TH Mifare NFC 1.02

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Transponder Reader

Technical Manual
Doc.-Rev. 1.02
Elatec GmbH

1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 5
2. INSTALLATION OF MINI READER MIFARE® NFC ........................................................................... 6
2.1 MECHANICAL OUTLINE............................................................................................................................ 6
2.2 PINNING ................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS .............................................................................................................. 7
2.4 ASYNCHRONOUS SERIAL CONNECTION (UART) ..................................................................................... 7
2.5 SYNCHRONOUS SERIAL CONNECTION (SPI) ............................................................................................. 8
2.5.1 SPI Timing..................................................................................................................................... 10
2.5.2 SPI Software Implementation ........................................................................................................ 11
2.6 USAGE OF GPIOS ................................................................................................................................... 12
2.7 ASYNCHRONOUS RESET ......................................................................................................................... 12
2.8 POWER SUPPLY ...................................................................................................................................... 12
2.9 HARD POWER DOWN ............................................................................................................................. 12
2.10 SAM ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
3. SUPPORTED TRANSPONDERS ............................................................................................................. 13
4. SETTING UP A TERMINAL PROGRAM .............................................................................................. 13
5. REGISTER SET ......................................................................................................................................... 14
5.1 EEPROM MEMORY ORGANIZATION ..................................................................................................... 14
5.2 STATION ID (0AH) ................................................................................................................................. 15
5.3 PROTOCOL CONFIGURATION REGISTER 1 (0BH) .................................................................................... 15
5.3.1 AutoStart ....................................................................................................................................... 15
5.3.2 Binary ............................................................................................................................................ 15
5.3.3 MultiTag ........................................................................................................................................ 15
5.3.4 NewSerialMode ............................................................................................................................. 15
5.3.5 ExtendID ....................................................................................................................................... 16
5.4 BAUDRATE CONTROL REGISTER (0CH).................................................................................................. 16
5.4.1 Resetting the baudrate to default................................................................................................... 16
5.5 OPERATION MODE REGISTER 1 (0EH) .................................................................................................... 17
5.6 PROTOCOL CONFIGURATION REGISTER 2 (13H) ..................................................................................... 17
5.6.1 Disable Startup Message ............................................................................................................... 17
5.6.2 Noisy Environment ........................................................................................................................ 17
5.7 RESET OFF TIME (14H) .......................................................................................................................... 18
5.8 RESET RECOVERY TIME (15H) ............................................................................................................... 19
5.9 PROTOCOL CONFIGURATION REGISTER 3 (1BH) .................................................................................... 19
5.9.1 ReqA Extended ID ......................................................................................................................... 19
5.9.2 TagInfo .......................................................................................................................................... 20
5.10 INSTALLATION IDENTIFIER (E0H … EFH) .............................................................................................. 20
5.11 OPERATION MODE REGISTER 2 (F0H) .................................................................................................... 20
5.12 STARTUP DELAY REGISTER (F2H) ......................................................................................................... 20
6. COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL .......................................................................................................... 21
6.1 ASCII PROTOCOL .................................................................................................................................. 21
6.2 BINARY PROTOCOL ................................................................................................................................ 21
6.2.1 STX ................................................................................................................................................ 21
6.2.2 Station ID ...................................................................................................................................... 21
6.2.3 Length............................................................................................................................................ 21
6.2.4 Data ............................................................................................................................................... 21
6.2.5 Block Check Character (BCC) ...................................................................................................... 21
6.2.6 ETX................................................................................................................................................ 21
6.2.7 Example ......................................................................................................................................... 22
6.2.8 Remarks ......................................................................................................................................... 22
7. INSTRUCTION SET .................................................................................................................................. 23
7.1 COMMAND OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................... 23
7.1.1 Common Commands ..................................................................................................................... 23
7.1.2 MIFARE® Classic Specific Commands ........................................................................................ 24
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7.1.3 MIFARE® PLUS Specific Commands .......................................................................................... 24

7.1.4 MIFARE® DESFire Specific Commands ‘f’ ................................................................................. 24
7.2 ERROR CODES ........................................................................................................................................ 24
7.3 TRANSPONDER SERIAL NUMBER RELATED COMMANDS ........................................................................ 25
7.3.1 Continuous read mode ‘c’ ............................................................................................................. 25
7.3.2 Select Single Tag ‘s’ ...................................................................................................................... 25
7.3.3 MultiTag Selection / Tag List ‘m’.................................................................................................. 26
7.3.4 MIFARE® PLUS Virtual Card Select ‘nvcs’ ................................................................................ 27
7.4 DATA-TRANSACTION RELATED COMMANDS ......................................................................................... 28
7.4.1 Authenticate Tag ........................................................................................................................... 28 MIFARE® Classic Login ‘l’ ..................................................................................................................... 28 MIFARE® Ultralight C Login ‘l’ .............................................................................................................. 29 MIFARE® PLUS Login ‘nl’ ..................................................................................................................... 30 Login in multiple Tag Surroundings .......................................................................................................... 31
7.4.2 Read Data Block ‘r’ / ‘rb’ ............................................................................................................. 32 MIFARE® Ultralight / Ultralight C .......................................................................................................... 32
7.4.3 Write Data Block ‘w’ / ‘wb’ .......................................................................................................... 33 MIFARE® Ultralight / Ultralight C .......................................................................................................... 33
7.4.4 MIFARE® Value Block Related commands .................................................................................. 34 Create Value Block ‘wv’ ........................................................................................................................... 35 Read Value Block ‘rv’ ............................................................................................................................... 35 Increment Value Block ‘+’ ........................................................................................................................ 36 Decrement Value Block ‘-‘........................................................................................................................ 36 Copy Value Block ‘=’................................................................................................................................ 37
7.4.5 MIFARE® PLUS Related Commands ........................................................................................... 38 Write Personalization Data ‘nwp’.............................................................................................................. 38 Commit Personalization ‘ncp’ ................................................................................................................... 39 Write AES Sector Key / Special Block ‘nw’ ............................................................................................. 39
7.4.6 MIFARE® DESFire related commands ........................................................................................ 41 Authenticate............................................................................................................................................... 41 Select Application ..................................................................................................................................... 41 Select File .................................................................................................................................................. 42 Read File ................................................................................................................................................... 42 Write File ................................................................................................................................................... 43 Get Card UID ............................................................................................................................................ 43
7.4.7 Transparent ISO14443-4 Transponder Access ‘t’......................................................................... 44
7.5 SETUP RELATED COMMANDS OF THE READER ....................................................................................... 45
7.5.1 Read Byte from EEPROM ‘rp’ ...................................................................................................... 45
7.5.2 Write Byte to EEPROM ‘wp’......................................................................................................... 45 Factory Reset ............................................................................................................................................. 45
7.5.3 Set Configuration Flags ‘of’ ......................................................................................................... 46
7.5.4 Set Configuration Registers ‘og’ ................................................................................................... 46
7.5.5 Set Tag Type ‘oa’ / ‘ob’ / ‘oj’ / ‘op’ / ‘os’ / ‘ot’ ............................................................................ 47
7.5.6 Include Tag Type ‘o+a’ / ‘o+b’ / ‘o+j’ / ‘o+p’ / ‘o+s’ ................................................................ 47
7.5.7 Exclude Tag Type ‘o-a’ / ‘o-b’ / ‘o-j’ / ‘o-p’ / ‘o-s’ ...................................................................... 47
7.5.8 Key Management ........................................................................................................................... 48 Write MIFARE® Classic Key ‘wm’ ......................................................................................................... 48 Write AES / Triple DES Key ‘wd’ ............................................................................................................ 48
7.5.9 SAM related Commands ................................................................................................................ 49 Init SAM ‘ei’ ............................................................................................................................................. 49 SAM Transmit Data ‘et’ ............................................................................................................................ 49
7.6 MISCELLANEOUS COMMANDS ............................................................................................................... 50
7.6.1 Get Station ID ‘g’ .......................................................................................................................... 50
7.6.2 Antenna Power Off ‘poff’ .............................................................................................................. 50
7.6.3 Antenna Power On ‘pon’............................................................................................................... 50
7.6.4 Get Version ‘v’ .............................................................................................................................. 50
7.6.5 Reset ‘x’......................................................................................................................................... 50
7.6.6 Break ............................................................................................................................................. 50
7.6.7 Read GPIO ‘ir’ .............................................................................................................................. 51
7.6.8 Write GPIO ‘iw’ ............................................................................................................................ 51
7.6.9 Read GPIO1 ‘pr’ ........................................................................................................................... 51
7.6.10 Write GPIO1 ‘pw’ ......................................................................................................................... 51
8. TYPICAL DATA TRANSACTION PROCEDURES .............................................................................. 52

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8.1 MIFARE® CLASSIC / MIFARE® PLUS ............................................................................................... 52

8.2 MIFARE® ULTRALIGHT ....................................................................................................................... 53
8.3 MIFARE® ULTRALIGHT C .................................................................................................................... 54
9. MEMORY ORGANIZATION OF MIFARE® TRANSPONDERS....................................................... 55
9.1 MIFARE® CLASSIC 1K ......................................................................................................................... 55
9.2 MIFARE® CLASSIC 4K ......................................................................................................................... 56
9.3 MIFARE® PLUS .................................................................................................................................. 57
9.4 MIFARE® ULTRALIGHT ....................................................................................................................... 58
9.5 MIFARE® ULTRALIGHT C .................................................................................................................... 59
9.5.1 Example: Writing the Triple-DES Key .......................................................................................... 60
10. MIFARE® PLUS .................................................................................................................................... 61
10.1 SECURITY LEVELS ................................................................................................................................. 61
10.2 APPLICATION HINTS .............................................................................................................................. 62
11. FIRMWARE UPDATE .......................................................................................................................... 63
12. FIRMWARE HISTORY ........................................................................................................................ 64
13. TRADEMARKS ...................................................................................................................................... 65

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1. Introduction
This document is the reference guide for the transponder reader family TWN3 MIFARE NFC and Mini
Reader MIFARE NFC. The readers are using the same reading technology, so this document is
applicable for both devices.

In order to use the functionality, which is described in this document, your MIFARE NFC
reader needs a firmware version V1.07 or above. In order to update the firmware from an elder
version, please refer to chapter 11 “Firmware Update”.

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2. Installation of Mini Reader MIFARE® NFC

This chapter covers the installation of Mini Reader MIFARE NFC in an embedded environment.

2.1 Mechanical Outline

All dimensions are in mm.

Component side shown, Pin spacing: 2.54mm

2.2 Pinning
Pin Name Description Pin Pin Name Description Pin
char. char.

¯¯¯¯¯ Asynchronous reset I / PU 9 VSAM 3.0V regulated supply for S
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Hard power down I / PU 10 SAM_IO Bidirectional SAM I/O line IO / PU
3 GND Ground S 11 GPIO3 General purpose IO
input/output 3
4 VCC 3.3V – 5V S 12 GPIO2 General purpose IO
input/output 2
5 RXD/MOSI UART/SPI receiver input I / PU 13 GPIO1 General purpose IO
input/output 1
6 TXD/MISO UART/SPI transmitter O 14 GPIO0 General purpose IO
output input/output 0
7 SCK SPI serial clock I 15 SAM_CLK SAM clock O
8 SS
¯¯ SPI slave select I / PU 16 SAM_RST SAM reset O

I: Input
O: Output
IO: Input / Output
S: Supply
PU: Integrated Pull-up resistor

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2.3 Electrical Characteristics

Frequency 13.56 MHz
Power supply 3.15V - 5.5V DC
Current consumption RF field off: 10mA
RF field on: Typically 80mA
Power Down: < 2µA

2.4 Asynchronous Serial Connection (UART)

Because Mini Reader MIFARE NFC is transmitting and receiving TTL levels, it can be directly
connected to a microcontroller. If you plan to run the reader at a PC, an appropriate interface
converter circuit must be connected.
By default, the reader starts communication at 9600 baud, 8 databits, 1 stopbit, no parity. The
baudrate can be increased up to 115200 baud in order to achieve a higher communication speed.
Asynchronous Serial Connection is also the first offered communication interface after power-up or
reset of the reader. This means, the reader starts operation in asynchronous mode, as soon as SS ¯¯ is
tied to low, synchronous mode is selected. The pin SS¯¯ can be left floating if synchronous mode is not

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2.5 Synchronous Serial Connection (SPI)

Mini Reader MIFARE NFC also offers synchronous data transfer via a 4-line SPI. In this case, the
reader is always slave, it cannot initiate any data transfer by itself. All data transfer is initiated by the
master by pulling the pin SS¯¯ to low. Data is transmitted from the master to the reader on signal MOSI,
the reader transmits its response data on signal MISO. The serial clock is issued on signal SCK. All
data bytes are transferred MSB first. A data bit is sampled at the rising edge of SCK. A SPI data
transfer is completed by releasing the pin SS¯¯ to inactive state.
After activation of SS
¯¯ the SPI unit needs a setup time (see 1.5.1, marking 1) before the serial clock is
issued in order to handle any incoming or outgoing data transfer. When SS¯¯ is active, the master may
send an arbitrary count of data bytes to the reader. It is recommended to deactivate SS
¯¯ when a data
frame has been transmitted completely.
A data byte takes 8 SCK pulses. If SS ¯¯ is deactivated before 8 SCK pulses have been issued, the
receiver circuit is reset and the partial received data byte is dropped.
SPI communication works data frame oriented, this means that the first byte received by the reader is
always interpreted as a “length-byte”; it represents the count of data bytes which will follow. On the
same way, the reader transmits its “length-byte” first and tells the master, how many bytes will follow.
If one of the communication entities sets the length-byte to zero, it signals that it has no data to send.
The following images show an exemplary SPI transfer. Hereby, the command ‘Get Version’ (‘v’) is sent
to the reader. The master transmits the length-byte 0x01 followed by the command-code 0x76 (ASCII
‘v’) to the reader:

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After sending the command frame, the master polls the reader for the response. This is done by
cyclically sending 0x00 frames:

Every command requires its individual processing time until a response is available. This response
time also depends on the response polling frequency of the master, so it might be useful to slow down
polling in order to increase processing speed of the reader. As soon as there is a response available,
the reader sends its response to the master, when polled:

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The previous image shows the response of the reader, in this case it is the ASCII-representation of the
version string “MifareNFC 1.02<CR><LF>” (with leading length-byte 0x10).

2.5.1 SPI Timing

SPI Interface: Timing requirements. Drawing is not for scale!

1 11

9 10

3 4 6 7 8




Marking Description Min Typ Max

1 SS
¯¯ low to start of clocking 5µs
2 SS
¯¯ low to data output 15ns
3 Data input setup time 10ns
4 Data input hold time 90ns
5 SCK to data output 15ns
6 SCK low 182ns
7 SCK high 182ns
8 SCK rise/fall time 1600ns
9 SCK period 364ns
10 SCK to SS
¯¯ high 4µs
11 SS
¯¯ inactive time 8µs
12 SS
¯¯ high to tri-state 10ns

Please note: The reader requires a boot time of at least 5ms until full SPI functionality is provided. The
boot time is adjustable by the EEPROM to higher values. It is good practice for the master, to issue a
hard reset after power-up while SS
¯¯ remains inactive and SCK / MOSI have a logic low level. After the
boot time has elapsed, SS¯¯ may be tied to low for the first time in order to read the version string.

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2.5.2 SPI Software Implementation

The following code demonstrates how to implement SPI communication in software for the host
system, e.g. for a microcontroller:
byte SPI_ReadWrite(byte Data)
byte i;

for (i=0; i<8; i++)

if (Data & 0x80)
Data <<= 1;
Data |= 0x01;
return Data;

int main(void)
byte k;
byte q;
byte LengthByteRead;
byte LengthByteWrite;

// ...

LengthByteWrite = GetNumBytesInSendBuffer();
LengthByteRead = SPI_ReadWrite(LengthByteWrite);
while ((LengthByteRead > 0) || (LengthByteWrite > 0))
if (LengthByteWrite > 0)
q = GetByteFromSendBuffer();
q = 0x00;
k = SPI_ReadWrite(q);
if (LengthByteRead > 0)
LengthByteRead = k;
// ...

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2.6 Usage of GPIOs

The reader provides four general purpose I/Os that can be configured individually. These I/Os can be
read and written by commands.
Please consider, that the GPIOs have limited current source and sink capability of max. 25mA. An
overcharge of GPIO-pins can damage the module!

2.7 Asynchronous Reset

In usual operating environments, the reset pin can be left floating. For an asynchronous hardware
reset pull the reset pin to a logic low level. The reader continues operation as soon as the reset pin is

2.8 Power Supply

A power supply of 3.3V – 5V must be applied between the VCC and GND pins. Please make sure that
the power supply provides a current capability of at least 100mA.
Please note: The current consumption can be significantly increased if GPIOs and/or SAM module are
used. The total current consumption may not exceed 150mA.

2.9 Hard Power Down

The reader supports a hardware power down feature which enables the user to turn off the entire
reader. Hard power down mode is entered by pulling the PWRDWN
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ pin to low; this results in turning
off the internal voltage regulator.
Please note: Maximum power saving can be achieved by entering this mode, but this also means that
the reader needs the boot time until it is available again.

2.10 SAM
The reader supports connection of ISO7816 compatible SAM cards. The lines SAM_IO, SAM_CLK,
SAM_RST, VSAM and GND have to be connected as follows:

SAM card Pad Line

C1 C5
C2 C6 C4 Leave open

C3 C7 C5 GND

C6 Leave open
C8 Leave open

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3. Supported Transponders
ISO14443A ISO14443B ISO18092

MIFARE Calypso FeliCa1

- Classic 1k, 4k CEPAS NFC
- DESFire EV1 Moneo
- Mini SRI512, SRT512, SRI4K, SRIX4K
- Plus S, X Inside Contactless PicoPass1
- SmartMX
- Ultralight
- Ultralight C
Legic Advant1
UID only

4. Setting up a Terminal Program

In order to establish a connection between the reader and a terminal program, the following steps
have to be done:
 Connect your reader to a PC
 Start your preferred terminal program (for Windows e.g. HyperTerminal)
 Select the serial port (e.g. COM1), where you connected the reader.
 Set up the connection speed and format: 9600 baud (default), 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit
 Select no software handshake and no hardware handshake

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5. Register Set
The reader has several system flags customizing its behavior. The flags are stored non-volatile in its
EEPROM. It is recommended to keep all bits and bytes labeled RFU at their default state to guarantee
further compatibility.
Please consider that if any register is written, the reader needs a reset so that the changes may take

5.1 EEPROM Memory Organization

Register Access Default value Description

00h … 09h RO XXh Internal use

0Ah R/W 01h Station ID
0Bh R/W 41h Protocol Configuration Register 1
0Ch R/W 00h Baudrate Control Register
0Dh R/W 20h RFU, never change this register
0Eh R/W 7Fh Operation Mode Register 1
0Fh R/W 0Ah RFU, never change this register
10h R/W 00h Internal use
11h R/W 00h Internal use
12h R/W 00h Internal use
13h R/W 00h Protocol Configuration Register 2
14h R/W 0Ah Reset Off Time
15h R/W 25h Reset Recovery Time
16h R/W 00h RFU, never change this register
17h R/W 10h Internal use
18h R/W 50h Internal use
19h R/W 10h Internal use
1Ah R/W 20h Internal use
1Bh R/W 00h Protocol Configuration Register 3
1Ch … 1Fh R/W 00h Internal use
20h … DFh R/W FFh RFU, never change this register
E0h … EFh R/W 00h Installation Identifier
F0h R/W 03h Operation Mode Register 2
F1h R/W 22h RFU, never change this register
F2h R/W B4h Startup Delay Register

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5.2 Station ID (0Ah)

In ASCII mode, the Station ID has principally no influence on the functional behavior of the reader.
Nevertheless it can be used to identify a reader in a multi-reader environment.
In Binary mode, the Station ID is used to address the reader in protocol header. The Station ID has
the range 01h to FEh and can be set freely. The value 00h is reserved for the bus-master, all readers
send their response to this device. The broadcast message (FFh) forces all readers to response to the
Default value: 01h

5.3 Protocol Configuration Register 1 (0Bh)

The Protocol configuration register 1 specifies the general behavior of the reader.

Protocol Configuration Register 1

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

ExtendID RFU RFU RFU NewSerial MultiTag Binary AutoStart

5.3.1 AutoStart
If set the reader will start up in continuous read mode.
Default value: 1

5.3.2 Binary
If set the reader uses binary protocol. Refer to binary protocol description for further information.
Default value: 0

5.3.3 MultiTag
The MultiTag flag will enable multi tag recognition in continuous read mode. All tags are detected and
displayed. Due to the more complex search algorithm detection speed is decreased in continuous
read mode.
Default value: 0

5.3.4 NewSerialMode
The NewSerialMode flag controls the addition of a leading character to the serial number of
transponders. This eases the recognition of transponder types.
This setting affects the commands continuous reading (‘c’), single tag select (‘s’) and multi tag select
Default value: 0

Character Transponder type

M ISO14443A, e.g. MIFARE®

P PicoPass
S ISO14443B, e.g. SRIX4K

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5.3.5 ExtendID
If set, the unique serial number (UID) of the transponder is extended by a single prefix byte. This bit
has only effect for ISO14443A transponders.
This setting affects the commands continuous reading (‘c’), single tag select (‘s’) and multi tag select
Default value: 0
Possible values for the prefix byte are:

Prefix Description

01h Cascade Level 1 transponder, e.g. MIFARE® Classic

02h Cascade Level 2 transponder, e.g. MIFARE® Ultralight
03h Cascade Level 3 transponder

5.4 Baudrate Control Register (0Ch)

The Baudrate control register defines the start-up baudrate of the reader. For baudrate values, refer to
the tables below:

Baudrate Control Register

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0


BS2 BS1 BS0 Resulting Baudrate

0 0 0 9600 bps (default)

0 0 1 19200 bps
0 1 0 38400 bps
0 1 1 57600 bps
1 0 0 115200 bps
1 0 1 reserved
1 1 0 reserved
1 1 1 reserved

5.4.1 Resetting the baudrate to default

The reader has a built-in mechanism to reset the baudrate to the default value of 9600 bps. This is
useful, if no communication is possible any more due to an errant setting of the Baudrate control
register. The reset can be done by sending a byte sequence at 9600 bps to the reader. If the
sequence matches, the reader turns its baudrate setting to 9600 bps. This configuration remains valid
until a subsequent reset or power-down event occurs. The user may now write the desired baudrate
setting to the Baudrate Control Register. After that, a reset must be executed, so that the new settings
may take effect.
In order to reset the baudrate, the host has to send the value FFh at 9600 bps three times to the
reader. The bytes must have a temporal distance of at least 100ms. If a valid sequence is recognized,
the reader switches to 9600 bps and sends an acknowledge to the host (‘B<CR><LF>’) using the
ASCII protocol.

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5.5 Operation Mode Register 1 (0Eh)

The Operation Mode Register 1 defines which tag types the reader shall support. Including or
excluding transponder types has direct influence in the transponder detection speed of the reader.
Operation Mode Register 1

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0






5.6 Protocol Configuration Register 2 (13h)
The Protocol Configuration Register 2 specifies the further general behavior of the reader.
Protocol Configuration Register 2

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Environment Startup

5.6.1 Disable Startup Message

If set, the reader will not print the startup message (MifareNFC 1.07) when powered or if a reset
Default value: 0

5.6.2 Noisy Environment

If set, the reader will only quit continuous read mode if the ‘.’ character is received.
Default value: 0

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5.7 Reset Off Time (14h)

The Reset Off Time register represents the time in milliseconds, the RF-field is switched off before and
after a reading attempt. This register is used for the continuous read mode (‘c’).
The higher the value of the register, the more energy can be saved. Keep in mind that increased
saving of energy results in decreased detection speeds.
Default value: 0Ah
The image below shows the activity of the RF-field. The Reset Off Time register has been set to 64h,
this results in a pause of 200ms:

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5.8 Reset Recovery Time (15h)

The Reset Recovery Time register represents the recovery time in milliseconds after the RF-field is
turned on. This register is used for the continuous read mode (‘c’), single tag select (‘s’) and multi tag
select (‘m’) commands.
The value of the register determines the time the reader waits before any reading attempt. Keep in
mind that a higher value results in increased energy consumption.
Default value: 25h
The image below shows the activity of the RF-field. The Reset Recovery Time register has been set to
40h (64ms):

5.9 Protocol Configuration Register 3 (1Bh)

The Protocol Configuration register 3 specifies the further general behavior of the reader.

Protocol Configuration Register 3

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

TagInfo ReqA Internal use / do not change RFU RFU RFU
Extended ID

5.9.1 ReqA Extended ID

If set, the reader will replace the cascade level information (1 byte) by the ReqA response (2 bytes).
This bit has only effect in combination with ISO14443A transponders.
Default value: 0

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5.9.2 TagInfo
If set, the reader extends the UID by a single byte. The value of the byte gives information about the
tag type.
Default value: 0
Refer to the table below for tag types:
Byte value Corresponding transponder type

00 MIFARE® Mini
01 MIFARE® Classic 1K
02 MIFARE® Classic 4K
03 MIFARE® Plus S
04 MIFARE® Plus X
05 MIFARE® Ultralight / Ultralight C
0F Unknown ISO14443A transponder

30 PicoPass / ICLASS transponder

40 SRX transponder

60 FeliCa transponder

80 ISO14443B transponder

FF Unknown transponder

5.10 Installation Identifier (E0h … EFh)

The Installation Identifier is used for MIFARE® PLUS in virtual card environment. The Installation
Identifier must match with the one stored in the MIFARE® PLUS transponder that shall be identified
using the Virtual Card Select command.

5.11 Operation Mode Register 2 (F0h)

The Operation Mode Register 2 defines which tag types the reader shall support. Including or
excluding transponder types has direct influence in the transponder detection speed of the reader.

Operation Mode Register 2

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

PicoPass /






5.12 Startup Delay Register (F2h)

The Startup Delay Register influences the boot time of the reader. The minimum required boot time
after power up or a hardware reset is approximately 5ms. By storing a non-zero value in the Startup
Delay Register, the user can influence e.g. the moment of sending the version string at startup. The
resulting boot time is 5ms plus the value stored in the register in milliseconds.
Default value: B4h

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6. Communication Protocol
6.1 ASCII Protocol
The ASCII protocol has been designed for easy handling. Data is always transmitted in hexadecimal
notation, i.e. 5E.
Every time the reader is powered up, a startup message is displayed. On the terminal screen this
should look like this:
MifareNFC 1.07<CR><LF>
The reader is now ready for reception of commands. By default, the reader starts in continuous
reading mode, this means the reader is scanning for transponders and prints the present UIDs.
Please note that pseudo-tetrade values always must be submitted in capital letters, e.g. 1234ABCD
Commands must be submitted in lower-case letters, e.g. wp0C03

6.2 Binary Protocol

The binary protocol has been designed for industrial applications with synchronization and frame
checking. The reader uses a watchdog timer internally to ensure correct framing. A binary frame is
built up as follows:

STX Station ID Length Data BCC ETX

1 byte 1 byte 1 byte Various length 1 byte 1 byte

In binary mode, the reader only gives a response if a command is issued. This means, the reader
does not show the start-up string and also continuous read does not work.

6.2.1 STX
Start of transmission (02h)

6.2.2 Station ID
00h: Reserved for the bus master. Responses are sent with Station ID set to 00h.
FFh: Broadcast message. All devices will execute the command and send their response.

6.2.3 Length
Denotes the length of the data block in bytes.

6.2.4 Data
The data block contains the command including its arguments. The command values are the same as
in ASCII protocol mode whereas the arguments are transmitted in binary. If a command requires a
subsequent carriage return (0Dh) it also must be submitted.

6.2.5 Block Check Character (BCC)

The BCC is used to detect transmission errors. The BCC is calculated by XOR-ing each byte of the
transmission frame except the STX/ETX characters.

6.2.6 ETX
End of Transmission (03h)

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6.2.7 Example
This example shows how to log into sector 0 of a MIFARE® card, using transport key FFh:
STX Station ID Length Data BCC ETX
02 01 04 6C 00 FF 0D 9B 03

6.2.8 Remarks
If an invalid instruction frame is received (e.g. BCC is wrong) or if the requested Station ID does not
match the internal ID of the reader, the command is not executed.

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7. Instruction Set
7.1 Command Overview
7.1.1 Common Commands
Command Description For details view
‘ ’ Cancel command 7.6.6
‘c’ Continuous read mode 7.3.1
‘.’ Stop continuous read mode (in noisy environment) 7.6.6
‘ei’ Init SAM card
‘et’ SAM card transport data
‘g’ Get station ID 7.6.1
‘ir’/’iw’ Read / write GPIO0…31 7.6.7 and 7.6.8
‘m’ MultiTag select / tag list 7.3.3
‘of’ Set configuration flags 7.5.3
‘og’ Set configuration registers 7.5.4
‘o+a’/‘o-a’ Include / Exclude tag type ISO14443A 7.5.6 and 7.5.7
‘o+b’/‘o-b’ Include / Exclude tag type ISO14443B 7.5.6 and 7.5.7
‘o+j’/‘o-j’ Include / Exclude tag type FeliCa 7.5.6 and 7.5.7
‘o+p’/‘o-p’ Include / Exclude tag type PicoPass / ICLASS 7.5.6 and 7.5.7
‘o+s’/‘o-s’ Include / Exclude tag type SRX 7.5.6 and 7.5.7
‘oa’ Set tag type ISO14443A 7.5.5
‘ob’ Set tag type ISO14443B 7.5.5
‘oj’ Set tag type FeliCa 7.5.5
‘op’ Set tag type PicoPass / ICLASS 7.5.5
‘os’ Set tag type SRX 7.5.5
‘ot’ Search for all supported tag types 7.5.5
‘poff’ Antenna power off 7.6.2
‘pon’ Antenna power on 7.6.3
‘pr’/’pw’ Read / write GPIO1 7.6.9 and 7.6.10
‘r’/‘rb’ Read data block 7.4.2
‘rp’ Read EEPROM register 7.5.1
‘s’ Select single tag 7.3.2
‘t’ Transparent ISO14443-4 transponder access 7.4.6
‘v’ Get version 7.6.4
‘w’/‘wb’ Write data block 7.4.3
‘wd’ Write AES / Triple DES key
‘wp’ Write EEPROM register 7.5.2
‘x’ Reset 7.6.5
No function on TWN3

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7.1.2 MIFARE® Classic Specific Commands

Command Description For details view
‘+’ Increment value block
‘-’ Decrement value block
‘=’ Copy value block
‘l’ Login (authenticate tag) and
‘rv’ Read value block
‘wm’ Write MIFARE® Classic key
‘wv’ Write value block

7.1.3 MIFARE® PLUS Specific Commands

Command Description For details view

‘ncp’ Commit Personalization

‘nl’ Perform MIFARE® PLUS authentication
‘nvcs’ Virtual Card Select 7.3.4
‘nw’ Write configuration data
‘nwp’ Write Personalization Data

7.1.4 MIFARE® DESFire Specific Commands ‘f’

Sub-command Description For details view

00 Authenticate
08 Select Application
0D Select File
15 Read File
16 Write File
20 Get card UID

7.2 Error Codes

Error Code Description

‘?<CR><LF>’ Unknown command

‘E<CR><LF>’ Invalid key format
‘F<CR><LF>’ General failure
‘I<CR><LF>’ Invalid value block (block does not match the value format)
‘N<CR><LF>’ No tag in the field / SAM card not found
‘O<CR><LF>’ Operation mode failure
‘R<CR><LF>’ Parameter out of range
‘X<CR><LF>’ Block already locked / Error during value operation

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7.3 Transponder Serial Number Related Commands

7.3.1 Continuous read mode ‘c’
The reader reads and displays serial numbers continuously while one or more tags remain in the field.
This command stops as soon as any character is sent to the reader.
The reader supports different tag types at the same time. In order to increase the reading
performance, switch to single tag mode. If more than one tag shall be detected at the same time, the
MultiTag flag must be activated. The response data length mainly depends on the tag type.
Command: ‘c’

Answer Description

Data<CR><LF> Serial number (UID, n bytes)

7.3.2 Select Single Tag ‘s’

This command selects a single tag in the antenna field. It shall only be used in single tag
environments (use the ‘m’ command in multiple tag environments). In case of success, the command
returns the UID of the selected card. The length of the UID is detected automatically.
As soon as a transponder has been selected, it is ready for further data transactions, e.g.
authentication, read block or write block.
Command: ‘s’

Answer Description

Data<CR><LF> Serial number (UID, n bytes)

‘N<CR><LF>’ Error: No tag in the field

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7.3.3 MultiTag Selection / Tag List ‘m’

This command detects several tags at the same time. It replaces the fast select command (‘s’) in
multiple tag surroundings. The MultiTag list command lists all present tags with their serial numbers.
Use the MultiTag select command to select a single tag. Each tag has to be selected separately.
After selection, the transponder is ready for further data transactions, e.g. authentication, read block or
write block.
Keep in mind that each transponder consumes its individual amount of energy, provided by the reader.
Due to the limited availability of emitted energy, the operating distance is decreased, the more
transponders are present. Principally the operating distance depends on the used transponders, the
total amount of transponders and the ambient conditions, e.g. if metal is surrounding the reader.
Command: ‘m<CR>’ / ‘m[UID]<CR>’

Command Description

‘m<CR>’ List all present tags

‘m[UID]<CR>’ Select tag by its UID


Answer Description

Data<CR><LF> Serial number (UID, n bytes)

‘N<CR><LF>’ Error: No tag in the field


Command Answer Description

‘m<CR>’ 044A3A11FC1E80 First tag

56AB3798 Second tag
02 Number of detected tags
‘m56AB3798000000<CR>’ 56AB3798 Second tag selected

The MultiTag selection command always requires a 7 byte UID in case of a MIFARE® card. If the UID
of the desired transponder possesses only 4 bytes (e.g. MIFARE® Classic), the passed UID must be
filled up with zeros – see the example above.

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7.3.4 MIFARE® PLUS Virtual Card Select ‘nvcs’

Use this command to retrieve the ‘real’ UID of the transponder in a virtual card environment. If a card
is configured to show random IDs, the virtual card select command offers the possibility to retrieve the
UID in a fast and secure way. In order to get the UID, the 16 bytes Installation Identifiers of the card
and the reader must match. Furthermore, two AES keys are required. These are the Virtual Card
Polling Encryption key and the Virtual Card Polling MAC key. Please note, that only EEPROM keys
can be used.
Command: ‘nvcs[VCPEKey][VCPMACKey]’

Parameters Description

[VCPEKey] Virtual Card Polling Encryption EEPROM AES key (1 byte)

[VCPMACKey] Virtual Card Polling MAC EEPROM AES key (1 byte)


Answer Description
UID<CR><LF> Real UID of the transponder
‘F<CR><LF>’ Error: Proximity check failed
‘R<CR><LF>’ Error: Parameter out of range


Command Description

‘nvcs5051<CR>’ Perform virtual card select, using EEPROM AES keys 00 and 01

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7.4 Data-Transaction Related Commands

7.4.1 Authenticate Tag MIFARE® Classic Login ‘l’
This command performs an authentication into a specific sector of a MIFARE® Classic transponder.
Only one transponder and only one sector can be accessed at the same time. Prior access, the
transponder must be selected by either single tag or MultiTag selection commands.
For authentication into a sector, the matching login key is needed. The key may either be entered by
command, or can be stored in the readers’ EEPROM. The reader is able to store up to 32 MIFARE®
Classic keys. Principally every stored key may act either as key A or key B, the selection is done via
parameter list.
Command: ‘l[Sector][KeyType][Key / <CR>]’

Parameters Description
[Sector] Sector number, valid range 00h – 3Fh
[KeyType] AAh: authenticate with key type A
FFh: authenticate with key type A, transport key FFFFFFFFFFFFh
BBh: authenticate with key type B
10h … 2Fh: authenticate with stored key type A (00h … 1Fh)
30h … 4Fh: authenticate with stored key type B (00h … 1Fh)
[Key / <CR>] Enter key manually (6 bytes) or tell the reader to login with a transport key by submitting a carriage
return <CR> (1 byte)


Answer Description

‘L<CR><LF>’ Login success

‘F<CR><LF>’ Error: general failure
‘N<CR><LF>’ Error: no tag in the field or wrong key


Command Description
‘l01AA<CR>’ Authenticate into sector 01 using transport key type A A0A1A2A3A4A5h
‘l02BB<CR>’ Authenticate into sector 02 using transport key type B B0B1B2B3B4B5h
‘l03FF<CR>’ Authenticate into sector 03 using transport key type A FFFFFFFFFFFFh
‘l04AA1234567890AB’ Authenticate into sector 04 using specified key type A 1234567890ABh
‘l0510’ Authenticate into sector 05 using EEPROM key 0, key type A
‘l0637’ Authenticate into sector 06 using EEPROM key 7, key type B

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Elatec GmbH MIFARE® Ultralight C Login ‘l’

This command performs an authentication into a MIFARE® Ultralight C transponder. The
authentication scheme into this transponder type is different to MIFARE® Classic due to the fact, that
Ultralight C uses Triple-DES cryptography.
Unlike MIFARE® Classic the authentication concerns the entire transponder. This means, once an
authentication succeeds, the complete transponder is accessible.
Prior login, the transponder must be selected by either single tag or MultiTag selection commands.
For authentication, the matching login key is needed. The key may either be entered by command, or
can be stored in the readers’ EEPROM. The reader is able to store up to 16 Triple-DES keys.
Command: ‘l[00][KeyType][Key / <CR>]’

Parameters Description

[00] To maintain backward compatibility the first parameter shall be set to 00h
[KeyType] CCh: denotes Triple-DES (Ultralight C) key
50h … 5Fh: authenticate with stored Triple-DES key (00h … 0Fh)
[Key / <CR>] Enter key manually (16 bytes) or tell the reader to login with a transport key by submitting a carriage return
<CR> (1 byte)


Answer Description
‘L<CR><LF>’ Login success
‘F<CR><LF>’ Error: general failure
‘N<CR><LF>’ Error: no tag in the field or the tag does not respond


Command Description
‘l00CC<CR>’ Authenticate into transponder using Triple-DES transport key:
K1 = 49454D4B41455242h
K2 = 214E4143554F5946h
‘l00CC000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F’ Authenticate into transponder using Triple-DES key:
K1 = 0001020304050607h
K2 = 08090A0B0C0D0E0Fh
‘l0055’ Authenticate into transponder using Triple-DES EEPROM key 05h

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Elatec GmbH MIFARE® PLUS Login ‘nl’

MIFARE® PLUS offers various authentication features to the user. Depending on the desired
transaction or configured security level of the transponder, the appropriate authentication procedure
must be chosen by the user. The reader always demands an AES key for authentication; if the
transponder is configured to security level 2, optionally a Crypto1 key can be passed to the reader.
This enables the reader to compute the appropriate session key for further communication ciphered by
the MIFARE® Crypto1 algorithm. The Crypto1 login is performed automatically after AES
The login procedure is also used to switch a transponder to a higher security level. Furthermore, an
optional AES-authentication can be done in SL1 using the SL1 card authentication key.
Command: ‘nl[Sector / KeyNumber][KeyType][KeyAES][KeyCrypto1]’

Parameters Description

[Sector / Sector- or Keynumber, valid range 00h – 2Ch.

KeyNumber] 00h … 27h: Parameter addresses a data sector
28h: Card master key
29h: Card configuration key
2Ah: Level 2 switch key
2Bh: Level 3 switch key
2Ch: SL1 card authentication key
[KeyType] AAh: authenticate with key type A
BBh: authenticate with key type B
[KeyAES] Enter key manually (16 bytes) or tell the reader to login with a stored EEPROM key (1 byte). EEPROM
keys are range 50h … 5Fh
[KeyCrypto1] Enter key manually (6 bytes), or tell the reader to generate the Crypto1 session key using either a stored
EEPROM key or a transport key (1 byte). EEPROM keys are range 10h … 2Fh, Transport keys are
indicated by AA/BB/FF


Answer Description
‘L<CR><LF>’ Login / Authentication / Security level switch success
‘F<CR><LF>’ Error: general failure
‘N<CR><LF>’ Error: no tag in the field or the tag does not respond

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Command Description

‘nl00AA50<CR>’ Authenticate to sector 00 using EEPROM AES key 00, type A

‘nl02BB51<CR>’ Authenticate to sector 02 using EEPROM AES key 01, type B
‘nl28AA52<CR>’ Authenticate with card master key using EEPROM AES key 02, KeyType is ignored
but has to be transmitted to the reader.
‘nl2BAA53<CR>’ Switch card to SL3 using EEPROM AES key 03, KeyType is ignored but has to be
transmitted to the reader.
‘nl03AA0011223344556677 Authenticate into sector 03 using specified AES key
8899AABBCCDDEEFF<CR>’ 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFFh, key type A

‘nl04AA0011223344556677 Authenticate into sector 04 using specified AES key

8899AABBCCDDEEFFAA<CR>’ 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFFh, key type A, compute Crypto1 session
key, key base is transport key A0A1A2A3A4A5h
‘nl05BB0011223344556677 Authenticate into sector 05 using specified AES key
8899AABBCCDDEEFFBB<CR>’ 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFFh, key type B, compute Crypto1 session
key, key base is transport key B0B1B2B3B4B5h
‘nl06AA0011223344556677 Authenticate into sector 06 using specified AES key
8899AABBCCDDEEFF16<CR>’ 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFFh, key type A, compute Crypto1 session
key, key base is EEPROM Crypto1 key 06
‘nl07AA54A0A1A2A3A4A5<CR>’ Authenticate into sector 07 using EEPROM AES key 04, compute Crypto1 session
key, key base is specified key A0A1A2A3A4A5h
‘nl08AA55FF<CR>’ Authenticate into sector 08 using EEPROM AES key 05, compute Crypto1 session
key, key base is transport key FFFFFFFFFFFFh
‘nl09AA5617<CR>’ Authenticate into sector 09 using EEPROM AES key 06, compute Crypto1 session
key, key base is EEPROM Crypto1 key 07
‘nl0AAA0011223344556677 Authenticate into sector 0A using specified AES key
8899AABBCCDDEEFFA0A1A2A3A4A5’ 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFFh, compute Crypto1 session key, key base
is specified key A0A1A2A3A4A5h. Note that this command is not followed by a <CR> Login in multiple Tag Surroundings

In order to log into different tags, list all present tags first and then select the desired tag. After that,
perform the login procedure.

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7.4.2 Read Data Block ‘r’ / ‘rb’

This command reads an entire data block from a transponder. The range of valid block addresses
depends on the used transponder. If you are working with MIFARE® cards, keep in mind that any
read- or write access requires a successful login into the respective sector. The length of returned
data depends on the tag-type, e.g. a MIFARE® Classic card returns 16 bytes of data, a SRX
transponder returns 4 bytes per block.
Command: ‘r[BlockAddr]’ / ‘rb[BlockAddr]’

Answer Description

Data<CR><LF> Block data

‘F<CR><LF>’ Error: read failure
‘N<CR><LF>’ Error: no tag in the field, or the tag does not respond
‘R<CR><LF>’ Error: Block address out range; the block address of the ‘r’ command is higher than 40h, use the ‘rb’
command instead.


Command Description
r08 Reads block 08 (sector 02, block 00) MIFARE® Ultralight / Ultralight C

Though the page size of this transponder family is 4 bytes, the read command always returns 16
bytes. This is achieved by reading the three subsequent data pages, e.g. if page 04 is to be read, the
reader also returns the content of page 05, 06 and 07.

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7.4.3 Write Data Block ‘w’ / ‘wb’

This command writes an entire data block to the transponder. The range of valid block addresses
depends on the used transponder. A read after write is done automatically to ensure data integrity. If
you are working with MIFARE® cards, keep in mind that any read- or write access requires a
successful login into the respective sector. The length of required data to be written to the transponder
depends on the tag-type, e.g. a MIFARE® Standard block has 16 bytes, a SRX transponder has 4
bytes per block.
Command: ‘w[BlockAddr]’ / ‘wb[BlockAddr]’

Answer Description

Data<CR><LF> Block data

‘F<CR><LF>’ Error: write failure
‘N<CR><LF>’ Error: no tag in the field, or the tag does not respond
‘R<CR><LF>’ Error: Operation mode failure; the block address of the ‘w’ command is higher than 40h, use the ‘wb’
command instead.


Command Description
w08000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F Writes data 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F to block 08 (sector
02, block 00)
w1A11223344 Writes data 11223344 to block 1Ah MIFARE® Ultralight / Ultralight C

If data is written to a page of this transponder family, the reader performs the so-called “Compatibility-
write” procedure. This means, the reader expects 16 bytes of data, but only the first 4 bytes are written
to the specified data page; the remaining 12 bytes are ignored by the transponder.
The command executes an automatic read-after-write check, where all 16 bytes are included into the
comparison. So the risk of getting a write failure is very high, if the content of subsequent memory-
pages is unknown and the remaining 12 bytes are filled with dummy bytes! So it could be useful, to
make a manual read-before-write, to construct the parameter list correctly in order not to get such


Command Description

r04 Reads pages 04 … 07, content:

w04000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F Writes data 00010203 to page 04

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7.4.4 MIFARE® Value Block Related commands

A sector of a MIFARE® transponder may contain so-called ‘value blocks’. A value block is a usual
data block, where the information is stored in a certain format. Special MIFARE® commands like
increment or decrement may be applied to such a block, e.g. for electronic purse functionality. Value
block commands only work in combination with MIFARE® Classic and MIFARE® PLUS transponders.
Please note, that only MIFARE® PLUS X transponders support value block commands in SL3.
A value block contains 4 bytes user data, the remaining 12 bytes are processed internally by the
MIFARE® transponder for increased data integrity.
A value block is formatted as follows:

Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Data Value Value

¯¯¯¯ Value A A¯ A A¯

The value data is stored three times: twice non-inverted and once inverted. The lowest significant byte
is stored in the lowest address byte. The last four bytes are for internal use and shall not be altered.
The following diagram shows the typical command-flow in order to work with MIFARE® value blocks:

‚s’ / ‚m’

Log into
sector ‚l’/’nl’

Create value
block ‚wv’

Read value
Increment ‚+’ Decrement ‚-‚ Copy ‚=’
block ‚rv’

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Elatec GmbH Create Value Block ‘wv’

Use this command to format a common data block as a value block. The range of valid block
addresses depends on the used transponder type. You must log into the respective sector before this
command can be executed.
Command: ‘wv[BlockAddr][Value]’

Parameters Description

[BlockAddr] Block address

[Value] Initial value stored on the value block (4 bytes).
The value is stored signed (most significant bit). Negative values are stored in 2’s complement format.


Answer Description

Data<CR><LF> Written value

‘F<CR><LF>’ Error: write failure
‘I<CR><LF>’ Error: invalid block format


Command Description

wv0800000000 Formats block 08 as a value block. Initial value: 00000000h

wv0912345678 Formats block 09 as a value block. Initial value: 12345678h
wv0AFFFFFFFE Formats block 0A as a value block. Initial value: FFFFFFFFEh (-2) Read Value Block ‘rv’

Use this command to read a value block. This command checks if data of the specified block is stored
in value format. You must log into the respective sector before this command can be executed.
Command: ‘rv[BlockAddr]’

Parameters Description

[BlockAddr] Block address


Answer Description

Data<CR><LF> Value of block

‘F<CR><LF>’ Error: read failure
‘I<CR><LF>’ Error: invalid block format


Command Description

rv08 Reads value block 08

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Elatec GmbH Increment Value Block ‘+’

Use this command to increment a value block by a defined value. A read after increment is performed
automatically. The command fails if the specified block is not formatted as value block. You must log
into the respective sector before this command can be executed.
Command: ‘+[BlockAddr][Value]’

Parameters Description

[BlockAddr] Block address (1 byte)

[Value] Value to be added (4 bytes)


Answer Description
Data<CR><LF> Value of block
‘F<CR><LF>’ Error: read failure
‘I<CR><LF>’ Error: invalid block format
‘X<CR><LF>’ Error: Bad value operation, e.g. sign overflow


Command Description

+0800000001 Increments block 08 by 00000001h

+0812345678 Increments block 08 by 12345678h Decrement Value Block ‘-‘

Use this command to decrement a value block by a defined value. A read after decrement is
performed automatically. The command fails if the specified block is not formatted as value block. You
must log into the respective sector before this command can be executed.
Command: ‘-[BlockAddr][Value]’

Parameters Description

[BlockAddr] Block address (1 byte)

[Value] Value to be subtracted (4 bytes)


Answer Description

Data<CR><LF> Value of block

‘F<CR><LF>’ Error: read failure
‘I<CR><LF>’ Error: invalid block format
‘X<CR><LF>’ Error: Bad value operation, e.g. sign overflow


Command Description

-0800000001 Decrements block 08 by 00000001h

-0812345678 Decrements block 08 by 12345678h

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Use this command to copy a value block to another value block of the same sector. A read after copy
is performed automatically. The command fails if one of the specified blocks is not in value format. You
must log into the respective sector before this command can be executed.
Command: ‘=[SourceBlock][TargetBlock]’

Parameters Description
[SourceBlock] Source block address (1 byte)
[TargetBlock] Target block address (1 byte)


Answer Description

Data<CR><LF> New value of target block

‘F<CR><LF>’ Error: general failure
‘I<CR><LF>’ Error: invalid block format


Command Description

=0809 Copy value block 08 to block 09

=080A Copy value block 08 to block 0A

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7.4.5 MIFARE® PLUS Related Commands Write Personalization Data ‘nwp’
Use this command to transmit personalization data to the transponder in SL0. At least Card Master
key, Card configuration key, Level 2 switch key (MIFARE® PLUS X only) and Level 3 switch key must
be written in order to personalize the transponder. The personalization is finished by sending the
command ‘Commit Personalization’. Personalization shall happen at a secure place because all data
is transmitted in plain.
Command: ‘nwp[DataBlock / SpecialBlock][KeyType][Data]’

Parameters Description

[DataBlock / If KeyType is present and set to AA or BB, the first parameter is interpreted as SpecialBlock. This makes it
SpecialBlock] possible to address e.g. AES keys and Configuration blocks. Every sector can hold two AES keys (type A
and type B). Otherwise the standard data blocks are accessed (00h … FFh)
00h … 27h: Parameter addresses an AES key of data sector
28h: Card master key
29h: Card configuration key
2Ah: Level 2 switch key
2Bh: Level 3 switch key
2Ch: SL1 card authentication key
2Dh: Select Virtual Card key
2Eh: Proximity Check key
2Fh: Virtual Card Polling Encryption key
30h: Virtual Card Polling MAC key
40h: MFP Configuration Block
41h: Installation Identifier
42h: ATS Information
43h: Field Configuration Block
[KeyType] AAh: indicate key type A
BBh: indicate key type B
[Data] Data to be written to the transponder (16 bytes)


Answer Description

Data<CR><LF> Written data

‘F<CR><LF>’ Error: General failure
‘R<CR><LF>’ Error: Parameter out of range


Command Description

nwp010011223344556677 Writes 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFFh to data block 01

nwp00AA0011223344556677 Set AES key of sector 00, key type A, key is: 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFFh
nwp01BB0011223344556677 Set AES key of sector 01, key type B, key is: 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFFh
nwp28AA0001020304050607 Set Card master key to 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0Fh

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Elatec GmbH Commit Personalization ‘ncp’

Use this command to finish personalization and to switch the transponder from SL0 to SL1. If the
personalized transponder is a so-called ‘L3’-card, the transponder is switched to SL3. This command
is only supported if the transponder is in SL0.
Command: ‘ncp’


Answer Description

‘L<CR><LF>’ Personalization successfully completed

‘F<CR><LF>’ Error: General failure Write AES Sector Key / Special Block ‘nw’

Use this command to write an AES sector key or a special block. If an AES sector key shall be written,
you have to be authenticated to the respective sector and the respective key type. If the transponder
has been switched to SL2, an authentication with the Card master key is mandatory prior
authentication to the respective sector. If a Special block shall be written, you must be authenticated
either with the Card master key or the Card configuration key:

Key Change

Card master key - Level switch keys

- Card configuration key
- MFP Configuration block
- Installation Identifier
- Card master key
Card configuration key - Field configuration block
- Virtual card keys
- Proximity check key
- Card configuration key

Command: ‘nw[AESSectorKey / SpecialBlock][KeyType][Data]’

Parameters Description
[AESSectorKey / If KeyType is present and set to AA or BB, the first parameter is interpreted as AESKey. This makes
SpecialBlock] it possible to address the AES keys and their respective key type. Every sector can hold two AES
keys (type A and type B).
00h … 27h: Parameter addresses an AES key of a data sector
28h: Card master key
29h: Card configuration key
2Ah: Level 2 switch key
2Bh: Level 3 switch key
2Ch: SL1 card authentication key
2Dh: Select Virtual Card key
2Eh: Proximity Check key
2Fh: Virtual Card Polling Encryption key
30h: Virtual Card Polling MAC key
40h: MFP Configuration Block
41h: Installation Identifier
42h: ATS Information
43h: Field Configuration Block
[KeyType] AAh: indicate key type A
BBh: indicate key type B
[Data] Data to be written to the transponder (16 bytes)

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Answer Description

Data<CR><LF> Written data

‘F<CR><LF>’ Error: General failure
‘R<CR><LF>’ Error: Parameter out of range


Command Description

nw00AA001122334455 Change AES sector key, sector 00, key type A to 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFFh
nw01BB000000000000 Change AES sector key, sector 01, key type B to 00000000000000000000000000000000h
nw2800102030405060 Change Card master key to 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0Fh

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7.4.6 MIFARE® DESFire related commands

The following commands can be used to perform basic data transactions on DESFire transponders. A
typical command-flow would be:
Select Tag → Select Application → Authenticate → Select File → Read/Write data Authenticate
For DESFire transponders, only AES is supported for authentication.
Command: ‘f[Length][00][KeyNoTag][KeyNoEEPROM / Key]<CR>’

Parameters Description

[Length] Depends on used key.

Key resides in EEPROM: Length = 03h
Key is passed in command: Length = 12h
[KeyNoTag] Reference to a key on tag
[KeyNoEEPROM] Login with a stored EEPROM key. EEPROM keys are range 00h … 0Fh
[Key] Login with this key


Answer Description
‘L<CR><LF>’ Login success
‘F<CR><LF>’ Error: general failure
‘N<CR><LF>’ Error: no tag in the field or the tag does not respond


Command Description

‘f03000102<CR>’ Authenticate with EEPROM key 02, key number on tag is 01

‘f120001112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF<CR>’ Authenticate with passed key, key number on tag is 01 Select Application

Command: ‘f[Length][08][AID]<CR>’

Parameters Description

[Length] Set this value to 04h

[AID] Application ID (3 bytes)


Answer Description

‘00<CR><LF>’ AID successfully selected

‘N<CR><LF>’ Error: no tag in the field or the tag does not respond


Command Description

‘f0408010203<CR>’ Select Application with AID 010203

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Command: ‘f[Length][0D][FileID]<CR>’

Parameters Description

[Length] Set this value to 02h

[FileID] File ID (1 byte)


Answer Description

‘00<CR><LF>’ File successfully selected

‘F<CR><LF>’ Error: general failure


Command Description

‘f020D12<CR>’ Select File with ID 12 Read File

Using this command, you can read a maximum of 32 bytes by a single transaction from a data file.
Command: ‘f[Length][15][Offset][BytesToRead]<CR>’

Parameters Description
[Length] Set this value to 05h
[Offset] Offset within selected file (3 bytes)
[BytesToRead] Number of bytes to be read (1 byte)


Answer Description

‘Data<CR><LF>’ File successfully selected

‘N<CR><LF>’ Error: no tag in the field or the tag does not respond
‘C<CR><LF>’ Error: checksum or data integrity invalid

‘R<CR><LF>’ Error: attempt to read out of range

‘F<CR><LF>’ Error: general failure


Command Description
‘f051500000010<CR>’ Read 16 bytes from file starting at offset 000000h
‘f051500000A08<CR>’ Read 8 bytes from file starting at offset 00000Ah

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Using this command, you can write a maximum of 32 bytes by a single transaction to a data file.
Command: ‘f[Length][16][Offset][Data]<CR>’

Parameters Description

[Length] Set this value to 04h + Length of Data

[Offset] Offset within selected file (3 bytes)
[Data] Data to be written to the file (variable length)


Answer Description

‘00<CR><LF>’ Data successfully written

‘N<CR><LF>’ Error: no tag in the field or the tag does not respond
‘C<CR><LF>’ Error: checksum or data integrity invalid
‘R<CR><LF>’ Error: attempt to write out of range
‘O<CR><LF>’ Error: operating mode failure


Command Description

‘f0716000000112233<CR>’ Write 3 bytes of data to file starting at offset 000000h, data is 112233h
‘f06160000034455<CR>’ Write 2 bytes of data to file starting at offset 000003h, data is 4455h Get Card UID

Use this command to retrieve the real card UID when the transponder is configured to generate
random UIDs. A successful authentication with any valid key is required prior issuing this command.
Command: ‘f[Length][20]<CR>’

Parameters Description

[Length] Set this value to 01h


Answer Description
‘UID<CR><LF>’ UID of transponder
‘F<CR><LF>’ Error: general failure

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7.4.7 Transparent ISO14443-4 Transponder Access ‘t’

This command is used to communicate with ISO14443-4 Type A/B compatible transponders. Data
passed as argument is forwarded to the transponder, any response received is transmitted to the host
as answer.
The transponder must be selected prior further data access. Basic communication parameters like
communication timeout and maximum frame size are negotiated by the reader with the card
automatically; this means the commands RATS (ISO14443A) and ATTRIB (ISO14443B) are part of
the selection process. The maximum allowed frame size is 40 bytes.
The passed data must comply with ISO14443-4 data framing. For details regarding the MIFARE®
DESFire command set, please contact NXP Semiconductors in order to receive the appropriate
Command: ‘t[DataLength][0F][ISO14443-4 Frame]’

Answer Description

‘Response<CR><LF>’ ISO 14443-4 compliant response from transponder

‘N<CR><LF>’ Error: No response from transponder


Command Description

t020FABCD Sends two bytes ABCD to the transponder, received data will be forwarded to the host.

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7.5 Setup Related Commands of the Reader

7.5.1 Read Byte from EEPROM ‘rp’
Use this command to read a byte from the internal reader EEPROM. Only the configuration bank is
accessible by the user, it is not possible to read any stored keys. The address byte ranges from 00h to
Command: ‘rp[EEPROMAddr]’

Answer Description

Data<CR><LF> EEPROM data (1 byte)


Command Description

rp0A Reads register 0Ah (Station ID)

7.5.2 Write Byte to EEPROM ‘wp’

Use this command to write a byte to the internal reader EEPROM. Only the configuration bank is
accessible by the user, if any keys shall be written, the respective commands have to be used. The
address byte ranges from 00h to FFh. A read after write check is performed automatically.
Command: ‘wp[EEPROMAddr][Data]’

Answer Description

Data<CR><LF> EEPROM data (1 byte)

‘F<CR><LF>’ Error: read after write failure


Command Description

wp0A15 Writes 15h to register 0A (Station ID) Factory Reset

The ‘wp’ command contains a special feature that resets the reader to factory configuration. In order to
do this, the following command shall be issued:
Command: ‘wp0055’
The reader reloads its factory configuration and performs a software reset automatically.

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7.5.3 Set Configuration Flags ‘of’

Use this command to set or clear the Configuration Flags of the reader. In contrast to the EEPROM
registers, the settings of the ‘of’ command are volatile, this means, they are taking effect on the
behavior of the reader at once and they are lost, when a reset occurs or the reader is powered down.
Command: ‘of[FlagAddr][State]’

Answer Description

Data<CR><LF> State of the modified flag

‘R<CR><LF>’ Error: Flag out of range

Flag address Description

00h MultiTag
01h NewSerialMode
05h ExtendID
07h NoisyEnvironment
11h ReqAExtendID
12h TagInfo


Command Description
of0001 Set MultiTag flag
of0501 Set ExtendID flag
of0700 Clear NoisyEnvironment flag

7.5.4 Set Configuration Registers ‘og’

Use this command to set the Configuration registers of the reader. In contrast to the EEPROM
registers, the settings of the ‘og’ command are volatile, this means they are taking effect on the
behavior of the reader at once and they are lost, when a reset occurs or the reader is powered down.
Command: ‘og[RegAddr][Value]’

Answer Description

Data<CR><LF> Value of the modified register

‘R<CR><LF>’ Error: Register out of range

Register address Description

03h Reset Off Time

04h Reset Recovery Time


Command Description
og0310 Set Reset Off Time to 10h (16ms)
og0420 Set Reset Recovery Time to 20h (32ms)

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7.5.5 Set Tag Type ‘oa’ / ‘ob’ / ‘oj’ / ‘op’ / ‘os’ / ‘ot’
Use this command to search for only one specific transponder type (e.g. only ISO14443A). In contrast
to the EEPROM registers, the settings of the ‘o’ command are volatile, this means they are taking
effect on the behavior of the reader at once and they are lost when a reset occurs or the reader is
powered down.
Command: ‘oa’ / ‘ob’ / ‘oj’ / ‘op’ / ‘os’/ ‘ot’

Answer Description

‘OA<CR><LF>’ Search for ISO14443A transponders

‘OB<CR><LF>’ Search for ISO14443B transponders
‘OJ<CR><LF>’ Search for FeliCa transponders
‘OP<CR><LF>’ Search for PicoPass / ICLASS transponders
‘OS<CR><LF>’ Search for SRX transponders
‘OT<CR><LF>’ Search for all supported transponders

7.5.6 Include Tag Type ‘o+a’ / ‘o+b’ / ‘o+j’ / ‘o+p’ / ‘o+s’

Use this command to include specific transponder types to the transponder search. In contrast to the
EEPROM register, the settings of the ‘o+’ command are volatile, this means they are taking effect on
the behavior of the reader at once and they are lost when a reset occurs or the reader is powered
Command: ‘o+a’ / ‘o+b’ / ‘o+j’ / ‘o+p’ / ‘o+s’

Answer Description
‘O+A<CR><LF>’ Search for ISO14443A transponders
‘O+B<CR><LF>’ Search for ISO14443B transponders
‘O+J<CR><LF>’ Search for FeliCa transponders
‘O+P<CR><LF>’ Search for PicoPass / ICLASS transponders
‘O+S<CR><LF>’ Search for SRX transponders

7.5.7 Exclude Tag Type ‘o-a’ / ‘o-b’ / ‘o-j’ / ‘o-p’ / ‘o-s’

Use this command to exclude specific transponder types from the transponder search. In contrast to
the EEPROM register, the settings of the ‘o-’ command are volatile, this means they are taking effect
on the behavior of the reader at once and they are lost when a reset occurs or the reader is powered
Command: ‘o-a’ / ‘o-b’ / ‘o-j’ / ‘o-p’ / ‘o-s’

Answer Description
‘O-A<CR><LF>’ Don’t search for ISO14443A transponders
‘O-B<CR><LF>’ Don’t search for ISO14443B transponders
‘O-J<CR><LF>’ Don’t search for FeliCa transponders
‘O-P<CR><LF>’ Don’t search for PicoPass / ICLASS transponders
‘O-S<CR><LF>’ Don’t search for SRX transponders

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7.5.8 Key Management Write MIFARE® Classic Key ‘wm’
Use this command to store a MIFARE® Classic authentication key into the EEPROM of the reader.
The reader is able to store up 32 keys. The key locations are write-only, so the keys can’t be read
back. Each key is 6 bytes long and is stored redundantly to increase data integrity.
Command: ‘wm[KeyNumber][Key]’

Answer Description

Key<CR><LF> Written key


Command Description

wm1A1234567890AB Writes key 1234567890AB to location 1Ah Write AES / Triple DES Key ‘wd’

Use this command to store a 16-Byte Triple-DES authentication key into the EEPROM of the reader.
The reader is able to store up to 16 keys. The key locations are write-only, so the keys can’t be read
Command: ‘wd[KeyNumber][Key]’

Answer Description

Key<CR><LF> Written key

‘F<CR><LF>’ Error: Writing of key failed
‘R<CR><LF>’ Error: Key number out of range


Command Description
wd0B000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F Writes Triple-DES key 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F to
location 0Bh

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7.5.9 SAM related Commands

The reader supports the connection of an ISO7816 compatible SAM card (Secure Access Module).
The SAM card is driven by the reader via an ISO7816 compatible UART, using the following default
parameters: fCLK = 1.1 MHz; Fi = 372; Di = 1 (resulting baudrate fBAUD = 2957bps).
If the SAM supports PPS exchange (Protocol and Parameter Selection), the card can be switched to
higher baudrates. Init SAM ‘ei’

Use this command to perform a warm reset procedure of the SAM card according to ISO7816-3. If a
SAM card is recognized the reader answers with the card’s ATR (Answer To Reset). The command is
equipped with a parameter byte which shall be set to 00h.
Command: ‘ei[00]’

Answer Description

‘ATR<CR><LF>’ ISO7816 compliant Answer To Reset of the SAM card

‘N<CR><LF>’ Error: No response from SAM card SAM Transmit Data ‘et’

Use this command to transmit data to the SAM card. The card’s response is returned as answer. The
UART supports T=0 and T=1 protocols according to ISO 7816-3. The command is equipped with a
parameter byte, which shall be set to 00h.
The so-called PPS exchange can be done using this command. If the first data byte represents FFh
(which is the PPSS), the whole data packet is interpreted as PPS request according to ISO7816-3.
The following bytes are interpreted according to the ISO standard. If PPS1 is present, Fi and Di are set
respectively. If Fi equals 372, fCLK is set to 2.75MHz, in all other cases fCLK is set to 5.5MHz. The
ISO7816 UART is reconfigured accordingly, this means all further data exchange is done using the
new parameters. The selection of T=0/T=1 protocol is done in PPS0.
The resulting baudrate is calculated as: fBAUD= fCLK x Di / Fi
For further details, please refer to ISO7816-3.
Command: ‘et[DataLength][00][Data]’

Answer Description

‘Response<CR><LF>’ Response from the card

‘N<CR><LF>’ SAM card not initialized, perform ‘Init SAM’ command before
‘F<CR><LF>’ No response from SAM card


Command Description
et0200ABCD Sends two bytes ABCD to the card, received data will be returned to the host.

et0400FF119779 Perform PPS exchange: FI=512, Di=64, fCLK=5.5MHz, resulting baudrate: 687500bps
Select T=1 protocol

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7.6 Miscellaneous Commands

7.6.1 Get Station ID ‘g’
Use this command to retrieve the station ID of the reader.
Command: ‘g’

Answer Description

Data<CR><LF> Station ID of the reader (1 byte)

7.6.2 Antenna Power Off ‘poff’

Use this command to turn off the RF-field and save energy. All present tags in the antenna field are
powered down and reset.
Command: ‘poff’

Answer Description

‘P<CR><LF>’ Power off command performed

7.6.3 Antenna Power On ‘pon’

Use this command to turn on the RF-field manually. If a tag-related command is submitted, the RF-
field is also turned on.
Command: ‘pon’

Answer Description

‘P<CR><LF>’ Power on command performed

7.6.4 Get Version ‘v’

Use this command to receive the current firmware version of the reader.
Command: ‘v’

Answer Description

‘MifareNFC 1.07<CR><LF>’ Version string

7.6.5 Reset ‘x’

Use this command to perform a software reset of the reader.
Command: ‘x’

Answer Description

‘MifareNFC 1.07<CR><LF>’ Version string

7.6.6 Break
Send a SPACE (DOT if NoisyEnvironment flag is set) to cancel e.g. Continuous Read Mode.

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7.6.7 Read GPIO ‘ir’

Use this command to read a specified GPIO. The GPIO is switched to input prior reading.
Command: ‘ir[GPIONumber]’

Answer Description

Data<CR><LF> Status of specified GPIO: 00 means Low; 01 means High.


Command Description
‘ir02’ Returns status of GPIO2.

7.6.8 Write GPIO ‘iw’

Use this command to write a specified GPIO. The GPIO is switched to output prior writing. Please
consider the reader’s maximum current source and sink capability!
Command: ‘iw[GPIONumber][Status]’

Answer Description
Data<CR><LF> Status of specified GPIO: 00 means Low; 01 means High.


Command Description

‘iw0201’ Sets GPIO2 to logical state High

‘iw0300’ Sets GPIO3 to logical state Low

7.6.9 Read GPIO1 ‘pr’

Use this command to read GPIO1. GPIO1 is switched to input prior reading. The command has the
same effect as command ‘ir01’. It has been implemented in order to adhere backward compatibility.
Command: ‘pr’

Answer Description

Data<CR><LF> Status of GPIO1: 00 means Low; 01 means High.

7.6.10 Write GPIO1 ‘pw’

Use this command to write GPIO1. GPIO1 is switched to output prior writing. Please consider the
reader’s maximum current source and sink capability! The command has the same effect as command
‘iw010X’. It has been implemented in order to maintain backward compatibility.
Command: ‘pw[Status]’

Answer Description
Data<CR><LF> Status of GPIO1: 00 means Low; 01 means High.

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8. Typical Data Transaction Procedures

8.1 MIFARE® Classic / MIFARE® PLUS
The following diagram shows the typical command-flow in order to access the data area of a
MIFARE® Classic / PLUS transponder:

‚s’ / ‚m’

no Transponder


Login into sector

‚l’ / ‚nl’

no Login


Perform read/
write actions
‚r’ / ‚w’

no Read/write


yes Read/write no

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8.2 MIFARE® Ultralight

In contrast to MIFARE® Classic transponders, no login is required to access the EEPROM memory:

‚s’ / ‚m’

no Transponder


Perform read/
write actions
‚r’ / ‚w’

no Read/write


yes Read/write no

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8.3 MIFARE® Ultralight C

Accessing the EEPROM depends on the settings of the transponder, e.g. if an authentication is
required. The following diagram shows the typical command-flow in order to access the data area of a
MIFARE® Ultralight C transponder:

‚s’ / ‚m’

no Transponder


Login no


Login into sector


no Login


Perform read/
write actions
‚r’ / ‚w’

no Read/write


yes Read/write no

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9. Memory Organization of MIFARE®

9.1 MIFARE® Classic 1k
A MIFARE® Classic 1k transponder consists of 16 sectors. Each sector is organized in four data
blocks. A data block stores 16 bytes of data. The following table shows the memory organization of a
MIFARE® Classic 1k card:

Sector address Block addresses

00h 03h 02h 01h 00h

01h 07h 06h 05h 04h
02h 0Bh 0Ah 09h 08h
03h 0Fh 0Eh 0Dh 0Ch
04h 13h 12h 11h 10h
05h 17h 16h 15h 14h
06h 1Bh 1Ah 19h 18h
07h 1Fh 1Eh 1Dh 1Ch
08h 23h 22h 21h 20h
09h 27h 26h 25h 24h
0Ah 2Bh 2Ah 29h 28h
0Bh 2Fh 2Eh 2Dh 2Ch
0Ch 33h 32h 31h 30h
0Dh 37h 36h 35h 34h
0Eh 3Bh 3Ah 39h 38h
0Fh 3Fh 3Eh 3Dh 3Ch

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9.2 MIFARE® Classic 4k

A MIFARE® Classic 4k transponder consists of 40 sectors. In contrast to the MIFARE® standard 1k
transponder, the 4k version has a different memory organization, shown in the following table:
Sector Block addresses Login sector Sector Block addresses Login sector

00h 00h...03h 00h 10h 40h...43h 10h

01h 04h...07h 01h 11h 44h...47h 11h
02h 08h...0Bh 02h 12h 48h...4Bh 12h
03h 0Ch...0Fh 03h 13h 4Ch...4Fh 13h
04h 10h...13h 04h 14h 50h...53h 14h
05h 14h...17h 05h 15h 54h...57h 15h
000h – 7FFh

06h 18h...1Bh 06h 16h 58h...5Bh 16h

07h 1Ch...1Fh 07h 17h 5Ch...5Fh 17h
08h 20h...23h 08h 18h 60h...63h 18h
09h 24h...27h 09h 19h 64h...67h 19h
0Ah 28h...2Bh 0Ah 1Ah 68h...6Bh 1Ah
0Bh 2Ch...2Fh 0Bh 1Bh 6Ch...6Fh 1Bh
0Ch 30h...33h 0Ch 1Ch 70h...73h 1Ch
0Dh 34h...37h 0Dh 1Dh 74h...77h 1Dh
0Eh 38h...3Bh 0Eh 1Eh 78h...7Bh 1Eh
0Fh 3Ch...3Fh 0Fh 1Fh 7Ch...7Fh 1Fh

20h 80h...8Fh 20h 24h C0h...CFh 30h

800h -

21h 90h...9Fh 24h 25h D0h...DFh 34h


22h A0h...AFh 28h 26h E0h...EFh 38h

23h B0h...BFh 2Ch 27h F0h...FFh 3Ch

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MIFARE® PLUS 2K/4K transponders have a similar memory organization like MIFARE® Classic 4K.
However, a 2Kbyte card only has the lower 32 Sectors built-in:
Bytes Sector Block addresses Sector Block addresses

00h 00h...03h 10h 40h...43h

01h 04h...07h 11h 44h...47h
02h 08h...0Bh 12h 48h...4Bh
03h 0Ch...0Fh 13h 4Ch...4Fh
04h 10h...13h 14h 50h...53h
05h 14h...17h 15h 54h...57h
000h – 7FFh

06h 18h...1Bh 16h 58h...5Bh

07h 1Ch...1Fh 17h 5Ch...5Fh
08h 20h...23h 18h 60h...63h
09h 24h...27h 19h 64h...67h
0Ah 28h...2Bh 1Ah 68h...6Bh
0Bh 2Ch...2Fh 1Bh 6Ch...6Fh
0Ch 30h...33h 1Ch 70h...73h
0Dh 34h...37h 1Dh 74h...77h
0Eh 38h...3Bh 1Eh 78h...7Bh
0Fh 3Ch...3Fh 1Fh 7Ch...7Fh

20h 80h...8Fh 24h C0h...CFh

800h –

21h 90h...9Fh 25h D0h...DFh


22h A0h...AFh 26h E0h...EFh

23h B0h...BFh 27h F0h...FFh

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9.4 MIFARE® Ultralight

A MIFARE® Ultralight transponder consists of 16 pages with 4 bytes each. The UID is read-only and
is also mapped into the memory area.
Page Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Access rights

00h SN0 SN1 SN2 BCC0 Read only

01h SN3 SN4 SN5 SN6 Read only
02h BCC1 Internal Lock0 Lock1 Read only / Lock
03h OTP0 OTP1 OTP2 OTP3 One time programmable
04h Data0 Data1 Data2 Data3 Read / Write
05h Data4 Data5 Data6 Data7 Read / Write
06h Data8 Data9 Data10 Data11 Read / Write
07h Data12 Data13 Data14 Data15 Read / Write
08h Data16 Data17 Data18 Data19 Read / Write
09h Data20 Data21 Data22 Data23 Read / Write
0Ah Data24 Data25 Data26 Data27 Read / Write
0Bh Data28 Data29 Data30 Data31 Read / Write
0Ch Data32 Data33 Data34 Data35 Read / Write
0Dh Data36 Data37 Data38 Data39 Read / Write
0Eh Data40 Data41 Data42 Data43 Read / Write
0Fh Data44 Data45 Data46 Data47 Read / Write

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9.5 MIFARE® Ultralight C

A MIFARE® Ultralight C transponder consists of 48 pages with 4 bytes each. The UID is read-only
and is also mapped into the memory area. The 16 bytes Triple-DES key is stored in the last 4 pages of
the transponder.

Page Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Access rights

00h SN0 SN1 SN2 BCC0 Read only

01h SN3 SN4 SN5 SN6 Read only
02h BCC1 Internal Lock0 Lock1 Read only / Lock
03h OTP0 OTP1 OTP2 OTP3 One time programmable
04h Data0 Data1 Data2 Data3 Read / Write
05h Data4 Data5 Data6 Data7 Read / Write

Read / Write

27h Data140 Data141 Data142 Data143 Read / Write

28h Lock2 Lock3 RFU RFU Read / Write
29h CNT CNT RFU RFU Read / Write
2Ah AUTH0 RFU RFU RFU Read / Write
2Bh AUTH1 RFU RFU RFU Read / Write
2Ch Key1/K0 Key1/K1 Key1/K2 Key1/K3 Write only
2Dh Key1/K4 Key1/K5 Key1/K6 Key1/K7 Write only
2Eh Key2/K0 Key2/K1 Key2/K2 Key2/K3 Write only
2Fh Key2/K4 Key2/K5 Key2/K6 Key2/K7 Write only

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9.5.1 Example: Writing the Triple-DES Key

This chapter shows how to write the Triple-DES key into the transponder.
On example of Key1 = 0001020304050607h and Key2 = 08090A0B0C0D0E0Fh the command
sequence shown in the table below has to be executed for writing the key. The following preconditions
shall be assumed:
UID: 04169BE1ED2580h
K1: 49454D4B41455242h
K2: 214E4143554F5946h

Please note:
Pages 2Ch … 2Fh are write-only, so the ‘w’ command will always report an error, because the
automatic read-after-write check fails! Furthermore, the transponder looses its authenticated state. So
it is necessary, that each write-cycle is followed by a subsequent login with the updated part of the
new key:

Command Response

s 04169BE1ED2580<CR><LF>
l00CC49454D4B41455242214E4143554F5946 L<CR><LF>
w2C07060504000000000000000000000000 F<CR><LF>
s 04169BE1ED2580<CR><LF>
l00CC49454D4B04050607214E4143554F5946 L<CR><LF>
w2D03020100000000000000000000000000 F<CR><LF>
s 04169BE1ED2580<CR><LF>
l00CC0001020304050607214E4143554F5946 L<CR><LF>
w2E0F0E0D0C000000000000000000000000 F<CR><LF>
s 04169BE1ED2580<CR><LF>
l00CC0001020304050607214E41430C0D0E0F L<CR><LF>
w2F0B0A0908000000000000000000000000 F<CR><LF>
s 04169BE1ED2580<CR><LF>
l00CC000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F L<CR><LF>

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10.1 Security Levels
MIFARE® PLUS supports four security levels. The initial delivery configuration is SL0. Within this
level, cards must be personalized. After that, the card is switched to a higher security level. Once a
card has been switched to a higher level, it cannot be switched back to a lower level. Depending on
card type, different ways of switching are possible:






SL0: Initial delivery configuration. Only commands ‘Select’, ‘Write Personalization Data’ and
‘Commit Personalization’ work. Depending on transponder type, the ‘Commit Personalization’
command switches the card either to SL1 or SL3.
SL1: MIFARE® Classic compatibility mode. The transponder behaves like a MIFARE® Classic
card. If the transponder is a MIFARE® PLUS X card, it can be switched to SL2 or directly to
otherwise only SL3 is possible.
SL2: AES authentication required, Crypto1 session key is generated, communication is furthermore
secured by Crypto1.
SL3: Authentication and MACing based on AES. If the transponder is a MIFARE® PLUS X card, the
entire communication between reader and transponder is secured by AES cryptography,
MIFARE® PLUS S uses plain communication.

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10.2 Application Hints

Have a look at the following hints when developing your MIFARE® PLUS application. They will help
you choosing the correct transponder and reader in order to satisfy your needs:
 In SL3, value formats are only supported by MIFARE® PLUS X cards
 In SL3, MIFARE® PLUS S transponders use plain communication on the RF-field secured by
MACing. MIFARE® PLUS X uses fully AES enciphered communication on the RF-field
including MACing.

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11. Firmware Update

The reader contains a bootloader program which makes firmware updates possible. Complete the
following steps to update the firmware:
 Power up the reader
 Ensure that the reader runs at 9600 bps
 Open the subdirectory “Firmware” in a new command line window and enter the following
command: flash [COMPort] MifareNFC107.bix
 You should see the following screen after successful firmware update:

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12. Firmware History

Version Changes

V1.00  Initial release

V1.02  New EEPROM configuration byte
V1.05  DESFire command set
- Authenticate
- Select Application
- Select File
- Read Data
- Write Data
- Get Card UID
V1.07  Support of PN512 V2

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13. Trademarks
All referenced brands, product names, service names and trademarks mentioned in this document are
the property of their respective owners.

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