (the posi- (b) The statement in paragraph (a) of
tion held in company by person required to this section should be signed by the
submit the premarket notification, pref- certifier, clearly identified as ‘‘class III
erably the official correspondent in the certification,’’ and included at the be-
firm), of (company name), I will make avail- ginning of the section of the premarket
able all information included in this pre-
market notification on safety and effective-
notification submission that sets forth
ness within 30 days of request by any person the class III summary.
if the device described in the premarket no- [59 FR 64296, Dec. 14, 1994]
tification submission is determined to be
substantially equivalent. The information I § 807.95 Confidentiality of information.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 807.95
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§ 807.97 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
with the conditions set forth in para- § 807.100 FDA action on a premarket
graphs (b) and (c) of this section, con- notification.
fidentiality for a premarket notifica- (a) After review of a premarket noti-
tion submission cannot be granted be-
fication, FDA will:
yond 30 days after FDA issues a deter-
(1) Issue an order declaring the device
mination of equivalency.
to be substantially equivalent to a le-
(e) Data or information submitted
gally marketed predicate device;
with, or incorporated by reference in, a
premarket notification submission (2) Issue an order declaring the device
(other than safety and effectiveness to be not substantially equivalent to
data that have not been disclosed to any legally marketed predicate device;
the public) shall be available for disclo- (3) Request additional information;
sure by the Food and Drug Administra- or
tion when the intent to market the de- (4) Withhold the decision until a cer-
vice is no longer confidential in accord- tification or disclosure statement is
ance with this section, unless exempt submitted to FDA under part 54 of this
from public disclosure in accordance chapter.
with part 20 of this chapter. Upon final (5) Advise the applicant that the pre-
classification, data and information re- market notification is not required.
lating to safety and effectiveness of a Until the applicant receives an order
device classified in class I (general con- declaring a device substantially equiv-
trols) or class II (performance stand- alent, the applicant may not proceed to
ards) shall be available for public dis- market the device.
closure. Data and information relating (b) FDA will determine that a device
to safety and effectiveness of a device is substantially equivalent to a predi-
classified in class III (premarket ap- cate device using the following cri-
proval) that have not been released to teria:
the public shall be retained as con-
(1) The device has the same intended
fidential unless such data and informa-
use as the predicate device; and
tion become available for release to the
public under § 860.5(d) or other provi- (2) The device:
sions of this chapter. (i) Has the same technological char-
acteristics as the predicate device; or
[42 FR 42526, Aug. 23, 1977, as amended at 53 (ii)(A) Has different technological
FR 11252, Apr. 6, 1988; 57 FR 18067, Apr. 28,
characteristics, such as a significant
1992; 59 FR 64296, Dec. 14, 1994; 84 FR 68339,
Dec. 16, 2019] change in the materials, design, energy
source, or other features of the device
§ 807.97 Misbranding by reference to from those of the predicate device;
premarket notification. (B) The data submitted establishes
Submission of a premarket notifica- that the device is substantially equiva-
tion in accordance with this subpart, lent to the predicate device and con-
and a subsequent determination by the tains information, including clinical
Commissioner that the device intended data if deemed necessary by the Com-
for introduction into commercial dis- missioner, that demonstrates that the
tribution is substantially equivalent to device is as safe and as effective as a
a device in commercial distribution be- legally marketed device; and
fore May 28, 1976, or is substantially (C) Does not raise different questions
equivalent to a device introduced into of safety and effectiveness than the
commercial distribution after May 28, predicate device.
1976, that has subsequently been reclas- (3) The predicate device has not been
sified into class I or II, does not in any removed from the market at the initia-
way denote official approval of the de- tive of the Commissioner of Food and
vice. Any representation that creates Drugs or has not been determined to be
an impression of official approval of a misbranded or adulterated by a judicial
device because of complying with the order.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 808.1
ment applicable to such device under 521(a) of the Federal Food, Drug, and
any provision of the Federal Food, Cosmetic Act because they are not
Drug, and Cosmetic Act and which re- ‘‘requirements applicable to a device’’
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§ 808.1 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
all devices, registration, and licensing quirements under the Federal Food,
requirements for manufacturers and Drug, and Cosmetic Act applicable to
others, and prohibition of manufacture these types of devices.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 808.5
(10) Part 820 of this chapter (21 CFR aids, as defined under section 520(q) of
part 820) (CGMP requirements) does the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
not preempt remedies created by Act, through in-person transactions, by
States or Territories of the United mail, or online; and
States, the District of Columbia, or the (2) Is different from, in addition to,
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. or otherwise not identical to, the regu-
(e) Determination of equivalence or dif- lations issued under section 709(b) of
ference of requirements applicable to a de- the FDA Reauthorization Act of 2017.
vice. It is the responsibility of the Food
and Drug Administration, subject to [43 FR 18665, May 2, 1978, as amended at 45
FR 67336, Oct. 10, 1980; 61 FR 52654, Oct. 7,
review by Federal courts, to determine
1996; 73 FR 34859, June 19, 2008; 87 FR 50761,
whether a State or local requirement is Aug. 17, 2022]
equal to, or substantially identical to,
requirements imposed by or under the § 808.3 Definitions.
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act,
or is different from, or in addition to, Compelling local conditions includes
such requirements, in accordance with any factors, considerations, or cir-
the procedures provided by this part. cumstances prevailing in, or char-
However, it is the responsibility of acteristic of, the geographic area or
States and political subdivisions to de- population of the State or political
termine initially whether to seek ex- subdivision that justify exemption
emptions from preemption. Any State from preemption.
or political subdivision whose require- More stringent refers to a requirement
ments relating to devices are pre- of greater restrictiveness or one that is
empted by section 521(a) may petition expected to afford to those who may be
the Commissioner of Food and Drugs exposed to a risk of injury from a de-
for exemption from preemption, in ac- vice a higher degree of protection than
cordance with the procedures provided is afforded by a requirement applicable
by this part. to the device under the Federal Food,
(f) Applicability of Federal requirements Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
respecting devices. The Federal require- Political subdivision or locality means
ment with respect to a device applies any lawfully established local govern-
whether or not a corresponding State mental unit within a State which unit
or local requirement is preempted or has the authority to establish or con-
exempted from preemption. As a result, tinue in effect any requirement having
if a State or local requirement that the the force and effect of law with respect
Food and Drug Administration has ex- to a device intended for human use.
empted from preemption is not as State means any State or Territory of
broad in its application as the Federal the United States, including but not
requirement, the Federal requirement limited to, the District of Columbia
applies to all circumstances not cov- and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
ered by the State or local requirement. Substantially identical to refers to the
(g) Exemptions not applicable to certain fact that a State or local requirement
State or local government requirements does not significantly differ in effect
specifically related to hearing products. from a Federal requirement.
An exemption under this part shall not
apply to any State or local government [87 FR 50762, Aug. 17, 2022]
law, regulation, order, or other require-
ment specifically related to hearing § 808.5 Advisory opinions.
products, including any requirement (a) Any State, political subdivision,
for the supervision, prescription, or or other interested person may request
other order, involvement, or interven- an advisory opinion from the Commis-
tion of a licensed person for consumers sioner with respect to any general mat-
to access over-the-counter hearing ter concerning preemption of State or
aids, that: local device requirements or with re-
(1) Would restrict or interfere with spect to whether the Food and Drug
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§ 808.20 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
requirement that has been enacted, (3) Information on the nature of the
promulgated, or issued in final form by problem addressed by the requirement
the authorized body or official of the of the State or political subdivision.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 808.25
(4) Identification of which (or both) quest expedited action on such applica-
of the following bases is relied upon for tion.
seeking an exemption from preemp-
[43 FR 18665, May 2, 1978; 43 FR 22010, May 23,
tion: 1978, as amended at 49 FR 3646, Jan. 30, 1984;
(i) The requirement is more stringent 59 FR 14365, Mar. 28, 1994; 87 FR 50761, Aug.
than a requirement applicable to a de- 17, 2022]
vice under the Federal Food, Drug, and
Cosmetic Act. If the State or political § 808.25 Procedures for processing an
subdivision relies upon this basis for application.
exemption from preemption, the appli- (a) Upon receipt of an application for
cation shall include information, data, an exemption from preemption sub-
or material showing how and why the
mitted in accordance with § 808.20, the
requirement of the State or political
Commissioner shall notify the State or
subdivision is more stringent than re-
political subdivision of the date of such
quirements under the Federal Food,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
(ii) The requirement is required by (b) If the Commissioner finds that an
compelling local conditions, and com- application does not meet the require-
pliance with the requirement would ments of § 808.20, he shall notify the
not cause the device to be in violation State or political subdivision of the de-
of any applicable requirement under ficiencies in the application and of the
the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic opportunity to correct such defi-
Act. If the State or political subdivi- ciencies. A deficient application may
sion relies upon this basis for exemp- be corrected at any time.
tion from preemption, the application (c) After receipt of an application
shall include information, data, or ma- meeting the requirements of § 808.20,
terial showing why compliance with the Commissioner shall review such ap-
the requirement of the State or polit- plication and determine whether to
ical subdivision would not cause a de- grant or deny an exemption from pre-
vice to be in violation of any applicable emption for each requirement which is
requirement under the Federal Food, the subject of the application. The
Drug, and Cosmetic Act and why the Commissioner shall then issue in the
requirement is required by compelling FEDERAL REGISTER a proposed regula-
local conditions. The application shall tion either to grant or to deny an ex-
also explain in detail the compelling emption from preemption. The Com-
local conditions that justify the re- missioner shall also issue in the FED-
quirement. ERAL REGISTER a notice of opportunity
(5) The title of the chief administra- to request an oral hearing before the
tive or legal officers of that State or Commissioner or the Commissioner’s
local agency that has primary respon- designee.
sibility for administration of the re- (d) A request for an oral hearing may
quirement. be made by the State or political sub-
(6) When requested by the Food and division or any other interested person.
Drug Administration, any records con- Such request shall be submitted to the
cerning administration of any require- Division of Dockets Management with-
ment which is the subject of an exemp- in the period of time prescribed in the
tion or an application for an exemption notice and shall include an explanation
from preemption. of why an oral hearing, rather than
(7) Information on how the public submission of written comments only,
health may be benefitted and how is essential to the presentation of
interstate commerce may be affected, views on the application for exemption
if an exemption is granted. from preemption and the proposed reg-
(8) Any other pertinent information ulation.
respecting the requirement voluntarily (e) If a timely request for an oral
submitted by the applicant. hearing is made, the Commissioner
(d) If litigation regarding applica- shall review such a request and may
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§ 808.35 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
REGISTER a notice of the hearing in ac- graph (g) of this section constitutes
cordance with § 15.20 of this chapter. final agency action.
The scope of the oral hearing shall be
[43 FR 18665, May 2, 1978, as amended at 87
limited to matters relevant to the ap-
FR 50761, Aug. 17, 2022]
plication for exemption from preemp-
tion and the proposed regulation. Oral § 808.35 Revocation of an exemption.
or written presentations at the oral
hearing which are not relevant to the (a) An exemption from preemption
application shall be excluded from the pursuant to a regulation under this
administrative record of the hearing. part shall remain effective until the
(f) If a request for hearing is not Commissioner revokes such exemption.
timely made or a notice of appearance (b) The Commissioner may by regula-
is not filed pursuant to § 15.21 of this tion, in accordance with § 808.25, revoke
chapter, the Commissioner shall con- an exemption from preemption for any
sider all written comments submitted of the following reasons:
and publish a final rule in accordance (1) An exemption may be revoked
with paragraph (g) of this section. upon the effective date of a newly es-
(g)(1) The Commissioner shall review tablished requirement under the Fed-
all written comments submitted on the eral Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
proposed rule and the administrative which, in the Commissioner’s view, ad-
record of the oral hearing, if an oral dresses the objectives of an exempt re-
hearing has been granted, and shall quirement and which is described,
publish in the FEDERAL REGISTER a when issued, as preempting a pre-
final rule in subpart C of this part iden- viously exempt State or local require-
tifying any requirement in the applica- ment.
tion for which exemption from preemp- (2) An exemption may be revoked
tion is granted, or conditionally grant- upon a finding that there has occurred
ed, and any requirement in the applica- a change in the bases listed in
tion for which exemption from preemp- § 808.20(c)(4) upon which the exemption
tion is not granted. was granted.
(2) The Commissioner may issue a (3) An exemption may be revoked if it
regulation granting or conditionally is determined that a condition placed
granting an application for an exemp- on the exemption by the regulation
tion from preemption for any require- under which the exemption was grant-
ment if the Commissioner makes ei- ed has not been met or is no longer
ther of the following findings:
being met.
(i) The requirement is more stringent
(4) An exemption may be revoked if a
than a requirement applicable to the
State or local jurisdiction fails to sub-
device under the Federal Food, Drug,
mit records as provided in § 808.20(c)(6).
and Cosmetic Act;
(5) An exemption may be revoked if a
(ii) The requirement is required by
State or local jurisdiction to whom the
compelling local conditions, and com-
pliance with the requirement would exemption was originally granted re-
not cause the device to be in violation quests revocation.
of any requirement applicable to the (6) An exemption may be revoked if it
device under the Federal Food, Drug, is determined that it is no longer in
and Cosmetic Act. the best interests of the public health
(3) The Commissioner may not grant to continue the exemption.
an application for an exemption from (c) An exemption that has been re-
preemption for any requirement with voked may be reinstated, upon request
respect to a device if the Commissioner from the State or political subdivision,
determines that the granting of an ex- if the Commissioner, in accordance
emption would not be in the best inter- with the procedures in § 808.25, deter-
est of public health, taking into ac- mines that the grounds for revocation
count the potential burden on inter- are no longer applicable except that
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 809.4
nostic products.
[45 FR 7484, Feb. 1, 1980]
809.30 Restrictions on the sale, distribution
and use of analyte specific reagents.
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§ 809.10 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
with the word ‘‘physician’’, ‘‘dentist’’, fied as such, from which it is possible
‘‘veterinarian’’, or with the descriptive to determine the complete manufac-
designation of any other practitioner turing history of the product.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 809.10
(i) If it is a multiple unit product, the (3) Summary and explanation of the
lot or control number shall permit test. Include a short history of the
tracing the identity of the individual methodology, with pertinent references
units. and a balanced statement of the special
(ii) For an instrument, the lot or con- merits and limitations of this method
trol number shall permit tracing the or product. If the product labeling re-
identity of all functional subassem- fers to any other procedure, appro-
blies. priate literature citations shall be in-
(iii) For multiple unit products which cluded and the labeling shall explain
require the use of included units to- the nature of any differences from the
gether as a system, all units should original and their effect on the results.
bear the same lot or control number, if (4) The chemical, physical, physio-
appropriate, or other suitable uniform logical, or biological principles of the
identification should be used. procedure. Explain concisely, with
(10) Except that for items in para- chemical reactions and techniques in-
graphs (a) (1) through (9) of this sec- volved, if applicable.
tion: (i) In the case of immediate con- (5) Reagents:
tainers too small or otherwise unable (i) A declaration of the established
to accommodate a label with sufficient name (common or usual name), if any,
space to bear all such information and and quantity, proportion or concentra-
which are packaged within an outer tion or each reactive ingredient; and
container from which they are removed for biological material, the source and
for use, the information required by a measure of its activity. The quantity,
paragraphs (a) (2), (3), (4), (5), (6) (ii),
proportion, concentration or activity
(iii) and (7) of this section may appear
shall be stated in the system generally
in the outer container labeling only.
used and recognized by the intended
(ii) In any case in which the presence user, e.g., metric, international units,
of this information on the immediate
etc. A statement indicating the pres-
container will interfere with the test,
ence of and characterizing any cata-
the information may appear on the
lytic or nonreactive ingredients, e.g.,
outside container or wrapper rather
buffers, preservatives, stabilizers.
than on the immediate container label.
(ii) A statement of warnings or pre-
(b) Labeling accompanying each
cautions for users as established in the
product, e.g., a package insert, shall
state in one place the following infor- regulations contained in 16 CFR part
mation in the format and order speci- 1500 and any other warnings appro-
fied below, except where such informa- priate to the hazard presented by the
tion is not applicable, or as specified in product; and a statement ‘‘For In Vitro
a standard for a particular product Diagnostic Use’’ and any other limiting
class. The labeling for a multiple-pur- statements appropriate to the intended
pose instrument used for diagnostic use of the product. The limiting state-
purposes, and not committed to spe- ment appropriate to the intended use
cific diagnostic procedures or systems, of a prescription in vitro diagnostic
may bear only the information indi- product shall bear the symbol state-
cated in paragraphs (b) (1), (2), (6), (14), ment ‘‘Rx only’’ or ‘‘) only’’ or the
and (15) of this section. The labeling for statement ‘‘Caution: Federal law re-
a reagent intended for use as a replace- stricts this device to sale by or on the
ment in a diagnostic system may be order of a ___’’, the blank to be filled
limited to that information necessary with the word ‘‘physician’’, ‘‘dentist’’,
to identify the reagent adequately and ‘‘veterinarian’’, or with the descriptive
to describe its proper use in the sys- designation of any other practitioner
tem. licensed by the law of the State in
(1) The proprietary name and estab- which the practitioner practices to use
lished name, i.e., common or usual or order the use of the device.
name, if any. (iii) Adequate instructions for recon-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
(2) The intended use or uses of the stitution, mixing, dilution, etc.
product and the type of procedure, e.g., (iv) Appropriate storage instructions
qualitative or quantitative. adequate to protect the stability of the
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§ 809.10 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
product. When applicable, these in- (ii) A list of all materials required
structions shall include such informa- but not provided. Include such details
tion as conditions of temperature, as sizes, numbers, types, and quality.
light, humidity, and other pertinent (iii) A description of the amounts of
factors. For products requiring manip- reagents necessary, times required for
ulation, such as reconstitution and/or specific steps, proper temperatures,
mixing before use, appropriate storage wavelengths, etc.
instructions shall be provided for the (iv) A statement describing the sta-
reconstituted or mixed product. The bility of the final reaction material to
basis for such instructions shall be de- be measured and the time within which
termined by reliable, meaningful, and it shall be measured to assure accurate
specific test methods such as those de-
scribed in § 211.166 of this chapter.
(v) Details of calibration: Identify
(v) A statement of any purification
reference material. Describe prepara-
or treatment required for use.
tion of reference sample(s), use of
(vi) Physical, biological, or chemical
blanks, preparation of the standard
indications of instability or deteriora-
curve, etc. The description of the range
of calibration should include the high-
(6) Instruments:
est and the lowest values measurable
(i) Use or function.
by the procedure.
(ii) Installation procedures and spe-
(vi) Details of kinds of quality con-
cial requirements.
trol procedures and materials required.
(iii) Principles of operation.
If there is need for both positive and
(iv) Performance characteristics and negative controls, this should be stat-
specifications. ed. State what are considered satisfac-
(v) Operating instructions. tory limits of performance.
(vi) Calibration procedures including (9) Results: Explain the procedure for
materials and/or equipment to be used. calculating the value of the unknown.
(vii) Operational precautions and Give an explanation for each compo-
limitations. nent of the formula used for the cal-
(viii) Hazards. culation of the unknown. Include a
(ix) Service and maintenance infor- sample calculation, step-by-step, ex-
mation. plaining the answer. The values shall
(7) Specimen collection and prepara- be expressed to the appropriate number
tion for analysis, including a descrip- of significant figures. If the test pro-
tion of: vides other than quantitative results,
(i) Special precautions regarding provide an adequate description of ex-
specimen collection including special pected results.
preparation of the patient as it bears
(10) Limitation of the procedure: In-
on the validity of the test.
clude a statement of limitations of the
(ii) Additives, preservatives, etc., procedure. State known extrinsic fac-
necessary to maintain the integrity of
tors or interfering substances affecting
the specimen.
results. If further testing, either more
(iii) Known interfering substances.
specific or more sensitive, is indicated
(iv) Recommended storage, handling in all cases where certain results are
or shipping instructions for the protec- obtained, the need for the additional
tion and maintenance of stability of
test shall be stated.
the specimen.
(11) Expected values: State the
(8) Procedure: A step-by-step outline
range(s) of expected values as obtained
of recommended procedures from re-
ception of the specimen to obtaining with the product from studies of var-
results. List any points that may be ious populations. Indicate how the
useful in improving precision and accu- range(s) was established and identify
racy. the population(s) on which it was es-
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 809.10
known by persons trained in their use tents of the package. The use of metric
need not bear the directions for use re- designations is encouraged, wherever
quired by § 809.10(a) and (b), if their la- appropriate.
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§ 809.10 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(vii) Name and place of business of action with substances of known clin-
manufacturer, packer, or distributor. ical significance;
(viii) A lot or control number, identi- (v) A statement of warnings or pre-
fied as such, from which it is possible cautions for users as established in the
to determine the complete manufac- regulations contained in 16 CFR part
turing history of the product. 1500 and any other warnings appro-
(ix) In the case of immediate con- priate to the hazard presented by the
tainers too small or otherwise unable product;
to accommodate a label with sufficient (vi) The date of manufacture and ap-
space to bear all such information, and propriate storage instructions ade-
which are packaged within an outer quate to protect the stability of the
container from which they are removed product. When applicable, these in-
for use, the information required by structions shall include such informa-
paragraphs (d)(1)(ii), (iii), (iv), (v), and tion as conditions of temperature,
(vi) of this section may appear in the light, humidity, date of expiration, and
outer container labeling only. other pertinent factors. The basis for
(2) The label of general purpose lab- such instructions shall be determined
oratory equipment, e.g., a beaker or a by reliable, meaningful, and specific
pipette, shall bear a statement ade- test methods, such as those described
quately describing the product, its in § 211.166 of this chapter;
composition, and physical characteris- (vii) A declaration of the net quan-
tics if necessary for its proper use. tity of contents, expressed in terms of
(e)(1) The labeling for analyte spe- weight or volume, numerical count, or
cific reagents (e.g., monoclonal anti- any combination of these or other
bodies, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) terms that accurately reflect the con-
probes, viral antigens, ligands) shall tents of the package. The use of metric
bear the following information: designations is encouraged, wherever
(i) The proprietary name and estab- appropriate;
lished name (common or usual name), (viii) The name and place of business
if any, of the reagent; of manufacturer, packer, or dis-
(ii) A declaration of the established tributor;
name (common or usual name), if any; (ix) A lot or control number, identi-
(iii) The quantity, proportion, or con- fied as such, from which it is possible
centration of the reagent ingredient; to determine the complete manufac-
and for a reagent derived from biologi- turing history of the product;
cal material, the source and where ap- (x) For class I exempt ASR’s, the
plicable, a measure of its activity. The statement: ‘‘Analyte Specific Reagent.
quantity, proportion, concentration, or Analytical and performance character-
activity shall be stated in the system istics are not established’’; and
generally used and recognized by the (xi) For class II and III ASR’s, the
intended user, e.g., metric, inter- statement: ‘‘Analyte Specific Reagent.
national units, etc.; Except as a component of the approved/
(iv) A statement of the purity and cleared test (Name of approved/cleared
quality of the reagent, including a test), analytical and performance char-
quantitative declaration of any impuri- acteristics of this ASR are not estab-
ties present and method of analysis or lished.’’
characterization. The requirement for (2) In the case of immediate con-
this information may be met by a tainers too small or otherwise unable
statement of conformity with a gen- to accommodate a label with sufficient
erally recognized and generally avail- space to bear all such information, and
able standard that contains the same which are packaged within an outer
information, e.g., those established by container from which they are removed
the American Chemical Society, U.S. for use, the information required by
Pharmacopeia, National Formulary, paragraphs (e)(1) through (e)(6) of this
and National Research Council. The la- section may appear in the outer con-
beling may also include information tainer labeling only.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 809.10
age containing the device bears a parent, (i.e., open to public scrutiny),
prominent and conspicuous statement where the participation is balanced,
identifying the location of the symbols where an appeals process is included,
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§ 809.11 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
where the standard is not in conflict Stockpile official, a written request for
with any statute, regulation, or policy an exception or alternative described
under which FDA operates, and where in paragraph (a) of this section to the
the standard is national or inter- Center Director.
national in scope. (ii) The Center Director may grant
(ii) The term ‘‘symbols glossary’’ an exception or alternative described
means a compiled listing of: in paragraph (a) of this section on his
(A) Each SDO-established symbol or her own initiative.
used in the labeling for the device; (2) A written request for an exception
(B) The title and designation number or alternative described in paragraph
of the SDO-developed standard con- (a) of this section must:
taining the symbol; (i) Identify the specified lots,
(C) The title of the symbol and its batches, or other units of an in vitro
reference number, if any, in the stand- diagnostic product for human use that
ard; and would be subject to the exception or al-
(D) The meaning or explanatory text ternative;
for the symbol as provided in the FDA (ii) Identify the labeling provision(s)
recognition or, if FDA has not recog- listed in paragraph (f) of this section
nized the standard or portion of the that are the subject of the exception or
standard in which the symbol is lo- alternative request;
cated or the symbol is not used accord- (iii) Explain why compliance with
ing to the specifications for use of the such labeling provision(s) could ad-
symbol set forth in FDA’s section versely affect the safety, effectiveness,
514(c) recognition, the explanatory text or availability of the specified lots,
as provided in the standard. batches, or other units of the in vitro
[41 FR 6903, Feb. 13, 1976, as amended at 45 diagnostic product for human use that
FR 3750, Jan. 18, 1980; 45 FR 7484, Feb. 1, 1980; are or will be held in the Strategic Na-
47 FR 41107, Sept. 17, 1982; 47 FR 51109, Nov. tional Stockpile;
12, 1982; 48 FR 34470, July 29, 1983; 62 FR 62259, (iv) Describe any proposed safeguards
Nov. 21, 1997; 65 FR 18234, Apr. 7, 2000; 81 FR or conditions that will be implemented
38391, June 15, 2016]
so that the labeling of the product in-
§ 809.11 Exceptions or alternatives to cludes appropriate information nec-
labeling requirements for in vitro essary for the safe and effective use of
diagnostic products for human use the product, given the anticipated cir-
held by the Strategic National cumstances of use of the product;
Stockpile. (v) Provide a draft of the proposed la-
(a) The appropriate FDA Center Di- beling of the specified lots, batches, or
rector may grant an exception or alter- other units of the in vitro diagnostic
native to any provision listed in para- products for human use subject to the
graph (f) of this section and not explic- exception or alternative; and
itly required by statute, for specified (vi) Provide any other information
lots, batches, or other units of an in requested by the Center Director in
vitro diagnostic product for human support of the request.
use, if the Center Director determines (c) The Center Director must respond
that compliance with such labeling re- in writing to all requests under this
quirement could adversely affect the section. The Center Director may im-
safety, effectiveness, or availability of pose appropriate conditions or safe-
such products that are or will be in- guards when granting such an excep-
cluded in the Strategic National tion or alternative under this section.
Stockpile. (d) A grant of an exception or alter-
(b)(1)(i) A Strategic National Stock- native under this section will include
pile official or any entity that manu- any safeguards or conditions deemed
factures (including labeling, packing, appropriate by the Center Director to
relabeling, or repackaging), distrib- ensure that the labeling of the product
utes, or stores an in vitro diagnostic subject to the exception or alternative
product for human use that is or will includes the information necessary for
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
be included in the Strategic National the safe and effective use of the prod-
Stockpile may submit, with written uct, given the anticipated cir-
concurrence from a Strategic National cumstances of use.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 809.30
(e) If the Center Director grants a re- § 809.30 Restrictions on the sale, dis-
quest for an exception or alternative to tribution and use of analyte specific
the labeling requirements under this reagents.
section: (a) Analyte specific reagents (ASR’s)
(1) The Center Director may deter- (§ 864.4020 of this chapter) are restricted
mine that the submission and grant of devices under section 520(e) of the Fed-
a written request under this section eral Food, Drugs, and Cosmetic Act
satisfies the provisions relating to pre- (the act) subject to the restrictions set
market notification submissions under forth in this section.
§ 807.81(a)(3) of this chapter. (b) ASR’s may only be sold to:
(2)(i) For a Premarket Approval Ap- (1) In vitro diagnostic manufacturers;
(2) Clinical laboratories regulated
plication (PMA)-approved in vitro diag-
under the Clinical Laboratory Improve-
nostic product for human use, the sub-
ment Amendments of 1988 (CLIA), as
mission and grant of a written request
qualified to perform high complexity
under this section satisfies the provi- testing under 42 CFR part 493 or clin-
sions relating to submission of PMA ical laboratories regulated under VHA
supplements under § 814.39 of this chap- Directive 1106 (available from Depart-
ter; however, ment of Veterans Affairs, Veterans
(ii) The grant of the request must be Health Administration, Washington,
identified in a periodic report under DC 20420); and
§ 814.84 of this chapter. (3) Organizations that use the re-
(f) The Center Director may grant an agents to make tests for purposes other
exception or alternative under this sec- than providing diagnostic information
tion to the following provisions of this to patients and practitioners, e.g., fo-
part, to the extent that the require- rensic, academic, research, and other
ments in these provisions are not ex- nonclinical laboratories.
plicitly required by statute: (c) ASR’s must be labeled in accord-
(1) § 809.10(a)(1) through (a)(6) and ance with § 809.10(e).
(a)(9); (d) Advertising and promotional ma-
terials for ASR’s:
(2) § 809.10(b);
(1) Shall include the identity and pu-
(3) § 809.10(c)(2); rity (including source and method of
(4) § 809.10(d)(1)(i) through (d)(1)(v), acquisition) of the analyte specific rea-
(d)(1)(viii), and (d)(2); and gent and the identity of the analyte;
(5) § 809.10(e)(1)(i) through (e)(1)(vi) (2) Shall include the statement for
and (e)(1)(ix) through (e)(1)(xi). class I exempt ASR’s: ‘‘Analyte Spe-
[72 FR 73601, Dec. 28, 2007]
cific Reagent. Analytical and perform-
ance characteristics are not estab-
Subpart C—Requirements for (3) Shall include the statement for
Manufacturers and Producers class II or III ASR’s: ‘‘Analyte Specific
Reagent. Except as a component of the
§ 809.20 General requirements for approved/cleared test (name of ap-
manufacturers and producers of in proved/cleared test), analytical and
vitro diagnostic products. performance characteristics are not es-
(a) [Reserved] tablished’’; and
(b) Compliance with good manufac- (4) Shall not make any statement re-
turing practices. In vitro diagnostic garding analytical or clinical perform-
products shall be manufactured in ac- ance.
cordance with the good manufacturing (e) The laboratory that develops an
practices requirements found in part in-house test using the ASR shall in-
820 of this chapter and, if applicable, form the ordering person of the test re-
with § 610.44 of this chapter. sult by appending to the test report the
statement: ‘‘This test was developed
[41 FR 6903, Feb. 13, 1976, as amended at 42 and its performance characteristics de-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
FR 42530, Aug. 23, 1977; 43 FR 31527, July 21, termined by (Laboratory Name). It has
1978; 66 FR 31165, June 11, 2001] not been cleared or approved by the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration.’’
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§ 809.40 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
This statement would not be applicable tion of test results from the laboratory
or required when test results are gen- to the lay purchaser.
erated using the test that was cleared [65 FR 18234, Apr. 7, 2000]
or approved in conjunction with review
of the class II or III ASR.
(f) Ordering in-house tests that are
developed using analyte specific re-
agents is limited under section 520(e) of
Subpart A—General Provisions
the act to physicians and other persons
authorized by applicable State law to Sec.
order such tests. 810.1 Scope.
(g) The restrictions in paragraphs (c) 810.2 Definitions.
810.3 Computation of time.
through (f) of this section do not apply 810.4 Service of orders.
when reagents that otherwise meet the
analyte specific reagent definition are Subpart B—Mandatory Medical Device
sold to: Recall Procedures
(1) In vitro diagnostic manufacturers;
810.10 Cease distribution and notification
or order.
(2) Organizations that use the re- 810.11 Regulatory hearing.
agents to make tests for purposes other 810.12 Written request for review of cease
than providing diagnostic information distribution and notification order.
to patients and practitioners, e.g., fo- 810.13 Mandatory recall order.
rensic, academic, research, and other 810.14 Cease distribution and notification or
mandatory recall strategy.
nonclinical laboratories. 810.15 Communications concerning a cease
[62 FR 62259, Nov. 21, 1997] distribution and notification or manda-
tory recall order.
§ 809.40 Restrictions on the sale, dis- 810.16 Cease distribution and notification or
mandatory recall order status reports.
tribution, and use of OTC test sam-
810.17 Termination of a cease distribution
ple collection systems for drugs of
and notification or mandatory recall
abuse testing. order.
(a) Over-the-counter (OTC) test sam- 810.18 Public notice.
ple collection systems for drugs of AUTHORITY: 21 U.S.C. 321, 331, 332, 333, 334,
abuse testing (§ 864.3260 of this chapter) 351, 352, 355, 360h, 360i, 371, 374, 375.
are restricted devices under section SOURCE: 61 FR 59018, Nov. 20, 1996, unless
520(e) of the Act subject to the restric- otherwise noted.
tions set forth in this section.
(b) Sample testing shall be performed Subpart A—General Provisions
in a laboratory using screening tests
that have been approved, cleared, or § 810.1 Scope.
otherwise recognized by the Food and Part 810 describes the procedures
Drug Administration as accurate and that the Food and Drug Administra-
reliable for the testing of such speci- tion will follow in exercising its med-
mens for identifying drugs of abuse or ical device recall authority under sec-
their metabolites. tion 518(e) of the Federal Food, Drug,
(c) The laboratory performing the and Cosmetic Act.
test(s) shall have, and shall be recog-
nized as having, adequate capability to § 810.2 Definitions.
reliably perform the necessary screen- As used in this part:
ing and confirmatory tests, including (a) Act means the Federal Food,
adequate capability to perform integ- Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
rity checks of the biological specimens (b) Agency or FDA means the Food
for possible adulteration. and Drug Administration.
(d) All OTC test sample collection (c) Cease distribution and notification
systems for drugs of abuse testing shall strategy or mandatory recall strategy
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 810.10
to some other location for repair, with the agency, FDA finds that there
modification, adjustment, relabeling, is a reasonable probability that a de-
destruction, or inspection. vice intended for human use would
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§ 810.10 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
cause serious, adverse health con- (2) The total number of units of the
sequences or death, the agency may device estimated to be in distribution
issue a cease distribution and notifica- channels;
tion order requiring the person named (3) The total number of units of the
in the order to immediately: device estimated to be distributed to
(1) Cease distribution of the device; health professionals and device user fa-
(2) Notify health professionals and cilities;
device user facilities of the order; and (4) The total number of units of the
(3) Instruct these professionals and device estimated to be in the hands of
device user facilities to cease use of the
home users;
(b) FDA will include the following in- (5) Distribution information, includ-
formation in the order: ing the names and addresses of all con-
(1) The requirements of the order re- signees;
lating to cessation of distribution and (6) A copy of any written communica-
notification of health professionals and tion used by the person named in the
device user facilities; order to notify health professionals and
(2) Pertinent descriptive information device user facilities;
to enable accurate and immediate iden- (7) A proposed strategy for complying
tification of the device subject to the with the cease distribution and notifi-
order, including, where known: cation order;
(i) The brand name of the device; (8) Progress reports to be made at
(ii) The common name, classification specified intervals, showing the names
name, or usual name of the device; and addresses of health professionals
(iii) The model, catalog, or product and device user facilities that have
code numbers of the device; been notified, names of specific individ-
(iv) The manufacturing lot numbers uals contacted within device user fa-
or serial numbers of the device or other cilities, and the dates of such contacts;
identification numbers; and
(v) The unique device identifier (UDI)
(9) The name, address, and telephone
that appears on the device label or on
the device package; and number of the person who should be
(3) A statement of the grounds for contacted concerning implementation
FDA’s finding that there is a reason- of the order.
able probability that the device would (e) FDA will provide the person
cause serious, adverse health con- named in a cease distribution and noti-
sequences or death. fication order with an opportunity for
(c) FDA may also include in the order a regulatory hearing on the actions re-
a model letter for notifying health pro- quired by the cease distribution and
fessionals and device user facilities of notification order and on whether the
the order and a requirement that noti- order should be modified, or vacated, or
fication of health professionals and de- amended to require a mandatory recall
vice user facilities be completed within of the device.
a specified timeframe. The model letter (f) FDA will also provide the person
will include the key elements of infor- named in the cease distribution and no-
mation that the agency in its discre- tification order with an opportunity, in
tion has determined, based on the cir- lieu of a regulatory hearing, to submit
cumstances surrounding the issuance a written request to FDA asking that
of each order, are necessary to inform the order be modified, or vacated, or
health professionals and device user fa- amended.
cilities about the order. (g) FDA will include in the cease dis-
(d) FDA may also require that the tribution and notification order the
person named in the cease distribution
name, address, and telephone number
and notification order submit any or
of an agency employee to whom any re-
all of the following information to the
quest for a regulatory hearing or agen-
agency by a time specified in the order:
cy review is to be addressed.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 810.12
§ 16.60(h) of this chapter, the Commis- address the written request to the
sioner of Food and Drugs or presiding agency employee identified in the
officer may waive, suspend, or modify order and shall submit the request
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§ 810.13 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
within the timeframe specified in the ceipt of a written request for review of
order, unless FDA and the person a cease distribution and notification
named in the order agree to a later order under § 810.12.
date. (b) In a mandatory recall order, FDA
(b) A written request for review of a may:
cease distribution and notification (1) Specify that the recall is to ex-
order shall identify each ground upon tend to the wholesale, retail, or user
which the requestor relies in asking level;
that the order be modified or vacated, (2) Specify a timetable in accordance
as well as addressing an appropriate
with which the recall is to begin and be
cease distribution and notification
strategy, and shall address whether the
order should be amended to require a (3) Require the person named in the
recall of the device that was the sub- order to submit to the agency a pro-
ject of the order and the actions re- posed recall strategy, as described in
quired by such a recall order, including § 810.14, and periodic reports describing
an appropriate recall strategy. the progress of the mandatory recall,
(c) The agency official who issued the as described in § 810.16; and
cease distribution and notification (4) Provide the person named in the
order shall provide the requestor writ- order with a model recall notification
ten notification of the agency’s deci- letter that includes the key elements
sion to affirm, modify, or vacate the of information that FDA has deter-
order or amend the order to require a mined are necessary to inform health
recall of the device within 15 working professionals and device user facilities.
days of receipt of the written request. (c) FDA will not include in a manda-
The agency official shall include in tory recall order a requirement for:
this written notification: (1) Recall of a device from individ-
(1) A statement of the grounds for uals; or
the decision to affirm, modify, vacate, (2) Recall of a device from device user
or amend the order; and facilities, if FDA determines that the
(2) The requirements of any modified risk of recalling the device from the fa-
or amended order. cilities presents a greater health risk
§ 810.13 Mandatory recall order. than the health risk of not recalling
the device from use, unless the device
(a) If the person named in a cease dis- can be replaced immediately with an
tribution and notification order does equivalent device.
not request a regulatory hearing or (d) FDA will include in a mandatory
submit a request for agency review of recall order provisions for notification
the order, or, if the Commissioner of
to individuals subject to the risks asso-
Food and Drugs or the presiding officer
ciated with use of the device. If a sig-
denies a request for a hearing, or, if
nificant number of such individuals
after conducting a regulatory hearing
cannot be identified, FDA may notify
under § 810.11 or completing agency re-
such individuals under section 705(b) of
view of a cease distribution and notifi-
cation order under § 810.12, FDA deter- the act.
mines that the order should be amend- § 810.14 Cease distribution and notifi-
ed to require a recall of the device with cation or mandatory recall strategy.
respect to which the order was issued,
FDA shall amend the order to require (a) General. The person named in a
such a recall. FDA shall amend the cease distribution and notification
order to require such a recall within 15 order issued under § 810.10 shall comply
working days of issuance of a cease dis- with the order, which FDA will fashion
tribution and notification order if a as appropriate for the individual cir-
regulatory hearing or agency review of cumstances of the case. The person
the order is not requested, or within 15 named in a cease distribution and noti-
working days of denying a request for a fication order modified under § 810.11(e)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 810.15
order that is appropriate for the indi- ject to the risks associated with use of
vidual circumstances and that takes the recalled device. The notice may be
into account the following factors: provided through the individuals’
(1) The nature of the serious, adverse health professionals if FDA determines
health consequences related to the de- that such consultation is appropriate
vice; and would be the most effective meth-
(2) The ease of identifying the device; od of notifying patients.
(3) The extent to which the risk pre- (3) Effectiveness checks by the person
sented by the device is obvious to a named in the order are required to
health professional or device user facil- verify that all health professionals, de-
ity; and vice user facilities, consignees, and in-
(4) The extent to which the device is dividuals, as appropriate, have been no-
used by health professionals and device tified of the cease distribution and no-
user facilities. tification order or mandatory recall
(b) Submission and review. (1) The per- order and of the need to take appro-
son named in the cease distribution priate action. The person named in the
and notification order modified under cease distribution and notification
§ 810.11(e) or § 810.12(c) or mandatory re- order or the mandatory recall order
call order shall submit a copy of the
shall specify in the strategy the meth-
proposed strategy to the agency within
od(s) to be used in addition to written
the timeframe specified in the order.
communications as required by § 810.15,
(2) The agency will review the pro-
i.e., personal visits, telephone calls, or
posed strategy and make any changes
a combination thereof to contact all
to the strategy that it deems necessary
within 7 working days of receipt of the health professionals, device user facili-
proposed strategy. The person named ties, consignees, and individuals, as ap-
in the order shall act in accordance propriate. The agency may conduct ad-
with a strategy determined by FDA to ditional audit checks where appro-
be appropriate. priate.
(c) Elements of the strategy. A pro-
§ 810.15 Communications concerning a
posed strategy shall meet all of the fol- cease distribution and notification
lowing requirements: or mandatory recall order.
(1)(i) The person named in the order
shall specify the level in the chain of (a) General. The person named in a
distribution to which the cease dis- cease distribution and notification
tribution and notification order or order issued under § 810.10 or a manda-
mandatory recall order is to extend as tory recall order issued under § 810.13 is
follows: responsible for promptly notifying
(A) Consumer or user level, e.g., each health professional, device user
health professionals, consignee, or de- facility, consignee, or individual, as ap-
vice user facility level, including any propriate, of the order. In accordance
intermediate wholesale or retail level; with § 810.10(c) or § 810.13(b)(4), FDA
or may provide the person named in the
(B) Retail level, to the level imme- cease distribution and notification or
diately preceding the consumer or user mandatory recall order with a model
level, and including any intermediate letter for notifying each health profes-
level; or sional, device user facility, consignee,
(C) Wholesale level. or individual, as appropriate, of the
(ii) The person named in the order order. However, if FDA does not pro-
shall not recall a device from individ- vide the person named in the cease dis-
uals; and tribution and notification or manda-
(iii) The person named in the order tory recall order with a model letter,
shall not recall a device from device the person named in a cease distribu-
user facilities if FDA notifies the per- tion and notification order issued
son not to do so because of a risk deter- under § 810.10, or a mandatory recall
mination under § 810.13(c)(2). order issued under § 810.13, is respon-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
(2) The person named in a recall sible for providing such notification.
order shall ensure that the strategy The purpose of the communication is
provides for notice to individuals sub- to convey:
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§ 810.16 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(1) That FDA has found that there is post card or a toll-free call to the per-
a reasonable probability that use of the son named in the order; and
device would cause a serious, adverse (6) Does not contain irrelevant quali-
health consequence or death; fications, promotional materials, or
(2) That the person named in the any other statement that may detract
order has ceased distribution of the de- from the message.
vice; (d) Followup communications. The per-
(3) That health professionals and de- son named in the cease distribution
vice user facilities should cease use of and notification order or mandatory
the device immediately; recall order shall ensure that followup
(4) Where appropriate, that the de- communications are sent to all who
vice is subject to a mandatory recall fail to respond to the initial commu-
order; and nication.
(5) Specific instructions on what (e) Responsibility of the recipient.
should be done with the device. Health professionals, device user facili-
(b) Implementation. The person named ties, and consignees who receive a com-
in a cease distribution and notification munication concerning a cease dis-
order, or a mandatory recall order, tribution and notification order or a
shall notify the appropriate person(s) mandatory recall order should imme-
of the order by verified written com- diately follow the instructions set
munication, e.g., telegram, mailgram, forth in the communication. Where ap-
or fax. The written communication and propriate, these recipients should im-
any envelope in which it is sent or en- mediately notify their consignees of
closed shall be conspicuously marked, the order in accordance with para-
preferably in bold red ink: ‘‘URGENT— graphs (b) and (c) of this section.
[DEVICE CEASE DISTRIBUTION AND § 810.16 Cease distribution and notifi-
NOTIFICATION ORDER] or [MANDA- cation or mandatory recall order
TORY DEVICE RECALL ORDER].’’ status reports.
Telephone calls or other personal con-
(a) The person named in a cease dis-
tacts may be made in addition to, but
tribution and notification order issued
not as a substitute for, the verified
under § 810.10 or a mandatory recall
written communication, and shall be
order issued under § 810.13 shall submit
documented in an appropriate manner.
periodic status reports to FDA to en-
(c) Contents. The person named in the able the agency to assess the person’s
order shall ensure that the notice of a progress in complying with the order.
cease distribution and notification The frequency of such reports and the
order or mandatory recall order: agency official to whom such reports
(1) Is brief and to the point; shall be submitted will be specified in
(2) Identifies clearly the device, size, the order.
lot number(s), code(s), or serial num- (b) Unless otherwise specified in the
ber(s), and any other pertinent descrip- order, each status report shall contain
tive information to facilitate accurate the following information:
and immediate identification of the de- (1) The number and type of health
vice; professionals, device user facilities,
(3) Explains concisely the serious, ad- consignees, or individuals notified
verse health consequences that may about the order and the date and meth-
occur if use of the device were contin- od of notification;
ued; (2) The number and type of health
(4) Provides specific instructions on professionals, device user facilities,
what should be done with the device; consignees, or individuals who have re-
(5) Provides a ready means for the re- sponded to the communication and the
cipient of the communication to con- quantity of the device on hand at these
firm receipt of the communication and locations at the time they received the
to notify the person named in the order communication;
of the actions taken in response to the (3) The number and type of health
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS Pt. 812
(4) The number of devices returned or (c) FDA will provide written notifica-
corrected by each health professional, tion to the person named in the order
device user facility, consignee, or indi- when a request for termination of a
vidual contacted, and the quantity of cease distribution and notification
products accounted for; order or a mandatory recall order has
(5) The number and results of effec- been granted or denied. FDA will re-
tiveness checks that have been made; spond to a written request for termi-
and nation of a cease distribution and noti-
(6) Estimated timeframes for comple- fication or recall order within 30 work-
tion of the requirements of the cease ing days of its receipt.
distribution and notification order or
§ 810.18 Public notice.
mandatory recall order.
(c) The person named in the cease The agency will make available to
distribution and notification order or the public in the weekly FDA Enforce-
recall order may discontinue the sub- ment Report a descriptive listing of
mission of status reports when the each new mandatory recall issued
agency terminates the order in accord- under § 810.13. The agency will delay
ance with § 810.17. public notification of orders when the
agency determines that such notifica-
§ 810.17 Termination of a cease dis- tion may cause unnecessary and harm-
tribution and notification or man- ful anxiety in individuals and that ini-
datory recall order. tial consultation between individuals
(a) The person named in a cease dis- and their health professionals is essen-
tribution and notification order issued tial.
under § 810.10 or a mandatory recall
order issued under § 810.13 may request PART 812—INVESTIGATIONAL
termination of the order by submitting DEVICE EXEMPTIONS
a written request to FDA. The person
submitting a request shall certify that Subpart A—General Provisions
he or she has complied in full with all
of the requirements of the order and
812.1 Scope.
shall include a copy of the most cur- 812.2 Applicability.
rent status report submitted to the 812.3 Definitions.
agency under § 810.16. A request for ter- 812.5 Labeling of investigational devices.
mination of a recall order shall include 812.7 Prohibition of promotion and other
a description of the disposition of the practices.
recalled device. 812.10 Waivers.
(b) FDA may terminate a cease dis- 812.18 Import and export requirements.
tribution and notification order issued 812.19 Address for IDE correspondence.
under § 810.10 or a mandatory recall
Subpart B—Application and Administrative
order issued under § 810.13 when the
agency determines that the person
named in the order: 812.20 Application.
(1) Has taken all reasonable efforts to 812.25 Investigational plan.
ensure and to verify that all health 812.27 Report of prior investigations.
professionals, device user facilities, 812.28 xxx
812.30 FDA action on applications.
consignees, and, where appropriate, in-
812.35 Supplemental applications.
dividuals have been notified of the 812.36 Treatment use of an investigational
cease distribution and notification device.
order, and to verify that they have 812.38 Confidentiality of data and informa-
been instructed to cease use of the de- tion.
vice and to take other appropriate ac-
tion; or Subpart C—Responsibilities of Sponsors
(2) Has removed the device from the 812.40 General responsibilities of sponsors.
market or has corrected the device so 812.42 FDA and IRB approval.
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
that use of the device would not cause 812.43 Selecting investigators and monitors.
serious, adverse health consequences or 812.45 Informing investigators.
death. 812.46 Monitoring investigations.
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§ 812.1 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
812.47 Emergency research under § 50.24 of 502 of the act, registration, listing, and
this chapter. premarket notification under section
510, performance standards under sec-
Subpart D—IRB Review and Approval tion 514, premarket approval under sec-
812.60 IRB composition, duties, and func- tion 515, a banned device regulation
tions. under section 516, records and reports
812.62 IRB approval. under section 519, restricted device re-
812.64 IRB’s continuing review. quirements under section 520(e), good
812.65 [Reserved] manufacturing practice requirements
812.66 Significant risk device determina-
tions. under section 520(f) except for the re-
quirements found in § 820.30, if applica-
Subpart E—Responsibilities of Investigators ble (unless the sponsor states an inten-
tion to comply with these require-
812.100 General responsibilities of investiga- ments under § 812.20(b)(3) or
812.110 Specific responsibilities of investiga-
§ 812.140(b)(4)(v)) and color additive re-
tors. quirements under section 721.
812.119 Disqualification of a clinical investi- (b) References in this part to regu-
gator. latory sections of the Code of Federal
Regulations are to chapter I of title 21,
Subpart F [Reserved] unless otherwise noted.
Subpart G—Records and Reports [45 FR 3751, Jan. 18, 1980, as amended at 59
FR 14366, Mar. 28, 1994; 61 FR 52654, Oct. 7,
812.140 Records. 1996]
812.145 Inspections.
812.150 Reports. § 812.2 Applicability.
AUTHORITY: 21 U.S.C. 331, 351, 352, 353, 355, (a) General. This part applies to all
360, 360c–360f, 360h–360j, 360bbb–8b, 371, 372, clinical investigations of devices to de-
374, 379e, 379k–1, 381, 382, 383; 42 U.S.C. 216, termine safety and effectiveness, ex-
241, 262, 263b–263n.
cept as provided in paragraph (c) of
SOURCE: 45 FR 3751, Jan. 18, 1980, unless this section.
otherwise noted. (b) Abbreviated requirements. The fol-
lowing categories of investigations are
Subpart A—General Provisions considered to have approved applica-
tions for IDE’s, unless FDA has noti-
§ 812.1 Scope. fied a sponsor under § 812.20(a) that ap-
(a) The purpose of this part is to en- proval of an application is required:
courage, to the extent consistent with (1) An investigation of a device other
the protection of public health and than a significant risk device, if the de-
safety and with ethical standards, the vice is not a banned device and the
discovery and development of useful sponsor:
devices intended for human use, and to (i) Labels the device in accordance
that end to maintain optimum freedom with § 812.5;
for scientific investigators in their pur- (ii) Obtains IRB approval of the in-
suit of this purpose. This part provides vestigation after presenting the re-
procedures for the conduct of clinical viewing IRB with a brief explanation of
investigations of devices. An approved why the device is not a significant risk
investigational device exemption (IDE) device, and maintains such approval;
permits a device that otherwise would (iii) Ensures that each investigator
be required to comply with a perform- participating in an investigation of the
ance standard or to have premarket ap- device obtains from each subject under
proval to be shipped lawfully for the the investigator’s care, informed con-
purpose of conducting investigations of sent under part 50 and documents it,
that device. An IDE approved under unless documentation is waived by an
§ 812.30 or considered approved under IRB under § 56.109(c).
§ 812.2(b) exempts a device from the re- (iv) Complies with the requirements
quirements of the following sections of of § 812.46 with respect to monitoring
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 812.3
the reports required under § 812.150(b) (5) A device intended solely for vet-
(1) through (3) and (5) through (10); erinary use.
(vi) Ensures that participating inves- (6) A device shipped solely for re-
tigators maintain the records required search on or with laboratory animals
by § 812.140(a)(3)(i) and make the re- and labeled in accordance with
ports required under § 812.150(a) (1), (2), § 812.5(c).
(5), and (7); and (7) A custom device as defined in
(vii) Complies with the prohibitions § 812.3(b), unless the device is being
in § 812.7 against promotion and other used to determine safety or effective-
practices. ness for commercial distribution.
(2) An investigation of a device other (d) Limit on certain exemptions. In the
than one subject to paragraph (e) of case of class II or class III device de-
this section, if the investigation was scribed in paragraph (c)(1) or (2) of this
begun on or before July 16, 1980, and to section, this part applies beginning on
be completed, and is completed, on or the date stipulated in an FDA regula-
before January 19, 1981. tion or order that calls for the submis-
(c) Exempted investigations. This part, sion of premarket approval applica-
with the exception of § 812.119, does not tions for an unapproved class III de-
apply to investigations of the following vice, or establishes a performance
categories of devices: standard for a class II device.
(e) Investigations subject to IND’s. A
(1) A device, other than a transi-
sponsor that, on July 16, 1980, has an
tional device, in commercial distribu-
effective investigational new drug ap-
tion immediately before May 28, 1976,
plication (IND) for an investigation of
when used or investigated in accord-
a device shall continue to comply with
ance with the indications in labeling in
the requirements of part 312 until 90
effect at that time.
days after that date. To continue the
(2) A device, other than a transi- investigation after that date, a sponsor
tional device, introduced into commer- shall comply with paragraph (b)(1) of
cial distribution on or after May 28, this section, if the device is not a sig-
1976, that FDA has determined to be nificant risk device, or shall have ob-
substantially equivalent to a device in tained FDA approval under § 812.30 of
commercial distribution immediately an IDE application for the investiga-
before May 28, 1976, and that is used or tion of the device.
investigated in accordance with the in-
dications in the labeling FDA reviewed [45 FR 3751, Jan. 18, 1980, as amended at 46
under subpart E of part 807 in deter- FR 8956, Jan. 27, 1981; 46 FR 14340, Feb. 27,
1981; 53 FR 11252, Apr. 6, 1988; 62 FR 4165, Jan.
mining substantial equivalence.
29, 1997; 62 FR 12096, Mar. 14, 1997]
(3) A diagnostic device, if the sponsor
complies with applicable requirements § 812.3 Definitions.
in § 809.10(c) and if the testing:
(a) Act means the Federal Food,
(i) Is noninvasive, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (sections 201–
(ii) Does not require an invasive sam- 901, 52 Stat. 1040 et seq., as amended (21
pling procedure that presents signifi- U.S.C. 301–392)).
cant risk, (b) A custom device means a device
(iii) Does not by design or intention within the meaning of section 520(b) of
introduce energy into a subject, and the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
(iv) Is not used as a diagnostic proce- Act.
dure without confirmation of the diag- (c) FDA means the Food and Drug
nosis by another, medically established Administration.
diagnostic product or procedure. (d) Implant means a device that is
(4) A device undergoing consumer placed into a surgically or naturally
preference testing, testing of a modi- formed cavity of the human body if it
fication, or testing of a combination of is intended to remain there for a period
two or more devices in commercial dis- of 30 days or more. FDA may, in order
tribution, if the testing is not for the to protect public health, determine
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§ 812.3 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(e) Institution means a person, other this part, blood sampling that involves
than an individual, who engages in the simple venipuncture is considered
conduct of research on subjects or in noninvasive, and the use of surplus
the delivery of medical services to indi- samples of body fluids or tissues that
viduals as a primary activity or as an are left over from samples taken for
adjunct to providing residential or cus- noninvestigational purposes is also
todial care to humans. The term in- considered noninvasive.
cludes, for example, a hospital, retire- (l) Person includes any individual,
ment home, confinement facility, aca- partnership, corporation, association,
demic establishment, and device manu- scientific or academic establishment,
facturer. The term has the same mean- Government agency or organizational
ing as ‘‘facility’’ in section 520(g) of the unit of a Government agency, and any
act. other legal entity.
(f) Institutional review board (IRB) (m) Significant risk device means an
means any board, committee, or other investigational device that:
group formally designated by an insti- (1) Is intended as an implant and pre-
tution to review biomedical research sents a potential for serious risk to the
involving subjects and established, op- health, safety, or welfare of a subject;
erated, and functioning in conformance (2) Is purported or represented to be
with part 56. The term has the same for a use in supporting or sustaining
meaning as ‘‘institutional review com- human life and presents a potential for
mittee’’ in section 520(g) of the act. serious risk to the health, safety, or
(g) Investigational device means a de- welfare of a subject;
vice, including a transitional device, (3) Is for a use of substantial impor-
that is the object of an investigation. tance in diagnosing, curing, miti-
(h) Investigation means a clinical in- gating, or treating disease, or other-
vestigation or research involving one wise preventing impairment of human
or more subjects to determine the safe- health and presents a potential for se-
ty or effectiveness of a device. rious risk to the health, safety, or wel-
(i) Investigator means an individual fare of a subject; or
who actually conducts a clinical inves- (4) Otherwise presents a potential for
tigation, i.e., under whose immediate serious risk to the health, safety, or
direction the test article is adminis- welfare of a subject.
tered or dispensed to, or used involv- (n) Sponsor means a person who initi-
ing, a subject, or, in the event of an in- ates, but who does not actually con-
vestigation conducted by a team of in- duct, the investigation, that is, the in-
dividuals, is the responsible leader of vestigational device is administered,
that team. dispensed, or used under the immediate
(j) Monitor, when used as a noun, direction of another individual. A per-
means an individual designated by a son other than an individual that uses
sponsor or contract research organiza- one or more of its own employees to
tion to oversee the progress of an in- conduct an investigation that it has
vestigation. The monitor may be an initiated is a sponsor, not a sponsor-in-
employee of a sponsor or a consultant vestigator, and the employees are in-
to the sponsor, or an employee of or vestigators.
consultant to a contract research orga- (o) Sponsor-investigator means an indi-
nization. Monitor, when used as a verb, vidual who both initiates and actually
means to oversee an investigation. conducts, alone or with others, an in-
(k) Noninvasive, when applied to a di- vestigation, that is, under whose im-
agnostic device or procedure, means mediate direction the investigational
one that does not by design or inten- device is administered, dispensed, or
tion: (1) Penetrate or pierce the skin or used. The term does not include any
mucous membranes of the body, the oc- person other than an individual. The
ular cavity, or the urethra, or (2) enter obligations of a sponsor-investigator
the ear beyond the external auditory under this part include those of an in-
canal, the nose beyond the nares, the vestigator and those of a sponsor.
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
mouth beyond the pharynx, the anal (p) Subject means a human who par-
canal beyond the rectum, or the vagina ticipates in an investigation, either as
beyond the cervical os. For purposes of an individual on whom or on whose
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 812.7
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§ 812.10 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
ter for Biologics Evaluation and Re- permitted to proceed without the prior
search, send it to the current address written authorization of FDA. FDA
displayed on the website https:// shall provide a written determination
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 812.25
30 days after FDA receives the IDE or been identified in accordance with
earlier. paragraph (b)(6) of this section.
(ii) If the investigation involves an (8) If the device is to be sold, the
exception from informed consent under amount to be charged and an expla-
§ 50.24 of this chapter, the sponsor shall nation of why sale does not constitute
prominently identify on the cover commercialization of the device.
sheet that the investigation is subject (9) A claim for categorical exclusion
to the requirements in § 50.24 of this under § 25.30 or § 25.34 or an environ-
chapter. mental assessment under § 25.40.
(b) Contents. An IDE application shall (10) Copies of all labeling for the de-
include, in the following order: vice.
(1) The name and address of the spon- (11) Copies of all forms and informa-
sor. tional materials to be provided to sub-
(2) A complete report of prior inves- jects to obtain informed consent.
tigations of the device and an accurate (12) Any other relevant information
summary of those sections of the inves- FDA requests for review of the applica-
tigational plan described in § 812.25(a) tion.
through (e) or, in lieu of the summary, (c) Additional information. FDA may
the complete plan. The sponsor shall request additional information con-
submit to FDA a complete investiga- cerning an investigation or revision in
tional plan and a complete report of the investigational plan. The sponsor
prior investigations of the device if no may treat such a request as a dis-
IRB has reviewed them, if FDA has approval of the application for pur-
found an IRB’s review inadequate, or if poses of requesting a hearing under
FDA requests them. part 16.
(3) A description of the methods, fa- (d) Information previously submitted.
cilities, and controls used for the man- Information previously submitted to
ufacture, processing, packing, storage, the Center for Devices and Radio-
and, where appropriate, installation of logical Health, the Center for Biologics
the device, in sufficient detail so that a Evaluation and Research, or the Center
person generally familiar with good for Drug Evaluation and Research, as
manufacturing practices can make a applicable, in accordance with this
knowledgeable judgment about the chapter ordinarily need not be resub-
quality control used in the manufac- mitted, but may be incorporated by
ture of the device. reference.
(4) An example of the agreements to [45 FR 3751, Jan. 18, 1980, as amended at 46
be entered into by all investigators to FR 8956, Jan. 27, 1981; 50 FR 16669, Apr. 26,
comply with investigator obligations 1985; 53 FR 11252, Apr. 6, 1988; 61 FR 51530,
under this part, and a list of the names Oct. 2, 1996; 62 FR 40600, July 29, 1997; 64 FR
and addresses of all investigators who 10942, Mar. 8, 1999; 73 FR 49942, Aug. 25, 2008;
have signed the agreement. 84 FR 68339, Dec. 16, 2019]
(5) A certification that all investiga-
tors who will participate in the inves- § 812.25 Investigational plan.
tigation have signed the agreement, The investigational plan shall in-
that the list of investigators includes clude, in the following order:
all the investigators participating in (a) Purpose. The name and intended
the investigation, and that no inves- use of the device and the objectives and
tigators will be added to the investiga- duration of the investigation.
tion until they have signed the agree- (b) Protocol. A written protocol de-
ment. scribing the methodology to be used
(6) A list of the name, address, and and an analysis of the protocol dem-
chairperson of each IRB that has been onstrating that the investigation is
or will be asked to review the inves- scientifically sound.
tigation and a certification of the ac- (c) Risk analysis. A description and
tion concerning the investigation analysis of all increased risks to which
taken by each such IRB. subjects will be exposed by the inves-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
(7) The name and address of any in- tigation; the manner in which these
stitution at which a part of the inves- risks will be minimized; a justification
tigation may be conducted that has not for the investigation; and a description
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§ 812.27 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
sonably obtainable by, the sponsor that [45 FR 3751, Jan. 18, 1980, as amended at 50
is relevant to an evaluation of the safe- FR 7518, Feb. 22, 1985; 83 FR 7385, Feb. 21,
ty or effectiveness of the device. 2018]
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 812.28
§ 812.28 Acceptance of data from clin- 814 of this chapter, as applicable, the
ical investigations conducted out- information in paragraph (b) of this
side the United States. section is submitted, as follows:
(a) Acceptance of data from clinical in- (i) For an investigation of a signifi-
vestigations conducted outside the United cant risk device, as defined in
States to support an IDE or a device mar- § 812.3(m), the supporting information
keting application or submission (an ap- as described in paragraph (b) of this
plication under section 515 or 520(m) of section is submitted.
the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic (ii) For an investigation of a device,
Act, a premarket notification submission other than a significant risk device,
under section 510(k) of the Federal Food, the supporting information as de-
Drug, and Cosmetic Act, or a request for scribed in paragraphs (b)(1), (4), (5), (7)
De Novo classification under section through (9), and (11) of this section is
513(f)(2) of the Federal Food, Drug, and submitted, and the supporting informa-
Cosmetic Act). FDA will accept informa- tion as described in paragraph (b)(10) of
tion on a clinical investigation con- this section and the rationale for deter-
ducted outside the United States to mining the investigation is of a device
support an IDE or a device marketing other than a significant risk device are
application or submission if the inves- made available for agency review upon
tigation is well-designed and well-con- request by FDA.
ducted and the following conditions are (iii) For a device investigation that
met: meets the exemption criteria in
(1) A statement is provided that the § 812.2(c), the supporting information as
investigation was conducted in accord- described in paragraphs (b)(1), (4), (5),
ance with good clinical practice (GCP). (7) through (11) of this section and the
For the purposes of this section, GCP is rationale for determining the inves-
defined as a standard for the design, tigation meets the exemption criteria
conduct, performance, monitoring, au- in § 812.2(c) are made available for
diting, recording, analysis, and report- agency review upon request by FDA.
ing of clinical investigations in a way (3) FDA is able to validate the data
that provides assurance that the data from the investigation through an on-
and results are credible and accurate site inspection, or through other appro-
and that the rights, safety, and well- priate means, if the agency deems it
being of subjects are protected. GCP in- necessary.
cludes review and approval (or provi- (b) Supporting information. A sponsor
sion of a favorable opinion) by an inde- or applicant who submits data from a
pendent ethics committee (IEC) before clinical investigation conducted out-
initiating an investigation, continuing side the United States to support an
review of an ongoing investigation by IDE or a device marketing application
an IEC, and obtaining and documenting or submission, in addition to informa-
the freely given informed consent of tion required elsewhere in parts 807,
the subject (or a subject’s legally au- 812, and 814 of this chapter, as applica-
thorized representative, if the subject ble, shall provide a description of the
is unable to provide informed consent) actions the sponsor or applicant took
before initiating an investigation. GCP to ensure that the research conformed
does not require informed consent in to GCP as described in paragraph (a)(1)
life-threatening situations when the of this section. The description is not
IEC reviewing the investigation finds, required to duplicate information al-
before initiation of the investigation, ready submitted in the application or
that informed consent is not feasible submission. Instead, the description
and either that the conditions present must provide either the following in-
are consistent with those described in formation, as specified in paragraph
§ 50.23 or § 50.24(a) of this chapter, or (a)(2) of this section, or a cross-ref-
that the measures described in the pro- erence to another section of the appli-
tocol or elsewhere will protect the cation or submission where the infor-
rights, safety, and well-being of sub- mation is located:
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§ 812.28 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
ensured that the investigation was car- (2) If the investigation is submitted
ried out consistently with the protocol; in support of a premarket approval ap-
and plication, a notice of completion of a
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 812.35
product development protocol, a hu- the subjects and the importance of the
manitarian device exemption applica- knowledge to be gained, or informed
tion, a premarket notification submis- consent is inadequate, or the investiga-
sion, or a request for De Novo classi- tion is scientifically unsound, or there
fication, for 2 years after an agency de- is reason to believe that the device as
cision on that submission or applica- used is ineffective.
tion. (5) It is otherwise unreasonable to
(e) Clinical investigations conducted begin or to continue the investigation
outside of the United States that do not owing to the way in which the device is
meet conditions. For clinical investiga- used or the inadequacy of:
tions conducted outside the United (i) The report of prior investigations
States that do not meet the conditions or the investigational plan;
under paragraph (a) of this section, (ii) The methods, facilities, and con-
FDA may accept the information from trols used for the manufacturing, proc-
such clinical investigations to support essing, packaging, storage, and, where
an IDE or a device marketing applica- appropriate, installation of the device;
tion or submission if FDA believes that or
the data and results from such clinical (iii) Monitoring and review of the in-
investigation are credible and accurate vestigation.
and that the rights, safety, and well- (c) Notice of disapproval or withdrawal.
being of subjects have been adequately If FDA disapproves an application or
protected. proposes to withdraw approval of an
application, FDA will notify the spon-
[83 FR 7386, Feb. 21, 2018]
sor in writing.
§ 812.30 FDA action on applications. (1) A disapproval order will contain a
complete statement of the reasons for
(a) Approval or disapproval. FDA will disapproval and a statement that the
notify the sponsor in writing of the sponsor has an opportunity to request
date it receives an application. FDA a hearing under part 16.
may approve an investigation as pro- (2) A notice of a proposed withdrawal
posed, approve it with modifications, of approval will contain a complete
or disapprove it. An investigation may statement of the reasons for with-
not begin until:
drawal and a statement that the spon-
(1) Thirty days after FDA receives
sor has an opportunity to request a
the application at the address in § 812.19
hearing under part 16. FDA will provide
for the investigation of a device other
the opportunity for hearing before
than a banned device, unless FDA noti-
withdrawal of approval, unless FDA de-
fies the sponsor that the investigation
termines in the notice that continu-
may not begin; or
ation of testing under the exemption
(2) FDA approves, by order, an IDE
will result in an unreasonble risk to
for the investigation.
the public health and orders with-
(b) Grounds for disapproval or with-
drawal of approval before any hearing.
drawal. FDA may disapprove or with-
draw approval of an application if FDA [45 FR 3751, Jan. 18, 1980, as amended at 45
finds that: FR 58842, Sept. 5, 1980]
(1) There has been a failure to comply
with any requirement of this part or § 812.35 Supplemental applications.
the act, any other applicable regula- (a) Changes in investigational plan—(1)
tion or statute, or any condition of ap- Changes requiring prior approval. Except
proval imposed by an IRB or FDA. as described in paragraphs (a)(2)
(2) The application or a report con- through (a)(4) of this section, a sponsor
tains an untrue statement of a mate- must obtain approval of a supple-
rial fact, or omits material informa- mental application under § 812.30(a),
tion required by this part. and IRB approval when appropriate
(3) The sponsor fails to respond to a (see §§ 56.110 and 56.111 of this chapter),
request for additional information prior to implementing a change to an
within the time prescribed by FDA. investigational plan. If a sponsor in-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
(4) There is reason to believe that the tends to conduct an investigation that
risks to the subjects are not out- involves an exception to informed con-
weighed by the anticipated benefits to sent under § 50.24 of this chapter, the
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§ 812.35 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 812.36
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§ 812.36 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(2) There is no comparable or satis- pating in the treatment IDE and cer-
factory alternative device or other tification that no investigator will be
therapy available to treat or diagnose added to the treatment IDE before the
that stage of the disease or condition agreement is signed; and
in the intended patient population; (x) If the device is to be sold, the
(3) The device is under investigation price to be charged and a statement in-
in a controlled clinical trial for the dicating that the price is based on
same use under an approved IDE, or manufacturing and handling costs
such clinical trials have been com- only.
pleted; and (2) A licensed practitioner who re-
(4) The sponsor of the investigation is ceives an investigational device for
actively pursuing marketing approval/ treatment use under a treatment IDE
clearance of the investigational device is an ‘‘investigator’’ under the IDE and
with due diligence. is responsible for meeting all applica-
(c) Applications for treatment use. (1) A ble investigator responsibilities under
treatment IDE application shall in- this part and parts 50 and 56 of this
clude, in the following order: chapter.
(i) The name, address, and telephone (d) FDA action on treatment IDE appli-
number of the sponsor of the treatment cations—(1) Approval of treatment IDE’s.
IDE; Treatment use may begin 30 days after
(ii) The intended use of the device, FDA receives the treatment IDE sub-
the criteria for patient selection, and a mission at the address specified in
written protocol describing the treat- § 812.19, unless FDA notifies the sponsor
ment use; in writing earlier than the 30 days that
(iii) An explanation of the rationale the treatment use may or may not
for use of the device, including, as ap- begin. FDA may approve the treatment
propriate, either a list of the available use as proposed or approve it with
regimens that ordinarily should be modifications.
tried before using the investigational (2) Disapproval or withdrawal of ap-
device or an explanation of why the use proval of treatment IDE’s. FDA may dis-
of the investigational device is pref- approve or withdraw approval of a
erable to the use of available marketed treatment IDE if:
treatments; (i) The criteria specified in § 812.36(b)
(iv) A description of clinical proce- are not met or the treatment IDE does
dures, laboratory tests, or other meas- not contain the information required
ures that will be used to evaluate the in § 812.36(c);
effects of the device and to minimize (ii) FDA determines that any of the
risk; grounds for disapproval or withdrawal
(v) Written procedures for moni- of approval listed in § 812.30(b)(1)
toring the treatment use and the name through (b)(5) apply;
and address of the monitor; (iii) The device is intended for a seri-
(vi) Instructions for use for the de- ous disease or condition and there is
vice and all other labeling as required insufficient evidence of safety and ef-
under § 812.5(a) and (b); fectiveness to support such use;
(vii) Information that is relevant to (iv) The device is intended for an im-
the safety and effectiveness of the de- mediately life-threatening disease or
vice for the intended treatment use. In- condition and the available scientific
formation from other IDE’s may be in- evidence, taken as a whole, fails to pro-
corporated by reference to support the vide a reasonable basis for concluding
treatment use; that the device:
(viii) A statement of the sponsor’s (A) May be effective for its intended
commitment to meet all applicable re- use in its intended population; or
sponsibilities under this part and part (B) Would not expose the patients to
56 of this chapter and to ensure compli- whom the device is to be administered
ance of all participating investigators to an unreasonable and significant ad-
with the informed consent require- ditional risk of illness or injury;
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 812.38
the conduct or completion of, a con- § 812.38 Confidentiality of data and in-
trolled investigation of the same or an- formation.
other investigational device; (a) Existence of IDE. FDA will not dis-
(vi) The device has received mar- close the existence of an IDE unless its
keting approval/clearance or a com- existence has previously been publicly
parable device or therapy becomes disclosed or acknowledged, until FDA
available to treat or diagnose the same approves an application for premarket
indication in the same patient popu- approval of the device subject to the
lation for which the investigational de- IDE; or a notice of completion of a
vice is being used; product development protocol for the
(vii) The sponsor of the controlled device has become effective.
clinical trial is not pursuing marketing (b) Availability of summaries or data.
approval/clearance with due diligence; (1) FDA will make publicly available,
(viii) Approval of the IDE for the con- upon request, a detailed summary of
trolled clinical investigation of the de- information concerning the safety and
vice has been withdrawn; or effectiveness of the device that was the
(ix) The clinical investigator(s) basis for an order approving, dis-
named in the treatment IDE are not approving, or withdrawing approval of
qualified by reason of their scientific an application for an IDE for a banned
training and/or experience to use the device. The summary shall include in-
investigational device for the intended formation on any adverse effect on
treatment use. health caused by the device.
(3) Notice of disapproval or withdrawal. (2) If a device is a banned device or if
If FDA disapproves or proposes to with- the existence of an IDE has been pub-
draw approval of a treatment IDE, licly disclosed or acknowledged, data
FDA will follow the procedures set or information contained in the file is
forth in § 812.30(c). not available for public disclosure be-
(e) Safeguards. Treatment use of an fore approval of an application for pre-
investigational device is conditioned market approval or the effective date
upon the sponsor and investigators of a notice of completion of a product
complying with the safeguards of the development protocol except as pro-
IDE process and the regulations gov- vided in this section. FDA may, in its
erning informed consent (part 50 of this discretion, disclose a summary of se-
chapter) and institutional review lected portions of the safety and effec-
boards (part 56 of this chapter). tiveness data, that is, clinical, animal,
(f) Reporting requirements. The spon- or laboratory studies and tests of the
sor of a treatment IDE shall submit device, for public consideration of a
progress reports on a semi-annual basis specific pending issue.
to all reviewing IRB’s and FDA until (3) If the existence of an IDE file has
the filing of a marketing application. not been publicly disclosed or acknowl-
These reports shall be based on the pe- edged, no data or information in the
riod of time since initial approval of file are available for public disclosure
the treatment IDE and shall include except as provided in paragraphs (b)(1)
the number of patients treated with and (c) of this section.
the device under the treatment IDE, (4) Notwithstanding paragraph (b)(2)
the names of the investigators partici- of this section, FDA will make avail-
pating in the treatment IDE, and a able to the public, upon request, the in-
brief description of the sponsor’s ef- formation in the IDE that was required
forts to pursue marketing approval/ to be filed in Docket Number FDA–
clearance of the device. Upon filing of 1995–S–0036 in the Dockets Management
a marketing application, progress re- Staff (HFA–305), Food and Drug Admin-
ports shall be submitted annually in istration, 5630 Fishers Lane, Rm. 1061,
accordance with § 812.150(b)(5). The Rockville, MD 20852, for investigations
involving an exception from informed
sponsor of a treatment IDE is respon-
consent under § 50.24 of this chapter.
sible for submitting all other reports
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§ 812.40 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(c) Reports of adverse effects. Upon re- (1) The investigator’s curriculum
quest or on its own initiative, FDA vitae.
shall disclose to an individual on whom (2) Where applicable, a statement of
an investigational device has been used the investigator’s relevant experience,
a copy of a report of adverse device ef- including the dates, location, extent,
fects relating to that use. and type of experience.
(d) Other rules. Except as otherwise (3) If the investigator was involved in
provided in this section, the avail- an investigation or other research that
ability for public disclosure of data and was terminated, an explanation of the
information in an IDE file shall be han- circumstances that led to termination.
dled in accordance with § 814.9. (4) A statement of the investigator’s
[45 FR 3751, Jan. 18, 1980, as amended at 53 commitment to:
FR 11253, Apr. 6, 1988; 61 FR 51531, Oct. 2, 1996; (i) Conduct the investigation in ac-
88 FR 16880, Mar. 21, 2023] cordance with the agreement, the in-
vestigational plan, this part and other
Subpart C—Responsibilities of applicable FDA regulations, and condi-
Sponsors tions of approval imposed by the re-
viewing IRB or FDA;
§ 812.40 General responsibilities of (ii) Supervise all testing of the device
sponsors. involving human subjects; and
Sponsors are responsible for selecting (iii) Ensure that the requirements for
qualified investigators and providing obtaining informed consent are met.
them with the information they need (5) Sufficient accurate financial dis-
to conduct the investigation properly, closure information to allow the spon-
ensuring proper monitoring of the in- sor to submit a complete and accurate
vestigation, ensuring that IRB review certification or disclosure statement as
and approval are obtained, submitting required under part 54 of this chapter.
an IDE application to FDA, and ensur- The sponsor shall obtain a commit-
ing that any reviewing IRB and FDA ment from the clinical investigator to
are promptly informed of significant promptly update this information if
new information about an investiga- any relevant changes occur during the
tion. Additional responsibilities of course of the investigation and for 1
sponsors are described in subparts B year following completion of the study.
and G. This information shall not be sub-
§ 812.42 FDA and IRB approval. mitted in an investigational device ex-
emption application, but shall be sub-
A sponsor shall not begin an inves- mitted in any marketing application
tigation or part of an investigation involving the device.
until an IRB and FDA have both ap- (d) Selecting monitors. A sponsor shall
proved the application or supplemental select monitors qualified by training
application relating to the investiga- and experience to monitor the inves-
tion or part of an investigation. tigational study in accordance with
[46 FR 8957, Jan. 27, 1981] this part and other applicable FDA reg-
§ 812.43 Selecting investigators and
monitors. [45 FR 3751, Jan. 18, 1980, as amended at 63
FR 5253, Feb. 2, 1998]
(a) Selecting investigators. A sponsor
shall select investigators qualified by § 812.45 Informing investigators.
training and experience to investigate
the device. A sponsor shall supply all investiga-
(b) Control of device. A sponsor shall tors participating in the investigation
ship investigational devices only to with copies of the investigational plan
qualified investigators participating in and the report of prior investigations
the investigation. of the device.
(c) Obtaining agreements. A sponsor
§ 812.46 Monitoring investigations.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 812.66
not complying with the signed agree- (b) The sponsor also shall monitor
ment, the investigational plan, the re- such investigations to determine when
quirements of this part or other appli- an IRB determines that it cannot ap-
cable FDA regulations, or any condi- prove the research because it does not
tions of approval imposed by the re- meet the criteria in the exception in
viewing IRB or FDA shall promptly ei- § 50.24(a) of this chapter or because of
ther secure compliance, or discontinue other relevant ethical concerns. The
shipments of the device to the investi- sponsor promptly shall provide this in-
gator and terminate the investigator’s formation in writing to FDA, inves-
participation in the investigation. A tigators who are asked to participate
sponsor shall also require such an in- in this or a substantially equivalent
vestigator to dispose of or return the clinical investigation, and other IRB’s
device, unless this action would jeop- that are asked to review this or a sub-
ardize the rights, safety, or welfare of a stantially equivalent investigation.
subject. [61 FR 51531, Oct. 2, 1996, as amended at 64 FR
(b) Unanticipated adverse device effects. 10943, Mar. 8, 1999; 88 FR 16880, Mar. 21, 2023]
(1) A sponsor shall immediately con-
duct an evaluation of any unantici-
pated adverse device effect. Subpart D—IRB Review and
(2) A sponsor who determines that an Approval
unanticipated adverse device effect § 812.60 IRB composition, duties, and
presents an unreasonable risk to sub- functions.
jects shall terminate all investigations
or parts of investigations presenting An IRB reviewing and approving in-
that risk as soon as possible. Termi- vestigations under this part shall com-
nation shall occur not later than 5 ply with the requirements of part 56 in
working days after the sponsor makes all respects, including its composition,
this determination and not later than duties, and functions.
15 working days after the sponsor first [46 FR 8957, Jan. 27, 1981]
received notice of the effect.
(c) Resumption of terminated studies. If § 812.62 IRB approval.
the device is a significant risk device, (a) An IRB shall review and have au-
a sponsor may not resume a termi- thority to approve, require modifica-
nated investigation without IRB and tions in (to secure approval), or dis-
FDA approval. If the device is not a approve all investigations covered by
significant risk device, a sponsor may this part.
not resume a terminated investigation (b) If no IRB exists or if FDA finds
without IRB approval and, if the inves- that an IRB’s review is inadequate, a
tigation was terminated under para- sponsor may submit an application to
graph (b)(2) of this section, FDA ap- FDA.
[46 FR 8957, Jan. 27, 1981]
§ 812.47 Emergency research under
§ 50.24 of this chapter. § 812.64 IRB’s continuing review.
(a) The sponsor shall monitor the The IRB shall conduct its continuing
progress of all investigations involving review of an investigation in accord-
an exception from informed consent ance with part 56.
under § 50.24 of this chapter. When the [46 FR 8957, Jan. 27, 1981]
sponsor receives from the IRB informa-
tion concerning the public disclosures § 812.65 [Reserved]
under § 50.24(a)(7)(ii) and (iii) of this
chapter, the sponsor shall promptly § 812.66 Significant risk device deter-
submit to the IDE file and to Docket minations.
Number FDA–1995–S–0036 in the Dock- If an IRB determines that an inves-
ets Management Staff (HFA–305), Food tigation, presented for approval under
and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers § 812.2(b)(1)(ii), involves a significant
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
Lane, Rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852, risk device, it shall so notify the inves-
copies of the information that was dis- tigator and, where appropriate, the
closed, identified by the IDE number. sponsor. A sponsor may not begin the
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§ 812.100 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
tion to allow the applicant to submit erately failed to comply with the re-
complete and accurate certification or quirements of this part, part 50, or part
disclosure statements required under 56 of this chapter, or has repeatedly or
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 812.140
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§ 812.140 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(iii) Why and how many units of the mark. Records of disposition shall de-
device have been returned to the spon- scribe the batch number or code marks
sor, repaired, or otherwise disposed of. of any devices returned to the sponsor,
(3) Records of each subject’s case his- repaired, or disposed of in other ways
tory and exposure to the device. Case by the investigator or another person,
histories include the case report forms and the reasons for and method of dis-
and supporting data including, for ex- posal.
ample, signed and dated consent forms (3) Signed investigator agreements
and medical records including, for ex- including the financial disclosure in-
ample, progress notes of the physician, formation required to be collected
the individual’s hospital chart(s), and under § 812.43(c)(5) in accordance with
the nurses’ notes. Such records shall part 54 of this chapter.
include: (4) For each investigation subject to
(i) Documents evidencing informed § 812.2(b)(1) of a device other than a sig-
consent and, for any use of a device by nificant risk device, the records de-
the investigator without informed con- scribed in paragraph (b)(5) of this sec-
sent, any written concurrence of a li- tion and the following records, consoli-
censed physician and a brief descrip- dated in one location and available for
tion of the circumstances justifying FDA inspection and copying:
the failure to obtain informed consent. (i) The name and intended use of the
The case history for each individual device and the objectives of the inves-
shall document that informed consent tigation;
was obtained prior to participation in (ii) A brief explanation of why the de-
the study. vice is not a significant risk device:
(ii) All relevant observations, includ- (iii) The name and address of each in-
ing records concerning adverse device vestigator:
effects (whether anticipated or unan- (iv) The name and address of each
ticipated), information and data on the IRB that has reviewed the investiga-
condition of each subject upon enter- tion:
ing, and during the course of, the in- (v) A statement of the extent to
vestigation, including information which the good manufacturing practice
about relevant previous medical his- regulation in part 820 will be followed
tory and the results of all diagnostic in manufacturing the device; and
tests. (vi) Any other information required
(iii) A record of the exposure of each by FDA.
subject to the investigational device, (5) Records concerning adverse device
including the date and time of each effects (whether anticipated or unan-
use, and any other therapy. ticipated) and complaints and
(4) The protocol, with documents (6) Any other records that FDA re-
showing the dates of and reasons for quires to be maintained by regulation
each deviation from the protocol. or by specific requirement for a cat-
(5) Any other records that FDA re- egory of investigation or a particular
quires to be maintained by regulation investigation.
or by specific requirement for a cat- (c) IRB records. An IRB shall main-
egory of investigations or a particular tain records in accordance with part 56
investigation. of this chapter.
(b) Sponsor records. A sponsor shall (d) Retention period. An investigator
maintain the following accurate, com- or sponsor shall maintain the records
plete, and current records relating to required by this subpart during the in-
an investigation: vestigation and for a period of 2 years
(1) All correspondence with another after the latter of the following two
sponsor, a monitor, an investigator, an dates: The date on which the investiga-
IRB, or FDA, including required re- tion is terminated or completed, or the
ports. date that the records are no longer re-
(2) Records of shipment and disposi- quired for purposes of supporting a pre-
tion. Records of shipment shall include market approval application, a notice
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 812.150
(1) Unanticipated adverse device effects. plete, accurate, and timely reports:
An investigator shall submit to the (1) Unanticipated adverse device effects.
sponsor and to the reviewing IRB a re- A sponsor who conducts an evaluation
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Pt. 814 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
IRB’s and participating investigators 814.40 Time frames for reviewing a PMA.
within 6 months after completion or 814.42 Filing a PMA.
termination. In the case of a device 814.44 Procedures for review of a PMA.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 814.3
814.45 Denial of approval of a PMA. tially equivalent to a device on the
814.46 Withdrawal of approval of a PMA. market before May 28, 1976, or to a de-
814.47 Temporary suspension of approval of
vice first marketed on, or after that
a PMA.
date, which has been classified into
Subpart D—Administrative Review class I or class II; or
[Reserved] (2) Is required to have an approved
premarket approval application (PMA)
Subpart E—Postapproval Requirements or a declared completed product devel-
814.80 General. opment protocol under a regulation
814.82 Postapproval requirements. issued under section 515(b) of the act;
814.84 Reports. or
(3) Was regulated by FDA as a new
Subparts F–G [Reserved] drug or antibiotic drug before May 28,
Subpart H—Humanitarian Use Devices 1976, and therefore is governed by sec-
tion 520(1) of the act.
814.100 Purpose and scope. (d) This part amends the conditions
814.102 Designation of HUD status. to approval for any PMA approved be-
814.104 Original applications.
814.106 HDE amendments and resubmitted fore the effective date of this part. Any
HDE’s. condition to approval for an approved
814.108 Supplemental applications. PMA that is inconsistent with this part
814.110 New indications for use. is revoked. Any condition to approval
814.112 Filing an HDE. for an approved PMA that is consistent
814.114 Timeframes for reviewing an HDE. with this part remains in effect.
814.116 Procedures for review of an HDE.
814.118 Denial of approval or withdrawal of [51 FR 26364, July 22, 1986, as amended at 79
approval of an HDE. FR 1740, Jan. 10, 2014]
814.120 Temporary suspension of approval of
an HDE. § 814.2 Purpose.
814.122 Confidentiality of data and informa-
tion. The purpose of this part is to estab-
814.124 Institutional Review Board require- lish an efficient and thorough device
ments. review process—
814.126 Postapproval requirements and re- (a) To facilitate the approval of
PMA’s for devices that have been
AUTHORITY: 21 U.S.C. 351, 352, 353, 360, 360c– shown to be safe and effective and that
360j, 360bbb–8b, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, 379, 379e, otherwise meet the statutory criteria
379k–1, 381.
for approval; and
SOURCE: 51 FR 26364, July 22, 1986, unless (b) To ensure the disapproval of
otherwise noted. PMA’s for devices that have not been
shown to be safe and effective or that
Subpart A—General do not otherwise meet the statutory
criteria for approval. This part shall be
§ 814.1 Scope.
construed in light of these objectives.
(a) This section implements sections
515 and 515A of the act by providing § 814.3 Definitions.
procedures for the premarket approval
For the purposes of this part:
of medical devices intended for human
(a) Act means the Federal Food,
(b) References in this part to regu- Drug, and Cosmetic Act (sections 201–
latory sections of the Code of Federal 902, 52 Stat. 1040 et seq., as amended (21
Regulations are to chapter I of title 21, U.S.C. 321–392)).
unless otherwise noted. (b) FDA means the Food and Drug
(c) This part applies to any class III Administration.
medical device, unless exempt under (c) IDE means an approved or consid-
section 520(g) of the act, that: ered approved investigational device
(1) Was not on the market (intro- exemption under section 520(g) of the
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
duced or delivered for introduction into act and parts 812 and 813.
commerce for commercial distribution) (d) Master file means a reference
before May 28, 1976, and is not substan- source that a person submits to FDA. A
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§ 814.3 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
master file may contain detailed infor- (m) HDE means a premarket approval
mation on a specific manufacturing fa- application submitted pursuant to this
cility, process, methodology, or compo- subpart seeking a humanitarian device
nent used in the manufacture, proc- exemption from the effectiveness re-
essing, or packaging of a medical de- quirements of sections 514 and 515 of
vice. the act as authorized by section
(e) PMA means any premarket ap- 520(m)(2) of the act.
proval application for a class III med- (n) HUD (humanitarian use device)
ical device, including all information means a medical device intended to
submitted with or incorporated by ref- benefit patients in the treatment or di-
erence therein. ‘‘PMA’’ includes a new agnosis of a disease or condition that
drug application for a device under sec- affects or is manifested in not more
tion 520(1) of the act. than 8,000 individuals in the United
(f) PMA amendment means informa- States per year.
tion an applicant submits to FDA to (o) Newly acquired information means
modify a pending PMA or a pending data, analyses, or other information
PMA supplement. not previously submitted to the agen-
(g) PMA supplement means a supple- cy, which may include (but are not lim-
mental application to an approved ited to) data derived from new clinical
PMA for approval of a change or modi- studies, reports of adverse events, or
fication in a class III medical device, new analyses of previously submitted
including all information submitted data (e.g., meta-analyses) if the stud-
with or incorporated by reference ies, events or analyses reveal risks of a
therein. different type or greater severity or
(h) Person includes any individual, frequency than previously included in
partnership, corporation, association, submissions to FDA.
scientific or academic establishment, (p) Human cell, tissue, or cellular or tis-
Government agency, or organizational sue-based product (HCT/P) regulated as a
unit thereof, or any other legal entity. device means an HCT/P as defined in
(i) Statement of material fact means a § 1271.3(d) of this chapter that does not
representation that tends to show that meet the criteria in § 1271.10(a) and that
the safety or effectiveness of a device is also regulated as a device.
is more probable than it would be in (q) Unique device identifier (UDI)
the absence of such a representation. A means an identifier that adequately
false affirmation or silence or an omis- identifies a device through its distribu-
sion that would lead a reasonable per- tion and use by meeting the require-
son to draw a particular conclusion as ments of § 830.20 of this chapter. A
to the safety or effectiveness of a de- unique device identifier is composed of:
vice also may be a false statement of (1) A device identifier—a mandatory,
material fact, even if the statement fixed portion of a UDI that identifies
was not intended by the person making the specific version or model of a de-
it to be misleading or to have any pro- vice and the labeler of that device; and
bative effect. (2) A production identifier—a condi-
(j) 30-day PMA supplement means a tional, variable portion of a UDI that
supplemental application to an ap- identifies one or more of the following
proved PMA in accordance with when included on the label of the de-
§ 814.39(e). vice:
(k) Reasonable probability means that (i) The lot or batch within which a
it is more likely than not that an event device was manufactured;
will occur. (ii) The serial number of a specific
(l) Serious, adverse health consequences device;
means any significant adverse experi- (iii) The expiration date of a specific
ence, including those which may be ei- device;
ther life-threatening or involve perma- (iv) The date a specific device was
nent or long term injuries, but exclud- manufactured.
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
ing injuries that are nonlife-threat- (v) For an HCT/P regulated as a de-
ening and that are temporary and rea- vice, the distinct identification code
sonably reversible. required by § 1271.290(c) of this chapter.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 814.9
fectiveness data before an approval who requests a report all the informa-
order or an order denying approval of tion in the report concerning that pa-
the PMA issues if disclosure is relevant tient.
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§ 814.15 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 814.20
designated agent’s last known address scientific concepts that form the basis
in FDA’s records. for the device, and the significant
physical and performance characteris-
§ 814.19 Product development protocol tics of the device. A brief description of
(PDP). the manufacturing process should be
A class III device for which a product included if it will significantly enhance
development protocol has been de- the reader’s understanding of the de-
clared completed by FDA under this vice. The generic name of the device as
chapter will be considered to have an well as any proprietary name or trade
approved PMA. name should be included.
(iii) Alternative practices and proce-
Subpart B—Premarket Approval dures. A description of existing alter-
Application (PMA) native practices or procedures for diag-
nosing, treating, preventing, curing, or
§ 814.20 Application. mitigating the disease or condition for
(a) The applicant or an authorized which the device is intended.
representative shall sign the PMA. If (iv) Marketing history. A brief descrip-
the applicant does not reside or have a tion of the foreign and U.S. marketing
place of business within the United history, if any, of the device, including
States, the PMA shall be countersigned a list of all countries in which the de-
by an authorized representative resid- vice has been marketed and a list of all
ing or maintaining a place of business countries in which the device has been
in the United States and shall identify withdrawn from marketing for any rea-
the representative’s name and address. son related to the safety or effective-
(b) Unless the applicant justifies an ness of the device. The description
omission in accordance with paragraph shall include the history of the mar-
(d) of this section, a PMA shall include keting of the device by the applicant
in electronic format: and, if known, the history of the mar-
(1) The name and address of the ap- keting of the device by any other per-
plicant. son.
(2) A table of contents that specifies
(v) Summary of studies. An abstract of
the volume and page number for each
any information or report described in
item referred to in the table. A PMA
the PMA under paragraph (b)(8)(ii) of
shall include separate sections on non-
this section and a summary of the re-
clinical laboratory studies and on clin-
sults of technical data submitted under
ical investigations involving human
paragraph (b)(6) of this section. Such
subjects. A PMA shall be submitted as
a single version. The applicant shall in- summary shall include a description of
clude information that it believes to be the objective of the study, a descrip-
trade secret or confidential commer- tion of the experimental design of the
cial or financial information in the study, a brief description of how the
PMA and identify the information that data were collected and analyzed, and a
it believes to be trade secret or con- brief description of the results, wheth-
fidential commercial or financial infor- er positive, negative, or inconclusive.
mation. This section shall include the fol-
(3) A summary in sufficient detail lowing:
that the reader may gain a general un- (A) A summary of the nonclinical
derstanding of the data and informa- laboratory studies submitted in the ap-
tion in the application. The summary plication;
shall contain the following informa- (B) A summary of the clinical inves-
tion: tigations involving human subjects
(i) Indications for use. A general de- submitted in the application including
scription of the disease or condition a discussion of subject selection and
the device will diagnose, treat, prevent, exclusion criteria, study population,
cure, or mitigate, including a descrip- study period, safety and effectiveness
tion of the patient population for data, adverse reactions and complica-
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§ 814.20 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
standard that is relevant to any aspect other appropriate information from the
of the safety or effectiveness of the de- clinical investigations. Any investiga-
vice and that is known to or that tion conducted under an IDE shall be
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 814.20
identified as such. Information on clin- tification showing that data and other
ical investigations involving human information from a single investigator
subjects shall include the following: are sufficient to demonstrate the safe-
(A) For clinical investigations con- ty and effectiveness of the device and
ducted in the United States, a state- to ensure reproducibility of test re-
ment with respect to each investiga- sults.
tion that it either was conducted in (8)(i) A bibliography of all published
compliance with the institutional re- reports not submitted under paragraph
view board regulations in part 56 of (b)(6) of this section, whether adverse
this chapter, or was not subject to the or supportive, known to or that should
regulations under § 56.104 or § 56.105, and reasonably be known to the applicant
that it was conducted in compliance and that concern the safety or effec-
with the informed consent regulations tiveness of the device.
in part 50 of this chapter; or if the in- (ii) An identification, discussion, and
vestigation was not conducted in com- analysis of any other data, informa-
pliance with those regulations, a brief tion, or report relevant to an evalua-
statement of the reason for the non- tion of the safety and effectiveness of
compliance. Failure or inability to the device known to or that should rea-
comply with these requirements does sonably be known to the applicant
not justify failure to provide informa- from any source, foreign or domestic,
tion on a relevant clinical investiga- including information derived from in-
tion. vestigations other than those proposed
(B) For clinical investigations con- in the application and from commer-
ducted in the United States, a state- cial marketing experience.
ment that each investigation was con-
(iii) Copies of such published reports
ducted in compliance with part 812 of
or unpublished information in the pos-
this chapter concerning sponsors of
session of or reasonably obtainable by
clinical investigations and clinical in-
the applicant if an FDA advisory com-
vestigators, or if the investigation was
mittee or FDA requests.
not conducted in compliance with
those regulations, a brief statement of (9) One or more samples of the device
the reason for the noncompliance. Fail- and its components, if requested by
ure or inability to comply with these FDA. If it is impractical to submit a
requirements does not justify failure to requested sample of the device, the ap-
provide information on a relevant clin- plicant shall name the location at
ical investigation. which FDA may examine and test one
(C) For clinical investigations con- or more devices.
ducted outside the United States that (10) Copies of all proposed labeling
are intended to support the PMA, the for the device. Such labeling may in-
requirements under § 812.28 of this clude, e.g., instructions for installation
chapter apply. If any such investiga- and any information, literature, or ad-
tion was not conducted in accordance vertising that constitutes labeling
with good clinical practice (GCP) as de- under section 201(m) of the Federal
scribed in § 812.28(a), include either a Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
waiver request in accordance with (11) An environmental assessment
§ 812.28(c) or a brief statement of the under § 25.20(n) prepared in the applica-
reason for not conducting the inves- ble format in § 25.40, unless the action
tigation in accordance with GCP and a qualifies for exclusion under § 25.30 or
description of steps taken to ensure § 25.34. If the applicant believes that
that the data and results are credible the action qualifies for exclusion, the
and accurate and that the rights, safe- PMA shall under § 25.15(a) and (d) pro-
ty, and well-being of subjects have been vide information that establishes to
adequately protected. Failure or in- FDA’s satisfaction that the action re-
ability to comply with these require- quested is included within the excluded
ments does not justify failure to pro- category and meets the criteria for the
vide information on a relevant clinical applicable exclusion.
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§ 814.20 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(13) Information concerning uses in pe- shall be consistent with the data re-
diatric patients. The application must porting provisions of the protocol. The
include the following information, if applicant shall submit any update re-
readily available: port in electronic format and shall in-
(i) A description of any pediatric sub- clude in the report the number as-
populations (neonates, infants, chil- signed by FDA to the PMA. These up-
dren, adolescents) that suffer from the dates are considered to be amendments
disease or condition that the device is to the PMA. The time frame for review
intended to treat, diagnose, or cure; of a PMA will not be extended due to
and the submission of an update report un-
(ii) The number of affected pediatric less the update is a major amendment
patients. under § 814.37(c)(1). The applicant shall
(14) Such other information as FDA submit these reports—
may request. If necessary, FDA will ob- (1) 3 months after the filing date;
tain the concurrence of the appropriate (2) Following receipt of an approv-
FDA advisory committee before re- able letter; and
questing additional information. (3) At any other time as requested by
(c) Pertinent information in FDA FDA.
files specifically referred to by an ap- (f) If a color additive subject to sec-
plicant may be incorporated into a tion 721 of the Federal Food, Drug, and
PMA by reference. Information in a Cosmetic Act is used in or on the de-
master file or other information sub- vice and has not previously been listed
mitted to FDA by a person other than for such use, then, in lieu of submitting
the applicant will not be considered a color additive petition under part 71
part of a PMA unless such reference is of this chapter, at the option of the ap-
authorized in a record submitted to plicant, the information required to be
FDA by the person who submitted the submitted under part 71 may be sub-
information or the master file. If a mitted as part of the PMA. When sub-
master file is not referenced within 5 mitted as part of the PMA, the infor-
years after the date that it is sub- mation shall be submitted in electronic
mitted to FDA, FDA will return the format. A PMA for a device that con-
master file to the person who sub- tains a color additive that is subject to
mitted it. section 721 of the Federal Food, Drug,
(d) If the applicant believes that cer- and Cosmetic Act will not be approved
tain information required under para- until the color additive is listed for use
graph (b) of this section to be in a PMA in or on the device.
is not applicable to the device that is (g) Additional information on FDA
the subject of the PMA, and omits any policies and procedures, as well as
such information from its PMA, the ap- links to PMA guidance documents, is
plicant shall submit a statement that available on the Internet at http://
identifies the omitted information and
justifies the omission. The statement DeviceRegulationandGuidance/
shall be submitted as a separate sec- HowtoMarketYourDevice/
tion in the PMA and identified in the PremarketSubmissions/
table of contents. If the justification PremarketApprovalPMA/default.htm.
for the omission is not accepted by the (h) If you are sending a PMA, PMA
agency, FDA will so notify the appli- amendment, PMA supplement, or cor-
cant. respondence with respect to a PMA,
(e) The applicant shall periodically you must send the submission to the
update its pending application with appropriate address as follows:
new safety and effectiveness informa- (1) For devices regulated by the Cen-
tion learned about the device from on- ter for Devices and Radiological
going or completed studies that may Health, send it to the current address
reasonably affect an evaluation of the displayed on the website https://
safety or effectiveness of the device or
that may reasonably affect the state- (2) For devices regulated by the Cen-
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 814.39
previously reported study, detailed new for which an applicant shall submit a
analyses of previously submitted data, PMA supplement include, but are not
or significant required information limited to, the following types of
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§ 814.39 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
changes if they affect the safety or ef- review of, and FDA action on, a PMA
fectiveness of the device: supplement are the same as those pro-
(1) New indications for use of the de- vided in § 814.40 for a PMA.
vice. (2) The supplement must include the
(2) Labeling changes. following information:
(3) The use of a different facility or (i) Information concerning pediatric
establishment to manufacture, process, uses as required under § 814.20(b)(13).
or package the device. (ii) If information concerning the de-
(4) Changes in sterilization proce- vice that is the subject of the supple-
dures. ment was previously submitted under
(5) Changes in packaging. § 814.20(b)(13) or under this section in a
(6) Changes in the performance or de-
previous supplement, that information
sign specifications, circuits, compo-
may be included by referencing a pre-
nents, ingredients, principle of oper-
vious application or submission that
ation, or physical layout of the device.
contains the information. However, if
(7) Extension of the expiration date
additional information required under
of the device based on data obtained
under a new or revised stability or ste- § 814.20(b)(13) has become readily avail-
rility testing protocol that has not able to the applicant since the previous
been approved by FDA. If the protocol submission, the applicant must submit
has been approved, the change shall be that information as part of the supple-
reported to FDA under paragraph (b) of ment.
this section. (d)(1) After FDA approves a PMA,
(b) An applicant may make a change any change described in paragraph
in a device after FDA’s approval of a (d)(2) of this section to reflect newly
PMA for the device without submitting acquired information that enhances
a PMA supplement if the change does the safety of the device or the safety in
not affect the device’s safety or effec- the use of the device may be placed
tiveness and the change is reported to into effect by the applicant prior to the
FDA in postapproval periodic reports receipt under § 814.17 of a written FDA
required as a condition to approval of order approving the PMA supplement
the device, e.g., an editorial change in provided that:
labeling which does not affect the safe- (i) The PMA supplement and its mail-
ty or effectiveness of the device. ing cover are plainly marked ‘‘Special
(c)(1) All procedures and actions that PMA Supplement—Changes Being Ef-
apply to an application under § 814.20 fected’’;
also apply to PMA supplements except (ii) The PMA supplement provides a
that the information required in a sup- full explanation of the basis for the
plement is limited to that needed to changes;
support the change. A summary under (iii) The applicant has received ac-
§ 814.20(b)(3) is required for only a sup- knowledgement from FDA of receipt of
plement submitted for new indications the supplement; and
for use of the device, significant
(iv) The PMA supplement specifically
changes in the performance or design
identifies the date that such changes
specifications, circuits, components,
are being effected.
ingredients, principles of operation, or
physical layout of the device, or when (2) The following changes are per-
otherwise required by FDA. The appli- mitted by paragraph (d)(1) of this sec-
cant shall submit a PMA supplement in tion:
electronic format and shall include in- (i) Labeling changes that add or
formation relevant to the proposed strengthen a contraindication, warn-
changes in the device. A PMA supple- ing, precaution, or information about
ment shall include a separate section an adverse reaction for which there is
that identifies each change for which reasonable evidence of a causal asso-
approval is being requested and ex- ciation.
plains the reason for each such change. (ii) Labeling changes that add or
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 814.40
(iii) Labeling changes that delete shall describe in detail the change,
misleading, false, or unsupported indi- summarize the data or information
cations. supporting the change, and state that
(iv) Changes in quality controls or the change has been made in accord-
manufacturing process that add a new ance with the requirements of part 820
specification or test method, or other- of this chapter. The manufacturer may
wise provide additional assurance of distribute the device 30 days after the
purity, identity, strength, or reli- date on which FDA receives the 30-day
ability of the device. notice, unless FDA notifies the appli-
(e)(1) FDA will identify a change to a cant within 30 days from receipt of the
device for which an applicant has an notice that the notice is not adequate.
approved PMA and for which a PMA
If the notice is not adequate, FDA shall
supplement under paragraph (a) is not
inform the applicant in writing that a
required. FDA will identify such a
change in an advisory opinion under 135-day PMA supplement is needed and
§ 10.85, if the change applies to a ge- shall describe what further information
neric type of device, or in correspond- or action is required for acceptance of
ence to the applicant, if the change ap- such change. The number of days under
plies only to the applicant’s device. review as a 30-day notice shall be de-
FDA will require that a change for ducted from the 135-day PMA supple-
which a PMA supplement under para- ment review period if the notice meets
graph (a) is not required be reported to appropriate content requirements for a
FDA in: PMA supplement.
(i) A periodic report under § 814.84 or (g) The submission and grant of a
(ii) A 30-day PMA supplement under written request for an exception or al-
this paragraph. ternative under § 801.128 or § 809.11 of
(2) FDA will identify, in the advisory this chapter satisfies the requirement
opinion or correspondence, the type of in paragraph (a) of this section.
information that is to be included in
the report or 30-day PMA supplement. [51 FR 26364, July 22, 1986, as amended at 51
If the change is required to be reported FR 43344, Dec. 2, 1986; 63 FR 54044, Oct. 8, 1998;
67 FR 9587, Mar. 4, 2002; 69 FR 11313, Mar. 10,
to FDA in a periodic report, the change
2004; 72 FR 73602, Dec. 28, 2007; 73 FR 49610,
may be made before it is reported to
Aug. 22, 2008; 79 FR 1740, Jan. 10, 2014; 84 FR
FDA. If the change is required to be re- 68340, Dec. 16, 2019]
ported in a 30-day PMA supplement,
the change may be made 30 days after
FDA files the 30-day PMA supplement Subpart C—FDA Action on a PMA
unless FDA requires the PMA holder to
provide additional information, in- § 814.40 Time frames for reviewing a
forms the PMA holder that the supple-
ment is not approvable, or disapproves Within 180 days after receipt of an
the supplement. The 30-day PMA sup- application that is accepted for filing
plement shall follow the instructions and to which the applicant does not
in the correspondence or advisory opin- submit a major amendment, FDA will
ion. Any 30-day PMA supplement that review the PMA and, after receiving
does not meet the requirements of the the report and recommendation of the
correspondence or advisory opinion appropriate FDA advisory committee,
will not be filed and, therefore, will not send the applicant an approval order
be deemed approved 30 days after re- under § 814.44(d), an approvable letter
ceipt. under § 814.44(e), a not approvable letter
(f) Under section 515(d) of the act, under § 814.44(f), or an order denying ap-
modifications to manufacturing proce- proval under § 814.45. The approvable
dures or methods of manufacture that
letter and the not approvable letter
affect the safety and effectiveness of a
will provide an opportunity for the ap-
device subject to an approved PMA do
plicant to amend or withdraw the ap-
not require submission of a PMA sup-
plication, or to consider the letter to
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§ 814.42 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
under § 814.45 and to request adminis- of the decision to accept the PMA for
trative review under section 515 (d)(4) filing. If FDA does not reverse its deci-
and (g) of the act. sion not to file the PMA, the applicant
[51 FR 26364, July 22, 1986, as amended at 87
may request reconsideration of the de-
FR 2045, Jan. 13, 2022] cision from the Director of the Office
of Product Evaluation and Quality, the
§ 814.42 Filing a PMA. Director of the Center for Biologics
(a) The filing of an application means Evaluation and Research, or the Direc-
that FDA has made a threshold deter- tor of the Center for Drug Evaluation
mination that the application is suffi- and Research, as applicable. The Direc-
ciently complete to permit a sub- tor’s decision will constitute final ad-
stantive review. Within 45 days after a ministrative action for the purpose of
PMA is received by FDA, the agency judicial review.
will notify the applicant whether the (e) FDA may refuse to file a PMA if
application has been filed. any of the following applies:
(b) If FDA does not find that any of (1) The application is incomplete be-
the reasons in paragraph (e) of this sec- cause it does not on its face contain all
tion for refusing to file the PMA ap- the information required under section
plies, the agency will file the PMA and 515(c)(1) (A)–(G) of the act;
will notify the applicant in writing of (2) The PMA does not contain each of
the filing. The notice will include the the items required under § 814.20 and
PMA reference number and the date justification for omission of any item
FDA filed the PMA. The date of filing is inadequate;
is the date that a PMA accepted for fil- (3) The applicant has a pending pre-
ing was received by the agency. The market notification under section
180-day period for review of a PMA 510(k) of the act with respect to the
starts on the date of filing. same device, and FDA has not deter-
(c) If FDA refuses to file a PMA, the mined whether the device falls within
agency will notify the applicant of the the scope of § 814.1(c).
reasons for the refusal. This notice will (4) The PMA contains a false state-
identify the deficiencies in the applica- ment of material fact.
tion that prevent filing and will in- (5) The PMA is not accompanied by a
clude the PMA reference number. statement of either certification or dis-
(d) If FDA refuses to file the PMA, closure as required by part 54 of this
the applicant may: chapter.
(1) Resubmit the PMA with addi- [51 FR 26364, July 22, 1986, as amended at 63
tional information necessary to comply FR 5254, Feb. 2, 1998; 73 FR 49942, Aug. 25,
with the requirements of section 2008; 85 FR 18442, Apr. 2, 2020]
515(c)(1) (A)–(G) of the act and § 814.20.
A resubmitted PMA shall include the § 814.44 Procedures for review of a
PMA reference number of the original PMA.
submission. If the resubmitted PMA is (a) FDA will begin substantive review
accepted for filing, the date of filing is of a PMA after the PMA is accepted for
the date FDA receives the resubmis- filing under § 814.42. FDA may refer the
sion; PMA to a panel on its own initiative,
(2) Request in writing within 10 and will do so upon request of an appli-
working days of the date of receipt of cant, unless FDA determines that the
the notice refusing to file the PMA, an application substantially duplicates in-
informal conference with the Director formation previously reviewed by a
of the associated Office of Health Tech- panel. If FDA refers an application to a
nology to review FDA’s decision not to panel, FDA will forward the PMA, or
file the PMA. FDA will hold the infor- relevant portions thereof, to each
mal conference within 10 working days member of the appropriate FDA panel
of its receipt of the request and will for review. During the review process,
render its decision on filing within 5 FDA may communicate with the appli-
working days after the informal con- cant as set forth under § 814.37(b), or
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
ference. If, after the informal con- with a panel to respond to questions
ference, FDA accepts the PMA for fil- that may be posed by panel members or
ing, the date of filing will be the date to provide additional information to
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 814.44
the panel. FDA will maintain a record placed on public display, and that cop-
of all communications with the appli- ies are available upon request. When a
cant and with the panel. notice of approval is published, data
(b) The advisory committee shall and information in the PMA file will be
submit a report to FDA which includes available for public disclosure in ac-
the committee’s recommendation and cordance with § 814.9.
the basis for such recommendation on (2) A request for copies of the current
the PMA. Before submission of this re- PMA approvals and denials document
port, the committee shall hold a public and for copies of summaries of safety
meeting to review the PMA in accord- and effectiveness shall be sent in writ-
ance with part 14. This meeting may be ing to the Freedom of Information
held by a telephone conference under Staff’s address listed on the Agency’s
§ 14.22(g). The advisory committee re- website at
port and recommendation may be in (e) FDA will send the applicant an
the form of a meeting transcript signed approvable letter if the application
by the chairperson of the committee. substantially meets the requirements
(c) FDA will complete its review of of this part and the agency believes it
the PMA and the advisory committee can approve the application if specific
report and recommendation and, with- additional information is submitted or
in the later of 180 days from the date of specific conditions are agreed to by the
filing of the PMA under § 814.42 or the applicant.
number of days after the date of filing (1) The approvable letter will de-
as determined under § 814.37(c), issue an scribe the information FDA requires to
approval order under paragraph (d) of be provided by the applicant or the
this section, an approvable letter under conditions the applicant is required to
paragraph (e) of this section, a not ap- meet to obtain approval. For example,
provable letter under paragraph (f) of FDA may require, as a condition to ap-
this section, or an order denying ap- proval:
proval of the application under (i) The submission of certain infor-
§ 814.45(a). mation identified in the approvable let-
(d)(1) FDA will issue to the applicant ter, e.g., final labeling;
an order approving a PMA if none of (ii) The submission of additional in-
the reasons in § 814.45 for denying ap- formation concerning pediatric uses re-
proval of the application applies. FDA quired by § 814.20(b)(13);
will approve an application on the
(iii) An FDA inspection that finds the
basis of draft final labeling if the only
manufacturing facilities, methods, and
deficiencies in the application concern
controls in compliance with part 820
editorial or similar minor deficiencies
and, if applicable, that verifies records
in the draft final labeling. Such ap-
pertinent to the PMA;
proval will be conditioned upon the ap-
(iv) Restrictions imposed on the de-
plicant incorporating the specified la-
vice under section 515(d)(1)(B)(ii) or
beling changes exactly as directed and
520(e) of the act;
upon the applicant submitting to FDA
a copy of the final printed labeling be- (v) Postapproval requirements as de-
fore marketing. FDA will also give the scribed in subpart E of this part.
public notice of the order, including (2) In response to an approvable let-
notice of and opportunity for any in- ter the applicant may:
terested persons to request review (i) Amend the PMA as requested in
under section 515(d)(4) of the act. The the approvable letter; or
notice of approval will be placed on (ii) Consider the approvable letter to
FDA’s home page on the Internet be a denial of approval of the PMA
(, and it will state under § 814.45 and request administra-
that a detailed summary of informa- tive review under section 515(d)(4) of
tion respecting the safety and effec- the act by filing a petition in the form
tiveness of the device, which was the of a petition for reconsideration under
basis for the order approving the PMA, § 10.33; or
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§ 814.45 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
that the application may not be ap- (3) The applicant does not permit an
proved for one or more of the reasons authorized FDA employee an oppor-
given in § 814.45(a). The not approvable tunity to inspect at a reasonable time
letter will describe the deficiencies in and in a reasonable manner the facili-
the application, including each applica- ties, controls, and to have access to
ble ground for denial under section and to copy and verify all records per-
515(d)(2) (A)–(E) of the act, and, where tinent to the application;
practical, will identify measures re- (4) A nonclinical laboratory study
quired to place the PMA in approvable that is described in the PMA and that
form. In response to a not approvable is essential to show that the device is
letter, the applicant may: safe for use under the conditions pre-
(1) Amend the PMA as requested in scribed, recommended, or suggested in
the not approvable letter (such an its proposed labeling, was not con-
amendment will be considered a major ducted in compliance with the good
amendment under § 814.37(c)(1)); or laboratory practice regulations in part
(2) Consider the not approvable letter 58 and no reason for the noncompliance
to be a denial of approval of the PMA is provided or, if it is, the differences
under § 814.45 and request administra- between the practices used in con-
tive review under section 515(d)(4) of ducting the study and the good labora-
the act by filing a petition in the form tory practice regulations do not sup-
of a petition for reconsideration under port the validity of the study; or
§ 10.33; or (5) Any clinical investigation involv-
(3) Withdraw the PMA. ing human subjects described in the
(g) FDA will consider a PMA to have PMA, subject to the institutional re-
been withdrawn voluntarily if: view board regulations in part 56 of
(1) The applicant fails to respond in this chapter or informed consent regu-
writing to a written request for an lations in part 50 of this chapter or
amendment within 180 days after the GCP referenced in § 814.15(a) and de-
date FDA issues such request; scribed in § 812.28(a) of this chapter,
(2) The applicant fails to respond in was not conducted in compliance with
writing to an approvable or not approv- those regulations such that the rights
able letter within 180 days after the or safety of human subjects were not
date FDA issues such letter; or adequately protected or the supporting
(3) The applicant submits a written data were determined to be otherwise
notice to FDA that the PMA has been unreliable.
withdrawn. (b) FDA will issue any order denying
[51 FR 26364, July 22, 1986, as amended at 57 approval of the PMA in accordance
FR 58403, Dec. 10, 1992; 63 FR 4572, Jan. 30, with § 814.17. The order will inform the
1998; 79 FR 1740, Jan. 10, 2014; 87 FR 2045, Jan. applicant of the deficiencies in the
13, 2022] PMA, including each applicable ground
for denial under section 515(d)(2) of the
§ 814.45 Denial of approval of a PMA. act and the regulations under this part,
(a) FDA may issue an order denying and, where practical, will identify
approval of a PMA if the applicant fails measures required to place the PMA in
to follow the requirements of this part approvable form. The order will include
or if, upon the basis of the information a notice of an opportunity to request
submitted in the PMA or any other in- review under section 515(d)(4) of the
formation before the agency, FDA de- act.
termines that any of the grounds for (c) FDA will use the criteria specified
denying approval of a PMA specified in in § 860.7 to determine the safety and
section 515(d)(2) (A)–(E) of the act ap- effectiveness of a device in deciding
plies. In addition, FDA may deny ap- whether to approve or deny approval of
proval of a PMA for any of the fol- a PMA. FDA may use information
lowing reasons: other than that submitted by the appli-
(1) The PMA contains a false state- cant in making such determination.
ment of material fact; (d)(1) FDA will give the public notice
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 814.46
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§ 814.47 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
data and information in the PMA file health consequences or death, the
will be available for public disclosure agency shall, under the authority of
in accordance with § 814.9. section 515(e)(3) of the act, issue an
[51 FR 26364, July 22, 1986, as amended at 83
order to the PMA holder temporarily
FR 7387, Feb. 21, 2018] suspending approval of the PMA.
(d) Permanent withdrawal of approval
§ 814.47 Temporary suspension of ap- of the PMA. If FDA issues an order tem-
proval of a PMA. porarily suspending approval of a PMA,
(a) Scope. (1) This section describes the agency shall proceed expeditiously,
the procedures that FDA will follow in but within 60 days, to hold a hearing on
exercising its authority under section whether to permanently withdraw ap-
515(e)(3) of the act (21 U.S.C. 360e(e)(3)). proval of the PMA in accordance with
This authority applies to the original section 515(e)(1) of the act and the pro-
PMA, as well as any PMA supple- cedures set out in § 814.46.
ment(s), for a medical device. [61 FR 15190, Apr. 5, 1996]
(2) FDA will issue an order tempo-
rarily suspending approval of a PMA if Subpart D—Administrative Review
FDA determines that there is a reason-
able probability that continued dis-
tribution of the device would cause se-
rious, adverse health consequences or Subpart E—Postapproval
death. Requirements
(b) Regulatory hearing. (1) If FDA be-
lieves that there is a reasonable prob- § 814.80 General.
ability that the continued distribution A device may not be manufactured,
of a device subject to an approved PMA packaged, stored, labeled, distributed,
would cause serious, adverse health or advertised in a manner that is in-
consequences or death, FDA may ini- consistent with any conditions to ap-
tiate and conduct a regulatory hearing proval specified in the PMA approval
to determine whether to issue an order order for the device.
temporarily suspending approval of the
PMA. § 814.82 Postapproval requirements.
(2) Any regulatory hearing to deter- (a) FDA may impose postapproval re-
mine whether to issue an order tempo- quirements in a PMA approval order or
rarily suspending approval of a PMA by regulation at the time of approval
shall be initiated and conducted by of the PMA or by regulation subse-
FDA pursuant to part 16 of this chap- quent to approval. Postapproval re-
ter. If FDA believes that immediate ac- quirements may include as a condition
tion to remove a dangerous device from to approval of the device:
the market is necessary to protect the (1) Restriction of the sale, distribu-
public health, the agency may, in ac- tion, or use of the device as provided by
cordance with § 16.60(h) of this chapter, section 515(d)(1)(B)(ii) or 520(e) of the
waive, suspend, or modify any part 16 act.
procedure pursuant to § 10.19 of this (2) Continuing evaluation and peri-
chapter. odic reporting on the safety, effective-
(3) FDA shall deem the PMA holder’s ness, and reliability of the device for
failure to request a hearing within the its intended use. FDA will state in the
timeframe specified by FDA in the no- PMA approval order the reason or pur-
tice of opportunity for hearing to be a pose for such requirement and the
waiver. number of patients to be evaluated and
(c) Temporary suspension order. If the the reports required to be submitted.
PMA holder does not request a regu- (3) Prominent display in the labeling
latory hearing or if, after the hearing, of a device and in the advertising of
and after consideration of the adminis- any restricted device of warnings, haz-
trative record of the hearing, FDA de- ards, or precautions important for the
termines that there is a reasonable device’s safe and effective use, includ-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
probability that the continued dis- ing patient information, e.g., informa-
tribution of a device under an approved tion provided to the patient on alter-
PMA would cause serious, adverse native modes of therapy and on risks
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 814.84
[51 FR 26364, July 22, 1986, as amended at 51 SOURCE: 61 FR 33244, June 26, 1996, unless
FR 43344, Dec. 2, 1986] otherwise noted.
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§ 814.100 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 814.104
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§ 814.106 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
to an assessment of the risks and prob- ments and supplements, as well as any
able benefits of the device and to the correspondence relating to an HDE,
extent the applicant includes data from must be provided in electronic format.
clinical investigations, the applicant These materials must be sent or deliv-
shall include the statements described ered to one of the following:
in § 814.20(b)(6)(ii)(A) and (B) with re- (1) For devices regulated by the Cen-
spect to clinical investigations con- ter for Devices and Radiological
ducted in the United States and the in- Health, send it to the current address
formation described in found on the website https://
§ 814.20(b)(6)(ii)(C) with respect to clin-
ical investigations conducted outside
(2) For devices regulated by the Cen-
the United States; and
(ii) In addition to the proposed label- ter for Biologics Evaluation and Re-
ing requirement set forth in search, send it to the current address
§ 814.20(b)(10), the labeling shall bear displayed on the website https://
the following statement: Humanitarian
Device. Authorized by Federal law for OfficeofMedicalProductsandTobacco/
use in the [treatment or diagnosis] of CBER/ucm385240.htm.
[specify disease or condition]. The ef- (3) For devices regulated by the Cen-
fectiveness of this device for this use ter for Drug Evaluation and Research,
has not been demonstrated; send this information to the Central
(5) The amount to be charged for the Document Control Room, Center for
device and, if the amount is more than Drug Evaluation and Research, Food
$250, a report by an independent cer- and Drug Administration, 5901–B
tified public accountant, made in ac- Ammendale Rd., Beltsville, MD 20705–
cordance with the Statement on Stand- 1266.
ards for Attestation established by the
American Institute of Certified Public [61 FR 33244, June 26, 1996, as amended at 63
Accountants, or in lieu of such a re- FR 59220, Nov. 3, 1998; 73 FR 49942, Aug. 25,
2008; 75 FR 20915, Apr. 22, 2010; 79 FR 1740,
port, an attestation by a responsible
Jan. 10, 2014; 80 FR 18094, Apr. 3, 2015; 83 FR
individual of the organization,
7388, Feb. 21, 2018; 84 FR 68340, Dec. 16, 2019]
verifying that the amount charged does
not exceed the costs of the device’s re- § 814.106 HDE amendments and resub-
search, development, fabrication, and mitted HDE’s.
distribution. If the amount charged is
$250 or less, the requirement for a re- An HDE or HDE supplement may be
port by an independent certified public amended or resubmitted upon an appli-
accountant or an attestation by a re- cant’s own initiative, or at the request
sponsible individual of the organiza- of FDA, for the same reasons and in
tion is waived; and the same manner as prescribed for
(6) Information concerning pediatric PMA’s in § 814.37, except that the time-
uses of the device, as required by frames set forth in § 814.37(c)(1) and (d)
§ 814.20(b)(13). do not apply. If FDA requests an HDE
(c) Omission of information. If the ap- applicant to submit an HDE amend-
plicant believes that certain informa- ment, and a written response to FDA’s
tion required under paragraph (b) of request is not received within 75 days
this section is not applicable to the de- of the date of the request, FDA will
vice that is the subject of the HDE, and consider the pending HDE or HDE sup-
omits any such information from its plement to be withdrawn voluntarily
HDE, the applicant shall submit a by the applicant. Furthermore, if the
statement that identifies and justifies HDE applicant, on its own initiative or
the omission. The statement shall be at FDA’s request, submits a major
submitted as a separate section in the amendment as described in
HDE and identified in the table of con-
§ 814.37(c)(1), the review period may be
tents. If the justification for the omis-
extended up to 75 days.
sion is not accepted by the agency,
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 814.116
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§ 814.118 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
deficiencies in the draft final labeling. § 814.44(f), with the exception that if a
Such approval will be conditioned upon major HDE amendment is submitted,
the applicant incorporating the speci- the review period may be extended up
fied labeling changes exactly as di- to 75 days.
rected and upon the applicant submit- (e) FDA will consider an HDE to have
ting to FDA a copy of the final printed been withdrawn voluntarily if:
labeling before marketing. The notice (1) The applicant fails to respond in
of approval of an HDE will be placed on writing to a written request for an
the FDA’s home page on the internet amendment within 75 days after the
( in accordance date FDA issues such request;
with the rules and policies applicable (2) The applicant fails to respond in
to PMAs submitted under § 814.20. Fol- writing to an approvable or not approv-
lowing the issuance of an approval able letter within 75 days after the date
order, data and information in the HDE FDA issues such letter; or
file will be available for public disclo- (3) The applicant submits a written
sure in accordance with § 814.9(b) notice to FDA that the HDE has been
through (h), as applicable. withdrawn.
(c) Approvable letter. FDA will send [61 FR 33244, June 26, 1996, as amended at 63
the applicant an approvable letter if FR 59221, Nov. 3, 1998; 79 FR 1741, Jan. 10,
the application substantially meets the 2014; 87 FR 2045, Jan. 13, 2022]
requirements of this subpart and the
agency believes it can approve the ap- § 814.118 Denial of approval or with-
plication if specific additional informa- drawal of approval of an HDE.
tion is submitted or specific conditions (a) FDA may deny approval or with-
are agreed to by the applicant. The ap- draw approval of an application if the
provable letter will describe the infor- applicant fails to meet the require-
mation FDA requires to be provided by ments of section 520(m) of the act or of
the applicant or the conditions the ap- this part, or of any condition of ap-
plicant is required to meet to obtain proval imposed by an IRB or by FDA,
approval. For example, FDA may re- or any postapproval requirements im-
quire as a condition to approval: posed under § 814.126. In addition, FDA
(1) The submission of certain infor- may deny approval or withdraw ap-
mation identified in the approvable let- proval of an application if, upon the
ter, e.g., final labeling; basis of the information submitted in
(2) The submission of additional in- the HDE or any other information be-
formation concerning pediatric uses of fore the agency, FDA determines that:
the device, as required by § 814.20(b)(13); (1) There is a lack of a showing of
(3) Restrictions imposed on the de- reasonable assurance that the device is
vice under section 520(e) of the act; safe under the conditions of use pre-
(4) Postapproval requirements as de- scribed, recommended, or suggested in
scribed in subpart E of this part; and the labeling thereof;
(5) An FDA inspection that finds the (2) The device is ineffective under the
manufacturing facilities, methods, and conditions of use prescribed, rec-
controls in compliance with part 820 of ommended, or suggested in the labeling
this chapter and, if applicable, that thereof;
verifies records pertinent to the HDE. (3) The applicant has not dem-
(d) Not approvable letter. FDA will onstrated that there is a reasonable
send the applicant a not approvable basis from which to conclude that the
letter if the agency believes that the probable benefit to health from the use
application may not be approved for of the device outweighs the risk of in-
one or more of the reasons given in jury or illness, taking into account the
§ 814.118. The not approvable letter will probable risks and benefits of currently
describe the deficiencies in the applica- available devices or alternative forms
tion and, where practical, will identify of treatment;
measures required to place the HDE in (4) The application or a report sub-
approvable form. The applicant may mitted by or on behalf of the applicant
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 814.124
(5) The device’s labeling does not (d) Before issuing an order with-
comply with the requirements in part drawing approval of an HDE, FDA will
801 or part 809 of this chapter; provide the applicant with notice and
(6) A nonclinical laboratory study an opportunity for a hearing as re-
that is described in the HDE and that quired for PMA’s under § 814.46(c) and
is essential to show that the device is (d), and will provide the public with no-
safe for use under the conditions pre- tice in accordance with § 814.46(e), as
scribed, recommended, or suggested in applicable.
its proposed labeling, was not con- [61 FR 33244, June 26, 1996, as amended at 63
ducted in compliance with the good FR 59221, Nov. 3, 1998; 87 FR 2045, Jan. 13,
laboratory practice regulations in part 2022]
58 of this chapter and no reason for the
noncompliance is provided or, if it is, § 814.120 Temporary suspension of ap-
the differences between the practices proval of an HDE.
used in conducting the study and the An HDE or HDE supplement may be
good laboratory practice regulations do temporarily suspended for the same
not support the validity of the study; reasons and in the same manner as pre-
(7) Any clinical investigation involv- scribed for PMA’s in § 814.47.
ing human subjects described in the
[63 FR 59221, Nov. 3, 1998]
HDE, subject to the institutional re-
view board regulations in part 56 of § 814.122 Confidentiality of data and
this chapter or the informed consent information.
regulations in part 50 of this chapter,
(a) Requirement for disclosure. The
was not conducted in compliance with
‘‘HDE file’’ includes all data and infor-
those regulations such that the rights
mation submitted with or referenced in
or safety of human subjects were not
the HDE, any IDE incorporated into
adequately protected;
the HDE, any HDE amendment or sup-
(8) The applicant does not permit an plement, any report submitted under
authorized FDA employee an oppor- § 814.126, any master file, or any other
tunity to inspect at a reasonable time related submission. Any record in the
and in a reasonable manner the facili- HDE file will be available for public
ties and controls, and to have access to disclosure in accordance with the pro-
and to copy and verify all records per- visions of this section and part 20 of
tinent to the application; or this chapter.
(9) The device’s HUD designation (b) Extent of disclosure. Disclosure by
should be revoked in accordance with FDA of the existence and contents of
§ 814.102(c). an HDE file shall be subject to the
(b) If FDA issues an order denying same rules that pertain to PMA’s
approval of an application, the agency under § 814.9(b) through (h), as applica-
will comply with the same notice and ble.
disclosure provisions required for
PMA’s under § 814.45(b) and (d), as ap- § 814.124 Institutional Review Board
plicable. requirements.
(c) FDA will issue an order denying (a) IRB approval. The HDE holder is
approval of an HDE after an approvable responsible for ensuring that a HUD
or not approvable letter has been sent approved under this subpart is adminis-
and the applicant: tered only in facilities having over-
(1) Submits a requested amendment sight by an Institutional Review Board
but any ground for denying approval of (IRB) constituted and acting pursuant
the application under § 814.118(a) still to part 56 of this chapter, including
applies; continuing review of use of the device.
(2) Notifies FDA in writing that the In addition, a HUD may be adminis-
requested amendment will not be sub- tered only if such use has been ap-
mitted; or proved by an IRB. If, however, a physi-
(3) Petitions for review under section cian in an emergency situation deter-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
515(d)(4) of the act by filing a petition mines that approval from an IRB can-
in the form of a petition for reconsider- not be obtained in time to prevent seri-
ation under § 10.33 of this chapter. ous harm or death to a patient, a HUD
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§ 814.126 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 820.1
820.25 Personnel. Subpart O—Statistical Techniques
Subpart C—Design Controls 820.250 Statistical techniques.
AUTHORITY: 21 U.S.C. 351, 352, 360, 360c, 360d,
820.30 Design controls.
360e, 360h, 360i, 360j, 360l, 371, 374, 381, 383; 42
U.S.C. 216, 262, 263a, 264.
Subpart D—Document Controls
SOURCE: 61 FR 52654, Oct. 7, 1996, unless
820.40 Document controls. otherwise noted.
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§ 820.3 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
facturer who offers devices for import amended (21 U.S.C. 321–394)). All defini-
into the United States refuses to per- tions in section 201 of the act shall
mit or allow the completion of a Food apply to the regulations in this part.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 820.3
(m) Lot or batch means one or more zation with respect to quality, as es-
components or finished devices that tablished by management with execu-
consist of a single type, model, class, tive responsibility.
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§ 820.5 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(v) Quality system means the organi- (i) The lot or batch within which a
zational structure, responsibilities, device was manufactured;
procedures, processes, and resources for (ii) The serial number of a specific
implementing quality management. device;
(w) Remanufacturer means any person (iii) The expiration date of a specific
who processes, conditions, renovates, device;
repackages, restores, or does any other (iv) The date a specific device was
act to a finished device that signifi- manufactured.
cantly changes the finished device’s (v) For an HCT/P regulated as a de-
performance or safety specifications, vice, the distinct identification code
or intended use. required by § 1271.290(c) of this chapter.
(x) Rework means action taken on a (dd) Universal product code (UPC)
nonconforming product so that it will means the product identifier used to
fulfill the specified DMR requirements
identify an item sold at retail in the
before it is released for distribution.
United States.
(y) Specification means any require-
ment with which a product, process, [61 FR 52654, Oct. 7, 1996, as amended at 78 FR
service, or other activity must con- 58822, Sept. 24, 2013]
(z) Validation means confirmation by § 820.5 Quality system.
examination and provision of objective Each manufacturer shall establish
evidence that the particular require- and maintain a quality system that is
ments for a specific intended use can appropriate for the specific medical de-
be consistently fulfilled. vice(s) designed or manufactured, and
(1) Process validation means estab- that meets the requirements of this
lishing by objective evidence that a part.
process consistently produces a result
or product meeting its predetermined Subpart B—Quality System
(2) Design validation means estab-
lishing by objective evidence that de- § 820.20 Management responsibility.
vice specifications conform with user
needs and intended use(s). (a) Quality policy. Management with
(aa) Verification means confirmation executive responsibility shall establish
by examination and provision of objec- its policy and objectives for, and com-
tive evidence that specified require- mitment to, quality. Management with
ments have been fulfilled. executive responsibility shall ensure
(bb) Human cell, tissue, or cellular or that the quality policy is understood,
tissue-based product (HCT/P) regulated as implemented, and maintained at all
a device means an HCT/P as defined in levels of the organization.
§ 1271.3(d) of this chapter that does not (b) Organization. Each manufacturer
meet the criteria in § 1271.10(a) and that shall establish and maintain an ade-
is also regulated as a device. quate organizational structure to en-
(cc) Unique device identifier (UDI) sure that devices are designed and pro-
means an identifier that adequately duced in accordance with the require-
identifies a device through its distribu- ments of this part.
tion and use by meeting the require- (1) Responsibility and authority. Each
ments of § 830.20 of this chapter. A manufacturer shall establish the appro-
unique device identifier is composed of: priate responsibility, authority, and
(1) A device identifier—a mandatory, interrelation of all personnel who man-
fixed portion of a UDI that identifies age, perform, and assess work affecting
the specific version or model of a de- quality, and provide the independence
vice and the labeler of that device; and and authority necessary to perform
(2) A production identifier—a condi- these tasks.
tional, variable portion of a UDI that (2) Resources. Each manufacturer
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
identifies one or more of the following shall provide adequate resources, in-
when included on the label of the de- cluding the assignment of trained per-
vice: sonnel, for management, performance
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 820.30
of work, and assessment activities, in- each quality audit, and reaudit(s)
cluding internal quality audits, to where taken, shall be made and such
meet the requirements of this part. reports shall be reviewed by manage-
(3) Management representative. Man- ment having responsibility for the
agement with executive responsibility matters audited. The dates and results
shall appoint, and document such ap- of quality audits and reaudits shall be
pointment of, a member of manage- documented.
ment who, irrespective of other respon-
sibilities, shall have established au- § 820.25 Personnel.
thority over and responsibility for: (a) General. Each manufacturer shall
(i) Ensuring that quality system re- have sufficient personnel with the nec-
quirements are effectively established essary education, background, train-
and effectively maintained in accord- ing, and experience to assure that all
ance with this part; and activities required by this part are cor-
(ii) Reporting on the performance of rectly performed.
the quality system to management (b) Training. Each manufacturer shall
with executive responsibility for re- establish procedures for identifying
view. training needs and ensure that all per-
(c) Management review. Management sonnel are trained to adequately per-
with executive responsibility shall re- form their assigned responsibilities.
view the suitability and effectiveness Training shall be documented.
of the quality system at defined inter- (1) As part of their training, per-
vals and with sufficient frequency ac- sonnel shall be made aware of device
cording to established procedures to defects which may occur from the im-
ensure that the quality system satis- proper performance of their specific
fies the requirements of this part and jobs.
the manufacturer’s established quality (2) Personnel who perform
policy and objectives. The dates and re- verification and validation activities
sults of quality system reviews shall be shall be made aware of defects and er-
documented. rors that may be encountered as part
(d) Quality planning. Each manufac- of their job functions.
turer shall establish a quality plan
which defines the quality practices, re-
sources, and activities relevant to de- Subpart C—Design Controls
vices that are designed and manufac- § 820.30 Design controls.
tured. The manufacturer shall estab-
lish how the requirements for quality (a) General. (1) Each manufacturer of
will be met. any class III or class II device, and the
(e) Quality system procedures. Each class I devices listed in paragraph (a)(2)
manufacturer shall establish quality of this section, shall establish and
system procedures and instructions. An maintain procedures to control the de-
outline of the structure of the docu- sign of the device in order to ensure
mentation used in the quality system that specified design requirements are
shall be established where appropriate. met.
(2) The following class I devices are
§ 820.22 Quality audit. subject to design controls:
Each manufacturer shall establish (i) Devices automated with computer
procedures for quality audits and con- software; and
duct such audits to assure that the (ii) The devices listed in the fol-
quality system is in compliance with lowing chart.
the established quality system require- Section Device
ments and to determine the effective-
ness of the quality system. Quality au- 868.6810 ........ Catheter, Tracheobronchial Suction.
878.4460 ........ Glove, Surgeon’s.
dits shall be conducted by individuals 880.6760 ........ Restraint, Protective.
who do not have direct responsibility 892.5650 ........ System, Applicator, Radionuclide, Manual.
for the matters being audited. Correc- 892.5740 ........ Source, Radionuclide Teletherapy.
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§ 820.40 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
maintain plans that describe or ref- vidual(s) performing the review, shall
erence the design and development ac- be documented in the design history
tivities and define responsibility for file (the DHF).
implementation. The plans shall iden- (f) Design verification. Each manufac-
tify and describe the interfaces with turer shall establish and maintain pro-
different groups or activities that pro- cedures for verifying the device design.
vide, or result in, input to the design Design verification shall confirm that
and development process. The plans the design output meets the design
shall be reviewed, updated, and ap- input requirements. The results of the
proved as design and development design verification, including identi-
evolves. fication of the design, method(s), the
(c) Design input. Each manufacturer date, and the individual(s) performing
shall establish and maintain proce- the verification, shall be documented
dures to ensure that the design require- in the DHF.
ments relating to a device are appro- (g) Design validation. Each manufac-
priate and address the intended use of turer shall establish and maintain pro-
the device, including the needs of the cedures for validating the device de-
user and patient. The procedures shall sign. Design validation shall be per-
include a mechanism for addressing in- formed under defined operating condi-
complete, ambiguous, or conflicting re- tions on initial production units, lots,
quirements. The design input require- or batches, or their equivalents. Design
ments shall be documented and shall be validation shall ensure that devices
reviewed and approved by a designated conform to defined user needs and in-
individual(s). The approval, including tended uses and shall include testing of
the date and signature of the indi- production units under actual or simu-
vidual(s) approving the requirements, lated use conditions. Design validation
shall be documented. shall include software validation and
(d) Design output. Each manufacturer risk analysis, where appropriate. The
shall establish and maintain proce- results of the design validation, includ-
dures for defining and documenting de- ing identification of the design, meth-
sign output in terms that allow an ade- od(s), the date, and the individual(s)
quate evaluation of conformance to de- performing the validation, shall be doc-
sign input requirements. Design output umented in the DHF.
procedures shall contain or make ref- (h) Design transfer. Each manufac-
erence to acceptance criteria and shall turer shall establish and maintain pro-
ensure that those design outputs that cedures to ensure that the device de-
are essential for the proper functioning sign is correctly translated into pro-
of the device are identified. Design out- duction specifications.
put shall be documented, reviewed, and (i) Design changes. Each manufac-
approved before release. The approval, turer shall establish and maintain pro-
including the date and signature of the cedures for the identification, docu-
individual(s) approving the output, mentation, validation or where appro-
shall be documented. priate verification, review, and ap-
(e) Design review. Each manufacturer proval of design changes before their
shall establish and maintain proce- implementation.
dures to ensure that formal docu- (j) Design history file. Each manufac-
mented reviews of the design results turer shall establish and maintain a
are planned and conducted at appro- DHF for each type of device. The DHF
priate stages of the device’s design de- shall contain or reference the records
velopment. The procedures shall ensure necessary to demonstrate that the de-
that participants at each design review sign was developed in accordance with
include representatives of all functions the approved design plan and the re-
concerned with the design stage being quirements of this part.
reviewed and an individual(s) who does
not have direct responsibility for the Subpart D—Document Controls
design stage being reviewed, as well as
§ 820.40 Document controls.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 820.65
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§ 820.70 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 820.80
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§ 820.86 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 820.140
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§ 820.150 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
procedures with the device or other- plier audits where applicable, have
wise make them available to the per- been performed and documented, the
son(s) installing the device. dates on which they were performed,
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 820.198
and that any required corrective action § 820.186 Quality system record.
has been undertaken.
Each manufacturer shall maintain a
§ 820.181 Device master record. quality system record (QSR). The QSR
shall include, or refer to the location
Each manufacturer shall maintain of, procedures and the documentation
device master records (DMR’s). Each of activities required by this part that
manufacturer shall ensure that each are not specific to a particular type of
DMR is prepared and approved in ac- device(s), including, but not limited to,
cordance with § 820.40. The DMR for the records required by § 820.20. Each
each type of device shall include, or manufacturer shall ensure that the
refer to the location of, the following QSR is prepared and approved in ac-
information: cordance with § 820.40.
(a) Device specifications including
appropriate drawings, composition, for- § 820.198 Complaint files.
mulation, component specifications,
(a) Each manufacturer shall main-
and software specifications;
tain complaint files. Each manufac-
(b) Production process specifications
turer shall establish and maintain pro-
including the appropriate equipment
cedures for receiving, reviewing, and
specifications, production methods,
evaluating complaints by a formally
production procedures, and production
designated unit. Such procedures shall
environment specifications;
ensure that:
(c) Quality assurance procedures and
(1) All complaints are processed in a
specifications including acceptance cri-
uniform and timely manner;
teria and the quality assurance equip-
(2) Oral complaints are documented
ment to be used;
upon receipt; and
(d) Packaging and labeling specifica-
(3) Complaints are evaluated to de-
tions, including methods and processes
termine whether the complaint rep-
used; and
resents an event which is required to
(e) Installation, maintenance, and
be reported to FDA under part 803 of
servicing procedures and methods.
this chapter, Medical Device Report-
§ 820.184 Device history record. ing.
(b) Each manufacturer shall review
Each manufacturer shall maintain and evaluate all complaints to deter-
device history records (DHR’s). Each mine whether an investigation is nec-
manufacturer shall establish and main- essary. When no investigation is made,
tain procedures to ensure that DHR’s the manufacturer shall maintain a
for each batch, lot, or unit are main- record that includes the reason no in-
tained to demonstrate that the device vestigation was made and the name of
is manufactured in accordance with the the individual responsible for the deci-
DMR and the requirements of this part. sion not to investigate.
The DHR shall include, or refer to the (c) Any complaint involving the pos-
location of, the following information: sible failure of a device, labeling, or
(a) The dates of manufacture; packaging to meet any of its specifica-
(b) The quantity manufactured; tions shall be reviewed, evaluated, and
(c) The quantity released for dis- investigated, unless such investigation
tribution; has already been performed for a simi-
(d) The acceptance records which lar complaint and another investiga-
demonstrate the device is manufac- tion is not necessary.
tured in accordance with the DMR; (d) Any complaint that represents an
(e) The primary identification label event which must be reported to FDA
and labeling used for each production under part 803 of this chapter shall be
unit; and promptly reviewed, evaluated, and in-
(f) Any unique device identifier (UDI) vestigated by a designated indi-
or universal product code (UPC), and vidual(s) and shall be maintained in a
any other device identification(s) and separate portion of the complaint files
control number(s) used.
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§ 820.200 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
under this paragraph shall include a verifying that the servicing meets the
determination of: specified requirements.
(1) Whether the device failed to meet (b) Each manufacturer shall analyze
specifications; service reports with appropriate statis-
(2) Whether the device was being used tical methodology in accordance with
for treatment or diagnosis; and § 820.100.
(3) The relationship, if any, of the de- (c) Each manufacturer who receives a
vice to the reported incident or adverse service report that represents an event
event. which must be reported to FDA under
(e) When an investigation is made part 803 of this chapter shall automati-
under this section, a record of the in- cally consider the report a complaint
vestigation shall be maintained by the and shall process it in accordance with
formally designated unit identified in the requirements of § 820.198.
paragraph (a) of this section. The (d) Service reports shall be docu-
record of investigation shall include: mented and shall include:
(1) The name of the device; (1) The name of the device serviced;
(2) The date the complaint was re-
(2) Any unique device identifier (UDI)
or universal product code (UPC), and
(3) Any unique device identifier (UDI)
any other device identification(s) and
or universal product code (UPC), and
control number(s) used;
any other device identification(s) and
(3) The date of service;
control number(s) used;
(4) The name, address, and phone (4) The individual(s) servicing the de-
number of the complainant; vice;
(5) The nature and details of the com- (5) The service performed; and
plaint; (6) The test and inspection data.
(6) The dates and results of the inves- [61 FR 52654, Oct. 7, 1996, as amended at 69 FR
tigation; 11313, Mar. 10, 2004; 78 FR 58822, Sept. 24, 2013]
(7) Any corrective action taken; and
(8) Any reply to the complainant. Subpart O—Statistical Techniques
(f) When the manufacturer’s formally
designated complaint unit is located at § 820.250 Statistical techniques.
a site separate from the manufacturing
establishment, the investigated com- (a) Where appropriate, each manufac-
plaint(s) and the record(s) of investiga- turer shall establish and maintain pro-
tion shall be reasonably accessible to cedures for identifying valid statistical
the manufacturing establishment. techniques required for establishing,
(g) If a manufacturer’s formally des- controlling, and verifying the accept-
ignated complaint unit is located out- ability of process capability and prod-
side of the United States, records re- uct characteristics.
quired by this section shall be reason- (b) Sampling plans, when used, shall
ably accessible in the United States at be written and based on a valid statis-
either: tical rationale. Each manufacturer
(1) A location in the United States shall establish and maintain proce-
where the manufacturer’s records are dures to ensure that sampling methods
regularly kept; or are adequate for their intended use and
(2) The location of the initial dis- to ensure that when changes occur the
tributor. sampling plans are reviewed. These ac-
tivities shall be documented.
[61 FR 52654, Oct. 7, 1996, as amended at 69 FR
11313, Mar. 10, 2004; 71 FR 16228, Mar. 31, 2006;
78 FR 58822, Sept. 24, 2013] PART 821—MEDICAL DEVICE
Subpart N—Servicing
Subpart A—General Provisions
§ 820.200 Servicing.
(a) Where servicing is a specified re- 821.1 Scope.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 821.1
other commercial enterprises, device [58 FR 43447, Aug. 16, 1993, as amended at 67
user facilities, and licensed practi- FR 5951, Feb. 8, 2002; 73 FR 34860, June 19,
tioners) and, ultimately, to the patient 2008]
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§ 821.2 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
including any importer, repacker and/ tended for use by a single patient over
or relabeler, who manufactures, pre- the useful life of the device to the pa-
pares, propagates, compounds, assem- tient. This term includes, but is not
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 821.25
limited to, licensed practitioners, re- (v) For an HCT/P regulated as a de-
tail pharmacies, hospitals, and other vice, the distinct identification code
types of device user facilities. required by § 1271.290(c) of this chapter.
(j) Distributes means any distribution
[58 FR 43447, Aug. 16, 1993, as amended at 67
of a tracked device, including the char- FR 5951, Feb. 8, 2002; 78 FR 58822, Sept. 24,
itable distribution of a tracked device. 2013]
This term does not include the dis-
tribution of a device under an effective § 821.4 Imported devices.
investigational device exemption in ac-
For purposes of this part, the im-
cordance with section 520(g) of the act
porter of a tracked device shall be con-
and part 812 of this chapter or the dis-
sidered the manufacturer and shall be
tribution of a device for teaching, law
required to comply with all require-
enforcement, research, or analysis as
ments of this part applicable to manu-
specified in § 801.125 of this chapter.
facturers. Importers must keep all in-
(k) Multiple distributor means any de- formation required under this part in
vice user facility, rental company, or the United States.
any other entity that distributes a life-
sustaining or life-supporting device in-
tended for use by more than one pa- Subpart B—Tracking Requirements
tient over the useful life of the device.
§ 821.20 Devices subject to tracking.
(l) Licensed practitioner means a phy-
sician, dentist, or other health care (a) A manufacturer of any class II or
practitioner licensed by the law of the class III device that fits within one of
State in which he or she practices to the three criteria within § 821.1(a) must
use or order the use of the tracked de- track that device in accordance with
vice. this part, if FDA issues a tracking
(m) Any term defined in section 201 order to that manufacturer.
of the act shall have the same defini- (b) When responding to premarket
tion in this part. notification submissions and pre-
(n) Human cell, tissue, or cellular or tis- market approval applications, FDA
sue-based product (HCT/P) regulated as a will notify the sponsor by issuing an
device means an HCT/P as defined in order that states that FDA believes the
§ 1271.3(d) of this chapter that does not device meets the criteria of section
meet the criteria in § 1271.10(a) and that 519(e)(1) of the act and, by virtue of the
is also regulated as a device. order, the sponsor must track the de-
(o) Unique device identifier (UDI) vice.
means an identifier that adequately [67 FR 5951, Feb. 8, 2002]
identifies a device through its distribu-
tion and use by meeting the require- § 821.25 Device tracking system and
ments of § 830.20 of this chapter. A content requirements: manufac-
unique device identifier is composed of: turer requirements.
(1) A device identifier—a mandatory, (a) A manufacturer of a tracked de-
fixed portion of a UDI that identifies vice shall adopt a method of tracking
the specific version or model of a de- for each such type of device that it dis-
vice and the labeler of that device; and tributes that enables a manufacturer
(2) A production identifier—a condi- to provide FDA with the following in-
tional, variable portion of a UDI that formation in writing for each tracked
identifies one or more of the following device distributed:
when included on the label of the de- (1) Except as required by order under
vice: section 518(e) of the act, within 3 work-
(i) The lot or batch within which a ing days of a request from FDA, prior
device was manufactured; to the distribution of a tracked device
(ii) The serial number of a specific to a patient, the name, address, and
device; telephone number of the distributor,
(iii) The expiration date of a specific multiple distributor, or final dis-
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§ 821.25 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(2) Within 10 working days of a re- (vi) The date the device was provided
quest from FDA for tracked devices for use by the patient;
that are intended for use by a single (vii) The name, address, and tele-
patient over the life of the device, after phone number of the prescribing physi-
distribution to or implantation in a pa- cian; and
tient: (viii) If and when applicable, the date
(i) The unique device identifier (UDI), the device was returned to the manu-
lot number, batch number, model num- facturer, permanently retired from use,
ber, or serial number of the device or or otherwise permanently disposed of.
other identifier necessary to provide (b) A manufacturer of a tracked de-
for effective tracking of the devices; vice shall keep current records in ac-
(ii) The date the device was shipped cordance with its standard operating
by the manufacturer; procedure of the information identified
(iii) The name, address, telephone in paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2) and (a)(3)(i)
number, and social security number (if through (a)(3)(iii) of this section on
available) of the patient receiving the each tracked device released for dis-
device, unless not released by the pa- tribution for as long as such device is
tient under § 821.55(a); in use or in distribution for use.
(iv) The date the device was provided (c) A manufacturer of a tracked de-
to the patient; vice shall establish a written standard
(v) The name, mailing address, and operating procedure for the collection,
telephone number of the prescribing maintenance, and auditing of the data
physician; specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of
(vi) The name, mailing address, and this section. A manufacturer shall
telephone number of the physician reg- make this standard operating proce-
ularly following the patient if different dure available to FDA upon request. A
than the prescribing physician; and manufacturer shall incorporate the fol-
(vii) If applicable, the date the device lowing into the standard operating pro-
was explanted and the name, mailing cedure:
address, and telephone number of the (1) Data collection and recording pro-
explanting physician; the date of the cedures, which shall include a proce-
patient’s death; or the date the device dure for recording when data which is
was returned to the manufacturer, per- required under this part is missing and
manently retired from use, or other- could not be collected and the reason
wise permanently disposed of. why such required data is missing and
(3) Except as required by order under could not be collected;
section 518(e) of the act, within 10 (2) A method for recording all modi-
working days of a request from FDA fications or changes to the tracking
for tracked devices that are intended system or to the data collected and
for use by more than one patient, after maintained under the tracking system,
the distribution of the device to the reasons for any modification or change,
multiple distributor: and dates of any modification or
(i) The unique device identifier (UDI), change. Modification and changes in-
lot number, batch number, model num- cluded under this requirement include
ber, or serial number of the device or modifications to the data (including
other identifier necessary to provide termination of tracking), the data for-
for effective tracking of the devices; mat, the recording system, and the file
(ii) The date the device was shipped maintenance procedures system; and
by the manufacturer; (3) A quality assurance program that
(iii) The name, address, and tele- includes an audit procedure to be run
phone number of the multiple dis- for each device product subject to
tributor; tracking, at not less than 6-month in-
(iv) The name, address, telephone tervals for the first 3 years of distribu-
number, and social security number (if tion and at least once a year there-
available) of the patient using the de- after. This audit procedure shall pro-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
vice, unless not released by the patient vide for statistically relevant sampling
under § 821.55(a); of the data collected to ensure the ac-
(v) The location of the device; curacy of data and performance testing
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 821.30
of the functioning of the tracking sys- (b) A final distributor, upon sale or
tem. other distribution of a tracked device
(d) When a manufacturer becomes for use in or by the patient, shall
aware that a distributor, final dis- promptly provide the manufacturer
tributor, or multiple distributor has tracking the device with the following
not collected, maintained, or furnished information:
any record or information required by (1) The name and address of the final
this part, the manufacturer shall no- distributor,
tify the FDA district office responsible (2) The unique device identifier
for the area in which the distributor, (UDI), lot number, batch number,
final distributor, or multiple dis- model number, or serial number of the
tributor is located of the failure of device or other identifier used by the
such persons to comply with the re- manufacturer to track the device;
quirements of this part. Manufacturers (3) The name, address, telephone
shall have taken reasonable steps to number, and social security number (if
obtain compliance by the distributor, available) of the patient receiving the
multiple distributor, or final dis- device, unless not released by the pa-
tributor in question before notifying tient under § 821.55(a);
FDA. (4) The date the device was provided
(e) A manufacturer may petition for to the patient or for use in the patient;
an exemption or variance from one or (5) The name, mailing address, and
more requirements of this part accord- telephone number of the prescribing
ing to the procedures in § 821.2 of this physician;
chapter. (6) The name, mailing address, and
telephone number of the physician reg-
[58 FR 43447, Aug. 16, 1993, as amended at 67 ularly following the patient if different
FR 5951, Feb. 8, 2002; 78 FR 58822, Sept. 24,
than the prescribing physician; and
(7) When applicable, the date the de-
vice was explanted and the name, mail-
Subpart C—Additional ing address, and telephone number of
Requirements and Responsibilities the explanting physician, the date of
the patient’s death, or the date the de-
§ 821.30 Tracking obligations of per- vice was returned to the manufacturer,
sons other than device manufactur-
ers: distributor requirements. permanently retired from use, or other-
wise permanently disposed of.
(a) A distributor, final distributor, or (c)(1) A multiple distributor shall
multiple distributor of any tracked de- keep written records of the following
vice shall, upon purchasing or other- each time such device is distributed for
wise acquiring any interest in such a use by a patient:
device, promptly provide the manufac- (i) The unique device identifier (UDI),
turer tracking the device with the fol- lot number, batch number, model num-
lowing information: ber, or serial number of the device or
(1) The name and address of the dis- other identifier used by the manufac-
tributor, final distributor or multiple turer to track the device;
distributor; (ii) The name, address, telephone
(2) The unique device identifier number, and social security number (if
(UDI), lot number, batch number, available) of the patient using the de-
model number, or serial number of the vice;
device or other identifier used by the (iii) The location of the device, un-
manufacturer to track the device; less not released by the patient under
(3) The date the device was received; § 821.55(a);
(4) The person from whom the device (iv) The date the device was provided
was received; for use by the patient;
(5) If and when applicable, the date (v) The name, address, and telephone
the device was explanted, the date of number of the prescribing physician;
the patient’s death, or the date the de- (vi) The name, address, and telephone
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
vice was returned to the distributor, number of the physician regularly fol-
permanently retired from use, or other- lowing the patient if different than the
wise permanently disposed of. prescribing physician; and
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§ 821.50 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(vii) When applicable, the date the turer or distributor within the United
device was permanently retired from States.
use or otherwise permanently disposed
[58 FR 43447, Aug. 16, 1993, as amended at 65
of. FR 43690, July 14, 2000]
(2) Except as required by order under
section 518(e) of the act, any person § 821.55 Confidentiality.
who is a multiple distributor subject to
(a) Any patient receiving a device
the recordkeeping requirement of para-
subject to tracking requirements under
graph (c)(1) of this section shall, within
this part may refuse to release, or
5 working days of a request from the
refuse permission to release, the pa-
manufacturer or within 10 working
tient’s name, address, telephone num-
days of a request from FDA for the in-
ber, and social security number, or
formation identified in paragraph (c)(1)
other identifying information for the
of this section, provide such informa-
purpose of tracking.
tion to the manufacturer or FDA.
(b) Records and other information
(d) A distributor, final distributor, or
submitted to FDA under this part shall
multiple distributor shall make any
be protected from public disclosure to
records required to be kept under this
the extent permitted under part 20 of
part available to the manufacturer of
this chapter, and in accordance with
the tracked device for audit upon writ-
§ 20.63 of this chapter, information con-
ten request by an authorized represent-
tained in such records that would iden-
ative of the manufacturer.
tify patient or research subjects shall
(e) A distributor, final distributor, or
not be available for public disclosure
multiple distributor may petition for
except as provided in those parts.
an exemption or variance from one or
more requirements of this part accord- (c) Patient names or other identifiers
ing to the procedures in § 821.2. may be disclosed to a manufacturer or
other person subject to this part or to
[58 FR 43447, Aug. 16, 1993, as amended at 67 a physician when the health or safety
FR 5951, Feb. 8, 2002; 78 FR 58822, Sept. 24, of the patient requires that such per-
2013] sons have access to the information.
Such notification will be pursuant to
Subpart D—Records and agreement that the record or informa-
Inspections tion will not be further disclosed ex-
cept as the health aspects of the pa-
§ 821.50 Availability. tient requires. Such notification does
(a) Manufacturers, distributors, mul- not constitute public disclosure and
tiple distributors, and final distribu- will not trigger the availability of the
tors shall, upon the presentation by an same information to the public gen-
FDA representative of official creden- erally.
tials and the issuance of Form FDA 482 [58 FR 43447, Aug. 16, 1993, as amended at 67
at the initiation of an inspection of an FR 5951, Feb. 8, 2002]
establishment or person under section
704 of the act, make each record and all § 821.60 Retention of records.
information required to be collected
Persons required to maintain records
and maintained under this part and all
under this part shall maintain such
records and information related to the
records for the useful life of each
events and persons identified in such
tracked device they manufacture or
records available to FDA personnel.
distribute. The useful life of a device is
(b) Records and information ref-
the time a device is in use or in dis-
erenced in paragraph (a) of this section
tribution for use. For example, a record
shall be available to FDA personnel for
may be retired if the person maintain-
purposes of reviewing, copying, or any
ing the record becomes aware of the
other use related to the enforcement of
fact that the device is no longer in use,
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 822.1
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§ 822.2 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(c) The device is intended to be used sion of a plan to us for approval, the
outside a user facility to support or content of the submission, and the con-
sustain life. If you fail to comply with duct and reporting requirements of the
requirements that we order under sec- surveillance.
tion 522 of the Federal Food, Drug, and (e) Human cell, tissue, or cellular or tis-
Cosmetic Act and this part, your de- sue-based product (HCT/P) regulated as a
vice is considered misbranded under device means an HCT/P as defined in
section 502(t)(3) of the Federal Food, § 1271.3(d) of this chapter that does not
Drug, and Cosmetic Act and you are in meet the criteria in § 1271.10(a) and that
violation of section 301(q)(1)(C) of the is also regulated as a device.
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act; (f) Investigator means an individual
or who collects data or information in
(d) The device is expected to have support of a postmarket surveillance
significant use in pediatric popu- plan.
lations. (g) Life-supporting or life-sustaining
[67 FR 38887, June 6, 2002, as amended at 88 device used outside a device user facility
FR 16880, Mar. 21, 2023] means that a device is essential to, or
yields information essential to, the res-
§ 822.2 What is the purpose of this toration or continuation of a bodily
part? function important to the continuation
The purpose of this part is to imple- of human life and is used outside a hos-
ment our postmarket surveillance au- pital, nursing home, ambulatory sur-
thority to maximize the likelihood gical facility, or diagnostic or out-
that postmarket surveillance plans will patient treatment facility. A physi-
result in the collection of useful data. cian’s office is not a device user facil-
These data can reveal unforeseen ad- ity.
verse events, the actual rate of antici- (h) Manufacturer means any person,
pated adverse events, or other informa- including any importer, repacker, and/
tion necessary to protect the public or relabeler, who manufactures, pre-
health. pares, propagates, compounds, assem-
bles, processes a device, or engages in
§ 822.3 How do you define the terms any of the activities described in
used in this part? § 807.3(d) of this chapter.
Some of the terms we use in this part (i) Postmarket surveillance means the
are specific to postmarket surveillance active, systematic, scientifically valid
and reflect the language used in the collection, analysis, and interpretation
statute (law). Other terms are more of data or other information about a
general and reflect our interpretation marketed device.
of the law. This section of the part de- (j) Prospective surveillance means that
fines the following terms: the subjects are identified at the begin-
(a) Act means the Federal Food, ning of the surveillance and data or
Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. 301 et other information will be collected
seq., as amended. from that time forward (as opposed to
(b) Designated person means the indi- retrospective surveillance).
vidual who conducts or supervises the (k) Serious adverse health consequences
conduct of your postmarket surveil- means any significant adverse experi-
lance. If your postmarket surveillance ence related to a device, including de-
plan includes a team of investigators, vice-related events that are life-threat-
as defined below, the designated person ening or that involve permanent or
is the responsible leader of that team. long-term injuries or illnesses.
(c) Device failure means a device does (l) Specific guidance means guidance
not perform or function as intended, that provides information regarding
and includes any deviation from the de- postmarket surveillance for specific
vice’s performance specifications or in- types or categories of devices or spe-
tended use. cific postmarket surveillance issues.
(d) General plan guidance means agen- This type of guidance may be used to
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 822.7
for the device and the postmarket sur- (c) The device is intended to be used
veillance question, sample size, or spe- to support or sustain life and to be
cific reporting requirements. used outside a user facility; or
(m) Surveillance question means the (d) The device is expected to have
issue or issues to be addressed by the significant use in pediatric popu-
postmarket surveillance. lations.
(n) Unforeseen adverse event means
any serious adverse health consequence [67 FR 38887, June 6, 2002, as amended at 88
FR 16880, Mar. 21, 2023]
that either is not addressed in the la-
beling of the device or occurs at a rate
higher than anticipated. Subpart B—Notification
(o) Unique device identifier (UDI)
means an identifier that adequately § 822.5 How will I know if I must con-
identifies a device through its distribu- duct postmarket surveillance?
tion and use by meeting the require- We will send you a letter (the
ments of § 830.20 of this chapter. A UDI postmarket surveillance order) noti-
is composed of: fying you of the requirement to con-
(1) A device identifier—a mandatory, duct postmarket surveillance. Before
fixed portion of a UDI that identifies we send the order, or as part of the
the specific version or model of a de- order, we may require that you submit
vice and the labeler of that device; and information about your device that
(2) A production identifier—a condi- will allow us better to define the scope
tional, variable portion of a UDI that of a surveillance order. We will specify
identifies one or more of the following the device(s) subject to the surveil-
when included on the label of the de- lance order and the reason that we are
vice: requiring postmarket surveillance of
(i) The lot or batch within which a the device under section 522 of the act.
device was manufactured; We will also provide you with any gen-
(ii) The serial number of a specific eral or specific guidance that is avail-
device; able to help you develop your plan for
(iii) The expiration date of a specific conducting postmarket surveillance.
(iv) The date a specific device was § 822.6 When will you notify me that I
manufactured. am required to conduct postmarket
(v) For an HCT/P regulated as a de- surveillance?
vice, the distinct identification code We will notify you as soon as we have
required by § 1271.290(c) of this chapter. determined that postmarket surveil-
[67 FR 38887, June 6, 2002, as amended at 78 lance of your device is necessary, based
FR 58823, Sept. 24, 2013] on the identification of a surveillance
question. This may occur during the
§ 822.4 Does this part apply to me? review of a marketing application for
If we have ordered you to conduct your device, as your device goes to
postmarket surveillance of a medical market, or after your device has been
device under section 522 of the Federal marketed for a period of time.
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, this
part applies to you. We have the au- § 822.7 What should I do if I do not
agree that postmarket surveillance
thority to order postmarket surveil- is appropriate?
lance of any class II or class III med-
ical device, including a device reviewed (a) If you do not agree with our deci-
under the licensing provisions of sec- sion to order postmarket surveillance
tion 351 of the Public Health Service for a particular device, you may re-
Act, that meets any of the following quest review of our decision by:
criteria: (1) Requesting a meeting with the Di-
(a) Failure of the device would be rector of the Office that issued the
reasonably likely to have serious ad- order for postmarket surveillance;
verse health consequences; (2) Seeking internal review of the
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
(b) The device is intended to be im- order under § 10.75 of this chapter;
planted in the human body for more (3) Requesting an informal hearing
than 1 year; under part 16 of this chapter; or
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§ 822.8 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(4) Requesting review by the Medical § 822.9 What must I include in my sub-
Devices Dispute Resolution Panel of mission?
the Medical Devices Advisory Com- Your submission must include the
mittee. following:
(b) You may obtain guidance docu- (a) Organizational/administrative in-
ments that discuss these mechanisms formation:
from the Center for Devices and Radio- (1) Your name and address;
logical Health’s (CDRH’s) Web site (2) Generic and trade names of your
( device;
CentersOffices/ (3) Name and address of the contact
OfficeofMedicalProductsandTobacco/ person for the submission;
CDRH/CDRHOmbudsman/default.htm.). (4) Premarket application/submission
number and device identifiers for your
[67 FR 38887, June 6, 2002, as amended at 72 device;
FR 17399, Apr. 9, 2007; 78 FR 18233, Mar. 26,
(5) Table of contents identifying the
2013; 85 FR 18843, Apr. 2, 2020; 88 FR 16880,
Mar. 21, 2023]
page numbers for each section of the
(6) Description of the device (this
Subpart C—Postmarket may be incorporated by reference to
Surveillance Plan the appropriate premarket application/
§ 822.8 When, where, and how must I (7) Product codes and a list of all rel-
submit my postmarket surveillance evant model numbers; and
plan? (8) Indications for use and claims for
You must submit your plan to con- the device;
duct postmarket surveillance within 30 (b) Postmarket surveillance plan;
days of the date you receive the (c) Designated person information;
postmarket surveillance order. For de- (1) Name, address, and telephone
vices regulated by the Center for Bio- number; and
logics Evaluation and Research, send (2) Experience and qualifications.
your submission to the Food and Drug [67 FR 38887, June 6, 2002, as amended at 78
Administration, Center for Biologics FR 58823, Sept. 24, 2013]
Evaluation and Research, Document
Control Center, 10903 New Hampshire § 822.10 What must I include in my
Ave., Bldg. 71, Rm. G112, Silver Spring, surveillance plan?
MD 20993–0002. For devices regulated by Your surveillance plan must include
the Center for Drug Evaluation and Re- a discussion of:
search, send your submission to the (a) The plan objective(s) addressing
Central Document Room, Center for the surveillance question(s) identified
Drug Evaluation and Research, Food in our order;
and Drug Administration, 5901–B, (b) The subject of the study, e.g., pa-
Ammendale Rd., Beltsville, MD 20705– tients, the device, animals;
1266. For devices regulated by the Cen- (c) The variables and endpoints that
ter for Devices and Radiological will be used to answer the surveillance
question, e.g., clinical parameters or
Health, send your submission to the
Document Mail Center, 10903 New
(d) The surveillance approach or
Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 66, Rm. G609,
methodology to be used;
Silver Spring, MD 20993–0002. When we (e) Sample size and units of observa-
receive your original submission, we tion;
will send you an acknowledgment let- (f) The investigator agreement, if ap-
ter identifying the unique document plicable;
number assigned to your submission. (g) Sources of data, e.g., hospital
You must use this number in any cor- records;
respondence related to this submission. (h) The data collection plan and
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 822.16
(j) Institutional Review Board infor- isfy the requirements of the act and
mation, if applicable; regulations.
(k) The patient followup plan, if ap- [75 FR 20915, Apr. 22, 2010, as amended at 87
plicable; FR 17950, Mar. 29, 2022]
(l) The procedures for monitoring
conduct and progress of the surveil- § 822.13 [Reserved]
(m) An estimate of the duration of § 822.14 May I reference information
surveillance; previously submitted instead of
submitting it again?
(n) All data analyses and statistical
tests planned; Yes, you may reference information
(o) The content and timing of re- that you have submitted in premarket
ports. submissions as well as other
postmarket surveillance submissions.
§ 822.11 What should I consider when You must specify the information to be
designing my plan to conduct incorporated and the document number
postmarket surveillance? and pages where the information is lo-
You must design your surveillance to
address the postmarket surveillance § 822.15 How long must I conduct
question identified in the order you re- postmarket surveillance of my de-
ceived. You should consider what, if vice?
any, patient protection measures
The length of postmarket surveil-
should be incorporated into your plan.
lance will depend on the postmarket
You should also consider the function,
surveillance question identified in our
operating characteristics, and intended order. We may order prospective sur-
use of your device when designing a veillance for a period up to 36 months;
surveillance approach. longer periods require your agreement.
§ 822.12 Do you have any information If we believe that a prospective period
that will help me prepare my sub- of greater than 36 months is necessary
mission or design my postmarket to address the surveillance question,
surveillance plan? and you do not agree, we will use the
Medical Devices Dispute Resolution
Guidance documents that discuss our Panel to resolve the matter. You may
current thinking on preparing a obtain guidance regarding dispute reso-
postmarket surveillance submission lution procedures from the Center for
and designing a postmarket surveil- Devices and Radiological Health’s
lance plan are available on the Center (CDRH’) Web site (
for Devices and Radiological Health’s AboutFDA/CentersOffices/
website, the Food and Drug Adminis- OfficeofMedicalProductsandTobacco/
tration main website, and from the CDRH/CDRHOmbudsman/default.htm.).
Food and Drug Administration, Center The 36-month period refers to the sur-
for Devices and Radiological Health, veillance period, not the length of time
Office of Policy, Guidance and Policy from the issuance of the order.
Development, Center for Devices and
Radiological Health, Food and Drug [72 FR 17400, Apr. 9, 2007, as amended at 78
Administration, 10903 New Hampshire FR 18233, Mar. 26, 2013]
Ave., Bldg. 66, Rm. 5431, Silver Spring,
MD 20993–0002. They do not establish le- Subpart D—FDA Review and
gally enforceable rights or responsibil- Action
ities and do not legally bind you or
FDA. You may choose to use an ap- § 822.16 What will you consider in the
proach other than the one set forth in review of my submission?
a guidance document, as long as your First, we will determine that the sub-
alternative approach complies with the mission is administratively complete.
relevant statutes (laws) and regula- Then, in accordance with the law, we
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
tions. If you wish, we will meet with must determine whether the des-
you to discuss whether an alternative ignated person has appropriate quali-
approach you are considering will sat- fications and experience to conduct the
VerDate Sep<11>2014 15:46 Jun 06, 2023 Jkt 259078 PO 00000 Frm 00205 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\21\21V8.TXT PC31
§ 822.17 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
surveillance and whether the surveil- § 822.18 How will I be notified of your
lance plan will result in the collection decision?
of useful data that will answer the sur-
We will send you a letter notifying
veillance question.
you of our decision and identifying any
§ 822.17 How long will your review of action you must take.
my submission take?
We will review your submission with-
in 60 days of receipt.
(a) Should result in the collection of useful data An approval order, identifying any Conduct postmarket surveillance of
that will address the postmarket surveillance specific requirements related to your device in accordance with
question your postmarket surveillance the approved plan
(b) Should result in the collection of useful data An approvable letter identifying the Revise your postmarket surveillance
that will address the postmarket surveillance specific revisions or information submission to address the con-
question after specific revisions are made or that must be submitted before cerns in the approvable letter and
specific information is provided your plan can be approved submit it to us within the specified
timeframe. We will determine the
timeframe case-by-case, based on
the types of revisions or informa-
tion that you must submit
(c) Does not meet the requirements specified in A letter disapproving your plan and Revise your postmarket surveillance
this part identifying the reasons for dis- submission and submit it to us
approval within the specified timeframe. We
will determine the timeframe case-
by-case, based on the types of re-
visions or information that you
must submit
(d) Is not likely to result in the collection of useful A letter disapproving your plan and Revise your postmarket surveillance
data that will address the postmarket surveil- identifying the reasons for dis- submission and submit it to us
lance question approval within the specified timeframe. We
will determine the timeframe case-
by-case, based on the types of re-
visions or information that you
must submit
§ 822.20 What are the consequences if I quired to pay civil money penalties, or
fail to submit a postmarket surveil- prosecuted.
lance plan, my plan is disapproved
and I fail to submit a new plan, or I § 822.21 What must I do if I want to
fail to conduct surveillance in ac- make changes to my postmarket
cordance with my approved plan? surveillance plan after you have ap-
The failure to have an approved proved it?
postmarket surveillance plan or failure You must receive our approval in
to conduct postmarket surveillance in writing before making changes in your
accordance with the approved plan con- plan that will affect the nature or va-
stitutes failure to comply with section lidity of the data collected in accord-
522 of the act. Your failure would be a ance with the plan. To obtain our ap-
prohibited act under section proval, you must submit the request to
301(q)(1)(C) of the act, and your device make the proposed change and revised
would be misbranded under section postmarket surveillance plan to the ap-
502(t)(3) of the act. We have the author- plicable address listed in § 822.8. You
ity to initiate actions against products may reference information already
that are adulterated or misbranded, submitted in accordance with § 822.14.
and against persons who commit pro- In your cover letter, you must identify
hibited acts. Adulterated or mis- your submission as a supplement and
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
branded devices can be seized. Persons cite the unique document number that
who commit prohibited acts can be en- we assigned in our acknowledgment
joined from committing such acts, re- letter for your original submission,
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 822.26
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§ 822.27 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
§ 822.27 If I go out of business, what question does not apply to your device
must I do? or does not need to be answered for the
You must notify us within 30 days of device for which you are requesting ex-
the date of your decision to close your emption. Alternatively, you may pro-
business. You should provide the ex- vide information that answers the sur-
pected date of closure and discuss your veillance question for your device, with
plans to complete or terminate supporting documentation, to the ad-
postmarket surveillance of your de- dress in § 822.8.
vice. You must also identify who will
retain the records related to the sur- Subpart G—Records and Reports
veillance (described in subpart G of
this part) and where the records will be § 822.31 What records am I required to
kept. keep?
§ 822.28 If I stop marketing the device You must keep copies of:
subject to postmarket surveillance, (a) All correspondence with your in-
what must I do? vestigators or FDA, including required
You must continue to conduct reports;
postmarket surveillance in accordance (b) Signed agreements from each of
with your approved plan even if you no your investigators, if your surveillance
longer market the device. You may re- plan uses investigators, stating the
quest that we allow you to terminate commitment to conduct the surveil-
postmarket surveillance or modify lance in accordance with the approved
your postmarket surveillance because plan, any applicable FDA regulations,
you no longer market the device. We and any conditions of approval for your
will make these decisions on a case-by- plan, such as reporting requirements;
case basis, and you must continue to (c) Your approved postmarket sur-
conduct the postmarket surveillance veillance plan, with documentation of
unless we notify you that you may stop the date and reason for any deviation
your surveillance study. from the plan;
(d) All data collected and analyses
Subpart F—Waivers and conducted in support of your
Exemptions postmarket surveillance plan; and
(e) Any other records that we require
§ 822.29 May I request a waiver of a to be maintained by regulation or by
specific requirement of this part?
order, such as copies of signed consent
You may request that we waive any documents, evidence of Institutional
specific requirement of this part. You Review Board review and approval, etc.
may submit your request, with sup-
porting documentation, separately or § 822.32 What records are the inves-
as a part of your postmarket surveil- tigators in my surveillance plan re-
lance submission to the address in quired to keep?
§ 822.8. Your investigator must keep copies
§ 822.30 May I request exemption from of:
the requirement to conduct (a) All correspondence between inves-
postmarket surveillance? tigators, FDA, the manufacturer, and
You may request exemption from the the designated person, including re-
requirement to conduct postmarket quired reports.
surveillance for your device or any spe- (b) The approved postmarket surveil-
cific model of that device at any time. lance plan, with documentation of the
You must comply with the require- date and reason for any deviation from
ments of this part unless and until we the plan.
grant an exemption for your device. (c) All data collected and analyses
Your request for exemption must ex- conducted at that site for postmarket
plain why you believe we should ex- surveillance.
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
empt the device or model from (d) Any other records that we require
postmarket surveillance. You should to be maintained by regulation or by
demonstrate why the surveillance order.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS Pt. 830
§ 822.33 How long must we keep the under contract with you must also
records? produce the records and information
You, the designated person, and your upon our request. This information
investigators must keep all records for must be produced within 72 hours of
a period of 2 years after we have ac- the initiation of the inspection. We
cepted your final report, unless we generally will redact information per-
specify otherwise. taining to individual subjects prior to
copying those records, unless there are
§ 822.34 What must I do with the extenuating circumstances.
records if the sponsor of the plan or
an investigator in the plan § 822.37 Under what circumstances
changes? would you inspect records identi-
If the sponsor of the plan or an inves- fying subjects?
tigator in the plan changes, you must We can inspect and copy records
ensure that all records related to the identifying subjects under the same
postmarket surveillance have been circumstances that we can inspect any
transferred to the new sponsor or in-
records relating to postmarket surveil-
vestigator and notify us within 10
lance. We are likely to be interested in
working days of the effective date of
such records if we have reason to be-
the change. You must provide the
name, address, and telephone number lieve that required reports have not
of the new sponsor or investigator, cer- been submitted, or are incomplete, in-
tify that all records have been trans- accurate, false, or misleading.
ferred, and provide the date of transfer.
§ 822.38 What reports must I submit to
§ 822.35 Can you inspect my manufac- you?
turing site or other sites involved in You must submit interim and final
my postmarket surveillance plan? reports as specified in your approved
We can review your postmarket sur- postmarket surveillance plan. In addi-
veillance programs during regularly tion, we may ask you to submit addi-
scheduled inspections, inspections ini- tional information when we believe
tiated to investigate recalls or other that the information is necessary for
similar actions, and inspections initi- the protection of the public health and
ated specifically to review your implementation of the act. We will also
postmarket surveillance plan. We may state the reason or purpose for the re-
also inspect any other person or site quest and how we will use the informa-
involved in your postmarket surveil- tion.
lance, such as investigators or contrac-
tors. Any person authorized to grant
access to a facility must permit au- PART 830—UNIQUE DEVICE
thorized FDA employees to enter and IDENTIFICATION
inspect any facility where the device is
held or where records regarding Subpart A—General Provisions
postmarket surveillance are held.
830.3 Definitions.
§ 822.36 Can you inspect and copy the
records related to my postmarket Subpart B—Requirements for a Unique
surveillance plan? Device Identifier
We may, at a reasonable time and in Sec.
a reasonable manner, inspect and copy 830.10 Incorporation by reference.
any records pertaining to the conduct 830.20 Requirements for a unique device
of postmarket surveillance that are re- identifier.
quired to be kept by this regulation. 830.40 Use and discontinuation of a device
You must be able to produce records identifier.
and information required by this regu- 830.50 Changes that require use of a new de-
lation that are in the possession of oth- vice identifier.
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
ers under contract with you to conduct 830.60 Relabeling of a device that is required
the postmarket surveillance. Those to bear a unique device identifier.
who have signed agreements or are
VerDate Sep<11>2014 15:46 Jun 06, 2023 Jkt 259078 PO 00000 Frm 00209 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\21\21V8.TXT PC31
§ 830.3 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
the Center for Devices and Radio- model, class, size, composition, or soft-
logical Health or the Director of the ware version that are manufactured
Center for Biologics Evaluation and under essentially the same conditions
VerDate Sep<11>2014 15:46 Jun 06, 2023 Jkt 259078 PO 00000 Frm 00210 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\21\21V8.TXT PC31
Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 830.10
and that are intended to have uniform this section, the Food and Drug Admin-
characteristics and quality within istration must publish notice of change
specified limits. in the FEDERAL REGISTER and the ma-
Shipping container means a container terial must be available to the public.
used during the shipment or transpor- All approved material is available for
tation of devices, and whose contents inspection at the Division of Dockets
may vary from one shipment to an- Management (HFA–305), Food and Drug
other. Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, rm.
Small business means a medical device
1061, Rockville, MD 20852, 301–827–6860,
manufacturer with 500 or fewer em-
and is available from the source listed
ployees, or a medical device relabeler
or repackager with 100 or fewer em- in paragraph (b) of this section. Copies
ployees. are also available for purchase from
Specification means any requirement the American National Standards In-
with which a device must conform. stitute (ANSI), mailing address: ANSI,
Unique device identifier (UDI) means Attn: Customer Service Department, 25
an identifier that adequately identifies West 43rd St., 4th floor, New York, NY
a device through its distribution and 10036, phone: 212–642–4980, and may be
use by meeting the requirements of ordered online at http://
§ 830.20. A UDI is composed of: The material is also
(1) A device identifier—a mandatory, available for inspection at the National
fixed portion of a UDI that identifies Archives and Records Administration
the specific version or model of a de- (NARA). For information on the avail-
vice and the labeler of that device; and ability of this material at NARA, call
(2) A production identifier—a condi- 202–741–6030 or go to: http://
tional, variable portion of a UDI that
identifies one or more of the following code_of_federal_regulations/
when included on the label of the de- ibr_locations.html.
(b) International Organization for
(i) The lot or batch within which a
Standardization (ISO), mailing address:
device was manufactured;
(ii) The serial number of a specific ISO, Attn: ISO Central Secretariat, 1,
device; ch. de la Voie-Creuse, Case postale 56,
(iii) The expiration date of a specific CH–1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland, phone
device; (dialing from the United States): 011–
(iv) The date a specific device was 41–22–749–0111, and may be ordered on-
manufactured. line at
(v) For an HCT/P regulated as a de- (1) ISO/IEC 646:1991(E), Information
vice, the distinct identification code technology—ISO 7-bit coded character
required by § 1271.290(c) of this chapter. set for information interchange (third
Universal product code (UPC) means edition; December 15, 1991), into
the product identifier used to identify §§ 830.20(c) and 830.100(b);
an item sold at retail in the United (2) ISO/IEC 15459–2:2006(E), Informa-
States. tion technology—Unique identifiers—
Version or model means all devices Part 2: Registration procedures (second
that have specifications, performance, edition; March 1, 2006), into §§ 830.20(b)
size, and composition, within limits set
and 830.100(b);
by the labeler.
(3) ISO/IEC 15459–4:2008(E), Informa-
tion technology—Unique identifiers—
Subpart B—Requirements for a Part 4: Individual items (second edi-
Unique Device Identifier tion; July 15, 2008), into §§ 830.20(b) and
§ 830.10 Incorporation by reference. 830.100(b);
(4) ISO/IEC 15459–6:2007(E), Informa-
(a) Certain material is incorporated
tion technology—Unique identifiers—
by reference into this part with the ap-
Part 6: Unique identifier for product
proval of the Director of the Federal
groupings (first edition; June 15, 2007),
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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§ 830.20 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
§ 830.20 Requirements for a unique de- model, you must assign a new device
vice identifier. identifier to the new version or model.
A unique device identifier (UDI) (b) Whenever you create a new device
must: package, you must assign a new device
(a) Be issued under a system operated identifier to the new device package.
by FDA or an FDA-accredited issuing [78 FR 58825, Sept. 24, 2013]
(b) Conform to each of the following § 830.60 Relabeling of a device that is
international standards: required to bear a unique device
(1) ISO/IEC 15459–2, which is incor- identifier.
porated by reference at § 830.10; If you relabel a device that is re-
(2) ISO/IEC 15459–4, which is incor- quired to bear a unique device identi-
porated by reference at § 830.10; and fier (UDI), you must:
(3) ISO/IEC 15459–6, which is incor- (a) Assign a new device identifier to
porated by reference at § 830.10. the device, and
(c) Use only characters and numbers (b) Keep a record showing the rela-
from the invariant character set of tionship of the prior device identifier
ISO/IEC 646, which is incorporated by to your new device identifier.
reference at § 830.10. [78 FR 58825, Sept. 24, 2013]
[78 FR 58825, Sept. 24, 2013]
Subpart C—FDA Accreditation of
§ 830.40 Use and discontinuation of a
device identifier. an Issuing Agency
(a) Only one device identifier from § 830.100 FDA accreditation of an
any particular system for the issuance issuing agency.
of unique device identifiers (UDIs) may (a) Eligibility. A private organization
be used to identify a particular version may apply for accreditation as an
or model of a device. A particular issuing agency.
version or model may be identified by (b) Accreditation criteria. FDA may ac-
UDIs from two or more systems for the credit an organization as an issuing
issuance of UDIs. agency, if the system it will operate:
(b) A device identifier shall be used (1) Will employ unique device identi-
to identify only one version or model. fiers (UDIs) that meet the require-
(c) In the event that a version or ments of this part to adequately iden-
model of a device is discontinued, its tify a device through its distribution
device identifier may not be reassigned and use;
to another device. If a discontinued (2) Conforms to each of the following
version or model is re-introduced and international standards:
no changes have been made that would (i) ISO/IEC 15459–2, which is incor-
require the use of a new device identi- porated by reference at § 830.10;
fier, the device identifier that was pre- (ii) ISO/IEC 15459–4, which is incor-
viously in use may be used to identify porated by reference at § 830.10;
the device.
(iii) ISO/IEC 15459–6, which is incor-
(d) In the event that an issuing agen- porated by reference at § 830.10.
cy relinquishes or does not renew its
(3) Uses only characters and numbers
accreditation, you may continue to use
from the invariant character set of
a previously issued UDI until such time
ISO/IEC 646, which is incorporated by
as § 830.50 requires you to assign a new
reference at § 830.10.
device identifier.
(4) Will be available to all users ac-
[78 FR 58825, Sept. 24, 2013] cording to a single set of consistent,
fair, and reasonable terms and condi-
§ 830.50 Changes that require use of a tions.
new device identifier. (5) Will protect against conflicts of
(a) Whenever you make a change to a interest between the issuing agency
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
device that is required to bear a unique (and its officers, employees, and other
device identifier (UDI) on its label, and agents) and labelers (and their officers,
the change results in a new version or employees, and other agents) seeking
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 830.110
to use UDIs that may impede the appli- the applicant’s UDI system, including
cant’s ability to independently operate any appeals process.
a fair and neutral identifier system. (v) Description of the applicant’s
electronic data management system
§ 830.110 Application for accreditation with respect to its review and decision
as an issuing agency. processes and the applicant’s ability to
(a) Application for initial accreditation. provide electronic data in a format
(1) An applicant seeking initial FDA compatible with FDA data systems;
accreditation as an issuing agency (vi) Fee schedules, if any, together
shall notify FDA of its desire to be ac- with an explanation of any fee waivers
credited by sending a notification by or reductions that are available;
email to: [email protected], (vii) Detailed information regarding
or by correspondence to: UDI Regu- any financial or other relationship be-
latory Policy Support, Center for De- tween the applicant and any labeler(s)
vices and Radiological Health, Food or governmental entity(ies); and
and Drug Administration, 10903 New (viii) Other information required by
Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 32, Rm. 3293, Sil- FDA to clarify the application for ac-
ver Spring, MD 20993–0002. creditation.
(2) FDA will provide the applicant (b) Application for renewal of accredita-
with additional information to aid in tion. An accredited issuing agency that
submission of an application for ap- intends to continue to serve as an
proval as an issuing agency, together issuing agency beyond its current term
with an email address for submission of shall apply to FDA for renewal or no-
an application. tify FDA of its plans not to apply for
(3) The applicant shall furnish to renewal in accordance with the fol-
FDA, via email to the email address lowing procedures and schedule:
provided in paragraph (a)(1) of this sec- (1) At least 9 months before the date
tion, an application containing the fol- of expiration of its accreditation, an
lowing information, materials, and issuing agency shall inform FDA, at
supporting documentation: the address given in paragraph (a)(1) of
this section, of its intent to seek re-
(i) Name, address, and phone number
of the applicant;
(2) FDA will notify the issuing agen-
(ii) Detailed descriptions of any
cy of the relevant information, mate-
standards or criteria the applicant will
rials, and supporting documentation
apply to participating labelers;
that we will require the issuing agency
(iii) A detailed description of the to submit as part of the renewal proce-
guidelines that govern assignment of a dure. We will tailor these requirements
unique device identifier (UDI) to a de- to reflect our experience with the
vice; issuing agency during the current and
(iv) A detailed description of the re- any prior period of accreditation. We
view and decisionmaking process the will limit our request to the types of
applicant will apply when determining the information required by paragraph
whether a particular labeler may use (a)(3) of this section, and we will re-
the applicant’s UDI system, including: quire less information if experience
(A) Copies of the application forms, shows that we need only a subset of
guidelines, instructions, and other ma- that information.
terials the applicant will send to med- (3) At least 6 months before the date
ical device labelers who wish to use the of expiration of its accreditation, an
applicant’s unique device identification issuing agency shall furnish to FDA, at
system; the email address we provide, a copy of
(B) Policies and procedures for noti- a renewal application containing the
fying a labeler of deficiencies in its use information, materials, and supporting
of UDIs; documentation requested by FDA in
(C) Procedures for monitoring a la- accordance with paragraph (b)(2) of
beler’s correction of deficiencies in its this section.
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§ 830.120 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
paragraph (a)(1) of this section at least and duties before expiration of the cur-
9 months before the expiration of the rent term of accreditation, shall notify
issuing agency’s term of accreditation all labelers that are using the issuing
and shall include a description of its agency’s UDI system, in a manner and
plans for allowing continued use of time period approved by FDA, of the
UDIs issued prior to the expiration of date that the issuing agency will cease
the current term of accreditation. to serve as an FDA-accredited issuing
(c) FDA action on an application for agency.
initial or renewal accreditation. (1) FDA (f) Term of accreditation. The initial
will conduct a review and evaluation to term of accreditation for an issuing
determine whether the applicant meets agency shall be for a period of 3 years.
the requirements of this subpart and An issuing agency’s term of accredita-
whether the UDI system proposed by tion may be periodically renewed for a
the applicant will meet the require- period of 7 years.
ments of this subpart. [78 FR 58825, Sept. 24, 2013, as amended at 81
(2) Within 60 days of receipt of an ap- FR 11429, Mar. 4, 2016; 85 FR 18443, Apr. 2,
plication for accreditation, FDA will 2020]
notify the applicant of any deficiencies
in its application and will request cor- § 830.120 Responsibilities of an FDA-
rection of those deficiencies within 60 accredited issuing agency.
days. The applicant may request an ex- To maintain its accreditation, an
tension if it needs additional time to issuing agency must:
correct deficiencies in its application. (a) Operate a system for assignment
If the deficiencies are not resolved to of unique device identifiers (UDIs) that
FDA’s satisfaction within the specified meets the requirements of § 830.20;
time period, the application for accred- (b) Make available information con-
itation as an issuing agency may be de- cerning its system for the assignment
nied. of UDIs;
(3) FDA shall notify the applicant (c) Maintain a list of labelers that
whether the application for accredita- use its system for the assignment of
tion has been granted or denied. That UDIs and provide FDA a copy of such
notification shall list any conditions of list in electronic form by December 31
approval or state the reasons for de- of each year;
nial. (d) Upon request, provide FDA with
(4) If FDA denies an application, we information concerning a labeler that
will advise the applicant of the cir- is employing the issuing agency’s sys-
cumstances under which a denied appli- tem for assignment of UDIs; and
cation may be resubmitted. (e) Remain in compliance with the
(5) If FDA does not reach a final deci- eligibility and accreditation criteria
sion on a renewal application before set forth in § 830.100.
the expiration of an issuing agency’s
current accreditation, the approval § 830.130 Suspension or revocation of
will be deemed extended until FDA the accreditation of an issuing
reaches a final decision on the applica- agency.
tion. FDA may suspend or revoke the ac-
(d) Relinquishment of accreditation. If creditation of an issuing agency if FDA
an issuing agency decides to relinquish finds, after providing the issuing agen-
its accreditation before expiration of cy with notice and opportunity for an
the current term of accreditation, it informal hearing in accordance with
shall submit a letter of such intent to part 16 of this chapter, that the issuing
FDA, at the address provided in para- agency or any officer, employee, or
graph (a)(1) of this section, at least 9 other agent of the issuing agency:
months before relinquishing its accred- (a) Has been guilty of misrepresenta-
itation. tion or failure to disclose required in-
(e) Notice of termination of accredita- formation in obtaining accreditation;
tion. An issuing agency that does not (b) Has failed to fulfill the respon-
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 830.310
issuing agency’s ability to independ- (b) If FDA has ended our services as
ently operate a fair and neutral identi- an issuing agency, a labeler may con-
fier system; tinue to use a device identifier as-
(d) In the operation of the issuing signed under FDA’s unique device iden-
agency, has engaged in any anti- tification system until such time as
competitive activity to restrain trade; § 830.50 requires the use of a new device
or identifier.
(e) Has violated or aided and abetted
in the violation of any regulation Subpart E—Global Unique Device
issued under section 510(e) or section Identification Database
519(f) of the Federal Food, Drug, and
Cosmetic Act.
SOURCE: 78 FR 58826, Sept. 24, 2013, unless
otherwise noted.
Subpart D—FDA as an Issuing
Agency § 830.300 Devices subject to device
identification data submission re-
SOURCE: 78 FR 58826, Sept. 24, 2013, unless
otherwise noted. (a) In general. The labeler of a device
must provide the information required
§ 830.200 When FDA will act as an by this subpart for each version or
issuing agency. model required to bear a unique device
(a) During any period where there is identifier (UDI).
no accredited issuing agency, FDA will (b) Voluntary submission of informa-
act as an issuing agency. tion. If a labeler voluntarily includes a
(b) If FDA determines that a signifi- UDI on the label of a device under
cant number of small businesses would § 801.40, the labeler may also volun-
be substantially and adversely affected tarily submit information concerning
by the fees required by all accredited that device under this part.
issuing agencies, FDA will act as an (c) Exclusions. FDA may reject or re-
issuing agency. move any device identification data
(c) FDA may, in its discretion, act as where:
an issuing agency if we determine it is (1) The device identifier submitted
necessary for us to do so to ensure the does not conform to § 830.20;
continuity or the effectiveness of the (2) The information concerns a device
system for the identification of med- that is neither manufactured in the
ical devices. United States nor in interstate com-
(d) FDA may, in its discretion, act as merce in the United States,
an issuing agency if we determine it is (3) The information concerns a prod-
appropriate for us to do so in order to uct that FDA determines is not a de-
facilitate or implement an alternative vice or a combination product that in-
granted under § 801.55 of this chapter. cludes a device constituent part,
(4) The information concerns a device
§ 830.210 Eligibility for use of FDA as or a combination product that re-
an issuing agency. quires, but does not have, FDA pre-
When FDA acts as an issuing agency, market approval, licensure, or clear-
any labeler will be permitted to use ance;
FDA’s unique device identification sys- (5) A device that FDA has banned
tem, regardless of whether the labeler under section 516 of the Federal Food,
is considered a small business. Drug, and Cosmetic Act; or
(6) FDA has suspended the accredita-
§ 830.220 Termination of FDA service tion of the issuing agency that oper-
as an issuing agency. ates the system used by the labeler.
(a) FDA may end our services as an
issuing agency if we determine that the § 830.310 Information required for
conditions that prompted us to act no unique device identification.
longer exist and that ending our serv- The contact for device identification
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
ices would not be likely to lead to a re- designated under § 830.320(a) shall pro-
turn of the conditions that prompted vide FDA with the following informa-
us to act. tion concerning each version or model
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§ 830.320 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 830.360
(2) If the establishment where the la- of ancillary information that may be
beler is located has obtained a waiver submitted to the GUDID.
from electronic submission of registra- (c) FDA may periodically change the
tion and listing information under sec- types of ancillary information that
tion 510(p) of the Federal Food, Drug, may be submitted to the GUDID. We
and Cosmetic Act, the labeler is will announce any change on the FDA
deemed to have a waiver from elec- Web site at at
tronic submission of UDI data. least 60 days before making the change.
(3) A labeler that has a waiver from
electronic submission of UDI data must § 830.350 Correction of information
send a letter containing all of the in- submitted to the Global Unique De-
formation required by § 830.310, as well vice Identification Database.
as any ancillary information permitted (a) If FDA becomes aware that any
to be submitted under § 830.340 that the information submitted to the Global
labeler wishes to submit, within the Unique Device Identification Database
time permitted by § 830.330, addressed (GUDID) appears to be incorrect or po-
to: UDI Regulatory Policy Support, tentially misleading, we may notify
Center for Devices and Radiological the labeler of the specific information
Health, Food and Drug Administration, that appears to be incorrect, and re-
10903 New Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 32, quest that the labeler provide cor-
Rm. 3293, Silver Spring, MD 20993–0002. rected information or explain why the
[78 FR 58826, Sept. 24, 2013, as amended at 85 information is correct. The labeler
FR 18443, Apr. 2, 2020] must provide corrected information or
provide a satisfactory explanation of
§ 830.330 Times for submission of why the information is correct within
unique device identification infor- 30 days of receipt of FDA’s notifica-
(a) The labeler shall submit to FDA (b) If the labeler does not respond to
the information required by § 830.310 no FDA’s notification within 30 days of re-
later than the date the label of the de- ceipt, or if FDA determines, at any
vice must bear a unique device identi- time, that any information in the
fier under § 801.20 of this chapter. GUDID is incorrect or could be mis-
(b) The labeler of a device shall sub- leading, we may delete or correct the
mit to FDA an update to the informa- information. Any action taken by FDA
tion required by § 830.310 whenever the under this paragraph does not relieve
information changes. The updated in- the labeler of its responsibility under
formation must be submitted no later paragraph (a) of this section to provide
than the date a device is first labeled
corrected information or an expla-
with the changed information. If the
nation of why the information pre-
information does not appear on the
viously submitted is correct.
label of a device, the updated informa-
tion must be submitted within 10 busi- § 830.360 Records to be maintained by
ness days of the change. the labeler.
§ 830.340 Voluntary submission of an- (a) Each labeler shall retain, and sub-
cillary device identification infor- mit to FDA upon specific request,
mation. records showing all unique device iden-
(a) You may not submit any informa- tifiers (UDIs) used to identify devices
tion to the Global Unique Device Iden- that must bear a UDI on their label,
tification Database (GUDID) other and the particular version or model as-
than that specified by § 830.310, except sociated with each device identifier.
where FDA acts to permit the submis- These records must be retained for 3
sion of specified additional types of in- years from the date the labeler ceases
formation, termed ancillary informa- to market the version or model.
tion. (b) Compliance with this section does
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
(b) FDA will provide information not relieve the labeler of the need to
through the FDA Web site at http:// comply with recordkeeping require- concerning the types ments of any other FDA regulation.
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Pt. 860 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 860.3
the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic trols, would provide such assurance,
Act. A device is in class I if: and if, in addition, the device is life-
(1) General controls are sufficient to supporting or life-sustaining, or for a
provide reasonable assurance of the use which is of substantial importance
safety and effectiveness of the device, in preventing impairment of human
or health, or if the device presents a po-
(2) There is insufficient information tential unreasonable risk of illness or
from which to determine that general injury.
controls are sufficient to provide rea- Classification panel means one of the
sonable assurance of the safety and ef- several advisory committees estab-
fectiveness of the device or to establish lished by the Commissioner under sec-
special controls to provide such assur- tion 513 of the Federal Food, Drug, and
ance, but the device is not life-sup-
Cosmetic Act and part 14 of this chap-
porting or life-sustaining, or for a use
ter for the purpose of making rec-
which is of substantial importance in
ommendations to the Commissioner on
preventing impairment of human
the classification and reclassification
health, and which does not present a
potential unreasonable risk of illness of devices and for other purposes pre-
or injury. scribed by the Federal Food, Drug, and
Class II means the class of devices Cosmetic Act or by the Commissioner.
that is or eventually will be subject to Classification regulation means a sec-
special controls. A device is in class II tion under parts 862 through 892 of this
if general controls alone are insuffi- chapter that contains the identifica-
cient to provide reasonable assurance tion (general description and intended
of its safety and effectiveness and there use) and classification (class I, II or III)
is sufficient information to establish of a single device type or more than
special controls, including the promul- one related device type(s).
gation of performance standards, Commissioner means the Commis-
postmarket surveillance, patient reg- sioner of Food and Drugs, Food and
istries, development and dissemination Drug Administration, United States
of guidelines (including guidelines for Department of Health and Human
the submission of clinical data in pre- Services, or the Commissioner’s des-
market notification submissions in ac- ignee.
cordance with section 510(k) of the Fed- De Novo request means any submis-
eral Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act), sion under section 513(f)(2) of the Fed-
recommendations, and other appro- eral Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act for
priate actions as the Commissioner a medical device, requesting classifica-
deems necessary to provide such assur- tion into class I or class II, including
ance. For a device that is purported or all information submitted with or in-
represented to be for use in supporting corporated by reference therein.
or sustaining human life, the Commis-
FDA means the Food and Drug Ad-
sioner shall examine and identify the
special controls, if any, which are nec-
essary to provide adequate assurance of General controls mean the controls
safety and effectiveness, and describe authorized by or under sections 501
how such controls provide such assur- (adulteration), 502 (misbranding), 510
ance. (registration, listing, and premarket
Class III means the class of devices notification), 516 (banned devices), 518
for which premarket approval is or will (notification and other remedies), 519
be required in accordance with section (records, reports, and unique device
515 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cos- identification), and 520 (general provi-
metic Act. A device is in class III if in- sions) of the Federal Food, Drug, and
sufficient information exists to deter- Cosmetic Act.
mine that general controls are suffi- Generic type of device means a group-
cient to provide reasonable assurance ing of devices that do not differ signifi-
of its safety and effectiveness, or that cantly in purpose, design, materials,
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§ 860.5 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
controls are sufficient to provide rea- this section, this provision does not
sonable assurance of safety and effec- apply to data and information exempt
tiveness. from public disclosure in accordance
Implant means a device that is placed with part 20 of this chapter: Such data
into a surgically or naturally formed and information will be available only
cavity of the human body. A device is in accordance with part 20.
regarded as an implant for the purpose (c)(1) Safety and effectiveness data
of this part only if it is intended to re- submitted to classification panels or to
main implanted continuously for a pe- the Commissioner in connection with
riod of 30 days or more, unless the the classification of a device under
Commissioner determines otherwise to § 860.84, which have not been disclosed
protect human health. previously to the public, as described
Life-supporting or life-sustaining device in § 20.81 of this chapter, shall be re-
means a device that is essential to, or garded as confidential if the device is
that yields information that is essen-
classified in to class III. Because the
tial to, the restoration or continuation
classification of a device under § 860.84
of a bodily function important to the
may be ascertained only upon publica-
continuation of human life.
tion of a final regulation, all safety and
Petition means a submission seeking
effectiveness data that have not been
reclassification of a device in accord-
disclosed previously are not available
ance with § 860.123.
Special controls mean the controls for public disclosure unless and until
necessary to provide reasonable assur- the device is classified into class I or
ance of safety and effectiveness for a II, in which case the procedure in para-
generic type of device that is class II. graph (c)(2) of this section applies.
Special controls include performance (2) Thirty days after publication of a
standards, performance testing, final regulation under § 860.84
postmarket surveillance, patient reg- classifying a device into class I or class
istries, development and dissemination II, safety and effectiveness data sub-
of guidelines (including guidelines for mitted for that device that had been
the submission of clinical data in pre- regarded as confidential under para-
market notification submissions in ac- graph (c)(1) of this section will be
cordance with section 510(k) of the Fed- available for public disclosure and
eral Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act), placed on public display in the office of
recommendations, and other appro- the Division of Dockets Management,
priate actions, as the Commissioner Food and Drug Administration unless,
deems necessary to provide such assur- within that 30-day period, the person
ance. who submitted the data demonstrates
that the data still fall within the ex-
[86 FR 54846, Oct. 5, 2021]
emption for trade secrets and confiden-
§ 860.5 Confidentiality and use of data tial commercial information described
and information submitted in con- in § 20.61 of this chapter. Safety and ef-
nection with classification and re- fectiveness data submitted for a device
classification. that is classified into class III by regu-
(a) This section governs the avail- lation in accordance with § 860.84 will
ability for public disclosure and the use remain confidential and unavailable
by the Commissioner of data and infor- for public disclosure so long as such
mation submitted to classification data have not been disclosed to the
panels or to the Commissioner in con- public as described in § 20.81 of this
nection with the classification or re- chapter.
classification of devices under this (3) Because device classification af-
part. fects generic types of devices, in mak-
(b) In general, data and information ing determinations under § 860.84 con-
submitted to classification panels in cerning the initial classification of a
connection with the classification of device, the classification panels and
devices under § 860.84 will be available the Commissioner may consider safety
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
immediately for public disclosure upon and effectiveness data developed for
request. However, except as provided another device in the same generic
by the special rules in paragraph (c) of type, regardless of whether such data
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 860.5
are regarded currently as confidential the entire contents of the petition will
under paragraph (c)(1) of this section. be available for public disclosure and
(d)(1) The fact of its existence and subject to consideration by classifica-
the contents of a petition for reclassi- tion panels and by the Commissioner in
fication filed in accordance with making a decision on the petition. De-
§ 860.130 or § 860.132 are available for ficient petitions which have not been
public disclosure at the time the peti- corrected within 180 days after notifi-
tion is received by the Food and Drug cation of deficiency will be returned to
Administration. the petitioner and will not be consid-
(2) The fact of the existence of a peti- ered further unless resubmitted.
tion for reclassification filed in accord- (e) The Commissioner may not dis-
ance with § 860.134 or § 860.136 is avail- close, or use as the basis for reclassi-
able for public disclosure at the time fication of a device from class III to
the petition is received by the Food class II, any information reported to or
and Drug Administration. The contents otherwise obtained by the Commis-
of such a petition are not available for sioner under section 513, 514, 515, 516,
public disclosure for the period of time 518, 519, 520(f), 520(g), or 704 of the Fed-
following its receipt (not longer than 30 eral Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act that
days) during which the petition is re- falls within the exemption described in
viewed for any deficiencies preventing § 20.61 of this chapter for trade secrets
the Commissioner from making a deci- and confidential commercial informa-
sion on it. Once it is determined that tion. The exemption described in § 20.61
the petition contains no deficiencies does not apply to data or information
preventing the Commissioner from contained in a petition for reclassifica-
making a decision on it, the petition tion submitted in accordance with
will be filed with the Division of Dock- § 860.130 or § 860.132, or in a petition sub-
ets Management and its entire con- mitted in accordance with § 860.134 or
tents will be available for public disclo- § 860.136 that has been determined to
sure and subject to consideration by contain no deficiencies that prevent
classification panels and by the Com- the Commissioner from making a deci-
missioner in making a decision on the sion on it. Accordingly, all data and in-
petition. If, during this 30-day period of formation contained in such petitions
time, the petition is found to contain may be disclosed by the Commissioner
deficiencies that prevent the Commis- and used as the basis for reclassifica-
sioner from making a decision on it, tion of a device from class III to class
the petitioner will be so notified and II.
afforded an opportunity to correct the (f) For purposes of this section, safe-
deficiencies. ty and effectiveness data include data
Thirty days after notice to the peti- and results derived from all studies and
tioner of deficiencies in the petition, tests of a device on animals and hu-
the contents of the petition will be mans and from all studies and tests of
available for public disclosure unless, the device itself intended to establish
within that 30 days, the petitioner sub- or determine its safety and effective-
mits supplemental material intended ness.
to correct the deficiencies in the peti- (g) Confidentiality of data and infor-
tion. The Commissioner, in the Com- mation in a De Novo file is as follows:
missioner’s discretion, may allow with- (1) A ‘‘De Novo file’’ includes all data
drawal of a deficient petition during and information from the requester
the 30-day period provided for cor- submitted with or incorporated by ref-
recting deficiencies. Any supplemental erence in the De Novo request, any De
material submitted by the petitioner, Novo supplement, or any other related
together with the material in the origi- submission relevant to the administra-
nal petition, is considered as a new pe- tive file, as defined in § 10.3(a) of this
tition. The new petition is reviewed for chapter. Any record in the De Novo file
deficiencies in the same manner as the will be available for public disclosure
original petition, and the same proce- in accordance with the provisions of
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
dures for notification and correction of this section and part 20 of this chapter.
deficiencies are followed. Once the pe- (2) The existence of a De Novo file
titioner has corrected the deficiencies, may not be disclosed by FDA before an
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§ 860.7 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
order granting the De Novo request is and effectiveness of a device, the agen-
issued unless it previously has been cy relies upon only valid scientific evi-
publicly disclosed or acknowledged by dence to determine whether there is
the De Novo requester. reasonable assurance that the device is
(3) Before an order granting the De safe and effective. After considering
Novo request is issued, data or infor- the nature of the device and the rules
mation contained in the De Novo file is in this section, the Commissioner will
not available for public disclosure, ex- determine whether the evidence sub-
cept to the extent the existence of the mitted or otherwise available to the
De Novo file is disclosable under para- Commissioner is valid scientific evi-
graph (g)(2) of this section and such dence for the purpose of determining
data or information has been publicly the safety or effectiveness of a par-
disclosed or acknowledged by the De ticular device and whether the avail-
Novo requester. able evidence, when taken as a whole,
(4) After FDA issues an order grant- is adequate to support a determination
ing a De Novo request, the data and in- that there is reasonable assurance that
formation in the De Novo file that are the device is safe and effective for its
not exempt from release under the conditions of use.
Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. (2) Valid scientific evidence is evi-
552, are immediately available for pub- dence from well-controlled investiga-
lic disclosure. tions, partially controlled studies,
[43 FR 32993, July 28, 1978, as amended at 86 studies and objective trials without
FR 54847, Oct. 5, 2021] matched controls, well-documented
case histories conducted by qualified
§ 860.7 Determination of safety and ef- experts, and reports of significant
fectiveness. human experience with a marketed de-
(a) The classification panels, in re- vice, from which it can fairly and re-
viewing evidence concerning the safety sponsibly be concluded by qualified ex-
and effectiveness of a device and in pre- perts that there is reasonable assur-
paring advice to the Commissioner, and ance of the safety and effectiveness of
the Commissioner, in making deter- a device under its conditions of use.
minations concerning the safety and The evidence required may vary ac-
effectiveness of a device, will apply the cording to the characteristics of the
rules in this section. device, its conditions of use, the exist-
(b) In determining the safety and ef- ence and adequacy of warnings and
fectiveness of a device for purposes of other restrictions, and the extent of ex-
classification, establishment of special perience with its use. Isolated case re-
controls for class II devices, and pre- ports, random experience, reports lack-
market approval of class III devices, ing sufficient details to permit sci-
the Commissioner and the classifica- entific evaluation, and unsubstantiated
tion panels will consider the following, opinions are not regarded as valid sci-
among other relevant factors: entific evidence to show safety or effec-
(1) The persons for whose use the de- tiveness. Such information may be con-
vice is represented or intended; sidered, however, in identifying a de-
(2) The conditions of use for the de- vice with questionable safety or effec-
vice, including conditions of use pre- tiveness.
scribed, recommended, or suggested in (d)(1) There is reasonable assurance
the labeling or advertising of the de- that a device is safe when it can be de-
vice, and other intended conditions of termined, based upon valid scientific
use; evidence, that the probable benefits to
(3) The probable benefit to health health from use of the device for its in-
from the use of the device weighed tended uses and conditions of use, when
against any probable injury or illness accompanied by adequate directions
from such use; and and warnings against unsafe use, out-
(4) The reliability of the device. weigh any probable risks. The valid sci-
(c)(1) Although the manufacturer entific evidence used to determine the
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 860.7
with the use of the device for its in- (a) Provides adequate assurance that
tended uses and conditions of use. the subjects are suitable for the pur-
(2) Among the types of evidence that poses of the study, provides diagnostic
may be required, when appropriate, to criteria of the condition to be treated
determine that there is reasonable as- or diagnosed, provides confirmatory
surance that a device is safe are inves- laboratory tests where appropriate
tigations using laboratory animals, in- and, in the case of a device to prevent
vestigations involving human subjects, a disease or condition, provides evi-
nonclinical investigations, and analyt- dence of susceptibility and exposure to
ical studies for in vitro diagnostic de- the condition against which prophy-
vices. laxis is desired;
(e)(1) There is reasonable assurance (b) Assigns the subjects to test
that a device is effective when it can be groups, if used, in such a way as to
determined, based upon valid scientific minimize any possible bias;
evidence, that in a significant portion (c) Assures comparability between
of the target population, the use of the test groups and any control groups of
device for its intended uses and condi- pertinent variables such as sex, sever-
tions of use, when accompanied by ade- ity or duration of the disease, and use
quate directions for use and warnings of therapy other than the test device;
against unsafe use, will provide clini- (iii) An explanation of the methods of
cally significant results.
observation and recording of results
(2) The valid scientific evidence used
utilized, including the variables meas-
to determine the effectiveness of a de-
ured, quantitation, assessment of any
vice shall consist principally of well-
subject’s response, and steps taken to
controlled investigations, as defined in
minimize any possible bias of subjects
paragraph (f) of this section, unless the
and observers;
Commissioner authorizes reliance upon
other valid scientific evidence which (iv) A comparison of the results of
the Commissioner has determined is treatment or diagnosis with a control
sufficient evidence from which to de- in such a fashion as to permit quan-
termine the effectiveness of a device, titative evaluation. The precise nature
even in the absence of well-controlled of the control must be specified and an
investigations. The Commissioner may explanation provided of the methods
make such a determination where the employed to minimize any possible
requirement of well-controlled inves- bias of the observers and analysts of
tigations in paragraph (f) of this sec- the data. Level and methods of ‘‘blind-
tion is not reasonably applicable to the ing,’’ if appropriate and used, are to be
device. documented. Generally, four types of
(f) The following principles have been comparisons are recognized:
developed over a period of years and (a) No treatments. Where objective
are recognized by the scientific com- measurements of effectiveness are
munity as the essentials of a well-con- available and placebo effect is neg-
trolled clinical investigation. They ligible, comparison of the objective re-
provide the basis for the Commis- sults in comparable groups of treated
sioner’s determination whether there is and untreated patients;
reasonable assurance that a device is (b) Placebo control. Where there may
effective based upon well-controlled in- be a placebo effect with the use of a de-
vestigations and are also useful in as- vice, comparison of the results of use of
sessing the weight to be given to other the device with an ineffective device
valid scientific evidence permitted used under conditions designed to re-
under this section. semble the conditions of use under in-
(1) The plan or protocol for the study vestigation as far as possible;
and the report of the results of a well- (c) Active treatment control. Where an
controlled investigation shall include effective regimen of therapy may be
the following: used for comparison, e.g., the condition
(i) A clear statement of the objec- being treated is such that the use of a
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§ 860.10 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(d) Historical control. In certain cir- eral Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Ac-
cumstances, such as those involving cordingly, the requirement will state
diseases with high and predictable mor- the reason or purpose for such request;
tality or signs and symptoms of pre- will describe the required report or in-
dictable duration or severity, or in the formation as clearly as possible; will
case of prophylaxis where morbidity is not be imposed on a manufacturer, im-
predictable, the results of use of the de- porter, or distributor of a classified de-
vice may be compared quantitatively vice that has been exempted from such
with prior experience historically de- a requirement in accordance with
rived from the adequately documented § 860.95; will prescribe the time for com-
natural history of the disease or condi- pliance with the requirement; and will
tion in comparable patients or popu- prescribe the form and manner in
lations who received no treatment or which the report or information is to
who followed an established effective be provided.
regimen (therapeutic, diagnostic, pro- (4) Required information that has
phylactic). been submitted previously to the Cen-
(v) A summary of the methods of ter for Devices and Radiological
analysis and an evaluation of the data Health, the Center for Biologics Eval-
derived from the study, including any uation and Research, or the Center for
appropriate statistical methods uti- Drug Evaluation and Research, as ap-
lized. plicable, need not be resubmitted, but
(2) To insure the reliability of the re- may be incorporated by reference.
sults of an investigation, a well-con- [43 FR 32993, July 28, 1978, as amended at 53
trolled investigation shall involve the FR 11253, Apr. 6, 1988; 73 FR 49942, Aug. 25,
use of a test device that is standardized 2008; 83 FR 64454, Dec. 17, 2018]
in its composition or design and per-
formance. § 860.10 Implants and life-supporting
(g)(1) It is the responsibility of each or life-sustaining devices.
manufacturer and importer of a device (a) A classification panel will rec-
to assure that adequate, valid sci- ommend classification into class III of
entific evidence exists, and to furnish any implant or life-supporting or life-
such evidence to the Food and Drug sustaining device unless the panel de-
Administration to provide reasonable termines that such classification is not
assurance that the device is safe and necessary to provide reasonable assur-
effective for its intended uses and con- ance of the safety and effectiveness of
ditions of use. The failure of a manu- the device. If the panel recommends
facturer or importer of a device to classification or reclassification of
present to the Food and Drug Adminis- such a device into a class other than
tration adequate, valid scientific evi- class III, it shall set forth in its rec-
dence showing that there is reasonable ommendation the reasons for so doing
assurance of the safety and effective- and an identification of the risks to
ness of the device, if regulated by gen- health, if any, presented by the device.
eral controls alone, or by general con- In the case of such a device being rec-
trols and special controls, may support ommended for classification or reclas-
a determination that the device be sification into class II, the panel shall
classified into class III. describe the special controls that, in
(2) The Commissioner may require addition to general controls, the panel
that a manufacturer, importer, or dis- believes are necessary to provide rea-
tributor make reports or provide other sonable assurance of safety and effec-
information bearing on the classifica- tiveness of the device and how such
tion of a device and indicating whether controls provide such assurance.
there is reasonable assurance of the (b) The Commissioner will classify an
safety and effectiveness of the device implant or life-supporting or life-sus-
or whether it is adulterated or mis- taining device into class III unless the
branded under the Federal Food, Drug, Commissioner determines that such
and Cosmetic Act. classification is not necessary to pro-
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 860.84
reclassify such a device into a class (c) The Commissioner will grant ex-
other than class III, the regulation or emptions under this section only if the
order effecting such classification or Commissioner determines that the re-
reclassification will be accompanied by quirements from which the device is
a full statement of the reasons for so exempted are not necessary to provide
doing. A statement of the reasons for reasonable assurance of the safety and
not classifying or retaining the device effectiveness of the device.
in class III may be in the form of con- [83 FR 64455, Dec. 17, 2018]
currence with the reasons for the rec-
ommendation of the classification
panel, together with supporting docu- Subpart B—Classification
mentation and data satisfying the re- § 860.84 Classification procedures for
quirements of § 860.7 and an identifica- ‘‘preamendments devices.’’
tion of the risks to health, if any, pre-
sented by the device. In the case of (a) This subpart sets forth the proce-
such a device being classified or reclas- dures for the original classification of
sified into class II, the Commissioner a generic type of device that was in
shall describe the special controls that, commercial distribution before May 28,
in addition to general controls, the 1976. Such a device will be classified by
panel believes are necessary to provide regulation into either class I (general
reasonable assurance of safety and ef- controls), class II (special controls) or
fectiveness of the device and how such class III (premarket approval), depend-
controls provide such assurance. ing upon the level of regulatory control
required to provide reasonable assur-
[83 FR 64455, Dec. 17, 2018] ance of the safety and effectiveness of
the device (§ 860.3(c)). This subpart does
§ 860.15 Exemptions from sections 510, not apply to a device that is classified
519, and 520(f) of the Federal Food,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act. into class III by statute under section
513(f)(1) of the Federal Food, Drug, and
(a) A panel recommendation to the Cosmetic Act because the Food and
Commissioner that a device be classi- Drug Administration has determined
fied or reclassified into class I will in- that the device is not ‘‘substantially
clude a recommendation as to whether equivalent’’ to any device subject to
the device should be exempted from this subpart or under section 520(l)(1) of
some or all of the requirements of one the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
or more of the following sections of the Act because the device was regarded
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act: previously as a new drug. In classifying
Section 510 (registration, product list- a preamendments device to which this
ing, and premarket notification), sec- section applies, the Food and Drug Ad-
tion 519 (records and reports) and sec- ministration will follow the procedures
tion 520(f) (good manufacturing prac- described in paragraphs (b) through (g)
tice requirements of the quality sys- of this section.
tem regulation), and, in the case of a (b) The Commissioner refers the de-
recommendation for classification into vice to the appropriate classification
class II, whether the device should be panel organized and operated in accord-
exempted from the premarket notifica- ance with section 513 (b) and (c) of the
tion requirement under section 510. Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
(b) A regulation or an order and part 14 of this chapter.
classifying or reclassifying a device (c) In order to make recommenda-
into class I will specify which require- tions to the Commissioner on the class
ments, if any, of sections 510, 519, and of regulatory control (class I, class II,
520(f) of the Federal Food, Drug, and or class III) appropriate for the device,
Cosmetic Act the device is to be ex- the panel reviews the device for safety
empted from or, in the case of a regula- and effectiveness. In so doing, the
tion or an order classifying or reclassi- panel:
fying a device into class II, whether the (1) Considers the factors set forth in
device is to be exempted from the pre- § 860.7 relating to the determination of
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§ 860.90 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
the types of scientific evidence set risks to health, if any, presented by the
forth in § 860.7; and device, in accordance with § 860.10.
(3) Provides, to the maximum extent (e) A panel recommendation is re-
practicable, an opportunity for inter- garded as preliminary until the Com-
ested persons to submit data and views missioner has reviewed it, discussed it
on the classification of the device in with the panel if appropriate, and pub-
accordance with part 14 of this chapter. lished a proposed regulation classifying
(d) Based upon its review of evidence the device. Preliminary panel rec-
of the safety and effectiveness of the ommendations are filed at Dockets
device, and applying the definition of Management Staff upon receipt and are
each class in § 860.3(c), the panel sub- available to the public at https://
mits to the Commissioner a rec-
ommendation regarding the classifica- (f) The Commissioner publishes the
tion of the device. The recommenda- panel’s recommendation in the FED-
tion will include: ERAL REGISTER, together with a pro-
(1) A summary of the reasons for the posed regulation classifying the device,
recommendation; and other devices of that generic type,
(2) A summary of the data upon and provides interested persons an op-
which the recommendation is based; portunity to submit comments on the
(3) An identification of the risks to recommendation and proposed regula-
health (if any) presented by the device; tion.
(4) In the case of a recommendation (g) The Commissioner reviews the
for classification into class I, a rec- comments and issues a final regulation
ommendation as to whether the device classifying the device and other devices
should be exempted from the require- of that generic type. The regulation
ments of one or more of the following will:
sections of the Federal Food, Drug, and (1) If classifying the device into class
Cosmetic Act: Section 510 (registra- I, prescribe which, if any, of the re-
tion, product listing, and premarket quirements of sections 510, 519, and
notification), section 519 (records and 520(f) of the Federal Food, Drug, and
reports), and section 520(f) (good manu- Cosmetic Act will not apply to the de-
facturing practice requirements of the vice and state the reasons for making
quality system regulation) and, in the the requirements inapplicable, in ac-
case of a recommendation for classi- cordance with § 860.95;
fication into class II, whether the de- (2) If classifying the device into class
vice should be exempted from the pre- II, establish the special controls for the
market notification requirement under device and prescribe whether the pre-
section 510, in accordance with § 860.15; market notification requirement will
(5) In the case of a recommendation apply to the device; and
for classification into class II or class (3) If classifying an implant, or a life-
III, to the extent practicable, a rec- supporting or life-sustaining device,
ommendation for the assignment to comply with § 860.10(b).
the device of a priority for the applica-
tion of a performance standard or a [43 FR 32993, July 28, 1978, as amended at 57
premarket approval requirement, and FR 58404, Dec. 10, 1992; 64 FR 404, Jan. 5, 1999;
in the case of classification into class 83 FR 64455, Dec. 17, 2018]
II, a recommendation on the establish-
§ 860.90 Consultation with panels.
ment of special controls and whether
the device should be exempted from (a) When the Commissioner is re-
premarket notification in accordance quired to consult with a panel con-
with § 860.15; and cerning a classification under § 860.84,
(6) In the case of a recommendation the Commissioner will consult with the
for classification of an implant or a panel in one of the following ways:
life-supporting or life-sustaining device (1) Consultation by telephone with at
into class I or class II, a statement of least a majority of current voting
why premarket approval is not nec- panel members and, when possible,
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 860.123
(b) The method of consultation cho- (2) Section 513(f)(3) (for a device clas-
sen by the Commissioner will depend sified into class III under section
upon the importance and complexity of 513(f)(1) of the Federal Food, Drug, and
the subject matter involved and the Cosmetic Act); or
time available for action. When time (3) Section 520(l)(2) (for a device clas-
and circumstances permit, the Com- sified into class III under section
missioner will consult with a panel 520(l)(1) of the Federal Food, Drug, and
through discussion at a panel meeting. Cosmetic Act).
[83 FR 64456, Dec. 17, 2018] [43 FR 32993, July 28, 1978, as amended at 57
FR 58404, Dec. 10, 1992; 83 FR 64456, Dec. 17,
Subpart C—Reclassification
§ 860.123 Reclassification petition:
§ 860.120 General. Content and form.
(a) Sections 513(e) and (f), 514(b), (a) Unless otherwise provided in writ-
515(b), and 520(l) of the Federal Food, ing by the Commissioner, any petition
Drug, and Cosmetic Act provide for re- for reclassification of a device, regard-
classification of a device and prescribe less of the section of the Federal Food,
the procedures to be followed to effect Drug, and Cosmetic Act under which it
reclassification. The purposes of sub- is filed, shall include the following:
part C are to: (1) A specification of the type of de-
(1) Set forth the requirements as to vice for which reclassification is re-
form and content of petitions for re- quested;
classification; (2) A statement of the action re-
(2) Describe the circumstances in quested by the petitioner, e.g., ‘‘It is
which each of the five statutory reclas- requested that _ device(s) be reclassi-
sification provisions applies; and fied from class III to a class II’’;
(3) A statement of the basis for dis-
(3) Explain the procedure for reclassi-
agreement with the present classifica-
fication prescribed in the five statu-
tion status of the device;
tory reclassification provisions.
(4) A full statement of the reasons,
(b) The criteria for determining the together with supporting data satis-
proper class for a device are set forth fying the requirements of § 860.7, why
in § 860.3(c). The reclassification of any the device should not be classified into
device within a generic type of device its present classification and how the
causes the reclassification of all de- proposed classification will provide
vices within that generic type. Accord- reasonable assurance of the safety and
ingly, a petition for the reclassifica- effectiveness of the device;
tion of a specific device will be consid- (5) Representative data and informa-
ered a petition for reclassification of tion known by the petitioner that are
all devices within the same generic unfavorable to the petitioner’s posi-
type. tion;
(c) Any interested person may submit (6) If the petition is based upon new
a petition for reclassification under information under section 513(e), 514(b),
section 513(e), 514(b), or 515(b) of the or 515(b) of the Federal Food, Drug, and
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Cosmetic Act, a summary of the new
A manufacturer or importer may sub- information;
mit a petition for reclassification (7) Copies of source documents from
under section 513(f) or 520(l) of the Fed- which new information used to support
eral Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The the petition has been obtained (at-
Commissioner may initiate the reclas- tached as appendices to the petition);
sification of a device under the fol- and
lowing sections of the Federal Food, (8) A financial certification or disclo-
Drug, and Cosmetic Act: sure statement or both as required by
(1) Section 513(e) (for a classified de- part 54 of this chapter.
vice other than a device classified into (b) Each petition submitted pursuant
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§ 860.125 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
Health, addressed to the Food and Drug panel members and, when possible,
Administration, Center for Devices and nonvoting panel members in a tele-
Radiological Health, Office of Policy phone or video conference call; or
Staff, 10903 New Hampshire Ave., Bldg. (2) Discussion at a panel meeting.
66, Rm. 5445, Silver Spring, MD 20993– (b) The method of consultation cho-
0002; for devices regulated by the Cen- sen by the Commissioner will depend
ter for Biologics Evaluation and Re- upon the importance and complexity of
search, addressed to the Food and Drug the subject matter involved and the
Administration, Center for Biologics time available for action. When time
Evaluation and Research, Document and circumstances permit, the Com-
Control Center, 10903 New Hampshire missioner will consult with a panel
Ave., Bldg. 71, Rm. G112, Silver Spring, through discussion at a panel meeting.
MD 20993–0002; for devices regulated by (c) The Commissioner will consult
the Center for Drug Evaluation and Re- with a classification panel prior to
search, addressed to the Food and Drug changing the classification of a device
Administration, Center for Drug Eval- in a proceeding under section 513(e) of
uation and Research, Central Docu- the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
ment Control Room, 5901–B Act and § 860.130 upon the Commis-
Ammendale Rd., Beltsville, MD 20705– sioner’s own initiative or upon petition
1266, as applicable. of an interested person, and in the lat-
(2) Marked clearly with the section of ter case, the Commissioner will dis-
the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic tribute a copy of the petition, or its
Act under which the petition is being relevant portions, to each panel mem-
submitted, i.e., ‘‘513(e),’’ ‘‘513(f)(3),’’ ber.
‘‘514(b),’’ ‘‘515(b),’’ or ‘‘520(l) Petition’’; (d) When a petition is submitted
(3) Bound in a volume or volumes, under § 860.134 for a postamendments,
where necessary; and not substantially equivalent, device, if
(4) Submitted in an original and two the Commissioner chooses to consult
copies. with the panel, the Commissioner will
obtain a recommendation that includes
[43 FR 32993, July 28, 1978, as amended at 49 the information described in § 860.84(d).
FR 14505, Apr. 12, 1984; 53 FR 11253, Apr. 6,
In consulting with a panel about a peti-
1988; 55 FR 11169, Mar. 27, 1990; 63 FR 5254,
Feb. 2, 1998; 65 FR 17137, Mar. 31, 2000; 73 FR tion submitted under § 860.130(d),
49942, Aug. 25, 2008; 75 FR 20916, Apr. 22, 2010; § 860.136(a), or received in a proceeding
79 FR 77388, Dec. 24, 2014; 82 FR 39535, Aug. 21, under § 860.133(b), the Commissioner
2017; 83 FR 64456, Dec. 17, 2018; 85 FR 18443, may or may not obtain a formal rec-
Apr. 2, 2020] ommendation.
§ 860.125 Consultation with panels. [43 FR 32993, July 28, 1978, as amended at 83
FR 64456, Dec. 17, 2018]
(a) When the Commissioner chooses
to refer a reclassification petition to a § 860.130 General procedures under
classification panel for its rec- section 513(e) of the Federal Food,
ommendation under § 860.134(b), or the Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
Commissioner is required to consult (a) Section 513(e) of the Federal
with a panel concerning a reclassifica- Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act applies
tion petition submitted under to reclassification proceedings under
§ 860.130(d) or received in a proceeding the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
under § 860.133(b), or the Commissioner Act based upon new information.
chooses to consult with a panel with (b) A proceeding to reclassify a de-
regard to the reclassification of a de- vice under section 513(e) may be initi-
vice initiated by the Commissioner ated:
under § 860.134(c) or § 860.136, the Com- (1) On the initiative of the Commis-
missioner will distribute a copy of the sioner alone;
petition, or its relevant portions, if ap- (2) On the initiative of the Commis-
plicable, to each panel member and sioner in response to a request for
will consult with the panel in one of change in classification based upon
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 860.132
applied to the device but that is no Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
longer applicable because of the change warrants a change in classification, the
in classification. Commissioner will deny the petition.
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§ 860.133 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 860.136
the petition to the appropriate classi- reasonable assurance of the safety and
fication panel for its review and rec- effectiveness of the device and there is
ommendation whether to approve or sufficient information to establish spe-
deny the petition. cial controls to provide such assurance,
(4) Within 90 days after the date the or to class I if the Commissioner deter-
petition is referred to the panel, fol- mines that general controls alone
lowing the review procedures set forth would provide reasonable assurance of
in § 860.84(c) for the original classifica- the safety and effectiveness of the de-
tion of a ‘‘preamendments device’’, the vice. The procedures for the reclassi-
panel submits to the Commissioner its fication proceeding under this para-
recommendation containing the infor- graph (c) are as follows:
mation set forth in § 860.84(d). A panel (1) The Commissioner publishes a
recommendation is regarded as pre- proposed reclassification order in the
liminary until the Commissioner has FEDERAL REGISTER seeking comment
reviewed it, discussed it with the panel, on the proposed reclassification.
if appropriate, and developed a pro- (2) The Commissioner may consult
posed reclassification order. Prelimi- with the appropriate classification
nary panel recommendations are filed panel with respect to the reclassifica-
at Dockets Management Staff upon re- tion of the device. The panel will con-
ceipt and are available to the public sider reclassification in accordance
and posted at https:// with the consultation procedures of § 860.125.
(5) The panel recommendation is pub-
(3) Following consideration of com-
lished in the FEDERAL REGISTER as
ments to a public docket and any panel
soon as practicable and interested per-
recommendations or comments, the
sons are provided an opportunity to
Commissioner may change the classi-
comment on the recommendation.
fication of a device by final adminis-
(6) Within 90 days after the panel’s
trative order published in the FEDERAL
recommendation is received (and no
more than 210 days after the date the
petition was filed), the Commissioner (d) An administrative order under
denies or approves the petition by this section changing the classification
order in the form of a letter to the pe- of a device from class III to class II
titioner. If the Commissioner approves may establish the special controls nec-
the petition, the order will classify the essary to provide reasonable assurance
device into class I or class II in accord- of the safety and effectiveness of the
ance with the criteria set forth in device.
§ 860.3(c) and subject to the applicable [43 FR 32993, July 28, 1978, as amended at 57
requirements of § 860.10, relating to the FR 58404, Dec. 10, 1992; 73 FR 34860, June 19,
classification of implants and life-sup- 2008; 83 FR 64457, Dec. 17, 2018]
porting or life-sustaining devices, and
§ 860.15, relating to exemptions from § 860.136 Procedures for transitional
certain requirements of the Federal products under section 520(l) of the
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
(7) Within a reasonable time after
issuance of an order under this section, (a) Section 520(l)(2) of the Federal
the Commissioner announces the order Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act applies
by notice published in the FEDERAL to reclassification proceedings initi-
REGISTER. ated by the Commissioner or in re-
(c) By administrative order published sponse to a request by a manufacturer
under section 513(f)(3) of the Federal or importer for reclassification of a de-
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, the vice currently in class III by operation
Commissioner may, on the Commis- of section 520(l)(1). This section applies
sioner’s own initiative, change the only to devices that the Food and Drug
classification from class III under sec- Administration regarded as ‘‘new
tion 513(f)(1) either to class II, if the drugs’’ before May 28, 1976.
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
Commissioner determines that special (b) The procedures for effecting re-
controls in addition to general controls classification under section 520(l) of the
are necessary and sufficient to provide Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
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§ 860.200 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 860.220
Novo request must be provided as a sin- Drug, and Cosmetic Act; pre-submis-
gle version in electronic format. These sions, or previously submitted De Novo
materials must: requests; or state that there have been
(1)(i) For devices regulated by the no prior submissions.
Center for Devices and Radiological (4) Device name. The generic name of
Health, be sent to the current address the device as well as any proprietary
displayed on the website https:// name or trade name. (5) Indications for use. A general de-
(ii) For devices regulated by the Cen- scription of the disease or condition
ter for Biologics Evaluation and Re- the device is intended to diagnose,
search, be sent to the current address
treat, prevent, cure or mitigate, or af-
displayed on the website https://
fect the structure or function of the
body, including a description of the pa-
tient population for which the device is
(2) Be signed by the requester or an intended. The indications for use in-
authorized representative. clude all the labeled patient uses of the
(3) Be designated ‘‘De Novo Request’’ device, including if it is prescription or
in the cover letter. over-the-counter.
(4) Have all content used to support (6) Device description. A complete de-
the request written in, or translated scription of:
into, English. (i) The device, including, where appli-
cable, pictorial representations, device
§ 860.220 De Novo request content. specifications, and engineering draw-
(a) Unless the requester justifies an ings;
omission in accordance with paragraph (ii) Each of the functional compo-
(c) of this section, a De Novo request nents or ingredients of the device, if
must include: the device consists of more than one
(1) Table of contents. A table of con- physical component or ingredient;
tents that specifies the volume (if the (iii) The properties of the device rel-
De Novo request contains more than evant to the diagnosis, treatment, pre-
one volume) and page number for each vention, cure, or mitigation of a dis-
item. ease or condition and/or the effect of
(2) Administrative information. The the device on the structure or function
name, address, phone, and email ad- of the body;
dress of the requester and U.S. rep- (iv) The principles of operation of the
resentative, if applicable. The estab- device; and
lishment registration number, if appli- (v) The relevant FDA assigned ref-
cable, of the owner or operator submit- erence number(s) for any medical de-
ting the De Novo request.
vices (such as accessories or compo-
(3) Regulatory history. Identify any
nents) that are intended to be used
prior submissions to FDA for the de-
with the device and that are already le-
vice, including, but not limited to, any
gally marketed.
premarket notifications (510(k)s) sub-
mitted under part 807 of this chapter; (7) Alternative practices and proce-
applications for premarket approval dures. A description of existing alter-
(PMAs) submitted under part 814 of native practices or procedures that are
this chapter; applications for humani- used in diagnosing, treating, pre-
tarian device exemption (HDE) sub- venting, curing, or mitigating the dis-
mitted under part 814 of this chapter; ease or condition for which the device
applications for investigational device is intended or which similarly affect
exemption (IDEs) submitted under part the structure or function of the body
812 of this chapter; requests for des- and that are known or should reason-
ignation (RFD) under § 3.7 of this chap- ably be known to the requester.
ter; requests for information under sec- (8) Classification summary. (i) For de-
tion 513(g) of the Federal Food, Drug, vices not the subject of a previous sub-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
and Cosmetic Act; applications for mission under section 510(k) of the Fed-
emergency use authorization (EUA) eral Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, a
under section 564 of the Federal Food, complete description of:
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§ 860.220 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(A) The searches used to establish (12) Standards. Reference to any pub-
that no legally marketed device of the lished voluntary consensus standards
same type exists. that are relevant to any aspect of the
(B) A list of classification regula- safety or effectiveness of the device
tions, PMAs, HDEs, premarket notifi- and that are known or should reason-
cations (510(k)s), EUAs, and/or product ably be known to the requester. Such
codes regarding devices that are poten- standards include voluntary consensus
tially similar to the subject device. standards whether recognized or not
(C) A rationale explaining how the yet recognized under section 514(c) of
device that is the subject of the De the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
Novo request is different from the de- Act. Provide adequate information to
vices covered by the classification reg-
demonstrate how the device meets, or
ulations, PMAs, HDEs, 510(k)s, EUAs,
justify any deviation from, the ref-
and/or product codes identified in para-
graph (a)(8)(i)(B) of this section. erenced standard.
(ii) For devices which were the sub- (13) Summary of studies. An abstract
ject of a previous submission under sec- of any information or report described
tion 510(k) of the Federal Food, Drug, in the De Novo request under para-
and Cosmetic Act that were deter- graph (a)(16)(ii) of this section and a
mined not substantially equivalent summary of the results of technical
(NSE), the relevant 510(k) number, data submitted under paragraph (a)(15)
along with a summary of the search of this section. Each such study sum-
performed to confirm the device has mary must include a description of the
not been classified or reclassified since objective of the study, a description of
the date the NSE order was issued by the experimental design of the study, a
FDA pursuant to § 807.100(a) of this brief description of how the data were
chapter. collected and analyzed, and a brief de-
(9) Summary of risks and mitigations. A scription of the results, whether posi-
summary of probable risks to health tive, negative, or inconclusive. This
associated with use of the device that section must also include the fol-
are known or should reasonably be lowing:
known to the requester and the pro- (i) A summary of each nonclinical
posed mitigations, including general
study submitted in the De Novo re-
controls and, if the classification rec-
ommendation from paragraph (a)(11) of
this section is class II, special controls (ii) A summary of each clinical inves-
for each risk. For each mitigation tigation involving human subjects sub-
measure that involves specific perform- mitted in the De Novo request, includ-
ance testing or labeling, the De Novo ing a discussion of investigation de-
request must provide a reference to the sign, subject selection and exclusion
associated section or pages for the sup- criteria, investigation population, in-
porting information in the De Novo re- vestigation period, safety and effec-
quest. tiveness data, adverse reactions and
(10) Proposed special controls. If the complications, subject discontinuation,
classification recommendation from subject complaints, device failures (in-
paragraph (a)(11) of this section is class cluding unexpected software events, if
II, then the summary must include an applicable) and replacements, results
initial draft proposal for applicable of statistical analyses of the clinical
special controls and a description of investigations, contraindications and
how those special controls provide rea- precautions for use of the device, and
sonable assurance of safety and effec- other information from the clinical in-
tiveness. vestigations as appropriate. Any inves-
(11) Classification recommendation. The tigation conducted under an investiga-
recommended class (I or II) must be tional device exemption (IDE) under
identified and must be supported by a part 812 of this chapter must be identi-
description of why general controls, or
fied as such.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 860.220
(i) The data and information in the tigation, results of statistical analyses
De Novo request constitute valid sci- of the results of the clinical investiga-
entific evidence within the meaning of tions, contraindications, warnings, pre-
§ 860.7(c) and cautions, and other limiting state-
(ii) Pursuant to § 860.7, when subject ments relevant to the use of the device
to general controls, or general and spe- type, and any other appropriate infor-
cial controls, the probable benefit to mation from the clinical investiga-
health from use of the device out- tions. Any investigation conducted
weighs any probable injury or illness under an IDE under part 812 of this
from such use. chapter must be identified as such. In-
(15) Technical sections. The following formation on clinical investigations in-
technical sections, which must contain volving human subjects must include
data and information in sufficient de- the following:
tail to permit FDA to determine (A) For clinical investigations con-
whether to grant or decline the De ducted in the United States, a state-
Novo request: ment with respect to each investiga-
(i) A section containing the results of tion that it either was conducted in
the nonclinical studies of the device, compliance with the institutional re-
including, as appropriate, micro- view board regulations in part 56 of
biological, toxicological, this chapter, or was not subject to the
immunological, biocompatibility, regulations under § 56.104 or § 56.105 of
stress, wear, shelf life, electrical safe- this chapter, and that it was conducted
ty, electromagnetic compatibility, and in compliance with the informed con-
other laboratory or animal tests. Infor- sent regulations in part 50 of this chap-
mation on nonclinical studies must in- ter; or if the investigation was not con-
clude protocols and complete test re- ducted in compliance with those regu-
ports for each study. For those non- lations, a brief statement of the reason
clinical studies subject to part 58 of for the noncompliance. Failure or in-
this chapter, this section must include ability to comply with these require-
a statement that each such study was ments does not justify failure to pro-
conducted in compliance with such reg- vide information on a relevant clinical
ulations, or, if the study was not con- investigation.
ducted in compliance with part 58 of (B) For clinical investigations con-
this chapter, a brief statement of the ducted in the United States, a state-
reason for the noncompliance. ment that each investigation was con-
(ii) For all devices that incorporate ducted in compliance with part 812 of
software, a section containing all rel- this chapter concerning sponsors of
evant software information and test- clinical investigations and clinical in-
ing, including, but not limited to, ap- vestigators, or if the investigation was
propriate device hazard analysis, hard- not conducted in compliance with
ware, and system information. those regulations, a brief statement of
(iii) A section containing results of the reason for the noncompliance. Fail-
each clinical investigation of the de- ure or inability to comply with these
vice involving human subjects, includ- requirements does not justify failure to
ing clinical protocols, number of inves- provide information on a relevant clin-
tigators and subjects per investigator, ical investigation.
investigation design, subject selection (C) For clinical investigations con-
and exclusion criteria, investigation ducted outside the United States that
population, investigation period, safety are intended to support the De Novo re-
and effectiveness data, adverse reac- quest, the requirements under § 812.28
tions and complications, subject dis- of this chapter apply. If any such inves-
continuation, subject complaints, de- tigation was not conducted in accord-
vice failures (including unexpected ance with good clinical practice (GCP)
software events if applicable) and re- as described in § 812.28(a) of this chap-
placements, tabulations of data from ter, include either a waiver request in
all individual subject report forms and accordance with § 812.28(c) of this chap-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
copies of such forms for each subject ter or a brief statement of the reason
who died during a clinical investiga- for not conducting the investigation in
tion or who did not complete the inves- accordance with GCP and a description
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§ 860.230 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
of steps taken to ensure that the data (18) Labeling and advertisements. La-
and results are credible and accurate bels, labeling, and advertisements suf-
and that the rights, safety, and well- ficient to describe the device, its in-
being of subjects have been adequately tended use, and the directions for its
protected. Failure or inability to com- use. Where applicable, photographs or
ply with these requirements does not engineering drawings must be supplied.
justify failure to provide information (19) Other information. Such other in-
on a relevant clinical investigation. formation as is necessary to determine
(D) A statement that each investiga- whether general controls or general
tion has been completed per the pro- and special controls provide reasonable
tocol or a summary of any protocol de- assurance of safety and effectiveness of
viations. the device.
(E) A financial certification or dis- (b) Pertinent information in FDA
closure statement or both as required files specifically referred to by a re-
by part 54 of this chapter. quester may be incorporated into a De
(F) For a De Novo request that relies Novo request by reference. Information
primarily on data from a single investi- submitted to FDA by a person other
gator at one investigation site, a jus- than the requester will not be consid-
tification showing that these data and ered part of a De Novo request unless
other information are sufficient to rea- such reference is authorized in writing
sonably demonstrate the safety and ef- by the person who submitted the infor-
fectiveness of the device when subject mation.
to general controls or general and spe-
(c) If the requester believes that cer-
cial controls, and to ensure that the re-
tain information required under para-
sults from a site are applicable to the
graph (a) of this section to be in a De
intended population.
Novo request is not applicable to the
(G) A discussion of how the investiga-
device that is the subject of the De
tion data represent clinically signifi-
Novo request, and omits any such in-
cant results, pursuant to § 860.7(e).
formation from the De Novo request,
(16) Other information. (i) A bibliog-
the requester must submit a statement
raphy of all published reports not sub-
mitted under paragraph (a)(15) of this that specifies the omitted information
section, whether adverse or supportive, and justifies the omission. The state-
known to or that should reasonably be ment must be submitted as a separate
known to the requester and that con- section in the De Novo request and list-
cern the safety or effectiveness of the ed in the table of contents. If the jus-
device. tification for the omission is not ac-
(ii) An identification, discussion, and cepted by FDA, FDA will so notify the
analysis of any other data, informa- requester.
tion, or report relevant to an evalua- (d) The requester must update the
tion of the safety and effectiveness of pending De Novo request with new
the device known to or that should rea- safety and effectiveness information
sonably be known to the requester learned about the device from ongoing
from any source, foreign or domestic, or completed studies and investiga-
including information derived from in- tions that may reasonably affect an
vestigations other than those in the re- evaluation of the safety or effective-
quest and from commercial marketing ness of the device as such information
experience. becomes available.
(iii) Copies of such published reports
or unpublished information in the pos- § 860.230 Accepting a De Novo request.
session of or reasonably obtainable by (a) The acceptance of a De Novo re-
the requester, if requested by FDA. quest means that FDA has made a
(17) Samples. If requested by FDA, one threshold determination that the De
or more samples of the device and its Novo request contains the information
components. If it is impractical to sub- necessary to permit a substantive re-
mit a requested sample of the device, view. Within 15 days after a De Novo
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
the requester must name the location request is received by FDA, FDA will
at which FDA may examine and test notify the requester whether the De
one or more of the devices. Novo request has been accepted.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 860.250
(b) If FDA does not find that any of § 860.240 Procedures for review of a
the reasons in paragraph (c)(1) of this De Novo request.
section for refusing to accept the De (a) FDA will begin substantive review
Novo request apply or FDA fails to of a De Novo request after the De Novo
complete the acceptance review within request is accepted under § 860.230.
15 days, FDA will accept the De Novo Within 120 days after receipt of a De
request for review and will notify the Novo request or receipt of additional
requester. The notice will include the information that results in the De
De Novo request reference number and Novo request being accepted under
the date FDA accepted the De Novo re- § 860.230, FDA will review the De Novo
quest. The date of acceptance is the request and send the requester an order
date that an accepted De Novo request granting the De Novo request under
was received by FDA. § 860.260(a) or an order declining the De
(c)(1) FDA may refuse to accept a De Novo request under 860.260(b).
Novo request if any of the following ap- (b) A requester may supplement or
plies: amend a pending De Novo request to
(i) The requester has an open or pend- revise existing information or provide
ing premarket submission or reclassi- additional information.
fication petition for the device; (1) FDA may require additional infor-
(ii) The De Novo request is incom- mation regarding the device that is
plete because it does not on its face necessary for FDA to complete the re-
contain all the information required view of the De Novo request.
under section 513(f)(2) of the Federal (2) Additional information submitted
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act or does to FDA must include the reference
not contain each of the items required number assigned to the original De
under this part, or a justification for Novo request and, if submitted on the
omission of any item; requester’s own initiative, the reason
for submitting the additional informa-
(iii) The De Novo request is not for-
matted as required under § 860.210;
(c) Prior to granting or declining a
(iv) The De Novo request is for mul- De Novo request, FDA may inspect rel-
tiple devices and those devices are of evant facilities to help determine:
more than one type; or (1) That clinical or nonclinical data
(v) The requester has not responded were collected in a manner that en-
to, or has failed to provide a rationale sures that the data accurately rep-
for not responding to, deficiencies iden- resents the benefits and risks of the de-
tified by FDA in previous submissions vice; or
for the same device, including those (2) That implementation of Quality
submissions described in § 860.220(a)(3). System Regulation (part 820 of this
(2) If FDA refuses to accept a De chapter) requirements, in addition to
Novo request, FDA will notify the re- other general controls and any speci-
quester of the reasons for the refusal. fied special controls, provide adequate
The notice will identify the defi- assurance that critical and/or novel
ciencies in the De Novo request that manufacturing processes produce de-
prevent accepting and will include the vices that meet specifications nec-
De Novo request reference number. essary to ensure reasonable assurance
(3) If FDA refuses to accept a De of safety and effectiveness.
Novo request, the requester may sub-
mit the additional information nec- § 860.250 Withdrawal of a De Novo re-
essary to comply with the require- quest.
ments of section 513(f)(2) of the Federal (a) FDA considers a De Novo request
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and this to have been withdrawn if:
part. The additional information must (1) The requester fails to provide a
include the De Novo request reference complete response to a request for ad-
number of the original submission. If ditional information pursuant to
the De Novo request is subsequently § 860.240(b)(1) within 180 days after the
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
accepted, the date of acceptance is the date FDA issues such request;
date FDA receives the additional infor- (2) The requester fails to provide a
mation. complete response to the deficiencies
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§ 860.260 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 861.7
(d) An order declining a De Novo re- (2) A class III device which, upon the
quest will inform the requester of the effective date of the standard, is reclas-
deficiencies in the De Novo request, in- sified into class II; and
cluding each applicable ground for de- (3) A class III device, as a condition
clining the De Novo request. to premarket approval under section
(e) FDA will use the criteria specified 515 of the act, to reduce or eliminate a
in § 860.7 to determine the safety and risk or risks associated with such de-
effectiveness of a device in deciding vice.
whether to grant or decline a De Novo (c) References in this part to regu-
request. FDA may use information latory sections of the Code of Federal
other than that submitted by the re- Regulations are to chapter I of title 21
quester in making such determination. unless otherwise noted.
[45 FR 7484, Feb. 1, 1980, as amended at 45 FR
PART 861—PROCEDURES FOR PER- 23686, Apr. 8, 1980; 57 FR 58404, Dec. 10, 1992]
FORMANCE STANDARDS DEVEL- § 861.5 Statement of policy.
In carrying out its duties under this
Subpart A—General section, the Food and Drug Adminis-
tration will, to the maximum extent
Sec. practical:
861.1 Purpose and scope. (a) Use personnel, facilities, and
861.5 Statement of policy. other technical support available in
861.7 Contents of standards.
other Federal agencies;
Subpart B—Procedures for Performance (b) Consult with other Federal agen-
Standards Development and Publication cies concerned with standard setting
and other nationally or internationally
861.20 Summary of standards development recognized standard-setting entities;
process. and
861.24 Existing standard as a proposed (c) Invite participation, through con-
standard. ferences, workshops, or other means,
861.30 Development of standards. by representatives of scientific, profes-
861.34 Amendment or revocation of a stand-
sional, industry, or consumer organiza-
861.36 Effective dates. tions who can make a significant con-
861.38 Standards advisory committees. tribution.
AUTHORITY: 21 U.S.C. 351, 352, 360c, 360d, § 861.7 Contents of standards.
360gg–360ss, 371, 374; 42 U.S.C. 262, 264.
Any performance standard estab-
SOURCE: 45 FR 7484, Feb. 1, 1980, unless oth- lished under this part will include such
erwise noted.
provisions as the Food and Drug Ad-
ministration determines are necessary
Subpart A—General to provide reasonable assurance of the
safety and effectiveness of the device
§ 861.1 Purpose and scope. or devices for which it is established.
(a) This part implements section 514 Where necessary to provide such assur-
of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cos- ance, a standard will address (but need
metic Act (the act) with respect to the not be limited to):
establishment, amendment, and rev- (a) Performance characteristics of
ocation of performance standards ap- the device;
plicable to devices intended for human (b) The design, construction, compo-
use. nents, ingredients, and properties of
(b) The Food and Drug Administra- the device, and its compatibility with
tion may determine that a performance power systems and connections to such
standard, as described under special systems;
controls for class II devices in § 860.7(b) (c) The manufacturing processes and
of this chapter, is necessary to provide quality control procedures applicable
reasonable assurance of the safety and to the device;
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§ 861.20 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
that no other more practical means are (a) The Food and Drug Administra-
available to the Food and Drug Admin- tion (FDA) will publish in the FEDERAL
istration to assure the conformity of REGISTER a notice of proposed rule-
the device to the standard, providing making for the establishment, amend-
for testing by the Food and Drug Ad- ment, or revocation of any perform-
ministration or a third person to en- ance standard for a device.
sure that the device conforms to the (1) A notice of proposed rulemaking
standard; for the establishment or amendment of
(e) The publication of the results of a performance standard for a device
each test or of certain tests of the de- will:
vice to show that the device conforms (i) Set forth a finding, with sup-
to the portions of the standard for porting justification, that the perform-
which the test or tests were required; ance standard is appropriate and nec-
(f) Manufacturers’ certification to essary to provide reasonable assurance
purchasers or to the Food and Drug Ad- of the safety and effectiveness of the
ministration that the device conforms device;
to the applicable performance stand- (ii) Set forth proposed findings with
ard; respect to the risk of illness or injury
(g) Restrictions on the sale and dis- that the performance standard is in-
tribution of the device, but only to the tended to reduce or eliminate;
extent authorized under section 520(e) (iii) Invite interested persons to sub-
of the act; mit to the Food and Drug Administra-
(h) The use, and the form and con- tion, within 30 days of the publication
tent, of labeling for the proper installa- of the notice, requests for changes in
tion, maintenance, operation, and use the classification of the device pursu-
of the device. Among the provisions ant to § 860.132 of this chapter, based on
that may be required in the labeling new information relevant to the classi-
are warnings; storage and transpor- fication; and
tation information; expiration dates; (iv) Invite interested persons to sub-
the date and place of manufacture; the mit an existing performance standard
results that may be expected if the de- for the device, including a draft or pro-
vice is used properly; the ranges of ac- posed performance standard, for con-
curacy of diagnostic information; in- sideration by the Commissioner of
structions regarding the proper care of, Food and Drugs.
and the proper components, acces- (2) A notice of proposed rulemaking
sories, or other equipment to be used for the revocation of a performance
with the device; and statements con- standard will set forth a finding, with
cerning the appropriate patient popu- supporting justification, that the per-
lation, for example, a statement that formance standard is no longer nec-
the device is considered safe and effec- essary to provide reasonable assurance
tive only when used by, or in the treat- of the safety and effectiveness of a de-
ment of, a patient who has been tested vice.
by particular designated procedures
(b) A notice under this section will
and found to have an illness or condi-
provide for a comment period of not
tion for which use of the device is indi-
less than 60 days.
cated by a person skilled in the use of
the device. (c) If, after publication of a notice
under paragraph (a) of this section,
FDA receives a request to change the
Subpart B—Procedures for Per- classification of the device, FDA will,
formance Standards Develop- within 60 days of the publication of the
ment and Publication notice and after consultation with the
appropriate panel under § 860.125 of this
§ 861.20 Summary of standards devel- chapter, either deny the request or give
opment process. notice of its intent to initiate a change
The procedure by which a perform- in the classification under § 860.130.
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
ance standard for a device may be es- (d) If FDA initiates a rulemaking
tablished, amended, or revoked is as proceeding under paragraph (a) of this
follows: section, FDA will:
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 861.34
(1) Complete the proceeding and es- (a) Support its proposed performance
tablish the performance standard for standard by such test data or other
the device in accordance with this part documents or materials as may reason-
and § 10.40 of this chapter; or ably be required;
(2) Terminate the proceeding by pub- (b) Provide interested persons an op-
lishing in the FEDERAL REGISTER a no- portunity to participate in the develop-
tice announcing such termination and ment of the standard by accepting
the reasons therefor and, unless the comments and, where appropriate,
proceeding is terminated because the holding public meetings on issues re-
device is a banned device, initiate a lating to development of the standard.
proceeding in accordance with section Notice of the opportunity to partici-
513(e) of the act to reclassify the de- pate in the development of the stand-
vice; or ard will be furnished in a manner rea-
(3) Take other appropriate action. sonably calculated to reach the major-
[57 FR 58404, Dec. 10, 1992] ity of persons interested in the devel-
opment of the standard. This require-
§ 861.24 Existing standard as a pro- ment shall be satisfied by publishing
posed standard. such a notice in the FEDERAL REG-
(a) The Food and Drug Administra- ISTER. Whenever it is appropriate, FDA
tion may accept an existing standard will use the FEDERAL REGISTER to
or a proposed or draft standard if it in- make announcements about the stand-
cludes: ard development process of standard
(1) A description of the procedures developers other than Federal agen-
used to develop the standard and a list cies.
of the persons and organizations that (c) Maintain records disclosing the
participated in its development, to the course of development of the proposed
extent that such information is avail- standard, the comments and other in-
able or reasonably obtainable; formation submitted by a person in
(2) An identification of the specific connection with such development (in-
portions of the existing standard that cluding comments and information re-
the person submitting the standard be- garding the need for a standard), and
lieves are appropriate for adoption as, such other information as may be re-
or inclusion in, the proposed standard; quired to evaluate the standard.
(3) A summary of the test data, or, if [45 FR 7484, Feb. 1, 1980, as amended at 57 FR
requested by the Food and Drug Ad- 58405, Dec. 10, 1992]
ministration, all such data or other in-
formation supporting the specific por- § 861.34 Amendment or revocation of a
tions of the standard identified by the standard.
person submitting the standard. (a) The Food and Drug Administra-
(b) The Food and Drug Administra- tion will provide for periodic evalua-
tion will publish a notice in the FED- tion of performance standards to deter-
ERAL REGISTER stating either that it mine whether such standards should be
has accepted, or accepted with modi- changed to reflect new medical, sci-
fication, as a proposed standard, an ex- entific, or other technological data.
isting standard or one that has been (b) The Food and Drug Administra-
developed, or that an existing standard tion may, on its own initiative or upon
is not acceptable, together with the petition of an interested party, amend
reasons therefor. or revoke by regulation a standard es-
[45 FR 7484, Feb. 1, 1980, as amended at 57 FR tablished under this part.
58405, Dec. 10, 1992] (c) Any petition to amend or revoke
a standard shall:
§ 861.30 Development of standards. (1) Identify the specific device and
The Food and Drug Administration standard for which the amendment or
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§ 861.36 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(a) The Food and Drug Administra- (d) Where appropriate, each proposed
tion will establish advisory commit- regulation establishing a standard pub-
tees to which proposed regulations may lished in the FEDERAL REGISTER will
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS Pt. 862
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Pt. 862 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
862.1360 Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase 862.1575 Phospholipid test system.
and isoenzymes test system. 862.1580 Phosphorus (inorganic) test system.
862.1365 Glutathione test system. 862.1585 Human placental lactogen test sys-
862.1370 Human growth hormone test sys- tem.
tem. 862.1590 Porphobilinogen test system.
862.1373 Hemoglobin A1c test system. 862.1595 Porphyrins test system.
862.1375 Histidine test system. 862.1600 Potassium test system.
862.1377 Urinary homocystine (nonquantita- 862.1605 Pregnanediol test system.
tive) test system. 862.1610 Pregnanetriol test system.
862.1380 Hydroxybutyric dehydrogenase test 862.1615 Pregnenolone test system.
system. 862.1620 Progesterone test system.
862.1385 17-Hydroxycorticosteroids (17- 862.1622 Prognostic test for assessment of
ketogenic steroids) test system. liver related disease progression.
862.1390 5-Hydroxyindole acetic acid/sero- 862.1625 Prolactin (lactogen) test system.
tonin test system. 862.1630 Protein (fractionation) test system.
862.1395 17-Hydroxyprogesterone test sys- 862.1635 Total protein test system.
tem. 862.1640 Protein-bound iodine test system.
862.1400 Hydroxyproline test system. 862.1645 Urinary protein or albumin (non-
862.1405 Immunoreactive insulin test sys- quantitative) test system.
tem. 862.1650 Pyruvate kinase test system.
862.1410 Iron (non-heme) test system. 862.1655 Pyruvic acid test system.
862.1415 Iron-binding capacity test system. 862.1660 Quality control material (assayed
862.1420 Isocitric dehydrogenase test sys- and unassayed).
tem. 862.1665 Sodium test system.
862.1430 17-Ketosteroids test system. 862.1670 Sorbitol dehydrogenase test sys-
862.1435 Ketones (nonquantitative) test sys- tem.
tem. 862.1675 Blood specimen collection device.
862.1440 Lactate dehydrogenase test system. 862.1678 Tacrolimus test system.
862.1445 Lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes 862.1680 Testosterone test system.
test system. 862.1685 Thyroxine-binding globulin test
862.1450 Lactic acid test system. system.
862.1455 Lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio in 862.1690 Thyroid-stimulating hormone test
amniotic fluid test system. system.
862.1460 Leucine aminopeptidase test sys- 862.1695 Free thyroxine test system.
tem. 862.1700 Total thyroxine test system.
862.1465 Lipase test system. 862.1705 Triglyceride test system.
862.1470 Lipid (total) test system. 862.1710 Total triiodothyronine test system.
862.1715 Triiodothyronine uptake test sys-
862.1475 Lipoprotein test system.
862.1485 Luteinizing hormone test system.
862.1720 Triose phosphate isomerase test
862.1490 Lysozyme (muramidase) test sys-
862.1725 Trypsin test system.
862.1495 Magnesium test system.
862.1730 Free tyrosine test system.
862.1500 Malic dehydrogenase test system.
862.1770 Urea nitrogen test system.
862.1505 Mucopolysaccharides (nonquantita-
862.1775 Uric acid test system.
tive) test system.
862.1780 Urinary calculi (stones) test sys-
862.1509 Methylmalonic acid (nonquantita-
tive) test system. 862.1785 Urinary urobilinogen (nonquantita-
862.1510 Nitrite (nonquantitative) test sys- tive) test system.
tem. 862.1790 Uroporphyrin test system.
862.1515 Nitrogen (amino-nitrogen) test sys- 862.1795 Vanilmandelic acid test system.
tem. 862.1805 Vitamin A test system.
862.1520 5′-Nucleotidase test system. 862.1810 Vitamin B12 test system.
862.1530 Plasma oncometry test system. 862.1815 Vitamin E test system.
862.1535 Ornithine carbamyl transferase test 862.1820 Xylose test system.
system. 862.1825 Vitamin D test system.
862.1540 Osmolality test system. 862.1840 Total 25-hydroxyvitamin D mass
862.1542 Oxalate test system. spectrometry test system.
862.1545 Parathyroid hormone test system.
862.1550 Urinary pH (nonquantitative) test Subpart C—Clinical Laboratory Instruments
862.1555 Phenylalanine test system. 862.2050 General purpose laboratory equip-
862.1560 Urinary phenylketones (non- ment labeled or promoted for a specific
quantitative) test system. medical use.
862.1565 6-Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase 862.2100 Calculator/data processing module
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 862.1
862.2140 Centrifugal chemistry analyzer for 862.3280 Clinical toxicology control mate-
clinical use. rial.
862.2150 Continuous flow sequential mul- 862.3300 Digitoxin test system.
tiple chemistry analyzer for clinical use. 862.3320 Digoxin test system.
862.2160 Discrete photometric chemistry an- 862.3350 Diphenylhydantoin test system.
alyzer for clinical use. 862.3360 Drug metabolizing enzyme
862.2170 Micro chemistry analyzer for clin- genotyping system.
ical use. 862.3380 Ethosuximide test system.
862.2230 Chromatographic separation mate- 862.3450 Gentamicin test system.
rial for clinical use. 862.3520 Kanamycin test system.
862.2250 Gas liquid chromatography system 862.3550 Lead test system.
for clinical use. 862.3555 Lidocaine test system.
862.2260 High pressure liquid chroma- 862.3560 Lithium test system.
tography system for clinical use. 862.3580 Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)
862.2265 High throughput genomic sequence test system.
analyzer for clinical use. 862.3590 Meprobamate test system.
862.2270 Thin-layer chromatography system 862.3600 Mercury test system.
for clinical use. 862.3610 Methamphetamine test system.
862.2300 Colorimeter, photometer, or spec- 862.3620 Methadone test system.
trophotometer for clinical use. 862.3630 Methaqualone test system.
862.2310 Clinical sample concentrator. 862.3640 Morphine test system.
862.2320 Beta or gamma counter for clinical 862.3645 Neuroleptic drugs radioreceptor
use. assay test system.
862.2400 Densitometer/scanner (integrating, 862.3650 Opiate test system.
reflectance, TLC, or radiochromatogram) 862.3652 Organophosphate test system.
for clinical use. 862.3660 Phenobarbital test system.
862.2485 Electrophoresis apparatus for clin- 862.3670 Phenothiazine test system.
862.3680 Primidone test system.
ical use.
862.3700 Propoxyphene test system.
862.2500 Enzyme analyzer for clinical use.
862.3750 Quinine test system.
862.2540 Flame emission photometer for
862.3800 Reagents for molecular diagnostic
clinical use.
instrument test systems.
862.2560 Fluorometer for clinical use.
862.3830 Salicylate test system.
862.2570 Instrumentation for clinical multi-
862.3840 Sirolimus test system.
plex test systems. 862.3850 Sulfonamide test system.
862.2680 Microtitrator for clinical use. 862.3870 Cannabinoid test system.
862.2700 Nephelometer for clinical use. 862.3880 Theophylline test system.
862.2720 Plasma oncometer for clinical use. 862.3900 Tobramycin test system.
862.2730 Osmometer for clinical use. 862.3910 Tricyclic antidepressant drugs test
862.2750 Pipetting and diluting system for system.
clinical use. 862.3950 Vancomycin test system.
862.2800 Refractometer for clinical use.
862.2850 Atomic absorption spectrophotom- AUTHORITY: 21 U.S.C. 351, 360, 360c, 360e,
eter for clinical use. 360j, 360l, 371.
862.2860 Mass spectrometer for clinical use. SOURCE: 52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, unless
862.2900 Automated urinalysis system. otherwise noted.
862.2920 Plasma viscometer for clinical use.
EDITORIAL NOTE: Nomenclature changes to
Subpart D—Clinical Toxicology Test part 862 appear at 73 FR 35341, June 23, 2008.
Subpart A—General Provisions
862.3030 Acetaminophen test system.
862.3035 Amikacin test system. § 862.1 Scope.
862.3040 Alcohol test system.
862.3050 Breath-alcohol test system. (a) This part sets forth the classifica-
862.3080 Breath nitric oxide test system. tion of clinical chemistry and clinical
862.3100 Amphetamine test system. toxicology devices intended for human
862.3110 Antimony test system. use that are in commercial distribu-
862.3120 Arsenic test system. tion.
862.3150 Barbiturate test system. (b) The identification of a device in a
862.3170 Benzodiazepine test system. regulation in this part is not a precise
862.3200 Clinical toxicology calibrator.
862.3220 Carbon monoxide test system.
description of every device that is, or
862.3240 Cholinesterase test system. will be, subject to the regulation. A
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
862.3250 Cocaine and cocaine metabolite test manufacturer who submits a pre-
system. market notification submission for a
862.3270 Codeine test system. device under part 807 cannot show
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§ 862.2 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
exemption has been granted under sec- III for such new use. Accordingly, the
tion 520(g)(2) of the act). An approval regulation for such a class III device
under section 515 of the act consists of states that as of the enactment date of
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 862.1025
the amendments, May 28, 1976, the de- orders, including inborn errors of me-
vice must have an approval under sec- tabolism;
tion 515 of the act before commercial (3) For measuring an analyte that
distribution. serves as a surrogate marker for
screening, diagnosis, or monitoring
§ 862.9 Limitations of exemptions from life-threatening diseases such as ac-
section 510(k) of the Federal Food, quired immune deficiency syndrome
Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act).
(AIDS), chronic or active hepatitis, tu-
The exemption from the requirement berculosis, or myocardial infarction or
of premarket notification (section to monitor therapy;
510(k) of the act) for a generic type of (4) For assessing the risk of cardio-
class I or II device is only to the extent vascular diseases;
that the device has existing or reason- (5) For use in diabetes management;
ably foreseeable characteristics of (6) For identifying or inferring the
commercially distributed devices with- identity of a microorganism directly
in that generic type or, in the case of from clinical material;
in vitro diagnostic devices, only to the (7) For detection of antibodies to
extent that misdiagnosis as a result of microorganisms other than
using the device would not be associ- immunoglobulin G (IgG) or IgG assays
ated with high morbidity or mortality. when the results are not qualitative, or
Accordingly, manufacturers of any are used to determine immunity, or the
commercially distributed class I or II assay is intended for use in matrices
device for which FDA has granted an other than serum or plasma;
exemption from the requirement of
(8) For noninvasive testing as defined
premarket notification must still sub-
in § 812.3(k) of this chapter; and
mit a premarket notification to FDA
(9) For near patient testing (point of
before introducing or delivering for in-
troduction into interstate commerce
for commercial distribution the device [65 FR 2304, Jan. 14, 2000]
(a) The device is intended for a use Subpart B—Clinical Chemistry Test
different from the intended use of a le- Systems
gally marketed device in that generic
type of device; e.g., the device is in- § 862.1020 Acid phosphatase (total or
tended for a different medical purpose, prostatic) test system.
or the device is intended for lay use
(a) Identification. An acid phosphatase
where the former intended use was by
(total or prostatic) test system is a de-
health care professionals only;
vice intended to measure the activity
(b) The modified device operates
of the acid phosphatase enzyme in plas-
using a different fundamental sci-
ma and serum.
entific technology than a legally mar-
(b) Classification. Class II (special
keted device in that generic type of de-
controls). The device is exempt from
vice; e.g., a surgical instrument cuts
the premarket notification procedures
tissue with a laser beam rather than
in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
with a sharpened metal blade, or an in
subject to the limitations in § 862.9.
vitro diagnostic device detects or iden-
tifies infectious agents by using [52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 84
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) probe or FR 71796, Dec. 30, 2019]
nucleic acid hybridization technology
rather than culture or immunoassay § 862.1025 Adrenocorticotropic hor-
technology; or mone (ACTH) test system.
(c) The device is an in vitro device (a) Identification. An
that is intended: adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
(1) For use in the diagnosis, moni- test system is a device intended to
toring, or screening of neoplastic dis- measure adrenocorticotropic hormone
eases with the exception of in plasma and serum. ACTH measure-
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§ 862.1030 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 862.1090
Spectrometry.’’ See § 862.1(d) for the (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
availability of this guidance document. trols). The device is exempt from the
[69 FR 68255, Nov. 24, 2004]
premarket notification procedures in
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
§ 862.1060 Delta-aminolevulinic acid subject to § 862.9.
test system.
[52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 65
(a) Identification. A delta- FR 2305, Jan. 14, 2000]
aminolevulinic acid test system is a
device intended to measure the level of § 862.1080 Androsterone test system.
delta-aminolevulinic acid (a precursor (a) Identification. An androsterone
of porphyrin) in urine. Delta- test system is a device intended to
aminolevulinic acid measurements are measure the hormone adrosterone in
used in the diagnosis and treatment of serum, plasma, and urine. Andros-
lead poisoning and certain porphyrias
terone measurements are used in the
(diseases affecting the liver, gastro-
diagnosis and treatment of gonadal and
intestinal, and nervous systems that
adrenal diseases.
are accompanied by increased urinary
excretion of various heme compounds (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
including delta-aminolevulinic acid). trols). The device is exempt from the
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- premarket notification procedures in
trols). The device is exempt from pre- subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
market notification procedures in sub- subject to § 862.9.
part E of part 807 of this chapter sub- [52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 65
ject to § 862.9. FR 2305, Jan. 14, 2000]
[52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 65
FR 2305, Jan. 14, 2000] § 862.1085 Angiotensin I and renin test
§ 862.1065 Ammonia test system. (a) Identification. An angiotensin I
(a) Identification. An ammonia test and renin test system is a device in-
system is a device intended to measure tended to measure the level of
ammonia levels in blood, serum, and angiotensin I generated by renin in
plasma, Ammonia measurements are plasma. Angiotensin I measurements
used in the diagnosis and treatment of are used in the diagnosis and treat-
severe liver disorders, such as cir- ment of certain types of hypertension.
rhosis, hepatitis, and Reye’s syndrome. (b) Classification. Class II.
(b) Classification. Class I.
§ 862.1090 Angiotensin converting en-
§ 862.1070 Amylase test system. zyme (A.C.E.) test system.
(a) Identification. An amylase test (a) Identification. An angiotensin con-
system is a device intended to measure verting enzyme (A.C.E.) test system is
the activity of the enzyme amylase in a device intended to measure the activ-
serum and urine. Amylase measure- ity of angiotensin converting enzyme
ments are used primarily for the diag- in serum and plasma. Measurements
nosis and treatment of pancreatitis (in- obtained by this device are used in the
flammation of the pancreas). diagnosis and treatment of diseases
(b) Classification. Class II. such as sarcoidosis, a disease charac-
§ 862.1075 Androstenedione test sys- terized by the formation of nodules in
tem. the lungs, bones, and skin, and
Gaucher’s disease, a hereditary dis-
(a) Identification. An androstenedione order affecting the spleen.
test system is a device intended to
(b) Classification. Class II (special
measure androstenedione (a substance
controls). The device is exempt from
secreted by the testes, ovary, and adre-
the premarket notification procedures
nal glands) in serum. Adrostenedione
in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
measurements are used in the diag-
subject to the limitations in § 862.9.
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§ 862.1095 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
§ 862.1095 Ascorbic acid test system. the levels of bilirubin (total and un-
(a) Identification. An ascorbic acid bound) in the blood (serum) of newborn
test system is a device intended to infants to aid in indicating the risk of
measure the level of ascorbic acid (vi- bilirubin encephalopathy (kernicterus).
tamin C) in plasma, serum, and urine. (b) Classification. Class I.
Ascorbic acid measurements are used [54 FR 30206, July 19, 1989]
in the diagnosis and treatment of
ascorbic acid dietary deficiencies. § 862.1115 Urinary bilirubin and its
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- conjugates (nonquantitative) test
trols). The device is exempt from the system.
premarket notification procedures in (a) Identification. A urinary bilirubin
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter and its conjugates (nonquantitative)
subject to § 862.9. test system is a device intended to
[52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 65 measure the levels of bilirubin con-
FR 2305, Jan. 14, 2000] jugates in urine. Measurements of uri-
nary bilirubin and its conjugates (non-
§ 862.1100 Aspartate amino transferase quantitative) are used in the diagnosis
(AST/SGOT) test system. and treatment of certain liver diseases.
(a) Identification. An aspartate amino (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
transferase (AST/SGOT) test system is trols). The device is exempt from the
a device intended to measure the activ- premarket notification procedures in
ity of the enzyme aspartate amino subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
transferase (AST) (also known as a subject to § 862.9.
serum glutamic oxaloacetic transferase
[52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 65
or SGOT) in serum and plasma. FR 2305, Jan. 14, 2000]
Aspartate amino transferase measure-
ments are used in the diagnosis and § 862.1117 B-type natriuretic peptide
treatment of certain types of liver and test system.
heart disease.
(a) Identification. The B-type
(b) Classification. Class II (special
natriuretic peptide (BNP) test system
controls). The device is exempt from
is an in vitro diagnostic device in-
the premarket notification procedures
tended to measure BNP in whole blood
in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
and plasma. Measurements of BNP are
subject to the limitations in § 862.9.
used as an aid in the diagnosis of pa-
[52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 84 tients with congestive heart failure.
FR 71796, Dec. 30, 2019] (b) Classification. Class II (special
controls). The special control is ‘‘Class
§ 862.1110 Bilirubin (total or direct)
test system. II Special Control Guidance Document
for B-Type Natriuretic Peptide Pre-
(a) Identification. A bilirubin (total or market Notifications; Final Guidance
direct) test system is a device intended for Industry and FDA Reviewers.’’
to measure the levels of bilirubin (total
or direct) in plasma or serum. Measure- [66 FR 12734, Feb. 28, 2001]
ments of the levels of bilirubin, an or-
ganic compound formed during the nor- § 862.1118 Biotinidase test system.
mal and abnormal distruction of red (a) Identification. The biotinidase test
blood cells, if used in the diagnosis and system is an in vitro diagnostic device
treatment of liver, hemolytic intended to measure the activity of the
hematological, and metabolic dis- enzyme biotinidase in blood. Measure-
orders, including hepatitis and gall ments of biotinidase are used in the
bladder block. treatment and diagnosis of biotinidase
(b) Classification. Class II. deficiency, an inborn error of metabo-
lism in infants, characterized by the
§ 862.1113 Bilirubin (total and un- inability to utilize dietary protein
bound) in the neonate test system. bound vitamin or to recycle endoge-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
(a) Identification. A bilirubin (total nous biotin. The deficiency may result
and unbound) in the neonate test sys- in irreversible neurological impair-
tem is a device intended to measure ment.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 862.1155
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§ 862.1160 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
§ 862.1163 Cardiac allograft gene ex- § 862.1175 Cholesterol (total) test sys-
pression profiling test system. tem.
(a) Identification. A cardiac allograft (a) Identification. A cholesterol (total)
gene expression profiling test system is test system is a device intended to
a device that measures the ribonucleic measure cholesterol in plasma and
acid (RNA) expression level of multiple serum. Cholesterol measurements are
genes and combines this information to used in the diagnosis and treatment of
yield a signature (pattern, classifier, disorders involving excess cholesterol
index, score) to aid in the identifica- in the blood and lipid and lipoprotein
tion of a low probability of acute cel- metabolism disorders.
lular rejection (ACR) in heart trans- (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
plant recipients with stable allograft trols). The device is exempt from the
function. premarket notification procedures in
(b) Classification. Class II (special subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
controls). The special control is FDA’s subject to § 862.9.
guidance document entitled ‘‘Class II
Special Controls Guidance Document: [52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 65
Cardiac Allograft Gene Expression FR 2305, Jan. 14, 2000]
Profiling Test Systems.’’ See § 862.1(d)
for the availability of this guidance § 862.1177 Cholylglycine test system.
document. (a) Identification. A cholylglycine test
[74 FR 53885, Oct. 21, 2009] system is a device intended to measure
the bile acid cholylglycine in serum.
§ 862.1165 Catecholamines (total) test Measurements obtained by this device
system. are used in the diagnosis and treat-
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 862.1205
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§ 862.1210 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 862.1260
[52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 65 [52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 65
FR 2306, Jan. 14, 2000] FR 2306, Jan. 14, 2000]
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§ 862.1265 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- [52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 53
trols). The device is exempt from the FR 21449, June 8, 1988; 66 FR 38787, July 25,
premarket notification procedures in 2001]
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 862.1325
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§ 862.1330 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 862.1355
automated insulin dosing systems, and (D) For all iCGM measurements less
are intended to be used alone or in con- than 70 mg/dL, the percentage of iCGM
junction with these digitally connected measurements within ±40 mg/dL of the
medical devices for the purpose of man- corresponding blood glucose value
aging a disease or condition related to must be calculated, and the lower one-
glycemic control. sided 95 percent confidence bound must
(b) Classification. Class II (special exceed 98 percent.
controls). The special controls for this (E) For all iCGM measurements from
device are: 70 mg/dL to 180 mg/dL, the percentage
(1) Design verification and validation of iCGM measurements within ±40 per-
must include the following: cent of the corresponding blood glucose
(i) Robust clinical data dem- value must be calculated, and the
onstrating the accuracy of the device lower one-sided 95 percent confidence
in the intended use population. bound must exceed 99 percent.
(ii) The clinical data must include a (F) For all iCGM measurements
comparison between iCGM values and greater than180 mg/dL, the percentage
blood glucose values in specimens col- of iCGM measurements within ±40 per-
lected in parallel that are measured on cent of the corresponding blood glucose
an FDA-accepted laboratory-based glu- value must be calculated, and the
cose measurement method that is pre- lower one-sided 95 percent confidence
cise and accurate, and that is traceable bound must exceed 99 percent.
to a higher order (e.g., an internation- (G) Throughout the device measuring
ally recognized reference material and/ range, the percentage of iCGM meas-
or method). urements within ±20 percent of the cor-
(iii) The clinical data must be ob- responding blood glucose value must be
tained from a clinical study designed calculated, and the lower one-sided 95
to fully represent the performance of percent confidence bound must exceed
the device throughout the intended use 87 percent.
population and throughout the meas- (H) When iCGM values are less than
uring range of the device. 70 mg/dL, no corresponding blood glu-
(iv) Clinical study results must dem- cose value shall read above 180 mg/dL.
onstrate consistent analytical and clin- (I) When iCGM values are greater
ical performance throughout the sensor than 180 mg/dL, no corresponding blood
wear period. glucose value shall read less than 70
(v) Clinical study results in the adult mg/dL.
population must meet the following (J) There shall be no more than 1 per-
performance requirements: cent of iCGM measurements that indi-
(A) For all iCGM measurements less cate a positive glucose rate of change
than 70 milligrams/deciliter (mg/dL), greater than 1 mg/dL per minute (/min)
the percentage of iCGM measurements when the corresponding true negative
within ±15 mg/dL of the corresponding glucose rate of change is less than ¥2
blood glucose value must be calculated, mg/dL/min as determined by the cor-
and the lower one-sided 95 percent con- responding blood glucose measure-
fidence bound must exceed 85 percent. ments.
(B) For all iCGM measurements from (K) There shall be no more than 1
70 mg/dL to 180 mg/dL, the percentage percent of iCGM measurements that in-
of iCGM measurements within ±15 per- dicate a negative glucose rate of
cent of the corresponding blood glucose change less than ¥1 mg/dL/min when
value must be calculated, and the the corresponding true positive glucose
lower one-sided 95 percent confidence rate of change is greater than 2 mg/dL/
bound must exceed 70 percent. min as determined by the cor-
(C) For all iCGM measurements responding blood glucose measure-
greater than 180 mg/dL, the percentage ments.
of iCGM measurements within ±15 per- (vi) Data demonstrating similar ac-
cent of the corresponding blood glucose curacy and rate of change performance
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
value must be calculated, and the of the iCGM in the pediatric population
lower one-sided 95 percent confidence as compared to that in the adult popu-
bound must exceed 80 percent. lation, or alternatively a clinical and/
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§ 862.1356 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
or technical justification for why pedi- dL, greater than 180 to 250 mg/dL, and
atric data are not needed, must be pro- greater than 250 mg/dL.
vided and determined by FDA to be ac- (ii) A description of the accuracy of
ceptable and appropriate. positive and negative rate of change
(vii) Data must demonstrate that data.
throughout the claimed sensor life, the (iii) A description of the frequency
device does not allow clinically signifi- and duration of gaps in sensor data.
cant gaps in sensor data availability (iv) A description of the true, false,
that would prevent any digitally con- missed, and correct alert rates and a
nected devices from achieving their in- description of the available glucose
tended use. concentration alert settings, if applica-
(2) Design verification and validation ble.
must include a detailed strategy to en- (v) A description of the observed du-
sure secure and reliable means of iCGM ration of iCGM life for the device.
data transmission to provide real-time [87 FR 9238, Feb. 18, 2022]
glucose readings at clinically meaning-
ful time intervals to devices intended § 862.1356 Interoperable automated
to receive the iCGM glucose data. glycemic controller.
(3) Design verification and validation (a) Identification. An interoperable
must include adequate controls estab- automated glycemic controller is a de-
lished during manufacturing and at vice intended to automatically cal-
product release to ensure the released culate drug doses based on inputs such
product meets the performance speci- as glucose and other relevant physio-
fications as defined in paragraphs (b)(1) logical parameters, and to command
and (b)(2) of this section. the delivery of such drug doses from a
(4) The device must demonstrate connected infusion pump. Interoper-
clinically acceptable performance in able automated glycemic controllers
the presence of clinically relevant lev- are designed to reliably and securely
els of potential interfering substances communicate with digitally connected
that are reasonably present in the in- devices to allow drug delivery com-
tended use population, including but mands to be sent, received, executed,
not limited to endogenous substances and confirmed. Interoperable auto-
and metabolites, foods, dietary supple- mated glycemic controllers are in-
ments, and medications. tended to be used in conjunction with
(5) The device must include appro- digitally connected devices for the pur-
priate measures to ensure that dispos- pose of maintaining glycemic control.
able sensors cannot be used beyond its (b) Classification. Class II (special
claimed sensor wear period. controls). The special controls for this
(6) Design verification and validation device are:
must include results obtained through (1) Design verification and validation
a usability study that demonstrates must include:
that the intended user can use the de- (i) An appropriate, as determined by
vice safely and obtain the expected glu- FDA, clinical implementation strat-
cose measurement accuracy. egy, including data demonstrating ap-
(7) The labeling required under propriate, as determined by FDA, clin-
§ 809.10(b) of this chapter must include ical performance of the device for its
a separate description of the following intended use, including all of its indi-
sensor performance data observed in cations for use.
the clinical study performed in con- (A) The clinical data must be rep-
formance with paragraph (b)(1) of this resentative of the performance of the
section for each intended use popu- device in the intended use population
lation, in addition to separate sensor and in clinically relevant use scenarios
performance data for each different and sufficient to demonstrate appro-
iCGM insertion or use sites (e.g., abdo- priate, as determined by FDA, clinical
men, arm, buttock): performance of the device for its in-
(i) A description of the accuracy in tended use, including all of its indica-
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 862.1356
same therapeutic effect (e.g., more are digitally connected to the con-
than one type of insulin), data dem- troller.
onstrating performance with each (2) Design verification and validation
product or, alternatively, an appro- documentation must include appro-
priate, as determined by FDA, clinical priate design inputs and design outputs
justification for why such data are not that are essential for the proper func-
needed. tioning of the device that have been
(C) When determined to be necessary documented and include the following:
by FDA, the strategy must include (i) Risk control measures to address
postmarket data collection to confirm device system hazards;
safe real-world use and monitor for (ii) Design decisions related to how
rare adverse events. the risk control measures impact es-
(ii) Results obtained through a sential performance; and
human factors study that dem- (iii) A traceability analysis dem-
onstrates that an intended user can onstrating that all hazards are ade-
safely use the device for its intended quately controlled and that all con-
use. trols have been validated in the final
(iii) A detailed and appropriate, as device design.
determined by FDA, strategy to ensure (3) The device shall include appro-
secure and reliable means of data priate, as determined by FDA, and vali-
dated interface specifications for
transmission with other intended con-
digitally connected devices. These
nected devices.
interface specifications shall, at a min-
(iv) Specifications that are appro-
imum, provide for the following:
priate, as determined by FDA, for con- (i) Secure authentication (pairing) to
nected devices that shall be eligible to connected devices;
provide input to (e.g., specification of (ii) Secure, accurate, and reliable
glucose sensor performance) or accept means of data transmission between
commands from (e.g., specifications for the controller and connected devices;
drug infusion pump performance) the (iii) Sharing of necessary state infor-
controller, and a detailed strategy for mation between the controller and any
ensuring that connected devices meet connected devices (e.g., battery level,
these specifications. reservoir level, sensor use life, pump
(v) Specifications for devices respon- status, error conditions);
sible for hosting the controller, and a (iv) Ensuring that the controller con-
detailed and appropriate, as deter- tinues to operate safely when data is
mined by FDA, strategy for ensuring received in a manner outside the
that the specifications are met by the bounds of the parameters specified;
hosting devices. (v) A detailed process and procedures
(vi) Documentation demonstrating for sharing the controller’s interface
that appropriate, as determined by specification with connected devices
FDA, measures are in place (e.g., vali- and for validating the correct imple-
dated device design features) to ensure mentation of that protocol; and
that safe therapy is maintained when (vi) A mechanism for updating the
communication with digitally con- controller software, including any soft-
nected devices is interrupted, lost, or ware that is required for operation of
re-established after an interruption. the controller in a manner that ensures
Validation testing results must dem- its safety and performance.
onstrate that critical events that occur (4) The device design must ensure
during a loss of communications (e.g., that a record of critical events is
commands, device malfunctions, occlu- stored and accessible for an adequate
sions, etc.) are handled and logged ap- period to allow for auditing of commu-
propriately during and after the inter- nications between digitally connected
ruption to maintain patient safety. devices, and to facilitate the sharing of
(vii) A detailed plan and procedure pertinent information with the respon-
for assigning postmarket responsibil- sible parties for those connected de-
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§ 862.1358 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(i) Commands issued by the con- this device has been determined to be
troller, and associated confirmations unsafe.
the controller receives from digitally (iii) A prominent statement identi-
connected devices; fying by name the therapeutic agents
(ii) Malfunctions of the controller that are compatible with the con-
and malfunctions reported to the con- troller, including their identity and
troller by digitally connected devices concentration, as appropriate.
(e.g., infusion pump occlusion, glucose (iv) The identity of those digitally
sensor shut down); connected devices with which the con-
(iii) Alarms and alerts and associated troller can be used, including descrip-
acknowledgements from the controller tions of the specific system configura-
as well as those reported to the con- tions that can be used, per the detailed
troller by digitally connected devices; strategy submitted under paragraph
(b)(1)(iii) of this section.
(v) A comprehensive description of
(iv) Connectivity events (e.g., estab- representative clinical performance in
lishment or loss of communications). the hands of the intended user, includ-
(5) The device must only receive glu- ing information specific to use in the
cose input from devices cleared under pediatric use population, as appro-
§ 862.1355 (integrated continuous glu- priate.
cose monitoring system), unless FDA (vi) A comprehensive description of
determines an alternate type of glucose safety of the device, including, for ex-
input device is designed appropriately ample, the incidence of severe hypo-
to allow the controller to meet the spe- glycemia, diabetic ketoacidosis, and
cial controls contained within this sec- other relevant adverse events observed
tion. in a study conducted to satisfy para-
(6) The device must only command graph (b)(1)(i) of this section.
drug delivery from devices cleared (vii) For wireless connection enabled
under § 880.5730 of this chapter (alter- devices, a description of the wireless
nate controller enabled infusion pump), quality of service required for proper
unless FDA determines an alternate use of the device.
type of drug infusion pump device is (viii) For any controller with hard-
designed appropriately to allow the ware components intended for multiple
controller to meet the special controls patient reuse, instructions for safely
contained within this section. reprocessing the hardware components
(7) An appropriate, as determined by between uses.
FDA, training plan must be established [87 FR 14172, Mar. 14, 2022]
for users and healthcare providers to
assure the safety and performance of § 862.1358 Insulin therapy adjustment
the device when used. This may in- device.
clude, but not be limited to, training (a) Identification. An insulin therapy
on device contraindications, situations adjustment device is a device intended
in which the device should not be used, to incorporate biological inputs, in-
notable differences in device cluding glucose measurement data
functionality or features compared to from a continuous glucose monitor, to
similar alternative therapies, and in- recommend insulin therapy adjust-
formation to help prescribers identify ments as an aid in optimizing insulin
suitable candidate patients, as applica- therapy regimens for patients with dia-
ble. betes mellitus.
(8) The labeling required under (b) Classification. Class II (special
§ 809.10(b) of this chapter must include: controls). The special controls for this
(i) A contraindication for use in pedi- device are:
atric populations except to the extent (1) Design verification and validation
clinical performance data or other must include the following:
available information demonstrates (i) A complete description of the re-
that it can be safely used in pediatric quired data inputs, including time-
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 862.1370
zone changes due to travel). trols). The device is exempt from the
[83 FR 54874, Nov. 1, 2018] premarket notification procedures in
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§ 862.1373 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter hemoglobin variants with low fre-
subject to § 862.9. quency in the population is observed, a
[52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 65
warning statement must be placed in a
FR 2306, Jan. 14, 2000] black box and must appear in all label-
ing material for these devices describ-
§ 862.1373 Hemoglobin A1c test system. ing the interference and any affected
(a) Identification. A hemoglobin A1c populations.
test system is a device used to measure [79 FR 50551, Aug. 25, 2014]
the percentage concentration of hemo-
globin A1c in blood. Measurement of § 862.1375 Histidine test system.
hemoglobin A1c is used as an aid in the (a) Identification. A histidine test sys-
diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and as an tem is a device intended to measure
aid in the identification of patients at free histidine (an amino acid) in plas-
risk for developing diabetes mellitus. ma and urine. Histidine measurements
(b) Classification. Class II (special are used in the diagnosis and treat-
controls). The special controls for this ment of hereditary histidinemia char-
device are: acterized by excess histidine in the
(1) The device must have initial and blood and urine often resulting in men-
annual standardization verification by tal retardation and disordered speech
a certifying glycohemoglobin standard- development.
ization organization deemed acceptable (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
by FDA. trols). The device is exempt from the
(2) The premarket notification sub-
premarket notification procedures in
mission must include performance
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
testing to evaluate precision, accuracy,
subject to § 862.9.
linearity, and interference, including
the following: [52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 65
(i) Performance testing of device pre- FR 2306, Jan. 14, 2000]
cision must, at a minimum, use blood
samples with concentrations near 5.0 § 862.1377 Urinary homocystine (non-
quantitative) test system.
percent, 6.5 percent, 8.0 percent, and 12
percent hemoglobin A1c. This testing (a) Identification. A urinary
must evaluate precision over a min- homocystine (nonquantitative) test
imum of 20 days using at least three system is a device intended to identify
lots of the device and three instru- homocystine (an analogue of the amino
ments, as applicable. acid cystine) in urine. The identifica-
(ii) Performance testing of device ac- tion of urinary homocystine is used in
curacy must include a minimum of 120 the diagnosis and treatment of
blood samples that span the measuring homocystinuria (homosystine in
interval of the device and compare re- urine), a heritable metabolic disorder
sults of the new device to results of a which may cause mental retardation.
standardized test method. Results (b) Classification. Class II.
must demonstrate little or no bias
versus the standardized method. § 862.1380 Hydroxybutyric dehydro-
(iii) Total error of the new device genase test system.
must be evaluated using single meas- (a) Identification. A hydroxybutyric
urements by the new device compared dehydrogenase test system is a device
to results of the standardized test intended to measure the activity of the
method, and this evaluation must dem- enzyme alpha-hydroxybutric dehydro-
onstrate a total error less than or genase (HBD) in plasma or serum. HBD
equal to 6 percent. measurements are used in the diag-
(iv) Performance testing must dem- nosis and treatment of myocardial in-
onstrate that there is little to no inter- farction, renal damage (such as rejec-
ference from common hemoglobin tion of transplants), certain
variants, including Hemoglobin C, He- hematological diseases (such as acute
moglobin D, Hemoglobin E, Hemo- leukemias and megaloblastic anemias)
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 862.1405
[52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 65 [52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 65
FR 2306, Jan. 14, 2000] FR 2306, Jan. 14, 2000]
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§ 862.1410 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
§ 862.1410 Iron (non-heme) test system. subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
subject to the limitations in § 862.9.
(a) Identification. An iron (non-heme)
test system is a device intended to [52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 53
measure iron (non-heme) in serum and FR 21449, June 8, 1988; 66 FR 38788, July 25,
plasma. Iron (non-heme) measurements 2001]
are used in the diagnosis and treat-
§ 862.1430 17-Ketosteroids test system.
ment of diseases such as iron defi-
ciency anemia, hemochromatosis (a (a) Identification. A 17-ketosteroids
disease associated with widespread de- test system is a device intended to
posit in the tissues of two iron-con- measure 17-ketosteroids in urine. Meas-
taining pigments, hemosiderin and urements of 17-ketosteroids are used in
hemofuscin, and characterized by pig- the diagnosis and treatment of dis-
mentation of the skin), and chronic orders of the adrenal cortex and gonads
renal disease. and of other endocrine disorders, in-
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- cluding hypertension, diabetes, and
trols). The device is exempt from the hypothyroidism.
premarket notification procedures in (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter trols). The device is exempt from the
subject to the limitations in § 862.9. premarket notification procedures in
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
[52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 84 subject to § 862.9.
FR 71796, Dec. 30, 2019]
[52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 65
§ 862.1415 Iron-binding capacity test FR 2307, Jan. 14, 2000]
§ 862.1435 Ketones (nonquantitative)
(a) Identification. An iron-binding ca- test system.
pacity test system is a device intended (a) Identification. A ketones (non-
to measure iron-binding capacity in quantitative) test system is a device
serum. Iron-binding capacity measure- intended to identify ketones in urine
ments are used in the diagnosis and and other body fluids. Identification of
treatment of anemia. ketones is used in the diagnosis and
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- treatment of acidosis (a condition
trols). The device is exempt from the characterized by abnormally high acid-
premarket notification procedures in ity of body fluids) or ketosis (a condi-
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter tion characterized by increased produc-
subject to the limitations in § 862.9. tion of ketone bodies such as acetone)
[52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 84 and for monitoring patients on
FR 71796, Dec. 30, 2019] ketogenic diets and patients with dia-
§ 862.1420 Isocitric dehydrogenase test (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
system. trols). The device is exempt from the
(a) Identification. An isocitric dehy- premarket notification procedures in
drogenase test system is a device in- subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
tended to measure the activity of the subject to § 862.9.
enzyme isocitric dehydrogenase in [52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 65
serum and plasma. Isocitric dehydro- FR 2307, Jan. 14, 2000]
genase measurements are used in the
diagnosis and treatment of liver dis- § 862.1440 Lactate dehydrogenase test
ease such as viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, system.
or acute inflammation of the biliary (a) Identification. A lactate dehydro-
tract; pulmonary disease such as pul- genase test system is a device intended
monary infarction (local arrest or sud- to measure the activity of the enzyme
den insufficiency of the blood supply to lactate dehydrogenase in serum. Lac-
the lungs), and diseases associated with tate dehydrogenase measurements are
pregnancy. used in the diagnosis and treatment of
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- liver diseases such as acute viral hepa-
trols). The device is exempt from the titis, cirrhosis, and metastatic car-
premarket notification procedures in cinoma of the liver, cardiac diseases
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 862.1470
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§ 862.1475 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 862.1540
tions between liver and bone diseases system is a device intended to measure
in the presence of elevated serum alka- ionic and nonionic solute concentra-
line phosphatase activity. tion in body fluids, such as serum and
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§ 862.1542 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 862.1595
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§ 862.1600 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(a) Identification. A pregnenolone test tients with liver disease for the dif-
system is a device intended to measure ferent risk categories (e.g., at lower
pregnenolone (a precursor in the bio- risk, at higher risk) for progression of
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 862.1635
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§ 862.1640 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
subject to § 862.9. subject to § 862.9.
[52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 63 [52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 65
FR 59225, Nov. 3, 1998] FR 2308, Jan. 14, 2000]
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- FR 2308, Jan. 14, 2000, 84 FR 71796, Dec. 30,
trols). The device is exempt from the 2019]
premarket notification procedures in
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 862.1690
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§ 862.1695 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
by the anterior pituitary are used in vice intended to measure the hormone
the diagnosis of thyroid or pituitary triiodothyronine in serum and plasma.
disorders. Measurements obtained by this device
(b) Classification. Class II. are used in the diagnosis and treat-
ment of thyroid diseases such as hyper-
§ 862.1695 Free thyroxine test system.
(a) Identification. A free thyroxine (b) Classification. Class II. This device
test system is a device intended to is exempt from the premarket notifica-
measure free (not protein bound) tion procedures in subpart E of part 807
thyroxine (thyroid hormone) in serum of this chapter subject to the limita-
or plasma. Levels of free thyroxine in tions in § 862.9.
plasma are thought to reflect the
amount of thyroxine hormone avail- [52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 65
able to the cells and may therefore de- FR 62286, Oct. 18, 2000]
termine the clinical metabolic status
of thyroxine. Measurements obtained § 862.1715 Triiodothyronine uptake
by this device are used in the diagnosis test system.
and treatment of thyroid diseases. (a) Identification. A triiodothyronine
(b) Classification. Class II. uptake test system is a device intended
to measure the total amount of binding
§ 862.1700 Total thyroxine test system. sites available for binding thyroid hor-
(a) Identification. A total thyroxine mone on the thyroxine-binding pro-
test system is a device intended to teins, thyroid-binding globulin,
measure total (free and protein bound) thyroxine-binding prealbumin, and al-
thyroxine (thyroid hormone) in serum bumin of serum and plasma. The device
and plasma. Measurements obtained by provides an indirect measurement of
this device are used in the diagnosis thyrkoxine levels in serum and plasma.
and treatment of thyroid diseases. Measurements of triiodothyronine up-
(b) Classification. Class II (special take are used in the diagnosis and
controls). The device is exempt from treatment of thyroid disorders.
the premarket notification procedures (b) Classification. Class II. The device
in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter is exempt from the premarket notifica-
subject to the limitations in § 862.9.
tion procedures in subpart E of part 807
[52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 84 of this chapter subject to the limita-
FR 71797, Dec. 30, 2019] tions in § 862.9.
§ 862.1705 Triglyceride test system. [52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 64
FR 1124, Jan. 8, 1999]
(a) Identification. A triglyceride test
system is a device intended to measure § 862.1720 Triose phosphate isomerase
triglyceride (neutral fat) in serum and test system.
plasma. Measurements obtained by this
device are used in the diagnosis and (a) Identification. A triose phosphate
treatment of patients with diabetes isomerase test system is a device in-
mellitus, nephrosis, liver obstruction, tended to measure the activity of the
other diseases involving lipid metabo- enzyme triose phosphate isomerase in
lism, or various endocrine disorders. erythrocytes (red blood cells). Triose
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- phosphate isomerase is an enzyme im-
trols). The device is exempt from the portant in glycolysis (the energy-yield-
premarket notification procedures in ing conversion of glucose to lactic acid
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter in various tissues). Measurements ob-
subject to § 862.9. tained by this device are used in the di-
[52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 65 agnosis and treatment of congenital
FR 2308, Jan. 14, 2000] triose phosphate isomerase enzyme de-
ficiency, which causes a type of hemo-
§ 862.1710 Total triiodothyronine test lytic anemia.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 862.1790
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§ 862.1795 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 862.2050
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§ 862.2100 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 862.2265
preparing filtrates, heating, and meas- § 862.2260 High pressure liquid chro-
uring color intensity. The distin- matography system for clinical use.
guishing characteristic of the device is (a) Identification. A high pressure liq-
that it requires only micro volume uid chromatography system for clinical
samples obtainable from pediatric pa- use is a device intended to separate one
tients. This device is intended for use or more drugs or compounds from a so-
in conjunction with certain materials lution by processing the mixture of
to measure a variety of analytes. compounds (solutes) through a column
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- packed with materials of uniform size
trols). The device is exempt from the (stationary phase) under the influence
premarket notification procedures in of a high pressure liquid (mobile
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter phase). Separation of the solutes oc-
subject to § 862.9. curs either by absorption, sieving, par-
tition, or selective affinity.
[52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 65
FR 2309, Jan. 14, 2000] (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
trols). The device is exempt from the
§ 862.2230 Chromatographic separa- premarket notification procedures in
tion material for clinical use. subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
subject to § 862.9.
(a) Identification. A chromatographic
separation material for clinical use is a [52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 65
device accessory (e.g., ion exchange FR 2309, Jan. 14, 2000]
absorbents, ion exchagne resins, and
ion papers) intended for use in ion ex- § 862.2265 High throughput genomic
sequence analyzer for clinical use.
change chromatography, a procedure in
which a compound is separated from a (a) Identification. A high throughput
solution. genomic sequence analyzer for clinical
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- use is an analytical instrument system
trols). The device is exempt from the intended to generate, measure and sort
premarket notification procedures in signals in order to analyze nucleic acid
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter sequences in a clinical sample. The de-
vice may include a signal reader unit;
subject to the limitations in § 862.9.
reagent handling, dedicated instrument
[52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 61 control, and other hardware compo-
FR 1119, Jan. 16, 1996; 66 FR 38788, July 25, nents; raw data storage mechanisms;
2001] data acquisition software; and software
to process detected signals.
§ 862.2250 Gas liquid chromatography (b) Classification. Class II (special
system for clinical use.
controls). The device is exempt from
(a) Identification. A gas liquid chro- the premarket notification procedures
matography system for clinical use is a in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
device intended to separate one or subject to the limitations in § 862.9. The
more drugs or compounds from a mix- special controls for this device are:
ture. Each of the constituents in a va- (1) The labeling for the instrument
porized mixture of compounds is sepa- system must reference legally mar-
rated according to its vapor pressure. keted pre-analytical and analytical re-
The device may include accessories agents to be used with the instrument
such as columns, gases, column sup- system and include or reference legally
ports, and liquid coating. marketed analytical software that in-
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- cludes sequence alignment and variant
trols). The device is exempt from the calling functions, to be used with the
premarket notification procedures in instrument system.
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter (2) The labeling for the instrument
subject to § 862.9. system must include a description of
the following information:
[52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 65
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§ 862.2270 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(ii) The type(s) of nucleic acids (e.g., may interfere with the instrument sys-
germline DNA, tumor DNA) validated tem.
with this instrument. (D) If applicable, data demonstrating
(iii) The type(s) of sequence vari- the ability of the system to consist-
ations (e.g. single nucleotide variants, ently generate an accurate result for a
insertions, deletions) validated with given sample across different indexing
this instrument. primer combinations.
(iv) The type(s) of sequencing (e.g., (ix) The upper and lower limit of
targeted sequencing) validated with input nucleic acid that will achieve the
this instrument. claimed accuracy and reproducibility.
Data supporting such claims must also
(v) The appropriate read depth for
be summarized.
the sensitivity claimed and validation
information supporting those claims. [82 FR 13552, Mar. 14, 2017, as amended at 84
(vi) The nucleic acid extraction FR 71797, Dec. 30, 2019]
method(s) validated for use with the in- § 862.2270 Thin-layer chromatography
strument system. system for clinical use.
(vii) Limitations must specify the
(a) Identification. A thin-layer chro-
types of sequence variations that the
matography (TLC) system for clinical
instrument cannot detect with the
use is a device intended to separate one
claimed accuracy and precision (e.g.,
or more drugs or compounds from a
insertions or deletions larger than a mixture. The mixture of compounds is
certain size, translocations). absorbed onto a stationary phase or
(viii) Performance characteristics of thin layer of inert material (e.g., cel-
the instrument system must include: lulose, alumina, etc.) and eluted off by
(A) Reproducibility data generated a moving solvent (moving phase) until
using multiple instruments and mul- equilibrium occurs between the two
tiple operators, and at multiple sites. phases.
Samples tested must include all (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
claimed specimen types, nucleic acid trols). The device is exempt from the
types, sequence variation types, and premarket notification procedures in
types of sequencing. Variants queried subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
shall be located in varying sequence subject to § 862.9. Particular compo-
context (e.g., different chromosomes, nents of TLC systems, i.e., the thin-
GC-rich regions). Device results shall layer chromatography apparatus, TLC
be compared to reference sequence data atomizer, TLC developing tanks, and
with high confidence. TLC ultraviolet light, are exempt from
(B) Accuracy data for all claimed the current good manufacturing prac-
specimen types and nucleic acid types tice requirements of the quality sys-
generated by testing a panel of well tem regulation in part 820 of this chap-
characterized samples to query all ter, with the exception of § 820.180 of
claimed sequence variation types, this chapter, with respect to general
types of sequencing, and sequences lo- requirements concerning records, and
cated in varying sequence context (e.g., § 820.198 of this chapter, with respect to
different chromosomes, GC-rich re- complaint files.
gions). The well-characterized sample [52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 65
panel shall include samples from at FR 2309, Jan. 14, 2000]
least two sources that have highly con-
fident sequence based on well-validated § 862.2300 Colorimeter, photometer, or
sequencing methods. At least one ref- spectrophotometer for clinical use.
erence source shall have sequence gen- (a) Identification. A colorimeter, a
erated independently of the manufac- photometer, or a spectrophotometer
turer with respect to technology and for clinical use is an instrument in-
analysis. Percent agreement and per- tended to measure radiant energy
cent disagreement with the reference emitted, transmitted, absorbed, or re-
sequences must be described for all re- flected under controlled conditions.
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 862.2540
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§ 862.2560 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 862.2860
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§ 862.2900 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 862.3170
A breath nitric oxide test system com- § 862.3120 Arsenic test system.
bines chemiluminescence detection of
(a) Identification. An arsenic test sys-
nitric oxide with a pneumotachograph,
tem is a device intended to measure ar-
display, and dedicated software.
senic, a poisonous heavy metal, in
(b) Classification. Class II (special
urine, vomitus, stomach contents,
controls). The special control is FDA’s
nails, hair, and blood. Measurements
guidance entitled ‘‘Class II Special
obtained by this device are used in the
Controls Guidance Document: Breath
diagnosis and treatment of arsenic poi-
Nitric Oxide Test System.’’ See
§ 862.1(d) for the availability of this
(b) Classification. Class I.
guidance document.
[68 FR 40127, July 7, 2003] § 862.3150 Barbiturate test system.
(a) Identification. A barbiturate test
§ 862.3100 Amphetamine test system. system is a device intended to measure
(a) Identification. An amphetamine barbiturates, a class of hypnotic and
test system is a device intended to sedative drugs, in serum, urine, and
measure amphetamine, a central nerv- gastric contents. Measurements ob-
ous system stimulating drug, in plasma tained by this device are used in the di-
and urine. Measurements obtained by agnosis and treatment of barbiturate
this device are used in the diagnosis use or overdose and in monitoring lev-
and treatment of amphetamine use or els of barbiturate to ensure appropriate
overdose and in monitoring levels of therapy.
amphetamine to ensure appropriate (b) Classification. Class II (special
therapy. controls). A barbiturate test system is
(b) Classification. Class II (special not exempt if it is intended for any use
controls). An amphetamine test system other than employment or insurance
is not exempt if it is intended for any testing or is intended for Federal drug
use other than employment or insur- testing programs. The device is exempt
ance testing or is intended for Federal from the premarket notification proce-
drug testing programs. The device is dures in subpart E of part 807 of this
exempt from the premarket notifica- chapter subject to the limitations in
tion procedures in subpart E of part 807 § 862.9, provided the test system is in-
of this chapter subject to the limita- tended for employment and insurance
tions in § 862.9, provided the test sys- testing and includes a statement in the
tem is intended for employment and in- labeling that the device is intended
surance testing and includes a state- solely for use in employment and in-
ment in the labeling that the device is surance testing, and does not include
intended solely for use in employment devices intended for Federal drug test-
and insurance testing, and does not in- ing programs (e.g., programs run by the
clude devices intended for Federal drug Substance Abuse and Mental Health
testing programs (e.g., programs run by Services Administration (SAMHSA),
the Substance Abuse and Mental the Department of Transportation
Health Services Administration (DOT), and the U.S. military).
(SAMHSA), the Department of Trans- [52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 84
portation (DOT), and the U.S. mili- FR 71797, Dec. 30, 2019]
[52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 84 § 862.3170 Benzodiazepine test system.
FR 71797, Dec. 30, 2019] (a) Identification. A benzodiazepine
test system is a device intended to
§ 862.3110 Antimony test system. measure any of the benzodiazepine
(a) Identification. An antimony test compounds, sedative and hypnotic
system is a device intended to measure drugs, in blood, plasma, and urine. The
antimony, a heavy metal, in urine, benzodiazepine compounds include
blood, vomitus, and stomach contents. chlordiazepoxide, diazepam, oxazepam,
Measurements obtained by this device chlorzepate, flurazepam, and
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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§ 862.3200 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 862.3360
and includes a statement in the label- (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
ing that the device is intended solely trols). The device is exempt from the
for use in employment and insurance premarket notification procedures in
testing, and does not include devices subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
intended for Federal drug testing pro- subject to the limitations in § 862.9.
grams (e.g., programs run by the Sub-
[52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 65
stance Abuse and Mental Health Serv- FR 2309, Jan. 14, 2000, 84 FR 71798, Dec. 30,
ices Administration (SAMHSA), the 2019]
Department of Transportation (DOT),
and the U.S. military). § 862.3300 Digitoxin test system.
[52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 84 (a) Identification. A digitoxin test sys-
FR 71797, Dec. 30, 2019] tem is a device intended to measure
digitoxin, a cardiovascular drug, in
§ 862.3270 Codeine test system. serum and plasma. Measurements ob-
(a) Identification. A codeine test sys- tained by this device are used in the di-
tem is a device intended to measure co- agnosis and treatment of digitoxin
deine (a narcotic pain-relieving drug) overdose and in monitoring levels of
in serum and urine. Measurements ob- digitoxin to ensure appropriate ther-
tained by this device are used in the di- apy.
agnosis and treatment of codeine use (b) Classification. Class II.
or overdose and in monitoring levels of
codeine to ensure appropriate therapy. § 862.3320 Digoxin test system.
(b) Classification. Class II (special (a) Identification. A digoxin test sys-
controls). A codeine test system is not tem is a device intended to measure
exempt if it is intended for any use digoxin, a cardiovascular drug, in
other than employment or insurance serum and plasma. Measurements ob-
testing or is intended for Federal drug tained by this device are used in the di-
testing programs. The device is exempt agnosis and treatment of digoxin over-
from the premarket notification proce- dose and in monitoring levels of dig-
dures in subpart E of part 807 of this oxin to ensure appropriate therapy.
chapter subject to the limitations in (b) Classification. Class II.
§ 862.9, provided the test system is in-
tended for employment and insurance § 862.3350 Diphenylhydantoin test sys-
testing and includes a statement in the tem.
labeling that the device is intended (a) Identification. A diphenylhydan-
solely for use in employment and in- toin test system is a device intended to
surance testing, and does not include measure diphenylhydantoin, an
devices intended for Federal drug test- antiepileptic drug, in human speci-
ing programs (e.g., programs run by the mens. Measurements obtained by this
Substance Abuse and Mental Health device are used in the diagnosis and
Services Administration (SAMHSA), treatment of diphenylhydantoin over-
the Department of Transportation dose and in monitoring levels of di-
(DOT), and the U.S. military). phenylhydantoin to ensure appropriate
[52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 84 therapy.
FR 71798, Dec. 30, 2019] (b) Classification. Class II.
neric type of device includes various tabolizing enzyme. This device is used
single, and multi-analyte control ma- as an aid in determining treatment
terials. choice and individualizing treatment
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§ 862.3380 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
dose for therapeutics that are metabo- § 862.3555 Lidocaine test system.
lized primarily by the specific enzyme (a) Identification. A lidocaine test sys-
about which the system provides tem is a device intended to measure
genotypic information. lidocaine, an antiarrythmic and
(b) Classification. Class II (special anticonvulsant drug, in serum and
controls). The special control is FDA’s plasma. Measurements obtained by this
guidance document entitled ‘‘Class II device are used in the diagnosis and
Special Controls Guidance Document: treatment of lidocaine overdose or in
Drug Metabolizing Enzyme Genotyping monitoring levels of lidocaine to en-
Test System.’’ See § 862.1(d) for the sure appropriate therapy.
availability of this guidance document. (b) Classification. Class II.
[70 FR 11867, Mar. 10, 2005]
§ 862.3560 Lithium test system.
§ 862.3380 Ethosuximide test system. (a) Identification. A lithium test sys-
tem is a device intended to measure
(a) Identification. An ethosuximide
lithium (from the drug lithium car-
test system is a device intended to bonate) in serum or plasma. Measure-
measure ethosuximide, an antiepileptic ments of lithium are used to assure
drug, in human specimens. Measure- that the proper drug dosage is adminis-
ments obtained by this device are used tered in the treatment of patients with
in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disturbances, such as manic-de-
ethosuximide overdose and in moni- pressive illness (bipolar disorder).
toring levels of ethosuximide to ensure (b) Classification. Class II.
appropriate therapy.
(b) Classification. Class II. § 862.3580 Lysergic acid diethylamide
(LSD) test system.
§ 862.3450 Gentamicin test system. (a) Identification. A lysergic acid
(a) Identification. A gentamicin test diethylamide (LSD) test system is a
system is a device intended to measure device intended to measure lysergic
gentamicin, an antibiotic drug, in acid diethylamide, a hallucinogenic
human specimens. Measurements ob- drug, in serum, urine, and gastric con-
tained by this device are used in the di- tents. Measurements obtained by this
agnosis and treatment of gentamicin device are used in the diagnosis and
overdose and in monitoring levels of treatment of LSD use or overdose.
gentamicin to ensure appropriate ther- (b) Classification. Class II (special
apy. controls). A lysergic acid diethylamide
(b) Classification. Class II. (LSD) test system is not exempt if it is
intended for any use other than em-
§ 862.3520 Kanamycin test system. ployment or insurance testing or is in-
tended for Federal drug testing pro-
(a) Identification. A kanamycin test grams. The device is exempt from the
system is a device intended to measure premarket notification procedures in
kanamycin, an antibiotic drug, in plas- subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
ma and serum. Measurements obtained subject to the limitations in § 862.9,
by this device are used in the diagnosis provided the test system is intended
and treatment of kanamycin overdose for employment and insurance testing
and in monitoring levels of kanamycin and includes a statement in the label-
to ensure appropriate therapy. ing that the device is intended solely
(b) Classification. Class II. for use in employment and insurance
testing, and does not include devices
§ 862.3550 Lead test system. intended for Federal drug testing pro-
(a) Identification. A lead test system grams (e.g., programs run by the Sub-
is a device intended to measure lead, a stance Abuse and Mental Health Serv-
heavy metal, in blood and urine. Meas- ices Administration (SAMHSA), the
urements obtained by this device are Department of Transportation (DOT),
and the U.S. military).
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 862.3620
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§ 862.3630 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
to determine compliance with regula- portation (DOT), and the U.S. mili-
tions in methadone maintenance treat- tary).
ment. [52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 84
(b) Classification. Class II (special FR 71798, Dec. 30, 2019]
controls). A methadone test system is
not exempt if it is intended for any use § 862.3640 Morphine test system.
other than employment or insurance (a) Identification. A morphine test
testing or is intended for Federal drug system is a device intended to measure
testing programs. The device is exempt morphine, an addictive narcotic pain-
from the premarket notification proce- relieving drug, and its analogs in
dures in subpart E of part 807 of this serum, urine, and gastric contents.
chapter subject to the limitations in Measurements obtained by this device
§ 862.9, provided the test system is in- are used in the diagnosis and treat-
tended for employment and insurance ment of morphine use or overdose and
testing and includes a statement in the in monitoring levels of morphine and
labeling that the device is intended its analogs to ensure appropriate ther-
solely for use in employment and in- apy.
surance testing, and does not include (b) Classification. Class II (special
devices intended for Federal drug test- controls). A morphine test system is
ing programs (e.g., programs run by the not exempt if it is intended for any use
Substance Abuse and Mental Health other than employment or insurance
Services Administration (SAMHSA), testing or is intended for Federal drug
testing programs. The device is exempt
the Department of Transportation
from the premarket notification proce-
(DOT), and the U.S. military).
dures in subpart E of part 807 of this
[52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 84 chapter subject to the limitations in
FR 71798, Dec. 30, 2019] § 862.9, provided the test system is in-
tended for employment and insurance
§ 862.3630 Methaqualone test system. testing and includes a statement in the
(a) Identification. A methaqualone labeling that the device is intended
test system is a device intended to solely for use in employment and in-
measure methaqualone, a hypnotic and surance testing, and does not include
sedative drug, in urine. Measurements devices intended for Federal drug test-
obtained by this device are used in the ing programs (e.g., programs run by the
Substance Abuse and Mental Health
diagnosis and treatment of methaqua-
Services Administration (SAMHSA),
lone use or overdose.
the Department of Transportation
(b) Classification. Class II (special (DOT), and the U.S. military).
controls). A methaqualone test system
is not exempt if it is intended for any [52 FR 16122, May 1, 1987, as amended at 84
use other than employment or insur- FR 71798, Dec. 30, 2019]
ance testing or is intended for Federal § 862.3645 Neuroleptic drugs
drug testing programs. The device is radioreceptor assay test system.
exempt from the premarket notifica-
(a) Identification. A neuroleptic drugs
tion procedures in subpart E of part 807
radioceptor assay test system is a de-
of this chapter subject to the limita-
vice intended to measure in serum or
tions in § 862.9, provided the test sys- plasma the dopamine receptor blocking
tem is intended for employment and in- activity of neuroleptic drugs and their
surance testing and includes a state- active metabolites. A neuroleptic drug
ment in the labeling that the device is has anti-psychotic action affecting
intended solely for use in employment principally psychomotor activity, is
and insurance testing, and does not in- generally without hypnotic effects, and
clude devices intended for Federal drug is a tranquilizer. Measurements ob-
testing programs (e.g., programs run by tained by this device are used to aid in
the Substance Abuse and Mental determining whether a patient is tak-
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 862.3700
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§ 862.3750 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- huana, in serum, plasma, saliva, and
trols). The device is exempt from the urine. Cannabinoid compounds include
premarket notification procedure in delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol,
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS Pt. 864
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Pt. 864 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
864.9 Limitations of exemptions from sec- 864.5425 Multipurpose system for in vitro
tion 510(k) of the Federal Food, Drug, coagulation studies.
and Cosmetic Act (the act). 864.5600 Automated hematocrit instrument.
864.5620 Automated hemoglobin system.
Subpart B—Biological Stains 864.5680 Automated heparin analyzer.
864.5700 Automated platelet aggregation
864.1850 Dye and chemical solution stains. system.
864.1860 Immunohistochemistry reagents 864.5800 Automated sedimentation rate de-
and kits. vice.
864.1865 Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 864.5850 Automated slide spinner.
(CIN) test system. 864.5950 Blood volume measuring device.
864.1866 Lynch syndrome test systems.
864.1870 Early growth response 1 (EGR1) Subpart G—Manual Hematology Devices
gene fluorescence in-situ hybridization
(FISH) test system for specimen charac- 864.6100 Bleeding time device.
terization. 864.6150 Capillary blood collection tube.
864.6160 Manual blood cell counting device.
Subpart C—Cell and Tissue Culture 864.6400 Hematocrit measuring device.
Products 864.6550 Occult blood test.
864.6600 Osmotic fragility test.
864.2220 Synthetic cell and tissue culture 864.6650 Platelet adhesion test.
media and components. 864.6675 Platelet aggregometer.
864.2240 Cell and tissue culture supplies and 864.6700 Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
equipment. test.
864.2260 Chromosome culture kit.
864.2280 Cultured animal and human cells. Subpart H—Hematology Kits and
864.2360 Mycoplasma detection media and Packages
864.2800 Animal and human sera. 864.7010 Flow cytometric test system for
864.2875 Balanced salt solutions or formula- hematopoietic neoplasms.
tions. 864.7040 Adenosine triphosphate release
Subpart D—Pathology Instrumentation and 864.7060 Antithrombin III assay.
Accessories 864.7100 Red blood cell enzyme assay.
864.7140 Activated whole blood clotting time
864.3010 Tissue processing equipment. tests.
864.3250 Specimen transport and storage 864.7250 Erythropoietin assay.
container. 864.7275 Euglobulin lysis time tests.
864.3260 OTC test sample collection systems 864.7280 Factor V Leiden DNA mutation de-
for drugs of abuse testing. tection systems.
864.3300 Cytocentrifuge. 864.7290 Factor deficiency test.
864.3400 Device for sealing microsections. 864.7300 Fibrin monomer paracoagulation
864.3600 Microscopes and accessories. test.
864.3700 Whole slide imaging system. 864.7320 Fibrinogen/fibrin degradation prod-
864.3750 Software algorithm device to assist
ucts assay.
users in digital pathology.
864.7340 Fibrinogen determination system.
864.3800 Automated slide stainer.
864.7360 Erythrocytic glucose-6-phosphate
864.3875 Automated tissue processor.
dehydrogenase assay.
864.7375 Glutathione reductase assay.
Subpart E—Specimen Preparation
864.7400 Hemoglobin A2 assay.
Reagents 864.7415 Abnormal hemoglobin assay.
864.4010 General purpose reagent. 864.7425 Carboxyhemoglobin assay.
864.4020 Analyte specific reagents. 864.7440 Electrophoretic hemoglobin anal-
864.4400 Enzyme preparations. ysis system.
864.7455 Fetal hemoglobin assay.
Subpart F—Automated and Semi- 864.7470 Glycosylated hemoglobin assay.
Automated Hematology Devices 864.7490 Sulfhemoglobin assay.
864.7500 Whole blood hemoglobin assays.
864.5200 Automated cell counter. 864.7525 Heparin assay.
864.5220 Automated differential cell 864.7660 Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase
counter. test.
864.5240 Automated blood cell diluting appa- 864.7675 Leukocyte peroxidase test.
ratus. 864.7695 Platelet factor 4
864.5260 Automated cell-locating device. radioimmunoassay.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 864.3
864.7750 Prothrombin time test. 864.9875 Transfer set.
864.7825 Sickle cell test.
864.7875 Thrombin time test. Subpart K—Products Used In Establish-
864.7900 Thromboplastin generation test. ments That Manufacture Human Cells,
864.7925 Partial thromboplastin time tests. Tissues, and Cellular and Tissue-Based
Products (HCT/Ps)
Subpart I—Hematology Reagents
864.9900 Cord blood processing system and
864.8100 Bothrops atrox reagent. storage container.
864.8150 Calibrator for cell indices.
AUTHORITY: 21 U.S.C. 351, 360, 360c, 360e,
864.8165 Calibrator for hemoglobin or hem-
360j, 360l, 371.
atocrit measurement.
864.8175 Calibrator for platelet counting. EDITORIAL NOTE: Nomenclature changes to
864.8185 Calibrator for red cell and white part 864 appear at 73 FR 35341, June 23, 2008.
cell counting.
864.8200 Blood cell diluent. Subpart A—General Provisions
864.8500 Lymphocyte separation medium.
864.8540 Red cell lysing reagent. § 864.1 Scope.
864.8625 Hematology quality control mix-
ture. (a) This part sets forth the classifica-
864.8950 Russell viper venom reagent. tion of hematology and pathology de-
vices intended for human use that are
Subpart J—Products Used In Establishments in commercial distribution.
That Manufacture Blood and Blood (b) The identification of a device in a
Products regulation in this part is not a precise
description of every device that is, or
864.9050 Blood bank supplies. will be, subject to the regulation. A
864.9100 Empty container for the collection
manufacturer who submits a pre-
and processing of blood and blood compo-
market notification submission for a
864.9125 Vacuum-assisted blood collection device under part 807 may not show
system. merely that the device is accurately
864.9145 Processing system for frozen blood. described by the section title and iden-
864.9160 Blood group substances of tification provisions of a regulation in
nonhuman origin for in vitro diagnostic this part, but shall state why the de-
use. vice is substantially equivalent to
864.9165 Blood establishment computer soft- other devices, as required by § 807.87.
ware and accessories. (c) References in this part to regu-
864.9175 Automated blood grouping and
latory sections of the Code of Federal
antibody test system.
864.9185 Blood grouping view box. Regulations are to chapter I of title 21,
864.9195 Blood mixing devices and blood unless otherwise noted.
weighing devices. (d) Guidance documents referenced in
864.9205 Blood and plasma warming device. this part are available on the Internet
864.9225 Cell-freezing apparatus and re- at
agents for in vitro diagnostic use. DeviceRegulationandGuidance/
864.9245 Automated blood cell separator. GuidanceDocuments/default.htm.
864.9275 Blood bank centrifuge for in vitro
diagnostic use. [52 FR 17732, May 11, 1987, as amended at 69
864.9285 Automated cell-washing centrifuge FR 12273, Mar. 16, 2004; 78 FR 18233, Mar. 26,
for immuno-hematology. 2013; 79 FR 50552, Aug. 25, 2014]
864.9300 Automated Coombs test systems.
864.9320 Copper sulfate solution for specific § 864.3 Effective dates of requirement
gravity determinations. for premarket approval.
864.9400 Stabilized enzyme solution. A device included in this part that is
864.9550 Lectins and protectins. classified into class III (premarket ap-
864.9575 Environmental chamber for storage proval) shall not be commercially dis-
of platelet concentrate. tributed after the date shown in the
864.9600 Potentiating media for in vitro di-
regulation classifying the device unless
agnostic use.
864.9650 Quality control kit for blood bank- the manufacturer has an approval
ing reagents. under section 515 of the act (unless an
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
864.9700 Blood storage refrigerator and exemption has been granted under sec-
blood storage freezer. tion 520(g)(2) of the act). An approval
864.9750 Heat-sealing device. under section 515 of the act consists of
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§ 864.9 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
FDA’s issuance of an order approving tion 515 of the act before commercial
an application for premarket approval distribution.
(PMA) for the device or declaring com-
[52 FR 17732, May 11, 1987]
pleted a product development protocol
(PDP) for the device. § 864.9 Limitations of exemptions from
(a) Before FDA requires that a device section 510(k) of the Federal Food,
commercially distributed before the Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act).
enactment date of the amendments, or
a device that has been found substan- The exemption from the requirement
tially equivalent to such a device, has of premarket notification (section
an approval under section 515 of the act 510(k) of the act) for a generic type of
FDA must promulgate a regulation class I or II device is only to the extent
under section 515(b) of the act requir- that the device has existing or reason-
ing such approval, except as provided ably foreseeable characteristics of
in paragraph (b) of this section. Such a commercially distributed devices with-
regulation under section 515(b) of the in that generic type or, in the case of
act shall not be effective during the in vitro diagnostic devices, only to the
grace period ending on the 90th day extent that misdiagnosis as a result of
after its promulgation or on the last using the device would not be associ-
day of the 30th full calendar month ated with high morbidity or mortality.
after the regulation that classifies the Accordingly, manufacturers of any
device into class III is effective, which- commercially distributed class I or II
ever is later. See section 501(f)(2)(B) of device for which FDA has granted an
the act. Accordingly, unless an effec- exemption from the requirement of
tive date of the requirement for pre-
premarket notification must still sub-
market approval is shown in the regu-
mit a premarket notification to FDA
lation for a device classified into class
before introducing or delivering for in-
III in this part, the device may be com-
mercially distributed without FDA’s troduction into interstate commerce
issuance of an order approving a PMA for commercial distribution the device
or declaring completed a PDP for the when:
device. If FDA promulgates a regula- (a) The device is intended for a use
tion under section 515(b) of the act re- different from the intended use of a le-
quiring premarket approval for a de- gally marketed device in that generic
vice, section 501(f)(1)(A) of the act ap- type of device; e.g., the device is in-
plies to the device. tended for a different medical purpose,
(b) Any new, not substantially equiv- or the device is intended for lay use
alent, device introduced into commer- where the former intended use was by
cial distribution on or after May 28, health care professionals only;
1976, including a device formerly mar- (b) The modified device operates
keted that has been substantially al- using a different fundamental sci-
tered, is classified by statute (section entific technology than a legally mar-
513(f) of the act) into class III without keted device in that generic type of de-
any grace period and FDA must have vice; e.g., a surgical instrument cuts
issued an order approving a PMA or de- tissue with a laser beam rather than
claring completed a PDP for the device with a sharpened metal blade, or an in
before the device is commercially dis-
vitro diagnostic device detects or iden-
tributed unless it is reclassified. If
tifies infectious agents by using
FDA knows that a device being com-
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) probe or
mercially distributed may be a ‘‘new’’
device as defined in this section be- nucleic acid hybridization technology
cause of any new intended use or other rather than culture or immunoassay
reasons, FDA may codify the statutory technology; or
classification of the device into class (c) The device is an in vitro device
III for such new use. Accordingly, the that is intended:
regulation for such a class III device (1) For use in the diagnosis, moni-
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 864.1860
[45 FR 60583, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 54 and supported by valid scientific evi-
FR 25044, June 12, 1989; 66 FR 38789, July 25, dence. Examples of class II IHC’s are
2001] those intended for semiquantitative
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§ 864.1865 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
mentation and equipment, including il- (E) Device stability data, including
lustrations or photographs of non- real-time stability and shipping sta-
standard equipment or manuals. bility under various storage times,
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 864.1866
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§ 864.1870 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(G) Device stability data, including any device with a claim for a par-
real-time stability and in-use stability, ticular diagnosis, prognosis, moni-
and stability evaluating various stor- toring, or risk assessment.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 864.2220
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§ 864.2240 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter cell lines from the tissue of humans or
subject to the limitations in § 864.9. other animals which are used in var-
ious diagnostic procedures, particu-
[45 FR 60583, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 54
FR 25044, June 12, 1989; 66 FR 27024, May 16, larly diagnostic virology and cyto-
2001; 66 FR 38789, July 25, 2001] genetic studies.
(b) Classification. Class I (general con-
§ 864.2240 Cell and tissue culture sup- trols). The device is exempt from the
plies and equipment. premarket notification procedures in
(a) Identification. Cell and tissue cul- subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
ture supplies and equipment are de- subject to § 864.9.
vices that are used to examine, propa- [45 FR 60585, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 65
gate, nourish, or grow cells and tissue FR 2310, Jan. 14, 2000]
cultures. These include such articles as
slide culture chambers, perfusion and § 864.2360 Mycoplasma detection
roller apparatus, cell culture suspen- media and components.
sion systems, and tissue culture flasks, (a) Identification. Mycoplasma detec-
disks, tubes, and roller bottles. tion media and components are used to
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- detect and isolate mycoplasma
trols). These devices are exempt from pleuropneumonia-like organisms
the premarket notification procedures (PPLO), a common microbial contami-
in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter nant in cell cultures.
subject to the limitations in § 864.9. If (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
the devices are not labeled or otherwise trols). These devices are exempt from
represented as sterile, they are exempt the premarket notification procedures
from the current good manufacturing in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
practice requirements of the quality subject to the limitations in § 864.9.
system regulation in part 820 of this
[45 FR 60586, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 54
chapter, with the exception of § 820.180, FR 25044, June 12, 1989; 66 FR 38789, July 25,
with respect to general requirements 2001]
concerning records, and § 820.198, with
respect to complaint files. § 864.2800 Animal and human sera.
[45 FR 60584, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 54 (a) Identification. Animal and human
FR 25044, June 12, 1989; 66 FR 38789, July 25, sera are biological products, obtained
2001] from the blood of humans or other ani-
mals, that provide the necessary
§ 864.2260 Chromosome culture kit. growth-promoting nutrients in a cell
(a) Identification. A chromosome cul- culture system.
ture kit is a device containing the nec- (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
essary ingredients (e.g., Minimum Es- trols). These devices are exempt from
sential Media (MEM) of McCoy’s 5A the premarket notification procedures
culture media, phytohemagglutinin, in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
fetal calf serum, antibiotics, and hep- subject to the limitations in § 864.9.
arin) used to culture tissues for diag-
[45 FR 60586, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 54
nosis of congenital chromosome abnor- FR 25044, June 12, 1989; 66 FR 38789, July 25,
malities. 2001]
(b) Classification. Class I (general con-
trols). The device is exempt from the § 864.2875 Balanced salt solutions or
premarket notification procedures in formulations.
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter (a) Identification. A balanced salt so-
subject to the limitations in § 864.9. lution or formulation is a defined mix-
[45 FR 60585, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 54 ture of salts and glucose in a simple
FR 25044, June 12, 1989; 66 FR 38789, July 25, medium. This device is included as a
2001] necessary component of most cell cul-
ture systems. This media component
§ 864.2280 Cultured animal and human controls for pH, osmotic pressure, en-
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 864.3260
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§ 864.3300 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
tained in bottles or tubes with the (iii) Detailed bench testing and re-
light source mounted above the speci- sults at the system level, including for
men. the following, as appropriate:
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 864.3750
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§ 864.3750 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(B) The training dataset must in- as determined by FDA, analytical de-
clude cases representing different pre- vice performance, by conducting ana-
analytical variables representative of lytical studies. For each analytical
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 864.4010
study, relevant details must be docu- eases, and subsets defined by image
mented (e.g., the origin of the study scanning characteristics, etc.) such
slides and images, reader/annotator that the performance estimates and
qualifications, method of annotation, confidence intervals for these indi-
location of the study site(s), chal- vidual subsets can be characterized.
lenging diagnoses, etc.). The analytical The performance assessment must be
studies must include: based on appropriate diagnostic accu-
(A) Bench testing or technical test- racy measures (e.g., sensitivity, speci-
ing to assess device output, such as lo- ficity, predictive value, diagnostic
calization of ROIs within a pre-speci- likelihood ratio, etc.).
fied threshold. Samples must be rep- (B) [Reserved]
resentative of the entire spectrum of
[88 FR 7009, Feb. 2, 2023]
challenging cases likely to be encoun-
tered when the device is used as in- § 864.3800 Automated slide stainer.
tended; and
(B) Data from a precision study that (a) Identification. An automated slide
demonstrates device performance when stainer is a device used to stain his-
used with multiple input devices (e.g., tology, cytology, and hematology
WSI scanners) to assess total varia- slides for diagnosis.
bility across operators, within-scanner, (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
between-scanner and between-site, trols). This device is exempt from the
using clinical specimens with defined, premarket notification procedures in
clinically relevant, and challenging subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
characteristics likely to be encoun- subject to the limitations in § 864.9.
tered when the device is used as in- [45 FR 60591, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 54
tended. Samples must be representa- FR 25044, June 12, 1989; 66 FR 38789, July 25,
tive of the entire spectrum of chal- 2001]
lenging cases likely to be encountered
when the device is used as intended. § 864.3875 Automated tissue processor.
Precision, including performance of the (a) Identification. An automated tis-
device and reproducibility, must be as- sue processor is an automated system
sessed by agreement between rep- used to process tissue specimens for ex-
licates. amination through fixation, dehydra-
(iii) Data demonstrating acceptable, tion, and infiltration.
as determined by FDA, clinical valida- (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
tion must be demonstrated by con- trols). This device is exempt from the
ducting studies with clinical speci- premarket notification procedures in
mens. For each clinical study, relevant subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
details must be documented (e.g., the subject to the limitations in § 864.9.
origin of the study slides and images,
reader/annotator qualifications, meth- [45 FR 60591, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 54
FR 25045, June 12, 1989; 66 FR 38789, July 25,
od of annotation, location of the study
site(s) (on-site/remote), challenging di-
agnoses, etc.). The studies must in-
clude: Subpart E—Specimen Preparation
(A) A study demonstrating the per- Reagents
formance by the intended users with
and without the software device (e.g., § 864.4010 General purpose reagent.
unassisted and device-assisted reading (a) A general purpose reagent is a
of scanned WSI of pathology slides). chemical reagent that has general lab-
The study dataset must contain suffi- oratory application, that is used to col-
cient numbers of cases from relevant lect, prepare, and examine specimens
cohorts that are representative of the from the human body for diagnostic
scope of patients likely to be encoun- purposes, and that is not labeled or
tered given the intended use of the de- otherwise intended for a specific diag-
vice (e.g., subsets defined by clinically nostic application. It may be either an
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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§ 864.4020 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
with an appropriate analyte specific re- (2) Organizations that use the re-
agent (ASR) and other general purpose agents to make tests for purposes other
reagents, is part of a diagnostic test than providing diagnostic information
procedure or system constituting a fin- to patients and practitioners, e.g., fo-
ished in vitro diagnostic (IVD) test. rensic, academic, research, and other
General purpose reagents are appro- nonclinical laboratories.
priate for combining with one or more (b) Classification. (1) Class I (general
than one ASR in producing such sys- controls). Except as described in para-
tems and include labware or disposable graphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) of this section,
constituents of tests; but they do not these devices are exempt from the pre-
include laboratory machinery, auto- market notification requirements in
mated or powered systems. General part 807, subpart E of this chapter.
purpose reagents include cytological (2) Class II (special controls/guidance
preservatives, decalcifying reagents, documents), when the analyte is used
fixative and adhesives, tissue proc- in blood banking tests that have been
essing reagents, isotonic solutions and classified as class II devices (e.g., cer-
pH buffers. Reagents used in tests for tain cytomegalovirus serological and
more than one individual chemical sub- treponema pallidum nontreponemal
stance or ligand are general purpose re- test reagents). Guidance Documents:
agents (e.g., Thermus aquaticus (TAQ) 1. ‘‘Specifications for Immunological Test-
polymerase, substrates for enzyme ing for Infectious Disease; Approved Guide-
immunoassay (EIA)). line,’’ NCCLS Document I/LA18–A, December
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- 1994.
2. ‘‘Assessment of the Clinical Accuracy of
trols). The device is exempt from the Laboratory Tests Using Receiver Operating
premarket notification procedures in Characteristic (ROC) Plots; Tentative Guide-
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter line,’’ NCCLS Document KGP10–T, December
subject to the limitations in § 864.9. If 1993.
the device is not labeled or otherwise 3. ‘‘Review Criteria for Assessment of In
represented as sterile, it is exempt Vitro Diagnostic Devices for Direct Detec-
from the current good manufacturing tion of Mycobacterium spp,’’ FDA, July 6,
1993, and its ‘‘Attachment 1,’’ February 28,
practice requirements of the quality
system regulation in part 820 of this 4. ‘‘Draft Review Criteria for Nucleic Acid
chapter, with the exception of § 820.180, Amplification-Based In Vitro Diagnostic De-
with respect to general requirements vices for Direct Detection of Infectious
concerning records, and § 820.198, with Microorganisms,’’ FDA, July 6, 1993.
respect to complaint files. 5. The Center for Biologics Evaluation and
Research, FDA, ‘‘Points to Consider in the
[45 FR 60592, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 54 Manufacture and Clinical Evaluation of In
FR 25045, June 12, 1989; 62 FR 62260, Nov. 21, Vitro Tests to Detect Antibodies to the
1997; 66 FR 38789, July 25, 2001] Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Type I’’ (54
FR 48943, November 28, 1989).
§ 864.4020 Analyte specific reagents.
(3) Class III (premarket approval),
(a) Identification. Analyte specific re- when:
agents (ASR’s) are antibodies, both (i) The analyte is intended as a com-
polyclonal and monoclonal, specific re- ponent in a test intended for use in the
ceptor proteins, ligands, nucleic acid diagnosis of a contagious condition
sequences, and similar reagents which, that is highly likely to result in a fatal
through specific binding or chemical outcome and prompt, accurate diag-
reaction with substances in a speci- nosis offers the opportunity to miti-
men, are intended for use in a diag- gate the public health impact of the
nostic application for identification condition (e.g., human immuno-
and quantification of an individual deficiency virus (HIV/AIDS)or tuber-
chemical substance or ligand in bio- culosis (TB)); or
logical specimens. ASR’s that other- (ii) The analyte is intended as a com-
wise fall within this definition are not ponent in a test intended for use in
within the scope of subpart E of this donor screening for conditions for
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
part when they are sold to: which FDA has recommended or re-
(1) In vitro diagnostic manufacturers; quired testing in order to safeguard the
or blood supply or establish the safe use
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 864.5260
of blood and blood products (e.g., tests erythrocyte mean corpuscular volume,
for hepatitis or tests for identifying the mean corpuscular hemoglobin, or
blood groups). the mean corpuscular hemoglobin con-
(c) Date of 510(k), or date of PMA or centration). These devices may use ei-
notice of completion of a product develop- ther an electronic particle counting
ment protocol is required. (1) method or an optical counting method.
Preamendments ASR’s; No effective (b) Classification. Class II (perform-
date has been established for the re- ance standards).
quirement for premarket approval for [45 FR 60593, Sept. 12, 1980]
the device described in paragraph (b)(3)
of this section. See § 864.3. § 864.5220 Automated differential cell
(2) For postamendments ASR’s; No- counter.
vember 23, 1998. (a) Identification. An automated dif-
(d) Restrictions. Restrictions on the ferential cell counter is a device used
sale, distribution and use of ASR’s are to identify one or more of the formed
set forth in § 809.30 of this chapter. elements of the blood. The device may
[62 FR 62260, Nov. 21, 1997] also have the capability to flag, count,
or classify immature or abnormal
§ 864.4400 Enzyme preparations. hematopoietic cells of the blood, bone
(a) Identification. Enzyme prepara- marrow, or other body fluids. These de-
tions are products that are used in the vices may combine an electronic par-
histopathology laboratory for the fol- ticle counting method, optical method,
lowing purposes: or a flow cytometric method utilizing
(1) To disaggregate tissues and cells monoclonal CD (cluster designation)
already in established cultures for markers. The device includes accessory
preparation into subsequent cultures CD markers.
(e.g., trypsin); (b) Classification. Class II (special
(2) To disaggregate fluid specimens controls). The special control for this
for cytological examination (e.g., device is the FDA document entitled
papain for gastric lavage or trypsin for ‘‘Class II Special Controls Guidance
sputum liquefaction); Document: Premarket Notifications for
(3) To aid in the selective staining of Automated Differential Cell Counters
tissue specimens (e.g., diastase for gly- for Immature or Abnormal Blood Cells;
cogen determination). Final Guidance for Industry and FDA.’’
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- [67 FR 1607, Jan. 14, 2002]
trols). This device is exempt from the
premarket notification procedures in § 864.5240 Automated blood cell dilut-
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter ing apparatus.
subject to the limitations in § 864.9. (a) Identification. An automated blood
[45 FR 60592, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 54 cell diluting apparatus is a fully auto-
FR 25045, June 12, 1989; 66 FR 38789, July 25, mated or semi-automated device used
2001] to make appropriate dilutions of a
blood sample for further testing.
Subpart F—Automated and Semi- (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
Automated Hematology Devices trols). The device is exempt from the
premarket notification procedures in
§ 864.5200 Automated cell counter. subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
(a) Identification. An automated cell subject to § 864.9.
counter is a fully-automated or semi- [45 FR 60596, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 65
automated device used to count red FR 2310, Jan. 14, 2000]
blood cells, white blood cells, or blood
platelets using a sample of the pa- § 864.5260 Automated cell-locating de-
tient’s peripheral blood (blood circu- vice.
lating in one of the body’s extremities, (a) Identification. An automated cell-
such as the arm). These devices may locating device is a device used to lo-
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§ 864.5300 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
type. (Peripheral blood is blood circu- semiautomated instrument and its as-
lating in one of the body’s extremities, sociated reagents and controls. The
such as the arm.) system is used to perform a series of
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- coagulation studies and coagulation
ance standards). factor assays.
[45 FR 60597, Sept. 12, 1980] (b) Classification. Class II (special
controls). A control intended for use
§ 864.5300 Red cell indices device. with a multipurpose system for in vitro
coagulation studies is exempt from the
(a) Identification. A red cell indices
premarket notification procedures in
device, usually part of a larger system,
calculates or directly measures the subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
erythrocyte mean corpuscular volume subject to the limitations in § 864.9.
(MCV), the mean corpuscular hemo- [45 FR 60599, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 84
globin (MCH), and the mean corpus- FR 71799, Dec. 30, 2019]
cular hemoglobin concentration
(MCHC). The red cell indices are used § 864.5600 Automated hematocrit in-
for the differential diagnosis of strument.
anemias. (a) Identification. An automated hem-
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- atocrit instrument is a fully auto-
ance standards). mated or semi-automated device which
may or may not be part of a larger sys-
[45 FR 60597, Sept. 12, 1980]
tem. This device measures the packed
§ 864.5350 Microsedimentation cen- red cell volume of a blood sample to
trifuge. distinguish normal from abnormal
(a) Identification. A microsedimenta- states, such as anemia and
tion centrifuge is a device used to sedi- erythrocytosis (an increase in the num-
ment red cells for the microsedimenta- ber of red cells).
tion rate test. (b) Classification. Class II (perform-
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- ance standards).
trols). This device is exempt from the [45 FR 60600, Sept. 12, 1980]
premarket notification procedures in
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter § 864.5620 Automated hemoglobin sys-
subject to the limitations in § 864.9. tem.
[45 FR 60598, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 59 (a) Identification. An automated he-
FR 63007, Dec. 7, 1994; 66 FR 38789, July 25, moglobin system is a fully automated
2001] or semi-automated device which may
or may not be part of a larger system.
§ 864.5400 Coagulation instrument. The generic type of device consists of
(a) Identification. A coagulation in- the reagents, calibrators, controls, and
strument is an automated or semiauto- instrumentation used to determine the
mated device used to determine the hemoglobin content of human blood.
onset of clot formation for in vitro co- (b) Classification. Class II (perform-
agulation studies. ance standards).
(b) Classification. Class II (special [45 FR 60601, Sept. 12, 1980]
controls). A fibrometer or coagulation
timer intended for use with a coagula- § 864.5680 Automated heparin ana-
tion instrument is exempt from the lyzer.
premarket notification procedures in (a) Identification. An automated hep-
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter arin analyzer is a device used to deter-
subject to the limitations in § 864.9. mine the heparin level in a blood sam-
[45 FR 60598, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 84 ple by mixing the sample with prot-
FR 71799, Dec. 30, 2019] amine (a heparin-neutralizing sub-
stance) and determining
§ 864.5425 Multipurpose system for in photometrically the onset of air-acti-
vitro coagulation studies. vated clotting. The analyzer also deter-
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 864.6160
FR 25045, June 12, 1989; 66 FR 38790, July 25, (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
2001] trols). This device is exempt from the
premarket notification procedures in
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§ 864.6400 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
subject to the limitations in § 864.9. subject to the limitations in § 864.9.
[45 FR 60605, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 54 [45 FR 60607, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 54
FR 25045, June 12, 1989; 66 FR 38790, July 25, FR 25045, June 12, 1989; 66 FR 38790, July 25,
2001] 2001]
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 864.7010
(A) Device performance data from ei- real-time stability of reagents under
ther a method comparison study com- various storage times and tempera-
paring the specific lymphocyte cell tures.
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§ 864.7040 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 864.7300
§ 864.7140 Activated whole blood clot- ments which include polymerase chain
ting time tests. reaction (PCR) primers, hybridization
(a) Identification. An activated whole matrices, thermal cyclers, imagers,
blood clotting time tests is a device, and software packages. The detection
used to monitor heparin therapy for of the Factor V Leiden mutation aids
the treatment of venous thrombosis or in the diagnosis of patients with sus-
pulmonary embolism by measuring the pected thrombophilia.
coagulation time of whole blood. (b) Classification. Class II (special
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- controls). The special control is FDA’s
ance standards). guidance entitled ‘‘Class II Special
[45 FR 60611, Sept. 12, 1980] Controls Guidance Document: Factor V
Leiden DNA Mutation Detection Sys-
§ 864.7250 Erythropoietin assay. tems.’’ (See § 864.1(d) for the avail-
(a) Identification. A erythropoietin ability of this guidance document.)
assay is a device that measures the
[69 FR 12273, Mar. 16, 2004]
concentration of erythropoietin (an en-
zyme that regulates the production of § 864.7290 Factor deficiency test.
red blood cells) in serum or urine. This
assay provides diagnostic information (a) Identification. A factor deficiency
for the evaluation of erythrocytosis test is a device used to diagnose spe-
(increased total red cell mass) and ane- cific coagulation defects, to monitor
mia. certain types of therapy, to detect co-
(b) Classification. Class II. The special agulation inhibitors, and to detect a
control for this device is FDA’s ‘‘Docu- carrier state (a person carrying both a
ment for Special Controls for Erythro- recessive gene for a coagulation factor
poietin Assay Premarket Notification deficiency such as hemophilia and the
(510(k)s).’’ corresponding normal gene).
[45 FR 60612, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 52 (b) Classification. Class II (perform-
FR 17733, May 11, 1987; 65 FR 17144, Mar. 31, ance standards).
[45 FR 60613, Sept. 12, 1980]
§ 864.7275 Euglobulin lysis time tests.
§ 864.7300 Fibrin monomer
(a) Identification. A euglobulin lysis
paracoagulation test.
time test is a device that measures the
length of time required for the lysis (a) Identification. A fibrin monomer
(dissolution) of a clot formed from paracoagulation test is a device used to
fibrinogen in the euglobulin fraction detect fibrin monomer in the diagnosis
(that fraction of the plasma responsible of disseminated intravascular coagula-
for the formation of plasmin, a clot tion (nonlocalized clotting within a
lysing enzyme). This test evaluates blood vessel) or in the differential diag-
natural fibrinolysis (destruction of a nosis between disseminated
blood clot after bleeding has been ar- intravascular coagulation and primary
rested). The test also will detect accel- fibrinolysis (dissolution of the fibrin in
erated fibrinolysis. a blood clot).
(b) Classification. Class II (special (b) Classification. Class II (special
controls). The device is exempt from
controls). The device is exempt from
the premarket notification procedures
the premarket notification procedures
in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
subject to the limitations in § 864.9. in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
subject to the limitations in § 864.9. The
[45 FR 60612, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 84 special control for this device is FDA’s
FR 71799, Dec. 30, 2019]
‘‘In Vitro Diagnostic Fibrin Monomer
§ 864.7280 Factor V Leiden DNA muta- Paracoagulation Test.’’ See § 864.1(d)
tion detection systems. for information on obtaining this docu-
(a) Identification. Factor V Leiden ment.
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) mutation [45 FR 60614, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 52
detection systems are devices that con- FR 17733, May 11, 1987; 65 FR 17144, Mar. 31,
sist of different reagents and instru- 2000, 84 FR 71799, Dec. 30, 2019]
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§ 864.7320 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 864.7500
tended for use with a fetal hemoglobin use with whole blood hemoglobin as-
assay is exempt from the premarket says is exempt from the premarket no-
notification procedures in subpart E of tification procedures in subpart E of
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§ 864.7525 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
part 807 of this chapter subject to the activity as evidenced by staining. The
limitations in § 864.9. results of this test are used in the dif-
[45 FR 60622, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 84 ferential diagnosis of the leukemias.
FR 71799, Dec. 30, 2019] (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
trols). This device is exempt from the
§ 864.7525 Heparin assay. premarket notification procedures in
(a) Identification. A heparin assay is a subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
device used to determine the level of subject to the limitations in § 864.9.
the anticoagulant heparin in the pa-
[45 FR 60624, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 59
tient’s circulation. These assays are FR 63007, Dec. 7, 1994; 66 FR 38790, July 25,
quantitative clotting time procedures 2001]
using the effect of heparin on activated
coagulation factor X (Stuart factor) or § 864.7695 Platelet factor 4
procedures based on the neutralization radioimmunoassay.
of heparin by protamine sulfate (a pro-
tein that neutralizes heparin). (a) Identification. A platelet factor 4
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- radioimmunoassay is a device used to
ance standards). measure the level of platelet factor 4, a
protein released during platelet activa-
[45 FR 60623, Sept. 12, 1980] tion by radioimmunoassay. This device
§ 864.7660 Leukocyte alkaline phos- measures platelet activiation, which
phatase test. may indicate a coagulation disorder,
such as myocardial infarction or coro-
(a) Identification. A leukocyte alka-
line phosphatase test is a device used nary artery disease.
to identify the enzyme leukocyte alka- (b) Classification. Class II (perform-
line phosphatase in neutrophilic ance standards).
granulocytes (granular leukocytes [45 FR 60625, Sept. 12, 1980; 46 FR 14890, Mar.
stainable by neutral dyes). The 3, 1981]
cytochemical identification of alkaline
phosphatase depends on the formation § 864.7720 Prothrombin consumption
of blue granules in cells containing al- test.
kaline phosphatase. The results of this (a) Identification. A prothrombin con-
test are used to differentiate chronic
sumption tests is a device that meas-
granulocytic leukemia (a malignant
ures the patient’s capacity to generate
disease characterized by excessive
thromboplastin in the coagulation
overgrowth of granulocytes in the bone
marrow) and reactions that resemble process. The test also is an indirect in-
true leukemia, such as those occuring dicator of qualitative or quantitative
in severe infections and polycythemia platelet abnormalities. It is a screen-
(increased total red cell mass). ing test for thrombocytopenia (de-
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- creased number of blood platelets) and
trols). This device is exempt from the hemophilia A and B.
premarket notification procedures in (b) Classification. Class II (special
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter controls). The device is exempt from
subject to the limitations in § 864.9. the premarket notification procedures
[45 FR 60623, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 59 in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
FR 63007, Dec. 7, 1994; 66 FR 38790, July 25, subject to the limitations in § 864.9.
[45 FR 60625, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 84
FR 71800, Dec. 30, 2019]
§ 864.7675 Leukocyte peroxidase test.
(a) Identification. A leukocyte peroxi- § 864.7735 Prothrombin-proconvertin
dase test is a device used to distinguish test and thrombotest.
certain myeloid cells derived from the
(a) Identification. The prothrombin-
bone marrow, i.e., neutrophils,
proconvertin test and thrombotest are
eosinophils, and monocytes, from
devices used in the regulation of cou-
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 864.8150
coumarin anticoagulant such as so- tect and identify coagulation factor de-
dium warfarin in the treatment of ve- ficiencies and coagulation inhibitors.
nous thrombosis and pulmonary embo- (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
lism) and as a diagnostic test in con- trols). This device is exempt from the
junction with, or in place of, the Quick premarket notification procedures in
prothrombin time test to detect coagu- subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
lation disorders. subject to the limitations in § 864.9.
(b) Classification. Class II (special
[45 FR 60628, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 59
controls). The device is exempt from FR 63007, Dec. 7, 1994; 66 FR 38790, July 25,
the premarket notification procedures 2001]
in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
subject to the limitations in § 864.9. § 864.7925 Partial thromboplastin time
[45 FR 60626, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 84
FR 71800, Dec. 30, 2019] (a) Identification. A partial thrombo-
plastin time test is a device used for
§ 864.7750 Prothrombin time test. primary screening for coagulation ab-
(a) Identification. A prothrombin time normalities, for evaluation of the ef-
test is a device used as a general fect of therapy on procoagulant dis-
screening procedure for the detection orders, and as an assay for coagulation
of possible clotting factor deficiencies factor deficiencies of the intrinsic co-
in the extrinsic coagulation pathway, agulation pathway.
which involves the reaction between (b) Classification. Class II (perform-
coagulation factors III and VII, and to ance standards).
monitor patients receiving coumarin [45 FR 60629, Sept. 12, 1980]
therapy (the administration of one of
the coumarin anticoagulants in the Subpart I—Hematology Reagents
treatment of venous thrombosis or pul-
monary embolism). § 864.8100 Bothrops atrox reagent.
(b) Classification. Class II (perform-
(a) Identification. A Bothrops atrox
ance standards).
reagent is a device made from snake
[45 FR 60626, Sept. 12, 1980] venom and used to determine blood
fibrinogen levels to aid in the evalua-
§ 864.7825 Sickle cell test. tion of disseminated intravascular co-
(a) Identification. A sickle cell test is agulation (nonlocalized clotting in the
a device used to determine the sickle blood vessels) in patients receiving
cell hemoglobin content of human heparin therapy (the administration of
blood to detect sickle cell trait or sick- the anticoagulant heparin in the treat-
le cell diseases. ment of thrombosis) or as an aid in the
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- classification of dysfibrinogenemia
ance standards). (presence in the plasma of functionally
defective fibrinogen).
[45 FR 60627, Sept. 12, 1980] (b) Classification. Class II (perform-
ance standards).
§ 864.7875 Thrombin time test.
[45 FR 60629, Sept. 12, 1980]
(a) Identification. A thrombin time
test is a device used to measure § 864.8150 Calibrator for cell indices.
fibrinogen concentration and detect
fibrin or fibrinogen split products for (a) Identification. A calibrator for cell
the evaluation of bleeding disorders. indices is a device that approximates
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- whole blood or certain blood cells and
ance standards). that is used to set an instrument in-
tended to measure mean cell volume
[45 FR 60628, Sept. 12, 1980] (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin
(MCH), and mean corpuscular hemo-
§ 864.7900 Thromboplastin generation globin concentration (MCHC), or other
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§ 864.8165 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
have been precisely and accurately de- tion, and other characteristics have
termined. been precisely and accurately deter-
(b) Classification. Class II (special mined.
controls). The device is exempt from (b) Classification. Class II (special
the premarket notification procedures controls). The device is exempt from
in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter the premarket notification procedures
subject to the limitations in § 864.9. in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
subject to the limitations in § 864.9.
[45 FR 60631, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 84
FR 71800, Dec. 30, 2019] [45 FR 60634, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 84
FR 71800, Dec. 30, 2019]
§ 864.8165 Calibrator for hemoglobin
or hematocrit measurement. § 864.8200 Blood cell diluent.
(a) Identification. A calibrator for he- (a) Identification. A blood cell diluent
moglobin or hematocrit measurement is a device used to dilute blood for fur-
is a device that approximates whole ther testing, such as blood cell count-
blood, red blood cells, or a hemoglobin ing.
derivative and that is used to set in- (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
struments intended to measure hemo- trols). This device is exempt from the
globin, the hematocrit, or both. It is a premarket notification procedures in
material whose characteristics have subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
been precisely and accurately deter- subject to the limitations in § 864.9.
mined. [45 FR 60635, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 54
(b) Classification. Class II (special FR 25045, June 12, 1989; 66 FR 38790, July 25,
controls). The device is exempt from 2001]
the premarket notification procedures
in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter § 864.8500 Lymphocyte separation me-
subject to the limitations in § 864.9. dium.
[45 FR 60632, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 84 (a) Identification. A lymphocyte sepa-
FR 71800, Dec. 30, 2019] ration medium is a device used to iso-
late lymphocytes from whole blood.
§ 864.8175 Calibrator for platelet (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
counting. trols). This device is exempt from the
(a) Identification. A calibrator for premarket notification procedures in
platelet counting is a device that re- subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
sembles platelets in plasma or whole subject to the limitations in § 864.9.
blood and that is used to set a platelet [45 FR 60636, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 59
counting instrument. It is a suspension FR 63007, Dec. 7, 1994; 66 FR 38790, July 25,
of particles or cells whose size, shape 2001]
concentration, and other characteris-
tics have been precisely and accurately § 864.8540 Red cell lysing reagent.
determined. (a) Identification. A red cell lysing re-
(b) Classification. Class II (special agent is a device used to lyse (destroy)
controls). The device is exempt from red blood cells for hemoglobin deter-
the premarket notification procedures minations or aid in the counting of
in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter white blood cells.
subject to the limitations in § 864.9. (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
[45 FR 60633, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 84 trols). This device is exempt from the
FR 71800, Dec. 30, 2019] premarket notification procedures in
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
§ 864.8185 Calibrator for red cell and subject to the limitations in § 864.9.
white cell counting.
[45 FR 60636, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 54
(a) Identification. A calibrator for red FR 25045, June 12, 1989; 66 FR 38790, July 25,
cell and white cell counting is a device 2001]
that resembles red or white blood cells
and that is used to set instruments in- § 864.8625 Hematology quality control
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 864.9160
ascertain the accuracy and precision of blood and blood components is a device
manual, semiautomated, and auto- intended for medical purposes that is
mated determinations of cell param- an empty plastic bag or plastic or glass
eters such as white cell count (WBC), bottle used to collect, store, or transfer
red cell count (RBC), platelet count blood and blood components for further
(PLT), hemoglobin, hematocrit (HCT), processing.
mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean (b) Classification. Class II (perform-
corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), and ance standards).
mean corpuscular hemoglobin con-
centration (MCHC). [45 FR 60638, Sept. 12, 1980]
(b) Classification. Class II (special
controls). Except when intended for use § 864.9125 Vacuum-assisted blood col-
lection system.
in blood components, the device is ex-
empt from the premarket notification (a) Identification. A vacuum-assisted
procedures in subpart E of part 807 of blood collection system is a device in-
this chapter subject to the limitations tended for medical purposes that uses a
in § 864.9. vacuum to draw blood for subsequent
[45 FR 60637, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 84
FR 71800, Dec. 30, 2019] (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
trols). The manual device is exempt
§ 864.8950 Russell viper venom rea- from the premarket notification proce-
gent. dures in subpart E of part 807 of this
(a) Identification. Russell viper venom chapter subject to § 864.9.
reagent is a device used to determine [45 FR 60639, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 65
the cause of an increase in the pro- FR 2310, Jan. 14, 2000]
thrombin time.
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- § 864.9145 Processing system for fro-
trols). zen blood.
[45 FR 60637, Sept. 12, 1980] (a) Identification. A processing system
for frozen blood is a device used to
Subpart J—Products Used In Es- glycerolize red blood cells prior to
tablishments That Manufac- freezing to minimize hemolysis (disrup-
ture Blood and Blood Prod- tion of the red cell membrane accom-
panied by the release of hemoglobin)
ucts due to freezing and thawing of red
§ 864.9050 Blood bank supplies. blood cells and to deglycerolize and
wash thawed cells for subsequent re-
(a) Identification. Blood bank supplies infusion.
are general purpose devices intended
(b) Classification. Class II (perform-
for in vitro use in blood banking. This
ance standards).
generic type of device includes prod-
ucts such as blood bank pipettes, blood [45 FR 60639, Sept. 12, 1980]
grouping slides, blood typing tubes,
blood typing racks, and cold packs for § 864.9160 Blood group substances of
antisera reagents. The device does not nonhuman origin for in vitro diag-
include articles that are licensed by nostic use.
the Center for Biologics Evaluation (a) Identification. Blood group sub-
and Research of the Food and Drug Ad- stances of nonhuman origin for in vitro
ministration. diagnostic use are materials, such as
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- blood group specific substances pre-
trols). pared from nonhuman sources (e.g.,
[45 FR 60638, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 53 pigs, cows, and horses) used to detect,
FR 11253, Apr. 6, 1988] identify, or neutralize antibodies to
various human blood group antigens.
§ 864.9100 Empty container for the col- This generic type of device does not in-
lection and processing of blood and clude materials that are licensed by
blood components.
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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§ 864.9165 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
safety and effectiveness of the system blood or plasma, by means other than
must be performed, including when electromagnetic radiation, prior to ad-
adding new functional requirements ministration.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 864.9320
FDA staff entitled ‘‘Class II Special liters of blood for women and 13.5
Controls Guidance Document: Auto- grams per 100 milliliters of blood for
mated Blood Cell Separator Device Op- men).
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§ 864.9400 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
[45 FR 60648, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 63 [45 FR 60650, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 65
FR 59226, Nov. 3, 1998] FR 2311, Jan. 14, 2000]
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS Pt. 866
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Pt. 866 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
866.3125 Citrobacter spp. serological reagents. sistance markers from positive blood cul-
866.3130 Clostridium difficile toxin gene am- tures.
plification assay. 866.3370 Mycobacterium tuberculosis
866.3135 Coccidioides immitis serological re- immunofluorescent reagents.
agents. 866.3372 Nucleic acid-based in vitro diag-
866.3140 Corynebacterium spp. serological re- nostic devices for the detection of
agents. Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in
866.3145 Coxsackievirus serological re- respiratory specimens.
agents. 866.3373 Nucleic acid-based in vitro diag-
866.3165 Cryptococcus neoformans serological nostic devices for the detection of
reagents. Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex
866.3169 Hepatitis C virus antibody tests. (MTB-complex) and the genetic
866.3170 Nucleic acid-based hepatitis C virus mutations associated with MTB-complex
ribonucleic acid tests. antibiotic resistance in respiratory
866.3175 Cytomegalovirus serological re- specimens.
agents. 866.3375 Mycoplasma spp. serological re-
866.3200 Echinococcus spp. serological re- agents.
agents. 866.3380 Mumps virus serological reagents.
866.3205 Echovirus serological reagents. 866.3390 Neisseria spp. direct serological test
866.3210 Endotoxin assay. reagents.
866.3215 Device to detect and measure non- 866.3395 Norovirus serological reagents.
microbial analyte(s) in human clinical 866.3400 Parainfluenza virus serological re-
specimens to aid in assessment of pa- agents.
tients with suspected sepsis. 866.3402 Plasmodium species antigen detec-
866.3220 Entamoeba histolytica serological re- tion assays.
agents. 866.3405 Poliovirus serological reagents.
866.3225 Enterovirus nucleic acid assay. 866.3410 Proteus spp. (Weil-Felix) serological
866.3235 Epstein-Barr virus serological re- reagents.
agents. 866.3415 Pseudomonas spp. serological re-
866.3240 Equine encephalomyelitis virus se- agents.
rological reagents. 866.3460 Rabiesvirus immunofluorescent re-
866.3250 Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae sero- agents.
logical reagents. 866.3470 Reovirus serological reagents.
866.3255 Escherichia coli serological reagents. 866.3480 Respiratory syncytial virus sero-
866.3270 Flavobacterium spp. serological re- logical reagents.
agents. 866.3490 Rhinovirus serological reagents.
866.3280 Francisella tularensis serological re- 866.3500 Rickettsia serological reagents.
agents. 866.3510 Rubella virus serological reagents.
866.3290 Gonococcal antibody test (GAT). 866.3520 Rubeola (measles) virus serological
866.3300 Haemophilus spp. serological re- reagents.
agents. 866.3550 Salmonella spp. serological reagents.
866.3305 Herpes simplex virus serological as- 866.3600 Schistosoma spp. serological re-
says. agents.
866.3309 Herpes virus nucleic acid-based cu- 866.3630 Serratia spp. serological reagents.
taneous and mucocutaneous lesion panel. 866.3660 Shigella spp. serological reagents.
866.3310 Hepatitis A virus (HAV) serological 866.3680 Sporothrix schenckii serological re-
assays. agents.
866.3320 Histoplasma capsulatum serological 866.3700 Staphylococcus aureus serological re-
reagents. agents.
866.3328 Influenza virus antigen detection 866.3720 Streptococcus spp. exoenzyme re-
test system. agents.
866.3330 Influenza virus serological re- 866.3740 Streptococcus spp. serological re-
agents. agents.
866.3332 Reagents for detection of specific 866.3780 Toxoplasma gondii serological re-
novel influenza A viruses. agents.
866.3336 John Cunningham Virus serological 866.3820 Treponema pallidum nontreponemal
reagents. test reagents.
866.3340 Klebsiella spp. serological reagents. 866.3830 Treponema pallidum treponemal test
866.3350 Leptospira spp. serological reagents. reagents.
866.3355 Listeria spp. serological reagents. 866.3850 Trichinella spiralis serological re-
866.3360 Lymphocytic choriomeningitis agents.
virus serological reagents. 866.3860 Trichomonas vaginalis nucleic acid
866.3361 Mass spectrometer system for clin- assay.
ical use for the identification of micro- 866.3870 Trypanosoma spp. serological re-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
organisms. agents.
866.3365 Multiplex nucleic acid assay for 866.3900 Varicella-zoster virus serological
identification of microorganisms and re- reagents.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS Pt. 866
866.3920 Assayed quality control material 866.5080 Alpha-1-antichymotrypsin immuno-
for clinical microbiology assays. logical test system.
866.3930 Vibrio cholerae serological reagents. 866.5090 Antimitochondrial antibody
866.3940 West Nile virus serological re- immunological test system.
agents. 866.5100 Antinuclear antibody immuno-
866.3945 Dengue virus serological reagents. logical test system.
866.3946 Dengue virus nucleic acid amplifi- 866.5110 Antiparietal antibody immuno-
cation test reagents. logical test system.
866.3950 In vitro human immunodeficiency 866.5120 Antismooth muscle antibody
virus (HIV) drug resistance genotype immunological test system.
assay. 866.5130 Alpha-1-antitrypsin immunological
866.3955 Human immunodeficiency virus test system.
(HIV) drug resistance genotyping assay 866.5150 Bence-Jones proteins
using next generation sequencing tech- immunological test system.
nology. 866.5160 Beta-globulin immunological test
866.3956 Human immunodeficiency virus system.
(HIV) serological diagnostic and/or sup- 866.5170 Breast milk immunological test
plemental test. system.
866.3957 Human immunodeficiency virus 866.5180 Fecal calprotectin immunological
(HIV) nucleic acid (NAT) diagnostic and/ test system.
or supplemental test. 866.5200 Carbonic anhydrase B and C
866.3958 Human immunodeficiency virus immunological test system.
(HIV) viral load monitoring test. 866.5210 Ceruloplasmin immunological test
866.3960 Nucleic acid-based device for the system.
amplification, detection, and identifica- 866.5220 Cohn fraction II immunological test
tion of microbial pathogens directly system.
from whole blood specimens. 866.5230 Colostrum immunological test sys-
866.3970 Device to detect and identify micro- tem.
bial pathogen nucleic acids in cerebro- 866.5240 Complement components immuno-
spinal fluid. logical test system.
866.3980 Respiratory viral panel multiplex 866.5250 Complement C1 inhibitor (inact-
nucleic acid assay. ivator) immunological test system.
866.3985 Device to detect and identify micro- 866.5260 Complement C3b inactivator
organisms and associated resistance immunological test system.
marker nucleic acids directly in res- 866.5270 C-reactive protein immunological
piratory specimens. test system.
866.3990 Gastrointestinal microorganism 866.5320 Properidin factor B immunological
multiplex nucleic acid-based assay. test system.
866.5330 Factor XIII, A, S, immunological
Subpart E—Immunology Laboratory test system.
Equipment and Reagents 866.5340 Ferritin immunological test sys-
866.4070 RNA Preanalytical Systems. 866.5350 Fibrinopeptide A immunological
866.4100 Complement reagent. test system.
866.4500 Immunoelectrophoresis equipment. 866.5360 Cohn fraction IV immunological
866.4520 Immunofluorometer equipment. test system.
866.4540 Immunonephelometer equipment. 866.5370 Cohn fraction V immunological test
866.4600 Ouchterlony agar plate. system.
866.4700 Automated fluorescence in situ hy- 866.5380 Free secretory component immuno-
bridization (FISH) enumeration systems. logical test system.
866.4750 Automated indirect 866.5400 Alpha-globulin immunological test
immunofluorescence microscope and system.
software-assisted system. 866.5420 Alpha-1-glycoproteins immuno-
866.4800 Radial immunodiffusion plate. logical test system.
866.4830 Rocket immunoelectrophoresis 866.5425 Alpha-2-glycoproteins immuno-
equipment. logical test system.
866.4900 Support gel. 866.5430 Beta-2-glycoprotein I immuno-
logical test system.
Subpart F—Immunological Test Systems 866.5440 Beta-2-glycoprotein III immuno-
logical test system.
866.5040 Albumin immunological test sys- 866.5460 Haptoglobin immunological test
tem. system.
866.5060 Prealbumin immunological test 866.5470 Hemoglobin immunological test
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
system. system.
866.5065 Human allotypic marker immuno- 866.5490 Hemopexin immunological test sys-
logical test system. tem.
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§ 866.1 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
866.5500 Hypersensitivity pneumonitis 866.5910 Quality control material for cystic
immunological test system. fibrosis nucleic acid assays.
866.5510 Immunoglobulins A, G, M, D, and E 866.5930 Newborn screening test for severe
immunological test system. combined immunodeficiency disorder
866.5520 Immunoglobulin G (Fab fragment (SCID).
specific) immunological test system. 866.5940 Autosomal recessive carrier screen-
866.5530 Immunoglobulin G (Fc fragment ing gene mutation detection system.
specific) immunological test system. 866.5950 Genetic health risk assessment sys-
866.5540 Immunoglobulin G (Fd fragment tem.
specific) immunological test system. 866.5960 Human leukocyte antigen typing
866.5550 Immunoglobulin (light chain spe- companion diagnostic test.
cific) immunological test system.
866.5560 Lactic dehydrogenase immuno- Subpart G—Tumor Associated Antigen
logical test system. Immunological Test Systems
866.5570 Lactoferrin immunological test sys-
tem. 866.6010 Tumor associated antigen
866.5580 Alpha-1-lipoprotein immunological immunological test system.
test system. 866.6020 Immunomagnetic circulating can-
866.5590 Lipoprotein X immunological test cer cell selection and enumeration sys-
system. tem.
866.5600 Low-density lipoprotein immuno- 866.6030 AFP-L3% immunological test sys-
logical test system. tem.
866.5620 Alpha-2-macroglobulin immuno- 866.6040 Gene expression profiling test sys-
logical test system. tem for breast cancer prognosis.
866.5630 Beta-2-microglobulin immuno- 866.6050 Ovarian adnexal mass assessment
logical test system. score test system.
866.5640 Infectious mononucleosis immuno- 866.6060 BCR-ABL quantitation test.
logical test system. 866.6080 Next generation sequencing based
866.5660 Multiple autoantibodies immuno- tumor profiling test.
logical test system. AUTHORITY: 21 U.S.C. 351, 360, 360c, 360e,
866.5665 Aquaporin-4 autoantibody 360j, 360l, 371.
immunological test system.
866.5670 Zinc transporter 8 autoantibody SOURCE: 47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, unless
immunological test system. otherwise noted.
866.5680 Myoglobin immunological test sys- EDITORIAL NOTE: Nomenclature changes to
tem. part 866 appear at 73 FR 35341, June 23, 2008.
866.5700 Whole human plasma or serum
immunological test system.
866.5715 Plasminogen immunological test Subpart A—General Provisions
866.5735 Prothrombin immunological test § 866.1 Scope.
system. (a) This part sets forth the classifica-
866.5750 Radioallergosorbent (RAST) tion of immunology and microbiology
immunological test system. devices intended for human use that
866.5760 Tryptase test system.
866.5765 Retinol-binding protein immuno-
are in commercial distribution.
logical test system. (b) The indentification of a device in
866.5775 Rheumatoid factor immunological a regulation in this part is not a pre-
test system. cise description of every device that is,
866.5785 Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. or will be, subject to the regulation. A
cerevisiae) antibody (ASCA) test systems. manufacturer who submits a pre-
866.5800 Seminal fluid (sperm) immuno- market notification submission for a
logical test system. device under part 807 may not show
866.5820 Systemic lupus erythematosus
immunological test system. merely that the device is accurately
866.5830 Brain trauma assessment test. described by the section title and iden-
866.5860 Total spinal fluid immunological tification provisions of a regulation in
test system. this part, but shall state why the de-
866.5870 Thyroid autoantibody immuno- vice is substantially equivalent to
logical test system. other devices, as required by § 807.87.
866.5880 Transferrin immunological test sys- (c) To avoid duplicative listings, an
immunology and microbiology device
866.5890 Inter-alpha trypsin inhibitor
immunological test system. that has two or more types of uses
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
866.5900 Cystic fibrosis transmembrane con- (e.g., used both as a diagnostic device
ductance regulator (CFTR) gene muta- and as a microbiology device) is listed
tion detection system. only in one subpart.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.9
(d) References in this part to regu- proval for a device, section 501(f)(1)(A)
latory sections of the Code of Federal of the act applies to the device.
Regulations are to chapter I of title 21, (b) Any new, not substantially equiv-
unless otherwise noted. alent, device introduced into commer-
(e) Guidance documents referenced in cial distribution on or after May 28,
this part are available on the Internet 1976, including a device formerly mar-
at keted that has been substantially al-
DeviceRegulationandGuidance/ tered, is classified by statute (section
GuidanceDocuments/default.htm. 513(f) of the act) into class III without
[52 FR 17733, May 11, 1987, as amended at 68
any grace period and FDA must have
FR 5827, Feb. 5, 2003; 79 FR 50552, Aug. 25, issued an order approving a PMA or de-
2014] claring completed a PDP for the device
before the device is commercially dis-
§ 866.3 Effective dates of requirement tributed unless it is reclassified. If
for premarket approval. FDA knows that a device being com-
A device included in this part that is mercially distributed may be a ‘‘new’’
classified into class III (Premarket ap- device as defined in this section be-
proval) shall not be commercially dis- cause of any new intended use or other
tributed after the date shown in the reasons, FDA may codify the statutory
regulation classifying the device unless classification of the device into class
the manufacturer has an approval III for such new use. Accordingly, the
under section 515 of the act (unless an regulation for such a class III device
exemption has been granted under sec- states that as of the enactment date of
tion 520(g)(2) of the act). An approval the amendments, May 28, 1976, the de-
under section 515 of the act consists of vice must have an approval under sec-
FDA’s issuance of an order approving tion 515 of the act before commercial
an application for premarket approval distribution.
(PMA) for the device or declaring com- (c) A device identified in a regulation
pleted a product development protocol in this part that is classified into class
(PDP) for the device. III and that is subject to the transi-
(a) Before FDA requires that a device tional provisions of section 520(l) of the
commercially distributed before the act is automatically classified by stat-
enactment date of the amendments, or ute into class III and must have an ap-
a device that has been found substan- proval under section 515 of the act be-
tially equivalent to such a device, has fore being commercially distributed.
an approval under section 515 of the act Accordingly, the regulation for such a
FDA must promulgate a regulation class III transitional device states that
under section 515(b) of the act requir- as of the enactment date of the amend-
ing such approval, except as provided ments, May 28, 1976, the device must
in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this sec- have an approval under section 515 of
tion. Such a regulation under section the act before commercial distribution.
515(b) of the act shall not be effective [52 FR 17733, May 11, 1987; 52 FR 22577, June
during the grace period ending on the 12, 1987]
90th day after its promulgation or on
the last day of the 30th full calendar § 866.9 Limitations of exemptions from
month after the regulation that classi- section 510(k) of the Federal Food,
fies the device into class III is effec- Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act).
tive, whichever is later. See section The exemption from the requirement
501(f)(2)(B) of the act. Accordingly, un- of premarket notification (section
less an effective date of the require- 510(k) of the act) for a generic type of
ment for premarket approval is shown class I or II device is only to the extent
in the regulation for a device classified that the device has existing or reason-
into class III in this part, the device ably foreseeable characteristics of
may be commercially distributed with- commercially distributed devices with-
out FDA’s issuance of an order approv- in that generic type or, in the case of
ing a PMA or declaring completed a in vitro diagnostic devices, only to the
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
PDP for the device. If FDA promul- extent that misdiagnosis as a result of
gates a regulation under section 515(b) using the device would not be associ-
of the act requiring premarket ap- ated with high morbidity or mortality.
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§ 866.1620 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.1655
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§ 866.1700 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.2190
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§ 866.2300 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.2420
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§ 866.2440 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
gonorrhoeae are present in the urethral subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
discharge of males, the identification subject to the limitations in § 866.9.
of cytochrome oxidase with this device
[47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 54
indicates presumptive infection of the FR 25046, June 12, 1989; 66 FR 38791, July 25,
patient with the causative agent of 2001]
(b) Classification. Class III (premarket § 866.2480 Quality control kit for cul-
approval) (transitional device). ture media.
(c) Date PMA or notice of completion of (a) Identification. A quality control
a PDP is required. As of May 28, 1976, an kit for culture media is a device that
approval under section 515 of the act is consists of paper discs (or other suit-
required before this device may be able materials), each impregnated with
commercially distributed. See § 866.3. a specified, freeze-dried, viable micro-
[47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 52 organism, intended for medical pur-
FR 17734, May 11, 1987] poses to determine if a given culture
medium is able to support the growth
§ 866.2440 Automated medium dis- of that microorganism. The device aids
pensing and stacking device. in the diagnosis of disease caused by
(a) Identification. An automated me- pathogenic microorganisms and also
dium dispensing and stacking device is provides epidemiological information
a device intended for medical purposes on these diseases.
to dispense a microbiological culture (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
medium into petri dishes and then me- trols). The device is exempt from the
chanically stack the petri dishes. premarket notification procedures in
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
trols). The device is exempt from the subject to the limitations in § 866.9.
premarket notification procedures in [47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 54
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter FR 25046, June 12, 1989; 66 FR 38791, July 25,
subject to the limitations in § 866.9. The 2001]
device is also exempt from the good
manufacturing practice requirements § 866.2500 Microtiter diluting and dis-
of the quality system regulation in pensing device.
part 820 of this chapter, with the excep- (a) Identification. A microtiter dilut-
tion of § 820.180, with respect to general ing and dispensing device is a mechan-
requirements concerning records, and ical device intended for medical pur-
§ 820.198, with respect to complaint poses to dispense or serially dilute very
files. small quantities of biological or chem-
[47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 66
ical reagents for use in various diag-
FR 38791, July 25, 2001] nostic procedures.
(b) Classification. Class I (general con-
§ 866.2450 Supplement for culture trols). The device is exempt from the
media. premarket notification procedures in
(a) Identification. A supplement for subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
culture media is a device, such as a vi- subject to the limitations in § 866.9.
tamin or sugar mixture, that is added [47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 54
to a solid or liquid basal culture me- FR 25046, June 12, 1989; 66 FR 38791, July 25,
dium to produce a desired formulation 2001]
and that is intended for medical pur-
poses to enhance the growth of fas- § 866.2540 Microbiological incubator.
tidious microorganisms (those having (a) Identification. A microbiological
complex nutritional requirements). incubator is a device with various
This device aids in the diagnosis of dis- chambers or water-filled compartments
eases caused by pathogenic microorga- in which controlled environmental con-
nisms. ditions, particularly temperature, are
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.2680
[47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 54 ical specimens. The device detects spe-
FR 25046, June 12, 1989; 66 FR 38791, July 25, cific nucleic acid sequences for orga-
2001] nism identification. The identification
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§ 866.2850 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
criteria must be included in the de- calcoaceticus antigens and antisera used
vice’s 21 CFR 809.10(b)(9) compliant la- to identify this bacterium from cul-
beling. tured isolates derived from clinical
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.3045
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§ 866.3050 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.3120
the skin or lung or may be widely dis- and provides epidemiological informa-
seminated in the body resulting in le- tion on diseases caused by these micro-
sions of the bones, liver, spleen, and organisms.
kidneys. (b) Classification. Class II (special
(b) Classification. Class II (special controls). The device is exempt from
controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures
the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to § 866.9.
subject to § 866.9.
[47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 63
[47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 63 FR 59226, Nov. 3, 1998]
FR 59226, Nov. 3, 1998]
the diagnosis of brucellosis (e.g., undu- disease of the eye and eyelid).
lant fever, Malta fever) caused by bac- (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
teria belonging to the genus Brucella trols).
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§ 866.3125 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.3169
The identification aids in the diagnosis toms of hepatitis and in persons at risk
of coxsackievirus infections and pro- for hepatitis C infection. The test is
vides epidemiological information on not intended for screening blood, plas-
diseases caused by these viruses. ma, cell, or tissue donors.
Coxsackieviruses produce a variety of (b) Classification. Class II (special
infections, including common colds, controls). The special controls for this
meningitis (inflammation of brain and device are:
spinal cord membranes), herpangina (1) The labeling required under
(brief fever accompanied by ulcerated § 809.10(b) of this chapter must include:
lesions of the throat), and (i) A prominent statement that the
myopericarditis (inflammation of heart test is not intended for the screening of
tissue). blood, plasma, and cell or tissue do-
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- nors.
trols). The device is exempt from the
(ii) Limitations, which must be up-
premarket notification procedures in
dated to reflect current clinical prac-
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
tice and disease presentation and man-
subject to § 866.9.
agement. The limitations must in-
[47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 65 clude, but are not limited to, state-
FR 2311, Jan. 14, 2000] ments that indicate:
§ 866.3165 Cryptococcus neoformans se- (A) When appropriate, the perform-
rological reagents. ance characteristics of the test have
not been established in populations of
(a) Identification. Cryptococcus immunocompromised or
neoformans serological reagents are de- immunosuppressed patients or, other
vices that consist of antigens used in special populations where test perform-
serological tests to identify antibodies ance may be affected.
to Cryptococcus neoformans in serum.
(B) The detection of HCV antibodies
Additionally, some of these reagents
indicates a present or past infection
consist of antisera conjugated with a
with hepatitis C virus, but does not dif-
fluorescent dye (immunofluorescent re-
agents) and are used to identify ferentiate between acute, chronic, or
Cryptococcus neoformans directly from resolved infection.
clinical specimens or from cultured (C) The specimen types for which the
isolates derived from clinical speci- device has been cleared, and that use of
mens. The identification aids in the di- the test with specimen types other
agnosis of cryptococcosis and provides than those specifically cleared for this
epidemiological information on this device may result in inaccurate test re-
type of disease. Cryptococcosis infec- sults.
tions are found most often as chronic (D) Test results are to be interpreted
meningitis (inflammation of brain by qualified licensed healthcare profes-
membranes) and, if not treated, are sionals in conjunction with the individ-
usually fatal. ual’s clinical presentation, history, and
(b) Classification. Class II (special other laboratory results.
controls). The device is exempt from (E) A non-reactive test result may
the premarket notification procedures occur early during acute infection,
in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter prior to development of a host anti-
subject to § 866.9. body response to infection, or when
[47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 63
analyte levels are below the limit of
FR 59226, Nov. 3, 1998] detection of the test.
(iii) A detailed explanation of the
§ 866.3169 Hepatitis C virus antibody principles of operation and procedures
tests. for performing the test.
(a) Identification. A hepatitis C virus (2) Design verification and validation
(HCV) antibody test is identified as an must include the following:
in vitro diagnostic device intended for (i) A detailed device description, in-
use with human serum, plasma, or cluding all parts that make up the de-
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§ 866.3170 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(x) Analytical sensitivity of the test as a donor screening test for the pres-
is the same or better than that of other ence of HCV antibodies in blood, blood
cleared or approved tests. products, or tissue donors.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.3170
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§ 866.3170 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(viii) All stability protocols, includ- technology, specimen types tested, and
ing acceptance criteria. intended use of the device, including
(ix) Final release test results for each but not limited to: LoD, ULoQ and
lot used in clinical studies. LLoQ. LoD, LLoQ, and linearity stud-
(x) Analytical sensitivity and speci- ies must demonstrate acceptable de-
ficity of the test must be the same or vice performance with all HCV
better than that of other cleared or ap- genotypes detected by the device.
proved tests. (B) Detailed documentation of clin-
(xi) Lot-to-lot precision studies, as ical performance testing from either:
appropriate. (1) A multisite clinical study with an
(3) For devices intended for the quali- appropriate number of clinical samples
tative detection of HCV RNA, in addi- from chronically HCV infected patients
tion to the special controls listed in in which the results are compared to
paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this section, an FDA-cleared or approved quan-
the design verification and validation titative HCV RNA test, or a com-
must include detailed documentation parator that FDA has determined is ap-
of performance from a multisite clin- propriate. This study must include a
ical study. Performance must be ana- sufficient number of HCV positive sam-
lyzed relative to an FDA cleared or ap- ples containing an analyte concentra-
proved qualitative HCV RNA test, or a tion near the LLoQ to describe per-
comparator that FDA has determined formance at this level. Clinical samples
is appropriate. This study must be con- must cover the full range of the device
ducted using appropriate patient sam- output and must be consistent with the
ples, with appropriate numbers of HCV distribution of these genotypes in the
positive and negative samples in appli- U.S. population. Clinical samples may
cable risk categories. Additional be supplemented with diluted clinical
genotypes must be validated using ap- samples for those viral load concentra-
propriate numbers and types of sam- tions that are not sufficiently covered
ples. The samples may be a combina- by natural clinical specimens, or
tion of fresh and repository samples, (2) A clinical study with prospec-
sourced from within and outside the tively collected samples demonstrating
United States, as appropriate. The clinical validity of the device.
study designs, including number of (C) Detailed documentation of a qual-
samples tested, must be sufficient to itative analysis near the lower end of
meet the following criteria: the measuring range demonstrating ac-
(i) Clinical sensitivity of the test ceptable performance when used as an
must have a lower bound of the 95 per- aid in diagnosis.
cent confidence interval of greater (5) For devices intended for HCV RNA
than or equal to 95 percent. genotyping, in addition to the special
(ii) Clinical specificity of the test controls listed in paragraphs (b)(1) and
must have a lower bound of the 95 per- (2) of this section, design verification
cent confidence interval of greater and validation must include the fol-
than or equal to 96 percent. lowing:
(4) For devices intended for the quan- (i) Detailed documentation of an ana-
titative detection of HCV RNA, the fol- lytical performance study dem-
lowing special controls, in addition to onstrating the LoD for all HCV
those listed in paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) genotypes detected by the device.
of this section, apply: (ii) Detailed documentation, includ-
(i) Labeling required under § 809.10(b) ing results, of a multisite clinical
of this chapter must include a promi- study that assesses genotyping accu-
nent statement that the test is not in- racy (i.e., the proportion of interpret-
tended as a diagnostic test to confirm able results that match with the ref-
the presence of active HCV infection, erence method result) and the
when applicable. genotyping rate (i.e., the proportion of
(ii) Design verification and valida- results that were interpretable).
tion must include the following: (6) For any nucleic acid-based HCV
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
(A) Detailed documentation of the RNA test intended for Point of Care
following analytical performance stud- (PoC) use, the following special con-
ies conducted as appropriate to the trols, in addition to those listed in
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.3210
paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this section, subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
apply: subject to § 866.9.
(i) Clinical studies must be conducted
[47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 65
at PoC sites. FR 2311, Jan. 14, 2000]
(ii) Additional labeling must include
a brief summary of the instructions for § 866.3205 Echovirus serological re-
use that are appropriate for use in a agents.
PoC environment. (a) Identification. Echovirus sero-
[86 FR 66172, Nov. 22, 2021] logical reagents are devices that con-
sist of antigens and antisera used in se-
§ 866.3175 Cytomegalovirus serological rological tests to identify antibodies to
reagents. echovirus in serum. Additionally, some
(a) Identification. Cytomegalovirus se- of these reagents consist of echovirus
rological reagents are devices that con- antisera conjugated with a fluorescent
sist of antigens and antisera used in se- dye used to identify echoviruses from
rological tests to identify antibodies to clinical specimens or from tissue cul-
cytomegalovirus in serum. The identi- ture isolates derived from clinical
fication aids in the diagnosis of dis- specimens. The identification aids in
eases caused by cytomegaloviruses the diagnosis of echovirus infections
(principally cytomegalic inclusion dis- and provides epidemiological informa-
ease) and provides epidemiological in- tion on diseases caused by these vi-
formation on these diseases. ruses. Echoviruses cause illnesses such
Cytomegalic inclusion disease is a gen- as meningitis (inflammation of the
eralized infection of infants and is brain and spinal cord membranes), feb-
caused by intrauterine or early post- rile illnesses (accompanied by fever)
natal infection with the virus. The dis- with or without rash, and the common
ease may cause severe congenital ab- cold.
normalities, such as microcephaly (ab- (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
normal smallness of the head), motor trols). The device is exempt from the
disability, and mental retardation. premarket notification procedures in
Cytomegalovirus infection has also subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
been associated with acquired hemo- subject to the limitations in § 866.9.
lytic anemia, acute and chronic hepa-
titis, and an infectious mononucleosis- [47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 54
like syndrome. FR 25046, June 12, 1989; 66 FR 38791, July 25,
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- 2001]
ance standards).
§ 866.3210 Endotoxin assay.
§ 866.3200 Echinococcus spp. sero- (a) Identification. An endotoxin assay
logical reagents. is a device that uses serological tech-
(a) Identification. Echinococcus spp. se- niques in whole blood. The device is in-
rological reagents are devices that con- tended for use in conjunction with
sist of Echinococcus spp. antigens and other laboratory findings and clinical
antisera used in serological tests to assessment of the patient to aid in the
identify antibodies to Echinococcus spp. risk assessment of critically ill pa-
in serum. The identification aids in the tients for progression to severe sepsis.
diagnosis of echinococcosis, caused by (b) Classification. Class II (special
parasitic tapeworms belonging to the controls). The special control for this
genus Echinococcus and provides epide- device is the FDA guidance entitled
miological information on this disease. ‘‘Class II Special Controls Guidance
Echinococcosis is characterized by the Document: Endotoxin Assay.’’ See
development of cysts in the liver, lung, § 866.1(e) for the availability of this
kidneys, and other organs formed by guidance document.
the larva of the infecting organisms.
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- [68 FR 62008, Oct. 31, 2003. Redesignated at 70
trols). The device is exempt from the FR 53069, Sept. 7, 2005]
premarket notification procedures in
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§ 866.3215 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
§ 866.3215 Device to detect and meas- (i) Results must demonstrate ade-
ure non-microbial analyte(s) in quate device performance relative to a
human clinical specimens to aid in well-accepted comparator.
assessment of patients with sus- (ii) Clinical sample results must dem-
pected sepsis. onstrate consistency of device output
(a) Identification. A device to detect throughout the device measuring range
and measure non-microbial analyte(s) likely to be encountered in the In-
in human clinical specimens to aid in tended Use population.
assessment of patients with suspected (iii) Clinical study documentation
sepsis is identified as an in vitro device must include the original study pro-
intended for the detection and quali- tocol (including predefined statistical
tative and/or quantitative measure- analysis plan), study report docu-
ment of one or more non-microbial menting support for the Indications for
analytes in human clinical specimens Use(s), and results of all statistical
to aid in the assessment of patients analyses.
with suspected sepsis when used in con- (5) Premarket notification submis-
junction with clinical signs and symp- sions must include evaluation of the
toms and other clinical and laboratory level of the non-microbial analyte in
findings. asymptomatic patients with demo-
(b) Classification. Class II (special graphic characteristics (e.g., age, ra-
controls). The special controls for this cial, ethnic, and gender distribution)
device are: similar to the Intended Use population.
(1) Premarket notification submis- (6) As part of the risk management
sions must include the device’s de- activities performed under 21 CFR
tailed Indications for Use statement 820.30 design controls, you must docu-
describing what the device detects and ment an appropriate end user device
measures, the results provided to the training program that will be offered
user, whether the measure is quali- as part of your efforts to mitigate the
tative and/or quantitative, the clinical risk of failure to correctly operate the
indications for which the test is to be instrument.
used, and the specific population(s) for (7) A detailed explanation of the in-
which the device use is intended. terpretation of results and acceptance
(2) Premarket notification submis- criteria must be included in the de-
sions must include detailed docu- vice’s 21 CFR 809.10(b)(9) compliant la-
mentation of the device description, in- beling, and a detailed explanation of
cluding (as applicable), all device com- the interpretation of the limitations of
ponents, software, ancillary reagents the samples (e.g., collected on day of
required but not provided, explanation diagnosis) must be included in the de-
of the device principle and method- vice’s 21 CFR 809.10(b)(10) compliant la-
ology, and for molecular devices in- beling.
clude detailed documentation of the [82 FR 49099, Oct. 24, 2017]
primer/probe sequence, design, and ra-
tionale for sequence selection. § 866.3220 Entamoeba histolytica sero-
(3) Premarket notification submis- logical reagents.
sions must include detailed docu- (a) Identification. Entamoeba
mentation of applicable analytical histolytica serological reagents are de-
studies, such as, analytical sensitivity vices that consist of antigens and
(Limit of Detection, Limit of Blank, antisera used in serological tests to
and Limit of Quantitation), precision, identify antibodies to Entamoeba
reproducibility, analytical measuring histolytica in serum. Additionally, some
range, interference, cross-reactivity, of these reagents consist of antisera
and specimen stability. conjugated with a fluorescent dye
(4) Premarket notification submis- (immunofluorescent reagents) used to
sions must include detailed docu- identify Entamoeba histolytica directly
mentation of a prospective clinical from clinical specimens. The identi-
study or, if appropriate, results from fication aids in the diagnosis of amebi-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
an equivalent sample set. This detailed asis caused by the microscopic proto-
documentation must include the fol- zoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica and
lowing information: provides epidemiological information
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.3250
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§ 866.3255 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
of the membranes of the brain) and is this device may indicate past or
usually attributable to contaminated present infection of the patient with
hospital equipment. Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.3309
(b) Classification. Class III (premarket tions range from common and mild le-
approval) (transitional device). sions of the skin and mucous mem-
(c) Date PMA or notice of completion of branes to a severe form of encephalitis
a PDP is required. As of May 28, 1976, an (inflammation of the brain). Neonatal
approval under section 515 of the act is herpes virus infections range from a
required before this device may be mild infection to a severe generalized
commercially distributed. See § 866.3. disease with a fatal outcome.
[47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 52 (b) Classification. Class II (special
FR 17734, May 11, 1987] controls). The device is classified as
class II (special controls). The special
§ 866.3300 Haemophilus spp. sero- control for the device is FDA’s revised
logical reagents. guidance document entitled ‘‘Class II
(a) Identification. Haemophilus spp. se- Special Controls Guidance Document:
rological reagents are devices that con- Herpes Simplex Virus Types 1 and 2 Se-
sist of antigens and antisera, including rological Assays.’’ For availability of
antisera conjugated with a fluorescent the guidance revised document, see
dye, that are used in serological tests § 866.1(e).
to identify Haemophilus spp. directly [72 FR 15830, Apr. 3, 2007, as amended at 74
from clinical specimens or tissue cul- FR 42775, Aug. 25, 2009; 76 FR 48717, Aug. 9,
ture isolates derived from clinical 2011]
specimens. The identification aids in
the diagnosis of diseases caused by bac- § 866.3309 Herpes virus nucleic acid-
teria belonging to the genus based cutaneous and
Haemophilus and provides epidemiolog- mucocutaneous lesion panel.
ical information on diseases cause by (a) Identification. A herpes virus nu-
these microorganisms. Diseases most cleic acid-based cutaneous and
often caused by Haemophilus spp. in- mucocutaneous lesion panel is a quali-
clude pneumonia, pharyngitis, sinus- tative in vitro diagnostic device in-
itis, vaginitis, chancroid venereal dis- tended for the simultaneous detection
ease, and a contagious form of conjunc- and differentiation of different herpes
tivitis (inflammation of eyelid mem- viruses in cutaneous and
branes). mucocutaneous lesion samples from
(b) Classification. Class II (special symptomatic patients suspected of
controls). The device is exempt from Herpetic infections. Negative results
the premarket notification procedures do not preclude infection and should
in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter not be used as the sole basis for treat-
subject to § 866.9. ment or other patient management de-
[47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 63 cisions. The assay is not intended for
FR 59226, Nov. 3, 1998] use in cerebrospinal fluid samples.
(b) Classification. Class II (special
§ 866.3305 Herpes simplex virus sero- controls). The special controls for this
logical assays. device are:
(a) Identification. Herpes simplex (1) Premarket notification submis-
virus serological assays are devices sions must include detailed docu-
that consist of antigens and antisera mentation for the device description,
used in various serological tests to including the device components, an-
identify antibodies to herpes simplex cillary reagents required but not pro-
virus in serum. Additionally, some of vided, and a detailed explanation of the
the assays consist of herpes simplex methodology including primer design
virus antisera conjugated with a fluo- and selection.
rescent dye (immunofluorescent as- (2) Premarket notification submis-
says) used to identify herpes simplex sions must include detailed docu-
virus directly from clinical specimens mentation from the following analyt-
or tissue culture isolates derived from ical and clinical performance studies:
clinical specimens. The identification Analytical sensitivity (Limit of Detec-
aids in the diagnosis of diseases caused tion), reactivity, inclusivity, precision,
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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§ 866.3310 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
ical laboratory findings. These devices emerge over time which may poten-
are not intended for screening blood or tially affect the performance of these
solid or soft tissue donors. devices. Because influenza is highly
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.3328
contagious and may lead to an acute (2) When performing testing to dem-
respiratory tract infection causing se- onstrate the device meets the require-
vere illness and even death, the accu- ments in paragraph (b)(1) of this sec-
racy of these devices has serious public tion, a currently appropriate and FDA
health implications. accepted comparator method must be
(b) Classification. Class II (special used to establish assay performance in
controls). The special controls for this clinical studies.
device are: (3) Annual analytical reactivity test-
(1) The device’s sensitivity and speci- ing of the device must be performed
ficity performance characteristics or with contemporary influenza strains.
positive percent agreement and nega- This annual analytical reactivity test-
tive percent agreement, for each speci- ing must meet the following criteria:
men type claimed in the intended use (i) The appropriate strains to be test-
of the device, must meet one of the fol- ed will be identified by FDA in con-
lowing two minimum clinical perform- sultation with the Centers for Disease
ance criteria: Control and Prevention (CDC) and
(i) For devices evaluated as compared sourced from CDC or an FDA-des-
to an FDA-cleared nucleic acid based- ignated source. If the annual strains
test or other currently appropriate and are not available from CDC, FDA will
FDA accepted comparator method identify an alternative source for ob-
other than correctly performed viral taining the requisite strains.
culture method: (ii) The testing must be conducted
(A) The positive percent agreement according to a standardized protocol
estimate for the device when testing considered and determined by FDA to
for influenza A and influenza B must be be acceptable and appropriate.
at the point estimate of at least 80 per- (iii) By July 31 of each calendar year,
cent with a lower bound of the 95 per- the results of the last 3 years of annual
cent confidence interval that is greater analytical reactivity testing must be
than or equal to 70 percent. included as part of the device’s label-
(B) The negative percent agreement ing. If a device has not been on the
estimate for the device when testing market long enough for 3 years of an-
for influenza A and influenza B must be nual analytical reactivity testing to
at the point estimate of at least 95 per- have been conducted since the device
cent with a lower bound of the 95 per- received marketing authorization from
cent confidence interval that is greater FDA, then the results of every annual
than or equal to 90 percent. analytical reactivity testing since the
(ii) For devices evaluated as com- device received marketing authoriza-
pared to correctly performed viral cul- tion from FDA must be included. The
ture method as the comparator meth- results must be presented as part of the
od: device’s labeling in a tabular format,
(A) The sensitivity estimate for the which includes the detailed informa-
device when testing for influenza A tion for each virus tested as described
must be at the point estimate of at in the certificate of authentication, ei-
least 90 percent with a lower bound of ther by:
the 95 percent confidence interval that (A) Placing the results directly in the
is greater than or equal to 80 percent. device’s § 809.10(b) of this chapter com-
The sensitivity estimate for the device pliant labeling that physically accom-
when testing for influenza B must be at panies the device in a separate section
the point estimate of at least 80 per- of the labeling where the analytical re-
cent with a lower bound of the 95 per- activity testing data can be found; or
cent confidence interval that is greater (B) In the device’s label or in other
than or equal to 70 percent. labeling that physically accompanies
(B) The specificity estimate for the the device, prominently providing a
device when testing for influenza A and hyperlink to the manufacturer’s public
influenza B must be at the point esti- Web site where the analytical reac-
mate of at least 95 percent with a lower tivity testing data can be found. The
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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§ 866.3330 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
ufacturer’s Web site that discusses the enced personnel who have training in
device, must provide a prominently standardized molecular testing proce-
placed hyperlink to the Web page con- dures and expertise in viral diagnosis,
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.3355
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§ 866.3360 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
high mortality rate for infants before (1) Premarket notification submis-
or after birth. sions must include detailed docu-
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- mentation for device software, includ-
trols). The device is exempt from the ing, but not limited to, standalone
premarket notification procedures in software applications and hardware-
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter based devices that incorporate soft-
subject to § 866.9. ware.
[47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 65 (2) Premarket notification submis-
FR 2311, Jan. 14, 2000] sions must include database implemen-
tation methodology, construction pa-
§ 866.3360 Lymphocytic choriomenin- rameters, and quality assurance proto-
gitis virus serological reagents. cols.
(a) Identification. Lymphocytic cho- (3) A detailed explanation of the in-
riomeningitis virus serological re- terpretation of results and acceptance
agents are devices that consist of anti- criteria must be included in the de-
gens and antisera used in serological vice’s 21 CFR 809.10(b)(9) compliant la-
tests to identify antibodies to beling.
lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus in (4) As part of the risk management
serum. The identification aids in the activities performed as part of your 21
diagnosis of lymphocytic choriomenin- CFR 820.30 design controls, you must
gitis virus infections and provides epi- document an appropriate end user de-
demiological information on diseases vice training program that will be of-
caused by these viruses. Lymphocytic fered as part of your efforts to mitigate
choriomeningitis viruses usually cause the risk of failure to correctly operate
a mild cerebral meningitis (inflamma- the instrument.
tion of membranes that envelop the (5) Premarket notification submis-
brain) and occasionally a mild pneu- sions must include details on the ap-
monia, but in rare instances may propriate end user device training pro-
produce severe and even fatal illnesses gram that will be offered while mar-
due to complications from cerebral keting the device.
meningitis and pneumonia.
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- [82 FR 49101, Oct. 24, 2017]
trols). The device is exempt from the
premarket notification procedures in § 866.3365 Multiplex nucleic acid assay
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter for identification of microorga-
nisms and resistance markers from
subject to § 866.9.
positive blood cultures.
[47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 65
(a) Identification. A multiplex nucleic
FR 2311, Jan. 14, 2000]
acid assay for identification of micro-
§ 866.3361 Mass spectrometer system organisms and resistance markers from
for clinical use for the identifica- positive blood cultures is a qualitative
tion of microorganisms. in vitro device intended to simulta-
(a) Identification. A mass spectrom- neously detect and identify microorga-
eter system for clinical use for the nism nucleic acids from blood cultures
identification of microorganisms is a that test positive by Gram stain or
qualitative in vitro diagnostic device other microbiological stains. The de-
intended for the identification of vice detects specific nucleic acid se-
microorganisms cultured from human quences for microorganism identifica-
specimens. The device is comprised of tion as well as for antimicrobial resist-
an ionization source, a mass analyzer, ance. This device aids in the diagnosis
and a spectral database. The device is of bloodstream infections when used in
indicated for use in conjunction with conjunction with other clinical and
other clinical and laboratory findings laboratory findings. However, the de-
to aid in the diagnosis of bacterial and vice does not replace traditional meth-
fungal infections. ods for culture and susceptibility test-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.3373
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§ 866.3375 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(i) The device must include an exter- complex. The antibiotic resistant
nal positive assay control as appro- strains must be those with well charac-
priate. Acceptable positive assay con- terized genetic mutations associated
trols include MTB-complex isolates with antibiotic resistance.
containing one or more antibiotic-re- (2) Analytical Reactivity (Inclusivity).
sistance associated target sequences Testing must be conducted to evaluate
detected by the device. the ability of the device to detect ge-
(ii) The device must include internal netic mutations associated with anti-
controls as appropriate. An acceptable biotic resistance in a diversity of MTB-
internal control may include human complex strains. Isolates used in test-
nucleic acid co-extracted with MTB- ing must be well characterized. Isolate
complex containing nucleic acid se- strain characterization must be deter-
quences associated with antibiotic re- mined using standardized reference
sistance and primers amplifying human methods recognized by a reputable sci-
housekeeping genes (e.g., RNaseP, b- entific body and appropriate to the
actin). strain lineage.
(iii) The device’s intended use must (3) Within-Laboratory (Repeatability)
include a description of the scope of Precision Testing. Within-laboratory
antibiotic resistance targeted by the precision studies, if appropriate, must
assay, i.e., the specific drugs and/or include at least one antibiotic resist-
drug classes. ant and one antibiotic susceptible
(iv) The specific performance charac- strain of MTB-complex.
teristics section of the device’s label- (4) Between Laboratory Reproducibility
ing must include information regarding Testing. The protocol for the reproduc-
the specificity of the assay ibility study may vary slightly depend-
oligonucleotides for detecting ing on the assay format; however, the
mutations associated with antibiotic panel must include at least one anti-
resistance of MTB-complex, and any biotic resistant and one antibiotic sus-
information indicating the potential ceptible strain of MTB-complex.
for non-specific binding (e.g., BLAST (C) Clinical Studies. Clinical per-
search). formance of the device must be estab-
(v) In demonstrating device perform- lished by conducting prospective clin-
ance you must perform: ical studies that include subjects with
(A) Pre-analytical studies that evalu- culture confirmed active tuberculosis.
ate: Studies must attempt to enroll sub-
(1) Frozen samples. If there is use of jects at risk for antibiotic-resistant
any frozen samples in the device per- MTB-complex; however, it may be nec-
formance studies, or if there is a device essary to include supplemental anti-
claim for the use of frozen samples for biotic resistant retrospective and con-
testing, the effect of freezing samples trived samples. Clinical studies must
prior to testing and the effect of mul- compare device results to both
tiple freeze/thaw cycles on both anti- phenotypic drug susceptibility testing
biotic susceptible and antibiotic resist- and genotypic reference methods. The
ant strains of MTB-complex. genotypic reference method must be a
(2) Nucleic acid extraction methods. Ex- polymerase chain reaction based meth-
traction methods must parallel those od that uses primers different from
used in devices for the detection of those in the experimental device and
MTB-complex nucleic acid and confirm confirmed by bidirectional sequencing.
that the detection of the genetic [79 FR 63036, Oct. 22, 2014]
mutations associated with antibiotic
resistance is not affected. § 866.3375 Mycoplasma spp. serological
(B) Analytical studies that analyze: reagents.
(1) Limit of Detection. Limit of Detec- (a) Identification. Mycoplasma spp. se-
tion must be determined in the most rological reagents are devices that con-
challenging matrix (e.g., sputum) sist of antigens and antisera used in se-
claimed for use with the device. The rological tests to identify antibodies to
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.3395
(a) Identification. Neisseria spp. direct [76 FR 14274, Mar. 9, 2012, as amended at 84
serological test reagents are devices FR 71800, Dec. 30, 2019]
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§ 866.3400 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
ability of this guidance document. trols). The device is exempt from the
[73 FR 29054, May 20, 2008] premarket notification procedures in
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.3480
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§ 866.3490 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
sist of antigens and antisera used in se- confluent and blotchy rash.
rological tests to identify antibodies to (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
rubella virus in serum. The identifica- trols). The device is exempt from the
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.3660
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§ 866.3680 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.3860
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§ 866.3870 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
lytical deviations that may arise from (i) The intended use of your 21 CFR
reagent or analytical instrument vari- 809.10(a)(2) and (b)(2) compliant label-
ation. This type of device consists of ing must include the following:
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.3946
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§ 866.3950 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
Controls Guideline: Dengue Virus Nu- firm the presence of HIV infection, or
cleic Acid Amplification Test Re- for screening donors of blood, plasma,
agents.’’ For availability of the guide- or human cells, tissues, and cellular
line document, see § 866.1(e). and tissue-based products.
[79 FR 53609, Sept. 10, 2014]
(2) The labeling must include:
(i) A detailed device description, in-
§ 866.3950 In vitro human immuno- cluding but not limited to, all proce-
deficiency virus (HIV) drug resist- dures from collection of the patient
ance genotype assay. sample to reporting the final result, all
(a) Identification. The in vitro HIV device components, the control ele-
drug resistance genotype assay is a de- ments incorporated into the test proce-
vice that consists of nucleic acid rea- dure, instrument requirements, and re-
gent primers and probes together with agents required for use but not pro-
software for predicting drug resistance/ vided as part of the device.
susceptibility based on results obtained (ii) Performance characteristics from
with these primers and probes. It is in- analytical studies and all intended
tended for use in detecting HIV specimen types.
genomic mutations that confer resist- (iii) A list of specific mutations de-
ance to specific antiretroviral drugs, as tected.
an aid in monitoring and treating HIV (iv) The name and version of the
infection. standardized database used for se-
(b) Classification. Class II (special quence comparison and results deriva-
controls). The special control for this tion.
device is FDA’s guidance document en- (v) A detailed explanation of the in-
titled ‘‘Class II Special Controls Guid- terpretation of test results, including
ance Document: In Vitro HIV Drug Re- acceptance criteria for evaluating the
sistance Genotype Assay.’’ See § 866.1(e) validity of a test run.
for the availability of this guidance (vi) A limitation statement that the
document. device is intended to be used in con-
[72 FR 44382, Aug. 8, 2007]
junction with clinical history and
other laboratory findings. Results of
§ 866.3955 Human immunodeficiency this test are intended to be interpreted
virus (HIV) drug resistance by a physician or equivalent.
genotyping assay using next gen- (vii) A limitation statement that
eration sequencing technology. lack of detection of drug resistance
(a) Identification. The HIV drug re- mutations does not preclude the possi-
sistance genotyping assay using next bility of genetic mutation.
generation sequencing (NGS) tech- (viii) A limitation statement indi-
nology is a prescription in vitro diag- cating the relevant genetic mutations
nostic device intended for use in de- that are included in the standardized
tecting HIV genomic mutations that database of HIV genomic sequences
confer resistance to specific used for comparison and results deriva-
antiretroviral drugs. The device is in- tion but that are not detected by the
tended to be used as an aid in moni- test.
toring and treating HIV infection. (ix) A limitation statement that de-
(b) Classification. Class II (special tection of a genomic drug resistance
controls). The special controls for this mutation may not correlate with
device are: phenotypic gene expression.
(1) The intended use of the device (x) A limitation statement that the
must: test does not detect all genetic
(i) Specify the analyte (RNA or mutations associated with antiviral
DNA), the genes in which mutations drugs.
are detected, the clinical indications (xi) A limitation statement listing
appropriate for test use, the sample the HIV types for which the test is not
type, and the specific population(s) for intended, if any.
which the device in intended. (3) Device verification and validation
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.3956
(ii) Computational path from col- (ix) A clear description of the selec-
lected raw data to reported result. tion and use of the standardized data-
(iii) Detailed documentation of ana- base that is used for sequence compari-
lytical studies including, but not lim- son and results derivation.
ited to, characterization of the cutoff, (4) Premarket notification submis-
analytical sensitivity, inclusivity, re- sions must include the information in
producibility, interference, cross reac- paragraphs (b)(3)(i) through (ix) of this
tivity, instrument and method carry- section.
over/cross contamination, sample sta- [85 FR 7217, Feb. 7, 2020]
bility, and handling for all genomic
mutations claimed in the intended use. § 866.3956 Human immunodeficiency
(iv) Precision studies that include all virus (HIV) serological diagnostic
genomic mutations claimed in the in- and/or supplemental test.
tended use. (a) Identification. Human immuno-
(v) Detailed documentation of a deficiency virus (HIV) serological diag-
multisite clinical study evaluating the nostic and supplemental tests are pre-
sensitivity and specificity of the de- scription devices for the qualitative de-
vice. Clinical study subjects must rep- tection of HIV antigen(s) and/or detec-
resent the intended use population and tion of antibodies against HIV in
device results for all targets claimed in human body fluids or tissues. The tests
the intended use must be compared to are intended for use as an aid in the di-
Sanger sequencing or other methods agnosis of infection with HIV and are
found acceptable by FDA. Drug resist- for professional use only. The test re-
ance-associated mutations at or above sults are intended to be interpreted in
the 20 percent frequency level must de- conjunction with other relevant clin-
tect the mutations in greater than 90 ical and laboratory findings. These
percent of at least 10 replicates, for tests are not intended to be used for
each of drug class evaluated. monitoring patient status, or for
(vi) Documentation that variant call- screening donors of blood or blood
ing is performed at a level of coverage products, or human cells, tissues, and
that supports positive detection of all cellular and tissue-based products
genomic mutations claimed in the in- (HCT/Ps).
tended use. (b) Classification. Class II (special
(vii) Detailed documentation of limit controls). The special controls for this
of detection (LoD) studies in which de- device are:
vice performance is evaluated by test- (1) For all HIV serological diagnostic
ing a minimum of 100 HIV-positive and supplemental tests
clinical samples including samples (i) The labeling must include:
with analyte concentrations near the (A) An intended use that states that
clinical decision points and near the the device is not intended for use for
LoD. screening donors of blood or blood
(A) The LoD for the device must be products or HCT/Ps.
determined using a minimum of 10 (B) A detailed explanation of the
HIV–1 group M genotypes if applicable. principles of operation and procedures
A detection rate at 1 × LoD greater used for performing the assay.
than or equal to 95 percent must be (C) A detailed explanation of the in-
demonstrated for mutations with a fre- terpretation of results and rec-
quency greater than 20 percent. ommended actions to take based on re-
(B) The LoD of genetic mutations at sults.
frequency levels less than 20 percent (D) Limitations, which must be up-
must be established. dated to reflect current clinical prac-
(viii) A predefined HIV genotyping tice and disease presentation and man-
bioinformatics analysis pipeline (BAP). agement. The limitations must in-
The BAP must adequately describe the clude, but are not limited to, state-
bioinformatic analysis of the sequenc- ments that indicate:
ing data, including but not limited to (1) The matrices with which the de-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
read alignment, variant calling, assem- vice has been cleared, and that use of
bly, genotyping, quality control, and this test kit with specimen types other
final result reporting. than those specifically cleared for this
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§ 866.3956 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
device may result in inaccurate test re- (E) Analytical sensitivity of the test
sults. must be the same as or better than
(2) The test is not intended to be used that of other cleared or approved tests.
to monitor individuals who are under- Samples tested must include appro-
going treatment for HIV infection. priate numbers and types of samples,
(3) A specimen with a reactive result including real clinical samples near the
should be investigated further fol- lower limit of detection. Analytical
lowing current guidelines. specificity of the test must be the same
(4) All test results should be inter- as or better than that of other cleared
preted in conjunction with the individ- or approved tests. Samples must in-
ual’s clinical presentation, history, and clude appropriate numbers and types of
other laboratory results. samples from patients with different
(5) A test result that is nonreactive underlying illnesses or infections and
does not exclude the possibility of ex- from patients with potential endoge-
posure to or infection with HIV. Non- nous interfering substances.
reactive results in this assay may be (F) Detailed documentation of per-
due to analyte levels that are below formance from a multisite clinical
the limit of detection of this assay. study. Performance must be analyzed
(ii) Device verification and validation relative to an FDA-cleared or approved
must include: comparator. This study must be con-
(A) Detailed device description, in- ducted using patient samples, with an
cluding the device components, ancil- appropriate number of HIV positive
lary reagents required but not pro- and HIV negative samples in applicable
vided, and an explanation of the meth- risk categories. Additional subgroups
odology. Additional information appro- or types must be validated using appro-
priate to the technology must be in- priate numbers and types of samples.
cluded, such as the amino acid se- The samples may be a combination of
quence of antigen(s) and design of cap- fresh and repository samples, sourced
ture antibodies. from within and outside the United
(B) For devices with assay cali- States, as appropriate. The study de-
brators, the design of all primary, sec- signs, including number of samples
ondary, and subsequent quantitation tested, must be sufficient to meet the
standards used for calibration as well following criteria:
as their traceability to a reference ma-
(1) Clinical sensitivity of the test
terial. In addition, analytical testing
must have a lower bound of the 95 per-
must be performed following the re-
cent confidence interval of greater
lease of a new lot of the standard mate-
than or equal to 99 percent.
rial that was used for device clearance,
or when there is a transition to a new (2) Clinical specificity of the test
calibration standard. must have a lower bound of the 95 per-
(C) Detailed documentation of ana- cent confidence interval of greater
lytical performance studies conducted than or equal to 99 percent.
as appropriate to the technology, speci- (G) Strategies for detection of new
men types tested, and intended use of strains, types, subtypes, genotypes, and
the device, including, but not limited genetic mutations as they emerge.
to, limit of blank, limit of detection, (H) Risk analysis and management
cutoff determination, precision, endog- strategies, such as Failure Modes Ef-
enous and exogenous interferences, fects Analysis and/or Hazard Analysis
cross reactivity, carryover, quality and Critical Control Points summaries
control, matrix equivalency, and sam- and their impact on test performance.
ple and reagent stability. Samples se- (I) Final release criteria to be used
lected for use in analytical studies or for manufactured test lots with appro-
used to prepare samples for use in ana- priate evidence that lots released at
lytical studies must be from subjects the extremes of the specifications will
with clinically relevant circulating meet the claimed analytical and clin-
genotypes in the United States. ical performance characteristics as
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.3956
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§ 866.3957 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
in the diagnosis of infection with HIV (ii) Device verification and validation
and are for professional use only. The must include:
test results are intended to be inter-
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.3957
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§ 866.3957 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
submitted annually on the anniversary and (2) of this section and not the cri-
of clearance for 5 years following clear- teria in paragraph (b)(1)(ii)(F) of this
ance of a traditional premarket notifi- section:
cation. (1) Clinical sensitivity of the test
(2) If the test is intended for Point of must have a lower bound of the 95 per-
Care (PoC) use, the following special cent confidence interval of greater
controls, in addition to those listed in than or equal to 98 percent.
paragraph (b)(1) of this section, apply: (2) Clinical specificity of the test
(i) The PoC labeling must include a must have a lower bound of the 95 per-
statement that the test is intended for cent confidence interval of greater
PoC use. than or equal to 98 percent.
(ii) The PoC labeling must include (B) Premarket notification submis-
the following information near the sions must include the information
statement of the intended use: contained in paragraph (b)(2)(v)(A) of
(A) That the test is for distribution this section.
to clinical laboratories that have an (3) If the test is intended for supple-
adequate quality assurance program, mental use in addition to use as an aid
including planned systematic activities in initial diagnosis, the following spe-
that provide adequate confidence that cial controls, in addition to those list-
requirements for quality will be met ed in paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this
and where there is assurance that oper- section, as appropriate, apply:
ators will receive and use the instruc- (i) The labeling must include a state-
tional materials. ment that the test is intended for use
(B) That the test is for use only by an as an additional test to confirm the
agent of a clinical laboratory. presence of HIV viral nucleic acid in
(C) Instructions for individuals to re- specimens found to be repeatedly reac-
ceive the ‘‘Subject Information No- tive by a diagnostic screening test.
tice’’ prior to specimen collection and (ii) Device validation and verification
appropriate information when test re- for supplemental use must include a
sults are provided. clinical study, including samples that
(iii) PoC labeling must include in- were initially reactive and repeatedly
structions to follow current guidelines reactive on a diagnostic test but were
for informing the individual of the test negative or indeterminate on a con-
result and its interpretation. firmatory test. Premarket notification
(iv) The instructions in the labeling submissions must include this informa-
must state that reactive results are tion.
considered preliminary and should be (4) If the test is intended solely as a
confirmed following current guidelines. supplemental test, the following spe-
(v) Device verification and validation cial controls, in addition to those list-
for PoC use must include: ed in paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this
(A) Detailed documentation from a section, except those in paragraphs
well-conducted multisite clinical study (b)(1)(ii)(F) and (b)(2)(v)(A) of this sec-
conducted at appropriate PoC sites. tion, as appropriate, apply:
Performance must be analyzed relative (i) The labeling must include a state-
to an FDA cleared or approved com- ment that the test is intended for use
parator. This study must be conducted as an additional test to confirm the
using patient samples, with appro- presence of HIV viral nucleic acid in
priate numbers of HIV positive and specimens found to be repeatedly reac-
HIV negative samples in applicable tive by a diagnostic screening test.
risk categories. Additional subgroup or (ii) The labeling must clearly state
type claims must be validated using that the test is not for use for initial
appropriate numbers and types of sam- diagnosis or is not intended as a first-
ples. The samples may be a combina- line test.
tion of fresh and repository samples, (iii) Device validation and
sourced from within and outside the verification must include a clinical
United States, as appropriate. If the study including samples that were ini-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
test is intended solely for PoC use, the tially reactive and repeatedly reactive
test must meet only the performance on a diagnostic test but were negative
criteria in paragraphs (b)(2)(v)(A)(1) or indeterminate on a confirmatory
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.3958
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§ 866.3960 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.3970
clinical signs and symptoms and other the risk of failure to correctly operate
laboratory findings. the instrument.
(b) Classification. Class II (special [82 FR 47967, Oct. 16, 2017]
controls). The special controls for this
device are: § 866.3970 Device to detect and iden-
(1) Premarket notification submis- tify microbial pathogen nucleic
sions must include detailed device de- acids in cerebrospinal fluid.
scription documentation, including the (a) Identification. A device to detect
device components, ancillary reagents and identify microbial pathogen nu-
required but not provided, and a de- cleic acids in cerebrospinal fluid is a
tailed explanation of the methodology, qualitative in vitro device intended for
including primer/probe sequence, de- the detection and identification of mi-
sign, and rationale for sequence selec- crobial-associated nucleic acid se-
tion. quences from patients suspected of
(2) Premarket notification submis- meningitis or encephalitis. A device to
sions must include detailed docu- detect and identify microbial pathogen
mentation from the following analyt- nucleic acids in cerebrospinal fluid is
ical and clinical performance studies: intended to aid in the diagnosis of men-
Analytical sensitivity (limit of detec- ingitis or encephalitis when used in
tion), reactivity, inclusivity, precision, conjunction with clinical signs and
reproducibility, interference, cross re- symptoms and other clinical and lab-
activity, carryover, and cross contami- oratory findings.
nation. (b) Classification. Class II (special
(3) Premarket notification submis- controls). The special controls for this
sions must include detailed docu- device are:
mentation from a clinical study. The (1) Premarket notification submis-
study, performed on a study population sions must include detailed device de-
consistent with the intended use popu- scription documentation, including the
lation, must compare the device per- device components, ancillary reagents
formance to results obtained from required but not provided, and a de-
well-accepted reference methods. tailed explanation of the methodology,
including primer/probe sequence, de-
(4) Premarket notification submis-
sign, and rationale for sequence selec-
sions must include detailed docu-
mentation for device software, includ-
ing, but not limited to, software appli- (2) Premarket notification submis-
sions must include detailed docu-
cations and hardware-based devices
mentation from the following analyt-
that incorporate software.
ical studies: Analytical sensitivity
(5) The device labeling must include (limit of detection), inclusivity, repro-
limitations regarding the need for cul- ducibility, interference, cross reac-
ture confirmation of negative speci- tivity, and specimen stability.
mens, as appropriate. (3) Premarket notification submis-
(6) A detailed explanation of the in- sions must include detailed docu-
terpretation of results and acceptance mentation from a clinical study. The
criteria must be included in the de- study, performed on a study population
vice’s 21 CFR 809.10(b)(9) compliant la- consistent with the intended use popu-
beling. lation, must compare the device per-
(7) Premarket notification submis- formance to results obtained from
sions must include details on an end well-accepted comparator methods.
user device training program that will (4) Premarket notification submis-
be offered while marketing the device, sions must include detailed docu-
as appropriate. mentation for device software, includ-
(8) As part of the risk management ing, but not limited to, software appli-
activities performed as part of your 21 cations and hardware-based devices
CFR 820.30 design controls, you must that incorporate software.
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
document an appropriate end user de- (5) The Intended Use statement in
vice training program that will be of- the device labeling must include a
fered as part of your efforts to mitigate statement that the device is intended
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§ 866.3980 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.3990
test use, and the specific population(s) do not indicate susceptibility of de-
for which the device is intended. tected microorganisms.
(2) The 21 CFR 809.10(b) labeling must (4) Design verification and validation
include: must include:
(i) A detailed device description, in- (i) Performance characteristics from
cluding all device components, control clinical studies that include prospec-
elements incorporated into the test tive (sequential) samples and, if appro-
procedure, instrument requirements, priate, additional characterized sam-
ancillary reagents required but not ples. The study must be performed on a
provided, and a detailed explanation of study population consistent with the
the methodology, including all pre-an- intended use population and compare
alytical methods for processing of the device performance to results ob-
specimens. tained from an FDA accepted reference
(ii) Performance characteristics from method and/or FDA accepted com-
analytical studies, including, but not parator method, as appropriate. Re-
limited to, limit of detection, sults from the clinical studies must in-
inclusivity, reproducibility, cross reac- clude the clinical study protocol (in-
tivity, interfering substances, competi- cluding predefined statistical analysis
tive inhibition, carryover/cross con- plan, if applicable), clinical study re-
tamination, specimen stability, and port, and results of all statistical anal-
linearity, as applicable. yses.
(iii) A limiting statement that the (ii) A detailed device description in-
device is intended to be used in con- cluding the following:
junction with clinical history, signs (A) Thorough description of the assay
and symptoms, and results of other di- methodology including, but not limited
agnostic tests, including culture and to, primer/probe sequences, primer/
antimicrobial susceptibility testing. probe design, and rationale for target
(iv) A detailed explanation of the in- sequence selection, as applicable.
terpretation of test results for clinical (B) Algorithm used to generate a
specimens and acceptance criteria for final result from raw data (e.g., how
any quality control testing. raw signals are converted into a re-
(v) A limiting statement that nega- ported result).
tive results for microorganisms do not (iii) A detailed description of device
preclude the possibility of infection, software, including, but not limited to,
and should not be used as the sole basis validation activities and outcomes.
for diagnosis, treatment, or other pa- (iv) As part of the risk management
tient management decisions. activities, an appropriate end user de-
(vi) If applicable, a limiting state- vice training program must be offered
ment that detected microorganisms as an effort to mitigate the risk of fail-
may not be the cause of lower res- ure from user error.
piratory tract infection and may be in- [84 FR 9228, Mar. 14, 2019]
dicative of colonizing or normal res-
piratory flora. § 866.3990 Gastrointestinal microorga-
(vii) If applicable, a limiting state- nism multiplex nucleic acid-based
ment that detection of resistance assay.
markers cannot be definitively linked (a) Identification. A gastrointestinal
to specific microorganisms and that microorganism multiplex nucleic acid-
the source of a detected resistance based assay is a qualitative in vitro di-
marker may be an organism not de- agnostic device intended to simulta-
tected by the assay, including colo- neously detect and identify multiple
nizing flora. gastrointestinal microbial nucleic
(viii) If applicable, a limiting state- acids extracted from human stool
ment that detection of antibiotic re- specimens. The device detects specific
sistance markers may not correlate nucleic acid sequences for organism
with phenotypic gene expression. identification as well as for deter-
(3) The 21 CFR 809.10(b) labeling and mining the presence of toxin genes.
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
any test report generated by the device The detection and identification of a
must include a limiting statement that specific gastrointestinal microbial nu-
negative results for resistance markers cleic acid from individuals exhibiting
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§ 866.4070 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.4750
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
trols). The device is exempt from the subject to the limitations in § 866.9.
premarket notification procedures in
[47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 54
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
FR 25047, June 12, 1989; 66 FR 38792, July 25,
subject to the limitations in § 866.9. 2001]
[47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 54
FR 25047, June 12, 1989; 66 FR 38792, July 25, § 866.4700 Automated fluorescence in
2001] situ hybridization (FISH) enumera-
tion systems.
§ 866.4540 Immunonephelometer (a) Identification. An automated FISH
enumeration system is a device that
(a) Identification. consists of an automated scanning mi-
Immunonephelometer equipment for croscope, image analysis system, and
clinical use with its electrical power customized software applications for
supply is a device that measures light FISH assays. This device is intended
scattering from antigen-antibody com- for in vitro diagnostic use with FISH
plexes. The concentration of these assays as an aid in the detection,
complexes may be measured by means counting and classification of cells
of reflected light. A beam of light based on recognition of cellular color,
passed through a solution is scattered size, and shape, and in the detection
by the particles in suspension. The and enumeration of FISH signals in
amount of light is detected by a interphase nuclei of formalin-fixed,
photodetector, which converts light en- paraffin-embedded human tissue speci-
ergy into electrical energy. The mens.
amount of electrical energy registers
(b) Classification. Class II (special
on a readout system such as a digital
controls). The special control is FDA’s
voltmeter or a recording chart. This
guidance document entitled ‘‘Class II
electrical readout is called the light-
scattering value and is used to measure Special Controls Guidance Document:
the concentration of antigen-antibody Automated Fluorescence in situ Hy-
complexes. This generic type of device bridization (FISH) Enumeration Sys-
includes devices with various kinds of tems.’’ See § 866.1(e) for the availability
light sources, such as laser equipment. of this guidance document.
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- [70 FR 14534, Mar. 23, 2005]
trols). The device is exempt from the
premarket notification procedures in § 866.4750 Automated indirect
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter immunofluorescence microscope
subject to the limitations in § 866.9. and software-assisted system.
[47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 54 (a) Identification. An automated indi-
FR 25047, June 12, 1989; 66 FR 38792, July 25, rect immunofluorescence microscope
2001] and software assisted system is a de-
vice that acquires, analyzes, stores,
§ 866.4600 Ouchterlony agar plate. and displays digital images of indirect
(a) Identification. An ouchterlony immunofluorescent slides. It is in-
agar plate for clinical use is a device tended to be used as an aid in the de-
containing an agar gel used to examine termination of antibody status in clin-
antigen-antibody reactions. In ical samples. The device may include a
immunodiffusion, antibodies and anti- fluorescence microscope with light
gens migrate toward each other source, a motorized microscope stage,
through gel which originally contained dedicated instrument controls, a cam-
neither of these reagents. As the re- era, a computer, a sample processor, or
agents come in contact with each other hardware components. The de-
other, they combine to form a precipi- vice may use fluorescent signal acqui-
tate that is trapped in the gel matrix sition and processing software, data
and is immobilized. storage and transferring mechanisms,
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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§ 866.4750 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
agnostic standard used in the United dures, methods, and practices, incor-
States, using patient samples from the porated into the directions for use that
assay-specific intended use population mitigate risks associated with testing.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.5060
(3) Your 21 CFR 809.10 compliant la- (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
beling must include: trols). The device is exempt from the
(i) A warning statement that reads premarket notification procedures in
‘‘The device is for use by a trained op- subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
erator in a clinical laboratory setting’’; subject to the limitations in § 866.9.
(ii) A warning statement that reads
[47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 54
‘‘All software-aided results must be
FR 25047, June 12, 1989; 66 FR 38792, July 25,
confirmed by the trained operator’’; 2001]
(iii) A warning statement that reads
‘‘This device is only for use with re- § 866.4900 Support gel.
agents that are indicated for use with
the device’’; and (a) Identification. A support gel for
(iv) A description of the protocol and clinical use is a device that consists of
performance studies performed in ac- an agar or agarose preparation that is
cordance with paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of used while measuring various kinds of,
this section and a summary of the re- or parts of, protein molecules by var-
sults, if applicable. ious immunochemical techniques, such
as immunoelectrophoresis,
[82 FR 52648, Nov. 14, 2017, as amended at 86 immunodiffusion, or chromatography.
FR 20283, Apr. 19, 2021]
(b) Classification. Class I (general con-
§ 866.4800 Radial immunodiffusion trols). The device is exempt from the
plate. premarket notification procedures in
(a) Identification. A radial subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
immunodiffusion plate for clinical use subject to the limitations in § 866.9.
is a device that consists of a plastic [47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 54
plate to which agar gel containing FR 25047, June 12, 1989; 66 FR 38792, July 25,
antiserum is added. In radial 2001]
immunodiffusion, antigens migrate
through gel which originally contains Subpart F—Immunological Test
specific antibodies. As the reagents Systems
come in contact with each other, they
combine to form a precipitate that is § 866.5040 Albumin immunological test
trapped in the gel matrix and immo- system.
(a) Identification. An albumin
(b) Classification. Class I (general con-
immunological test system is a device
trols). The device is exempt from the
premarket notification procedures in that consists of the reagents used to
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter measure by immunochemical tech-
subject to the limitations in § 866.9. niques the albumin (a plasma protein)
in serum and other body fluids. Meas-
[47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 66 urement of albumin aids in the diag-
FR 38792, July 25, 2001] nosis of kidney and intestinal diseases.
§ 866.4830 Rocket immunoelectro- (b) Classification. Class II (special
phoresis equipment. controls). The device is exempt from
the premarket notification procedures
(a) Identification. Rocket in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
immunoelectrophoresis equipment for subject to § 866.9.
clinical use is a device used to perform
a specific test on proteins by using a [47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 63
procedure called rocket FR 59227, Nov. 3, 1998]
immunoelectrophoresis. In this proce-
dure, an electric current causes the § 866.5060 Prealbumin immunological
protein in solution to migrate through test system.
agar gel containing specific antisera. (a) Identification. A prealbumin
The protein precipitates with the immunological test system is a device
antisera in a rocket-shaped pattern, that consists of the reagents used to
giving the name to the device. The measure by immunochemical tech-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
height of the peak (or the area under niques the prealbumin (a plasma pro-
the peak) is proportional to the con- tein) in serum and other body fluids.
centration of the protein. Measurement of prealbumin levels in
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§ 866.5065 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
serum may aid in the assessment of the of liver tissue) and chronic active hepa-
patient’s nutritional status. titis (inflammation of the liver).
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- (b) Classification. Class II (perform-
trols). The device is exempt from the ance standards).
premarket notification procedures in
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter § 866.5100 Antinuclear antibody
subject to § 866.9. immunological test system.
[47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 65 (a) Identification. An antinuclear
FR 2312, Jan. 14, 2000] antibody immunological test system is
a device that consists of the reagents
§ 866.5065 Human allotypic marker used to measure by immunochemical
immunological test system. techniques the autoimmune antibodies
(a) Identification. A human allotypic in serum, other body fluids, and tissues
marker immunological test system is a that react with cellular nuclear con-
device that consists of the reagents stituents (molecules present in the nu-
used to identify by immunochemical cleus of a cell, such as ribonucleic acid,
techniques the inherited human pro- deoxyribonucleic acid, or nuclear pro-
tein allotypic markers (such as nGm, teins). The measurements aid in the di-
nA2 m, and Km allotypes) in serum and agnosis of systemic lupus
other body fluids. The identification erythematosus (a multisystem auto-
may be used while studying population immune disease in which antibodies at-
genetics. tack the victim’s own tissues), hepa-
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- titis (a liver disease), rheumatoid ar-
trols). The device is exempt from the thritis, Sjögren’s syndrome (arthritis
premarket notification procedures in with inflammation of the eye, eyelid,
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter and salivary glands), and systemic scle-
subject to § 866.9. rosis (chronic hardening and shrinking
[47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 65
of many body tissues).
FR 2312, Jan. 14, 2000] (b) Classification. Class II (perform-
ance standards).
§ 866.5080 Alpha-1-antichymotrypsin
immunological test system. § 866.5110 Antiparietal antibody
immunological test system.
(a) Identification. An alpha-1-
antichymotrypsin immunological test (a) Identification. An antiparietal
system is a device that consists of the antibody immunological test system is
reagents used to measure by a device that consists of the reagents
immunochemical techniques alpha-1- used to measure by immunochemical
antichymotrypsin (a protein) in serum, techniques the specific antibody for
other body fluids, and tissues. Alpha-1- gastric parietal cells in serum and
antichymotrypsin helps protect tissues other body fluids. Gastric parietal cells
against proteolytic (protein-splitting) are those cells located in the stomach
enzymes released during infection. that produce a protein that enables vi-
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- tamin B12 to be absorbed by the body.
ance standards). The measurements aid in the diagnosis
of vitamin B12 deficiency (or pernicious
§ 866.5090 Antimitochondrial antibody anemia), atrophic gastritis (inflamma-
immunological test system. tion of the stomach), and autoimmune
(a) Identification. An connective tissue diseases (diseases re-
antimitochondrial antibody sulting when the body produces anti-
immunological test system is a device bodies against its own tissues).
that consists of the reagents used to (b) Classification. Class II (perform-
measure by immunochemical tech- ance standards).
niques the antimitochondrial anti-
bodies in human serum. The measure- § 866.5120 Antismooth muscle antibody
ments aid in the diagnosis of diseases immunological test system.
that produce a spectrum of (a) Identification. An antismooth mus-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.5180
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§ 866.5200 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.5330
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§ 866.5340 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
[47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982; 47 FR 56846, Dec. 21, aid in the diagnosis of inflammatory
1982, as amended at 59 FR 63007, Dec. 7, 1994; lesions, infections, severe burns, and a
66 FR 38793, July 25, 2001] variety of other conditions.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.5460
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§ 866.5470 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
macroglobulinemia (increased
[47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 63 immunoglobulin production by the
FR 59227, Nov. 3, 1998] spleen and bone marrow cells), and
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.5560
lymphoma (tumor of the lymphoid tis- subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
sues). subject to the limitations in § 866.9.
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- [47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 59
trols). The device is exempt from the FR 63007, Dec. 7, 1994; 66 FR 38793, July 25,
premarket notification procedures in 2001]
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
subject to the limitations in § 866.9. § 866.5550 Immunoglobulin (light
chain specific) immunological test
[47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 61 system.
FR 1119, Jan. 16, 1996; 66 FR 38793, July 25, (a) Identification. An immunoglobulin
2001] (light chain specific) immunological
test system is a device that consists of
§ 866.5530 Immunoglobulin G (Fc frag-
the reagents used to measure by
ment specific) immunological test
system. immunochemical techniques both
kappa and lambda types of light chain
(a) Identification. An immunoglobulin portions of immunoglobulin molecules
G (Fc fragment specific) in serum, other body fluids, and tis-
immunological test system is a device sues. In some disease states, an excess
that consists of the reagents used to of light chains are produced by the
measure by immunochemical tech- antibody-forming cells. These free
niques the Fc (carbohydrate con- light chains, unassociated with gamma
taining) fragment of immunoglobulin globulin molecules, can be found in a
G (resulting from breakdown of patient’s body fluids and tissues. Meas-
immunoglobulin G antibodies) in urine, urement of the various amounts of the
serum, and other body fluids. Measure- different types of light chains aids in
ment of immunoglobulin G Fc frag- the diagnosis of multiple myeloma
ments aids in the diagnosis of plasma (cancer of antibody-forming cells),
cell antibody-forming abnormalities, lymphocytic neoplasms (cancer of
e.g., gamma heavy chain disease. lymphoid tissue), Waldenstrom’s
macroglobulinemia (increased produc-
(b) Classification. Class I (general con-
tion of large immunoglobulins), and
trols). The device is exempt from the
connective tissue diseases such as
premarket notification procedures in rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter erythematosus.
subject to the limitations in § 866.9. (b) Classification. Class II (perform-
[47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 61 ance standards).
FR 1119, Jan. 16, 1996; 66 FR 38793, July 25,
2001] § 866.5560 Lactic dehydrogenase
immunological test system.
§ 866.5540 Immunoglobulin G (Fd frag- (a) Identification. A lactic dehydro-
ment specific) immunological test genase immunological test system is a
system. device that consists of the reagents
(a) Identification. An immunoglobulin used to measure by immunochemical
G (Fd fragment specific) techniques the activity of the lactic
immunological test system is a device dehydrogenase enzyme in serum. In-
that consists of the reagents used to creased levels of lactic dehydrogenase
measure by immunochemical tech- are found in a variety of conditions, in-
cluding megaloblastic anemia (de-
niques the amino terminal (antigen-
crease in the number of mature red
binding) end (Fd fragment) of the
blood cells), myocardial infarction
heavy chain (a subunit) of the (heart disease), and some forms of leu-
immunoglobulin antibody molecule in kemia (cancer of the blood-forming or-
serum. Measurement of gans). However, the diagnostic useful-
immunoglobulin G Fd fragments aids ness of this device is limited because of
in the diagnosis of plasma antibody- the many conditions known to cause
forming cell abnormalities. increased lactic dehydrogenase levels.
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
trols). The device is exempt from the trols). The device is exempt from the
premarket notification procedures in premarket notification procedures in
VerDate Sep<11>2014 15:46 Jun 06, 2023 Jkt 259078 PO 00000 Frm 00393 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\21\21V8.TXT PC31
§ 866.5570 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
subject to § 866.9. subject to § 866.9.
[47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 65 [47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 65
FR 2312, Jan. 14, 2000] FR 2313, Jan. 14, 2000]
trols). The device is exempt from the controls). The device is exempt from
premarket notification procedures in the premarket notification procedures
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.5665
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§ 866.5665 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.5670
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§ 866.5680 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
tion. A diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes trols). The device is exempt from the
mellitus should not be made on a single premarket notification procedures in
test result. The clinical symptoms, re-
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.5750
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter bodies) prothrombin aid in the diag-
subject to the limitations in § 866.9. nosis of blood-clotting disorders.
[47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 59 (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
FR 63007, Dec. 7, 1994; 66 FR 38793, July 25, trols). The device is exempt from the
2001] premarket notification procedures in
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
§ 866.5715 Plasminogen immunological subject to § 866.9. This exemption does
test system. not apply to multipurpose systems for
(a) Identification. A plasminogen in vitro coagulation studies classified
immunological test system is a device under § 864.5425 of this chapter or pro-
that consists of the reagents used to thrombin time tests classified under
measure by immunochemical tech- § 864.7750 of this chapter.
niques the plasminogen (an inactive
substance from which plasmin, a blood- [47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 65
clotting factor, is formed) in serum, FR 2313, Jan. 14, 2000]
other body fluids, and tissues. Measure-
§ 866.5750 Radioallergosorbent (RAST)
ment of plasminogen levels may aid in immunological test system.
the diagnosis of fibrinolytic (blood-
clotting) disorders. (a) Identification. A
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- radioallergosorbent immunological
trols). The device is exempt from the test system is a device that consists of
premarket notification procedures in the reagents used to measure by
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter immunochemical techniques the aller-
subject to § 866.9. gen antibodies (antibodies which cause
[47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 65
an allergic reaction) specific for a
FR 2313, Jan. 14, 2000] given allergen. Measurement of specific
allergen antibodies may aid in the di-
§ 866.5735 Prothrombin immunological agnosis of asthma, allergies, and other
test system. pulmonary disorders.
(a) Identification. A prothrombin (b) Classification. Class II (special
immunological test system is a device controls). The device, when intended to
that consists of the reagents used to detect any of the allergens included in
measure by immunochemical tech- Table 1 in this paragraph, is exempt
niques the prothrombin (clotting factor from the premarket notification proce-
II) in serum. Measurements of the dures in subpart E of part 807 of this
amount of antigenically competent chapter subject to the limitations in
(ability to react with protein anti- § 866.9.
Allergen code Allergen product (taxonomical name)
Grass Pollens
VerDate Sep<11>2014 15:46 Jun 06, 2023 Jkt 259078 PO 00000 Frm 00399 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\21\21V8.TXT PC31
§ 866.5750 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
Weed Pollens
Tree Pollens
VerDate Sep<11>2014 15:46 Jun 06, 2023 Jkt 259078 PO 00000 Frm 00400 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\21\21V8.TXT PC31
Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.5750
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§ 866.5750 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
m1 ....................... Penicillium chrysogenum (Penicillium notatum) ......... Penicillium chrysogenum (Penicillium notatum).
m2 ....................... Cladosporium herbarum (Hormodendrum) ................. Cladosporium herbarum (Hormodendrum).
m3 ....................... Aspergillus fumigatus .................................................. Aspergillus fumigatus.
m4 ....................... Mucor racemosus ....................................................... Mucor racemosus.
m5 ....................... Candida albicans ........................................................ Candida albicans.
m7 ....................... Botrytis cinerea ........................................................... Botrytis cinerea.
m8 ....................... Drechslera halodes (Setomelanomma rostrata, Drechslera halodes (Setomelanomma rostrata,
Helminthosporium halodes, Helminthosporium Helminthosporium halodes.
m9 ....................... Fusarium moniliforme (Fusarium proliferatum) .......... Fusarium moniliforme (Fusarium proliferatum).
m10 ..................... Stemphylium botryosum ............................................. Stemphylium herbarum (Stemphylium botryosum).
m11 ..................... Rhizopus nigricans ..................................................... Rhizopus nigricans.
m12 ..................... Aureobasidium pullulans ............................................. Aureobasidium pullulans.
m13 ..................... Phoma betae .............................................................. Phoma betae.
m14 ..................... Epicoccum purpurascens ........................................... Epicoccum purpurascens (Epicoccum nigrum).
m15 ..................... Trichoderma viride ...................................................... Trichoderma viride.
m16 ..................... Curvularia lunata ......................................................... Curvularia lunata, Curvularia specifera (K923044).
m17 ..................... Cladosporium fulvum .................................................. Cladosporium fulvum.
m18 ..................... Fusarium culmorum .................................................... Fusarium culmorum.
m19 ..................... Aspergillus versicolor .................................................. Aspergillus versicolor.
m20 ..................... Mucor mucedo ............................................................ Mucor mucedo.
m21 ..................... Aspergillus clavatus .................................................... Aspergillus clavatus.
m22 ..................... Micropolyspora faeni ................................................... Saccharopolyspora rectivirgula (Micropolyspora
m23 ..................... Thermoactinomyces vulgaris ...................................... Thermoactinomyces vulgaris.
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.5750
m227 ................... Malassezia spp. (Pityrosporum spp.) ......................... Malassezia spp. (Pityrosporum spp.).
m228 ................... Aspergillus flavus..
m229 ................... Alt a 1.0101 ................................................................ Alternaria alternata (Alternaria tenuis).
m230 ................... Alt a 6.0101 ................................................................ Alternaria alternata (Alternaria tenuis).
VerDate Sep<11>2014 15:46 Jun 06, 2023 Jkt 259078 PO 00000 Frm 00403 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\21\21V8.TXT PC31
§ 866.5750 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
e215 .................... Pigeon feathers ........................................................... Streptopelia roseogrisea (Streptopelia spp.), Colum-
bia spp.
e216 .................... Deer epithelium ........................................................... Dama dama.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.5750
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§ 866.5750 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.5750
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§ 866.5750 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
House Dust
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.5750
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§ 866.5760 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
[47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 84 FR 71800, Dec. 30, 2019]
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.5830
stranded DNA antibodies aids in the di- for determination of severity of trau-
agnosis of SLE (a multisystem auto- matic brain injury (TBI).
immune disease in which tissues are (B) Study must be performed using
attacked by the person’s own anti- the operators and in settings that are
bodies). representative of the types of operators
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- and settings for which the device is in-
ance standards). tended to be used.
(C) All eligible subjects must meet
§ 866.5830 Brain trauma assessment
test. the well-defined study inclusion and
exclusion criteria that define the in-
(a) Identification. A brain trauma as- tended use population. The prevalence
sessment test is a device that consists of diseased or injured subjects in the
of reagents used to detect and measure study population must reflect the prev-
brain injury biomarkers in human alence of the device’s intended use pop-
specimens. The measurements aid in ulation, or alternatively, statistical
the evaluation of patients with sus- measures must be used to account for
pected mild traumatic brain injury in any bias due to enrichment of sub-
conjunction with other clinical infor- populations of the intended use popu-
mation to assist in determining the lation.
need for head imaging per current (D) All eligible subjects must have
standard of care.
undergone a head computerized tomog-
(b) Classification. Class II (special
raphy (CT) scan or other appropriate
controls). The special controls for this
clinical diagnostic standard used to de-
device are:
termine the presence of an intracranial
(1) The 21 CFR 809.10(b) compliant la-
lesion as part of standard of care and
beling must include detailed descrip-
must also be evaluated by the subject
tions of and results from performance
device. All clinical diagnostic stand-
testing conducted to evaluate preci-
ards used in the clinical study must
sion, accuracy, linearity, analytical
follow standard clinical practice in the
sensitivity, interference, and cross-re-
United States.
activity. This information must in-
clude the following: (E) Relevant demographic variables
(i) Performance testing of device pre- and baseline characteristics including
cision must, at minimum, use one un- medical history and neurological his-
modified clinical specimen from the in- tory. In addition, head injury charac-
tended use population with concentra- teristics, neurological assessments, and
tion of the brain injury biomarker(s) physical evidence of trauma must be
near the medical decision point. Con- provided for each subject. This infor-
trived specimens that have been gen- mation includes but is not limited to
erated from pooling of multiple sam- the following: Time since head injury,
ples or spiking of purified analyte to time from head injury to CT scan, time
cover the measuring range may be from head injury to blood draw, GCS
used, but the contrived samples must score or equivalent, experience of loss
be prepared to mimic clinical speci- of consciousness, presence of confusion,
mens as closely as possible. This test- episodes of vomiting, post-traumatic
ing must evaluate repeatability and re- amnesia characteristics, presence of
producibility using a protocol from an post-traumatic seizures, drug or alco-
FDA-recognized standard. hol intoxication, mechanism of injury,
(ii) Device performance data must be acute intracranial lesion type,
demonstrated through a clinical study neurosurgical lesion, and cranial frac-
and must include the following: ture.
(A) Data demonstrating clinical va- (F) Each CT scan or other imaging
lidity including the clinical sensitivity result must be independently evaluated
and specificity, and positive and nega- in a blinded manner by at least two
tive predictive value of the test in the board-certified radiologists to deter-
intended use population of patients mine whether it is positive or negative
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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§ 866.5860 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
without access to test results of the de- § 866.5860 Total spinal fluid immuno-
vice. Prior to conducting the review, logical test system.
the criteria and procedures to be fol- (a) Identification. A total spinal fluid
lowed for scoring the images must be
immunological test system is a device
established, including the mechanism
that consists of the reagents used to
for determining consensus.
measure by immunochemical tech-
(G) All the clinical samples must be
niques the total protein in cerebro-
tested with the subject device blinded
spinal fluid. Measurement of spinal
to the TBI status and the neurological-
fluid proteins may aid in the diagnosis
lesion-status of the subject.
of multiple sclerosis and other diseases
(H) Details on how missing values in
of the nervous system.
data are handled must be provided.
(b) Classification. Class I (general con-
(I) For banked clinical samples, de-
tails on storage conditions and storage trols). The device is exempt from the
period must be provided. In addition, a premarket notification procedures in
specimen stability study must be con- subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
ducted for the duration of storage to subject to the limitations in § 866.9.
demonstrate integrity of archived clin- [47 FR 50823, Nov. 9, 1982, as amended at 61
ical samples. The samples evaluated in FR 1119, Jan. 16, 1996; 66 FR 38793, July 25,
the assay test development must not 2001]
be used to establish the clinical valid-
ity of the assays. § 866.5870 Thyroid autoantibody
(iii) Performance testing of device immunological test system.
analytical specificity must include the (a) Identification. A thyroid
most commonly reported concomitant autoantibody immunological test sys-
medications present in specimens from tem is a device that consists of the re-
the intended use population. Addition- agents used to measure by
ally, potential cross-reacting endoge- immunochemical techniques the thy-
nous analytes must be evaluated at the roid autoantibodies (antibodies pro-
highest concentration reported in duced against the body’s own tissues).
specimens from the intended use popu- Measurement of thyroid autoantibodies
lation. may aid in the diagnosis of certain thy-
(iv) Expected/reference values gen- roid disorders, such as Hashimoto’s dis-
erated by testing a statistically appro- ease (chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis),
priate number of samples from appar- nontoxic goiter (enlargement of thy-
ently healthy normal individuals. roid gland), Grave’s disease (enlarge-
(2) The 21 CFR 809.10(a) and (b) com- ment of the thyroid gland with protru-
pliant labeling must include the fol- sion of the eyeballs), and cancer of the
lowing limitations: thyroid.
(i) A limiting statement that this de- (b) Classification. Class II (perform-
vice is not intended to be used a stand- ance standards).
alone device but as an adjunct to other
clinical information to aid in the eval- § 866.5880 Transferrin immunological
uation of patients who are being con- test system.
sidered for standard of care (a) Identification. A transferrin
neuroimaging. immunological test system is a device
(ii) A limiting statement that reads that consists of the reagents used to
‘‘A negative result is generally associ- measure by immunochemical tech-
ated with the absence of acute niques the transferrin (an iron-binding
intracranial lesions. An appropriate and transporting serum protein) in
neuroimaging method is required for serum, plasma, and other body fluids.
diagnosis of acute intracranial le- Measurement of transferrin levels aids
sions.’’ in the diagnosis of malnutrition, acute
(iii) As applicable, a limiting state- inflammation, infection, and red blood
ment that reads ‘‘This device is for use cell disorders, such as iron deficiency
by laboratory professionals in a clin-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
ical laboratory setting.’’
(b) Classification. Class II (perform-
[83 FR 27701, June 14, 2018] ance standards).
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.5930
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§ 866.5930 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
formation regarding the status of the uring range, as well as with samples
subject must be obtained. Additional very near above and below the cutoff
specimens should have been obtained value. At least three replicates of each
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.5930
specimen must be tested with controls summarized providing the mean, stand-
and calibrator(s) according to the de- ard deviation, and percentage coeffi-
vice instructions for use. The precision cient of variation in a tabular format.
study must use well characterized sam- Data must be calculated for within-
ples using different lots, instruments, run, between-run, within-lot, and be-
and operators. Results must be summa- tween-lot. Data demonstrating the con-
rized in tabular format. Pre-specified cordance between results across dif-
acceptance criteria must be provided ferent filter papers must be provided.
and followed; Study acceptance criteria must be pro-
(D) Linearity of the test must be vided and followed; and
demonstrated using a dilution panel (I) If applicable, a thermocycler re-
from clinical samples. The range of di- producibility study must be performed
lution samples must include samples using thermocyclers from three inde-
within the measuring range, samples pendent thermocyler manufacturers.
above and below the measuring range, The sample panel must consist of speci-
as well as with samples very near mens with a range of TREC levels and
above and below the cutoff value. Re- must include samples within the meas-
sults of the regression analysis must be uring range, samples above and below
summarized in tabular format and the measuring range, and samples very
fitted into a linear regression model near above and below the cutoff value.
with the individual measurement re- The study must be done using three fil-
sults against the dilution factors. Pre- ter paper lots and conducted over five
specified acceptance criteria must be nonconsecutive days. Results of the
provided and followed; thermocycler reproducibility study
(E) Device analytic sensitivity data, must be summarized providing the
including limit of blank, limit of detec- mean, standard deviation, and percent-
tion, and limit of quantification; age coefficient of variance in a tabular
(F) Device specificity data, including format. Data must be calculated for
interference, carryover, cross-contami- the within-run, between-run, within-
nation, and in silico analysis of poten- lot, between-lot, and between
tial off-target genomic sequences; thermocycler manufacturer study re-
(G) Device stability data, including sults. Study acceptance criteria must
real-time stability of samples under be provided and followed.
various storage times, temperatures,
(iv) Identification of risk mitigation
and freeze-thaw conditions. A separate
elements used by your device, includ-
shipping stability study must be per-
ing a description of all additional pro-
cedures, methods, and practices incor-
(H) Lot-to-lot reproducibility study
of each filter paper that will be vali- porated into the directions for use that
dated with the test. The lot-to-lot mitigate risks associated with testing.
study must include a minimum of (2) Your § 809.10 compliant labeling
three lots of each blood spot card that must include:
will be validated with the test and be (i) A warning statement that reads
conducted over five nonconsecutive ‘‘This test is not intended for diag-
days. The sample panel must consist of nostic use, preimplantation or prenatal
specimens with a range of TREC levels testing, or for screening of SCID-like
and include samples within the meas- syndromes, such as DiGeorge syndrome
uring range, samples above and below or Omenn syndrome. It is also not in-
the measuring range, and samples very tended to screen for less acute SCID
near above and below the cutoff value. syndromes, such as leaky SCID or vari-
Multiple punches must be obtained ant SCID.’’;
from each card for demonstration of (ii) A warning statement that reads
homogeneity of the analyte across the ‘‘Test results are intended to be used in
dried blood spot. Comparability of the conjunction with other clinical and di-
test performance for each filter paper agnostic findings, consistent with pro-
must be demonstrated. Stability and fessional standards of practice, includ-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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§ 866.5940 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(iii) A description of the performance Web site or testing using the device
studies listed in paragraph (b)(1)(iii) can be ordered from the Web site, the
and a summary of the results; and same information must be found on the
(iv) A description of the filter paper Web page for ordering the device or
specifications required for the test. provided in a prominently placed and
[82 FR 50079, Oct. 30, 2017] publicly accessible hyperlink on the
Web page for ordering the device. Any
§ 866.5940 Autosomal recessive carrier changes to the device that could sig-
screening gene mutation detection nificantly affect safety or effectiveness
system. would require new data or information
(a) Identification. Autosomal reces- in support of such changes, which
sive carrier screening gene mutation would also have to be posted on the
detection system is a qualitative in manufacturer’s Web site. The informa-
vitro molecular diagnostic system used tion must include:
for genotyping of clinically relevant (i) A detailed device description in-
variants in genomic DNA isolated from cluding:
human specimens intended for pre- (A) Gene (or list of the genes if more
scription use or over-the-counter use. than one) and variants the test detects
The device is intended for autosomal (using standardized nomenclature,
recessive disease carrier screening in Human Genome Organization (HUGO)
adults of reproductive age. The device nomenclature, and coordinates).
is not intended for copy number vari- (B) Scientifically established clinical
ation, cytogenetic, or biochemical test- validity of each variant detected and
ing. reported by the test, which must be
(b) Classification. Class II (special well-established in peer-reviewed jour-
controls). The device is exempt from nal articles, authoritative summaries
the premarket notification procedures of the literature such as Genetics
in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter Home Reference (
subject to the limitations in § 866.9, ex- ), GeneReviews (http://
cept § 866.9(c)(2). Autosomal recessive,
carrier screening gene mutation detec- or similar summaries of valid scientific
tion system must comply with the fol- evidence, and/or professional society
lowing special controls: recommendations, including:
(1) If the device is offered over-the- (1) Genotype-phenotype information
counter, the device manufacturer must for the reported mutations.
provide information to a potential pur- (2) Relevant American College of
chaser or actual test report recipient Medical Genetics (ACMG) or American
about how to obtain access to a board- Congress of Obstetricians and Gyne-
certified clinical molecular geneticist cologists (ACOG) guideline recom-
or equivalent to assist in pre- and post- mending testing of the specific gene(s)
test counseling. and variants the test detects and rec-
(2) The device must use a collection ommended populations, if available. If
device that is FDA cleared, approved, not available, a statement stating that
or classified as 510(k) exempt, with an professional guidelines currently do
indication for in vitro diagnostic use in not recommend testing for this specific
DNA testing. gene(s) and variants.
(3) The device’s labeling must include (3) Table of expected prevalence of
a prominent hyperlink to the manufac- carrier status in major ethnic and ra-
turer’s public Web site where the man- cial populations and the general popu-
ufacturer shall make the information lation.
identified in this section publicly (C) The specimen type (e.g., saliva,
available. The manufacturer’s home whole blood), matrix, and volume.
page, as well as the primary part of the (D) Assay steps and technology used.
manufacturer’s Web site that discusses (E) Specification of required ancil-
the device, must provide a prominently lary reagents, instrumentation, and
placed hyperlink to the Web page con- equipment.
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
taining this information and must (F) Specification of the specimen col-
allow unrestricted viewing access. If lection, processing, storage, and prepa-
the device can be purchased from the ration methods.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.5940
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§ 866.5940 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
and the percent of persons with vari- more than one laboratory, different
ant(s) included in the device among all laboratories must be included in the
carriers: PPV = (PPA * TC * π)/(PPA * precision study (and reproducibility
TC * π + (1 ¥ NPA) * (1 ¥ π)) and NPV must be evaluated). The percentage of
= (NPA * (1 ¥ π))/(NPA *(1 ¥ π) + (1 ¥ ‘‘no calls’’ or invalid calls, if any, in
PPA*TC) * π) where PPA and NPA de- the study must be provided as a part of
scribed either in paragraph the precision (reproducibility) study
(b)(3)(ii)(A)(4)(i) or in paragraph results.
(b)(3)(ii)(A)(4)(ii) of this section and π is (C) Analytical specificity data: Data
prevalence of carriers in the population must be generated evaluating the ef-
(pre-test risk to be a carrier for the dis- fect on test performance of potential
ease). endogenous and exogenous interfering
(i) For the point estimates of PPA substances relevant to the specimen
and NPA less than 100 percent, use the type, evaluation of cross-reactivity of
calculated estimates in the PPV and known cross-reactive alleles and
NPV calculations. pseudogenes, and assessment of cross-
(ii) Point estimates of 100 percent contamination.
may have high uncertainty. If these (D) Analytical sensitivity data: Data
variants are measured using highly must be generated demonstrating the
multiplexed technology, calculate the minimum amount of DNA that will en-
random error rate for the overall de- able the test to perform accurately in
vice and incorporate that rate in the 95 percent of runs.
estimation of the PPA and NPA as cal- (E) Device stability data: The manu-
culated previously. Then use these cal- facturer must establish upper and
culated estimates in the PPV and NPV lower limits of input nucleic acid and
calculations. This type of accuracy sample stability that will achieve the
study is helpful in determining that claimed accuracy and reproducibility.
there is no systematic error in such de- Data supporting such claims must be
vices. described.
(B) Precision (reproducibility): Preci- (F) Specimen type and matrix com-
sion data must be generated using mul- parison data: Specimen type and ma-
tiple instruments and multiple opera- trix comparison data must be gen-
tors, on multiple non-consecutive days, erated if more than one specimen type
and using multiple reagent lots. The or anticoagulant can be tested with the
sample panel must include specimens device, including failure rates for the
with claimed sample type (e.g. saliva different specimen types.
samples) representing different (iii) If the device is offered over-the-
genotypes (i.e., wild type, counter, including cases in which the
heterozygous). Performance criteria test results are provided direct-to-con-
must be predefined. A detailed study sumer, the manufacturer must conduct
protocol must be created in advance of a study that assesses user comprehen-
the study and then followed. The sion of the device’s labeling and test
‘‘failed quality control’’ rate must be process and provide a concise summary
indicated. It must be clearly docu- of the results of the study. The fol-
mented whether results were generated lowing items must be included in the
from clinical specimens, contrived user study:
samples, or cell lines. The study results (A) The test manufacturer must per-
shall state, in a tabular format, the form pre- and post-test user com-
variants tested in the study and the prehension studies to assess user abil-
number of replicates for each variant, ity to understand the possible results
and what testing conditions were stud- of a carrier test and their clinical
ied (i.e., number of runs, days, instru- meaning. The comprehension test ques-
ments, reagent lots, operators, speci- tions must directly evaluate the mate-
mens/type, etc). The study must in- rial being presented to the user in the
clude all nucleic acid extraction steps test reports.
from the claimed specimen type or ma- (B) The test manufacturer must pro-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
trix, unless a separate extraction study vide a carrier testing education module
for the claimed sample type is per- to potential and actual test report re-
formed. If the device is to be used at cipients. The module must define
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.5940
terms that are used in the test reports education module and test reports are
and explain the significance of carrier adequate for over-the-counter use.
status. (D) A summary of the user com-
(C) The user study must meet the fol- prehension study must be provided and
lowing criteria: include the following:
(1) The study participants must be (1) Results regarding reports that are
comprised of a statistically justified provided for each gene/variant/eth-
and demographically diverse popu- nicity tested.
lation (determined using methods such (2) Statistical methods used to ana-
as quota-based sampling) that is rep- lyze all data sets.
resentative of the intended user popu- (3) Completion rate, non-responder
lation. Furthermore, the users must be rate, and reasons for non-response/data
comprised of a diverse range of age and exclusion, as well as a summary table
educational levels that have no prior
of comprehension rates regarding com-
experience with the test or its manu-
prehension concepts (purpose of test,
facturer. These factors shall be well-de-
test results, test limitations, ethnicity
fined in the inclusion and exclusion
relevance for the test results, etc.) for
each study report.
(2) All sources of bias (e.g., non-re-
sponders) must be predefined and ac- (4) Your 21 CFR 809.10 compliant la-
counted for in the study results with beling and any test report generated
regard to both responders and non-re- must include the following warning
sponders. and limitation statements, as applica-
(3) The testing must follow a format ble:
where users have limited time to com- (i) A warning that reads ‘‘The test is
plete the studies (such as an onsite sur- intended only for autosomal recessive
vey format and a one-time visit with a carrier screening in adults of reproduc-
cap on the maximum amount of time tive age.’’
that a participant has to complete the (ii) A statement accurately dis-
tests). closing the genetic coverage of the test
(4) Users must be randomly assigned in lay terms, including, as applicable,
to study arms. Test reports given to information on variants not queried by
users must: Define the condition being the test, and the proportion of incident
tested and related symptoms; explain disease that is not related to the
the intended use and limitations of the gene(s) tested. For example, where ap-
test; explain the relevant ethnicities plicable, the statement would have to
regarding the variant tested; explain include a warning that the test does
carrier status and relevance to the not or may not detect all genetic
user’s ethnicity; and provide links to variants related to the genetic disease,
additional information pertaining to and that the absence of a variant test-
situations where the user is concerned ed does not rule out the presence of
about their test results or would like other genetic variants that may be dis-
followup information as indicated in ease-related. Or, where applicable, the
test labeling. The study shall assess statement would have to include a
participants’ ability to understand the warning that the basis for the disease
following comprehension concepts: The for which the genetic carrier status is
test’s limitations, purpose, and results. being tested is unknown or believed to
(5) Study participants must be un- be non-heritable in a substantial num-
trained, naive to the test subject of the ber of people who have the disease, and
study, and be provided only the mate- that a negative test result cannot rule
rials that will be available to them out the possibility that any offspring
when the test is marketed. may be affected with the disease. The
(6) The user comprehension study statement would have to include any
must meet the predefined primary end- other warnings needed to accurately
point criteria, including a minimum of convey to consumers the degree to
a 90 percent or greater overall com- which the test is informative for car-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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§ 866.5950 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(A) ‘‘The results of this test are in- (5) The testing done to comply with
tended to be interpreted by a board- paragraph (b)(3) of this section must
certified clinical molecular geneticist show the device meets or exceeds each
or equivalent and should be used in of the following performance specifica-
conjunction with other available lab- tions:
oratory and clinical information.’’ (i) The accuracy must be shown to be
(B) ‘‘This device is not intended for equal to or greater than 99 percent for
disease diagnosis, prenatal testing of both PPA and NPA. Variants that have
fetuses, risk assessment, prognosis or a point estimate for PPA or NPA of
pre-symptomatic testing, suscepti- less than 99 percent (incorrect test re-
bility testing, or newborn screening.’’ sults as compared to bidirectional se-
(iv) For over-the-counter tests, a quencing or other methods identified
statement that reads ‘‘This test is not as appropriate by FDA) must not be in-
intended to diagnose a disease, or tell corporated into test claims and re-
you anything about your risk for devel- ports.
oping a disease in the future. On its (ii) Precision (reproducibility) per-
own, this test is also not intended to formance must meet or exceed 99 per-
tell you anything about the health of cent for both positive and negative re-
your fetus, or your newborn child’s sults.
risk of developing a particular disease (iii) The user comprehension study
later on in life.’’ must obtain values of 90 percent or
(v) For over-the-counter tests, the greater user comprehension for each
following warnings that read: comprehension concept.
(A) ‘‘This test is not a substitute for (6) The distribution of this device, ex-
visits to a healthcare provider. It is cluding the collection device described
recommended that you consult with a in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, shall
healthcare provider if you have any be limited to the manufacturer, the
questions or concerns about your re- manufacturer’s subsidiaries, and lab-
sults.’’ oratories regulated under the Clinical
(B) ‘‘The test does not diagnose any Laboratory Improvement Amend-
health conditions. Results should be ments.
used along with other clinical informa-
tion for any medical purposes.’’ [80 FR 65630, Oct. 27, 2015, as amended at 82
(C) ‘‘The laboratory may not be able FR 51570, Nov. 7, 2017]
to process your sample. The prob-
§ 866.5950 Genetic health risk assess-
ability that the laboratory cannot ment system.
process your saliva sample can be up to
[actual probability percentage].’’ (a) Identification. A genetic health
(D) ‘‘Your ethnicity may affect how risk assessment system is a qualitative
your genetic health results are inter- in vitro molecular diagnostic system
preted.’’ used for detecting variants in genomic
(vi) For a positive result in an over- deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) isolated
the-counter test when the positive pre- from human specimens that will pro-
dictive value for a specific population vide information to users about their
is less than 50 percent and more than 5 genetic risk of developing a disease to
percent, a warning that reads ‘‘The inform lifestyle choices and/or con-
positive result you obtained may false- versations with a health care profes-
ly identify you as a carrier. Consider sional. This assessment system is for
genetic counseling and followup test- over-the-counter use. This device does
ing.’’ not determine the person’s overall risk
(vii) For a positive result in an over- of developing a disease.
the-counter test when the positive pre- (b) Classification. Class II (special
dictive value for a specific population controls). The genetic health risk as-
is less than 5 percent, a warning that sessment system device, when it has
reads ‘‘The positive result you obtained previously received a first-time FDA
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.5950
reviewed genetic health risk assess- agnose a disease, tell you anything
ment system’’), is exempt from the pre- about your current state of health, or
market notification procedures in part be used to make medical decisions, in-
807, subpart E, of this chapter subject cluding whether or not you should take
to the limitations in § 866.9. The device a medication or how much of a medica-
must comply with the following special tion you should take.
controls: (G) A limiting statement explaining
(1) The 21 CFR 809.10 compliant label- that the laboratory may not be able to
ing and any prepurchase page and test process a sample, and a description of
report generated, unless otherwise the next steps to be taken by the man-
specified, must include: ufacturer and/or the customer, as ap-
(i) A section addressed to users with plicable.
the following information: (ii) A section in your 21 CFR 809.10 la-
(A) The limiting statement explain- beling and any test report generated
ing that this test provides genetic risk that is for health care professionals
information based on assessment of who may receive the test results from
specific genetic variants but does not their patients with the following infor-
report on a user’s entire genetic pro- mation:
file. This test [does not/may not, as ap- (A) The limiting statement explain-
propriate] detect all genetic variants ing that this test is not intended to di-
related to a given disease, and the ab- agnose a disease, determine medical
sence of a variant tested does not rule treatment, or tell the user anything
out the presence of other genetic about their current state of health.
variants that may be related to the dis- (B) The limiting statement explain-
ease. ing that this test is intended to provide
(B) The limiting statement explain- users with their genetic information to
ing that other companies offering a ge- inform lifestyle decisions and con-
netic risk test may be detecting dif- versations with their doctor or other
ferent genetic variants for the same health care professional.
disease, so the user may get different (C) The limiting statement explain-
results using a test from a different ing that any diagnostic or treatment
company. decisions should be based on testing
(C) The limiting statement explain- and/or other information that you de-
ing that other factors such as environ- termine to be appropriate for your pa-
mental and lifestyle risk factors may tient.
affect the risk of developing a given (2) The genetic test must use a sam-
disease. ple collection device that is FDA-
(D) The limiting statement explain- cleared, -approved, or -classified as
ing that some people may feel anxious 510(k) exempt, with an indication for in
about getting genetic test health re- vitro diagnostic use in over-the-
sults. This is normal. If the potential counter DNA testing.
user feels very anxious, such user (3) The device’s labeling must include
should speak to his or her doctor or a hyperlink to the manufacturer’s pub-
other health care professional prior to lic Web site where the manufacturer
collection of a sample for testing. This shall make the information identified
test is not a substitute for visits to a in paragraph (b)(3) of this section pub-
doctor or other health care profes- licly available. The manufacturer’s
sional. Users should consult with their home page, as well as the primary part
doctor or other health care profes- of the manufacturer’s Web site that
sional if they have any questions or discusses the device, must provide a
concerns about the results of their test hyperlink to the Web page containing
or their current state of health. this information and must allow unre-
(E) Information about how to obtain stricted viewing access. If the device
access to a genetic counselor, board- can be purchased from the Web site or
certified clinical molecular geneticist, testing using the device can be ordered
or equivalent health care professional from the Web site, the same informa-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
about the results of a user’s test. tion must be found on the Web page for
(F) The limiting statement explain- ordering the device or provided in a
ing that this test is not intended to di- publicly accessible hyperlink on the
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§ 866.5950 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
Web page for ordering the device. Any the risk of a life-threatening or irre-
changes to the device that could sig- versibly debilitating disease or condi-
nificantly affect safety or effectiveness tion for which there are few or no op-
would require new data or information tions to prevent, treat, or cure the dis-
in support of such changes, which ease, a user opt-in section must be pro-
would also have to be posted on the vided. This opt-in page must be pro-
manufacturer’s Web site. The informa- vided for each disease that falls into
tion must include: this category and must provide specific
(i) An index of the material being information relevant to each test re-
provided to meet the requirements in sult. The opt-in page must include:
paragraph (b)(3) of this section and its (i) An option to accept or decline to
location. receive this specific test result;
(ii) A section that highlights sum- (ii) Specification of the risk involved
mary information that allows the user if the user is found to have the specific
to understand how the test works and genetic test result;
how to interpret the results of the test. (iii) Professional guidelines that rec-
This section must, at a minimum, be ommend when genetic testing for the
written in plain language understand- associated target condition is or is not
able to a lay user and include: recommended; and
(A) Consistent explanations of the (iv) A recommendation to speak with
risk of disease associated with all a health care professional, genetic
variants included in the test. If there counselor, or equivalent professional
are different categories of risk, the before getting the results of the test.
manufacturer must provide literature (3) Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
references that support the different page: This page must provide informa-
risk categories. If there will be mul- tion that is specific for each variant/
tiple test reports and multiple disease pair that is reported. Informa-
variants, the risk categories must be tion provided in this section must be
defined similarly among them. For ex- scientifically valid and supported by
ample, ‘‘increased risk’’ must be de- corresponding publications. The FAQ
fined similarly between different test page must explain the health condi-
reports and different variant combina- tion/disease being tested, the purpose
tions. of the test, the information the test
(B) Clear context for the user to un- will and will not provide, the relevance
derstand the context in which the cited of race and ethnicity to the test re-
clinical performance data support the sults, information about the popu-
risk reported. This includes, but is not lation to which the variants in the test
limited to, any risks that are influ- is most applicable, the meaning of the
enced by ethnicity, age, gender, envi- result(s), other risk factors that con-
ronment, and lifestyle choices. tribute to disease, appropriate followup
(C) Materials that explain the main procedures, how the results of the test
concepts and terminology used in the may affect the user’s family, including
test that include: children, and links to resources that
(1) Definitions: Scientific terms that provide additional information.
are used in the test reports. (iii) A technical information section
(2) Prepurchase page: This page must containing the following information:
contain information that informs the (A) Gene(s) and variant(s) the test de-
user about what information the test tects using standardized nomenclature,
will provide. This includes, but is not Human Genome Organization nomen-
limited to, variant information, the clature and coordinates as well as Sin-
condition or disease associated with gle Nucleotide Polymorphism Database
the variant(s), professional guideline (dbSNP) reference SNP numbers (rs#).
recommendations for general genetic (B) Scientifically established disease-
risk testing, the limitations associated risk association of each variant de-
with the test (e.g., test does not detect tected and reported by the test. This
all variants related to the disease) and risk association information must in-
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.5950
lected and processed in a manner con- the relevant population <2 percent and
sistent with the test’s instructions for ≥0.5 percent must be tested with at
use. If this is impractical, fresh clinical least 10 unique samples. Variants with
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§ 866.5950 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(v) The accuracy represents the de- calls’ or ‘invalid calls.’ Calculate the
grees of agreement between the device rate of ‘no calls’ and ‘invalid calls’ for
results and the comparator results. each comparator output as %Inv(DD) =
The accuracy must be evaluated by A4/NDD, %Inv(Dd) = B4/NDd, %Inv(dd) =
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
measuring different percent agree- C4/Ndd. If ‘no calls’ or ‘invalid calls’ are
ments (PA) of device results with the required to be retested according to the
comparator results and percent of ‘no device instructions for use, the percent
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.5950
of final ‘no calls’ or ‘invalid calls’ must C4)/(NDD + NDd + Ndd) and provide a 95
be provided. In the table presenting the percent two-sided confidence interval.
results of the accuracy study, use only The percent of final ‘no calls’ or ‘in-
the final results (i.e., after retesting valid calls’ must be clinically accept-
the initial ‘no calls’ or ‘invalid calls’, if able.
required according to the instructions (vi) Point estimates of percent agree-
for use). Samples that resulted in a ‘no ment for each genotype must be cal-
call’ or ‘invalid call’ after retesting culated as the number of correct calls
must not be included in the final cal- for that genotype divided by the num-
culations of agreement. If the percent- ber of samples known to contain that
ages of ‘no calls’ or ‘invalid calls’ for genotype excluding ‘no calls’ or ‘in-
each comparator output are similar, valid calls’. The calculations must be
combine these estimates as (A4 + B4 + performed as follows:
(vii) For percent agreements for DD, (viii) Information must be reported
Dd and dd (PA(DD|DD), PA(Dd|Dd) and on the Technical Positive Predictive
PA(dd|dd)) as described in paragraph Value (TPPV) related to the analytical
(b)(3)(iii)(J)(1)(vi) of this section, the 95 (technical) performance of the device
percent two-sided confidence intervals for genotypes in each relevant sub-
must be provided. The accuracy point population (e.g., ethnicity, gender, age,
estimates for percent agreements for geographical location, etc.). TPPV is
DD, Dd and dd must be ≥99 percent per the percentage of individuals with the
reported variant and overall. Any genotype truly present among individ-
variants that have a point estimate for uals whose test reports indicate that
either PA(DD|DD), PA(Dd|Dd), or this genotype is present. The TPPV de-
pends on the accuracy measures of per-
PA(dd|dd) of <99 percent compared to
cent agreements and on the frequency
bidirectional sequencing or other
of the genotypes in the subpopulation
methods identified as appropriate by being studied. The f(DD) is the fre-
FDA must not be incorporated into quency of DD and f(Dd) is the fre-
test claims and reports. Accuracy re- quency of Dd in the subpopulation
sults generated from clinical specimens being studied; TPPV must be cal-
versus contrived samples or cell lines culated as described in paragraphs
must be presented separately. Results (b)(3)(iii)(J)(1)(ix) through (xi) of this
must be summarized and presented in section.
tabular format by sample type and by (ix) For variants where the point esti-
genotype or must be reported using an- mates of PA(DD|DD), PA(Dd|Dd) and
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
other method identified as appropriate PA(dd|dd) are less than 100 percent, use
by FDA (see paragraph these point estimates in TPPV calcula-
(b)(3)(iii)(J)(1)(iv) of this section). tions.
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§ 866.5950 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(2) Precision and reproducibility data lines. The study results shall report
must be provided using multiple in- the variants tested in the study and
struments and multiple operators, on the number of replicates for each vari-
multiple non-consecutive days, and ant, and what conditions were tested
using multiple reagent lots. The sam- (i.e., number of runs, days, instru-
ple panel must either include speci- ments, reagent lots, operators, speci-
mens from the claimed sample type mens/type, etc.). Results must be eval-
(e.g., saliva) representing all genotypes uated and presented in tabular format
for each variant (e.g., wild type, and stratified by study parameter (e.g.,
heterozygous, and homozygous) or, if by site, instrument(s), reagent lot, op-
an alternative panel composition of erator, and sample variant). The study
specimens is identified by FDA as ap- must include all extraction steps from
propriate, a panel composed of those the claimed specimen type or matrix,
specimens FDA identified as appro- unless a separate extraction reproduc-
priate. A detailed study protocol must ibility study for the claimed sample
be created in advance of the study and type is performed. If the device is to be
must include predetermined accept- used at more than one laboratory, dif-
ance criteria for performance results. ferent laboratories must be included in
The percentage of samples that failed the reproducibility study and reproduc-
quality control must be indicated (i.e., ibility across sites must be evaluated.
the total number of sample replicates Any no calls or invalid calls in the
for which a sequence variant cannot be study must be listed as a part of the
called (no calls) or that fail sequencing precision and reproducibility study re-
quality control criteria divided by the sults.
total number of replicates tested). It (3) Analytical specificity data: Data
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
must be clearly documented whether must be provided that evaluates the ef-
results were generated from clinical fect of potential endogenous and exoge-
specimens, contrived samples, or cell nous interferents on test performance,
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.5950
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§ 866.5950 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
difference between the post-test and is most applicable, the meaning of the
pretest risks). result(s), other risks factors that con-
(L) Materials that explain the main tribute to disease, appropriate followup
concepts and terminology used in the procedures, how the results of the test
test that includes, but is not limited may affect the user’s family, including
to: children, and links to resources that
(1) Definitions: Scientific terms that provide additional information.
are used in the test reports. (M) User comprehension study: Infor-
(2) Prepurchase page: This page must mation on a study that assesses com-
contain information that informs the prehension of the test process and re-
user about what the test will provide.
sults by potential users of the test
This includes, but is not limited to,
must be provided.
variant information, the condition or
disease associated with the variant(s), (1) The test manufacturer must pro-
professional guideline recommenda- vide a genetic risk education module to
tions for general genetic risk testing, naı̈ve user comprehension study par-
the limitations associated with the ticipants prior to their participation in
test (e.g., test does not detect all the user comprehension study. The
variants related to the disease) and any module must define terms that are
precautionary information about the used in the test reports and explain the
test the user should be aware of before significance of genetic risk reports.
purchase. When the test reports the (2) The test manufacturer must per-
risk of a life-threatening or irrevers- form pre- and post-test user com-
ibly debilitating disease or condition prehension studies. The comprehension
for which there are few or no options to test questions must include directly
prevent, treat, or cure the disease, a evaluating a representative sample of
user opt-in section must be provided. the material being presented to the
This opt-in page must be provided for user as described in paragraph (b)(3)(ii)
each disease that falls into this cat- of this section.
egory and must provide specific infor- (3) The manufacturer must provide a
mation relevant to each test result.
justification from a physician and/or
The opt-in page must include:
genetic counselor that identifies the
(i) An option to accept or decline to
receive this specific test result; appropriate general and variant-spe-
(ii) Specification of the risk involved cific concepts contained within the ma-
if the user is found to have the specific terial being tested in the user com-
genetic test result; prehension study to ensure that all rel-
(iii) Professional guidelines that rec- evant concepts are incorporated in the
ommend when genetic testing for the study.
associated target condition is or is not (4) The user study must meet the fol-
recommended; and lowing criteria:
(iv) A recommendation to speak with (i) The study participants must com-
a health care professional, genetic prise a statistically sufficient sample
counselor, or equivalent professional size and demographically diverse popu-
before getting the results of the test. lation (determined using methods such
(3) Frequently asked questions (FAQ) as quota-based sampling) that is rep-
page: This page must provide informa- resentative of the intended user popu-
tion that is specific for each variant/ lation. Furthermore, the study partici-
disease pair that is reported. Informa- pants must comprise a diverse range of
tion provided in this section must be age and educational levels and have no
scientifically valid and supported by prior experience with the test or its
corresponding publications. The FAQ manufacturer. These factors shall be
page must explain the health condi-
well defined in the inclusion and exclu-
tion/disease being tested, the purpose
sion criteria.
of the test, the information the test
will and will not provide, the relevance (ii) All sources of bias must be
predefined and accounted for in the
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.5960
(iii) The testing must follow a format (ii) Determining predisposition for
where users have limited time to com- cancer where the result of the test may
plete the studies (such as an onsite sur- lead to prophylactic screening, con-
vey format and a one-time visit with a firmatory procedures, or treatments
cap on the maximum amount of time that may incur morbidity or mortality
that a participant has to complete the to the patient;
tests). (iii) Assessing the presence of genetic
(iv) Users must be randomly assigned variants that impact the metabolism,
to study arms. Test reports in the user exposure, response, risk of adverse
comprehension study given to users events, dosing, or mechanisms of pre-
must define the target condition being scription or over-the-counter medica-
tested and related symptoms, explain tions; or
the intended use and limitations of the (iv) Assessing the presence of deter-
test, explain the relevant ethnicities in ministic autosomal dominant variants.
regard to the variant tested, explain [82 FR 51561, Nov. 7, 2017, as amended at 83
genetic health risks and relevance to FR 25914, June 5, 2018]
the user’s ethnicity, and assess partici-
pants’ ability to understand the fol- § 866.5960 Human leukocyte antigen
lowing comprehension concepts: The typing companion diagnostic test.
test’s limitations, purpose, appropriate (a) Identification. A human leukocyte
action, test results, and other factors antigen (HLA) typing companion diag-
that may have an impact on the test nostic (CDx) test is a prescription
results. genotyping or phenotyping in vitro di-
(v) Study participants must be un- agnostic product intended for use as an
trained, be naı̈ve to the test subject of aid in identifying patients who have
the study, and be provided the labeling specific HLA allele(s) or express spe-
prior to the start of the user com- cific HLA antigen(s) and may benefit
prehension study. from treatment with a corresponding
(vi) The user comprehension study therapeutic product or are likely to be
must meet the predefined primary end- at increased risk for serious adverse re-
point criteria, including a minimum of actions as a result of treatment with a
a 90 percent or greater overall com- corresponding therapeutic product.
prehension rate (i.e., selection of the (b) Classification. Class II (special
correct answer) for each comprehen- controls). The special controls for this
sion concept. Other acceptance criteria device are:
may be acceptable depending on the (1) The intended use of the device
concept being tested. Meeting or ex- must specify the target HLA allele(s)
ceeding this overall comprehension or antigen(s), the patient population(s),
rate demonstrates that the materials and the corresponding therapeutic
presented to the user are adequate for product(s).
over-the-counter use. (2) Design verification and validation
(vii) The analysis of the user com- must include:
prehension results must include results (i) Detailed documentation of an ana-
regarding reports that are provided for lytical accuracy study that uses well-
each gene/variant/ethnicity tested, sta- characterized samples including clin-
tistical methods used to analyze all ical samples from intended use popu-
data sets, and completion rate, non-re- lation(s) focusing on the target
sponder rate, and reasons for non- allele(s) needed for patient selection;
response/data exclusion. A summary (ii) Detailed documentation of preci-
table of comprehension rates regarding sion studies (repeatability, reproduc-
comprehension concepts (e.g., purpose ibility) that evaluate possible sources
of test, test results, test limitations, of variation that may affect test re-
ethnicity relevance for the test results, sults;
etc.) for each study report must be in- (iii) Detailed documentation of a
cluded. study determining range of input sam-
(4) The intended use of the device ple concentrations that meet perform-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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§ 866.6010 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.6050
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§ 866.6060 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
[76 FR 16294, Mar. 23, 2011, as amended at 76 vice of this generic type, device per-
FR 82131, Dec. 30, 2011] formance data from either a method
comparison study to the predicate de-
§ 866.6060 BCR-ABL quantitation test.
vice or through a clinical study dem-
(a) Identification. A BCR–ABL quan- onstrating clinical validity using well-
titation test is identified as a reverse characterized prospectively or retro-
transcription-quantitative polymerase spectively obtained clinical specimens,
chain reaction (RT-qPCR) test for the as appropriate, representative of the
quantitation of BCR–ABL1 expressed intended use population;
on the International Scale (IS) and (B) For indications for use based on a
control transcripts in total RNA from threshold not established in a predicate
whole blood of diagnosed t(9;22) posi- device of this generic type, device per-
tive chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) formance data from a clinical study
patients during monitoring of treat- demonstrating clinical validity using
ment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors. well-characterized prospectively or ret-
This test is not intended for the diag- rospectively obtained clinical speci-
nosis of CML. mens, as appropriate, representative of
(b) Classification. Class II (special the intended use population;
controls). The special controls for this (C) Device reproducibility data gen-
device are:
erated, using a minimum of three sites,
(1) Premarket notification submis-
of which at least two sites must be ex-
sions must include the following infor-
ternal sites, with two operators at each
site. Each site must conduct a min-
(i) The indication for use must indi-
imum of three runs per operator over
cate the variant(s) for which the assay
non-consecutive days evaluating a min-
was designed and validated, for exam-
imum of five different BCR–ABL con-
ple BCR–ABL e13a2 and/or e14a2.
centrations that span and are well dis-
(ii) A detailed description of all com-
tributed over the measuring range and
ponents in the test, including the fol-
include MR3 (0.1 percent IS). Results
shall be reported as the standard devi-
(A) A detailed description of the test
ation and percentage coefficient of var-
components, all required reagents, in-
iation for each level tested.
strumentation and equipment, includ-
Prespecified acceptance criteria must
ing illustrations or photographs of non-
be provided and followed;
standard equipment or methods;
(B) Detailed documentation of the (D) Device precision data using clin-
device software including, but not lim- ical samples to evaluate the within-lot,
ited to, standalone software applica- between-lot, within-run, between run,
tions and hardware-based devices that and total variation;
incorporate software; (E) Device linearity data using a di-
(C) Methodology and protocols for lution panel created from clinical sam-
control procedures for the assay to ples;
allow reporting on the International (F) Device analytic sensitivity data,
Scale; including limit of blank, limit of detec-
(D) A description of the result out- tion, and limit of quantification;
puts, analytical sensitivity of the (G) Device specificity data, including
assay, and the range of values that will interference and cross-contamination;
be reported; and and
(E) A description of appropriate in- (H) Device stability data, including
ternal and external controls that are real-time stability of samples under
recommended or provided. The descrip- various storage times, temperatures,
tion must identify those control ele- and freeze-thaw conditions.
ments that are incorporated into the (iv) Identification of risk mitigation
testing procedure. elements used by your device, includ-
(iii) Information that demonstrates ing a detailed description of all addi-
the performance characteristics of the tional procedures, methods, and prac-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 866.6080
(2) Your 21 CFR 809.10 compliant la- (B) The intended specimen type(s)
beling must include the following: and matrix (e.g., formalin-fixed, par-
(i) The intended use in your 21 CFR affin-embedded tumor tissue).
809.10(a)(2) and (b)(2) complaint label- (C) The mutation types (e.g., single
ing must include an indication for use nucleotide variant, insertion, deletion,
statement that reads ‘‘This test is not copy number variation or gene rear-
intended for the diagnosis of CML’’; rangement) for which validation data
and has been provided.
(ii) A detailed description of the per- (D) The name of the testing facility
formance studies conducted to comply or facilities, as applicable.
with paragraph (b)(1)(iii) of this section (iii) A detailed device description in-
and a summary of the results. cluding the following:
(3) Your device output must include (A) A description of the test in terms
results on the International Scale (IS) of genomic coverage, as follows:
and your assay must include (1) Tabulated summary of all
multipoint calibration controls trace- mutations reported, grouped according
able to a relevant international ref- to gene and target region within each
erence panel (e.g., the World Health Or- gene, along with the specific cDNA and
ganization International Genetic Ref- amino acid positions for each muta-
erence Panel for quantitation of BCR– tion.
ABL mRNA). (2) A description of any within-gene
[82 FR 50532, Nov. 1, 2017] targeted regions that cannot be re-
ported and the data behind such con-
§ 866.6080 Next generation sequencing clusion.
based tumor profiling test. (B) Specifications for specimen re-
(a) Identification. A next generation quirements including any specimen
sequencing (NGS) based tumor collection devices and preservatives,
profiling test is a qualitative in vitro specimen volume, minimum tumor
diagnostic test intended for NGS anal- content, specimen handling, DNA ex-
ysis of tissue specimens from malig- traction, and criteria for DNA quality
nant solid neoplasms to detect somatic and quantity metrics that are pre-
mutations in a broad panel of targeted requisite to performing the assay.
genes to aid in the management of pre- (C) A detailed description of all test
viously diagnosed cancer patients by components, reagents, instrumenta-
qualified health care professionals. tion, and software required. Detailed
(b) Classification. Class II (special documentation of the device software
controls). The special controls for this including but not limited to, software
device are: applications and hardware-based de-
(1) Premarket notification submis- vices that incorporate software.
sions must include the following infor- (D) A detailed description of the
mation: methodology and protocols for each
(i) A detailed description of all so- step of the test, including description
matic mutations that are intended to of the quality metrics, thresholds, and
be detected by the test and that are filters at each step of the test that are
adequately supported in accordance implemented for final result reporting
with paragraph (b)(1)(v) of this section and a description of the metrics for
and reported in the test results in ac- run-failures, specimen-failures, inva-
cordance with paragraph (b)(2)(iv) of lids, as applicable.
this section, including: (E) A list of links provided by the de-
(A) A listing of mutations that are vice to the user or accessed by the de-
cancer mutations with evidence of clin- vice for internal or external informa-
ical significance. tion (e.g., decision rules or databases)
(B) As appropriate, a listing of supporting clinical significance of test
mutations that are cancer mutations results for the panel or its elements in
with potential clinical significance. accordance with paragraphs (b)(1)(v)
(ii) The indications for use must and (b)(2)(vi) of this section.
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§ 866.6080 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
The description must identify those clinical significance and that are based
control elements that are incorporated on evidence established in the intended
into the testing procedure. specimen type (e.g., tumor tissues) but
(iv) Information demonstrating ana- for a different analyte type (e.g., pro-
lytical validity of the device according tein, RNA) and/or a measurement (e.g.,
to analytical performance characteris- incorporating a score or copy number)
tics, evaluated either specifically for and/or with an alternative technology
each gene/mutation or, when clinically (e.g., IHC, RT-qPCR, FISH), evidence of
and practically justified, using a rep- accuracy must include clinically ade-
resentative approach based on other quate concordance between results for
mutations of the same type, including: the mutation and the medically estab-
(A) Data that adequately supports lished biomarker test (e.g., evidence
the intended specimen type (e.g., for- generated from an appropriately sized
malin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumor method comparison study using clin-
tissue), specimen handling protocol, ical specimens from the target popu-
and nucleic acid purification for spe- lation).
cific tumor types or for a pan-tumor (3) For qualitative DNA mutations
claim. not described in paragraph
(B) A summary of the empirical evi- (b)(1)(iv)(G)(2) of this section, accuracy
dence obtained to demonstrate how the studies must include both mutation-
analytical quality metrics and thresh- positive and wild-type results.
olds were optimized. (H) Adequate device stability infor-
(C) Device precision data using clin- mation.
ical samples to adequately evaluate (v) Information that adequately sup-
intra-run, inter-run, and total varia- ports the clinical significance of the
bility. The samples must cover all mu- panel must include:
tation types tested (both positive and (A) Criteria established on what
negative samples) and include samples types and levels of evidence will clini-
near the limit of detection of the de- cally validate a mutation as a cancer
vice. Precision must be assessed by mutation with evidence of clinical sig-
agreement within replicates on the nificance versus a cancer mutation
assay final result for each representa- with potential clinical significance.
tive mutation, as applicable, and also (B) For representative mutations of
supported by sequencing quality those designated as cancer mutations
metrics for targeted regions across the with evidence of clinical significance, a
panel. description of the clinical evidence as-
(D) Description of the protocols and/ sociated with such mutations, such as
or data adequately demonstrating the clinical evidence presented in profes-
interchangeability of reagent lots and sional guidelines, as appropriate, with
multiplexing barcodes. method comparison performance data
(E) A description of the nucleic acid as described in paragraph (b)(1)(iv)(G)
assay input concentration range and of this section.
the evidence to adequately support the (C) For all other mutations des-
range. ignated as cancer mutations with po-
(F) A description of the data ade- tential clinical significance, a descrip-
quately supporting the limit of detec- tion of the rationale for reporting.
tion of the device. (2) The 21 CFR 809.10 compliant label-
(G) A description of the data to ade- ing and any product information and
quately support device accuracy using test report generated, must include the
clinical specimens representing the in- following, as applicable:
tended specimen type and range of (i) The intended use statement must
tumor types, as applicable. specify the following:
(1) Clinical specimens tested to sup- (A) The test is indicated for pre-
port device accuracy must adequately viously diagnosed cancer patients.
represent the list of cancer mutations (B) The intended specimen type(s)
with evidence of clinical significance and matrix (e.g., formalin-fixed, par-
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS Pt. 868
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Pt. 868 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
868.2340 Compensated thorpe tube flow- 868.5450 Respiratory gas humidifier.
meter. 868.5454 High flow humidified oxygen deliv-
868.2350 Gas calibration flowmeter. ery device.
868.2375 Breathing frequency monitor. 868.5460 Therapeutic humidifier for home
868.2377 Apnea monitor. use.
868.2380 Nitric oxide analyzer. 868.5470 Hyperbaric chamber.
868.2385 Nitrogen dioxide analyzer. 868.5480 Isocapnic ventilation device.
868.2450 Lung water monitor. 868.5530 Flexible laryngoscope.
868.2480 Cutaneous carbon dioxide (PcCO2) 868.5540 Rigid laryngoscope.
monitor. 868.5550 Anesthetic gas mask.
868.2500 Cutaneous oxygen (PcO2) monitor. 868.5560 Gas mask head strap.
868.2550 Pneumotachometer. 868.5570 Nonrebreathing mask.
868.2600 Airway pressure monitor. 868.5580 Oxygen mask.
868.2610 Gas pressure gauge. 868.5590 Scavenging mask.
868.2620 Gas pressure calibrator. 868.5600 Venturi mask.
868.2700 Pressure regulator. 868.5620 Breathing mouthpiece.
868.2775 Electrical peripheral nerve stimu- 868.5630 Nebulizer.
lator. 868.5640 Medicinal nonventilatory nebulizer
868.2875 Differential pressure transducer. (atomizer).
868.2885 Gas flow transducer. 868.5650 Esophageal obturator.
868.2900 Gas pressure transducer. 868.5655 Portable liquid oxygen unit.
868.5665 Powered percussor.
Subparts D–E [Reserved] 868.5675 Rebreathing device.
868.5690 Incentive spirometer.
Subpart F—Therapeutic Devices 868.5700 Nonpowered oxygen tent.
868.5710 Electrically powered oxygen tent.
868.5090 Emergency airway needle. 868.5720 Bronchial tube.
868.5095 Retrograde intubation device. 868.5730 Tracheal tube.
868.5100 Nasopharyngeal airway. 868.5740 Tracheal/bronchial differential ven-
868.5105 External negative pressure airway tilation tube.
aid. 868.5750 Inflatable tracheal tube cuff.
868.5110 Oropharyngeal airway. 868.5760 Cuff spreader.
868.5115 Device to relieve acute upper air- 868.5770 Tracheal tube fixation device.
way obstruction. 868.5780 Tube introduction forceps.
868.5120 Anesthesia conduction catheter. 868.5790 Tracheal tube stylet.
868.5130 Anesthesia conduction filter. 868.5795 Tracheal tube cleaning brush.
868.5140 Anesthesia conduction kit. 868.5800 Tracheostomy tube and tube cuff.
868.5150 Anesthesia conduction needle. 868.5810 Airway connector.
868.5160 Gas machine for anesthesia or anal- 868.5820 Dental protector.
gesia. 868.5830 Autotransfusion apparatus.
868.5165 Nitric oxide administration appa- 868.5860 Pressure tubing and accessories.
ratus. 868.5870 Nonrebreathing valve.
868.5170 Laryngotracheal topical anesthesia 868.5880 Anesthetic vaporizer.
applicator. 868.5895 Continuous ventilator.
868.5180 Rocking bed. 868.5905 Noncontinuous ventilator (IPPB).
868.5220 Blow bottle. 868.5915 Manual emergency ventilator.
868.5240 Anesthesia breathing circuit. 868.5925 Powered emergency ventilator.
868.5250 Breathing circuit circulator. 868.5935 External negative pressure venti-
868.5260 Breathing circuit bacterial filter. lator.
868.5270 Breathing system heater. 868.5955 Intermittent mandatory ventila-
868.5273 Positive airway pressure delivery tion attachment.
system. 868.5965 Positive end expiratory pressure
868.5280 Breathing tube support. breathing attachment.
868.5300 Carbon dioxide absorbent. 868.5975 Ventilator tubing.
868.5310 Carbon dioxide absorber. 868.5995 Tee drain (water trap).
868.5320 Reservoir bag.
868.5330 Breathing gas mixer. Subpart G—Miscellaneous
868.5340 Nasal oxygen cannula.
868.5350 Nasal oxygen catheter. 868.6100 Anesthetic cabinet, table, or tray.
868.5365 Posture chair for cardiac or pul- 868.6175 Cardiopulmonary emergency cart.
monary treatment. 868.6225 Nose clip.
868.5375 Heat and moisture condenser (arti- 868.6250 Portable air compressor.
ficial nose). 868.6400 Calibration gas.
868.5400 Electroanesthesia apparatus. 868.6700 Anesthesia stool.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 868.3
AUTHORITY: 21 U.S.C. 351, 360, 360c, 360e, an application for premarket approval
360j, 360l, 371. (PMA) for the device or declaring com-
SOURCE: 47 FR 31142, July 16, 1982, unless pleted a product development protocol
otherwise noted. (PDP) for the device.
EDITORIAL NOTE: Nomenclature changes to (a) Before FDA requires that a device
part 868 appear at 73 FR 35341, June 23, 2008. commercially distributed before the
enactment date of the amendments, or
Subpart A—General Provisions a device that has been found substan-
tially equivalent to such a device, has
§ 868.1 Scope. an approval under section 515 of the act
(a) This part sets forth the classifica- FDA must promulgate a regulation
tion of anesthesiology devices intended under section 515(b) of the act requir-
for human use that are in commercial ing such approval, except as provided
distribution. in paragraph (b) of this section. Such a
(b) The identification of a device in a regulation under section 515(b) of the
regulation in this part is not a precise act shall not be effective during the
description of every device that is, or grace period ending on the 90th day
will be, subject to the regulation. A after its promulgation or on the last
manufacturer who submits a pre- day of the 30th full calendar month
market notification submission for a after the regulation that classifies the
device under part 807 may not show device into class III is effective, which-
merely that the device is accurately ever is later. See section 501(f)(2)(B) of
described by the section title and iden- the act. Accordingly, unless an effec-
tification provisions of a regulation in tive date of the requirement for pre-
this part, but shall state why the de- market approval is shown in the regu-
vice is substantially equivalent to
lation for a device classified into class
other devices, as required by § 807.87.
III in this part, the device may be com-
(c) To avoid duplicative listings, an
mercially distributed without FDA’s
anesthesiology device that has two or
more types of uses (e.g., used both as a issuance of an order approving a PMA
diagnostic device and as a therapeutic or declaring completed a PDP for the
device) is listed only in one subpart. device. If FDA promulgates a regula-
(d) References in this part to regu- tion under section 515(b) of the act re-
latory sections of the Code of Federal quiring premarket approval for a de-
Regulations are to chapter I of title 21, vice, section 501(f)(1)(A) of the act ap-
unless otherwise noted. plies to the device.
(e) Guidance documents referenced in (b) Any new, not substantially equiv-
this part are available on the Internet alent, device introduced into commer-
at cial distribution on or after May 28,
DeviceRegulationandGuidance/ 1976, including a device formerly mar-
GuidanceDocuments/default.htm. keted that has been substantially al-
[52 FR 17734, May 11, 1987, as amended at 67 tered, is classified by statute (section
FR 76681, Dec. 13, 2002; 78 FR 18233, Mar. 26, 513(f) of the act) into class III without
2013] any grace period and FDA must have
issued an order approving a PMA or de-
§ 868.3 Effective dates of requirement claring completed a PDP for the device
for premarket approval. before the device is commercially dis-
A device included in this part that is tributed unless it is reclassified. If
classified into class III (premarket ap- FDA knows that a device being com-
proval) shall not be commercially dis- mercially distributed may be a ‘‘new’’
tributed after the date shown in the device as defined in this section be-
regulation classifying the device unless cause of any new intended use or other
the manufacturer has an approval reasons, FDA may codify the statutory
under section 515 of the act (unless an classification of the device into class
exemption has been granted under sec- III for such new use. Accordingly, the
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§ 868.9 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
the amendments, May 28, 1976, the de- (2) For use in screening or diagnosis
vice must have an approval under sec- of familial or acquired genetic dis-
tion 515 of the act before commercial orders, including inborn errors of me-
distribution. tabolism;
[52 FR 17734, May 11, 1987] (3) For measuring an analyte that
serves as a surrogate marker for
§ 868.9 Limitations of exemptions from screening, diagnosis, or monitoring
section 510(k) of the Federal Food, life-threatening diseases such as ac-
Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act). quired immune deficiency syndrome
The exemption from the requirement (AIDS), chronic or active hepatitis, tu-
of premarket notification (section berculosis, or myocardial infarction or
510(k) of the act) for a generic type of to monitor therapy;
class I or II device is only to the extent (4) For assessing the risk of cardio-
that the device has existing or reason- vascular diseases;
ably foreseeable characteristics of (5) For use in diabetes management;
commercially distributed devices with- (6) For identifying or inferring the
in that generic type or, in the case of identity of a microorganism directly
in vitro diagnostic devices, only to the from clinical material;
extent that misdiagnosis as a result of (7) For detection of antibodies to
using the device would not be associ- microorganisms other than
ated with high morbidity or mortality.
immunoglobulin G (IgG) or IgG assays
Accordingly, manufacturers of any
when the results are not qualitative, or
commercially distributed class I or II
device for which FDA has granted an are used to determine immunity, or the
exemption from the requirement of assay is intended for use in matrices
premarket notification must still sub- other than serum or plasma;
mit a premarket notification to FDA (8) For noninvasive testing as defined
before introducing or delivering for in- in § 812.3(k) of this chapter; and
troduction into interstate commerce (9) For near patient testing (point of
for commercial distribution the device care).
when: [65 FR 2313, Jan. 14, 2000]
(a) The device is intended for a use
different from the intended use of a le-
gally marketed device in that generic Subpart B—Diagnostic Devices
type of device; e.g., the device is in-
§ 868.1030 Manual algesimeter.
tended for a different medical purpose,
or the device is intended for lay use (a) Identification. A manual algesim-
where the former intended use was by eter is a mechanical device intended to
health care professionals only; determine a patient’s sensitivity to
(b) The modified device operates pain after administration of an anes-
using a different fundamental sci- thetic agent, e.g., by pricking with a
entific technology than a legally mar- sharp point.
keted device in that generic type of de- (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
vice; e.g., a surgical instrument cuts trols). The device is exempt from the
tissue with a laser beam rather than premarket notification procedures in
with a sharpened metal blade, or an in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
vitro diagnostic device detects or iden- subject to the limitations in § 868.9. The
tifies infectious agents by using device is also exempt from the current
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) probe or good manufacturing practice require-
nucleic acid hybridization technology
ments of the quality system regulation
rather than culture or immunoassay
in part 820 of this chapter, with the ex-
technology; or
ception of § 820.180, with respect to gen-
(c) The device is an in vitro device
eral requirements concerning records,
that is intended:
and § 820.198, with respect to complaint
(1) For use in the diagnosis, moni-
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 868.1170
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§ 868.1200 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
Blood Gas Analyzers; Final Guidance ure the concentration of enflurane an-
for Industry and FDA.’’ esthetic in a gas mixture.
[47 FR 31142, July 16, 1982, as amended at 52 (b) Classification. Class II (perform-
FR 17735, May 11, 1987; 66 FR 57368, Nov. 15, ance standards).
§ 868.1505 Ventilatory electrical im-
§ 868.1200 Indwelling blood oxygen pedance tomograph.
partial pressure (PO2) analyzer. (a) Identification. A ventilatory elec-
(a) Identification. An indwelling blood trical impedance tomograph is a pre-
oxygen partial pressure (PO2) analyzer scription non-invasive, non-radio-
is a device that consists of a catheter- logical ventilatory device that provides
tip PO2 transducer (e.g., PO2 electrode) an assessment of local impedance vari-
and that is used to measure, in vivo, ation within a cross-section of a pa-
the partial pressure of oxygen in blood tient’s thorax.
to aid in determining the patient’s cir- (b) Classification. Class II (special
culatory, ventilatory, and metabolic controls). The special controls for this
status. device are:
(b) Classification. Class II (special (1) The patient-contacting compo-
controls). The special control for this nents of the device must be dem-
device is FDA’s ‘‘Class II Special Con- onstrated to be biocompatible.
trols Guidance Document: Indwelling (2) Non-clinical performance testing
Blood Gas Analyzers; Final Guidance must demonstrate that the device per-
for Industry and FDA.’’ forms as intended under anticipated
[47 FR 31142, July 16, 1982; 47 FR 40410, Sept. conditions of use, including the fol-
14, 1982, as amended at 52 FR 17735, May 11, lowing:
1987; 66 FR 57368, Nov. 15, 2001] (i) Characterization of device param-
eters, including signal-to-noise ratio,
§ 868.1400 Carbon dioxide gas ana-
lyzer. voltage accuracy, drift, reciprocity ac-
curacy, amplitude response, position
(a) Identification. A carbon dioxide error, and ringing;
gas analyzer is a device intended to (ii) Real time evaluation of local im-
measure the concentration of carbon pedance variation;
dioxide in a gas mixture to aid in de- (iii) Plethysmogram accuracy test-
termining the patient’s ventilatory, ing; and
circulatory, and metabolic status. The
(iv) Use life testing of reusable com-
device may use techniques such as
chemical titration, absorption of infra-
red radiation, gas chromatography, or (3) Performance data must validate
mass spectrometry. reprocessing instructions for any reus-
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- able components of the device.
ance standards). (4) Performance data must dem-
onstrate the electrical, thermal, and
§ 868.1430 Carbon monoxide gas ana- mechanical safety and the electro-
lyzer. magnetic compatibility of the device.
(a) Identification. A carbon monoxide (5) Software verification, validation,
gas analyzer is a device intended to and hazard analysis must be performed.
measure the concentration of carbon (6) Labeling must include the fol-
monoxide in a gas mixture to aid in de- lowing:
termining the patient’s ventilatory (i) Guidance for interpretation of the
status. The device may use techniques images generated;
such as infrared absorption or gas chro- (ii) A warning that the device should
matography. be removed before use of a
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- defibrillator, or defibrillator inter-
ance standards). action information based on
defibrillator performance testing with
§ 868.1500 Enflurane gas analyzer.
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
the device;
(a) Identification. An enflurane gas (iii) A use life for any reusable com-
analyzer is a device intended to meas- ponents; and
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 868.1760
(iv) Instructions for reprocessing any may use techniques such as gas chro-
reusable components. matography or mass spectrometry.
[84 FR 15098, Apr. 15, 2019] (b) Classification. Class II (perform-
ance standards).
§ 868.1575 Gas collection vessel.
§ 868.1700 Nitrous oxide gas analyzer.
(a) Identification. A gas collection
vessel is a container-like device in- (a) Identification. A nitrous oxide gas
tended to collect a patient’s exhaled analyzer is a device intended to meas-
gases for subsequent analysis. It does ure the concentration of nitrous oxide
not include a sampling pump. anesthetic in a gas mixture. The device
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- may use techniques such as infrared
trols). The device is exempt from the absorption or mass spectrometry.
premarket notification procedures in (b) Classification. Class II (perform-
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter ance standards).
subject to the limitations in § 868.9.
§ 868.1720 Oxygen gas analyzer.
[47 FR 31142, July 16, 1982, as amended at 61
FR 1119, Jan. 16, 1996; 66 FR 38793, July 25, (a) Identification. An oxygen gas ana-
2001] lyzer is a device intended to measure
the concentration of oxygen in res-
§ 868.1620 Halothane gas analyzer. piratory gases by techniques such as
(a) Identification. A halothane gas an- mass spectrometry, polarography,
alyzer is a device intended to measure thermal conductivity, or gas chroma-
the concentration of halothane anes- tography. This generic type of device
thetic in a gas mixture. The device also includes paramagnetic analyzers.
may use techniques such as mass spec- (b) Classification. Class II (perform-
trometry or absorption of infrared or ance standards).
ultraviolet radiation.
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- § 868.1730 Oxygen uptake computer.
ance standards).
(a) Identification. An oxygen uptake
§ 868.1640 Helium gas analyzer. computer is a device intended to com-
pute the amount of oxygen consumed
(a) Identification. A helium gas ana-
by a patient and may include compo-
lyzer is a device intended to measure
nents for determining expired gas vol-
the concentration of helium in a gas
mixture during pulmonary function ume and composition.
testing. The device may use techniques (b) Classification. Class II (perform-
such as thermal conductivity, gas chro- ance standards).
matography, or mass spectrometry.
§ 868.1750 Pressure plethysmograph.
(b) Classification. Class II (perform-
ance standards). (a) Identification. A pressure
plethysmograph is a device used to de-
§ 868.1670 Neon gas analyzer. termine a patient’s airway resistance
(a) Identification. A neon gas analyzer and lung volumes by measuring pres-
is a device intended to measure the sure changes while the patient is in an
concentration of neon in a gas mixture airtight box.
exhaled by a patient. The device may (b) Classification. Class II (perform-
use techniques such as mass spectrom- ance standards).
etry or thermal conductivity.
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- § 868.1760 Volume plethysmograph.
ance standards). (a) Identification. A volume
§ 868.1690 Nitrogen gas analyzer. plethysmograph is an airtight box, in
which a patient sits, that is used to de-
(a) Identification. A nitrogen gas ana- termine the patient’s lung volume
lyzer is a device intended to measure changes.
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§ 868.1780 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 868.2320
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§ 868.2340 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
ing timed from the last detected itor is a device used to monitor the
breath. The apnea monitor also in- trend of fluid volume changes in a pa-
cludes indirect methods of apnea detec- tient’s lung by measuring changes in
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 868.2610
patient’s skin that is intended to mon- [47 FR 31142, July 16, 1982, as amended at 61
itor relative changes in the cutaneous FR 1119, Jan. 16, 1996; 66 FR 38794, July 25,
oxygen tension. 2001]
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§ 868.2620 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 868.5105
[47 FR 31142, July 16, 1982, as amended at 61 erence to training materials, and infor-
FR 1120, Jan. 16, 1996; 66 FR 38794, July 25, mation on troubleshooting the device if
2001] it does not attach properly.
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§ 868.5110 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 868.5270
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§ 868.5273 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
§ 868.5273 Positive airway pressure de- (6) Labeling must include the fol-
livery system. lowing:
(a) Identification. A positive airway (i) Therapy pressure range;
pressure delivery system is a prescrip- (ii) Use life and replacement schedule
tion noninvasive ventilatory device for all components;
that delivers expiratory positive air- (iii) Cleaning instructions; and
way pressure for patients suffering (iv) Instructions for assembly and
from obstructive sleep apnea. The sys- connection of device components.
tem also provides positive airway pres-
sure during incipient apnea. The sys- [83 FR 52966, Oct. 19, 2018]
tem may include a dedicated flow gen-
§ 868.5280 Breathing tube support.
erator and a patient interface.
(b) Classification. Class II (special (a) Identification. A breathing tube
controls). The special controls for this support is a device that is intended to
device are: support and anchor a patient’s breath-
(1) The patient-contacting compo- ing tube(s).
nents of the device must be dem- (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
onstrated to be biocompatible. trols). The device is exempt from the
(2) Non-clinical performance testing premarket notification procedures in
must demonstrate that the device per- subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
forms as intended under anticipated subject to the limitations in § 868.9.
conditions of use, including the fol-
lowing: [47 FR 31142, July 16, 1982, as amended at 54
(i) Waveform testing must simulate FR 25048, June 12, 1989; 66 FR 38794, July 25,
breathing conditions and evaluate pres- 2001]
sure and airflow response over a range
and combination of high and low § 868.5300 Carbon dioxide absorbent.
breath rates and tidal volumes. (a) Identification. A carbon dioxide ab-
(ii) Use life testing must demonstrate sorbent is a device intended for med-
adequate device performance over the ical purposes that consists of an ab-
labeled use life of the device. sorbent material (e.g., soda lime) that
(iii) Device integrity testing must is intended to remove carbon dioxide
demonstrate that the device can with- from the gases in the breathing circuit.
stand typical forces expected during (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
use. trols). The device is exempt from the
(iv) Carbon dioxide rebreathing test- premarket notification procedures in
ing must be performed.
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
(v) System flow rate, maximum ex-
subject to the limitations in § 868.9.
piratory pressure, inhalation pressure,
and intra-mask static pressure testing [47 FR 31142, July 16, 1982, as amended at 61
must be performed. FR 1120, Jan. 16, 1996; 66 FR 38794, July 25,
(vi) Air bolus testing must dem- 2001]
onstrate that the device can withstand
worst-case scenario air pressures. § 868.5310 Carbon dioxide absorber.
(vii) Maximum limited pressure test- (a) Identification. A carbon dioxide ab-
ing of the flow generator in single fault sorber is a device that is intended for
condition must be performed. medical purposes and that is used in a
(viii) Maximum output temperature breathing circuit as a container for
testing of delivered gas, if humidified, carbon dioxide absorbent. It may in-
must be performed. clude a canister and water drain.
(3) Performance data must validate
(b) Classification. Class I (general con-
reprocessing instructions for any reus-
trols). The device is exempt from the
able components of the device.
(4) Performance data must dem- premarket notification procedures in
onstrate the electrical, thermal, and subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
mechanical safety and the electro- subject to the limitations in § 868.9.
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
magnetic compatibility of the device. [47 FR 31142, July 16, 1982, as amended at 61
(5) Software verification, validation, FR 1120, Jan. 16, 1996; 66 FR 38794, July 25,
and hazard analysis must be performed. 2001]
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 868.5400
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§ 868.5420 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
before being placed in commercial dis- heated, and prefilled humidifiers are
tribution. included in this generic type of device.
(b) Classification. Class II (perform-
[47 FR 31142, July 16, 1982, as amended at 52
FR 17735, May 11, 1987; 61 FR 50706, Sept. 27,
ance standards).
§ 868.5454 High flow humidified oxy-
gen delivery device.
§ 868.5420 Ether hook.
(a) Identification. A high flow humidi-
(a) Identification. An ether hook is a
fied oxygen delivery device is a pre-
device that fits inside a patient’s
scription device that delivers high flow
mouth and that is intended to deliver
oxygen with humidification for pa-
vaporized ether.
tients who are suffering from res-
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- piratory distress and/or hypoxemia.
trols). The device is exempt from the (b) Classification. Class II (special
premarket notification procedures in controls). The special controls for this
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter device are:
subject to the limitations in § 868.9. If
(1) The patient-contacting compo-
the device is not labeled or otherwise
nents of the device must be dem-
represented as sterile, it is exempt
onstrated to be biocompatible.
from the current good manufacturing
(2) Non-clinical performance testing
practice requirements of the quality
must demonstrate that the device per-
system regulation in part 820 of this
forms as intended under anticipated
chapter, with the exception of § 820.180,
conditions for use, including the fol-
with respect to general requirements
concerning records, and § 820.198, with
(i) Alarm testing must be performed;
respect to complaint files.
(ii) Continuous use thermal stability
[47 FR 31142, July 16, 1982, as amended at 54 testing must be performed;
FR 25048, June 12, 1989; 66 FR 38795, July 25, (iii) Humidity output testing must be
2001] performed; and
(iv) Blender performance testing
§ 868.5430 Gas-scavenging apparatus.
must evaluate fraction of inspired oxy-
(a) Identification. A gas-scavenging gen (FiO2) blending accuracy.
apparatus is a device intended to col- (3) Performance data must validate
lect excess anesthetic, analgesic, or cleaning instructions for any reusable
trace gases or vapors from a patient’s components of the device.
breathing system, ventilator, or (4) Electrical safety, thermal safety,
extracorporeal pump-oxygenator, and mechanical safety, electromagnetic
to conduct these gases out of the area compatibility, and radiofrequency
by means of an exhaust system. identification testing must be per-
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- formed.
ance standards). (5) Software verification, validation,
and hazard analysis must be performed.
§ 868.5440 Portable oxygen generator. (6) Labeling must include:
(a) Identification. A portable oxygen (i) A description of available FiO2
generator is a device that is intended ranges for different flowrates and inlet
to release oxygen for respiratory ther- gas pressures;
apy by means of either a chemical re- (ii) Instructions for applicable
action or physical means (e.g., a molec- flowrates for all intended populations;
ular sieve). (iii) A warning that patients on high
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- flow oxygen are acute and require ap-
ance standards). propriate monitoring, to include pulse
§ 868.5450 Respiratory gas humidifier. (iv) A warning regarding the risk of
condensation at low set temperatures
(a) Identification. A respiratory gas
and certain flows; and
humidifier is a device that is intended
(v) A description of all alarms and
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 868.5550
(i) Gas concentration accuracy test- (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
ing for the range of intended con- trols). The device is exempt from the
centrations; premarket notification procedures in
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§ 868.5560 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
subject to the limitations in § 868.9. trols). The device is exempt from the
premarket notification procedures in
[47 FR 41107, Sept. 17, 1982, as amended at 61
FR 1120, Jan. 16, 1996; 66 FR 38795, July 25, subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
2001] subject to the limitations in § 868.9.
[47 FR 31142, July 16, 1982, as amended at 61
§ 868.5560 Gas mask head strap. FR 1120, Jan. 16, 1996; 66 FR 38795, July 25,
(a) Identification. A gas mask head 2001]
strap is a device used to hold an anes-
thetic gas mask in position on a pa- § 868.5600 Venturi mask.
tient’s face. (a) Identification. A venturi mask is a
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- device containing an air-oxygen mixing
trols). The device is exempt from the mechanism that dilutes 100 percent ox-
premarket notification procedures in ygen to a predetermined concentration
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter and delivers the mixed gases to a pa-
subject to the limitations in § 868.9. tient.
[47 FR 41107, Sept. 17, 1982, as amended at 54
(b) Classification. Class I (general con-
FR 25048, June 12, 1989; 66 FR 38795, July 25, trols). The device is exempt from the
2001] premarket notification procedures in
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
§ 868.5570 Nonrebreathing mask. subject to the limitations in § 868.9.
(a) Identification. A nonrebreathing [47 FR 31142, July 16, 1982, as amended at 61
mask is a device fitting over a pa- FR 1120, Jan. 16, 1996; 66 FR 38795, July 25,
tient’s face to administer oxygen. It 2001]
utilizes one-way valves to prevent the
patient from rebreathing previously ex- § 868.5620 Breathing mouthpiece.
haled gases. (a) Identification. A breathing mouth-
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- piece is a rigid device that is inserted
trols). The device is exempt from the into a patient’s mouth and that con-
premarket notification procedures in nects with diagnostic or therapeutic
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter respiratory devices.
subject to the limitations in § 868.9. (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
[47 FR 31142, July 16, 1982, as amended at 61 trols). The device is exempt from the
FR 1120, Jan. 16, 1996; 66 FR 38795, July 25, premarket notification procedures in
2001] subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
subject to § 868.9.
§ 868.5580 Oxygen mask.
[47 FR 31142, July 16, 1982, as amended at 65
(a) Identification. An oxygen mask is FR 2313, Jan. 14, 2000]
a device placed over a patient’s nose,
mouth, or tracheostomy to administer § 868.5630 Nebulizer.
oxygen or aerosols. (a) Identification. A nebulizer is a de-
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- vice intended to spray liquids in aer-
trols). The device is exempt from the osol form into gases that are delivered
premarket notification procedures in directly to the patient for breathing.
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter Heated, ultrasonic, gas, venturi, and
subject to the limitations in § 868.9. refillable nebulizers are included in
[47 FR 31142, July 16, 1982, as amended at 61 this generic type of device.
FR 1120, Jan. 16, 1996; 66 FR 38795, July 25, (b) Classification. Class II (perform-
2001] ance standards).
§ 868.5590 Scavenging mask. § 868.5640 Medicinal nonventilatory
(a) Identification. A scavenging mask nebulizer (atomizer).
is a device positioned over a patient’s (a) Identification. A medicinal non-
nose to deliver anesthetic or analgesic ventilatory nebulizer (atomizer) is a
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
gases to the upper airway and to re- device that is intended to spray liquid
move excess and exhaled gas. It is usu- medication in aerosol form into the air
ally used during dentistry. that a patient will breathe.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 868.5730
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
trols). The device is exempt from the subject to § 868.9.
premarket notification procedures in [47 FR 31142, July 16, 1982, as amended at 65
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter FR 2313, Jan. 14, 2000]
subject to § 868.9.
§ 868.5690 Incentive spirometer.
[47 FR 31142, July 16, 1982, as amended at 65
FR 2313, Jan. 14, 2000] (a) Identification. An incentive spi-
rometer is a device that indicates a pa-
§ 868.5650 Esophageal obturator. tient’s breathing volume or flow and
that provides an incentive to the pa-
(a) Identification. An esophageal obtu-
tient to improve his or her ventilation.
rator is a device inserted through a pa-
(b) Classification. Class II (perform-
tient’s mouth to aid ventilation of the
ance standards).
patient during emergency resuscitation
by occluding (blocking) the esophagus, § 868.5700 Nonpowered oxygen tent.
thereby permitting positive pressure (a) Identification. A nonpowered oxy-
ventilation through the trachea. The gen tent is a device that encloses a pa-
device consists of a closed-end tient’s head and upper body to contain
semirigid esophageal tube that is at- oxygen delivered to the patient for
tached to a face mask. breathing. This generic type of device
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- includes infant oxygen hoods.
ance standards). (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
trols). The device is exempt from the
§ 868.5655 Portable liquid oxygen unit. premarket notification procedures in
(a) Identification. A portable liquid subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
oxygen unit is a portable, thermally in- subject to § 868.9.
sulated container of liquid oxygen that [47 FR 31142, July 16, 1982, as amended at 65
is intended to supplement gases to be FR 2313, Jan. 14, 2000]
inhaled by a patient, is sometimes ac-
companied by tubing and an oxygen § 868.5710 Electrically powered oxygen
mask. An empty portable liquid oxygen tent.
unit is a device, while the oxygen con- (a) Identification. An electrically pow-
tained therein is a drug. ered oxygen tent is a device that en-
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- closes a patient’s head and, by means
ance standards). of an electrically powered unit, admin-
isters breathing oxygen and controls
§ 868.5665 Powered percussor. the temperature and humidity of the
breathing gases. This generic type de-
(a) Identification. A powered percussor
vice includes the pediatric aerosol
is a device that is intended to transmit
vibration through a patient’s chest
(b) Classification. Class II (perform-
wall to aid in freeing mucus deposits in
ance standards).
the lung in order to improve bronchial
drainage and that may be powered by § 868.5720 Bronchial tube.
electricity or compressed gas.
(a) Identification. A bronchial tube is
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- a device used to differentially intubate
ance standards). a patient’s bronchus (one of the two
main branches of the trachea leading
§ 868.5675 Rebreathing device.
directly to the lung) in order to isolate
(a) Identification. A rebreathing de- a portion of lung distal to the tube.
vice is a device that enables a patient (b) Classification. Class II (perform-
to rebreathe exhaled gases. It may be ance standards).
used in conjunction with pulmonary
function testing or for increasing § 868.5730 Tracheal tube.
minute ventilation. (a) Identification. A tracheal tube is a
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- device inserted into a patient’s trachea
trols). The device is exempt from the via the nose or mouth and used to
premarket notification procedures in maintain an open airway.
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§ 868.5740 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 868.5915
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§ 868.5925 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- device is also exempt from the current
trols). The device is exempt from the good manufacturing practice require-
premarket notification procedures in ments of the quality system regulation
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 868.6885
in part 820 of this chapter, with the ex- subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
ception of § 820.180, with respect to gen- subject to the limitations in § 868.9.
eral requirements concerning records, [47 FR 31142, July 16, 1982, as amended at 61
and § 820.198, with respect to complaint FR 1121, Jan. 16, 1996; 66 FR 38796, July 25,
files. 2001]
[47 FR 31142, July 16, 1982, as amended at 54 § 868.6700 Anesthesia stool.
FR 25048, June 12, 1989; 66 FR 38796, July 25,
2001] (a) Identification. An anesthesia stool
is a device intended for use as a stool
§ 868.6225 Nose clip. for the anesthesiologist in the oper-
ating room.
(a) Identification. A nose clip is a de- (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
vice intended to close a patient’s exter- trols). The device is exempt from the
nal nares (nostrils) during diagnostic premarket notification procedures in
or therapeutic procedures. subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- subject to the limitations in § 868.9.
trols). The device is exempt from the
[47 FR 31142, July 16, 1982, as amended at 54
premarket notification procedures in FR 25049, June 12, 1989; 66 FR 38796, July 25,
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter 2001]
subject to the limitations in § 868.9. The
device is also exempt from the current § 868.6810 Tracheobronchial suction
good manufacturing practice require- catheter.
ments of the quality system regulation (a) Identification. A tracheobronchial
in part 820 of this chapter, with the ex- suction catheter is a device used to as-
ception of § 820.180, with respect to gen- pirate liquids or semisolids from a pa-
eral requirements concerning records, tient’s upper airway.
and § 820.198, with respect to complaint (b) Classification. Class 1 (general con-
files. trols). The device is exempt from the
premarket notification procedures in
[47 FR 31142, July 16, 1982, as amended at 54 subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
FR 25048, June 12, 1989; 66 FR 38796, July 25, subject to § 868.9.
[47 FR 31142, July 16, 1982, as amended at 65
§ 868.6250 Portable air compressor. FR 2314, Jan. 14, 2000]
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Pt. 870 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS Pt. 870
heart rate, breathing rate, and/or res- Subpart E—Cardiovascular Surgical
piratory rate. Devices
870.2790 Photoplethysmograph analysis soft-
ware for over-the-counter use. 870.4075 Endomyocardial biopsy device.
870.2800 Medical magnetic tape recorder. 870.4100 Extracorporeal circuit and acces-
870.2810 Paper chart recorder. sories for long-term respiratory/
870.2840 Apex cardiographic transducer. cardiopulmonary failure.
870.2850 Extravascular blood pressure trans- 870.4150 Extracorporeal system for carbon
ducer. dioxide removal.
870.2855 Implantable Intra-aneurysm Pres- 870.4200 Cardiopulmonary bypass accessory
sure Measurement System. equipment.
870.2860 Heart sound transducer. 870.4205 Cardiopulmonary bypass bubble de-
870.2870 Catheter tip pressure transducer. tector.
870.2880 Ultrasonic transducer. 870.4210 Cardiopulmonary bypass vascular
870.2890 Vessel occlusion transducer. catheter, cannula, or tubing.
870.2900 Patient transducer and electrode 870.4220 Cardiopulmonary bypass heart-lung
cable (including connector). machine console.
870.2910 Radiofrequency physiological sig- 870.4230 Cardiopulmonary bypass defoamer.
nal transmitter and receiver. 870.4240 Cardiopulmonary bypass heat ex-
870.2920 Telephone electrocardiograph changer.
transmitter and receiver. 870.4250 Cardiopulmonary bypass tempera-
ture controller.
Subpart D—Cardiovascular Prosthetic 870.4260 Cardiopulmonary bypass arterial
Devices line blood filter.
870.4270 Cardiopulmonary bypass cardi-
870.3250 Vascular clip. otomy suction line blood filter.
870.3260 Vena cava clip. 870.4280 Cardiopulmonary prebypass filter.
870.3300 Vascular embolization device.
870.4290 Cardiopulmonary bypass adaptor,
870.3375 Cardiovascular intravascular filter. stopcock, manifold, or fitting.
870.3450 Vascular graft prosthesis. 870.4300 Cardiopulmonary bypass gas con-
870.3460 Endovascular suturing system. trol unit.
870.3470 Intracardiac patch or pledget made 870.4310 Cardiopulmonary bypass coronary
of polypropylene, polyethylene pressure gauge.
terephthalate, or polytetrafluoro-
870.4320 Cardiopulmonary bypass pulsatile
flow generator.
870.3535 Intra-aortic balloon and control
870.4330 Cardiopulmonary bypass on-line
blood gas monitor.
870.3545 Ventricular bypass (assist) device.
870.4340 Cardiopulmonary bypass level sens-
870.3600 External pacemaker pulse gener-
ing monitor and/or control.
870.4350 Cardiopulmonary bypass
870.3605 Pacing system analyzer.
870.3610 Implantable pacemaker pulse gen-
erator. 870.4360 Nonroller-type blood pump.
870.3620 Pacemaker lead adaptor. 870.4370 Roller-type cardiopulmonary by-
870.3630 Pacemaker generator function ana- pass blood pump.
lyzer. 870.4380 Cardiopulmonary bypass pump
870.3640 Indirect pacemaker generator func- speed control.
tion analyzer. 870.4390 Cardiopulmonary bypass pump tub-
870.3650 Pacemaker polymeric mesh bag. ing.
870.3670 Pacemaker charger. 870.4400 Cardiopulmonary bypass blood res-
870.3680 Cardiovascular permanent or tem- ervoir.
porary pacemaker electrode. 870.4410 Cardiopulmonary bypass in-line
870.3690 Pacemaker test magnet. blood gas sensor.
870.3700 Pacemaker programmers. 870.4420 Cardiopulmonary bypass cardi-
870.3710 Pacemaker repair or replacement otomy return sucker.
material. 870.4430 Cardiopulmonary bypass
870.3720 Pacemaker electrode function intracardiac suction control.
tester. 870.4450 Vascular clamp.
870.3730 Pacemaker service tools. 870.4475 Surgical vessel dilator.
870.3800 Annuloplasty ring. 870.4500 Cardiovascular surgical instru-
870.3850 Carotid sinus nerve stimulator. ments.
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§ 870.1 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
latory sections of the Code of Federal quiring premarket approval for a de-
Regulations are to chapter I of title 21, vice, section 501(f)(1)(A) of the act ap-
unless otherwise noted. plies to the device.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 870.9
(b) Any new, not substantially equiv- type of device; e.g., the device is in-
alent, device introduced into commer- tended for a different medical purpose,
cial distribution on or after May 28, or the device is intended for lay use
1976, including a device formerly mar- where the former intended use was by
keted that has been substantially al- health care professionals only;
tered, is classified by statute (section (b) The modified device operates
513(f) of the act) into class III without using a different fundamental sci-
any grace period and FDA must have entific technology than a legally mar-
issued an order approving a PMA or de- keted device in that generic type of de-
claring completed a PDP for the device vice; e.g., a surgical instrument cuts
before the device is commercially dis- tissue with a laser beam rather than
tributed unless it is reclassified. If with a sharpened metal blade, or an in
FDA knows that a device being com- vitro diagnostic device detects or iden-
mercially distributed may be a ‘‘new’’ tifies infectious agents by using
device as defined in this section be- deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) probe or
cause of any new intended use or other nucleic acid hybridization technology
reasons, FDA may codify the statutory rather than culture or immunoassay
classification of the device into class technology; or
III for such new use. Accordingly, the (c) The device is an in vitro device
regulation for such a class III device that is intended:
states that as of the enactment date of (1) For use in the diagnosis, moni-
the amendments, May 28, 1976, the de- toring, or screening of neoplastic dis-
vice must have an approval under sec- eases with the exception of
tion 515 of the act before commercial immunohistochemical devices;
(2) For use in screening or diagnosis
[52 FR 17735, May 11, 1987] of familial or acquired genetic dis-
orders, including inborn errors of me-
§ 870.9 Limitations of exemptions from tabolism;
section 510(k) of the Federal Food,
(3) For measuring an analyte that
Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act).
serves as a surrogate marker for
The exemption from the requirement screening, diagnosis, or monitoring
of premarket notification (section life-threatening diseases such as ac-
510(k) of the act) for a generic type of quired immune deficiency syndrome
class I or II device is only to the extent (AIDS), chronic or active hepatitis, tu-
that the device has existing or reason- berculosis, or myocardial infarction or
ably foreseeable characteristics of to monitor therapy;
commercially distributed devices with- (4) For assessing the risk of cardio-
in that generic type or, in the case of vascular diseases;
in vitro diagnostic devices, only to the (5) For use in diabetes management;
extent that misdiagnosis as a result of (6) For identifying or inferring the
using the device would not be associ- identity of a microorganism directly
ated with high morbidity or mortality. from clinical material;
Accordingly, manufacturers of any (7) For detection of antibodies to
commercially distributed class I or II microorganisms other than
device for which FDA has granted an immunoglobulin G (IgG) or IgG assays
exemption from the requirement of when the results are not qualitative, or
premarket notification must still sub- are used to determine immunity, or the
mit a premarket notification to FDA assay is intended for use in matrices
before introducing or delivering for in- other than serum or plasma;
troduction into interstate commerce
(8) For noninvasive testing as defined
for commercial distribution the device
in § 812.3(k) of this chapter; and
(9) For near patient testing (point of
(a) The device is intended for a use
different from the intended use of a le-
gally marketed device in that generic [65 FR 2314, Jan. 14, 2000]
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§ 870.1025 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
shunt determinations.
(a) Identification. A noninvasive blood (b) Classification. Class II (perform-
pressure measurement system is a de- ance standards).
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 870.1251
§ 870.1230 Fiberoptic oximeter cath- ment and retrieval forces, and proce-
eter. dural time; and
(a) Identification. A fiberoptic oxim- (B) Device compatibility and lack of
eter catheter is a device used to esti- interference with the transcatheter
mate the oxygen saturation of the intracardiac procedure and device.
blood. It consists of two fiberoptic bun- (ii) Tensile strengths of joints and
dles that conduct light at a desired components, tip flexibility, torque
wavelength through blood and detect strength, torque response, and kink re-
the reflected and scattered light at the sistance.
distal end of the catheter. (iii) Flow characteristics.
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- (A) The ability of the filter to not
ance standards). impede blood flow.
(B) The amount of time the filter can
§ 870.1240 Flow-directed catheter. be deployed in position and/or retrieved
(a) Identification. A flow-directed from its location without disrupting
catheter is a device that incorporates a blood flow.
gas-filled balloon to help direct the (iv) Characterization and verification
catheter to the desired position. of all dimensions.
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- (2) Animal testing must demonstrate
ance standards). that the device performs as intended
under anticipated conditions of use.
§ 870.1250 Percutaneous catheter. The following performance characteris-
(a) Identification. A percutaneous tics must be assessed:
catheter is a device that is introduced (i) Delivery, deployment, and re-
into a vein or artery through the skin trieval, including quantifying proce-
using a dilator and a sheath (intro- dural time.
ducer) or guide wire. (ii) Device compatibility and lack of
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- interference with the transcatheter
ance standards). intracardiac procedure and device.
(iii) Flow characteristics.
§ 870.1251 Temporary catheter for em-
bolic protection during (A) The ability of the filter to not
transcatheter intracardiac proce- impede blood flow.
dures. (B) The amount of time the filter can
be deployed in position and/or retrieved
(a) Identification. This device is a sin-
from its location without disrupting
gle use percutaneous catheter system
blood flow.
that has (a) blood filter(s) at the distal
end. This device is indicated for use (iv) Gross pathology and
while performing transcatheter histopathology assessing vascular in-
intracardiac procedures. The device is jury and downstream embolization.
used to filter blood in a manner that (3) All patient contacting compo-
may prevent embolic material (throm- nents of the device must be dem-
bus/debris) from the transcatheter onstrated to be biocompatible.
intracardiac procedure from traveling (4) Performance data must dem-
towards the cerebral circulation. onstrate the sterility of the device
(b) Classification. Class II (special components intended to be provided
controls). The special controls for this sterile.
device are: (5) Performance data must support
(1) Non-clinical performance testing the shelf life of the device by dem-
must demonstrate that the device per- onstrating continued sterility, package
forms as intended under anticipated integrity, and device functionality
conditions of use. The following per- over the identified shelf life.
formance characteristics must be test- (6) Labeling for the device must in-
ed: clude:
(i) Simulated-use testing in a clini- (i) Instructions for use;
cally relevant bench anatomic model (ii) Compatible transcatheter
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§ 870.1252 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(iv) A shelf life and storage condi- (v) Gross pathology and
tions. histopathology assessing vascular in-
(7) Clinical performance testing must jury and downstream embolization.
demonstrate: (3) Non-clinical performance testing
(i) The ability to safely deliver, de- must demonstrate that the device per-
ploy, and remove the device; forms as intended under anticipated
(ii) The ability of the device to filter conditions of use. The following per-
embolic material while not impeding formance characteristics must be test-
blood flow; ed:
(iii) Secure positioning and stability (i) Simulated-use testing in a clini-
of the position throughout the cally relevant bench anatomic model
transcatheter intracardiac procedure; to assess the delivery, deployment, ac-
and tivation, and retrieval of the device;
(ii) Tensile strengths of joints and
(iv) Evaluation of all adverse events
including death, stroke, and vascular
(iii) Accurate positioning and align-
ment of the device to achieve fistula
[83 FR 4140, Jan. 30, 2018] creation; and
(iv) Characterization and verification
§ 870.1252 Percutaneous catheter for of all dimensions.
creation of an arteriovenous fistula (4) Electrical performance, electrical
for hemodialysis access. safety, and electromagnetic compat-
(a) Identification. This device is a sin- ibility (EMC) testing must be per-
gle use percutaneous catheter system formed for devices with electrical com-
that creates an arteriovenous fistula in ponents.
the arm of patients with chronic kid- (5) Software verification, validation,
ney disease who need hemodialysis. and hazard analysis must be performed
(b) Classification. Class II (special for devices that use software.
controls). The special controls for this (6) All patient-contacting compo-
device are: nents of the device must be dem-
(1) Clinical performance testing must onstrated to be biocompatible.
evaluate: (7) Performance data must dem-
onstrate the sterility of the device
(i) The ability to safely deliver, de-
components intended to be provided
ploy, and remove the device;
(ii) The ability of the device to create
(8) Performance data must support
an arteriovenous fistula;
the shelf life of the device by dem-
(iii) The ability of the arteriovenous onstrating continued sterility, package
fistula to attain a blood flow rate and integrity, and device functionality
diameter suitable for hemodialysis; over the identified shelf life.
(iv) The ability of the fistula to be (9) Labeling for the device must in-
used for vascular access for hemo- clude:
dialysis; (i) Instructions for use;
(v) The patency of the fistula; and (ii) Identification of system compo-
(vi) The rates and types of all adverse nents and compatible devices;
events. (iii) Expertise needed for the safe use
(2) Animal testing must demonstrate of the device;
that the device performs as intended (iv) A detailed summary of the clin-
under anticipated conditions of use. ical testing conducted and the patient
The following performance characteris- population studied; and
tics must be assessed: (v) A shelf life and storage condi-
(i) Delivery, deployment, and re- tions.
trieval of the device; [87 FR 9241, Feb. 18, 2022]
(ii) Compatibility with other devices
labeled for use with the device; § 870.1255 Balloon aortic valvuloplasty
(iii) Patency of the fistula; catheter.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 870.1342
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§ 870.1345 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
skin for patients with upper body ve- § 870.1345 Intravascular bleed mon-
nous occlusions or other conditions itor.
that preclude central venous access by (a) Identification. An intravascular
other methods. bleed monitor is a probe, catheter, or
(b) Classification. Class II (special catheter introducer that measures
controls). The special controls for this changes in bioimpedance and uses an
device are: algorithm to detect or monitor pro-
(1) Clinical performance testing must
gression of potential internal bleeding
fulfill the following:
(i) Demonstrate the ability to safely
(b) Classification. Class II (special
deliver, deploy, and remove the device;
controls). The special controls for this
(ii) Evaluate all adverse events in- device are:
cluding death, bleeding, damage to (1) In vivo animal performance test-
non-target tissue and organs, blood ing must demonstrate that the device
vessel perforation or rupture, and he- performs as intended under anticipated
matoma. conditions of use and evaluate the fol-
(2) Non-clinical performance testing lowing:
must demonstrate that the device per- (i) Device performance characteris-
forms as intended under anticipated tics;
conditions of use. The following per- (ii) Adverse effects, including gross
formance characteristics must be test- necropsy and histopathology; and
ed: (iii) Device usability, including de-
(i) Simulated-use testing in a clini- vice preparation, device handling, and
cally relevant bench anatomic model user interface.
to assess the delivery, deployment, and (2) Non-clinical performance testing
retrieval of the system; data must demonstrate that the device
(ii) Compatibility with other devices performs as intended under anticipated
labeled for use with the device; conditions of use. The following per-
(iii) Tensile strengths of joints and formance characteristics must be test-
components; ed:
(iv) Kink resistance of system com- (i) Tensile testing of joints and mate-
ponents; rials;
(v) Radiopacity of components used (ii) Mechanical integrity testing;
to monitor procedure under fluoros- (iii) Friction testing;
copy; (iv) Flush testing;
(vi) Characterization and verification
(v) Air leakage and liquid leakage
of all dimensions; and
(vii) Leakage of air or fluid.
(3) All patient contacting compo- (vi) Latching and unlatching testing;
nents of the device must be dem- (vii) Kink and bend testing;
onstrated to be biocompatible. (viii) Insertion force testing;
(4) Performance data must dem- (ix) Torque testing;
onstrate the sterility of the device (x) Corrosion testing; and
components intended to be provided (xi) Dimensional tolerance testing.
sterile. (3) Performance data must support
(5) Performance data must support the sterility and pyrogenicity of the
the shelf life of the device by dem- device components intended to be pro-
onstrating continued sterility, package vided sterile.
integrity, and device functionality (4) Performance data must support
over the identified shelf life. the shelf life of the device by dem-
(6) Labeling for the device must in- onstrating continued sterility, package
clude: integrity, and device functionality
(i) Instructions for use, including a over the identified shelf life.
description of compatible devices; (5) The patient contacting compo-
(ii) A detailed summary of the clin- nents of the device must be dem-
ical testing conducted and;
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
onstrated to be biocompatible.
(iii) Shelf life and storage conditions. (6) Software verification, validation,
[87 FR 26991, May 6, 2022] and hazard analysis must be performed.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 870.1405
(7) Performance data must dem- filed with the Food and Drug Adminis-
onstrate electromagnetic compat- tration on or before December 26, 1996
ibility (EMC), electrical safety, ther- for any trace microsphere that was in
mal safety, and mechanical safety. commercial distribution before May 28,
(8) Human factors performance eval- 1976, or that has, on or before Decem-
uation must demonstrate that the user ber 26, 1996 been found to be substan-
can correctly use the device, based tially equivalent to a trace micro-
solely on reading the directions for use. sphere that was in commercial dis-
(9) Labeling must include: tribution before May 28, 1976. Any
(i) Instructions for use; other trace microsphere shall have an
(ii) A shelf life and storage condi- approved PMA or a declared completed
tions; PDP in effect before being placed in
(iii) Compatible procedures; commercial distribution.
(iv) A sizing table; and
[45 FR 7907, Feb. 5, 1980, as amended at 52 FR
(v) Quantification of blood detected. 17736, May 11, 1987; 61 FR 50706, Sept. 27, 1996]
[87 FR 34778, June 8, 2022]
§ 870.1370 Catheter tip occluder.
§ 870.1350 Catheter balloon repair kit. (a) Identification. A catheter tip
(a) Identification. A catheter balloon occluder is a device that is inserted
repair kit is a device used to repair or into certain catheters to prevent flow
replace the balloon of a balloon cath- through one or more orifices.
eter. The kit contains the materials, (b) Classification. Class II (perform-
such as glue and balloons, necessary to ance standards).
effect the repair or replacement.
(b) Classification. Class III (premarket § 870.1380 Catheter stylet.
approval). (a) Identification. A catheter stylet is
(c) Date PMA or notice of completion of a wire that is run through a catheter or
a PDP is required. A PMA or notice of cannula to render it stiff.
completion of a PDP is required to be (b) Classification. Class II (perform-
filed with the Food and Drug Adminis- ance standards).
tration on or before December 26, 1996
for any catheter balloon repair kit that § 870.1390 Trocar.
was in commercial distribution before (a) Identification. A trocar is a sharp-
May 28, 1976, or that has, on or before pointed instrument used with a
December 26, 1996 been found to be sub- cannula for piercing a vessel or cham-
stantially equivalent to a catheter bal- ber to facilitate insertion of the
loon repair kit that was in commercial cannula.
distribution before May 28, 1976. Any (b) Classification. Class II (special
other catheter balloon repair kit shall controls). Except for trocars that are
have an approved PMA or a declared reprocessed for multiple use, the device
completed PDP in effect before being is exempt from the premarket notifica-
placed in commercial distribution. tion procedures in subpart E of part 807
[45 FR 7907, Feb. 5, 1980, as amended at 52 FR of this chapter subject to the limita-
17736, May 11, 1987; 61 FR 50706, Sept. 27, 1996] tions in § 870.9.
[45 FR 7907, Feb. 5, 1980, as amended at 84 FR
§ 870.1360 Trace microsphere.
71811, Dec. 30, 2019]
(a) Identification. A trace microsphere
is a radioactively tagged nonbiodegrad- § 870.1405 Interventional cardio-
able particle that is intended to be in- vascular implant simulation soft-
jected into an artery or vein and ware device.
trapped in the capillary bed for the (a) Identification. An interventional
purpose of studying blood flow within cardiovascular implant simulation
or to an organ. software device is a prescription device
(b) Classification. Class III (premarket that provides a computer simulation of
approval). an interventional cardiovascular im-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
(c) Date PMA or notice of completion of plant device inside a patient’s cardio-
a PDP is required. A PMA or notice of vascular anatomy. It performs com-
completion of a PDP is required to be putational modeling to predict the
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§ 870.1415 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 870.1415
(B) Adequate description of the ex- (vi) Sensitivity and specificity must
pected impact of all applicable image be characterized across the range of
acquisition hardware features and available measurements;
characteristics on performance and any (vii) Agreement of the simulated
associated minimum specifications; measure(s) with clinically acceptable
(ii) Adequate consideration of pri- measure(s) must be assessed across the
vacy and security issues in the system full range of measurements;
design; and (viii) Comparison of the measure-
(iii) Adequate mitigation of the im- ment performance must be provided
pact of failure of any subsystem com- across the range of intended image ac-
ponents (e.g., signal detection and anal- quisition hardware; and
ysis, data storage, system communica- (ix) If the device uses a cutoff thresh-
tions and cybersecurity) with respect old or operates across a spectrum of
to incorrect patient reports and oper- disease, it must be established prior to
ator failures.
validation, and it must be justified as
(2) Adequate non-clinical perform- to how it was determined and clinically
ance testing must be provided to dem- validated;
onstrate the validity of computational
(4) Adequate validation must be per-
modeling methods for flow measure-
ment; and formed and controls implemented to
characterize and ensure consistency
(3) Clinical data supporting the pro-
(i.e., repeatability and reproducibility)
posed intended use must be provided,
of measurement outputs:
including the following:
(i) Acceptable incoming image qual-
(i) Output measure(s) must be com-
ity control measures and the resulting
pared to a clinically acceptable method
and must adequately represent the image rejection rate for the clinical
simulated measure(s) the device pro- data must be specified, and
vides in an accurate and reproducible (ii) Data must be provided within the
manner; clinical validation study or using
(ii) Clinical utility of the device equivalent datasets demonstrating the
measurement accuracy must be dem- consistency (i.e., repeatability and re-
onstrated by comparison to that of producibility) of the output that is rep-
other available diagnostic tests (e.g., resentative of the range of data quality
from literature analysis); likely to be encountered in the in-
(iii) Statistical performance of the tended use population and relevant use
device within clinical risk strata (e.g., conditions in the intended use environ-
age, relevant comorbidities, disease ment;
stability) must be reported; (A) Testing must be performed using
(iv) The dataset must be adequately multiple operators meeting planned
representative of the intended use pop- qualification criteria and using the
ulation for the device (e.g., patients, procedure that will be implemented in
range of vessel sizes, imaging device the production use of the device, and
models). Any selection criteria or limi- (B) The factors (e.g., medical imaging
tations of the samples must be fully de- dataset, operator) must be identified
scribed and justified; regarding which were held constant
(v) Statistical methods must consider and which were varied during the eval-
the predefined endpoints: uation, and a description must be pro-
(A) Estimates of probabilities of in- vided for the computations and statis-
correct results must be provided for tical analyses used to evaluate the
each endpoint, data;
(B) Where multiple samples from the (5) Human factors evaluation and val-
same patient are used, statistical anal- idation must be provided to dem-
ysis must not assume statistical inde- onstrate adequate performance of the
pendence without adequate justifica- user interface to allow for users to ac-
tion, and curately measure intended parameters,
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
(C) The report must provide appro- particularly where parameter settings
priate confidence intervals for each that have impact on measurements re-
performance metric; quire significant user intervention; and
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§ 870.1420 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(6) Device labeling must be provided tery disease, as an aid in cardiac anal-
that adequately describes the fol- ysis and diagnosis.
lowing: (b) Classification. Class II (special
(i) The device’s intended use, includ- controls). The special controls for this
ing the type of imaging data used, device are:
what the device measures and outputs (1) Clinical performance testing must
to the user, whether the measure is fulfill the following:
qualitative or quantitative, the clin- (i) Testing must include a discussion
ical indications for which it is to be of the patient population and any sta-
used, and the specific population for tistical techniques used for analyzing
which the device use is intended; the data; and
(ii) Appropriate warnings specifying (ii) Testing must be representative of
the intended patient population, iden- the intended use population for the de-
tifying anatomy and image acquisition vice. Any selection criteria or sample
factors that may impact measurement limitations must be fully described and
results, and providing cautionary guid- justified.
ance for interpretation of the provided (2) Acoustic performance testing
measurements; must evaluate microphone sensitivity,
(iii) Key assumptions made in the sound acquisition bandwidth, and am-
calculation and determination of simu- plitude accuracy. The acoustic sensor
lated measurements; specifications and mechanism used to
(iv) The measurement performance of capture heart sounds must be de-
the device for all presented param- scribed.
eters, with appropriate confidence in- (3) A scientific justification for the
tervals, and the supporting evidence validity of the algorithm(s) must be
for this performance. Per-vessel clin- provided. This justification must fulfill
ical performance, including where ap- the following:
plicable localized performance accord- (i) All inputs and outputs of the algo-
ing to vessel and segment, must be in- rithm must be fully described;
cluded as well as a characterization of (ii) The procedure for segmenting,
the measurement error across the ex- characterizing, and classifying the
pected range of measurement for key acoustic signal must be fully described;
parameters based on the clinical data; and
(v) A detailed description of the pa- (iii) This justification must include
tients studied in the clinical validation verification of the algorithm calcula-
(e.g., age, gender, race or ethnicity, tions and validation using an inde-
clinical stability, current treatment pendent data set.
regimen) as well as procedural details (4) The patient-contacting compo-
of the clinical study (e.g., scanner rep- nents of the device must be dem-
resentation, calcium scores, use of onstrated to be biocompatible.
beta-blockers or nitrates); and (5) Software verification, validation,
and hazard analysis must be performed.
(vi) Where significant human inter-
(6) Human factors/usability testing
face is necessary for accurate analysis,
must demonstrate that the user can
adequately detailed description of the
correctly use the device, including de-
analysis procedure using the device and
vice placement, based solely on reading
any data features that could affect ac-
the directions for use.
curacy of results.
(7) Performance data must dem-
[80 FR 63673, Oct. 21, 2015] onstrate the electromagnetic compat-
ibility and electrical safety of the de-
§ 870.1420 Coronary artery disease vice.
risk indicator using acoustic heart (8) Labeling must include the fol-
signals. lowing:
(a) Identification. A coronary artery (i) A description of what the device
disease risk indicator using acoustic measures and outputs to the user;
heart signals is a device that records (ii) Instructions for proper placement
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 870.1875
(iv) Warnings identifying sensor ac- within the balloon, is exempt from the
quisition factors that may impact premarket notification procedures in
measurement results and instructions subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
for mitigating these factors; and subject to the limitations in § 870.9.
(v) The expected performance of the
[45 FR 7907, Feb. 5, 1980, as amended at 84 FR
device for all intended use populations 71811, Dec. 30, 2019]
and environments.
[87 FR 32990, June 1, 2022] § 870.1660 Indicator injector.
(a) Identification. An indicator injec-
§ 870.1425 Programmable diagnostic tor is an electrically or gas-powered
device designed to inject accurately an
(a) Identification. A programmable di- indicator solution into the blood
agnostic computer is a device that can stream. This device may be used in
be programmed to compute various conjuction with a densitometer or
physiologic or blood flow parameters thermodilution device to determine
based on the output from one or more cardiac output.
electrodes, transducers, or measuring (b) Classification. Class II (perform-
devices; this device includes any asso- ance standards).
ciated commercially supplied pro-
grams. § 870.1670 Syringe actuator for an in-
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- jector.
ance standards). (a) Identification. A syringe actuator
§ 870.1435 Single-function, for an injector is an electrical device
preprogrammed diagnostic com- that controls the timing of an injection
puter. by an angiographic or indicator injec-
tor and synchronizes the injection with
(a) Identification. A single-function,
the electrocardiograph signal.
preprogrammed diagnostic computer is
(b) Classification. Class II (perform-
a hard-wired computer that calculates
ance standards).
a specific physiological or blood-flow
parameter based on information ob- § 870.1750 External programmable
tained from one or more electrodes, pacemaker pulse generator.
transducers, or measuring devices.
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- (a) Identification. An external pro-
ance standards). grammable pacemaker pulse genera-
tors is a device that can be pro-
§ 870.1450 Densitometer. grammed to produce one or more
pulses at preselected intervals; this de-
(a) Identification. A densitometer is a
vice is used in electrophysiological
device used to measure the trans-
mission of light through an indicator
in a sample of blood. (b) Classification. Class II (perform-
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- ance standards).
ance standards). § 870.1800 Withdrawal-infusion pump.
§ 870.1650 Angiographic injector and (a) Identification. A withdrawal-infu-
syringe. sion pump is a device designed to inject
(a) Identification. An angiographic in- accurately drugs into the bloodstream
jector and syringe is a device that con- and to withdraw blood samples for use
sists of a syringe and a high-pressure in determining cardiac output.
injector which are used to inject con- (b) Classification. Class II (perform-
trast material into the heart, great ance standards).
vessels, and coronary arteries to study
the heart and vessels by x-ray photog- § 870.1875 Stethoscope.
raphy. (a) Manual stethoscope—(1) Identifica-
(b) Classification. Class II (special tion. A manual stethoscope is a me-
controls). The device, when it is a non- chanical device used to project the
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
patient contacting balloon inflation sounds associated with the heart, arte-
syringe intended only to inflate/deflate ries, and veins and other internal or-
balloon catheters and monitor pressure gans.
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§ 870.1915 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(2) Classification. Class I (general con- gizes the transducer and processes and
trols). The device is exempt from the displays the blood flow signal.
premarket notification procedures in (b) Classification. Class II (perform-
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter ance standards).
subject to the limitations in § 870.9.
(b) Electronic stethoscope—(1) Identi- § 870.2120 Extravascular blood flow
fication. An electronic stethoscope is an probe.
electrically amplified device used to (a) Identification. An extravascular
project the sounds associated with the blood flow probe is an extravascular ul-
heart, arteries, and veins and other in- trasonic or electromagnetic probe used
ternal organs. in conjunction with a blood flowmeter
(2) Classification. Class II (special con- to measure blood flow in a chamber or
trols). The device, when it is a lung vessel.
sound monitor, is exempt from the pre-
(b) Classification. Class II (perform-
market notification procedures in sub-
ance standards).
part E of part 807 of this chapter sub-
ject to the limitations in § 870.9. § 870.2200 Adjunctive cardiovascular
[45 FR 7907, Feb. 5, 1980, as amended at 59 FR status indicator.
63007, Dec. 7, 1994; 66 FR 38796, July 25, 2001; (a) Identification. The adjunctive car-
84 FR 71811, Dec. 30, 2019]
diovascular status indicator is a pre-
§ 870.1915 Thermodilution probe. scription device based on sensor tech-
nology for the measurement of a phys-
(a) Identification. A thermodilution ical parameter(s). This device is in-
probe is a device that monitors cardiac tended for adjunctive use with other
output by use of thermodilution tech- physical vital sign parameters and pa-
niques; this device is commonly at-
tient information and is not intended
tached to a catheter that may have one
to independently direct therapy.
or more probes.
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- (b) Classification. Class II (special
ance standards). controls). The special controls for this
device are:
(1) Software description, verification,
Subpart C—Cardiovascular and validation based on comprehensive
Monitoring Devices hazard analysis must be provided, in-
§ 870.2050 Biopotential amplifier and cluding:
signal conditioner. (i) Full characterization of technical
parameters of the software, including
(a) Identification. A biopotential am-
any proprietary algorithm(s);
plifier and signal conditioner is a de-
vice used to amplify or condition an (ii) Description of the expected im-
electrical signal of biologic origin. pact of all applicable sensor acquisi-
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- tion hardware characteristics on per-
ance standards). formance and any associated hardware
§ 870.2060 Transducer signal amplifier (iii) Specification of acceptable in-
and conditioner. coming sensor data quality control
(a) Identification. A transducer signal measures; and
amplifier and conditioner is a device (iv) Mitigation of impact of user
used to provide the excitation energy error or failure of any subsystem com-
for the transducer and to amplify or ponents (signal detection and analysis,
condition the signal emitted by the data display, and storage) on accuracy
transducer. of patient reports.
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- (2) Scientific justification for the va-
ance standards). lidity of the status indicator algo-
rithm(s) must be provided. Verification
§ 870.2100 Cardiovascular blood flow- of algorithm calculations and valida-
meter. tion testing of the algorithm using a
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 870.2210
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§ 870.2220 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(i) The assessment must include a adjunctively along with other moni-
summary of the clinical data used, in- toring and patient information.
cluding source, patient demographics, (b) Classification. Class II (special
and any techniques used for annotating controls). The special controls for this
and separating the data. device are:
(ii) The clinical data must be rep- (1) Software description, verification,
resentative of the intended use popu- and validation based on comprehensive
lation for the device. Any selection cri- hazard analysis and risk assessment
teria or sample limitations must be must be provided, including:
fully described and justified. (i) Full characterization of technical
(iii) The assessment must dem- parameters of the software, including
onstrate output consistency using the algorithm(s);
expected range of data sources and (ii) Description of the expected im-
data quality encountered in the in- pact of all applicable sensor acquisi-
tended use population and environ- tion hardware characteristics on per-
ment. formance and any associated hardware
(iv) The assessment must evaluate specifications;
how the device output correlates with (iii) Specification of acceptable in-
the predicted event or status. coming sensor data quality control
(5) Labeling must include: measures;
(i) A description of what the device (iv) Mitigation of impact of user
measures and outputs to the user; error or failure of any subsystem com-
(ii) Warnings identifying sensor ac- ponents (signal detection and analysis,
quisition factors that may impact data display, and storage) on output
measurement results; accuracy; and
(iii) Guidance for interpretation of (v) The sensitivity, specificity, posi-
the measurements, including a state- tive predictive value, and negative pre-
ment that the output is adjunctive to dictive value in both percentage and
other physical vital sign parameters number form for clinically meaningful
and patient information; pre-specified time windows consistent
(iv) A specific time or a range of with the device output.
times before the predicted patient sta- (2) Scientific justification for the va-
tus or clinical event occurs, accounting lidity of the hemodynamic indicator
for differences in patient condition and algorithm(s) must be provided.
environment; Verification of algorithm calculations
(v) Key assumptions made during cal- and validation testing of the algorithm
culation of the output; must use an independent data set.
(vi) The type(s) of sensor data used, (3) Usability assessment must be pro-
including specification of compatible vided to demonstrate that risk of mis-
sensors for data acquisition; interpretation of the status indicator
(vii) The expected performance of the is appropriately mitigated.
device for all intended use populations (4) Clinical data must support the in-
and environments; and tended use and include the following:
(viii) Relevant characteristics of the (i) The assessment must include a
patients studied in the clinical valida- summary of the clinical data used, in-
tion (including age, gender, race or eth- cluding source, patient demographics,
nicity, and patient condition) and a and any techniques used for annotating
summary of validation results. and separating the data;
[87 FR 8191, Feb. 14, 2022] (ii) Output measure(s) must be com-
pared to an acceptable reference meth-
§ 870.2220 Adjunctive hemodynamic in- od to demonstrate that the output rep-
dicator with decision point. resents the measure(s) that the device
(a) Identification. An adjunctive provides in an accurate and reproduc-
hemodynamic indicator with decision ible manner;
point is a device that identifies and (iii) The data set must be representa-
monitors hemodynamic condition(s) of tive of the intended use population for
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 870.2345
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§ 870.2350 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
signal at the body surface to a proc- ray tube display is a device designed
essor that produces an electrocardio- primarily to display selected biological
gram or vectorcardiogram. signals. This device often incorporates
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 870.2770
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§ 870.2780 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(i) The clinical data must be rep- (i) A full characterization of the soft-
resentative of the intended use popu- ware technical parameters, including
lation for the device. Any selection cri- algorithms;
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 870.2800
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§ 870.2810 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 870.3450
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§ 870.3460 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
tion required for the safe and effective mechanical integrity, durability, and
use of the device as outlined in reliability to support its intended pur-
§ 801.109(c) of this chapter, including a pose; and
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 870.3600
(vi) Labeling must include a detailed PDP in effect before being placed in
summary of the device- and procedure- commercial distribution.
related complications pertinent to use
[45 FR 7907, Feb. 5, 1980, as amended at 52 FR
of the device. 17736, May 11, 1987; 76 FR 50666, Aug. 16, 2011]
(2) Class III (premarket approval)
when the device is indicated for septic § 870.3600 External pacemaker pulse
shock and pulsatile flow generation. generator.
(c) Date premarket approval application (a) Identification. An external pace-
(PMA) or notice of completion of product maker pulse generator (EPPG) is a pre-
development protocol (PDP) is required. A scription device that has a power sup-
PMA or notice of completion of a PDP ply and electronic circuits that
is required to be filed with the Food produce a periodic electrical pulse to
and Drug Administration on or before stimulate the heart. This device, which
March 31, 2014, for any intra-aortic bal- is used outside the body, is used as a
loon and control system indicated for temporary substitute for the heart’s
septic shock or pulsatile flow genera- intrinsic pacing system until a perma-
tion that was in commercial distribu- nent pacemaker can be implanted, or
tion before May 28, 1976, or that has, on to control irregular heartbeats in pa-
or before March 31, 2014, been found to tients following cardiac surgery or a
be substantially equivalent to any myocardial infarction. The device may
intra-aortic balloon and control system have adjustments for impulse strength,
indicated for septic shock or pulsatile duration, R-wave sensitivity, and other
flow generation that was in commer- pacing variables.
cial distribution before May 28, 1976. (b) Classification. Class II (special
Any other intra-aortic balloon and con- controls). The special controls for this
trol system indicated for septic shock device are:
or pulsatile flow generation shall have (1) Appropriate analysis/testing must
an approved PMA or declared com- validate electromagnetic compatibility
pleted PDP in effect before being (EMC) within a hospital environment.
placed in commercial distribution. (2) Electrical bench testing must
demonstrate device safety during in-
[78 FR 79303, Dec. 31, 2013]
tended use. This must include testing
§ 870.3545 Ventricular bypass (assist) with the specific power source (i.e., bat-
device. tery power, AC mains connections, or
(a) Identification. A ventricular by- (3) Non-clinical performance testing
pass (assist) device is a device that as- data must demonstrate the perform-
sists the left or right ventricle in main- ance characteristics of the device.
taining circulatory blood flow. The de- Testing must include the following:
vice is either totally or partially im- (i) Testing must demonstrate the ac-
planted in the body. curacy of monitoring functions,
(b) Classification. Class III (premarket alarms, measurement features, thera-
approval). peutic features, and all adjustable or
(c) Date PMA or notice of completion of programmable parameters as identified
PDP is required. A PMA or notice of in labeling;
completion of a PDP is required to be (ii) Mechanical bench testing of ma-
filed with the Food and Drug Adminis- terial strength must demonstrate that
tration on or before November 21, 2011, the device and connection cables will
for any ventricular bypass (assist) de- withstand forces or conditions encoun-
vice that was in commercial distribu- tered during use;
tion before May 28, 1976, or that has, on (iii) Simulated use analysis/testing
or before November 21, 2011, been found must demonstrate adequate user inter-
to be substantially equivalent to any face for adjustable parameters, per-
ventricular bypass (assist) device that formance of alarms, display screens,
was in commercial distribution before interface with external devices (e.g.
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
May 28, 1976. Any other ventricular by- data storage, printing), and indi-
pass (assist) device shall have an ap- cator(s) functionality under intended
proved PMA or declared completed use conditions; and
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§ 870.3605 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
demonstrate device safety during in- (v) Labeling must limit the use of ex-
tended use. This must include testing ternal pacing to the implant procedure;
with the specific power source (i.e., bat- and
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 870.3670
[45 FR 7907, Feb. 5, 1980, as amended at 52 FR [45 FR 7907, Feb. 5, 1980, as amended at 61 FR
17736, May 11, 1987; 66 FR 18542, Apr. 10, 2001] 1121, Jan. 16, 1996; 66 FR 38796, July 25, 2001]
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§ 870.3680 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 870.3925
1976, or that has, on or before Novem- vice used to decrease arterial pressure
ber 21, 2011, been found to be substan- by stimulating Hering’s nerve at the
tially equivalent to any pacemaker re- carotid sinus.
pair or replacement material device (b) Classification. Class III (premarket
that was in commercial distribution approval).
before May 28, 1976. Any other pace- (c) Date PMA or notice of completion of
maker repair or replacement material a PDP is required. A PMA or a notice of
device shall have an approved PMA or completion of a PDP is required to be
declared completed PDP in effect be- filed with the Food and Drug Adminis-
fore being placed in commercial dis- tration on or before December 26, 1996
tribution. for any carotid sinus nerve stimulator
[45 FR 7907, Feb. 5, 1980, as amended at 52 FR that was in commercial distribution
17736, May 11, 1987; 76 FR 50666, Aug. 16, 2011] before May 28, 1976, or that has, on or
before December 26, 1996 been found to
§ 870.3720 Pacemaker electrode func- be substantially equivalent to a carotid
tion tester. sinus nerve stimulator that was in
(a) Identification. A pacemaker elec- commercial distribution before May 28,
trode function tester is a device which 1976. Any other carotid sinus nerve
is connected to an implanted pace- stimulator shall have an approved
maker lead that supplies an accurately PMA or a declared completed PDP in
calibrated, variable pacing pulse for effect before being placed in commer-
measuring the patient’s pacing thresh- cial distribution.
old and intracardiac R-wave potential.
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- [45 FR 7907, Feb. 5, 1980, as amended at 52 FR
17736, May 11, 1987; 61 FR 50706, Sept. 27, 1996]
ance standards).
§ 870.3730 Pacemaker service tools. § 870.3925 Replacement heart valve.
(a) Identification. Pacemaker service (a) Identification. A replacement
tools are devices such as screwdrivers heart valve is a device intended to per-
and Allen wrenches, used to repair a form the function of any of the heart’s
pacemaker lead or to reconnect a pace- natural valves. This device includes
maker lead to a pacemaker generator. valves constructed of prosthetic mate-
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- rials, biologic valves (e.g., porcine
trols). The device is exempt from the valves), or valves constructed of a com-
premarket notification procedures in bination of prosthetic and biologic ma-
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter terials.
subject to the limitations in § 870.9. (b) Classification. Class III (premarket
[45 FR 7907, Feb. 5, 1980, as amended at 54 FR
25049, June 12, 1989; 66 FR 38797, July 25, 2001] (c) Date premarket approval application
(PMA) or notice of completion of a prod-
§ 870.3800 Annuloplasty ring. uct development protocol (PDP) is re-
(a) Identification. An annuloplasty quired. A PMA or a notice of comple-
ring is a rigid or flexible ring im- tion of a PDP is required to be filed
planted around the mitral or tricuspid with the Food and Drug Administra-
heart valve for reconstructive treat- tion on or before December 9, 1987 for
ment of valvular insufficiency. any replacement heart valve that was
(b) Classification. Class II (special in commercial distribution before May
controls). The special control for this 28, 1976, or that has on or before De-
device is the FDA guidance document cember 9, 1987 been found to be sub-
entitled ‘‘Guidance for Annuloplasty stantially equivalent to a replacement
Rings 510(k) Submissions.’’ heart valve that was in commercial
distribution before May 28, 1976. Any
[45 FR 7907, Feb. 5, 1980, as amended at 52 FR
other replacement heart valve shall
17736, May 11, 1987; 66 FR 18542, Apr. 10, 2001]
have an approved PMA or a declared
§ 870.3850 Carotid sinus nerve stimu- completed PDP in effect before being
lator. placed in commercial distribution.
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§ 870.3935 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
§ 870.3935 Prosthetic heart valve hold- not limited to, the console (hardware),
er. software, and disposables, including,
(a) Identification. A prosthetic heart but not limited to, an oxygenator,
valve holder is a device used to hold a blood pump, heat exchanger, cannulae,
replacement heart valve while it is tubing, filters, and other accessories
being sutured into place. (e.g., monitors, detectors, sensors, con-
(b) Classification. Class I. The device nectors).
is exempt from the premarket notifica- (b) Classification—Class II (special
tion procedures in subpart E of part 807 controls). The special controls for this
of this chapter. device are:
(1) The technological characteristics
[45 FR 7907, Feb. 5, 1980, as amended at 61 FR of the device must ensure that the ge-
1121, Jan. 16, 1996] ometry and design parameters are con-
sistent with the intended use, and that
§ 870.3945 Prosthetic heart valve sizer.
the devices and accessories in the cir-
(a) Identification. A prosthetic heart cuit are compatible;
valve sizer is a device used to measure (2) The devices and accessories in the
the size of the natural valve opening to circuit must be demonstrated to be bio-
determine the size of the appropriate compatible;
replacement heart valve. (3) Sterility and shelf-life testing
(b) Classification. Class I (general con- must demonstrate the sterility of any
trols). The device is exempt from the patient-contacting devices and acces-
premarket notification procedures in sories in the circuit and the shelf life of
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter these devices and accessories;
subject to the limitations in § 870.9. (4) Non-clinical performance evalua-
[45 FR 7907, Feb. 5, 1980, as amended at 61 FR tion of the devices and accessories in
1121, Jan. 16, 1996; 66 FR 38797, July 25, 2001] the circuit must demonstrate substan-
tial equivalence of the performance
Subpart E—Cardiovascular characteristics on the bench, mechan-
ical integrity, electromagnetic com-
Surgical Devices patibility (where applicable), software,
§ 870.4075 Endomyocardial biopsy de- durability, and reliability;
vice. (5) In vivo evaluation of the devices
and accessories in the circuit must
(a) Identification. An endomyocardial
demonstrate their performance over
biopsy device is a device used in a cath-
the intended duration of use, including
eterization procedure to remove sam-
a detailed summary of the clinical
ples of tissue from the inner wall of the
evaluation pertinent to the use of the
devices and accessories to demonstrate
(b) Classification. Class II (perform-
their effectiveness if a specific indica-
ance standards).
tion (patient population and/or condi-
§ 870.4100 Extracorporeal circuit and tion) is identified; and
accessories for long-term res- (6) Labeling must include a detailed
piratory/cardiopulmonary failure. summary of the non-clinical and in
(a) Identification. An extracorporeal vivo evaluations pertinent to use of the
circuit and accessories for long-term devices and accessories in the circuit
respiratory/cardiopulmonary support and adequate instructions with respect
(>6 hours) is a system of devices and to anticoagulation, circuit setup, per-
accessories that provides assisted formance characteristics with respect
extracorporeal circulation and physio- to compatibility among different de-
logic gas exchange of the patient’s vices and accessories in the circuit, and
blood in patients with acute res- maintenance during a procedure.
piratory failure or acute [81 FR 7451, Feb. 12, 2016]
cardiopulmonary failure, where other
available treatment options have § 870.4150 Extracorporeal system for
failed, and continued clinical deterio- carbon dioxide removal.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 870.4205
(8) Performance testing must support to detect bubbles in the arterial return
the shelf life of the device by dem- line of the cardiopulmonary bypass cir-
onstrating continued sterility and de- cuit.
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§ 870.4210 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 870.4350
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§ 870.4360 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 870.4510
head and which is cyclically com- device which provides the vacuum and
pressed by the pump to cause the blood control for a cardiotomy return sucker.
to flow through the cardiopulmonary (b) Classification. Class II (special
bypass circuit. controls). The device is exempt from
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- the premarket notification procedures
ance standards). in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
subject to the limitations in § 870.9.
§ 870.4400 Cardiopulmonary bypass
blood reservoir. [45 FR 7907, Feb. 5, 1980, as amended at 84 FR
(a) Identification. A cardiopulmonary 71812, Dec. 30, 2019]
bypass blood reservoir is a device used
in conjunction with short-term § 870.4450 Vascular clamp.
extracorporeal circulation devices to (a) Identification. A vascular clamp is
hold a reserve supply of blood in the a surgical instrument used to occlude a
bypass circulation. blood vessel temporarily.
(b) Classification. Class II (special (b) Classification. Class II (perform-
controls), except that a reservoir that ance standards).
contains a defoamer or filter is classi-
fied into the same class as the § 870.4475 Surgical vessel dilator.
defoamer or filter. The device, when it
is a cardiopulmonary bypass blood res- (a) Identification. A surgical vessel di-
ervoir that does not contain defoamers lator is a device used to enlarge or cali-
or blood filters, is exempt from the pre- brate a vessel.
market notification procedures in sub- (b) Classification. Class II (perform-
part E of part 807 of this chapter sub- ance standards).
ject to the limitations in § 870.9.
§ 870.4500 Cardiovascular surgical in-
[45 FR 7907, Feb. 5, 1980, as amended at 84 FR struments.
71812, Dec. 30, 2019]
(a) Identification. Cardiovascular sur-
§ 870.4410 Cardiopulmonary bypass in- gical instruments are surgical instru-
line blood gas sensor. ments that have special features for
(a) Identification. A cardiopulmonary use in cardiovascular surgery. These
bypass in-line blood gas sensor is a devices include, e.g., forceps, retrac-
transducer that measures the level of tors, and scissors.
gases in the blood. (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- trols). The device is exempt from the
ance standards). premarket notification procedures in
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
§ 870.4420 Cardiopulmonary bypass subject to the limitations in § 870.9.
cardiotomy return sucker.
(a) Identification. A cardiopulmonary [45 FR 7907, Feb. 5, 1980, as amended at 54 FR
25049, June 12, 1989; 66 FR 38797, July 25, 2001]
bypass cardiotomy return sucker is a
device that consists of tubing, a con- § 870.4510 Apical closure device.
nector, and a probe or tip that is used
to remove blood from the chest or (a) Identification. An apical closure
heart during cardiopulmonary bypass device is a prescription device con-
surgery. sisting of a delivery system and im-
(b) Classification. Class II (special plant component that is used for soft
controls). The device is exempt from tissue approximation of cardiac apical
the premarket notification procedures tissue during transcatheter valve re-
in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter placement procedures.
subject to the limitations in § 870.9. (b) Classification. Class II (special
[45 FR 7907, Feb. 5, 1980, as amended at 84 FR controls). The special controls for this
71812, Dec. 30, 2019] device are:
(1) The patient contacting materials
§ 870.4430 Cardiopulmonary bypass must be evaluated to be biocompatible.
intracardiac suction control.
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§ 870.4875 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
(3) Performance data must support fluid from the chest during the recov-
the shelf life of the device by dem- ery period following surgery.
onstrating continued sterility, package (b) Classification. Class II (perform-
integrity, and device functionality ance standards).
over the labeled shelf life.
(4) Non-clinical performance testing § 870.5100 Percutaneous Transluminal
data must demonstrate that the device Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) Cath-
performs as intended under anticipated eter.
conditions of use. The following per- (a) Standard PTCA Catheter—(1) Iden-
formance characteristics must be test- tification. A PTCA catheter is a device
ed: that operates on the principle of hy-
(i) Consistent and reliable implant draulic pressurization applied through
deployment; an inflatable balloon attached to the
(ii) Assessment of implant pull-out distal end. A PTCA balloon catheter
force; and has a single or double lumen shaft. The
(iii) Sheath size compatibility with catheter features a balloon of appro-
implant. priate compliance for the clinical ap-
(5) In vivo evaluation of the device plication, constructed from a polymer.
must demonstrate device performance, The balloon is designed to uniformly
including device operation resulting in expand to a specified diameter and
closure of the myocardial wound. length at a specific pressure as labeled,
(6) Labeling must include the fol- with well characterized rates of infla-
lowing: tion and deflation and a defined burst
(i) Detailed information explaining pressure. The device generally features
how the device operates; a type of radiographic marker to facili-
(ii) Sheath size that device can ac- tate fluoroscopic visualization of the
commodate; balloon during use. A PTCA catheter is
(iii) Identification of the minimum intended for balloon dilatation of a
myocardial wall thickness to ensure hemodynamically significant coronary
optimal device function; and artery or bypass graft stenosis in pa-
(iv) A shelf life. tients evidencing coronary ischemia
for the purpose of improving myocar-
[81 FR 71371, Oct. 17, 2016]
dial perfusion. A PTCA catheter may
§ 870.4875 Intraluminal artery strip- also be intended for the treatment of
per. acute myocardial infarction; treatment
of in-stent restenosis (ISR) and/or post-
(a) Identification. An intraluminal ar- deployment stent expansion.
tery stripper is a device used to per- (2) Classification. Class II (special con-
form an endarterectomy (removal of trols). The special control for this de-
plaque deposits from arterisclerotic ar- vice is ‘‘Class II Special Controls Guid-
teries.) ance Document for Certain
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary
ance standards). Angioplasty (PTCA) Catheters.’’ See
§ 870.4885 External vein stripper. § 870.1(e) for the availability of this
guidance document.
(a) Identification. An external vein (b) Cutting/scoring PTCA Catheter—(1)
stripper is an extravascular device used Identification. A cutting/scoring PTCA
to remove a section of a vein. catheter is a balloon-tipped catheter
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- with cutting/scoring elements at-
ance standards). tached, which is used in those cir-
cumstances where a high pressure bal-
Subpart F—Cardiovascular loon resistant lesion is encountered. A
Therapeutic Devices cutting/scoring PTCA catheter is in-
tended for the treatment of
§ 870.5050 Patient care suction appa- hemodynamically significant coronary
ratus. artery stenosis for the purpose of im-
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 870.5210
lesions or for the treatment of in-stent (i) The clinical training necessary for
restenosis. the safe use of this device;
(2) Classification. Class III (premarket (ii) Adjunctive use only indication
approval). As of May 28, 1976, an ap- prominently displayed on labels phys-
proval under section 515 of the act is ically placed on the device and in any
required before this device may be device manuals or other labeling;
commercially distributed. See § 870.3. (iii) Information on the patient popu-
lation for which the device has been
[75 FR 54496, Sept. 8, 2010] demonstrated to be effective (including
patient size and/or age limitations, e.g.,
§ 870.5150 Embolectomy catheter.
adult, pediatric and/or infant); and
(a) Identification. An embolectomy (iv) Information on the time nec-
catheter is a balloon-tipped catheter essary to deploy the device as dem-
that is used to remove thromboemboli, onstrated in the performance testing.
i.e., blood clots which have migrated in (3) For devices that incorporate elec-
blood vessels from one site in the vas- trical components, appropriate anal-
cular tree to another. ysis and testing must demonstrate that
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- the device is electrically safe and elec-
ance standards). tromagnetically compatible in its in-
tended use environment.
§ 870.5175 Septostomy catheter. (4) Human factors testing and anal-
(a) Identification. A septostomy cath- ysis must validate that the device de-
eter is a special balloon catheter that sign and labeling are sufficient for ef-
is used to create or enlarge the atrial fective use by the intended user, in-
septal defect found in the heart of cer- cluding an evaluation for the time nec-
tain infants. essary to deploy the device.
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- (5) For devices containing software,
ance standards). software verification, validation, and
hazard analysis must be performed.
§ 870.5200 External cardiac com- (6) Components of the device that
pressor. come into human contact must be dem-
(a) Identification. An external cardiac onstrated to be biocompatible.
compressor is an externally applied [81 FR 33133, May 25, 2016]
prescription device that is electrically,
pneumatically, or manually powered § 870.5210 Cardiopulmonary resuscita-
and is used to compress the chest peri- tion (CPR) aid.
odically in the region of the heart to (a) CPR aid without feedback—(1) Iden-
provide blood flow during cardiac ar- tification. A CPR aid without feedback
rest. External cardiac compressor de- is a device that performs a simple func-
vices are used as an adjunct to manual tion such as proper hand placement
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and/or simple prompting for rate and/or
when effective manual CPR is not pos- timing of compressions/breathing for
sible (e.g., during patient transport or the professionally trained rescuer, but
extended CPR when fatigue may pro- offers no feedback related to the qual-
hibit the delivery of effective/con- ity of the CPR being provided. These
sistent compressions to the victim, or devices are intended for use by persons
when insufficient EMS personnel are professionally trained in CPR to assure
available to provide effective CPR). proper use and the delivery of optimal
(b) Classification. Class II (special CPR to the victim.
controls). The special controls for this (2) Classification. Class I (general con-
device are: trols). The device is exempt from the
(1) Nonclinical performance testing premarket notification procedures in
under simulated physiological condi- subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
tions must demonstrate the reliability subject to the limitations in § 870.9.
of the delivery of specific compression (b) CPR aid with feedback—(1) Identi-
depth and rate over the intended dura- fication. A CPR Aid device with feed-
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§ 870.5225 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
victim, and provides either audio and/ this section, subject to the limitations
or visual information to encourage the of exemptions in § 870.9.
rescuer to continue the consistent ap-
[81 FR 33134, May 25, 2016]
plication of effective manual CPR in
accordance with current accepted CPR § 870.5225 External counter-pulsating
guidelines (to include, but not be lim- device.
ited to, parameters such as compres-
(a) Identification. An external
sion rate, compression depth, ventila-
counter-pulsating device is a
tion, recoil, instruction for one or mul-
noninvasive, prescription device used
tiple rescuers, etc.). These devices may
to assist the heart by applying positive
also perform a coaching function to aid
or negative pressure to one or more of
rescuers in the sequence of steps nec-
the body’s limbs in synchrony with the
essary to perform effective CPR on a
heart cycle.
(b) Classification. (1) Class II (special
(2) Classification. Class II (special con-
controls) when the device is intended
trols). The special controls for this de- for the treatment of chronic stable an-
vice are: gina that is refractory to optimal anti-
(i) Nonclinical performance testing anginal medical therapy and without
under simulated physiological or use options for revascularization. The spe-
conditions must demonstrate the accu- cial controls for this device are:
racy and reliability of the feedback to (i) Nonclinical performance evalua-
the user on specific compression rate, tion of the device must demonstrate a
depth and/or respiration over the in- reasonable assurance of safety and ef-
tended duration, and environment of fectiveness for applied pressure, syn-
use. chronization of therapy with the appro-
(ii) Labeling must include the clin- priate phase of the cardiac cycle, and
ical training, if needed, for the safe use functionality of alarms during a device
of this device and information on the malfunction or an abnormal patient
patient population for which the device condition;
has been demonstrated to be effective (ii) Reliabilities of the mechanical
(including patient size and/or age limi- and electrical systems must be estab-
tations, e.g., adult, pediatric and/or in- lished through bench testing under
fant). simulated use conditions and matched
(iii) For devices that incorporate by appropriate maintenance schedules;
electrical components, appropriate (iii) Software design and verification
analysis and testing must demonstrate and validation must be appropriately
that the device is electrically safe and documented;
electromagnetically compatible in its (iv) The skin-contacting components
intended use environment. of the device must be demonstrated to
(iv) For devices containing software, be biocompatible;
software verification, validation, and (v) Appropriate analysis and testing
hazard analysis must be performed. must be conducted to verify electrical
(v) Components of the device that safety and electromagnetic compat-
come into human contact must be dem- ibility of the device; and
onstrated to be biocompatible. (vi) Labeling must include a detailed
(vi) Human factors testing and anal- summary of the device-related and pro-
ysis must validate that the device de- cedure-related complications pertinent
sign and labeling are sufficient for ef- to use of the device.
fective use by the intended user. (2) Class III (premarket approval) for
(3) Premarket notification. The CPR the following intended uses: Unstable
Aid with feedback device is exempt angina pectoris; acute myocardial in-
from the premarket notification proce- farction; cardiogenic shock; congestive
dures in subpart E of part 807 of this heart failure; postoperative treatment
chapter if it does not contain software of patients who have undergone coro-
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 870.5310
neric type of device includes low en- (a) Identification. An automated ex-
ergy defibrillators with a maximum ternal defibrillator (AED) system con-
electrical output of less than 360 joules sists of an AED and those accessories
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§ 870.5325 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
necessary for the AED to detect and in- a periodic electrical pulse intended to
terpret an electrocardiogram and de- pace the heart. The pulse from the de-
liver an electrical shock (e.g., battery, vice is usually applied to the surface of
pad electrode, adapter, and hardware the chest through electrodes such as
key for pediatric use). An AED system defibrillator paddles.
analyzes the patient’s electrocardio- (b) Classification. Class II. The special
gram, interprets the cardiac rhythm, controls for this device are:
and automatically delivers an elec- (1) ‘‘American National Standards In-
trical shock (fully automated AED), or stitute/American Association for Med-
advises the user to deliver the shock ical Instrumentation’s DF–21 ‘Cardiac
(semi-automated or shock advisory Defibrillator Devices’ ’’ 2d ed., 1996, and
AED) to treat ventricular fibrillation (2) ‘‘The maximum pulse amplitude
or pulseless ventricular tachycardia. should not exceed 200 milliamperes.
(b) Classification. Class III (premarket The maximum pulse duration should
approval) not exceed 50 milliseconds.’’
(c) Date PMA or notice of completion of
[45 FR 7907, Feb. 5, 1980, as amended at 52 FR
PDP is required. A PMA will be required 17737, May 11, 1987; 65 FR 17144, Mar. 31, 2000]
to be submitted to the Food and Drug
Administration by April 29, 2015, for § 870.5700 Steerable cardiac ablation
any AED that was in commercial dis- catheter remote control system.
tribution before May 28, 1976, or that (a) Identification. A steerable cardiac
has, by April 29, 2015, been found to be ablation catheter remote control sys-
substantially equivalent to any AED tem is a prescription device that is ex-
that was in commercial distribution ternal to the body and interacts with
before May 28, 1976. A PMA will be re- the manual handle of a steerable car-
quired to be submitted to the Food and diac ablation catheter to remotely con-
Drug Administration by April 29, 2015, trol the advancement, retraction, rota-
for any AED accessory described in tion, and deflection of a compatible,
paragraph (a) that was in commercial steerable ablation catheter used for the
distribution before May 28, 1976, or that treatment of cardiac arrhythmias in
has, by April 29, 2015, been found to be the right side of the heart. The device
substantially equivalent to any AED allows reversion to manual control of
accessory described in paragraph (a) the steerable cardiac ablation catheter
that was in commercial distribution without withdrawal of the catheter and
before May 28, 1976. Any other AED and interruption of the procedure.
AED accessory described in paragraph (b) Classification. Class II (special
(a), shall have an approved PMA or de- controls). The special controls for this
clared completed PDP in effect before device are:
being placed in commercial distribu- (1) Non-clinical mechanical perform-
tion. ance testing must demonstrate that
[68 FR 61344, Oct. 28, 2003; 69 FR 10615, Mar. the device performs as intended under
8, 2004, as amended at 80 FR 5682, Feb. 3, 2015] anticipated conditions of use. The fol-
lowing performance testing must be
§ 870.5325 Defibrillator tester. performed:
(a) Identification. A defibrillator (i) Mechanical performance of the
tester is a device that is connected to system (without catheter connected);
the output of a defibrillator and is used (ii) Mechanical performance of the
to measure the energy delivered by the system with compatible catheters con-
defibrillator into a standard resistive nected to verify that the system does
load. Some testers also provide wave- not impact catheter function or per-
form information. formance. Assessments must include
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- the following:
ance standards). (A) Side-by-side remote control and
manual comparisons of catheter ma-
§ 870.5550 External transcutaneous nipulation (including all ranges of mo-
cardiac pacemaker (noninvasive). tion of catheter deflection and tip curl)
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
(a) Identification. An external trans- for all compatible catheters; must in-
cutaneous cardiac pacemaker clude testing for worst-case conditions,
(noninvasive) is a device used to supply and
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 870.5700
(B) Evaluation of the accuracy and (iii) Efficacy: Assess ablation success
function of all device control safety in comparison to literature and/or a
features; and manual comparison group for compat-
(iii) Simulated-use testing in a bench ible ablation catheters to support the
anatomic model or animal model. indications for use; and
(2) Non-clinical electrical testing (iv) User assessment of device remote
must include validation of electro- controls and safety features.
magnetic compatibility (EMC), elec- (4) Post-market surveillance (PMS)
trical safety, thermal safety, and elec- must be conducted and completed in
trical system performance. The fol- accordance with FDA agreed upon PMS
lowing performance testing must be protocol.
performed: (5) A training program must be in-
(i) Electrical performance of the sys- cluded with sufficient educational ele-
tem with compatible catheters con- ments that, upon completion of the
nected to verify that the system does training program, the clinician and
not impact catheter function or per- supporting staff can:
formance. Assessments must include (i) Identify the safe environments for
the following: device use,
(A) Side-by-side remote control and (ii) Use all safety features of device,
manual comparisons of catheter ma- and
nipulation (including all ranges of mo- (iii) Operate the device in simulated
tion of catheter deflection and tip curl) or actual use environments representa-
for all compatible catheters; must in- tive of indicated environments and use
clude testing for worst-case conditions, for the indication of compatible cath-
and eters.
(B) Evaluation of the accuracy and (6) Performance data must dem-
function of all device control safety onstrate the sterility of the sterile dis-
features; and posable components of the system.
(ii) Electrical safety between the de- (7) Performance data must support
vice and ablation catheter system and shelf life by demonstrating continued
with other electrical equipment ex- sterility of the device (of the sterile
pected in the catheter lab or operating disposable components), package integ-
room. rity, and device functionality over the
(3) In vivo testing must demonstrate requested shelf life.
that the device performs as intended (8) Labeling must include the fol-
under anticipated conditions of use, in- lowing:
cluding an assessment of the system (i) Appropriate instructions, warn-
impact on the functionality and per- ings, cautions, limitations, and infor-
formance of compatible catheters, and mation related to the intended patient
documentation of the adverse event population, compatible ablation cath-
profile associated with clinical use. eters, and the device safeguards for the
Evidence must be submitted to address safe use of the device;
the following: (ii) Specific instructions and the clin-
(i) Manipulation and Positioning: ical training needed for the safe use of
Ability to manipulate compatible cath- the device, which includes:
eters to pre-specified cardiac locations (A) Instructions on assembling the
and confirm proper anatomic place- device in all available configurations,
ment and tissue contact, in accordance including installation and removal of
with the system indications for use and compatible catheters;
the compatible catheter indications for (B) Instructions and explanation of
use; all controls, inputs, and outputs;
(ii) Safety: Assess device-related (C) Instructions on all available
complication rate and major proce- modes or states of the device;
dural complication rate (regardless of (D) Instructions on all safety fea-
device relatedness) in comparison to tures of the device; and
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§ 870.5800 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
vent pooling of blood in a limb by in- air outlets instead of vacuum outlets
flating periodically a sleeve around the for those devices, including gastric suc-
limb. tion.
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS Pt. 872
(iii) The operating parameters, name, 872.3200 Resin tooth bonding agent.
and model number of the indicated ex- 872.3220 Facebow.
ternal controller. 872.3240 Dental bur.
872.3250 Calcium hydroxide cavity liner.
(iv) The intended duration of use. 872.3260 Cavity varnish.
[80 FR 49896, Aug. 18, 2015] 872.3275 Dental cement.
872.3285 Preformed clasp.
§ 870.5925 Automatic rotating tour- 872.3300 Hydrophilic resin coating for den-
niquet. tures.
872.3310 Coating material for resin fillings.
(a) Identification. An automatic rotat- 872.3330 Preformed crown.
ing tourniquet is a device that prevents 872.3350 Gold or stainless steel cusp.
blood flow in one limb at a time, which 872.3360 Preformed cusp.
temporarily reduces the total blood 872.3400 Karaya and sodium borate with or
volume, thereby reducing the normal without acacia denture adhesive.
workload of the heart. 872.3410 Ethylene oxide homopolymer and/or
carboxymethylcellulose sodium denture
(b) Classification. Class II (perform- adhesive.
ance standards). 872.3420 Carboxymethylcellulose sodium
and cationic polyacrylamide polymer
PART 872—DENTAL DEVICES denture adhesive.
872.3450 Ethylene oxide homopolymer and/or
Subpart A—General Provisions karaya denture adhesive.
872.3480 Polyacrylamide polymer (modified
Sec. cationic) denture adhesive.
872.1 Scope. 872.3490 Carboxymethylcellulose sodium
872.3 Effective dates of requirement for pre- and/or polyvinylmethylether maleic acid
market approval. calcium-sodium double salt denture ad-
872.9 Limitations of exemptions from sec- hesive.
tion 510(k) of the Federal Food, Drug, 872.3500 Polyvinylmethylether maleic anhy-
and Cosmetic Act (the act). dride (PVM-MA), acid copolymer, and
carboxymethylcellulose sodium
Subpart B—Diagnostic Devices (NACMC) denture adhesive.
872.3520 OTC denture cleanser.
872.1500 Gingival fluid measurer. 872.3530 Mechanical denture cleaner.
872.1720 Pulp tester. 872.3540 OTC denture cushion or pad.
872.1730 Electrode gel for pulp testers. 872.3560 OTC denture reliner.
872.1740 Caries detection device. 872.3570 OTC denture repair kit.
872.1745 Laser fluorescence caries detection 872.3580 Preformed gold denture tooth.
device. 872.3590 Preformed plastic denture tooth.
872.1800 Extraoral source x-ray system. 872.3600 Partially fabricated denture kit.
872.1810 Intraoral source x-ray system. 872.3630 Endosseous dental implant abut-
872.1820 Dental x-ray exposure alignment ment.
device. 872.3640 Endosseous dental implant.
872.1830 Cephalometer. 872.3645 Subperiosteal implant material.
872.1840 Dental x-ray position indicating de- 872.3660 Impression material.
vice. 872.3661 Optical Impression Systems for
872.1850 Lead-lined position indicator. CAD/CAM.
872.1870 Sulfide detection device. 872.3670 Resin impression tray material.
872.1905 Dental x-ray film holder. 872.3680 Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
872.2050 Dental sonography device. vitreous carbon materials.
872.2060 Jaw tracking device. 872.3690 Tooth shade resin material.
872.3710 Base metal alloy.
Subpart C [Reserved] 872.3730 Pantograph.
872.3740 Retentive and splinting pin.
Subpart D—Prosthetic Devices 872.3750 Bracket adhesive resin and tooth
872.3060 Noble metal alloy. 872.3760 Denture relining, repairing, or re-
872.3070 Dental amalgam, mercury, and basing resin.
amalgam alloy. 872.3765 Pit and fissure sealant and condi-
872.3080 Mercury and alloy dispenser. tioner.
872.3100 Dental amalgamator. 872.3770 Temporary crown and bridge resin.
872.3110 Dental amalgam capsule. 872.3810 Root canal post.
872.3130 Preformed anchor. 872.3820 Root canal filling resin.
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§ 872.1 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
872.3890 Endodontic stabilizing splint. 872.6200 Base plate shellac.
872.3900 Posterior artificial tooth with a 872.6250 Dental chair and accessories.
metal insert. 872.6290 Prophylaxis cup.
872.3910 Backing and facing for an artificial 872.6300 Rubber dam and accessories.
tooth. 872.6350 Ultraviolet detector.
872.3920 Porcelain tooth. 872.6390 Dental floss.
872.3930 Bone grafting material. 872.6475 Heat source for bleaching teeth.
872.3940 Total temporomandibular joint 872.6510 Oral irrigation unit.
prosthesis. 872.6570 Impression tube.
872.3950 Glenoid fossa prosthesis. 872.6640 Dental operative unit and acces-
872.3960 Mandibular condyle prosthesis. sories.
872.3970 Interarticular disc prosthesis 872.6650 Massaging pick or tip for oral hy-
(interpositional implant). giene.
872.3980 Endosseous dental implant acces- 872.6660 Porcelain powder for clinical use.
sories. 872.6670 Silicate protector.
872.6710 Boiling water sterilizer.
Subpart E—Surgical Devices 872.6730 Endodontic dry heat sterilizer.
872.6770 Cartridge syringe.
872.4120 Bone cutting instrument and acces- 872.6855 Manual toothbrush.
sories. 872.6865 Powered toothbrush.
872.4130 Intraoral dental drill. 872.6870 Disposable fluoride tray.
872.4200 Dental handpiece and accessories. 872.6880 Preformed impression tray.
872.4465 Gas-powered jet injector. 872.6890 Intraoral dental wax.
872.4475 Spring-powered jet injector.
872.4535 Dental diamond instrument. AUTHORITY: 21 U.S.C. 351, 360, 360c, 360e,
872.4565 Dental hand instrument. 360j, 360l, 371.
872.4600 Intraoral ligature and wire lock. SOURCE: 52 FR 30097, Aug. 12, 1987, unless
872.4620 Fiber optic dental light. otherwise noted.
872.4630 Dental operating light.
872.4730 Dental injecting needle. EDITORIAL NOTE: Nomenclature changes to
872.4760 Bone plate. part 872 appear at 73 FR 35341, June 23, 2008.
872.4770 Temporary mandibular condyle re-
construction plate. Subpart A—General Provisions
872.4840 Rotary scaler.
872.4850 Ultrasonic scaler. § 872.1 Scope.
872.4880 Intraosseous fixation screw or wire.
872.4920 Dental electrosurgical unit and ac- (a) This part sets forth the classifica-
cessories. tion of dental devices intended for
human use that are in commercial dis-
Subpart F—Therapeutic Devices tribution.
872.5410 Orthodontic appliance and acces- (b) The identification of a device in a
sories. regulation in this part is not a precise
872.5470 Orthodontic plastic bracket. description of every device that is, or
872.5500 Extraoral orthodontic headgear. will be, subject to the regulation. A
872.5525 Preformed tooth positioner. manufacturer who submits a pre-
872.5550 Teething ring. market notification submission for a
872.5560 Electrical salivary stimulatory sys-
device under part 807 cannot show
872.5570 Intraoral devices for snoring and merely that the device is accurately
intraoral devices for snoring and obstruc- described by the section title and iden-
tive sleep apnea. tification provisions of a regulation in
872.5571 Auto titration device for oral appli- this part, but shall state why the de-
ances. vice is substantially equivalent to
872.5580 Oral rinse to reduce the adhesion of other devices, as required by § 807.87.
dental plaque. (c) To avoid duplicative listings, a
Subpart G—Miscellaneous Devices dental device that has two or more
types of uses (e.g., used both as a diag-
872.6010 Abrasive device and accessories. nostic device and as a therapeutic de-
872.6030 Oral cavity abrasive polishing vice) is listed in one subpart only.
agent. (d) References in this part to regu-
872.6050 Saliva absorber.
latory sections of the Code of Federal
872.6070 Ultraviolet activator for polym-
erization. Regulations are to chapter I of title 21
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 872.9
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§ 872.1500 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 872.1850
§ 872.1745 Laser fluorescence caries teeth, jaw, and oral structures. The x-
detection device. ray source (a tube) is located inside the
(a) Identification. A laser fluorescence mouth. This generic type of device may
caries detection device is a laser, a flu- include patient and equipment sup-
orescence detector housed in a dental ports and component parts.
handpiece, and a control console that (b) Classification. Class II.
performs device calibration, as well as § 872.1820 Dental x-ray exposure align-
variable tone emitting and fluores- ment device.
cence measurement functions. The in-
tended use of the device is to aid in the (a) Identification. A dental x-ray expo-
detection of tooth decay by measuring sure alignment device is a device in-
increased laser induced fluorescence. tended to position x-ray film and to
(b) Classification. Class II, subject to align the examination site with the x-
the following special controls: ray beam.
(1) Sale, distribution, and use of this (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
device are restricted to prescription trols). The device is exempt from the
use in accordance with § 801.109 of this premarket notification procedures in
chapter; subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
(2) Premarket notifications must in- subject to the limitations in § 872.9.
clude clinical studies, or other relevant [52 FR 30097, Aug. 12, 1987, as amended at 59
information, that demonstrates that FR 63008, Dec. 7, 1994; 66 FR 38797, July 25,
the device aids in the detection of 2001]
tooth decay by measuring increased
laser induced fluorescence; and § 872.1830 Cephalometer.
(3) The labeling must include de- (a) Identification. A cephalometer is a
tailed use instructions with pre- device used in dentistry during x-ray
cautions that urge users to: procedures. The device is intended to
(i) Read and understand all directions place and to hold a patient’s head in a
before using the device, standard position during dental x-rays.
(ii) Store probe tips under proper (b) Classification. Class II.
(iii) Properly sterilize the emitter-de- § 872.1840 Dental x-ray position indi-
tector handpick before each use, and cating device.
(iv) Properly maintain and handle (a) Identification. A dental x-ray posi-
the instrument in the specified manner tion indicating device is a device, such
and condition. as a collimator, cone, or aperture, that
[65 FR 18235, Apr. 7, 2000]
is used in dental radiographic examina-
tion. The device is intended to align
§ 872.1800 Extraoral source x-ray sys- the examination site with the x-ray
tem. beam and to restrict the dimensions of
(a) Identification. An extraoral source the dental x-ray field by limiting the
x-ray system is an AC-powered device size of the primary x-ray beam.
that produces x-rays and is intended (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
for dental radiographic examination trols). The device is exempt from the
and diagnosis of diseases of the teeth, premarket notification procedures in
jaw, and oral structures. The x-ray subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
source (a tube) is located outside the subject to the limitations in § 872.9.
mouth. This generic type of device may [52 FR 30097, Aug. 12, 1987, as amended at 61
include patient and equipment sup- FR 1121, Jan. 16, 1996; 66 FR 38797, July 25,
ports and component parts. 2001]
(b) Classification. Class II.
§ 872.1850 Lead-lined position indi-
§ 872.1810 Intraoral source x-ray sys- cator.
tem. (a) Identification. A lead-lined posi-
(a) Identification. An intraoral source tion indicator is a cone-shaped device
x-ray system is an electrically powered lined with lead that is attached to a
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
device that produces x-rays and is in- dental x-ray tube and intended to aid
tended for dental radiographic exam- in positioning the tube, to prevent the
ination and diagnosis of diseases of the misfocusing of the x-rays by absorbing
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§ 872.1870 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
[52 FR 30097, Aug. 12, 1987, as amended at 54 (2) Classification. Class I (general con-
FR 13830, Apr. 5, 1989; 66 FR 38797, July 25, trols). The device is exempt from the
2001] premarket notification provisions of
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 872.3100
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§ 872.3110 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
this chapter, with the exceptions of (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
§ 820.180, with respect to general re- trols). The device is exempt from the
quirements concerning records, and premarket notification procedures in
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 872.3275
subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
subject to the limitations in § 872.9. subject to the limitations in § 872.9.
[52 FR 30097, Aug. 12, 1987, as amended at 59 [52 FR 30097, Aug. 12, 1987, as amended at 59
FR 63008, Dec. 7, 1994; 66 FR 38797, July 25, FR 63008, Dec. 7, 1994; 66 FR 38798, July 25,
2001] 2001]
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§ 872.3285 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 872.3420
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§ 872.3450 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)
PDP in effect before being placed in sive shall have an approved PMA or a
commercial distribution. declared completed PDP in effect be-
[52 FR 30097, Aug. 12, 1987, as amended at 61
fore being place in commercial dis-
FR 50707, Sept. 27, 1996] tribution.
[52 FR 30097, Aug. 12, 1987, as amended at 61
§ 872.3450 Ethylene oxide FR 50707, Sept. 27, 1996]
homopolymer and/or karaya den-
ture adhesive. § 872.3490 Carboxymethylcellulose so-
(a) Identification. Ethylene oxide dium and/or polyvinylmethylether
homopolymer and/or karaya denture maleic acid calcium-sodium double
adhesive is a device composed of ethyl- salt denture adhesive.
ene oxide homopolymer and/or karaya (a) Identification. A
intended to be applied to the base of a carboxymethylcellulose sodium and/or
denture before the denture is inserted polyvinylmethylether maleic acid cal-
in a patient’s mouth to improve den- cium-sodium double salt denture adhe-
ture retention and comfort. sive is a device composed of
(b) Classification. (1) Class I if the de- carboxymethylcellulose sodium and/or
vice is made of wax-impregnated cot- polyvinylmethylether maleic acid cal-
ton cloth that the patient applies to cium-sodium double salt intended to be
the base or inner surface of a denture applied to the base of a denture before
before inserting the denture into the the denture is inserted in a patient’s
mouth. The device is intended to be mouth to improve denture retention
discarded following 1 day’s use. The and comfort.
class I device is exempt from the pre- (b) Classification. Class I (general con-
market notification procedures in sub- trols). The device is exempt from the
part E of part 807 of this chapter sub- premarket notification procedures in
ject to § 872.9. subpart E of part 807 of this chapter
[52 FR 30097, Aug. 12, 1987, as amended at 59 subject to the limitations in § 872.9.
FR 63008, Dec. 7, 1994; 65 FR 2315, Jan. 14, [52 FR 30097, Aug. 12, 1987, as amended at 59
2000] FR 63008, Dec. 7, 1994; 66 FR 38798, July 25,
§ 872.3480 Polyacrylamide polymer
(modified cationic) denture adhe- § 872.3500 Polyvinylmethylether ma-
sive. leic anhydride (PVM-MA), acid co-
(a) Identification. A polyacrylamide polymer, and
polymer (modified cationic) denture carboxymethylcellulose sodium
adhesive is a device composed of (NACMC) denture adhesive.
polyacrylamide polymer (modified cat- (a) Identification.
ionic) intended to be applied to the Polyvinylmethylether maleic anhy-
base of a denture before the denture is dride (PVM-MA), acid copolymer, and
inserted in a patient’s mouth to im- carboxymethylcellulose sodium
prove denture retention and comfort. (NACMC) denture adhesive is a device
(b) Classification. Class III. composed of polyvinylmethylether ma-
(c) Date PMA or notice of completion of leic anhydride, acid copolymer, and
a PDP is required. A PMA or a notice of carboxymethylcellulose sodium in-
completion of a PDP is required to be tended to be applied to the base of a
filed with the Food and Drug Adminis- denture before the denture is inserted
tration on or before December 26, 1996 in a patient’s mouth to improve den-
for any polyacrylamide polymer (modi- ture retention and comfort.
fied cationic) denture adhesive that (b) Classification. Class III.
was in commercial distribution before (c) Date PMA or notice of completion of
May 28, 1976, or that has, on or before a PDP is required. A PMA or a notice of
December 26, 1996 been found to be sub- completion of a PDP is required to be
stantially equivalent to a filed with the Food and Drug Adminis-
polyacrylamide polymer (modified cat- tration on or before December 26, 1996
ionic) denture adhesive that was in for any polyvinylmethylether maleic
aworley on LAPBH6H6L3 with DISTILLER
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 872.3560
[55 FR 48439, Nov. 20, 1990, as amended at 59 subject to the limitations in § 872.9. The
FR 63008, Dec. 7, 1994; 66 FR 38798, July 25, special controls for this device are
2001] FDA’s:
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§ 872.3570 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)