Book Review - The Annotated and Illustrated Double Helix James D - 2012 - Curre

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Current Biology Vol 22 No 23


Book review

Honest Jim
Walter Gratzer

The Annotated and Illustrated

Double Helix
James D. Watson
Edited by Alexander Gann
and Jan Witkowski
Simon & Schuster (2011),
ISBN 978-1-4767-1549-0

And is it True? It is not true,

And if it were it wouldn’t do

These lines are quoted (or to be

precise, misquoted) in a letter from
J.D. Bernal to John Kendrew, unearthed
by Alex Gann and Jan Witkowski, the
creators of this magisterial annotated,
illustrated and expanded edition of
Jim Watson’s ageless memoir, The
Double Helix. Published in 1968, it was
accorded seventh place in the Modern
Library list of the most important books
of the 20th century, and is numbered
by the Library of Congress among the an angry Crick and a characteristically endorsement through his foreword, it is
88 that have ‘shaped America’. Bernal, mournful Wilkins, demanding that unlikely that the book would ever have
asked his opinion of the manuscript Watson consign his abhorrent book to seen the light. When it did appear it
of Honest Jim (Watson’s original and the flames. (They, rather shamefacedly, shot at once into The New York Times
preferred title) confessed that he had changed their minds after it appeared, best-sellers list, from which it was not
found it enthralling — impossible to put to almost universal acclamation.) Here dislodged for 16 weeks; parts of it
down — but at the same time he was in also is displayed some of the heated were serialized, and the reviews, but
no doubt that it must not be published. correspondence that led to the rejection predictably for Chargaff’s philippic in
Bernal might have driven home his of the manuscript by Harvard University Science, were unanimously rapturous.
point with the ensuing lines from Hilaire Press: its vacillation was finally cut Peter Medawar found the mot juste:
Belloc’s verse: short by an edict from President Nathan ‘Like all good memoirs’, he pronounced,
Pusey — an unfortunate decision for the ‘it has not been emasculated by
For people such as me and you University, for the book was translated considerations of good taste’.
Who pretty nearly all day long into 20 languages and sold well over a Watson’s book has been many times
Are doing something rather wrong. million copies. Bragg’s understandable reprinted, and its sparkle remains
Because if things were really so, distaste for the work, considering undimmed by the passage of time. But
You would have perished long ago, how he is portrayed and how he was the lavish annotations in this definitive
And I would not have lived to write made to suffer by Crick and Watson, edition, with five generous appendices
The noble lines that meet your sight. was allayed, it seems, by his wife. He full of documents, open a wholly new
had magnanimously agreed to write a dimension on the story. Here at last,
Bernal was at one with Francis Crick, foreword, but it was not known that he then, is the full background to the much
Maurice Wilkins and Sir Lawrence had second thoughts as the clamour disputed episode of X-ray photograph
Bragg, the principal protagonists, in of disapproval mounted, and threats 51, taken by Raymond Gosling and
Watson’s narrative (other than Rosalind of legal actions rumbled. He agonized shown by Perutz to Watson and
Franklin, by then safely dead, and Linus over whether he should withdraw his Crick, and the truth about how it first
Pauling), who shared the belief that it consent, and was talked round by came into Wilkins’s hands. Gosling’s
would cast a sickly light on science, Watson’s protector, Kendrew, who memory is clear: Rosalind Franklin was
and damage both reputations and mollified Bragg and helped him modify washing her hands of the detested
amour propre. the draft. Gann and Witkowski infer King’s College lab, and of everything
We can now see the letters, never that publication had hung on a knife- to do with it, including DNA. Perhaps
before exposed to public view, from edge, and that without Bragg’s implicit to atone for her behaviour towards

difficulties confronting the historian of

science: ‘all you have to do, you may
think, is ask the participants for their
account of what happened. But such
stories can be woefully misleading. I’ve
been astonished to read descriptions of
events I had witnessed whose meaning
at the time seemed completely different
from these later versions’. For the most
part, though, Watson’s recollections of
events leading up to the discovery of
the DNA structure accord remarkably
well with those of others, as revealed
here. There are also varied and diverting
reactions to the young Jim Watson from
such diverse sources as Erwin Chargaff
and Doris Lessing, whom Watson met,
when he was striving to acquire social
polish at the ancestral seat of the
Letter from Jim Watson to his sister, Elizabeth, in December 1951 about their prospec- Mitchison clan in Scotland. There is one
tive Christmas at Carradale, the home of Dick and Naomi Mitchison. Jim was to travel up to notable disparity: Crick did not recall
Glasgow with Av Mitchison and Elizabeth to meet them there before continuing to Carradale. ‘winging into the Eagle’ and announcing
This was a major event in Jim’s life — he wrote The Double Helix at Carradale and dedicated to a startled clientele that he and
the book to Naomi Mitchison. (Courtesy: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory archives.)
Watson had discovered the secret of
life. Whether or not it happened, the
the hapless Wilkins, she sent it to him prematurely, I sent it off yesterday …’. anecdote is, as the editors observe, so
by way of Gosling to do with it as he One cannot help but wonder whether good that it deserves to be true.
wished. Wilkins was startled by this such a cavalier posture prevailed among I find myself again drawn to the
uncharacteristic act, and questioned the scientific patricians of the time. trail of coincidences that brought the
Gosling to make sure the photograph I once asked Maurice Wilkins what improbable partnership of Watson
had been voluntarily surrendered. Nor impression the young Watson had and Crick into being. For Crick himself
was Perutz at fault in acting as he made on him at their first encounters, ruminated in his memoir that ‘if Jim
did, for the report from King’s was not and he replied that he had found him had been killed by a tennis ball, I am
confidential, and was part of a move ‘very charming’. Yet here, on his return reasonably sure I would not have
by the Medical Research Council to from the meeting in Naples, where the solved the structure alone’ — and
encourage the sharing of information two first met, he instructs his student, neither assuredly would Watson. First,
between its various centres. Among Raymond Gosling that if ‘a gangling then, there was Watson’s epiphany
many other archival items on display is young American’ were to show up at at what had promised to be a tedious
a letter from Peter Pauling to his father, King’s College, Gosling was to tell him meeting in Naples, to which he was
in which he relates that in the Cavendish that Wilkins had left the country. There despatched from Copenhagen as an
Laboratory Linus was seen as the are accounts by others of some of the afterthought of Herman Kalckar’s. It
kind of ogre with which parents would episodes related by Watson, and they was also by chance that Wilkins, with
frighten naughty children. “Francis and make absorbing reading. The physicist, his X-ray picture of the DNA fibre,
others have been saying to the nucleic Jeremy Bernstein, dilating on the history found himself at the meeting, for the
acid people at King’s ‘You had better of 20th-century physics, alludes to the head of the King’s lab, J.T. Randall was
work hard or Pauling will get interested
in nucleic acids …’” A letter that
strikingly illustrates the ways of science
in those remote days was penned by
Watson’s patron, Max Delbrück in
response to a manuscript on bacterial
genetics that his protégé had asked
him to submit to the Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences.
Delbrück did not believe the results
(as he also rejected, amongst other
truths, the DNA double helix, and the
demonstration by Marmur and Doty of
renaturation and hybridization), but this
is what he wrote: ‘ … since you don’t
want to change it, and since I want to
Letter from Linus Pauling to his wife Ava. Pauling was in Stockholm for the Solvay Conference
do experiments rather than to rewrite and had visited the Cavendish Laboratory to view the DNA model. He writes that his and
your paper, and since it will do you Corey’s model is probably wrong and the Watson-Crick model correct. (From the Ava Helen
good to learn what it means to publish and Linus Pauling Papers, 1873–2011, Oregon State University Special Collections.)
Current Biology Vol 22 No 23

to have spoken, but found at the last trapped between them (Figure 1G). Once
moment that he was too busy, and so
Correspondence airborne, the velocity was 1.2 ± 0.1 m
sent Wilkins. Watson’s plan of using s-1, 44 ± 8 % less than the peak reached
his sister as bait for the unattached in water. At emergence, the body
Wilkins failed, and Wilkins rejected Pygmy mole crickets subtended an angle of 81 ± 7 degrees
his overtures. Had Wilkins been more
forthcoming Watson would have ended
jump from water to the surface, and the jump elevation
was 84 ± 8 degrees. These steep angles
up at King’s and not in Cambridge. minimise drag at the expense of forward
Wilkins had earlier tried to persuade Malcolm Burrows* and Gregory distance. The best jumps are calculated
Randall to find a place at King’s for Patrick Sutton to reach heights of 100 mm and forward
Crick, but the Professor had demurred distances of 30 mm (18 and 5.4 body
on the grounds that Crick talked Animals that live or repeatedly alight lengths, respectively).
too much. And finally there was the on the surface of water often need to Normally both hind legs contributed
disastrous incompatibility of Wilkins escape from predators or return to to the jump, but the synchrony of their
and Rosalind Franklin, brought about land. We show that flightless pygmy action could vary by 0.8 ms. All jumps
by Randall. We can now see for the mole crickets use a new strategy to propelled by both hind legs enabled
first time the letter that Randall wrote jump rapidly from water. Their powerful the insect to become airborne, but
to Rosalind Franklin, telling her, but not hind legs are moved so quickly that half the jumps propelled by one hind
Wilkins, that the DNA problem would be they penetrate the surface and as leg failed to escape from the water.
hers alone, that Wilkins’s able student, they move through the water, unique When propelled by one hind leg the
Gosling would be working with her, arrays of spring-loaded paddles and peak velocity achieved in water was
and that Wilkins would be occupying spurs fan out to increase surface area. only 1.1 m s‑1, and in air was 0.4 m s-1
himself with other matters. Wilkins was This enables these insects to propel a and the forward distance moved was
stunned when he first saw this letter large volume of water downwards in a 10% of normal. When propelled by
some forty years later, while gathering laminar flow, so that they are launched both hind legs, kinematic calculations
material for the Biographical Memoir upwards into the air. showed that in the best jumps, peak
of Randall for the Royal Society. When Pygmy mole crickets (Xya capensis; acceleration was 1570 m s‑2 (160 g).
telling me of his discovery a day or Figure 1A) live in burrows, excavated in The energy required was 22 µJ and the
two on, he permitted himself a little banks by fresh water, which are liable to power was 16 mW. These values fell in
heartfelt, if restrained, profanity. flood. Their prodigious jumps from land, one-legged jumps.
Among the many rewards that which are propelled by the hind legs in The distal hind tibia has a medial row
this greatly enriched edition of a catapult mechanism, give precedence of three, and a lateral row of four paddle-
Watson’s famous succès de scandale to speed (take-off velocity 5.4 m s‑1) like processes 300–400 µm long and 70–
contains are an additional chapter over controllability (initial spin rates of 110 µm wide (Figure 1B). Such paddles
(not scandalous), deleted from the 100 Hz in the pitch plane) [1]. Inevitably, are unique to this family of insects
original, and especially a profusion jumps frequently land on water and and are not found in closely related
of photographs — of figures from the only way back to their burrows grasshoppers. All paddles are normally
publications, scribbled annotations is to jump or swim. Observations of folded flat, but flare laterally under water
in laboratory notebooks, of places natural behaviour show that they jump when the tibia is extended by the insect
with sentimental links to Watson’s repeatedly. or experimenter. After forcible extension,
chronicle, and especially of the huge Jumps began with the hind tibiae fully paddles return rapidly to their folded
cast of characters, the famous and the flexed but held above the surface of the positions. At the distal end of a tibia are
forgotten, at work and at play, drunk water. Both tibiae then extended rapidly two pairs of moveable spurs, the shorter
and sober. Gann and Witkowski have and penetrated the water, carrying air spurs 410–460 µm long and 75 µm
even added a picture of the plaque with them. The extension resulted in wide, the longer ones 1200 µm long
on the wall of the celebrated pub, flaring of tibial paddles and spurs (Figure and 85 µm wide. All paddles and spurs
the Eagle, commemorating the many 1B–F) which increased the surface have concave inner surfaces like oars.
hours that Watson and Crick drank area by 2.4 times and moved the insect Illumination with ultraviolet light revealed
and pondered the nature of DNA. It upwards (Figure 1D,E; Supplemental patches of bright blue fluorescence at
probably pre-dates the sign in the information). The fastest velocity (2.2 ± the articulation of each paddle (Figure
window of the Chinese restaurant 0.1 m s-1) was achieved 0.2 ms after 1C) and spur, indicating the elastic
near Columbia University, where the the paddles and spurs were maximally protein resilin [2]. This suggests that
physicists, Yang and Lee were wont to flared and splayed (Figure 1F,H). Full folding of the paddles and spurs, and
meet to discuss the violation of mirror- tibial extension was reached in 1.4 ± hence reduction of drag, is effected by
image parity. The sign proclaimed, ‘Eat 0.2 ms with an average angular velocity springs.
here, get Nobel Prize’. This splendid of 130,000 degrees s‑1. This propulsive Can the force shown by the
volume, to conclude, is richly laden with phase of a jump lasted 5.8 ± 0.7 ms. The kinematics be explained by the actions
instruction and entertainment for all, hind legs then remained straight and of the hind legs? We calculate [3]
whether historian, scientist or voyeur. their surface area was reduced by the that the paddles and spurs operate
folding of the paddles and spurs. The at low Reynolds numbers (670 and
forward velocity consequently fell, and 520, respectively), allowing the use of
King’s College, Randall Centre for Molecular
Mechanisms of Cell Function, New Hunt’s
about 1 ms before emergence fell further the ‘approximate mass method’ [4] to
House, Guy’s Campus, London SE1 1UL, UK. as the insect escaped surface tension. estimate how much water is ‘scooped’
E-mail: [email protected] The hind legs emerged last with water during jumping. On both hind legs, the

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