Habit Watching Movie With English Subtitles As An Alternative
Habit Watching Movie With English Subtitles As An Alternative
Habit Watching Movie With English Subtitles As An Alternative
Artikel Penelitian – Naskah dikirim: 14/11/2023 – Selesai revisi: 06/12/2023 – Disetujui: 11/12/2023 – Diterbitkan: 01/11/2023
Nadivah1, Suryadi2
STKIP Situs Banten, Kota Serang, Banten, Indonesia 12
[email protected]
Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara praktik menonton
film berbahasa Inggris dan pemanfaatan subtitle bahasa Inggris sebagai metode pengganti untuk
meningkatkan pemahaman membaca bahasa Inggris siswa. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri
1 Tirtayasa. Penelitian ini berupaya untuk memastikan sejauh mana peningkatan pemahaman siswa
dengan rutin menonton film berbahasa Inggris dengan subtitle. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah
kuantitatif dengan fokus pada populasi siswa kelas XII IPA 1, 2, 3, dan 4. Selanjutnya, sampel
berjumlah 76 siswa. Data yang dikumpulkan berkaitan dengan tes pemahaman membaca bahasa
Inggris siswa. Variabel independen dalam penelitian ini mengacu pada praktik menonton film
berbahasa Inggris dengan teks bahasa Inggris, sedangkan variabel dependen berkaitan dengan
keterampilan pemahaman membaca bahasa Inggris siswa. Investigasi menghasilkan data penting.
Yang dimaksud dengan “2-tailed” adalah uji statistik yang mempertimbangkan kedua arah suatu
pengaruh atau hubungan. Data yang diperoleh dari kelas kontrol adalah 77,29, sedangkan data dari
kelas eksperimen adalah 79,63. Akibatnya, perlakuan ini mempunyai dampak yang besar terhadap
pemahaman membaca anak-anak, sehingga menghasilkan tingkat kemahiran yang patut dipuji.
Metodologi yang digunakan sangat efektif dalam meningkatkan pemahaman membaca bahasa Inggris
Kata kunci: Habit; watching; movie; subtitle; reading
Abstract: The objective of this study is to establish a correlation between the practice of watching
English language films and the utilization of English subtitles as a substitute method to enhance
students' English reading comprehension. The research was carried out at SMA Negeri 1 Tirtayasa.
This study seeks to ascertain the extent to which students' comprehension improves by regularly
watching English films with subtitles. The employed methodology is quantitative, focusing on a
population of students in classes XII Science 1, 2, 3, and 4. Subsequently, a total of 76 students were
included in the sample. The collected data pertains to the English reading comprehension test of the
students. The independent variable in this study refers to the practice of watching English films with
English subtitles, whereas the dependent variable pertains to the English reading comprehension skills
of the students. The investigation yielded substantial data. The term "2-tailed" refers to a statistical
test that considers both directions of an effect or relationship.The data acquired from the control class
was 77.29, whereas the data from the experimental class was 79.63. Consequently, the treatment has
had a notable impact on the kids' reading comprehension, resulting in a commendable level of
proficiency. The employed methodology is highly effective in enhancing the students' English reading
Keywords: Habit; watching; movie; subtitle; reading
performance across all academic disciplines. vocabulary, but also the substance of the text
(Syahrin & Bin As, 2021). (Anita Chaudhari, they are reading. This guarantees that readers
Brinzel Rodrigues, 2016). English is an important can comprehend the information supplied
skill that is required by some people in order to through reading. Reading is a purposeful
be globalized, and it is widely used in several activity that involves engaging in a meaningful
aspects of human life, including education, dialogue with oneself, seeking understanding
technology, tourism, health, and the economy, through written words, and acquiring
amongst others. Since English has become an knowledge. It fosters the development of critical
international language for communication, many thinking and is undertaken with a deep sense of
people have used English to support their life awareness and pleasure. This objective can be
goals. English is an important skill that is needed attained by engaging in reading, wherein the
by some people in order to be globalized. reader comprehends the substance of the reading
(Nurmala Sari & Aminatun, 2021). Therefore, the material.
ability to read is very vital for anyone who is The role of reading is crucial for cognitive
interested in learning English, and teachers of and intellectual advancement in the field of
languages other than English place a particular science (Karmiani, 2018). The ability to make
emphasis on reading. Reading is the most decisions in one's life is directly correlated to a
essential ability in the process of teaching and person's level of interest in reading, which is also
learning. (Amumpuni, 2021). tied to the values that people have. An interest in
All of the basic English abilities are equally reading is a device consisting of a mixture of
vital in assisting students' English mastery. feelings, desires, prejudices, anxieties, or other
However, reading has traditionally been seen as tendencies that lead to a decision. In other words,
an essential talent that may help kids grasp the an interest in reading is a device. (Aulia et al.,
other skills. (Saraswati et al., 2021). Reading is 2022).
one component of language skills that Reading skills, on the other hand, are
contributes to a student's success in differentiated from those of other people due to
comprehending a variety of instructional the fact that not everyone is able to use those
materials. Reading is also an activity that is quite skills to promote themselves or absorb it as a
intertwined with day-to-day life. (Ariawan & culture. Reading skills, unsurprisingly, serve as
Winoto, 2021). Reading is an integral component the primary tool for communication and become
of that which is considered to be the single most a medium of communication that is both effective
significant item in our life, which is the fact that and efficient. Reading plays a crucial part in the
virtually all tasks performed involve reading. expansion of scientific knowledge for the same
Such include reading messages, being aware of reason, which is that it accounts for the greatest
the time, reading the news, and engaging in proportion of all forms of information
other forms of reading. The act of reading is. transmission. Therefore, there is a need for roles
Cognitive processes, often known as the process and support to increase reading activities in
of looking for and locating knowledge that is English language learning materials; this will
written down. Reading is not simply the act of allow for an increase in the capacity to read with
comprehending a collection of letters, words, and understanding. A person's capacity to read
sentences in a paragraph; rather, reading is the comprehension can be defined as their capacity
process of understanding a message and the to reconstruct messages contained within the text
intention sent by the author in the writing, so that is being read. (Rombot et al., 2020).
that the message can be accepted by the reader. Multimedia-based learning provides students
Reading is not just about understanding a with a vast amount of information that beyond
collection of letters, words, and sentences in a what can be found in textbooks. It enables them
paragraph. (Yesika et al., 2020). to show a comprehensive cultural backdrop,
Reading is beneficial for language skills, abundant content, and authentic language
reading also has a positive effect on students' resources that closely resemble real-life
vocabulary knowledge, on their spelling, and on situations. Subtitled videos provide an excellent
their writing, it defines that reading one of skill alternate learning resource for teachers looking
in language teaching, give many advantages for to boost their pupils' reading skills. (Suhardiana,
students in learning English as a second 2019).
language, and also can develop their skill in Subtitled films in English are a vital resource
students' vocabulary knowledge. (Rahmawati, for enhancing students' ability to read the
2020). Reading becomes more engaging when language. Students can learn English while
the reader is driven to comprehend not just the avoiding boredom by watching movies with
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Ideguru: Jurnal Karya Ilmiah Guru Vol.9, No.1, Januari 2024
p-ISSN 2527-5712 ; e-ISSN 2722-2195 DOI : https://doi.org/10.51169/ideguru.v9i1.748
English subtitles either at home or at school. In that offers a diverse range of content in the form
addition, the spoken words of the film's of videos. The global landscape of online video
protagonists and antagonists are crucial. To platforms is primarily characterized by YouTube,
ensure that the listeners fully grasp the meaning which has an extensive collection of 4 billion
of the speaker's words. (Wahyuningsih & Fitriah, videos and a staggering user base of 800 billion
2023). The pupils are required to see individuals.YouTube has maintained dominance
international films that are in English, as per the over the online video viewer market, accounting
researcher's selection. When the film is aired on for a significant 60% of the total viewership.
local television stations, it is necessary to do (Aulia et al., 2022).
language transfer, sometimes referred to as The act of watching movies on a regular
"translation," in order to ensure that the basis has developed into a habit or passion.
broadcast can be effectively enjoyed and Language instructors can make use of this by
comprehended by viewers, with a specific focus delivering authentic learning resources to their
on students. (Amri, 2017) Actors and actresses in students. Films are a useful tool for language
the movie give dialogue and a storyline with a instructors to utilize in their classrooms for a
plot, beginning with introductions, problems that variety of reasons. The first reason is that movies
occur, problem-solving, and resolution, among offer both enjoyment and education through the
other elements. Watching movies isn't simply a medium of a story that has the potential to win
fun way to pass the time; in addition to that, it over the audience's affections. The second reason
may make learning English a lot less tedious. It is is that the visual aspects in the movie
believed that students will be able to improve complement the spoken language, which makes
their reading skills via the enjoyment of watching it much simpler for the students to follow both
films while also expanding their English the dialogue and the overall plot of the movie.
vocabulary through films. (Hestiana & Anita, The third reason is that movies that are available
2022). In addition, it is thought that seeing a film on DVD typically have subtitles that are written
with subtitles is one of the best and most efficient in either English or Indonesian. These subtitles
ways to educate students about reading abilities assist pupils understand and strengthen their
in the context of comprehension. Students are English reading skills. Making educational use of
more likely to pay attention to the lesson, the motion pictures as a medium Students' prior
topic is more likely to catch their interest, and the knowledge is activated through the study of
overall atmosphere in the classroom is more English, which is extremely crucial for the
conducive to learning when films with subtitles development of the four language abilities.
are used. Students can have fun, reduce tension, English also gives a background background
and retain an open mind when learning and information. Students' prior knowledge can be
perceiving words, which will protect them from activated through the use of film as a medium for
feeling like they are being burdened by the task learning English, which is highly essential in
of learning English. terms of stimulating the four language skills.
This will allow them to avoid the feeling that Using film as a medium for learning English
learning English is an onerous task. According to offers students with background information.
Spanakaki, the textual representations of (Megawati et al., 2021).
dialogue in movies are known as subtitles. According to Newmark, a subtitle can have
Spanakaki explains that subtitles can either be a multiple meanings, but in general, its goal is to
written translation of a discussion that is taking offer meaning in a text from one language to
place in a different language or a written another in other languages according to that
conveying the speech in the same language with wanted by the writer or author in the text.
or without additional information. (Taka, 2021). Subtitles can be found in a variety of media,
Students can acquire the fundamentals of including movies, television shows, and video
reading by developing the habit of viewing games. In addition, Catford defines a subtitle as
movies with English subtitles, which is also "a replacement of textual material from one
possible. This helps students learn the skills language (language origin) to another language,
necessary to improve their reading. Due to the namely language target." This definition may be
fact that it is a combination of three different found in Catford's book. Roger T. Bell, like many
modes of communication aural, visual, and others, says that a subtitle is the process of
textual viewing videos in English with subtitles replacing the representation of a text in the first
could be one of the most informative ways to language with a representation of equality
convey authentic input. (Napikul et al., 2018). derived from texts in the second language. This
The website in question is a multimedia platform occurred as a result of differences in the syntax
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Ideguru: Jurnal Karya Ilmiah Guru Vol.9, No.1, Januari 2024
p-ISSN 2527-5712 ; e-ISSN 2722-2195 DOI : https://doi.org/10.51169/ideguru.v9i1.748
and conventions of the first language that were random selection of two groups. Subsequently, a
carried over into the second language. According pre-test was administered to ascertain any
to Cintas, the translation that is included in the disparities between the experimental group and
movie is in the form of subtitles. There are three the control group. (Sugiono 2010:113). The
major ones form of subtitle that are typically research design employed in this study is a
utilized, and those are dubbing, voiceover, and modified version of the pre-test-post-test control
subtitles. (Sudrajat, M, et al., 2021). group pattern suggested by (Arikunto 2010). The
When authors conduct their own research researcher then goes on to detail the research
to improve the theories that they use in their design below.
study, a source of knowledge that they draw from
is the research that has been done in the past. The Tabel. 1 Show the pre-test and pos-test research
author of the research was not successful in designs
locating a previous study with the same title as Tabel. 1 Pretest-Posttest control grup
the author's research. On the other hand, in order Class Pre-test Treatment Post-
to supplement the information presented in the test
study, the author of the research draws from a Control Y1 - Y2
variety of sources. The author's research relied Eksperimental Y2 X Y2
heavily on the following key publications and
studies from the past: The first one is when a In accordance with the research design
(Napikul et al., 2018). a research paper with the shown in Table 1, Y1 screened videos with
working title The Effects of Film Subtitles on English subtitles before showing them to both
English Listening Comprehension and classes for the pre-test. A posttest was
Vocabulary was published. The second study, administered to students in Years 2 and 3 after
which was titled "Student's Perception on the Use they were taught using films with English
of English-subtitled Movies Toward Learner's subtitles. X's experimental class is watching a
Spoken Grammar Understanding," looked at how movie with English subtitles. Class XI IPA
students felt about using English subtitles while students from SMAN 1 Tirtayasa in the
watching movies. (Rahmawanti et al., 2021). 2023/2024 school year will serve as the
The goal of this study is to shed light on Can population for this research. There will be a total
the habit of watching films with English subtitle of 152 students employed in this study, spread
improve reading ability. In particular, this study across four classes, with 76 representing the
will investigate these questions: 1) What are the sample. The provisions that class XI IPA 1 serve
most common barriers that students face while as the control group and class XI IPA 2 serve as
trying to strengthen their reading abilities? 2) Is the experimental group were drawn based on the
there an effect of boosting reading ability on outcomes of the lottery. This study uses a
pupils who are used to seeing films with Englis multiple-choice test (multiple chois test) for its
subtitles and those who are not? Can watching assessment. A quantitative experimental
movies with English subtitles help kids learn to approach was taken for this investigation. It was
read? the experimental group that conducted the initial
screening. Then, a difference test is used to
2. Research methodology return to the original starting point. There was a
This study employs a quantitative approach. statistically significant improvement in test
According (Wahyuni & Yusnarti, 2020). The scores between the pre- and post-treatment
author employed a quantitative methodology to periods for participants in the experimental
acquire the findings of this investigation. A groups (41,87 and 42.21). Reading
quantitative approach is characterized by its comprehension exam scores are compared across
reliance on post-positive claims to generate groups to identify any discrepancies. Next, a test
knowledge. This approach involves cause and will be administered; the results of this test will
effect reasoning, focusing on specific variables be compared between the two groups to
and hypotheses, employing measurement and determine which received the greater benefit
observation, and conducting theory testing. It
utilizes observational strategies, particularly 3. Finding and disscusion
experimental methods. The research The initial study was carried out in order to
methodology employed will be actual (Fikriyah et al., 2021). The Pearson Product
experimental research, specifically utilizing a Moment analysis reveals that the value of the
true experimental design. The chosen research correlation coefficient (r) is 0.707, falling within
design for this study is a pretest-posttest control the range of 0.600-0.800. This indicates that the
group design. This approach involves the
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Ideguru: Jurnal Karya Ilmiah Guru Vol.9, No.1, Januari 2024
p-ISSN 2527-5712 ; e-ISSN 2722-2195 DOI : https://doi.org/10.51169/ideguru.v9i1.748
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Ideguru: Jurnal Karya Ilmiah Guru Vol.9, No.1, Januari 2024
p-ISSN 2527-5712 ; e-ISSN 2722-2195 DOI : https://doi.org/10.51169/ideguru.v9i1.748
Evaluating proficiency criteria with the use of speaking that language. The correlation
measurement devices. The upcoming conference coefficient level is statistically significant at p
conducted a post-test to assess the impact of <0.05, with a value of 0.539. This reveals that a
instructional approaches using English language strong predisposition towards watching English
films. films is connected with high spoken English
The findings of the study revealed that the ability, while a poor tendency towards watching
mean score on the post-test was 79.63, with the western films is correlated with low spoken
greatest score recorded as 96 and the lowest English proficiency. The average increase in
score as 57. Additionally, Kriteria Ketuntasan student learning outcomes in the assessment
Minimal (KKM) was defined as having a z score competency criteria as determined by the test
of 79.63. The average score of student learning instrument is 79.63, which implies that the usage
outcomes in standard competency measurements of films with subtitles is good enough to increase
utilizing measuring equipment increased by 60, students' English reading comprehension. Based
which is a statistically significant result. The on the results of the normality test and pre-test
traditional learning methods are still being used homogeneity test carried out on the control and
in high schools, namely for twelfth-grade science experimental groups, it can be noted that both
students in even semesters. The experimental groups showed a normal distribution. In
group received instruction using traditional addition, the F test demonstrates that both
learning methods that are still utilized in schools. groups have the same variance. Analysis of pre-
Subsequently, pupils were promptly assessed to test data demonstrates that there are significant
determine their proficiency in English reading disparities between the experimental class and
comprehension, listening, speaking, and writing. the control class. As a result, both groups can
During the initial meeting, a pre-test was receive the same therapy. The experimental
conducted to assess the participants' basic ability. group got learning utilizing an English film-based
The research findings indicated that the mean learning strategy. The control group used
score on the pre-test was 42.21. The technique traditional learning techniques. The treatment
using the video method with English subtitles is process was carried out once for each group,
employed for students in the twelfth grade followed by a post-test given to both groups. The
natural sciences at senior high school (SMA) results were evaluated to ensure the significance
even semester. The experimental group consisted of learning outcomes between the experimental
of 38 students of class XII IPA 2 who were group and the control group. Through
examined for their competence to utilize calculations of the normality test and post-test
measurement devices according to established homogeneity test carried out on both the
norms. This research uses a subtitled film experimental group and the control group, it was
learning technique, where students are actively discovered that both groups showed a normal
prompted to engage with learning content that distribution. In addition, the homogeneity test
tests their mastery of standard competencies findings showed that there were significant
through practice. At the second meeting, a differences in variance between the two groups.
posttest was carried out to assess the participants' Research findings show that the English subtitle
abilities after being treated with a film that had film learning method produces superior learning
been made by researchers. Research data suggest outcomes compared to traditional learning
that the average score on the posttest is 79.63. methods. This significance arises from variations
This score is highly significant because kids' in teaching approaches throughout the
knowledge of reading skills is better than educational journey. Obtained hypothesis test
previously. The research results showed that the results (t test) of 4.66, greater than 1.691.
average post-test score was 79.63, with a Therefore, the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected.
maximum score of 96 and the lowest score of 56. This means that learning outcomes measure
In addition, Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM). competency standards using measuring
Further observations were carried out by. instruments (Practice). especially with the
(Megawati et al., 2021). The outcomes of this subtitle film learning method, it is superior to
study demonstrate that there is a significant link traditional learning methods which measure
(p = 0.014, two-sided) between film watching competency standards using test measuring
habits and good speaking abilities, which shows instruments. The increase in learning outcomes
that film watching habits have an influence on when assessing competency standards using
good speaking skills. There is a direct association measuring instruments using the film subtitle
between the practice of watching English films learning method can be attributed to the group
with English subtitles and a person's ability in that applies this method. They undergo the
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Ideguru: Jurnal Karya Ilmiah Guru Vol.9, No.1, Januari 2024
p-ISSN 2527-5712 ; e-ISSN 2722-2195 DOI : https://doi.org/10.51169/ideguru.v9i1.748
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p-ISSN 2527-5712 ; e-ISSN 2722-2195 DOI : https://doi.org/10.51169/ideguru.v9i1.748
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